PycURL: CurlShare Objects

CurlShare Object

CurlShare objects have the following methods:

setopt(option, value) -> None

Corresponds to curl_share_setopt in libcurl, where option is specified with the CURLSHOPT_* constants in libcurl, except that the CURLSHOPT_ prefix has been changed to SH_. Currently, value must be either LOCK_DATA_COOKIE or LOCK_DATA_DNS.

Example usage:

import pycurl
curl = pycurl.Curl()
s = pycurl.CurlShare()
s.setopt(pycurl.SH_SHARE, pycurl.LOCK_DATA_COOKIE)
s.setopt(pycurl.SH_SHARE, pycurl.LOCK_DATA_DNS)
curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, '')
curl.setopt(pycurl.SHARE, s)

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