oB]c@s|dZddlmZddlmZddlmZejeZ eZ dZ dZ d dZd dZd Zd S( s@ Snap Config ----------- **Summary:** snap_config modules allows configuration of snapd. **Deprecated**: Use :ref:`snap` module instead. This module will not exist in cloud-init 18.3. This module uses the same ``snappy`` namespace for configuration but acts only only a subset of the configuration. If ``assertions`` is set and the user has included a list of assertions then cloud-init will collect the assertions into a single assertion file and invoke ``snap ack `` which will attempt to load the provided assertions into the snapd assertion database. If ``email`` is set, this value is used to create an authorized user for contacting and installing snaps from the Ubuntu Store. This is done by calling ``snap create-user`` command. If ``known`` is set to True, then it is expected the user also included an assertion of type ``system-user``. When ``snap create-user`` is called cloud-init will append '--known' flag which instructs snapd to look for a system-user assertion with the details. If ``known`` is not set, then ``snap create-user`` will contact the Ubuntu SSO for validating and importing a system-user for the instance. .. note:: If the system is already managed, then cloud-init will not attempt to create a system-user. **Internal name:** ``cc_snap_config`` **Module frequency:** per instance **Supported distros:** any with 'snapd' available **Config keys**:: #cloud-config snappy: assertions: - | - | email: user@user.org known: true i(tlog(t PER_INSTANCE(tutiltsnaps(/var/lib/cloud/instance/snapd.assertionscCs|sg}nt|ts9tdjd|ntdg}dj|}t|dkrutdnx.|D]&}tjd|j ddd!q|Wt j t |j d t j|t gd td S( sImport list of assertions. Import assertions by concatenating each assertion into a string separated by a ' '. Write this string to a instance file and then invoke `snap ack /path/to/file` and check for errors. If snap exits 0, then all assertions are imported. s0assertion parameter was not a list: {assertions}t assertionstacks isAssertion list is emptys Acking: %sisutf-8tcaptureN(t isinstancetlistt ValueErrortformatt SNAPPY_CMDtjointlentLOGtdebugtsplitRt write_filetASSERTIONS_FILEtencodetsubptTrue(Rtsnap_cmdtcombinedtasrt((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_snap_config.pytadd_assertionsRs    $cCs|si}nt|ts9tdjd|n|jdd}|sUdSi|d6|jdtd6}tjt dgdt \}}|j d krt j d dS|jdrtjt dd gdt \}}t|d krt jd dSn|S(sAdd a snap system-user if provided with email under snappy config. - Check that system is not already managed. - Check that if using a system-user assertion, that it's imported into snapd. Returns a dictionary to be passed to Distro.create_user s-configuration parameter was not a dict: {cfg}tcfgtemailNtsnapusertknowntmanagedRttrues=This device is already managed. Skipping system-user creations system-userisEMissing "system-user" assertion. Check "snappy" user-data assertions.(RtdictR R tgettNonetFalseRRR RtstripRtwarningR terror(RRtusercfgtoutt_((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_snap_config.pyt add_snap_userns,  !  cCs|jd}|s&tjddS|jdtjsStjd|dS|jdg}t|dkrtjdt|ntd|}|r|j j |jd |ndS( Ntsnappys#No snappy config provided, skippingsXDEPRECATION: snap_config module will be dropped in 18.3 release. Use snap module insteads%s: system not snappyRis'Importing user-provided snap assertionsRR( R!RRR%Rtsystem_is_snappyR RR*tdistrot create_user(tnameRtcloudRtargstcfginRR'((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_snap_config.pythandles     N(t__doc__t cloudinitRtloggingtcloudinit.settingsRRt getLoggert__name__Rt frequencyR RR"RR*R3(((sC/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_snap_config.pyt9s  -