#! /bin/env perl # ============================================================================ # $Id: snmpset.pl,v 6.0 2009/09/09 15:05:33 dtown Rel $ # Copyright (c) 2000-2009 David M. Town # All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it # under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. # ============================================================================ use strict; use warnings; use Net::SNMP 6.0 qw( :asn1 snmp_type_ntop DEBUG_ALL ); use Getopt::Std; our $SCRIPT = 'snmpset'; our $VERSION = 'v6.0.0'; our %OPTS; # Validate the command line options. if (!getopts('a:A:c:dD:E:m:n:p:r:t:u:v:x:X:', \%OPTS)) { usage(); } # Do we have enough information? if (@ARGV < 4) { usage(); } # Create the SNMP session. my ($s, $e) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => shift, exists($OPTS{a}) ? (-authprotocol => $OPTS{a}) : (), exists($OPTS{A}) ? (-authpassword => $OPTS{A}) : (), exists($OPTS{c}) ? (-community => $OPTS{c}) : (), exists($OPTS{D}) ? (-domain => $OPTS{D}) : (), exists($OPTS{d}) ? (-debug => DEBUG_ALL) : (), exists($OPTS{m}) ? (-maxmsgsize => $OPTS{m}) : (), exists($OPTS{p}) ? (-port => $OPTS{p}) : (), exists($OPTS{P}) ? (-protocol => $OPTS{P}) : (), exists($OPTS{r}) ? (-retries => $OPTS{r}) : (), exists($OPTS{t}) ? (-timeout => $OPTS{t}) : (), exists($OPTS{u}) ? (-username => $OPTS{u}) : (), exists($OPTS{v}) ? (-version => $OPTS{v}) : (), exists($OPTS{x}) ? (-privprotocol => $OPTS{x}) : (), exists($OPTS{X}) ? (-privpassword => $OPTS{X}) : (), ); # Was the session created? if (!defined $s) { abort($e); } # Convert the ASN.1 types to the respresentation expected by Net::SNMP. if (convert_asn1_types(\@ARGV)) { usage(); } my @args = ( exists($OPTS{E}) ? (-contextengineid => $OPTS{E}) : (), exists($OPTS{n}) ? (-contextname => $OPTS{n}) : (), -varbindlist => \@ARGV, ); # Send the SNMP message. if (!defined $s->set_request(@args)) { abort($s->error()); } # Print the results. for ($s->var_bind_names()) { printf "%s = %s: %s\n", $_, snmp_type_ntop($s->var_bind_types()->{$_}), $s->var_bind_list()->{$_}; } # Close the session. $s->close(); exit 0; # [functions] ---------------------------------------------------------------- sub convert_asn1_types { my ($argv) = @_; # Mapping table: { "user input character" => constant byte value } my %asn1_types = ( 'a' => IPADDRESS, 'c' => COUNTER32, 'C' => COUNTER64, 'g' => GAUGE32, 'h' => OCTET_STRING, 'i' => INTEGER32, 'o' => OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, 'p' => OPAQUE, 's' => OCTET_STRING, 't' => TIMETICKS, ); # Expect [OBJECT IDENTIFIER, ASN.1 type, object value] combination. if ((ref($argv) ne 'ARRAY') || (scalar(@{$argv}) % 3)) { return 1; } for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$argv}; $i += 3) { if (exists $asn1_types{$argv->[$i+1]}) { if ($argv->[$i+1] eq 'h') { if ($argv->[$i+2] =~ m/^(?:0x)?([A-F\d]+)$/i) { # Convert hexadecimal string. $argv->[$i+2] = pack 'H*', length($1) % 2 ? '0'.$1 : $1; } else { abort(sprintf q{The string "%s" is is expected in } . q{hexadecimal format for type 'h'}, $argv->[$i+2]); } } $argv->[$i+1] = $asn1_types{$argv->[$i+1]}; } else { abort(sprintf 'The ASN.1 type "%s" is unknown', $argv->[$i+1]); } } return 0; } sub abort { printf "$SCRIPT: " . ((@_ > 1) ? shift(@_) : '%s') . ".\n", @_; exit 1; } sub usage { print << "USAGE"; $SCRIPT $VERSION Copyright (c) 2000-2009 David M. Town. All rights reserved. Usage: $SCRIPT [options] [...] Options: -v 1|2c|3 SNMP version -d Enable debugging SNMPv1/SNMPv2c: -c Community name SNMPv3: -u Username (required) -E Context Engine ID -n Context Name -a Authentication protocol -A Authentication password -x Privacy protocol -X Privacy password Transport Layer: -D Domain -m Maximum message size -p Destination port -r Number of retries -t Timeout period Valid type values: a - IpAddress i - INTEGER c - Counter o - OBJECT IDENTIFIER C - Counter64 p - Opaque g - Gauge/Unsigned32 s - OCTET STRING h - OCTET STRING (hex) t - TimeTicks USAGE exit 1; } # ============================================================================