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For each key type for which this module has been instructed to create a keypair, if a key of the same type is already present on the system (i.e. if ``ssh_deletekeys`` was false), no key will be generated. Supported key types for the ``ssh_keys`` and the ``ssh_genkeytypes`` config flags are: - rsa - dsa - ecdsa - ed25519 Root login can be enabled/disabled using the ``disable_root`` config key. Root login options can be manually specified with ``disable_root_opts``. If ``disable_root_opts`` is specified and contains the string ``$USER``, it will be replaced with the username of the default user. By default, root login is disabled, and root login opts are set to:: no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding Authorized keys for the default user/first user defined in ``users`` can be specified using ``ssh_authorized_keys``. Keys should be specified as a list of public keys. Importing ssh public keys for the default user (defined in ``users``)) is enabled by default. This feature may be disabled by setting ``allow_publish_ssh_keys: false``. .. note:: see the ``cc_set_passwords`` module documentation to enable/disable ssh password authentication **Internal name:** ``cc_ssh`` **Module frequency:** per instance **Supported distros:** all **Config keys**:: ssh_deletekeys: ssh_keys: rsa_private: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIBxwIBAAJhAKD0YSHy73nUgysO13XsJmd4fHiFyQ+00R7VVu2iV9Qco ... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- rsa_public: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAGEAoPRhIfLvedSDKw7Xd ... dsa_private: | -----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIBxwIBAAJhAKD0YSHy73nUgysO13XsJmd4fHiFyQ+00R7VVu2iV9Qco ... -----END DSA PRIVATE KEY----- dsa_public: ssh-dsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAGEAoPRhIfLvedSDKw7Xd ... ssh_genkeytypes: disable_root: disable_root_opts: ssh_authorized_keys: - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAGEA3FSyQwBI6Z+nCSjUU ... - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA3I7VUf2l5gSn5uavROsc5HRDpZ ... allow_public_ssh_keys: ssh_publish_hostkeys: enabled: (Defaults to true) blacklist: (Defaults to [dsa]) iN(tug_util(tssh_util(tutiltrsatdsatecdsated25519s/etc/ssh/ssh_host_%s_keyis %s_privates.pubs %s_publics;o=$(ssh-keygen -yf "%s") && echo "$o" root@localhost > "%s"c! 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