oB]c@sdZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZdZdZ dZ iZ dZ d Z d Zd Zd Zd ZdZejeZejdZejdZe edZdZdZddZdefdYZ dddZ!dZ"dS(s .. _cc_rsyslog: Rsyslog ------- **Summary:** configure system loggig via rsyslog This module configures remote system logging using rsyslog. The rsyslog config file to write to can be specified in ``config_filename``, which defaults to ``20-cloud-config.conf``. The rsyslog config directory to write config files to may be specified in ``config_dir``, which defaults to ``/etc/rsyslog.d``. A list of configurations for rsyslog can be specified under the ``configs`` key in the ``rsyslog`` config. Each entry in ``configs`` is either a string or a dictionary. Each config entry contains a configuration string and a file to write it to. For config entries that are a dictionary, ``filename`` sets the target filename and ``content`` specifies the config string to write. For config entries that are only a string, the string is used as the config string to write. If the filename to write the config to is not specified, the value of the ``config_filename`` key is used. A file with the selected filename will be written inside the directory specified by ``config_dir``. The command to use to reload the rsyslog service after the config has been updated can be specified in ``service_reload_command``. If this is set to ``auto``, then an appropriate command for the distro will be used. This is the default behavior. To manually set the command, use a list of command args (e.g. ``[systemctl, restart, rsyslog]``). Configuration for remote servers can be specified in ``configs``, but for convenience it can be specified as key value pairs in ``remotes``. Each key is the name for an rsyslog remote entry. Each value holds the contents of the remote config for rsyslog. The config consists of the following parts: - filter for log messages (defaults to ``*.*``) - optional leading ``@`` or ``@@``, indicating udp and tcp respectively (defaults to ``@``, for udp) - ipv4 or ipv6 hostname or address. ipv6 addresses must be in ``[::1]`` format, (e.g. ``@[fd00::1]:514``) - optional port number (defaults to ``514``) This module will provide sane defaults for any part of the remote entry that is not specified, so in most cases remote hosts can be specified just using ``:
``. For backwards compatibility, this module still supports legacy names for the config entries. Legacy to new mappings are as follows: - ``rsyslog`` -> ``rsyslog/configs`` - ``rsyslog_filename`` -> ``rsyslog/config_filename`` - ``rsyslog_dir`` -> ``rsyslog/config_dir`` .. note:: The legacy config format does not support specifying ``service_reload_command``. **Internal name:** ``cc_rsyslog`` **Module frequency:** per instance **Supported distros:** all **Config keys**:: rsyslog: config_dir: config_dir config_filename: config_filename configs: - "*.* @@" - content: "*.* @@" filename: 01-example.conf - content: | *.* @@syslogd.example.com remotes: maas: "" juju: "" service_reload_command: [your, syslog, restart, command] **Legacy config keys**:: rsyslog: - "*.* @@" rsyslog_dir: /etc/rsyslog-config.d/ rsyslog_filename: 99-local.conf iN(tlog(tutils20-cloud-config.confs/etc/rsyslog.dtautotconfigstconfig_filenamet config_dirtservice_reload_commandtrsyslog_filenamet rsyslog_dirtremotess [ ]*[#]+[ ]*s_^(?P[@]{0,2})(([\[](?P[^\]]*)[\]])|(?P[^:]*))([:](?P[0-9]+))?$cCsYd}|tkr<|r*dd|g}qBd|dg}n|}tj|dtdS(Ntrsyslogt systemctlsreload-or-try-restarttservicetrestarttcapture(t DEF_RELOADRtsubptTrue(tcommandtsystemdR tcmd((s?/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_rsyslog.pyt reload_syslogs cCs|jdi}t|jdtr}i|jdt6}t|kr]|t|t^s6W      ( %8