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(waiting) succeededfork failed%s: execute failedfailed to allocate iteratorbindChecking all file systems. --waiting-- (pass %d) nofailFSCK_FORCE_ALL_PARALLELtoo many devices/proc/partitionscannot open %sIs /proc mounted?too many argumentsFSCK_MAX_INSTPATH/usr/share/localeutil-linux%s from %s util-linux 2.23.2FSTAB_FILE%s: failed to parse fstabminixjfsreiserfsxiafsignoreiso9660sw%N@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@$P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@O@P@O@P@O@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@P@O@,N@/sbin:/sbin/fs.d:/sbin/fs ^@#\@(\@-\@2\@^@^@^@.A;H8p(H(HXx(x(P8h((hXHXzRx *zRx $hFJ w?;*3$"D`$\X7AJL XFAplD Z B 4LADF g CAJ DFASAKI ,AUa  AAI D,0AAD  CAG b CAJ D CCF tA(INL,zBAA R CBE BGT E $HVACD ICA,$]ADD Q DAA ,T)BAA  ABD <JAJ W FAE LCAK 4BAD G  AABA <BAD E ABA A AEI ,<hAAG0 AAH ,lACJJ AAF LBBB B(A0A8Gm 8A0A(B BBBA ,ABHC nCBLcBBB E(A0A8G& 8A0A(B BBBA Ll(BDB B(A0A8GP 8A0A(B BBBC LhBLB B(D0A8G$ 8A0A(B BBBA L x)BBB D(H0W (A BBBA H (A BBBE D\eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB(@p(@ x@ S@m`m`o@ @@ S p`@`@` o@oo@m`@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@ @ @& @6 @F @V @f @v @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @!@!@&!@6!@F!@V!@f!@v!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@"@"@&"@6"@F"@V"@f"@v"@#^@*^@2^@fsck.debug\7zXZִF!t//]?Eh=ڊ̓N7 m]eC#rRdj$@do Ǚ*t-[9qr~diR*/D;1'-5k0|'WfOREHXa^qy{ -QO4,3Iĩ{l{:N;濱慐9B$';1]E=U ĩnpoɺfN{1) @9tU!ѫ8}pb9pHϡy(E#,(JLH(S1&tHxJ i*eg[kg]WN9B?Yݙ6QU&tQ$jy~#vROpeZ ڱwCQRѡ?yRRzUC"|hĢTHI5p|>a3|1"LrW3}v_+1ΡT)?&`_-F: ,R$0Y}yk={ t~79Eex?x*4TcdG=vDr]:Wx $l,Wg7_8,QC|4w# p8VqHI4S2=D1^/Vy/üIy#hY2{bœ`5q赠Wrnv Ve<;l*BZ*'px8g$HK?F;%{DP|(0uĄq­%% OR܆〙 6ڡpKu|:![.79;|ixSʰ(GrĶC֚t-&0ds 7S3IM;(7 $ 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@H> @ F @ SNo@[o@j`@``tB@~x@xy@"@"1S@S S@S( `@`a@am`mm`mm`mm`mo`op`ps`s@ @s`@s @sPs$x usr/share/bash-completion/completions/fsck000064400000001425147556233540014770 0ustar00_fsck_module() { local cur prev OPTS DEVS COMPREPLY=() cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}" case $prev in '-b') COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "superblock" -- $cur) ) return 0 ;; '-B') COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "blocksize" -- $cur) ) return 0 ;; '-j') COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "external_journal" -- $cur) ) return 0 ;; '-l'|'-L') COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "bad_blocks_file" -- $cur) ) return 0 ;; '-?') return 0 ;; esac case $cur in -*) OPTS="-p -n -y -c -f -v -b -B -j -l -L" COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${OPTS[*]}" -- $cur) ) return 0 ;; esac while read dev; do DEVS+="$dev " ; done < <(lsblk -pnro name) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$DEVS" -- $cur) ) return 0 } complete -F _fsck_module fsck