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HHHAHHH;HJtHQHHP@L#HIT$HHZHSH;ZIT$tOL"I\$LcLI$HSHZHSH;IT$t*LbI$HLLcHqHJ#LbL"@f.ATIUHSHHXSHH1Ht+Lf(HFHHHFH[]A\fHH9u fDHHH9u1H9HE1HH9u fDHHBH9u1H9HE1HFH9u DHHH9uHNH9tH;qt fH9JuHHQH9u1HH@HH9u fDHHPH9uHNH9tH;1t fH9 uHHQH9u1HHDG`HG0Ðf.1H0DHG8H9G0ÐHH7eDSH0EHtHX(H@HH@[HHw(HGHHGÐ?f.HG(Ðf.HG f.AWAAVIAUIATL%i UH-i SL)1HHE>HtLLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_Ðf.HHdefaultsfs_typesforce_undo-w -s Running command: %s while trying to run '%s'popenext2fs_read_bb_FILEunamedesc-sizedesc_size%s requires '-O 64bit' Invalid desc_size: '%s' mmp_update_intervalstrideInvalid stride parameter: %s stripe-widthstripe_widthresizeInvalid resize parameter: %s test_fslazy_itable_initlazy_journal_initroot_ownerInvalid root_owner: '%s' nodiscardquotatypeusrgrpfloppysmalldefaultbighugeext4ext2PATHMKE2FS_SYNCMKE2FS_CONFIGmkfs.ext3mke3fsinvalid block size - %sinvalid cluster size - %sinvalid inode size - %sbad num inodes - %sbad revision level - %s28-Dec-20131.42.9mke2fs %s (%s) Using %s TEST_IO_FLAGSTEST_IO_BLOCKfilesystemfs_typedevicesusage_typesGNUhurdmke4fsmkfs.ext4devAborting... base_featuresacl,user_xattrdefault_mntoptsInvalid mount option set: %s default_featuresMKE2FS_DEVICE_SECTSIZEMKE2FS_DEVICE_PHYS_SECTSIZEblocksizeauto_64-bit_supportjournal, reserved_ratioMKE2FS_FIRST_META_BGcluster_sizeinode_ratiooptionsinode_sizeflex_bg_size/usr/share/localeE2FSPROGS_UNDO_DIR/var/lib/e2fsprogsundo_dirnone%s/mke2fs-%s.e2undoold_bitmapswhile setting up superblockDiscarding device blocks: tdb_data_size=%dcould not parse UUID: %s half_md4hash_algenable_periodic_fscklinuxfreebsdlitesFilesystem label=%s OS type: %s Block size=%u (log=%u) Cluster size=%u (log=%u) Fragment size=%u (log=%u) %u inodes, %llu blocks First data block=%u Root directory owner=%u:%u %u block groups %u block group %u inodes per group %llucreate_journal_devZeroing journal device: while trying to open %sread_bad_blocks_fileAborting.... Allocating group tables: Writing inode tables: while creating root dirext2fs_mkdirwhile reading root inodeext2fs_read_inodeext2fs_write_inodewhile creating /lost+foundwhile looking up /lost+foundext2_lookupwhile expanding /lost+foundext2fs_expand_dirwhile setting bad block inodeext2fs_update_bb_inodeext2fs_create_resize_inodeAdding journal to device %s: done done MKE2FS_SKIP_CHECK_MSGfailed - unknown os - %s/etc/mke2fs.confmke2fsUsage: %s [-c|-l filename] [-b block-size] [-C cluster-size] [-i bytes-per-inode] [-I inode-size] [-J journal-options] [-G flex-group-size] [-N number-of-inodes] [-m reserved-blocks-percentage] [-o creator-os] [-g blocks-per-group] [-L volume-label] [-M last-mounted-directory] [-O feature[,...]] [-r fs-revision] [-E extended-option[,...]] [-t fs-type] [-T usage-type ] [-U UUID] [-jnqvDFKSV] device [blocks-count] Bad block %u out of range; ignored. Syntax error in mke2fs config file (%s, line #%d) %s badblocks -b %d -X %s%s%s %lluwhile processing list of bad blocks from programOut of memory erasing sectors %d-%d Warning: could not read block 0: %s Warning: could not erase sector %d: %s Invalid filesystem option set: %s Couldn't allocate memory to parse options! '%s' must be before 'resize=%u' Invalid mmp_update_interval: %s Invalid stripe-width parameter: %s The resize maximum must be greater than the filesystem size. On-line resizing not supported with revision 0 filesystems Invalid quotatype parameter: %s Bad option(s) specified: %s Extended options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid extended options are: stride= stripe-width= resize= lazy_itable_init=<0 to disable, 1 to enable> lazy_journal_init=<0 to disable, 1 to enable> root_uid= root_gid= test_fs discard nodiscard quotatype= Warning: RAID stripe-width %u not an even multiple of stride %u. Couldn't allocate memory for new PATH. Couldn't init profile successfully (error: %ld). Warning: blocksize %d not usable on most systems. '-R' is deprecated, use '-E' insteadIllegal number for blocks per groupblocks per group must be multiple of 8Illegal number for flex_bg sizeflex_bg size must be a power of 2invalid inode ratio %s (min %d/max %d)Warning: -K option is deprecated and should not be used anymore. Use '-E nodiscard' extended option instead! in malloc for bad_blocks_filenameinvalid reserved blocks percent - %swhile trying to create revision %dThe -t option may only be used onceThe -T option may only be used onceb:cg:i:jl:m:no:qr:s:t:vC:DE:FG:I:J:KL:M:N:O:R:ST:U:Vwhile trying to open journal device %s Journal dev blocksize (%d) smaller than minimum blocksize %d Using journal device's blocksize: %d invalid blocks '%s' on device '%s'while trying to determine filesystem sizeCouldn't determine device size; you must specify the size of the filesystem Device size reported to be zero. Invalid partition specified, or partition table wasn't reread after running fdisk, due to a modified partition being busy and in use. You may need to reboot to re-read your partition table. Filesystem larger than apparent device size. Your mke2fs.conf file does not define the %s filesystem type. You probably need to install an updated mke2fs.conf file. Warning: the fs_type %s is not defined in mke2fs.conf Failed to parse fs types list sparse_super,filetype,resize_inode,dir_indexwhile trying to determine hardware sector sizewhile trying to determine physical sector sizewhile setting blocksize; too small for device Warning: specified blocksize %d is less than device physical sectorsize %d %s: Size of device (0x%llx blocks) %s too big to be expressed in 32 bits using a blocksize of %d. %s: Size of device (0x%llx blocks) %s too big to create a filesystem using a blocksize of %d. fs_types for mke2fs.conf resolution: Filesystem features not supported with revision 0 filesystems Sparse superblocks not supported with revision 0 filesystems Journals not supported with revision 0 filesystems invalid reserved blocks percent - %lfExtents MUST be enabled for a 64-bit filesystem. Pass -O extents to rectify. The cluster size may not be smaller than the block size. specifying a cluster size requires the bigalloc featurewarning: Unable to get device geometry for %s %s alignment is offset by %lu bytes. This may result in very poor performance, (re)-partitioning suggested. %d-byte blocks too big for system (max %d)Warning: %d-byte blocks too big for system (max %d), forced to continue /sys/fs/ext4/features/lazy_itable_initCan't support bigalloc feature without extents featureThe resize_inode and meta_bg features are not compatible. They can not be both enabled simultaneously. Warning: the bigalloc feature is still under development See for more information Warning: the quota feature is still under development See for more information reserved online resize blocks not supported on non-sparse filesystemblocks per group count out of rangeFlex_bg feature not enabled, so flex_bg size may not be specifiedinvalid inode size %d (min %d/max %d)too many inodes (%llu), raise inode ratio?too many inodes (%llu), specify < 2^32 inodesinode_size (%u) * inodes_count (%u) too big for a filesystem with %llu blocks, specify higher inode_ratio (-i) or lower inode count (-N). Overwriting existing filesystem; this can be undone using the command: e2undo %s %s while trying to setup undo file Discard succeeded and will return 0s - skipping inode table wipe warning: %llu blocks unused. Stride=%u blocks, Stripe width=%u blocks %llu blocks (%2.2f%%) reserved for the super user Maximum filesystem blocks=%lu %u blocks per group, %u clusters per group %u blocks per group, %u fragments per group Superblock backups stored on blocks: while initializing journal superblockwhile zeroing journal device (block %llu, count %d)while writing journal superblockwhile reading in list of bad blocks from fileBlock %d in primary superblock/group descriptor area bad. Blocks %u through %u must be good in order to build a filesystem. Warning: the backup superblock/group descriptors at block %u contain bad blocks. while marking bad blocks as usedext2fs_badblocks_list_iterate_beginwhile trying to allocate filesystem tablesdone while converting subcluster bitmapwhile zeroing block %llu at end of filesystem Could not write %d blocks in inode table starting at %llu: %s while setting root inode ownershipwhile reserving blocks for online resize while trying to add journal to device %sSkipping journal creation in super-only mode Creating journal (%u blocks): while trying to create journal Error while enabling multiple mount protection feature.Multiple mount protection is enabled with update interval %d seconds. Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: Warning, had trouble writing out superblocks. ^r@Rr@Dr@v@~v@ w@Cv@2v@v@u@u@u@u@ w@ w@r@u@_u@Lu@Cu@ w@ w@ w@ w@ w@ w@ w@ w@ w@ w@ w@t@t@ w@ w@ w@yt@ w@t@s@ w@s@Ks@?s@,s@ w@s@r@r@r@ w@r@I@@Y@CyYProceed anyway? (y,n) Could not stat %s --- %s ext2fs_check_if_mount%s is mounted; will not make a %s here! mke2fs forced anyway. devicev1_superblockMMP check failed: %s The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly? %s is not a block special device. %s is entire device, not just one partition! while determining whether %s is mounted.mke2fs forced anyway. Hope /etc/mtab is incorrect. %s is apparently in use by the system; Couldn't allocate memory to parse journal options! Could not find journal device matching %s Bad journal options specified. Journal options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid journal options are: size= device= The journal size must be between 1024 and 10240000 filesystem blocks. Filesystem too small for a journal The requested journal size is %d blocks; it must be between 1024 and 10240000 blocks. Aborting. Journal size too big for filesystem. This filesystem will be automatically checked every %d mounts or %g days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override. MMP error info: last update: %s node: %s device: %s @(root)HOME%s/%snofalseniloffyestrue1on!AzA}AAR!AA@AA!AAA@ A`ʪ@!AH"AT!An!Ah"A"A"A#A(#AX#A#A#A#A#A $AH$Ap$A!A!A$A$A$A!A%A!A8%A!A"A"A2"A`%AProfile version 0.0Profile section not foundProfile relation not foundMissing open brace in profileBad magic value in profile_tNo more sectionsNo profile file openCouldn't open profile fileSection already existsInvalid boolean valueInvalid integer valueBad magic value in profile_nodeAttempt to add a relation to node which is not a sectionA profile section header has a non-zero valueBad linked list in profile structuresBad group level in profile structuresBad parent pointer in profile structuresBad magic value in profile iteratorCan't set value on section nodeInvalid argument passed to profile libraryAttempt to modify read-only profileProfile section header not at top levelSyntax error in profile section headerSyntax error in profile relationExtra closing brace in profileBad magic value in profile_section_tIteration through all top level section not supportedInvalid profile_section objectBad nameset passed to query routineBad magic value in profile_file_tBad magic value in profile_file_data_t[defaults] base_features = sparse_super,filetype,resize_inode,dir_index,ext_attr default_mntopts = acl,user_xattr enable_periodic_fsck = 0 blocksize = 4096 inode_size = 256 inode_ratio = 16384 [fs_types] ext3 = { features = has_journal } ext4 = { features = has_journal,extent,huge_file,flex_bg,uninit_bg,dir_nlink,extra_isize,64bit inode_size = 256 } ext4dev = { features = has_journal,extent,huge_file,flex_bg,uninit_bg,dir_nlink,extra_isize inode_size = 256 options = test_fs=1 } rhel6_ext4 = { features = has_journal,extent,huge_file,flex_bg,uninit_bg,dir_nlink,extra_isize inode_size = 256 enable_periodic_fsck = 1 default_mntopts = } small = { blocksize = 1024 inode_size = 128 inode_ratio = 4096 } floppy = { blocksize = 1024 inode_size = 128 inode_ratio = 8192 } big = { inode_ratio = 32768 } huge = { inode_ratio = 65536 } news = { inode_ratio = 4096 } largefile = { inode_ratio = 1048576 blocksize = -1 } largefile4 = { inode_ratio = 4194304 blocksize = -1 } hurd = { blocksize = 4096 inode_size = 128 } mkquota.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Unable to allocate dquot [QUOTA WARNING] Usage inconsistent for ID %d:actual (%llu, %llu) != expected (%llu, %llu) [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot initialize io on quotafile [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot finish IO on new quotafile: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Unable to allocate quota handle [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Failed to allocate quota context [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Failed to allocate dictionary [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: while opening inode scan. ret=%ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: while getting next inode. ret=%ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Open quota file failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Error scanning dquots quota_compare_and_updatequota_update_limitsquota_compute_usageget_dqquota_init_contextquota_write_inodequotaio.c%s.%saquotausergroup[ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ext2fs_file_llseek failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ext2fs_file_read failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ext2fs_file_write failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ext2fs_file_open failed: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: qh_ops->check_file failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: qh_ops->init_io failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ex2fs_read_inode failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ext2fs_write_new_inode failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: init_new_quota_inode failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: ext2fs_file_open failed: %d [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: qh_ops->new_io failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Failed to allocate dquot get_empty_dquotquota_inode_init_newquota_file_createquota_write_nomountquota_read_nomountquota_file_open^@-A-A^@-A-A-Aquotaio_v2.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Not Implemented. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Quota inode %u corrupted: file size %llu; dqi_blocks %u [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Quota inode %u corrupted: free_blk %u; dqi_blocks %u [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Quota inode %u corrupted: free_entry %u; dqi_blocks %u [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Your quota file is stored in wrong endianity v2_check_filev2_init_iov2_reportquotaio_tree.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot write block (%u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot read block %u: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Illegal reference (%u >= %u) in %s quota file [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot allocate new quota block (out of disk space). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Failed to allocate dqbuf [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Quota for id %u referenced but not present. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Inserting already present quota entry (block %u). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: find_free_dqentry(): Data block full unexpectedly. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Quota structure has offset to other block (%u) than it should (%u). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot write quota (id %u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Quota write failed (id %u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s:: Cannot read quota structure for id %u: %s check_referencefind_block_dqentryqtree_read_dquotfree_dqentrywrite_blkfind_free_dqentryread_blkget_free_dqblkgetdqbufdo_insert_treedq_insert_treeqtree_write_dquot;8l 'Tl( ))$*t,+ ,L,|,,4\.l/L0|1D2l9\\\|]^\`$ bl |c c \d d d, LeT e| e Lf f ,gL AAG oDA4[GADD l DAF DAA$L [fADD SDAth[7Ab M L[BEI D(D0P (A ABDH \(F ABBL[BBB E(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBI D4\BBB A(D0GPB 0A(A BBBD 4|aZBKA Gc  AABD L(bZBBB E(I0A8DP~ 8A0A(B BBBG 48cWADD R AAC mDAL<`c,BBB B(A0A8J8 8A0A(B BBBA L@g*BBB B(D0A8Dy 8A0A(B BBBA  i<iBEB A(A0 (A BBBF 4 i.DW E MdT iBIB B(A0A8D` 8A0A(B BBBG  8C0A(B BBBA , `lAAG`S AAB , lADG0x AAJ 4 `mBDD F@  AABE <T (nBBD D(FP (A ABBC < nBBA D(F` (A ABBH 4 ho BDA G0K  AABC 4 @pBAD G@  AABH D (qoA\ A d xq| pq hq0DR J K< xqBBE D(F0R (A BBBD 4 qBDA G0  CABF ,, rAFG AAA \ s%,t (sACG \ CAE d xsZBDB B(D0A8D`1 8A0A(B BBBB } 8F0A(B BBBD 4 pumBDD S ABH AABLD uhBBB E(I0C8DPx 8A0A(B BBBC < viBED D(F0F (A ABBA < vdBED D(F0A (A ABBA <(wdBED D(F0A (A ABBA 4TXwBAD G  AABB <xBBA D(D` (A ABBE 4z\BCA G  AABA ({4 {BFF D@[  AABG 4T{BFF D@[  AABG p| h|QAG DD<|BBA A(DP (A ABBD $}AG h AG 4,}BAD IW  AABE LdX~oBEE E(D0G8G`{ 8A0A(B BBBH LxBBB E(D0C8Jr 8A0A(B BBBH ,AAG0 AAA 4hDm G o,TAAG` AAD yD0o A H7DrphCDY C $ 6ADG eCA4gAe$TAU` AA $|pAG0{ AD $AQ` AA ,AU ` AI FF4ARG0X NAO AAA$4HSACG@@FA<\BAI \ ABE B AGA d@BBE B(I0D8D@[ 8D0A(B BBBL [8G0A(B BBBdBBJ E(D0C8D`V 8D0A(B BBBG M 8H0A(B BBBJ LlOBEE B(I0C8D 8A0A(B BBBI d(BBE B(D0A8L 8D0A(B BBBA m 8C0A(B BBBA d$xBBB E(D0D8Lp 8D0A(B BBBN a 8A0A(B BBBE ; DBAD D@  DABM   AABA ]D s I L$șBEA D(D@# (D ABBD ^ (D ABBI \txBBE E(D0A8D@ 8D0A(B BBBE L8F0A(B BBB4EBGA k ABH AAB\ 0BBA D(G0c (D ABBD \ (A ABEK D(D ABEl`X P%h D[hELBEA D(D0z (A ABBH L(D ABB<<BED D(D0 (A ABBC ,|NBDD @AB()LHK $x<p Thl` X0Anhph`DXeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBL0^@^@4 82@ 4@]a]ao@@@@ `a0#@!@  o(!@oo@]av2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@2@3@3@&3@63@F3@V3@f3@v3@3@3@3@3@3@3@3@3@4@4@&4@64@F4@V4@f4@v4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@4@5@5@&5@65@F5@V5@f5@v5@5@5@5@5@5@5@5@5@6@6@&6@66@F6@V6@f6@v6@6@6@6@6@6@6@6@6@7@7@&7@67@F7@V7@f7@v7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@7@8@8@&8@68@F8@V8@f8@v8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@8@9@9@&9@69@F9@V9@f9@v9@9@9@9@9@9@9@9@9@:@:@&:@6:@F:@V:@f:@v:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@;@;@&;@6;@F;@V;@f;@v;@;@;@;@;@;@;@;@;@<@<@&<@6<@F<@V<@f<@v<@<@|@@<{@%A@@@@P@@@@@@@P@mkfs.ext4dev.debugЅ87zXZִF!t/#/ ]?Eh=ڊ̓NK{emP%+:CNs (D>#ѧm #렿ϩۄ(&lhȔE^a}m߈ԝ3kWu)(SjuꏐҼQXWN'Bee/,{c׬x,AgQ'*}d.)&D5d|okDp> rtFL/˗S/SG.)Ȟډ]ZU 齹:O]*.RAml YwV+ŕ,lPL'Ҵ _m6_3R. a/(_21 ]wE0iVncR޴g׍$t>EاmV LѡLdzyKe!.Y bI~JoRF ɇ e[} *-dAXk}WӰTş R$+Bi73{c eN!t_a72r$F$4m9mKR˴dPն( Epg技g5*/ p#rY?S\$+ € AD-O rH}8IdFesq*᭨ܩy$QS9$:<);@Zdǖɚ~ kC{P^Ve\ _k'T y!U%^Fe/֡96f3)0| 4[fCG PqA0Yèa[*54#C~\KG>BD=L }J=eSBu{햇l;1,G9:Y^˕xMDr.Al*\=!cߵT`wh;[5Fכt3n?j4W|E OU=`Q=Ϭ7SM4VL&*oO{y9q=W A\-'K LqgϦ|YZNNO &96"}p "fRH4H w|%Q%s)>w=^fWE}($:zT XB )"X~u5+ksXy9x :mܭ-t3@1Pz|u@ڼ'YT<֫Lj6s)H=" rH20Z> JLJ3-.Nmd ki!?xw& /?9 mANKc~Ktɇǖ\~C*sZ"=@}`9'Z3_9u4(WeeS9:) q( fKA7`9l7݁b1G>@Sחz91N'գeIpp`O{nGW H0a";8`X k..a_"0_w> TP@ ٓ%|uXt7:mnp1ܐuoFJ5 9=SOJ$\\5 +m㫊~iJɫYiDUxy^ k2"[Xh3&? -_cGP 9Wy9}dluL|¦K+F/rťnJ@X)O(5!dA帿dwz+lbodI[ )+׎6-a ¶*1W~_K8+=WjUC!UWR7~v %ιk'~- e/Ys22FvSCdU RW H}m<hPDbJ+@7dF}JFύ aŪaʷDHَS]8cc n8@O6N:ϖV2A(NXl-9c@*q{yn$/Ĝ9eLR,6M>BS3C4)]@D)</!Wc:Ђ*]+ԕhbЪ"Vscڬ6Ʊ*B# 'RE H ۛq@t.IHwv3|J܊1NTxuF` 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@> @@@F@ No@f[o(!@(!j!@! tB#@#0~82@82y`2@`20 <@<4@4 @@@A 5A5<0:A0:]a]]a]]a]]a] _a_`a`(@ea@e @fa(f (f@f p