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Numerical value is %uCall XML not a proper XML-RPC call. %sExecuted XML-RPC method completely and it generated a fault response, but we failed to encode that fault response as XML-RPC so we could send it to the client. %s?methodP->methodFnType1Method '%s' not definedXML-RPC CALLXML-RPC RESPONSEcallNamedMethod booleandoublestringdateTime.iso8601base64structarraynili8Signature string is empty.Couldn't allocate method nodeMethod registry contains invalid signature data. It contains the type specifier '%c'/builddir/build/BUILD/xmlrpc-c-1.32.5/src/method.cUnable to allocate storage for a method descriptorCould not allocate memory for signature listCouldn't get memory for signatureempty signature (a signature must have at least return value type)No colon (':') after the result type specifierCouldn't get memory for a argument list for a method signature with %u argumentsCan't interpret signature string '%s'. %sCouldn't allocate method list descriptorMethod named '%s' already registeredHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH(HHHH8HHHH/builddir/build/BUILD/xmlrpc-c-1.32.5/src/system_method.cThis server program is not capable of shutting downFailed to construct return value. %ssystem.multicall takes one parameter, which is an array, each element describing one RPC. You supplied %u argumentssystem.multicall's parameter should be an array, each element describing one RPC. But it is type %u instead.An element of the multicall array is type %u, but should be a struct (with members 'methodName' and 'params')Recursive system.multicall forbiddenFailed to register '%s' system method. %sThere are no parameters. You supplied %u disabled on this serverUnable to construct 'undef'. %sIntrospection is disabled in this server for security reasonsReturn the list of standard capabilities of XML-RPC server. See the capabilities of XML-RPC server. This includes the version number of the XML-RPC For C/C++ softwareShut down the server. Return code is always zero.Given the name of a method, return an array of legal signatures. Each signature is an array of strings. The first item of each signature is the return type, and any others items are parameter types.Given the name of a method, return a help string.Tell whether a method by a specified name exists on this serverReturn an array of all available XML-RPC methods on this server.Process an array of calls, and return an array of results. Calls should be structs of the form {'methodName': string, 'params': array}. Each result will either be a single-item array containg the result value, or a struct of the form {'faultCode': int, 'faultString': string}. This is useful when you need to make lots of small calls without lots of round trips.(s)Invalid parameter list. %sparamsmethodName{s:s,s:A,*}system.multicallfaultStringfaultCode{s:i,s:s}(V)specVersionspecUrlintrospect{s:{s:s,s:i}}version_majorxmlrpc-cfacility{s:s,s:i,s:i,s:i,s:i}protocol_versionversion_pointversion_minorMethod '%s' does not existundef()system.getCapabilitiesS:system.capabilitiessystem.shutdowni:ssystem.methodSignatureA:ssystem.methodHelps:ssystem.methodExists:bsystem.listMethodsA:A:A;($ Dl 4|t D |,l4LT<\LLl,|, \\|<,lzRx $ FJ w?;*3$"LDBEH E(D0H8Gp 8A0A(B BBBI <ADD { DAG V DAE eDA3DR J < nBEE D(D0GPJ0A(A BBBL%K Yd-D0h|05D0p4XBGD p ABH b ABC K4BGD p ABH b ABC 4@uADG0V AAD g AAG TLl?BEE E(D0D8GPJ 8A0A(B BBBD LBBB B(D0D8J 8A0A(B BBBA  CD y A T,Do E K E K E K E K E K E K E K E K E K E ZAULBEE E(D0A8GN 8A0A(B BBBK ,(MBAD {DB4$HuADG C AAG LKA,\IBDA wAE,YBDD C AFA DBEB D(D0G@r 0A(A BBBF LBBE E(D0D8Dp 8A0A(B BBBF LTHZBEB B(A0D8J 8A0A(B BBBH <XBEA D(D` (A ABBA L.BBD D(G@ (D ABEJ \ (D ABBK L4^BBD D(G` (D ABEG \ (D ABBK LBBB B(D0D8G 8A0A(B BBBF <BBD D(GP (A ABBG D8~BBB D(D0G@ 0D(A BBBF <\p#BBD D(GP (A ABBD `1DL H X4:AAG@L AAI AAp0R`7SM S8S(NS0-SN1S9HSNLS=^SObS@uSOyS?SPR`2SXPm   (PM߮*rBSuaPҬ;@l$rQFiAr:&e-V&gHaQƦ,GqOSNDtP AibYaO39W <>"@Yv_Gڹ&y1;J,!)Xvk}( 75[ q90q%vzЯ>!Ήa:*~UqݙToh]vΖVnk(<#U֤ Aϋ