oB]c@sddlmZddlmZddlmZddlZddlZejZidd6dd6Z d Z e dd Z dde d ZdS( i(thelpers(tlog(tutilNs+ This system is using the EC2 Metadata Service, but does not appear to be running on Amazon EC2 or one of cloud-init's known platforms that provide a EC2 Metadata service. In the future, cloud-init may stop reading metadata from the EC2 Metadata Service unless the platform can be identified. If you are seeing this message, please file a bug against cloud-init at https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug?field.tags=dsid Make sure to include the cloud provider your instance is running on. For more information see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1660385 After you have filed a bug, you can disable this warning by launching your instance with the cloud-config below, or putting that content into /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-ec2-datasource.cfg #cloud-config datasource: Ec2: strict_id: falset non_ec2_mds A new feature in cloud-init identified possible datasources for this system as: {dslist} However, the datasource used was: {source} In the future, cloud-init will only attempt to use datasources that are identified or specifically configured. For more information see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1669675 If you are seeing this message, please file a bug against cloud-init at https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug?field.tags=dsid Make sure to include the cloud provider your instance is running on. After you have filed a bug, you can disable this warning by launching your instance with the cloud-config below, or putting that content into /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-warnings.cfg #cloud-config warnings: dsid_missing_source: offtdsid_missing_sourcecCs7tjd|jdijdi}|jdS(Nt path_cfgst system_infotpathstwarnings(RtPathstgett get_ipath_cur(tcfgR((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/warnings.pyt _get_warn_dirAs !cCs||f}| s#t|t r'|Stj|d|f}|dkrO|S|ddtfkrntdfS|ddtfkrtdfS|jd\}}}|dkr|S|ryt|}Wqt k r|SXnt|fS(NRtonttruetofftfalset,tsleep( t isinstancetdictRtget_cfg_by_pathtNonetTruetFalset partitiontintt ValueError(R tnametmodeRtdefaulttncfgt_tcsleep((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/warnings.pyt_load_warn_cfgGs&      cKsg|dkri}nt||d|d|\}}|s@dSt|j|}d}|d}d|}d|d} g} x.|jdjD]} | j|| qW| } |rd|} | j|dd} ntj t j j t ||| dj | d| tjd | dj | | |rctjd ||tj|ndS( NRRiFis # %%-%ds #t*s s [sleeping for %d seconds] s%s%s %ss$sleeping %d seconds for warning '%s'(RR#tWARNINGStformattstript splitlinestappendtcenterRt write_filetostpathtjoinR tLOGtwarningtdebugttimeR(RR RRtkwargstmsgtmsgwidtht linewidthtfmtttoplinetfmtlinestlinet closelinetsleepmsg((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/warnings.pyt show_warninggs0  !   (t cloudinitRRtloggingRR,R2t getLoggerR/R%R RRR#R=(((s6/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/warnings.pyts