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pathself!argsMESSAGE_IDmid_len > l%.*sno MESSAGE_ID fields:getfield name is not valids:query_uniqueInvalid field names:seek_cursorInvalid cursor|L:waitK|z:seek_monotonicInvalid bootidK:seek_realtimes#:add_matchInvalid match|L:previous_next|L:nextskip must be nonzeroshould not be hereresultCannot delete data thresholdData threshold must be an ints:test_cursordatetime.datetime_CAPI_readerNOPAPPENDINVALIDATELOCAL_ONLYRUNTIME_ONLYSYSTEMSYSTEM_ONLYCURRENT_USER219__version__flagsfiles_get_catalogfilenoreliable_fdget_eventsget_timeoutget_timeout_mscloseget_usage__enter____exit___previous_get_get_all_get_realtime_get_monotonicadd_disjunctionadd_conjunctionflush_matchesseek_headseek_tailprocess_get_cursordata_thresholdclosed_reader._Readercannot use more than one of flags, path, and filesjournal gave us a field without '='Reader_closeReader___enter__Reader_nextReader_getReader_get_realtimeReader_get_monotonicReader_processReader_get_cursorReader_test_cursorReader_get_catalogstrv_converterstrv_converterget_catalogNot enough memorysrc/shared/util.cn_fdset == 0 || fdset/etc/initrd-releaser > 0postfixfilenamelost+foundaquota.useraquota.group.rpmnew.rpmsave.rpmorig.dpkg-old.dpkg-new.dpkg-tmp.dpkg-dist.dpkg-bak.dpkg-backup.dpkg-remove.swpword fd >= 0close_nointr(fd) != -EBADFfds || n_fd <= 0yestruefalseoffret_uret_iretret_lluret_pidret_uidret_lliret_d'"pid >= 0_ppid/proc/%i/stat %*c %lu /proc/self/stat %c/proc/self/comm/proc/%i/commpid > 0/proc/%i/cmdline/proc/self/statuscapeff/proc/%i/status CapEff:proc_file/proc/self/exe/proc/%i/exe (deleted)/proc/self/cwd/proc/%i/cwd/proc/self/root/proc/%i/rootUid:Gid:stop*premaining > 0~n_except == 0 || except/proc/self/fd!(mode & 0100)/dev/tty0/dev/ttybase == 1000 || base == 1024size/dev/null/dev//sys/dirsigaddset(ss, sig) == 0sigemptyset(&ss) == 0sigaddset(&ss, sig) 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|-`-*->HUPINTQUITTRAPABRTBUSFPEKILLUSR1SEGVUSR2PIPESTKFLTCHLDCONTSTOPTSTPTTINTTOUURGXCPUXFSZVTALRMPROFWINCHPWRSYSlow-costreliabilitythroughputlow-delayLimitCPULimitFSIZELimitDATALimitSTACKLimitCORELimitRSSLimitNPROCLimitNOFILELimitMEMLOCKLimitASLimitLOCKSLimitSIGPENDINGLimitMSGQUEUELimitNICELimitRTPRIOLimitRTTIMEotherfifobatchidleemergalertcriterrwarningnoticedebugkernmaildaemonauthsysloglprnewsuucpcronauthprivftplocal0local1local2local3local4local5local6local7exitedkilleddumpedtrappedstoppedcontinuednonebest-effortopen_terminalsafe_closeclose_nointrsrc/shared/time-util.cl > 0%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%06llu%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Ztv%lu years %lu months %s%lu months %lu days %s%lu weeks %lu days %s1 day %luh %s%luh %lumin %s%lumin %lus %s%lums %s%luus %snowinfinity%s%lu.%0*llu%s%s%lu%s%s=%lu %lu %llu %lludefault_unit > 0localtime_r(&x, &tm)todayyesterdaytomorrow ago left%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%y-%m-%d %H:%M%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%y-%m-%d%Y-%m-%dnsecUTC/usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tabsecondssecondminutesminuteminmonthsmonthmsechourshourhrdaysweeksweekyearsyearnsSundaySunMondayMonTuesdayTueWednesdayWedThursdayThuFridayFriSaturdaySatclock_gettime(clock_id, &ts) == 0Failed to parse finish timestamp value %stimespec_loadnow/dev/kmsgERRNO=CODE_FUNCTION=CODE_LINE=CODE_FILE=MESSAGE=src/shared/log.ctarget >= 0target < _LOG_TARGET_MAX(level & 0x07) == levelbuffer<%i>%h %e %T [%i]: (%s:%i) Out of memory.systemd.log_targetsystemd.log_levelsystemd.log_colorsystemd.log_locationSYSTEMD_LOG_TARGETSYSTEMD_LOG_LEVELSYSTEMD_LOG_COLORSYSTEMD_LOG_LOCATIONn/aReceived SIG%s.console-prefixedjournaljournal-or-kmsgsyslog-or-kmsgautosafePRIORITY=%i SYSLOG_FACILITY=%i %s%s%s%s%.*i%s%s%s%s%s%.*i%s%s%s%sSYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=%s Assertion '%s' failed at %s:%u, function %s(). Aborting.(size_t) snprintf(header_priority, ELEMENTSOF(header_priority), "<%i>", level) < ELEMENTSOF(header_priority)(size_t) snprintf(header_pid, ELEMENTSOF(header_pid), "[""%" "i""]: ", getpid()) < ELEMENTSOF(header_pid)Code should not be reached '%s' at %s:%u, function %s(). Aborting.Assertion '%s' failed at %s:%u, function %s(). Ignoring._k < (sizeof(_argtypes)/sizeof((_argtypes)[0]))Unknown format string argument.Failed to parse log target '%s'. Ignoring.Failed to parse log level '%s'. Ignoring.Failed to parse log color setting '%s'. Ignoring.Failed to parse log location setting '%s'. Ignoring.Failed to parse bool '%s'. Ignoring.Received SIG%s from PID %u (%s).write_to_kmsgwrite_to_sysloglog_dispatch;>p ` 0`P@0pP8h00`x0pp xP00`Pp p@h@`p P@ X 0 P@ X `  ` 0 zRx $PPFJ w?;*3$"zPLRx?  ,$ȿ ADDP AAE ,oAHMP AAI YD H D 4@ BAA G@  AABA d4BEE B(L0A8G@Y 8A0A(B BBBK b 8F0A(B BBBG $PAG@ AC L8iBBB B(A0N8Dp 8A0A(B BBBJ $X AD m AE ,<AAQ0n AAE ,lAAQ0f AAE 4BAA QP  AABC ,AAQ0i AAB ,(LADD y AAD ,4HLADD y AAD dhDX|p4Dg E 4Dg E $AQ0i AD <bBBA A(D` (A ABBH THBBE B(A0A8D 8A0A(B BBBJ $|uAQ Y AA ,h4AAQ0 AAD xYD H D ATYD H D 4,A^ I CT,A^ I Ct,A^ I C(XDU A dhJBEE A(A0g (A BBBD  (A BBBD A (A BBGK $PuDg U \ A $DAG p AG 4lPxAAD v DAO D CAA D R J (jDg A xpqD N F $XAr E D-$\ AG0u AB T } G (DCa A ,XZBCA ` AGA LBBD A(D0T (C ABBA Z (C CBBB D{$\dAD0x AA $@ADD tAAALK[\ I $ PGI H V B _L BBB B(A0A8G8C0A(B BBB<d +MBEI A(G.(A ABB$ AAU J P H  0DL BBB B(A0A8G8A0A(B BBBL fBBE E(A0C8Gl 8A0A(B BBBA  xG A 4 BNO C(GPP(A ABB 0D .Kb ?5$2nS!)p 60 7NU PBBgeg@ Pdt  # 8 e . pe  o 0 8 ` P%8 oohoolopH ..//&/6/F/V/f/v/////////00&060F0V0f0v00000000011&161F1V1f1v11111111122&262F2V2f2v22222222233&363F3V3f3v33333333344&464F4V4f4v44444444455gB` gV gV hV h[` h0V ,hP[ 2hU str Retrieve a message catalog entry for the given id. Wraps man:sd_journal_get_catalog_for_message_id(3).get_catalog() -> str Retrieve a message catalog entry for the current journal entry. Will throw IndexError if the entry has no MESSAGE_ID and KeyError is the id is specified, but hasn't been found in the catalog. Wraps man:sd_journal_get_catalog(3).query_unique(field) -> a set of values Return a set of unique values appearing in journal for the given `field`. Note this does not respect any journal matches.test_cursor(str) -> bool Test whether the cursor string matches current journal entry. Wraps sd_journal_test_cursor(). See man:sd_journal_test_cursor(3).get_cursor() -> str Return a cursor string for the current journal entry. Wraps sd_journal_get_cursor(). See man:sd_journal_get_cursor(3).seek_cursor(cursor) -> None Seek to journal entry by given unique reference `cursor`.wait([timeout]) -> state change (integer) Wait for a change in the journal. Argument `timeout` specifies the maximum number of microseconds to wait before returning regardless of wheter the journal has changed. If `timeout` is -1, then block forever. Will return constants: NOP if no change; APPEND if new entries have been added to the end of the journal; and INVALIDATE if journal files have been added or removed. See man:sd_journal_wait(3) for further discussion.process() -> state change (integer) Process events and reset the readable state of the file descriptor returned by .fileno(). Will return constants: NOP if no change; APPEND if new entries have been added to the end of the journal; and INVALIDATE if journal files have been added or removed. See man:sd_journal_process(3) for further discussion.seek_monotonic(monotonic[, bootid]) -> None Seek to nearest matching journal entry to `monotonic`. Argument `monotonic` is an timestamp from boot in microseconds. Argument `bootid` is a string representing which boot the monotonic time is reference to. Defaults to current bootid.seek_realtime(realtime) -> None Seek to nearest matching journal entry to `realtime`. Argument `realtime` in specified in seconds.seek_tail() -> None Jump to the end of the journal. This method invokes sd_journal_seek_tail(). See man:sd_journal_seek_tail(3).seek_head() -> None Jump to the beginning of the journal. This method invokes sd_journal_seek_head(). See man:sd_journal_seek_head(3).flush_matches() -> None Clear all current match filters.add_conjunction() -> None Inserts a logical AND between matches added since previous add_disjunction() or add_conjunction() and the next add_disjunction() or add_conjunction(). See man:sd_journal_add_disjunction(3) for explanation.add_disjunction() -> None Inserts a logical OR between matches added since previous add_disjunction() or add_conjunction() and the next add_disjunction() or add_conjunction(). See man:sd_journal_add_disjunction(3) for explanation.add_match(match) -> None Add a match to filter journal log entries. All matches of different fields are combined with logical AND, and matches of the same field are automatically combined with logical OR. Match is a string of the form "FIELD=value".get_monotonic() -> (timestamp, bootid) Return the monotonic timestamp for the current journal entry as a tuple of time in microseconds and bootid. Wraps sd_journal_get_monotonic_usec(). See man:sd_journal_get_monotonic_usec(3).get_realtime() -> int Return the realtime timestamp for the current journal entry in microseconds. Wraps sd_journal_get_realtime_usec(). See man:sd_journal_get_realtime_usec(3)._get_all() -> dict Return dictionary of the current log entry.get(str) -> str Return data associated with this key in current log entry. Throws KeyError is the data is not available.previous([skip]) -> bool Go to the previous log entry. Optional skip value means to go to the `skip`\-th previous log entry. Returns False if at start of file, True otherwise.next([skip]) -> bool Go to the next log entry. Optional skip value means to go to the `skip`\-th log entry. Returns False if at end of file, True otherwise.__exit__(type, value, traceback) -> None Part of the context manager protocol. Closes the journal. __enter__() -> self Part of the context manager protocol. Returns self. get_usage() -> int Returns the total disk space currently used by journal files (in bytes). If `SD_JOURNAL_LOCAL_ONLY` was passed when opening the journal this value will only reflect the size of journal files of the local host, otherwise of all hosts. This method invokes sd_journal_get_usage(). See man:sd_journal_get_usage(3).close() -> None Free resources allocated by this Reader object. This method invokes sd_journal_close(). See man:sd_journal_close(3).get_timeout_ms() -> int Returns a timeout value suitable for usage in poll(), the value returned by .get_timeout() converted to relative ms, or -1 if no timeout is necessary.get_timeout() -> int or None Returns a timeout value for usage in poll(), the time since the epoch of clock_gettime(2) in microseconds, or None if no timeout is necessary. The return value must be converted to a relative timeout in milliseconds if it is to be used as an argument for poll(). See man:sd_journal_get_timeout(3) for further discussion.get_events() -> int Returns a mask of poll() events to wait for on the file descriptor returned by .fileno(). See man:sd_journal_get_events(3) for further discussion.reliable_fd() -> bool Returns True iff the journal can be polled reliably. This method invokes sd_journal_reliable_fd(). See man:sd_journal_reliable_fd(3).fileno() -> int Get a file descriptor to poll for changes in the journal. This method invokes sd_journal_get_fd(). See man:sd_journal_get_fd(3)._Reader([flags | path | files]) -> ... _Reader allows filtering and retrieval of Journal entries. Note: this is a low-level interface, and probably not what you want, use systemd.journal.Reader instead. Argument `flags` sets open flags of the journal, which can be one of, or ORed combination of constants: LOCAL_ONLY (default) opens journal on local machine only; RUNTIME_ONLY opens only volatile journal files; and SYSTEM opens journal files of system services and the kernel, and CURRENT_USER opens files of the current user. Argument `path` is the directory of journal files. Argument `files` is a list of files. Note that `flags`, `path`, and `files` are exclusive. _Reader implements the context manager protocol: the journal will be closed when exiting the block.Class to reads the systemd journal similar to journalctl.hV @ C_reader.so.debug57zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ2N/:?_Ip3*X3 zQ* =2pZ]4 >bҝ$#z>\atib@:dw6.]56wH?DN4V3Ѹ?URY P) ~jc Ac)FRytm&Rl8<݇j;B=`yNR:)T|}9,\hF N @턐zX1? vm-1S=+  o ϳ'ic lR}2fѲk5,0wκ/i~` r|oL4R8qzX8U Ht7"rF 疺Y [bI]X I`ps 9Sh#෸ӿ?" ֠ǿ>6f͸e;U!Άd?BED-ߣpN+g8W~8 ~6E05R"p]Aw:B:zZ,қZnYb)5jUZf)Hު1cggy"2#ǣ5"G6ԷlsOU.#O@V M"ޕHKc hm~&&[E13bW,s<-GhcW1O•,:)EޤЛs]7[Njv,!?d`{ѵ[, k/6zH$3Rcݯʓsqo;/OaX3,50ҟ5F돈wF|i`x?[5>EQOb'Gze#*pO%zsYRu-L&n-a[Re~^B"ȏ ˓F^-g/wa?1$Y}Fc&XI>=6Iu)vW2mY .WZyi#2Umjc3̴GҮtwjn9a4}~Bl*FsAJC"gTm)M™ I/5H^RGYDY#SAb$£LjQ5AId'Ecg|!\pITK-tyRDL+$ȍM:˷<Za>c1/LHQ&Ç17:S qY^$$>V֑TDձ]E@-ģgazɱƭ;Drz`A 7GM[΀4APѻ_)gXTNt|P;'4r#TU=&V:E>P8tV##_kHnt mA=SGup;/n?OZƒ8 >P (ׂlqL9s#s^Hr~)9 zQv"yMbՄ5i0|] -\gYZ.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.gcc_except_table.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.gnu_debugdata $o<( 00 0 8ollEohhT88 ^BP%P%` h..c..Pn 5 5N0tpepe zee```` ll    ( H H8 8 "  0