$Nc@sdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZdZ ddZ dZ ddZ ied6ed6ZdZd Zd efd YZd efd YZiZdZdZdedZddZdS(sDNS rdata. @var _rdata_modules: A dictionary mapping a (rdclass, rdtype) tuple to the module which implements that type. @type _rdata_modules: dict @var _module_prefix: The prefix to use when forming modules names. The default is 'dns.rdtypes'. Changing this value will break the library. @type _module_prefix: string @var _hex_chunk: At most this many octets that will be represented in each chunk of hexstring that _hexify() produces before whitespace occurs. @type _hex_chunk: intiNi cCs|dkrt}n|jd}t|}||krg}d}x2||kr||j||||!||7}qKWdj|}n|S(sConvert a binary string into its hex encoding, broken up into chunks of I{chunksize} characters separated by a space. @param data: the binary string @type data: string @param chunksize: the chunk size. Default is L{dns.rdata._hex_chunksize} @rtype: string t hex_codecit N(tNonet_hex_chunksizetencodetlentappendtjoin(tdatat chunksizethextltchunksti((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt_hexify's    cCs|dkrt}n|jd}|jdd}t|}||krg}d}x2||kr|j||||!||7}q]Wdj|}n|S(s$Convert a binary string into its base64 encoding, broken up into chunks of I{chunksize} characters separated by a space. @param data: the binary string @type data: string @param chunksize: the chunk size. Default is L{dns.rdata._base64_chunksize} @rtype: string t base64_codecs tiRN(Rt_base64_chunksizeRtreplaceRRR(RR tb64R R R ((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt _base64ify@s    t"s\cCs}d}xp|D]h}|tkr0|d|7}q t|dkrat|dkra||7}q |dt|7}q W|S(sEscape the characters in a quoted string which need it. @param qstring: the string @type qstring: string @returns: the escaped string @rtype: string Rs\i is\%03d(t __escapedtord(tqstringttexttc((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt _escapify^s   $ cCsSx8tt|dddD]}||dkrPqqWdj|d|d!S(sDetermine the index of greatest byte that isn't all zeros, and return the bitmap that contains all the bytes less than that index. @param what: a string of octets representing a bitmap. @type what: string @rtype: string iitRi(txrangeRR(twhatR ((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt_truncate_bitmapqs #tRdatacBs eZdZddgZdZdZdZdedZ dddZ ddZ d Z d Z d Zd Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdedZeeZddZeeZdedZRS(s(Base class for all DNS rdata types. trdclasstrdtypecCs||_||_dS(sInitialize an rdata. @param rdclass: The rdata class @type rdclass: int @param rdtype: The rdata type @type rdtype: int N(R!R"(tselfR!R"((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt__init__s cCs tjjS(s_DNS SIG/RRSIG rdatas apply to a specific type; this type is returned by the covers() function. If the rdata type is not SIG or RRSIG, dns.rdatatype.NONE is returned. This is useful when creating rdatasets, allowing the rdataset to contain only RRSIGs of a particular type, e.g. RRSIG(NS). @rtype: int (tdnst rdatatypetNONE(R#((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pytcoverss cCs|jd>|jBS(sReturn a 32-bit type value, the least significant 16 bits of which are the ordinary DNS type, and the upper 16 bits of which are the "covered" type, if any. @rtype: int i(R(R"(R#((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pytextended_rdatatypescKs tdS(s@Convert an rdata to text format. @rtype: string N(tNotImplementedError(R#torigint relativizetkw((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pytto_textscCs tdS(s@Convert an rdata to wire format. @rtype: string N(R*(R#tfiletcompressR+((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pytto_wirescCs)tj}|j|d||jS(slConvert rdata to a format suitable for digesting in hashes. This is also the DNSSEC canonical form.N(t cStringIOtStringIOR1Rtgetvalue(R#R+tf((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt to_digestables cCs&tjj|j|j|jdS(sCheck that the current contents of the rdata's fields are valid. If you change an rdata by assigning to its fields, it is a good idea to call validate() when you are done making changes. N(R%trdatat from_textR!R"R.(R#((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pytvalidatescCs|j}|tjjkr'd}ndtjj|d}dtjj|jdtjj|j|dt|dS(NRt(t)s( R(R%R&R'R.t rdataclassR!R"tstr(R#R(tctext((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt__repr__s   cCs |jS(N(R.(R#((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt__str__scCs tdS(sCompare an rdata with another rdata of the same rdtype and rdclass. Return < 0 if self < other in the DNSSEC ordering, 0 if self == other, and > 0 if self > other. N(R*(R#tother((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt_cmpscCsNt|tstS|j|jks7|j|jkr;tS|j|dkS(Ni(t isinstanceR tFalseR!R"RC(R#RB((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt__eq__s cCsNt|tstS|j|jks7|j|jkr;tS|j|dkS(Ni(RDR tTrueR!R"RC(R#RB((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt__ne__s cCsKt|t s4|j|jks4|j|jkr8tS|j|dkS(Ni(RDR R!R"tNotImplementedRC(R#RB((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt__lt__s cCsKt|t s4|j|jks4|j|jkr8tS|j|dkS(Ni(RDR R!R"RIRC(R#RB((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt__le__s cCsKt|t s4|j|jks4|j|jkr8tS|j|dkS(Ni(RDR R!R"RIRC(R#RB((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt__ge__s cCsKt|t s4|j|jks4|j|jkr8tS|j|dkS(Ni(RDR R!R"RIRC(R#RB((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt__gt__s cCst|jtjjS(N(thashR6R%tnametroot(R#((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt__hash__scCsctj}|j|dtjjtj}|j|dtjjt|j|jS(N( R2R3R1RR%RORPtcmpR4(R#RBtb1tb2((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt _wire_cmps   cCs tdS(sBuild an rdata object from text format. @param rdclass: The rdata class @type rdclass: int @param rdtype: The rdata type @type rdtype: int @param tok: The tokenizer @type tok: dns.tokenizer.Tokenizer @param origin: The origin to use for relative names @type origin: dns.name.Name @param relativize: should names be relativized? @type relativize: bool @rtype: dns.rdata.Rdata instance N(R*(tclsR!R"ttokR+R,((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyR8scCs tdS(s;Build an rdata object from wire format @param rdclass: The rdata class @type rdclass: int @param rdtype: The rdata type @type rdtype: int @param wire: The wire-format message @type wire: string @param current: The offet in wire of the beginning of the rdata. @type current: int @param rdlen: The length of the wire-format rdata @type rdlen: int @param origin: The origin to use for relative names @type origin: dns.name.Name @rtype: dns.rdata.Rdata instance N(R*(RVR!R"twiretcurrenttrdlenR+((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyt from_wire%scCsdS(sWConvert any domain names in the rdata to the specified relativization. N((R#R+R,((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pytchoose_relativity;sN(t__name__t __module__t__doc__t __slots__R$R(R)RRGR.R1R6R9R@RARCRFRHRJRKRLRMRQRUR8t classmethodR[R\(((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyR s2                 t GenericRdatacBszeZdZdgZdZdedZdedZe eZdddZ ddZ e e Z dZ RS( sGenerate Rdata Class This class is used for rdata types for which we have no better implementation. It implements the DNS "unknown RRs" scheme. RcCs&tt|j||||_dS(N(tsuperRbR$R(R#R!R"R((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyR$LscKsdt|jt|jS(Ns\# %d (RRR(R#R+R,R-((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyR.Psc Cs|j}|j s(|jdkr=tjjdn|j}g}x/|j}|jrnPn|j|jqRdj |} | j d} t | |krtjjdn|||| S(Ns\#s$generic rdata does not start with \#RRs'generic rdata hex data has wrong length( tgett is_identifiertvalueR%t exceptiont SyntaxErrortget_intt is_eol_or_eofRRtdecodeR( RVR!R"RWR+R,ttokentlengthR R R((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyR8Ss    cCs|j|jdS(N(twriteR(R#R/R0R+((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyR1fscCs|||||||!S(N((RVR!R"RXRYRZR+((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyR[iscCst|j|jS(N(RRR(R#RB((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyRCnsN( R]R^R_R`R$RRGR.R8RaR1R[RC(((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyRbCs     s dns.rdtypescCs;d}tj||f}tjj|}tjj|}|jdd}|stjtjj|f}|sy2|djt ||g}|t||fR%t tokenizert TokenizerRRbRdtungetReRfR8R[RR(R!R"RWR+R,RVRlR7((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyR8s      cCs=tjj|}t||}|j||||||S(s=Build an rdata object from wire format This function attempts to dynamically load a class which implements the specified rdata class and type. If there is no class-and-type-specific implementation, the GenericRdata class is used. Once a class is chosen, its from_wire() class method is called with the parameters to this function. @param rdclass: The rdata class @type rdclass: int @param rdtype: The rdata type @type rdtype: int @param wire: The wire-format message @type wire: string @param current: The offet in wire of the beginning of the rdata. @type current: int @param rdlen: The length of the wire-format rdata @type rdlen: int @param origin: The origin to use for relative names @type origin: dns.name.Name @rtype: dns.rdata.Rdata instance(R%twiredatat maybe_wrapRR[(R!R"RXRYRZR+RV((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyR[s(R_R2t dns.exceptionR%tdns.nametdns.rdataclasst dns.rdatatypet dns.tokenizert dns.wiredataRRRRRRGRRRtobjectR RbRzR{RR8R[(((s//usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/dns/rdata.pyts.            . !.