PK!7N CACHEDIR.TAGnu[Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55 # This file is a cache directory tag created by man-db. # For information about cache directory tags, see: # PK!VFs@@index.dbnu[ϚW @ F 4}HQman0MHmanpQ0Saccen0 esU$ver0 zwhat0E~?Ozsoe81E=Wuser1Yo lexg1Leapro:2O9Ocatm2PCr$mti2 WVmanc2Z~manp]3 P+mand3T*Rmanp4 >ZkeadduY4Yman- 1 1 1540931193 A - t gz sebuah antar-muka ke referensi buku panduan onlinemanpath manpath 1 manpath 5accessdb- 8 8 1540931193 A - - gz keluarkan isi dari sebuah basis data man-db dalam format yang mudah dibaca$version$2.4.1whatis- 1 1 1540931193 A - - gz menampilkan deskripsi halaman buku panduanzsoelim- 1 1 1540931193 A - - gz memenuhi permintaan .so dalam masukan roffuseradd- 8 8 1565319054 A - - gz Membuat user baru atau memperbarui informasi tentang user barulexgrog- 1 1 1540931193 A - - gz ambil kepala informasi dalam halaman buku panduanapropos- 1 1 1540931193 A - - gz cari halaman buku panduan dari nama dan deskripsinyacatman- 8 8 1540931193 A - - gz buat atau perbarui pre-formatted halaman buku panduan$mtime$1583330918manconv- 1 1 1540931193 A - - gz mengubah halaman buku panduan dari satu pengkodean ke yang lainmanpath 1- 1 1 1540931193 A - - gz menentukan jalur pencarian untuk halaman buku panduanmandb- 8 8 1540931193 A - t gz buat atau perbarui indeks persediaan halaman buku panduanmanpath 5- 5 5 1540931193 A - - gz format dari berkas /etc/man_db.confadduser- 8 8 1565319054 B - - gz Membuat user baru atau memperbarui informasi tentang user baruPK!"l4versionnu6$0100 PK!avendornu6$001f PK!˕productnu6$0001 PK!pbustypenu6$0010 PK!oidnu6$00 PK!Dtypenu6$06 PK!oextranu6$00 PK!oprotonu6$00 PK!D}HAVAVLC_MESSAGES/binutils.monu[y#G_ ____"`+*`V`v``&`` `` a.a Faga'aaa=a bbb,b&Jb qb(bb;b6cEKcc ccFc:d1Pd,d.d ddd e#!e#Ee%ie+eeee)e)f(Cflf2f0f,f(g+Ag%mg,g+gg6g14h3fhhEhThGi ciCqiBiAi=:jExjXj3k8KkSk;k:l3OlNl8l mYmbsmm*mn#n<;n3xn3n:n/oDKo2o4o,o4%p<Zp5p7p5q3;qoq+q8q9q8&r8_r+r0r0r2&s'Ys8s"s0s7tHFtJt9tRu7guLu7u2$vRWv:v?v>%w=dw>w6w<x7Ux8x<x<yI@yNy=yHz)`z=zAz> {I{\{7o{3{{{@|8Q||||||$|}6}R}g}}}}}}}"}' ~94~+n~~)Nx1&ۡNqQï*g( Ʊ&/'(W #"/ڲ( 3%Ou -ٳ"+A#m ""մ( !"- P#q_B:8!s )(Ͷ(HQh-"% 1R"k߸"4'(\3*H]+y11׺1 4;5p@\JD(#&ܼ)'-#U*y++н(/E(u&7ž. ,C9Q}YϿ3)-]%,1@>Q.)6Q r1-45CIy-2$6=S8g% 7+c5y7?,'T0j+3<,8;e4 /Q#5u*/^v7}BK9DB~@U)E-7Bzt{NJ1'Y$';c  - #'K`ein ,1 O!p '(3%7Y  $%?e(}@":'!b.1@&&+M*y%(##?$c$%1$M'r) <If}c,%_E/ =24 g*r# 3G]x    Ic~"*B Vb{  0&C ao"" K#o%&$2JdEu &0Iau<20He6..1$JoI-CY>o!VZ@/ !)KBd:+ $+'Px )&#$"#G<k--+E0v? !1 K&l$&N>. .m  D ! - (A Nj      =  ! = Q g :| , A & TA  4   $:&_ +"/"&$I"n  $4Sr)`P/ &*+Vl+'<6OhxU5414f=M`,o-3@??9 ,*3W?)'0F^u)+#7J0^557#K oz'%O7?84/57e3;w I \h!w",>;<2x(R' E b + $  ( &!5B!x!!!/!"")6"7`"""""" #)#E#e###$##&#% $ 3$!T$yv$g$ X% y%+%#%1%&);&e&'& &&(&6&;%'a':'+'9'"(%3(7Y(*(+(6(J).j))4)*)+ *$7* \*h** ****** ++ )++J+v++"++(+ ,6=,t,,&,,,,'-<-S-"r---(-$-%.5>.t.#....I.:/3C/ w//!/+/105702m050 00-01 &1 11/?11o1!1'1'1/22C27v2+2 212#-3"Q3+t3&3#3)3.4#D4h4*44444 555 95C54X555555)5((6#Q69u69667787T7&t7&73778!8 38!T8v888888 88 89 9 9 :9)G9q9999(9'94 :U:-q:: ::: ;4;C;V;.l;;;;; ; ; ; <<"<2<B<U<j<<<<<<+<$= 8=D=\=Sw=%= ==>/> F> S>+_>>=>>>4>(?9?A?-_?#???$??@ @ ,@:@M@ c@@o@!@=@DAUA fAsA AAAAAAAB&B7BIB7XBFB;BC.C=C#MCqC!C#C CCCD,D?D^D}DDD DADFD:BE;}EE)E8E$7F$\FF(FF!FGG2GLGeG'G)G/G&H-HMHkH}HH*H'HI1I*QI/|II#IIIJJ-JDJ]JmJJJJ&J J K'K'7K*_K&KKKKKL5L%RLxLL!LLL' M2MDMVM$rMM@MM N N#N kE,l=rl:l6l@"m?cmFmHmX3nCnYn&*o=QoDoEop-p9@p5zppp@p8)qbqyqqqq%qqr-r@r[rnr~rrrr!r-rAs3Sss4NtuJE+cqե̦,( ݧ (+-T( %ܨ">(G p% ̩ ک-7H#_+# Ӫ""(: c"o%3hBU:!Ӭ )(,(UH~Qǭ-#G%k "Ю! *KP"p:(ί 8+dvϰ,11J1|75Cd`UŲ()D+n,3dz/*++V+&δ,&"&I?p5 BQ6Y>1!+S'9LC.,r#9øQO+i(0:8*Mc,-޺ $;=T$Ȼ!ػ  8&_=u;I,9f0|+2ٽ; ,HJu6 7:aLH+3#Wah7@ KL9B}S% !R3FO48nmdK2~>X$t - EP$d"  !$Fc!+, &%Ci(28&E"Y+|"#. -?>m'C'54]9B)/93i0.#!1+L,x,-'6^z5" )H%d% k7{]?,lTF /0:*k!"#C"_*.$ 3JA !1Sq(<GR%% +%G%m S!/*0Z(#/MB +&)#""Fi/C>;NdxF.73Q- Jj@& 0dKc/#D h""55#Y0l &*/+>j1*.-?Gm,,*@:{T$9HX!r,42Q)?{FF(\,.T6Q"h"  57 /m E  c 'a B     % 'E  m -  / ! #/ !S u   #   1 P (c  _ PY ku&$22'Zy25F 8Pg7<t,4=1NVk37;@?|J>FN^|!*:N/m-*AY4w+#4'\;t-/-6(Qz)%O 9Y4;>9CG}Bh ++3MN971\@&$$0.?'n/(5&% )L *v 0   6 !JB!"!!!! 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Symbols from %s: Symbols from %s[%s]: Undefined symbols from %s: Undefined symbols from %s[%s]: [Requesting program interpreter: %s] Address Length Address Length Offset Name Start of program headers: Line Number Statements: Opcodes: Section to Segment mapping: The Directory Table is empty. The Directory Table: The File Name Table is empty. The File Name Table: The following switches are optional: %s/%s: %s: file format %s '%s' relocation section at offset 0x%lx contains %ld bytes: ./%s:[++] <%s> Archive index: Assembly dump of section %s Can't get contents for section '%s'. Can't uncompress section '%s'. Could not find unwind info section for Disassembly of section %s: Dynamic info segment at offset 0x%lx contains %d entries: Dynamic section at offset 0x%lx contains %u entries: Dynamic symbol information is not available for displaying symbols. Elf file type is %s File: %s Hex dump of section '%s': Histogram for `.gnu.hash' bucket list length (total of %lu buckets): Histogram for bucket list length (total of %lu buckets): Library list section '%s' contains %lu entries: No version information found in this file. Notes at offset 0x%08lx with length 0x%08lx: PLT GOT: Primary GOT: Program Headers: Relocation section Section '%s' contains %d entries: Section '%s' has no data to dump. Section '%s' has no debugging data. Section '.conflict' contains %lu entries: Section Header: Section Headers: String dump of section '%s': Symbol table '%s' contains %lu entries: Symbol table for image: Symbol table of `.gnu.hash' for image: The %s section is empty. There are %d program headers, starting at offset There are no dynamic relocations in this file. There are no program headers in this file. There are no relocations in this file. There are no section groups in this file. There are no sections in this file. There are no unwind sections in this file. There is no dynamic section in this file. Unwind section Version definition section '%s' contains %u entries: Version needs section '%s' contains %u entries: Version symbols section '%s' contains %d entries: start address 0x FileSiz MemSiz Flags Align possible : arm[_interwork], i386, mcore[-elf]{-le|-be}, ppc, thumb %s -M [ Don't export --export-all-symbols Export all symbols to .def --identify-strict Causes --identify to report error when multiple DLLs. --no-default-excludes Clear default exclude symbols --no-export-all-symbols Only export listed symbols --plugin NAME Load the specified plugin --use-nul-prefixed-import-tables Use zero prefixed idata$4 and idata$5. --yydebug Turn on parser debugging %-18s %s Offset Info Type Symbol's Value Symbol's Name Offset Info Type Symbol's Value Symbol's Name + Addend Offset Begin End Offset Begin End Expression %d %ld %s [%s] --add-indirect Add dll indirects to export file. --add-stdcall-alias Add aliases without @ --as Use for assembler --base-file Read linker generated base file --def Name input .def file --dllname Name of input dll to put into output lib. --dlltool-name Defaults to "dlltool" --driver-flags Override default ld flags --driver-name Defaults to "gcc" --dry-run Show what needs to be run --entry Specify alternate DLL entry point --exclude-symbols Exclude from .def --export-all-symbols Export all symbols to .def --image-base Specify image base address --implib Synonym for --output-lib --machine --mno-cygwin Create Mingw DLL --no-default-excludes Zap default exclude symbols --no-export-all-symbols Only export .drectve symbols --no-idata4 Don't generate idata$4 section --no-idata5 Don't generate idata$5 section --nodelete Keep temp files. --output-def Name output .def file --output-exp Generate export file. --output-lib Generate input library. --quiet, -q Work quietly --target i386-cygwin32 or i386-mingw32 --verbose, -v Verbose --version Print dllwrap version -A --add-stdcall-alias Add aliases without @. -C --compat-implib Create backward compatible import library. -D --dllname Name of input dll to put into interface lib. -F --linker-flags Pass to the linker. -I --identify Report the name of the DLL associated with . -L --linker Use as the linker. -M --mcore-elf Process mcore-elf object files into . -S --as Use for assembler. -U Add underscores to .lib -U --add-underscore Add underscores to all symbols in interface library. -V --version Display the program version. -a --add-indirect Add dll indirects to export file. -b --base-file Read linker generated base file. -c --no-idata5 Don't generate idata$5 section. -d --input-def Name of .def file to be read in. -e --output-exp Generate an export file. -f --as-flags Pass to the assembler. -h --help Display this information. -k Kill @ from exported names -k --kill-at Kill @ from exported names. -l --output-lib Generate an interface library. -m --machine Create as DLL for . [default: %s] -n --no-delete Keep temp files (repeat for extra preservation). -p --ext-prefix-alias Add aliases with . -t --temp-prefix Use to construct temp file names. -v --verbose Be verbose. -x --no-idata4 Don't generate idata$4 section. -y --output-delaylib Create a delay-import library. -z --output-def Name of .def file to be created. 0 (*local*) 1 (*global*) @ Read options from . @ Read options from Abbrev Offset: %ld Length: 0x%lx (%s) Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name Pointer Size: %d Version: %d [Index] Name %#06x: Name index: %lx %#06x: Name: %s %#06x: Parent %d, name index: %ld %#06x: Parent %d: %s %#06x: Rev: %d Flags: %s %#06x: Version: %d %*s %*s %*s %-7s %3s %s %*s %*s Purpose %*s %10s %*s %*s %10s %*s %*s %-7s %3s %s %*s %10s %*s Purpose %d %s (Starting at file offset: 0x%lx) (Unknown inline attribute value: %lx) --plugin Load the specified plugin --plugin

- load the specified plugin -H --help Print this help message -v --verbose Verbose - tells you what it's doing -V --version Print version information -I --histogram Display histogram of bucket list lengths -W --wide Allow output width to exceed 80 characters @ Read options from -H --help Display this information -v --version Display the version number of readelf -I --input-target Assume input file is in format -O --output-target Create an output file in format -B --binary-architecture Set arch of output file, when input is binary -F --target Set both input and output format to --debugging Convert debugging information, if possible -p --preserve-dates Copy modified/access timestamps to the output -j --only-section Only copy section into the output --add-gnu-debuglink= Add section .gnu_debuglink linking to -R --remove-section Remove section from the output -S --strip-all Remove all symbol and relocation information -g --strip-debug Remove all debugging symbols & sections --strip-unneeded Remove all symbols not needed by relocations -N --strip-symbol Do not copy symbol --strip-unneeded-symbol Do not copy symbol unless needed by relocations --only-keep-debug Strip everything but the debug information --extract-symbol Remove section contents but keep symbols -K --keep-symbol Do not strip symbol --keep-file-symbols Do not strip file symbol(s) --localize-hidden Turn all ELF hidden symbols into locals -L --localize-symbol Force symbol to be marked as a local --globalize-symbol Force symbol to be marked as a global -G --keep-global-symbol Localize all symbols except -W --weaken-symbol Force symbol to be marked as a weak --weaken Force all global symbols to be marked as weak -w --wildcard Permit wildcard in symbol comparison -x --discard-all Remove all non-global symbols -X --discard-locals Remove any compiler-generated symbols -i --interleave Only copy one out of every bytes -b --byte Select byte in every interleaved block --gap-fill Fill gaps between sections with --pad-to Pad the last section up to address --set-start Set the start address to {--change-start|--adjust-start} Add to the start address {--change-addresses|--adjust-vma} Add to LMA, VMA and start addresses {--change-section-address|--adjust-section-vma} {=|+|-} Change LMA and VMA of section by --change-section-lma {=|+|-} Change the LMA of section by --change-section-vma {=|+|-} Change the VMA of section by {--[no-]change-warnings|--[no-]adjust-warnings} Warn if a named section does not exist --set-section-flags = Set section 's properties to --add-section = Add section found in to output --rename-section =[,] Rename section to --long-section-names {enable|disable|keep} Handle long section names in Coff objects. --change-leading-char Force output format's leading character style --remove-leading-char Remove leading character from global symbols --reverse-bytes= Reverse bytes at a time, in output sections with content --redefine-sym = Redefine symbol name to --redefine-syms --redefine-sym for all symbol pairs listed in --srec-len Restrict the length of generated Srecords --srec-forceS3 Restrict the type of generated Srecords to S3 --strip-symbols -N for all symbols listed in --strip-unneeded-symbols --strip-unneeded-symbol for all symbols listed in --keep-symbols -K for all symbols listed in --localize-symbols -L for all symbols listed in --globalize-symbols --globalize-symbol for all in --keep-global-symbols -G for all symbols listed in --weaken-symbols -W for all symbols listed in --alt-machine-code Use the target's 'th alternative machine --writable-text Mark the output text as writable --readonly-text Make the output text write protected --pure Mark the output file as demand paged --impure Mark the output file as impure --prefix-symbols Add to start of every symbol name --prefix-sections Add to start of every section name --prefix-alloc-sections Add to start of every allocatable section name --file-alignment Set PE file alignment to --heap [,] Set PE reserve/commit heap to / --image-base

Set PE image base to
--section-alignment Set PE section alignment to --stack [,] Set PE reserve/commit stack to / --subsystem [:] Set PE subsystem to [& ] ] -v --verbose List all object files modified @ Read options from -V --version Display this program's version number -h --help Display this output --info List object formats & architectures supported -I --input-target= Assume input file is in format -O --output-target= Create an output file in format -F --target= Set both input and output format to -p --preserve-dates Copy modified/access timestamps to the output -R --remove-section= Remove section from the output -s --strip-all Remove all symbol and relocation information -g -S -d --strip-debug Remove all debugging symbols & sections --strip-unneeded Remove all symbols not needed by relocations --only-keep-debug Strip everything but the debug information -N --strip-symbol= Do not copy symbol -K --keep-symbol= Do not strip symbol --keep-file-symbols Do not strip file symbol(s) -w --wildcard Permit wildcard in symbol comparison -x --discard-all Remove all non-global symbols -X --discard-locals Remove any compiler-generated symbols -v --verbose List all object files modified -V --version Display this program's version number -h --help Display this output --info List object formats & architectures supported -o Place stripped output into -S, --print-size Print size of defined symbols -s, --print-armap Include index for symbols from archive members --size-sort Sort symbols by size --special-syms Include special symbols in the output --synthetic Display synthetic symbols as well -t, --radix=RADIX Use RADIX for printing symbol values --target=BFDNAME Specify the target object format as BFDNAME -u, --undefined-only Display only undefined symbols -X 32_64 (ignored) @FILE Read options from FILE -h, --help Display this information -V, --version Display this program's version number -a, --archive-headers Display archive header information -f, --file-headers Display the contents of the overall file header -p, --private-headers Display object format specific file header contents -h, --[section-]headers Display the contents of the section headers -x, --all-headers Display the contents of all headers -d, --disassemble Display assembler contents of executable sections -D, --disassemble-all Display assembler contents of all sections -S, --source Intermix source code with disassembly -s, --full-contents Display the full contents of all sections requested -g, --debugging Display debug information in object file -e, --debugging-tags Display debug information using ctags style -G, --stabs Display (in raw form) any STABS info in the file -W[lLiaprmfFsoR] or --dwarf[=rawline,=decodedline,=info,=abbrev,=pubnames,=aranges,=macro,=frames,=str,=loc,=Ranges] Display DWARF info in the file -t, --syms Display the contents of the symbol table(s) -T, --dynamic-syms Display the contents of the dynamic symbol table -r, --reloc Display the relocation entries in the file -R, --dynamic-reloc Display the dynamic relocation entries in the file @ Read options from -v, --version Display this program's version number -i, --info List object formats and architectures supported -H, --help Display this information -b, --target=BFDNAME Specify the target object format as BFDNAME -m, --architecture=MACHINE Specify the target architecture as MACHINE -j, --section=NAME Only display information for section NAME -M, --disassembler-options=OPT Pass text OPT on to the disassembler -EB --endian=big Assume big endian format when disassembling -EL --endian=little Assume little endian format when disassembling --file-start-context Include context from start of file (with -S) -I, --include=DIR Add DIR to search list for source files -l, --line-numbers Include line numbers and filenames in output -F, --file-offsets Include file offsets when displaying information -C, --demangle[=STYLE] Decode mangled/processed symbol names The STYLE, if specified, can be `auto', `gnu', `lucid', `arm', `hp', `edg', `gnu-v3', `java' or `gnat' -w, --wide Format output for more than 80 columns -z, --disassemble-zeroes Do not skip blocks of zeroes when disassembling --start-address=ADDR Only process data whose address is >= ADDR --stop-address=ADDR Only process data whose address is <= ADDR --prefix-addresses Print complete address alongside disassembly --[no-]show-raw-insn Display hex alongside symbolic disassembly --insn-width=WIDTH Display WIDTH bytes on a single line for -d --adjust-vma=OFFSET Add OFFSET to all displayed section addresses --special-syms Include special symbols in symbol dumps --prefix=PREFIX Add PREFIX to absolute paths for -S --prefix-strip=LEVEL Strip initial directory names for -S -i --instruction-dump= Disassemble the contents of section -r Ignored for compatibility with rc @ Read options from -h --help Print this help message -V --version Print version information -t Update the archive's symbol map timestamp -h --help Print this help message -v --version Print version information @ - read options from ABI Version: %d Addr: 0x Advance Line by %d to %d Advance PC by %lu to 0x%lx Advance PC by constant %lu to 0x%lx Advance PC by fixed size amount %lu to 0x%lx Class: %s Cnt: %d Compilation Unit @ offset 0x%lx: Copy DWARF Version: %d DW_CFA_??? (User defined call frame op: %#x) Data: %s Entry Dir Time Size Name Entry point address: Extended opcode %d: File: %lx File: %s Flags Flags: 0x%lx%s Flags: %s Version: %d Generic options: Index: %d Cnt: %d Initial value of 'is_stmt': %d Length: %ld Length: %ld Length: %ld Line Base: %d Line Range: %d Machine: %s Magic: Minimum Instruction Length: %d No emulation specific options No strings found in this section. Note: This section has relocations against it, but these have NOT been applied to this dump. Num Buc: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name Num Buc: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name Num: Index Value Name Number TAG Number of program headers: %ld Number of section headers: %ld OS/ABI: %s Offset Info Type Sym. Value Sym. Name Offset Info Type Sym. Value Sym. Name + Addend Offset into .debug_info section: 0x%lx Offset into .debug_info: 0x%lx Offset: 0x%lx Offset: %#08lx Link: %u (%s) Opcode %d has %d args Opcode Base: %d Options for %s: Options passed to DLLTOOL: Owner Data size Description Pg Pointer Size: %d Prologue Length: %d Rest are passed unmodified to the language driver Section header string table index: %ld Segment Sections... Segment Size: %d Set File Name to entry %d in the File Name Table Set ISA to %lu Set basic block Set column to %lu Set epilogue_begin to true Set is_stmt to %d Set prologue_end to true Size of area in .debug_info section: %ld Size of program headers: %ld (bytes) Size of section headers: %ld (bytes) Size of this header: %ld (bytes) Special opcode %d: advance Address by %lu to 0x%lx Tag Type Name/Value Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align Type: %s Unknown opcode %d with operands: Version def aux past end of section Version definition past end of section Version need aux past end of section Version need past end of section Version: %d Version: %d %s Version: 0x%lx Version: %d [-X32] - ignores 64 bit objects [-X32_64] - accepts 32 and 64 bit objects [-X64] - ignores 32 bit objects [-g] - 32 bit small archive [D] - use zero for timestamps and uids/gids [N] - use instance [count] of name [Nr] Name [Nr] Name Type Address Offset [Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al [Nr] Name Type Address Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al [P] - use full path names when matching [S] - do not build a symbol table [T] - make a thin archive [V] - display the version number [a] - put file(s) after [member-name] [b] - put file(s) before [member-name] (same as [i]) [c] - do not warn if the library had to be created [f] - truncate inserted file names [o] - preserve original dates [s] - create an archive index (cf. ranlib) [u] - only replace files that are newer than current archive contents [v] - be verbose d - delete file(s) from the archive define new File Table entry m[ab] - move file(s) in the archive p - print file(s) found in the archive q[f] - quick append file(s) to the archive r[ab][f][u] - replace existing or insert new file(s) into the archive t - display contents of archive x[o] - extract file(s) from the archive %lu byte block: (%s) (File Offset: 0x%lx) (bytes into file) (bytes into file) Start of section headers: (indirect string, offset: 0x%lx): %s (start == end) (start > end) <%d><%lx>: Abbrev Number: %lu Addr: Addr: 0x Argument %s ignored At least one of the following switches must be given: Canonical gp value: Convert addresses into line number/file name pairs. Convert an object file into a NetWare Loadable Module Copies a binary file, possibly transforming it in the process DW_MACINFO_define - lineno : %d macro : %s DW_MACINFO_end_file DW_MACINFO_start_file - lineno: %d filenum: %d DW_MACINFO_undef - lineno : %d macro : %s DW_MACINFO_vendor_ext - constant : %d string : %s Display information about the contents of ELF format files Display information from object . Display printable strings in [file(s)] (stdin by default) Displays the sizes of sections inside binary files Entries: Generate an index to speed access to archives Global entries: If no addresses are specified on the command line, they will be read from stdin If no input file(s) are specified, a.out is assumed Length Number %% of total Coverage List symbols in [file(s)] (a.out by default). Local entries: NOTE: This section has relocations against it, but these have NOT been applied to this dump. None Num: Name BoundTo Flags Offset Info Type Sym. Value Symbol's Name Offset Info Type Sym. Value Symbol's Name + Addend Offset Info Type Sym.Value Sym. Name Offset Info Type Sym.Value Sym. Name + Addend Options are: -a --all Equivalent to: -h -l -S -s -r -d -V -A -I -h --file-header Display the ELF file header -l --program-headers Display the program headers --segments An alias for --program-headers -S --section-headers Display the sections' header --sections An alias for --section-headers -g --section-groups Display the section groups -t --section-details Display the section details -e --headers Equivalent to: -h -l -S -s --syms Display the symbol table --symbols An alias for --syms -n --notes Display the core notes (if present) -r --relocs Display the relocations (if present) -u --unwind Display the unwind info (if present) -d --dynamic Display the dynamic section (if present) -V --version-info Display the version sections (if present) -A --arch-specific Display architecture specific information (if any). -c --archive-index Display the symbol/file index in an archive -D --use-dynamic Use the dynamic section info when displaying symbols -x --hex-dump= Dump the contents of section as bytes -p --string-dump= Dump the contents of section as strings -R --relocated-dump= Dump the contents of section as relocated bytes -w[lLiaprmfFsoR] or --debug-dump[=rawline,=decodedline,=info,=abbrev,=pubnames,=aranges,=macro,=frames,=str,=loc,=Ranges] Display the contents of DWARF2 debug sections Print a human readable interpretation of a SYSROFF object file Removes symbols and sections from files Reserved entries: The options are: The options are: -A|-B --format={sysv|berkeley} Select output style (default is %s) -o|-d|-x --radix={8|10|16} Display numbers in octal, decimal or hex -t --totals Display the total sizes (Berkeley only) --common Display total size for *COM* syms --target= Set the binary file format @ Read options from -h --help Display this information -v --version Display the program's version The options are: -I --input-target= Set the input binary file format -O --output-target= Set the output binary file format -T --header-file= Read for NLM header information -l --linker= Use for any linking -d --debug Display on stderr the linker command line @ Read options from . -h --help Display this information -v --version Display the program's version The options are: -a - --all Scan the entire file, not just the data section -f --print-file-name Print the name of the file before each string -n --bytes=[number] Locate & print any NUL-terminated sequence of at - least [number] characters (default 4). -t --radix={o,d,x} Print the location of the string in base 8, 10 or 16 -o An alias for --radix=o -T --target= Specify the binary file format -e --encoding={s,S,b,l,B,L} Select character size and endianness: s = 7-bit, S = 8-bit, {b,l} = 16-bit, {B,L} = 32-bit @ Read options from -h --help Display this information -v -V --version Print the program's version number The options are: -a --ascii_in Read input file as ASCII file -A --ascii_out Write binary messages as ASCII -b --binprefix .bin filename is prefixed by .mc filename_ for uniqueness. -c --customflag Set custom flags for messages -C --codepage_in= Set codepage when reading mc text file -d --decimal_values Print values to text files decimal -e --extension= Set header extension used on export header file -F --target Specify output target for endianess. -h --headerdir= Set the export directory for headers -u --unicode_in Read input file as UTF16 file -U --unicode_out Write binary messages as UFT16 -m --maxlength= Set the maximal allowed message length -n --nullterminate Automatic add a zero termination to strings -o --hresult_use Use HRESULT definition instead of status code definition -O --codepage_out= Set codepage used for writing text file -r --rcdir= Set the export directory for rc files -x --xdbg= Where to create the .dbg C include file that maps message ID's to their symbolic name. The options are: -a, --debug-syms Display debugger-only symbols -A, --print-file-name Print name of the input file before every symbol -B Same as --format=bsd -C, --demangle[=STYLE] Decode low-level symbol names into user-level names The STYLE, if specified, can be `auto' (the default), `gnu', `lucid', `arm', `hp', `edg', `gnu-v3', `java' or `gnat' --no-demangle Do not demangle low-level symbol names -D, --dynamic Display dynamic symbols instead of normal symbols --defined-only Display only defined symbols -e (ignored) -f, --format=FORMAT Use the output format FORMAT. FORMAT can be `bsd', `sysv' or `posix'. The default is `bsd' -g, --extern-only Display only external symbols -l, --line-numbers Use debugging information to find a filename and line number for each symbol -n, --numeric-sort Sort symbols numerically by address -o Same as -A -p, --no-sort Do not sort the symbols -P, --portability Same as --format=posix -r, --reverse-sort Reverse the sense of the sort The options are: -h --help Display this information -v --version Print the program's version number The options are: -i --input= Name input file -o --output= Name output file -J --input-format= Specify input format -O --output-format= Specify output format -F --target= Specify COFF target --preprocessor= Program to use to preprocess rc file -I --include-dir= Include directory when preprocessing rc file -D --define [=] Define SYM when preprocessing rc file -U --undefine Undefine SYM when preprocessing rc file -v --verbose Verbose - tells you what it's doing -c --codepage= Specify default codepage -l --language= Set language when reading rc file --use-temp-file Use a temporary file instead of popen to read the preprocessor output --no-use-temp-file Use popen (default) The options are: -q --quick (Obsolete - ignored) -n --noprescan Do not perform a scan to convert commons into defs -d --debug Display information about what is being done @ Read options from -h --help Display this information -v --version Print the program's version number The options are: @ Read options from The options are: @ Read options from -b --target= Set the binary file format -e --exe= Set the input file name (default is a.out) -i --inlines Unwind inlined functions -j --section= Read section-relative offsets instead of addresses -s --basenames Strip directory names -f --functions Show function names -C --demangle[=style] Demangle function names -h --help Display this information -v --version Display the program's version The options are: @ Read options from -h --help Display this information -v --version Display the program's version [without DW_AT_frame_base] and Line by %d to %d at offset 0x%lx contains %lu entries: command specific modifiers: commands: emulation options: generic modifiers: optional: program interpreter type: %lx, namesize: %08lx, descsize: %08lx #lines %d %-35s %11d %#18lx %ld: .bf without preceding function%ld: unexpected .ef %lu %s %s %s %11d %#18lx %s %s%c0x%s never used%s %s: %s%s both copied and removed%s exited with status %d%s has no archive index %s is not a library%s is not a valid archive%s section data%s: %s: %s: address out of bounds%s: Can't open input archive %s %s: Can't open output archive %s %s: Error: %s: Failed to read file header %s: Failed to read file's magic number %s: Matching formats:%s: Multiple redefinition of symbol "%s"%s: Path components stripped from image name, '%s'.%s: Symbol "%s" is target of more than one redefinition%s: Warning: %s: bad archive file name %s: bad number: %s%s: bad version in PE subsystem%s: can't find module file %s %s: can't open file %s %s: cannot find section %s%s: cannot get addresses from archive%s: cannot set time: %s%s: did not find a valid archive header %s: end of the symbol table reached before the end of the index %s: execution of %s failed: %s: failed to read archive header %s: failed to read archive header following archive index %s: failed to read archive index %s: failed to read archive index symbol table %s: failed to read long symbol name string table %s: failed to seek back to start of object files in the archive %s: failed to seek to archive member. %s: failed to seek to first archive header %s: failed to seek to next archive header %s: failed to seek to next file name %s: failed to skip archive symbol table %s: file %s is not an archive %s: fread failed%s: fseek to %lu failed: %s%s: invalid commit value for --heap%s: invalid commit value for --stack%s: invalid output format%s: invalid radix%s: invalid reserve value for --heap%s: invalid reserve value for --stack%s: no archive map to update%s: no open archive %s: no open output archive %s: no output archive specified yet %s: no recognized debugging information%s: no resource section%s: no symbols%s: not a dynamic object%s: not enough binary data%s: printing debugging information failed%s: read of %lu returned %lu%s: read: %s%s: supported architectures:%s: supported formats:%s: supported targets:%s: symbols remain in the index symbol table, but without corresponding entries in the index table %s: the archive has an index but no symbols %s: the archive index is empty %s: the archive index is supposed to have %ld entries, but the size in the header is too small %s: unable to dump the index as none was found %s: unexpected EOF%s: warning: %s: warning: shared libraries can not have uninitialized data%s: warning: unknown size for field `%s' in struct%s:%d: %s %s:%d: Ignoring rubbish found on this line%s:%d: garbage found at end of line%s:%d: missing new symbol name%s:%d: premature end of file'%s''%s' is not an ordinary file '%s': No such file'%s': No such file (Unknown location op)(User defined location op)(base address) (declared as inline and inlined)(declared as inline but ignored)(inlined)(location list)(not inlined)(start == end)(start > end)*invalid*.debug_info offset of 0x%lx in %s section does not point to a CU header. 2's complement, big endian2's complement, little endian: duplicate value : expected to be a directory : expected to be a leaf : %d: %x: %d: %d: %lx: %x: 0x%xA codepage was specified switch ,%s' and UTF16. Added exports to output fileAdding exports to output fileAudit libraryAuxiliary libraryBCD float type not supportedBFD header file version %s Bad sh_info in group section `%s' Bad sh_link in group section `%s' Bad stab: %s Binary %s contains: Bogus end-of-siblings marker detected at offset %lx in .debug_info section C++ base class not definedC++ base class not found in containerC++ data member not found in containerC++ default values not in a functionC++ object has no fieldsC++ reference is not pointerC++ reference not foundC++ static virtual methodCORE (Core file)CU at offset %lx contains corrupt or unsupported version number: %d. CU: %s/%s: CU: %s: Can't disassemble for architecture %s Can't fill gap after sectionCan't have LIBRARY and NAMECan't open .lib file: %sCan't open def file: %sCan't open file %s Can't use supplied machine %sCannot interpret virtual addresses without program headers. Cannot produce mcore-elf dll from archive file: %sConfiguration fileContents of %s section: Contents of section %s:Contents of the %s section: Contents of the %s section: Convert a COFF object file into a SYSROFF object file Copyright 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Corrupt unit length (%lx) found in section %s Could not locate '%s'. System error message: %s Couldn't get demangled builtin type Created lib fileCreating library file: %sCreating stub file: %sCurrent open archive is %s DIE at offset %lx refers to abbreviation number %lu which does not exist DLLTOOL name : %s DLLTOOL options : %s DRIVER name : %s DRIVER options : %s DW_FORM_data8 is unsupported when sizeof (unsigned long) != 8 DW_FORM_strp offset too big: %lx DYN (Shared object file)Debug info is corrupted, abbrev offset (%lx) is larger than abbrev section size (%lx) Debug info is corrupted, length of CU at %lx extends beyond end of section (length = %lx) Decoded dump of debug contents of section %s: Deleting temporary base file %sDeleting temporary def file %sDeleting temporary exp file %sDemangled name is not a function Dependency audit libraryDisplaying the debug contents of section %s is not yet supported. Don't know about relocations on this machine architecture Done reading %sDuplicate symbol entered into keyword list.ELF Header: ERROR: Bad section length (%d > %d) ERROR: Bad subsection length (%d > %d) EXEC (Executable file)End of Sequence Entry point Error, duplicate EXPORT with ordinals: %sExcluding symbol: %sExecution of %s failedFORMAT is one of rc, res, or coff, and is deduced from the file name extension if not specified. A single file name is an input file. No input-file is stdin, default rc. No output-file is stdout, default rc. Failed to determine last chain length Failed to print demangled template Failed to read in number of buckets Failed to read in number of chains File %s is not an archive so its index cannot be displayed. File contains multiple dynamic string tables File contains multiple dynamic symbol tables File contains multiple symtab shndx tables File name Line number Starting address Filter libraryFlags:Further warnings about bogus end-of-sibling markers suppressed GOTGenerated exports fileGenerating export file: %sID directory entryID resourceID subdirectoryIEEE numeric overflow: 0xIEEE string length overflow: %u IEEE unsupported complex type size %u IEEE unsupported float type size %u IEEE unsupported integer type size %u Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off AlgnIdx Name Size VMA LMA File off AlgnImport library `%s' specifies two or more dllsIn archive %s: Index of archive %s: (%ld entries, 0x%lx bytes in the symbol table) Input file '%s' is not readable. Internal error: DWARF version is not 2 or 3. Internal error: Unknown machine type: %dInternal error: failed to create format string to display program interpreter Invalid option '-%c' Invalid radix: %s Keeping temporary base file %sKeeping temporary def file %sKeeping temporary exp file %sKey to Flags: W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings) I (info), L (link order), G (group), x (unknown) O (extra OS processing required) o (OS specific), p (processor specific) LIBRARY: %s base: %xLast stabs entries before error: Library rpath: [%s]Library runpath: [%s]Library soname: [%s]Location list starting at offset 0x%lx is not terminated. Location lists in %s section start at 0x%lx Location lists in .debug_info section aren't in ascending order! Machine '%s' not supportedMissing knowledge of 32-bit reloc types used in DWARF sections of machine number %d Multiple renames of section %sMust provide at least one of -o or --dllname optionsNAME: %s base: %xNONE (None)NT_ARCH (architecture)NT_AUXV (auxiliary vector)NT_FPREGS (floating point registers)NT_FPREGSET (floating point registers)NT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)NT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)NT_GNU_GOLD_VERSION (gold version)NT_GNU_HWCAP (DSO-supplied software HWCAP info)NT_LWPSINFO (lwpsinfo_t structure)NT_LWPSTATUS (lwpstatus_t structure)NT_PPC_VMX (ppc Altivec registers)NT_PPC_VSX (ppc VSX registers)NT_PRPSINFO (prpsinfo structure)NT_PRSTATUS (prstatus structure)NT_PRXFPREG (user_xfpregs structure)NT_PSINFO (psinfo structure)NT_PSTATUS (pstatus structure)NT_TASKSTRUCT (task structure)NT_VERSION (version)NT_WIN32PSTATUS (win32_pstatus structure)N_LBRAC not within function Name Value Class Type Size Line Section Name Value Class Type Size Line Section Name index: %ld Name: %s NetBSD procinfo structureNo %s section present No comp units in %s section ?No entry %s in archive. No filename following the -fo option. No location lists in .debug_info section! No mangling for "%s" No member named `%s' No note segments present in the core file. No range lists in .debug_info section! NoneNot an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start Not enough memory for a debug info array of %u entriesNot needed object: [%s] Nothing to do. OS Specific: (%x)Offset %lx used as value for DW_AT_import attribute of DIE at offset %lx is too big. Offset 0x%lx is bigger than .debug_loc section size. Only -X 32_64 is supportedOnly DWARF 2 and 3 aranges are currently supported. Only DWARF 2 and 3 pubnames are currently supported Only DWARF version 2 and 3 line info is currently supported. Opened temporary file: %sOperating System specific: %lxOption -I is deprecated for setting the input format, please use -J instead. Out of memory Out of memory allocating 0x%lx bytes for %s Out of memory allocating dump request table. Out of memory reading long symbol names in archive Out of memory whilst trying to convert the archive symbol index Out of memory whilst trying to read archive index symbol table Out of memory whilst trying to read archive symbol index PLT GOTPT_FIRSTMACH+%dPT_GETFPREGS (fpreg structure)PT_GETREGS (reg structure)Pascal file name not supportedPath components stripped from dllname, '%s'.Pointer size + Segment size is not a power of two. Print a human readable interpretation of a SYSROFF object file Print width has not been initialized (%d)Prints bytes from stdin in hex format. Processed def fileProcessed definitionsProcessing def file: %sProcessing definitionsProcessor Specific: %lxProcessor Specific: (%x)REL (Relocatable file)Range lists in %s section start at 0x%lx Raw dump of debug contents of section %s: Reading %s section of %s failed: %sReport bugs to %s Report bugs to %s. Reserved length value (%lx) found in section %s Scanning object file %sSection %d has invalid sh_entsize %lx (expected %lx) Section %d was not dumped because it does not exist! Section '%s' was not dumped because it does not exist! Section headers are not available! Sections: Shared library: [%s]Skipping unexpected relocation type %s Standalone AppSucking in info from %s section in %sSupported architectures:Supported targets:Syntax error in def file %s:%dThe information in section %s appears to be corrupt - the section is too small The line info appears to be corrupt - the section is too small There are %d section headers, starting at offset 0x%lx: There are %ld unused bytes at the end of section %s There is a hole [0x%lx - 0x%lx] in %s section. There is a hole [0x%lx - 0x%lx] in .debug_loc section. There is an overlap [0x%lx - 0x%lx] in %s section. There is an overlap [0x%lx - 0x%lx] in .debug_loc section. This instance of readelf has been built without support for a 64 bit data type and so it cannot read 64 bit ELF files. This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version. This program has absolutely no warranty. Too many N_RBRACs Tried `%s' Tried file: %sType file number %d out of range Type index number %d out of range UNKNOWN: length %d Unable to change endianness of input file(s)Unable to determine dll name for `%s' (not an import library?)Unable to determine the length of the dynamic string table Unable to determine the number of symbols to load Unable to find program interpreter name Unable to load/parse the .debug_info section, so cannot interpret the %s section. Unable to locate %s section! Unable to open base-file: %sUnable to open object file: %sUnable to open temporary assembler file: %sUnable to read in 0x%lx bytes of %s Unable to read in dynamic data Unable to read program interpreter name Unable to recognise the format of fileUnable to recognise the format of the input file `%s'Unable to seek to 0x%lx for %s Unable to seek to end of file Unable to seek to end of file! Unable to seek to start of dynamic information Undefined N_EXCLUnexpected demangled varargs Unexpected type in v3 arglist demangling Unhandled MN10300 reloc type found after SYM_DIFF relocUnhandled data length: %d Unknown AT value: %lxUnknown FORM value: %lxUnknown TAG value: %lxUnknown format '%c' Unknown note type: (0x%08x)Unrecognized XCOFF type %d Unrecognized debug option '%s' Unrecognized debug section: %s Unrecognized demangle component %d Unrecognized demangled builtin type Unrecognized form: %lu Usage %s Usage: %s < input_file > output_file Usage: %s Usage: %s in-file(s) Usage: %s [emulation options] [--plugin ] [-]{dmpqrstx}[abcfilNoPsSuvV] [member-name] [count] archive-file file... Usage: %s [emulation options] [-]{dmpqrstx}[abcfilNoPsSuvV] [member-name] [count] archive-file file... Usage: %s [option(s)] [addr(s)] Usage: %s [option(s)] [file(s)] Usage: %s [option(s)] [in-file [out-file]] Usage: %s [option(s)] [input-file] Usage: %s [option(s)] [input-file] [output-file] Usage: %s [option(s)] in-file Usage: %s [option(s)] in-file [out-file] Usage: %s [options] archive Usage: readelf elf-file(s) Using `%s' Using file: %sUsing popen to read preprocessor output Using temporary file `%s' to read preprocessor output Using the --size-sort and --undefined-only options togetherValue for `N' must be positive.Virtual address 0x%lx not located in any PT_LOAD segment. Warning, ignoring duplicate EXPORT %s %d,%dWarning, machine type (%d) not supported for delayimport.Warning: %s: %s Warning: '%s' is not an ordinary fileWarning: Output file cannot represent architecture `%s'Warning: changing type size from %d to %d Warning: could not locate '%s'. reason: %sWarning: ignoring previous --reverse-bytes value of %dWarning: input target 'binary' required for binary architecture parameter.Warning: truncating gap-fill from 0x%s to 0x%x[: 0x%x]`N' is only meaningful with the `x' and `d' options.`u' is not meaningful with the `D' option.`u' is only meaningful with the `r' option.`x' cannot be used on thin archives.acceleratorarchitecture %s unknownarchitecture: %s, attributesbad ATN65 recordbad C++ field bit pos or sizebad dynamic symbol bad format for %sbad mangled name `%s' bad misc recordbad register: bad type for C++ method functionbadly formed extended line op encountered! bfd_coff_get_auxent failed: %sbfd_coff_get_syment failed: %sbfd_open failed open stub file: %sblocks left on stack at endbyte number must be less than interleavebyte number must be non-negativecan not determine type of file `%s'; use the -J optioncan't add paddingcan't add section '%s'can't create %s file ,%s' for output. can't create debugging sectioncan't create section `%s'can't execute `%s': %scan't get BFD_RELOC_RVA relocation typecan't open %s `%s': %scan't open `%s' for output: %scan't open temporary file `%s': %scan't popen `%s': %scan't redirect stdout: `%s': %scan't set BFD default target to `%s': %scan't set debugging section contentscannot create debug link section `%s'cannot create tempdir for archive copying (error: %s)cannot delete %s: %scannot fill debug link section `%s'cannot open '%s': %scannot open input file %scannot open: %s: %scannot reverse bytes: length of section %s must be evenly divisible by %dconflictconflict list found without a dynamic symbol table const/volatile indicator missingcontrol data requires DIALOGEXcopy from `%s' [%s] to `%s' [%s] copy from `%s' [unknown] to `%s' [unknown] corrupt note found at offset %lx into core notes could not create temporary file to hold stripped copycould not determine the type of symbol number %ld couldn't open symbol redefinition file %s (error: %s)creating %scursorcursor file `%s' does not contain cursor datacustom sectiondata entrydata size %lddebug_add_to_current_namespace: no current filedebug_end_block: attempt to close top level blockdebug_end_block: no current blockdebug_end_common_block: not implementeddebug_end_function: no current functiondebug_end_function: some blocks were not closeddebug_find_named_type: no current compilation unitdebug_get_real_type: circular debug information for %s debug_make_undefined_type: unsupported kinddebug_name_type: no current filedebug_record_function: no debug_set_filename calldebug_record_label: not implementeddebug_record_line: no current unitdebug_record_parameter: no current functiondebug_record_variable: no current filedebug_start_block: no current blockdebug_start_common_block: not implementeddebug_start_source: no debug_set_filename calldebug_tag_type: extra tag attempteddebug_tag_type: no current filedebug_write_type: illegal type encountereddialog controldialog control datadialog control enddialog font point sizedialog headerdialogex controldialogex font informationdirectorydirectory entry namedon't know how to write debugging information for %sdynamic sectiondynamic string tabledynamic stringserror copying private BFD dataerror in private header dataerror: instruction width must be positiveerror: prefix strip must be non-negativeerror: the input file '%s' is emptyerror: the start address should be before the end addresserror: the stop address should be after the start addressexpression stack mismatchexpression stack overflowexpression stack underflowfailed to copy private datafailed to create output sectionfailed to open temporary head file: %sfailed to open temporary tail file: %sfailed to read the number of entries from base filefailed to set alignmentfailed to set sizefailed to set vmafilename required for COFF inputfilename required for COFF outputfixed version infoflags 0x%08x: fontdirfontdir device namefontdir face namefontdir headergroup cursorgroup cursor headergroup icongroup icon headerhas childrenhelp ID requires DIALOGEXhelp sectionicon file `%s' does not contain icon dataignoring the alternative valueillegal option -- %cillegal type indexillegal variable indexinput and output files must be differentinput file does not seems to be UFT16. input file named both on command line and with INPUTinterleave must be positiveinternal error -- this option not implementedinternal stat error on %sinvalid argument to --format: %sinvalid codepage specified. invalid integer argument %sinvalid minimum string length %dinvalid numberinvalid option -f invalid string lengthinvalid value specified for pragma code_page. liblistliblist string tablemake .bss sectionmake .nlmsections sectionmake sectionmenu headermenuex headermenuex offsetmenuitemmenuitem headermessage sectionmissing index typemissing required ASNmissing required ATN65module sectionmore than one dynamic segment named directory entrynamed resourcenamed subdirectoryno .dynamic section in the dynamic segment no argument types in mangled string no childrenno entry %s in archive no entry %s in archive %s!no export definition file provided. Creating one, but that may not be what you wantno information for symbol number %ld no input fileno input file specifiedno name for output fileno operation specifiedno resourcesno symbols no type information for C++ method functionnonenot stripping symbol `%s' because it is named in a relocationnotesnull terminated unicode stringnumber of bytes to reverse must be positive and evennumeric overflowoptionsout of memory parsing relocs overflow when adjusting relocation against %sparse_coff_type: Bad type code 0x%xpreprocessing failed.program headersreference parameter is not a pointerrelocation count is negativerelocsresource IDresource dataresource data sizeresource type unknownrpc sectionsection '%s' has the NOBITS type - its contents are unreliable. section 0 in group section [%5u] section [%5u] in group section [%5u] > maximum section [%5u] section [%5u] in group section [%5u] already in group section [%5u] section contentssection datasection headersset .bss vmaset .data sizeset .nlmsection contentsset .nlmsections sizeset Address to 0x%lx set Discriminator to %lu set section alignmentset section flagsset section sizeset start addressshared sectionskipping invalid relocation offset 0x%lx in section %s skipping unexpected symbol type %s in %ld'th relocation in section %s sorry - this program has been built without plugin support stab_int_type: bad size %ustack overflowstack underflowstat failed on bitmap file `%s': %sstat failed on file `%s': %sstat failed on font file `%s': %sstat returns negative size for `%s'string tablestring_hash_lookup failed: %sstringtable stringstringtable string lengthstub section sizessubprocess got fatal signal %dsupport not compiled in for %ssupported flags: %ssymbol informationsymbolssymtab shndxthe .dynamic section is not contained within the dynamic segment the .dynamic section is not the first section in the dynamic segment. this target does not support %lu alternative machine codestreating that number as an absolute e_machine value insteadtry to add a ill language.two different operation options specifiedunable to apply unsupported reloc type %d to section %s unable to copy file '%s'; reason: %sunable to open file ,%s' for input. unable to open output file %sunable to parse alternative machine codeunable to read contents of %sunable to rename '%s'; reason: %sundefined C++ objectundefined C++ vtableundefined variable in ATNundefined variable in TYunexpected DIALOGEX version %dunexpected end of debugging informationunexpected fixed version info version %luunexpected fixed version information length %ldunexpected fixed version signature %luunexpected group cursor type %dunexpected group icon type %dunexpected numberunexpected record typeunexpected string in C++ miscunexpected stringfileinfo value length %ldunexpected varfileinfo value length %ldunexpected version stringunexpected version string length %ld != %ld + %ldunexpected version string length %ld < %ldunexpected version stringtable value length %ldunexpected version type %dunexpected version value length %ldunknownunknown ATN typeunknown BB typeunknown C++ encoded nameunknown C++ visibilityunknown PE subsystem: %sunknown TY codeunknown builtin typeunknown demangling style `%s'unknown format type `%s'unknown input EFI target: %sunknown long section names option '%s'unknown macunknown output EFI target: %sunknown sectionunknown virtual character for baseclassunknown visibility character for baseclassunknown visibility character for fieldunnamed $vb typeunrecognized --endian type `%s'unrecognized -E optionunrecognized C++ abbreviationunrecognized C++ default typeunrecognized C++ misc recordunrecognized C++ object overhead specunrecognized C++ object specunrecognized C++ reference typeunrecognized cross reference typeunrecognized section flag `%s'unrecognized: %-7lxunresolved PC relative reloc against %sunsupported ATN11unsupported ATN12unsupported C++ object typeunsupported IEEE expression operatorunsupported menu version %dunsupported or unknown Dwarf Call Frame Instruction number: %#x unsupported qualifierunwind infounwind tableuser defined: length %d version dataversion defversion def auxversion definition sectionversion length %d does not match resource length %luversion needversion need aux (2)version need aux (3)version need sectionversion string tableversion symbol dataversion var infoversion varfileinfowait: %swarning: CHECK procedure %s not definedwarning: EXIT procedure %s not definedwarning: FULLMAP is not supported; try ld -Mwarning: No version number givenwarning: START procedure %s not definedwarning: could not create temporary file whilst copying '%s', (error: %s)warning: could not locate '%s'. System error message: %swarning: file alignment (0x%s) > section alignment (0x%s)warning: input and output formats are not compatiblewarning: symbol %s imported but not in import listwill produce no output, since undefined symbols have no size.writing stubProject-Id-Version: binutils 2.20 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2009-09-07 14:08+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-11 11:00+0700 Last-Translator: Arif E. Nugroho Language-Team: Indonesian MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit konfigurasi kode halaman diabaikan. Simbol dari %s: Simbol dari %s[%s]: Simbol tidak terdefinisi dari %s: Simbol tidak terdefinisi dari %s[%s]: [Meminta aplikasi interpretasi: %s] Alamat Panjang Alamat Panjang Ofset Nama Awal dari aplikasi headers: Pernyataan Nomor Baris: Opkode: Pemetaan daerah ke segmen: Tabel Direktori kosong. Tabel Direktori: Tabel Nama Berkas kosong. Tabel Nama Berkas: Switch berikut adalah opsional: %s/%s: %s: format berkas %s '%s' relokasi daerah di ofset 0x%lx berisi %ld bytes: ./%s:[++] <%s> Indeks archive: Daerah perakitan dump dari %s Tidak dapat memperoleh isi dari daerah '%s'. Tidak dapat mengekstrak daerah '%s'. Tidak dapat menemukan informasi unwind daerah untuk Pembongkaran dari daerah %s: Segmen info dinamis di ofset 0x%lx berisi %d masukan: Daerah dinamis di ofset 0x%lx berisi %u masukan: Informasi simbol dinamis tidak tersedia untuk menampilkan simbol. Tipe berkas ELF adalah %s Berkas: %s Hex dump dari daerah '%s': Histogram untuk `.gnu.hash' daftar panjang bucket (total dari %lu bucket): Histogram untuk daftar panjang bucket (total dari %lu buckets): Daftar perpustakaan daerah '%s' berisi %lu masukan: Tidak ada informasi versi ditemukan dalam berkas ini. Catatan di ofset 0x%08lx dengan panjang 0x%08lx: PLT GOT: GOT Utama: Aplikasi header: Daerah relokasi Daerah '%s' berisi %d masukan: Daerah '%s' tidak memiliki data untuk di dump. Daerah '%s' tidak memiliki data debugging. Daerah '.conflict' berisi %lu masukan: Header Daerah: Header Daerah: String dump dari daerah '%s': Tabel simbol '%s' berisi %lu masukan: Tabel simbol untuk gambar: Tabel simbol dari `.gnu.hash' untuk image: Daerah %s ini kosong. Tidak ada %d aplikasi header, dimulai di ofset Tidak ada relokasi dinamis dalam berkas ini. Tidak ada aplikasi header dalam berkas ini. Disana tidak ada relokasi dalam berkas ini. Tidak ada daerah grup dalam berkas ini. Tidak ada daerah dalam berkas ini. Disana tidak ada daerah unwind dalam berkas ini. Disana tidak ada daerah dinamis dalam berkas ini. Daerah unwind Definisi versi daerah '%s' berisi %u masukan: Versi membutuhkan daerah '%s' berisi %u masukan: Versi simbol daerah '%s' berisi %d masukan: awal alamat 0x UkuranBerkas UkuranMemori Tanda Align mungkin: arm[_interwork], i386, mcore[-elf]{-le|-be}, ppc, thumb %s -M [ Jangan ekspor --export-all-symbols Ekspor seluruh simbol ke .def --identify-strict Menyebabkan --identify untuk melaporkan kesalahan ketika ada DLL ganda. --no-default-excludes Hapus default exclude symbols --no-export-all-symbols Hanya ekspor simbol yang terdaftar --plugin NAMA Muat plugin yang dispesifikasikan --use-nul-prefixed-import-tables Gunakan awalan nol idata$4 dan idata$5. --yydebug Aktifkan parse debugging %-18s %s Ofset Info Tipe Nilai Simbol Nama Simbol Ofset Info Tipe Nilai Simbol Nama Simbol + Addend Ofset Awal Akhir Ofset Awal Akhir Pernyataan %d %ld %s [%s] --add-indirect Tambahkan dll tidak langsung ke berkas ekspor. --add-stdcall-alias Tambahkan alias tanpa @ --as Gunakan untuk perakit --base-file Baca linker yang dihasilkan berkas dasar --def Nama berkas masukan .def --dllname Nama dari masukan dll ke put dalam lib keluaran. --dlltool-name Baku ku "dlltool" --driver-flags Override baku Id flags --driver-name Baku ke "gcc" --dry-run Tampilkan apa yang dibutuhkan untuk berjalan --entry Spesifikasikan alternatif titik masukan DLL --exclude-symbols Exclude dari .def --export-all-symbols Ekspor seluruh simbol ke .def --image-base Spesifikasikan alamat dasar image --implib Sinonim untuk --output-lib --machine --mno-cygwin Buat Mingw DLL --no-default-excludes Zap default exclude simbol --no-export-all-symbols Hanya ekspor .drectve simbols --no-idata4 Jangan hasilkan daerah idata$4 --no-idata5 Jangan hasilkan daerah idata$4 --nodelete Simpan berkas sementara. --output-def Nama berkas keluaran .def --output-exp Hasilkan berkas ekspor. --output-lib Hasilkan perpustakaan masukan. --quiet, -q Kerja secara tenang --target i386-cygwin32 atau i386-mingw32 --verbose, -v Verbose --version Tampilkan versi dllwrap -A --add-stdcall-alias Tambahkan alias tanpa @. -C --compat-implib Buat kompabilitaas kebelakang impor perpustakaan. -D --dllname Nama dari masukan dll ke put dalam antar-muka lib. -F --linker-flags Lewatkan ke linker. -I --identify Laporakan nama dari DLL yang berasosiasi dengan . -L --linker Gunakan sebagai linker. -M --mcore-elf Proses mcore-elf berkas objek kedalam . -S --as Gunakan untuk perakit. -U Tambahkan garis-bawah ke .lib -U --add-underscore Tambahkan garis-bawah ke semua simbol dalam antar-muka perpustakaan. -V --version Tampilkan versi dari aplikasi. -a --add-indirect Tambahkan dll tidak langsung ke berkas ekspor. -b --base-file Baca berkas dasar yang dihasilkan linker. -c --no-idata5 Jangan hasilkan daerah idata$5. -d --input-def Nama dari berkas .def yang akan dibaca. -e --output-expt Hasilkan sebuah berkas ekspor. -f --as-flags Lewatkan ke perakit. -h --help Tampilkan informasi ini. -k Non-aktifkan @ dari nama terekspor -k --kill-at Matikan @ dari nama terekspor. -l --output-lib Hasilkan sebuah perpustakaan antar-muka. -m --machine Buat sebagai DLL untuk . [baku: %s] -n --no-delete Simpan berkas sementara (ulang untuk ekstra preservation). -p --ext-prefix-alias Tambahkan alias dengan . -t --temp-prefix Gunakan Buat perpustakaan impor-tertunda. -z --output-def Nama dari berkas .def yang akan dibuat. 0 (*local*) 1 (*global*) @ Baca pilihan dari . @ Baca pilihan dari Ofset Kependekan: %ld Panjang: 0x%lx (%s) Jumlah: Nilai Ukuran Tipe Bind Vis Ndx Nama Jumlah: Nilai Ukuran TIpe Bind Vis Ndx Nama Ukuran Pointer: %d Versi: %d [Indeks] Nama %#06x: Nama indeks: %lx %#06x: Nama: %s %#06x: Parent %d, nama indeks: %ld %#06x: Parent %d: %s %#06x: Rev: %d Tanda: %s %#06x: Versi: %d %*s %*s %*s %-7s %3s %s %*s %*s Tujuan %*s %10s %*s %*s %10s %*s %*s %-7s %3s %s %*s %10s %*s Tujuan %d %s (Awal dari berkas ofset: 0x%lx) (Nilai atribut inline tidak diketahui: %lx) --plugin Muat plugin yang dispesifikasikan --plugin

- muat plugin yang dispesifikasikan -H --help Tampilkan pesan bantuan ini -v --verbose Verbose - Beritahu anda apa yang sedang dikerjakan -V --version Tampilkan informasi versi -I --histogram Tampilkan histogram dari daftar panjang bucket -W --wide Ijinkan lebar keluaran untuk melebihi 80 karakter @ Baca pilihan dari -H --help Tampilkan informasi ini -v --version Tampilkan nomor versi dari readelf -I --input-target Asumsikan berkas masukan berada dalam format -O --output-target Buat sebuah berkas keluaran dalam format -B --binary-architecture Set arsitektur dari berkas keluaran, ketika masukan adalah binari -F --target Set kedua format masukan dan keluaran ke --debugging Ubah informasi debug, jika memungkinkan -p --preserve-dates Salin modifikasi/akses penanda-waktu ke keluaran -j --only-section Salin hanya bagian kedalam keluaran --add-gnu-debuglink= Tambahkan bagian .gnu_debuglink linking ke -R --remove-section Hapus bagian dari keluaran -S --strip-all Hapus seluruh informasi simbol dan relokasi -g --strip-debug Hapus seluruh debug simbol dan bagian --strip-unneeded Hapus seluruh simbol tidak dibutuhkan oleh relokasi -N --strip-simbol Jangan menyalin simbol --strip-unneeded-symbol Jangan menyalin simbol kecuali dibutuhkan oleh relokasi --only-keep-debug Strip seluruhnya kecuali informasi debug --extract-symbol Hapus isi bagian tetapi simpan simbol -K --keep-symbol Jangan strip simbol --keep-file-symbols Jangan strip file simbol --localize-hidden Ubah seluruh ELF simbol tersembunyi ke lokal -L --localize-symbol Paksa simbol untuk ditandai sebagai lokal --globalize-symbol Paksa simbol untuk ditandai sebagai global -G --keep-global-symbol Lokalisasi seluruh simbol kecuali -W --weaken-symbol Paksa simbol untuk ditandai sebagai lemah --weaken Paksa seluruh simbol global untuk ditandai sebagai lemah -w --wildcard Ijinkan wildcard dalam perbandingan simbol -x --discard-all Hapus seluruh simbol bukan-global -i --interleave Salin hanya satu dari setiap bytes -b --byte Pilih byte dalam setiap interleaved blok --gap-fill Isi gap diantara bagian dengan --pad-to Pad bagian terakhir sampai ke alamat --set-start Set awal dari alamat ke {--change-start|--adjust-start} Tambahkan ke awal dari alamat {--change-addresses|--adjust-vma} Tambahkan ke LMA, VMA, dan awal alamat {--change-section-address|--adjust-section-vma} {=|+|-} Ubah LMA dan VMA dari bagian dengan --change-section-lma {=|+|-} Ubah LMA bagian dengan --change-section-vma {=|+|-} Ubah VMA bagian dengan {--[no-]change-warnings|--[no-]adjust-warnings} Peringatkan jika sebuah bagian bernama tidak ada --set-section-flags = Set bagian properti ke --add-section = Tambahkan bagian ditemukan dalam ke keluaran --rename-section =[,] Ubah nama bagian ke --change-leading-char Paksa format keluaran gaya awal karakter --remove-leading-char Hapus awal karakter dari global simbol --reverse-bytes= Balik bytes dalam satu waktu, dalam bagian keluara dengan isi --redefine-sym = Redefinisikan nama simbol ke --redefine-syms --redefine-sym untuk seluruh pasangan simbol terdaftar dalam --srec-len Batasi panjang dari Srecords yang dihasilkan --srec-forceS3 Batasi tipe dari Srecord yang dihasilkan ke S3 --strip-symbols -N untuk seluruh simbol terdaftar dalam --strip-unneeded-symbols --strip-unneeded-symbol untuk seluruh simbol terdaftar dalam --keep-symbols -K untuk seluruh simbol terdaftar dalam --localize-symbols -L untuk seluruh simbol terdaftar dalam --globalize-symbols --globalize-symbol untuk seluruh dalam --keep-global-symbols -G untuk seluruh simbol terdaftar dalam --weaken-symbols -W untuk seluruh simbol terdaftar dalam --alt-machine-code Gunakan arsitektur target mesin --writeable-text Tandai teks keluaran sebagai dapat-ditulis --readonly-text Tandai teks keluaran sebagai tulis-terproteksi --pure Tandai berkas keluaran sebagai demand paged --impure Tandai berkas keluaran sebagai impure --prefix-symbols Tambahkan ke awal dari setiap simbol nama --prefix-sections Tambahkan ke awal dari setiap nama bagian --prefix-alloc-section Tambahkan ke awal dari setiap alokasi nama bagian --file-alignment Set PE berkas alignment ke --heap [,] Set PE reserve/commit heap ke / --image-base Set PE dasar image ke

--section-alignment Set PE daerah alignment ke --stack [,] Set PE reserve/commit stack ke / --subsystem [:] Set PE subsystem to [& ] -v --verbose Daftar seluruh berkas objek termodifikasi @ Baca pilihan dari -V --version Tampilkan nomor versi aplikasi ini -h --help Tampilkan keluaran ini --info Daftar objek format dan arsitektur yang didukung -I --input-target= Asumsikan berkas masukan adalah dalam format -O --output-target= Buah sebuah berkas keluaran dalam format -F --target= Set kedua format masukan dan keluaran ke -p --preserve-dates Salin penanda-waktu modifikasi/akses ke keluaran -R --remove-section= Hapus bagian dari keluaran -s --strip-all Hapus seluruh informasi simbol dan relokasi -g -S -d --strip-debug Hapus seluruh debug simbol dan section --strip-unneeded Hapus seluruh simbol tidak dibutuhkan oleh relokasi --only-keep-debug Strip seluruh tetapi simpan informasi debug -N --strip-symbol= Jangan salin simbol -K --keep-symbol= Jangan strip simbol --keep-file-symbols Jangan strip berkas simbol -w --wildcard Ijinkan wildcard dalam perbandingan simbol -x --discard-all Hapus seluruh simbol bukan-global -X --discard-locals Hapus simbol apapun yang dihasilkan kompiler -v --verbose Daftar seluruh berkas objek yang termodifikasi -V --version Tampilkan nomor versi aplikasi ini -h --help Tampilkan bantuan ini --info Daftar format dan arsitektur objek yang didukung -o Tempatkan keluaran ter-strip kedalam -S, --print-size Tampilkan ukuran dari simbol yang terdefinisi -s, --print-armap Masukan indeks untuk simbol dari anggota archive --size-sort Urutkan simbol berdasarkan ukuran --special-syms Masukan simbol berdasarkan ukuran --synthetic Tampilkan synthetic simbol juga -t, --radix=RADIX Gunakan RADIX untuk menampilkan nilai simbol --target=BFDNAME Spesifikasikan format objek target sebagai BFDNAME -u, --undefined-only Tampilkan hanya simbol tidak terdefinisi -X 32_64 (diabaikan) @BERKAS Baca pilihan dari BERKAS -h, --help Tampilkan informasi ini -V, --version Tampilkan nomor versi aplikasi ini -a, --archive-headers Tampilkan informasi archive header -f, --file-headers Tampilkan isi dari seluruh berkas header -p, --private-headers Tampilkan format objek spesifik isi berkas header -h, --[section-]headers Tampilkan isi dari daerah header -x, --all-headers Tampilkan isi dari seluruh header -d, --disassemble Tampilkan isi rakitan dari daerah executable -D, --disassemble-all Tampilkan isi rakitan dari seluruh bagian -S, --source Campur kode program dengan pembongkaran -s, --full-contents Tampilkan isi penuh dari seluruh bagian yang diminta -g, --debugging Tampilkan informasi debug dalam berkas objek -e, --debugging-tags Tampilkan informasi debug menggunakan gaya ctags -G, --stabs Tampilkan (dalam bentuk mentah) informasi STABS apapun dalam berkas -W, --dwarf Tampilkan informasi DWARF dalam berkas --dwarf[=rawline,=decodedline,=info,=abbrev,=pubnames,=aranges,=macro,=frames,=str,=loc,=Ranges] Tampilkan informasi DWARF yang ada dalam berkas -t, --syms Tampilkan isi dari tabel simbol -T, --dynamic-syms Tampilkan isi dari tabel simbol dinamis -r, --reloc Tampilkan masukan relokasi dalam berkas -R, --dynamic-reloc Tampilkan masukan relokasi dinamis dalam berkas @ Baca pilihan dari -v, --version Tampilkan nomor versi aplikasi ini -i, --info Daftar format dan arsitektur objek yang didukung -H, --help Tampilkan informasi ini -b, --target=BFDNAME Spesifikasikan format objek target sebagai BFDNAME -m, --architecture=MESIN Spesifikasikan target arsitektur sebagai MESIN -j, --section=NAMA Hanya tampilkan informasi untuk daerah NAMA -M, --disassembler-options=OPT Lewatkan teks OPT ke pembongkar -EB --endian=big Asumsikan format big endian ketika membongkar -EL --endian=little Asumsikan format little endian ketika membongkar --file-start-context Masukan konteks dari awal dari berkas (dengan -S) -I, --include=DIR Tambahkan ke daftar pencarian DIR untuk berkas sumber -l, --line-numbers Masukan nomor baris dan nama berkas dalam keluaran -F, --file-offsets Masukan berkas ofset ketika menampilkan informasi -C, --dimangle[=GAYA] Dekode mangled/proses nama simbol GAYA, jika dispesifikasikan, dapat berupa `auto', `gnu', `lucid', `arm', `hp', `edg', `gnu-v3', `java' atau `gnat' -w, --wide Format keluaran untuk lebih dari 80 kolom -z, --disassemble-zeroes Jangan lewati blok dari nol ketika membongkar --start-address=ALAMAT Hanya proses data yang alamatnya >= ALAMAT --stop-address=ALAMAT Hanya proses data yang alamatnya <= ALAMAT --prefix-addresses Tampilkan alamat lengkap disamping pembongkaran --[no-]show-raw-insn Tampilkan heksa disamping simbol terbongkar --adjust-vma=OFFSET Tambahkan OFFSET ke seluruh alamat daerah yang ditampilkan --special-syms Masukan simbol spesial dalam simbol dumps --prefix=AWALAN Tambahkan AWALAH ke jalur absolut untuk -S --prefix-strip=TINGKAT Hapus nama direktori awal untuk -S -i --instruction-dump= Bongkar isi dari daerah -r Mengabaikan untuk kompabilitas dengan rc @ Baca pilihan dari -h --help Tampilkan pesan bantuan ini -V --version Tampilkan informasi versi -t Update archive peta simbol tanda-waktu -h --help Tampilkan pesan bantuan ini -v --version Tampilkan informasi versi @ - baca pilihan dari Versi ABI: %d Alamat: 0x Lanjut Baris dengan %d ke %d Lanjut PC dengan %lu ke 0x%lx Lanjut PC dengan konstan %lu ke 0x%lx Lanjut PC dengan jumlah tetap %lu ke 0x%lx Kelas: %s Cnt: %d Kompilasi dari Unit @ ofset 0x%lx: Salin Versi DWARF: %d DW_CFA_??? (Definisi oleh pengguna memanggil frame op: %#x) Data: %s Masukan Dir Waktu Ukuran Nama Alamat titik masuk: Eksten opkode %d: Berkas: %lx Berkas: %s Tanda Tanda: 0x%lx%s Tanda: %s Versi: %d Pilihan umum: Indeks: %d Cnt: %d Nilai inisial dari 'is_stmt': %d Panjang: %ld Panjang: %ld Panjang: %ld Dasar Baris: %d Jangkauan Baris: %d Mesin: %s Magik: Panjang Instruksi Minimal: %d Tidak ada pilihan spesifik emulasi Tidak ada string yang ditemukan dalam daerah ini. Catatan: Daerah ini memiliki relokasi terhadatnya, tetapi ini BELUM pernah diaplikasikan ke dump ini. Num Buc: Nilai Ukuran Tipe Bind Vis Ndx Nama Num Buc: Nilai Ukuran Tipe Bind Vis Ndx Nama Num: Indeks Nilai Nama Nomor TAG Jumlah dari aplikasi header: %ld Jumlah dari header daerah: %ld OS/ABI: %s Ofset Info Tipe Nilai Sim. Nama Sim. Ofset Info Tipe Nilai Sim. Nama Sim. + Addend Ofset dalam daerah .debug_info: 0x%lx Ofset kedalam .debug_info: 0x%lx Ofset: 0x%lx Ofset: %#08lx Link: %u (%s) Opkode %d memiliki %d args Dasar Opkode: %d Pilihan untuk %s: Pilihan dilewatkan ke DLLTOOL: Pemilik Besar Data Deskripsi Pg Ukuran Penunjuk: %d Panjang Prologue: %d Sisanya dilewatkan tidak termodifikasi ke driver bahasa Indeks tabel string daerah header: %ld Daerah Segmen... Ukuran Segmen: %d Set Nama Berkas ke masukan %d dalam Tabel Nama Berkas Set ISA ke %lu Set basik blok Set kolom ke %lu Set epilogue_begin ke true Set is_stmt ke %d Set prologue_end ke true Ukuran dari daerah dalam .debug_info: %ld Ukuran dari aplikasi header: %ld (bytes) Ukuran dari header daerah: %ld (bytes) Ukuran dari header ini: %ld (bytes) Opkode spesial %d: advance Alamat dengan %lu ke 0x%lx Tanda Tipe Nama/Nilai Tipe Ofset AlamatMaya AlamatPisik Tipe Ofset AlamatMaya AlamatPisik UkuranBerkas UkuranMemori Flg Align Tipe Ofset AlamatMaya AlamatPisik UkuranBerkas UkuranMemori Flg Align Tipe: %s Opkode %d tidak dikenal dengan operan: Versi def aux melewati akhir dari daerah Versi definisi melewati akhir dari daerah Versi membutuhkan aux melewati akhir dari daerah Versi membutuhkan melewati akhir dari daerah Versi: %d Versi: %d %s Versi: 0x%lx Versi: %d [-X32] - abaikan objek 64 bit [-X32_64] - terima objek 32 dan 64 bit [-X64] - abaikan objek 32 bit [-g] - 32 bit archive kecil [D] - gunakan nol untuk penanda waktu dan uids/gids [N] - gunakan instance [jumlah] dari nama [Nr] Nama [Nr] Nama Tipe Alamat Ofset [Nr] Nama Tipe Alamat Ofset Ukuran ES Flg Lk Inf Al [Nr] Nama Tipe Alamat Ofset Ukuran ES Flg Lk Inf Al [P] - gunakan nama jalur lengkap ketika mencocokan [S] - jangan buah sebuah tabel simbol [T] - buat sebuah archive tipis [V] - tampilkan nomor versi [a] - tempatkan berkas setelah [nama-anggota] [b] - tempatkan berkas sebelum [nama-anggota] (sama seperti [i]) [c] - jangan peringatkan jika perpustakaan harus dibuat [f] - potong masukan nama berkas [o] - jaga tanggal asli [s] - buat sebuah indeks archive (cf. ranlib) [u] - hanya gantikan berkas yang lebih baru dari isi archive sekarang [v] - verbose d - hapus berkas dari archive definisikan masukan Berkas Tabel baru m[ab] - pindahkan berkas dalam archive p - tampilkan berkas ditemukan dalam archive q[f] - tambahkan berkas cepat kedalam archive r[ab][f][u] - gantikan telah ada atau masukan berkas baru kedalam archive t - tampilkan isi dari archive x[o] - ekstrak berkas dari archive %lu byte blok: (%s) (Berkas Ofset: 0x%lx) (bytes kedalam berkas) (bytes kedalam berkas) Awal dari header bagian: (indirect string, ofset: 0x%lx): %s (awal == akhir) (awal > akhir) <%d><%lx>: Nomor Kependekan: %lu Alamat: Alamat: 0x Argumen %s diabaikan Paling tidak satu dari switch berikut harus diberikan: Kanonikal nilai gp: Mengubah alamat kedalam pasangan nomor baris / nama berkas. Ubah sebuah berkas objek ke sebuah NetWare Loadable Modul Menyalin sebuah berkas binari, kemungkinan mengubahnya dalam proses ini DW_MACINFO_define - lineno : %d makro : %s DW_MACINFO_end_file DW_MACINFO_start_file - lineno: %d filenum: %d DW_MACINFO_undef - lineno : %d makro : %s DW_MACINFO_vendor_ext - konstan : %d string : %s Menampilkan informasi mengenai isi dari berkas format ELF Menampilkan informasi dari objek . Menampilkan string yang dapat dicetak dalam [berkas] (stdin secara baku) Menampilkan ukuran dari daerah didalam berkas binari Masukan: Buat sebuah indeks untuk mempercepat akses ke archive Masukan global: Jika tidak ada alamat yang dispesifikasikan dalam baris perintah, mereka akan dibaca dari stdin Jika tidak ada berkas masukan yang dispesifikasikan, a.out diasumsikan Panjang Nomor %% dari total Coverage Daftar simbol dalam [berkas] (a.out secara baku). Masukan lokal: CATATAN: Daerah ini memiliki relokasi terhadap ini, tetapi ini BELUM diaplikasikan ke dump ini. Kosong Jumlah: Nama BoundTo Tanda Ofset Info Tipe Nilai Sim Nama Simbol Ofset Info Tipe Sim. Nilai Nama Simbol + Addend Ofset Info Tipe Nilai.Sim Nama Sim. Ofset Info Tipe Nilai.Sim Nama Sim + Addend Pilihan adalah: -a --all Sama dengan: -h -l -S -s -r -d -V -A -I -h --file-header Tampilkan ELF file header -l --program-headers Tampilkan program header --segments Sebuah alias untuk --program-headers -S --section-headers Tampilkan section headers --sections Sebuah alias untuk --section-headers -g --section-groups Tampilkan section groups -t --section-details Tampilkan detail daerah -e --headers Sama dengan: -h -l -S -s --syms Tampilkan tabel simbol --symbols Sebuah alias untuk --syms -n --notes Tampilkan core notes (jika ada) -r --relocs Tampilkan relokasi (jika ada) -u --unwind Tampilkan informasi unwind (jika ada) -d --dynamic Tampilkan daerah dinamis (jika ada) -V --version-info Tampilkan daerah versi (jika ada) -A --arch-specific Tampilkan informasi spesifik arsitektur (jika ada). -c --archive-index Tampilkan simbol/berkas indeks dalam sebuah archive -D --use-dynamic Gunakan informasi daerah dinamis ketika menampilkan simbol -x --hex-dump= Dump isi dari daerah sebagai bytes -p --string-dump= Dump isi dari daerah sebagai strings -R --relocated-dump= Dump isi dari daerah sebagai bytes yang direlokasi -w[lLiaprmfFsoR] atau --debug-dump[=rawline,=decodedline,=info,=abbrev,=pubnames,=aranges,=macro,=frames,=str,=loc,=Ranges] Tampilkan isi dari daerah debug DWARF2 Tampilkan dalam interpretasi yang mudah dipahami dari sebuah berkas objek SYSROFF Hapus simbol dan daerah dari berkas Masukan terpesan: Pilihan adalah: Pilihan adalah: -A|-B --format={sysv|berkeley} Pilih gaya keluaran (baku adalah %s) -o|-d|-x --radix={8|10|16} Tampilkan nomor dalam oktal, desimal atau heksadesimal -t --totals Tampilkan jumlah total (Berkeley saja) --common Tampilkan jumlah total untuk *COM* syms --target= Set format berkas binari @ Baca pilihan dari -h --help Tampilkan informasi ini -v --version Tampilkan versi aplikasi Pilihan adalah: -I --input-target= Set format berkas masukan binari -O --output-target= Set format berkas keluaran binari -T --header-file= Baca untuk informasi header NLM -l --linker= Gunakan untuk linking apapun -d --debug Tampilkan di stderr baris perintah linker @ Baca pilihan dari . -h --help Tampilkan informasi ini -v --version Tampilkan versi aplikasi Pilihan adalah: -a --all Periksa seluruh berkas, tidak hanya daerah data -f --print-file-name Tampilkan nama dari berkas sebelum setiap string -n --bytes=[nomor] Lokasikan dan tampilkan urutan NUL-terakhiri apapun dari di - akhir [nomor] karakter (baku 4). -t --radix={o,d,x} Tampilkan lokasi dari string dalam basis 8, 10 atau 16 -o Sebuah alias untuk --radix=o -T --target= Spesifikasikan format berkas binari -e --encoding={s,S,b,l,B,L} Pilih ukuran karakter dan tipe endian: s = 7-bit, S = 8-bit, {b,l} = 16-bit, {B,L} = 32-bit @ Baca pilihan dari -h --help Tampilkan informasi ini -v -V --version Tampilkan nomor versi aplikasi Pilihan adalah: -a --ascii_in Baca berkas masukan sebagai berkas ASCII -A --ascii_out Tulis pesan binari sebagai ASCII -b --binprefix nama berkas .bin diawali sebagai nama berkas .mc supaya unik. -c --customflag Set tanda kustom untuk pesan -C --codepage_in= Set kode halaman ketika membaca mc berkas teks -d --decimal_values Tampilkan nilai ke berkas teks desimal -e --extension= Set header extension digunakan dalam menekspor berkas header -F --target Spesifikasikan target keluaran untuk tipe endian. -h --headerdir= Set direktori ekspor untuk header -u --unicode_in Baca berkas masukan sebagai berkas UTF16 -U --unicode_out Tulis pesan binari sebagai UTF16 -m --maxlength= Set maksimal panjang pesan yang diijinkan -n --nullterminate Otomatis tambahkan sebuah nol ke string -o --hresult_use Gunakan definisi HRESULT daripada kode status definisi -O --codepage_out= Set kode halaman digunakn untuk menulis berkas teks -r --rcdir= Set direktori ekspor untuk berkas rc -x --xdbg= Dimana untuk membuat berkas .dbg C include yang memetakan pesan ID ke nama simboliknya. Pilihan adalah: -a, --debug-syms Tampilkan debugger-only simbol -A, --print-file-name Tampilkan nama dari berkas masukan sebelum setiap simbol -B Sama seperti --format=bsd -C, --demangle[=STYLE] Dekode tingkat-bawah nama simbol dalam nama tingkat-pengguna STYLE, jika dispesifikasikan, dapat berupa `auto'(baku), `gnu', `lucid', `arm', `hp', `edg', `gnu-v3', `java' atau `gnat' --no-demangle Jangan demangle tingkat-bawah nama simbol -D, --dynamic Tampilkan simbol dinamis daripada normal simbol --defined-only Tampilkan hanya simbol terdefinisi -e (diabaikan) -f, --format=FORMAT Gunakan format keluaran FORMAT. FORMAT dapat berupa `bsd', `sysv' atau `posix'. Baku adalah `bsd' -g, --extern-only Tampilkan hanya simbol eksternal -l, --line-numbers Gunakan informasi debug untuk mencari sebuah nama berkas dan nomor baris untuk setiap simbol -n, --numeric-sort Urutkan simbol secara numerik dengan alamat -o Sama seperti -A -p, --no-sort Jangan urutkan simbol -P, --portability Sama seperti --format=posix -r, --reverse-sort Balik sense dari sort Pilihan adalah: -h --help Tampilkan informasi ini -v --version Tampilkan nomor versi aplikasi Pilihan adalah: -i --input= Nama berkas masukan -o --output= Nama berkas keluaran -J --input-format= Spesifikasikan format masukan -O --output-format= Spesifikasikan format keluaran -F --target= Spesifikasikan target COFF --preprocessor= Aplikasi yang digunakan untuk memproses berkas rc -I --include-dir= Masukan direktori ketika memproses berkas rc -D --define [=] Definisikan SYM ketika memproses berkas rc -U --undefine Undefine SYM ketika memproses berkas rc -v --verbose Verbose - beritahu anda apa yang sedang dikerjakan -c --codepage= Spesifikasikan kode halaman baku -l --language= Set bahasa ketika membaca berkas rc --use-temp-file Gunakan sebuah berkas sementara daripada popen untuk membaca keluaran preprosesor --no-use-temp-file Use popen (baku) Pilihan adalah: -q --quick (Kadaluarsaa - diabaikan) -n --noprescan Jangan lakukan sebuah scan untuk mengubah common menjadi def -d --debug Tampilkan informasi mengenai apa yang sedang dikerjakan @ Baca pilihan dari -h --help Tampilkan informasi ini -v --version Tampilkan nomor versi aplikasi Pilihan adalah: @ Baca pilihan dari Pilihan adalah: @ Baca pilihan dari -b --target= Set format berkas binary -e --exe=executable> Set nama berkas masukan (baku a.out) -i --inlines Buka fungsi inline -j --section= Baca section-relative ofset daripada alamat -s --basenames Strip nama direktori -f --functions Tampilkan nama fungsi -C --demangle[=style] Demangle nama fungsi -h --help Tampilkan informasi ini -v --version Tampilkan versi aplikasi Pilihan adalah: @ Baca pilihan dari -h --help Tampilkan informasi ini -v --version Tampilkan versi aplikasi [tanpa DW_AT_frame_base] dan Baris dengan %d ke %d di ofset 0x%lx berisi %lu masukan: modifikasi spesifik perintah: perintah: pilihan emulasi: pemodifikasi umum: pilihan adalah: aplikasi interpretasi tipe: %lx, namesize: %08lx, descsize: %08lx #baris %d %-35s %11d %#18lx %ld: .bf tanpa fungsi yang mengawali%ld: tidak diduga .ef %lu %s %s %s %11d %#18lx %s %s%c0x%s tidak pernah digunakan%s %s: %s%s kedua disalin dan dihapus%s keluar dengan status %d%s tidak memiliki indeks archive %s bukan sebuah perpustakaan%s bukan sebuah archive validdaerah data %s%s: %s: %s: alamat diluar dari ikatan%s: Tidak dapat membuak masukan archive %s %s: Tidak dapat membuat keluaran archive %s %s: Error: %s: Gagal untuk membaca berkas header %s: Gagal membaca berkas nomor magik %s: Format yang cocok:%s: Multiple redefinisi dari simbol "%s"%s: Path komponen stripped dari nama gambar, '%s'.%s: Simbol "%s" adalah target dari lebih satu redefinisi%s: Peringatan: %s: nama berkas archive buruk %s: nomor buruk: %s%s: versi dalam subsistem PE buruk%s: tidak dapat menemukan berkas module %s %s: tidak dapat membuka berkas %s %s: tidak dapat menemukan daerah %s%s: tidak dapat memperoleh alamat dari archive%s: tidak dapat menset waktu: %s%s tidak menemukan header archive yang valid %s: akhir dari simbel tabel dicapai sebelum akhir dari indeks %s: eksekusi dari %s gagal: %s: gagal untuk membaca header archive %s: gagal untuk membaca archive header dari indeks archive berikut %s: gagal untuk membaca archive indeks %s: gagal untuk membaca indeks simbol tabel archive %s: gagal untuk membaca nama simbol panjang tabel string %s: gagal untuk seek back ke awal dari berkas objek dalam archive %s: gagal untuk mencari anggota archive. %s: gagal untuk mencari header archive pertama %s: gagal untuk mencari header archive selanjutnya %s: gagal untuk mencari nama berkas selanjutnya %s: gagal untuk melewati simbol tabel archive %s: berkas %s bukan sebuah archive %s: fread gagal%s: fseek ke %lu gagal: %s%s: nilai komitmen untuk --heap tidak valid%s: nilai komitmen untuk --stack tidak valid%s: format keluaran tidak valid%s: radix tidak valid%s: nilai reservasi untuk --heap tidak valid%s: nilai reservasi untuk --stack tidak valid%s: tidak ada peta archive untuk update%s: tidak ada open archive %s: tidak ada keluaran archive %s: belum ada keluaran archive yang dispesifikasikan %s: tidak dikenali informasi debug%s: daerah tidak ada sumber daya%s: tidak ada simbol%s: bukan sebuah objek dinamis%s: tidak cukup data binari%s: menampilkan informasi debug gagal%s: membaca dari %lu dikembalikan %lu%s: baca: %s%s: arsitektur yang didukung:%s: format yang didukung:%s: target yang didukung:%s: simbol tetap berada dalam tabel simbol indeks, tetapi tanpa masukan yang berhubunga dalam tabel indeks %s: archive memiliki sebuah indeks tetapi bukan simbol %s: indeks archive kosong %s: archive indeks seharusnya memiliki %ld masukan, tetapi ukuran dalam header terlalu kecil %s: tidak dapat mendeump indeks sebagai kosong telah ditemukan %s: tidak terduga EOF%s: peringatan: %s: peringatan: perpustakaan terbagi tidak dapat memiliki data tidak terinisialisasi%s: peringatan: ukuran tidak diketahui untuk field `%s' dalam struktur%s:%d: %s %s:%d: Mengabaikan sampah ditemukan di baris ini%s:%d: sampah ditemukan diakhir dari baris%s:%d: hilang nama simbol baru%s:%d: prematur akhir dari berkas'%s''%s' bukan sebuah berkas biasa '%s': Tidak ada berkas seperti itu'%s': Tidak ada berkas seperti itu (Lokasi op tidak diketahui)(Lokasi definisi oleh pengguna op)(alamat dasar) (terdeklarasi sebagai inline dan diinline)(terdeklarasi sebagai inline tetapi diabaikan)(inline)(daftar lokasi)(tidak inline)(awal == akhir)(awal > akhir)*tidak valid*.debug_info ofset dari 0x%lx dalam daerah %s tidak menunjuk ke header CU. 2's komplemen, big endian2's komplemen, little endian: nilai terduplikasi : diduga sebuah direktori : diduga sebuah daun : %d: %x: %d: %d: %lx: %x: 0x%xSebuah kode halaman telah dispesifikasikan perpindahan ,%s' dan UTF16. Menambahkan ekspor ke berkas keluaranMenambahkan ekspor ke berkas keluaranPerpustakaan auditAuxiliary librarytipe pecahan BCD tidak didukungversi berkas header BFD %s sh_info buruk dalah daerah grup `%s' sh_link buruk dalam daerah grup `%s' Bad stab: %s Binari %s berisi: Palsu penanda akhir-dari-siblings terdeteksi di ofset %lx dalam daerah .debug_info C++ kelas dasar tidak terdefinisiC++ kelas dasar tidak ditemukan dalam kontainerC++ data anggota tidak ditemukan dalam kontainernilai baku C++ tidak dalam sebuah fungsiC++ objek tidak memiliki fieldreferensi C++ bukan sebuah penunjukreferensi C++ tidak ditemukanC++ static virtual metodeCORE (Berkas core)CU di ofset %lx berisi nomor versi yang terkorupsi atau tidak didukung: %d. CU: %s/%s: CU: %s: Tidak dapat membongkar untuk arsitektur %s Tidak dapat mengisi gap setelah daerahTida dapat memiliki PERPUSTAKAAN dan NAMATidak dapat membuka berkas .lib: %sTidak dapat membuka berkas def: %sTidak dapat membuka berkas %s Tidak dapat menggunakan mesin %s yang diberikanTidak dapat menginterpretasikan alamat maya tanpa aplikasi header. Tidak dapat menghasilkan mcore-elf dll dari berkas archive: %sBerkas konfigurasiIsi dari daerah %s: Isi dari daerah %s:Isi dari daerah %s: Isi dari daerah %s: Mengubah sebuah berkas objek COFF kedalam sebuah berkas objek SYSROFF Hak Cipta 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Panjang satuan terkorupsi (%lx) ditemukan di daerah %s Tidak dapat menemukan '%s'. Pesan error sistem: %s Tidak dapat memperoleh demangle tipe builtin Membuat berkas libMembuat berkas perpustakaan: %sMembuat berkas stub: %sOpen archive sekarang adalah %s DIE di ofset %lx mereferensikan nomor kependekan %lu dimana itu tidak ada nama DLLTOOL : %s pilihan DLLTOOL : %s nama DRIVER : %s pilihan DRIVER : %s DW_FORM_data8 tidak didukung ketika sizeof (unsigned long) != 8 DW_FORM_strp ofset terlalu besar: %lx DYN (Berkas objek terbagi)Informasi debug terkorupsi, ofset kependekan (%lx) lebih besar dari daerah kependekan ukuran (%lx) Informasi debug terkorupsi, panjang dari CU di %lx eksten diluar akhir dari daerah (panjang = %lx) Dump terdekode dari isi debug dari daerah %s: Menghapus berkas dasar sementara %sMenghapus berkas de sementara %sMenghapus berkas eksp sementara %sNama demangle bukan sebuah fungsi Dependensi audit perpustakaanMenampilkan isi debug dari daerah %s belum didukung. Tidak tahu mengenai relokasi di arsitektur mesin ini Selesai membaca %sDuplikasi simbol dimasukan dalam daftar keyword.ELF Header: ERROR: Panjang daerah buruk (%d > %d) ERROR: panjang subsection buruk (%d > %d) EXEC (Berkas dapat dieksekusi)Akhir dari Urutan Titik masukan Error, duplikasi EXPORT dengan ordinals: %sMengabaikan simbol: %sEksekusi dari %s gagalFORMAR adalah salah satu dari rc, res, atau coff,, dan dideduksi dari nama berkas ekstensi jika tidak dispesifikasikan. Sebuah nama berkas tunggal adalah sebuah berkas masukan. Tidak ada berkas-masukan adalah stdin, default rc. Tidak ada berkas-keluaraan adalah stdout, default rc. Gagal untuk menentukan akhir dari panjang rantai Gagal untuk menampilkan template demangle Gagal untuk membaca dalam jumlah dari buckets Gagal untuk membaca dalam jumlah dari rantai Berkas %s bukan sebuah archive jadi indeksnya tidak dapat ditampilkan. Berkas berisi multiple tabel string dinamis Berkas berisi multiple tabel simbol dinamis Berksa berisi multiple simtab shndx tabel Nama Berkas Nomor Baris Awal alamat Filter libraryTanda:Tidak ada peringatan lebih lanjut mengenai penanda palsu akhir-dari-sibling ditekan GOTMenghasilkan berkas eksporMenghasilkan berkas ekspor: %sID masukan direktoriID sumber dayaID subdirektorinumerik IEEE overflow; 0xpanjang string IEEE overflow: %u ukuran tipe kompleks %u IEEE tidak didukung ukuran tipe bilangan pecahan %u IEEE tidak didukung ukuran tipe bilangan bulat %u IEEE tidak didukung Idx Nama Ukuran VMA LMA Berkas off AlgnIdx Nama Ukuran VMA LMA Berkas off AlgnImpor perpustakaan `%s' yang dispesifikasikan oleh dua atau lebih dllsDalam archive %s: Indeks dari archive %s: (%ld masukan, 0x%lx bytes dalam tabel simbol) Berkas masukan '%s' tidak dapat dibaca. Internal error: versi DWARF bukan 2 atau 3. Internal error: tipe mesin tidak diketahui: %dInternal error: gagal membuat string format untuk menampilkan aplikasi interpretasi Pilihan tidak valid '-%c' Radix tidak valid: %s Menjaga berkas dasaar sementara %sMenjaga berkas def sementara %sMenjaga berkas eks sementara %sKunci ke Tanda: W (tulis), A (alokasi), X (execute), M (gabung), S (strings) I (info), L (urutan penggabungan), G (grup), x (tidak diketahui) O (ekstra pemrosesan OS dibutuhkan) o (OS spesifik), p (prosesor spesifik) PERPUSTAKAAN: %s dasar: %xAkhir masukan stab sebelum error: Perpustakaan rpath: [%s]Perpustakaan runpath: [%s]Perpustakaan soname: [%s]Daftar lokasi dimulai di ofset 0x%lx tidak diakhiri. Daftar lokasi dalam daerah %s dimulai di 0x%lx Daftar lokasi dalam daerah .debug_info tidak dalam urutan meningkat! Mesin '%s' tidak didukungHilang pengetahuan dari 32-bit tipe relokasi yang digunakan dalam daerah DWARF dari mesin nomor %d Multiple pergantian nama dari daerah %sHarus menyediakan paling tidak satu dari pilihan -o atau --dllnameNAMA: %s dasar: %xKOSONG (Kosong)NT_ARCH (arsitektur)NT_AUXV (auxiliary vector)NT_FPREGS (register bilangan pecahan)NT_FPREGSET (register bilangan pecahan)NT_GNU_ABI_TAG (Tanda versi ABI)NT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unik ID pembuatan bitstring)NT_GNU_GOLD_VERSION (versi emas)NT_GNU_HWCAP (DSO-supplied software HWCAP info)NT_LWPSINFO (struktur lwpsinfo_t)NT_LWPSTATUS (struktur lwpstatus_t)NT_PPC_VMX (register ppc Altivec)NT_PPC_VSX (register ppc VSX)NT_PRPSINFO (prpsinfo struktur)NT_PRSTATUS (prstatus struktur)NT_PRXFPREG (struktur user_xfpregs)NT_PSINFO (struktur psinfo)NT_PSTATUS (struktur pstatus)NT_TASKSTRUCT (struktur tugas)NT_VERSION (versi)NT_WIN32PSTATUS (struktur win32_pstatus)N_LBRAC tidak dalam fungsi Nama Nilai Kelas Tipe Ukuran Baris Daerah Nama Nilai Kelas Tipe Ukuran Baris Daerah Nama indeks: %ld Nama: %s NetBSD struktur procinfoTidak ada %s daerah ada Tidak ada satuan comp dalam daerah %s?Tidak ada masukan %s dalam archive. Tidak ada nama berkas yang mengikuti pilihan -fo. Tidak ada daftar lokasi dalam daerah .debug_info! Tidak ada mangling untuk "%s" Tidak ada anggota bernama `%s' Tidak ada catatan segmen hadir dalam berkas inti. Tidak ada daftar jangkauan dalam daerah .debug_info! KosongBukan sebuah berkas ELF - ini memiliki magic bytes yang salah di awal Tidak cukup memori untuk informasi debug dari masukan %uObjek tidak dibutuhkan: [%s] Tidak ada yang dilakukan. OS Spesifik: (%x)Ofset %lx yang digunakan sebagai nilai untuk DW_AT_import atribut dari DIE di ofset %lx terlalu besar. Ofset 0x%lx lebih besar dari ukuran daerah .debug_loc. Hanya -X 32_64 yang didukungHanya DWARF 2 dan 3 yang saat ini didukung. Hanya DWARF 2 dan 3 pubnames yang saat ini didukung Hanya DWARF versi 2 dan 3 baris info yang saat ini didukung. Berkas sementara terbuka: %sSistem Operasi spesifik: %lxPilihan -I kadaluarsa untuk konfigurasi format masukan, tolong gunakan -J lebih baik. Kehabisan memori Kehabisan alokasi dari memori 0x%lx bytes untuk %s Kehabisan memori mengalokasikan permintaan dump tabel. Kehabisan memori membaca nama simbol panjang dalam archive Kehabisan memori ketika mencoba mengubak indeks simbol archive Kehabisan memori ketika mencoba untuk membaca indeks tabel simbol archive Kehabisan memeri ketika mencoba membaca indeks simbol archive PLT GOTPT_FIRSTMACH+%dPT_GETFPREGS (struktur fpreg)PT_GETREGS (struktur reg)Nama berkas Pascal tidak didukungJalur komponen dihapus dari dllname, '%s'.Ukuran penunjuk + Ukuran segmen bukan kelipatan dari dua. Menampilkan sebuah interpretasi mudah dibaca dari sebuah berkas objek SYSROFF Tampilkan lebar yang belum terinisialisasi (%d)Tampilkan bytes dari stdin dalam format hex. Berkas def telah diprosesDefinisi telah terprosesMemproses berkas def: %sMemproses definisiProsesor Spesifik: %lxProsesor Spesifik: (%x)REL (Berkas dapat direlokasi)Daftar jangkauan dalam daerah %s dimulai dari 0x%lx Isi mentah dari isi debug dari daerah %s: Membaca daerah %s dari %s gagal: %sLaporkan bugs ke %s Laporkan bugs ke %s. Nilai panjang terpesan (%lx) ditemukan di daerah %s Menskan berkas objek %sDaerah %d memiliki sh_entsize %lx tidak valid (diduga %lx) Daerah %d tidak didump karena ini tidak ada! Daerah '%s' tidak didump karena ini tidak ada! Header Daerah tidak tersedia! Daerah: Perpustakaan terbagi: [%s]Melewati tipe relokasi %s tidak terduga Standalone AppSuckin dalam info dari %s daerah dalam %sArsitektur yang didukung:Target yang didukung:Sintaks error dalam berkas def %s: %dInformasi dalam daerah %s kelihatannya telah terkorupsi - daerah terlalu kecil Baris infor sepertinya terkorupsi - daerah terlalu kecil Tidak ada header daerah %d, dimulai di ofset 0x%lx: Disana ada %ld byte tidak digunakan diakhir dari daerah %s Disana terdapat sebuah lubang [0x%lx -0x%lx] dalam daerah %s. Disana ada hole [0x%lx - 0x%lx] dalam daerah .debug_loc. Disana terdapat sebuah tumpang tindih [0x%lx - 0x%lx] dalam daerah %s. Disana ada tumpang tindih [0x%lx - 0x%lx] dalam daerah .debug_loc Instance ini dari readelf telah dibuat tanpa dukungan untuk tipe data 64 bit dan jadi ini tidak dapat membaca berkas ELF 64 bit. Aplikasi ini adalah software bebas; anda boleh meredistribusikannya dibawah ijin dari Lisensi GNU General Public versi 3 atau (menurut pilihan anda) mungkin versi selanjutnya. Aplikasi ini tidak memiliki garansi apapun. Terlalu banyak N_RBRAC Mencoba `%s' Berkas yang dicoba: %sTipe nomor berkas %d diluar dari jangkauan Tipe nomor indeks %d diluar dari jangkauan TIDAK DIKETAHUI: panjang %d Tidak dapat mengubah endianness dari berkas masukanTidak dapat menentukan nama dll untuk `%s' (bukan sebuah perpustakaan impor?)Tidak dapat menentukan panjang dari tabel dinamis string Tidak dapat menentukan jumlah dari simbol untuk diload Tidak dapat menemukan nama aplikasi interpretasi Tidak dapat meload/parse daerah .debug_info, jadi tidak dapat meninterpretasikan daerah %s. Tidak dapat mengalokasikan daerah %s! Tidak dapat membuka berkas-dasar: %sTidak dapat membuka berkas objek: %sTidak dapat membuka berkas perakit sementara: %sTidak dapat membaca dalam 0x%lx bytes dari %s Tidak dapat membaca dalam data dinamis Tidak dapat membaca nama aplikasi interpretasi Tidak dapat mengenali format dari berkasTidak dapat mengenali format dari berkas masukan `%s'Tidak dapat mencari ke 0x%lx untuk %s Tidak dapat mencari ke akhir dari berkas Tidak dapat mencari ke akhir dari berkas! Tidak dapat mencari awal dari informasi dinamis Tidak terdefinisi N_EXCLvarags demangled tidak terduga Tipe tidak terduga dalam daftar argumen v3 demangling Tipe relokasi MN10300 tidak tertangani ditemukan setelah relokasi SYM_DIFFPanjang data tidak tertangani: %d Nilai AT tidak diketahui: %lxNilai FORM tidak diketahui: %lxNilai TAG tidak diketahui: %lxFormat '%c' tidak diketahui Tipe catatan tidak dikenal: (0x%08x)Tipe XCOFF %d tidak dikenal Pilihan debug '%s' tidak dikenal Daerah debug tidak dikenal: %s Komponen %d demangle tidak dikenal tipe builting demangle tidak dikenal Bentuk tidak dikenali: %lu Penggunaan %s Penggunaan: %s < input_file > output_file Penggunaan: %s Penggunaan: %s berkas-masukan Penggunaan: %s [pilihan emulasi] [--plugin ] [-]{dmpqrstx}[abcfilNoPsSuvV] [nama-anggota] [jumlah] berkas-archive berkas... Penggunaan: %s [pilihan emulasi] [-]{dmpqrstx}[abcfilNoPsSuvV] [nama-anggota] [jumlah] berkas-archive berkas... Penggunaan: %s [pilihan] [alamat] Penggunaan: %s [pilihan] [berkas] Penggunaan: %s [pilihan] [berkas-masuk [berkas-keluar]] Penggunaan: %s [pilihan] [berkas-masukan] Penggunaan: %s [pilihan] [berkas-masukan] [berkas-keluaran] Penggunaan: %s [pilihan] in-berkas Penggunaan: %s [pilihan] berkas-masukan [berkas-keluaran] Penggunaan: %s [pilihan] archive Penggunaan: readelf berkas-elf Menggunakan `%s' Menggunakan berkas: %sMenggunakan popen untuk membaca keluaran preprosesor Menggunakan berkas sementara `%s' untuk membaca keluaran preprosesor Gunakan --size-sort dan --undefined-only pilihan secara bersamaanNilai untuk `N' harus positif.Alamat maya 0x%lx tidak dapat dilokasikan dalam segmen PT_LOAD apapun. Peringatan, mengabaikan duplikasi EXPORT %s %d,%dPeringatan, tipe mesin (%d) tidak didukung untuk delayimport.Peringatan: %s: %s Peringatan: '%s' bukan sebuah berkas biasaPeringatan: Berkas keluaran tidak dapat merepresentasikan arsitektur `%s'Peringatan: mengubah ukuran tipe dari %d ke %d Peringatan: Tidak dapat menemukan '%s'. alasan: %sPeringatan: mengabaikan sebelumnya --reverse-byte nilai dari %dPeringatan: target masukan 'binary' dibutuhkan untuk parameter arsitektur binari.Peringatan: memotong gap-fill dari 0x%s ke 0x%x[: 0x%x]`N' hanya berarti dengan pilihan `x' dan `d'.`u' hanya berarti dengan pilihan `D'.`u' hanya berarti dengan pilihan `r'.`x' tidak dapat digunakan dalam archive tipis.akseleratorarsitektur %s tidak dikenalarsitektur: %s, atributrekaman ATN65 burukC++ bit field posisi atau ukuran buruksimbol dinamis buruk format buruk untuk %snama mangled `%s' buruk rekaman misc burukregister buruk: tipe untuk fungsi metode C++ burukbaris eksten terbentuk buruk op ditemui! bfd_coff_get_auxent gagal: %sbfd_coff_get_syment gagal: %sbfd_open gagal membuka berkas stub: %ssisa blok pada stack di akhirbyte number harus lebih kecil dari interleavenomor byte harus tidak negatiftidak dapat menentukan tipe dari berkas `%s'; gunakan pilihan -Jtidak dapat menambahkan paddingtidak dapat menambahkan daerah '%s'tidak dapat membuat berkas %s, %s' untuk keluaran. tidak dapat membuat daerah debugtidak dapat membuat daerah `%s'tidak dapat menjalankan `%s': %stidak dapat memperoleh tipe relokasi BFD_RELOC_RVAtidak dapat membuka %s `%s': %stidak dapat membuka `%s' untuk keluaran: %stida dapat membuka berkas sementara `%s': %stidak dapat popen `%s': %stidak dapat meredirek stdout: `%s': %stidak dapat menset default target BFD ke `%s': %stidak dapat menset isi daerah debugtidak dapat membuat debug link daerah `%s'tidak dapat membuat tempdir untuk archive menyalin (error: %s)tidak dapat menghapus %s: %stidak dapat mengisi debug link section `%s'tidak dapat membuka '%s': %stidak dapat membuka berkas masukan %stidak dapat membuka %s: %stidak dapat membalik bytes: panjang dari daerah %s harus secara genap terbagi oleh %dkonflikdaftar konflik ditemukan tanpa sebuah tabel simbol dinamis const/volatile indikator hilangkontrol data membutuhkan DIALOGEXsalin dari `%s' [%s] ke `%s' [%s] salin dari `%s' [tidak dikenal] ke `%s' [tidak dikenal] catatan terkorupsi ditemukan di ofset %lx kedalam core notes tidak dapat membuat berkas sementara untuk menjaga salinan terstriptidak dapat menentukan tipe dari nomor simbol %ld tidak dapat membuka berkas redefinisi %s (error: %s)membuat %skursorberkas kursor `%s' tidak berisi data kursordaerah kustommasukan dataukuran data %lddebug_add_to_current_namespace: tidak ada berkas sekarangdebug_end_block: mencoba menutup tingkat teratas blokdebug_end_block: tidak ada block sekarangdebug_end_common_block: tidak terimplementasidebug_end_function: tidak ada fungsi sekarangdebug_end_function: beberapa blok tidak ditutupdebug_find_named_type:: tidak ada satuan kompilasi sekarangdebug_get_real_type: circular informasi debug untuk %s debug_make_undefined_type: kind tidak didukungdebug_name_type: tidak ada berkas sekarangdebug_record_function: tidak ada debug_set_filename calldebug_record_label: tidak terimplementasidebug_record_line: tidak ada satuan sekarangdebug_record_parameter: tidak ada fungsi sekarangdebug_record_variabel: tidak ada berkas sekarangdebug_start_block: tidak ada blok sekarangdebug_start_common_block: tidak terimplementasidebug_start_source: tidak ada debug_set_filename calldebug_tag_type: ekstra tag dicobadebug_tag_type: tidak ada berkas sekarangdebug_write_type: tipe tidak legal ditemuikontrol dialogkontrol data dialogakhir kontrol dialogdialog ukuran titik fontheader dialogkontrol dialogexinformasi font dialogexdirektorinama masukan direktoritidak tahu bagaimana menulis informasi debug untuk %sdaerah dinamistabel string dinamisstring dinamiserror menyalin private BFD dataerror dalam private header dataerror: panjang instruksi harus positiferror: awalan strip harus tidak negatiferror: berkas masukan '%s' kosongerror: awal dari alamat seharusnya sebelum akhir dari alamaterror: stop alamat seharusnya setelah awal alamatekspresi stack tidak cocokekspresi stack overflowekspresi stack underflowgagal untuk menyalin private datagagal untuk membuat daerah keluarangagal membuka berkas sementara head: %sgagal membuka berkas sementara tail: %sGagal untuk membaca jumlah dari masukan dari berkas dasargagal untuk menset alignmengagal untuk menset ukurangagal untuk menset vmanama berkas dibutuhkan untuk masukan COFFnama berkas dibutuhkan untuk output COFFinfo versi tetaptanda 0x%08x: fontdirfontdir nama perangkatfontdir nama mukafontdir headergrup kursorgrup kursor headergrup ikongrup ikon headermemiliki anakhelp ID membutuhkan DIALOGEXdaerah bantuanberkas ikon `%s' tidak berisi data ikonmengabaikan nilai alternatifpilihan tidak legal -- %ctipe indeks tidak legalvariabel indeks tidak legalberkas masukan dan keluaran harus berbedaberkas masukan tidak dapat terlihat sebagai UTF16. nama kedua berkas masukan di baris perintah dan dengan INPUTinterleave harus positifinternal error -- pilihan ini tidak terimplementasiinternal stat error di %sargumen tidak valid ke --format: %skode halaman yang dispesifikasikan tidak valid. argumen integer tidak valid %spanjang string minimal %d tidak validnomor tidak validpilihan -f tidak valid panjang string tidak validnilai yang dispesifikasikan untuk prama code_page tidak valid. liblistliblist tabel stringbuat daerah .bssbuat daerah .nlmsectionsbuat daerahmenu headermenuex headermenuex ofsetmenuitemmenuitem headerdaerah pesanhilang tipe indekshilang ASN yang dibutuhkanhilang ATN65 yang dibutuhkandaerah modullebih dari satu argumen dinamis nama dari masukan direktorinama sumber dayanama subdirektoritidak ada daerah .dinamis dalam segmen dinamis tidak ada tipe argumen dalam string mangle tidak memiliki anaktidak ada masukan %s dalam archive tidak ada masukan %s dalam archive %s!tidak ada berkas definisi ekspor yang diberikan. Membuat satu, tetapi itu mungkin bukan apa yang anda inginkantidak ada informasi untuk nomor simbol %ld tidak ada berkas masukantidak ada berkas masukan yang dispesifikasikantidak ada nama untuk berkas keluarantidak ada operasi yang dispesifikasikantidak ada sumber dayatidak ada simbol tidak ada informasi untuk C++ fungsi metodekosongbukan stripping simbol `%s' karena ini dinamakan dalam sebuah relokasicatatankosong diakhir string unicodenomor dari byte untuk membalik harus positif dan genapnumerik overflowpilihankehabisan memori parsing relokasi overflow ketika menyesuaikan relokasi terhadap %sparse_coff_type: Tipe kode 0x%x burukpreprosesing gagal.aplikasi headerparameter referensi bukan sebuah penunjukjumlah relokasi negatifrelokasiID sumber dayasumber daya dataukuran data sumber dayatipe sumber daya tidak dikenaldaerah rpcdaerah '%s' memiliki tipe NOBITS - isinya tidak dapat diharapkan. daerah 0 dalam grup dearah [%5u] daerah [%5u] dalah daerah grup [%5u] > daerah maksimal [%5u] daerah [%5u] dalam daerah grup [%5u] telah dalam daerah grup [%5u] daerah isidaerah dataheader daerahset vma .bssset ukuran .dataset isi .nlmsectionset ukuran .nlmsectionsset Alamat ke 0x%lx set Pembeda ke %lu set alignmen daerahset tanda daerahset ukuran daerahset awal alamatdaerah terbagimelewati relokasi ofset 0x%lx tidak valid dalam daerah %s melewati tipe simbol %s tidak terduga dalam relokasi ke %ld dalam daerah %s maaf - aplikasi ini telah dibuat tanpa dukungan plugin stab_int_type: ukuran %u burukstack overflowstack underflowstat gagal dalam berkas bitmap `%s': %sstat gagal di berkas `%s': %sstat gagal dalam berkas font `%s': %sstat mengembalikan ukuran negatif untuk `%s'tabel stringstring_hash_lookup gagal: %sstringtabel stringpanjang string stringtabelukuran stub daerahsubproses mendapat sinyal fatal %ddukungan tidak dikompile untuk %standa yang didukung: %sinformasi simbolsimbolsimtab shndxdaerah dinamis tidak berisi dalam segmen dinamis daerah dinmasi bukan daerah pertama dalam segmen dinamis target ini tidak mendukung %lu alternatif kode mesinmembuat nomor itu sebagai sebuah nilai e_machine absolutcoba tambahkan sebuah bahasa sakit.dua pilihan operasi berbeda dispesifikasikantidak dapat mengaplikasikan tipe relokasi %d tidak didukung ke daerah %s tidak dapat menyalin berkas '%s'; alasan: %stidak dapat membuka berkas, %s' untuk masukan. tidak dapat membuka berkas keluaran %stidak dapat memparse kode mesin alternatiftidak dapat membaca isi dari %stidak dapat mengubah nama '%s'; alasan: %sobjek C++ tidak terdefinisivtabel C++ tidak terdefinisivariabel dalam ATN tidak terdefinisivariabel dalam TY tidak dikenalversi %d DIALOGEX tidak terdugatidak terduga akhir dari informasi debuginfo versi %lu versi tetap tidak terdugapanjang informasi versi %ld tetap tidak terdugatanda tangan versi %lu tetap tidak terdugatipe kursor %d grup tidak terdugatipe ikon grup %d tidak terduganomor tidak terdugatipe rekaman tidak terdugastring dalam misc C++ tidak terduganilai panjang %ld stringfileinfo tidak terduganilai panjang varfileinfo %ld tidak terdugastring versi tidak terdugaversi panjang string %ld != %ld + %ld tidak terdugaversi panjang string %ld < %ld tidak terduganilai panjang %ld versi stringtabel tidak terdugatipe versi %d tidak terduganilai panjang versi %ld tidak terdugatidak dikenaltipe ATN tidak didukungtipe BB tidak diketahuinama C++ terenkode tidak dikenalvisibility C++ tidak diketahuisubsistem PE tidak diketahui: %skode TY tidak dikenaltipe builtin tidak dikenalgaya demangling `%s' tidak diketahuitipe format `%s' tidak diketahuitarget masukan EFI tidak diketahui: %spilihan nama daerah panjang '%s' tidak diketahuitidak dikenal mactarget keluaran EFI tidak diketahui: %sdaerah tidak dikenalkarakter maya untuk baseclass tidak dikenalkarakter visibel untuk baseclass tidak dikenalkarakter visibel untuk field tidak dikenalunnamed tipe $vbtipe --endian `%s' tidak dikenalpilihan -E tidak dikenalkependekan C++ tidak dikenaltipe baku C++ tidak dikenalrekaman misc C++ tidak dikenaltidak dikenal C++ objek overhead specspesifikasi objek C++ tidak dikenaltipe referensi C++ tidak dikenaltipe referensi silang tidak dikenaltanda `%s' daerah tidak dikenaltidak dikenal: %-7lxtidak terselesaikan PC relatif relokasi terhadap %sATN11 tidak didukungATN12 tidak didukungtipe objek C++ tidak didukungoperator ekspresi IEEE tidak didukungversi menu %d tidak didukungtidak didukung atau tidak dikenal Dwarf Call Frame nomor Instruksi: %#x kualifier tidak didukunginformasi unwindtabel unwindterdefinisi oleh pengguna: panjang %d versi dataversi defversi def auxdaerah definisi versipanjang versi %d tidak cocok dengan panjang sumber daya %luversi membutuhkanversi membutuhkan aux (2)versi membutuhkan aux (3)versi membutuhkan daerahtabel versi tringversi simbol datainfo var versiversi varfileinfotunggu: %speringatan: PERIKSA prosedur %s tidak terdefinisiperingatan: KELUAR prosedur %s tidak terdefinisiperingatan: FULLMAP tidak didukung: coba ld -Mperingatan: Tidak ada nomor versi yang diberikanperingatan: AWAL prosedur %s tidak terdefinisiperingatan: tidak dapat membuat berkas sementara ketika menyalin '%s', (error: %s)peringatan: tidak dapat mengalokasikan '%s'. Pesan error sistem: %speringatan: penyelarasan berkas (0x%s) > penyelarasan daerah (0x%s)peringatan: format masukan dan keluaran tidak kompatibelperingatan: simbol %s diimpor tetapi tidak dalam daftar importidak akan menghasilkan keluaran, karena simbol tidak terdefinisi tidak memiliki ukuran.menulis stubPK!%ryyLC_MESSAGES/parted.monu[<);),0-0A-2r-*---$-*#.2N.%.,.&.).&%/,L/#y/$/!/&/( 0<403q0!001101P1/@2]p2G2&3=3Z3 a3+l3+33#3#4+40I40z4404(4($5M5 m5'5%5)56'&6`N627<7848R8q878808(9%-9S9p999^:|:W::]:S;h;+{;B;!;0 <<=<Dz<!<P<]2=H===$>D<>>>? #?L-?>z??!?G?(@@<i@@@2@"AB=A2AA0A]A=IBIBBZBo?C"D*DDQE4mE5E(EF F?F^F}FFF)F-G$.GSG<rG=GG H-HMHmHHH'HH8I8N@NQN&eNN N NN>aO*OLO=P;VP+PHPQQQ-Q 3QK>QcQ?Q .R:RVReRyRRInSGTUUVU-]UU V VVVVWW4-W4bWW$WWW)XK2Xl~X:XD&YmkYYY Z"Z3ZCZ^ZZ Z[ [$['[9[I[R[q[[8[[[\\\+\/\/]@]0O]]]?]T].:^)i^.^N^Q_c_x_)___-_ `"`#>`b`z``$```ta,aa7a*a+#bObUb\bdbH|bMb>cDRcXc>c/dKddRef<fH#g<lggF,h/sh^hpi`sihiH=jHj j*j0kLll,immmm}o@4p@upRpg q/qqtq7rpNr;rEr<AsF~s:stftUtAu]uzu&uu06v1gvv1"w2Twww(w(w&wtx&x(xAxy0y3Gy{yyyyyyyzz &z33z3gz/zzz$zB{a{{"| 6|@|#U|#y||||H|+}?H}}~.~;E~3~/~+~'#9]}#b~M̀Ҁ؀ ڀW>[s %ҁ!/JYS).ׂ.5:O?  ΃܃+ )2:QB9Մ݄F#1UY \gU)i*ˆцf5k ̇SӇ'@*kp BL JTjQۉU=EBk "+F_"22ِ2 -?/m$-‘;%,/R&)&Ӓ/#*$N!s&(>3$$X}n@R<6fsMږ3( \} 88ȗ#(%(N!wD@ޘ%7E)}-%ՙ&-"(P+y#3ɚr0p>()%O;k45,*-WY<\p'>٠(0AArI*d)uX!]%Nģ+Ǥ ˤaդ@7'x!E¥.E7B}>-H-@v@V<UGڨ_uM%ê."Y;>?ԫ7#L#p##ܬ!)=-g$3CD2#w###!'I;`BB? H iv<ϱ- :"O=r"%ӳ%#"CBf`? CJ@ϵ *: @ LXK77_QTmA¸KPbk fhPg 0cZx- ɿۿ 7R5e8"&6.SSdB;J~{#Ei+  $!+!M@o'366*a=rLm*527K9v5" Xf8u !93R&j'<.d: :16<CI^M=E4Sz=# |0c1I,1vG/4wuo"fKy^$'D@luU,%"=`6)6`ar@l|6*|a?E@dA=%nb~/=> =>$;D60'+N$<4X%!- ;Qg}6672N$hP%-Lk~ L!`qC75{1-)%;!a1bc [# 1:G ]6&-]-] $ 0;U ky2}V=?DO% (@HMV/5ej,rN<W  h8<>{ JI bn TQXI_b " C^-/9mhzQN`#}cacG" io>[J~H}9w(Se=1N"p .+5 vM[tK6k<VyZfT< au-I ,EW;Ug:L8#)KfUvxV:D +q?dF*>s_b^o/j XW .A=7|4w ~rjC5(T`$@7iPXA3Ptl)6%%'ndxLZu$^3H{Y]ERy2B  ,hR{\pnY k?;O!Q|80\!lMqSJFIeOgC24_'&1zbm]&rG0Bs@*D You found a bug in GNU Parted! Here's what you have to do: Don't panic! The bug has most likely not affected any of your data. Help us to fix this bug by doing the following: Check whether the bug has already been fixed by checking the last version of GNU Parted that you can find at: Please check this version prior to bug reporting. If this has not been fixed yet or if you don't know how to check, please visit the GNU Parted website: for further information. Your report should contain the version of this release (%s) along with the error message below, the output of parted DEVICE unit co print unit s print and the following history of commands you entered. Also include any additional information about your setup you consider important. Command History: Error: A general SIGFPE signal was encountered. Error: A general SIGILL signal was encountered. Error: A general SIGSEGV signal was encountered. Error: FPE_FLTDIV (Float: divide by zero) Error: FPE_FLTINV (Float: invalid operation) Error: FPE_FLTOVF (Float: overflow) Error: FPE_FLTRES (Float: inexact result) Error: FPE_FLTSUB (Float: subscript out of range) Error: FPE_FLTUND (Float: underflow) Error: FPE_INTDIV (Integer: divide by zero) Error: FPE_INTOVF (Integer: overflow) Error: ILL_BADSTK (Internal Stack Error) Error: ILL_COPROC (Coprocessor Error) Error: ILL_ILLADR (Illegal addressing mode) Error: ILL_ILLOPC (Illegal Opcode) Error: ILL_ILLOPN (Illegal Operand) Error: ILL_ILLTRP (Illegal Trap) Error: ILL_PRVOPC (Privileged Opcode) Error: ILL_PRVREG (Privileged Register) Error: SEGV_ACCERR (Invalid permissions for mapped object) Error: SEGV_MAPERR (Address not mapped to object) Is this still acceptable to you? License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Report bugs to <%s>. Report bugs to: %s When no DEVICE is given, probe all partitions. NUMBER : display more detailed information about this particular partition devices : display all active block devices free : display information about free unpartitioned space on the current block device list, all : display the partition tables of all active block devices "%s" has invalid syntax for locations.%0.f%% (time left %.2d:%.2d)%s %s%s %s %s%s : Bad checksum on block %llu of type %s %s : Bad checksum on block %llu of type %s.%s : Couldn't read block %llu %s : Couldn't read boot block %llu %s : Couldn't read root block %llu %s : Couldn't write block %d %s : Didn't find rdb block, should never happen %s : Didn't find rdb block, should never happen.%s : Failed to allocate block %s : Failed to allocate disk_specific rdb block %s : Failed to allocate id list element %s : Failed to allocate partition block %s : Failed to list bad blocks.%s : Failed to list boot blocks.%s : Failed to list file system blocks.%s : Failed to list partition blocks.%s : Failed to read partition block %llu %s : Loop detected at block %d.%s : The %s list seems bad at block %s.%s contains GPT signatures, indicating that it has a GPT table. However, it does not have a valid fake msdos partition table, as it should. Perhaps it was corrupted -- possibly by a program that doesn't understand GPT partition tables. Or perhaps you deleted the GPT table, and are now using an msdos partition table. Is this a GPT partition table?%s disk labels do not support extended partitions.%s disk labels don't support logical or extended partitions.%s during read on %s%s during seek for read on %s%s during seek for write on %s%s during write on %s%s has no extended partition (volume header partition).%s home page: <%s> %s home page: %s is %dk, but it has %d clusters (%dk).%s is too small for a Mac disk label!%s trying to sync %s to disk%s: unrecognised disk label''mkpart' makes a partition without creating a new file system on the partition. FS-TYPE may be specified to set an appropriate partition ID. 'version' displays copyright and version information corresponding to this copy of GNU Parted (C)A %s %s partition was found at %s -> %s. Do you want to add it to the partition table?A data set name is corruptedA reference to an extent comes from a place it should not. You should check the file system!API version mismatchATARAID ControllerAn error occurred during extent relocation.An error occurred while looking for the mandatory bad blocks file.An extent has not been relocated.Assertion (%s) at %s:%d in function %s() failed.Attempt to write sectors %ld-%ld outside of partition on %s.BIOS cylinder,head,sector geometry: %d,%d,%d. Each cylinder is %s. Backtrace has %d calls on stack: Bad FAT: cluster %d is cross-linked for %s. You should run dosfsck or scandisk.Bad FAT: cluster %d outside file system in chain for %s. You should run dosfsck or scandisk.Bad FAT: unterminated chain for %s. You should run dosfsck or scandisk.Bad block list header checksum.Bad blocks could not be read.Bad blocks list could not be loaded.Bad directory entry for %s: first cluster is the end of file marker.Bad journal checksum.Both the primary and backup GPT tables are corrupt. Try making a fresh table, and using Parted's rescue feature to recover partitions.BugCOMMANDs:Can't add a logical partition to %s, because there is no extended partition.Can't add another partition -- the partition map is too small!Can't add another partition.Can't create any more partitions.Can't have a logical partition outside of the extended partition on %s.Can't have a partition outside the disk!Can't have a primary partition inside an extended partition.Can't have logical partitions outside of the extended partition.Can't have more than one extended partition on %s.Can't have overlapping partitions.Can't have the end before the start! (start sector=%jd length=%jd)Can't write to %s, because it is opened read-only.CancelCannot get unit size for special unit 'COMPACT'.Changing the name of a root or swap partition will prevent Linux from recognising it as such.Checksum is wrong, indicating the partition table is corrupt.Cluster start delta = %d, which is not a multiple of the cluster size %d.Compaq Smart ArrayConflicting partition map entry sizes! Entry 1 says it is %d, but entry %d says it is %d!Copyright (C) 1998 - 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Corrupted Sun disk label detected.Could not cache the file system in memory.Could not detect file system.Could not determine sector size for %s: %s. Using the default sector size (%lld).Could not find sector %lli of HFS file with CNID %X.Could not find sector %lli of HFS+ file with CNID %X.Could not get identity of device %s - %sCould not read VTOC FMT1 DSCB.Could not read VTOC FMT4 DSCB.Could not read VTOC FMT5 DSCB.Could not read VTOC FMT7 DSCB.Could not read VTOC labels.Could not read volume label.Could not retrieve API version.Could not retrieve blocksize information.Could not retrieve disk geometry information.Could not retrieve disk information.Could not stat device %s - %s.Could not update the extent cache for HFS file with CNID %X.Could not update the extent cache for HFS+ file with CNID %X.Could not write VTOC FMT1 DSCB.Could not write VTOC FMT4 DSCB.Could not write VTOC FMT5 DSCB.Could not write VTOC FMT7 DSCB.Could not write VTOC labels.Could not write volume label.DAC960 RAID controllerDEVICE is usually /dev/hda or /dev/sda Data relocation has failed.Data relocation left some data at the end of the volume.Data relocation left some data in the end of the volume.Device %s has multiple (%d) logical sectors per physical sector. GNU Parted supports this EXPERIMENTALLY for some special disk label/file system combinations, e.g. GPT and ext2/3. Please consult the web site for up-to-date information.Device verification failedDisk %s: %s Disk ImageDisk is in useEndEnd?ErrorError fsyncing/closing %s: %sError informing the kernel about modifications to partition %s -- %s. This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to %s until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting.Error initialising SCSI device %s - %sError opening %s: %sError while writing the allocation file.Error while writing the compatibility part of the allocation file.Error writing to the root directory.Expecting a disk label type.Expecting a file system type.Expecting a partition number.Expecting a partition type.Extended partitions cannot be hidden on msdos disk labels.FAT %d media %x doesn't match the boot sector's media %x. You should probably run scandisk.FAT boot sector says clusters are 0 sectors. This is weird. FAT boot sector says logical sector size is 0. This is weird. FAT boot sector says there are no FAT tables. This is weird. FLAG is one of: FS-TYPE is one of: Failed to write partition block at %d.FatalFatal errorFile systemFile system doesn't have expected sizes for Windows to like it. Cluster size is %dk (%dk expected); number of clusters is %d (%d expected); size of FATs is %d sectors (%d expected).File system has an invalid cluster size for a FAT file system.File system has an invalid number of FATs.File system has an invalid number of reserved sectors for a FAT file system.File system has an invalid sector size for a FAT file system.File system has an invalid signature for a FAT file system.File system is FAT12, which is unsupported.File system is reporting the free space as %d clusters, not %d clusters.File system type?FixFlag to Invert?FlagsFree SpaceGNU Parted cannot resize this partition to this size. We're working on it!GNU Parted was miscompiled: the FAT boot sector should be 512 bytes. FAT support will be disabled.General help using GNU software: Generic IDEGeneric SD/MMC Storage CardI2O ControllerIBM S390 DASD driveIBM iSeries Virtual DASDIf you convert to FAT16, and MS Windows is installed on this partition, then you must re-install the MS Windows boot loader. If you want to do this, you should consult the Parted manual (or your distribution's manual).If you convert to FAT32, and MS Windows is installed on this partition, then you must re-install the MS Windows boot loader. If you want to do this, you should consult the Parted manual (or your distribution's manual). Also, converting to FAT32 will make the file system unreadable by MS DOS, MS Windows 95a, and MS Windows NT.If you leave your file system as FAT16, then you will have no problems.If you leave your file system as FAT32, then you will not introduce any new problems.IgnoreIncorrect magic values in the journal header.Inform the operating system about partition table changes. -d, --dry-run do not actually inform the operating system -s, --summary print a summary of contents -h, --help display this help and exit -v, --version output version information and exit InformationInvalid VTOC.Invalid back referenceInvalid character class nameInvalid collation characterInvalid content of \{\}Invalid number.Invalid partition table - recursive partition on %s.Invalid partition table on %s -- wrong signature %x.Invalid partition table on %s.Invalid preceding regular expressionInvalid range endInvalid regular expressionInvalid signature %x for Mac disk labels.Invalid size of a transaction block while replaying the journal (%i bytes).It seems there is an error in the HFS wrapper: the bad blocks file doesn't contain the embedded HFS+ volume.Journal offset or size is not multiple of the sector size.Journal size mismatch between journal info block and journal header.Journal stored outside of the volume are not supported. Try to desactivate the journal and run Parted again.LABEL-TYPE is one of: Linux device-mapper (%s)Memory allocation failedMemory exhaustedModel: %s (%s) NAME is any word you want NUMBER is the partition number used by Linux. On MS-DOS disk labels, the primary partitions number from 1 to 4, logical partitions from 5 onwards. NameNew device?New disk label type?New state?NoNo ImplementationNo device foundNo matchNo previous regular expressionNo room for partition info.No room for volume label.No valid HFS[+X] signature has been found while opening.No valid partition map found.Not all of the space available to %s appears to be used, you can fix the GPT to use all of the space (an extra %llu blocks) or continue with the current setting? NumberOKOPTIONs:Only logical partitions can be a boot file.Only primary partitions can be root partitions.Only primary partitions can be swap partitions.Out of memory.PART-TYPE is one of: primary, logical, extended Packaged by %s Packaged by %s (%s) Parted can't resize partitions managed by Windows Dynamic Disk.Parted can't use HFS file systems on disks with a sector size not equal to %d bytes.Partition %d has an invalid length of 0 bytes!Partition %d has an invalid signature %x.Partition %d is %s, but the file system is %s.Partition %d isn't aligned to cylinder boundaries. This is still unsupported.Partition %s is being used. You must unmount it before you modify it with Parted.Partition Table: %s Partition doesn't exist.Partition map has no partition map entry!Partition name?Partition number?Partition too big/small for a %s file system.Partition type?Partition(s) on %s are being used.Premature end of regular expressionPromise SX8 SATA DeviceRegular expression too bigReport %s bugs to: %s Resizing the HFS+ volume has failed.RetrySTART and END are disk locations, such as 4GB or 10%. Negative values count from the end of the disk. For example, -1s specifies exactly the last sector. STATE is one of: on, off Sector size (logical/physical): %lldB/%lldB SizeSome header fields are not multiple of the sector size.Sorry, HFS cannot be resized that way yet.Sorry, HFS+ cannot be resized that way yet.StartStart?SuccessSun disk label is full.Support for adding partitions to AIX disk labels is not implemented yet.Support for duplicating partitions in AIX disk labels is not implemented yet.Support for reading AIX disk labels is is not implemented yet.Support for setting flags in AIX disk labels is not implemented yet.Support for setting system type of partitions in AIX disk labels is not implemented yet.Support for writing AIX disk labels is is not implemented yet.Syntax error in config fileThe FATs don't match. If you don't know what this means, then select cancel, run scandisk on the file system, and then come back.The Whole Disk partition is the only available one left. Generally, it is not a good idea to overwrite this partition with a real one. Solaris may not be able to boot without it, and SILO (the sparc boot loader) appreciates it as well.The backup GPT table is corrupt, but the primary appears OK, so that will be used.The backup GPT table is not at the end of the disk, as it should be. This might mean that another operating system believes the disk is smaller. Fix, by moving the backup to the end (and removing the old backup)?The boot region doesn't start at the start of the partition.The current API version '%d' doesn't match dasd driver API version '%d'!The data region doesn't start at the start of the partition.The disk CHS geometry (%d,%d,%d) reported by the operating system does not match the geometry stored on the disk label (%d,%d,%d).The disk has %d cylinders, which is greater than the maximum of 65536.The disk label describes a disk bigger than %s.The driver descriptor says the physical block size is %d bytes, but Linux says it is %d bytes.The existing disk label on %s will be destroyed and all data on this disk will be lost. Do you want to continue?The extents overflow file should not contain its own extents! You should check the file system.The file %s is marked as a system file. This means moving it could cause some programs to stop working.The file system can only be resized to this size by converting to FAT16.The file system can only be resized to this size by converting to FAT32.The file system contains errors.The file system is bigger than its volume!The file system's CHS geometry is (%d, %d, %d), which is invalid. The partition table's CHS geometry is (%d, %d, %d). If you select Ignore, the file system's CHS geometry will be left unchanged. If you select Fix, the file system's CHS geometry will be set to match the partition table's CHS geometry.The information sector has the wrong signature (%x). Select cancel for now, and send in a bug report. If you're desperate, it's probably safe to ignore.The journal is not empty. Parted must replay the transactions before opening the file system. This will modify the file system.The location %s is outside of the device %s.The maximum head value is %d.The maximum sector value is %d.The partition table cannot be re-read. This means you need to reboot before mounting any modified partitions. You also need to reinstall your boot loader before you reboot (which may require mounting modified partitions). It is impossible do both things! So you'll need to boot off a rescue disk, and reinstall your boot loader from the rescue disk. Read section 4 of the Parted User documentation for more information.The partition table on %s cannot be re-read (%s). This means the Hurd knows nothing about any modifications you made. You should reboot your computer before doing anything with %s.The partition's boot region doesn't occupy the entire partition.The partition's data region doesn't occupy the entire partition.The primary GPT table is corrupt, but the backup appears OK, so that will be used.The sector size stored in the journal is not 512 bytes. Parted only supports 512 bytes length sectors.The specified device is not a valid DASD deviceThe volume header or the master directory block has changed while replaying the journal. You should restart Parted.There are no possible configurations for this FAT type.There's not enough room in the root directory for all of the files. Either cancel, or ignore to lose the files.This HFS volume has no catalog file. This is very unusual!This HFS volume has no extents overflow file. This is quite unusual!This HFS+ volume has no catalog file. This is very unusual!This HFS+ volume has no extents overflow file. This is quite unusual!This command does not make sense in non-interactive mode. This file system has a logical sector size of %d. GNU Parted is known not to work properly with sector sizes other than 512 bytes.This is not a real %s check. This is going to extract special low level files for debugging purposes.This libparted doesn't have write support for %s. Perhaps it was compiled read-only.Too many primary partitionsToo many primary partitions.Trailing backslashTry `%s --help' for more information. Trying to move an extent from block Ox%X to block Ox%X, but another one already exists at this position. This should not happen!Trying to read HFS file with CNID %X behind EOF.Trying to read HFS+ file with CNID %X behind EOF.Trying to register an extent starting at block 0x%X, but another one already exists at this position. You should check the file system!Trying to write HFS file with CNID %X behind EOF.Trying to write HFS+ file with CNID %X behind EOF.TypeUNIT is one of: Unable to allocate a bsd disklabel slot.Unable to allocate a dasd disklabel slotUnable to allocate a partition number.Unable to determine geometry of file/device %s. You should not use Parted unless you REALLY know what you're doing!Unable to determine the dm type of %s.Unable to determine the size of %s (%s).Unable to open %s read-write (%s). %s has been opened read-only.Unable to open %s.Unable to probe store.Unable to satisfy all constraints on the partition.Unit?UnknownUnknown disk flag, %d.Unknown file system type "%s".Unknown partition flag, %d.Unknown system errorUnmatched ( or \(Unmatched ) or \)Unmatched [ or [^Unmatched \{Unrecognised new style linux swap signature '%10s'.Unrecognised old style linux swap signature '%10s'.Unrecognised swsusp linux swap signature '%9s'.Unsupported disk formatUnsupported disk typeUpdating the HFS wrapper has failed.Usage: %s [-hlmsv] [-a] [DEVICE [COMMAND [PARAMETERS]]...] Usage: %s [OPTION] [DEVICE]... Usage: parted [OPTION]... [DEVICE [COMMAND [PARAMETERS]...]...] Apply COMMANDs with PARAMETERS to DEVICE. If no COMMAND(s) are given, run in interactive mode. User-Mode Linux UBDUsing %s Valid arguments are:Version %d of HFS+ isn't supported.Version %d of HFSX isn't supported.Virtio Block DeviceVolume label is corruptedWarningWeird block size on device descriptor: %d bytes is not divisible by 512.Weird! There are 2 partitions map entries!Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands. Without arguments, 'print' displays the entire partition table. However with the following arguments it performs various other actions. Would you like to use FAT32?Written by %s and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and others. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s. Xen Virtual Block DeviceYesYou may need to update /etc/fstab. You need %s of free disk space to shrink this partition to this size. Currently, only %s is free.You should reinstall your boot loader before rebooting. Read section 4 of the Parted User documentation for more information.^[nN]^[yY]`align-checkalign-check TYPE N check partition N for TYPE(min|opt) alignmentalignment for new partitionsalignment type(min/opt)ambiguous argument %s for %satvrecvbios_grubbootchecking for bad blockscylinder_alignmentdesired alignment: minimum or optimaldisplays machine parseable outputdisplays the versiondisplays this help messageextendedfailed to set dvh partition name to %s: Only logical partitions (boot files) have a name.fat_table_alloc_cluster: no free clustersfat_table_get: cluster %ld outside file systemfat_table_set: cluster %ld outside file systemfreehelphelp [COMMAND] print general help, or help on COMMANDhiddenhp-serviceinvalid argument %s for %sinvalid token: %sioctl() errorlbalists partition layout on all block deviceslogicallvmmemory exhaustedmetadataminimalmklabelmklabel,mktable LABEL-TYPE create a new disklabel (partition table)mkpartmkpart PART-TYPE [FS-TYPE] START END make a partitionmktablemsftresnamename NUMBER NAME name partition NUMBER as NAMEnever prompts for user interventionoffonopen erroropening of device failedoptimalpaloparted was unable to re-read the partition table on %s (%s). This means Linux won't know anything about the modifications you made. partition length of %jd sectors exceeds the %s-partition-table-imposed maximum of %jdped_device_new() Unsupported device typeprepprimaryprimary partition table array CRC mismatchprintprint [devices|free|list,all|NUMBER] display the partition table, available devices, free space, all found partitions, or a particular partitionquitquit exit programraidread errorreading from device failedrescuerescue START END rescue a lost partition near START and ENDrmrm NUMBER delete partition NUMBERrootsearching for file systemsseek errorseeking on device failedselectselect DEVICE choose the device to editsetset NUMBER FLAG STATE change the FLAG on partition NUMBERshrinkingshrinking HFS wrappershrinking embedded HFS+ volumestarting sector number, %jd exceeds the %s-partition-table-imposed maximum of %jdswaptoggletoggle [NUMBER [FLAG]] toggle the state of FLAG on partition NUMBERunitunit UNIT set the default unit to UNITversionversion display the version number and copyright information of GNU Partedwrite errorwriting HFS Master Directory Blockwriting HFS+ Volume Headerwriting to device failedProject-Id-Version: GNU parted 2.1 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-02 17:52+0100 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-27 07:30+0700 Last-Translator: Arif E. Nugroho Language-Team: Indonesian Language: id MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Anda menemukan sebuah bug dalam GNU Parted! Ini yang harus anda lakukan: Jangan panic! Bug yang ada biasanya tidak mempengaruhi data anda. Bantu kami untuk membetulkan bug ini dengan melakukan hal berikut: Check apakah bug telah dibetulkan dengan mengecheck versi terbaru dari GNU Parted yang dapat anda temukan di: Tolong periksa versi ini terlebih dahulu sebelum melaporkan bug. Jika bug ini belum dibetulkan atau jika anda tidak tahu bagaimana cara mengechecknya, kunjungi GNU Parted website: untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Laporan anda seharusnya berisi versi dari release ini (%s) dengan pesan error dibawah ini, dan output dari perintah berikut ini parted DEVICE unit co print unit s print dan history dari perintah yang telah anda jalankan. dan beberapa informasi tambahan mengenai setting yang telah anda lakukan yang menurut anda penting. Perintah yang pernah dijalankan: Error: Sebuah sinyal SIGFPE umum telah ditemukan. Error: Sebuah sinyal SIGILL umum telah ditemukan. Error: Sebuah sinyal SIGSEGV umum telah ditemui. Error: FPE_FLTDIV (Float: dibagi dengan nol) Error: FPE_FLTINV (Float: operasi tidak valid) Error: FPE_FLTOVF (Float: overflow) Error: FPE_FLTRES (Float: hasil tidak eksak) Error: FPE_FLTSUB (Float: subscript diluar dari jangkauan) Error: FPE_FLTUND (Float: underflow) Error: FPE_INTDIV (Integer: dibagi dengan nol) Error: FPE_INTOVF (Integer: overflow) Error: ILL_BADSTK (Internal Stack Error) Error: ILL_COPROC (Coprocessor Error) Error: ILL_ILLADDR (Illegal mode pengalamatan) Error: ILL_ILLOPC (Illegal Opcode) Error: ILL_ILLOPN (Illegal Operand) Error: ILL_ILLTRP (Illegal Trap) Error: ILL_PRVOPC (Privileged Opcode) Error: ILL_PRVREG (Privileged Register) Error: SEGV_ACCER (Permisi tidak sah untuk objek yang dimap) Error: SEGV_MAPPER (Alamat tidak di map ke objek) Apakah ini masih dapat anda terima? Lisensi GPLv3+: GNU GPL versi 3 atau yang lebih baru Ini merupakan free software: anda dapat secara bebas mengubah dan mendistribusikan ulang. Tidak ada GARANSI, yang dilindungi oleh hukum yang berlaku. Laporkan bugs kepada <%s>. Laporkan bugs ke: %s Jika tak ada PERANGKAT yang diberikan, pindai seluruh partisi. NUMBER : tampilkan informasi yang lebih detail tentang partisi yang terpilih devices : menampilkan seluruh perangkat blok yang aktif free : menampilkan informasi tentang ruang partisi kosong di perngkat blok yang sedang dipakai list, all : tampilkan tabel partisi dari seluruh perangkat blok yang aktif "%s" memiliki syntax yang tidak valid untuk lokasi.%0.f%% (waktu tersisa %.2d:%.2d)%s %s%s %s %s%s : Checksum pada block %llu dengan tipe %s tidak baik %s : Checksum pada block %llu dengan tipe %s tidak baik.%s : Tidak dapat membaca blok %llu %s : Tidak dapat membaca boot blok %llu %s : Tidak dapat membaca root blok %llu %s : Tidak dapat menulis blok %d %s : Tidak dapa menemukan rdb blok, seharusnya tidak pernah terjadi %s : Tidak menemukan rdb block, seharusnya tidak pernah terjadi.%s : Gagal untuk mengalokasikan blok %s : Gagal untuk mengalokasikan disk_specific rdb blok %s : Gagal mengalokasikan id elemen list %s : Gagal untuk mengalokasikan blok partisi %s : Gagal untuk men-list bad blocks.%s : Gagal untuk men-list boot blocks.%s : Gagal untuk men-list file system blocks.%s : Gagal untuk men-list block partisi.%s : Gagal untuk menbaca blok partisi %llu %s : Loop terdeteksi pada block %d.%s : List %s kelihatannya tidak baik pada block %s.%s berisi GPT signatures, menunjukkan bahwa ini adalah tabel GPT. Akan tetapi, ini tidak memiliki valid fake msdos tabel partisi, seperti seharusnya. Mungkin ini sudah terkorupsi -- mungkin oleh program yang tidak mengerti tabel partisi GPT. Atau mungkin anda menghapus tabel GPT, dan sekarang menggunakan sebuah tabel partisi msdos. Apakah ini sebuah tabel partisi GPT?%s disk label tidak mensupport partisi extended.%s disk labels tidak mensupport partisi logical atau extended.%s selama pembacaan pada %s%s selama pencarian untuk dibaca pada %s%s selama pencarian untuk menulis pada %s%s selama penulisan pada %s%s tidak memiliki partisi extended (volume header partisi).%s halaman rumah: <%s> %s halaman rumah: %s adalah %dk, tetapi ini memiliki %d clusters (%dk).%s terlalu kecil untuk sebuah disklabel Mac!%s mencoba untuk mensinkronisasi %s pada disk%s: label cakram tidak dikenalU+2019'mkpart' membuat sebuah partisi tanpa membuat sebuah file system baru pada partisi. TIPE-FS mungkin dispesifikasikan untuk mengeset ID partisi. 'versi' menampilkan hak cipta dan informasi versi sesuai dengan kopi dari GNU Parted ini (C)Sebuah %s %s partisi ditemukan pada %s -> %s. Anda ingin menambahkan ini pada tabel partisi?Sebuah nama data set terkorupsiSebuah referensi untuk sebuah extent datang dari tempat yang tidak seharusnya. Anda harus mengecheck filesystem!versi API tidak cocokATARAID ControllerTerjadi error ketika extent relocation.Sebuah error terjadi ketika mencari mandatory bad blocks file.Sebuah extent tidak dapat direlokasikan.Assertion (%s) di %s:%d dalam fungsi %s() gagal.Mencoba untuk menulis sektor %ld-%ld diluar dari partisi pada %s.BIOS cylinder,head,sector geometry: %d,%d,%d. Setiap cylinder adalah %s. Backtrace memiliki %d panggilan di stack: Bad FAT: cluster %d adalah cross-linked untuk %s. Anda seharusnya menjalankan dosfsck atan scandisk.Bad FAT: cluster %d diluar dari file system dalam rantai untuk %s. Anda seharusnya menjalankan dosfsck atau scandisk.Bad FAT: unterminated chain untuk %s. Anda seharusnya menjalankan dosfsck atau scandisk.Daftar bad block header checksum.Bad blocks tidak dapat dibaca.Daftar bad blocks tidak dapat diload.Bad directory entry untuk %s: cluster pertama merupakan akhir dari file markerJournal checksum jelek.Kedua tabel GPT primer dan backup sudah terkorupsi. Coba untuk membuat sebuah tabel yang baru, dan gunakan Parted's rescue feature untuk merecover partisi.BugPERINTAH:Tidak dapat menambahkan sebuah partisi logical pada %s, karena disana tidak ada partisi extended.Tidak dapat lagi menambah partisi -- peta partisi terlalu kecil!Tidak dapat menambah partisi yang lain.Tidak dapat membuat partisi lagi.Tidak dapat memiliki partisi logical diluar partisi extended pada %s.Tidak dapat memiliki partisi diluar dari disk!Tidak dapat memiliki primary partisi didalam sebuah partisi extended.Tidak dapat memiliki partisi logical diluar dari partisi extended.Tidak dapat memiliki lebih dari satu partisi extended pada %s.Tidak dapat memiliki partisi yang beroverlap.Tidak dapat memiliki akhir sebelum start! (sektor start=%jd panjang=%jd)Tidak dapat menulis pada %s, karena ini dibuka secara read-only.BatalTidak dapat mendapatkan ukuran unit untuk spesial unit 'COMPAT'.Mengubah nama dari root atau partisi swap akan membuat Linux tidak dapat mengenalinya.Checksum salah, mengindikasikan bahwa tabel partisi corrupt.Cluster awal delta = %d, dimana bukan kelipatan dari ukuran cluster %d.Compaq Smart ArrayKonflik masukan ukuran peta partisi! Masukan 1 mengatakan %d, tetapi masukan %d mengatakan %d!Hak Cipta (C) 1998 - 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Aplikasi ini adalah free software, dilindungi oleh GNU General Public Licence. Aplikasi ini didistribusikan dengan harapan akan berguna, tetapi TANPA ADANYA GARANSI; bahkan untuk garansi dalam hal PENJUALAN atau KESESUAIAN UNTUK TUJUAN TERTENTU. Lihat GNU General Public License untuk informasi yang lebih detail. Sun disk label terdeteksi terkorupsi.Tidak dapat men-cache filesystem dalam memori.Tidak dapat mendeteksi filesystem.Tidak dapat menentukan ukuran sektor untuk %s: %s. Menggunakan baku ukuran sektor (%lld).Tidak dapat menemukan sekto %lli dari file HFS dengan CNID %X.Tidak dapat menemukan sekto %lli dari file HFS+ dengan CNID %X.Tidak dapat memperoleh identitas dari perangkat %s - %sTidak dapat membaca VTOC FMT1 DSCB.Tidak dapat membaca VTOC FMT4 DSCB.Tidak dapat membaca VTOC FMT5 DSCB.Tidak dapat membaca VTOC FMT7 DSCB.Tidak dapat membaca label VTOCTidak dapat membaca label volume.Tidak dapat menerima versi API.Tak dapat menerima infomrasi ukuran blok.Tak dapat menerima informasi geometri cakram.Tak dapat menerima informasi cakram.Tidak dapat memperoleh statistik perangkat %s - %s.Tidak dapat meng-update extent cache untuk file HFS dengan CNID %X.Tidak dapat meng-update extent cache untuk file HFS+ dengan CNID %X.Tidak dapat menulis VTOC FMT1 DSCB.Tidak dapat menulis VTOC FMT4 DSCB.Tidak dapat menulis VTOC FMT5 DSCB.Tidak dapat menulis VTOC FMT7 DSCB.Tidak dapat menulis label VTOC.Tidak dapat menulis label volume.DAC960 RAID controllerPERANGKAT biasanya menggunakan nama /dev/hda atau /dev/sda Data relocation telah gagal.Data relocation meninggalkan beberapa data pada akhir dari volume.Data relocation meninggalkan beberapa data pada akhir dari volume.Perangkat %s memiliki beberapa (%d) logical sektor dalam setiap physical sektor. GNU Parted support untuk hal ini dalam tahap PERCOBAAN untuk beberapa disk label spesial / kombinasi file system, contoh GPT dan ext2/3. Tolong lihat web site untuk informasi terbaru.Verifikasi perangkat telah gagalDisk %s: %s Salinan dari diskDisk sedang digunakanAkhirAkhir?ErrorError fsyncing/menutup %s: %sGagal memberitahukan kernel mengenai modifikasi yang telah dilakukan pada partisi %s -- %s. Ini berarti Linux tidak tahu tentang segala perubahan yang anda buat pada %s sampai anda mereboot komputer anda -- jadi anda seharusnya tidak me-mount-nya atau menggunakannya dalam segala cara sebelum mereboot komputer anda.Error menginisialisasi perangkat SCSI %s - %sError membuka %s: %sError ketika menulis alokasi file.Error ketika menulis bagian kompatibilitas dari alokasi file.Error menulis pada direktori root.Memperkirakan sebuah tipe disk label.Memperkirakan sebuah tipe filesystem.Memperkirakan sebuah nomor partisi.Memperkirakan sebuah tipe partisi.Partisi extended tidak dapat disembunyikan pada msdos disk labels.FAT %d media %x tidak cocok dengan boot sector's media %x. Anda seharusnya menjalankan scandisk.FAT boot sector mengatakan clusters adalah 0 sectors. Ini aneh.FAT boot sector mengatakan ukuran sektor logical adalah 0. Ini anehFAT boot sector mengatakan disana tidak ada tabel FAT. Ini aneh.TANDA adalah salah satu dari: TIPE-FS adalah salah satu dari: Gagal untuk menulis block partisi pada %d.FatalError fatalFile systemUkuran file system tidak berukuran seperti yang diperkirakan oleh Windows. Ukuran cluster adalah %dk (%dk diperkirakan); jumlah dari cluster adalah %d (%d diperkirakan); ukuran dari FATs adalah %d sektor (%d diperkirakan).File system memiliki ukuran cluster yang tidak valid untuk file system FAT.File system memiliki nomor yang tidak valid untuk FATs.File system memiliki nomor yang tidak valid untuk reserverd sector dari sebuah FAT file system.File system memiliki ukuran sektor yang tidak valid untuk sebuah FAT file system.File system memiliki sebuah signature yang tidak valid untuk sebuah FAT file system.File system adalah FAT12, dimana file system ini tidak disupport.File system melaporkan ruang kosong sebagai %d clusters, bukan %d clusters.Tipe file system?BetulkanTanda yang akan dirubah?TandaRuang KosongGNU Parted tidak dapat men-resize partisi ini untuk ukuran ini. Kita sedang mengusahkannya untuk bisa!GNU Parted telah salah dikompile: FAT boot sektor seharusnya 512 bytes. FAT support akan di nonaktifkan.Bantuan umum dalam menggunakan peranti lunak GNU: IDE umumKartu Penyimpanan SD/MMC GenerikI2O ControllerIBM S390 DASD driveIBM iSeries Virtual DASDJika anda mengubah ke FAT16, dan MS Windows terinstall pada partisi tersebut, maka anda harus meninstall kembali MS Windows boot loader. Jika anda ingin melakukan ini, anda seharusnya berkonsultasi terlebih dahulu pada manual dari Parted (atau manual dari distribusi anda).Jika anda mengubah ke FAT32, dan MS Windows terinstall pada partisi tersebut, maka anda harus meninstall kembali MS Windows boot loader. Jika anda ingin ingin melakukan ini, anda harus berkonsultasi terlebih dahulu dengan manual dari Parted (atau manual dari distribusi anda). Juga, mengubah ke FAT32 akan membuat file system tidak dapat dibaca oleh MS DOS, MS Windows 95a, dan MS Windows NT.Jika anda meninggalkan file system anda sebagai FAT16, maka anda mungkin tidak akan menemui masalahJika anda meninggalkan file system sebagai FAT32, mungkin anda tidak menemui masalah baru.HiraukanNilai magic tidak benar dalam header journal.Beritahukan sistem operasi tentang perubahan tabel partisi. -d, --no-update jangan informasikan sistem operasi -s, --summary tampilkan rangkuman dari isi -h, --help tampilkan bantuan ini dan keluar -v, --version keluarkan informasi versi dan keluar InformasiVTOC tidak valid.Back reference tidak validCharacter class name tidak validCharacter collation tidak validIsi tidak valid untuk \{\}nomor tidak valid.Table partisi tidak valid - rekursif partisi pada %s.Table partisi tidak valid pada %s -- signature salah %x.Tabel partisi tidak valid pada %s.Ekspresi regular pendahulu tidak validBatas ujung tidak validEkspresi regular tidak validSignature tidak valid %x untuk disklabels Mac.Ukuran tidak sah dalam transaksi blok ketika membalas transaksi journal (%i bytes).Kelihatannya terjadi kesalahan dalam HFS wrapper: file bad blocks tidak berisi embedded HFS+ volume.Ukuran atau offset dari journal bukan kelipatan dari ukuran sektorUkuran journal tidak cocok diantara journal info block dan journal header.Journal disimpan diluar dari volume tidak disupport. Coba untuk menonaktifkan journal dan jalankan Parted lagi sesudah itu.TIPE-LABEL adalah salah satu dari: Linux device-mapper (%s)Alokasi memori gagalKehabisan memoryModel: %s (%s) NAMA adalah kata apapun yang anda inginkan NOMOR adalah nomor partisi yang biasa digunakan oleh Linux. Pada MS-DOS disk label, penomoran partisi utama (primary) dari 1 sampai 4, partisi logical dari 5 keatas. NamaPerangkat baru?Tipe disk label baru?Status baru?TidakTidak ada ImplementasiTidak ditemukan perangkatTidak cocokTidak ada ekpresi regular sebelumnyaTak ada ruang untuk info partisi.Tak ada ruang untuk label volume.Tanda tangan HFS[+X] tidak valid telah ditemukan ketika membuka.Tidak ditemukan map partisi yang valid.Tidak semua dari ruang kosong yang tersedia di %s dapat digunakan, anda dapat membetulkan GPT untuk menggunakan semuar ruang kosong yang tersedia (kosong %llu blocks) atau melanjutkan dengan konfigurasi saat ini?NomorOKPILIHAN:Hanya logical partisi yang dapat menjadi boot file.Hanya primary partisi yang dapat menjadi partisi root.Hanya primary partisi yang dapat menjadi partisi swap.Kehabisan memoriTIPE-PART adalah salah satu dari: primary, logical, extended Dipaketkan oleh %s Dipaketkan oleh %s (%s) Parted tidak dapat men-resize partisi yang diatur oleh Windows Dynamic Disk.Parted tidak dapat menggunakan file systems tipe HFS di dist dengan ukuran sektor tidak sama dengan %d bytes.Partisi %d memiliki panjang 0 bytes yang tidak valid!Partisi %d memiliki signature yang tidak valid %x.Partisi %d adalah %s, tetapi file system-nya adalah %s.Partisi %d tidak di align ke cylinder boundaries. Ini tetap tidak disupportPartisi %s sedang digunakan. Anda harus meng-umount terlebih dahulu sebelum memodifikasinya dengan menggunakan Parted.Tabel Partisi: %s Partisi tidak ada.Map partisi tidak memiliki masukan untuk map partisi!Nama partisi?Nomor partisi?Partisi terlalu besar/kecil untuk sebuah file system %s.Tipe partisi?Partisi pada %s sedang digunakan.Regular ekspresi berakhir secara premature (tidak normal)Perangkat Promise SX8 SATAEkspresi regular terlalu besarLaporkan %s bug ke: %s Resizing dari HFS+ volume telah gagal.CobaAWAL dan AKHIR adalah lokasi dari disk, seperti 4GB atau 10%. Nilai negatif dihitung dari akhir alamat disk. sebagai contoh, =-1s menyatakan lokasi sektor terakhir. STATUS adalah salah satu dari: on, off Ukuran sektor (logical/physical): %lldB/%lldB UkuranBeberapa fields header bukan kelipatan dari ukuran sektor.Maaf, HFS tidak dapat di-resize.Maaf, HFS+ tidak dapat di-resize dengan cara itu saat ini.AwalAwal?SuksesSun disk label sudah penuhSupport untuk menambah partisi di AIX disk label belum diimplementasikan.Support untuk menduplikasi partisi di AIX disk label belum diimplementasikan.Support untuk membaca AIX disk label belum diimplementasikan.Support untuk menset tanda di AIX disk label belum diimplementasikan.Support untuk menset tipe partisi sistem di AIX disk label belum diimplementasikan.Support untuk menulis AIX disk label belum diimplementasikan.Galat sintaks di berkas konfigurasiFAT tidak cocok. Jika anda tidak tahu apa artinya ini, maka pilih cancel, jalankan scandisk pada file system, dan coba lagi.Yang tersisa hanya seluruh partisi Disk. Umumnya, ini bukan ide yang baik untuk menulis kembali partisi ini dengan yang nyata. Solaris mungkin tidak dapat di-boot tanpanya, dan SILO (boot loader untuk SPARC) menghargainya dengan baik.Tabel GPT cadangan telah terkorupsi, tetapi yang utama kelihatan BAIK, jadi ini yang akan digunakanTabel GPT backup tidak ada pada akhir dari disk, seperti seharusnya ada disana. Ini mungkin berarti sistem operasi lain percaya bahwa ukuran disk lebih kecil. Betulkan, dengan memindahkan tabel backup ke akhir dari disk (dan menghapus backup yang lama)?Daerah boot tidak dimulai pada awal dari partisi.Versi API saat ini '%d' tidak cocok dengan versi API penggerak dasd '%d'!Daerah data tidak dimulai pada awal dari partisi.Geometri CHS dari disk (%d,%d,%d) dilaporkan oleh sistem operasi tidak cocok dengan geometri yang disimpan pada disk label (%d,%d,%d).Disk memiliki %d cylinders, dimana ini lebih besar dari maksimum 65536.Disk label mendeskripsikan disk lebih besar dari %s.driver descriptor mengatakan bahwa ukuran physical block adalah %d bytes, tetapi Linux mengatakan ukurannya %d bytes.Disk label yang ada di %s akan dihapus dan seluruh data di disk ini akan hilang. Apakah anda ingin melanjutkan?Extent overflow file seharusnya tidak berisi extentnya sendiri! Anda seharusnya mengecheck filesystem.File %s ditandai sebagai sistem file. Ini berarti memindahkannya dapat menyebabkan beberapa aplikasi untuk tidak dapat bekerja.File system hanya dapat diresize ke ukuran ini dengan mengubahnya ke FAT16.The file system hanya dapat di-resize untuk ukuran ini hanya dengan mengubahnya menjadi FAT32.File system memiliki kerusakan.File system lebih besar dari volumenya!File system's CHS geometry adalah (%d, %d, %d), ini tidak valid. Tabel partisi dari CHS geometry adalah (%d, %d, %d). Jika anda memilih Ignore, file system's CHS geometry akan ditinggalkan tanpa diubah. Jika anda memilih Betulkan, file system CHS geomtry akan diset sehingga cocok dengan tabel partisi dari CHS geometry.Informasi sektor memiliki signature (%x) yang salah. Pilih cancel sekarang, dan kirim dalam laporan bug. Jika anda putus asa, mungkin lebih aman untuk menghiraukannya.Journal tidak kosong. Parted harus membalas transaksi sebelum membuka file system. Ini akan memodifikasi file system.Lokasi %s terletak diluar dari perangkat %s.Nilai head maksimum adalah %d.Nilai maksimum dari sektor adalah %d.Tabel partisi tidak dapat dibaca ulang. Ini berarti anda perlu untuk me-reboot terlebih dahulu sebelum me-mount semua partisi yang dimodifikasi. Anda juga perlu menginstall kembali bootloader anda sebelum me-reboot komputer anda (yang memerlukan untuk me-mount partisi yang dimodifikasi). Ini tidak mungkin untuk melakukan keduanya secara sekaligus! Jadi anda perlu membuat sebuah disket penolong (rescue), dan menginstall bootloader anda dari disket penolong tersebut. Baca bagian 4 dari dokumentasi pengguna Parted untuk informasi lebih lanjut.Tabel partisi pada %s tidak dapat dibaca kembali (%s). Ini berarti hurd tidak tahu apa-apa tentang modifikasi yang anda buat. Anda seharusnya mereboot komputer anda sebelum melakukan apapun dengan %s.Daerah boot partisi tidak menggunakan seluruh partisi.Daerah data partisi tidak menggunakan seluruh partisi.Tabel GPT primer telah terkorupsi, tetapi backup-nya kelihatan BAIK, jadi ini yang akan digunakanUkuran sektor yang disimpan dalam journal tidak sebesar 512 bytes. Parted hanya mendukung ukuran sektor 512 bytes.Perangkat yang dimaksud tidak memiliki perangkat DASD yang validVolume header atau direktori master block telah berubah ketika membalas transaksi journal. Anda seharusnya merestart Parted.Tidak ada konfigurasi yang mungkin untuk tipe FAT ini.Tidak terdapat ruangan yang cukup untuk direktori root untuk semua file. Pilih cancel, atau ignore untuk menggagalkan files.HFS volume tidak memiliki catalog file. Ini sangat tidak biasa!HFS+ volume ini tidak memiliki extent overflow file. Ini tidak biasa!HFS+ volume tidak memiliki catalog file. Ini sangat tidak biasa!HFS+ volume tidak memiliki extent overflow file. Ini tidak biasa!Perintah ini tidak mempunyai arti dalam mode non-interaktif. File system ini memiliki sektor logical yang berukuran %d. GNU Parted tidak bekerja dengan baik dengan ukuran sektor selain 512 bytes.Ini bukan sebuah pengecheckan %s nyata. Ini akan mengekstrak files spesial level bawah untuk tujuan debugging.libparted ini tidak memiliki write support untuk %s. Mungkin ini dikompilasi untuk mode read-only.Terlalu banyak primary partisiTerlalu banyak primary partisi.Ada sisa backslashCoba `%s --help' untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Mencoba untuk memindahkan sebuah extent dari block 0x%X ke block 0x%X, tetapi yang lain sudah ada di partisi ini. Ini seharusnya tidak terjadi!Mencoba untuk membaca file HFS dengan CNID %X dibelakang EOF.Mencoba untuk membaca file HFS+ dengan CNID %X dibelakang EOF.Mencoba untuk menregister sebuah extent dimulai dari block 0x%X, tetapi yang lain sudah ada di partisi ini. Anda seharusnya mengecheck file system !Mencoba untuk menulis file HFS dengan CNID %X dibelakang EOF.Mencoba untuk menulis file HFS+ dengan CNID %X dibelakang EOF.TipeSATUAN adalah salah satu dari: Tidak dapat mengalokasikan sebuah slot untuk bsd disklabel.Tidak dapat mengalokasikan sebuah DASD slot disklabel.Tidak dapat mengalokasikan sebuah nomor partisi.Tidak dapat menentukan geometri dari file/perangkat %s. Anda seharusnya tidak menggunakan Parted kecuali anda BENAR - BENAR tahu apa yang anda lakukan!Tidak dapat menentukan tipe dm dari %s.Tidak dapat menentukan ukuran dari %s (%s).Tidak dapat membuka %s dengan mode read-write (%s). %s telah dibuka read-only.Tidak dapat membuka %s.Tidak dapat memprobe store.Tidak dapat memenuhi semua constraints pada partisi.Satuan?Tidak diketahuitanda disk tidak diketahui, %d.Tipe filesystem tidak diketahui "%s".flag partisi tidak diketahui, %d.Error dari sistem tidak diketahui penyebabnyaTidak cocok ( atau \(Tidak cocok ) atau \)Tidak cocok [ atau [^Tidak cocok \{Tipe linux swap signature baru tidak diketahui '%10s'.Tipe linux swap signature lama tidak diketahui '%10s'.Tipe linux swap signature swsusp tidak diketahui '%9s'.Format disk tidak disupportTipe disk tidak disupportUpdate dari HFS wrapper telah gagal.Penggunaan: %s [-hlmsv] [-a] [PERANGKAT [PERINTAH [PARAMETER]]...] Penggunaan: %s [OPSI] [PERANGKAT]... Penggunaan: parted [OPSI]... [PERANGKAT [PERINTAH [PARAMETERS]...]...] Berikan PERINTAH dengan PARAMETER ke PERANGKAT. Jika tidak ada PERINTAH yang diberikan, maka parted akan berjalan dengan menggunakan mode interaktif. Mode-Pengguna Linux UBDMenggunakan perangkat %s Argumen yang sah adalah:HFS+ versi %d tidak disupport.HFS+ versi %d tidak disupport.Divais Blok VirtioVolume label terkorupsiPeringatanUkuran block aneh pada deskripsi perangkat: %d bytes tidak terbagi oleh 512.Aneh! Ada 2 masukan map partisi!Selamat datang di GNU Parted| Ketik 'bantuan' untuk melihat daftar dari perintah yang tersedia. Tanpa argumen, 'print' menampilkan seluruh tabel partisi. Akan tetapi dengan diikuti argument ini akan melakukan beberapa aksi yang berbeda. Maukah anda menggunakan FAT32?Ditulis oleh %s dan %s. Ditulis oleh %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, dan yang lainnya. Ditulis oleh %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, dan %s. Ditulis oleh %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, dan %s. Ditulis oleh %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, dan %s. Ditulis oleh %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, dan %s. Ditulis oleh %s, %s, %s, %s, dan %s. Ditulis oleh %s, %s, %s, dan %s. Ditulis oleh %s, %s, dan %s. Ditulis oleh %s. Divasi Blok Virtual XenYaAnda mungkin perlu untuk memperbarui /etc/fstab. Anda butuh %s ruang kosong dari disk untuk mengecilkan partisi ini. Saat ini hanya %s yang kosong.Anda seharusnya menginstall ulang boot loader anda sebelum merebootnya. Baca bagian 4 dari Parted dokumentasi pengguna untuk informasi lebih lanjut.^[nN]^[yY]U+2018pemeriksaan-penyesuaianpemeriksaan-penyesuaian TIPE N periksa partisi N untuk penyesuaian TIPE(min|opt)penyesuaian untuk partisi barutipe penyesuaian(min/opt)argumen %s ambigu untuk %satvrecvbios_grubbootMengecheck bad blockspenyesuaian_silinderpenyesuaian yang diinginkan: minimal atau optimaltampilkan keluaran mesin yang dapat diinputkan (parseable)tampilkan versi dari program initampilkan pesan bantuan iniextendedgagal mengatur nama partisi dvh ke %s: Hanya logical partisi (boot files) yang memiliki nama.fat_table_alloc_cluster: tidak ada cluster yang kosongfat_table_get: cluster %ld diluar file systemfat_table_set: cluster %ld diluar file systemfreebantuanbantuan [PERINTAH] menampilkan bantuan umum, atau bantuan pada PERINTAHtersembunyihp-serviceargumen `%s' tidak sah %stoken tidak valid: %sgagal ioctl()lbatampilkan layout partisi di seluruh perangkat bloklogicallvmkehabisan memorymetadataminimalmklabelmklabel,mktable TIPE-LABEL membuat sebuah disklabel baru (tabel partisi)mkpartmkpart TIPE-PART [TIPE-FS] AWAL AKHIR membuat sebuah partisimktablemsftresnamanama NOMOR NAMA memberi nama partisi NOMOR dengan NAMAjangan menanyakan intervensi penggunamatinyalagagal membukagagal membuka perangkatoptimalpaloparted tidak dapat membaca kembali tabel partisi pada %s (%s). Ini berarti Linux tidak akan tahu apapun tentang modifikasi yang telah anda buat.panjang partisi dari sektor %jd melampaui %s-partition-table-imposed maksimum dari %jdped_device_new() Tipe perangkat tidak disupportprepprimarykumpulan CRC tabel partisi utama tidak cocokcetakprint [devices|free|list,all|NUMBER] tampilkan tabel partisi, perangkat yang bisa dipakai, ruang kosong, seluruh partisi yang ditemukan, atau untuk partisi tertentuberhentiberhenti keluar dari programraidgagal menulisgagal membaca dari perangkatselamatkanselamatkan AWAL AKHIR menyelamatkan partisi yang hilang didekat alamat AWAL dan AKHIRhapushapus NOMOR hapus partisi NOMORrootmencari untuk file systemsgagal mencaripencarian perangkat gagalpilihpilih PERANGKAT pilih perangkat yang akan di editsetset NOMOR FLAG STATUS merubah tanda pada partisi NOMORmengecilkanmengecilkan HFS wrappermengecilkan embedded HFS+ volumememulai penomoran sektor, %jd melampaui %s-partition-table-imposed maksimum dari %jdswapubahubah [NOMOR [TANDA]] ubah keadaan dari TANDA di partisi NOMORsatuansatuan SATUAN mengeset satuan baku pada SATUANversiversi menampilkan versi dari GNU Parted dan informasi hak ciptagagal menulismenulis HFS Master Directory Blockmenulis HFS+ Volume Headergagal menulis ke perangkatPK!Q Q LC_MESSAGES/libidn.monu[;O caKD'Ai  *  - &  . )E )o - I   > "L o & - - 3#C6g&O+-{ #"%"4%W} 53G[r*[!hL$qj)"##'K/i.)1K$p2".62'i&65QXl1R*/A%V$|'#&$9Nm G " @ 76)-&(*8 1;" $94 3+25/:! 0#% ,' . --allow-unassigned Toggle IDNA AllowUnassigned flag (default off) --usestd3asciirules Toggle IDNA UseSTD3ASCIIRules flag (default off) --debug Print debugging information --quiet Silent operation --no-tld Don't check string for TLD specific rules Only for --idna-to-ascii and --idna-to-unicode -h, --help Print help and exit -V, --version Print version and exit -n, --nfkc Normalize string according to Unicode v3.2 NFKC -p, --profile=STRING Use specified stringprep profile instead Valid stringprep profiles: `Nameprep', `iSCSI', `Nodeprep', `Resourceprep', `trace', `SASLprep' -s, --stringprep Prepare string according to nameprep profile -d, --punycode-decode Decode Punycode -e, --punycode-encode Encode Punycode -a, --idna-to-ascii Convert to ACE according to IDNA (default mode) -u, --idna-to-unicode Convert from ACE according to IDNA Cannot allocate memoryCharset `%s'. Code points prohibited by top-level domainCommand line interface to the internationalized domain name library. All strings are expected to be encoded in the preferred charset used by your locale. Use `--debug' to find out what this charset is. You can override the charset used by setting environment variable CHARSET. To process a string that starts with `-', for example `-foo', use `--' to signal the end of parameters, as in `idn --quiet -a -- -foo'. Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. Conflicting bidirectional properties in inputError in stringprep profile definitionFlag conflict with profileForbidden leading or trailing minus sign (`-')Forbidden unassigned code points in inputInput already contain ACE prefix (`xn--')Input does not start with ACE prefix (`xn--')Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) convert STRINGS, or standard input. Invalid inputMalformed bidirectional stringMissing inputNo top-level domain found in inputNon-digit/letter/hyphen in inputOutput would be too large or too smallOutput would exceed the buffer space providedProhibited bidirectional code points in inputProhibited code points in inputPunycode failedString not idempotent under ToASCIIString not idempotent under Unicode NFKC normalizationString preparation failedString size limit exceededSuccessSystem dlopen failedSystem iconv failedTry `%s --help' for more information. Type each input string on a line by itself, terminated by a newline character. Unicode normalization failed (internal error)Unknown errorUnknown profileUsage: %s [OPTION]... [STRINGS]... could not convert from %s to UTF-8could not convert from UCS-4 to UTF-8could not convert from UTF-8 to %scould not convert from UTF-8 to UCS-4could not do NFKC normalizationidna_to_ascii_4z: %sidna_to_unicode_8z4z (TLD): %sidna_to_unicode_8z4z: %sinput errormalloconly one of -s, -e, -d, -a, -u or -n can be specifiedpunycode_decode: %spunycode_encode: %sstringprep_profile: %stld_check_4z (position %lu): %stld_check_4z: %sProject-Id-Version: libidn 1.24 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2013-07-10 13:54+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-18 17:42+0700 Last-Translator: Andhika Padmawan Language-Team: Indonesian Language: id MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --allow-unassigned Ubah bendera AllowUnassigned IDNA (standar mati) --usestd3asciirules Ubah bendera UseSTD3ASCIIRules IDNA (standar mati) --debug Cetak informasi awakutu --quiet Operasi diam --no-tld Jangan cek benang untuk peraturan spesifik TLD Hanya untuk --idna-to-ascii dan --idna-to-unicode -h, --help Cetak bantuan lalu keluar -V, --version Cetak versi lalu keluar -n, --nfkc Normalisasi benang berdasarkan Unicode v3.2 NFKC -p, --profile=BENANG Gunakan profil stringprep ketimbang Profil stringprep yang sah: `Nameprep', `iSCSI', `Nodeprep', `Resourceprep', `trace', `SASLprep' -s, --stringprep Siapkan benang berdasarkan profil nameprep -d, --punycode-decode Awasandi Punycode -e, --punycode-encode Sandi Punycode -a, --idna-to-ascii Konversi ke ACE menurut IDNA (mode standar) -u, --idna-to-unicode Konversi dari ACE menurut IDNA Tak dapat alokasi memoriSet karakter `%s'. Titik kode dilarang oleh ranah level atasAntarmuka baris perintah ke pustaka nama ranah internasionalisasi. Semua benang diharapkan tersandi dalam set karakter kesukaan yang dipakai oleh lokal anda. Gunakan `--debug' untuk mencari tahu apakah set karakter ini. Anda dapat menimpa set karakter yang digunakan oleh pengaturan variabel lingkungan CHARSET. Untuk memproses benang yang dimulai dengan `-', misalnya `-foo', gunakan `--' untuk menandai akhir parameter, seperti dalam `idn --quiet -a -- -foo'. Argumen mandatori untuk opsi panjang merupakan mandatori untuk opsi pendek juga. Properti dwiarah konflik di masukanGalat di definisi profil stringprepBendera konflik dengan profilTanda minus awalan atau akhiran terlarang (`-')Titik kode tak ditugaskan terlarang di masukanMasukan telah berisi prefiks ACE (`xn--')Masukan tidak diawali dengan prefiks ACE (`xn--')BENANG konversi Internationalized Domain Name (IDN), atau masukan standar. Masukan tidak sahBenang dwiarah salah bentukMasukan hilangTak ada ranah level atas yang ditemukan di masukanNon-digit/huruf/sambung di masukanKeluaran akan terlalu besar atau terlalu kecilKeluaran akan melebihi ruang penyangga yang disediakanTitik kode dwiarah terlarang di masukanTitik kode terlarang di masukanPunycode gagalBenar tidak idempoten di bawah ToASCIIBenang tak idempoten di bawah normalisasi Unicode NFKCPenyiapan benang gagalBatas ruang benang tercapaiSuksesSistem dlopen gagalSistem iconv gagalCoba `'%s -- help' untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Ketik tiap benang masukan pada baris itu sendiri, diakhiri oleh karakter newline. Normalisasi unicode gagal (galat internal)Galat tak dikenalProfil tak diketahuiPenggunaan: %s [OPSI]... [BENANG]... tak dapat konversi dari %s ke UTF-8.tak dapat konversi dari UCS-4 ke UTF-8.tak dapat konversi dari UTF-8 ke %stak dapat konversi dari UTF-8 ke UCS-4tak dapat melakukan normalisasi NFKCidna_to_ascii_4z: %sidna_to_unicode_8z4z (TLD): %sidna_to_unicode_8z4z: %sgalat masukanmallocHanya salah satu dari -s, -e, -d, -a, -u, atau -n yang dapat ditentukanpunycode_decode: %spunycode_encode: %sstringprep_profile: %stld_check_4z (posisi %lu): %stld_check_4z: %sPK!nYYLC_MESSAGES/iso_639.monu[T( ((((((( ( ) )%)*)3)<)B)W)h)p)w)) ))))%)))&)*1*F*]*d*l*s* z************+ +"+(+0+A+J+[+ a+k+ s+!+%+++++ ++++,,*,2,!C, e,s,|,,,,,,,,,,,P-W-`-3h--------"-!.%).O.n.w............./#/)/2/B/G/Z/a/i/q/// //////////000$0C0^0g0m0p0 00000000#001 1&1 ,161=1C1\1r1z11111111 1-12 22 2 $2.232 82B2F2 K2Y2 _2j2z2 22:22 23 33!3:3N3b3j3s3 |3 3 3333 3333 3444)4 24<4A4H4N4`4p44 444444444 445 555"5)50565K5O5U5]5 f55 55.5 55 5 55 6 66,636 P6[6d6k6t6|66 666666666666 6777$7*7 :7 F7P7W7^7r77 777777777 8'8 .898M8T8Y8u88%88 888 8 9%999J9S9\9b9h9>|99999999:: : #:.: ?:J:[:x::: : :: ::1: ;/; 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BedawiyetBelarusianBembaBengaliBerber languagesBhojpuriBihari languagesBikolBini; EdoBislamaBlin; BilinBlissymbols; Blissymbolics; BlissBokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian BokmålBosnianBrajBretonBugineseBulgarianBuriatBurmeseCaddoCatalan; ValencianCaucasian languagesCebuanoCeltic languagesCentral American Indian languagesCentral KhmerChagataiChamic languagesChamorroChechenCherokeeCheyenneChibchaChichewa; Chewa; NyanjaChineseChinook jargonChipewyan; Dene SulineChoctawChurch Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church SlavonicChuukeseChuvashClassical Newari; Old Newari; Classical Nepal BhasaClassical SyriacCopticCornishCorsicanCreeCreekCreoles and pidginsCreoles and pidgins, English basedCreoles and pidgins, French-basedCreoles and pidgins, Portuguese-basedCrimean Tatar; Crimean TurkishCroatianCushitic languagesCzechDakotaDanishDargwaDelawareDinkaDivehi; Dhivehi; MaldivianDogriDogribDravidian languagesDualaDutch, Middle (ca. 1050-1350)Dutch; FlemishDyulaDzongkhaEastern FrisianEfikEgyptian (Ancient)EkajukElamiteEnglishEnglish, Middle (1100-1500)English, Old (ca. 450-1100)ErzyaEsperantoEstonianEweEwondoFangFantiFaroeseFijianFilipino; PilipinoFinnishFinno-Ugrian languagesFonFrenchFrench, Middle (ca. 1400-1600)French, Old (842-ca. 1400)FriulianFulahGaGaelic; Scottish GaelicGalibi CaribGalicianGandaGayoGbayaGeezGeorgianGermanGerman, Middle High (ca. 1050-1500)German, Old High (ca. 750-1050)Germanic languagesGilberteseGondiGorontaloGothicGreboGreek, Ancient (to 1453)Greek, Modern (1453-)GuaraniGujaratiGwich'inHaidaHaitian; Haitian CreoleHausaHawaiianHebrewHereroHiligaynonHimachali languages; Western Pahari languagesHindiHiri MotuHittiteHmong; MongHungarianHupaIbanIcelandicIdoIgboIjo languagesIlokoInari SamiIndic languagesIndo-European languagesIndonesianIngushInterlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)Interlingue; OccidentalInuktitutInupiaqIranian languagesIrishIrish, Middle (900-1200)Irish, Old (to 900)Iroquoian languagesItalianJapaneseJavaneseJudeo-ArabicJudeo-PersianKabardianKabyleKachin; JingphoKalaallisut; GreenlandicKalmyk; OiratKambaKannadaKanuriKara-KalpakKarachay-BalkarKarelianKaren languagesKashmiriKashubianKawiKazakhKhasiKhoisan languagesKhotanese;SakanKikuyu; GikuyuKimbunduKinyarwandaKirghiz; KyrgyzKlingon; tlhIngan-HolKomiKongoKonkaniKoreanKosraeanKpelleKru languagesKuanyama; KwanyamaKumykKurdishKurukhKutenaiLadinoLahndaLambaLand Dayak languagesLaoLatinLatvianLezghianLimburgan; Limburger; LimburgishLingalaLithuanianLojbanLow German; Low Saxon; German, Low; Saxon, LowLower SorbianLoziLuba-KatangaLuba-LuluaLuisenoLule SamiLundaLuo (Kenya and Tanzania)LushaiLuxembourgish; LetzeburgeschMacedonianMadureseMagahiMaithiliMakasarMalagasyMalayMalayalamMalteseManchuMandarMandingoManipuriManobo languagesManxMaoriMapudungun; MapucheMarathiMariMarshalleseMarwariMasaiMayan languagesMendeMi'kmaq; MicmacMinangkabauMirandeseMohawkMokshaMoldavian; MoldovanMon-Khmer languagesMongoMongolianMossiMultiple languagesMunda languagesN'KoNahuatl languagesNauruNavajo; NavahoNdebele, North; North NdebeleNdebele, South; South NdebeleNdongaNeapolitanNepal Bhasa; NewariNepaliNiasNiger-Kordofanian languagesNilo-Saharan languagesNiueanNo linguistic content; Not applicableNogaiNorse, OldNorth American Indian languagesNorthern FrisianNorthern SamiNorwegianNorwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, NorwegianNubian languagesNyamweziNyankoleNyoroNzimaOccitan (post 1500)Official Aramaic (700-300 BCE); Imperial Aramaic (700-300 BCE)OjibwaOriyaOromoOsageOssetian; OsseticOtomian languagesPahlaviPalauanPaliPampanga; KapampanganPangasinanPanjabi; PunjabiPapiamentoPapuan languagesPedi; Sepedi; Northern SothoPersianPersian, Old (ca. 600-400 B.C.)Philippine languagesPhoenicianPohnpeianPolishPortuguesePrakrit languagesProvençal, Old (to 1500); Occitan, Old (to 1500)Pushto; PashtoQuechuaRajasthaniRapanuiRarotongan; Cook Islands MaoriReserved for local useRomance languagesRomanianRomanshRomanyRundiRussianSalishan languagesSamaritan AramaicSami languagesSamoanSandaweSangoSanskritSantaliSardinianSasakScotsSelkupSemitic languagesSerbianSererShanShonaSichuan Yi; NuosuSicilianSidamoSign LanguagesSiksikaSindhiSinhala; SinhaleseSino-Tibetan languagesSiouan languagesSkolt SamiSlave (Athapascan)Slavic languagesSlovakSlovenianSogdianSomaliSonghai languagesSoninkeSorbian languagesSotho, SouthernSouth American Indian languagesSouthern AltaiSouthern SamiSpanish; CastilianSranan TongoSukumaSumerianSundaneseSusuSwahiliSwatiSwedishSwiss German; Alemannic; AlsatianSyriacTagalogTahitianTai languagesTajikTamashekTamilTatarTeluguTerenoTetumThaiTibetanTigreTigrinyaTimneTivTlingitTok PisinTokelauTonga (Nyasa)Tonga (Tonga Islands)TsimshianTsongaTswanaTumbukaTupi languagesTurkishTurkish, Ottoman (1500-1928)TurkmenTuvaluTuvinianTwiUdmurtUgariticUighur; UyghurUkrainianUmbunduUncoded languagesUndeterminedUpper SorbianUrduUzbekVaiVendaVietnameseVolapükVoticWakashan languagesWalloonWarayWashoWelshWestern FrisianWolaitta; WolayttaWolofXhosaYakutYaoYapeseYiddishYorubaYupik languagesZande languagesZapotecZaza; Dimili; Dimli; Kirdki; Kirmanjki; ZazakiZenagaZhuang; ChuangZuluZuniProject-Id-Version: iso_639 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Debian iso-codes team POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-11 07:25+0100 PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-05 21:24+0700 Last-Translator: Andhika Padmawan Language-Team: Indonesian Language: id MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit AbkhazianAchinAcoliAdangmeAdyghe; AdygeiAfarAfrihiliAfrikaBahasa Afro-AsiatikAinuAkanAkkadiaAlbaniaAleutBahasa AlgonquianBahasa AltaicAmharicAngikaBahasa ApacheArabAragoneseArapahoArawakArmeniaAromanian; Arumanian; Macedo-RomanianBahasa BuatanAssamAsturian; Bable; Leonese; AsturleoneseBahasa AthapascanBahasa AustralianBahasa AustronesiaAvaricAvestanAwadhiAymaraAzerbaijaniBaliBahasa BaltikBaluchiBambaraBahasa BamilekeBahasa BandaBahasa BantuBasaBashkirBasqueBahasa BatakBeja; BedawiyetBelarusiaBembaBengalBahasa BerberBhojpuriBahasa BihariBikolBini; EdoBislamaBlin; BilinBlissymbols; Blissymbolics; BlissBokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian BokmålBosniaBrajBretonBugisBulgariaBuriatBurmaCaddoCatalan; ValencianBahasa KaukasiaCebuanoBahasa CelticBahasa Indian Amerika TengahKhmer TengahChagataiBahasa ChamicChamorroChechenCherokeeCheyenneChibchaChichewa; Chewa; NyanjaCinaChinook jargonChipewyan; Dene SulineChoctawGereja Slavic; Slavonic Kuno; Gereja Slavonic; Bulgaria Kuno; Gereja Tua SlavonicChuukeseChuvashNewari Klasik; Newari Kuno; Nepal Bhasa KlasikSyriac KlasikKoptikCornishKorsikaCreeCreekCreoles dan pidginsCreoles dan pidgins, berbasis InggrisCreoles dan pidgins, berbasis PrancisCreoles dan pidgins, berbasis PortugisCrimean Tatar; Crimean TurkishKroasiaBahasa CushiticCekoDakotaDenmarkDargwaDelawareDinkaDivehi; Dhivehi; MaldivianDogriDogribBahasa DravidiaDualaBelanda, Tengah (M 1050-1350)Belanda; FlemishDyulaDzongkhaFrisian Bagian TimurEfikMesir KunoEkajukElamiteInggrisInggris, Abad Pertengahan (1100-1500)English, Kuno (M 450-1100)ErzyaEsperantoEstoniaEweEwondoFangFantiFaroFijiFilipino; PilipinoFinlandiaBahasa Finno-UgrianFonPrancisPerancis, Abad Pertengahan (kl. 1400-1600)Perancis, Kuno (842-kl. 1400)FriulianFulahGaGaelic; Scottish GaelicGalibi CaribGaliciaGandaGayoGbayaGeezGeorgianJermanJerman, Abad Pertengahan (kl. 1050-1500)Jerman, Kuno (kl. 750-1050)Bahasa GermanicGilberteseGondiGorontaloGothikGreboYunani Kuno (sd 1453)Yunani, Modern (1453-)GuaraniGujaratiGwich'inHaidaHaitian; Haitian CreoleHausaHawaiiIsraelHereroHiligaynonBahasa Himachali; Bahasa Pahari BaratHindiHiri MotuHittiteHmong; MongHungariaHupaIbanIslandiaIdoIgboBahasa IjoIlokoInari SamiBahasa IndicBahasa Indo-EropaBahasa IndonesiaIngushInterlingua (Asosiasi Bahasa Auxilari Internasional)Interlingue; OccidentalInuktitutInupiaqBahasa IranIrlandiaIrlandia Abad Pertengahan (900-1200)Irish, Kuno (sampai 900)Bahasa IroquoianItaliaJepangBahasa JawaJudeo-ArabicJudeo-PersianKabardianKabyleKachin; JingphoKalaallisut; GreenlandicKalmyk; OiratKambaKannadaKanuriKara-KalpakKarachay-BalkarKarelianBahasa KarenKashmirKashubianKawiKazakhKhasiBahasa KhoisanKhotanese;SakanKikuyu; GikuyuKimbunduKinyarwandaKirghiz; KyrgyzKlingon; tlhIngan-HolKomiKongoKonkaniKoreaKosraeanKpelleBahasa KruKuanyama; KwanyamaKumykKurdishKurukhKutenaiLadinoLahndaLambaBahasa Dayak DaratLaoLatinLatviaLezghianLimburgan; Limburger; LimburgishLingalaLithuaniaLojbanLow German; Low Saxon; German, Low; Saxon, LowSorbia RendahLoziLuba-KatangaLuba-LuluaLuisenoLule SamiLundaLuo (Kenya dan Tanzania)LushaiLuxembourgish; LetzeburgeschMasedonianMaduraMagahiMaithiliMakassarMalagasiMalayMalayalamMalteseManchuMandarMandingoManipuriBahasa ManoboManxMaoriMapudungun; MapucheMarathiMariMarshalleseMarwariMasaiBahasa MayaMendeMi'kmaq; MicmacMinangkabauMirandeseMohawkMokshaMoldavian; MoldovanBahasa Mon-KhmerMongoMongoliaMossiBanyak bahasaBahasa MundaN'KoBahaya NahuatlNauruNavajo; NavahoNdebele, Utara; Ndebele UtaraNdebele, Selatan; Ndebele SelatanNdongaNeapolitanNepal Bhasa; NewariNepalNiasBahasa Niger-KordofanianBahasa Nilo-SaharanNiueanTak ada isi linguistik; Tak dapat diterapkanNogaiNorse, KunoBahasa Indian Amerika UtaraFrisian Bagian UtaraNorthern SamiNorwegiaNorwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, NorwegiaBahasa NubiaNyamweziNyankoleNyoroNzimaOccitan (pasca 1500)Aramaic Resmi (700-300 SM); Kekaisaran Aramaic (700-300 SM)OjibwaOriyaOromoOsageOssetian; OsseticBahasa OtomiaPahlaviPalauanPaliPampanga; KapampanganPangasinanPanjabi; PunjabiPapiamentoBahasa PapuaPedi; Sepedi; Sotho Bagian UtaraPersiaPersian, Kuno (kl. 600-400 S.M.)Bahasa FilipinaPhoenicianPohnpeianPolandiaPortugisBahasa PrakritProvençal, Kuno (sampai 1500); Occitan, Kuno (sampai 1500)Pushto; PashtoQuechuaRajasthaniRapanuiRarotongan; Kepulauan Cook MaoriDilestarikan untuk penggunaan setempatBahasa RomanceRumaniaRomanshRomanyRundiRusiaBahasa SalishanSamaritan AramaicBahasa SamiSamoanSandaweSangoSanskritSantaliSardinianSasakScotsSelkupBahasa SemiticSerbiaSererShanShonaSichuan Yi; NuosuSisiliaSidamoBahasa IsyaratSiksikaSindhiSinhala; SinhaleseBahasa Sino-TibetanBahasa SiouaSkolt SamiSlave (Athapascan)Bahasa SlavicSlovakiaSloveniaSogdianSomaliBahasa SonghaiSoninkeBahasa SorbiaSotho, SouthernBahasa Indian Amerika SelatanAltai Bagian SelatanSami Bagian SelatanSpanish; CastilianSranan TongoSukumaSumeriaSundanSusuSwahiliSwatiSwediaSwiss German; Alemannic; AlsatianSyriacTagalogTahitiBahasa TaiTajikTamashekTamilTatarTeluguTerenoTetumThailandTibetTigreTigrinyaTimneTivTlingitTok PisinTokelauTonga (Nyasa)Tonga (Kepulauan Tonga)TsimshianTsongaTswanaTumbukaBahasa TupiTurkiTurkish, Ottoman (1500-1928)TurkmenTuvaluTuvinianTwiUdmurtUgariticUighur; UyghurUkrainiaUmbunduBahasa tak tersandiTak DitentukanSorbian Bagian AtasUrduUzbekVaiVendaVietnamVolapükVoticBahasa WakashanWallonWarayWashoWelshFrisian Bagian BaratWolaitta; WolayttaWolofXhosaYakutYaoYapeseYiddishYorubaBahasa YupikBahasa ZandeZapotecZaza; Dimili; Dimli; Kirdki; Kirmanjki; ZazakiZenagaZhuang; ChuangZuluZuniPK!VVLC_MESSAGES/yum.monu[ +:D:;:";$';L;e;~; 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Dependencies Resolved Group: %s Packages skipped because of dependency problems: Transaction Summary %s You have enabled checking of packages via GPG keys. This is a good thing. However, you do not have any GPG public keys installed. You need to download the keys for packages you wish to install and install them. You can do that by running the command: rpm --import public.gpg.key Alternatively you can specify the url to the key you would like to use for a repository in the 'gpgkey' option in a repository section and yum will install it for you. For more information contact your distribution or package provider. replacing %s%s%s.%s %s %s from %s Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ) Started: %s - %s ago State : %s, pid: %d Unsatisfied dependency * Maybe you meant: At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem. At least %dMB more space needed on the %s filesystem. Built : %s at %s Committed: %s at %s Full name and summary matches %sonly%s, use "search all" for everything. Installed: %s-%s at %s NA : NEVR : NEVRA : NEVRAC : Name and summary matches %smostly%s, use "search all" for everything. Name and summary matches %sonly%s, use "search all" for everything. No dependencies for this package The other application is: %s The other application is: PackageKit Updated : dependency: %s rpm DB : yum DB : (from %s) Conditional Packages: Default Packages: Description: %s Group : Group-Id: %s Installed Packages: Language: %s Loser(with %d): %s Mandatory Packages: Mini usage: Optional Packages: Packages: Winner: %s You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem Yum checks failed: %s Yum version groups: aborting. ignoring, as requested. ignoring, as requested. You must redepsolve!%d %s file removed%d %s files removed%d package marked for Distribution Synchronization%d packages marked for Distribution Synchronization%d package marked for Update%d packages marked for Update%d package marked for removal%d packages marked for removal%d package to Install%d packages to Install%d package to downgrade%d packages to downgrade%d package to install%d packages to install%d package to reinstall%d packages to reinstall%d package to remove%d packages to remove%d package to remove/reinstall%d packages to remove/reinstall%d package to update%d packages to update%s%s already in ts, skipping this one%s converted to install%s file %s removed%s has been visited already and cannot be removed.%s has no user-installed revdeps.%s has revdep %s which was user-installed.%s is a duplicate with %s%s is in providing packages but it is already installed, removing.%s is obsoleted by %s%s obsoletes %s%s provides %s but it cannot be found%s removed%s requires %s%s requires: %s%s second(s) (last: %s)%s was supposed to be installed but is not!%s was supposed to be removed but is not!%s: No additional data found by this name%s: does not update installed package.(%u days)(%u hours)(%u minutes)(%u seconds)** Found %d pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows:---> Downloading header for %s to pack into transaction set.---> Package %s.%s %s:%s-%s will be %s--> Finding unneeded leftover dependencies--> Finished Dependency Resolution--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.--> Processing Conflict: %s conflicts %s--> Processing Dependency: %s for package: %s--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes.--> Running transaction check--> Unresolved Dependency: %s--color takes one of: auto, always, never--installroot must be an absolute path: %sAbortedAction(s)Adding Package %s in mode %sAdding group file from repository: %sAdding package %s from group %sAdding tags from repository: %sAdditional non-default information stored: %dAlteredAnother app is currently holding the yum lock; exiting as configured by exit_on_lockAprArchArch : %sAugAvailableAvailable Groups:Available Language Groups:Available PackagesAvailable additional history information:Available:Bad %s argument %s.Bad transaction ID givenBad transaction IDs, or package(s), givenBegin rpmdb :Begin time :Begin time :Best Order: %sBuild host :Build time :Building updates objectBuildtime : %sCan't create lock file; exitingCannot add package %s to transaction. Not a compatible architecture: %sCannot find an update path for dep for: %sCannot install package %s. It is obsoleted by installed package %sCannot localinstall deltarpm: %s. Skipping.Cannot open file: %s. Skipping.Cannot open: %s. Skipping.Cannot remove %sCannot remove %s file %sChanged by :Changed by : %sCheck for available package updatesCheck for problems in the rpmdbChecking deps for %sChecking for virtual provide or file-provide for %sCleaning repos: Cleaning up EverythingCleaning up HeadersCleaning up PackagesCleaning up cached rpmdb dataCleaning up database cacheCleaning up expire-cache metadataCleaning up pluginsCleaning up xml metadataCleanupCommand "%s" already definedCommand Line :Command lineCommand line error: %sCommit Time :Committer :Committer : %sCommittime : %sComplete!Config Error: %sConfiguration file %s not foundCould not access/read saved transaction %s : %sCould not create lock at %s: %s Could not find txmbr: %s from origin: %sCould not find txmbr: %s in state %sCould not open RPM database for reading. Perhaps it is already in use?Could not open lock %s: %sCould not perform checksumCould not run transaction.Could not save transaction file %s: %sCould not set cachedir: %sCounts :DDamaged Header %sDate and timeDecDep-InstallDependencies not solved. Will not save unresolved transaction.Dependency InstalledDependency Process endingDependency RemovedDependency UpdatedDependent packageDependent packagesDescription : Didn't install any keysDidn't install any keys for repo %sDiscarding non-comparable pkg %s.%sDisk Requirements: Display a helpful usage messageDisplay a version for the machine and/or available repos.Display details about a package or group of packagesDisplay the configured software repositoriesDisplay, or use, the groups informationDisplay, or use, the transaction historyDoneDowngradeDowngradedDowngraded ByDowngradingDownloading Packages:EERROR You need to update rpm to handle:ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:End rpmdb :End time :End time :Epoch : %sEraseErasedErased: %sErasingError Downloading Packages: Error Summary ------------- Error opening rpm %s - error %sError: %sError: Need a group or list of groupsError: Need an item to matchError: Need to pass a list of pkgs to %sError: No Packages found for: %sError: clean requires an option: %sError: invalid clean argument: %rError: invalid output state: %s for %sError: more than one file given as argument to shell.Errors were encountered while downloading packages.Errors:Examining %s: %sExamining revdeps of %sExcluding %sExisting lock %s: another copy is running as pid %s.Exiting on user CommandExtra PackagesFailedFailed to add Pkg Tags for repository: %s - %sFailed to add groups file for repository: %s - %sFailed to downgrade: %sFailed to remove transaction file %sFailed to upgrade: %sFailure:Failures:FebFile %s given as argument to shell does not exist.Filename : %sFilename passed to shell: %sFind what package provides the given valueFinding dependencies: Found more than one transaction ID!Found txmbr in unknown current state: %sFrom repo :From repo : %sGPG key at %s (0x%s) is already importedGPG key at %s (0x%s) is already installedGPG key parsing failed: key does not have value %sGPG key retrieval failed: GPG key signature on key %s does not match CA Key for repo: %sGPG key signature verified against CA Key(s)Generate the metadata cacheGetting group metadataGetting pkgtags metadataGot an empty Header, something has gone wrongGroup %s does have %u conditional packages, which may get installed.Group-Available:Group-Installed:Header cannot be opened or does not match %s, %s.Header is not complete.Header not in local cache and caching-only mode enabled. Cannot download %sIIDImport of key(s) didn't help, wrong key(s)?Importing %s key 0x%s: Userid : "%s" Fingerprint: %s From : %sImporting %s key 0x%s: Userid : "%s" Fingerprint: %s Package : %s (%s) From : %sImporting additional filelist informationInstallInstall a local RPMInstall a package or packages on your systemInstall time: %sInstalledInstalled Groups:Installed Language Groups:Installed PackagesInstalled by :Installed by: %sInstalled package %s%s%s%s not available.Installed size: %sInstalled:InstallingInstalling for dependenciesInstant (last: %s)Insufficient space in download directory %s * free %s * needed %sInvalid GPG Key from %s: %sInvalid groups sub-command, use: %s.Invalid history sub-command, use: %s.Invalid tsflag in config file: %sInvalid version flag from: %sIs this ok [y/N]: JanJulJunKey %s import failedKey import failed (code %d)Key imported successfullyLast 2 weeksLast 3 monthsLast 6 monthsLast dayLast weekLast yearLicense :License : License : %sList a package or groups of packagesList a package's dependenciesLoaded plugins: Loading "%s" pluginLogin userMaking cache files for all metadata files.MarMarking %s as an update to %sMarking %s to be installedMatched from:Matched: %sMayMember: %sMetadata Cache CreatedMode for pkg providing %s: %sMode is %s for provider of %s: %sMore than one identical match in sack for %sN/S Matched: %sName : %s%s%sNeeded Require has already been looked up, cheatingNeeded Require is not a package name. Looking up: %sNever (last: %s)NewerNoNo Group named %s existsNo Groups Available in any repositoryNo Groups on which to run commandNo Match for argument: %sNo Match for available package: %sNo Matches foundNo Package found for %sNo Packages ProvidedNo Packages marked for Distribution SynchronizationNo Packages marked for UpdateNo Packages marked for removalNo Transaction %s foundNo argument to shellNo getcwd() access in current directory, moving to /No group data available for configured repositoriesNo group named %s existsNo header - huh?No help available for %sNo matching Packages to listNo other %s installed, adding to list for potential installNo package %s%s%s available.No package matched to remove: %sNo package matched to upgrade: %sNo package named %s available to be installedNo package(s) available to downgradeNo package(s) available to installNo packages in any requested group available to install or updateNo packages to remove from groupsNo plugin match for: %sNo read/execute access in current directory, moving to /No saved transaction file specified.No such command: %s. Please use %s --helpNo transaction ID givenNo transaction ID, or package, givenNo transactionsNo update paths found for %s. Failure!Not Updating Package that is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%sNot Updating Package that is already updated: %s.%s %s:%s-%sNot Updating Package that is obsoleted: %sNot availableNot found given transaction IDNot installedNot loading "%s" plugin, as it is disabledNothing matches %s.%s %s:%s-%s from updateNothing specified to installNothing to doNovOObsoletedObsoleted ByObsoletingObsoleting PackagesOctOlderOnly Upgrade available on package: %sOptions Error: %sOther : Over a year agoPACKAGE...PackagePackagesPackage :Package %s already installed and latest versionPackage %s installed and not availablePackage %s is allowed multiple installs, skippingPackage %s is already installed, skippingPackage %s is not signedPackage %s is obsoleted by %s which is already installedPackage %s is obsoleted by %s, but obsoleting package does not provide for requirementsPackage %s is obsoleted by %s, trying to install %s insteadPackage %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it instead.Package %s.%s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it instead.Package Object was not a package object instancePackage does not match checksumPackage does not match intended download. Suggestion: run yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadataPackage is already obsoleted: %s.%s %s:%s-%sPackage matching %s already installed. Checking for update.Package tuple %s could not be found in packagesackPackage tuple %s could not be found in rpmdbPackage(s) %s%s%s available, but not installed.Package(s) to installPackage: %sPackage: %s - already in transaction setPackager :Packages Altered:Packages Skipped:Please report this error at %sPlease report this error in %sPlugin "%s" can't be importedPlugin "%s" doesn't specify required API versionPlugin "%s" requires API %s. Supported API is %s.Plugin OptionsPluginExit Error: %sPotential Provider: %sPotential resolving package %s has newer instance in ts.Potential resolving package %s has newer instance installed.Problem in reinstall: no package %s matched to installProblem in reinstall: no package matched to removeProblem opening package %sProblem repository: %sProtected multilib versions: %s != %sProvides : Public key for %s is not installedPublic key for %s is not trustedQuick matched %s to require for %sRRPM %s fails md5 checkRPM needs to be updatedReading Local RPMDBReading repository metadata in from local filesReason :Recently Added PackagesRefusing to automatically import keys when running unattended. Use "-y" to override.ReinstallReinstallingRelease : %sRemoveRemove a package or packages from your systemRemove cached dataRemovedRemovingRemoving %s from the transactionRemoving Package %sRemoving for dependenciesRepackageRepackagingReplacedRepo : %sRepo-baseurl : Repo-distro-tags: Repo-exclude : Repo-excluded: Repo-expire : Repo-filename: Repo-id : Repo-include : Repo-metalink: Repo-mirrors : Repo-name : Repo-pkgs : Repo-revision: Repo-size : Repo-status : Repo-tags : Repo-updated : RepositoryRepository %r is missing name in configuration, using idRepository %r: Error parsing config: %sResolving DependenciesRestarting LoopRetrieving key from %sReturn-Code :Rpmdb Problems:Run an interactive yum shellRunningRunning TransactionRunning Transaction CheckRunning Transaction TestRunning compare_providers() for %sScriptlet output:Search package details for the given stringSearching %d packageSearching %d packagesSearching Packages for Dependency:Searching Packages: Searching pkgSack for dep: %sSepSetting up Distribution Synchronization ProcessSetting up Downgrade ProcessSetting up Group ProcessSetting up Install ProcessSetting up Local Package ProcessSetting up Package SacksSetting up Reinstall ProcessSetting up Remove ProcessSetting up TransactionSets before config class is upSetting up Update ProcessSetting up Upgrade ProcessSetting up Yum ShellSetting up repositoriesSizeSize :Size : %sSkipped (dependency problems)Skipping merged transaction %d to %d, as it overlapsSkipping package %s from group %sSkipping the running kernel: %sSleepingSource RPM :State :SuccessSuccess - deps resolvedSuccess - empty transactionSummary : Synchronize installed packages to the latest available versionsSystemTSINFO: %s package requiring %s marked as eraseTSINFO: Marking %s as install for %sTSINFO: Marking %s as update for %sTSINFO: Obsoleting %s with %s to resolve dep.TSINFO: Updating %s to resolve dep.Test Transaction Errors: The GPG keys listed for the "%s" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package. Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository.The GPG keys listed for the "%s" repository are already installed but they are not correct. Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository.The program %s%s%s is found in the yum-utils package.There are no enabled repos. Run "yum repolist all" to see the repos you have. You can enable repos with yum-config-manager --enable There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them.There is no installed groups file.There was an error calculating installed sizeThere was an error calculating total download sizeThis may take a while depending on the speed of this computerTimeTotalTotal download size: %sTotal size: %sTraced/StoppedTransaction Check Error: Transaction ID :Transaction ID:Transaction Test SucceededTransaction couldn't start:Transaction loaded from %s with %s membersTransaction members, relations are missing or ts has been modified,Transaction performed with:Transactions:Trying other mirror.Trying to remove "%s", which is protectedTrying to run the transaction but nothing to do. Exiting.Trying to update %s to resolve depTwo or more plugins with the name "%s" exist in the plugin search pathUURL :URL : %sUnable to check if PID %s is activeUnable to find a suitable mirror.Unable to find configuration file for plugin %sUninterruptibleUnknownUnknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:UpdateUpdate a package or packages on your systemUpdate packages taking obsoletes into accountUpdatedUpdated ByUpdated PackagesUpdatingUpdating EverythingUpdating for dependenciesUpgradeUser :Vendor :Verify: %u/%u: %sVerifyingVersionVersion : %sWarning: Group %s does not exist.Warning: No matches found for: %sWarning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.Warning: scriptlet or other non-fatal errors occurred during transaction.YesYou don't have access to the groups DB.You don't have access to the history DB.You need to be root to perform this command.You need to give some commandYour transaction was saved, rerun it with: yum load-transaction %sYum Error: %sZombie[PACKAGE...]a downgradean updateanswer no for all questionsanswer yes for all questionsarchdist compared %s to %s on %s Winner: %sbase package %s is installed for %sbe tolerant of errorsbetter arch in po %scannot find tsflags or tsflags not integer.common prefix of %s between %s and %scommon sourcerpm %s and %sconfig file locationcontrol whether color is useddebugging output leveldebugging output level for rpmdisable Yum pluginsdisable exclude from main, for a repo or for everythingdisable gpg signature checkingdisable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)disable plugins by namedisableddoConfigSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum. doGroupSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum. doRepoSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum. doRpmDBSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum. doSackSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum. doTsSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum. doUpdateSetup() will go away in a future version of Yum. downgrade a packageenable obsoletes processing during updatesenable one or more repositories (wildcards allowed)enable plugins by nameenablederasederror output levelexclude package(s) by name or globhas installed conflictshas missing requires ofinstalledinstalled conflictload a saved transaction from filenameloading transaction from %slooking for %s as a requirement of %smaximum command wait timemissing requiresnnoobsoletedobsoletingpackage %s was not marked in group %spackage fails checksum but caching is enabled for %spackage: %splugins already initialisedprovides vercmp: %squiet operationregistration of commands not supportedreinstall a packagereinstalledrepo idrepo namerepo object for repo %s lacks a _resetSack method requires minimal: %drun entirely from system cache, don't update cachesearchPackages() will go away in a future version of Yum. Use searchGenerator() instead. searching in file entriessearching in provides entriessearching package %sset arbitrary config and repo optionsset install rootset value of $releasever in yum config and repo filesshow Yum version and exitshow duplicates, in repos, in list/search commandsshow this help message and exitskip packages with depsolving problemsstatustherefore this repo cannot be reset. twoupdateduser interruptusing local copy of %sverbose operationyyesProject-Id-Version: Yum Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2013-01-30 09:08-0500 PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-21 21:49+0000 Last-Translator: Muhammad Panji Language-Team: Indonesian ( MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Language: id Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; Kunci CA: %s Repo yang gagal adalah: %s Kunci-kunci GPG dikonfigurasikan sebagai: %s Paket yang gagal adalah: %s Kunci-kunci GPG dikonfigurasikan sebagai: %s %s %s: opsi %s membutuhkan sebuah argumen Keluar, karena Broken Pipe Keluar, digagalkan oleh pengguna Keluar, digagalkan oleh pengguna. alias: alias-alias: %s Tidak ditemukan %s: %s (%s) Membutuhkan: %s Unduhan saat ini telah dibatalkan, %sinterupsi dengan (ctrl-c) lagi%s dalam waktu %s%s%s detik untuk keluar. Ketergantungan-ketergantungan telah Diselesaikan Grup : %s Paket-paket dilewati, dikarenakan permasalahan-permasalahan ketergantungan: Ringkasan Transaksi %s Anda telah mengaktifkan pengawasan paket melalui kunci GPG. Ini adalah hal yang baik. Namun, Anda tidak memiliki kunci publik GPG yang ter-install pada sistem ini.Anda perlu mengunduh kunci untuk paket yang ingin Anda instalasi, kemudian lakukan instalasi kunci publik ini. Instalasi kunci publik bisa dilakukan dengan cara menjalankan perintah berikut: rpm --import public.gpg.key Alternatif lain, Anda dapat menentukan url dari kunci yang ingin digunakan untuk sebuah repositori pada opsi 'gpgkey' di dalam konfigurasi repositori dan aplikasi yum akan melakukan instalasi kunci ini untuk Anda. Untuk informasi yang lebih lengkap, silakan menghubungi penyedia paket maupun penyedia distribusi sistem. menggantikan %s%s%s.%s %s %s dari %s Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ) Telah dimulai: %s - %s yang lalu Status : %s, pid: %d Ketergantungan yang belum terpenuhi * Mungkin yang Anda maksudkan adalah: Sekurang-kurangnya dibutuhkan %dMB ruang tambahan pada harddisk untuk berkas sistem %s Telah dibangun di : %s pada %s Telah di-commit: %s pada %s %sHanya cocok dengan%s nama lengkap dan ringkasan, gunakan "search all" untuk semuanya / everything. Telah dilakukan instalasi: %s-%s pada %s NA : NEVR : NEVRA : NEVRAC : %sHanya sesuai%s dengan nama dan ringkasan, gunakan "search all" untuk semuanya / everything. %sHanya cocok dengan%s nama dan ringkasan, gunakan "search all" untuk semuanya / everything. Tidak ada ketergantungan terhadap paket ini Aplikas yang lain adalah: %s Aplikasi yang lain adalah: PackageKit Terbarui : ketergantungan: %s DB rpm : DB yum : (dari %s) Paket-paket kondisional: Paket-paket Default: Deskripsi : %s Grup : Id-grup : %s Paket-paket ter-install: Bahasa : %s Terkalahkan(with %d): %s Paket-paket Wajib: Penggunaan mini: Paket-paket opsional: Paket-paket: Terpilih: %s Anda dapat mencoba untuk menjalankan: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest Anda dapat mencoba untuk menggunakan --skip-broken untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada Pemeriksaan Yum telah gagal: %s Versi yum dari grup-grup: menggugurkan. mengabaikan, sesuai dengan permintaan. mengabaikan, sesuai permintaan. Anda harus melakukan redepsolve!berkas %d %s telah dihapus%d paket telah ditandai untuk Sinkronisasi Distribusi%d paket telah ditandai untuk diperbarui%d paket telah ditandai untuk penghapusan%d paket untuk di-instalasi%d paket untuk di-downgradeakan di-instalasi %d paket%d paket untuk diinstalasi ulang%d paket untuk dihapus%d akan dihapus/instalasi ulang%d paket akan diupdate%s%s telah berada pada ts, melewatkan yang ini%s dikonversi untuk di-instalasi%s berkas %s telah dihapus%s telah dikunjungi dan tidak bisa dihapus.%s tidak memiliki revdeps yang di-instalasi oleh pengguna.%s telah revdep %s dimana di-instalasi oleh pengguna.%s merupakan duplikasi dari %s%s tersedia dalam paket-paket, namun telah terinstalasi, penghapusan.%s telah diusangkan oleh %s%s obsoletes %s%s menyediakan %s, namun tidak ditemukan%s telah dihapus%s membutuhkan %s%s membutuhkan: %s%s detik(s) (terakhir: %s)%s seharusnya tidak di-instalasi, ini malah sebaliknya!%s seharusnya dihapus, ini malah sebaliknya!%s: Tidak ada data tambahan yang ditemukan dengan nama ini%s: tidak melakukan pembaruan terhadap paket yang sudah ter-instalasi(%u hari)(%u jam)(%u menit)(%u detik)** Ditemukan permasalahan rpmdb sebelumnya %d, keluaran dari 'yum check' adalah sebagai berikut:---> Sedang melakukan pengunduhan header %s untuk digabungkan ke dalam satuan transaksi.---> Paket %s.%s %s:%s-%s akan %s--> Melakukan pencarian sisa ketergantungan yang tidak diperlukan--> Resolusi ketergantungan telah diselesaikan--> Sedang melakukan populasi satuan transaksi dengan paket-paket terpilih. Mohon ditunggu.--> Memproses Konflik : %s konflik %s--> Mem-proses ketergantungan: %s untuk paket: %s--> Mengulangi resolusi ketergantungan dengan peubahan-peubahan baru--> Menjalankan pengujian transaksi--> Ketergantungan tidak terselesaikan: %s--color bisa diambil dari salah satu: auto, always, never--installroot harus merupakan path absolut: %sDigugurkanAksi(s)Penambahan Paket %s dalam mode %sMelakukan penambahan berkas grup dari repositori: %sMelakukan penambahan paket %s dari grup %sMelakukan penambahan tags dari repositori: %sInformasi non-standar tambahan yang telah tersimpan: %dDiubahSaat ini, aplikasi lain sedang mengunci penggunaan yum; bisa dikonfigurasikan untuk dilepas dengan cara exit_on_lockAprArsitekturArsitektur : %sAgtTersediaGrup-grup yang tersedia:Grup-grup bahasa yang tersedia:Paket-paket yang TersediaSejarah informasi tambahan yang tersedia:Tersedia :Argumen %s salah %s.Diberikan ID transaksi yang keliruIDs transaksi buruk, atau paket(s), diberikanAwal rpmdb :Awal mula :Awal mula :Urutan terbaik: %sDibangun pada host:Dibangun pada waktu:Melakukan pembangunan obyek terbaruiWaktu pembangunan: %sTidak mampu membuat berkas lock, keluarTidak bisa menambah paket %s ke dalam transaksi. Arsitektur tidak sesuai: %sTidak mampu menemukan pembaruan path untuk dep untuk: %sTidak bisa melakukan instalasi paket %s. Paket ini telah usang jika dibandingkan dengan paket %sTidak bisa melakukan localinstall deltarpm: %s. Dilewatkan.Tidak bisa membuka berkas: %s. Dilewatkan.Tidak bisa membuka: %s. Dilewatkan.Tidak bisa menghapus %sTidak bisa menghapus %s berkas %sTelah diubah oleh: %sTelah diubah oleh: %sMemeriksan ketersediaan paket yang terbaruiPeriksa permasalahan-permasalahan di dalam rpmdbPemeriksaan deps untuk %sMelakukan pemeriksaan untuk penyedia virtual atau berkas-tersedia untuk %sPembersihan repos:Pembersihan Semuanya:Pembersihan HeadersPembersihan Paket-paketPembersihan cache dari data rpmdbPembersihan cache databasePembersihan cache dari metadata yang telah habis masa berlakunyaPembersihan pluginsPembersihan metadata xmlPembersihanPerintah "%s" telah didefinisikan sebelumnyaBaris Perintah :Baris perintahKesalahan pada baris perintah: %sJam commit :Pelaku commit :Committer : %sWaktu Commit: %sTerselesaikan!Kesalahan pada konfigurasi: %sTidak ditemukan berkas konfigurasi dari %sTidak bisa mengakses/membaca transaksi tersimpan %s: %sTidak mampu membuat kuncian pada %s: %sTidak bisa menemukan txmbr: %s dari asal %sTidak bisa menemukan txmbr: %s dalam status %sTidak bisa membuka database RPM untuk pembacaan. Mungkinkah database sedang digunakan?Tidak mampu membukan kuncian %s: %sTidak bisa melakukan checksumTidak mampu menjalankan transaksi.Tidak bisa menyimpan file transaksi %s: %sTidak mampu mengatur cachedir: %sJumlah :DHeader yang telah rusak %sTanggal dan JamDesDep-InstallKetergantungan-ketergantungan belum terselesaikan. Tidak akan melakukan penyimpanan transaksi yang belum terselesaikan.Ketergantungan telah di-instalasiProses Ketergantungan berakhirKetergantungan telah DihapusKetergantungan telah diperbaruiPaket-paket yang tergantungDeskripsi :Tidak melakukan instalasi kunci apapunTidak melakukan instalasi kunci apapun untuk repo %sMembuang paket %s.%s tidak bisa dibandingkanKebutuhan Disk: Menampilkan sebuah penggunaan pesanMenampilkan sebuah versi dari mesin dan/atau repo-repo yang tersedia.Menampilkan detail sebuah paket atau grup dari paket-paketMenampilkan repositori perangkat lunak terkonfigurasiMenampilkan, atau menggunakan, informasi dari grup-grupMenampilkan, atau menggunakan, sejarah transaksiSelesai dilakukanDowngradeTelah di-downgradeTelah di-downgrade OlehMelakukan downgradeMengunduh Paket:EKESAHALAHAN Anda perlu meng-update rpm untuk mengatasi:KESALAHAN pada pengujian transaksi vs depsolve:Akhir rpmdb :Akhir waktu :Akhir waktu :Epoch : %sHapusTelah dihapusTelah dihapus: %smenghapusKesalahan dalam pengunduhan paket-paket: Ringkasan kesalahan ------------------- Kesalahan didalam membuka rpm %s - kesalahan %sKesalahan: %sKesalahan: Diperlukan sebuah grup ataupun daftar grup-grupKesalahan: Diperlukan sebuah item yang cocokKesalahan: Diperlukan untuk melewatkan daftar paket menuju %sKesalahan: Tidak ditemukan paket-paket untuk: %sKesalahan: pembersihan memerlukan sebuah opsi: %sKesalahan: argumen yang digunakan untuk pembersihan, keliru: %rKesalahan: status keluaran tidak sah: %s untuk %sKesalahan: lebih dari satu berkas diberikan sebagai argumen kepada shell.Kesalahan-kesalahan telah terjadi ketika pengunduhan paket-paket.Kesalahan-kesalahan:Melakukan pemeriksaan %s: %sMemeriksa revdeps dari %sMengeluarkan %sSaat ini terkunci %s: proses yang sama sedang dijalankan pada pid %s.Keluar karena perintah penggunaPaket-paket TambahanGagalTelah gagal untuk menambah Pkg Tags untuk repositori: %s - %sTelah gagal melakukan penambahan berkas dari grup-grup untuk repositori: %s - %sGagal untuk downgrade: %sGagal dalam upaya penghapusan berkas transaksi %sGagal untuk upgrade: %sKegagalan:Kegagalan-kegagalan:FebTidak tersedia beerkas %s yang diberikan sebagai argumen kepada shell.Nama berkas : %sNama berkas telah dilewatkan menuju shell: %sMencari paket apa yang disediakan oleh nilai yang sudah diberikanMencari ketergantungan:Ditemukan lebih dari satu buah ID transaksi!txmbr ditemukan dalam status terkini yang tidak dikenali: %sAsal repo :Asal repo : %sKunci GPG pada %s (0x%s) telah di-instalasiKunci GPG pada %s (0x%s) telah di-instalasiGagal melakukan parsing kunci GPG: kunci tidak memiliki nilai %sPengambilan kunci GPG telah gagal:Tanda tangan kunci GPG pada kunci %s tidak cocok dengan Kunci CA untuk repo: %sTanda tangan kunci GPG telah diverifikasi dengan Kunci CAMenghasilkan cache dari metadataMengambil metadata dari grupMengambil metadata dari pkgtagsMendapati sebuah Header yang kosong, sepertinya ada yang salahGrup %s memiliki paket kondisional %u, yang akan di-instalasi.Grup-Tersedia :Grup-Terinstalasi:Header tidak bisa dibuka atau tidak cocok dengan %s, %s.Header belum komplit.Header tidak berada dalam cache local, dan mode caching-only telah diaktifkan. Tidak bisa mengunduh %sIIDKunci yang di-import tidak bisa membantu, kunci keliru?Melakukan impor %s kunci 0x%s: Idpengguna : "%s" Sidikjari : %s Dari : %sMelakukan impor %s kunci 0x%s: Idpengguna : "%s" Sidikjari : %s Paket : %s (%s) Dari : %sMeng-impor informasi tambahan dari daftar berkasInstalasiInstalasi sebuah RPM lokalMelakukan instalasi sebuah paket atau sekumpulan paket pada sistem yang Anda milikiInstall time: %sTelah dilakukan instalasiGrup-grup yang sudah di-instalasi:Grup-grup bahasa yang telah di-instalasi:Paket-paket yang telah ter-instalasiTelah di-instalasi oleh:Telah di-instalasi oleh: %sPaket yang telah di-instalasi %s%s%s%s tidak tersedia.Ukuran yang ter-install: %sTer-instalasi:Sedang melakukan instalasiMelakukan instalasi untuk ketergantunganInstan (terakhir: %s)Kekurangan ruang pada direktori unduhan %s * tersisa %s * yang dibutuhkan %sKekeliruan Kunci GPG dari %s: %sSub-perintah grup-grup yang keliru, gunakan: %s.Sub-perintah grup-grup yang keliru, gunakan: %s.Kekeliruan tsflag dalam berkas konfigurasi: %sKekeliruan versi flag dari: %sApakah semuanya sudah ok [y/T]:JanJulJunKegagalan impor kunci %sImpor kunci telah gagal (code %d)Kunci telah sukses di-impor2 minggu terakhir3 bulan terakhir6 bulan terakhir1 hari terakhir1 minggu terakhir1 tahun terakhirLisensi :Lisensi :Lisensi : %sDaftar sebuah paket atau grup-grup dari paket-paketDaftar ketergantungan dari sebuah paketPlugins yang dimuat:Memuat plugin "%s"Login penggunaMembuat cache dari berkas-berkas untuk semua berkas metadata.MarMenandai %s sebagai pembaruan untuk %sMenandai %s untuk di-instalasiDisesuaikan dari:Cocok: %sMeiAnggota: %sCache dari Metadata telah DibuatMode untuk pkg disediakan %s: %sMode %s adalah penyedia dari %s: %sLebih dari satu kecocokan identik dalam sack untuk %sN/S telah sesuai: %sNama : %s%s%sKebutuhan yang Diperlukan telah ditemukan, melakukan kecuranganKebutuhan yang Diperlukan bukanlah nama sebuah paket. Pencarian: %sTak pernah (terakhir: %s)Lebih baruTidakNama grup %s tidak adaGrup-grup tidak Tersedia di dalam repositori manapunTidak ada grup-grup dimana perintah dijalankanTidak ada kecocokan argumen: %sTidak tersedia paket yang cocok dengan: %sKecocokan tidak ditemukanTidak ditemukan Paket untuk %sPaket-paket tidak tersediaTidak ada paket yang telah ditandai untuk Sinkronisasi DistribusiTidak ada paket yang ditandai untuk PembaruanTidak ada paket yang telah ditandai untuk penghapusanTidak ditemukan transaksi %sTidak ada argumen untuk shellTidak ada akses getcwd() pada direktori saat ini, dipindahkan menuju /Tidak tersedia data grup pada repositori terkonfigurasiTidak ada group bernama %sTidak ada header - yah?Tidak tersedia bantuan untuk %sTidak ada kecocokan paket-paket dengan daftar yang adaTidak ada instalasi %s yang lain, ditambahkan pada daftar untuk potensi instalasiTidak tersedia paket %s%s%s.Tidak ada paket yang cocok untuk dihapus: %sTidak ada kecocokan paket untuk ditingkatkan: %sTidak tersedia paket bernama %s untuk diinstalasiTidak tersedia paket untuk di-downgradeTidak tersedia paket untuk di-instalasiDalam grup yang diminta, tidak tersedia paket-paket untuk proses instalasi maupun pembaruanTidak ada paket-paket yang dihapus dari grup-grupTidak ada plugin yang cocok untuk: %sTidak ada akses untuk baca/eksekusi pada direktori saat ini, dipindahkan menuju /Tidak tersimpan transaksi untuk berkas yang telah ditentukan.Tidak terdapat perintah seperti yang Anda maksudkan: %s. Silakan mencoba menggunakan %s --helpTidak diberikan ID transaksiTidak diberikan ID transaksi maupun paketTanpa transaksi-transaksiTidak ditemukan path terbaru dari %s. Kegagalan!Tidak melakukan Pembaruan untuk Paket yang sudah usang: %s.%s %s:%s-%sTidak melakukan Pembaruan Paket yang sudah diperbarui: %s.%s %s:%s-%sTidak melakukan Pembaruan Paket yang sudah usang: %sTidak tersediaID transaksi belum diberikanTidak di-instalasiTidak memuat plugin "%s", karena telah di-non-aktifkanTidak ada yang cocok %s.%s %s:%s-%s dari pembaruanTidak ditentukan untuk instalasiTidak ada yang bisa dilakukanNovOTelah usangTelah di-usang-kan OlehAkan usangPaket-paket yang akan usangOktLebih tuaHanya pembaruan yang tersedia untuk paket: %sKesalahan pada Opsi-opsi: %sLain-lain :Selama satu tahun yang laluPAKET.....PaketPaket :Paket %s telah ter-instalasi dan memiliki versi terbaruPaket %s telah terinstalasi, namun tidak tersediaPaket %s memperbolehkan instalasi ganda, dilewatkanPaket %s telah di-instalasi, lewatiPaket %s belum ditandatanganiPaket %s yang telah usang oleh %s dimana telah ter-instalasiPaket %s telah diusangkan oleh %s, namun paket usang ini tidak menyediakan kebutuhan apapunPaket %s telah diusangkan oleh %s, mencoba untuk tetap melakukan instalasi %sPaket %s tidak ter-instalasi, tidak bisa diperbarui. Jalankan yum install untuk tetap melakukan instalasiPaket %s.%s tidak ter-instalasi, tidak bisa diperbarui. Jalankan yum install untuk tetap melakukan instalasi.Obyek Paket bukanlah sebuah obyek paket instanPaket tidak sesuai dengan checksumPaket tidak sesuai dengan maksud pengunduhan. Saran: jalankan yum --enablerepo=%s clean metadataPaket telah usang: %s.%s %s:%s-%sPaket yang cocok dengan %s telah terinstalasi. Melakukan pemeriksaan untuk pembaruan.Paket tuple %s tidak bisa ditemukan dalam packagesackPaket tuple %s tidak bisa ditemukan dalam rpmdbPaket(s) %s%s%s tersedia, akan tetapi belum/tidak dilakukan instalasi.Paket(s) yang akan di-instalasiPaket : %sPaket: %s - telah berada di dalam kumpulan transaksiDipaketkan oleh:Paket-paket yang diubah:Paket-paket yang diabaikan:Mohon dilaporkan kesalahan ini pada %sMohon untuk melaporkan kesalahan pada %sPlugin "%s" tidak bisa di-imporPlugin "%s" tidak menyediakan versi API yang dibutuhkanPlugin "%s" membutuhkan API %s. API yang didukung adalah %s.Opsi-opsi pluginsPluginExit Kesalahan: %sPenyedia Potensial: %sPotensi penyelesaian paket %s memiliki instan lebih baru pada ts.Potensi penyelesaian paket %s memiliki instan ter-instalasi yang lebih baru.Permasalahan terjadi saat melakukan instalasi ulang: tidak ada paket %s yang cocok untuk di-instalasiPermasalahan terjadi saat melakukan instalasi ulang: tidak ada paket yang cocok untuk dihapusMenemukan masalah di dalam membuka paket %sPermasalahan repositori: %sVersi-versi multilib yang terproteksi: %s != %sMenyediakan :Kunci publik untuk %s belum ter-instalasiKunci publik untuk %s tidak bisa dipercayaPencocokan cepat %s untuk kebutuhan dari %sRKegagalan pemeriksaan md5 RPM %sRPM perlu diperbaruiMelakukan pembacaan RPMDB lokalSedang membaca metadata dari repositori yang ada di arsip lokalAlasan :Paket-paket yang baru saja DitambahkanMenolak untuk secara otomatis meng-impor kunci-kunci ketika dijalankan tanpa pengawasan. Gunakan "-y" untuk mengabaikan persyaratan.Instalasi ulangMelakukan instalasi ulangRilis : %sHapusMenghapus sebuah paket atau sekumpulan paket dari sistem AndaMenghapus data yang sudah di-cacheTelah dihapusSedang menghapusMelakukan penghapusan %s dari transaksiPenghapusan Paket %sMelakukan penghapusan untuk ketergantunganMengulang pemaketanMengulang pemaketanTelah digantikanRepo : %sBaseurl-repo :Label-distro-repo:Repo-terkecuali:Repo-terkecualikan:Repo-kadaluwarsa:Namafile-repo:Id-repo :Repo-termasuk:Metalink-repo:Mirror-repo :Nama-repo :Paket-repo :Revisi-repo :Ukuran-repo :Status-repo :Label-repo :Repo-terbarui:RepositoriNama repositori %r tidak terdapat di konfigurasi, menggunakan idRepositori %r: Kesalahan parsing konfigurasi: %sSedang menyelesaikan KetergantunganMemulai kembali LoopMendapatkan kembali kunci dari %sKode-balik :Permasalahan-permasalahan Rpmdb:Menjalankan yum shell interaktifSedang menjalankanMenjalankan TransaksiMenjalankan Pengujian TransaksiMenjalankan pengujian transaksiMenjalankan compare_providers() untuk %sKeluaran Scriplet:Mencari detail paket untuk string yang sudah diberikanMelakukan pencarian paket-paket %dMencari Paket-paket untuk Ketergantungan:Pencarian Paket-paket:Mencari pkgSack untuk dep: %sSepMenyiapkan Proses Sinkronisasi DistribusiMenyiapkan Proses DowngradeMenyiapkan Proses GrupMenyiapkan Proses InstalasiMenyiapkan Proses Paket LokalMenyiapkan Proses SacksMenyiapkan Proses Instalasi UlangMenyiapkan Proses PenghapusanMenyiapkan TransactionSets sebelum kelas konfigurasi dinaikkanMenyiapkan Proses PembaruanMenyiapkan Proses UpgradeMenyiapkan Yum ShellSedang Menyiapkan repositoriUkuranUkuran :Ukuran : %sDiabaikan (masalah-masalah ketergantungan)Mengabaikan transaksi gabungan %d hingga %d, karena tumpang-tindih satu sama lainMelewatkan paket %s dari grup %sMengabaikan kernel yang sedang berjalan: %sSedang tidurRPM Sumber :Status :SuksesSukses - deps terselesaikanSukses - transaksi kosongRingkasan :Sinkronisasi paket-paket terinstalasi menuju versi terbaru yang tersediaSistemTSINFO: paket %s dibutuhkan %s dan telah ditandai untuk dihapusTSINFO: Penandaan %s sebagai instalasi dari %sTSINFO: Penandaan %s sebagai update dari %sTSINFO: Pengusangan %s dengan %s untuk penyelesaian dep.TSINFO: Pembaruan %s untuk penyelesaian dep.Kesalahan-kesalahan Uji Coba Transaksi:Kunci-kunci GPG yang ada dalam daftar repositori "%s" telah ter-instalasi, namun kunci-kunci yang ada tidak tepat diperuntukkan paket ini. Periksa sekali lagi, URL kunci yang sesuai yang sudah dikonfigurasikan untuk repositori ini.Kunci-kunci GPG yang ada dalam daftar repositori "%s" telah ter-instalasi, namun kunci-kunci yang ada peruntukannya tidak tepat untuk paket ini. Periksa sekali lagi, URL kunci yang sesuai yang sudah dikonfigurasikan untuk repositori ini.Program %s%s%s telah ditemukan di dalam paket yum-utils.Tidak terdapat repo yang aktif. Jalankan "yum repolist all" untuk melihat repo yang Anda miliki. Anda dapat mengaktifkan repo dengan menjalankan perintah yum-config-manager --enable Masih tersisa transaksi yang belum terselesaikan. Anda mungkin mempertimbangkan untuk menjalankan yum-complete-transaction terlebih dahulu, agar transaksi tersebut terselesaikan.Tidak terdapat file dari grup-grup yang sudah ter-instalasi.Terdapat sebuah kesalahan dalam penghitungan ukuran totalTerdapat sebuah kesalahan dalam penghitungan ukuran totalAkan memakan waktu cukup lama, tergantung dari kecepatan yang dimiliki oleh komputer iniWaktuTotalUkuran unduhan total: %sUkuran total: %sTrace/DihentikanKesalahan pemeriksaan Transaksi: ID Transaksi :ID Transaksi :Pengujian Transaksi telah BerhasilTransaksi tidak mampu dimulai:Transaksi dimuat dari %s dengan anggota %sBagian-bagian Transaksi, relasi hilang atau ts telah dimodifikasi,Tansaksi dilakukan dengan :Transaksi-transaksi:Mencoba mirror yang lain:Mencoba untuk menghapus "%s", yang terproteksiMencoba untuk menjalankan transaksi, namun tidak ada yang bisa dijalankan. Keluar.Mencoba memperbarui %s untuk menyelesaikan depDua buah atau lebih, plugin dengan nama "%s" berada pada path pencarian pluginUURL :URL : %sTidak bisa memerikan apakah PID %s dalam kondisi aktifTidak mampu menemukan mirror yang sesuai.Tidak bisa menemukan berkas konfigurasi untuk plugin %sTidak bisa di-interupsiTidak dikenalKesalahan(s) tidak dikenal: Kode Exit: %d:PerbaruiPerbarui sebuah paket atau sekumpulan paket pada sistem AndaPembaruan paket-paket juga memasukkan kondisi usangTelah diperbaruiTelah diperbarui OlehPaket-paket yang telah DiperbaruiSedang memperbaruiMelakukan pembaruan untuk semuanyaMelakukan pembaruan untuk ketergantunganUpgradePengguna :Vendor :Verifikasi: %u/%u: %sMelakukan verifikasiVersiVersi : %sPeringatan: Grup %s tidak ada.Peringatan: Tidak ditemukan kecocokan untuk: %sPeringatan: RPMDB telah diubah tanpa sepengetahuan yum.Peringatan: scriptlet atau kesalahan tidak fatal lainnya telah terjadi selama transaksi.YaAnda tidak memiliki akses terhadap DB grup-grup.Anda tidak memiliki akses terhadap sejarah dari DB.Anda harus login sebagai root agar bisa menjalankan perintah ini.Anda perlu menambahkan beberapa perintahTransaksi Anda telah disimpan, jalankan ulang transaksi dengan cara: yum load-transaction %sKesalahan Yum: %sZombie[PAKET.....]sebuah downgradesebuah pembaruanjawab tidak untuk semua pertanyaanjawab ya untuk semua pertanyaanarchdist dibandingan %s dengan %s pada %s Terpilih: %spaket dasar %s telah ter-instalasi untuk %sbersikap toleran terhadap kesalahan-kesalahanarch yang lebih baik, di dalam po %stidak bisa menemukan tsflags, atau tsflags bukanlah integer.prefiks umum dari %s diantara %s dan %ssourcerpm umum %s dan %slokasi berkas konfigurasimengatur tata-cara penggunaan warnalevel keluaran proses debugproses debug level keluaran untuk rpmnon-aktifkan plugins Yumme-non-aktifkan pengecualian dari "main", untuk sebuah repo atau untuk semuanya / everythingnon-aktifkan pemeriksaan tanda-tangan gpgme-non-aktifkan satu atau lebih repositori (diperbolehkan tanda "*" / wildcard)non-aktifkan plugins berdasarkan namadi-non-aktifkandoConfigSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi berikutnya dari Yum. doGroupSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi berikutnya dari Yum. doRepoSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi berikutnya dari Yum. doRpmDBSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi berikutnya dari Yum. doSackSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi berikutnya dari Yum. doTsSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi mendatang dari Yum. doUpdateSetup() akan dihilangkan dari versi berikutnya dari Yum. downgrade sebuah paketaktifkan proses-proses usang selama pembaruanaktifkan satu atau lebih repositori (diperbolehkan tanda "*" / wildcard)aktifkan plugins berdasarkan namadiaktifkandihapuslevel keluaran untuk kesalahan yang mungkin terjadimengecualikan paket(s) berdasarkan nama atau globkonflik telah di-instalasikehilangan kebutuhan daritelah di-instalasikonflik telah di-instalasimemuat subuah transaksi yang tersimpan pada nama berkasmemuat transaksi dari %spencarian %s sebagai sebuah kebutuhan dari %sbatas waktu maksimum untuk menunggu perintahkebutuhan-kebutuhan yang dimaksud telah hilangttidaktelah usangakan usangpaket %s telah ditandai dalam grup %spaket gagal melakukan checksum, namun cache telah diaktifkan untuk %spaket : %splugis telah di-inisiasimenyediakan vercmp: %soperasi senyap :-dregistrasi dari perintah-perintah, belum didukunginstalasi ulang sebuah pakettelah dilakukan instalasi ulangid reponama repoobyek repo dari repo %s kekurangan sebuah metode _resetSack minimal dibutuhkan: %ddijalankan keseluruhannya dari cache sistem, jangan melakukan pembaruan cachesearchPackages() akan dihilangkan pada versi berikutnya dari Yum. Sebaiknya gunakan searchGenerator(). melakukan pencarian di dalam entry berkasmelakukan pencarian di dalam entry-entry yang tersediamelakukan pencarian paket %satur konfigurasi arbiter dan opsi-opsi repoatur lokasi instalasi rootatur nilai dari $releasever dalam konfigurasi yum dan berkas-berkas repoperlihatkan versi Yum dan kemudian keluartunjukkan duplikasi, dalam repos, dalam daftar/pencarian perintahmenampilkan pesan bantuan ini kemudian keluarabaikan paket-paket yang memiliki permasalahan-permasalahan depsolvingstatusuntuk itu, repo ini tidak dapat di-reset. duatelah diperbaruiinterupsi oleh penggunamenggunakan salinan lokal dari %soperasi verboseyyaPK!>ccLC_MESSAGES/opcodes.monu[=LK0|u:Bk}O[)[(7(`(1B%'%M3s((2E,?r(1 9"3\4) " %//U.$  + EO ku( * J i      = !&G!*n!! !D!C"+E"&q""","%")#%F#!l#!#$##:#1,$9^$6$$$"%#%6%I%_%u%%!%'%'%&7+&c&"~&#&&)&/ '<'.Z'''%'#'+'+'(1S(1(%(+(1 )1;)m)!)%)")*)*"=*`* w*/*#**++4+ M+%n+++.+++,7,%R,$x,,0,0,#-7>-!v-!-5-"-+. ?. `. ..+.2.2!/)T/#~/////0&0D0b0"000)0 1'181U1n111121%12&;2b2v22222 2 2!2;!3]3%{3+3/334&542\4242444,*5W5)q55(55656P6a6-z6;666/79D7 ~7777777 78&28uY89A9@:T:|!;;@<u<d=W=B>Y>)??,L@,y@,@5@E A*OA*zA4A+A+B62BHiBDB*B4"CWC=pC3C<C8DXDoD-D0DDD<)E&fE%E EEEEF F5FEF`FqFFF/FFG($GMGmG"G GG GEH&IH;pHH HOHOI2mI-II I0 J1>J5pJ1J-J-K04KeK@K7K?K9=L!wLL"LLLLM$M:M(OM1xM1MM>M7N(SN)|NN*N+N$O,=OjOO&O$O+O,P4IP4~P%P+P0Q06Q%gQ*Q/Q-Q7R NR)oRR'R8R,S=SUSpSS,S*SST0$T"UTxT T2T1T)UEGUEU2UCV.JVyV7V V<V#-W#QW#uW"W,W3W3X*QX&|X#XX'X"X)!Y)KY)uY)Y*YYZ4,ZaZ~Z%ZZZZ[,[=F[,[[,[[-\(C\l\\\ \ \$\8\!"]:D]6]A]#]$^.A^3p^4^3^6 _.D_s_4_"_,_`!1`0S```<`G` 1aRa9ra?aa bb$b:b Wbxbbb:b5I_LO:(VAgT?+z2 RlpN3Kduh`]x7-8S &Fvc}XP\|'E/B{ o y6"*Ye.aH%4!1;@D~t>$Z^)Mq<J=[kGbw#mW s09,UjnfiQCr For the options above, The following values are supported for "ARCH": For the options above, the following values are supported for "ABI": cp0-names=ARCH Print CP0 register names according to specified architecture. Default: based on binary being disassembled. fpr-names=ABI Print FPR names according to specified ABI. Default: numeric. gpr-names=ABI Print GPR names according to specified ABI. Default: based on binary being disassembled. hwr-names=ARCH Print HWR names according to specified architecture. Default: based on binary being disassembled. reg-names=ABI Print GPR and FPR names according to specified ABI. reg-names=ARCH Print CP0 register and HWR names according to specified architecture. The following ARM specific disassembler options are supported for use with the -M switch: The following MIPS specific disassembler options are supported for use with the -M switch (multiple options should be separated by commas): The following PPC specific disassembler options are supported for use with the -M switch: The following S/390 specific disassembler options are supported for use with the -M switch (multiple options should be separated by commas): The following i386/x86-64 specific disassembler options are supported for use with the -M switch (multiple options should be separated by commas): addr16 Assume 16bit address size addr32 Assume 32bit address size addr64 Assume 64bit address size att Display instruction in AT&T syntax att-mnemonic Display instruction in AT&T mnemonic data16 Assume 16bit data size data32 Assume 32bit data size esa Disassemble in ESA architecture mode i386 Disassemble in 32bit mode i8086 Disassemble in 16bit mode intel Display instruction in Intel syntax intel-mnemonic Display instruction in Intel mnemonic suffix Always display instruction suffix in AT&T syntax x86-64 Disassemble in 64bit mode zarch Disassemble in z/Architecture mode # # internal disassembler error, unrecognised modifier (%c)# internal error, incomplete extension sequence (+)# internal error, undefined extension sequence (+%c)# internal error, undefined modifier (%c)$%02x *unknown*%d unused bits in i386_cpu_flags. %d unused bits in i386_operand_type. %dsp16() takes a symbolic address, not a number%dsp8() takes a symbolic address, not a number%s: %d: Missing `)' in bitfield: %s %s: %d: Unknown bitfield: %s %s: Error: %s: Warning: (DP) offset out of range.(SP) offset out of range.(unknown)*unknown operands type: %d**unknown*21-bit offset out of range Address 0x%s is out of bounds. Attempt to find bit index of 0Bad case %d (%s) in %s:%d Bad immediate expressionBad register in postincrementBad register in preincrementBad register nameBiiiig Trouble in parse_imm16!Bit number for indexing general register is out of range 0-15Byte address required. - must be even.Don't know how to specify # dependency %s Don't understand 0x%x Hmmmm 0x%xIC note %d for opcode %s (IC:%s) conflicts with resource %s note %d IC note %d in opcode %s (IC:%s) conflicts with resource %s note %d IC:%s [%s] has no terminals or sub-classes IC:%s has no terminals or sub-classes Illegal as 2-op instrIllegal as emulation instrIllegal limm reference in last instruction! Immediate is out of range -128 to 127Immediate is out of range -32768 to 32767Immediate is out of range -512 to 511Immediate is out of range -7 to 8Immediate is out of range -8 to 7Immediate is out of range 0 to 65535Internal disassembler errorInternal error: bad sparc-opcode.h: "%s", %#.8lx, %#.8lx Internal error: bad sparc-opcode.h: "%s" == "%s" Internal error: bad sparc-opcode.h: "%s", %#.8lx, %#.8lx Internal: Non-debugged code (test-case missing): %s:%dInvalid size specifierLabel conflicts with `Rx'Label conflicts with register nameMissing '#' prefixMissing '.' prefixMissing 'pag:' prefixMissing 'pof:' prefixMissing 'seg:' prefixMissing 'sof:' prefixNo relocation for small immediateOnly $sp or $15 allowed for this opcodeOnly $tp or $13 allowed for this opcodeOperand is not a symbolOperand out of range. Must be between -32768 and 32767.Register list is not validRegister must be between r0 and r7Register must be between r8 and r15Register number is not validSmall operand was not an immediate numberSpecial purpose register number is out of rangeSyntax error: No trailing ')'The percent-operator's operand is not a symbolUnknown bitfield: %s Unknown error %d Unrecognised disassembler option: %s Unrecognised register name set: %s Unrecognized field %d while building insn. Unrecognized field %d while decoding insn. Unrecognized field %d while getting int operand. Unrecognized field %d while getting vma operand. Unrecognized field %d while parsing. Unrecognized field %d while printing insn. Unrecognized field %d while setting int operand. Unrecognized field %d while setting vma operand. Value is not aligned enoughValue of A operand must be 0 or 1W keyword invalid in FR operand slot.Warning: rsrc %s (%s) has no chks Warning: rsrc %s (%s) has no chks or regs address writeback not allowedattempt to read writeonly registerattempt to set HR bitsattempt to set readonly registerattempt to set y bit when using + or - modifierauxiliary register not allowed herebad instruction `%.50s'bad instruction `%.50s...'bad jump flags valuebit,base is out of rangebit,base out of range for symbolbranch address not on 4 byte boundarybranch operand unalignedbranch to odd offsetbranch value not in range and to an odd offsetbranch value not in range and to odd offsetbranch value out of rangecan't cope with insert %d can't create i386-init.h, errno = %s can't create i386-tbl.h, errno = %s can't find %s for reading can't find i386-opc.tbl for reading, errno = %s can't find i386-reg.tbl for reading, errno = %s can't find ia64-ic.tbl for reading cgen_parse_address returned a symbol. Literal required.class %s is defined but not used displacement value is not aligneddisplacement value is not in range and is not aligneddisplacement value is out of rangedon't know how to specify %% dependency %s dsp:16 immediate is out of rangedsp:20 immediate is out of rangedsp:24 immediate is out of rangedsp:8 immediate is out of rangeexpecting got relative address: got(symbol)expecting got relative address: gotoffhi16(symbol)expecting got relative address: gotofflo16(symbol)expecting gp relative address: gp(symbol)flag bits of jump address limm lostignoring invalid mfcr maskillegal bitmaskillegal use of parenthesesimm:6 immediate is out of rangeimmediate is out of range 0-7immediate is out of range 1-2immediate is out of range 1-8immediate is out of range 2-9immediate value cannot be registerimmediate value is out of rangeimmediate value must be evenimmediate value not in range and not evenimmediate value out of rangeimpossible storeindex register in load rangeinvalid %function() hereinvalid conditional optioninvalid constantinvalid load/shimm insninvalid mask fieldinvalid operand. type may have values 0,1,2 only.invalid register for stack adjustmentinvalid register number `%d'invalid register operand when updatinginvalid sprg numberjump flags, but no .f seenjump flags, but no limm addrjump hint unalignedjunk at end of lineld operand errormissing `)'missing `]'missing mnemonic in syntax stringmost recent format '%s' appears more restrictive than '%s' multiple note %s not handled must specify .jd or no nullify suffixno insns mapped directly to terminal IC %s no insns mapped directly to terminal IC %s [%s]not a valid r0l/r0h pairoffset(IP) is not a valid formopcode %s has no class (ops %d %d %d) operand out of range (%ld not between %ld and %ld)operand out of range (%ld not between %ld and %lu)operand out of range (%lu not between %lu and %lu)operand out of range (0x%lx not between 0 and 0x%lx)operand out of range (not between 1 and 255)overlapping field %s->%s overwriting note %d with note %d (IC:%s) parse_addr16: invalid opindex.percent-operator operand is not a symbolregister number must be evenrsrc %s (%s) has no regs source and target register operands must be differentst operand errorstore value must be zerosyntax error (expected char `%c', found `%c')syntax error (expected char `%c', found end of instruction)too many long constantstoo many shimms in loadunable to change directory to "%s", errno = %s unable to fit different valued constants into instructionundefinedunknownunknown 0x%02lxunknown 0x%04lxunknown constraint `%c'unknown operand shift: %x unknown pop reg: %d unrecognized form of instructionunrecognized instructionwarning: ignoring unknown -M%s option Project-Id-Version: opcodes 2.20 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2009-09-07 14:08+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-11 11:00+0700 Last-Translator: Arif E. Nugroho Language-Team: Indonesian MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Untuk pilihan diatas, nilai berikut didukung untuk "ARCH": Untuk pilihan diatas, nilai berikut didukung untuk "ABI": cp0-names=ARCH Tampilkan nama register CP0 menurut arsitektur yang dispesifikasikan. Baku: berdasar dari binari yang sedang diassembled. fpr-names=ABI Tampilkan nama FPR menurut ABI yang dispesifikasikan. Baku: numerik. gpr-names=ABI Tampilkan nama GPR menurut ABI yang dispesifikasikan. Baku: berdasar dari binari yang sedang diassembled. hwr-names=ARCH Tampilkan nama HWR menurut arsitektur yang dispesifikasikan. Baku: berdasar dari binari yang sedang diassembled. reg-names=ABI Tampilkan nama GPR dan FPR menurut ABI yang dispesifikasikan. reg-names=ARCH Tampilkan nama register CP0 dan HWR menurut arsitektur yang dispesifikasikan. Option disablembler khusus ARM berikut ini didukung untuk digunakan dengan switch -M: Pilihan disablembler khusus MIPS berikut ini didukung untuk digunakan dengan pilihan -M (pilihan ganda seharusnya dipisahkan dengan koma): Pilihan disablembler khusus PPC berikut ini didukung untuk digunakan dengan pilihan -M: Pilihan disablembler khusus S/390 berikut ini didukung untuk digunakan dengan pilihan -M (pilihan ganda seharusnya dipisahkan dengan koma): Pilihan disablembler khusus i386/x86-64 berikut ini didukung untuk digunakan dengan pilihan -M (pilihan double seharusnya dipisahkan dengan koma): addr16 Asumsikan ukuran alamat 16bit addr32 Asumsikan ukuran alamat 32bit addr64 Asumsikan ukuran alamat 64bit att Tampilkan instruksi dalam sintaks AT&T att-mnemonic Tampilkan instruksi dalam mnemonic AT&T data16 Asumsikan ukuran data 16bit data32 Asumsikan ukuran data 32bit esa Disassemble dalam mode arsitektur ESA i386 Disassemble dalam mode 32bit i8086 Disassemble dalam mode 16bit intel Tampilkan instruksi dalam sintaks Intel intel-mnemonic Tampilkan instruksi dalam mnemonic Intel akhiran Selalu tampilkan akhiran instruksi dalam sintaks AT&T x86-64 Disasemble dalam mode 64bit zarch Disassemble dalam mode z/Architecture # # kesalahan internal disasembler, modifier tidak dikenal (%c)# internal error, urutan ekstensi (+) tidak lengkap# kesalahan internal, tidak terdefinisi urutan ekstensi(+%c)# kesalahan internal, tidak terdefinisi pemodifikasi(%c)$%02x *tidak dikenal*%d bit tidak digunakan dalam i386_cpu_flags. %d bit tidak digunakan dalam i386_operand_type. %dsp16() mengambil sebuah alamat simbolik, tetapi bukan sebuah angka%dsp8() mengambil sebuah alamat simbolik, bukan sebuah angka%s: %d: Hilang `)' dalam bitfield: %s %s: %d: bitfield tidak diketahui: %s %s: Error: %s: Peringatan: (DP) ofset di luar batas.(SP) ofset di luar batas.(tidak dikenal)*tipe operand tidak dikenal: %d**tidak dikenal*21-bit ofset di luar batas Alamat 0x%s di luar jangkauan. Mencoba untuk menemukan bit index dari 0Case buruk %d (%s) dalam %s:%d Ekspresi langsung yang burukRegister buruk dalam pascainkremenregister buruk dalam preinkremenNama register burukMasalah BESAR dalam parse_imm16!Nomor bit untuk register umum pengindeksan diluar dari jangkauan 0-15Alamat byte dibutuhkan. - harus genap.Tidak tahu bagaimana menspesifikasikan # ketergantungan %s Tidak mengerti 0x%x Hmmmm 0x%xIC catatan %d untuk opcode %s (IC:%s) konflik dengan sumber data %s catatan %d IC catatan %d dalam opcode %s (IC:%s) konflik dengan sumber daya %s catatan %d IC:%s [%s] tidak memiliki terminal atau sub-kelas IC:%s tidak memiliki terminal atau sub-kelas Tidak legal karena 2-op instrTidak legal karena emulasi instrreferensi limm ilegal dalam instruksi terakhir! Nilai langsung di luar dari jangkauan -128 ke 127Nilai langsung di luar dari jangkauan -32768 ke 32767Nilai langsung di luar dari jangkauan -512 ke 511nilai langsung di luar dari jangkauan -7 ke 8nilai langsung di luar dari jangkauan -8 ke 7Nilai langsung di luar dari jangkauan 0 ke 65535Kesalahan disasembler internalKesalahan internal: sparc-opcode.h buruk: "%s", %#.8lx, %#.8lx Kesalahan internal: sparc-opcode.h buruk: "%s" == "%s" Kesalahan internal: sparc-opcode.h buruk: "%s", %#.8lx, %#.8lx Internal: Kode belum didebug (tidak ada test-case): %s:%dUkuran penspesifikasi tidak validLabel konflik dengan `Rx'Label konflik dengan nama registerHilang awalan '#'Hilang awalan '.'Hilang awalan 'pag:'Hilang awalan 'pof:'Hilanga awalan 'seg:'Hilang awalan 'sof:'Tidak ada relokasi untuk immediate kecilHanya $sp atau $15 diperbolehkan untuk opcode iniHanya $tp atau $13 diperbolehkan untuk opcode iniOperand bukan sebuah simbolOperand di luar batas. Harus berada diantara -32768 dan 32767.Daftar register tidak validRegister harus berada diantara r0 dan r7Register harus berada diantara r8 dan r15Nomor register tidak validOperand kecil bukan sebuah angka immediateNomor register tujuan spesial di luar batasSintaks error: Tidak ada akhiran ')'Operand percent-operator bukan sebuah simbolBitfield tidak diketahui: %s Kesalahan tidak dikenal %d Pilihan disasembler tidak dikenal: %s Set nama register tidak dikenal: %s Field tidak dikenal %d saat membuild insn. Field tidak dikenal %d saat mendekode insn. Field tidak dikenal %d saat memperoleh operand int. Field tidak dikenal %d saat memperoleh operand vma. Field tidak dikenal %d saat parsing. Field tidak dikenal %d saat mencetak insn. Field tidak dikenal %d saat menset operand int. Field tidak dikenal %d saat menset operand vma. Nilai tidak teralign secara mencukupiNilai dari operand A harus berupa 0 atau 1W kata kunci tidak valid dalam FR operand slot.Peringatan: rsrc %s (%s) tidak memiliki chks Peringatan: rsrc %s (%s) tidak memiliki chks atau regs alamat writeback tidak diijinkanmencoba untuk membaca register tulis-sajamencoba menset bit HRmencoba untuk menset register baca-sajaberusaha menset bit y saat menggunakan modifier + atau -register tambahan tidak diperbolehkan disiniinstruksi buruk `%.50s'instruksi buruk `%.50s...'nilai tanda jump burukbit,bas di luar batasbit,base di luar dari jangkauan untuk simbolalamat cabang tidak dalam kelipatan 4 byteoperand cabang tidak ratacabang offset ganjilnilai cabang di luar jangkauan dan offset ganjilnilai cabang tidak dalam jangkauannilai cabang di luar jangkauantidak dapat menangani insert %d tidak dapat membuat i386-init.h, nomor error = %s tidak dapat membuat i386-tbl.h, nomor error = %s tidak dapat menemukan %s untuk pembacaan tidak dapat menemukan i386-opc.tbl untuk pembacaan, nomor error = %s tidak dapat menemukan i386-reg.tbl untuk pembacaan, nomor error = %s tidak dapat menemukan ia64-ic.tbl untuk pembacaan cgen_parse_address mengembalikan sebuah simbol. Literal dibutuhkan.kelas %s didefinisikan tetapi tidak digunakan nilai displacement tidak ratanilai displacement tidak dalam jangkauan dan tidak ratanilai displacement di luar batastidak tahu bagaimana menspesifikasikan %% ketergantungan %s dsp:16 nilai langsung di luar batasdsp:20 nilai langsung di luar batasdsp:24 nilai langsung di luar batasdsp:8 nilai langsung di luar batasmengharapkan alamat relatif got: got(simbol)mengharapkan alamat relatif got: gotoffhi16(simbol)mengharapkan alamat relatif got: gotofflo16(simbol)mengharapkan alamat relatif gp: gp(simbol)tanda bit dari alamat jump limm hilangmengabaikan topeng mfcr tidak validbitmask ilegalpenggunaan tidak legal dari tanda petikimm:6 nilai langsung di luar batasnilai langsung di luar dari jangkauan 0-7nilai langsung di luar dari jangkauan 1-2nilai langsung di luar dari jangkauan 1-8nilai langsung di luar dari jangkauan 2-9nilai langsung tidak dapat berupa registernilai langsung di luar batasnilai langsung harus genapnilai langsung tidak dalam jangkauan dan tidak genapnilai langsung di luar batasstore tidak memungkinkanregister indeks dalam daerah pemuatan%function disini tidak validpilihan kondisional tidak validkonstanta tidak validinsn load/shimm tidak validtopeng daerah tidak validoperand tidak valid. tipe mungkin hanya memiliki nilai 0,1,2.register tidak valid untuk penyesuaian stacknomor register tidak valid `%d'operand register tidak valid saat mengupdatenomor sprg tidak validtanda jump, tetapi tidak ada .f yang terlihattanda jump, tetapi tidak ada alamat limmpetunjuk lompat tidak ratasampah di akhir barisoperand ld errorhilang `)'hilang `]'mnemonik hilang dalam string sintaksformat paling baru '%s' tampak lebih terbatas dari '%s' catatan ganda %s tidak ditangani harus menspesifikasikan .jd atau tidak ada akhiran nullifytidak ada insns terpetakan langsung ke terminal IC %s tidak ada insns terpetakan secara langsung ke terminal IC %s [%s]bukan sebuah valid pasangan r0l/r0hoffset(IP) bukan sebuah bentuk validopcode %s tidak memiliki kelas (ops %d %d %d) operand keluar batas (%ld tidak antara %ld dan %ld)operand di luar batas (%ld tidak antara %ld dan %lu)operand keluar batas (%lu tidak antara %lu dan %lu)operand di luar batas (0x%lx tidak antara 0 dan 0x%lx)operand di luar batas (tidak antara 1 dan 255)daerah saling menimpa %s->%s catatan saling menulis %d dengan catatan %d (IC:%s) parse_addr16: opindex tidak valid.percent-operator operand bukan sebuah simbolnomor register harus genaprsrc %s (%s) tidak memiliki regs sumber dan target operand register harus berbedaoperand st errornilai simpan harus nolkesalahan sintaks (diharapkan karakter `%c', ditemukan `%c')kesalahan sintaks (diharapkan karakter `%c', ditemukan akhir instruksi)terlalu banyak konstanta panjangterlalu banyak shimm dalam loadtidak dapat mengubah direktori ke "%s", nomor error = %s tidak dapat memasukan nilai konstanta berbeda kedalam instruksitidak didefinisikantidak dikenaltidak dikenal 0x%02lxtidak dikenal 0x%04lxkonstrain tidak dikenal `%c'shift operand tidak dikenal: %x reg pop tidak dikenal: %d bentuk instruksi tidak dikenalinstruksti tidak dikenalperingatan: mengabaikan pilihan -M%s yang tidak diketahui PK!0PbbLC_MESSAGES/iso_3166.monu[L_|% %& &&$&,&3& <&G&[& r&|&&& && &&& &&&&&&&' '+'3' S't'' '''''' ( ()#(M(*U((((( ((((((( )#),)E),a)))%) ) ))))))/*6*E*%M*,s*"******++ .+9+U+]+ c+o+++++ +'+$+,-,I,h,,,,,, ,,,,)-;-A-S-Z-b-}--- ---- -- . . ..#. *.8.?.E.!a.... .0.../"/ (/2/L/Q/Y/y/// /////00 00 $0/050H0[0m00000000 1101A1\1&e1111 1 11112 22 2 '2 12<2,B2o2 2222222 2 2 22223$3,3A3H3 Q3 \3g3 o3z3333 33 3 3 3 3 3334440474!<4^4g4m444444'445+5 05<5E5d5k5t5555 55556"666M6a6"s66666677#787O7c7t77777788&8:8L8b8u888888899-9?9T9g9{9999999 ::4:H:\:n:::::::: ; ;7;P;f;{;;;;;; <<2<I<]<o<<<< <<<=-=5=T=g=n===,== ==> >@> F>Q> g>t>|>> > >> >>>>>>?-? 5?,B? o?{??? ??????? @@ ,@6@=@ Q@]@r@y@ @@@)@ @@@AAA3A;A BAOAhA oA)AAAAAA4B7BMB iB$wBBBB BBB C!C3C _ C_Q_Y___s_{_ ____ ____``1`P`n``'```` ``!` a&aDaLa gaa aaa aa ab%+bQb`bgbpbbbBzV EZM{:fgy]}T!}[a;?QO2fb=^&\ qF@>~iK<GD<lK-6C8k#`4xQ9msCeh $jHdJI ZtjN-$BnTvzdA'7J./b0qX|I +y)",Vg3M2/ +P(u 1r{A;k,oe[R x)no` 1@54*!?|5%PL :tiYO'\G(cHrXcDRupaUvFp~L=#_SS%Y>*&U6.3s0_7N "w89^ElWhwW]m AfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorraAngolaAnguillaAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaArab Republic of EgyptArgentinaArgentine RepublicArmeniaArubaAustraliaAustriaAzerbaijanBahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBelarusBelgiumBelizeBeninBermudaBhutanBolivarian Republic of VenezuelaBoliviaBolivia, Plurinational State ofBonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBouvet IslandBrazilBritish Antarctic TerritoryBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBritish Virgin IslandsBrunei DarussalamBulgariaBurkina FasoBurma, Socialist Republic of the Union ofBurundiByelorussian SSR Soviet Socialist RepublicCambodiaCameroonCanadaCanton and Enderbury IslandsCape VerdeCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChadChileChinaChristmas IslandCocos (Keeling) IslandsColombiaCommonwealth of DominicaCommonwealth of the BahamasCommonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsComorosCongoCongo, The Democratic Republic of theCook IslandsCosta RicaCroatiaCubaCuraçaoCyprusCzech RepublicCzechoslovakia, Czechoslovak Socialist RepublicCôte d'IvoireDahomeyDemocratic People's Republic of KoreaDemocratic Republic of Sao Tome and PrincipeDemocratic Republic of Timor-LesteDemocratic Socialist Republic of Sri LankaDenmarkDjiboutiDominicaDominican RepublicDronning Maud LandEast TimorEastern Republic of UruguayEcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorEquatorial GuineaEritreaEstoniaEthiopiaFalkland Islands (Malvinas)Faroe IslandsFederal Democratic Republic of EthiopiaFederal Democratic Republic of NepalFederal Republic of GermanyFederal Republic of NigeriaFederated States of MicronesiaFederative Republic of BrazilFijiFinlandFranceFrance, MetropolitanFrench Afars and IssasFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench RepublicFrench Southern TerritoriesFrench Southern and Antarctic TerritoriesGabonGabonese RepublicGambiaGeorgiaGerman Democratic RepublicGermanyGermany, Federal Republic ofGhanaGibraltarGilbert and Ellice IslandsGrand Duchy of LuxembourgGreeceGreenlandGrenadaGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuernseyGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHaitiHashemite Kingdom of JordanHeard Island and McDonald IslandsHellenic RepublicHoly See (Vatican City State)HondurasHong KongHong Kong Special Administrative Region of ChinaHungaryIcelandIndependent State of SamoaIndiaIndonesiaIran, Islamic Republic ofIraqIrelandIslamic Republic of AfghanistanIslamic Republic of IranIslamic Republic of MauritaniaIslamic Republic of PakistanIsle of ManIsraelItalian RepublicItalyJamaicaJapanJerseyJohnston IslandJordanKazakhstanKenyaKingdom of BahrainKingdom of BelgiumKingdom of BhutanKingdom of CambodiaKingdom of DenmarkKingdom of LesothoKingdom of MoroccoKingdom of NorwayKingdom of Saudi ArabiaKingdom of SpainKingdom of SwazilandKingdom of SwedenKingdom of ThailandKingdom of TongaKingdom of the NetherlandsKiribatiKorea, Democratic People's Republic ofKorea, Republic ofKuwaitKyrgyz RepublicKyrgyzstanLao People's Democratic RepublicLatviaLebanese RepublicLebanonLesothoLiberiaLibyaLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourgMacaoMacao Special Administrative Region of ChinaMacedonia, Republic ofMadagascarMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMauritaniaMauritiusMayotteMexicoMicronesia, Federated States ofMidway IslandsMoldovaMoldova, Republic ofMonacoMongoliaMontenegroMontserratMoroccoMozambiqueMyanmarNamibiaNauruNepalNetherlandsNetherlands AntillesNeutral ZoneNew CaledoniaNew HebridesNew ZealandNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNiueNorfolk IslandNorthern Mariana IslandsNorwayOmanPacific Islands (trust territory)PakistanPalauPalestine, State ofPanamaPanama Canal ZonePanama, Republic ofPapua New GuineaParaguayPeople's Democratic Republic of AlgeriaPeople's Republic of BangladeshPeople's Republic of ChinaPeruPhilippinesPitcairnPlurinational State of BoliviaPolandPortugalPortuguese RepublicPrincipality of AndorraPrincipality of LiechtensteinPrincipality of MonacoPuerto RicoQatarRepublic of AlbaniaRepublic of AngolaRepublic of ArmeniaRepublic of AustriaRepublic of AzerbaijanRepublic of BelarusRepublic of BeninRepublic of Bosnia and HerzegovinaRepublic of BotswanaRepublic of BulgariaRepublic of BurundiRepublic of CameroonRepublic of Cape VerdeRepublic of ChadRepublic of ChileRepublic of ColombiaRepublic of Costa RicaRepublic of CroatiaRepublic of CubaRepublic of CyprusRepublic of Côte d'IvoireRepublic of DjiboutiRepublic of EcuadorRepublic of El SalvadorRepublic of Equatorial GuineaRepublic of EstoniaRepublic of FijiRepublic of FinlandRepublic of GhanaRepublic of GuatemalaRepublic of GuineaRepublic of Guinea-BissauRepublic of GuyanaRepublic of HaitiRepublic of HondurasRepublic of IcelandRepublic of IndiaRepublic of IndonesiaRepublic of IraqRepublic of KazakhstanRepublic of KenyaRepublic of KiribatiRepublic of LatviaRepublic of LiberiaRepublic of LithuaniaRepublic of MadagascarRepublic of MalawiRepublic of MaldivesRepublic of MaliRepublic of MaltaRepublic of MauritiusRepublic of MoldovaRepublic of MozambiqueRepublic of MyanmarRepublic of NamibiaRepublic of NauruRepublic of NicaraguaRepublic of PalauRepublic of PanamaRepublic of ParaguayRepublic of PeruRepublic of PolandRepublic of San MarinoRepublic of SenegalRepublic of SerbiaRepublic of SeychellesRepublic of Sierra LeoneRepublic of SingaporeRepublic of SloveniaRepublic of South AfricaRepublic of South SudanRepublic of SurinameRepublic of TajikistanRepublic of Trinidad and TobagoRepublic of TunisiaRepublic of TurkeyRepublic of UgandaRepublic of UzbekistanRepublic of VanuatuRepublic of YemenRepublic of ZambiaRepublic of ZimbabweRepublic of the CongoRepublic of the GambiaRepublic of the Marshall IslandsRepublic of the NigerRepublic of the PhilippinesRepublic of the SudanRomaniaRomania, Socialist Republic ofRussian FederationRwandaRwandese RepublicRéunionSaint BarthélemySaint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da CunhaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Martin (French part)Saint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaudi ArabiaSenegalSerbiaSerbia and MontenegroSeychellesSierra LeoneSikkimSingaporeSint Maarten (Dutch part)Slovak RepublicSlovakiaSloveniaSocialist Republic of Viet NamSolomon IslandsSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsSouth SudanSouthern RhodesiaSpainSpanish SaharaSri LankaSt. Kitts-Nevis-AnguillaState of IsraelState of KuwaitState of QatarSudanSultanate of OmanSurinameSvalbard and Jan MayenSwazilandSwedenSwiss ConfederationSwitzerlandSyrian Arab RepublicTaiwanTaiwan, Province of ChinaTajikistanTanzania, United Republic ofThailandThe Former Yugoslav Republic of MacedoniaTimor-LesteTogoTogolese RepublicTokelauTongaTrinidad and TobagoTunisiaTurkeyTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluUS Miscellaneous Pacific IslandsUSSR, Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsUgandaUkraineUnion of the ComorosUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUnited Mexican StatesUnited Republic of TanzaniaUnited StatesUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsUnited States of AmericaUpper Volta, Republic ofUruguayUzbekistanVanuatuVatican City State (Holy See)VenezuelaVenezuela, Bolivarian Republic ofViet NamViet-Nam, Democratic Republic ofVirgin Islands of the United StatesVirgin Islands, BritishVirgin Islands, U.S.Wake IslandWallis and FutunaWestern SaharaYemenYemen, Democratic, People's Democratic Republic ofYemen, Yemen Arab RepublicYugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic ofZaire, Republic ofZambiaZimbabwethe State of Eritreathe State of PalestineÅland IslandsProject-Id-Version: iso_3166 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Debian iso-codes team POT-Creation-Date: 2013-07-13 08:15+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-12 15:24+0700 Last-Translator: Mahyuddin Susanto Language-Team: Indonesian Language: id MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; AfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaSamoa AmerikaAndorraAngolaAnguillaAntartikaAntigua dan BarbudaRepublik Arab MesirArgentinaRepublik ArgentinaArmeniaArubaAustraliaAustriaAzerbaijanBahamaBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBelarusiaBelgiaBelizeBeninBermudaBhutanRepublik Bolivaria VenezuelaBoliviaBolivia, Negara PlurinasionalBonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaBosnia-HerzegovinaBotswanaKepulauan BouvetBrasilWilayah Antartika InggrisWilayah Samudra Indonesia InggrisKepulauan Virgin InggrisBrunei DarussalamBulgariaBurkina-FasoRepublik Sosialis Persatuan BirmaBurundiRepublik Sosialis Soviet BelarusiaKambojaKamerunKanadaKepulauan Canton dan EnderburyTeluk VerdeKepulauan CaymanRepublik Afrika TengahChadCiliCinaKepulauan ChristmasKepulauan Cocos (Keeling)KolumbiaPersemakmuran DominicaPersemakmuran BahamaPersemakmuran Kepulauan Mariana UtaraKomoroCongoRepublik Demokrat CongoKepulauan CookKosta RikaKroasiaKubaCuraçaoSiprusRepublik CekoRepublik Sosialis ChekoslovakiaPantai GadingDahomeyRepublik Demokrat Rakyat KoreaRepublik Demokrat Sao Tome dan PrincipeRepublik Demokrat Timor TimurRepublik Sosialis Demokrat Sri LankaDenmarkJiboutiDominikaRepublik DominikaDataran MaudTimor TimurRepublik Timur UruguayEkuadorMesirEl SalvadorGuinea EkuatorialEritriaEstoniaEthiopiaKepulauan Falkland (Malvinas)Kepulauan FaroeRepublik Demokrat Federal EthiopiaRepublik Demokrat Federal NepalRepublik Federal JermanRepublik Federal NigeriaNegara Federasi MicronesiaRepublik Federasi BrasilKepulauan FijiFinlandiaPerancisPrancis, MetropolitanPrancis, Afars dan IssasGuyana PerancisPolinesia PerancisRepublik PerancisPerancis, Wilayah Bagian SelatanPerancis, Wilayah Bagian Selatan dan AntartikaGabonRepublik GabonGambiaGeorgiaRepublik Demokrat JermanJermanRepublik Federal JermanGhanaJabaltarKepulauan Gilbert dan ElliceGrand Duchy of LuxembourgYunaniGreenlandGrenadaGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuerseyGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHaitiKerajaan Hashemit YordaniaKepulauan Heard dan Kepulauan McDonaldRepublik HelenikTakhta Suci Vatican (Negara Kota)HondurasHong KongHongkong, Daerah Administratif Istimewa ChinaHungariaIslandiaNegara Independen SamoaIndiaIndonesiaIran, Republik IslamIrakIrlandiaRepublik Islam AfghanistanRepublik Islam IranRepublik Islam MauritaniaRepublik Islam PakistanIsle ManIsraelRepublik ItaliaItaliaJamaicaJapanJerseyKepulauan JohnstonYordaniaKazakhstanKenyaKerajaan BahrainKerajaan BelgiaKerajaan BhutanKerajaan KambojaKerajaan DenmarkKerajaan LesothoKerajaan MarokoKerajaan NorwegiaKerajaan Arab SaudiKerajaan SpanyolKerajaan SwazilandKerajaan SwediaKerajaan ThailandKerajaan TongaKerajaan BelandaKiribatiKorea UtaraKorea SelatanKuwaitRepublik KyrgyzKyrgyzstanRepublik Demokrat Rakyat LaosLatviaRepublik LibanonLibanonLesothoLiberiaLibyaLiechtensteinLituaniaLuksemburgMacaoMacao, Daerah Administratif Istimewa ChinaMasedonia, RepublikMadagaskarMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaKepulauan MarshallMartiniqueMauritaniaMauritiusMayoteMeksikoFederasi Negara-negara MicronesiaKepulauan MidwayMoldovaMoldova, RepublikMonacoMongoliaMontenegroMontserratMarokoMozambikMyanmarNamibiaNauruNepalBelandaAntilles BelandaZona NetralKaledonia BaruHebrida BaruSelandia BaruNikaraguaNigerNigeriaNiueKepulauan NorfolkKepulauan Mariana UtaraNorwegiaOmanKepulauan Pasifik (Wilayah Kepercayaan)PakistanPalauNegara PalestinaPanamaZona Terusan PanamaRepublik PanamaPapua NuginiParaguayRepublik Demokrat Rakyat AlgeriaRepublik Rakyat BangladeshRepublik Rakyat CinaPeruFilipinaPitcairnNegara Plurinasional BoliviaPolandiaPortugalRepublik PortugisKepemimpinan AndorraKepemimpinan LiechtensteinKepemimpinan MonakoPuerto RicoQatarRepublik AlbaniaRepublik AngolaRepublik ArmeniaRepublik AustriaRepublik AzerbaijanRepublik BelarusiaRepublik BeninRepublik Bosnia-HerzegovinaRepublik BotswanaRepublik BulgariaRepublik BurundiRepublik KamerunRepublik Teluk VerdeRepublik ChadRepublik CiliRepublik KolumbiaRepublik Costa RicaRepublik KroasiaRepublik KubaRepublik SiprusRepublik Pantai GadingRepublik JiboutiRepublik EkuadorRepublik El SalvadorRepublik Guinea EkuatorialRepublik EstoniaRepublik FijiRepulik FinlandiaRepublik GhanaRepublik GuatemalaRepublik GuineaRepublik Guinea-BissauRepublik GuyanaRepublik HaitiRepublik HondurasRepublik IslandiaRepublik IndiaNegara Kesatuan Republik IndonesiaRepublik IrakRepublik KazakhstanRepublik KenyaRepublik KiribatiRepublik LatviaRepublik LiberiaRepublik LithuaniaRepublik MadagaskarRepublik MalawiRepublik MaldivesRepublik MaliRepublik MaltaRepublik MauritiusRepublik MoldovaRepublik MozambikRepublik MyanmarRepublik NamibiaRepublik NauruRepublik NicaraguaRepublik PalauRepublik PanamaRepublik ParaguayRepublik PeruRepublik PolandiaRepublik San MarinoRepublik SenegalRepublik SerbiaRepublik SeychellesRepublik Sierra LeoneRepublik SingapuraRepublik SloveniaRepublik Afrika SelatanRepublik Sudan SelatanRepublik SurinameRepublik TajikistanRepublik Trinidad dan TobagoRepublik TunisiaRepublik TurkiRepublik UgandaRepublik UzbekistanRepublik VanuatuRepublik YamanRepublik ZambiaRepublik ZimbabweRepublik CongoRepublik GambiaRepublik Kepulauan MarshallRepublik NigerRepublik FilipinaRepublik SudanRomaniaRepublik Sosialis RomaniaFederasi RusiaRwandaRepublik RwandaRéunionSaint BarthélemySaint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da CunhaSt Kittis & NevisSt LuciaSaint Martin (wilayah Prancis)St. Pierre and MiquelonSt. Vincent dan The GrenadinesSamoaSan MarinoSao Tome dan PrincipeArab SaudiSenegalSerbiaSerbia dan MontenegroSeychellesSierra LeoneSikkimSingapuraSint Maarten (wilayah Belanda)Republik SlovakiaSlovakiaSlovaniaRepublik Sosialis VietnamKepulauan SolomonSomaliaAfrika SelatanKepulauan Georgia Selatan dan Sandwich SelatanSudan SelatanRhodesia SelatanSpanyolSahara SpanyolSri LankaSt. Kitts-Navis-AnguillaNegara IsraelNegara KuwaitNegara QatarSudanKesultanan OmanSurinameSvalbard dan Jan MayenSwazilandSwediaKonfederasi SwissSwissRepublik Arab SyriaTaiwanTaiwan, Provinsi ChinaTajikistanTanzaniaThailandRepublik MasedoniaTimor TimurTogoRepublik TogoTokelauTongaTrinidad dan TobagoTunisiaTurkiTurkmenistanTurki & Kepulauan CaicosTuvaluKepualau Pasifik AmerikaRepublik Sosialis Soviet SerikatUgandaUkrainaSerikat KomoroUni Emirat ArabInggrisKerajaan Bersatu Britania Raya dan Irlandia UtaraNegara-negara Bersatu MeksikoRepublik Bersatu TanzaniaAmerika SerikatKepulauan Kecil Terluar Amerika SerikatAmerika SerikatRepublik VoltaUruguayUzbekistanVanuatuNegara Kota Vatikan (Takhta Suci)VenezuelaVenezuela, Republik BolivariaVietnamRepublik Demokrat Viet-NamKepulauan Virgin Amerika SerikatKepulauan Virgin InggrisKepulauan Virgin Amerika SerikatKepulauan WakeWallis dan FutunaSahara BaratYamanRepublik Demokratik Rakyat YamanRepublik Arab YamanRepublik Federasi Sosialis YugoslaviaRepublik ZaireZambiaZimbabweNegara EritreaexitNegara PalestinaKepulauan ÅlandPK!% LC_MESSAGES/abrt.monu[",/<,E ^*D)n J% 29M4` " 7 R *o   F * H Z c n  Zh  *    0 :C ~       "! A Problem has OccurredA problem has been detectedABRT notification appletAdd program names to logAdditional debuginfo directoriesAddress of the retrace serverAutomatic Bug Reporting ToolBacktrace is generated and saved, %u bytesBacktrace parsing failed for %sConfiguration fileDo not daemonizeDownload debuginfo packages and generate backtrace locally using GDBExiting on user commandGenerating backtraceHideInsecureLocal GNU DebuggerLog to syslogLog to syslog even with -dNeeds to downloads debuginfo packages, which might take significant time, and take up disk space. However, unlike RetraceServer, doesn't send coredump to remote machines.Notification area applet that notifies users about issues detected by ABRTPreparing an archive to uploadPrint found oopses on standard outputProblem directoryReportRetrace job startedRetrace server URLSend core dump to remote retrace server for analysisUpload successfulUploading %lld bytes Warninglog to syslogtranslator-creditsProject-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-14 15:37+0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit PO-Revision-Date: 2014-12-12 08:30-0500 Last-Translator: Jakub Filak Language-Team: Indonesian ( Language: id Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; X-Generator: Zanata 3.6.2 Masalah telah terjadiMasalah terdeteksiAplet pemberitahuan ABRTMenambahkan nama program untuk logDirektori debuginfo tambahanAlamat dari retrace serverAutomatic Bug Reporting ToolBacktrace dihasilkan dan disimpan, %u byteParsing backtrace gagal untuk %sBerkas konfigurasiJangan dibuat daemonUnduh paket debuginfo dan menghasilkan backtrace lokal menggunakan GDBKeluar dari perintah penggunaMembuat backtraceSembunyiTidak amanGNU Debugger Lokal Catat ke syslogLog ke syslog meskipun dengan -dButuh untuk mengunduh paket debuginfo, yang mungkin memakan waktu signifikan, dan mengambil ruang disk. Namun, tidak seperti RetraceServer, tidak mengirim coredump ke mesin remote.Pemberitahuan daerah applet yang memberitahu pengguna tentang masalah terdeteksi oleh ABRTMenyiapkan unggah arsipCetak menemukan oopses pada output standarDirektori masalahLaporanRetrace dimulaiURL Retrace serverKirim core dump untuk retrace remote server untuk analisisUnggah suksesUnggah %lld bytes Peringatanlog ke syslogpenghargaan pada penterjemahPK!=Dz((LC_MESSAGES/gprof.monu[b,<HI)Y  '. (V   0    ' E \ 8r 6 $ % %- S j +t ! 6  ( JB ,  #   (" )K Wu O /7M#)%8-P'~&"5-&4T3%,"3AO!   L!:\ kyI1 )@W*p  3 ?EsL-!!#E]u,$'.1E#w 42M%(0&H?o$)O:N/+)@TjP24C/x$40 F3 -z ' . " :"!.]!3!,!,!2"'M"!u"O""# # #'#8#OH## # # ##I $W$6P'#''''*' ( '(1( 6(@(H(4O(((((((((V:[^S-)+%CD@ BHJU\6>74 a;P<./5 93&EALI`Zb2]W'_1XNQ $"#F, =RYG*8M T0O(?K! Call graph Call graph (explanation follows) %d basic-block count record %d basic-block count records %d call-graph record %d call-graph records %d histogram record %d histogram records flat profile: Top %d Lines: Line Count %9lu Total number of line executions Each sample counts as %g %s. Execution Summary: granularity: each sample hit covers %ld byte(s) [%d] for %.2f%% of %.2f %s for %.2f%% of %.2f seconds no time accumulated no time propagated %6.6s %5.5s %7.7s %11.11s %7.7s %7.7s %6.6s %5.5s %7.7s %7.7s %7.7s %7.7s %9.2f Average executions per line %9.2f Percent of the file executed %9ld Executable lines in this file %9ld Lines executed %c%c/call%s: %s: found bad tag %d (file corrupted?) %s: %s: not in executable format %s: %s: unexpected EOF after reading %u of %u samples %s: %s: unexpected end of file %s: -c not supported on architecture %s %s: Only one of --function-ordering and --file-ordering may be specified. %s: address size has unexpected value of %u %s: can't do -c %s: can't find .text section in %s %s: could not locate `%s' %s: could not open %s. %s: debugging not supported; -d ignored %s: different scales in histogram records%s: dimension abbreviation changed between histogram records %s: from '%c' %s: to '%c' %s: dimension unit changed between histogram records %s: from '%s' %s: to '%s' %s: don't know how to deal with file format %d %s: file '%s' does not appear to be in gmon.out format %s: file `%s' has bad magic cookie %s: file `%s' has no symbols %s: file `%s' has unsupported version %d %s: file too short to be a gmon file %s: found a symbol that covers several histogram records%s: gmon.out file is missing call-graph data %s: gmon.out file is missing histogram %s: incompatible with first gmon file %s: overlapping histogram records %s: profiling rate incompatible with first gmon file %s: ran out room for %lu bytes of text space %s: somebody miscounted: ltab.len=%d instead of %ld %s: sorry, file format `prof' is not yet supported %s: unable to parse mapping file %s. %s: unexpected EOF after reading %d/%d bins %s: unknown demangling style `%s' %s: unknown file format %s %s: warning: ignoring basic-block exec counts (use -l or --line) %s:%d: (%s:0x%lx) %lu executions %time*** File %s: Based on BSD gprof, copyright 1983 Regents of the University of California. File `%s' (version %d) contains: Flat profile: GNU gprof %s Index by function name Report bugs to %s This program is free software. This program has absolutely no warranty. Usage: %s [-[abcDhilLsTvwxyz]] [-[ACeEfFJnNOpPqSQZ][name]] [-I dirs] [-d[num]] [-k from/to] [-m min-count] [-t table-length] [--[no-]annotated-source[=name]] [--[no-]exec-counts[=name]] [--[no-]flat-profile[=name]] [--[no-]graph[=name]] [--[no-]time=name] [--all-lines] [--brief] [--debug[=level]] [--function-ordering] [--file-ordering] [--directory-path=dirs] [--display-unused-functions] [--file-format=name] [--file-info] [--help] [--line] [--min-count=n] [--no-static] [--print-path] [--separate-files] [--static-call-graph] [--sum] [--table-length=len] [--traditional] [--version] [--width=n] [--ignore-non-functions] [--demangle[=STYLE]] [--no-demangle] [--external-symbol-table=name] [@FILE] [image-file] [profile-file...] [cg_tally] arc from %s to %s traversed %lu times [find_call] %s: 0x%lx to 0x%lx [find_call] 0x%lx: bsr[find_call] 0x%lx: jal[find_call] 0x%lx: jalr [find_call] 0x%lx: jsr%s calledcallschildrencumulativedescendantsindexindex %% time self children called name nameparentsselfself timetime is in ticks, not seconds totaltotal Project-Id-Version: gprof 2.20 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2009-09-07 14:10+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-11 08:00+0700 Last-Translator: Arif E. Nugroho Language-Team: Indonesian MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Panggil graph Panggil graph (penjelasan mengikuti) %d catatan hitungan basic-block %d catatan hitungan basic-block %d catatan call-graph %d catatan call-graph %d catatan histogram %d catatan histogram profil rata: Awal %d Baris: Baris Hitungan %9lu Total jumlah baris eksekusi Setiap contoh dihitung sebagai %g %s. Ringkasan Eksekusi: granularitas: setiap contoh mencapai %ld byte(s) [%d] untuk %.2f%% dari %.2f %s untuk %.2f%% dari %.2f detik tidak ada waktu terkumpul no time propagated %6.6s %5.5s %7.7s %11.11s %7.7s %7.7s %6.6s %5.5s %7.7s %7.7s %7.7s %7.7s %9.2f Rata-rata eksekusi per baris %9.2f Persen file dieksekusi %9ld baris eksekutabel dalam file ini %9ld baris dieksekusi %c%c/panggilan%s: %s: ditemukan bad tag %d (file terkorupsi?) %s: %s: bukan dalam format executable %s: %s: EOF tidak diharapkan setelah membaca %u dari %u contoh %s: %s: akhir file tidak diharapkan %s: -c tidak didukung pada arsitektur %s %s: Hanya satu --function-ordering dan --file-ordering dapat dispesifikasikan. %s: ukuran alamat memiliki nilai yang tidak diharapkan %u %s: tidak dapat melakukan -c %s: tidak dapat menemukan bagian teks dalam %s %s: tidak dapat menemukan `%s' %s: tidak dapat membuka %s. %s: debugging tidak didukung; -d diabaikan %s: skala berbeda dalam catatan histogram%s: kependekan dimensi berubah diantara catatan histogram %s: dari '%c' %s: ke '%c' %s: satuan dimensi berubah diantara catatan histogram %s: dari '%s' %s: ke '%s' %s: tidak tahu bagaimana menangani format file %d %s: file '%s' tampaknya bukan dalam format gmon.out %s: file `%s' memiliki cookie ajaib yang buruk %s: file `%s' tidak memiliki simbol %s: file `%s' memiliki versi yang belum didukung %d %s: file terlalu pendek untuk menjadi file gmon %s: ditemukan sebuah simbol yang melingkupi beberapa catatan histogram%s: file gmon.out kehilangan data call-graph %s: file gmon.out kehilangan histogram %s: tidak kompatibel dengan file gmon pertama %s: overlapping catatan histogram %s: rate profil tidak kompatibel dengan file gmon pertama %s: kehabisan ruang untuk %lu byte ruang teks %s: somebody miscounted: ltab.len=%d alih-alih %ld %s: maaf, format file `prof' belum didukung %s: tidak dapat memparsing file mapping %s. %s: EOF tak diharapkan setelah membaca %d/%d bins %s: gaya demangling tidak dikenal `%s' %s: format file tidak dikenal %s %s: peringatan: mengabaikan hitungan basic-block exec (gunakan -l atau --line) %s:%d: (%s:0x%lx) %lu eksekusi %time*** File %s: Berdasarkan BSD gprof, copyright 1983 Regents of the University of California. File `%s' (versi %d) berisi: Profil rata: GNU gprof %s Indeks berdasarkan nama fungsi Laporkan kesalahan ke %s This program is free software. This program has absolutely no warranty. Penggunaan: %s [-[abcDhilLsTvwxyz]] [-[ACeEfFJnNOpPqSQZ][nama]] [-I dirs] [-d[jumlah]] [-k dari/ke] [-m jumlah-min] [-t panjang-tabel] [--[no-]annotated-source[=nama]] [--[no-]exec-counts[=nama]] [--[no-]flat-profile[=nama]] [--[no-]graph[=nama]] [--[no-]time=nama] [--all-lines] [--brief] [--debug[=tingkat]] [--function-ordering] [--file-ordering] [--directory-path=dirs] [--display-unused-functions] [--file-format=nama] [--file-info] [--help] [--line] [--min-count=n] [--no-static] [--print-path] [--separate-files] [--static-call-graph] [--sum] [--table-length=len] [--traditional] [--version] [--width=n] [--ignore-non-functions] [--demangle[=STYLE]] [--no-demangle] [--external-symbol-table=nama][@BERKAS] [berkas-image] [berkas-profile...] [cg_tally] arc dari %s hingga %s ditransvers %lu kali [find_call] %s: 0x%lx hingga 0x%lx [find_call] 0x%lx: bsr[find_call] 0x%lx: jal[find_call] 0x%lx: jalr [find_call] 0x%lx: jsr%s dipanggilpanggilananakkumulatifturunanindeksindeks %% waktu diri anak dipanggil nama namaorangtuadiridiri..waktuwaktu dalam tick, bukan detik totaltotal PK!k??LC_MESSAGES/shadow.monu[ x y&_: -Gu##  b r}%%(?Nf<{2$ "0%Sy($ #@XJm #6Q"m = ++L%x,% ,(?h} >b[u%$7I&c #%* 3H3 % ; EPl!9 $0@6U6$$A@R8"2J c2n '" 0Lj |" ' 1? 2q   !!'!?!W!r!'! !#! !"?"Y"o""""""#,#H#"h####!##$ $ $%$&D$k$$+$$$ $ $ $,%4% &'&n&=['<''('(<(\( m(x(.( (((((-)4)/R)))))C)>*#\*5*5*4*!+*=+,h+.+*++ ,),LC,&,,,,1-6-$U-%z-*--?-".8.!U.1w.,.3.- /%8/,^/2//'/&06*0ba0"00$0""1E1#]11&111&12">2$a2>222v27s3 33 3 3 34,34`4~4&4;4 455835l57555-56%6E6I_6:66 6#7$7!97[7x7 7=77&7 %8)38"]8)8"88 8#89/9?9T9$s9)93999 0:"Q:t:#:::::!;4;0Q;);&;;!;I<P<d<<&<#<< ='=C=$\=!====#=$ > />:> L>.X>.>>>4>&?7?L? [?i?A{? ^~i|#gIKL} 7THXzCm'5qtlW]r6,*A&0[\VP 9-?j<SEd4J2OF18(Ru%wf@:n3 k.$="QUcysB+N)h!`bapZx Y>Meo{G /;_vD %s login: System closed for routine maintenance Type control-d to proceed with normal startup, (or give root password for system maintenance): Warning: weak password (enter it again to use it anyway). [Disconnect bypassed -- root login allowed.] %s [-p] -r host %s [-p] [-h host] [-f name] Choose a new password. Contact the system administrator. [%lds lock] from %.*s groups=%d failure since last login. Last was %s on %s. %d failures since last login. Last was %s on %s. %s login: %s's Password: %s: %s %s: %s (Ignored) %s: %s is the NIS master %s: %s not owned by %s, not removing %s: -K requires KEY=VALUE %s: Cannot determine your user name. %s: Invalid entry: %s %s: Not a tty %s: Permission denied. %s: Try again later %s: You may not view or modify password information for %s. %s: can't restore %s: %s (your changes are in %s) %s: cannot create directory %s %s: cannot create new defaults file %s: cannot open new defaults file %s: cannot rename directory %s to %s %s: directory %s exists %s: do not include "l" with other flags %s: error changing fields %s: error detected, changes ignored %s: error removing directory %s %s: failed to drop privileges (%s) %s: failure forking: %s%s: fields too long %s: group %s exists - if you want to add this user to that group, use -g. %s: group %s is a NIS group %s: invalid user name '%s' %s: line %d: can't update entry %s: line %d: can't update password %s: line %d: invalid line %s: line %d: line too long %s: line %d: missing new password %s: must be run from a terminal %s: no changes %s: not removing directory %s (would remove home of user %s) %s: out of memory %s: pam_start: error %d %s: repository %s not supported %s: shadow group passwords required for -A %s: shadow passwords required for -e %s: shadow passwords required for -e and -f %s: shadow passwords required for -f %s: the files have been updated %s: the shadow password file is not present %s: too many groups specified (max %d). %s: unknown user %s %s: user %s is a NIS user %s: warning: %s not owned by %s %s: warning: failed to completely remove old home directory %s%s: warning: the home directory already exists. Not copying any file from skel directory into it. (Enter your own password)**Never logged in**Access to su to that account DENIED. Account Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Account expires : Adding user %s to group %s Bad password: %s. Cannot change ID to root. Cannot execute %sChanging password for %s Changing the aging information for %s Changing the login shell for %s Changing the password for group %s Changing the user information for %s Could not allocate space for config info. Couldn't lock fileCouldn't make backupEnter the new password (minimum of %d, maximum of %d characters) Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers. Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the defaultEntering System Maintenance ModeEnvironment overflow Full NameHome PhoneIncorrect password for %s. Invalid login timeLast Password Change (YYYY-MM-DD)Last login: %.19s on %sLast login: %s on %sLast password change : Login Failures Maximum Latest On Login ShellLogin incorrectMaximum Password AgeMaximum number of days between password change : %ld Minimum Password AgeMinimum number of days between password change : %ld New Password: New password: No directory, logging in with HOME=/No mail.No password entry for 'root'No password fileNo utmp entry. You must exec "login" from the lowest level "sh"Number of days of warning before password expires : %ld Old password: OtherPassword Expiration WarningPassword InactivePassword authentication bypassed. Password expires : Password inactive : Password: Please enter your OWN password as authentication. Re-enter new password: Removing user %s from group %s Room NumberThe password for %s cannot be changed. The password for %s is unchanged. They don't match; try againThey don't match; try again. Too many logins. Try again.Unable to determine your tty name.Usage: %s [-p] [name] Usage: id Usage: id [-a] Usage: newgrp [-] [group] Usage: sg group [[-c] command] Username Port LatestUsername Port From LatestWarning: login re-enabled after temporary lockout.Warning: too many groups Warning: unknown group %s Work PhoneYou are not authorized to su %s You have mail.You have new mail.You may not change $%s Your login has expired.Your password has expired.Your password is inactive.Your password will expire in %ld days. Your password will expire today.Your password will expire tomorrow.a palindromecase changes onlyconfiguration error - unknown item '%s' (notify administrator) duplicate group entryduplicate password entryduplicate shadow group entryduplicate shadow password entryfailed to change mailbox ownerfailed to rename mailboxgroup %s: no user %s invalid group file entryinvalid password file entryinvalid shadow group file entryinvalid shadow password file entryinvalid user name '%s' login time exceeded login: login: PAM Failure, aborting: %s login: abort requested by PAM neverno changepasswd: %s passwd: pam_start() failed, error %d passwd: password updated successfully password must be changedrotatedshadow group %s: no administrative user %s shadow group %s: no user %s too many groups too shorttoo similartoo simpleuser %s: last password change in the future Project-Id-Version: shadow 4.0.15 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: PO-Revision-Date: 2007-11-25 20:58+0100 Last-Translator: Parlin Imanuel Toh Language-Team: Debian Indonesia Language: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; %s login: Sistem ditutup untuk pengelolaan rutin Ketikkan control-d untuk melanjutkan startup normal, (atau berikan kata sandi root untuk pengelolaan sistem): Kata sandi lemah (masukkan lagi untuk tetap menggunakannya). [Pemutusan hubungan diabaikan -- login root diperbolehkan.] %s [-p] -r host %s [-p] [-h host] [-f nama] Pilih sebuah kata sandi baru. Hubungi administrator sistem. [%lds terkunci] dari %.*s grup=%d sejak login terakhir. Terakhir %s pada %s. %s login: Kata sandi dari %s:%s: %s %s: %s (Diabaikan) %s: %s merupakan master NIS %s: %s tak dimiliki oleh %s, tidak menghapus %s: -K memerlukan NAMA=NILAI %s: Tidak dapat menentukan nama pengguna anda. %s: Entri tidak sah: %s %s: Bukan sebuah tty %s: ijin ditolak. %s: Coba lagi nanti %s: Anda tak boleh melihat atau mengubah info kata sandi untuk %s. %s: tidak dapat mengembalikan %s: %s (perubahan ada dalam %s) %s: tak dapat membuat direktori %s %s: tak dapat membuat berkas-berkas bawaan yang baru %s: tak dapat membuka berkas-berkas bawaan yang baru %s: tak dapat mengubah nama direktori %s menjadi %s %s: direktori %s telah ada %s: jangan gabungkan "l" dengan flag lain %s: kesalahan saat mengubah ruas-ruas isian %s: kesalahan terdeteksi, perubahan diabaikan %s: kesalahan saat menghapus direktori %s %s: gagal membuang hak (%s) %s: gagal membuat proses: %s%s: ruas terlalu panjang %s: grup %s telah ada - jika ingin menambah pengguna ke grup itu, pakai -g. %s: grup %s merupakan sebuah grup NIS %s: nama pengguna `%s' tak sah %s: baris %d: tak dapat memperbaharui entri %s: baris %d: tak dapat memperbaharui kata sandi %s: baris %d: baris tidak sah %s: baris %d: baris terlalu panjang %s: baris %d: kata sandi baru hilang %s: mesti dijalankan dari sebuah terminal %s: tak ada perubahan %s: tak menghapus dir %s (karena akan menghapus rumah dari %s) %s: kehabisan memori %s: pam_start: kesalahan %d %s: repositori %s tidak didukung %s: kata sandi bayangan grup diperlukan untuk -A %s: kata sandi bayangan dibutuhkan untuk -e %s: diperlukan kata sandi bayangan untuk -e dan -f %s: kata sandi banyangan diperlukan untuk -f %s: berkas-berkas telah diperbaharui %s: tak terdapat berkas kata sandi bayangan %s: grup yang diberikan terlalu banyak (maks %d). %s: pengguna %s tak dikenal %s: pengguna %s merupakan pengguna NIS %s: perhatian %s tak dimiliki oleh %s %s: perhatian: gagal menghapus direktori rumah lama %s%s: perhatian: direktori rumah telah ada. Tak menyalin berkas apapun dari direktori skel ke situ. (Masukkan kata sandi anda sendiri)**Tak pernah log in**Akses su untuk account itu DITOLAK. Waktu Kadaluarsa Akun (TTTT-MM-HH)Akun kadaluarsa : Menambahkan pengguna %s ke grup %s Kata sandi buruk: %s.Tidak dapat mengubah ID menjadi root. Tidak dapat menjalankan %sMengganti kata sandi untuk %s Mengubah informasi umur akun untuk %s Mengubah login shell untuk %s Mengubah kata sandi untuk grup %s Mengubah informasi pengguna dari %s Tidak dapat mengalokasikan ruang untuk informasi konfigurasi. Tidak dapat mengunci berkasTidak dapat membuat backupMasukkan password baru (minimim %d, maksimum %d karakter) Mohon gunakan kombinasi huruf besar, huruf kecil dan angka. Masukkan nilai baru atau tekan ENTER untuk nilai bawaanMemasuki Mode Pengelolaan SistemLingkungan overflow Nama LengkapTelepon RumahKata sandi tidak tepat untuk %s Waktu login tidak sahPenggantian Kata Sandi Terakhir (TTTT-MM-HH)Login terakhir: %.19s pada %sLogin terakhir: %s pada %sPenggantian kata sandi terakhir : Login Gagal Maks. Terakhir Pada Login ShellLogin tidak tepatUmur Kata Sandi MaksimalJumlah hari maksimum antara penggantian password : %ld Umur Kata Sandi MinimalJumlah hari minimum antara penggantian password : %ld Kata sandi baru: kata sandi baru: Tidak terdapat direktori, masuk dengan HOME=/Tidak ada surat.Tak ada entri kata sandi untuk 'root'Tak ada berkas kata sandiTanpa entri utmp. Anda mesti menjalankan "login" dari level terendah "sh"Jumlah hari pemberian peringatan sebelum kadaluarsa : %ld Kata sandi lama: Lain-lainPeringatan Kadaluarsanya Kata SandiKata Sandi Tak-aktifOtentikasi kata sandi diabaikan. Kata sandi kadaluarsa : Kata sandi tak aktif : Kata sandi:Silakan masukkan kata sandi anda SENDIRI sebagai otentikasi. Masukkan lagi kata sandi baru: Mengeluarkan pengguna %s dari grup %s Nomor RuanganKata sandi untuk %s tidak dapat diganti. Kata sandi untuk %s tidak diubah. Kedua kata sandi tidak identik; coba lagiKata sandi tidak sama; coba lagi. Terlalu banyak login. Coba lagi.Tak dapat menentukan nama tty anda.Penggunaan: %s [-p] [nama] Penggunaan: id Penggunaan: id [-a] Penggunaan: newgrp [-] [grup] Penggunaan: sg grup [[-c] perintah] Nama pengguna Port TerakhirNama pengguna Port Dari TerakhirPerhatian: login dibolehkan setelah penguncian sementara.Peringatan: terlalu banyak grup Peringatan: grup tidak dikenal %s Telepon KantorAnda tak diperbolehkan untuk su %s Anda memiliki surat.Anda memiliki surat baru.Anda tidak boleh mengubah $%s Login anda telah kadaluarsa.Kata sandi anda telah kadaluarsa.Kata sandi anda tidak aktif.Kata sandi anda akan kadaluarsa dalam %ld hari. Kata sandi anda akan kadaluarsa hari ini.Kata sandi anda akan kadaluarsa besok.sebuah palindromhanya perubahan huruf besar/kecilKesalahan konfigurasi - item tidak dikenal '%s' (beritahu administrator) entri grup berulangentri kata sandi berduplikatentri grup bayangan berulangentri kata sandi bayangan terduplikasigagal mengganti pemilik kotak-suratgagal mengubah nama kotak-suratgrup %s: tak ada pengguna %s entri berkas grup tidak sahentri kata sandi tak sahentri berkas grup bayangan tidak sahentri kata sandi bayangan tak sahnama pengguna tak sah '%s' waktu login telah berlebihan login: login: Kegagalan PAM, berhenti: %s login: penghentian diminta oleh PAM tak pernahtak ada perubahanpasswd: %s passwd: pam_start() gagal, kesalahan nomor %d passwd: kata sandi diperbaharui dengan sukses password mesti diubahpernah dipakaigrup bayangan %s: tak ada pengguna administratif %s grup bayangan %s: tak ada pengguna %s terlalu banyak grup terlalu pendekterlalu miripterlalu sederhanapengguna %s: pergantian kata sandi terakhir terjadi dimasa depan PK!Hk_N_NLC_MESSAGES/libuser.monu[D3l89X5k>*Y$"";Zx <//N)~' 9Un'*)( I`.|((.$I n!x "#!#($L#q. ->%Ms%  '6J[ l z  -#,(Ut," &=X#k'8@V!u  " "7 !Z #| #   + '!3!F!X!%i! !1!!!!$"4"8R"("*"*") #*4#0_#)#)###1$I$`${$$!$!$+$.%L%3j%G%%)%&(&O&!i&#&&&&&&'(5'$^'')'''0'! ('B(&j('( ((3(!.)P)d) z)))")) ))*1*@* `* ** **"+&+?+O+k+}++%+#+ +,'0,X,s,,-, ,-,&-'-<-"O-r-$----/ /6/%/%0:0U0d0y0050$0 1,1F1.c10111 22'2(G2p2P2!262/63.f33333%4,4E4b4'{4-4044575V53q5(5+5516$G6 l6$y6 66 6!6 7!7 A7(b777.7 7 78 858'H8p888$88 889-9@9W9h99 9 9 999B97!:%Y:0:(:(:=;;@;)|;; ;#;;";<#5<Y<h<)x<D<N<6=M=j= === =+= >%0>%V>$|>,>>>>)? 8?B?U?g?0x? ?3?"?@%@%>@#d@B@1@/@/-A,]A=A5A3A52BhB!B7B1BC!1C SC(tC&C1C,C#D5@DKvDD+D0 E;E)[E(E$EEEF(%F0NF4FF8FG!G6=G#tG-G2G2G+,H'XH>H"H#HI#I5IRI!mI$IIIII J$+J$PJ"uJ J.J"J K&K7KWK kK%K-K(K- L7L-QLLLL-LL8M(GMpMM$M(M"M!N#;N>1 mL6tIx"KU7 W5*8]#N h)nQA% -fMp9!XikD.o(j0G$cb}^R|:\=2Jr&@lTS[ g _;PwH`vdCEZ?y{V<,OBFs/eza~+43Yqu'%s did not have a gid number. %s does not exist %s is not authorized to change the finger info of %s %s value `%s': `:' not allowedAccount Expires: %s Account creation failed: %s. Account is locked. Account is not locked. Authentication failed for %s. Both -L and -U specified. Can't set default context for /etc/passwd Changing finger information for %s. Changing password for %s. Changing shell for %s. Copying user structure: Cyrus SASL error creating user: %sCyrus SASL error removing user: %sDefault user attribute names: Default user object classes: E-Mail AddressEntry not found. Error changing mode of `%s': %sError changing owner of `%s': %sError creating %s: %s. Error creating account for `%s': line improperly formatted. Error creating group `%s': %s Error creating group for `%s' with GID %jd: %s Error creating home directory for %s: %s Error creating user account for %s: %s Error initializing %s: %s Error initializing %s: %s. Error initializing PAM. Error looking up %s: %s Error moving %s to %s: %s. Error opening `%s': %s. Error parsing arguments: %s. Error reading `%s': %sError reading from file descriptor %d. Error setting initial password for %s: %s Error setting password for group %s: %s. Error setting password for user %s: %s. Error writing `%s': %sFailed to drop privileges. Failed to modify aging information for %s: %s Failed to set password for group %s: %s Failed to set password for user %s: %s. Finger information changed. Finger information not changed: input error. Finger information not changed: %s. Full NameGetting default user attributes: Given NameGroup %jd does not exist Group %s could not be deleted: %s Group %s could not be deleted: %s. Group %s could not be locked: %s Group %s could not be modified: %s Group %s could not be modified: %s. Group %s could not be unlocked: %s Group %s does not exist. Group creation failed: %s Group with GID %jd did not have a group name. Home PhoneInactive: %ld Internal PAM error `%s'. Internal error. Invalid ID %s Invalid default value of field %s: %sInvalid group ID %s Invalid user ID %s Kerberos Admin PrincipalKerberos Password for Admin PrincipalKerberos RealmLDAP Bind DNLDAP Bind PasswordLDAP SASL Authorization UserLDAP SASL UserLDAP Search Base DNLDAP Server NameLast Change: %s Maximum: %ld Minimum: %ld NeverNew ShellNew passwordNew password (confirm)No group name specified, no name for gid %d. No group name specified, using %s. No group name specified. No group with GID %jd exists, not removing. No new home directory for %s. No old home directory for %s. No user name specified, no name for uid %d. No user name specified, using %s. No user name specified. OfficeOffice PhonePassword Expires: %s Password Inactive: %s Password change canceled. Password changed. Passwords do not match, try again. Prompts failed. Prompts succeeded. Refusing to create account with UID 0. Refusing to use dangerous home directory `%s' by defaultRefusing to use dangerous home directory `%s' for %s by default Searching for group named %s. Searching for group with ID %jd. Searching for user named %s. Searching for user with ID %jd. Shell changed. Shell not changed: %s SurnameUnknown user authenticated. Unknown user contextUser %s could not be deleted: %s. User %s could not be locked: %s. User %s could not be modified: %s. User %s could not be unlocked: %s. User %s does not exist. User mismatch. Warning: %ld Warning: Group with ID %jd does not exist. [OPTION...][OPTION...] [user][OPTION...] group[OPTION...] user`:' not allowed in encrypted passwordaccess deniedbackup file `%s' exists and is not a regular filebackup file size mismatchbad user/group idbad user/group nameconfiguration file `%s' is too largecould not bind to LDAP servercould not bind to LDAP server, first attempt as `%s': %scould not negotiate TLS with LDAP servercould not open configuration file `%s': %scould not read configuration file `%s': %scould not set LDAP protocol to version %dcould not stat configuration file `%s': %scouldn't determine security context for `%s': %scouldn't get default security context: %scouldn't get security context of `%s': %scouldn't open `%s': %scouldn't read from `%s': %scouldn't set default security context to `%s': %scouldn't stat `%s': %scouldn't write to `%s': %sdata not found in fileentity has no %s attributeentity has no %s or %s attributesentity object has no %s attributeentity structure has no %s or %s attributesentity was created with no %s or %s attributesentry already present in fileentry with conflicting name already present in fileerror connecting to the kadm5 server for service `%s' in realm `%s': %serror creating `%s': %serror creating a LDAP directory entry: %serror creating home directory for usererror encrypting passworderror initializing Cyrus SASL: %serror initializing kerberos libraryerror initializing ldap libraryerror loading moduleerror locking fileerror locking file: %serror manipulating terminal attributeserror modifying LDAP directory entry: %serror moving home directory for usererror opening fileerror parsing user name `%s' for kerberoserror reading fileerror reading from terminalerror reading information for `%s' from kerberoserror reading terminal attributeserror removing LDAP directory entry: %serror removing home directory for usererror renaming LDAP directory entry: %serror resolving symbol in moduleerror setting password for `%s'error setting password in LDAP directory for %s: %serror setting terminal attributeserror statting fileerror writing to filegeneric errorgroup %jd has no namegroup %s has no GIDgroup has neither a name nor a GIDinternal initialization errorinvalid IDinvalid attribute valueinvalid module combinationinvalid numberlibrary/module version mismatchmodule `%s' does not define `%s'module disabled by configurationmodule version mismatch in `%s'name contains control charactersname contains invalid char `%c'name contains non-ASCII charactersname contains whitespacename is not setname is too long (%zu > %d)name is too shortname starts with a hyphenno `%s' attribute foundno initialization function %s in `%s'no shadow file present -- disablingno such object in LDAP directorynot enough privilegesnot executing with superuser privilegesobject had no %s attributeobject has no %s attributesuccessthe `%s' and `%s' modules can not be combinedunknown errorunlocking would make the password field emptyunsupported password encryption schemeuser %jd has no nameuser %s has no UIDuser has neither a name nor an UIDuser object had no %s attributeuser object was created with no `%s'user/group id in useuser/group name in useProject-Id-Version: libuser Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2013-10-12 23:52+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-29 08:37+0000 Last-Translator: Miloslav Trmač Language-Team: Indonesian ( Language: id MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; %s tidak memiliki nomer gid. %s tidak ada %s tidak diijinkan untuk mengubah info finger dari %s %s bernilai '%s': ':' tidak diijinkanMasa Akun Habis: %s Pembuatan akun gagal: %s. Akun dikunci. Akun tidak dikunci. Otentikasi gagal untuk %s. -L dan -U telah ditetapkan. Tidak dapat menset konteks standar untuk /etc/passwd Mengubah informasi finger untuk %s. Mengubah kata-sandi untuk %s. Mengubah shell untuk %s. Menyalin struktur pengguna: Kesalahan SASL Cyrus saat membuat pengguna: %sKesalahan SASL Cyrus saat menghapus pengguna: %sNama atribut pengguna standar: Kelas obyek pengguna standar: Alamat E-MailMasukan tidak ketemu. Error changing mode of `%s': %sGagal mengubah kepemilikan dari `%s': %sGagal saat membuat %s: %s. Gagal saat membuat akun untuk `%s': baris tidak terformat sebagaimana mestinya. Gagal saat membuat grup `%s': %s Gagal saat membuat grup untuk `%s' dengan GID %jd: %s Gagal saat membuat direktori home untuk %s: %s Gagal saat membuat akun pengguna untuk %s: %s gagal saat menginisiasi %s: %s Gagal menginisiasi %s: %s. Gagal menginisiasi PAM. Salah saat mencari %s: %s. Gagal saat memindahkan %s ke %s: %s. Gagal membuka `%s': %s. Gagal memparse argumen: %s. Salah pembacaan `%s': %sKesalahan pembacaan file deskripto %d. Gagal saat menset password awal untuk %s: %s Gagal saat menset kata sandi untuk grup %s: %s. Gagal saat menset kata sandi untuk pengguna %s: %s. Gagal dalam penulisan `%s': %sGagal mencabut hak akses. Gagal mengubah informasi masa berlaku untuk %s: %s Gagal menset password untuk grup %s: %s Gagal menset kata sandi untuk user %s: %s. Informasi finger berubah. Informasi finger tidak berubah: kesalahan input. Informasi finger tidak berubah: %s. Nama LengkapMengambil atribut pengguna standar: Nama DepanGrup %jd tidak ada Grup %s tidak dapat dihapus: %s Grup %s tidak dapat dihapus: %s. Grup %s tidak dapat dikunci: %s Grup %s tidak dapat diubah: %s Grup %s tidak dapat diubah: %s. Grup %s tidak dapat dibuka kuncinya: %s Grup %s tidak ada. Pembuatan grup gagal: %s Grup dengan GID %jd tidak memiliki nama grup. Telp. RumahInaktif: %ld Kesalahan internal PAM `%s'. Kesalahan internal. ID %s tidak valid Nilai default kolom %s tidak valid: %s ID grup %s tidak valid ID pengguna %s tidak valid Kepala Admin KerberosPassword Kerberos untuk Kepala AdminRealm KerberosBind DN LDAPBind Kata sandi LDAPOtorisasi Pengguna SASL LDAPPengguna SASL LDAPPencarian Base DN LDAPNama Server LDAPPerubahan Terakhir: %s Maksimum: %ld Minimum: %ld Tidak PernahShell BaruKata-sandi baruKata-sandi baru (ulangi)Tidak ada nama grup yang ditetapkan, tidak ada nama untuk gid %d. Tidak ada nama grup yang ditetapkan, mempergunakan %s. Tidak ada nama grup yang dimasukkan. Tidak ada grup dengan GID %jd, batal menghapus. Tidak ada direktori home baru untuk %s. Tidak ada direktori home lama untuk %s. Nama pengguna tidak dimasukkan, tidak ada nama untuk uid %d. Tidak ada nama pengguna yang ditetapkan, mempergunakan %s. Tidak ada nama pengguna yang dimasukkan. KantorTelp. KantorMasa berlakunya password habis: %s Password Tidak Aktif: %s Pengubahan kata sandi dibatalkan. Kata sandi telah diubah. Kata-sandi tidak cocok, coba lagi. Prompt gagal. Prompt sukses. Menolak untuk membuat akun dengan UID 0. Menolak penggunaan direktori home `%s' yang berbahaya secara defaultMenolak penggunaan direktori home `%s' yang berbahaya untuk %s secara default Mencari nama grup %s. Mencari grup dengan ID %jd. Mencari nama pengguna %s. Mencari pengguna dengan ID %jd. Shell telah berubah. Shell tidak berubah: %s Nama KeluargaPengguna yang tidak dikenal terotentikasi. Konteks pengguna tidak diketahuiPengguna %s tidak dapat dihapus: %s. Pengguna %s tidak dapat dikunci: %s. Pengguna %s tidak dapat diubah: %s. Penguna %s tidak dapat dibuka kuncinya: %s. Pengguna %s tidak ada. Pengguna tidak cocok. Peringatan: %ld Peringatan: Grup dengan ID %jd tidak ada [OPSI...][OPTION...] [user][OPTION...] group[OPTION...] user':' tidak diijinkan dalam kata sandi terenkripsiakses ditolakada berkas cadangan `%s' dan itu bukan berkas biasaukuran berkas cadangan tidak cocokid pengguna/grup salahNama pengguna/grup salahberkas konfigurasi `%s' terlalu besartidak dapat mengikat ke server LDAPtidak dapat mengikat ke server LDAP, usaha pertama adalah `%s': %stidak dapat menegosiasikan TLS dengan server LDAPtidak dapat membuka berkas konfigurasi `%s': %stidak dapat membaca berkas konfigurasi `%s': %stidak dapat menset protokol LDAP ke versi %dtidak dapat menampilkan informasi berkas konfigurasi `%s': %stidak dapat menentukan konteks keamanan dari `%s': %stidak dapat memperoleh konteks keamanan standar: %stidak dapat memperoleh konteks keamanan dari `%s': %stidak dapat membuka `%s': %stidak dapat membaca dari `%s': %stidak dapat menset konteks keamanan standar ke `%s': %stidak dapat menampilkan informasi berkas `%s': %stidak dapat menulis ke `%s': %sdata tidak ditemukan dalam berkasentiti tidak memiliki atribut %sentiti tidak memiliki atribut %s atau %sobyek entiti tidak memiliki atribut %sstruktur entiti tidak memiliki atribut %s atau %sentiti telah dibuat tanpa atribut %s atau %sentri telah ada dalam berkasentri dengan nama yang konflik telah ada dalam berkasgagal saat menghubungi server kadm5 untuk layanan `%s' dalam realm `%s': %sgagal saat membuat `%s': %sgagal saat membuat entri direktori LDAP: %sgagal saat membuat direktori home untuk penggunasalah saat meng-enkrip passwordgagal saat menginisiasikan SASL Cyrus: %sgagal saat menginisiasi pustaka kerberosgagal saat menginisiasi pustaka ldapgagal saat memuat modulgagal saat mengunci berkassalah saat mengunci berkas: %sgagal saat memanipulasi atribut terminalgagal saat memodifikasi entri direktori LDAP: %sgagal saat memindahkan direktori home untuk penggunagagal saat membuka berkasgagal saat menguraikan nama pengguna `%s' untuk kerberosgagal saat membaca berkasgagal saat membaca terminalgagal saat membaca informasi untuk `%s' untuk kerberosgagal saat membaca atribut terminalgagal saat menghapus entri direktori LDAP: %sgagal saat menghapus direktori home untuk penggunagagal saat mengganti nama entri direktori LDAP: %sgagal saat menerjemahkan simbol dalam modulgagal saat menset kata sandi untuk `%s'gagal saat menset kata sandi dalam direktori LDAP untuk %s: %sgagal saat menset atribut terminalgagal saat melihat informasi berkasgagal saat menulis ke berkaskesalahan generikGrup %jd tidak memiliki namagrup %s tidak memiliki GIDgrup tidak memiliki nama atau GIDkesalahan internal saat menginisiasiID tidak validnilai atribut tidak validkombinasi modul tidak validnomor tidak validversi pustaka/modul tidak cocokmodul `%s' tidak mendefinisikan `%s'modul dinonaktifkan oleh konfigurasiversi modul tidak cocok dalam `%s'nama mengandung karakter kontrolnama mengandung karakter `%c' yang tidak validnama mengandung karakter non-ASCIInama mengandung whitespacenama tidak disetnama terlalu panjang (%zu > %d)nama terlalu pendeknama dimulai dengan tanda hubungtidak ada atribut `%s' yang ditemukantidak ada fungsi penginisiasian %s dalam `%s'tidak ada berkas shadow -- menonaktifkantidak ada obyek tersebut dalam direktori LDAPhak akses tidak mencukupitidak mengeksekusi dengan hak akses superuserobyek tidak memiliki atribut %sobyek tidak memiliki atribut %ssuksesmodul `%s' dan `%s' tidak bisa dikombinasikankesalahan tidak diketahuimembuka kunci akan membuat kolom password menjadi kosongskema enkripsi kata sandi tidak didukunguser %jd tidak memiliki namauser %s tidak memiliki UIDuser tidak memiliki nama ataupun UIDobyek pengguna tidak memiliki atribut %sobyek user telah dibuat tanpa `%s'id pengguna/grup sedang digunakannama pengguna/grup sedang digunakanPK!5d d LC_MESSAGES/gcc.monu[Į!l]-1'Y n+k0J  ,@W!l$ "+AIE_P78.8g45< vHH@:IJM9AWNKQ4:7=I7IA4 }BCD?IE={ ?8/P2CED BRPM4FN QZBP<@O}LAG\H@B.5qE 8.N.})0 +#AO! $$A*f  # "Dg!~,#"$5Zz J8T;-QKULSWBI5IYd>E9C;}Uc=s##3 *=4h.24,46aQ33=RC7I WjE"9+"e2&,PD`?=N#@r(*:!B$d#(,Sps!5f<E!! 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(y or n) Linker options ============== Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O, -W, or --param are automatically passed on to the various sub-processes invoked by %s. In order to pass other options on to these processes the -W options must be used. ldd output with constructors/destructors. write_c_file - output name is %s, prefix is %s Display specific types of command line options %s %qD Included at %s:%d: inlined from %qs inlined from %qs at %r%s:%d%R inlined from %qs at %r%s:%d:%d%R inlined from %qs at %s:%d inlined from %qs at %s:%d:%d in pointer to member conversion in pointer to member function conversion %q+#D %q+#D declared here (Use '-v --help' to display command line options of sub-processes) -### Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed --bootclasspath PATH Override built-in class path --classpath PATH Set path to find .class files --extdirs PATH Set extensions directory path --help Display this information --help Print this help, then exit --javap Generate output in 'javap' format --sysroot= Use as the root directory for headers and libraries --target-help Display target specific command line options --version Display compiler version information --version Print version number, then exit -B Add to the compiler's search paths -E Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link -IDIR Append directory to class path -S Compile only; do not assemble or link -Wa, Pass comma-separated on to the assembler -Wl, Pass comma-separated on to the linker -Wp, Pass comma-separated on to the preprocessor -Xassembler Pass on to the assembler -Xlinker Pass on to the linker -Xpreprocessor Pass on to the preprocessor -a, --all-blocks Show information for every basic block -b, --branch-probabilities Include branch probabilities in output -c Compile and assemble, but do not link -c Disassemble method bodies -c, --branch-counts Given counts of branches taken rather than percentages -dumpmachine Display the compiler's target processor -dumpspecs Display all of the built in spec strings -dumpversion Display the version of the compiler -f, --function-summaries Output summaries for each function -h, --help Print this help, then exit -l, --long-file-names Use long output file names for included source files -n, --no-output Do not create an output file -o Place the output into -o FILE Set output file name -o, --object-directory DIR|FILE Search for object files in DIR or called FILE -p, --preserve-paths Preserve all pathname components -pass-exit-codes Exit with highest error code from a phase -pipe Use pipes rather than intermediate files -print-file-name= Display the full path to library -print-libgcc-file-name Display the name of the compiler's companion library -print-multi-directory Display the root directory for versions of libgcc -print-multi-lib Display the mapping between command line options and multiple library search directories -print-multi-os-directory Display the relative path to OS libraries -print-prog-name= Display the full path to compiler component -print-search-dirs Display the directories in the compiler's search path -print-sysroot Display the target libraries directory -print-sysroot-headers-suffix Display the sysroot suffix used to find headers -save-temps Do not delete intermediate files -specs= Override built-in specs with the contents of -std= Assume that the input sources are for -time Time the execution of each subprocess -u, --unconditional-branches Show unconditional branch counts too -v Display the programs invoked by the compiler -v, --verbose Print extra information while running -v, --version Print version number, then exit -x Specify the language of the following input files Permissible languages include: c c++ assembler none 'none' means revert to the default behavior of guessing the language based on the file's extension a qualified-id is required as it is a non-system directory that duplicates a system directory base %qT because conversion sequence for the argument is better because of local member %q+#D with same name because of local method %q+#D with same name but %d required but does not override %<%T(const %T&)%> but does not override % by %q+D candidate conversions include %qD and %qD cannot use obsolete binding at %q+D because it has a destructor crosses initialization of %q+#D enters OpenMP structured block enters catch block enters try block exits OpenMP structured block expected a class template, got %qE expected a class template, got %qT expected a constant of type %qT, got %qT expected a type, got %qE expected a type, got %qT for conversion from %qT to %qT from definition of %q+#D from here in call to %qD in evaluation of %<%Q(%#T, %#T)%> in instantiation of template %qT in thrown expression initializing argument %P of %qD matches this %q+D under ISO standard rules matches this %q+D under old rules or % overriding %q+#D overriding %q+#F since %q+#D declared in base class skips initialization of %q+#D trying to instantiate %qD using obsolete binding at %q+D All options with the desired characteristics have already been displayed No options with the desired characteristics were found None found. Use --help=%s to show *all* the options supported by the %s front-end candidate 1: %q+#F candidate 2: %q+#F conflicting code gen style switches are used shadows template parm %q+#D!$OMP ATOMIC assignment intrinsic IAND, IOR or IEOR must have two arguments at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment intrinsic must be MIN, MAX, IAND, IOR or IEOR at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment must be var = var op expr or var = expr op var at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment must have an operator or intrinsic on right hand side at %L!$OMP ATOMIC assignment operator must be +, *, -, /, .AND., .OR., .EQV. or .NEQV. at %L!$OMP ATOMIC intrinsic arguments except one must not reference '%s' at %L!$OMP ATOMIC intrinsic arguments must be scalar at %L!$OMP ATOMIC statement must set a scalar variable of intrinsic type at %L!$OMP ATOMIC var = var op expr not mathematically equivalent to var = var op (expr) at %L!$OMP DO cannot be a DO WHILE or DO without loop control at %L!$OMP DO collapsed loops don't form rectangular iteration space at %L!$OMP DO iteration variable must be of type integer at %L!$OMP DO iteration variable must not be THREADPRIVATE at %L!$OMP DO iteration variable present on clause other than PRIVATE or LASTPRIVATE at %L!$OMP at %C starts a commented line as it neither is followed by a space nor is a continuation line"::" was expected after module nature at %C but was not found# %s %.2f %.2f #include "..." search starts here: #include <...> search starts here: #pragma GCC memregs must precede any function decls#pragma GCC memregs takes a number [0..16]#pragma GCC optimize is not allowed inside functions#pragma GCC optimize string... is badly formed#pragma GCC option is not allowed inside functions#pragma GCC target is not supported for this machine#pragma GCC target string... is badly formed#pragma GCC visibility must be followed by push or pop#pragma GCC visibility push() must specify default, internal, hidden or protected#pragma GHS endXXX does not match previous startXXX#pragma GHS endXXXX found without previous startXXX#pragma implementation for %qs appears after file is included#pragma message: %s#pragma pack (pop) encountered without matching #pragma pack (push)#pragma pack has no effect with -fpack-struct - ignored#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with __asm__ declaration#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with previous #pragma redefine_extname#pragma redefine_extname ignored due to conflict with previous rename#pragma vtable no longer supported$ operand number used after format without operand number%+D causes a section type conflict%<#pragma GCC optimize%> is not a string or number%<#pragma GCC option%> is not a string%<#pragma GCC pch_preprocess%> must be first%<#pragma GCC pop_options%> without a corresponding %<#pragma GCC push_options%>%<#pragma align%> must appear before the declaration of %D, ignoring%<#pragma omp barrier%> may only be used in compound statements%<#pragma omp flush%> may only be used in compound statements%<#pragma omp section%> may only be used in %<#pragma omp sections%> construct%<#pragma omp taskwait%> may only be used in compound statements%<%%%> constraint used with last operand%<%%%c%> yields only last 2 digits of year%<%%%c%> yields only last 2 digits of year in some locales%<%D::%D%> is not a member of %qT%<%T::%D%> is not a valid declarator%<%T::%D%> names constructor in %qT%<%T::%D%> names destructor%<%s %E%> declared inside parameter list%<&%> constraint used with no register class%<-%s%> conflicts with the other architecture options, which specify a %s processor%<-femit-struct-debug-detailed=dir:...%> must allow at least as much as %<-femit-struct-debug-detailed=ind:...%>%<-gnat%> misspelled as %<-gant%>%<-march=%s%> is not compatible with the selected ABI%<-mgp32%> and %<-mfp64%> can only be combined if the target supports the mfhc1 and mthc1 instructions%<-mgp32%> and %<-mfp64%> can only be combined when using the o32 ABI%<-mgp32%> used with a 64-bit ABI%<-mgp64%> used with a 32-bit ABI%<-mgp64%> used with a 32-bit processor%<-mips3d%> requires %<-mpaired-single%>%<-mno-gpopt%> needs %<-mexplicit-relocs%>%<...%> as arguments.)%<...%> has invalid operand number%<::main%> must return %%<<:%> is an alternate spelling for %<[%>. Insert whitespace between %<<%> and %<::%>%<<::%> cannot begin a template-argument list%<@end%> missing in implementation context%<@end%> must appear in an @implementation context%<@throw%> (rethrow) used outside of a @catch block%<@try%> without %<@catch%> or %<@finally%>%<[*]%> not allowed in other than function prototype scope%<[*]%> not in a declaration%<_Sat%> is used without %<_Fract%> or %<_Accum%>%<__BELOW100__%> attribute only applies to variables%<__alignof%> applied to a bit-field%<__builtin_longjmp%> second argument must be 1%<__builtin_next_arg%> called without an argument%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> is not defined as % or %%<__gcc_host_wide_int__%> is not defined as a type%<__thread%> before %%<__thread%> before %%<__thread%> used with %%<__thread%> used with %%<__thread%> used with %%<__thread%> used with %qE% of mutually exclusive equal-tests is always 0% operand constraint incompatible with operand size% operand has impossible constraints% operand requires impossible reload% specifiers are not permitted on non-static data members% in file-scope empty declaration% label not within a switch statement% not permitted with -fno-rtti% without a previous %% declared in % loop initial declaration% can only be specified for constructors% loop initial declarations are only allowed in C99 mode% can only be specified inside a class% attribute present on %q+D% in empty declaration% is not allowed in declaration of friend template specialization %qD% specified for friend class declaration% specifier invalid for function %qs declared out of global scope% is not defined as a type% is not defined as a type% is too long for GCC% invalid for %qs% and % specified together for %qs% invalid for %qs% or % invalid for %qs% or % specified with char for %qs% switch expression not converted to % in ISO C% value must be positive% must return type %qT% takes type %qT as first parameter% must not return NULL unless it is declared % (or -fcheck-new is in effect)% must return type %qT% takes type % (%qT) as first parameter% should return a reference to %<*this%>% of unmatched not-equal tests is always 1% in file-scope empty declaration% with a value, in function returning void% with no value, in function returning non-void% invalid for %qs% or % invalid for %qs% and % specified together for %qs% or % invalid for %qs% applied to a bit-field% may not be used when defining (as opposed to declaring) a static data member% specified invalid for function %qs declared out of global scope% declared in % loop initial declaration% is unavailable for static member functions% %qD is not file, namespace or block scope variable% %qE directive not in %qT definition% %qE has incomplete type% is not defined as a pointer type% is not defined as a type% was ignored in this declaration% names %q#T, which is not a class template% names %q#T, which is not a type% applied to a bit-field% declared in % loop initial declaration% used in function with fixed args% outside class declaration% as only parameter may not be qualified% must be the only parameter%D renamed after being referenced in assembly%E qualifier ignored on asm%Kattempt to free a non-heap object%Kattempt to free a non-heap object %qD%Kcall to %D might overflow destination buffer%Kcall to %qs declared with attribute error: %s%Kcall to %qs declared with attribute warning: %s%Kfirst argument of %D must be a pointer, second integer constant%Kinvalid use of %<__builtin_va_arg_pack ()%>%Kinvalid use of %<__builtin_va_arg_pack_len ()%>%c REDUCTION variable '%s' at %L must be of numeric type, got %s%d exits recorded for loop %d (having %d exits)%i-bit mode not compiled in%q#D conflicts with previous using declaration %q#D%q#D hides constructor for %q#T%q#D is a static data member; it can only be initialized at its definition%q#D is not a non-static data member of %qT%q#D is not a static member of %q#T%q#D redeclared as different kind of symbol%q#T has pointer data members%q#T has virtual functions and accessible non-virtual destructor%q#T is not a class%q#T is not a class or a namespace%q#T is not a template%q#T only defines a private destructor and has no friends%q#T only defines private constructors and has no friends%q#T used where a %qT was expected%q#T used where a floating point value was expected%q+#D cannot be declared%q+#D cannot be overloaded%q+#D does not refer to the unqualified type, so it is not used for linkage%q+#D invalid; an anonymous struct can only have non-static data members%q+#D invalid; an anonymous union can only have non-static data members%q+#D is inaccessible%q+#D is private%q+#D is protected%q+#D previously defined here%q+D already declared with dllexport attribute: dllimport ignored%q+D causes a section type conflict%q+D contains empty classes which may cause base classes to be placed at different locations in a future version of GCC%q+D declared as a friend%q+D declared here%q+D declared with an exception specification%q+D defined but not used%q+D has a previous declaration as %q#D%q+D invalid in %q#T%q+D is static but declared in inline function %qD which is not static%q+D is too small to hold all values of %q#T%q+D is usually a function%q+D may not be static because it is a member of a union%q+D may not have reference type %qT because it is a member of a union%q+D redeclared as different kind of symbol%q+D redeclared without dllimport attribute after being referenced with dll linkage%q+D redeclared without dllimport attribute: previous dllimport ignored%q+D takes only zero or two arguments%q+D used prior to declaration%q+D was hidden%q+D will be initialized after%q+D: visibility attribute ignored because it%q+D:'selectany' attribute applies only to initialized objects%q+F declared % but never defined%q+F used but never defined%q+T has a previous declaration here%qD appears more than once in data clauses%qD attribute directive ignored%qD attribute is meaningless since members of the anonymous namespace get local symbols%qD attribute requires a single NTBS argument%qD cannot appear in a constant-expression%qD cannot be declared virtual, since it is always static%qD cannot be defaulted%qD cannot be initialized by a non-constant expression when being declared%qD cannot have default arguments%qD changed semantics in GCC 4.4%qD declared as reference but not initialized%qD has an incomplete type%qD has no member named %qE%qD has the same name as the class in which it is declared%qD is already a friend of %qT%qD is already a friend of class %qT%qD is already declared in this scope%qD is already defined in %qT%qD is already defined in class %qT%qD is already defined in the class %qT%qD is both a direct base and an indirect virtual base%qD is deprecated (declared at %r%s:%d%R)%qD is deprecated (declared at %s:%d)%qD is not a class or namespace%qD is not a function template%qD is not a member of %qT%qD is not a member template function%qD is not a static data member of a class template%qD is not a template%qD is not a template function%qD is not a type%qD is not a valid template argument because %qD is a variable, not the address of a variable%qD is not a variable%qD is not a variable in clause %%qD is not a variable in clause %%qD is not a variable in clause %qs%qD is not declared in %qD%qD is not defined outside of function scope%qD is static but used in inline function %qD which is not static%qD is used uninitialized in this function%qD may be used uninitialized in this function%qD may not be declared as static%qD may not be declared within a namespace%qD must be a nonstatic member function%qD must be either a non-static member function or a non-member function%qD must have an argument of class or enumerated type%qD must not have variable number of arguments%qD must take %%qD must take either one or two arguments%qD must take either zero or one argument%qD must take exactly one argument%qD must take exactly two arguments%qD not declared%qD not defined%qD redeclared with different visibility%qD should have been declared inside %qD%qD should never be overloaded%qD should return by value%qD used without template parameters%qD was declared % and later %%qD was declared %qs which implies default visibility%qD was not declared in this scope%qE appears more than once in data clauses%qE attribute can only be applied to Java class definitions%qE attribute can only be applied to class definitions%qE attribute conflicts with attribute %s%qE attribute have effect only on public objects%qE attribute ignored%qE attribute ignored because %qT is already defined%qE attribute ignored for %qE%qE attribute ignored for field of type %qT%qE attribute ignored on non-class types%qE attribute ignored on types%qE attribute is not supported on this platform%qE attribute only applies to variadic functions%qE attribute requires prototypes with named arguments%qE cannot be used as a function%qE cannot be used as a member pointer, since it is of type %qT%qE declared % after first use%qE fails to be a typedef or built in type%qE has invalid type for %%qE has invalid type for %%qE has reference type for %qs%qE implicitly determined as % has reference type%qE is an unrecognized format function type%qE is neither function nor member function; cannot be declared friend%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is a pointer%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is not an lvalue%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because it is of type %qT%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because object %qD has not external linkage%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because of conflicts in cv-qualification%qE is not a valid template argument for type %qT because string literals can never be used in this context%qE is not a valid template argument of type %qT because %qD does not have external linkage%qE is not a valid template argument of type %qT because %qE is not a variable%qE is not a variable in clause %%qE is not a variable in clause %%qE is not a variable in clause %qs%qE is not at beginning of declaration%qE is not initialized%qE is not of type %qT%qE is obsolete; g++ vtables are now COM-compatible by default%qE is predetermined %qs for %qs%qE must be % for %%qE needs isa option %s%qE needs unknown isa option%qT declared with greater visibility than its base %qT%qT declared with greater visibility than the type of its field %qD%qT has a base %qT whose type uses the anonymous namespace%qT has a field %qD whose type uses the anonymous namespace%qT has no member named %qE%qT has no non-static data member named %qD%qT is a variably modified type%qT is already a friend of %qT%qT is an ambiguous base of %qT%qT is an inaccessible base of %qT%qT is not a base of %qT%qT is not a class or namespace%qT is not a class type%qT is not a class, struct, or union type%qT is not a member class template of %qT%qT is not a member of %qT%qT is not a namespace%qT is not a nested class of %qT%qT is not a pointer-to-object type%qT is not a template%qT is not a template type%qT is not an accessible base of %qT%qT is promoted to %qT when passed through %<...%>%qT is/uses anonymous type%qT referred to as %qs%qT referred to as enum%qT resolves to %qT, which is is not a class type%qT resolves to %qT, which is not an enumeration type%qV qualifiers cannot be applied to %qT%qs attribute ignored%qs attribute only applies to functions%qs can only be specified for functions%qs declared as function returning a function%qs declared as function returning an array%qs defined in a non-class scope%qs does not support MIPS16 code%qs expects a constant argument%qs has both % and initializer%qs has overflowed%qs initialized and declared %%qs is narrower than values of its type%qs is not a gcov data file%qs is not valid for %qs%qs is version %q.*s, expected version %q.*s%qs must be used with %qs%qs requires a target that provides the %qs instruction%qs requires branch-likely instructions%qs tag used in naming %q#T%qs uses dynamic stack allocation%s%s %s %+#T%s %s %p %d %s %s%s %s %s(%E) %p %d %s '%s' %s (disable warning using -mno-inefficient-warnings)%s REDUCTION variable '%s' must be INTEGER at %L%s REDUCTION variable '%s' must be INTEGER or REAL at %L%s REDUCTION variable '%s' must be LOGICAL at %L%s at %L must be INTEGER%s at %L must be a scalar%s attribute applied to %s %s at %L%s attribute at %L is not allowed outside of the specification part of a module%s attribute conflicts with %s attribute at %L%s attribute conflicts with %s attribute in '%s' at %L%s attribute not allowed in BLOCK DATA program unit at %L%s attribute of '%s' conflicts with %s attribute at %L%s cannot be used in asm here%s clause object '%s' has ALLOCATABLE components at %L%s does not support %%n$ operand number formats%s does not support %s%s does not support %s with the %<%%%c%> %s format%s does not support block_ends_with_call_p%s does not support block_ends_with_condjump_p%s does not support can_duplicate_block_p%s does not support can_merge_blocks_p%s does not support can_remove_branch_p%s does not support create_basic_block%s does not support delete_basic_block%s does not support duplicate_block%s does not support flow_call_edges_add%s does not support make_forwarder_block%s does not support merge_blocks%s does not support move_block_after%s does not support predict_edge%s does not support predicted_by_p%s does not support redirect_edge_and_branch%s does not support redirect_edge_and_branch_force%s does not support split_block%s does not support split_edge%s does not support the %<%%%c%> %s format%s does not support the %<%%%s%c%> %s format%s does not support the %qs %s length modifier%s expression list treated as compound expression%s ignored with %s and %<%%%c%> %s format%s ignored with %s in %s format%s in format string at %L%s is not INTRINSIC procedure name at %C%s is not supported by this configuration%s only accepts %d arguments%s only accepts 1 argument%s only accepts 2 arguments%s procedure at %L is already declared as %s procedure%s returned %d exit status%s specifier in %s statement at %C has invalid value '%s'%s statement at %C cannot follow %s statement at %L%s statement at %C cannot terminate a non-block DO loop%s statement at %C follows another accessibility specification%s statement at %C leaving OpenMP structured block%s statement expected at %L%s statement must appear in a MODULE%s statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %C%s tag at %L must be of type %s%s tag at %L must be scalar%s terminated with signal %d [%s]%s%s used with %<%%%c%> %s format%s%s%s %sversion %s (%s) %s compiled by GNU C version %s, %s%s%s %sversion %s (%s) compiled by CC, %s%sGGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=%d --param ggc-min-heapsize=%d %s%swarning: %s header version %s differs from library version %s. %s-%s is an empty range%s: %d basic blocks and %d edges/basic block%s: %d basic blocks and %d registers%s: %s%s: %s compiler not installed on this system%s: --param arguments should be of the form NAME=VALUE%s: Cannot open output file: %s %s: Failed to close output file %s %s: Fourth source operand is not a constant%s: PCH file was invalid%s: Second source operand is not a constant%s: Third source operand is not a constant%s: cannot open as COFF file%s: couldn%'t open PCH file: %m%s: linker input file unused because linking not done%s: not a COFF file%s:%d: Illegal preprocessor directive%s:%d: confused by earlier errors, bailing out %s:%d: file %s left but not entered%s:'%s' has arcs from exit block %s:'%s' has arcs to entry block %s:'%s' lacks entry and/or exit blocks %s:already seen blocks for '%s' %s:cannot open data file, assuming not executed %s:corrupted %s:graph is unsolvable for '%s' %s:no functions found %s:no lines for '%s' %s:not a gcov data file %s:overflowed %s:profile mismatch for '%s' %s:unknown function '%u' %s:version '%.4s', prefer '%.4s' %s:version '%.4s', prefer version '%.4s' %srtd%s is ignored in 64bit mode%ssseregparm%s used without SSE enabled'' ' flag'!' flag'#' flag'%%%c' is not a valid operand prefix'%%l' operand isn't a label'%s' already defined as specific binding for the generic '%s' at %C'%s' and '%s' arguments of '%s' intrinsic at %L must have the same type'%s' and '%s' can't be mixed FUNCTION/SUBROUTINE for GENERIC '%s' at %L'%s' and '%s' for GENERIC '%s' at %L are ambiguous'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L cannot be INTENT(IN)'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be %s'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be ALLOCATABLE'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER or LOGICAL'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER or PROCEDURE'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER or REAL'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be REAL or COMPLEX'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a POINTER'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a POINTER or a TARGET'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a constant'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a logical array'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a non-derived type'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a numeric type'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a pointer or target VARIABLE or FUNCTION'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a scalar'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be a variable'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be an array'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be default real'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be double precision'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be less than rank %d'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be numeric or LOGICAL'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be of a dummy variable'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be of a kind not wider than the default kind (%d)'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be of an OPTIONAL dummy variable'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be of kind %d'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be of rank %d'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be of rank 1 or 2'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be the same kind as '%s''%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be the same type and kind as '%s''%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must not be OPTIONAL'%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must not be a subobject of '%s''%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must not be present if 'x' is COMPLEX'%s' at %C is already defined as FINAL procedure!'%s' at %C is not a member of the '%s' structure'%s' at %C is not a variable'%s' at %C is the name of a recursive function and so refers to the result variable. Use an explicit RESULT variable for direct recursion ('%s' at %L already is initialized at %L'%s' at %L cannot have the VALUE attribute because it is not a dummy argument'%s' at %L has a type, which is not consistent with the CALL at %L'%s' at %L has attributes specified outside its INTERFACE body'%s' at %L is ambiguous'%s' at %L is an array and OPTIONAL; IF IT IS MISSING, it cannot be the actual argument of an ELEMENTAL procedure unless there is a non-optional argument with the same rank ('%s' at %L is not a VALUE'%s' at %L is not a function'%s' at %L is not a module procedure'%s' at %L is of the ABSTRACT type '%s''%s' at %L must have constant character length in this context'%s' at %L must have the same number of formal arguments as the overridden procedure'%s' at %L overrides a FUNCTION and must also be a FUNCTION'%s' at %L overrides a NOPASS binding and must also be NOPASS'%s' at %L overrides a PUBLIC procedure and must not be PRIVATE'%s' at %L overrides a PURE procedure and must also be PURE'%s' at %L overrides a SUBROUTINE and must also be a SUBROUTINE'%s' at %L overrides a binding with PASS and must also be PASS'%s' at %L overrides a non-ELEMENTAL procedure and must not be ELEMENTAL, either'%s' at %L overrides a procedure binding declared NON_OVERRIDABLE'%s' at %L overrides an ELEMENTAL procedure and must also be ELEMENTAL'%s' at %L should be a FUNCTION'%s' at %L should be a SUBROUTINE'%s' cannot be extended at %C because it is BIND(C)'%s' cannot be extended at %C because it is a SEQUENCE type'%s' declared INTRINSIC at %L does not exist'%s' declared at %L is also the name of an intrinsic. It can only be called via an explicit interface or if declared EXTERNAL.'%s' declared at %L may shadow the intrinsic of the same name. In order to call the intrinsic, explicit INTRINSIC declarations may be required.'%s' in EXTENDS expression at %C is not a derived type'%s' in the pointer assignment at %L cannot be an l-value since it is a procedure'%s' is already IMPORTed from host scoping unit at %C.'%s' must be a module procedure or an external procedure with an explicit interface at %L'%s' must not appear in the array specification at %L in the same ALLOCATE statement where it is itself allocated'%s' was assigned to '%s', but was not defined during recompilation, or vice versa'&' not allowed by itself in line %d''' flag'(' flag'+' flag'-' flag'-fd-lines-as-code' has no effect in free form'-fd-lines-as-comments' has no effect in free form'0' flag'::' needed in PROCEDURE binding with explicit target at %C'B' operand has multiple bits set'B' operand is not constant'E' modifier'I' flag'MOLD' argument of 'TRANSFER' intrinsic at %L must not be %s'O' modifier'^' flag'_' flag'a%d' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be %s(%d)'a' flag'a1' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L must be INTEGER, REAL or CHARACTER'dim' argument of %s intrinsic at %L is not a valid dimension index'dim' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L is not a valid dimension index'm' flag'o' operand is not constant'q' flag'shape' argument of 'reshape' intrinsic at %L has more than %d elements'shape' argument of 'reshape' intrinsic at %L must be an array of constant size'source' argument of 'shape' intrinsic at %L must not be an assumed size array(C)(Messages without a matching method signature(a pointer to member can only be formed with %<&%E%>)(an out of class initialization is required)(if this is not what you intended, make sure the function template has already been declared and add <> after the function name here) (if you use %<-fpermissive%> G++ will accept your code)(if you use %<-fpermissive%>, G++ will accept your code, but allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)(near initialization for %qs)(perhaps % was intended)(perhaps a semicolon is missing after the definition of %qT)(perhaps the % macro was used incorrectly)(so you should pass %qT not %qT to %)(the message is only displayed one per source file) --param inline-unit-growth limit reached--param large-function-growth limit reached--param large-stack-frame-growth limit reached--param max-inline-insns-auto limit reached--param max-inline-insns-single limit reached--resource requires -o-E or -x required when input is from standard input-I- specified twice-MG may only be used with -M or -MM-Wformat-contains-nul ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-extra-args ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-nonliteral ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-security ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-y2k ignored without -Wformat-Wformat-zero-length ignored without -Wformat-Xbind-now and -Xbind-lazy are incompatible-bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib-bundle_loader not allowed with -dynamiclib-c or -S required for Ada-client_name not allowed with -dynamiclib-current_version only allowed with -dynamiclib-f%s and -msdata=%s are incompatible-f%s ignored for target (all code is position independent)-f%s is not supported with CONST16 instructions-f%s not supported: ignored-f%sleading-underscore not supported on this target machine-fPIC and -fpic are not supported in this configuration-fPIC and -mcall-%s are incompatible-falign-labels=%d is not supported-falign-loops=%d is not supported-fassociative-math disabled; other options take precedence-fdata-sections not supported for this target-fdbg-cnt=%s-fdirectives-only is incompatible with -Wunused_macros-fdirectives-only is incompatible with -traditional-femit-class-file should used along with -fsyntax-only-ffunction-sections not supported for this target-fhandle-exceptions has been renamed -fexceptions (and is now on by default)-findirect-dispatch is incompatible with -freduced-reflection-finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=filename,... Do not instrument functions listed in files-finstrument-functions-exclude-function-list=name,... Do not instrument listed functions-fira-algorithm=[CB|priority] Set the used IRA algorithm-fira-region=[one|all|mixed] Set regions for IRA-fjni and -femit-class-file are incompatible-fjni and -femit-class-files are incompatible-fjni is incompatible with -freduced-reflection-fno-gnu89-inline is only supported in GNU99 or C99 mode-force_flat_namespace not allowed with -dynamiclib-fpic and -mapcs-reent are incompatible-fprefetch-loop-arrays is not supported with -Os-fprefetch-loop-arrays not supported for this target-fprefetch-loop-arrays not supported for this target (try -march switches)-frecord-gcc-switches is not supported by the current target-freorder-blocks-and-partition does not work on this architecture-frepo must be used with -c-fstack-protector not supported for this target-g is only supported when using GAS on this processor,-g option disabled-g with -mno-apcs-frame may not give sensible debugging-install_name only allowed with -dynamiclib-keep_private_externs not allowed with -dynamiclib-m%s not supported in this configuration-m64 requires PowerPC64 architecture, enabling-m64 requires a PowerPC64 cpu-maix64 required: 64-bit computation with 32-bit addressing not yet supported-maix64 requires PowerPC64 architecture remain enabled-malign-power is not supported for 64-bit Darwin; it is incompatible with the installed C and C++ libraries-mapcs-stack-check incompatible with -mno-apcs-frame-max-stackframe=%d is not usable, not between 0 and %d-mbackchain -mpacked-stack -mhard-float are not supported in combination-mbig-endian and -mlittle-endian may not be used together-mbnu210 is ignored (option is obsolete)-mcall-aixdesc must be big endian-mcmodel= is not supported on 32 bit systems-mcorea should be used with -mmulticore-mcoreb should be used with -mmulticore-mcpu=%s conflicts with -march=%s-mcpu=%s has invalid silicon revision-mcpu=%s is not valid-mfloat-abi=hard and VFP-mhard-float not supported-mincoming-stack-boundary=%d is not between %d and 12-mlong-double-64 not allowed with -m64-mmulticore can only be used with BF561-mmultiple is not supported on little endian systems-mpcrel -fPIC is not currently supported on selected cpu-mpic-register= is useless without -fpic-mrelax is only supported for RTP PIC-mrelocatable and -mcall-%s are incompatible-mrelocatable and -mno-minimal-toc are incompatible-mrelocatable and -msdata=%s are incompatible-ms2600 is used without -ms-msdata=%s and -mcall-%s are incompatible-msecure-plt not supported by your assembler-mshared-library-id= specified without -mid-shared-library-mshared-library-id=%s is not between 0 and %d-msimple-fpu option ignored-msingle-float and -msoft-float cannot both be specified-msingle-float option equivalent to -mhard-float-mstack-guard implies use of -mstack-size-mstring is not supported on little endian systems-munix=98 option required for C89 Amendment 1 features. -pg and -fomit-frame-pointer are incompatible-pipe not supported-private_bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib-static-libgfortran is not supported in this configuration.NOT. operator in expression at %L must have a LOGICAL operand128-bit long double not supported for VAX floats31 bit ABI387 instruction set disabled, using SSE arithmetics64 bit ABI64-bit ABI not supported in ESA/390 mode %dAVX vector argument without AVX enabled changes the ABIAbstract interface '%s' is invalid in procedure pointer assignment at %LAccept extensions to support legacy codeAccess data in the same section from shared anchor pointsAccess specification of the %s operator at %C has already been specifiedAccess specification of the .%s. operator at %C has already been specifiedActual argument at %L for INTENT(%s) dummy '%s' of ELEMENTAL subroutine '%s' is a scalar, but another actual argument is an arrayActual argument contains too few elements for dummy argument '%s' (%lu/%lu) at %LActual argument for '%s' cannot be an assumed-size array at %LActual argument for '%s' must be ALLOCATABLE at %LActual argument for '%s' must be a pointer at %LAdd a common subexpression elimination pass after loop optimizationsAdd extra commentary to assembler outputAdd mudflap bounds-checking instrumentation for multi-threaded programAdd mudflap bounds-checking instrumentation for single-threaded programAdditional debug printsAlias for --help=targetAlias for -femit-class-fileAlign all labelsAlign all loops to 32 byte boundaryAlign code and data to 32 bitsAlign destination of the string operationsAlign doubles at 64-bit boundariesAlign labels which are only reached by jumpingAlign some doubles on dword boundaryAlign the start of functionsAlign the start of loopsAlign to the base type of the bit-fieldAlign variables on a 32-bit boundaryAll intrinsics procedures are available regardless of selected standardAllocatable '%s' at %L cannot have an initializerAllocatable component of structure at %C must have a deferred shapeAllocatable variable '%s' used as a parameter to '%s' at %L must not be an array of zero sizeAllocate local variables on the stack to allow indirect recursionAllow a symbol value to be used as an immediate value in an instruction.Allow arbitrary character line width in fixed modeAllow arbitrary character line width in free modeAllow bit-fields to cross word boundariesAllow branches to be packed with other instructionsAllow dollar signs in entity namesAllow fast jumps to the message dispatcherAllow function addresses to be held in registersAllow hardware floating-point instructions to cover both 32-bit and 64-bit operationsAllow implicit conversions between vectors with differing numbers of subparts and/or differing element types.Allow loop optimizations to assume that the loops behave in normal wayAllow math optimizations that may violate IEEE or ISO standardsAllow optimization for floating-point arithmetic which may change theAllow premature scheduling of queued insnsAllow speculative motion of more loadsAllow speculative motion of non-loadsAllow speculative motion of some loadsAllow the arguments of the '?' operator to have different typesAllow the use of MDMX instructionsAllow the use of MT instructionsAllow the use of hardware floating-point ABI and instructionsAllow two instructions to be issued per cycleAlready inside a CONTAINS block at %CAlternate RETURN statement at %C is only allowed within a SUBROUTINEAlternate RETURN statement at %L requires a SCALAR-INTEGER return specifierAlternate calling conventionAlternate return cannot appear in operator interface at %LAlternate return specifier in elemental subroutine '%s' at %L is not allowedAlternate return specifier in function '%s' at %L is not allowedAltiVec argument passed to unprototyped functionAltiVec not supported in this targetAlways check for non gcj generated classes archivesAlways generate long callsAlways treat bitfields as int-sizedAlways use Dynamic Realigned Argument Pointer (DRAP) to realign stackAmbiguous interfaces '%s' and '%s' in %s at %LAmbiguous symbol in TYPE definition at %CAmend appropriate diagnostic messages with the command line option that controls themAn alternate return at %L without a * dummy argumentAn outer FORALL construct already has an index with this name %LAnnotate assembler instructions with estimated addressesAppend a second underscore if the name already contains an underscoreAppend underscores to externally visible namesApply negative sign to zero valuesApply variable expansion when loops are unrolledApproximate maximum number of instructions to allow between a hint and its branch [125]Argument '%s' of '%s' with PASS(%s) at %L must be of the derived-type '%s'Argument '%s' of elemental procedure at %L cannot have the POINTER attributeArgument '%s' of elemental procedure at %L must be scalarArgument '%s' of statement function at %L must be scalarArgument '%s' to '%s' at %L must be an associated scalar POINTERArgument NCOPIES of REPEAT intrinsic is negative at %LArgument NCOPIES of REPEAT intrinsic is too large at %LArgument dim at %L must be of INTEGER typeArgument dim at %L must be scalarArgument of %s at %L must be of length oneArgument of %s function at %L is negativeArgument of %s function at %L is too large for the collating sequence of kind %dArgument of %s function at %L outside of range [0,127]Argument of ACOS at %L must be between -1 and 1Argument of ACOSH at %L must not be less than 1Argument of ASIN at %L must be between -1 and 1Argument of ATANH at %L must be inside the range -1 to 1Argument of FINAL procedure at %L must be of type '%s'Argument of FINAL procedure at %L must not be ALLOCATABLEArgument of FINAL procedure at %L must not be INTENT(OUT)Argument of FINAL procedure at %L must not be OPTIONALArgument of FINAL procedure at %L must not be a POINTERArgument of IACHAR at %L must be of length oneArgument of IACHAR function at %L outside of range 0..127Argument of ICHAR at %L must be of length oneArgument of LOG at %L cannot be less than or equal to zeroArgument of LOG10 at %L cannot be less than or equal to zeroArgument of SELECT statement at %L cannot be %sArgument of SELECT statement at %L must be a scalar expressionArgument of SQRT at %L has a negative valueArgument to '%s' at %L is not a variableArgument to -ffpe-trap is not valid: %sArgument types of '%s' intrinsic at %L must match (%s/%s)Arithmetic IF statement at %L requires a numeric expressionArithmetic NaN at %LArithmetic NaN converting %s to %s at %L. This check can be disabled with the option -fno-range-checkArithmetic NaN of bit-wise transferred BOZ at %L. This check can be disabled with the option -fno-range-checkArithmetic OK at %LArithmetic OK converting %s to %s at %LArithmetic overflow at %LArithmetic overflow converting %s to %s at %L. This check can be disabled with the option -fno-range-checkArithmetic overflow of bit-wise transferred BOZ at %L. This check can be disabled with the option -fno-range-checkArithmetic underflow at %LArithmetic underflow converting %s to %s at %L. This check can be disabled with the option -fno-range-checkArithmetic underflow of bit-wise transferred BOZ at %L. This check can be disabled with the option -fno-range-checkArray '%s' at %L cannot have a deferred shapeArray '%s' at %L is a variable, which does not reduce to a constant expressionArray '%s' at %L with non-constant bounds cannot be an EQUIVALENCE objectArray component of structure at %C must have an explicit shapeArray component of structure at %C must have explicit or deferred shapeArray index at %L is an array of rank %dArray index at %L must be of INTEGER type, found %sArray index at %L must be scalarArray operands are incommensurate at %LArray operands are incommensurate converting %s to %s at %LArray reference at %C cannot have more than %d dimensionsArray reference at %L is out of bounds (%ld < %ld) in dimension %dArray reference at %L is out of bounds (%ld > %ld) in dimension %dArray reference in EQUIVALENCE at %C cannot be an array sectionArray reference out of boundsArray section with a vector subscript at %L shall not be the target of a pointerArray specification at %C has more than %d dimensionsArray specification for symbol '%s' in COMMON at %C must be explicitArray specification must be deferred at %LArray specification required in ALLOCATE statement at %LArray-section actual argument at %L is incompatible with the non-assumed-shape dummy argument '%s' due to VOLATILE attributeAssembler options ================= Assigning value other than 0 or 1 to LOGICAL has undefined result at %LAssignment operator interface at %L must be a SUBROUTINEAssignment operator interface at %L must have two argumentsAssignment operator interface at %L must not redefine an INTRINSIC type assignmentAssignment to a FORALL index variable at %LAssume ICPLBs are enabled at runtime.Assume a large TLS segmentAssume all symbols have 32-bit valuesAssume all variable arg functions are prototypedAssume code will be assembled by GASAssume code will be linked by GNU ldAssume code will be linked by HP ldAssume floating-point operations can trapAssume incoming stack aligned to this power of 2Assume native functions are implemented using JNIAssume no NaNs or infinities are generatedAssume normal C execution environmentAssume possible double misalignmentAssume pt* instructions won't trapAssume signed arithmetic overflow wraps aroundAssume small address spaceAssume strict aliasing rules applyAssume symbols might be invalidAssume target CPU is configured as big endianAssume target CPU is configured as little endianAssume that floating-point stores and loads are not likely to cause conflict when placed into one instruction groupAssume that receivers of Objective-C messages may be nilAssume that run-time support has been provided, so omit -lsim from the linker command lineAssume that the source file is fixed formAssume that the source file is free formAssume the VxWorks RTP environmentAssume the VxWorks vThreads environmentAssume the runtime uses a hash table to map an object to its synchronization structureAssumed shape array '%s' at %L is not permitted in an initialization expressionAssumed shape array at %L must be a dummy argumentAssumed size array '%s' at %L is not permitted in an initialization expressionAssumed size array '%s' in %s clause at %LAssumed size array '%s' in COPYPRIVATE clause at %LAssumed size array '%s' in namelist '%s' at %C is not allowedAssumed size array at %L must be a dummy argumentAssumed-shape actual argument at %L is incompatible with the non-assumed-shape dummy argument '%s' due to VOLATILE attributeAssumed-shape array '%s' at %L cannot be an argument to the procedure '%s' because it is not C interoperableAt top level:Attempt to DEALLOCATE unallocated '%s'Attempt to fill delay slots of branch instructionsAttempt to indirectly overlap COMMON blocks %s and %s by EQUIVALENCE at %CAttempt to keep stack aligned to this power of 2Attempt to merge identical constants across compilation unitsAttempt to merge identical constants and constant variablesAttempt to merge identical debug strings across compilation unitsAttribute at %L is not allowed in a TYPE definitionAutomatic array '%s' at %L cannot have an initializerAutomatically align branch targets to reduce branch penaltiesAvoid all range limits on call instructionsAvoid generating pc-relative calls; use indirectionAvoid generation of indexed load/store instructions when possibleAvoid overlapping destination and address registers on LDRD instructionsAvoid speculative loads to work around a hardware anomaly.BB_RTL flag not set for block %dBIND(C) applied to %s %s at %LBIND(C) attribute at %C requires an interface with BIND(C)BIND(C) attribute at %L can only be used for variables or common blocksBIND(C) procedure with NAME may not have POINTER attribute at %CBLOCK DATA element '%s' at %L must be in COMMONBOZ constant at %L is too large (%ld vs %ld bits)BOZ literal at %L is bitwise transferred non-integer symbol '%s'BYTE type used at %C is not available on the target machineBad INTENT specification at %CBad IO basetype (%d)Bad address, not (reg+disp):Bad address, not register:Bad array reference at %LBad array specification for an explicitly shaped array at %CBad array specification for assumed shape array at %CBad array specification in ALLOCATE statement at %LBad byte codes. Bad character '%c' in OPERATOR name at %CBad continuation line at %CBad kind expression for function '%s' at %LBad kind for logical constant at %CBad nameBad operatorBad specification for assumed size array at %CBad specification for deferred shape array at %CBad target in pointer assignment in PURE procedure at %LBad type in constant expressionBinding at %C must have the same access as already defined binding '%s'Binding attributes already specify passing, illegal NOPASS at %CBinding attributes already specify passing, illegal PASS at %CBinding label '%s' at %L collides with global entity '%s' at %LBinding label '%s' at %L collides with the global entity '%s' at %LBinding label '%s' for common block '%s' at %L collides with global entity '%s' at %LBinding label '%s' for common block '%s' at %L collides with the global entity '%s' at %LBinding label '%s' for common block '%s' at %L does not match the binding label '%s' for common block '%s' at %LBinding label '%s' in interface body at %L collides with the global entity '%s' at %LBlank BLOCK DATA at %C conflicts with prior BLOCK DATA at %LBlanket SAVE statement at %C follows previous SAVE statementBlock label is not appropriate for IF statement at %CBlock label not appropriate for arithmetic IF statement at %CBoard name [and memory region].Bound on number of candidates below that all candidates are considered in iv optimizationsBound on number of iv uses in loop optimized in iv optimizationsBound on number of runtime checks inserted by the vectorizer's loop versioning for alias checkBound on number of runtime checks inserted by the vectorizer's loop versioning for alignment checkBound on size of expressions used in the scalar evolutions analyzerBound on the cost of an expression to compute the number of iterationsBound on the number of equalities in Omega constraint systemsBound on the number of inequalities in Omega constraint systemsBound on the number of iterations the brute force # of iterations analysis algorithm evaluatesBound on the number of keys in Omega constraint systemsBound on the number of variables in Omega constraint systemsBound on the number of wild cards in Omega constraint systemsBound on the size of the hash table in Omega constraint systemsBranch at %L may result in an infinite loopBranches are this expensive (1-5, arbitrary units)Branches executed:%s of %d Build for Core ABuild for Core BBuild for SDRAMBy-value argument at %L cannot be an array or an array sectionBy-value argument at %L is not allowed in this contextBy-value argument at %L is not of numeric typeC interoperable character dummy variable '%s' at %L with VALUE attribute must have length oneC kind type parameter is for type %s but type at %L is %sC++ constructors and destructors will not be invoked for Objective-C fieldsCASE label at %L overlaps with CASE label at %LCHARACTER argument '%s' to '%s' at %L must have a length of 1CHARACTER expression at %L is being truncated (%d/%d)CHARACTER expression will be truncated in assignment (%d/%d) at %LCHARACTER(*) function '%s' at %L cannot be array-valuedCHARACTER(*) function '%s' at %L cannot be pointer-valuedCHARACTER(*) function '%s' at %L cannot be pureCHARACTER(*) function '%s' at %L cannot be recursiveCLOSE statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %CCOLLAPSE clause argument not constant positive integer at %CCOMMON '%s' at %L does not existCOMMON block '%s' at %L is also an intrinsic procedureCOMMON block '%s' at %L is used as PARAMETER at %LCOMMON block /%s/ not found at %CCOMPLEX quantities cannot be compared at %LCONTAINS statement at %C is already in a contained program unitCOPYIN clause object '%s' at %L has ALLOCATABLE componentsCOPYPRIVATE clause object '%s' at %L has ALLOCATABLE componentsCPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction setCRIS-port assertion failed: Call a library routine to do integer divisionsCall mcount for profiling before a function prologueCalls executed:%s of %d Can't USE the same module we're building!Can't convert %s to %s at %LCan't delete module file '%s': %sCan't delete temporary module file '%s': %sCan't find an intrinsic module named '%s' at %CCan't find keyword named '%s' in call to '%s' at %LCan't open file '%s'Can't open module file '%s' for reading at %C: %sCan't open module file '%s' for writing at %C: %sCan't overwrite GENERIC '%s' at %LCan't rename module file '%s' to '%s': %sCannot IMPORT '%s' from host scoping unit at %C - does not exist.Cannot assign to a named constant at %CCannot change attributes of USE-associated symbol %s at %LCannot change attributes of USE-associated symbol at %LCannot open '%s' for output. Cannot specify IMPLICIT at %C after IMPLICIT NONECause gas to print tomcat statisticsChange only the low 8 bits of the stack pointerChange the ABI to allow double word insnsChange the amount of scheduler lookaheadChange the maximum length of conditionally-executed sequencesChange the number of temporary registers that are available to conditionally-executed sequencesChange the stack pointer without disabling interruptsChanges visibility to match Microsoft Visual Studio by defaultCharacter '%s' in string at %C is not representable in character kind %dCharacter '%s' in string at %L cannot be converted into character kind %dCharacter argument '%s' at %L must be length 1 because procedure '%s' is BIND(C)Character dummy variable '%s' at %L with VALUE attribute must have constant lengthCharacter length mismatch (%ld/%ld) between actual argument and assumed-shape dummy argument '%s' at %LCharacter length mismatch (%ld/%ld) between actual argument and pointer or allocatable dummy argument '%s' at %LCharacter length of actual argument shorter than of dummy argument '%s' (%lu/%lu) at %LCharacter length of component '%s' needs to be a constant specification expression at %LCharacter-valued argument '%s' of statement function at %L must have constant lengthCharacter-valued statement function '%s' at %L must have constant lengthCheck for syntax errors, then stopCheck the return value of newChose strategy to generate stringop usingCode size: small, medium or largeCommon block member '%s' at %L cannot be an EQUIVALENCE object in the pure procedure '%s'Compare the results of several data dependence analyzers.Compile for 32-bit pointersCompile for 64-bit pointersCompile for ETRAX 100 (CRIS v8)Compile for ETRAX 4 (CRIS v3)Compile for V8+ ABICompile for the m32rCompile for the m32r2Compile for the m32rxCompile for the v850 processorCompile for the v850e processorCompile for the v850e1 processorCompile whole compilation unit at a timeComplex argument of LOG at %L cannot be zeroComplex multiplication and division follow Fortran rulesComponent %s of SEQUENCE type declared at %L does not have the SEQUENCE attributeComponent '%s' at %C already declared at %LComponent '%s' at %C already in the parent type at %LComponent '%s' at %C is a PRIVATE component of '%s'Component '%s' at %L cannot have the ALLOCATABLE attribute because it is a member of the BIND(C) derived type '%s' at %LComponent '%s' at %L cannot have the POINTER attribute because it is a member of the BIND(C) derived type '%s' at %LComponent '%s' in derived type '%s' at %L may not be C interoperableComponent '%s' in derived type '%s' at %L may not be C interoperable, even though derived type '%s' is BIND(C)Component '%s' of '%s' at %L has the same name as an inherited type-bound procedureComponent at %C must have the POINTER attributeComponent to the right of a part reference with nonzero rank must not have the ALLOCATABLE attribute at %LComponent to the right of a part reference with nonzero rank must not have the POINTER attribute at %LComponents in TYPE at %C must precede CONTAINSComponents of structure constructor '%s' at %L are PRIVATEConcat operator at %L must concatenate strings of the same kindConcatenation operator in expression at %L must have two CHARACTER operandsConfigured with: %s Conflict in attributes of function argument at %CConform more closely to IBM XLC semanticsConform to nothing in particularConform to the ISO 1990 C standardConform to the ISO 1990 C standard as amended in 1994Conform to the ISO 1990 C standard with GNU extensionsConform to the ISO 1999 C standardConform to the ISO 1999 C standard with GNU extensionsConform to the ISO Fortran 2003 standardConform to the ISO Fortran 2008 standardConform to the ISO Fortran 95 standardConsider access to byte sized memory slowConsider type 'int' to be 16 bits wideConsider type 'int' to be 32 bits wideConstant expression in FORMAT tag at %L must be of type default CHARACTERConstant expression required at %CConstantValue attribute of field '%s' has wrong typeConstruct webs and split unrelated uses of single variableContained function '%s' at %L has no IMPLICIT typeContained procedure '%s' at %C is already ambiguousContained procedure '%s' at %L of a PURE procedure must also be PUREControl the IEEE trap modeControl the generated fp rounding modeControl the precision given to fp exceptionsConversion from %s to %s at %LConversion of an Infinity or Not-a-Number at %L to INTEGERConvert floating point constants to single precision constantsCopy array sections into a contiguous block on procedure entryCost to assume for a branch insnCost to assume for a multiply insnCost to assume for gettr insnCount speculative dependencies while calculating priority of instructionsCray Pointee at %C cannot be assumed shape arrayCray Pointee at %L appears in multiple pointer() statementsCray pointee '%s' in %s clause at %LCray pointee '%s' in SHARED clause at %LCray pointer '%s' in %s clause at %LCray pointer at %C has %d bytes of precision; memory addresses require %d bytesCray pointer at %C must be an integerCray pointer declaration at %C requires -fcray-pointer flagCreate GUI applicationCreate a position independent executableCreate a shared libraryCreate canonical induction variables in loopsCreate console applicationCreate data files needed by "gcov"Creating array temporary at %LCreating array temporary at %L for argument '%s'DATA array '%s' at %L must be specified in a previous declarationDATA statement at %C is not allowed in a PURE procedureDATA statement at %L has more values than variablesDATA statement at %L has more variables than valuesDIM argument at %L is out of boundsDIMENSION specified for '%s' outside its INTERFACE body at %LDO-iterator '%s' at %L is inside iterator of the same nameData element above array upper bound at %LData element below array lower bound at %LData greater than given threshold will go into .ldata section in x86-64 medium modelData transfer element at %L cannot be a full reference to an assumed-size arrayData transfer element at %L cannot have PRIVATE componentsDefer popping functions args from stack until laterDeferred array '%s' at %L is not permitted in an initialization expressionDeferred-shape array '%s' at %L cannot be an argument to the procedure '%s' because it is not C interoperableDelete useless null pointer checksDeprecated in favor of -std=c99Deprecated in favor of -std=gnu99Deprecated in favor of -std=iso9899:1999Deprecated. This switch has no effectDerived type '%s' at %C is being used before it is definedDerived type '%s' at %L cannot be declared with both PRIVATE and BIND(C) attributesDerived type '%s' at %L cannot have the SEQUENCE attribute because it is BIND(C)Derived type '%s' at %L has PRIVATE componentsDerived type '%s' declared at %L must have the BIND attribute to be C interoperableDerived type at %C can only be PRIVATE in the specification part of a moduleDerived type at %C can only be PUBLIC in the specification part of a moduleDerived type at %C has not been previously defined and so cannot appear in a derived type definitionDerived type component %C is not a permitted EQUIVALENCE memberDerived type declaration with FINAL at %C must be in the specification part of a MODULEDerived type definition of '%s' at %C has already been definedDerived type name '%s' at %C already has a basic type of %sDerived type variable '%s' at %L cannot have ALLOCATABLE components to be an EQUIVALENCE objectDerived type variable '%s' at %L must have SEQUENCE attribute to be an EQUIVALENCE objectDerived type variable '%s' at %L with default initialization cannot be in EQUIVALENCE with a variable in COMMONDerived type variable '%s' at %L with pointer component(s) cannot be an EQUIVALENCE objectDerived type variable '%s' in COMMON at %L has an ultimate component that is allocatableDerived type variable '%s' in COMMON at %L has neither the SEQUENCE nor the BIND(C) attributeDerived type variable '%s' in COMMON at %L may not have default initializerDerived-type '%s' with BIND(C) must not have a CONTAINS section at %CDerived-type '%s' with SEQUENCE must not have a CONTAINS section at %CDetermine which dependences between insns are considered costlyDifferent CHARACTER lengths (%d/%d) in array constructor at %LDifferent kind type parameters in pointer assignment at %LDifferent ranks in pointer assignment at %LDifferent shape for %s at %L on dimension %d (%d and %d)Different shape for arguments '%s' and '%s' at %L for intrinsic 'dot_product'Different shape on dimension 1 for arguments '%s' and '%s' at %L for intrinsic matmulDifferent shape on dimension 2 for argument '%s' and dimension 1 for argument '%s' at %L for intrinsic matmulDifferent types in pointer assignment at %L; attempted assignment of %s to %sDimensions specified for %s at %L after its initialisationDisable FP regsDisable bcnz instructionDisable floating point optimizations that ignore the IEEE signedness of zeroDisable hardware floating pointDisable indexed addressingDisable optimizations observable by IEEE signaling NaNsDisable optimizations that assume default FP rounding behaviorDisable preprocessingDisable space regsDisallow direct calls to global functionsDiscover pure and const functionsDiscover readonly and non addressable static variablesDisplay compile time statisticsDisplay contents of a class file in readable form. Display statistics accumulated during compilationDisplay the code tree after parsingDisplay the compiler's versionDisplay this informationDivision by zero at %LDivision by zero converting %s to %s at %LDivision strategy, one of: call, call2, fp, inv, inv:minlat, inv20u, inv20l, inv:call, inv:call2, inv:fp, call-div1, call-fp, call-tableDo not assume a large TLS segmentDo not assume that standard C libraries and "main" existDo not disable space regsDo not discard commentsDo not discard comments in macro expansionsDo not display functions compiled or elapsed timeDo not emit addressing modes with side-effect assignmentDo not emit complex integer constants to read-only memoryDo not emit function prologue or epilogueDo not generate #line directivesDo not generate .size directivesDo not generate a single exit point for each functionDo not generate load/store with update instructionsDo not inline integer divisionDo not inline square rootDo not load the PIC register in function prologuesDo not mark ABI switches in e_flagsDo not perform optimizations increasing noticeably stack usageDo not place floating point constants in TOCDo not place symbol+offset constants in TOCDo not predefine system-specific and GCC-specific macrosDo not pretend that branches are expensiveDo not provide a default start-address 0x100 of the programDo not put uninitialized globals in the common sectionDo not search standard system include directories (those specified with -isystem will still be used)Do not search standard system include directories for C++Do not support SSE4.1 and SSE4.2 built-in functions and code generationDo not suppress C++ class debug information.Do not suppress warnings from system headersDo not treat local variables and COMMON blocks as if they were named in SAVE statementsDo not tune code and read-only data alignmentDo not tune stack alignmentDo not tune writable data alignmentDo not use MDMX instructionsDo not use MIPS-3D instructionsDo not use VAX fpDo not use a cache-flushing function before calling stack trampolinesDo not use addresses that allocate global registersDo not use condition codes from normal instructionsDo not use hardware FPDo not use hardware floating pointDo not use hardware fpDo not use hardware quad fp instructionsDo not use inline patterns for copying memoryDo not use the bit-field instructionsDo not use unaligned memory referencesDo not warn about using "long long" when -pedanticDo stack checking using bounds in L1 scratch memoryDo the full register move optimization passDoes nothing. Preserved for backward compatibility.Don't align items in code or dataDon't allocate floats and doubles in extended-precision registersDon't call any cache flush functionsDon't call any cache flush trapDon't generate checks for control speculation in selective schedulingDon't generate privileged-mode only code; implies -mno-inline-ic_invalidate if the inline code would not work in user mode.Don't optimize block movesDon't use P-mnemonics for branchesDon't warn about uses of Microsoft extensionsDouble-precision floating point unitDowngrade conformance errors to warningsDriving:Dummy '%s' at %L cannot have an initializerDummy argument '%s' at %L cannot be INTENT(OUT)Dummy argument '%s' at %L cannot be OPTIONALDummy argument '%s' at %L was declared INTENT(OUT) but was not setDummy argument '%s' not allowed in expression at %LDummy argument '%s' of '%s' at %L should be named '%s' as to match the corresponding argument of the overridden procedureDummy procedure '%s' at %C cannot have a generic interfaceDummy procedure '%s' not allowed in elemental procedure '%s' at %LDummy procedure '%s' of PURE procedure at %L must also be PUREDummy procedure at %C may not have BIND(C) attribute with NAMEDump declarations to a .decl fileDuplicate %s attribute at %LDuplicate %s attribute specified at %LDuplicate %s label specification at %CDuplicate %s specification at %CDuplicate BIND attribute specified at %LDuplicate ELSE statements at %L and %CDuplicate EXTENDS attribute specified at %LDuplicate IMPLICIT NONE statement at %CDuplicate NML specification at %CDuplicate NON_OVERRIDABLE at %CDuplicate PRIVATE statement at %CDuplicate PROTECTED attribute specified at %LDuplicate SAVE attribute specified at %LDuplicate SEQUENCE statement at %CDuplicate UNIT specification at %CDuplicate VALUE attribute specified at %LDuplicate VOLATILE attribute specified at %LDuplicate access-specifier at %CDuplicate array spec for Cray pointee at %CDuplicate construct label '%s' at %CDuplicate format specification at %CDuplicate statement label %d at %L and %LDuplicate symbol '%s' in formal argument list at %CDynamically allocate cc registersE specifier not allowed with g0 descriptorE500 and FPRs not supportedELEMENTAL function '%s' at %L must have a scalar resultELEMENTAL non-INTRINSIC procedure '%s' is not allowed as an actual argument at %LELSE IF statement at %C cannot follow ELSE statement at %LELSEWHERE statement at %C follows previous unmasked ELSEWHEREELSEWHERE statement at %C not enclosed in WHERE blockEND tag at %C not allowed in output statementEND tag label %d at %L not definedENTRY '%s' at %L cannot be called recursively, as function '%s' is not RECURSIVEENTRY '%s' at %L cannot be called recursively, as subroutine '%s' is not RECURSIVEENTRY '%s' at %L has no IMPLICIT typeENTRY result %s can't be a POINTER in FUNCTION %s at %LENTRY result %s can't be an array in FUNCTION %s at %LENTRY result %s can't be of type %s in FUNCTION %s at %LENTRY statement at %C cannot appear in a contained procedureENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a BLOCK DATAENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a DERIVED TYPE blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a DO blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a FORALL blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a MODULEENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a PROGRAMENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a SELECT blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a WHERE blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within a contained subprogramENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within an IF-THEN blockENTRY statement at %C cannot appear within an INTERFACEENTRY_BLOCK has IL associated with itENUM declaration at %C has no ENUMERATORSENUM definition statement expected before %CENUMERATOR %L not initialized with integer expressionEOR tag label %d at %L not definedEQUIVALENCE at %C requires two or more objectsERR tag label %d at %L not definedESA/390 architectureEXIT statement at %C terminating !$OMP DO loopEXIT_BLOCK has IL associated with itEither all or none of the objects in the EQUIVALENCE set at %L shall have the PROTECTED attributeElement in %s array constructor at %L is %sEmbedded space in NAME= specifier at %CEmit 16-bit relocations to the small data areasEmit 32-bit relocations to the small data areasEmit IEEE-conformant code, without inexact exceptionsEmit call graph informationEmit code for the byte/word ISA extensionEmit code for the counting ISA extensionEmit code for the fp move and sqrt ISA extensionEmit code for the motion video ISA extensionEmit code using explicit relocation directivesEmit common-like symbols as weak symbolsEmit direct branches to local functionsEmit errors when run-time relocations are generatedEmit extra code in the function prologue in order to trap if the stack size exceeds the given limitEmit function-calls using global offset table when generating PICEmit implicit instantiations of inline templatesEmit implicit instantiations of templatesEmit indirect branches to local functionsEmit long load/store sequencesEmit rdval instead of rduniq for thread pointerEmit static const variables even if they are not usedEmit stop bits before and after volatile extended asmsEmit verbose debug information in assembly codeEmit warnings when run-time relocations are generatedEmpty FINAL at %CEmpty IMPLICIT statement at %CEmpty array constructor at %C is not allowedEmpty set of digits in BOZ constant at %CEnable CFI tables via GAS assembler directives.Enable Dwarf 2 line debug info via GNU asEnable Full Redundancy Elimination (FRE) on treesEnable Function Descriptor PIC modeEnable Graphite Identity transformationEnable ID based shared libraryEnable Loop Blocking transformationEnable Loop Interchange transformationEnable Loop Strip Mining transformationEnable Objective-C exception and synchronization syntaxEnable Objective-C setjmp exception handling runtimeEnable OpenMP (implies -frecursive in Fortran)Enable PIC support for building librariesEnable SH5 cut2 workaroundEnable SSA code sinking on treesEnable SSA dead code elimination optimization on treesEnable SSA-CCP optimization on treesEnable SSA-PRE optimization on treesEnable TPF-OS tracing codeEnable alignment of COMMON blocksEnable all -Wunused- warningsEnable an RTL peephole pass before sched2Enable assignability checks for stores into object arraysEnable automatic parallelization of loopsEnable automatic template instantiationEnable backend debuggingEnable basic program profiling codeEnable cbranchdi4 patternEnable common options for generating profile info for profile feedback directed optimizationsEnable common options for generating profile info for profile feedback directed optimizations, and set -fprofile-dir=Enable common options for performing profile feedback directed optimizationsEnable common options for performing profile feedback directed optimizations, and set -fprofile-dir=Enable conditional dead code elimination for builtin callsEnable conditional execution other than moves/sccEnable conditional movesEnable copy propagation of scalar-evolution information.Enable copy propagation on treesEnable correction of flow inconsistent profile data inputEnable dead store eliminationEnable debug outputEnable debug output to be generated.Enable decimal floating point hardware supportEnable dominator optimizationsEnable earlier placing stop bits for better schedulingEnable exception handlingEnable function profilingEnable garbage collection (GC) in Objective-C/Objective-C++ programsEnable guessing of branch probabilitiesEnable hardware floating pointEnable in and out of Graphite representationEnable inlining of PLT in function callsEnable label alignment optimizationsEnable linker optimizationsEnable linker relaxationsEnable linker relaxingEnable loop distribution on treesEnable loop header copying on treesEnable loop invariant motion on treesEnable loop optimizations on tree levelEnable loop vectorization on treesEnable loop versioning when doing loop vectorization on treesEnable machine specific peephole optimizationsEnable most warning messagesEnable multicore supportEnable nested conditional execution optimizationsEnable optimization of static class initialization codeEnable optimizing &&/|| in conditional executionEnable preprocessingEnable range checking during compilationEnable reassociation on tree levelEnable scheduling across basic blocksEnable separate data segmentEnable setting GPRs to the result of comparisonsEnable stack probingEnable strict 32-bit psABI struct return checking.Enable the normal modeEnable the use of the indexed addressing mode for SHmedia32/SHcompactEnable the use of the short load instructionsEnable traditional preprocessingEnable unaligned load/store instructionEnable use of GPREL for read-only data in FDPICEnable use of cost model in vectorizationEnable use of sdata/scommon/sbssEnable verbose outputEnable/Disable the traditional scheduling in loops that already passed modulo schedulingEnabled ID based shared libraryEnables a register move optimizationEncode SSE instructions with VEX prefixEnd of nonblock DO statement at %C is interwoven with another DO loopEnd of nonblock DO statement at %C is within another blockEnd of search list. Enforce class member access control semanticsEntity with assumed character length at %L must be a dummy argument or a PARAMETEREnumerator exceeds the C integer type at %CEquivalence for '%s' does not match ordering of COMMON '%s' at %LError converting PARAMETER constant in complex constant at %CError converting integerError count reached limit of %d.Error writing module file '%s' for writing: %sError writing modules file: %sError:Exit condition of DO WHILE loop at %L must be a scalar LOGICAL expressionExit on the first error occurredExpected ")" at %CExpected "," at %CExpected "," or end of statement at %CExpected '(' at %CExpected ',' at %CExpected '::' after binding-attributes at %CExpected '::' at %CExpected 'END INTERFACE ASSIGNMENT (=)' at %CExpected :: in TYPE definition at %CExpected = sign in PARAMETER statement at %CExpected P edit descriptorExpected PARAMETER symbol in complex constant at %CExpected a CASE or END SELECT statement following SELECT CASE at %CExpected a nameless interface at %CExpected a procedure for argument '%s' at %LExpected a procedure pointer for argument '%s' at %LExpected a right parenthesis in expression at %CExpected a step value in iterator at %CExpected access-specifier at %CExpected alternate return label at %CExpected an initialization expression at %CExpected another dimension in array declaration at %CExpected argument list at %CExpected array subscript at %CExpected array subscript stride at %CExpected attribute bit nameExpected binding attribute at %CExpected binding name at %CExpected binding target after '=>' at %CExpected block name of '%s' in %s statement at %CExpected bounds specification for '%s' at %LExpected comma in I/O list at %CExpected component reference at %CExpected exponent in expression at %CExpected expression at %C in PARAMETER statementExpected expression in %s statement at %CExpected expression in array specification at %CExpected expression typeExpected formal argument list in function definition at %CExpected initialization expression at %CExpected initialization expression in CASE at %CExpected integerExpected integer stringExpected label '%s' for %s statement at %CExpected left parenthesisExpected module procedure name at %CExpected nameExpected real stringExpected right parenthesisExpected scalar initialization expression at %CExpected specific binding name at %CExpected stringExpected structure component name at %CExpected terminating name at %CExpected variable in READ statement at %CExpected variable name at %CExpected variable name at %C in PARAMETER statementExpecting %s statement at %CExpecting 'END INTERFACE %s' at %CExpecting 'END INTERFACE OPERATOR (.%s.)' at %CExpecting list of named entities at %CExport functions even if they can be inlinedExpression at %L must be of INTEGER type, found %sExpression at %L must be scalarExpression in CASE statement at %L must be of kind %dExpression in CASE statement at %L must be of type %sExpression in CASE statement at %L must be scalarExtension: %s specifier in %s statement at %C has value '%s'Extension: Conversion from %s to %s at %LExtension: Tab character in format at %CExtension: Unary operator following arithmetic operator (use parentheses) at %CExtension: backslash character at %CExternal '%s' at %L cannot have an initializerExternal IO UNIT cannot be an array at %LExternal object '%s' at %L may not have an initializerFINAL declaration at %C must be inside CONTAINSFINAL declaration at %C must be inside a derived type CONTAINS sectionFINAL procedure '%s' at %L is not a SUBROUTINEFINAL procedure '%s' declared at %L has the same rank (%d) as '%s'FINAL procedure at %L must have exactly one argumentFORALL end expression at %L must be a scalar INTEGERFORALL index '%s' may not appear in triplet specification at %LFORALL index-name at %L must be a scalar INTEGERFORALL start expression at %L must be a scalar INTEGERFORALL stride expression at %L cannot be zeroFORALL stride expression at %L must be a scalar %sFORMAT label %d at %L not definedFORMAT statement at %L does not have a statement labelFP exceptions are enabledFUNCTION result %s can't be a POINTER in FUNCTION %s at %LFUNCTION result %s can't be an array in FUNCTION %s at %LFUNCTION result %s can't be of type %s in FUNCTION %s at %LFatal Error:Finalization at %L is not yet implementedFirst argument of defined assignment at %L must be INTENT(OUT) or INTENT(INOUT)First argument of operator interface at %L cannot be optionalFirst argument of operator interface at %L must be INTENT(IN)First or last !$OMP ATOMIC intrinsic argument must be '%s' at %LFixed line length must be at least seven.Flag -fmax-stack-var-size=%d overwrites -frecursive implied by -fopenmpFlag -fno-automatic overwrites -fmax-stack-var-size=%dFlag -fno-automatic overwrites -frecursiveFlag -fno-automatic overwrites -frecursive implied by -fopenmpFlag -frecursive overwrites -fmax-stack-var-size=%dFloating point unit does not support divide & sqrtFollow Renesas (formerly Hitachi) / SuperH calling conventionsFollow the EABI linkage requirementsFor bug reporting instructions, please see: %s. For dummy procedure %s, no binding name is allowed in BIND(C) at %CFor intrinsics library: pass all parameters in registersForce functions to be aligned to a 4 byte boundaryForce the underlying type for "wchar_t" to be "unsigned short"Format statement in module main block at %CFortran 2003: %s specifier in %s statement at %C has value '%s'Fortran 2003: Scalar CHARACTER actual argument with array dummy argument '%s' at %LFortran 95 requires default INTEGER in %s tag at %LFound no matching specific binding for the call to the GENERIC '%s' at %LFree line length must be at least three.Function %s at %L has entries with mismatched array specificationsFunction '%s' at %L cannot be called recursively, as it is not RECURSIVEFunction '%s' at %L cannot have an initializerFunction '%s' at %L has no IMPLICIT typeFunction '%s' at %L is INTRINSIC but is not compatible with an intrinsicFunction '%s' at %L must be PUREFunction '%s' is declared CHARACTER(*) and cannot be used at %L since it is not a dummy argumentFunction '%s' requires an argument list at %CFunction name '%s' not allowed at %CFunction reference to '%s' at %L is to a non-PURE procedure within a PURE procedureFunction result '%s' at %L cannot have an initializerFunction result '%s' at %L has no IMPLICIT typeFunction starts are aligned to this power of 2GCC cannot support operators with integer types and fixed-point types that have too many integral and fractional bits togetherGCC supports only %u nested scopesGCC vector passed by reference: non-standard ABI extension with no compatibility guaranteeGCC vector returned by reference: non-standard ABI extension with no compatibility guaranteeGCSE disabledGENERIC '%s' at %L can't overwrite specific binding with the same nameGENERIC '%s' at %L must target a specific binding, '%s' is GENERIC, tooGENERIC at %C must be inside a derived-type CONTAINSGENERIC procedure '%s' is not allowed as an actual argument at %LGET uses port array index %d, which is out of range [%d..%d)GNU Fortran comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may redistribute copies of GNU Fortran under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING Generate 32-bit FPU-less SHmedia codeGenerate 32-bit SHmedia codeGenerate 32-bit codeGenerate 32-bit offsets in switch tablesGenerate 32bit i386 codeGenerate 64-bit FPU-less SHmedia codeGenerate 64-bit SHmedia codeGenerate 64-bit codeGenerate 64bit x86-64 codeGenerate APCS conformant stack framesGenerate C header of platform-specific featuresGenerate Cell microcodeGenerate FPU-less SHcompact codeGenerate GFLOAT double precision codeGenerate H8/300H codeGenerate H8S codeGenerate H8S/2600 codeGenerate H8SX codeGenerate ILP32 codeGenerate LP64 codeGenerate MIPS16 codeGenerate PA1.0 codeGenerate PA1.1 codeGenerate PA2.0 code (requires binutils 2.10 or later)Generate PPC750CL paired-single instructionsGenerate SH1 codeGenerate SH2 codeGenerate SH2a FPU-less codeGenerate SH2e codeGenerate SH3 codeGenerate SH3e codeGenerate SH4 FPU-less codeGenerate SH4 codeGenerate SH4-100 FPU-less codeGenerate SH4-100 codeGenerate SH4-200 FPU-less codeGenerate SH4-200 codeGenerate SH4-300 FPU-less codeGenerate SH4-300 codeGenerate SH4a FPU-less codeGenerate SH4a codeGenerate SH4al-dsp codeGenerate SHcompact codeGenerate SPE SIMD instructions on E500Generate VRSAVE instructions when generating AltiVec codeGenerate a #line directive pointing at the current working directoryGenerate a call to abort if a noreturn function returnsGenerate a single exit point for each functionGenerate auto-inc/dec instructionsGenerate big endian codeGenerate big-endian codeGenerate bit instructionsGenerate branch hints for branchesGenerate call insns as indirect calls, if necessaryGenerate checks for references to NULLGenerate cld instruction in the function prologue.Generate code for 18 bit addressingGenerate code for 32 bit addressingGenerate code for GNU asGenerate code for GNU assembler (gas)Generate code for GNU ldGenerate code for GNU runtime environmentGenerate code for NeXT (Apple Mac OS X) runtime environmentGenerate code for SH4 340 series (MMU/FPU-less)Generate code for SH4 400 series (MMU/FPU-less)Generate code for SH4 500 series (FPU-less).Generate code for UNIX assemblerGenerate code for a 5206eGenerate code for a 520XGenerate code for a 528xGenerate code for a 5307Generate code for a 5407Generate code for a 68000Generate code for a 68010Generate code for a 68020Generate code for a 68030Generate code for a 68040Generate code for a 68040, without any new instructionsGenerate code for a 68060Generate code for a 68060, without any new instructionsGenerate code for a 68302Generate code for a 68332Generate code for a 68851Generate code for a ColdFire v4eGenerate code for a DLLGenerate code for a Fido AGenerate code for a cpu32Generate code for an 11/10Generate code for an 11/40Generate code for an 11/45Generate code for darwin loadable kernel extensionsGenerate code for functions even if they are fully inlinedGenerate code for given CPUGenerate code for huge switch statementsGenerate code for old exec BSS PLTGenerate code for the Boehm GCGenerate code for the M*Core M210Generate code for the M*Core M340Generate code for the kernel or loadable kernel extensionsGenerate code in big endian modeGenerate code in little endian modeGenerate code suitable for executables (NOT shared libs)Generate code suitable for fast turn around debuggingGenerate code that can be safely linked with MIPS16 code.Generate code that can be used in SVR4-style dynamic objectsGenerate code that conforms to the given ABIGenerate code that uses 68881 floating-point instructionsGenerate code that won't be linked against any other ID shared libraries,Generate code to check bounds before indexing arraysGenerate code to check exception specificationsGenerate code to use a non-exec PLT and GOTGenerate code which uses hardware floating point instructionsGenerate code with library calls for floating pointGenerate code without GP regGenerate cpp defines for server IOGenerate cpp defines for workstation IOGenerate debug information in COFF formatGenerate debug information in STABS formatGenerate debug information in VMS formatGenerate debug information in XCOFF formatGenerate debug information in default extended formatGenerate debug information in default formatGenerate debug information in extended STABS formatGenerate debug information in extended XCOFF formatGenerate default single-precision SH4 codeGenerate default single-precision SH4-100 codeGenerate default single-precision SH4-200 codeGenerate default single-precision SH4-300 codeGenerate default single-precision SH4a codeGenerate divide results with reminder having the same sign as the divisor (not the dividend)Generate fast indirect callsGenerate floating point mathematics using given instruction setGenerate floating-point multiply-add instructionsGenerate inline floating point division, optimize for latencyGenerate inline floating point division, optimize for throughputGenerate inline integer division, optimize for latencyGenerate inline integer division, optimize for throughputGenerate inline square root, optimize for latencyGenerate inline square root, optimize for throughputGenerate instances of Class at runtimeGenerate isel instructionsGenerate lazy class lookup (via objc_getClass()) for use in Zero-Link modeGenerate little endian codeGenerate little-endian codeGenerate load/store multiple instructionsGenerate load/store with update instructionsGenerate make dependenciesGenerate make dependencies and compileGenerate normal-mode codeGenerate only single-precision SH4 codeGenerate only single-precision SH4-100 codeGenerate only single-precision SH4-200 codeGenerate only single-precision SH4-300 codeGenerate only single-precision SH4a codeGenerate pc-relative codeGenerate phony targets for all headersGenerate position-independent code for executables if possible (large mode)Generate position-independent code for executables if possible (small mode)Generate position-independent code if possible (large mode)Generate position-independent code if possible (small mode)Generate prefetch instructions, if available, for arrays in loopsGenerate re-entrant, PIC codeGenerate reciprocals instead of divss and sqrtss.Generate run time type descriptor informationGenerate self-relocatable codeGenerate sin, cos, sqrt for FPUGenerate special Objective-C methods to initialize/destroy non-POD C++ ivars, if neededGenerate string instructions for block movesGenerate unwind tables that are exact at each instruction boundaryGenerate warnings when inefficient code is known to be generated.Generated should be loaded by bootstrap loaderGeneric function '%s' at %L is not consistent with a specific intrinsic interfaceGeneric subroutine '%s' at %L is not consistent with an intrinsic subroutine interfaceGive branches their default costGive external symbols a leading underscoreGlobal name '%s' at %L is already being used as a %s at %LGraphite loop optimizations cannot be usedHistogram value statement does not correspond to the statement it is associated withHost associated variable '%s' may not be in the DATA statement at %CICE: emit_insn used where emit_jump_insn needed: ID of shared library to buildIF clause at %L requires a scalar LOGICAL expressionIMPORT statement at %C only permitted in an INTERFACE bodyINQUIRE statement at %L cannot contain both FILE and UNIT specifiersINQUIRE statement at %L requires a PENDING= specifier with the ID= specifierINQUIRE statement at %L requires either FILE or UNIT specifierINQUIRE statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %CINTENT (%s) conflicts with INTENT(%s) at %LINTENT(%s) actual argument at %L might interfere with actual argument at %L.INTERFACE procedure '%s' at %L has the same name as the enclosing procedureIOLENGTH tag invalid in INQUIRE statement at %CISO C does not allow extra %<;%> outside of a functionISO C does not support %<++%> and %<--%> on complex typesISO C does not support %<~%> for complex conjugationISO C does not support complex integer typesISO C does not support decimal floating pointISO C does not support fixed-point typesISO C does not support plain % meaning %ISO C does not support saturating typesISO C forbids %ISO C forbids % with expression, in function returning voidISO C forbids an empty translation unitISO C forbids assignment between function pointer and %ISO C forbids braced-groups within expressionsISO C forbids casting nonscalar to the same typeISO C forbids casts to union typeISO C forbids comparison of % with function pointerISO C forbids conditional expr between % and function pointerISO C forbids conditional expr with only one void sideISO C forbids const or volatile function typesISO C forbids conversion of function pointer to object pointer typeISO C forbids conversion of object pointer to function pointer typeISO C forbids empty initializer bracesISO C forbids forward parameter declarationsISO C forbids forward references to % typesISO C forbids initialization between function pointer and %ISO C forbids label declarationsISO C forbids member declarations with no membersISO C forbids nested functionsISO C forbids omitting the middle term of a ?: expressionISO C forbids ordered comparisons of pointers to functionsISO C forbids passing argument %d of %qE between function pointer and %ISO C forbids qualified function typesISO C forbids return between function pointer and %ISO C forbids specifying range of elements to initializeISO C forbids subscripting % arrayISO C prohibits argument conversion to union typeISO C requires a named argument before %<...%>ISO C restricts enumerator values to range of %ISO C++ 1998 does not support %ISO C++ 1998 forbids the use of % on explicit instantiationsISO C++ does not allow designated initializersISO C++ does not permit %<%T::%D%> to be defined as %<%T::%D%>ISO C++ forbids applying %<__alignof%> to an expression of function typeISO C++ forbids applying % to an expression of function typeISO C++ forbids braced-groups within expressionsISO C++ forbids calling %<::main%> from within programISO C++ forbids casting between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-objectISO C++ forbids casting to an array type %qTISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integerISO C++ forbids compound-literalsISO C++ forbids computed gotosISO C++ forbids declaration of %qs with no typeISO C++ forbids decrementing a pointer of type %qTISO C++ forbids decrementing an enumISO C++ forbids in-class initialization of non-const static member %qDISO C++ forbids incrementing a pointer of type %qTISO C++ forbids incrementing an enumISO C++ forbids initialization of member constant %qD of non-integral type %qTISO C++ forbids nested type %qD with same name as enclosing classISO C++ forbids omitting the middle term of a ?: expressionISO C++ forbids subscripting non-lvalue arrayISO C++ forbids taking address of function %<::main%>ISO C++ forbids taking the address of a bound member function to form a pointer to member function. Say %<&%T::%D%>ISO C++ forbids taking the address of a cast to a non-lvalue expressionISO C++ forbids taking the address of an unqualified or parenthesized non-static member function to form a pointer to member function. Say %<&%T::%D%>ISO C++ forbids the use of %qE on explicit instantiationsISO C++ forbids using pointer of type % in subtractionISO C++ forbids using pointer to a function in subtractionISO C++ forbids using pointer to a method in subtractionISO C++ forbids variable length arrayISO C++ forbids variable length array %qDISO C++ forbids zero-size arrayISO C++ forbids zero-size array %qDISO C++ prohibits anonymous structsISO C++ prohibits overloading operator ?:ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous, even though the worst conversion for the first is better than the worst conversion for the second:ISO C90 does not support %<[*]%> array declaratorsISO C90 does not support %ISO C90 does not support % or type qualifiers in parameter array declaratorsISO C90 does not support complex typesISO C90 does not support flexible array membersISO C90 forbids array whose size can%'t be evaluatedISO C90 forbids compound literalsISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and codeISO C90 forbids specifying subobject to initializeISO C90 forbids subscripting non-lvalue arrayISO C90 forbids variable length arrayIf -ftree-vectorize is used, the minimal loop bound of a loop to be considered for vectorizationIf -fvariable-expansion-in-unroller is used, the maximum number of times that an individual variable will be expanded during loop unrollingIf first argument of ATAN2 %L is zero, then the second argument must not be zeroIf number of candidates in the set is smaller, we always try to remove unused ivs during its optimizationIf scheduling post reload, do superblock schedulingIf set, control speculative instructions will be chosen for schedule only if there are no other choices at the moment If set, data speculative instructions will be chosen for schedule only if there are no other choices at the moment Ignore 'D' in column one in fixed formIgnore dllimport for functionsIgnore read operations when inserting mudflap instrumentationIgnored (obsolete)Illegal character in BOZ constant at %CIllegal reference type at %L as EQUIVALENCE objectIllegal stride of zero at %LImplicitly declared BIND(C) function '%s' at %L may not be C interoperableImplicitly declared BIND(C) variable '%s' at %L may not be C interoperableImplicitly declared variable '%s' at %L may not be C interoperable but it is a dummy argument to the BIND(C) procedure '%s' at %LImplicitly typed PARAMETER '%s' at %L doesn't match a later IMPLICIT typeIn %+D: overlapped variable and exception ranges at %dIn function %qsIn member function %qsIncompatible derived type in PARAMETER at %LIncompatible ranks %d and %d in assignment at %LIncompatible ranks in %s (%d and %d) at %LIncompatible types in DATA statement at %L; attempted conversion of %s to %sInconsistent equivalence rules involving '%s' at %L and '%s' at %LInconsistent ranks for operator at %%L and %%LIncorrect function return valueIndex in dimension %d is out of bounds at %LInitialization at %C is not allowed in a PURE procedureInitialization at %C isn't for a pointer variableInitialization of allocatable component at %C is not allowedInitialization of pointer at %C is not allowed in a PURE procedureInitialization of variable at %C is not allowed in a PURE procedureInitialize local variables to zero (from g77)Initialized symbol '%s' at %C can only be COMMON in BLOCK DATAInitialized variable '%s' at %L is in a blank COMMON but initialization is only allowed in named common blocksInitializer not allowed for PARAMETER '%s' at %CInitializing already initialized variable at %CInject friend functions into enclosing namespaceInline all known string operationsInline constants if it can be done in 2 insns or lessInline memset/memcpy string operations, but perform inline version only for small blocksInline recursively only when the probability of call being executed exceeds the parameterInput file is a file with a list of filenames to compileInsert arc-based program profiling codeInsert code to profile values of expressionsInsert hbrp instructions after hinted branch targets to avoid the SPU hang issueInsert nops when it might improve performance by allowing dual issue (default)Insert stack checking code into the program. Same as -fstack-check=specificInstrument function entry and exit with profiling callsInteger expression required at %CInteger kind %d at %C not availableInteger outside symmetric range implied by Standard Fortran at %LInteger outside symmetric range implied by Standard Fortran converting %s to %s at %LInteger overflowInteger too big for integer kind %i at %CInteger too big for its kind at %C. This check can be disabled with the option -fno-range-checkInteger too large at %CInteger value too large in expression at %CInternal Error at (1):Internal compiler error: Error reporting routines re-entered. Internal unit with vector subscript at %LIntersperse literal pools with code in the text sectionIntrinsic '%s' (is %s) is used at %LIntrinsic '%s' at %L cannot have an initializerIntrinsic '%s' at %L is not allowed as an actual argumentIntrinsic '%s' at %L must have at least two argumentsIntrinsic TRANSFER at %L has partly undefined result: source size %ld < result size %ldIntrinsic function %s(%d) not recognizedIntrinsic function '%s' at %L is not permitted in an initialization expressionIntrinsic operator '%s' referenced at %L not found in module '%s'Intrinsic operator interface at %L must be a FUNCTIONIntrinsic subroutine '%s' at %L shall not have a type specifierInvalid C name in NAME= specifier at %CInvalid Hollerith constant at %L contains a wide characterInvalid Hollerith constant: %L must contain at least one characterInvalid Hollerith constant: Integer kind at %L should be defaultInvalid KIND parameter of %s at %LInvalid character '$' at %C. Use -fdollar-ok to allow it as an extensionInvalid character in name at %CInvalid context for NULL() pointer at %%LInvalid form of PROGRAM statement at %CInvalid form of WRITE statement at %L, UNIT requiredInvalid form of array reference at %CInvalid kind %d for CHARACTER constant at %CInvalid kind for %s at %LInvalid procedure pointer assignment at %LInvalid real kind %d at %CInvalid value for %s specification at %CIssue warnings needed for strict compliance to the standardIterator step at %L cannot be zeroJava class %q#T object allocated using placement newJava class %qT cannot have a destructorJava class %qT cannot have an implicit non-trivial destructorJava class %qT cannot have multiple basesJava class %qT cannot have virtual basesJava method %qD has non-Java parameter type %qTJava method %qD has non-Java return type %qTJava object %qD not allocated with %Jump targets are aligned to this power of 2Junk after CALL at %CJunk after GENERIC binding at %CJust generate unwind tables for exception handlingJust use icc0/fcc0KIND parameter of %s at %L must be an initialization expressionKeyword '%s' at %C has already appeared in the current argument listKeyword argument '%s' at %L is already associated with another actual argumentKeyword argument '%s' at %L is not in the procedureKeyword argument requires explicit interface for procedure '%s' at %LKind %d is not supported for CHARACTER at %CKind %d not supported for type %s at %CL%d cache latency unknown for %sLCFI labels have already been deferred.LOGICAL operands are required in expression at %LLabel %d at %C already referenced as a format labelLabel %d at %C already referenced as branch targetLabel %d at %C previously used as a FORMAT labelLabel %d at %C previously used as branch targetLabel %d at %L defined but cannot be usedLabel %d at %L defined but not usedLabel %d referenced at %L is never definedLabel '%s' at %C doesn't match IF label '%s'Label '%s' at %C doesn't match WHERE label '%s'Label at %L is not in the same block as the GOTO statement at %LLabel name '%s' at %C is ambiguousLetter %c already has an IMPLICIT type at %CLetter '%c' already set in IMPLICIT statement at %CLetters must be in alphabetic order in IMPLICIT statement at %CLift restrictions on GOT sizeLike -M but ignore system header filesLike -MD but ignore system header filesLike -pedantic but issue them as errorsLimit of %d continuations exceeded in statement at %CLines executed:%s of %d Link to emit program in ELF format (rather than mmo)Link with libads.a, libc.a and crt0.oLink with libmvme.a, libc.a and crt0.oLink with libsim.a, libc.a and sim-crt0.oLink with libyk.a, libc.a and crt0.oLink with the fast floating-point libraryLink with the library-pic librariesList all available debugging counters with their limits and counts.Logical SELECT CASE block at %L has more that two casesLogical range in CASE statement at %L is not allowedLogicals at %%L must be compared with %s instead of %sLook for and use PCH files even when preprocessingLoop code aligned to this power of 2Loop variable at %C cannot be a sub-componentLoops iterating at least selected number of iterations will get loop alignement.Lower array reference at %L is out of bounds (%ld < %ld) in dimension %dLower array reference at %L is out of bounds (%ld > %ld) in dimension %dMCU %qs supported for assembler onlyMIPS16 -mxgot codeMIPS16 PIC for ABIs other than o32 and o64MMIX Internal: %s is not a shiftable intMMIX Internal: Bad register: %dMMIX Internal: Bad value for 'm', not a CONST_INTMMIX Internal: Cannot decode this operandMMIX Internal: Expected a CONST_INT, not thisMMIX Internal: Expected a constant, not thisMMIX Internal: Expected a register, not thisMMIX Internal: Last named vararg would not fit in a registerMMIX Internal: Missing %qc case in mmix_print_operandMMIX Internal: This is not a constant:MMIX Internal: This is not a recognized addressMMIX Internal: Trying to output invalidly reversed condition:MMIX Internal: What is the CC of this?MMIX Internal: What's the CC of this?MMX vector argument without MMX enabled changes the ABIMMX vector return without MMX enabled changes the ABIMODULE PROCEDURE at %C must be in a generic module interfaceMULT case in cris_op_strMagnitude of second argument of ISHFTC exceeds BIT_SIZE of first argument at %LMaintain backchain pointerMake "char" signed by defaultMake "char" unsigned by defaultMake integers 32 bits wideMake structs a multiple of 4 bytes (warning: ABI altered)Make sure loads and stores are not moved past DMA instructionsMap one directory name to another in debug informationMark MAC register as call-clobberedMaximal code growth caused by tail duplication (in percent)Maximal growth due to inlining of large function (in percent)Maximal stack frame growth due to inlining (in percent)Maximum length of partial antic set when performing tree pre optimizationMaximum number of fields in a structure before pointer analysis treats the structure as a single variableMaximum number of instructions in the ready list that are considered eligible for renamingMaximum number of nops to insert for a hint (Default 2)Maximum number of statements allowed in a block that needs to be duplicated when threading jumpsMaximum number of times that an insn could be scheduledMaximum size of a SCC before SCCVN stops processing a functionMaximum subrecord length cannot exceed %dMaximum supported identifier length is %dMemory allocation failedMinimal distance between possibly conflicting store and loadMinimum heap expansion to trigger garbage collection, as a percentage of the total size of the heapMinimum heap size before we start collecting garbage, in kilobytesMissing '&' in continued character constant at %CMissing '(' in statement at or before %LMissing ')' in statement at or before %LMissing actual argument '%s' in call to '%s' at %LMissing actual argument for argument '%s' at %LMissing alternate return spec in subroutine call at %LMissing argument list in function '%s' at %CMissing argument to '%s' at %CMissing array specification at %L in DIMENSION statementMissing character range in IMPLICIT at %CMissing closing paren for binding label at %CMissing closing quote '"' for binding label at %CMissing closing quote ''' for binding label at %CMissing dimension specification at %CMissing entity or common block name for attribute specification statement at %CMissing exponent in real number at %CMissing format label at %CMissing generic specification in USE statement at %CMissing keyword name in actual argument list at %CMissing kind-parameter at %CMissing leading left parenthesisMissing required parentheses before BIND(C) at %CMissing right parenthesis at %CMissing right parenthesis or comma at %CModule %s at line %d column %d: %sModule nature in USE statement at %C shall be either INTRINSIC or NON_INTRINSICMore actual than formal arguments in '%s' call at %LMore actual than formal arguments in procedure call at %LMove loop invariant computations out of loopsMultiple identifiers provided with single NAME= specifier at %CNAME not allowed on BIND(C) for ABSTRACT INTERFACE at %CNAMELIST object '%s' has PRIVATE components and cannot be a member of PUBLIC namelist '%s' at %LNAMELIST object '%s' has use-associated PRIVATE components and cannot be member of namelist '%s' at %LNAMELIST object '%s' was declared PRIVATE and cannot be member of PUBLIC namelist '%s' at %LNOTE_INSN_BASIC_BLOCK %d in middle of basic block %dNOTE_INSN_BASIC_BLOCK is missing for block %dNULL appears on right-hand side in assignment at %LNULL pointer at %L is not permitted as actual argument of '%s' intrinsic functionNULL used in arithmeticNULL() initialization at %C is ambiguousNUM_THREADS clause at %L requires a scalar INTEGER expressionName '%s' at %C is already defined as a generic interface at %LName '%s' at %C is an ambiguous reference to '%s' from current program unitName '%s' at %C is the name of the procedureName '%s' of ABSTRACT INTERFACE at %C cannot be the same as an intrinsic typeName after !$omp critical and !$omp end critical does not match at %CName at %C is too longName too longNamed constant '%s' at %L cannot be an EQUIVALENCE objectNamed constant at %C in an EQUIVALENCENamelist %s cannot be renamed by USE association to %sNamelist group name '%s' at %C already has a basic type of %sNamelist group name '%s' at %C already is USE associated and cannot be respecified.Need either entity or common block name for attribute specification statement at %CNo binding name is allowed in BIND(C) at %CNo branches No calls No default crt0.oNo executable lines No initializer for component '%s' given in the structure constructor at %C!No such symbol in TYPE definition at %CNon-ELEMENTAL user-defined assignment in WHERE at %LNon-RECURSIVE procedure '%s' at %L is possibly calling itself recursively. Declare it RECURSIVE or use -frecursiveNon-THREADPRIVATE object '%s' in COPYIN clause at %LNon-extensible derived-type '%s' at %L must not be ABSTRACTNon-numeric character in statement label at %CNon-scalar FINAL procedure at %L should have assumed shape argumentNonconforming tab character at %CNonconforming tab character in column %d of line %dNonconstant array section at %L in DATA statementNonnegative width requiredNonstandard type declaration %s*%d at %CNot a valid Java .class file. Number of registers used to pass integer argumentsNumeric PARAMETER required in complex constant at %CNumeric operands are required in expression at %LNumeric or CHARACTER operands are required in expression at %LOPEN statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %CObject '%s' is not a variable at %LObjective-C declarations may only appear in global scopeOld-style type declaration %s*%d not supported at %COmit frame pointer for leaf functionsOmit range reduction step when performing complex divisionOmit the frame pointer in leaf functionsOnly array FINAL procedures declared for derived type '%s' defined at %L, suggest also scalar oneOnly generate absolute relocations on word sized values.Only intrinsic operators can be used in expression at %LOnly issue one instruction per cycleOnly use 32 FPRsOnly use 32 GPRsOpenMP directives at %C may not appear in PURE or ELEMENTAL proceduresOperand of .not. operator at %%L is %sOperand of unary numeric operator '%s' at %%L is %sOperand of user operator '%s' at %%L is %sOperands of binary numeric operator '%s' at %%L are %s/%sOperands of comparison operator '%s' at %%L are %s/%sOperands of logical operator '%s' at %%L are %s/%sOperands of string concatenation operator at %%L are %s/%sOperands of user operator '%s' at %%L are %s/%sOperator interface at %L conflicts with intrinsic interfaceOperator interface at %L has the wrong number of argumentsOperator interface at %L must have, at most, two argumentsOptimize for space rather than speedOptimize induction variables on treesOptimize lui/addiu address loadsOptimize sibling and tail recursive callsOptimize tail call instructions in assembler and linkerOptions: Out of stack space. Output a class fileOverlapping unequal initializers in EQUIVALENCE at %LOverride -mbest-lib-optionsP descriptor requires leading scale factorPARAMETER '%s' is used at %L before its definition is completePARAMETER at %L is missing an initializerPHI argument is missing for edge %d->%dPHI argument is not SSA_NAME, or invariantPIC code generation is not compatible with fast indirect callsPIC code generation is not supported in the portable runtime modelPIC is only supported for RTPsPIC is required but not supported with CONST16 instructionsPIC register isn't set upPOINTER object '%s' in %s clause at %LPRINT namelist at %C is an extensionPRINT statement at %C not allowed within PURE procedurePRINT_OPERAND null pointerPRINT_OPERAND: Unknown punctuation '%c'PRINT_OPERAND_ADDRESS, null pointerPRIVATE statement at %C is only allowed in the specification part of a modulePRIVATE statement at %C must precede procedure bindingsPRIVATE statement at %C must precede structure componentsPRIVATE statement in TYPE at %C must be inside a MODULEPROCEDURE at %C must be in a generic interfacePROCEDURE attribute conflicts with INTENT attribute in '%s' at %LPROCEDURE attribute conflicts with NAMELIST attribute in '%s' at %LPROCEDURE attribute conflicts with SAVE attribute in '%s' at %LPROTECTED at %C only allowed in specification part of a modulePUBLIC statement at %C is only allowed in the specification part of a modulePUT uses port array index %d, which is out of range [%d..%d)Pack VLIW instructionsPack structure members together without holesPadding of %d bytes required before '%s' in COMMON '%s' at %L; reorder elements or use -fno-align-commonsParameter '%s' at %L has not been declared or is a variable, which does not reduce to a constant expressionParameter '%s' to '%s' at %L must be a scalarParameter '%s' to '%s' at %L must be either a TARGET or an associated pointerParameter array '%s' at %L cannot be automatic or of deferred shapePass FP arguments in FP registersPassed-object at %L must be scalarPassed-object dummy argument of '%s' at %L must be at the same position as the passed-object dummy argument of the overridden procedurePassing internal procedure at %L by location not allowedPerform DWARF2 duplicate eliminationPerform Interprocedural constant propagationPerform SMS based modulo scheduling before the first scheduling passPerform SMS based modulo scheduling with register moves allowedPerform VR4130-specific alignment optimizationsPerform Value Range Propagation on treesPerform a forward propagation pass on RTLPerform a number of minor, expensive optimizationsPerform a register copy-propagation optimization passPerform a register renaming optimization passPerform branch target load optimization after prologue / epilogue threadingPerform branch target load optimization before prologue / epilogue threadingPerform cloning to make Interprocedural constant propagation strongerPerform conversion of conditional jumps to branchless equivalentsPerform conversion of conditional jumps to conditional executionPerform conversions of switch initializations.Perform cross-jumping optimizationPerform early inliningPerform enhanced load motion during global common subexpression eliminationPerform global common subexpression eliminationPerform global common subexpression elimination after register allocationPerform indirect inliningPerform interprocedural points-to analysisPerform jump threading optimizationsPerform live range splitting during the SSA->normal passPerform loop peelingPerform loop unrolling for all loopsPerform loop unrolling when iteration count is knownPerform loop unswitchingPerform redundant load after store elimination in global common subexpressionPerform scalar replacement of aggregatesPerform software pipelining of inner loops during selective schedulingPerform software pipelining of outer loops during selective schedulingPerform store motion after global common subexpression eliminationPerform superblock formation via tail duplicationPerform unused type elimination in debug infoPerform variable trackingPerform variable tracking and also tag variables that are uninitializedPerform whole program optimizationsPermit '$' as an identifier characterPermit nonconforming uses of the tab characterPermit scheduling of a function's prologue sequencePermit the use of the assert keywordPermit universal character names (\u and \U) in identifiersPlace a stop bit after every cycle when schedulingPlace data items into their own sectionPlace each function into its own sectionPlace floating point constants in TOCPlace symbol+offset constants in TOCPointer array component of structure at %C must have a deferred shapePointer assignment target has PROTECTED attribute at %LPointer assignment target is neither TARGET nor POINTER at %LPointer assignment target is not a POINTER at %LPointer assignment with vector subscript on rhs at %LPointer initialization at %C requires '=>', not '='Pointer-array actual argument at %L requires an assumed-shape or pointer-array dummy argument '%s' due to VOLATILE attributePointers are 32-bitPointers are 64-bitPositive exponent width requiredPositive width requiredPositive width required with T descriptorPrefer branches over conditional executionPrefer word accesses over byte accessesPrepend global symbols with ":" (for use with PREFIX)Preprocess directives only.Pretend a branch-around-a-move is a conditional move.Pretend that branches are expensivePrevent the use of all floating-point operationsPrevent the use of all hardware floating-point instructionsPrint code coverage information. Print extra (possibly unwanted) warningsPrint the name of header files as they are usedProcedure '%s' at %C has an explicit interface and must not have attributes declared at %LProcedure '%s' at %C is already defined at %LProcedure '%s' at %L has the same name as a component of '%s'Procedure '%s' at %L has the same name as an inherited component of '%s'Procedure '%s' at %L must have the BIND(C) attribute to be C interoperableProcedure '%s' called with an implicit interface at %LProcedure '%s' in %s at %L has no explicit interfaceProcedure '%s' in %s at %L is neither function nor subroutineProcedure '%s' with PASS at %L must have at least one argumentProcedure '%s' with PASS(%s) at %L has no argument '%s'Procedure argument at %L is local to a PURE procedure and has the POINTER attributeProcess #ident directivesProduce a backtrace when a runtime error is encounteredProduce a warning at runtime if a array temporary has been created for a procedure argumentProduce big endian codeProduce code relocatable at runtimeProduce little endian codeProgram is entirely located in low 64k of memoryProhibit PC relative function callsProvide libraries for the simulatorPut everything in the regular TOCPut jumps in call delay slotsPut uninitialized constants in ROM (needs -membedded-data)Put zero initialized data in the bss sectionRESULT variable at %C must be different than function nameRETURN_ADDRESS_OFFSET not supportedRTL check: access of elt %d of '%s' with last elt %d in %s, at %s:%dRTL check: access of elt %d of vector with last elt %d in %s, at %s:%dRTL check: attempt to treat non-block symbol as a block symbol in %s, at %s:%dRTL check: expected code '%s' or '%s', have '%s' in %s, at %s:%dRTL check: expected code '%s', have '%s' in %s, at %s:%dRTL check: expected elt %d type '%c' or '%c', have '%c' (rtx %s) in %s, at %s:%dRTL check: expected elt %d type '%c', have '%c' (rtx %s) in %s, at %s:%dRTL flag check: %s used with unexpected rtx code '%s' in %s, at %s:%dRTP PIC is incompatible with -msingle-pic-baseRTP PIC is incompatible with ThumbRange specification at %L can never be matchedRank mismatch in array reference at %L (%d/%d)Reading file '%s' as free formReading module %s at line %d column %d: %sReading specs from %s Real constant overflows its kind at %CReal constant underflows its kind at %CReal number at %C has a 'd' exponent and an explicit kindRealign stack in prologueRecognize C++ keywords like "compl" and "xor"Recognize GNU-defined keywordsRecognize built-in functionsRecognize the "asm" keywordRecord gcc command line switches in the object file.Reduce the amount of reflection meta-data generatedRelax branchesRemap file names when including filesRemove redundant membarsReorder basic blocks and partition into hot and cold sectionsReorder basic blocks to improve code placementReorder functions to improve code placementReorder top level functions, variables, and asmsReplace SSA temporaries with better names in copiesReplace add, compare, branch with branch on count registerReplace temporary expressions in the SSA->normal passReport on memory allocation before interprocedural optimizationReport on permanent memory allocationReport the time taken by each compiler passRequest IEEE-conformant math library routines (OSF/1)Reschedule instructions after register allocationReschedule instructions before register allocationReschedule pipelined regions without pipeliningReserve space for outgoing arguments in the function prologueRestrict target load migration not to re-use registers in any basic blockRestrict the use of hardware floating-point instructions to 32-bit operationsResult '%s' of contained function '%s' at %L has no IMPLICIT typeResult of %s gives range error for its kind at %LResult of %s is NaN at %LResult of %s overflows its kind at %LResult of %s underflows its kind at %LResult of NEAREST is NaN at %LResult of SCALE overflows its kind at %LReturn all structures in memory (AIX default)Return floating-point results in ac0 (fr0 in Unix assembler syntax)Return pointers in both a0 and d0Return small aggregates in memory, not registersReturn small aggregates in registersReturn small structures in registers (SVR4 default)Return type of BIND(C) function '%s' at %L cannot be a character stringReturn type of BIND(C) function '%s' at %L cannot be an arrayReturn value of function '%s' at %L not setReturn values of functions in FPU registersReuse r30 on a per function basisRightmost upper bound of assumed size array section not specified at %LRun predictive commoning optimization.Run selective scheduling after reloadRuntime name.SAVE attribute at %L cannot be specified in a PURE procedureSAVE statement at %C follows blanket SAVE statementSCHEDULE clause's chunk_size at %L requires a scalar INTEGER expressionSEQUENCE attribute at %C already specified in TYPE statementSEQUENCE statement at %C must precede CONTAINSSEQUENCE statement at %C must precede structure componentsSH2a does not support little-endianSSA corruptionSSA name in freelist but still referencedSSA_NAME created in two different blocks %i and %iSSA_NAME_DEF_STMT is wrongSSA_NAME_OCCURS_IN_ABNORMAL_PHI should be setSSE instruction set disabled, using 387 arithmeticsSSE register argument with SSE disabledSSE register return with SSE disabledSSE vector argument without SSE enabled changes the ABISSE vector return without SSE enabled changes the ABISUBROUTINE '%s' at %L cannot be called recursively, as it is not RECURSIVESame actual argument associated with INTENT(%s) argument '%s' and INTENT(%s) argument '%s' at %LSame as -fassociative-math for expressions which include division.Same as: -mep -mprolog-functionSave registers around function callsScalar '%s' in FORMAT tag at %L is not an ASSIGNED variableScalar PARAMETER required in complex constant at %CScalar object '%s' at %L may not be ALLOCATABLESchedule code for given CPUSchedule given CPUSchedule instructions using selective scheduling algorithmSchedule the start and end of the procedureScope of for-init-statement variables is local to the loopSecond argument MOD at %L is zeroSecond argument of MOD at %L is zeroSecond argument of MODULO at %L is zeroSecond argument of defined assignment at %L must be INTENT(IN)Second argument of operator interface at %L cannot be optionalSecond argument of operator interface at %L must be INTENT(IN)Segmentation FaultSegmentation Fault (code)Select ABI calling conventionSelect fraction of the maximal frequency of executions of basic block in function given basic block get alignmentSelect fraction of the maximal frequency of executions of basic block in function given basic block needs to have to be considered hotSelect method for sdata handlingSelection expression in computed GOTO statement at %L must be a scalar integer expressionSemicolon at %C needs to be preceded by statementSet Windows definesSet default accessibility of module entities to PRIVATE.Set dependence distance checking in premature scheduling of queued insnsSet errno after built-in math functionsSet sizeof(bool) to 1Set start-address of dataSet start-address of the programSet the PPC_EMB bit in the ELF flags headerSet the cost of branchesSet the default double precision kind to an 8 byte wide typeSet the default integer kind to an 8 byte wide typeSet the default real kind to an 8 byte wide typeSet the max size of data eligible for the SDA areaSet the max size of data eligible for the TDA areaSet the max size of data eligible for the ZDA areaSet the max. number of bytes which has to be left to stack size before a trap instruction is triggeredSet the maximum amount for a single stack increment operationSet the source language versionSet the target CPU typeSet the target VM versionSet the top-level directory for storing the profile data.Setting spec %s to '%s' Shapes for operands at %L and %L are not conformableShare slots for saving different hard registers.Share stack slots for spilled pseudo-registers.Shorten address references during linkingSingle-precision floating point unitSize of '%s' argument of '%s' intrinsic at %L too small (%i/%i)Small data area: none, sdata, useSoft limit on number of memory insns per instruction group, giving lower priority to subsequent memory insns attempting to schedule in the same insn group. Frequently useful to prevent cache bank conflicts. Default value is 1Specification function '%s' at %L cannot be RECURSIVESpecification function '%s' at %L cannot be a statement functionSpecification function '%s' at %L cannot be an internal functionSpecification function '%s' at %L must be PURESpecify CPU for code generation purposesSpecify CPU for scheduling purposesSpecify CPU for scheduling purposes. Valid arguments are 700, 7100, 7100LC, 7200, 7300, and 8000Specify UNIX standard for predefines and linkingSpecify Xilinx FPU.Specify alignment of structure fields default/naturalSpecify an ABISpecify bit size of immediate TLS offsetsSpecify cache flush functionSpecify cache flush trap numberSpecify cost of branches (Default 20)Specify how to access the thread pointerSpecify if floating point hardware should be usedSpecify main object for TPF-OSSpecify name for 32 bit signed division functionSpecify range of registers to make fixedSpecify scheduling priority for dispatch slot restricted insnsSpecify that an external BLAS library should be used for matmul calls on large-size arraysSpecify that backslash in string introduces an escape characterSpecify that no implicit typing is allowed, unless overridden by explicit IMPLICIT statementsSpecify the minimum bit alignment of structuresSpecify the name of the target CPUSpecify the name of the target architectureSpecify the name of the target floating point hardware/formatSpecify the register to be used for PIC addressingSpecify the target CPUSpecify where to find the compiled intrinsic modulesSpecify whether the byte access instructions should be used. Enabled by default.Specify which post scheduling nop insertion scheme to applySpecify which type of AE to target. This option sets the mul-type and byte-access.Specify which type of multiplication to use. Can be mem, mac or none.Split lifetimes of induction variables when loops are unrolledSplit wide types into independent registersStatement at %L is not a valid branch target statement for the branch statement at %LStatement function '%s' at %L is not allowed as an actual argumentStatement function '%s' requires argument list at %CStatement function at %L is recursiveStatement label at %C is zeroStatement label in ENDDO at %C doesn't match DO labelStatement label list in GOTO at %C cannot be emptyStatically link the GNU Fortran helper library (libgfortran)Step expression in DO loop at %L cannot be zeroStop forward growth if the probability of best edge is less than this threshold (in percent). Used when profile feedback is availableStop forward growth if the probability of best edge is less than this threshold (in percent). Used when profile feedback is not availableStop reverse growth if the reverse probability of best edge is less than this threshold (in percent)Store function names in object codeStructure component '%s' at %L cannot be an EQUIVALENCE objectSubroutine '%s' at %L is INTRINSIC but is not compatible with an intrinsicSubroutine call to '%s' at %L is not PURESubroutine call to '%s' in FORALL block at %L is not PURESubroutine call to intrinsic '%s' at %L is not PURESubstring at %L has length zeroSubstring end index at %L exceeds the string lengthSubstring end index at %L must be of type INTEGERSubstring end index at %L must be scalarSubstring start index at %L is less than oneSubstring start index at %L must be of type INTEGERSubstring start index at %L must be scalarSum of second and third arguments of IBITS exceeds bit size at %LSupport 3DNow! built-in functionsSupport AES built-in functions and code generationSupport Athlon 3Dnow! built-in functionsSupport MMX and SSE built-in functions and code generationSupport MMX built-in functionsSupport MMX, SSE and SSE2 built-in functions and code generationSupport MMX, SSE, SSE2 and SSE3 built-in functions and code generationSupport MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 and SSE4A built-in functions and code generationSupport MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 and SSSE3 built-in functions and code generationSupport MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3 and SSE4.1 built-in functions and code generationSupport MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1 and SSE4.2 built-in functions and code generationSupport MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2 and AVX built-in functions and code generationSupport MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX and FMA built-in functions and code generationSupport PCLMUL built-in functions and code generationSupport SCORE 7 ISASupport SCORE 7D ISASupport calls between Thumb and ARM instruction setsSupport code generation of Advanced Bit Manipulation (ABM) instructions.Support code generation of cmpxchg16b instruction.Support code generation of popcnt instruction.Support code generation of sahf instruction in 64bit x86-64 code.Support legacy multi-threadingSupport message passing with the Parallel EnvironmentSupport more than 8192 GOT entries on ColdFireSupport multi-threadingSupport multiply accumulate instructionsSupport synchronous non-call exceptionsSuppress output of addresses in debugging dumpsSuppress output of instruction numbers, line number notes and addresses in debugging dumpsSuppress warningsSwap endianness for unformatted filesSwitch on/off MIPS16 ASE on alternating functions for compiler testingSymbol '%s' already declaredSymbol '%s' at %C has already been host associatedSymbol '%s' at %C is already an external symbol that is not COMMONSymbol '%s' at %C is already in a COMMON blockSymbol '%s' at %C is ambiguousSymbol '%s' at %C must be a NAMELIST group nameSymbol '%s' at %L already has an explicit interfaceSymbol '%s' at %L cannot have a typeSymbol '%s' at %L has no IMPLICIT typeSymbol '%s' at %L is ambiguousSymbol '%s' at %L is marked PRIVATE but has been given the binding label '%s'Symbol '%s' in COMMON at %C cannot be a POINTER arraySymbol '%s' in namelist '%s' is INTENT(IN) at %CSymbol '%s' is used before it is typed at %LSymbol '%s' must be a PARAMETER in DATA statement at %CSymbol '%s' present on multiple clauses at %LSymbol '%s' referenced at %L not found in intrinsic module ISO_C_BINDINGSymbol '%s' referenced at %L not found in intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENVSymbol '%s' referenced at %L not found in module '%s'Symbol '%s', in COMMON block '%s' at %C is being indirectly equivalenced to another COMMON block '%s'Symbol at %C is not appropriate for an expressionSymbol at %L is not a DUMMY variableSynonym for -WcommentSyntax error in !$OMP THREADPRIVATE list at %CSyntax error in %s statement at %CSyntax error in ABSTRACT INTERFACE statement at %CSyntax error in CHARACTER declaration at %CSyntax error in COMPLEX constant at %CSyntax error in ENUMERATOR definition at %CSyntax error in EQUIVALENCE statement at %LSyntax error in FORALL iterator at %CSyntax error in I/O iterator at %CSyntax error in IF-clause at %CSyntax error in IF-expression at %CSyntax error in IMPORT statement at %CSyntax error in NAME= specifier for binding label at %CSyntax error in OpenMP variable list at %CSyntax error in PROCEDURE statement at %CSyntax error in PROTECTED statement at %CSyntax error in SAVE statement at %CSyntax error in SUBSTRING specification at %CSyntax error in VALUE statement at %CSyntax error in VOLATILE statement at %CSyntax error in argument list at %CSyntax error in array constructor at %CSyntax error in character length specification at %CSyntax error in common block name at %CSyntax error in data declaration at %CSyntax error in expression at %CSyntax error in generic specification at %CSyntax error in iterator at %CSyntax error: Trailing garbage in END INTERFACE statement at %CSyntax error: Trailing garbage in INTERFACE statement at %CTHREADPRIVATE object '%s' in %s clause at %LTHREADPRIVATE object '%s' in SHARED clause at %LTaken at least once:%s of %d Target DFLOAT double precision codeTarget has split I&DTarget the AM33 processorTarget the AM33/2.0 processorTarget: %s The --param option recognizes the following as parametersThe CHARACTER elements of the array constructor at %L must have the same length (%d/%d)The DEFAULT CASE at %L cannot be followed by a second DEFAULT CASE at %LThe FORALL with index '%s' is not used on the left side of the assignment at %L and so might cause multiple assignment to this objectThe Hollerith constant at %L is too long to convert to %sThe INTENT(OUT) dummy argument '%s' at %L is ASSUMED SIZE and so cannot have a default initializerThe argument list functions %%VAL, %%LOC or %%REF are not allowed in this context at %LThe derived type '%s' at %L is of type '%s', which has not been definedThe earliest MacOS X version on which this program will runThe equivalence set for '%s' cause an invalid extension to COMMON '%s' at %LThe equivalence set for variable '%s' declared at %L violates alignment requirementsThe following options are language-independentThe following options are language-relatedThe following options are not documentedThe following options are specific to just the language The following options are supported by the language The following options are target specificThe following options control compiler warning messagesThe following options control optimizationsThe following options take joined argumentsThe following options take separate argumentsThe impure variable at %L is assigned to a derived type variable with a POINTER component in a PURE procedure (12.6)The intrinsic '%s' at %L is not included in the selected standard but %s and '%s' will be treated as if declared EXTERNAL. Use an appropriate -std=* option or define -fall-intrinsics to allow this intrinsic.The intrinsic '%s' declared INTRINSIC at %L is not available in the current standard settings but %s. Use an appropriate -std=* option or enable -fall-intrinsics in order to use it.The lower bound for a buffer to be considered for stack smashing protectionThe maximum amount of memory to be allocated by GCSEThe maximum conflict delay for an insn to be considered for speculative motionThe maximum depth of recursive inlining for inline functionsThe maximum depth of recursive inlining for non-inline functionsThe maximum expansion factor when copying basic blocksThe maximum instructions CSE process before flushingThe maximum length of path considered in cseThe maximum length of scheduling's pending operations listThe maximum memory locations recorded by cselibThe maximum number of RTL nodes that can be recorded as combiner's last valueThe maximum number of blocks in a region to be considered for interblock schedulingThe maximum number of incoming edges to consider for crossjumpingThe maximum number of insns in a region to be considered for interblock schedulingThe maximum number of insns of a completely peeled loopThe maximum number of insns of a peeled loopThe maximum number of insns of a peeled loop that rolls only onceThe maximum number of insns of an unswitched loopThe maximum number of insns to duplicate when unfactoring computed gotosThe maximum number of instructions in a single function eligible for inliningThe maximum number of instructions inline function can grow to via recursive inliningThe maximum number of instructions non-inline function can grow to via recursive inliningThe maximum number of instructions ready to be issued to be considered by the scheduler during the first scheduling passThe maximum number of instructions to consider to fill a delay slotThe maximum number of instructions to consider to find accurate live register informationThe maximum number of instructions to consider to unroll in a loopThe maximum number of instructions to consider to unroll in a loop on averageThe maximum number of instructions to search backward when looking for equivalent reloadThe maximum number of instructions when automatically inliningThe maximum number of iterations through CFG to extend regionsThe maximum number of loop iterations we predict staticallyThe maximum number of peelings of a single loopThe maximum number of peelings of a single loop that is peeled completelyThe maximum number of unrollings of a single loopThe maximum number of unswitchings in a single loopThe maximum ratio between array size and switch branches for a switch conversion to take placeThe maximum size of the lookahead window of selective schedulingThe minimal probability of speculation success (in percents), so that speculative insn will be scheduled.The minimum cost of an expensive expression in the loop invariant motionThe minimum number of matching instructions to consider for crossjumpingThe minimum probability of reaching a source block for interblock speculative schedulingThe module or main program array '%s' at %L must have constant shapeThe name '%s' at %C has already been used as an external module name.The name '%s' cannot be used as a defined operator at %CThe number of cycles the swing modulo scheduler considers when checking conflicts using DFAThe number of elements in the array constructor at %L requires an increase of the allowed %d upper limit. See -fmax-array-constructor optionThe number of insns executed before prefetch is completedThe number of prefetches that can run at the same timeThe percentage of function, weighted by execution frequency, that must be covered by trace formation. Used when profile feedback is availableThe percentage of function, weighted by execution frequency, that must be covered by trace formation. Used when profile feedback is not availableThe pointer component '%s' of '%s' at %L is a type that has not been declaredThe size of L1 cacheThe size of L1 cache lineThe size of L2 cacheThe size of function body to be considered largeThe size of stack frame to be considered largeThe size of translation unit to be considered largeThe threshold ratio for performing partial redundancy elimination after reloadThe threshold ratio of critical edges execution count that permit performing redundancy elimination after reloadThe type '%s' cannot be host associated at %L because it is blocked by an incompatible object of the same name declared at %LThe type for function '%s' at %L is not accessibleThe upper bound for sharing integer constantsThe upper bound in the last dimension must appear in the reference to the assumed size array '%s' at %LThe value of n in -finit-character=n must be between 0 and 127There is no specific function for the generic '%s' at %LThere is no specific subroutine for the generic '%s' at %LThere's already a non-generic procedure with binding name '%s' for the derived type '%s' at %CThis is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This switch is deprecated; use -Werror=implicit-function-declaration insteadThis switch is deprecated; use -Wextra insteadThis switch lacks documentationThread model: %s Threadprivate at %L isn't SAVEdThreadprivate variable at %C is an element of a COMMON blockThumb: Assume function pointers may go to non-Thumb aware codeThumb: Assume non-static functions may be called from ARM codeThumb: Generate (leaf) stack frames even if not neededThumb: Generate (non-leaf) stack frames even if not neededTo enable preprocessing, use -cppTogether with -fpic and -fPIC, do not use GOTPLT referencesToo many arguments in call to '%s' at %LToo many arguments to %s at %LToo many digits in statement label at %CTransform condition stores into unconditional onesTrap for signed overflow in addition, subtraction and multiplicationTrap on integer divide by zeroTreat all warnings as errorsTreat lines with 'D' in column one as commentsTreat missing header files as generated filesTreat signed overflow as undefinedTreat specified warning as errorTreat the input file as already preprocessedTry 'jcf-dump --help' for more information. Try running '%s' in the shell to raise its limit. Try to lay out derived types as compactly as possibleTune code for the given processorTune expected memory latencyTune for the specified target CPU or architectureTwo main PROGRAMs at %L and %CTwo or more part references with nonzero rank must not be specified at %LType declaration '%s' at %L is not C interoperable but it is BIND(C)Type mismatch in argument '%s' at %L; passed %s to %sType name '%s' at %C cannot be the same as an intrinsic typeType name '%s' at %C is ambiguousType of argument '%s' in call to '%s' at %L should be %s, not %sType specified for intrinsic function '%s' at %L is ignoredUNIT specification at %L must be an INTEGER expression or a CHARACTER variableUnable to find a specific INTRINSIC procedure for the reference '%s' at %LUnable to resolve the specific function '%s' at %LUnable to resolve the specific subroutine '%s' at %LUnclassifiable OpenMP directive at %CUnclassifiable statement at %CUnclassifiable statement in IF-clause at %CUndefined specific binding '%s' as target of GENERIC '%s' at %LUnequal character lengths (%ld/%ld) in %s at %LUnexpected %s statement at %CUnexpected %s statement at %C in INTERFACE bodyUnexpected %s statement in BLOCK DATA at %CUnexpected %s statement in CONTAINS section at %CUnexpected %s statement in FORALL block at %CUnexpected %s statement in INTERFACE block at %CUnexpected %s statement in MODULE at %CUnexpected %s statement in WHERE block at %CUnexpected CASE statement at %CUnexpected END statement at %CUnexpected EOFUnexpected alternate return spec in subroutine call at %LUnexpected character in variable list at %CUnexpected characters in PARAMETER statement at %CUnexpected element '%c' in format string at %LUnexpected end of file in '%s'Unexpected end of format stringUnexpected end of moduleUnexpected junk after ELSE IF statement at %CUnexpected junk after ELSE statement at %CUnexpected junk after function declaration at %CUnexpected junk in formal argument list at %CUnexpected use of subroutine name '%s' at %CUnknown argument list function at %LUnknown intrinsic opUnknown mode in print_operand (CONST_DOUBLE) :Unknown operator '%s' at %%LUnknown procedure name "%s" at %CUnrecognized option to -finit-logical: %sUnrecognized option to -finit-real: %sUnsupported statement inside WHERE at %LUnterminated character constant beginning at %CUnused dummy argument '%s' at %LUnused parameter '%s' declared at %LUnused variable '%s' declared at %LUpper array reference at %L is out of bounds (%ld < %ld) in dimension %dUpper array reference at %L is out of bounds (%ld > %ld) in dimension %dUsage: %s [OPTIONS]... CLASSNAMEmain [OUTFILE] Usage: %s [options] file... Usage: jcf-dump [OPTION]... CLASS... Use "-Wa,OPTION" to pass "OPTION" to the assembler. Use "-Wl,OPTION" to pass "OPTION" to the linker. Use -G for data that is not defined by the current objectUse -G for object-local dataUse 128-bit long doubleUse 16 bit intUse 32 bit floatUse 32 bit intUse 32-bit ABIUse 32-bit floating-point registersUse 32-bit general registersUse 4 byte entries in switch tablesUse 4 media accumulatorsUse 4xx half-word multiply instructionsUse 4xx string-search dlmzb instructionUse 64 FPRsUse 64 GPRsUse 64 bit floatUse 64-bit ABIUse 64-bit floating-point registersUse 64-bit general registersUse 64-bit long doubleUse 8 media accumulatorsUse ABI reserved registersUse AltiVec instructionsUse Branch Likely instructions, overriding the architecture defaultUse CONST16 instruction to load constantsUse EABIUse GP relative sdata/sbss sectionsUse GP-relative addressing to access small dataUse H8/300 alignment rulesUse IEEE math for fp comparisonsUse MIPS-3D instructionsUse MIPS-DSP REV 2 instructionsUse MIPS-DSP instructionsUse Mingw-specific thread supportUse Neon quad-word (rather than double-word) registers for vectorizationUse NewABI-style %reloc() assembly operatorsUse P-mnemonics for branches statically predicted as takenUse PMC-style 'mad' instructionsUse PowerPC General Purpose group optional instructionsUse PowerPC Graphics group optional instructionsUse PowerPC V2.01 single field mfcr instructionUse PowerPC V2.02 floating point rounding instructionsUse PowerPC V2.02 popcntb instructionUse PowerPC V2.05 compare bytes instructionUse PowerPC-64 instruction setUse ROM instead of RAMUse SSE register passing conventions for SF and DF modeUse SmartMIPS instructionsUse UNIX assembler syntaxUse VAX fpUse VAXC structure conventionsUse __cxa_atexit to register destructorsUse __cxa_get_exception_ptr in exception handlingUse a 32-bit long typeUse a 4-byte record marker for unformatted filesUse a 64-bit long typeUse a stack protection method for every functionUse addresses that allocate global registersUse alternate register namesUse an 8-bit 'int' typeUse an 8-byte record marker for unformatted filesUse arbitrary sized immediates in bit operationsUse big-endian byte orderUse big-endian format for unformatted filesUse branch-and-break sequences to check for integer divide by zeroUse bras for executable < 64kUse call-clobbered registers for parameters and return valueUse control speculationUse data speculation after reloadUse data speculation before reloadUse decimal floating point instructionsUse different calling convention using 'rtd'Use direct references against %gs when accessing tls dataUse epsilon-respecting floating point compare instructionsUse expression value profiles in optimizationsUse extended PowerPC V2.05 move floating point to/from GPR instructionsUse f2c calling conventionUse features of and schedule code for given CPUUse features of and schedule given CPUUse fp double instructionsUse fp registersUse given SPARC-V9 code modelUse given assembler dialectUse given thread-local storage dialectUse given x86-64 code modelUse hardware FPUse hardware division instructions on ColdFireUse hardware floating pointUse hardware fpUse hardware quad FP instructionsUse in block control speculationUse in block data speculation after reloadUse in block data speculation before reloadUse in/loc/out register namesUse indirect CALLXn instructions for large programsUse indirect callsUse inline patterns for copying memoryUse jump tables for sufficiently large switch statementsUse little-endian byte orderUse little-endian format for unformatted filesUse ll, sc and sync instructionsUse media instructionsUse multiply add/subtract instructionsUse native (MS) bitfield layoutUse native format for unformatted filesUse normal calling conventionUse of -fdefault-double-8 requires -fdefault-real-8Use of intrinsic module '%s' at %C conflicts with non-intrinsic module name used previouslyUse of non-intrinsic module '%s' at %C conflicts with intrinsic module name used previouslyUse of the NUMERIC_STORAGE_SIZE named constant from intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV at %C is incompatible with option %sUse of the NUMERIC_STORAGE_SIZE named constant from intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV at %L is incompatible with option %sUse offset tables for virtual method callsUse only one TOC entry per procedureUse packed stack layoutUse paired-single floating-point instructionsUse portable calling conventionsUse profiling information for branch probabilitiesUse propolice as a stack protection methodUse push instructions to save outgoing argumentsUse red-zone in the x86-64 codeUse register stack for parameters and return valueUse registers for argument passingUse registers r2 and r5Use shared librariesUse simple data speculation checkUse simple data speculation check for control speculationUse simulator runtimeUse software floating pointUse stack biasUse standard main function as entry for startupUse structs on stronger alignment for double-word copiesUse stubs for function prologuesUse subroutines for function prologues and epiloguesUse the Cray Pointer extensionUse the DEC assembler syntaxUse the RTL dead code elimination passUse the RTL dead store elimination passUse the bit-field instructionsUse the divide instructionUse the most feature-enabling options allowed by other optionsUse the narrowest integer type possible for enumeration typesUse the same size for double as for floatUse traditional GNU semantics for inline functionsUse trap instructions to check for integer divide by zeroUse zero-extending memory loads, not sign-extending onesUsed in Fix-and-Continue mode to indicate that object files may be swapped in at runtimeUser defined non-ELEMENTAL function '%s' at %L not allowed in WORKSHARE constructUser operator '%s' referenced at %L not found in module '%s'User operator procedure '%s' at %L cannot be assumed character lengthUser operator procedure '%s' at %L must be a FUNCTIONUser operator procedure '%s' at %L must have at least one argumentUsing built-in specs. VOIDmode on an outputVariable %s cannot be INTENT(IN) at %CVariable %s cannot be assigned in PURE procedure at %CVariable '%s' at %C cannot be redefined inside loop beginning at %LVariable '%s' at %C with an initializer already appears in a DATA statementVariable '%s' at %L cannot be BIND(C) because it is neither a COMMON block nor declared at the module level scopeVariable '%s' at %L cannot have both the ALLOCATABLE and BIND(C) attributesVariable '%s' at %L cannot have both the POINTER and BIND(C) attributesVariable '%s' at %L cannot have the ALLOCATABLE attribute because procedure '%s' is BIND(C)Variable '%s' at %L cannot have the POINTER attribute because procedure '%s' is BIND(C)Variable '%s' at %L has not been assigned a format labelVariable '%s' at %L in common block '%s' at %C must be declared with a C interoperable kind since common block '%s' is bind(c)Variable '%s' at %L in this context must be constantVariable '%s' at %L is in COMMON but only in BLOCK DATA initialization is allowedVariable '%s' at %L may not be a C interoperable kind but it is bind(c)Variable '%s' cannot appear in the expression at %LVariable '%s' has not been assigned a target label at %LVariable '%s' in %s clause is used in NAMELIST statement at %LVariable '%s' in common block '%s' at %C can not be bind(c) since it is not globalVariable '%s' in common block '%s' at %C must be declared with a C interoperable kind since common block '%s' is BIND(C)Variable '%s' in common block '%s' at %L cannot be declared with BIND(C) since it is not a globalVariable '%s' in common block '%s' at %L may not be a C interoperable kind though common block '%s' is BIND(C)Variable '%s' is used at %L before the ENTRY statement in which it is a parameterVariable '%s', used in a specification expression, is referenced at %L before the ENTRY statement in which it is a parameterVariable type is UNKNOWN in assignment at %LVector library ABI to useWAIT statement not allowed in PURE procedure at %CWHERE assignment target at %L has inconsistent shapeWHERE mask at %L has inconsistent shapeWHERE/ELSEWHERE clause at %L requires a LOGICAL arrayWarn about "extern" declarations not at file scopeWarn about "suspicious" constructsWarn about @selector()s without previously declared methodsWarn about C constructs that are not in the common subset of C and C++Warn about NULL being passed to argument slots marked as requiring non-NULLWarn about PCH files that are found but not usedWarn about alignment of COMMON blocksWarn about all enumerated switches missing a specific caseWarn about an empty body in an if or else statementWarn about calls with implicit interfaceWarn about casting functions to incompatible typesWarn about casts which discard qualifiersWarn about code which might break strict aliasing rulesWarn about comparison of different enum typesWarn about compile-time integer division by zeroWarn about constructs not instrumented by -fmudflapWarn about creation of array temporariesWarn about deprecated 'vector long ...' AltiVec type usageWarn about enumerated switches missing a "default:" statementWarn about enumerated switches, with no default, missing a caseWarn about features not present in traditional CWarn about format strings that are not literalsWarn about format strings that contain NUL bytesWarn about function parameters declared without a type specifier in K&R-style functionsWarn about function pointer arithmeticWarn about functions which might be candidates for __attribute__((noreturn))Warn about functions which might be candidates for format attributesWarn about global functions without previous declarationsWarn about global functions without prototypesWarn about implicit function declarationsWarn about inappropriate attribute usageWarn about invalid uses of the "offsetof" macroWarn about macros defined in the main file that are not usedWarn about missing ampersand in continued character constantsWarn about missing fields in struct initializersWarn about misuses of pragmasWarn about multiple declarations of the same objectWarn about non-virtual destructorsWarn about none ISO msvcrt scanf/printf width extensionsWarn about optimizations that assume that signed overflow is undefinedWarn about overflow in arithmetic expressionsWarn about overloaded virtual function namesWarn about overriding initializers without side effectsWarn about packed bit-fields whose offset changed in GCC 4.4Warn about pointer casts which increase alignmentWarn about possible aliasing of dummy argumentsWarn about possible security problems with format functionsWarn about possible violations of sequence point rulesWarn about possibly missing braces around initializersWarn about possibly missing parenthesesWarn about possibly nested block comments, and C++ comments spanning more than one physical lineWarn about printf/scanf/strftime/strfmon format string anomaliesWarn about returning structures, unions or arraysWarn about signed-unsigned comparisonsWarn about stray tokens after #elif and #endifWarn about strftime formats yielding 2-digit yearsWarn about subscripts whose type is "char"Warn about suspicious declarations of "main"Warn about suspicious uses of memory addressesWarn about things that will change when compiling with an ABI-compliant compilerWarn about truncated character expressionsWarn about truncated source linesWarn about uncasted NULL used as sentinelWarn about underflow of numerical constant expressionsWarn about uninitialized automatic variablesWarn about unprototyped function declarationsWarn about unrecognized pragmasWarn about use of multi-character character constantsWarn about user-specified include directories that do not existWarn about uses of __attribute__((deprecated)) declarationsWarn about variables that might be changed by "longjmp" or "vfork"Warn about variables which are initialized to themselvesWarn about violations of Effective C++ style rulesWarn about zero-length formatsWarn for implicit type conversions between signed and unsigned integersWarn for implicit type conversions that may change a valueWarn for obsolescent usage in a declarationWarn if .class files are out of dateWarn if a C-style cast is used in a programWarn if a comparison is always true or always false due to the limited range of the data typeWarn if a deprecated compiler feature, class, method, or field is usedWarn if a function uses alloca or creates an array with dynamic sizeWarn if a selector has multiple methodsWarn if a single function's framesize exceeds the given framesizeWarn if a string is longer than the maximum portable length specified by the standardWarn if a user-procedure has the same name as an intrinsicWarn if a variable length array is usedWarn if an array is accessed out of boundsWarn if an old-style parameter definition is usedWarn if an undefined macro is used in an #if directiveWarn if deprecated empty statements are foundWarn if inherited methods are unimplementedWarn if modifiers are specified when not necessaryWarn if passing too many arguments to a function for its format stringWarn if testing floating point numbers for equalityWarn if the loop cannot be optimized due to nontrivial assumptions.Warn if trigraphs are encountered that might affect the meaning of the programWarn if type signatures of candidate methods do not match exactlyWarn of prototypes causing type conversions different from what would happen in the absence of prototypeWarn on intrinsics not part of the selected standardWarn when __sync_fetch_and_nand and __sync_nand_and_fetch built-in functions are usedWarn when a Cell microcoded instruction is emittedWarn when a built-in preprocessor macro is undefined or redefinedWarn when a declaration does not specify a typeWarn when a declaration is found after a statementWarn when a function is unusedWarn when a function parameter is unusedWarn when a label is unusedWarn when a pointer differs in signedness in an assignmentWarn when a pointer is cast to an integer of a different sizeWarn when a register variable is declared volatileWarn when a variable is unusedWarn when all constructors and destructors are privateWarn when an expression value is unusedWarn when an inlined function cannot be inlinedWarn when an optimization pass is disabledWarn when converting the type of pointers to member functionsWarn when non-templatized friend functions are declared within a templateWarn when not issuing stack smashing protection for some reasonWarn when one local variable shadows anotherWarn when overload promotes from unsigned to signedWarn when padding is required to align structure membersWarn when the compiler reorders codeWarn when the packed attribute has no effect on struct layoutWarn when there is a cast to a pointer from an integer of a different sizeWarn whenever a function's return type defaults to "int" (C), or about inconsistent return types (C++)Warn whenever an Objective-C assignment is being intercepted by the garbage collectorWarn whenever type qualifiers are ignored.Warning:When "signed" or "unsigned" is not given make the bitfield signedWhen "signed" or "unsigned" is not given make the bitfield unsignedWhen generating -mabicalls code, allow executables to use PLTs and copy relocationsWhen generating -mabicalls code, make the code suitable for use in shared librariesWhen possible do not generate stack framesWhen running CSE, follow jumps to their targetsWhen set to 1, use expensive methods to eliminate all redundant constraintsWhether to use canonical typesWhile setting up signal handler: %mWhile setting up signal stack: %mWithout padding, there are not enough elements in the intrinsic RESHAPE source at %L to match the shapeWork around VR4130 mflo/mfhi errataWork around a hardware anomaly by adding a number of NOPs before aWork around an early 4300 hardware bugWork around bug in multiplication instructionWork around certain R10000 errataWork around certain R4000 errataWork around certain R4400 errataWork around certain VR4120 errataWork around errata for early SB-1 revision 2 coresWork around hardware multiply bugWriting module %s at line %d column %d: %sXXX entering pop_everything () XXX leaving pop_everything () Zero is not a valid statement label at %CZero width in format descriptor[Leaving %s] [cannot find %s][disabled][enabled][super ...] must appear in a method context__BELOW100__ attribute not allowed with auto storage class__builtin_eh_return not supported on this target__builtin_saveregs not supported by this subtarget__builtin_saveregs not supported by this target__is_convertible_to__label__ declarations are only allowed in function scopes`a cast to a type other than an integral or enumeration type cannot appear in a constant-expressiona label can only be part of a statement and a declaration is not a statementa member of a structure or union cannot have a variably modified typea parameter list with an ellipsis can%'t match an empty parameter name list declarationa storage class can only be specified for objects and functionsa using-declaration cannot specify a template-id. Try %abnormal edges for no purpose in bb %iabort in %s, at %s:%dabstract declarator %qT used as declarationaccumulator is not a constant integeraccumulator number is out of boundsaddress area of %q+D conflicts with previous declarationaddress of explicit register variable %qD requestedaddress of global register variable %qD requestedaddress of local variable %q+D returnedaddress of register variable %qD requestedaddress offset not a constantaddress operand requires constraint for X, Y, or Z registeraddress requested for %qD, which is declared %address taken, but ADDRESSABLE bit not setafter previous declaration %q+Dafter previous specification in %q+#Daggregate %q#D has incomplete type and cannot be definedaggregate value used where a complex was expectedaggregate value used where a fixed-point was expectedaggregate value used where a float was expectedaggregate value used where an integer was expectedalias definitions not supported in Mach-O; ignoredalignment (%u) for %s exceeds maximum alignment for global common data. Using %ualignment for %q+D must be at least %dalignment for %q+D was previously specified as %d and may not be decreasedalignment may not be specified for %q+Dalignment must be a small power of two, not %dalignment of %q+D is greater than maximum object file alignment. Using %dalignment of array elements is greater than element sizeall member functions in class %qT are privatealloc_size parameter outside rangeambiguates built-in declaration %q#Dambiguates old declaration %q+#Dambiguous class template instantiation for %q#Tambiguous conversion for array subscriptambiguous default type conversion from %qTambiguous template specialization %qD for %q+Dan argument type that has a default promotion can%'t match an empty parameter name list declarationanachronism: anachronistic old-style base class initializeranonymous %s declared inside parameter listanonymous struct not inside named typeanonymous union with no membersapplying #pragma weak %q+D after first use results in unspecified behaviorargs to be formatted is not %<...%>argument %d of %qE might be a candidate for a format attributeargument %q+D might be clobbered by % or %argument %qD doesn%'t match built-in prototypeargument %qD doesn%'t match prototypeargument %qd is not a constantargument %qs to %<-Wnormalized%> not recognizedargument %qs to %<-femit-struct-debug-detailed%> not recognizedargument %qs to %<-femit-struct-debug-detailed%> unknownargument 1 must be a 5-bit signed literalargument 1 of __builtin_altivec_predicate is out of rangeargument 1 of __builtin_altivec_predicate must be a constantargument 1 of __builtin_paired_predicate is out of rangeargument 1 of __builtin_paired_predicate must be a constantargument 1 of __builtin_spe_predicate is out of rangeargument 1 of __builtin_spe_predicate must be a constantargument 2 must be a 5-bit unsigned literalargument 3 must be a 4-bit unsigned literalargument dependent lookup finds %q+Dargument must be a constantargument of %<__builtin_eh_return_regno%> must be constantargument of function call might be a candidate for a format attributeargument to %qs must be a 2-bit unsigned literalargument to decltype must be an expressionargument to dss must be a 2-bit unsigned literalarguments to destructor are not allowedarithmetic IFarithmetic on pointer to an incomplete typearray %q+D assumed to have one elementarray %qD initialized by parenthesized string literal %qEarray assignmentarray bound is not an integer constantarray index in initializer exceeds array boundsarray index in initializer not of integer typearray index in non-array initializerarray index range in initializer exceeds array boundsarray initialized from non-constant array expressionarray initialized from parenthesized string constantarray must be initialized with a brace-enclosed initializerarray of inappropriate type initialized from string constantarray size missing in %q+Darray size missing in %qDarray subscript has type %array subscript is not an integerarray type has incomplete element typearray used as initializerarrays of functions are not meaningfulas %qDasm clobber conflict with input operandasm clobber conflict with output operandasm declaration ignored due to conflict with previous renameasm operand %d probably doesn%'t match constraintsassert: %s is assign compatible with %sassertion missing after %qsassignmentassignment (not initialization) in declarationassignment from distinct Objective-C typeassignment from incompatible pointer typeassignment left-hand side might be a candidate for a format attributeassignment makes integer from pointer without a castassignment makes pointer from integer without a castassignment of read-only location %qEassignment of read-only member %qDassignment of read-only variable %qDassignment suppressionassuming cast to type %qT from overloaded functionassuming pointer to member %qDassuming signed overflow does not occur when combining constants around a comparisonassuming signed overflow does not occur when negating a divisionassuming signed overflow does not occur when reducing constant in comparisonassuming signed overflow does not occur when simplifying conditionalassuming signed overflow does not occur when simplifying conditional to constantassuming signed overflow does not occur when simplifying range testassuming that the loop counter does not overflowassuming that the loop is not infiniteattempt to take address of bit-field structure member %qDattribute declarationattribute interrupt_handler is not compatible with -m5-compactattribute(target("%s")) is unknownattributes after parenthesized initializer ignoredattributes ignored on elaborated-type-specifier that is not a forward declarationattributes ignored on template instantiationattributes ignored on uninstantiated typeattributes in parameter array declarator ignoredautomatic variable %qE cannot be %aux field set for edge %s->%sbackend decl for module variable %s already existsbad PC range for debug info for local %q+Dbad addressbad address, not (reg+disp):bad address, not post_inc or pre_dec:bad amount of stack space removal: %dbad array initializerbad builtin codebad builtin fcodebad condition codebad expression type during walk (%d)bad format of .zip/.jar archive bad insn for 'A'bad insn in frv_print_operand, 0 casebad insn in frv_print_operand, bad const_doublebad insn in frv_print_operand, z casebad insn to frv_print_operand, 'F' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'L' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'M/N' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'O' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'e' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'f' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'g' modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand, P modifier:bad insn to frv_print_operand_address:bad insn to frv_print_operand_memory_reference:bad method signaturebad output_condmove_single operandbad output_move_double operandbad output_move_single operandbad pc in exception_tablebad registerbad register to frv_print_operand_memory_reference_reg:bad shift insn:bad string constantbad testbad type in parameter debug infobad value %<%s%> for -mtls-size= switchbad value %qs for -mcpu switchbad value %qs for -mfp-rounding-mode switchbad value %qs for -mfp-trap-mode switchbad value %qs for -mmemory-latencybad value %qs for -mtls-size switchbad value %qs for -mtrap-precision switchbad value (%s) for %sarch=%s %sbad value (%s) for %stune=%s %sbad value (%s) for -mcmodel= switchbad value constant type %d, index %dbad value for -mcall-%sbad value for -msdata=%sbad zip/jar file %sbadly nested C headers from preprocessorbarrier region may not be closely nested inside of work-sharing, critical, ordered, master or explicit task regionbase %qT will be initialized afterbase class %q#T has a non-virtual destructorbase initializer expansion %<%T%> contains no parameter packsbase operand of %<->%> has non-pointer type %qTbase operand of %<->%> is not a pointerbase type %qT fails to be a struct or class typebasic block %d pred edge is corruptedbasic block %d should be marked irreduciblebasic block %d should not be marked irreduciblebasic block %i edge lists are corruptedbasic blocks not laid down consecutivelybb %d on wrong placebit-field %q+#D with non-integral typebit-field %q+D width not an integer constantbit-field %qD with non-integral typebit-field %qs has invalid typebit-field %qs width not an integer constantblock IFbogus DISPOSE construction: %dbogus JR construction: %dbogus PREPEARE construction: %dboolean registers required for the floating-point optionboth arguments to %<__builtin___clear_cache%> must be pointersbraced-group within expression allowed only inside a functionbraces around scalar initializerbraces around scalar initializer for type %qTbranch %2d never executed branch %2d taken %s%s branch target register load optimization is not intended to be run twicebreak statement not within loop or switchbreak statement used with OpenMP for loopbuilt-in function %q+D declared as non-functioncall %2d never executed call %2d returned %s call is unlikely and code size would growcall of %<(%T) (%A)%> is ambiguouscall of overloaded %<%D(%A)%> is ambiguouscall of overloaded %<%s(%A)%> is ambiguouscall to Java % or % with % undefinedcall to Java constructor with %qs undefinedcall to Java constructor, while % undefinedcall to function %qD which throws incomplete type %q#Tcall to function which throws incomplete type %q#Tcall to non-function %qDcall-clobbered register used for global register variablecalled from herecaller edge count is negativecaller edge frequency is negativecaller edge frequency is too largecan not use -mtp=cp15 with 16-bit Thumbcan not use an object as parameter to a methodcan only use %qE attribute on file-scope definitions of objects of class typecan%'t create precompiled header %s: %mcan%'t mix operands of decimal float and complex typescan%'t mix operands of decimal float and other float typescan%'t mix operands of decimal float and vector typescan%'t open %s for writing: %mcan%'t open %s: %mcan%'t read %s: %mcan%'t write %s: %mcan%'t write to %s: %mcan't get program statuscan't open %s: %mcan't open input file: %scandidate 1:candidate 2:candidate is: %+#Dcandidates are:candidates are: %+#Dcannot allocate an object of abstract type %qTcannot apply % to destructor %<~%T%>cannot apply % to member function %qDcannot apply % to static data member %qDcannot apply % when % is overloadedcannot apply member pointer %qE to %qE, which is of non-class type %qTcannot bind bitfield %qE to %qTcannot bind packed field %qE to %qTcannot bind rvalue %qE to %qTcannot call member function %qD without objectcannot convert %qE from type %qT to type %qTcannot convert %qT to %qT for argument %qP to %qDcannot convert from base %qT to derived type %qT via virtual base %qTcannot convert to a pointer typecannot convert type %qT to type %qTcannot create pointer to reference member %qDcannot create temporary filecannot create type information for type %qT because it involves types of variable sizecannot declare %<::main%> to be a templatecannot declare %<::main%> to be inlinecannot declare %<::main%> to be staticcannot declare %qD to be a bit-field typecannot declare bit-field %qD with function typecannot declare field %q+D to be of abstract type %qTcannot declare member %<%T::%s%> within %qTcannot declare member function %qD to have static linkagecannot declare parameter %q+D to be of abstract type %qTcannot declare pointer to %q#Tcannot declare pointer to %q#T membercannot declare reference to %q#Tcannot declare reference to %q#T, which is not a typedef or a template type argumentcannot declare static function inside another functioncannot declare variable %q+D to be of abstract type %qTcannot decompose addresscannot decrement a pointer to incomplete type %qTcannot define member function %<%T::%s%> within %<%T%>cannot delete a function. Only pointer-to-objects are valid arguments to %cannot disable built-in function %qscannot dynamic_cast %qE (of type %q#T) to type %q#T (%s)cannot explicitly declare member %q#D to have extern linkagecannot find '%s'cannot find 'ldd'cannot find 'nm'cannot find file for class %scannot handle inconsistent calls to %qscannot increment a pointer to incomplete type %qTcannot initialize aggregate of type %qT with a compound literalcannot initialize arrays using this syntaxcannot initialize multi-dimensional array with initializercannot inline function %cannot merge separate %s counters for function %ucannot open %scannot optimize loop, the loop counter may overflowcannot optimize possibly infinite loopscannot pass argument in vector register because altivec instructions are disabled, use -maltivec to enable themcannot pass rvalue to reference parametercannot put object with volatile field into registercannot reload integer constant operand in %cannot resolve overloaded function %qD based on conversion to type %qTcannot return from a handler of a function-try-block of a constructorcannot return value in vector register because altivec instructions are disabled, use -maltivec to enable themcannot set interrupt attribute: no current functioncannot set interrupt attribute: no such identifiercannot specify both -C and -ocannot specify both -msep-data and -mid-shared-librarycannot take address of bit-field %qDcannot take the address of %, which is an rvalue expressioncannot use %<::%> in parameter declarationcannot use mode %qs for enumeral typescannot use mshared and static togethercannot use mthreads and mlegacy-threads togethercannot use small-data accesses for %qscannot use typeid with -fno-rtticannot use va_start in interrupt functioncanonical types differ for identical types %T and %Tcase label does not reduce to an integer constantcase label not within a switch statementcase label value exceeds maximum value for typecase label value is less than minimum value for typecase labels not sorted: cast from %qT to %qT increases required alignment of target typecast from %qT to %qT loses precisioncast from function call of type %qT to non-matching type %qTcast from pointer to integer of different sizecast increases required alignment of target typecast specifies array typecast specifies function typecast to pointer from integer of different sizecast to union type from type not present in unioncasting %qT to %qT does not dereference pointerchanges meaning of %qD from %q+#Dchar-array initialized from wide stringchoosing %qD over %qDcircular pointer delegation detectedclass %qT does not have any field named %qDclass %qT is implicitly friends with itselfclass %qT will be considered nearly empty in a future version of GCCclass '%s' has no method named '%s' matching signature '%s'cleanup argument not a functioncleanup argument not an identifierclosing dependency file %s: %mcode model %qs not supported in the %s bit modecode model %s does not support PIC modecollapse argument needs positive constant integer expressioncollapsed !$OMP DO loops not perfectly nested at %Lcollapsed loops not perfectly nestedcollect: reading %s collect: recompiling %s collect: relinking collect: tweaking %s in %s comma at end of enumerator listcommand line option %qs is not supported by this configurationcommon symbol debug info is not structured as symbol+offsetcomparing floating point with == or != is unsafecomparison always false due to limited range of data typecomparison always true due to limited range of data typecomparison between %q#T and %q#Tcomparison between pointer and integercomparison between signed and unsigned integer expressionscomparison between types %qT and %qTcomparison is always %dcomparison is always %d due to width of bit-fieldcomparison is always false due to limited range of data typecomparison is always true due to limited range of data typecomparison of complete and incomplete pointerscomparison of distinct Objective-C types lacks a castcomparison of distinct pointer types lacks a castcomparison of promoted ~unsigned with constantcomparison of promoted ~unsigned with unsignedcomparison of unsigned expression < 0 is always falsecomparison of unsigned expression >= 0 is always truecomparison with string literal results in unspecified behaviorcomparison with string literal results in unspecified behaviourcomparisons like % do not have their mathematical meaningcompilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors. compilation terminated. complex floating point overflow in expressioncomplex integer overflow in expressioncomplex invalid for %qscomponent '%s' at %L has already been set by a parent derived type constructorcompound literal has variable sizecompound literal of non-object type %qTconflicting access specifications for field %qE, ignoredconflicting access specifications for method %q+D, ignoredconflicting declaration %q#Dconflicting return type specified for %q+#Dconflicting specifiers in declaration of %qsconflicting type attributes specified for %q+#Dconflicting type qualifiers for %q+Dconflicting types for %q+Dconflicting types for built-in function %q+Dconflicts with built-in declaration %q#Dconflicts with function declaration %q#Dconflicts with new declaration with %qL linkageconflicts with previous declaration %q+#Dconst %qs cannot be declared %const_double_split got a bad insn:constant argument out of range for %qsconstant not recomputed when ADDR_EXPR changedconstructor for alien class %qT cannot be a memberconstructor priorities are not supportedconstructor priorities from 0 to %d are reserved for the implementationconstructor priorities must be integers from 0 to %d inclusiveconstructor syntax used, but no constructor declared for type %qTconstructors cannot be declared virtualcontinue statement not within a loopcontrol flow in the middle of basic block %dcontrol reaches end of non-void functionconversion from %q#T to %q#Tconversion from %qT to %qT discards qualifiersconversion from %qT to %qT is ambiguousconversion from %qT to non-scalar type %qT requestedconversion lacks type at end of formatconversion of %qE from %qT to %qT is ambiguousconversion of unsigned constant value to negative integerconversion to %qT alters %qT constant valueconversion to %qT from %qT may alter its valueconversion to %qT from %qT may change the sign of the resultconversion to %qT from boolean expressionconversion to incomplete typeconversion to non-scalar type requestedconverting % to pointer type for argument %P of %qDconverting NULL to non-pointer typeconverting from %qT to %qTconverting overloaded function %qD to type %q#T is ambiguousconverting to %qT from initializer list would use explicit constructor %qDconverting to non-pointer type %qT from NULLcorrecting inconsistent profile datacorrupted exits list of loop %dcorrupted head of the exits list of loop %dcorrupted profile info: edge from %i to %i exceeds maximal countcorrupted profile info: number of executions for edge %d-%d thought to be %icorrupted profile info: number of iterations for basic block %d thought to be %icorrupted profile info: profile data is not flow-consistentcorrupted profile info: run_max * runs < sum_maxcorrupted profile info: sum_all is smaller than sum_maxcould not close response file %scould not close temporary response file %scould not convert template argument %qE to %qTcould not find a spill registercould not find class$ field in java interface type %qTcould not find specs file %s could not open response file %scould not open temporary response file %scould not split insncould not write to response file %scould not write to temporary response file %screated and used with different ABIscreated and used with different architectures / ABIscreated and used with different endiannesscreated and used with different settings of -fpiccreated and used with different settings of -fpiecreated and used with differing settings of '%s'creating array of %qTcreating array of %qT, which is an abstract class typecreating pointer to member function of non-class type %qTcreating pointer to member of non-class type %qTcreating pointer to member of type voidcreating pointer to member reference type %qTcritical region may not be nested inside a critical region with the same namecurrent namespace %qD does not enclose strongly used namespace %qDdata area of %q+D conflicts with previous declarationdata declarationdata definition has no type or storage classdata member %qD cannot be a member templatedata member may not have variably modified type %qTdata type of %q+D isn%'t suitable for a registerdebug format "%s" conflicts with prior selectiondebug output level %s is too highdebug: declaration %qD does not declare anythingdeclaration does not declare anythingdeclaration of %q#Ddeclaration of %q#D has % and is initializeddeclaration of %q#D has no initializerdeclaration of %q#D outside of class is not definitiondeclaration of %q#D shadows a parameterdeclaration of %q#D with C language linkagedeclaration of %q+#Ddeclaration of %q+D shadows a built-in functiondeclaration of %q+D shadows a parameterdeclaration of %q+D shadows a previous localdeclaration of %q+D shadows previous non-variabledeclaration of %q+D with attribute noinline follows inline declaration declaration of %q+D with no linkage follows extern declarationdeclaration of %qD as member of %qTdeclaration of %qD as multidimensional array must have bounds for all dimensions except the firstdeclaration of %qD as non-functiondeclaration of %qD as non-memberdeclaration of %qD not in a namespace surrounding %qDdeclaration of %qD shadows a global declarationdeclaration of %qD shadows a member of 'this'declaration of %qD shadows a previous localdeclaration of C function %q#D conflicts withdeclaration of namespace %qD conflicts withdeclaration of template %q#Ddeclarator-id missing; using reserved word %qDdecrement of pointer to unknown structuredecrement of read-only location %qEdecrement of read-only member %qDdecrement of read-only variable %qDdefault argument %qE uses local variable %qDdefault argument given for parameter %d of %q#Ddefault argument mismatch in overload resolutiondefault argument missing for parameter %P of %q+#Ddefault argument specified in explicit specializationdefault arguments are not allowed in declaration of friend template specialization %qDdefining explicit specialization %qD in friend declarationdefinition in block %i does not dominate use in block %idefinition in block %i follows the usedefinition of %q#D is marked %definition of %q#T inside template parameter listdefinition of %qD is not in namespace enclosing %qTdefinition of implicitly-declared %qDdefinition provided for explicit instantiationdeleted definition of %qDdeleted function %q+Ddeleting %qT is undefineddependent-name %qE is parsed as a non-type, but instantiation yields a typedeprecated conversion from string constant to %qTdeprecated covariant return type for %q+#Ddeprecated use of default argument for parameter of non-functiondereferencing % pointerdereferencing pointer to incomplete typedereferencing type-punned pointer might break strict-aliasing rulesdereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rulesderived type declarationderived union %qT invaliddestructor %qD declared as member templatedestructor cannot be static member functiondestructor for alien class %qT cannot be a memberdestructor priorities are not supporteddestructor priorities from 0 to %d are reserved for the implementationdestructor priorities must be integers from 0 to %d inclusivedestructors may not be cv-qualifieddestructors may not have parametersdirect base %qT inaccessible in %qT due to ambiguitydistinct Objective-C type in returndivision by zerodoes not support multilibdominator of %d should be %d, not %ddominator of %d status unknowndue to different exception specificationsduplicate %duplicate %duplicate %duplicate %qEduplicate (or overlapping) case valueduplicate ConstantValue attribute for field '%s'duplicate asm operand name %qsduplicate base type %qT invalidduplicate case valueduplicate explicit instantiation of %q#Dduplicate explicit instantiation of %q#Tduplicate initialization of %qDduplicate label %qDduplicate label declaration %qEduplicate member %q+Ddynamic dependency %s not founddynamic_cast of %q#D to %q#T can never succeededge %s->%s has no corresponding call_stmtedge from %d to %d should be marked irreducibleedge from %d to %d should not be marked irreducibleedge points to wrong declaration:elemental binary operationelemental function arguments at %C are not compliantelemental procedureelements of array %q#D have incomplete typeelements of array %q#T have incomplete typeembedded %<\0%> in formatemitting conditional microcode insn %s [%s] #%demitting microcode insn %s [%s] #%dempty declarationempty declaration with storage class specifier does not redeclare tagempty declaration with type qualifier does not redeclare tagempty index range in initializerempty left precision in %s formatempty precision in %s formatempty range specifiedempty scalar initializerenabling backtrace support is only meaningful when compiling for the Thumbenabling callee interworking support is only meaningful when compiling for the Thumbenclosing class templates are not explicitly specializedend insn %d for block %d not found in the insn streamenumeral and non-enumeral type in conditional expressionenumeral mismatch in conditional expression: %qT vs %qTenumeration values exceed range of largest integerenumerator value %E is too large for underlying type %<%T%>enumerator value for %qD is not an integer constantenumerator value for %qE is not an integer constantenvironment variable DJGPP not definedenvironment variable DJGPP points to corrupt file '%s'environment variable DJGPP points to missing file '%s'error closing %s: %merror in constant pool entry #%d error while parsing constant poolerror while parsing constant pool error while parsing fieldserror while parsing fields error while parsing final attributeserror while parsing final attributes error while parsing methodserror while parsing methods error while reading %s from zip fileerror writing %qserror writing to %s: %merror: exception handling disabled, use -fexceptions to enableexception of type %<%T%> will be caughtexcess elements in array initializerexcess elements in char array initializerexcess elements in scalar initializerexcess elements in struct initializerexcess elements in union initializerexcess elements in vector initializerexecution counts estimatedexpand_binop failed in movsi gotexpansion pattern %<%E%> contains no argument packsexpansion pattern %<%T%> contains no argument packsexpected %<#pragma omp section%> or %<}%>expected %<#pragma omp%> clauseexpected %<(%>expected %<(%> or end of lineexpected %<,%> or %<;%>expected %<,%> or %<}%>expected %<,%>, %<;%> or %<}%>expected %<:%> or %<...%>expected %<:%>, %<,%>, %<;%>, %<}%> or %<__attribute__%>expected %<;%>expected %<=%>expected %<=%>, %<,%>, %<;%>, % or %<__attribute__%>expected % or %expected %<{%>expected %<}%> before %expected %d levels of template parms for %q#D, got %dexpected %qT but argument is of type %qTexpected a string after %<#pragma message%>expected an SSA_NAME objectexpected class nameexpected declaration or statementexpected declaration specifiersexpected declaration specifiers or %<...%>expected expressionexpected identifierexpected identifier or %<(%>expected identifier or %<*%>expected integer expressionexpected iteration declaration or initializationexpected qualified name in friend declaration for constructor %qDexpected qualified name in friend declaration for destructor %qDexpected specifier-qualifier-listexpected statementexpected string literalexplicit goto at end of bb %dexplicit instantiation of %q#Dexplicit instantiation of %q#T before definition of templateexplicit instantiation of %qD but no definition availableexplicit instantiation of %qD in namespace %qD (which does not enclose namespace %qD)explicit instantiation of non-template %q#Dexplicit instantiation of non-template type %qTexplicit qualification in declaration of %qDexplicit specialization in non-namespace scope %qDexplicit specialization of %qD after first useexplicit specialization of %qD must be introduced by %