Module security from libxslt
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Module security from libxslt

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the libxslt security framework allow to restrict the access to new resources (file or URL) from the stylesheet at runtime.

Table of Contents

Enum xsltSecurityOption
Structure xsltSecurityPrefs
struct _xsltSecurityPrefs The content of this structure is not made public by the API.
Typedef xsltSecurityPrefs * xsltSecurityPrefsPtr
int	xsltCheckRead			(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
const xmlChar * URL)
int	xsltCheckWrite			(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
const xmlChar * URL)
void	xsltFreeSecurityPrefs		(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec)
xsltSecurityPrefsPtr	xsltGetDefaultSecurityPrefs	(void)
xsltSecurityCheck	xsltGetSecurityPrefs	(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltSecurityOption option)
xsltSecurityPrefsPtr	xsltNewSecurityPrefs	(void)
int	xsltSecurityAllow		(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
const char * value)
Function type: xsltSecurityCheck
int	xsltSecurityCheck		(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
const char * value)
int	xsltSecurityForbid		(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
const char * value)
int	xsltSetCtxtSecurityPrefs	(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt)
void	xsltSetDefaultSecurityPrefs	(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec)
int	xsltSetSecurityPrefs		(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltSecurityOption option,
xsltSecurityCheck func)


Enum xsltSecurityOption

Enum xsltSecurityOption {

Structure xsltSecurityPrefs

Structure xsltSecurityPrefs
struct _xsltSecurityPrefs { The content of this structure is not made public by the API. }

Function: xsltCheckRead

int	xsltCheckRead			(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
const xmlChar * URL)

Check if the resource is allowed to be read

sec:the security options
ctxt:an XSLT transformation context
URL:the resource to be read
Returns:1 if read is allowed, 0 if not and -1 in case or error.

Function: xsltCheckWrite

int	xsltCheckWrite			(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
const xmlChar * URL)

Check if the resource is allowed to be written, if necessary makes some preliminary work like creating directories

sec:the security options
ctxt:an XSLT transformation context
URL:the resource to be written
Returns:1 if write is allowed, 0 if not and -1 in case or error.

Function: xsltFreeSecurityPrefs

void	xsltFreeSecurityPrefs		(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec)

Free up a security preference block

sec:the security block to free

Function: xsltGetDefaultSecurityPrefs

xsltSecurityPrefsPtr	xsltGetDefaultSecurityPrefs	(void)

Get the default security preference application-wide

Returns:the current xsltSecurityPrefsPtr in use or NULL if none

Function: xsltGetSecurityPrefs

xsltSecurityCheck	xsltGetSecurityPrefs	(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltSecurityOption option)

Lookup the security option to get the callback checking function

sec:the security block to update
option:the option to lookup
Returns:NULL if not found, the function otherwise

Function: xsltNewSecurityPrefs

xsltSecurityPrefsPtr	xsltNewSecurityPrefs	(void)

Create a new security preference block

Returns:a pointer to the new block or NULL in case of error

Function: xsltSecurityAllow

int	xsltSecurityAllow		(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
const char * value)

Function used to always allow an operation

sec:the security block to use
ctxt:an XSLT transformation context
Returns:1 always

Function type: xsltSecurityCheck

Function type: xsltSecurityCheck
int	xsltSecurityCheck		(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
const char * value)

User provided function to check the value of a string like a file path or an URL ...


Function: xsltSecurityForbid

int	xsltSecurityForbid		(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt,
const char * value)

Function used to always forbid an operation

sec:the security block to use
ctxt:an XSLT transformation context
Returns:0 always

Function: xsltSetCtxtSecurityPrefs

int	xsltSetCtxtSecurityPrefs	(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt)

Set the security preference for a specific transformation

sec:the security block to use
ctxt:an XSLT transformation context
Returns:-1 in case of error, 0 otherwise

Function: xsltSetDefaultSecurityPrefs

void	xsltSetDefaultSecurityPrefs	(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec)

Set the default security preference application-wide

sec:the security block to use

Function: xsltSetSecurityPrefs

int	xsltSetSecurityPrefs		(xsltSecurityPrefsPtr sec, 
xsltSecurityOption option,
xsltSecurityCheck func)

Update the security option to use the new callback checking function

sec:the security block to update
option:the option to update
func:the user callback to use for this option
Returns:-1 in case of error, 0 otherwise

Daniel Veillard