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Bad location for backup boot sector : %s Bad number of hidden sectors : %s Volume ID must be a hexadecimal numberWarning: message too long; truncatedmkfs.fat: warning - lowercase labels might not work properly with DOS or Windows Bad number of root directory entries : %s Bad number of reserved sectors : %s Bad number of sectors per cluster : %s aAb:cCf:F:Ii:l:m:n:r:R:s:S:h:vWarning: block count mismatch: found %llu but assuming %llu. %s: Need intended size with -C. %s: -c and -l are incompatible %s: %s contains a mounted filesystem. %s: Device partition expected, not making filesystem on entire device '%s' (use -I to override) Warning: sector size was set to %d (minimal for this device) Warning: sector size is set to %d > 4096, such filesystem will not propably mount %s: unable to get diskette geometry for '%s' %s: unable to get loop device size Loop device does not match a floppy size, using default hd paramsunable to get drive geometry, using default 255/63Auto-selecting FAT32 for large filesystem%s: On FAT32 at least 2 reserved sectors are needed. %s: #hidden doesn't fit in 16bit field of Atari format Disabling alignment due to tiny filesystemTrying with %d sectors/cluster: FAT12: #clu=%u, fatlen=%u, maxclu=%u, limit=%u FAT16: #clu=%u, fatlen=%u, maxclu=%u, limit=%u FAT16: would be misdetected as FAT12FAT32: not enough clusters (%d) FAT32: #clu=%u, fatlen=%u, maxclu=%u, limit=%u WARNING: Not enough clusters for a 16 bit FAT! The filesystem will be misinterpreted as having a 12 bit FAT without mount option "fat=16". This filesystem has an unfortunate size. A 12 bit FAT cannot provide enough clusters, but a 16 bit FAT takes up a little bit more space so that the total number of clusters becomes less than the threshold value for distinction between 12 and 16 bit FATs. %s: Make the filesystem a bit smaller manually. WARNING: Not enough clusters for a 32 bit FAT! %s: FAT not 12, 16 or 32 bits Sector size must be %d to have less than %d log. sectors ss=%d: #clu=%d, fat_len=%d, maxclu=%d %s: With this sector size, the maximum number of FAT entries would be exceeded. %s: Would need a sector size > 16k, which GEMDOS can't work with %s: Backup boot sector must be after sector 1 %s: Backup boot sector must be a reserved sector Using sector %d as backup boot sector (0 = none) %s: GEMDOS can't handle more than 65531 sectors Warning: More than 32765 sector need TOS 1.04 or higher.%s: Too many clusters for filesystem - try more sectors per cluster %s: Attempting to create a too large filesystem %s: Too few blocks for viable filesystem %s has %d head%s and %d sector%s per track, using 0x%02x media descriptor, with %d sectors; filesystem has %d %d-bit FAT%s and %d sector%s per cluster. FAT size is %d sector%s, and provides %d cluster%s. There %s %u reserved sector%s. Root directory contains %u slots and uses %u sectors. %s: unable to allocate space for FAT image in memory %s: unable to allocate space for root directory in memory %s: seek failed during testing for blocks Unexpected values in do_check: probably bugs%s: bad blocks before data-area: cannot make fs %s: Can't open file of bad blocks %s: seek to start of device failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing reserved sector %s: seek to boot sector failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing boot sector %s: seek to info sector failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing info sector %s: seek to backup boot sector failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing backup boot sector %s: seek to first FAT failed whilst writing tables %s: failed whilst writing FAT %s: failed whilst writing root directory %lld... Too many clusters FAT too big areismkfs.fat 3.0.20 (12 Jun 2013)Bad number of FATs : %s Bad FAT type : %s r%-11.11sBad logical sector size : %s Unknown option: %c No device specified.No device specified! Bad block count : %s /etc/mtab%s: unable to open %s: %s %s: unable to create %s %s: seek failed %s: write failed %s: unable to stat %s Boot jump code is %02x %02x Using %d reserved sectors FAT12: too much clustersFAT16: too much clustersFAT32: too much clustersChoosing %d bits for FAT logical sector size is %d, Volume ID is %08lx, NO NAME volume label %s. no volume label.%s: Out of memory Searching for bad blocks %d bad block%s %ld mkfs.fat@@@@@h@@@Y@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@m@T@@@@@@@@@k@@@@@@:@@@@@0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@;d  8HH HhXzRx *zRx $`FJ w?;*3$"D2D\@Dt8]S$ [AH K AA XWAQ F sDz4p(BBB B(D0C8GD$eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBl:@:@ @ =@^`^`o@@@  ``  @P @ o @oo @(^`6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@NO NAME Q@[|"t V^2This is not a bootable disk. Please insert a bootable floppy and press any key to try again ... `<mkfs.fat.debug洄7zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ̓Nۯp|ro>avrsZyB С_;0\)sBKϻP}`ԔDS|gFxz>4!HDsr0bTdcQ.0@,e:(-<yA׿,PyL O? |܌ܯ c10w xI 4=ܔ00>%^-7V8;[^<:I]{kWSV7Y;N%oꟑsXZTRҺxC jTHo̙^`<QŰDP{s5Usc3[OHWnK#bG';L9mZ\q^nU2pKoQ"kaʹK'G[{l}Vj}Du`{!wZN&ꥬPmT:Ǥ{$kMYjEoU7:y6ULaZ`dɅr_g$'Ar"=(qꔝ++HhjT"st'[3⭨K_jܸrLޱcHf4hhgǒWOŷe?m75x+7mSэE9JZ$U/n-oCuɺ,q.J96#Y $]uK"?Q`Hp+-q۝{2:Ah9<;tuie|ǐ3HHÌ3VbFRR^6 ps}'ӏnzL+oN} 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@8> @F@No @ f[o @ `jP @P tB @ ~@y @ @@+=@= =@=(T@TdpT@pT^`^^`^ ^` ^(^`(^_`_```xa`a% c`cC ccg