3 \' @sJdZddddgZddlZefZGdddeZGdddeZ d dZ dS) zPython version compatibility support for minidom. This module contains internal implementation details and should not be imported; use xml.dom.minidom instead. NodeList EmptyNodeList StringTypes defpropertyNc@s>eZdZfZddZddZddZeeeddZd d Z d S) rcCs(d|kot|knr$||SdS)Nr)len)selfindexr "/usr/lib64/python3.6/minicompat.pyitem5sz NodeList.itemcCst|S)N)r)rr r r _get_length9szNodeList._get_lengthcCstjjddS)Nz.attempt to modify read-only attribute 'length')xmldomNoModificationAllowedErr)rvaluer r r _set_length<szNodeList._set_lengthz$The number of nodes in the NodeList.)doccCs|dkr g}||dd<dS)Nr )rstater r r __setstate__DszNodeList.__setstate__N) __name__ __module__ __qualname__ __slots__r r rpropertylengthrr r r r r2sc@sFeZdZfZddZddZddZddZd d Ze eed d Z d S)rcCst}|j||S)N)rextend)rotherNLr r r __add__Ms zEmptyNodeList.__add__cCst}|j||S)N)rr)rrrr r r __radd__Rs zEmptyNodeList.__radd__cCsdS)Nr )rrr r r r WszEmptyNodeList.itemcCsdS)Nrr )rr r r r ZszEmptyNodeList._get_lengthcCstjjddS)Nz.attempt to modify read-only attribute 'length')r rr)rrr r r r]szEmptyNodeList._set_lengthz$The number of nodes in the NodeList.)rN) rrrrrrr r rrrr r r r rJscCsTt|d|}|fdd}t|d| s6td|t|||d}t|||dS)NZ_get_cSstjjdt|dS)Nz&attempt to modify read-only attribute )r rrrepr)rrnamer r r setgszdefproperty..setZ_set_zexpected not to find _set_)r)getattrhasattrAssertionErrorrsetattr)klassr!rgetr"Zpropr r r res   ) __doc____all__Zxml.domr strrlistrtuplerrr r r r s &