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""" PK!$//django/models.pyonu[ 5Xc@sXdZddlmZddlmZdgZeZejZej Z ej dS(sApasslib.ext.django.models -- monkeypatch django hashing frameworki(t CryptContext(tDjangoContextAdaptertpassword_contextN( t__doc__tpasslib.contextRtpasslib.ext.django.utilsRt__all__tadaptertcontextRt reset_hasherstcontext_changedt load_model(((s=/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/models.pyts    PK!vM""django/models.pynu["""passlib.ext.django.models -- monkeypatch django hashing framework""" #============================================================================= # imports #============================================================================= # core # site # pkg from passlib.context import CryptContext from passlib.ext.django.utils import DjangoContextAdapter # local __all__ = ["password_context"] #============================================================================= # global attrs #============================================================================= #: adapter instance used to drive most of this adapter = DjangoContextAdapter() # the context object which this patches contrib.auth to use for password hashing. # configuration controlled by ``settings.PASSLIB_CONFIG``. password_context = adapter.context #: hook callers should use if context is changed context_changed = adapter.reset_hashers #============================================================================= # main code #============================================================================= # load config & install monkeypatch adapter.load_model() #============================================================================= # eof #============================================================================= PK!V5django/__init__.pycnu[ ?N3Rc@s dZdS(spasslib.ext.django.models -- monkeypatch django hashing framework this plugin monkeypatches django's hashing framework so that it uses a passlib context object, allowing handling of arbitrary hashes in Django databases. N(t__doc__(((s?/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/__init__.pytsPK! django/utils.pynu["""passlib.ext.django.utils - helper functions used by this plugin""" #============================================================================= # imports #============================================================================= # core from functools import update_wrapper, wraps import logging; log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import sys import weakref from warnings import warn # site try: from django import VERSION as DJANGO_VERSION log.debug("found django %r installation", DJANGO_VERSION) except ImportError: log.debug("django installation not found") DJANGO_VERSION = () # pkg from passlib import exc, registry from passlib.context import CryptContext from passlib.exc import PasslibRuntimeWarning from passlib.utils.compat import get_method_function, iteritems, OrderedDict, unicode from passlib.utils.decor import memoized_property # local __all__ = [ "DJANGO_VERSION", "MIN_DJANGO_VERSION", "get_preset_config", "get_django_hasher", ] #: minimum version supported by passlib.ext.django MIN_DJANGO_VERSION = (1, 8) #============================================================================= # default policies #============================================================================= # map preset names -> attrs _preset_map = { "django-1.0": "django10_context", "django-1.4": "django14_context", "django-1.6": "django16_context", "django-latest": "django_context", } def get_preset_config(name): """Returns configuration string for one of the preset strings supported by the ``PASSLIB_CONFIG`` setting. Currently supported presets: * ``"passlib-default"`` - default config used by this release of passlib. * ``"django-default"`` - config matching currently installed django version. * ``"django-latest"`` - config matching newest django version (currently same as ``"django-1.6"``). * ``"django-1.0"`` - config used by stock Django 1.0 - 1.3 installs * ``"django-1.4"`` - config used by stock Django 1.4 installs * ``"django-1.6"`` - config used by stock Django 1.6 installs """ # TODO: add preset which includes HASHERS + PREFERRED_HASHERS, # after having imported any custom hashers. e.g. "django-current" if name == "django-default": if not DJANGO_VERSION: raise ValueError("can't resolve django-default preset, " "django not installed") name = "django-1.6" if name == "passlib-default": return PASSLIB_DEFAULT try: attr = _preset_map[name] except KeyError: raise ValueError("unknown preset config name: %r" % name) import passlib.apps return getattr(passlib.apps, attr).to_string() # default context used by passlib 1.6 PASSLIB_DEFAULT = """ [passlib] ; list of schemes supported by configuration ; currently all django 1.6, 1.4, and 1.0 hashes, ; and three common modular crypt format hashes. schemes = django_pbkdf2_sha256, django_pbkdf2_sha1, django_bcrypt, django_bcrypt_sha256, django_salted_sha1, django_salted_md5, django_des_crypt, hex_md5, sha512_crypt, bcrypt, phpass ; default scheme to use for new hashes default = django_pbkdf2_sha256 ; hashes using these schemes will automatically be re-hashed ; when the user logs in (currently all django 1.0 hashes) deprecated = django_pbkdf2_sha1, django_salted_sha1, django_salted_md5, django_des_crypt, hex_md5 ; sets some common options, including minimum rounds for two primary hashes. ; if a hash has less than this number of rounds, it will be re-hashed. sha512_crypt__min_rounds = 80000 django_pbkdf2_sha256__min_rounds = 10000 ; set somewhat stronger iteration counts for ``User.is_staff`` staff__sha512_crypt__default_rounds = 100000 staff__django_pbkdf2_sha256__default_rounds = 12500 ; and even stronger ones for ``User.is_superuser`` superuser__sha512_crypt__default_rounds = 120000 superuser__django_pbkdf2_sha256__default_rounds = 15000 """ #============================================================================= # helpers #============================================================================= #: prefix used to shoehorn passlib's handler names into django hasher namespace PASSLIB_WRAPPER_PREFIX = "passlib_" #: prefix used by all the django-specific hash formats in passlib; #: all of these hashes should have a ``.django_name`` attribute. DJANGO_COMPAT_PREFIX = "django_" #: set of hashes w/o "django_" prefix, but which also expose ``.django_name``. _other_django_hashes = set(["hex_md5"]) def _wrap_method(method): """wrap method object in bare function""" @wraps(method) def wrapper(*args, **kwds): return method(*args, **kwds) return wrapper #============================================================================= # translator #============================================================================= class DjangoTranslator(object): """ Object which helps translate passlib hasher objects / names to and from django hasher objects / names. These methods are wrapped in a class so that results can be cached, but with the ability to have independant caches, since django hasher names may / may not correspond to the same instance (or even class). """ #============================================================================= # instance attrs #============================================================================= #: CryptContext instance #: (if any -- generally only set by DjangoContextAdapter subclass) context = None #: internal cache of passlib hasher -> django hasher instance. #: key stores weakref to passlib hasher. _django_hasher_cache = None #: special case -- unsalted_sha1 _django_unsalted_sha1 = None #: internal cache of django name -> passlib hasher #: value stores weakrefs to passlib hasher. _passlib_hasher_cache = None #============================================================================= # init #============================================================================= def __init__(self, context=None, **kwds): super(DjangoTranslator, self).__init__(**kwds) if context is not None: self.context = context self._django_hasher_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() self._passlib_hasher_cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() def reset_hashers(self): self._django_hasher_cache.clear() self._passlib_hasher_cache.clear() self._django_unsalted_sha1 = None def _get_passlib_hasher(self, passlib_name): """ resolve passlib hasher by name, using context if available. """ context = self.context if context is None: return registry.get_crypt_handler(passlib_name) else: return context.handler(passlib_name) #============================================================================= # resolve passlib hasher -> django hasher #============================================================================= def passlib_to_django_name(self, passlib_name): """ Convert passlib hasher / name to Django hasher name. """ return self.passlib_to_django(passlib_name).algorithm # XXX: add option (in class, or call signature) to always return a wrapper, # rather than native builtin -- would let HashersTest check that # our own wrapper + implementations are matching up with their tests. def passlib_to_django(self, passlib_hasher, cached=True): """ Convert passlib hasher / name to Django hasher. :param passlib_hasher: passlib hasher / name :returns: django hasher instance """ # resolve names to hasher if not hasattr(passlib_hasher, "name"): passlib_hasher = self._get_passlib_hasher(passlib_hasher) # check cache if cached: cache = self._django_hasher_cache try: return cache[passlib_hasher] except KeyError: pass result = cache[passlib_hasher] = \ self.passlib_to_django(passlib_hasher, cached=False) return result # find native equivalent, and return wrapper if there isn't one django_name = getattr(passlib_hasher, "django_name", None) if django_name: return self._create_django_hasher(django_name) else: return _PasslibHasherWrapper(passlib_hasher) _builtin_django_hashers = dict( md5="MD5PasswordHasher", ) def _create_django_hasher(self, django_name): """ helper to create new django hasher by name. wraps underlying django methods. """ # if we haven't patched django, can use it directly module = sys.modules.get("passlib.ext.django.models") if module is None or not module.adapter.patched: from django.contrib.auth.hashers import get_hasher return get_hasher(django_name) # We've patched django's get_hashers(), so calling django's get_hasher() # or get_hashers_by_algorithm() would only land us back here. # As non-ideal workaround, have to use original get_hashers(), get_hashers = module.adapter._manager.getorig("django.contrib.auth.hashers:get_hashers").__wrapped__ for hasher in get_hashers(): if hasher.algorithm == django_name: return hasher # hardcode a few for cases where get_hashers() look won't work. path = self._builtin_django_hashers.get(django_name) if path: if "." not in path: path = "django.contrib.auth.hashers." + path from django.utils.module_loading import import_string return import_string(path)() raise ValueError("unknown hasher: %r" % django_name) #============================================================================= # reverse django -> passlib #============================================================================= def django_to_passlib_name(self, django_name): """ Convert Django hasher / name to Passlib hasher name. """ return self.django_to_passlib(django_name).name def django_to_passlib(self, django_name, cached=True): """ Convert Django hasher / name to Passlib hasher / name. If present, CryptContext will be checked instead of main registry. :param django_name: Django hasher class or algorithm name. "default" allowed if context provided. :raises ValueError: if can't resolve hasher. :returns: passlib hasher or name """ # check for django hasher if hasattr(django_name, "algorithm"): # check for passlib adapter if isinstance(django_name, _PasslibHasherWrapper): return django_name.passlib_handler # resolve django hasher -> name django_name = django_name.algorithm # check cache if cached: cache = self._passlib_hasher_cache try: return cache[django_name] except KeyError: pass result = cache[django_name] = \ self.django_to_passlib(django_name, cached=False) return result # check if it's an obviously-wrapped name if django_name.startswith(PASSLIB_WRAPPER_PREFIX): passlib_name = django_name[len(PASSLIB_WRAPPER_PREFIX):] return self._get_passlib_hasher(passlib_name) # resolve default if django_name == "default": context = self.context if context is None: raise TypeError("can't determine default scheme w/ context") return context.handler() # special case: Django uses a separate hasher for "sha1$$digest" # hashes (unsalted_sha1) and "sha1$salt$digest" (sha1); # but passlib uses "django_salted_sha1" for both of these. if django_name == "unsalted_sha1": django_name = "sha1" # resolve name # XXX: bother caching these lists / mapping? # not needed in long-term due to cache above. context = self.context if context is None: # check registry # TODO: should make iteration via registry easier candidates = ( registry.get_crypt_handler(passlib_name) for passlib_name in registry.list_crypt_handlers() if passlib_name.startswith(DJANGO_COMPAT_PREFIX) or passlib_name in _other_django_hashes ) else: # check context candidates = context.schemes(resolve=True) for handler in candidates: if getattr(handler, "django_name", None) == django_name: return handler # give up # NOTE: this should only happen for custom django hashers that we don't # know the equivalents for. _HasherHandler (below) is work in # progress that would allow us to at least return a wrapper. raise ValueError("can't translate django name to passlib name: %r" % (django_name,)) #============================================================================= # django hasher lookup #============================================================================= def resolve_django_hasher(self, django_name, cached=True): """ Take in a django algorithm name, return django hasher. """ # check for django hasher if hasattr(django_name, "algorithm"): return django_name # resolve to passlib hasher passlib_hasher = self.django_to_passlib(django_name, cached=cached) # special case: Django uses a separate hasher for "sha1$$digest" # hashes (unsalted_sha1) and "sha1$salt$digest" (sha1); # but passlib uses "django_salted_sha1" for both of these. # XXX: this isn't ideal way to handle this. would like to do something # like pass "django_variant=django_name" into passlib_to_django(), # and have it cache separate hasher there. # but that creates a LOT of complication in it's cache structure, # for what is just one special case. if django_name == "unsalted_sha1" and == "django_salted_sha1": if not cached: return self._create_django_hasher(django_name) result = self._django_unsalted_sha1 if result is None: result = self._django_unsalted_sha1 = self._create_django_hasher(django_name) return result # lookup corresponding django hasher return self.passlib_to_django(passlib_hasher, cached=cached) #============================================================================= # eoc #============================================================================= #============================================================================= # adapter #============================================================================= class DjangoContextAdapter(DjangoTranslator): """ Object which tries to adapt a Passlib CryptContext object, using a Django-hasher compatible API. When installed in django, :mod:`!passlib.ext.django` will create an instance of this class, and then monkeypatch the appropriate methods into :mod:`!django.contrib.auth` and other appropriate places. """ #============================================================================= # instance attrs #============================================================================= #: CryptContext instance we're wrapping context = None #: ref to original make_password(), #: needed to generate usuable passwords that match django _orig_make_password = None #: ref to django helper of this name -- not monkeypatched is_password_usable = None #: PatchManager instance used to track installation _manager = None #: whether config=disabled flag was set enabled = True #: patch status patched = False #============================================================================= # init #============================================================================= def __init__(self, context=None, get_user_category=None, **kwds): # init log self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".DjangoContextAdapter") # init parent, filling in default context object if context is None: context = CryptContext() super(DjangoContextAdapter, self).__init__(context=context, **kwds) # setup user category if get_user_category: assert callable(get_user_category) self.get_user_category = get_user_category # install lru cache wrappers from django.utils.lru_cache import lru_cache self.get_hashers = lru_cache()(self.get_hashers) # get copy of original make_password from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password if make_password.__module__.startswith("passlib."): make_password = _PatchManager.peek_unpatched_func(make_password) self._orig_make_password = make_password # get other django helpers from django.contrib.auth.hashers import is_password_usable self.is_password_usable = is_password_usable # init manager mlog = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".DjangoContextAdapter._manager") self._manager = _PatchManager(log=mlog) def reset_hashers(self): """ Wrapper to manually reset django's hasher lookup cache """ # resets cache for .get_hashers() & .get_hashers_by_algorithm() from django.contrib.auth.hashers import reset_hashers reset_hashers(setting="PASSWORD_HASHERS") # reset internal caches super(DjangoContextAdapter, self).reset_hashers() #============================================================================= # django hashers helpers -- hasher lookup #============================================================================= # lru_cache()'ed by init def get_hashers(self): """ Passlib replacement for get_hashers() -- Return list of available django hasher classes """ passlib_to_django = self.passlib_to_django return [passlib_to_django(hasher) for hasher in self.context.schemes(resolve=True)] def get_hasher(self, algorithm="default"): """ Passlib replacement for get_hasher() -- Return django hasher by name """ return self.resolve_django_hasher(algorithm) def identify_hasher(self, encoded): """ Passlib replacement for identify_hasher() -- Identify django hasher based on hash. """ handler = self.context.identify(encoded, resolve=True, required=True) if == "django_salted_sha1" and encoded.startswith("sha1$$"): # Django uses a separate hasher for "sha1$$digest" hashes, but # passlib identifies it as belonging to "sha1$salt$digest" handler. # We want to resolve to correct django hasher. return self.get_hasher("unsalted_sha1") return self.passlib_to_django(handler) #============================================================================= # django.contrib.auth.hashers helpers -- password helpers #============================================================================= def make_password(self, password, salt=None, hasher="default"): """ Passlib replacement for make_password() """ if password is None: return self._orig_make_password(None) # NOTE: relying on hasher coming from context, and thus having # context-specific config baked into it. passlib_hasher = self.django_to_passlib(hasher) if "salt" not in passlib_hasher.setting_kwds: # ignore salt param even if preset pass elif hasher.startswith("unsalted_"): # Django uses a separate 'unsalted_sha1' hasher for "sha1$$digest", # but passlib just reuses it's "sha1" handler ("sha1$salt$digest"). To make # this work, have to explicitly tell the sha1 handler to use an empty salt. passlib_hasher = passlib_hasher.using(salt="") elif salt: # Django make_password() autogenerates a salt if salt is bool False (None / ''), # so we only pass the keyword on if there's actually a fixed salt. passlib_hasher = passlib_hasher.using(salt=salt) return passlib_hasher.hash(password) def check_password(self, password, encoded, setter=None, preferred="default"): """ Passlib replacement for check_password() """ # XXX: this currently ignores "preferred" keyword, since its purpose # was for hash migration, and that's handled by the context. if password is None or not self.is_password_usable(encoded): return False # verify password context = self.context correct = context.verify(password, encoded) if not (correct and setter): return correct # check if we need to rehash if preferred == "default": if not context.needs_update(encoded, secret=password): return correct else: # Django's check_password() won't call setter() on a # 'preferred' alg, even if it's otherwise deprecated. To try and # replicate this behavior if preferred is set, we look up the # passlib hasher, and call it's original needs_update() method. # TODO: Solve redundancy that verify() call # above is already identifying hash. hasher = self.django_to_passlib(preferred) if (hasher.identify(encoded) and not hasher.needs_update(encoded, secret=password)): # alg is 'preferred' and hash itself doesn't need updating, # so nothing to do. return correct # else: either hash isn't preferred, or it needs updating. # call setter to rehash setter(password) return correct #============================================================================= # django users helpers #============================================================================= def user_check_password(self, user, password): """ Passlib replacement for User.check_password() """ if password is None: return False hash = user.password if not self.is_password_usable(hash): return False cat = self.get_user_category(user) ok, new_hash = self.context.verify_and_update(password, hash, category=cat) if ok and new_hash is not None: # migrate to new hash if needed. user.password = new_hash return ok def user_set_password(self, user, password): """ Passlib replacement for User.set_password() """ if password is None: user.set_unusable_password() else: cat = self.get_user_category(user) user.password = self.context.hash(password, category=cat) def get_user_category(self, user): """ Helper for hashing passwords per-user -- figure out the CryptContext category for specified Django user object. .. note:: This may be overridden via PASSLIB_GET_CATEGORY django setting """ if user.is_superuser: return "superuser" elif user.is_staff: return "staff" else: return None #============================================================================= # patch control #============================================================================= HASHERS_PATH = "django.contrib.auth.hashers" MODELS_PATH = "django.contrib.auth.models" USER_CLASS_PATH = MODELS_PATH + ":User" FORMS_PATH = "django.contrib.auth.forms" #: list of locations to patch patch_locations = [ # # User object # NOTE: could leave defaults alone, but want to have user available # so that we can support get_user_category() # (USER_CLASS_PATH + ".check_password", "user_check_password", dict(method=True)), (USER_CLASS_PATH + ".set_password", "user_set_password", dict(method=True)), # # Hashers module # (HASHERS_PATH + ":", "check_password"), (HASHERS_PATH + ":", "make_password"), (HASHERS_PATH + ":", "get_hashers"), (HASHERS_PATH + ":", "get_hasher"), (HASHERS_PATH + ":", "identify_hasher"), # # Patch known imports from hashers module # (MODELS_PATH + ":", "check_password"), (MODELS_PATH + ":", "make_password"), (FORMS_PATH + ":", "get_hasher"), (FORMS_PATH + ":", "identify_hasher"), ] def install_patch(self): """ Install monkeypatch to replace django hasher framework. """ # don't reapply log = self.log if self.patched: log.warning("monkeypatching already applied, refusing to reapply") return False # version check if DJANGO_VERSION < MIN_DJANGO_VERSION: raise RuntimeError("passlib.ext.django requires django >= %s" % (MIN_DJANGO_VERSION,)) # log start log.debug("preparing to monkeypatch django ...") # run through patch locations manager = self._manager for record in self.patch_locations: if len(record) == 2: record += ({},) target, source, opts = record if target.endswith((":", ",")): target += source value = getattr(self, source) if opts.get("method"): # have to wrap our method in a function, # since we're installing it in a class *as* a method # XXX: make this a flag for .patch()? value = _wrap_method(value) manager.patch(target, value) # reset django's caches (e.g. get_hash_by_algorithm) self.reset_hashers() # done! self.patched = True log.debug("... finished monkeypatching django") return True def remove_patch(self): """ Remove monkeypatch from django hasher framework. As precaution in case there are lingering refs to context, context object will be wiped. .. warning:: This may cause problems if any other Django modules have imported their own copies of the patched functions, though the patched code has been designed to throw an error as soon as possible in this case. """ log = self.log manager = self._manager if self.patched: log.debug("removing django monkeypatching...") manager.unpatch_all(unpatch_conflicts=True) self.context.load({}) self.patched = False self.reset_hashers() log.debug("...finished removing django monkeypatching") return True if manager.isactive(): # pragma: no cover -- sanity check log.warning("reverting partial monkeypatching of django...") manager.unpatch_all() self.context.load({}) self.reset_hashers() log.debug("...finished removing django monkeypatching") return True log.debug("django not monkeypatched") return False #============================================================================= # loading config #============================================================================= def load_model(self): """ Load configuration from django, and install patch. """ self._load_settings() if self.enabled: try: self.install_patch() except: # try to undo what we can self.remove_patch() raise else: if self.patched: # pragma: no cover -- sanity check log.error("didn't expect monkeypatching would be applied!") self.remove_patch() log.debug("passlib.ext.django loaded") def _load_settings(self): """ Update settings from django """ from django.conf import settings # TODO: would like to add support for inheriting config from a preset # (or from existing hasher state) and letting PASSLIB_CONFIG # be an update, not a replacement. # TODO: wrap and import any custom hashers as passlib handlers, # so they could be used in the passlib config. # load config from settings _UNSET = object() config = getattr(settings, "PASSLIB_CONFIG", _UNSET) if config is _UNSET: # XXX: should probably deprecate this alias config = getattr(settings, "PASSLIB_CONTEXT", _UNSET) if config is _UNSET: config = "passlib-default" if config is None: warn("setting PASSLIB_CONFIG=None is deprecated, " "and support will be removed in Passlib 1.8, " "use PASSLIB_CONFIG='disabled' instead.", DeprecationWarning) config = "disabled" elif not isinstance(config, (unicode, bytes, dict)): raise exc.ExpectedTypeError(config, "str or dict", "PASSLIB_CONFIG") # load custom category func (if any) get_category = getattr(settings, "PASSLIB_GET_CATEGORY", None) if get_category and not callable(get_category): raise exc.ExpectedTypeError(get_category, "callable", "PASSLIB_GET_CATEGORY") # check if we've been disabled if config == "disabled": self.enabled = False return else: self.__dict__.pop("enabled", None) # resolve any preset aliases if isinstance(config, str) and '\n' not in config: config = get_preset_config(config) # setup category func if get_category: self.get_user_category = get_category else: self.__dict__.pop("get_category", None) # setup context self.context.load(config) self.reset_hashers() #============================================================================= # eof #============================================================================= #============================================================================= # wrapping passlib handlers as django hashers #============================================================================= _GEN_SALT_SIGNAL = "--!!!generate-new-salt!!!--" class ProxyProperty(object): """helper that proxies another attribute""" def __init__(self, attr): self.attr = attr def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: cls = obj return getattr(obj, self.attr) def __set__(self, obj, value): setattr(obj, self.attr, value) def __delete__(self, obj): delattr(obj, self.attr) class _PasslibHasherWrapper(object): """ adapter which which wraps a :cls:`passlib.ifc.PasswordHash` class, and provides an interface compatible with the Django hasher API. :param passlib_handler: passlib hash handler (e.g. :cls:`passlib.hash.sha256_crypt`. """ #===================================================================== # instance attrs #===================================================================== #: passlib handler that we're adapting. passlib_handler = None # NOTE: 'rounds' attr will store variable rounds, IF handler supports it. # 'iterations' will act as proxy, for compatibility with django pbkdf2 hashers. # rounds = None # iterations = None #===================================================================== # init #===================================================================== def __init__(self, passlib_handler): # init handler if getattr(passlib_handler, "django_name", None): raise ValueError("handlers that reflect an official django " "hasher shouldn't be wrapped: %r" % (,)) if passlib_handler.is_disabled: # XXX: could this be implemented? raise ValueError("can't wrap disabled-hash handlers: %r" % ( self.passlib_handler = passlib_handler # init rounds support if self._has_rounds: self.rounds = passlib_handler.default_rounds self.iterations = ProxyProperty("rounds") #===================================================================== # internal methods #===================================================================== def __repr__(self): return "" % self.passlib_handler #===================================================================== # internal properties #===================================================================== @memoized_property def __name__(self): return "Passlib_%s_PasswordHasher" % @memoized_property def _has_rounds(self): return "rounds" in self.passlib_handler.setting_kwds @memoized_property def _translate_kwds(self): """ internal helper for safe_summary() -- used to translate passlib hash options -> django keywords """ out = dict(checksum="hash") if self._has_rounds and "pbkdf2" in out['rounds'] = 'iterations' return out #===================================================================== # hasher properties #===================================================================== @memoized_property def algorithm(self): return PASSLIB_WRAPPER_PREFIX + #===================================================================== # hasher api #===================================================================== def salt(self): # NOTE: passlib's handler.hash() should generate new salt each time, # so this just returns a special constant which tells # encode() (below) not to pass a salt keyword along. return _GEN_SALT_SIGNAL def verify(self, password, encoded): return self.passlib_handler.verify(password, encoded) def encode(self, password, salt=None, rounds=None, iterations=None): kwds = {} if salt is not None and salt != _GEN_SALT_SIGNAL: kwds['salt'] = salt if self._has_rounds: if rounds is not None: kwds['rounds'] = rounds elif iterations is not None: kwds['rounds'] = iterations else: kwds['rounds'] = self.rounds elif rounds is not None or iterations is not None: warn("%s.hash(): 'rounds' and 'iterations' are ignored" % self.__name__) handler = self.passlib_handler if kwds: handler = handler.using(**kwds) return handler.hash(password) def safe_summary(self, encoded): from django.contrib.auth.hashers import mask_hash from django.utils.translation import ugettext_noop as _ handler = self.passlib_handler items = [ # since this is user-facing, we're reporting passlib's name, # without the distracting PASSLIB_HASHER_PREFIX prepended. (_('algorithm'),, ] if hasattr(handler, "parsehash"): kwds = handler.parsehash(encoded, sanitize=mask_hash) for key, value in iteritems(kwds): key = self._translate_kwds.get(key, key) items.append((_(key), value)) return OrderedDict(items) def must_update(self, encoded): # TODO: would like access CryptContext, would need caller to pass it to get_passlib_hasher(). # for now (as of passlib 1.6.6), replicating django policy that this returns True # if 'encoded' hash has different rounds value from self.rounds if self._has_rounds: # XXX: could cache this subclass somehow (would have to intercept writes to self.rounds) # TODO: always call subcls/handler.needs_update() in case there's other things to check subcls = self.passlib_handler.using(min_rounds=self.rounds, max_rounds=self.rounds) if subcls.needs_update(encoded): return True return False #===================================================================== # eoc #===================================================================== #============================================================================= # adapting django hashers -> passlib handlers #============================================================================= # TODO: this code probably halfway works, mainly just needs # a routine to read HASHERS and PREFERRED_HASHER. ##from passlib.registry import register_crypt_handler ##from passlib.utils import classproperty, to_native_str, to_unicode ##from passlib.utils.compat import unicode ## ## ##class _HasherHandler(object): ## "helper for wrapping Hasher instances as passlib handlers" ## # FIXME: this generic wrapper doesn't handle custom settings ## # FIXME: genconfig / genhash not supported. ## ## def __init__(self, hasher): ## self.django_hasher = hasher ## if hasattr(hasher, "iterations"): ## # assume encode() accepts an "iterations" parameter. ## # fake min/max rounds ## self.min_rounds = 1 ## self.max_rounds = 0xFFFFffff ## self.default_rounds = self.django_hasher.iterations ## self.setting_kwds += ("rounds",) ## ## # hasher instance - filled in by constructor ## django_hasher = None ## ## setting_kwds = ("salt",) ## context_kwds = () ## ## @property ## def name(self): ## # XXX: need to make sure this wont' collide w/ builtin django hashes. ## # maybe by renaming this to django compatible aliases? ## return DJANGO_PASSLIB_PREFIX + self.django_name ## ## @property ## def django_name(self): ## # expose this so hasher_to_passlib_name() extracts original name ## return self.django_hasher.algorithm ## ## @property ## def ident(self): ## # this should always be correct, as django relies on ident prefix. ## return unicode(self.django_name + "$") ## ## @property ## def identify(self, hash): ## # this should always work, as django relies on ident prefix. ## return to_unicode(hash, "latin-1", "hash").startswith(self.ident) ## ## @property ## def hash(self, secret, salt=None, **kwds): ## # NOTE: from how make_password() is coded, all hashers ## # should have salt param. but only some will have ## # 'iterations' parameter. ## opts = {} ## if 'rounds' in self.setting_kwds and 'rounds' in kwds: ## opts['iterations'] = kwds.pop("rounds") ## if kwds: ## raise TypeError("unexpected keyword arguments: %r" % list(kwds)) ## if isinstance(secret, unicode): ## secret = secret.encode("utf-8") ## if salt is None: ## salt = self.django_hasher.salt() ## return to_native_str(self.django_hasher(secret, salt, **opts)) ## ## @property ## def verify(self, secret, hash): ## hash = to_native_str(hash, "utf-8", "hash") ## if isinstance(secret, unicode): ## secret = secret.encode("utf-8") ## return self.django_hasher.verify(secret, hash) ## ##def register_hasher(hasher): ## handler = _HasherHandler(hasher) ## register_crypt_handler(handler) ## return handler #============================================================================= # monkeypatch helpers #============================================================================= # private singleton indicating lack-of-value _UNSET = object() class _PatchManager(object): """helper to manage monkeypatches and run sanity checks""" # NOTE: this could easily use a dict interface, # but keeping it distinct to make clear that it's not a dict, # since it has important side-effects. #=================================================================== # init and support #=================================================================== def __init__(self, log=None): # map of key -> (original value, patched value) # original value may be _UNSET self.log = log or logging.getLogger(__name__ + "._PatchManager") self._state = {} def isactive(self): return bool(self._state) # bool value tests if any patches are currently applied. # NOTE: this behavior is deprecated in favor of .isactive __bool__ = __nonzero__ = isactive def _import_path(self, path): """retrieve obj and final attribute name from resource path""" name, attr = path.split(":") obj = __import__(name, fromlist=[attr], level=0) while '.' in attr: head, attr = attr.split(".", 1) obj = getattr(obj, head) return obj, attr @staticmethod def _is_same_value(left, right): """check if two values are the same (stripping method wrappers, etc)""" return get_method_function(left) == get_method_function(right) #=================================================================== # reading #=================================================================== def _get_path(self, key, default=_UNSET): obj, attr = self._import_path(key) return getattr(obj, attr, default) def get(self, path, default=None): """return current value for path""" return self._get_path(path, default) def getorig(self, path, default=None): """return original (unpatched) value for path""" try: value, _= self._state[path] except KeyError: value = self._get_path(path) return default if value is _UNSET else value def check_all(self, strict=False): """run sanity check on all keys, issue warning if out of sync""" same = self._is_same_value for path, (orig, expected) in iteritems(self._state): if same(self._get_path(path), expected): continue msg = "another library has patched resource: %r" % path if strict: raise RuntimeError(msg) else: warn(msg, PasslibRuntimeWarning) #=================================================================== # patching #=================================================================== def _set_path(self, path, value): obj, attr = self._import_path(path) if value is _UNSET: if hasattr(obj, attr): delattr(obj, attr) else: setattr(obj, attr, value) def patch(self, path, value, wrap=False): """monkeypatch object+attr at to have , stores original""" assert value != _UNSET current = self._get_path(path) try: orig, expected = self._state[path] except KeyError: self.log.debug("patching resource: %r", path) orig = current else: self.log.debug("modifying resource: %r", path) if not self._is_same_value(current, expected): warn("overridding resource another library has patched: %r" % path, PasslibRuntimeWarning) if wrap: assert callable(value) wrapped = orig wrapped_by = value def wrapper(*args, **kwds): return wrapped_by(wrapped, *args, **kwds) update_wrapper(wrapper, value) value = wrapper if callable(value): # needed by DjangoContextAdapter init get_method_function(value)._patched_original_value = orig self._set_path(path, value) self._state[path] = (orig, value) @classmethod def peek_unpatched_func(cls, value): return value._patched_original_value ##def patch_many(self, **kwds): ## "override specified resources with new values" ## for path, value in iteritems(kwds): ## self.patch(path, value) def monkeypatch(self, parent, name=None, enable=True, wrap=False): """function decorator which patches function of same name in """ def builder(func): if enable: sep = "." if ":" in parent else ":" path = parent + sep + (name or func.__name__) self.patch(path, func, wrap=wrap) return func if callable(name): # called in non-decorator mode func = name name = None builder(func) return None return builder #=================================================================== # unpatching #=================================================================== def unpatch(self, path, unpatch_conflicts=True): try: orig, expected = self._state[path] except KeyError: return current = self._get_path(path) self.log.debug("unpatching resource: %r", path) if not self._is_same_value(current, expected): if unpatch_conflicts: warn("reverting resource another library has patched: %r" % path, PasslibRuntimeWarning) else: warn("not reverting resource another library has patched: %r" % path, PasslibRuntimeWarning) del self._state[path] return self._set_path(path, orig) del self._state[path] def unpatch_all(self, **kwds): for key in list(self._state): self.unpatch(key, **kwds) #=================================================================== # eoc #=================================================================== #============================================================================= # eof #============================================================================= PK!$//django/models.pycnu[ 5Xc@sXdZddlmZddlmZdgZeZejZej Z ej dS(sApasslib.ext.django.models -- monkeypatch django hashing frameworki(t CryptContext(tDjangoContextAdaptertpassword_contextN( t__doc__tpasslib.contextRtpasslib.ext.django.utilsRt__all__tadaptertcontextRt reset_hasherstcontext_changedt load_model(((s=/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/models.pyts    PK!V5django/__init__.pyonu[ ?N3Rc@s dZdS(spasslib.ext.django.models -- monkeypatch django hashing framework this plugin monkeypatches django's hashing framework so that it uses a passlib context object, allowing handling of arbitrary hashes in Django databases. N(t__doc__(((s?/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/__init__.pytsPK!5wzwzdjango/utils.pycnu[ 5Xc@sdZddlmZmZddlZejeZddlZddl Z ddl m Z y$ddl m ZejdeWn$ek rejdfZnXddlmZmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZmZmZmZdd lmZd dddgZddfZ idd6dd6dd6dd6Z!dZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%e&dgZ'd Z(d!e)fd"YZ*d#e*fd$YZ+d%Z,d&e)fd'YZ-d(e)fd)YZ.e)Z/d*e)fd+YZ0dS(,s?passlib.ext.django.utils - helper functions used by this plugini(tupdate_wrappertwrapsN(twarn(tVERSIONsfound django %r installationsdjango installation not found(texctregistry(t CryptContext(tPasslibRuntimeWarning(tget_method_functiont iteritemst OrderedDicttunicode(tmemoized_propertytDJANGO_VERSIONtMIN_DJANGO_VERSIONtget_preset_configtget_django_hasheriitdjango10_contexts django-1.0tdjango14_contexts django-1.4tdjango16_contexts django-1.6tdjango_contexts django-latestcCs|dkr*ts!tdnd}n|dkr:tSyt|}Wn!tk rktd|nXddl}t|j|jS(seReturns configuration string for one of the preset strings supported by the ``PASSLIB_CONFIG`` setting. Currently supported presets: * ``"passlib-default"`` - default config used by this release of passlib. * ``"django-default"`` - config matching currently installed django version. * ``"django-latest"`` - config matching newest django version (currently same as ``"django-1.6"``). * ``"django-1.0"`` - config used by stock Django 1.0 - 1.3 installs * ``"django-1.4"`` - config used by stock Django 1.4 installs * ``"django-1.6"`` - config used by stock Django 1.6 installs sdjango-defaults9can't resolve django-default preset, django not installeds django-1.6spasslib-defaultsunknown preset config name: %riN( R t ValueErrortPASSLIB_DEFAULTt _preset_maptKeyErrort passlib.appstgetattrtappst to_string(tnametattrtpasslib((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR/s     s [passlib] ; list of schemes supported by configuration ; currently all django 1.6, 1.4, and 1.0 hashes, ; and three common modular crypt format hashes. schemes = django_pbkdf2_sha256, django_pbkdf2_sha1, django_bcrypt, django_bcrypt_sha256, django_salted_sha1, django_salted_md5, django_des_crypt, hex_md5, sha512_crypt, bcrypt, phpass ; default scheme to use for new hashes default = django_pbkdf2_sha256 ; hashes using these schemes will automatically be re-hashed ; when the user logs in (currently all django 1.0 hashes) deprecated = django_pbkdf2_sha1, django_salted_sha1, django_salted_md5, django_des_crypt, hex_md5 ; sets some common options, including minimum rounds for two primary hashes. ; if a hash has less than this number of rounds, it will be re-hashed. sha512_crypt__min_rounds = 80000 django_pbkdf2_sha256__min_rounds = 10000 ; set somewhat stronger iteration counts for ``User.is_staff`` staff__sha512_crypt__default_rounds = 100000 staff__django_pbkdf2_sha256__default_rounds = 12500 ; and even stronger ones for ``User.is_superuser`` superuser__sha512_crypt__default_rounds = 120000 superuser__django_pbkdf2_sha256__default_rounds = 15000 tpasslib_tdjango_thex_md5cstfd}|S(s#wrap method object in bare functioncs ||S(N((targstkwds(tmethod(s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytwrapper~s(R(R%R&((R%s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt _wrap_method|stDjangoTranslatorcBseZdZd Zd Zd Zd Zd dZdZ dZ dZ e dZ eddZdZd Ze d Ze d ZRS( sO Object which helps translate passlib hasher objects / names to and from django hasher objects / names. These methods are wrapped in a class so that results can be cached, but with the ability to have independant caches, since django hasher names may / may not correspond to the same instance (or even class). cKsPtt|j||dk r.||_ntj|_tj|_ dS(N( tsuperR(t__init__tNonetcontexttweakreftWeakKeyDictionaryt_django_hasher_cachetWeakValueDictionaryt_passlib_hasher_cache(tselfR,R$((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR*s   cCs'|jj|jjd|_dS(N(R/tclearR1R+t_django_unsalted_sha1(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt reset_hasherss  cCs3|j}|dkr"tj|S|j|SdS(sM resolve passlib hasher by name, using context if available. N(R,R+Rtget_crypt_handlerthandler(R2t passlib_nameR,((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt_get_passlib_hashers   cCs|j|jS(sF Convert passlib hasher / name to Django hasher name. (tpasslib_to_djangot algorithm(R2R8((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytpasslib_to_django_namescCst|ds!|j|}n|rq|j}y ||SWntk rOnX|j|dt}||<|St|dd}|r|j|St |SdS(s Convert passlib hasher / name to Django hasher. :param passlib_hasher: passlib hasher / name :returns: django hasher instance Rtcachedt django_nameN( thasattrR9R/RR:tFalseRR+t_create_django_hashert_PasslibHasherWrapper(R2tpasslib_hasherR=tcachetresultR>((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR:s     tmd5tMD5PasswordHashercCstjjd}|d ks+|jj rEddlm}||S|jjj dj }x$|D]}|j |krg|SqgW|j j|}|rd|krd|}nddl m}||Std|d S( sf helper to create new django hasher by name. wraps underlying django methods. spasslib.ext.django.modelsi(t get_hashers'django.contrib.auth.hashers:get_hasherst.sdjango.contrib.auth.hashers.(t import_stringsunknown hasher: %rN(tsystmodulestgetR+tadaptertpatchedtdjango.contrib.auth.hashersRHt_managertgetorigt __wrapped__R;t_builtin_django_hasherstdjango.utils.module_loadingRJR(R2R>tmoduleRHt get_hashersthashertpathRJ((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRAs    cCs|j|jS(sF Convert Django hasher / name to Passlib hasher name. (tdjango_to_passlibR(R2R>((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytdjango_to_passlib_namesc Cst|dr1t|tr%|jS|j}n|r|j}y ||SWntk r_nX|j|dt}||<|S|j t r|t t }|j |S|dkr|j }|d krtdn|jS|dkrd}n|j }|d kr*dtjD}n|jdt}x*|D]"}t|d d |krC|SqCWtd |fd S( s Convert Django hasher / name to Passlib hasher / name. If present, CryptContext will be checked instead of main registry. :param django_name: Django hasher class or algorithm name. "default" allowed if context provided. :raises ValueError: if can't resolve hasher. :returns: passlib hasher or name R;R=tdefaults)can't determine default scheme w/ contextt unsalted_sha1tsha1css9|]/}|jts$|tkrtj|VqdS(N(t startswithtDJANGO_COMPAT_PREFIXt_other_django_hashesRR6(t.0R8((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pys SstresolveR>s/can't translate django name to passlib name: %rN(R?t isinstanceRBtpasslib_handlerR;R1RRZR@R_tPASSLIB_WRAPPER_PREFIXtlenR9R,R+t TypeErrorR7Rtlist_crypt_handlerstschemestTrueRR( R2R>R=RDRER8R,t candidatesR7((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRZs@              cCst|dr|S|j|d|}|dkr|jdkr|sV|j|S|j}|dkr|j|}|_n|S|j|d|S(sH Take in a django algorithm name, return django hasher. R;R=R]tdjango_salted_sha1N(R?RZRRAR4R+R:(R2R>R=RCRE((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytresolve_django_hasherjs    N(t__name__t __module__t__doc__R+R,R/R4R1R*R5R9R<RkR:tdictRTRAR[RZRn(((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR(s       !  UtDjangoContextAdapterc BseZdZdZdZdZdZeZ e Z dddZ dZ dZddZdZdddZdddZd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZedZdZeddedefeddedefeddfeddfeddfeddfeddfeddfeddfeddfeddfg ZdZdZdZdZRS( sC Object which tries to adapt a Passlib CryptContext object, using a Django-hasher compatible API. When installed in django, :mod:`!passlib.ext.django` will create an instance of this class, and then monkeypatch the appropriate methods into :mod:`!django.contrib.auth` and other appropriate places. cKstjtd|_|dkr.t}ntt|jd|||rnt |sbt ||_ nddl m }||j|_ddlm}|jjdrtj|}n||_ddlm}||_tjtd}td ||_dS( Ns.DjangoContextAdapterR,i(t lru_cache(t make_passwordspasslib.(tis_password_usables.DjangoContextAdapter._managertlog(tloggingt getLoggerRoRwR+RR)RsR*tcallabletAssertionErrortget_user_categorytdjango.utils.lru_cacheRtRWRPRuRpR_t _PatchManagertpeek_unpatched_funct_orig_make_passwordRvRQ(R2R,R|R$RtRuRvtmlog((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR*s"     cCs4ddlm}|ddtt|jdS(sH Wrapper to manually reset django's hasher lookup cache i(R5tsettingtPASSWORD_HASHERSN(RPR5R)Rs(R2R5((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR5s cCs5|j}g|jjdtD]}||^qS(sq Passlib replacement for get_hashers() -- Return list of available django hasher classes Rc(R:R,RjRk(R2R:RX((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRWs R\cCs |j|S(s^ Passlib replacement for get_hasher() -- Return django hasher by name (Rn(R2R;((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRHscCsV|jj|dtdt}|jdkrI|jdrI|jdS|j|S(sl Passlib replacement for identify_hasher() -- Identify django hasher based on hash. RctrequiredRmssha1$$R](R,tidentifyRkRR_RHR:(R2tencodedR7((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytidentify_hashers cCs|dkr|jdS|j|}d|jkr:n?|jdr^|jdd}n|ry|jd|}n|j|S(s9 Passlib replacement for make_password() tsaltt unsalted_tN(R+RRZt setting_kwdsR_tusingthash(R2tpasswordRRXRC((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRus  cCs|dks|j| r tS|j}|j||}|oD|sK|S|dkrs|j|d|s|Sn8|j|}|j|r|j|d| r|S|||S(s: Passlib replacement for check_password() R\tsecretN(R+RvR@R,tverifyt needs_updateRZR(R2RRtsettert preferredR,tcorrectRX((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytcheck_passwords    cCs|dkrtS|j}|j|s,tS|j|}|jj||d|\}}|r|dk r||_|jn|S(s? Passlib replacement for User.check_password() tcategoryN(R+R@RRvR|R,tverify_and_updatetsave(R2tuserRRtcattoktnew_hash((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytuser_check_passwordEs    cCsG|dkr|jn*|j|}|jj|d||_dS(s= Passlib replacement for User.set_password() RN(R+tset_unusable_passwordR|R,RR(R2RRR((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytuser_set_passwordWs  cCs"|jr dS|jrdSdSdS(s Helper for hashing passwords per-user -- figure out the CryptContext category for specified Django user object. .. note:: This may be overridden via PASSLIB_GET_CATEGORY django setting t superusertstaffN(t is_superusertis_staffR+(R2R((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR|as   sdjango.contrib.auth.hasherssdjango.contrib.auth.modelss:Usersdjango.contrib.auth.formss.check_passwordRR%s .set_passwordRt:RRuRWRHRcCs|j}|jr#|jdtSttkrEtdtfn|jd|j}x|j D]}t |dkr|if7}n|\}}}|j d r||7}nt ||}|j drt|}n|j||qeW|jt|_|jdtS( sI Install monkeypatch to replace django hasher framework. s3monkeypatching already applied, refusing to reapplys(passlib.ext.django requires django >= %ss#preparing to monkeypatch django ...iRt,R%s"... finished monkeypatching django(RR(RwROtwarningR@R Rt RuntimeErrortdebugRQtpatch_locationsRgtendswithRRMR'tpatchR5Rk(R2Rwtmanagertrecordttargettsourcetoptstvalue((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt install_patchs.          cCs|j}|j}|jrl|jd|jdt|jjit|_|j |jdtS|j r|j d|j|jji|j |jdtS|jdtS(s Remove monkeypatch from django hasher framework. As precaution in case there are lingering refs to context, context object will be wiped. .. warning:: This may cause problems if any other Django modules have imported their own copies of the patched functions, though the patched code has been designed to throw an error as soon as possible in this case. s!removing django monkeypatching...tunpatch_conflictss*...finished removing django monkeypatchings-reverting partial monkeypatching of django...sdjango not monkeypatched( RwRQRORt unpatch_allRkR,tloadR@R5tisactiveR(R2RwR((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt remove_patchs&             cCso|j|jr;y|jWq^|jq^Xn#|jrTtjdn|jtjddS(sD Load configuration from django, and install patch. s.didn't expect monkeypatching would be applied!spasslib.ext.django loadedN(t_load_settingstenabledRRRORwterrorR(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt load_models      cCsddlm}t}t|d|}||krLt|d|}n||krad}n|d krtdtd}n0t|tt t fst j |ddnt|d d }|rt | rt j |d d n|dkr t|_d S|jjd d t|trFd |krFt|}n|rX||_n|jjdd |jj||jd S(s- Update settings from django i(tsettingstPASSLIB_CONFIGtPASSLIB_CONTEXTspasslib-defaults}setting PASSLIB_CONFIG=None is deprecated, and support will be removed in Passlib 1.8, use PASSLIB_CONFIG='disabled' instead.tdisableds str or dicttPASSLIB_GET_CATEGORYRzNRs t get_category(t django.confRtobjectRR+RtDeprecationWarningRdR tbytesRrRtExpectedTypeErrorRzR@Rt__dict__tpoptstrRR|R,RR5(R2Rt_UNSETtconfigR((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRs6         N( RoRpRqR+R,RRvRQRkRR@ROR*R5RWRHRRuRRRR|t HASHERS_PATHt MODELS_PATHtUSER_CLASS_PATHt FORMS_PATHRrRRRRR(((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRssH!   *             * ' s--!!!generate-new-salt!!!--t ProxyPropertycBs2eZdZdZdZdZdZRS(s%helper that proxies another attributecCs ||_dS(N(R(R2R((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR*<scCs%|dkr|}nt||jS(N(R+RR(R2tobjtcls((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt__get__?s  cCst||j|dS(N(tsetattrR(R2RR((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt__set__DscCst||jdS(N(tdelattrR(R2R((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt __delete__Gs(RoRpRqR*RRR(((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR9s    RBcBseZdZd ZdZdZedZedZedZ edZ dZ dZ d d d d Z d Zd ZRS( s adapter which which wraps a :cls:`passlib.ifc.PasswordHash` class, and provides an interface compatible with the Django hasher API. :param passlib_handler: passlib hash handler (e.g. :cls:`passlib.hash.sha256_crypt`. cCs~t|ddr+td|jfn|jrJtd|jn||_|jrz|j|_t d|_ ndS(NR>sHhandlers that reflect an official django hasher shouldn't be wrapped: %rs%can't wrap disabled-hash handlers: %rtrounds( RR+RRt is_disabledRet _has_roundstdefault_roundsRRt iterations(R2Re((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR*bs    cCs d|jS(Ns!(Re(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt__repr__vscCsd|jjjS(NsPasslib_%s_PasswordHasher(ReRttitle(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRo}scCsd|jjkS(NR(ReR(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRscCs;tdd}|jr7d|jjkr7d|d django keywords tchecksumRtpbkdf2RR(RrRReR(R2tout((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt_translate_kwdss cCst|jjS(N(RfReR(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR;scCstS(N(t_GEN_SALT_SIGNAL(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRscCs|jj||S(N(ReR(R2RR((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRscCsi}|dk r+|tkr+||d to have , stores originalspatching resource: %rsmodifying resource: %rs4overridding resource another library has patched: %rcs||S(N((R#R$(twrappedt wrapped_by(s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR&sN(RR{RRRRwRRRRRzRRt_patched_original_valueR(R2RYRtwraptcurrentRRR&((RRs</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR|s,     cCs|jS(N(R(RR((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRscsEfd}trA}d||dS|S(sBfunction decorator which patches function of same name in csRrNdkrdnd}|p1|j}j||dn|S(NRRIR (RoR(tfunctsepRY(tenableRtparentR2R (s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytbuilders N(RzR+(R2RRR R RR ((R RRR2R s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt monkeypatchs  cCsy|j|\}}Wntk r+dSX|j|}|jjd||j||s|rztd|tqtd|t|j|=dSn|j|||j|=dS(Nsunpatching resource: %rs2reverting resource another library has patched: %rs6not reverting resource another library has patched: %r( RRRRwRRRRR(R2RYRRRR ((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytunpatchs    cKs.x't|jD]}|j||qWdS(N(tlistRR(R2R$R((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRsN(RoRpRqR+R*Rt__bool__t __nonzero__Rt staticmethodRRRRMRRR@RRRt classmethodRRkRRR(((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR~-s             (1Rqt functoolsRRRxRyRoRwRKR-twarningsRtdjangoRR Rt ImportErrorRRRtpasslib.contextRt passlib.excRtpasslib.utils.compatRR R R tpasslib.utils.decorR t__all__RRRRRfR`tsetRaR'RR(RsRRRBRR~(((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytsT      "    =   PK!/Ozzdjango/utils.pyonu[ 5Xc@sdZddlmZmZddlZejeZddlZddl Z ddl m Z y$ddl m ZejdeWn$ek rejdfZnXddlmZmZdd lmZdd lmZdd lmZmZmZmZdd lmZd dddgZddfZ idd6dd6dd6dd6Z!dZ"dZ#dZ$dZ%e&dgZ'd Z(d!e)fd"YZ*d#e*fd$YZ+d%Z,d&e)fd'YZ-d(e)fd)YZ.e)Z/d*e)fd+YZ0dS(,s?passlib.ext.django.utils - helper functions used by this plugini(tupdate_wrappertwrapsN(twarn(tVERSIONsfound django %r installationsdjango installation not found(texctregistry(t CryptContext(tPasslibRuntimeWarning(tget_method_functiont iteritemst OrderedDicttunicode(tmemoized_propertytDJANGO_VERSIONtMIN_DJANGO_VERSIONtget_preset_configtget_django_hasheriitdjango10_contexts django-1.0tdjango14_contexts django-1.4tdjango16_contexts django-1.6tdjango_contexts django-latestcCs|dkr*ts!tdnd}n|dkr:tSyt|}Wn!tk rktd|nXddl}t|j|jS(seReturns configuration string for one of the preset strings supported by the ``PASSLIB_CONFIG`` setting. Currently supported presets: * ``"passlib-default"`` - default config used by this release of passlib. * ``"django-default"`` - config matching currently installed django version. * ``"django-latest"`` - config matching newest django version (currently same as ``"django-1.6"``). * ``"django-1.0"`` - config used by stock Django 1.0 - 1.3 installs * ``"django-1.4"`` - config used by stock Django 1.4 installs * ``"django-1.6"`` - config used by stock Django 1.6 installs sdjango-defaults9can't resolve django-default preset, django not installeds django-1.6spasslib-defaultsunknown preset config name: %riN( R t ValueErrortPASSLIB_DEFAULTt _preset_maptKeyErrort passlib.appstgetattrtappst to_string(tnametattrtpasslib((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR/s     s [passlib] ; list of schemes supported by configuration ; currently all django 1.6, 1.4, and 1.0 hashes, ; and three common modular crypt format hashes. schemes = django_pbkdf2_sha256, django_pbkdf2_sha1, django_bcrypt, django_bcrypt_sha256, django_salted_sha1, django_salted_md5, django_des_crypt, hex_md5, sha512_crypt, bcrypt, phpass ; default scheme to use for new hashes default = django_pbkdf2_sha256 ; hashes using these schemes will automatically be re-hashed ; when the user logs in (currently all django 1.0 hashes) deprecated = django_pbkdf2_sha1, django_salted_sha1, django_salted_md5, django_des_crypt, hex_md5 ; sets some common options, including minimum rounds for two primary hashes. ; if a hash has less than this number of rounds, it will be re-hashed. sha512_crypt__min_rounds = 80000 django_pbkdf2_sha256__min_rounds = 10000 ; set somewhat stronger iteration counts for ``User.is_staff`` staff__sha512_crypt__default_rounds = 100000 staff__django_pbkdf2_sha256__default_rounds = 12500 ; and even stronger ones for ``User.is_superuser`` superuser__sha512_crypt__default_rounds = 120000 superuser__django_pbkdf2_sha256__default_rounds = 15000 tpasslib_tdjango_thex_md5cstfd}|S(s#wrap method object in bare functioncs ||S(N((targstkwds(tmethod(s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytwrapper~s(R(R%R&((R%s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt _wrap_method|stDjangoTranslatorcBseZdZd Zd Zd Zd Zd dZdZ dZ dZ e dZ eddZdZd Ze d Ze d ZRS( sO Object which helps translate passlib hasher objects / names to and from django hasher objects / names. These methods are wrapped in a class so that results can be cached, but with the ability to have independant caches, since django hasher names may / may not correspond to the same instance (or even class). cKsPtt|j||dk r.||_ntj|_tj|_ dS(N( tsuperR(t__init__tNonetcontexttweakreftWeakKeyDictionaryt_django_hasher_cachetWeakValueDictionaryt_passlib_hasher_cache(tselfR,R$((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR*s   cCs'|jj|jjd|_dS(N(R/tclearR1R+t_django_unsalted_sha1(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt reset_hasherss  cCs3|j}|dkr"tj|S|j|SdS(sM resolve passlib hasher by name, using context if available. N(R,R+Rtget_crypt_handlerthandler(R2t passlib_nameR,((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt_get_passlib_hashers   cCs|j|jS(sF Convert passlib hasher / name to Django hasher name. (tpasslib_to_djangot algorithm(R2R8((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytpasslib_to_django_namescCst|ds!|j|}n|rq|j}y ||SWntk rOnX|j|dt}||<|St|dd}|r|j|St |SdS(s Convert passlib hasher / name to Django hasher. :param passlib_hasher: passlib hasher / name :returns: django hasher instance Rtcachedt django_nameN( thasattrR9R/RR:tFalseRR+t_create_django_hashert_PasslibHasherWrapper(R2tpasslib_hasherR=tcachetresultR>((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR:s     tmd5tMD5PasswordHashercCstjjd}|d ks+|jj rEddlm}||S|jjj dj }x$|D]}|j |krg|SqgW|j j|}|rd|krd|}nddl m}||Std|d S( sf helper to create new django hasher by name. wraps underlying django methods. spasslib.ext.django.modelsi(t get_hashers'django.contrib.auth.hashers:get_hasherst.sdjango.contrib.auth.hashers.(t import_stringsunknown hasher: %rN(tsystmodulestgetR+tadaptertpatchedtdjango.contrib.auth.hashersRHt_managertgetorigt __wrapped__R;t_builtin_django_hasherstdjango.utils.module_loadingRJR(R2R>tmoduleRHt get_hashersthashertpathRJ((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRAs    cCs|j|jS(sF Convert Django hasher / name to Passlib hasher name. (tdjango_to_passlibR(R2R>((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytdjango_to_passlib_namesc Cst|dr1t|tr%|jS|j}n|r|j}y ||SWntk r_nX|j|dt}||<|S|j t r|t t }|j |S|dkr|j }|d krtdn|jS|dkrd}n|j }|d kr*dtjD}n|jdt}x*|D]"}t|d d |krC|SqCWtd |fd S( s Convert Django hasher / name to Passlib hasher / name. If present, CryptContext will be checked instead of main registry. :param django_name: Django hasher class or algorithm name. "default" allowed if context provided. :raises ValueError: if can't resolve hasher. :returns: passlib hasher or name R;R=tdefaults)can't determine default scheme w/ contextt unsalted_sha1tsha1css9|]/}|jts$|tkrtj|VqdS(N(t startswithtDJANGO_COMPAT_PREFIXt_other_django_hashesRR6(t.0R8((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pys SstresolveR>s/can't translate django name to passlib name: %rN(R?t isinstanceRBtpasslib_handlerR;R1RRZR@R_tPASSLIB_WRAPPER_PREFIXtlenR9R,R+t TypeErrorR7Rtlist_crypt_handlerstschemestTrueRR( R2R>R=RDRER8R,t candidatesR7((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRZs@              cCst|dr|S|j|d|}|dkr|jdkr|sV|j|S|j}|dkr|j|}|_n|S|j|d|S(sH Take in a django algorithm name, return django hasher. R;R=R]tdjango_salted_sha1N(R?RZRRAR4R+R:(R2R>R=RCRE((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytresolve_django_hasherjs    N(t__name__t __module__t__doc__R+R,R/R4R1R*R5R9R<RkR:tdictRTRAR[RZRn(((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR(s       !  UtDjangoContextAdapterc BseZdZdZdZdZdZeZ e Z dddZ dZ dZddZdZdddZdddZd Zd Zd Zd Zd ZedZdZeddedefeddedefeddfeddfeddfeddfeddfeddfeddfeddfeddfg ZdZdZdZdZRS( sC Object which tries to adapt a Passlib CryptContext object, using a Django-hasher compatible API. When installed in django, :mod:`!passlib.ext.django` will create an instance of this class, and then monkeypatch the appropriate methods into :mod:`!django.contrib.auth` and other appropriate places. cKstjtd|_|dkr.t}ntt|jd|||r\||_ nddl m }||j |_ ddl m}|jjdrtj|}n||_ddl m}||_tjtd}td ||_dS( Ns.DjangoContextAdapterR,i(t lru_cache(t make_passwordspasslib.(tis_password_usables.DjangoContextAdapter._managertlog(tloggingt getLoggerRoRwR+RR)RsR*tget_user_categorytdjango.utils.lru_cacheRtRWRPRuRpR_t _PatchManagertpeek_unpatched_funct_orig_make_passwordRvRQ(R2R,RzR$RtRuRvtmlog((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR*s      cCs4ddlm}|ddtt|jdS(sH Wrapper to manually reset django's hasher lookup cache i(R5tsettingtPASSWORD_HASHERSN(RPR5R)Rs(R2R5((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR5s cCs5|j}g|jjdtD]}||^qS(sq Passlib replacement for get_hashers() -- Return list of available django hasher classes Rc(R:R,RjRk(R2R:RX((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRWs R\cCs |j|S(s^ Passlib replacement for get_hasher() -- Return django hasher by name (Rn(R2R;((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRHscCsV|jj|dtdt}|jdkrI|jdrI|jdS|j|S(sl Passlib replacement for identify_hasher() -- Identify django hasher based on hash. RctrequiredRmssha1$$R](R,tidentifyRkRR_RHR:(R2tencodedR7((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytidentify_hashers cCs|dkr|jdS|j|}d|jkr:n?|jdr^|jdd}n|ry|jd|}n|j|S(s9 Passlib replacement for make_password() tsaltt unsalted_tN(R+R~RZt setting_kwdsR_tusingthash(R2tpasswordRRXRC((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRus  cCs|dks|j| r tS|j}|j||}|oD|sK|S|dkrs|j|d|s|Sn8|j|}|j|r|j|d| r|S|||S(s: Passlib replacement for check_password() R\tsecretN(R+RvR@R,tverifyt needs_updateRZR(R2RRtsettert preferredR,tcorrectRX((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytcheck_passwords    cCs|dkrtS|j}|j|s,tS|j|}|jj||d|\}}|r|dk r||_|jn|S(s? Passlib replacement for User.check_password() tcategoryN(R+R@RRvRzR,tverify_and_updatetsave(R2tuserRRtcattoktnew_hash((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytuser_check_passwordEs    cCsG|dkr|jn*|j|}|jj|d||_dS(s= Passlib replacement for User.set_password() RN(R+tset_unusable_passwordRzR,RR(R2RRR((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytuser_set_passwordWs  cCs"|jr dS|jrdSdSdS(s Helper for hashing passwords per-user -- figure out the CryptContext category for specified Django user object. .. note:: This may be overridden via PASSLIB_GET_CATEGORY django setting t superusertstaffN(t is_superusertis_staffR+(R2R((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRzas   sdjango.contrib.auth.hasherssdjango.contrib.auth.modelss:Usersdjango.contrib.auth.formss.check_passwordRR%s .set_passwordRt:RRuRWRHRcCs|j}|jr#|jdtSttkrEtdtfn|jd|j}x|j D]}t |dkr|if7}n|\}}}|j d r||7}nt ||}|j drt|}n|j||qeW|jt|_|jdtS( sI Install monkeypatch to replace django hasher framework. s3monkeypatching already applied, refusing to reapplys(passlib.ext.django requires django >= %ss#preparing to monkeypatch django ...iRt,R%s"... finished monkeypatching django(RR(RwROtwarningR@R Rt RuntimeErrortdebugRQtpatch_locationsRgtendswithRRMR'tpatchR5Rk(R2Rwtmanagertrecordttargettsourcetoptstvalue((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt install_patchs.          cCs|j}|j}|jrl|jd|jdt|jjit|_|j |jdtS|j r|j d|j|jji|j |jdtS|jdtS(s Remove monkeypatch from django hasher framework. As precaution in case there are lingering refs to context, context object will be wiped. .. warning:: This may cause problems if any other Django modules have imported their own copies of the patched functions, though the patched code has been designed to throw an error as soon as possible in this case. s!removing django monkeypatching...tunpatch_conflictss*...finished removing django monkeypatchings-reverting partial monkeypatching of django...sdjango not monkeypatched( RwRQRORt unpatch_allRkR,tloadR@R5tisactiveR(R2RwR((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt remove_patchs&             cCso|j|jr;y|jWq^|jq^Xn#|jrTtjdn|jtjddS(sD Load configuration from django, and install patch. s.didn't expect monkeypatching would be applied!spasslib.ext.django loadedN(t_load_settingstenabledRRRORwterrorR(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt load_models      cCsddlm}t}t|d|}||krLt|d|}n||krad}n|d krtdtd}n0t|tt t fst j |ddnt|d d }|rt | rt j |d d n|dkr t|_d S|jjd d t|trFd |krFt|}n|rX||_n|jjdd |jj||jd S(s- Update settings from django i(tsettingstPASSLIB_CONFIGtPASSLIB_CONTEXTspasslib-defaults}setting PASSLIB_CONFIG=None is deprecated, and support will be removed in Passlib 1.8, use PASSLIB_CONFIG='disabled' instead.tdisableds str or dicttPASSLIB_GET_CATEGORYtcallableNRs t get_category(t django.confRtobjectRR+RtDeprecationWarningRdR tbytesRrRtExpectedTypeErrorRR@Rt__dict__tpoptstrRRzR,RR5(R2Rt_UNSETtconfigR((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRs6         N( RoRpRqR+R,R~RvRQRkRR@ROR*R5RWRHRRuRRRRzt HASHERS_PATHt MODELS_PATHtUSER_CLASS_PATHt FORMS_PATHRrRRRRR(((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRssH!   *             * ' s--!!!generate-new-salt!!!--t ProxyPropertycBs2eZdZdZdZdZdZRS(s%helper that proxies another attributecCs ||_dS(N(R(R2R((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR*<scCs%|dkr|}nt||jS(N(R+RR(R2tobjtcls((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt__get__?s  cCst||j|dS(N(tsetattrR(R2RR((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt__set__DscCst||jdS(N(tdelattrR(R2R((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt __delete__Gs(RoRpRqR*RRR(((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR9s    RBcBseZdZd ZdZdZedZedZedZ edZ dZ dZ d d d d Z d Zd ZRS( s adapter which which wraps a :cls:`passlib.ifc.PasswordHash` class, and provides an interface compatible with the Django hasher API. :param passlib_handler: passlib hash handler (e.g. :cls:`passlib.hash.sha256_crypt`. cCs~t|ddr+td|jfn|jrJtd|jn||_|jrz|j|_t d|_ ndS(NR>sHhandlers that reflect an official django hasher shouldn't be wrapped: %rs%can't wrap disabled-hash handlers: %rtrounds( RR+RRt is_disabledRet _has_roundstdefault_roundsRRt iterations(R2Re((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR*bs    cCs d|jS(Ns!(Re(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt__repr__vscCsd|jjjS(NsPasslib_%s_PasswordHasher(ReRttitle(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRo}scCsd|jjkS(NR(ReR(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRscCs;tdd}|jr7d|jjkr7d|d django keywords tchecksumRtpbkdf2RR(RrRReR(R2tout((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt_translate_kwdss cCst|jjS(N(RfReR(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR;scCstS(N(t_GEN_SALT_SIGNAL(R2((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRscCs|jj||S(N(ReR(R2RR((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRscCsi}|dk r+|tkr+||d to have , stores originalspatching resource: %rsmodifying resource: %rs4overridding resource another library has patched: %rcs||S(N((R#R$(twrappedt wrapped_by(s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR&sN( RRRRwRRRRRRRt_patched_original_valueR(R2RYRtwraptcurrentRRR&((RRs</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR|s(     cCs|jS(N(R(RR((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR}scsEfd}trA}d||dS|S(sBfunction decorator which patches function of same name in csRrNdkrdnd}|p1|j}j||dn|S(NRRIR(RoR(tfunctsepRY(tenableRtparentR2R(s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytbuilders N(RR+(R2R RR RRR ((R RR R2Rs</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyt monkeypatchs  cCsy|j|\}}Wntk r+dSX|j|}|jjd||j||s|rztd|tqtd|t|j|=dSn|j|||j|=dS(Nsunpatching resource: %rs2reverting resource another library has patched: %rs6not reverting resource another library has patched: %r( RRRRwRRRRR(R2RYRRRR ((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytunpatchs    cKs.x't|jD]}|j||qWdS(N(tlistRR(R2R$R((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyRsN(RoRpRqR+R*Rt__bool__t __nonzero__Rt staticmethodRRRRMRRR@RRRt classmethodR}RkRRR(((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pyR|-s             (1Rqt functoolsRRRxRyRoRwRKR-twarningsRtdjangoRR Rt ImportErrorRRRtpasslib.contextRt passlib.excRtpasslib.utils.compatRR R R tpasslib.utils.decorR t__all__RRRRRfR`tsetRaR'RR(RsRRRBRR|(((s</usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/django/utils.pytsT      "    =   PK!15-ȏ __init__.pyonu[ ?N3Rc@sdS(N((((s8/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/passlib/ext/__init__.pytsPK!ߜ2#ppphar/php_phar.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | phar php single-file executable PHP extension | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Gregory Beaver | | Marcus Boerger | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_PHAR_H #define PHP_PHAR_H #define PHP_PHAR_VERSION PHP_VERSION #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" extern zend_module_entry phar_module_entry; #define phpext_phar_ptr &phar_module_entry #ifdef PHP_WIN32 #define PHP_PHAR_API __declspec(dllexport) #else #define PHP_PHAR_API PHPAPI #endif PHP_PHAR_API int phar_resolve_alias(char *alias, size_t alias_len, char **filename, size_t *filename_len); #endif /* PHP_PHAR_H */ PK!t,,session/php_session.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sascha Schumann | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_SESSION_H #define PHP_SESSION_H #include "ext/standard/php_var.h" #include "ext/hash/php_hash.h" #define PHP_SESSION_API 20161017 #include "php_version.h" #define PHP_SESSION_VERSION PHP_VERSION /* save handler macros */ #define PS_NUM_APIS 9 #define PS_OPEN_ARGS void **mod_data, const char *save_path, const char *session_name #define PS_CLOSE_ARGS void **mod_data #define PS_READ_ARGS void **mod_data, zend_string *key, zend_string **val, zend_long maxlifetime #define PS_WRITE_ARGS void **mod_data, zend_string *key, zend_string *val, zend_long maxlifetime #define PS_DESTROY_ARGS void **mod_data, zend_string *key #define PS_GC_ARGS void **mod_data, zend_long maxlifetime, zend_long *nrdels #define PS_CREATE_SID_ARGS void **mod_data #define PS_VALIDATE_SID_ARGS void **mod_data, zend_string *key #define PS_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_ARGS void **mod_data, zend_string *key, zend_string *val, zend_long maxlifetime typedef struct ps_module_struct { const char *s_name; int (*s_open)(PS_OPEN_ARGS); int (*s_close)(PS_CLOSE_ARGS); int (*s_read)(PS_READ_ARGS); int (*s_write)(PS_WRITE_ARGS); int (*s_destroy)(PS_DESTROY_ARGS); zend_long (*s_gc)(PS_GC_ARGS); zend_string *(*s_create_sid)(PS_CREATE_SID_ARGS); int (*s_validate_sid)(PS_VALIDATE_SID_ARGS); int (*s_update_timestamp)(PS_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_ARGS); } ps_module; #define PS_GET_MOD_DATA() *mod_data #define PS_SET_MOD_DATA(a) *mod_data = (a) #define PS_OPEN_FUNC(x) int ps_open_##x(PS_OPEN_ARGS) #define PS_CLOSE_FUNC(x) int ps_close_##x(PS_CLOSE_ARGS) #define PS_READ_FUNC(x) int ps_read_##x(PS_READ_ARGS) #define PS_WRITE_FUNC(x) int ps_write_##x(PS_WRITE_ARGS) #define PS_DESTROY_FUNC(x) int ps_delete_##x(PS_DESTROY_ARGS) #define PS_GC_FUNC(x) zend_long ps_gc_##x(PS_GC_ARGS) #define PS_CREATE_SID_FUNC(x) zend_string *ps_create_sid_##x(PS_CREATE_SID_ARGS) #define PS_VALIDATE_SID_FUNC(x) int ps_validate_sid_##x(PS_VALIDATE_SID_ARGS) #define PS_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_FUNC(x) int ps_update_timestamp_##x(PS_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_ARGS) /* Legacy save handler module definitions */ #define PS_FUNCS(x) \ PS_OPEN_FUNC(x); \ PS_CLOSE_FUNC(x); \ PS_READ_FUNC(x); \ PS_WRITE_FUNC(x); \ PS_DESTROY_FUNC(x); \ PS_GC_FUNC(x); \ PS_CREATE_SID_FUNC(x) #define PS_MOD(x) \ #x, ps_open_##x, ps_close_##x, ps_read_##x, ps_write_##x, \ ps_delete_##x, ps_gc_##x, php_session_create_id, \ php_session_validate_sid, php_session_update_timestamp /* Legacy SID creation enabled save handler module definitions */ #define PS_FUNCS_SID(x) \ PS_OPEN_FUNC(x); \ PS_CLOSE_FUNC(x); \ PS_READ_FUNC(x); \ PS_WRITE_FUNC(x); \ PS_DESTROY_FUNC(x); \ PS_GC_FUNC(x); \ PS_CREATE_SID_FUNC(x); \ PS_VALIDATE_SID_FUNC(x); \ PS_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_FUNC(x); #define PS_MOD_SID(x) \ #x, ps_open_##x, ps_close_##x, ps_read_##x, ps_write_##x, \ ps_delete_##x, ps_gc_##x, ps_create_sid_##x, \ php_session_validate_sid, php_session_update_timestamp /* Update timestamp enabled save handler module definitions New save handlers should use this API */ #define PS_FUNCS_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP(x) \ PS_OPEN_FUNC(x); \ PS_CLOSE_FUNC(x); \ PS_READ_FUNC(x); \ PS_WRITE_FUNC(x); \ PS_DESTROY_FUNC(x); \ PS_GC_FUNC(x); \ PS_CREATE_SID_FUNC(x); \ PS_VALIDATE_SID_FUNC(x); \ PS_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_FUNC(x); #define PS_MOD_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP(x) \ #x, ps_open_##x, ps_close_##x, ps_read_##x, ps_write_##x, \ ps_delete_##x, ps_gc_##x, ps_create_sid_##x, \ ps_validate_sid_##x, ps_update_timestamp_##x typedef enum { php_session_disabled, php_session_none, php_session_active } php_session_status; typedef struct _php_session_rfc1867_progress { size_t sname_len; zval sid; smart_str key; zend_long update_step; zend_long next_update; double next_update_time; zend_bool cancel_upload; zend_bool apply_trans_sid; size_t content_length; zval data; /* the array exported to session data */ zval *post_bytes_processed; /* data["bytes_processed"] */ zval files; /* data["files"] array */ zval current_file; /* array of currently uploading file */ zval *current_file_bytes_processed; } php_session_rfc1867_progress; typedef struct _php_ps_globals { char *save_path; char *session_name; zend_string *id; char *extern_referer_chk; char *cache_limiter; zend_long cookie_lifetime; char *cookie_path; char *cookie_domain; zend_bool cookie_secure; zend_bool cookie_httponly; char *cookie_samesite; const ps_module *mod; const ps_module *default_mod; void *mod_data; php_session_status session_status; zend_long gc_probability; zend_long gc_divisor; zend_long gc_maxlifetime; int module_number; zend_long cache_expire; union { zval names[PS_NUM_APIS]; struct { zval ps_open; zval ps_close; zval ps_read; zval ps_write; zval ps_destroy; zval ps_gc; zval ps_create_sid; zval ps_validate_sid; zval ps_update_timestamp; } name; } mod_user_names; int mod_user_implemented; int mod_user_is_open; const struct ps_serializer_struct *serializer; zval http_session_vars; zend_bool auto_start; zend_bool use_cookies; zend_bool use_only_cookies; zend_bool use_trans_sid; /* contains the INI value of whether to use trans-sid */ zend_long sid_length; zend_long sid_bits_per_character; int send_cookie; int define_sid; php_session_rfc1867_progress *rfc1867_progress; zend_bool rfc1867_enabled; /* session.upload_progress.enabled */ zend_bool rfc1867_cleanup; /* session.upload_progress.cleanup */ char *rfc1867_prefix; /* session.upload_progress.prefix */ char *rfc1867_name; /* */ zend_long rfc1867_freq; /* session.upload_progress.freq */ double rfc1867_min_freq; /* session.upload_progress.min_freq */ zend_bool use_strict_mode; /* whether or not PHP accepts unknown session ids */ zend_bool lazy_write; /* omit session write when it is possible */ zend_bool in_save_handler; /* state if session is in save handler or not */ zend_bool set_handler; /* state if session module i setting handler or not */ zend_string *session_vars; /* serialized original session data */ } php_ps_globals; typedef php_ps_globals zend_ps_globals; extern zend_module_entry session_module_entry; #define phpext_session_ptr &session_module_entry #ifdef ZTS #define PS(v) ZEND_TSRMG(ps_globals_id, php_ps_globals *, v) #ifdef COMPILE_DL_SESSION ZEND_TSRMLS_CACHE_EXTERN() #endif #else #define PS(v) (ps_globals.v) #endif #define PS_SERIALIZER_ENCODE_ARGS void #define PS_SERIALIZER_DECODE_ARGS const char *val, size_t vallen typedef struct ps_serializer_struct { const char *name; zend_string *(*encode)(PS_SERIALIZER_ENCODE_ARGS); int (*decode)(PS_SERIALIZER_DECODE_ARGS); } ps_serializer; #define PS_SERIALIZER_ENCODE_NAME(x) ps_srlzr_encode_##x #define PS_SERIALIZER_DECODE_NAME(x) ps_srlzr_decode_##x #define PS_SERIALIZER_ENCODE_FUNC(x) \ zend_string *PS_SERIALIZER_ENCODE_NAME(x)(PS_SERIALIZER_ENCODE_ARGS) #define PS_SERIALIZER_DECODE_FUNC(x) \ int PS_SERIALIZER_DECODE_NAME(x)(PS_SERIALIZER_DECODE_ARGS) #define PS_SERIALIZER_FUNCS(x) \ PS_SERIALIZER_ENCODE_FUNC(x); \ PS_SERIALIZER_DECODE_FUNC(x) #define PS_SERIALIZER_ENTRY(x) \ { #x, PS_SERIALIZER_ENCODE_NAME(x), PS_SERIALIZER_DECODE_NAME(x) } /* default create id function */ PHPAPI zend_string *php_session_create_id(PS_CREATE_SID_ARGS); /* Dummy PS module functions */ PHPAPI int php_session_validate_sid(PS_VALIDATE_SID_ARGS); PHPAPI int php_session_update_timestamp(PS_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_ARGS); PHPAPI void session_adapt_url(const char *, size_t, char **, size_t *); PHPAPI int php_session_destroy(void); PHPAPI void php_add_session_var(zend_string *name); PHPAPI zval *php_set_session_var(zend_string *name, zval *state_val, php_unserialize_data_t *var_hash); PHPAPI zval *php_get_session_var(zend_string *name); PHPAPI int php_session_register_module(const ps_module *); PHPAPI int php_session_register_serializer(const char *name, zend_string *(*encode)(PS_SERIALIZER_ENCODE_ARGS), int (*decode)(PS_SERIALIZER_DECODE_ARGS)); PHPAPI void php_session_set_id(char *id); PHPAPI int php_session_start(void); PHPAPI int php_session_flush(int write); PHPAPI const ps_module *_php_find_ps_module(char *name); PHPAPI const ps_serializer *_php_find_ps_serializer(char *name); PHPAPI int php_session_valid_key(const char *key); PHPAPI int php_session_reset_id(void); #define PS_ADD_VARL(name) do { \ php_add_session_var(name); \ } while (0) #define PS_ADD_VAR(name) PS_ADD_VARL(name) #define PS_DEL_VARL(name) do { \ if (!Z_ISNULL(PS(http_session_vars))) { \ zend_hash_del(Z_ARRVAL(PS(http_session_vars)), name); \ } \ } while (0) #define PS_ENCODE_VARS \ zend_string *key; \ zend_ulong num_key; \ zval *struc; #define PS_ENCODE_LOOP(code) do { \ HashTable *_ht = Z_ARRVAL_P(Z_REFVAL(PS(http_session_vars))); \ ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY(_ht, num_key, key) { \ if (key == NULL) { \ php_error_docref(NULL, E_NOTICE, \ "Skipping numeric key " ZEND_LONG_FMT, num_key);\ continue; \ } \ if ((struc = php_get_session_var(key))) { \ code; \ } \ } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); \ } while(0) PHPAPI ZEND_EXTERN_MODULE_GLOBALS(ps) void php_session_auto_start(void *data); #define PS_CLASS_NAME "SessionHandler" extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *php_session_class_entry; #define PS_IFACE_NAME "SessionHandlerInterface" extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *php_session_iface_entry; #define PS_SID_IFACE_NAME "SessionIdInterface" extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *php_session_id_iface_entry; #define PS_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_IFACE_NAME "SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface" extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *php_session_update_timestamp_iface_entry; extern PHP_METHOD(SessionHandler, open); extern PHP_METHOD(SessionHandler, close); extern PHP_METHOD(SessionHandler, read); extern PHP_METHOD(SessionHandler, write); extern PHP_METHOD(SessionHandler, destroy); extern PHP_METHOD(SessionHandler, gc); extern PHP_METHOD(SessionHandler, create_sid); extern PHP_METHOD(SessionHandler, validateId); extern PHP_METHOD(SessionHandler, updateTimestamp); #endif PK!j4session/mod_user.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sascha Schumann | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MOD_USER_H #define MOD_USER_H extern const ps_module ps_mod_user; #define ps_user_ptr &ps_mod_user PS_FUNCS_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP(user); #endif PK!hsession/mod_files.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sascha Schumann | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MOD_FILES_H #define MOD_FILES_H extern const ps_module ps_mod_files; #define ps_files_ptr &ps_mod_files PS_FUNCS_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP(files); #endif PK!4kkfilter/php_filter.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Rasmus Lerdorf | | Derick Rethans | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_FILTER_H #define PHP_FILTER_H #include "SAPI.h" #include "zend_API.h" #include "php.h" #include "php_ini.h" #include "ext/standard/info.h" #include "ext/standard/php_string.h" #include "ext/standard/html.h" #include "php_variables.h" extern zend_module_entry filter_module_entry; #define phpext_filter_ptr &filter_module_entry #ifdef ZTS #include "TSRM.h" #endif #define PHP_FILTER_VERSION PHP_VERSION PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(filter); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(filter); PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(filter); PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(filter); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(filter); PHP_FUNCTION(filter_input); PHP_FUNCTION(filter_var); PHP_FUNCTION(filter_input_array); PHP_FUNCTION(filter_var_array); PHP_FUNCTION(filter_list); PHP_FUNCTION(filter_has_var); PHP_FUNCTION(filter_id); ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(filter) zval post_array; zval get_array; zval cookie_array; zval env_array; zval server_array; #if 0 zval session_array; #endif zend_long default_filter; zend_long default_filter_flags; ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(filter) #if defined(COMPILE_DL_FILTER) && defined(ZTS) ZEND_TSRMLS_CACHE_EXTERN() #endif #define IF_G(v) ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS_ACCESSOR(filter, v) #define PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL zval *value, zend_long flags, zval *option_array, char *charset void php_filter_int(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_boolean(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_float(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_validate_regexp(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_validate_domain(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_validate_url(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_validate_email(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_validate_ip(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_validate_mac(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_string(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_encoded(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_special_chars(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_full_special_chars(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_unsafe_raw(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_email(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_url(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_number_int(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_number_float(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_add_slashes(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_magic_quotes(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); void php_filter_callback(PHP_INPUT_FILTER_PARAM_DECL); #endif /* FILTER_H */ PK!(< < mysqli/mysqli_mysqlnd.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Georg Richter | | Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLI_MYSQLND_H #define MYSQLI_MYSQLND_H #include "ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd_libmysql_compat.h" #include "ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.h" /* Here comes non-libmysql API to have less ifdefs in mysqli*/ #define MYSQLI_CLOSE_EXPLICIT MYSQLND_CLOSE_EXPLICIT #define MYSQLI_CLOSE_IMPLICIT MYSQLND_CLOSE_IMPLICIT #define MYSQLI_CLOSE_DISCONNECTED MYSQLND_CLOSE_DISCONNECTED #define mysqli_result_is_unbuffered(r) ((r)->unbuf) #define mysqli_result_is_unbuffered_and_not_everything_is_fetched(r) ((r)->unbuf && !(r)->unbuf->eof_reached) #define mysqli_server_status(c) mysqlnd_get_server_status((c)) #define mysqli_stmt_get_id(s) ((s)->data->stmt_id) #define mysqli_stmt_warning_count(s) mysqlnd_stmt_warning_count((s)) #define mysqli_stmt_server_status(s) mysqlnd_stmt_server_status((s)) #define mysqli_stmt_get_connection(s) (s)->data->conn #define mysqli_close(c, how) mysqlnd_close((c), (how)) #define mysqli_stmt_close(c, implicit) mysqlnd_stmt_close((c), (implicit)) #define mysqli_free_result(r, implicit) mysqlnd_free_result((r), (implicit)) #define mysqli_async_query(c, q, l) mysqlnd_async_query((c), (q), (l)) #define mysqli_change_user_silent(c, u, p, d, p_len) mysqlnd_change_user_ex((c), (u), (p), (d), TRUE, (size_t)(p_len)) #define HAVE_STMT_NEXT_RESULT #endif PK!qs$$mysqli/php_mysqli_structs.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Georg Richter | | Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_MYSQLI_STRUCTS_H #define PHP_MYSQLI_STRUCTS_H /* A little hack to prevent build break, when mysql is used together with * c-client, which also defines LIST. */ #ifdef LIST #undef LIST #endif #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #ifdef MYSQLI_USE_MYSQLND #include "ext/mysqlnd/mysqlnd.h" #include "mysqli_mysqlnd.h" #else /* The libmysql headers (a PITA) also define it and there will be an warning. Undef it and later we might need to define it again. */ #ifdef HAVE_MBRLEN #undef HAVE_MBRLEN #define WE_HAD_MBRLEN #endif #ifdef HAVE_MBSTATE_T #undef HAVE_MBSTATE_T #define WE_HAD_MBSTATE_T #endif #if !defined(HAVE_MBRLEN) && defined(WE_HAD_MBRLEN) #define HAVE_MBRLEN 1 #endif #if !defined(HAVE_MBSTATE_T) && defined(WE_HAD_MBSTATE_T) #define HAVE_MBSTATE_T 1 #endif #include #if MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 80000 && MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 100000 typedef _Bool my_bool; #endif #include #include #include "mysqli_libmysql.h" #endif /* MYSQLI_USE_MYSQLND */ #define MYSQLI_VERSION_ID 101009 enum mysqli_status { MYSQLI_STATUS_UNKNOWN=0, MYSQLI_STATUS_CLEARED, MYSQLI_STATUS_INITIALIZED, MYSQLI_STATUS_VALID }; typedef struct { char *val; zend_ulong buflen; zend_ulong output_len; zend_ulong type; } VAR_BUFFER; typedef struct { unsigned int var_cnt; VAR_BUFFER *buf; zval *vars; char *is_null; } BIND_BUFFER; typedef struct { MYSQL_STMT *stmt; BIND_BUFFER param; BIND_BUFFER result; char *query; #ifndef MYSQLI_USE_MYSQLND /* used to manage refcount with libmysql (already implement in mysqlnd) */ zval link_handle; #endif } MY_STMT; typedef struct { MYSQL *mysql; zend_string *hash_key; zval li_read; php_stream *li_stream; unsigned int multi_query; zend_bool persistent; #if defined(MYSQLI_USE_MYSQLND) int async_result_fetch_type; #endif } MY_MYSQL; typedef struct { void *ptr; /* resource: (mysql, result, stmt) */ void *info; /* additional buffer */ enum mysqli_status status; /* object status */ } MYSQLI_RESOURCE; typedef struct _mysqli_object { void *ptr; HashTable *prop_handler; zend_object zo; } mysqli_object; /* extends zend_object */ static inline mysqli_object *php_mysqli_fetch_object(zend_object *obj) { return (mysqli_object *)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(mysqli_object, zo)); } #define Z_MYSQLI_P(zv) php_mysqli_fetch_object(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) typedef struct st_mysqli_warning MYSQLI_WARNING; struct st_mysqli_warning { zval reason; zval sqlstate; int errorno; MYSQLI_WARNING *next; }; typedef struct _mysqli_property_entry { const char *pname; size_t pname_length; int (*r_func)(mysqli_object *obj, zval *retval, zend_bool quiet); int (*w_func)(mysqli_object *obj, zval *value); } mysqli_property_entry; typedef struct { zend_ptr_stack free_links; } mysqli_plist_entry; #ifdef PHP_WIN32 #define PHP_MYSQLI_API __declspec(dllexport) #define MYSQLI_LLU_SPEC "%I64u" #define MYSQLI_LL_SPEC "%I64d" #ifndef L64 #define L64(x) x##i64 #endif typedef __int64 my_longlong; #else # if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define PHP_MYSQLI_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) # else # define PHP_MYSQLI_API # endif /* we need this for PRIu64 and PRId64 */ #include #define MYSQLI_LLU_SPEC "%" PRIu64 #define MYSQLI_LL_SPEC "%" PRId64 #ifndef L64 #define L64(x) x##LL #endif typedef int64_t my_longlong; #endif #ifdef ZTS #include "TSRM.h" #endif extern zend_class_entry *mysqli_link_class_entry; extern zend_class_entry *mysqli_stmt_class_entry; extern zend_class_entry *mysqli_result_class_entry; extern zend_class_entry *mysqli_driver_class_entry; extern zend_class_entry *mysqli_warning_class_entry; extern zend_class_entry *mysqli_exception_class_entry; extern int php_le_pmysqli(void); extern void php_mysqli_dtor_p_elements(void *data); extern void php_mysqli_close(MY_MYSQL * mysql, int close_type, int resource_status); extern const zend_object_iterator_funcs php_mysqli_result_iterator_funcs; extern zend_object_iterator *php_mysqli_result_get_iterator(zend_class_entry *ce, zval *object, int by_ref); extern void php_mysqli_fetch_into_hash_aux(zval *return_value, MYSQL_RES * result, zend_long fetchtype); #define MYSQLI_DISABLE_MQ if (mysql->multi_query) { \ mysql_set_server_option(mysql->mysql, MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_OFF); \ mysql->multi_query = 0; \ } #define MYSQLI_ENABLE_MQ if (!mysql->multi_query) { \ mysql_set_server_option(mysql->mysql, MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON); \ mysql->multi_query = 1; \ } #define REGISTER_MYSQLI_CLASS_ENTRY(name, mysqli_entry, class_functions) { \ zend_class_entry ce; \ INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(ce, name,class_functions); \ ce.create_object = mysqli_objects_new; \ mysqli_entry = zend_register_internal_class(&ce); \ } \ #define MYSQLI_REGISTER_RESOURCE_EX(__ptr, __zval) \ (Z_MYSQLI_P(__zval))->ptr = __ptr; #define MYSQLI_RETURN_RESOURCE(__ptr, __ce) \ RETVAL_OBJ(mysqli_objects_new(__ce)); \ MYSQLI_REGISTER_RESOURCE_EX(__ptr, return_value) #define MYSQLI_REGISTER_RESOURCE(__ptr, __ce) \ {\ zval *object = getThis(); \ if (!object || !instanceof_function(Z_OBJCE_P(object), mysqli_link_class_entry)) { \ object = return_value; \ ZVAL_OBJ(object, mysqli_objects_new(__ce)); \ } \ MYSQLI_REGISTER_RESOURCE_EX(__ptr, object)\ } #define MYSQLI_FETCH_RESOURCE(__ptr, __type, __id, __name, __check) \ { \ MYSQLI_RESOURCE *my_res; \ mysqli_object *intern = Z_MYSQLI_P(__id); \ if (!(my_res = (MYSQLI_RESOURCE *)intern->ptr)) {\ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Couldn't fetch %s", ZSTR_VAL(intern->zo.ce->name));\ RETURN_FALSE;\ }\ __ptr = (__type)my_res->ptr; \ if (__check && my_res->status < __check) { \ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "invalid object or resource %s\n", ZSTR_VAL(intern->zo.ce->name)); \ RETURN_FALSE;\ }\ } #define MYSQLI_FETCH_RESOURCE_BY_OBJ(__ptr, __type, __obj, __name, __check) \ { \ MYSQLI_RESOURCE *my_res; \ if (!(my_res = (MYSQLI_RESOURCE *)(__obj->ptr))) {\ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Couldn't fetch %s", ZSTR_VAL(intern->zo.ce->name));\ return;\ }\ __ptr = (__type)my_res->ptr; \ if (__check && my_res->status < __check) { \ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "invalid object or resource %s\n", ZSTR_VAL(intern->zo.ce->name)); \ return;\ }\ } #define MYSQLI_FETCH_RESOURCE_CONN(__ptr, __id, __check) \ { \ MYSQLI_FETCH_RESOURCE((__ptr), MY_MYSQL *, (__id), "mysqli_link", (__check)); \ if (!(__ptr)->mysql) { \ mysqli_object *intern = Z_MYSQLI_P(__id); \ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "invalid object or resource %s\n", ZSTR_VAL(intern->zo.ce->name)); \ RETURN_NULL(); \ } \ } #define MYSQLI_FETCH_RESOURCE_STMT(__ptr, __id, __check) \ { \ MYSQLI_FETCH_RESOURCE((__ptr), MY_STMT *, (__id), "mysqli_stmt", (__check)); \ if (!(__ptr)->stmt) { \ mysqli_object *intern = Z_MYSQLI_P(__id); \ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "invalid object or resource %s\n", ZSTR_VAL(intern->zo.ce->name)); \ RETURN_NULL();\ } \ } #define MYSQLI_SET_STATUS(__id, __value) \ { \ mysqli_object *intern = Z_MYSQLI_P(__id); \ ((MYSQLI_RESOURCE *)intern->ptr)->status = __value; \ } \ #define MYSQLI_CLEAR_RESOURCE(__id) \ { \ mysqli_object *intern = Z_MYSQLI_P(__id); \ efree(intern->ptr); \ intern->ptr = NULL; \ } ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(mysqli) zend_long default_link; zend_long num_links; zend_long max_links; zend_long num_active_persistent; zend_long num_inactive_persistent; zend_long max_persistent; zend_long allow_persistent; zend_ulong default_port; char *default_host; char *default_user; char *default_socket; char *default_pw; zend_long reconnect; zend_long allow_local_infile; zend_long strict; zend_long error_no; char *error_msg; zend_long report_mode; HashTable *report_ht; zend_ulong multi_query; zend_ulong embedded; zend_bool rollback_on_cached_plink; ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(mysqli) #define MyG(v) ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS_ACCESSOR(mysqli, v) #if defined(ZTS) && defined(COMPILE_DL_MYSQLI) ZEND_TSRMLS_CACHE_EXTERN() #endif ZEND_EXTERN_MODULE_GLOBALS(mysqli) #endif /* PHP_MYSQLI_STRUCTS.H */ PK!աxml/expat_compat.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Sterling Hughes | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_EXPAT_COMPAT_H #define PHP_EXPAT_COMPAT_H #ifdef PHP_WIN32 #include "config.w32.h" #else #include #endif #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # define PHP_XML_API __declspec(dllexport) #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define PHP_XML_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else # define PHP_XML_API #endif #if !defined(HAVE_LIBEXPAT) && defined(HAVE_LIBXML) #define LIBXML_EXPAT_COMPAT 1 #include "php.h" #include "php_compat.h" #include #include #include #include /* For compatibility with the misspelled version. */ #define _ns_seperator _ns_separator typedef xmlChar XML_Char; typedef void (*XML_StartElementHandler)(void *, const XML_Char *, const XML_Char **); typedef void (*XML_EndElementHandler)(void *, const XML_Char *); typedef void (*XML_CharacterDataHandler)(void *, const XML_Char *, int); typedef void (*XML_ProcessingInstructionHandler)(void *, const XML_Char *, const XML_Char *); typedef void (*XML_CommentHandler)(void *, const XML_Char *); typedef void (*XML_DefaultHandler)(void *, const XML_Char *, int); typedef void (*XML_UnparsedEntityDeclHandler)(void *, const XML_Char *, const XML_Char *, const XML_Char *, const XML_Char *, const XML_Char *); typedef void (*XML_NotationDeclHandler)(void *, const XML_Char *, const XML_Char *, const XML_Char *, const XML_Char *); typedef int (*XML_ExternalEntityRefHandler)(void *, const XML_Char *, const XML_Char *, const XML_Char *, const XML_Char *); typedef void (*XML_StartNamespaceDeclHandler)(void *, const XML_Char *, const XML_Char *); typedef void (*XML_EndNamespaceDeclHandler)(void *, const XML_Char *); typedef struct _XML_Memory_Handling_Suite { void *(*malloc_fcn)(size_t size); void *(*realloc_fcn)(void *ptr, size_t size); void (*free_fcn)(void *ptr); } XML_Memory_Handling_Suite; typedef struct _XML_Parser { int use_namespace; xmlChar *_ns_separator; void *user; xmlParserCtxtPtr parser; XML_StartElementHandler h_start_element; XML_EndElementHandler h_end_element; XML_CharacterDataHandler h_cdata; XML_ProcessingInstructionHandler h_pi; XML_CommentHandler h_comment; XML_DefaultHandler h_default; XML_UnparsedEntityDeclHandler h_unparsed_entity_decl; XML_NotationDeclHandler h_notation_decl; XML_ExternalEntityRefHandler h_external_entity_ref; XML_StartNamespaceDeclHandler h_start_ns; XML_EndNamespaceDeclHandler h_end_ns; } *XML_Parser; enum XML_Error { XML_ERROR_NONE, XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY, XML_ERROR_SYNTAX, XML_ERROR_NO_ELEMENTS, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN, XML_ERROR_PARTIAL_CHAR, XML_ERROR_TAG_MISMATCH, XML_ERROR_DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE, XML_ERROR_JUNK_AFTER_DOC_ELEMENT, XML_ERROR_PARAM_ENTITY_REF, XML_ERROR_UNDEFINED_ENTITY, XML_ERROR_RECURSIVE_ENTITY_REF, XML_ERROR_ASYNC_ENTITY, XML_ERROR_BAD_CHAR_REF, XML_ERROR_BINARY_ENTITY_REF, XML_ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_REF, XML_ERROR_MISPLACED_XML_PI, XML_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, XML_ERROR_INCORRECT_ENCODING, XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_CDATA_SECTION, XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING, XML_ERROR_NOT_STANDALONE, XML_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_STATE, XML_ERROR_ENTITY_DECLARED_IN_PE, XML_ERROR_FEATURE_REQUIRES_XML_DTD, XML_ERROR_CANT_CHANGE_FEATURE_ONCE_PARSING }; enum XML_Content_Type { XML_CTYPE_EMPTY = 1, XML_CTYPE_ANY, XML_CTYPE_MIXED, XML_CTYPE_NAME, XML_CTYPE_CHOICE, XML_CTYPE_SEQ }; PHP_XML_API XML_Parser XML_ParserCreate(const XML_Char *); PHP_XML_API XML_Parser XML_ParserCreateNS(const XML_Char *, const XML_Char); PHP_XML_API XML_Parser XML_ParserCreate_MM(const XML_Char *, const XML_Memory_Handling_Suite *, const XML_Char *); PHP_XML_API void XML_SetUserData(XML_Parser, void *); PHP_XML_API void *XML_GetUserData(XML_Parser); PHP_XML_API void XML_SetElementHandler(XML_Parser, XML_StartElementHandler, XML_EndElementHandler); PHP_XML_API void XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(XML_Parser, XML_CharacterDataHandler); PHP_XML_API void XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(XML_Parser, XML_ProcessingInstructionHandler); PHP_XML_API void XML_SetDefaultHandler(XML_Parser, XML_DefaultHandler); PHP_XML_API void XML_SetUnparsedEntityDeclHandler(XML_Parser, XML_UnparsedEntityDeclHandler); PHP_XML_API void XML_SetNotationDeclHandler(XML_Parser, XML_NotationDeclHandler); PHP_XML_API void XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(XML_Parser, XML_ExternalEntityRefHandler); PHP_XML_API void XML_SetStartNamespaceDeclHandler(XML_Parser, XML_StartNamespaceDeclHandler); PHP_XML_API void XML_SetEndNamespaceDeclHandler(XML_Parser, XML_EndNamespaceDeclHandler); PHP_XML_API int XML_Parse(XML_Parser, const XML_Char *, int data_len, int is_final); PHP_XML_API int XML_GetErrorCode(XML_Parser); PHP_XML_API const XML_Char *XML_ErrorString(int); PHP_XML_API int XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(XML_Parser); PHP_XML_API int XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(XML_Parser); PHP_XML_API int XML_GetCurrentByteIndex(XML_Parser); PHP_XML_API int XML_GetCurrentByteCount(XML_Parser); PHP_XML_API const XML_Char *XML_ExpatVersion(void); PHP_XML_API void XML_ParserFree(XML_Parser); #elif defined(HAVE_LIBEXPAT) #include "php.h" #include #endif /* HAVE_LIBEXPAT */ #endif /* PHP_EXPAT_COMPAT_H */ PK!ѻ xml/php_xml.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Stig Sæther Bakken | | Thies C. Arntzen | | Sterling Hughes | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_XML_H #define PHP_XML_H #ifdef HAVE_XML extern zend_module_entry xml_module_entry; #define xml_module_ptr &xml_module_entry #include "php_version.h" #define PHP_XML_VERSION PHP_VERSION #include "expat_compat.h" #ifdef XML_UNICODE #error "UTF-16 Unicode support not implemented!" #endif #else #define xml_module_ptr NULL #endif /* HAVE_XML */ #define phpext_xml_ptr xml_module_ptr #endif /* PHP_XML_H */ PK!2"iconv/php_iconv_aliased_libiconv.hnu[ PK!2iconv/php_have_bsd_iconv.hnu[ PK!2iconv/php_have_libiconv.hnu[ PK!<iconv/php_iconv.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Rui Hirokawa | | Stig Bakken | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_ICONV_H #define PHP_ICONV_H #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # ifdef PHP_ICONV_EXPORTS # define PHP_ICONV_API __declspec(dllexport) # else # define PHP_ICONV_API __declspec(dllimport) # endif #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define PHP_ICONV_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else # define PHP_ICONV_API #endif #include "php_version.h" #define PHP_ICONV_VERSION PHP_VERSION #ifdef PHP_ATOM_INC #include "ext/iconv/php_have_iconv.h" #include "ext/iconv/php_have_libiconv.h" #include "ext/iconv/php_iconv_aliased_libiconv.h" #include "ext/iconv/php_have_glibc_iconv.h" #include "ext/iconv/php_have_bsd_iconv.h" #include "ext/iconv/php_have_ibm_iconv.h" #include "ext/iconv/php_iconv_supports_errno.h" #include "ext/iconv/php_php_iconv_impl.h" #include "ext/iconv/php_php_iconv_h_path.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_ICONV extern zend_module_entry iconv_module_entry; #define iconv_module_ptr &iconv_module_entry PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(miconv); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(miconv); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(miconv); PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_if_iconv); PHP_FUNCTION(ob_iconv_handler); PHP_FUNCTION(iconv_get_encoding); PHP_FUNCTION(iconv_set_encoding); PHP_FUNCTION(iconv_strlen); PHP_FUNCTION(iconv_substr); PHP_FUNCTION(iconv_strpos); PHP_FUNCTION(iconv_strrpos); PHP_FUNCTION(iconv_mime_encode); PHP_FUNCTION(iconv_mime_decode); PHP_FUNCTION(iconv_mime_decode_headers); ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(iconv) char *input_encoding; char *internal_encoding; char *output_encoding; ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(iconv) #define ICONVG(v) ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS_ACCESSOR(iconv, v) #if defined(ZTS) && defined(COMPILE_DL_ICONV) ZEND_TSRMLS_CACHE_EXTERN() #endif #ifdef HAVE_IBM_ICONV # define ICONV_ASCII_ENCODING "IBM-850" # define ICONV_UCS4_ENCODING "UCS-4" #else # define ICONV_ASCII_ENCODING "ASCII" # define ICONV_UCS4_ENCODING "UCS-4LE" #endif #ifndef ICONV_CSNMAXLEN #define ICONV_CSNMAXLEN 64 #endif /* {{{ typedef enum php_iconv_err_t */ typedef enum _php_iconv_err_t { PHP_ICONV_ERR_SUCCESS = SUCCESS, PHP_ICONV_ERR_CONVERTER = 1, PHP_ICONV_ERR_WRONG_CHARSET = 2, PHP_ICONV_ERR_TOO_BIG = 3, PHP_ICONV_ERR_ILLEGAL_SEQ = 4, PHP_ICONV_ERR_ILLEGAL_CHAR = 5, PHP_ICONV_ERR_UNKNOWN = 6, PHP_ICONV_ERR_MALFORMED = 7, PHP_ICONV_ERR_ALLOC = 8 } php_iconv_err_t; /* }}} */ PHP_ICONV_API php_iconv_err_t php_iconv_string(const char * in_p, size_t in_len, zend_string **out, const char *out_charset, const char *in_charset); #else #define iconv_module_ptr NULL #endif /* HAVE_ICONV */ #define phpext_iconv_ptr iconv_module_ptr #endif /* PHP_ICONV_H */ PK!2iconv/php_php_iconv_impl.hnu[ PK!ͣdiconv/php_have_iconv.hnu[#define HAVE_ICONV 1 PK!2 iconv/php_iconv_supports_errno.hnu[ PK!2iconv/php_have_glibc_iconv.hnu[ PK!2iconv/php_have_ibm_iconv.hnu[ PK!2iconv/php_php_iconv_h_path.hnu[ PK!iconv/php_iconv_broken_ignore.hnu[#define ICONV_BROKEN_IGNORE 1 PK!/zzmbstring/php_mbregex.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Moriyoshi Koizumi | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef _PHP_MBREGEX_H #define _PHP_MBREGEX_H #if HAVE_MBREGEX #include "php.h" #include "zend.h" /* {{{ PHP_MBREGEX_FUNCTION_ENTRIES */ #define PHP_MBREGEX_FUNCTION_ENTRIES \ PHP_FE(mb_regex_encoding, arginfo_mb_regex_encoding) \ PHP_FE(mb_regex_set_options, arginfo_mb_regex_set_options) \ PHP_FE(mb_ereg, arginfo_mb_ereg) \ PHP_FE(mb_eregi, arginfo_mb_eregi) \ PHP_FE(mb_ereg_replace, arginfo_mb_ereg_replace) \ PHP_FE(mb_eregi_replace, arginfo_mb_eregi_replace) \ PHP_FE(mb_ereg_replace_callback, arginfo_mb_ereg_replace_callback) \ PHP_FE(mb_split, arginfo_mb_split) \ PHP_FE(mb_ereg_match, arginfo_mb_ereg_match) \ PHP_FE(mb_ereg_search, arginfo_mb_ereg_search) \ PHP_FE(mb_ereg_search_pos, arginfo_mb_ereg_search_pos) \ PHP_FE(mb_ereg_search_regs, arginfo_mb_ereg_search_regs) \ PHP_FE(mb_ereg_search_init, arginfo_mb_ereg_search_init) \ PHP_FE(mb_ereg_search_getregs, arginfo_mb_ereg_search_getregs) \ PHP_FE(mb_ereg_search_getpos, arginfo_mb_ereg_search_getpos) \ PHP_FE(mb_ereg_search_setpos, arginfo_mb_ereg_search_setpos) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mbregex_encoding, mb_regex_encoding, arginfo_mb_regex_encoding) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mbereg, mb_ereg, arginfo_mb_ereg) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mberegi, mb_eregi, arginfo_mb_eregi) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mbereg_replace, mb_ereg_replace, arginfo_mb_ereg_replace) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mberegi_replace, mb_eregi_replace, arginfo_mb_eregi_replace) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mbsplit, mb_split, arginfo_mb_split) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mbereg_match, mb_ereg_match, arginfo_mb_ereg_match) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mbereg_search, mb_ereg_search, arginfo_mb_ereg_search) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mbereg_search_pos, mb_ereg_search_pos, arginfo_mb_ereg_search_pos) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mbereg_search_regs, mb_ereg_search_regs, arginfo_mb_ereg_search_regs) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mbereg_search_init, mb_ereg_search_init, arginfo_mb_ereg_search_init) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mbereg_search_getregs, mb_ereg_search_getregs, arginfo_mb_ereg_search_getregs) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mbereg_search_getpos, mb_ereg_search_getpos, arginfo_mb_ereg_search_getpos) \ PHP_DEP_FALIAS(mbereg_search_setpos, mb_ereg_search_setpos, arginfo_mb_ereg_search_setpos) /* }}} */ #define PHP_MBREGEX_MAXCACHE 50 PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(mb_regex); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(mb_regex); PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(mb_regex); PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(mb_regex); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(mb_regex); typedef struct _zend_mb_regex_globals zend_mb_regex_globals; zend_mb_regex_globals *php_mb_regex_globals_alloc(void); void php_mb_regex_globals_free(zend_mb_regex_globals *pglobals); int php_mb_regex_set_mbctype(const char *enc); int php_mb_regex_set_default_mbctype(const char *encname); const char *php_mb_regex_get_mbctype(void); const char *php_mb_regex_get_default_mbctype(void); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_regex_encoding); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ereg); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_eregi); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ereg_replace); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_eregi_replace); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ereg_replace_callback); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_split); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ereg_match); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ereg_search); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ereg_search_pos); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ereg_search_regs); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ereg_search_init); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ereg_search_getregs); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ereg_search_getpos); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ereg_search_setpos); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_regex_set_options); #endif /* HAVE_MBREGEX */ #endif /* _PHP_MBREGEX_H */ PK!$mbstring/php_onig_compat.hnu[#ifndef _PHP_ONIG_COMPAT_H #define _PHP_ONIG_COMPAT_H #define re_pattern_buffer php_mb_re_pattern_buffer #define regex_t php_mb_regex_t #define re_registers php_mb_re_registers #endif /* _PHP_ONIG_COMPAT_H */ PK!I0mbstring/mbstring.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Tsukada Takuya | | Hironori Sato | | Shigeru Kanemoto | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef _MBSTRING_H #define _MBSTRING_H #ifdef COMPILE_DL_MBSTRING #undef HAVE_MBSTRING #define HAVE_MBSTRING 1 #endif #include "php_version.h" #define PHP_MBSTRING_VERSION PHP_VERSION #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # undef MBSTRING_API # ifdef MBSTRING_EXPORTS # define MBSTRING_API __declspec(dllexport) # elif defined(COMPILE_DL_MBSTRING) # define MBSTRING_API __declspec(dllimport) # else # define MBSTRING_API /* nothing special */ # endif #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # undef MBSTRING_API # define MBSTRING_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else # undef MBSTRING_API # define MBSTRING_API /* nothing special */ #endif #if HAVE_MBSTRING #include "libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.h" #include "SAPI.h" #define PHP_MBSTRING_API 20021024 extern zend_module_entry mbstring_module_entry; #define mbstring_module_ptr &mbstring_module_entry PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(mbstring); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(mbstring); PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(mbstring); PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(mbstring); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(mbstring); /* functions in php_unicode.c */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_convert_case); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strtoupper); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strtolower); /* php function registration */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_language); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_internal_encoding); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_http_input); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_http_output); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_detect_order); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_substitute_character); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_preferred_mime_name); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_parse_str); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_output_handler); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_str_split); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strlen); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strpos); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strrpos); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_stripos); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strripos); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strstr); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strrchr); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_stristr); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strrichr); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_substr_count); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_substr); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strcut); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strwidth); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strimwidth); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_convert_encoding); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_detect_encoding); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_list_encodings); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_encoding_aliases); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_convert_kana); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_encode_mimeheader); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_decode_mimeheader); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_convert_variables); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_encode_numericentity); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_decode_numericentity); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_send_mail); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_get_info); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_check_encoding); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ord); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_chr); PHP_FUNCTION(mb_scrub); MBSTRING_API char *php_mb_safe_strrchr_ex(const char *s, unsigned int c, size_t nbytes, const mbfl_encoding *enc); MBSTRING_API char *php_mb_safe_strrchr(const char *s, unsigned int c, size_t nbytes); MBSTRING_API char *php_mb_convert_encoding_ex( const char *input, size_t length, const mbfl_encoding *to_encoding, const mbfl_encoding *from_encoding, size_t *output_len); MBSTRING_API char * php_mb_convert_encoding(const char *input, size_t length, const char *_to_encoding, const char *_from_encodings, size_t *output_len); MBSTRING_API size_t php_mb_mbchar_bytes_ex(const char *s, const mbfl_encoding *enc); MBSTRING_API size_t php_mb_mbchar_bytes(const char *s); MBSTRING_API size_t php_mb_stripos(int mode, const char *old_haystack, size_t old_haystack_len, const char *old_needle, size_t old_needle_len, zend_long offset, zend_string *from_encoding); MBSTRING_API int php_mb_check_encoding(const char *input, size_t length, const char *enc); ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(mbstring) char *internal_encoding_name; const mbfl_encoding *internal_encoding; const mbfl_encoding *current_internal_encoding; const mbfl_encoding *http_output_encoding; const mbfl_encoding *current_http_output_encoding; const mbfl_encoding *http_input_identify; const mbfl_encoding *http_input_identify_get; const mbfl_encoding *http_input_identify_post; const mbfl_encoding *http_input_identify_cookie; const mbfl_encoding *http_input_identify_string; const mbfl_encoding **http_input_list; size_t http_input_list_size; const mbfl_encoding **detect_order_list; size_t detect_order_list_size; const mbfl_encoding **current_detect_order_list; size_t current_detect_order_list_size; enum mbfl_no_encoding *default_detect_order_list; size_t default_detect_order_list_size; int filter_illegal_mode; int filter_illegal_substchar; int current_filter_illegal_mode; int current_filter_illegal_substchar; zend_long func_overload; enum mbfl_no_language language; zend_bool encoding_translation; zend_bool strict_detection; size_t illegalchars; mbfl_buffer_converter *outconv; void *http_output_conv_mimetypes; #if HAVE_MBREGEX struct _zend_mb_regex_globals *mb_regex_globals; zend_long regex_stack_limit; #endif zend_string *last_used_encoding_name; const mbfl_encoding *last_used_encoding; /* Whether an explicit internal_encoding / http_output / http_input encoding was set. */ zend_bool internal_encoding_set; zend_bool http_output_set; zend_bool http_input_set; #if HAVE_MBREGEX zend_long regex_retry_limit; #endif ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(mbstring) #define MB_OVERLOAD_MAIL 1 #define MB_OVERLOAD_STRING 2 #define MB_OVERLOAD_REGEX 4 struct mb_overload_def { int type; char *orig_func; char *ovld_func; char *save_func; }; #define MBSTRG(v) ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS_ACCESSOR(mbstring, v) #if defined(ZTS) && defined(COMPILE_DL_MBSTRING) ZEND_TSRMLS_CACHE_EXTERN() #endif #else /* HAVE_MBSTRING */ #define mbstring_module_ptr NULL #endif /* HAVE_MBSTRING */ #define phpext_mbstring_ptr mbstring_module_ptr #endif /* _MBSTRING_H */ PK!BlXX%mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter_pass.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.c * by moriyoshi koizumi on 4 dec 2002. * */ #ifndef MBFL_MBFILTER_PASS_H #define MBFL_MBFILTER_PASS_H #include "mbfl_defs.h" #include "mbfilter.h" MBFLAPI extern const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_pass; MBFLAPI extern const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl vtbl_pass; MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_filt_conv_pass(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter); #endif /* MBFL_MBFILTER_PASS_H */ PK!{8 8 %mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_language.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.h * by Moriyoshi Koizumi on 20 Dec 2002. The file * mbfilter.h is included in this package . * */ #ifndef MBFL_LANGUAGE_H #define MBFL_LANGUAGE_H #include "mbfl_defs.h" #include "mbfl_encoding.h" enum mbfl_no_language { mbfl_no_language_invalid = -1, mbfl_no_language_neutral, mbfl_no_language_uni, mbfl_no_language_min, mbfl_no_language_catalan, /* ca */ mbfl_no_language_danish, /* da */ mbfl_no_language_german, /* de */ mbfl_no_language_english, /* en */ mbfl_no_language_estonian, /* et */ mbfl_no_language_greek, /* el */ mbfl_no_language_spanish, /* es */ mbfl_no_language_french, /* fr */ mbfl_no_language_italian, /* it */ mbfl_no_language_japanese, /* ja */ mbfl_no_language_korean, /* ko */ mbfl_no_language_dutch, /* nl */ mbfl_no_language_polish, /* pl */ mbfl_no_language_portuguese, /* pt */ mbfl_no_language_swedish, /* sv */ mbfl_no_language_simplified_chinese, /* zh-cn */ mbfl_no_language_traditional_chinese, /* zh-tw */ mbfl_no_language_russian, /* ru */ mbfl_no_language_ukrainian, /* ua */ mbfl_no_language_armenian, /* hy */ mbfl_no_language_turkish, /* tr */ mbfl_no_language_max }; typedef enum mbfl_no_language mbfl_language_id; /* * language */ typedef struct _mbfl_language { enum mbfl_no_language no_language; const char *name; const char *short_name; const char *(*aliases)[]; enum mbfl_no_encoding mail_charset; enum mbfl_no_encoding mail_header_encoding; enum mbfl_no_encoding mail_body_encoding; } mbfl_language; MBFLAPI extern const mbfl_language * mbfl_name2language(const char *name); MBFLAPI extern const mbfl_language * mbfl_no2language(enum mbfl_no_language no_language); MBFLAPI extern enum mbfl_no_language mbfl_name2no_language(const char *name); MBFLAPI extern const char * mbfl_no_language2name(enum mbfl_no_language no_language); #endif /* MBFL_LANGUAGE_H */ PK!CF!#mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_string.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.h * by Moriyoshi Koizumi on 20 Dec 2002. The file * mbfilter.h is included in this package . * */ #ifndef MBFL_STRING_H #define MBFL_STRING_H #include #include "mbfl_defs.h" #include "mbfl_encoding.h" #include "mbfl_language.h" /* * string object */ typedef struct _mbfl_string { enum mbfl_no_language no_language; const mbfl_encoding *encoding; unsigned char *val; size_t len; } mbfl_string; MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_string_init(mbfl_string *string); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_string_init_set(mbfl_string *string, mbfl_language_id no_language, const mbfl_encoding *encoding); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_string_clear(mbfl_string *string); #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif #endif /* MBFL_STRING_H */ PK!_[!mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/eaw_table.hnu[static const struct { int begin; int end; } mbfl_eaw_table[] = { { 0x1100, 0x115f }, { 0x11a3, 0x11a7 }, { 0x11fa, 0x11ff }, { 0x2329, 0x232a }, { 0x2e80, 0x2e99 }, { 0x2e9b, 0x2ef3 }, { 0x2f00, 0x2fd5 }, { 0x2ff0, 0x2ffb }, { 0x3000, 0x303e }, { 0x3041, 0x3096 }, { 0x3099, 0x30ff }, { 0x3105, 0x312d }, { 0x3131, 0x318e }, { 0x3190, 0x31ba }, { 0x31c0, 0x31e3 }, { 0x31f0, 0x321e }, { 0x3220, 0x3247 }, { 0x3250, 0x32fe }, { 0x3300, 0x4dbf }, { 0x4e00, 0xa48c }, { 0xa490, 0xa4c6 }, { 0xa960, 0xa97c }, { 0xac00, 0xd7a3 }, { 0xd7b0, 0xd7c6 }, { 0xd7cb, 0xd7fb }, { 0xf900, 0xfaff }, { 0xfe10, 0xfe19 }, { 0xfe30, 0xfe52 }, { 0xfe54, 0xfe66 }, { 0xfe68, 0xfe6b }, { 0xff01, 0xff60 }, { 0xffe0, 0xffe6 }, { 0x1b000, 0x1b001 }, { 0x1f200, 0x1f202 }, { 0x1f210, 0x1f23a }, { 0x1f240, 0x1f248 }, { 0x1f250, 0x1f251 }, { 0x20000, 0x2fffd }, { 0x30000, 0x3fffd } }; PK!9__*mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_filter_output.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.h * by Moriyoshi Koizumi on 20 Dec 2002. The file * mbfilter.h is included in this package . * */ #ifndef MBFL_FILTER_OUTPUT_H #define MBFL_FILTER_OUTPUT_H MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_filter_output_pipe(int c, void* data); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_filter_output_pipe_flush(void* data); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_filter_output_null(int c, void* data); #endif /* MBFL_FILTER_OUTPUT_H */ PK!=}z(z( mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * * Copyright (c) 1998,1999,2000,2001 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This software is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. * (Version 2.1, February 1999) * Please read the following detail of the licence (in japanese). * * ◆使用許諾条件◆ * * このソフトウェアは株式会社ハッピーサイズによって開発されました。株式会社ハッ * ピーサイズは、著作権法および万国著作権条約の定めにより、このソフトウェアに関 * するすべての権利を留保する権利を持ち、ここに行使します。株式会社ハッピーサイ * ズは以下に明記した条件に従って、このソフトウェアを使用する排他的ではない権利 * をお客様に許諾します。何人たりとも、以下の条件に反してこのソフトウェアを使用 * することはできません。 * * このソフトウェアを「GNU Lesser General Public License (Version 2.1, February * 1999)」に示された条件で使用することを、全ての方に許諾します。「GNU Lesser * General Public License」を満たさない使用には、株式会社ハッピーサイズから書面 * による許諾を得る必要があります。 * * 「GNU Lesser General Public License」の全文は以下のウェブページから取得でき * ます。「GNU Lesser General Public License」とは、これまでLibrary General * Public Licenseと呼ばれていたものです。 * --- GNUウェブサイト * --- ライセンス文面 * このライセンスの内容がわからない方、守れない方には使用を許諾しません。 * * しかしながら、当社とGNUプロジェクトとの特定の関係を示唆または主張するもので * はありません。 * * ◆保証内容◆ * * このソフトウェアは、期待された動作・機能・性能を持つことを目標として設計され * 開発されていますが、これを保証するものではありません。このソフトウェアは「こ * のまま」の状態で提供されており、たとえばこのソフトウェアの有用性ないし特定の * 目的に合致することといった、何らかの保証内容が、明示されたり暗黙に示されてい * る場合であっても、その保証は無効です。このソフトウェアを使用した結果ないし使 * 用しなかった結果によって、直接あるいは間接に受けた身体的な傷害、財産上の損害 * 、データの損失あるいはその他の全ての損害については、その損害の可能性が使用者 * 、当社あるいは第三者によって警告されていた場合であっても、当社はその損害の賠 * 償および補填を行いません。この規定は他の全ての、書面上または書面に無い保証・ * 契約・規定に優先します。 * * ◆著作権者の連絡先および使用条件についての問い合わせ先◆ * * 〒102-0073 * 東京都千代田区九段北1-13-5日本地所第一ビル4F * 株式会社ハッピーサイズ * Phone: 03-3512-3655, Fax: 03-3512-3656 * Email: * Web: * * ◆著者◆ * * 金本 茂 * * ◆履歴◆ * * 1998/11/10 sgk implementation in C++ * 1999/4/25 sgk Cで書きなおし。 * 1999/4/26 sgk 入力フィルタを実装。漢字コードを推定しながらフィルタを追加。 * 1999/6/?? Unicodeサポート。 * 1999/6/22 sgk ライセンスをLGPLに変更。 * */ /* * Unicode support * * Portions copyright (c) 1999,2000,2001 by the PHP3 internationalization team. * All rights reserved. * */ /* * * streamable kanji code filter and converter * mbfl : Multi Byte FiLter Liblary * */ #ifndef MBFL_MBFILTER_H #define MBFL_MBFILTER_H #include "mbfl_defs.h" #include "mbfl_consts.h" #include "mbfl_allocators.h" #include "mbfl_encoding.h" #include "mbfl_language.h" #include "mbfl_string.h" #include "mbfl_convert.h" #include "mbfl_ident.h" /* Prefer local fix, otherwise need to include too much. */ #ifndef ssize_t #if defined(_WIN64) #define ssize_t __int64 #elif defined(_WIN32) #define ssize_t __int32 #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 #define ssize_t long #endif #endif /* * version information */ #define MBFL_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define MBFL_VERSION_MINOR 3 #define MBFL_VERSION_TEENY 2 /* * convert filter */ #define MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_NONE 0 #define MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_CHAR 1 #define MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_LONG 2 #define MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_ENTITY 3 /* * convenience macros */ #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #endif /* * buffering converter */ typedef struct _mbfl_buffer_converter mbfl_buffer_converter; struct _mbfl_buffer_converter { mbfl_convert_filter *filter1; mbfl_convert_filter *filter2; mbfl_memory_device device; const mbfl_encoding *from; const mbfl_encoding *to; }; MBFLAPI extern mbfl_buffer_converter * mbfl_buffer_converter_new(const mbfl_encoding *from, const mbfl_encoding *to, size_t buf_initsz); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_buffer_converter_delete(mbfl_buffer_converter *convd); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_buffer_converter_reset(mbfl_buffer_converter *convd); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_buffer_converter_illegal_mode(mbfl_buffer_converter *convd, int mode); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_buffer_converter_illegal_substchar(mbfl_buffer_converter *convd, int substchar); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_buffer_converter_strncat(mbfl_buffer_converter *convd, const unsigned char *p, size_t n); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_buffer_converter_feed(mbfl_buffer_converter *convd, mbfl_string *string); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_buffer_converter_feed2(mbfl_buffer_converter *convd, mbfl_string *string, size_t *loc); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_buffer_converter_flush(mbfl_buffer_converter *convd); MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mbfl_buffer_converter_getbuffer(mbfl_buffer_converter *convd, mbfl_string *result); MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mbfl_buffer_converter_result(mbfl_buffer_converter *convd, mbfl_string *result); MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mbfl_buffer_converter_feed_result(mbfl_buffer_converter *convd, mbfl_string *string, mbfl_string *result); MBFLAPI extern size_t mbfl_buffer_illegalchars(mbfl_buffer_converter *convd); /* * encoding detector */ typedef struct _mbfl_encoding_detector mbfl_encoding_detector; struct _mbfl_encoding_detector { mbfl_identify_filter **filter_list; int filter_list_size; int strict; }; MBFLAPI extern mbfl_encoding_detector * mbfl_encoding_detector_new(const mbfl_encoding **elist, int elistsz, int strict); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_encoding_detector_delete(mbfl_encoding_detector *identd); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_encoding_detector_feed(mbfl_encoding_detector *identd, mbfl_string *string); MBFLAPI extern const mbfl_encoding *mbfl_encoding_detector_judge(mbfl_encoding_detector *identd); /* * encoding converter */ MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mbfl_convert_encoding(mbfl_string *string, mbfl_string *result, const mbfl_encoding *toenc); /* * identify encoding */ MBFLAPI extern const mbfl_encoding * mbfl_identify_encoding(mbfl_string *string, const mbfl_encoding **elist, int elistsz, int strict); /* Lengths -1 through -16 are reserved for error return values */ static inline int mbfl_is_error(size_t len) { return len >= (size_t) -16; } /* * strlen */ MBFLAPI extern size_t mbfl_strlen(mbfl_string *string); /* * oddlen */ MBFLAPI extern size_t mbfl_oddlen(mbfl_string *string); /* * strpos */ MBFLAPI extern size_t mbfl_strpos(mbfl_string *haystack, mbfl_string *needle, ssize_t offset, int reverse); /* * substr_count */ MBFLAPI extern size_t mbfl_substr_count(mbfl_string *haystack, mbfl_string *needle); /* * If specified as length, the substr until the end of the string is taken. */ #define MBFL_SUBSTR_UNTIL_END ((size_t) -1) /* * substr */ MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mbfl_substr(mbfl_string *string, mbfl_string *result, size_t from, size_t length); /* * strcut */ MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mbfl_strcut(mbfl_string *string, mbfl_string *result, size_t from, size_t length); /* * strwidth */ MBFLAPI extern size_t mbfl_strwidth(mbfl_string *string); /* * strimwidth */ MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mbfl_strimwidth(mbfl_string *string, mbfl_string *marker, mbfl_string *result, size_t from, size_t width); /* * MIME header encode */ struct mime_header_encoder_data; /* forward declaration */ MBFLAPI extern struct mime_header_encoder_data * mime_header_encoder_new( const mbfl_encoding *incode, const mbfl_encoding *outcode, const mbfl_encoding *encoding); MBFLAPI extern void mime_header_encoder_delete(struct mime_header_encoder_data *pe); MBFLAPI extern int mime_header_encoder_feed(int c, struct mime_header_encoder_data *pe); MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mime_header_encoder_result(struct mime_header_encoder_data *pe, mbfl_string *result); MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mbfl_mime_header_encode( mbfl_string *string, mbfl_string *result, const mbfl_encoding *outcode, const mbfl_encoding *encoding, const char *linefeed, int indent); /* * MIME header decode */ struct mime_header_decoder_data; /* forward declaration */ MBFLAPI extern struct mime_header_decoder_data * mime_header_decoder_new(const mbfl_encoding *outcode); MBFLAPI extern void mime_header_decoder_delete(struct mime_header_decoder_data *pd); MBFLAPI extern int mime_header_decoder_feed(int c, struct mime_header_decoder_data *pd); MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mime_header_decoder_result(struct mime_header_decoder_data *pd, mbfl_string *result); MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mbfl_mime_header_decode( mbfl_string *string, mbfl_string *result, const mbfl_encoding *outcode); /* * convert HTML numeric entity */ MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mbfl_html_numeric_entity(mbfl_string *string, mbfl_string *result, int *convmap, int mapsize, int type); /* * convert of harfwidth and fullwidth for japanese */ MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mbfl_ja_jp_hantozen(mbfl_string *string, mbfl_string *result, int mode); #endif /* MBFL_MBFILTER_H */ PK!2pp!mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_defs.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.h * by Moriyoshi Koizumi on 20 Dec 2002. The file * mbfilter.h is included in this package . * */ #ifndef MBFL_DEFS_H #define MBFL_DEFS_H #ifndef NULL #ifdef __cplusplus #define NULL (0L) #else #define NULL (void *)(0L) #endif #endif #ifndef SIZE_MAX #define SIZE_MAX ((size_t)~0) #endif #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef MBFL_DLL_EXPORT #define MBFLAPI __declspec(dllexport) #else #define MBFLAPI __declspec(dllimport) #endif /* MBFL_DLL_EXPORT */ #else #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 #define MBFLAPI __attribute__((visibility("default"))) #else #define MBFLAPI #endif /* defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 */ #endif /* WIN32 */ #endif /* MBFL_DEFS_H */ PK!e  &mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter_wchar.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.c * by Moriyoshi Koizumi on 20 Dec 2002. The file * mbfilter.c is included in this package . * */ #ifndef MBFL_MBFILTER_WCHAR_H #define MBFL_MBFILTER_WCHAR_H #include "mbfl_defs.h" #include "mbfilter.h" MBFLAPI extern const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_wchar; #endif /* MBFL_MBFILTER_WCHAR_H */ PK!WqPP'mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_allocators.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.h * by Moriyoshi Koizumi on 20 Dec 2002. The file * mbfilter.h is included in this package . * */ #ifndef MBFL_ALLOCATORS_H #define MBFL_ALLOCATORS_H #include #include "mbfl_defs.h" typedef struct _mbfl_allocators { void *(*malloc)(size_t); void *(*realloc)(void *, size_t); void *(*calloc)(size_t, size_t); void (*free)(void *); void *(*pmalloc)(size_t); void *(*prealloc)(void *, size_t); void (*pfree)(void *); } mbfl_allocators; MBFLAPI extern mbfl_allocators *__mbfl_allocators; #define mbfl_malloc (__mbfl_allocators->malloc) #define mbfl_realloc (__mbfl_allocators->realloc) #define mbfl_calloc (__mbfl_allocators->calloc) #define mbfl_free (__mbfl_allocators->free) #define mbfl_pmalloc (__mbfl_allocators->pmalloc) #define mbfl_prealloc (__mbfl_allocators->preallloc) #define mbfl_pfree (__mbfl_allocators->pfree) #endif /* MBFL_ALLOCATORS_H */ PK!r- 3 3 "mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_ident.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.h * by Moriyoshi Koizumi on 20 Dec 2002. The file * mbfilter.h is included in this package . * */ #ifndef MBFL_IDENT_H #define MBFL_IDENT_H #include "mbfl_defs.h" #include "mbfl_encoding.h" /* * identify filter */ typedef struct _mbfl_identify_filter mbfl_identify_filter; struct _mbfl_identify_filter { void (*filter_ctor)(mbfl_identify_filter *filter); void (*filter_dtor)(mbfl_identify_filter *filter); int (*filter_function)(int c, mbfl_identify_filter *filter); int status; int flag; int score; const mbfl_encoding *encoding; }; struct mbfl_identify_vtbl { enum mbfl_no_encoding encoding; void (*filter_ctor)(mbfl_identify_filter *filter); void (*filter_dtor)(mbfl_identify_filter *filter); int (*filter_function)(int c, mbfl_identify_filter *filter); }; MBFLAPI extern const struct mbfl_identify_vtbl * mbfl_identify_filter_get_vtbl(enum mbfl_no_encoding encoding); MBFLAPI extern mbfl_identify_filter * mbfl_identify_filter_new(enum mbfl_no_encoding encoding); MBFLAPI extern mbfl_identify_filter * mbfl_identify_filter_new2(const mbfl_encoding *encoding); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_identify_filter_delete(mbfl_identify_filter *filter); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_identify_filter_init(mbfl_identify_filter *filter, enum mbfl_no_encoding encoding); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_identify_filter_init2(mbfl_identify_filter *filter, const mbfl_encoding *encoding); MBFLAPI void mbfl_identify_filter_cleanup(mbfl_identify_filter *filter); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_filt_ident_common_ctor(mbfl_identify_filter *filter); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_filt_ident_common_dtor(mbfl_identify_filter *filter); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_filt_ident_false_ctor(mbfl_identify_filter *filter); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_filt_ident_false(int c, mbfl_identify_filter *filter); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_filt_ident_true(int c, mbfl_identify_filter *filter); #endif /* MBFL_IDENT_H */ PK!_99#mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_consts.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.h * by Moriyoshi Koizumi on 20 Dec 2002. The file * mbfilter.h is included in this package . * */ #ifndef MBFL_CONSTS_H #define MBFL_CONSTS_H #define MBFL_ENCTYPE_SBCS 0x00000001 #define MBFL_ENCTYPE_MBCS 0x00000002 #define MBFL_ENCTYPE_WCS2BE 0x00000010 #define MBFL_ENCTYPE_WCS2LE 0x00000020 #define MBFL_ENCTYPE_MWC2BE 0x00000040 #define MBFL_ENCTYPE_MWC2LE 0x00000080 #define MBFL_ENCTYPE_WCS4BE 0x00000100 #define MBFL_ENCTYPE_WCS4LE 0x00000200 #define MBFL_ENCTYPE_MWC4BE 0x00000400 #define MBFL_ENCTYPE_MWC4LE 0x00000800 #define MBFL_ENCTYPE_SHFTCODE 0x00001000 #define MBFL_ENCTYPE_ENC_STRM 0x00002000 #define MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE 0x00004000 /* wchar plane, special character */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_MASK 0xffff #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_UCS2MAX 0x00010000 #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_UTF32MAX 0x00110000 #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_SUPMIN 0x00010000 #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_SUPMAX 0x00200000 #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_JIS0213 0x70e00000 /* JIS HEX : 2121h - 7E7Eh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_JIS0208 0x70e10000 /* JIS HEX : 2121h - 7E7Eh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_JIS0212 0x70e20000 /* JIS HEX : 2121h - 7E7Eh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_WINCP932 0x70e30000 /* JIS HEX : 2121h - 9898h */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_1 0x70e40000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_2 0x70e50000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_3 0x70e60000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_4 0x70e70000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_5 0x70e80000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_6 0x70e90000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_7 0x70ea0000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_8 0x70eb0000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_9 0x70ec0000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_10 0x70ed0000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_13 0x70ee0000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_14 0x70ef0000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_15 0x70f00000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_KSC5601 0x70f10000 /* 2121h - 7E7Eh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_GB2312 0x70f20000 /* 2121h - 7E7Eh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_WINCP936 0x70f30000 /* 2121h - 9898h */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_BIG5 0x70f40000 /* 2121h - 9898h */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_CNS11643 0x70f50000 /* 2121h - 9898h */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_UHC 0x70f60000 /* 8141h - fefeh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_CP1251 0x70f70000 #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_CP866 0x70f80000 #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_KOI8R 0x70f90000 #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_8859_16 0x70fa0000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_ARMSCII8 0x70fb0000 #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_KOI8U 0x70fc0000 #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_CP1254 0x70fd0000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_CP850 0x70fe0000 /* 00h - FFh */ #define MBFL_WCSPLANE_GB18030 0x70ff0000 /* a1a1h-e3329a35h */ #define MBFL_WCSGROUP_MASK 0xffffff #define MBFL_WCSGROUP_UCS4MAX 0x70000000 #define MBFL_WCSGROUP_WCHARMAX 0x78000000 #define MBFL_WCSGROUP_THROUGH 0x78000000 /* 000000h - FFFFFFh */ #define MBFL_QPRINT_STS_MIME_HEADER 0x1000000 #define MBFL_BASE64_STS_MIME_HEADER 0x1000000 #endif /* MBFL_CONSTS_H */ PK![M $mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_convert.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.h * by Moriyoshi Koizumi on 20 Dec 2002. The file * mbfilter.h is included in this package . * */ #ifndef MBFL_CONVERT_H #define MBFL_CONVERT_H #include "mbfl_defs.h" #include "mbfl_encoding.h" #include "mbfl_memory_device.h" typedef struct _mbfl_convert_filter mbfl_convert_filter; struct _mbfl_convert_filter { void (*filter_ctor)(mbfl_convert_filter *filter); void (*filter_dtor)(mbfl_convert_filter *filter); void (*filter_copy)(mbfl_convert_filter *src, mbfl_convert_filter *dest); int (*filter_function)(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter); int (*filter_flush)(mbfl_convert_filter *filter); int (*output_function)(int c, void *data); int (*flush_function)(void *data); void *data; int status; int cache; const mbfl_encoding *from; const mbfl_encoding *to; int illegal_mode; int illegal_substchar; size_t num_illegalchar; void *opaque; }; MBFLAPI extern mbfl_convert_filter *mbfl_convert_filter_new( const mbfl_encoding *from, const mbfl_encoding *to, int (*output_function)(int, void *), int (*flush_function)(void *), void *data ); MBFLAPI extern mbfl_convert_filter *mbfl_convert_filter_new2( const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl *vtbl, int (*output_function)(int, void *), int (*flush_function)(void *), void *data ); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_convert_filter_delete(mbfl_convert_filter *filter); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_convert_filter_feed(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_convert_filter_feed_string(mbfl_convert_filter *filter, const unsigned char *p, size_t len); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_convert_filter_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_convert_filter_reset(mbfl_convert_filter *filter, const mbfl_encoding *from, const mbfl_encoding *to); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_convert_filter_copy(mbfl_convert_filter *src, mbfl_convert_filter *dist); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_filt_conv_illegal_output(int c, mbfl_convert_filter *filter); MBFLAPI extern const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl * mbfl_convert_filter_get_vtbl(const mbfl_encoding *from, const mbfl_encoding *to); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_filt_conv_common_ctor(mbfl_convert_filter *filter); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_filt_conv_common_flush(mbfl_convert_filter *filter); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_filt_conv_common_dtor(mbfl_convert_filter *filter); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_convert_filter_devcat(mbfl_convert_filter *filter, mbfl_memory_device *src); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_convert_filter_strcat(mbfl_convert_filter *filter, const unsigned char *p); #endif /* MBFL_CONVERT_H */ PK!c{tt%mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_encoding.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.h * by Moriyoshi Koizumi on 20 Dec 2002. The file * mbfilter.h is included in this package . * */ #ifndef MBFL_ENCODING_H #define MBFL_ENCODING_H #include "mbfl_defs.h" enum mbfl_no_encoding { mbfl_no_encoding_invalid = -1, mbfl_no_encoding_pass, mbfl_no_encoding_wchar, mbfl_no_encoding_byte2be, mbfl_no_encoding_byte2le, mbfl_no_encoding_byte4be, mbfl_no_encoding_byte4le, mbfl_no_encoding_base64, mbfl_no_encoding_uuencode, mbfl_no_encoding_html_ent, mbfl_no_encoding_qprint, mbfl_no_encoding_7bit, mbfl_no_encoding_8bit, mbfl_no_encoding_charset_min, mbfl_no_encoding_ucs4, mbfl_no_encoding_ucs4be, mbfl_no_encoding_ucs4le, mbfl_no_encoding_ucs2, mbfl_no_encoding_ucs2be, mbfl_no_encoding_ucs2le, mbfl_no_encoding_utf32, mbfl_no_encoding_utf32be, mbfl_no_encoding_utf32le, mbfl_no_encoding_utf16, mbfl_no_encoding_utf16be, mbfl_no_encoding_utf16le, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8_docomo, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8_kddi_a, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8_kddi_b, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8_sb, mbfl_no_encoding_utf7, mbfl_no_encoding_utf7imap, mbfl_no_encoding_ascii, mbfl_no_encoding_euc_jp, mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp2004, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis, mbfl_no_encoding_eucjp_win, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_open, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_docomo, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_kddi, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_sb, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis_mac, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis2004, mbfl_no_encoding_cp932, mbfl_no_encoding_cp51932, mbfl_no_encoding_jis, mbfl_no_encoding_2022jp, mbfl_no_encoding_2022jp_2004, mbfl_no_encoding_2022jp_kddi, mbfl_no_encoding_2022jpms, mbfl_no_encoding_gb18030, mbfl_no_encoding_cp1252, mbfl_no_encoding_cp1254, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_1, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_2, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_3, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_4, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_5, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_6, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_7, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_8, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_9, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_10, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_13, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_14, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_15, mbfl_no_encoding_euc_cn, mbfl_no_encoding_cp936, mbfl_no_encoding_euc_tw, mbfl_no_encoding_big5, mbfl_no_encoding_cp950, mbfl_no_encoding_euc_kr, mbfl_no_encoding_2022kr, mbfl_no_encoding_uhc, mbfl_no_encoding_hz, mbfl_no_encoding_cp1251, mbfl_no_encoding_cp866, mbfl_no_encoding_koi8r, mbfl_no_encoding_koi8u, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_16, mbfl_no_encoding_armscii8, mbfl_no_encoding_cp850, mbfl_no_encoding_jis_ms, mbfl_no_encoding_cp50220, mbfl_no_encoding_cp50220raw, mbfl_no_encoding_cp50221, mbfl_no_encoding_cp50222, mbfl_no_encoding_charset_max }; typedef enum mbfl_no_encoding mbfl_encoding_id; struct _mbfl_convert_filter; struct mbfl_convert_vtbl { enum mbfl_no_encoding from; enum mbfl_no_encoding to; void (*filter_ctor)(struct _mbfl_convert_filter *filter); void (*filter_dtor)(struct _mbfl_convert_filter *filter); int (*filter_function)(int c, struct _mbfl_convert_filter *filter); int (*filter_flush)(struct _mbfl_convert_filter *filter); void (*filter_copy)(struct _mbfl_convert_filter *src, struct _mbfl_convert_filter *dest); }; /* * encoding */ typedef struct _mbfl_encoding { enum mbfl_no_encoding no_encoding; const char *name; const char *mime_name; const char *(*aliases)[]; const unsigned char *mblen_table; unsigned int flag; const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl *input_filter; const struct mbfl_convert_vtbl *output_filter; } mbfl_encoding; MBFLAPI extern const mbfl_encoding * mbfl_name2encoding(const char *name); MBFLAPI extern const mbfl_encoding * mbfl_no2encoding(enum mbfl_no_encoding no_encoding); MBFLAPI extern enum mbfl_no_encoding mbfl_name2no_encoding(const char *name); MBFLAPI extern const mbfl_encoding ** mbfl_get_supported_encodings(); MBFLAPI extern const char * mbfl_no_encoding2name(enum mbfl_no_encoding no_encoding); MBFLAPI extern const char * mbfl_no2preferred_mime_name(enum mbfl_no_encoding no_encoding); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_is_support_encoding(const char *name); #endif /* MBFL_ENCODING_H */ PK!Ѩ %mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter_8bit.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.c * by Moriyoshi Koizumi on 20 Dec 2002. The file * mbfilter.c is included in this package . * */ #ifndef MBFL_MBFILTER_8BIT_H #define MBFL_MBFILTER_8BIT_H #include "mbfl_defs.h" #include "mbfilter.h" MBFLAPI extern const mbfl_encoding mbfl_encoding_8bit; #endif /* MBFL_MBFILTER_8BIT_H */ PK!w *mbstring/libmbfl/mbfl/mbfl_memory_device.hnu[/* * "streamable kanji code filter and converter" * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 HappySize, Inc. All rights reserved. * * LICENSE NOTICES * * This file is part of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", * which is distributed under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public * License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with "streamable kanji code filter and converter"; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * The author of this file: * */ /* * The source code included in this files was separated from mbfilter.h * by Moriyoshi Koizumi on 20 Dec 2002. The file * mbfilter.h is included in this package . * */ #ifndef MBFL_MEMORY_DEVICE_H #define MBFL_MEMORY_DEVICE_H #include "mbfl_defs.h" #include "mbfl_string.h" #define MBFL_MEMORY_DEVICE_ALLOC_SIZE 64 typedef struct _mbfl_memory_device { unsigned char *buffer; size_t length; size_t pos; size_t allocsz; } mbfl_memory_device; typedef struct _mbfl_wchar_device { unsigned int *buffer; size_t length; size_t pos; size_t allocsz; } mbfl_wchar_device; MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_memory_device_init( mbfl_memory_device *device, size_t initsz, size_t allocsz); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_memory_device_realloc( mbfl_memory_device *device, size_t initsz, size_t allocsz); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_memory_device_clear(mbfl_memory_device *device); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_memory_device_reset(mbfl_memory_device *device); MBFLAPI extern mbfl_string * mbfl_memory_device_result( mbfl_memory_device *device, mbfl_string *result); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_memory_device_unput(mbfl_memory_device *device); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_memory_device_output(int c, void *data); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_memory_device_output2(int c, void *data); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_memory_device_output4(int c, void *data); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_memory_device_strcat(mbfl_memory_device *device, const char *psrc); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_memory_device_strncat( mbfl_memory_device *device, const char *psrc, size_t len); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_memory_device_devcat(mbfl_memory_device *dest, mbfl_memory_device *src); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_wchar_device_init(mbfl_wchar_device *device); MBFLAPI extern int mbfl_wchar_device_output(int c, void *data); MBFLAPI extern void mbfl_wchar_device_clear(mbfl_wchar_device *device); #endif /* MBFL_MEMORY_DEVICE_H */ PK!Nmbstring/libmbfl/config.hnu[#include "php_config.h" PK!|UUUhash/php_hash_gost.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Michael Wallner | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_GOST_H #define PHP_HASH_GOST_H #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" /* GOST context */ typedef struct { uint32_t state[16]; size_t count[2]; unsigned char length; unsigned char buffer[32]; const uint32_t (*tables)[4][256]; } PHP_GOST_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_GOSTInit(PHP_GOST_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_GOSTUpdate(PHP_GOST_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_GOSTFinal(unsigned char[64], PHP_GOST_CTX *); #endif PK!9/  hash/php_hash_fnv.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Michael Maclean | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_FNV_H #define PHP_HASH_FNV_H #define PHP_FNV1_32_INIT ((uint32_t)0x811c9dc5) #define PHP_FNV1_32A_INIT PHP_FNV1_32_INIT #define PHP_FNV_32_PRIME ((uint32_t)0x01000193) #define PHP_FNV1_64_INIT ((uint64_t)0xcbf29ce484222325ULL) #define PHP_FNV1A_64_INIT FNV1_64_INIT #define PHP_FNV_64_PRIME ((uint64_t)0x100000001b3ULL) /* * hash types */ enum php_fnv_type { PHP_FNV_NONE = 0, /* invalid FNV hash type */ PHP_FNV0_32 = 1, /* FNV-0 32 bit hash */ PHP_FNV1_32 = 2, /* FNV-1 32 bit hash */ PHP_FNV1a_32 = 3, /* FNV-1a 32 bit hash */ PHP_FNV0_64 = 4, /* FNV-0 64 bit hash */ PHP_FNV1_64 = 5, /* FNV-1 64 bit hash */ PHP_FNV1a_64 = 6, /* FNV-1a 64 bit hash */ }; typedef struct { uint32_t state; } PHP_FNV132_CTX; typedef struct { uint64_t state; } PHP_FNV164_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_FNV132Init(PHP_FNV132_CTX *context); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_FNV132Update(PHP_FNV132_CTX *context, const unsigned char *input, size_t inputLen); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_FNV1a32Update(PHP_FNV132_CTX *context, const unsigned char *input, size_t inputLen); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_FNV132Final(unsigned char digest[16], PHP_FNV132_CTX * context); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_FNV164Init(PHP_FNV164_CTX *context); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_FNV164Update(PHP_FNV164_CTX *context, const unsigned char *input, size_t inputLen); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_FNV1a64Update(PHP_FNV164_CTX *context, const unsigned char *input, size_t inputLen); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_FNV164Final(unsigned char digest[16], PHP_FNV164_CTX * context); static uint32_t fnv_32_buf(void *buf, size_t len, uint32_t hval, int alternate); static uint64_t fnv_64_buf(void *buf, size_t len, uint64_t hval, int alternate); #endif PK!~ hash/php_hash_ripemd.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sara Golemon | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_RIPEMD_H #define PHP_HASH_RIPEMD_H #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" /* RIPEMD context. */ typedef struct { uint32_t state[4]; /* state (ABCD) */ uint32_t count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */ unsigned char buffer[64]; /* input buffer */ } PHP_RIPEMD128_CTX; typedef struct { uint32_t state[5]; /* state (ABCD) */ uint32_t count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */ unsigned char buffer[64]; /* input buffer */ } PHP_RIPEMD160_CTX; typedef struct { uint32_t state[8]; /* state (ABCD) */ uint32_t count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */ unsigned char buffer[64]; /* input buffer */ } PHP_RIPEMD256_CTX; typedef struct { uint32_t state[10]; /* state (ABCD) */ uint32_t count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */ unsigned char buffer[64]; /* input buffer */ } PHP_RIPEMD320_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_RIPEMD128Init(PHP_RIPEMD128_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_RIPEMD128Update(PHP_RIPEMD128_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_RIPEMD128Final(unsigned char[16], PHP_RIPEMD128_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_RIPEMD160Init(PHP_RIPEMD160_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_RIPEMD160Update(PHP_RIPEMD160_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_RIPEMD160Final(unsigned char[20], PHP_RIPEMD160_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_RIPEMD256Init(PHP_RIPEMD256_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_RIPEMD256Update(PHP_RIPEMD256_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_RIPEMD256Final(unsigned char[32], PHP_RIPEMD256_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_RIPEMD320Init(PHP_RIPEMD320_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_RIPEMD320Update(PHP_RIPEMD320_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_RIPEMD320Final(unsigned char[40], PHP_RIPEMD320_CTX *); #endif /* PHP_HASH_RIPEMD_H */ PK!@J؏hash/php_hash_adler32.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Michael Wallner | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_ADLER32_H #define PHP_HASH_ADLER32_H #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" typedef struct { uint32_t state; } PHP_ADLER32_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_ADLER32Init(PHP_ADLER32_CTX *context); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_ADLER32Update(PHP_ADLER32_CTX *context, const unsigned char *input, size_t len); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_ADLER32Final(unsigned char digest[4], PHP_ADLER32_CTX *context); PHP_HASH_API int PHP_ADLER32Copy(const php_hash_ops *ops, PHP_ADLER32_CTX *orig_context, PHP_ADLER32_CTX *copy_context); #endif PK!Q]hash/php_hash_haval.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sara Golemon | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_HAVAL_H #define PHP_HASH_HAVAL_H #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" /* HAVAL context. */ typedef struct { uint32_t state[8]; uint32_t count[2]; unsigned char buffer[128]; char passes; short output; void (*Transform)(uint32_t state[8], const unsigned char block[128]); } PHP_HAVAL_CTX; #define PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(p,b) PHP_HASH_API void PHP_##p##HAVAL##b##Init(PHP_HAVAL_CTX *); \ PHP_HASH_API void PHP_HAVAL##b##Final(unsigned char*, PHP_HAVAL_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_HAVALUpdate(PHP_HAVAL_CTX *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(3,128) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(3,160) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(3,192) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(3,224) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(3,256) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(4,128) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(4,160) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(4,192) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(4,224) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(4,256) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(5,128) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(5,160) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(5,192) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(5,224) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_INIT_DECL(5,256) #endif PK!⽿  hash/php_hash_sha.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SHA1 Author: Stefan Esser | | SHA256 Author: Sara Golemon | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_SHA_H #define PHP_HASH_SHA_H /* When SHA is removed from Core, the ext/standard/sha1.c file can be removed and the ext/standard/sha1.h file can be reduced to: #define PHP_HASH_SHA1_NOT_IN_CORE #include "ext/hash/php_hash_sha.h" Don't forget to remove sha1() and sha1_file() from basic_functions.c */ #include "ext/standard/sha1.h" #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" #ifdef PHP_HASH_SHA1_NOT_IN_CORE /* SHA1 context. */ typedef struct { uint32_t state[5]; /* state (ABCD) */ uint32_t count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 */ unsigned char buffer[64]; /* input buffer */ } PHP_SHA1_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA1Init(PHP_SHA1_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA1Update(PHP_SHA1_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA1Final(unsigned char[20], PHP_SHA1_CTX *); PHP_FUNCTION(sha1); PHP_FUNCTION(sha1_file); #endif /* PHP_HASH_SHA1_NOT_IN_CORE */ /* SHA224 context. */ typedef struct { uint32_t state[8]; /* state */ uint32_t count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 */ unsigned char buffer[64]; /* input buffer */ } PHP_SHA224_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA224Init(PHP_SHA224_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA224Update(PHP_SHA224_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA224Final(unsigned char[28], PHP_SHA224_CTX *); /* SHA256 context. */ typedef struct { uint32_t state[8]; /* state */ uint32_t count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 */ unsigned char buffer[64]; /* input buffer */ } PHP_SHA256_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA256Init(PHP_SHA256_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA256Update(PHP_SHA256_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA256Final(unsigned char[32], PHP_SHA256_CTX *); /* SHA384 context */ typedef struct { uint64_t state[8]; /* state */ uint64_t count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^128 */ unsigned char buffer[128]; /* input buffer */ } PHP_SHA384_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA384Init(PHP_SHA384_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA384Update(PHP_SHA384_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA384Final(unsigned char[48], PHP_SHA384_CTX *); /* SHA512 context */ typedef struct { uint64_t state[8]; /* state */ uint64_t count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^128 */ unsigned char buffer[128]; /* input buffer */ } PHP_SHA512_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA512Init(PHP_SHA512_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA512Update(PHP_SHA512_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA512Final(unsigned char[64], PHP_SHA512_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA512_256Init(PHP_SHA512_CTX *); #define PHP_SHA512_256Update PHP_SHA512Update PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA512_256Final(unsigned char[32], PHP_SHA512_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA512_224Init(PHP_SHA512_CTX *); #define PHP_SHA512_224Update PHP_SHA512Update PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA512_224Final(unsigned char[28], PHP_SHA512_CTX *); #endif /* PHP_HASH_SHA_H */ PK!̀hash/php_hash_md.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Original Author: Rasmus Lerdorf | | Modified for pHASH by: Sara Golemon +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_MD_H #define PHP_HASH_MD_H /* When SHA is removed from Core, the ext/standard/sha1.c file can be removed and the ext/standard/sha1.h file can be reduced to: #define PHP_HASH_SHA1_NOT_IN_CORE #include "ext/hash/php_hash_sha.h" Don't forget to remove md5() and md5_file() entries from basic_functions.c */ #include "ext/standard/md5.h" #ifdef PHP_HASH_MD5_NOT_IN_CORE /* MD5.H - header file for MD5C.C */ /* Copyright (C) 1991-2, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All rights reserved. License to copy and use this software is granted provided that it is identified as the "RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm" in all material mentioning or referencing this software or this function. License is also granted to make and use derivative works provided that such works are identified as "derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm" in all material mentioning or referencing the derived work. RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning either the merchantability of this software or the suitability of this software for any particular purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty of any kind. These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this documentation and/or software. */ /* MD5 context. */ typedef struct { uint32_t state[4]; /* state (ABCD) */ uint32_t count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */ unsigned char buffer[64]; /* input buffer */ } PHP_MD5_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void make_digest(char *md5str, unsigned char *digest); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_MD5Init(PHP_MD5_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_MD5Update(PHP_MD5_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_MD5Final(unsigned char[16], PHP_MD5_CTX *); PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_if_md5); PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_if_md5_file); #endif /* PHP_HASH_MD5_NOT_IN_CORE */ /* MD4 context */ typedef struct { uint32_t state[4]; uint32_t count[2]; unsigned char buffer[64]; } PHP_MD4_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_MD4Init(PHP_MD4_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_MD4Update(PHP_MD4_CTX *context, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_MD4Final(unsigned char[16], PHP_MD4_CTX *); /* MD2 context */ typedef struct { unsigned char state[48]; unsigned char checksum[16]; unsigned char buffer[16]; char in_buffer; } PHP_MD2_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_MD2Init(PHP_MD2_CTX *context); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_MD2Update(PHP_MD2_CTX *context, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_MD2Final(unsigned char[16], PHP_MD2_CTX *); #endif PK!͖hash/php_hash_crc32.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Michael Wallner | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_CRC32_H #define PHP_HASH_CRC32_H #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" typedef struct { uint32_t state; } PHP_CRC32_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_CRC32Init(PHP_CRC32_CTX *context); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_CRC32Update(PHP_CRC32_CTX *context, const unsigned char *input, size_t len); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_CRC32BUpdate(PHP_CRC32_CTX *context, const unsigned char *input, size_t len); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_CRC32CUpdate(PHP_CRC32_CTX *context, const unsigned char *input, size_t len); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_CRC32LEFinal(unsigned char digest[4], PHP_CRC32_CTX *context); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_CRC32BEFinal(unsigned char digest[4], PHP_CRC32_CTX *context); PHP_HASH_API int PHP_CRC32Copy(const php_hash_ops *ops, PHP_CRC32_CTX *orig_context, PHP_CRC32_CTX *copy_context); #endif PK!TXhash/php_hash.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sara Golemon | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_H #define PHP_HASH_H #include "php.h" #define PHP_HASH_EXTNAME "hash" #define PHP_HASH_VERSION PHP_VERSION #define PHP_MHASH_VERSION PHP_VERSION #define PHP_HASH_HMAC 0x0001 #define L64 INT64_C typedef void (*php_hash_init_func_t)(void *context); typedef void (*php_hash_update_func_t)(void *context, const unsigned char *buf, size_t count); typedef void (*php_hash_final_func_t)(unsigned char *digest, void *context); typedef int (*php_hash_copy_func_t)(const void *ops, void *orig_context, void *dest_context); typedef struct _php_hash_ops { php_hash_init_func_t hash_init; php_hash_update_func_t hash_update; php_hash_final_func_t hash_final; php_hash_copy_func_t hash_copy; size_t digest_size; size_t block_size; size_t context_size; unsigned is_crypto: 1; } php_hash_ops; typedef struct _php_hashcontext_object { const php_hash_ops *ops; void *context; zend_long options; unsigned char *key; zend_object std; } php_hashcontext_object; static inline php_hashcontext_object *php_hashcontext_from_object(zend_object *obj) { return ((php_hashcontext_object*)(obj + 1)) - 1; } extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_md2_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_md4_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_md5_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_sha1_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_sha224_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_sha256_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_sha384_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_sha512_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_sha512_256_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_sha512_224_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_sha3_224_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_sha3_256_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_sha3_384_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_sha3_512_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_ripemd128_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_ripemd160_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_ripemd256_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_ripemd320_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_whirlpool_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_3tiger128_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_3tiger160_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_3tiger192_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_4tiger128_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_4tiger160_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_4tiger192_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_snefru_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_gost_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_gost_crypto_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_adler32_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_crc32_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_crc32b_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_crc32c_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_fnv132_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_fnv1a32_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_fnv164_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_fnv1a64_ops; extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_joaat_ops; #define PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(p,b) extern const php_hash_ops php_hash_##p##haval##b##_ops; PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(3,128) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(3,160) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(3,192) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(3,224) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(3,256) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(4,128) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(4,160) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(4,192) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(4,224) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(4,256) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(5,128) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(5,160) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(5,192) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(5,224) PHP_HASH_HAVAL_OPS(5,256) extern zend_module_entry hash_module_entry; #define phpext_hash_ptr &hash_module_entry #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # define PHP_HASH_API __declspec(dllexport) #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define PHP_HASH_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else # define PHP_HASH_API #endif PHP_FUNCTION(hash); PHP_FUNCTION(hash_file); PHP_FUNCTION(hash_hkdf); PHP_FUNCTION(hash_hmac); PHP_FUNCTION(hash_hmac_file); PHP_FUNCTION(hash_init); PHP_FUNCTION(hash_update); PHP_FUNCTION(hash_update_stream); PHP_FUNCTION(hash_update_file); PHP_FUNCTION(hash_final); PHP_FUNCTION(hash_algos); PHP_FUNCTION(hash_pbkdf2); PHP_FUNCTION(hash_equals); extern PHP_HASH_API zend_class_entry *php_hashcontext_ce; PHP_HASH_API const php_hash_ops *php_hash_fetch_ops(const char *algo, size_t algo_len); PHP_HASH_API void php_hash_register_algo(const char *algo, const php_hash_ops *ops); PHP_HASH_API int php_hash_copy(const void *ops, void *orig_context, void *dest_context); static inline void php_hash_bin2hex(char *out, const unsigned char *in, size_t in_len) { static const char hexits[17] = "0123456789abcdef"; size_t i; for(i = 0; i < in_len; i++) { out[i * 2] = hexits[in[i] >> 4]; out[(i * 2) + 1] = hexits[in[i] & 0x0F]; } } #endif /* PHP_HASH_H */ PK!8 XXhash/php_hash_whirlpool.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Michael Wallner | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_WHIRLPOOL_H #define PHP_HASH_WHIRLPOOL_H /* WHIRLPOOL context */ typedef struct { uint64_t state[8]; unsigned char bitlength[32]; struct { int pos; int bits; unsigned char data[64]; } buffer; } PHP_WHIRLPOOL_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_WHIRLPOOLInit(PHP_WHIRLPOOL_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_WHIRLPOOLUpdate(PHP_WHIRLPOOL_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_WHIRLPOOLFinal(unsigned char[64], PHP_WHIRLPOOL_CTX *); #endif PK!ؓ] ] hash/php_hash_sha3.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sara Golemon | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_SHA3_H #define PHP_HASH_SHA3_H #include "php.h" typedef struct { #ifdef HAVE_SLOW_HASH3 unsigned char state[200]; // 5 * 5 * sizeof(uint64) uint32_t pos; #else void *hashinstance; #endif } PHP_SHA3_CTX; typedef PHP_SHA3_CTX PHP_SHA3_224_CTX; typedef PHP_SHA3_CTX PHP_SHA3_256_CTX; typedef PHP_SHA3_CTX PHP_SHA3_384_CTX; typedef PHP_SHA3_CTX PHP_SHA3_512_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA3224Init(PHP_SHA3_224_CTX*); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA3224Update(PHP_SHA3_224_CTX*, const unsigned char*, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SAH3224Final(unsigned char[32], PHP_SHA3_224_CTX*); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA3256Init(PHP_SHA3_256_CTX*); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA3256Update(PHP_SHA3_256_CTX*, const unsigned char*, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SAH3256Final(unsigned char[32], PHP_SHA3_256_CTX*); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA3384Init(PHP_SHA3_384_CTX*); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA3384Update(PHP_SHA3_384_CTX*, const unsigned char*, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SAH3384Final(unsigned char[32], PHP_SHA3_384_CTX*); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA3512Init(PHP_SHA3_512_CTX*); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SHA3512Update(PHP_SHA3_512_CTX*, const unsigned char*, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SAH3512Final(unsigned char[32], PHP_SHA3_512_CTX*); #endif PK!22hash/php_hash_tiger.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Michael Wallner | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_TIGER_H #define PHP_HASH_TIGER_H /* TIGER context */ typedef struct { uint64_t state[3]; uint64_t passed; unsigned char buffer[64]; unsigned int passes:1; size_t length; } PHP_TIGER_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_3TIGERInit(PHP_TIGER_CTX *context); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_4TIGERInit(PHP_TIGER_CTX *context); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_TIGERUpdate(PHP_TIGER_CTX *context, const unsigned char *input, size_t len); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_TIGER128Final(unsigned char digest[16], PHP_TIGER_CTX *context); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_TIGER160Final(unsigned char digest[20], PHP_TIGER_CTX *context); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_TIGER192Final(unsigned char digest[24], PHP_TIGER_CTX *context); #endif PK!'hash/php_hash_snefru.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Michael Wallner | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_SNEFRU_H #define PHP_HASH_SNEFRU_H /* SNEFRU-2.5a with 8 passes and 256 bit hash output * AKA "Xerox Secure Hash Function" */ #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" /* SNEFRU context */ typedef struct { uint32_t state[16]; uint32_t count[2]; unsigned char length; unsigned char buffer[32]; } PHP_SNEFRU_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SNEFRUInit(PHP_SNEFRU_CTX *); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SNEFRUUpdate(PHP_SNEFRU_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_SNEFRUFinal(unsigned char[32], PHP_SNEFRU_CTX *); #endif PK![hash/php_hash_joaat.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Martin Jansen | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HASH_JOAAT_H #define PHP_HASH_JOAAT_H typedef struct { uint32_t state; } PHP_JOAAT_CTX; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_JOAATInit(PHP_JOAAT_CTX *context); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_JOAATUpdate(PHP_JOAAT_CTX *context, const unsigned char *input, size_t inputLen); PHP_HASH_API void PHP_JOAATFinal(unsigned char digest[16], PHP_JOAAT_CTX * context); static uint32_t joaat_buf(void *buf, size_t len, uint32_t hval); #endif PK!,^1libxml/php_libxml.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Shane Caraveo | | Wez Furlong | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_LIBXML_H #define PHP_LIBXML_H #if HAVE_LIBXML extern zend_module_entry libxml_module_entry; #define libxml_module_ptr &libxml_module_entry #include "php_version.h" #define PHP_LIBXML_VERSION PHP_VERSION #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # define PHP_LIBXML_API __declspec(dllexport) #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define PHP_LIBXML_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else # define PHP_LIBXML_API #endif #include "zend_smart_str.h" #include #define LIBXML_SAVE_NOEMPTYTAG 1<<2 ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(libxml) zval stream_context; smart_str error_buffer; zend_llist *error_list; struct _php_libxml_entity_resolver { zval object; zend_fcall_info fci; zend_fcall_info_cache fcc; } entity_loader; zend_bool entity_loader_disabled; ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(libxml) typedef struct _libxml_doc_props { int formatoutput; int validateonparse; int resolveexternals; int preservewhitespace; int substituteentities; int stricterror; int recover; HashTable *classmap; } libxml_doc_props; typedef struct _php_libxml_ref_obj { void *ptr; int refcount; libxml_doc_props *doc_props; } php_libxml_ref_obj; typedef struct _php_libxml_node_ptr { xmlNodePtr node; int refcount; void *_private; } php_libxml_node_ptr; typedef struct _php_libxml_node_object { php_libxml_node_ptr *node; php_libxml_ref_obj *document; HashTable *properties; zend_object std; } php_libxml_node_object; static inline php_libxml_node_object *php_libxml_node_fetch_object(zend_object *obj) { return (php_libxml_node_object *)((char*)(obj) - obj->handlers->offset); } #define Z_LIBXML_NODE_P(zv) php_libxml_node_fetch_object(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) typedef void * (*php_libxml_export_node) (zval *object); PHP_LIBXML_API int php_libxml_increment_node_ptr(php_libxml_node_object *object, xmlNodePtr node, void *private_data); PHP_LIBXML_API int php_libxml_decrement_node_ptr(php_libxml_node_object *object); PHP_LIBXML_API int php_libxml_increment_doc_ref(php_libxml_node_object *object, xmlDocPtr docp); PHP_LIBXML_API int php_libxml_decrement_doc_ref(php_libxml_node_object *object); PHP_LIBXML_API xmlNodePtr php_libxml_import_node(zval *object); PHP_LIBXML_API zval *php_libxml_register_export(zend_class_entry *ce, php_libxml_export_node export_function); /* When an explicit freeing of node and children is required */ PHP_LIBXML_API void php_libxml_node_free_list(xmlNodePtr node); PHP_LIBXML_API void php_libxml_node_free_resource(xmlNodePtr node); /* When object dtor is called as node may still be referenced */ PHP_LIBXML_API void php_libxml_node_decrement_resource(php_libxml_node_object *object); PHP_LIBXML_API void php_libxml_error_handler(void *ctx, const char *msg, ...); PHP_LIBXML_API void php_libxml_ctx_warning(void *ctx, const char *msg, ...); PHP_LIBXML_API void php_libxml_ctx_error(void *ctx, const char *msg, ...); PHP_LIBXML_API int php_libxml_xmlCheckUTF8(const unsigned char *s); PHP_LIBXML_API void php_libxml_switch_context(zval *context, zval *oldcontext); PHP_LIBXML_API void php_libxml_issue_error(int level, const char *msg); PHP_LIBXML_API zend_bool php_libxml_disable_entity_loader(zend_bool disable); /* Init/shutdown functions*/ PHP_LIBXML_API void php_libxml_initialize(void); PHP_LIBXML_API void php_libxml_shutdown(void); #define LIBXML(v) ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS_ACCESSOR(libxml, v) #if defined(ZTS) && defined(COMPILE_DL_LIBXML) ZEND_TSRMLS_CACHE_EXTERN() #endif #else /* HAVE_LIBXML */ #define libxml_module_ptr NULL #endif #define phpext_libxml_ptr libxml_module_ptr #endif /* PHP_LIBXML_H */ PK!]FFdate/php_date.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Derick Rethans | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_DATE_H #define PHP_DATE_H #include "lib/timelib.h" #include "Zend/zend_hash.h" #include "php_version.h" #define PHP_DATE_VERSION PHP_VERSION extern zend_module_entry date_module_entry; #define phpext_date_ptr &date_module_entry PHP_FUNCTION(date); PHP_FUNCTION(idate); PHP_FUNCTION(gmdate); PHP_FUNCTION(strtotime); PHP_FUNCTION(mktime); PHP_FUNCTION(gmmktime); PHP_FUNCTION(checkdate); PHP_FUNCTION(strftime); PHP_FUNCTION(gmstrftime); PHP_FUNCTION(time); PHP_FUNCTION(localtime); PHP_FUNCTION(getdate); /* Advanced Interface */ PHP_METHOD(DateTime, __construct); PHP_METHOD(DateTime, __wakeup); PHP_METHOD(DateTime, __set_state); PHP_METHOD(DateTime, createFromImmutable); PHP_FUNCTION(date_create); PHP_FUNCTION(date_create_immutable); PHP_FUNCTION(date_create_from_format); PHP_FUNCTION(date_create_immutable_from_format); PHP_FUNCTION(date_parse); PHP_FUNCTION(date_parse_from_format); PHP_FUNCTION(date_get_last_errors); PHP_FUNCTION(date_format); PHP_FUNCTION(date_modify); PHP_FUNCTION(date_add); PHP_FUNCTION(date_sub); PHP_FUNCTION(date_timezone_get); PHP_FUNCTION(date_timezone_set); PHP_FUNCTION(date_offset_get); PHP_FUNCTION(date_diff); PHP_FUNCTION(date_time_set); PHP_FUNCTION(date_date_set); PHP_FUNCTION(date_isodate_set); PHP_FUNCTION(date_timestamp_set); PHP_FUNCTION(date_timestamp_get); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, __construct); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, __set_state); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, modify); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, add); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, sub); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, setTimezone); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, setTime); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, setDate); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, setISODate); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, setTimestamp); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeImmutable, createFromMutable); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeZone, __construct); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeZone, __wakeup); PHP_METHOD(DateTimeZone, __set_state); PHP_FUNCTION(timezone_open); PHP_FUNCTION(timezone_name_get); PHP_FUNCTION(timezone_name_from_abbr); PHP_FUNCTION(timezone_offset_get); PHP_FUNCTION(timezone_transitions_get); PHP_FUNCTION(timezone_location_get); PHP_FUNCTION(timezone_identifiers_list); PHP_FUNCTION(timezone_abbreviations_list); PHP_FUNCTION(timezone_version_get); PHP_METHOD(DateInterval, __construct); PHP_METHOD(DateInterval, __wakeup); PHP_METHOD(DateInterval, __set_state); PHP_FUNCTION(date_interval_format); PHP_FUNCTION(date_interval_create_from_date_string); PHP_METHOD(DatePeriod, __construct); PHP_METHOD(DatePeriod, __wakeup); PHP_METHOD(DatePeriod, __set_state); PHP_METHOD(DatePeriod, getStartDate); PHP_METHOD(DatePeriod, getEndDate); PHP_METHOD(DatePeriod, getDateInterval); PHP_METHOD(DatePeriod, getRecurrences); /* Options and Configuration */ PHP_FUNCTION(date_default_timezone_set); PHP_FUNCTION(date_default_timezone_get); /* Astro functions */ PHP_FUNCTION(date_sunrise); PHP_FUNCTION(date_sunset); PHP_FUNCTION(date_sun_info); PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(date); PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(date); PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(date); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(date); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(date); ZEND_MODULE_POST_ZEND_DEACTIVATE_D(date); typedef struct _php_date_obj php_date_obj; typedef struct _php_timezone_obj php_timezone_obj; typedef struct _php_interval_obj php_interval_obj; typedef struct _php_period_obj php_period_obj; struct _php_date_obj { timelib_time *time; zend_object std; }; static inline php_date_obj *php_date_obj_from_obj(zend_object *obj) { return (php_date_obj*)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(php_date_obj, std)); } #define Z_PHPDATE_P(zv) php_date_obj_from_obj(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) struct _php_timezone_obj { int initialized; int type; union { timelib_tzinfo *tz; /* TIMELIB_ZONETYPE_ID */ timelib_sll utc_offset; /* TIMELIB_ZONETYPE_OFFSET */ timelib_abbr_info z; /* TIMELIB_ZONETYPE_ABBR */ } tzi; zend_object std; }; static inline php_timezone_obj *php_timezone_obj_from_obj(zend_object *obj) { return (php_timezone_obj*)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(php_timezone_obj, std)); } #define Z_PHPTIMEZONE_P(zv) php_timezone_obj_from_obj(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) struct _php_interval_obj { timelib_rel_time *diff; int initialized; zend_object std; }; static inline php_interval_obj *php_interval_obj_from_obj(zend_object *obj) { return (php_interval_obj*)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(php_interval_obj, std)); } #define Z_PHPINTERVAL_P(zv) php_interval_obj_from_obj(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) struct _php_period_obj { timelib_time *start; zend_class_entry *start_ce; timelib_time *current; timelib_time *end; timelib_rel_time *interval; int recurrences; int initialized; int include_start_date; zend_object std; }; static inline php_period_obj *php_period_obj_from_obj(zend_object *obj) { return (php_period_obj*)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(php_period_obj, std)); } #define Z_PHPPERIOD_P(zv) php_period_obj_from_obj(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(date) char *default_timezone; char *timezone; HashTable *tzcache; timelib_error_container *last_errors; int timezone_valid; ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(date) #define DATEG(v) ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS_ACCESSOR(date, v) PHPAPI time_t php_time(); /* Backwards compatibility wrapper */ PHPAPI zend_long php_parse_date(char *string, zend_long *now); PHPAPI void php_mktime(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int gmt); PHPAPI int php_idate(char format, time_t ts, int localtime); #define _php_strftime php_strftime PHPAPI void php_strftime(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int gm); PHPAPI zend_string *php_format_date(char *format, size_t format_len, time_t ts, int localtime); /* Mechanism to set new TZ database */ PHPAPI void php_date_set_tzdb(timelib_tzdb *tzdb); PHPAPI timelib_tzinfo *get_timezone_info(void); /* Grabbing CE's so that other exts can use the date objects too */ PHPAPI zend_class_entry *php_date_get_date_ce(void); PHPAPI zend_class_entry *php_date_get_immutable_ce(void); PHPAPI zend_class_entry *php_date_get_interface_ce(void); PHPAPI zend_class_entry *php_date_get_timezone_ce(void); PHPAPI zend_class_entry *php_date_get_interval_ce(void); PHPAPI zend_class_entry *php_date_get_period_ce(void); /* Functions for creating DateTime objects, and initializing them from a string */ PHPAPI zval *php_date_instantiate(zend_class_entry *pce, zval *object); PHPAPI int php_date_initialize(php_date_obj *dateobj, /*const*/ char *time_str, size_t time_str_len, char *format, zval *timezone_object, int ctor); #endif /* PHP_DATE_H */ PK!hdate/lib/timelib_config.hnu[#ifdef PHP_WIN32 # include "config.w32.h" #else # include #endif #include #include "zend.h" #define timelib_malloc emalloc #define timelib_realloc erealloc #define timelib_calloc ecalloc #define timelib_strdup estrdup #define timelib_free efree PK!-)date/lib/timelib.hnu[/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Derick Rethans * Copyright (c) 2018 MongoDB, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef __TIMELIB_H__ #define __TIMELIB_H__ #ifdef HAVE_TIMELIB_CONFIG_H # include "timelib_config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include # ifndef HAVE_INT32_T # if SIZEOF_INT == 4 typedef int int32_t; # elif SIZEOF_LONG == 4 typedef long int int32_t; # endif # endif # ifndef HAVE_UINT32_T # if SIZEOF_INT == 4 typedef unsigned int uint32_t; # elif SIZEOF_LONG == 4 typedef unsigned long int uint32_t; # endif # endif #ifdef _WIN32 # if _MSC_VER >= 1600 # include # endif # ifndef SIZEOF_INT # define SIZEOF_INT 4 # endif # ifndef SIZEOF_LONG # define SIZEOF_LONG 4 # endif # ifndef int32_t typedef __int32 int32_t; # endif # ifndef uint32_t typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t; # endif # ifndef int64_t typedef __int64 int64_t; # endif # ifndef uint64_t typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; # endif # ifndef PRId32 # define PRId32 "I32d" # endif # ifndef PRIu32 # define PRIu32 "I32u" # endif # ifndef PRId64 # define PRId64 "I64d" # endif # ifndef PRIu64 # define PRIu64 "I64u" # endif # ifndef INT32_MAX #define INT32_MAX _I32_MAX # endif # ifndef INT32_MIN #define INT32_MIN ((int32_t)_I32_MIN) # endif # ifndef UINT32_MAX #define UINT32_MAX _UI32_MAX # endif # ifndef INT64_MIN #define INT64_MIN ((int64_t)_I64_MIN) # endif # ifndef INT64_MAX #define INT64_MAX _I64_MAX # endif # ifndef UINT64_MAX #define UINT64_MAX _UI64_MAX # endif #endif #if (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__LP64__) || defined(_LP64) || defined(_WIN64)) && !defined(TIMELIB_FORCE_LONG32) typedef int64_t timelib_long; typedef uint64_t timelib_ulong; # define TIMELIB_LONG_MAX INT64_MAX # define TIMELIB_LONG_MIN INT64_MIN # define TIMELIB_ULONG_MAX UINT64_MAX # define TIMELIB_LONG_FMT "%" PRId64 # define TIMELIB_ULONG_FMT "%" PRIu64 #else typedef int32_t timelib_long; typedef uint32_t timelib_ulong; # define TIMELIB_LONG_MAX INT32_MAX # define TIMELIB_LONG_MIN INT32_MIN # define TIMELIB_ULONG_MAX UINT32_MAX # define TIMELIB_LONG_FMT "%" PRId32 # define TIMELIB_ULONG_FMT "%" PRIu32 #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) typedef uint64_t timelib_ull; typedef int64_t timelib_sll; # define TIMELIB_LL_CONST(n) n ## i64 #else typedef unsigned long long timelib_ull; typedef signed long long timelib_sll; # define TIMELIB_LL_CONST(n) n ## ll #endif typedef struct _ttinfo ttinfo; typedef struct _tlinfo tlinfo; typedef struct _tlocinfo { char country_code[3]; double latitude; double longitude; char *comments; } tlocinfo; typedef struct _timelib_tzinfo { char *name; struct { uint32_t ttisgmtcnt; uint32_t ttisstdcnt; uint32_t leapcnt; uint32_t timecnt; uint32_t typecnt; uint32_t charcnt; } _bit32; struct { uint64_t ttisgmtcnt; uint64_t ttisstdcnt; uint64_t leapcnt; uint64_t timecnt; uint64_t typecnt; uint64_t charcnt; } bit64; int64_t *trans; unsigned char *trans_idx; ttinfo *type; char *timezone_abbr; tlinfo *leap_times; unsigned char bc; tlocinfo location; } timelib_tzinfo; typedef struct _timelib_rel_time { timelib_sll y, m, d; /* Years, Months and Days */ timelib_sll h, i, s; /* Hours, mInutes and Seconds */ timelib_sll us; /* Microseconds */ int weekday; /* Stores the day in 'next monday' */ int weekday_behavior; /* 0: the current day should *not* be counted when advancing forwards; 1: the current day *should* be counted */ int first_last_day_of; int invert; /* Whether the difference should be inverted */ timelib_sll days; /* Contains the number of *days*, instead of Y-M-D differences */ struct { unsigned int type; timelib_sll amount; } special; unsigned int have_weekday_relative, have_special_relative; } timelib_rel_time; typedef struct _timelib_time_offset { int32_t offset; unsigned int leap_secs; unsigned int is_dst; char *abbr; timelib_sll transition_time; } timelib_time_offset; typedef struct _timelib_time { timelib_sll y, m, d; /* Year, Month, Day */ timelib_sll h, i, s; /* Hour, mInute, Second */ timelib_sll us; /* Microseconds */ int z; /* UTC offset in seconds */ char *tz_abbr; /* Timezone abbreviation (display only) */ timelib_tzinfo *tz_info; /* Timezone structure */ signed int dst; /* Flag if we were parsing a DST zone */ timelib_rel_time relative; timelib_sll sse; /* Seconds since epoch */ unsigned int have_time, have_date, have_zone, have_relative, have_weeknr_day; unsigned int sse_uptodate; /* !0 if the sse member is up to date with the date/time members */ unsigned int tim_uptodate; /* !0 if the date/time members are up to date with the sse member */ unsigned int is_localtime; /* 1 if the current struct represents localtime, 0 if it is in GMT */ unsigned int zone_type; /* 1 time offset, * 3 TimeZone identifier, * 2 TimeZone abbreviation */ } timelib_time; typedef struct _timelib_abbr_info { timelib_sll utc_offset; char *abbr; int dst; } timelib_abbr_info; #define TIMELIB_WARN_MASK 0x1ff #define TIMELIB_ERR_MASK 0x2ff #define TIMELIB_WARN_DOUBLE_TZ 0x101 #define TIMELIB_WARN_INVALID_TIME 0x102 #define TIMELIB_WARN_INVALID_DATE 0x103 #define TIMELIB_WARN_TRAILING_DATA 0x11a #define TIMELIB_ERR_DOUBLE_TZ 0x201 #define TIMELIB_ERR_TZID_NOT_FOUND 0x202 #define TIMELIB_ERR_DOUBLE_TIME 0x203 #define TIMELIB_ERR_DOUBLE_DATE 0x204 #define TIMELIB_ERR_UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER 0x205 #define TIMELIB_ERR_EMPTY_STRING 0x206 #define TIMELIB_ERR_UNEXPECTED_DATA 0x207 #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_TEXTUAL_DAY 0x208 #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_TWO_DIGIT_DAY 0x209 #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_THREE_DIGIT_DAY_OF_YEAR 0x20a #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_TWO_DIGIT_MONTH 0x20b #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_TEXTUAL_MONTH 0x20c #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_TWO_DIGIT_YEAR 0x20d #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_FOUR_DIGIT_YEAR 0x20e #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_TWO_DIGIT_HOUR 0x20f #define TIMELIB_ERR_HOUR_LARGER_THAN_12 0x210 #define TIMELIB_ERR_MERIDIAN_BEFORE_HOUR 0x211 #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_MERIDIAN 0x212 #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_TWO_DIGIT_MINUTE 0x213 #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_TWO_DIGIT_SECOND 0x214 #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_SIX_DIGIT_MICROSECOND 0x215 #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_SEP_SYMBOL 0x216 #define TIMELIB_ERR_EXPECTED_ESCAPE_CHAR 0x217 #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_ESCAPED_CHAR 0x218 #define TIMELIB_ERR_WRONG_FORMAT_SEP 0x219 #define TIMELIB_ERR_TRAILING_DATA 0x21a #define TIMELIB_ERR_DATA_MISSING 0x21b #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_THREE_DIGIT_MILLISECOND 0x21c #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_FOUR_DIGIT_YEAR_ISO 0x21d #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_TWO_DIGIT_WEEK 0x21e #define TIMELIB_ERR_INVALID_WEEK 0x21f #define TIMELIB_ERR_NO_DAY_OF_WEEK 0x220 #define TIMELIB_ERR_INVALID_DAY_OF_WEEK 0x221 #define TIMELIB_ERR_INVALID_SPECIFIER 0x222 #define TIMELIB_ERR_INVALID_TZ_OFFSET 0x223 #define TIMELIB_ERR_FORMAT_LITERAL_MISMATCH 0x224 #define TIMELIB_ERR_MIX_ISO_WITH_NATURAL 0x225 #define TIMELIB_ZONETYPE_OFFSET 1 #define TIMELIB_ZONETYPE_ABBR 2 #define TIMELIB_ZONETYPE_ID 3 typedef struct _timelib_error_message { int error_code; int position; char character; char *message; } timelib_error_message; typedef struct _timelib_error_container { timelib_error_message *error_messages; timelib_error_message *warning_messages; int error_count; int warning_count; } timelib_error_container; typedef struct _timelib_tz_lookup_table { char *name; int type; float gmtoffset; char *full_tz_name; } timelib_tz_lookup_table; typedef struct _timelib_tzdb_index_entry { char *id; unsigned int pos; } timelib_tzdb_index_entry; typedef struct _timelib_tzdb { char *version; int index_size; const timelib_tzdb_index_entry *index; const unsigned char *data; } timelib_tzdb; #ifndef timelib_malloc # define timelib_malloc malloc # define timelib_realloc realloc # define timelib_calloc calloc # define timelib_strdup strdup # define timelib_free free #endif #define TIMELIB_VERSION 201804 #define TIMELIB_EXTENDED_VERSION 20180401 #define TIMELIB_ASCII_VERSION "2018.04" #define TIMELIB_NONE 0x00 #define TIMELIB_OVERRIDE_TIME 0x01 #define TIMELIB_NO_CLONE 0x02 #define TIMELIB_UNSET -99999 /* An entry for each of these error codes is also in the * timelib_error_messages array in timelib.c */ #define TIMELIB_ERROR_NO_ERROR 0x00 #define TIMELIB_ERROR_CANNOT_ALLOCATE 0x01 #define TIMELIB_ERROR_CORRUPT_TRANSITIONS_DONT_INCREASE 0x02 #define TIMELIB_ERROR_CORRUPT_NO_64BIT_PREAMBLE 0x03 #define TIMELIB_ERROR_CORRUPT_NO_ABBREVIATION 0x04 #define TIMELIB_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION 0x05 #define TIMELIB_ERROR_NO_SUCH_TIMEZONE 0x06 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef enum _timelib_format_specifier_code { TIMELIB_FORMAT_ALLOW_EXTRA_CHARACTERS = 0, TIMELIB_FORMAT_ANY_SEPARATOR, TIMELIB_FORMAT_DAY_TWO_DIGIT, TIMELIB_FORMAT_DAY_TWO_DIGIT_PADDED, TIMELIB_FORMAT_DAY_OF_WEEK_ISO, TIMELIB_FORMAT_DAY_OF_WEEK, TIMELIB_FORMAT_DAY_OF_YEAR, TIMELIB_FORMAT_DAY_SUFFIX, TIMELIB_FORMAT_END, TIMELIB_FORMAT_EPOCH_SECONDS, TIMELIB_FORMAT_ESCAPE, TIMELIB_FORMAT_HOUR_TWO_DIGIT_12_MAX, TIMELIB_FORMAT_HOUR_TWO_DIGIT_12_MAX_PADDED, TIMELIB_FORMAT_HOUR_TWO_DIGIT_24_MAX, TIMELIB_FORMAT_HOUR_TWO_DIGIT_24_MAX_PADDED, TIMELIB_FORMAT_LITERAL, TIMELIB_FORMAT_MERIDIAN, TIMELIB_FORMAT_MICROSECOND_SIX_DIGIT, TIMELIB_FORMAT_MILLISECOND_THREE_DIGIT, TIMELIB_FORMAT_MINUTE_TWO_DIGIT, TIMELIB_FORMAT_MONTH_TWO_DIGIT, TIMELIB_FORMAT_MONTH_TWO_DIGIT_PADDED, TIMELIB_FORMAT_RANDOM_CHAR, TIMELIB_FORMAT_RESET_ALL, TIMELIB_FORMAT_RESET_ALL_WHEN_NOT_SET, TIMELIB_FORMAT_SECOND_TWO_DIGIT, TIMELIB_FORMAT_SEPARATOR, TIMELIB_FORMAT_SKIP_TO_SEPARATOR, TIMELIB_FORMAT_TEXTUAL_DAY_3_LETTER, TIMELIB_FORMAT_TEXTUAL_DAY_FULL, TIMELIB_FORMAT_TEXTUAL_MONTH_3_LETTER, TIMELIB_FORMAT_TEXTUAL_MONTH_FULL, TIMELIB_FORMAT_TIMEZONE_OFFSET, TIMELIB_FORMAT_TIMEZONE_OFFSET_MINUTES, TIMELIB_FORMAT_WEEK_OF_YEAR_ISO, TIMELIB_FORMAT_WEEK_OF_YEAR, TIMELIB_FORMAT_WHITESPACE, TIMELIB_FORMAT_YEAR_TWO_DIGIT, TIMELIB_FORMAT_YEAR_FOUR_DIGIT, TIMELIB_FORMAT_YEAR_ISO } timelib_format_specifier_code; typedef struct _timelib_format_specifier { char specifier; timelib_format_specifier_code code; } timelib_format_specifier; typedef struct _timelib_format_config { const timelib_format_specifier *format_map; /* Format speciifiers must be preceded by 'prefix_char' if not '\0'. */ char prefix_char; } timelib_format_config; /* Function pointers */ typedef timelib_tzinfo* (*timelib_tz_get_wrapper)(char *tzname, const timelib_tzdb *tzdb, int *error_code); /* From dow.c */ /* Calculates the day of the week from y, m, and d. 0=Sunday..6=Saturday */ timelib_sll timelib_day_of_week(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m, timelib_sll d); /* Calculates the day of the ISO week from y, m, and d. 1=Monday, 7=Sunday */ timelib_sll timelib_iso_day_of_week(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m, timelib_sll d); /* Calculates the day of the year according to y-m-d. 0=Jan 1st..364/365=Dec * 31st */ timelib_sll timelib_day_of_year(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m, timelib_sll d); /* Calculates the day of the year according to y-w-dow. 0..364/365 */ timelib_sll timelib_daynr_from_weeknr(timelib_sll iy, timelib_sll iw, timelib_sll id); /* Calculates the number of days in month m for year y. 28..31 */ timelib_sll timelib_days_in_month(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m); /* Calculates the ISO year and week from y, m, and d, into iw and iy */ void timelib_isoweek_from_date(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m, timelib_sll d, timelib_sll *iw, timelib_sll *iy); /* Calculates the ISO year, week, and day of week from y, m, and d, into iy, * iw, and id */ void timelib_isodate_from_date(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m, timelib_sll d, timelib_sll *iy, timelib_sll *iw, timelib_sll *id); /* Calculates the year, month, and day from iy, iw, and iw, into y, m, and d */ void timelib_date_from_isodate(timelib_sll iy, timelib_sll iw, timelib_sll id, timelib_sll *y, timelib_sll *m, timelib_sll *d); /* Returns true if h, i and s fit in the range 00:00:00..23:59:59, false * otherwise */ int timelib_valid_time(timelib_sll h, timelib_sll i, timelib_sll s); /* Returns true if m fits in the range 1..12, and d fits in the range * 1.. for year y */ int timelib_valid_date(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m, timelib_sll d); /* From */ /* Parses the date/time string in 's' with length 'len' into the constituent * parts of timelib_time*. * * Depending on the contents of the string 's', not all elements might be * filled. You can check whether a specific element has been parsed by * comparing with the TIMELIB_UNSET define. * * If errors occur, this function keeps already parsed elements in the * returned timelib_time* value. * * If the **errors points to a timelib_error_container variable, warnings * and errors will be recorded. You are responsible for freeing the stored * information with timelib_error_container_dtor(). To see whether errors have * occurred, inspect errors->errors_count. To see whether warnings have occurred, * inspect errors->warnings_count. * * The returned timelib_time* value is dynamically allocated and should be * freed with timelib_time_dtor(). */ timelib_time *timelib_strtotime(char *s, size_t len, timelib_error_container **errors, const timelib_tzdb *tzdb, timelib_tz_get_wrapper tz_get_wrapper); /* Parses the date/time string in 's' with length 'len' into the constituent * parts of timelib_time* according to the format in 'format'. * * Depending on the contents of the string 's', not all elements might be * filled. You can check whether a specific element has been parsed by * comparing with the TIMELIB_UNSET define. * * If errors occur, this function keeps already parsed elements in the * returned timelib_time* value. * * If the **errors points to a timelib_error_container variable, warnings * and errors will be recorded. You are responsible for freeing the stored * information with timelib_error_container_dtor(). To see whether errors have * occurred, inspect errors->errors_count. To see whether warnings have occurred, * inspect errors->warnings_count. * * The returned timelib_time* value is dynamically allocated and should be * freed with timelib_time_dtor(). */ timelib_time *timelib_parse_from_format(char *format, char *s, size_t len, timelib_error_container **errors, const timelib_tzdb *tzdb, timelib_tz_get_wrapper tz_get_wrapper); /* Parses the date/time string in 's' with length 'len' into the constituent * parts of timelib_time* according to the format in 'format' with format * specifier configuration 'format_config'. * * 'format_map' is an array of pairs, with the first element being the format * specifier as a character and the second element corresponds to the * representation of the specifier from the enum list * 'timelib_format_specifier_code'. * * Note: 'format_map' must be terminated with specifier '\0' to indicate to the * parser that there are no more format specifiers in the list. */ timelib_time *timelib_parse_from_format_with_map(char *format, char *s, size_t len, timelib_error_container **errors, const timelib_tzdb *tzdb, timelib_tz_get_wrapper tz_get_wrapper, const timelib_format_config* format_config); /* Fills the gaps in the parsed timelib_time with information from the reference date/time in 'now' * * If any of the 'parsed' y, m, d, h, i or s parameters is unset (TIMELIB_UNSET): * - if microtime (us) is unset, then the us of the parsed time is set to 0. * - else if microtime (us) is unset and 'now'->'us' is set, use it, otherwise use 0. * * For either of the 'parsed' y, m, d, h, i, s, z (utc offset in seconds) or * dst is unset, set it to the corresponding value in 'now' if set, otherwise * set it to 0. * * It duplicates tz_abbr if unset in 'parsed' but set in 'now'. * * It duplicates tz_info if unset in 'parsed', but set in 'now' unless * TIMELIB_NO_CLONE is passed, in which case only the pointer in 'parsed' is * set to 'now'. * * If the option TIMELIB_OVERRIDE_TIME is passed and the parsed date/time has * no time portion, the function will ignore the time aspect in 'now' and * instead fill it with zeros. */ void timelib_fill_holes(timelib_time *parsed, timelib_time *now, int options); /* Tries to convert a time zone abbreviation, gmtoffset and/or isdst flag * combination to a time zone identifier. * * If 'abbr' is either 'utc' or 'gmt' (case insensitve) then "UTC" is * returned. * * It first uses the data in the timezonemap.h file to find a matching * abbreviation/GMT offset combination. If not found, it uses the data in * fallbackmap.h to match only the GMT offset/isdst flag to try to find a * match. If nothing is found, NULL is returned. * * The returned char* is not duplicated, and should not be freed. */ char *timelib_timezone_id_from_abbr(const char *abbr, timelib_long gmtoffset, int isdst); /* Returns an array of known time zone abbreviations * * This file is generated from the time zone database through the * gettzmapping.php scripts, which requires that an up-to-date time zone * database is used with the PHP binary that runs the script. * * Each item in the returned list contains the abbreviation, a flag whether * it's an abbreviation used with DST, the UTC offset in seconds, and the name * of the time zone identifier that this abbreviation belongs to. * * The order for each specific abbreviation is controlled through the * preference list in the gettzmapping.php script. Time zones that match the * pattern ±\d{2,4} are excluded */ const timelib_tz_lookup_table *timelib_timezone_abbreviations_list(void); /** * DEPRECATED, but still used by PHP. */ timelib_long timelib_parse_zone(char **ptr, int *dst, timelib_time *t, int *tz_not_found, const timelib_tzdb *tzdb, timelib_tz_get_wrapper tz_wrapper); /* From */ /** * Parses a subset of an ISO 8601 intervals specification string into its * constituent parts. * * If the **errors points to a timelib_error_container variable, warnings * and errors will be recorded. You are responsible for freeing the stored * information with timelib_error_container_dtor(). To see whether errors have * occurred, inspect errors->errors_count. To see whether warnings have occurred, * inspect errors->warnings_count. */ void timelib_strtointerval(char *s, size_t len, timelib_time **begin, timelib_time **end, timelib_rel_time **period, int *recurrences, timelib_error_container **errors); /* From tm2unixtime.c */ /** * Uses the y/m/d/h/i/s fields to calculate and store the equivalent timestamp * in the sse field. * * It uses the time zone information associated with 'time' to account for the * right UTC offset and/or DST rules. You can associate time zone information * with the timelib_set_timezone_* functions (see below). * * If the type is 'TIMELIB_ZONETYPE_ID' and there is no associated tzinfo, it * will use the second argument 'tzi' to provide the rules necessary to * calculate the right timestamp. */ void timelib_update_ts(timelib_time* time, timelib_tzinfo* tzi); /** * Takes the information from the y/m/d/h/i/s fields and makes sure their * values are in the right range. * * If a value under- or overflows it will adjust the larger measure up (or * down). It also takes into account leap days. */ void timelib_do_normalize(timelib_time *base); /** * Takes the information from the y/m/d/h/i/s fields of 'rt' and makes sure * their values are in the right range. * * If a value under- or overflows it will adjust the larger measure up (or * down). As this function operates on a *relative date/time*, it also takes * into account leap days and correctly accounts for the difference depending * on the base date/time in 'base'. */ void timelib_do_rel_normalize(timelib_time *base, timelib_rel_time *rt); /* From unixtime2tm.c */ /** * Takes the unix timestamp in seconds from 'ts' and populates the y/m/d/h/i/s * fields of 'tm' without taking time zones into account */ void timelib_unixtime2gmt(timelib_time* tm, timelib_sll ts); /** * Takes the Unix timestamp from 'ts', and calculates the y/m/d/h/i/s fields * according to the time zone information attached to 'tm'. */ void timelib_unixtime2local(timelib_time *tm, timelib_sll ts); /** * Takes the Unix timestamp stored in 'tm', and calculates the y/m/d/h/i/s * fields according to the time zone information attached to 'tm'. */ void timelib_update_from_sse(timelib_time *tm); /** * Attaches the UTC offset as time zone information to 't'. * * 'utc_offset' is in seconds East of UTC. */ void timelib_set_timezone_from_offset(timelib_time *t, timelib_sll utc_offset); /** * Attaches the information from 'abbr_info' as time zone information to 't'. * * The timelib_abbr_info struct contains an abbreviation ('abbr') which string * value is duplicated, as well as a 'utc_offset' and 'dst' flag. It only * supports a 'dst' change over of 1 hour. */ void timelib_set_timezone_from_abbr(timelib_time *t, timelib_abbr_info abbr_info); /** * Attaches the time zone information in 'tz' to to 't'. * * It fetches the right UTC offset that is currently stored in the time * stamp field in 't' ('sse'), and assigns that to the 'z' field and 'dst' * field (whether DST is in effect at the time). It also sets the current * abbreviation to the 'tz_addr' field, making sure that if a value was already * set it was freed. * * The time zone information in 'tz' is *not* duplicated into the 't' field so * it should not be freed until all timelib_time* variables have been freed as * well. */ void timelib_set_timezone(timelib_time *t, timelib_tzinfo *tz); /* From parse_tz.c */ /** * Returns whether the time zone ID 'timezone' is available in the time zone * database as pointed to be 'tzdb'. */ int timelib_timezone_id_is_valid(char *timezone, const timelib_tzdb *tzdb); /** * Converts the binary stored time zone information from 'tzdb' for the time * zone 'timeozne' into a structure the library can use for calculations. * * The function can be used on both timelib_builtin_db as well as a time zone * db as opened by timelib_zoneinfo. * The function will return null upon failure, and also set an error code * through 'error_code'. 'error_code' must not be a null pointer. The error * code is one of the TIMELIB_ERROR_* constants as listed above. These error * constants can be converted into a string by timelib_get_error_message. * * This function allocates memory for the new time zone structure, which must * be freed after use. Although it is recommended that a cache of each used * time zone is kept. */ timelib_tzinfo *timelib_parse_tzfile(char *timezone, const timelib_tzdb *tzdb, int *error_code); /** * Frees up the resources allocated by 'timelib_parse_tzfile'. */ void timelib_tzinfo_dtor(timelib_tzinfo *tz); /** * Deep-clones a timelib_tzinfo structure. * * This allocates resources that need to be freed with 'timelib_tzinfo_dtor' */ timelib_tzinfo* timelib_tzinfo_clone(timelib_tzinfo *tz); /** * Returns whether DST is active with time zone 'tz' for the time stamp 'ts'. * * Returns 0 if DST is not active, 1 if DST is active, or -1 if no transitions * were available through 'tz'. */ int timelib_timestamp_is_in_dst(timelib_sll ts, timelib_tzinfo *tz); /** * Returns offset information with time zone 'tz' for the time stamp 'ts'. * * The returned information contains: the offset in seconds East of UTC (in * 'offset'), whether DST is active ('is_dst'), what the current time zone * abbreviation is ('abbr') and the transition time that got to this state (in * 'transition_time'); */ timelib_time_offset *timelib_get_time_zone_info(timelib_sll ts, timelib_tzinfo *tz); /** * Returns the UTC offset currently applicable for the information stored in 't'. * * The value returned is the UTC offset in seconds East. */ timelib_sll timelib_get_current_offset(timelib_time *t); /** * Displays debugging information about the time zone information in 'tz'. */ void timelib_dump_tzinfo(timelib_tzinfo *tz); /** * Returns a pointer to the built-in time zone database. * * You must *not* free the returned pointer as it is part of the text segment. */ const timelib_tzdb *timelib_builtin_db(void); /** * Returns a pointer to the start of an array containing a list of timezone identifiers. * * The amount of entries in the array is returned through the 'count' OUT parameter. * * Each entry contains the time zone ID ('id' field), and the position within the time zone * information ('pos' field). The pos field should not be used. */ const timelib_tzdb_index_entry *timelib_timezone_identifiers_list(const timelib_tzdb *tzdb, int *count); /* From parse_zoneinfo.c */ /** * Scans the directory and subdirectories of 'directory' for valid time zone files and builds * a time zone database out of these files. * * Typically, the directory should point to '/usr/share/zoneinfo'. * * Unlike 'timelib_builtin_db', the return value of this function must be freed * with the 'timelib_zoneinfo_dtor' function. */ timelib_tzdb *timelib_zoneinfo(char *directory); /** * Frees up the resources as created through 'timelib_zoneinfo'. * * This function must be used to free up all the resources that have been * allocated while calling 'timelib_zoneinfo'. */ void timelib_zoneinfo_dtor(timelib_tzdb *tzdb); /* From timelib.c */ /** * Returns a static string containing an error message belonging to a specific * error code. */ const char *timelib_get_error_message(int error_code); /** * Allocates resources for the relative time structure. * * Must be freed with 'timelib_rel_time_dtor'. */ timelib_rel_time* timelib_rel_time_ctor(void); /** * Frees up the resources as allocated through 'timelib_rel_time_ctor'. */ void timelib_rel_time_dtor(timelib_rel_time* t); /** * Creates a new timelib_rel_time resource and copies over the information * from 'tz'. * * Must be freed with 'timelib_rel_time_dtor'. */ timelib_rel_time* timelib_rel_time_clone(timelib_rel_time *tz); /** * Allocates resources for the time structure. * * Must be freed with 'timelib_time_dtor'. */ timelib_time* timelib_time_ctor(void); /** * Frees up the resources as allocated through 'timelib_time_ctor'. */ void timelib_time_dtor(timelib_time* t); /** * Creates a new timelib_time resource and copies over the information * from 'orig'. * * Must be freed with 'timelib_time_dtor'. */ timelib_time* timelib_time_clone(timelib_time* orig); /** * Compares two timelib_time structures and returns which one is earlier in * time. * * To decide which comes earlier it uses the 'sse' (Seconds Since Epoch) and * 'us' (microseconds) fields. * * Returns -1 if t1 < t2, 0 if t1 == t2, and -1 if t1 > t2. */ int timelib_time_compare(timelib_time *t1, timelib_time *t2); /** * Allocates resources for the time offset structure. * * Must be freed with 'timelib_time_offset_dtor'. */ timelib_time_offset* timelib_time_offset_ctor(void); /** * Frees up the resources as allocated through 'timelib_time_offset_ctor'. */ void timelib_time_offset_dtor(timelib_time_offset* t); /** * Frees up the resources allocated while converting strings to timelib_time * structures with the timelib_strtotime and timelib_strtointerval functions. */ void timelib_error_container_dtor(timelib_error_container *errors); /** * Converts the 'sse' value of 'd' to a timelib_long type. * * If the value fits in the TIMELIB_LONG_MIN and TIMELIB_LONG_MAX range, the * value is cast to (timelib_long) and returned. If *error is not a NULL * pointer, it will be set to 0. * * If the value does *not* fit in the range, the function returns 0 and if * *error is not a NULL pointer, it will be set to 1. * * timelib_long is a 32 bit signed long integer on 32 bit platforms, and a 64 * bit signed long long integer on 64 bit platforms. In other words, it makes * sure that the value in 'sse' (which is always a signed long long 64 bit * integer) can be used safely outside of the library. */ timelib_long timelib_date_to_int(timelib_time *d, int *error); /** * Displays debugging information about the date/time information stored in 'd'. * * 'options' is a bit field, where: * - 1 controls whether the relative time portion is shown. * - 2 controls whether the zone type is shown. */ void timelib_dump_date(timelib_time *d, int options); /** * Displays debugging information about the relative time information stored * in 'd'. */ void timelib_dump_rel_time(timelib_rel_time *d); /** * Converts a decimal hour into hour/min/sec components */ void timelib_decimal_hour_to_hms(double h, int *hour, int *min, int *sec); /** * Converts hour/min/sec values into a decimal hour */ void timelib_hms_to_decimal_hour(int hour, int min, int sec, double *h); /* from astro.c */ /** * Converts the Unix Epoch time stamp 'ts' to a Julian Day * * The value returned is the number of whole days since -4714-11-24T12:00:00 UTC * (in the proleptic Gregorian calendar): * */ double timelib_ts_to_julianday(timelib_sll ts); /** * Converts the Unix Epoch time stamp 'ts' to the J2000 epoch * * The value returned is the number of whole days since 2000-01-01T12:00:00 * UTC: */ double timelib_ts_to_j2000(timelib_sll ts); /** * Calculates when the Sun is above a certain latitude. * * Parameters: * - time: A timelib_time time describing that needs to specific midnight for a * specific day. * - lon: The longitude of the observer (East positive, West negative). * - lat: The latitude of the observer (North positive, South negative). * - altit: The altitude. Set to -35/60 for rise/set, -6 for civil twilight, * -12 for nautical, and -18 for astronomical twilight. * - upper_limb: set to non-zero for rise/set calculations, and 0 for twilight * calculations. * * Out Parameters: * - h_rise: The decimal hour when the Sun rises * - h_set: The decimal hour when the Sun sets * - ts_rise: The Unix timestamp of the Sun rising * - ts_set: The Unix timestamp of the Sun setting * - ts_transit: The Unix timestmap of the Sun transitting through South * * Return Values: * - 0: The Sun rises and sets. * - +1: The Sun is always above the horizon. (ts_rise is set to ts_transit - * (12 * 3600); ts_set is set to ts_transit + (12 * 3600). * - -1: The Sun is awlays below the horizon. (ts_rise and ts_set are set * to ts_transit) */ int timelib_astro_rise_set_altitude(timelib_time *time, double lon, double lat, double altit, int upper_limb, double *h_rise, double *h_set, timelib_sll *ts_rise, timelib_sll *ts_set, timelib_sll *ts_transit); /* from interval.c */ /** * Calculates the difference between two times * * The result is a timelib_rel_time structure that describes how you can * convert from 'one' to 'two' with 'timelib_add'. This does *not* necessarily * mean that you can go from 'two' to 'one' by using 'timelib_sub' due to the * way months and days are calculated. */ timelib_rel_time *timelib_diff(timelib_time *one, timelib_time *two); /** * Adds the relative time information 'interval' to the base time 't'. * * This can be a relative time as created by 'timelib_diff', but also by more * complex statements such as "next workday". */ timelib_time *timelib_add(timelib_time *t, timelib_rel_time *interval); /** * Subtracts the relative time information 'interval' to the base time 't'. * * This can be a relative time as created by 'timelib_diff'. Unlike with * 'timelib_add', this does not support more complex statements such as "next * workday". */ timelib_time *timelib_sub(timelib_time *t, timelib_rel_time *interval); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #endif PK!Or r dom/xml_common.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Christian Stocker | | Rob Richards | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_XML_COMMON_H #define PHP_XML_COMMON_H #include "ext/libxml/php_libxml.h" typedef libxml_doc_props *dom_doc_propsptr; typedef struct _dom_object { void *ptr; php_libxml_ref_obj *document; HashTable *prop_handler; zend_object std; } dom_object; static inline dom_object *php_dom_obj_from_obj(zend_object *obj) { return (dom_object*)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(dom_object, std)); } #define Z_DOMOBJ_P(zv) php_dom_obj_from_obj(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # ifdef DOM_EXPORTS # define PHP_DOM_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # elif !defined(DOM_LOCAL_DEFINES) /* Allow to counteract LNK4049 warning. */ # define PHP_DOM_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport) # else # define PHP_DOM_EXPORT # endif /* DOM_EXPORTS */ #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define PHP_DOM_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #elif defined(PHPAPI) # define PHP_DOM_EXPORT PHPAPI #else # define PHP_DOM_EXPORT #endif PHP_DOM_EXPORT extern zend_class_entry *dom_node_class_entry; PHP_DOM_EXPORT dom_object *php_dom_object_get_data(xmlNodePtr obj); PHP_DOM_EXPORT zend_bool php_dom_create_object(xmlNodePtr obj, zval* return_value, dom_object *domobj); PHP_DOM_EXPORT xmlNodePtr dom_object_get_node(dom_object *obj); #define DOM_XMLNS_NAMESPACE \ (const xmlChar *) "" #define NODE_GET_OBJ(__ptr, __id, __prtype, __intern) { \ __intern = Z_LIBXML_NODE_P(__id); \ if (__intern->node == NULL || !(__ptr = (__prtype)__intern->node->node)) { \ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Couldn't fetch %s", \ ZSTR_VAL(__intern->std.ce->name));\ RETURN_NULL();\ } \ } #define DOC_GET_OBJ(__ptr, __id, __prtype, __intern) { \ __intern = Z_LIBXML_NODE_P(__id); \ if (__intern->document != NULL) { \ if (!(__ptr = (__prtype)__intern->document->ptr)) { \ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Couldn't fetch %s", __intern->std.ce->name);\ RETURN_NULL();\ } \ } \ } #define DOM_RET_OBJ(obj, ret, domobject) \ *ret = php_dom_create_object(obj, return_value, domobject) #define DOM_GET_THIS(zval) \ do { zval = ZEND_THIS; } while (0) #define DOM_GET_THIS_OBJ(__ptr, __id, __prtype, __intern) \ DOM_GET_THIS(__id); \ DOM_GET_OBJ(__ptr, __id, __prtype, __intern); #endif PK!$ظ sockets/php_sockets.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Chris Vandomelen | | Sterling Hughes | | | | WinSock: Daniel Beulshausen | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_SOCKETS_H #define PHP_SOCKETS_H #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #if HAVE_SOCKETS #include #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # include "windows_common.h" #endif #define PHP_SOCKETS_VERSION PHP_VERSION extern zend_module_entry sockets_module_entry; #define phpext_sockets_ptr &sockets_module_entry #ifdef PHP_WIN32 #include #else #if HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H #include #endif #endif #ifndef PHP_WIN32 typedef int PHP_SOCKET; # define PHP_SOCKETS_API PHPAPI #else # define PHP_SOCKETS_API __declspec(dllexport) typedef SOCKET PHP_SOCKET; #endif typedef struct { PHP_SOCKET bsd_socket; int type; int error; int blocking; zval zstream; } php_socket; #ifdef PHP_WIN32 struct sockaddr_un { short sun_family; char sun_path[108]; }; #endif PHP_SOCKETS_API int php_sockets_le_socket(void); PHP_SOCKETS_API php_socket *php_create_socket(void); PHP_SOCKETS_API void php_destroy_socket(zend_resource *rsrc); PHP_SOCKETS_API void php_destroy_sockaddr(zend_resource *rsrc); #define php_sockets_le_socket_name "Socket" #define php_sockets_le_addrinfo_name "AddressInfo" #define PHP_SOCKET_ERROR(socket, msg, errn) \ do { \ int _err = (errn); /* save value to avoid repeated calls to WSAGetLastError() on Windows */ \ (socket)->error = _err; \ SOCKETS_G(last_error) = _err; \ if (_err != EAGAIN && _err != EWOULDBLOCK && _err != EINPROGRESS) { \ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s [%d]: %s", msg, _err, sockets_strerror(_err)); \ } \ } while (0) ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(sockets) int last_error; char *strerror_buf; #ifdef PHP_WIN32 uint32_t wsa_child_count; HashTable wsa_info; #endif ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(sockets) ZEND_EXTERN_MODULE_GLOBALS(sockets) #define SOCKETS_G(v) ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS_ACCESSOR(sockets, v) enum sockopt_return { SOCKOPT_ERROR, SOCKOPT_CONTINUE, SOCKOPT_SUCCESS }; char *sockets_strerror(int error); php_socket *socket_import_file_descriptor(PHP_SOCKET sock); #else #define phpext_sockets_ptr NULL #endif #if defined(_AIX) && !defined(HAVE_SA_SS_FAMILY) # define ss_family __ss_family #endif #endif PK!IIstandard/microtime.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Paul Panotzki - Bunyip Information Systems | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MICROTIME_H #define MICROTIME_H #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY PHP_FUNCTION(microtime); PHP_FUNCTION(gettimeofday); #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE PHP_FUNCTION(getrusage); #endif #endif /* MICROTIME_H */ PK!"~KKstandard/php_random.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Sammy Kaye Powers | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_RANDOM_H #define PHP_RANDOM_H BEGIN_EXTERN_C() PHP_FUNCTION(random_bytes); PHP_FUNCTION(random_int); PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(random); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(random); typedef struct { int fd; } php_random_globals; #define php_random_bytes_throw(b, s) php_random_bytes((b), (s), 1) #define php_random_bytes_silent(b, s) php_random_bytes((b), (s), 0) #define php_random_int_throw(min, max, result) \ php_random_int((min), (max), (result), 1) #define php_random_int_silent(min, max, result) \ php_random_int((min), (max), (result), 0) PHPAPI int php_random_bytes(void *bytes, size_t size, zend_bool should_throw); PHPAPI int php_random_int(zend_long min, zend_long max, zend_long *result, zend_bool should_throw); #ifdef ZTS # define RANDOM_G(v) ZEND_TSRMG(random_globals_id, php_random_globals *, v) extern PHPAPI int random_globals_id; #else # define RANDOM_G(v) random_globals.v extern PHPAPI php_random_globals random_globals; #endif END_EXTERN_C() #endif PK!\ standard/php_rand.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Rasmus Lerdorf | | Zeev Suraski | | Pedro Melo | | Sterling Hughes | | | | Based on code from: Shawn Cokus | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_RAND_H #define PHP_RAND_H #include "php_lcg.h" #include "php_mt_rand.h" /* System Rand functions */ #ifndef RAND_MAX #define RAND_MAX PHP_MT_RAND_MAX #endif #define PHP_RAND_MAX PHP_MT_RAND_MAX /* * A bit of tricky math here. We want to avoid using a modulus because * that simply tosses the high-order bits and might skew the distribution * of random values over the range. Instead we map the range directly. * * We need to map the range from 0...M evenly to the range a...b * Let n = the random number and n' = the mapped random number * * Then we have: n' = a + n(b-a)/M * * We have a problem here in that only n==M will get mapped to b which # means the chances of getting b is much much less than getting any of # the other values in the range. We can fix this by increasing our range # artificially and using: # # n' = a + n(b-a+1)/M * # Now we only have a problem if n==M which would cause us to produce a # number of b+1 which would be bad. So we bump M up by one to make sure # this will never happen, and the final algorithm looks like this: # # n' = a + n(b-a+1)/(M+1) * * -RL */ #define RAND_RANGE_BADSCALING(__n, __min, __max, __tmax) \ (__n) = (__min) + (zend_long) ((double) ( (double) (__max) - (__min) + 1.0) * ((__n) / ((__tmax) + 1.0))) #ifdef PHP_WIN32 #define GENERATE_SEED() (((zend_long) (time(0) * GetCurrentProcessId())) ^ ((zend_long) (1000000.0 * php_combined_lcg()))) #else #define GENERATE_SEED() (((zend_long) (time(0) * getpid())) ^ ((zend_long) (1000000.0 * php_combined_lcg()))) #endif PHPAPI void php_srand(zend_long seed); PHPAPI zend_long php_rand(void); #endif /* PHP_RAND_H */ PK!  standard/crypt_blowfish.hnu[/* * Written by Solar Designer in 2000-2011. * No copyright is claimed, and the software is hereby placed in the public * domain. In case this attempt to disclaim copyright and place the software * in the public domain is deemed null and void, then the software is * Copyright (c) 2000-2011 Solar Designer and it is hereby released to the * general public under the following terms: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted. * * There's ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, express or implied. * * See crypt_blowfish.c for more information. */ #ifndef _CRYPT_BLOWFISH_H #define _CRYPT_BLOWFISH_H #if 0 extern int _crypt_output_magic(const char *setting, char *output, int size); #endif extern char *php_crypt_blowfish_rn(const char *key, const char *setting, char *output, int size); #if 0 extern char *_crypt_gensalt_blowfish_rn(const char *prefix, unsigned long count, const char *input, int size, char *output, int output_size); #endif #endif PK!|Vstandard/php_crypt_r.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Pierre Alain Joye | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef FILE_H #define FILE_H #include "php_network.h" PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(file); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(file); PHP_FUNCTION(tempnam); PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_if_tmpfile); PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_if_fopen); PHPAPI PHP_FUNCTION(fclose); PHP_FUNCTION(popen); PHP_FUNCTION(pclose); PHPAPI PHP_FUNCTION(feof); PHPAPI PHP_FUNCTION(fread); PHPAPI PHP_FUNCTION(fgetc); PHPAPI PHP_FUNCTION(fgets); PHP_FUNCTION(fscanf); PHPAPI PHP_FUNCTION(fgetss); PHP_FUNCTION(fgetcsv); PHP_FUNCTION(fputcsv); PHPAPI PHP_FUNCTION(fwrite); PHPAPI PHP_FUNCTION(fflush); PHPAPI PHP_FUNCTION(rewind); PHPAPI PHP_FUNCTION(ftell); PHPAPI PHP_FUNCTION(fseek); PHP_FUNCTION(mkdir); PHP_FUNCTION(rmdir); PHPAPI PHP_FUNCTION(fpassthru); PHP_FUNCTION(readfile); PHP_FUNCTION(umask); PHP_FUNCTION(rename); PHP_FUNCTION(unlink); PHP_FUNCTION(copy); PHP_FUNCTION(file); PHP_FUNCTION(file_get_contents); PHP_FUNCTION(file_put_contents); PHP_FUNCTION(get_meta_tags); PHP_FUNCTION(flock); PHP_FUNCTION(fd_set); PHP_FUNCTION(fd_isset); #if HAVE_REALPATH || defined(ZTS) PHP_FUNCTION(realpath); #endif #ifdef HAVE_FNMATCH PHP_FUNCTION(fnmatch); #endif PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_if_ftruncate); PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_if_fstat); PHP_FUNCTION(sys_get_temp_dir); PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(user_streams); PHPAPI int php_le_stream_context(void); PHPAPI int php_set_sock_blocking(php_socket_t socketd, int block); PHPAPI int php_copy_file(const char *src, const char *dest); PHPAPI int php_copy_file_ex(const char *src, const char *dest, int src_chk); PHPAPI int php_copy_file_ctx(const char *src, const char *dest, int src_chk, php_stream_context *ctx); PHPAPI int php_mkdir_ex(const char *dir, zend_long mode, int options); PHPAPI int php_mkdir(const char *dir, zend_long mode); #define PHP_CSV_NO_ESCAPE EOF PHPAPI void php_fgetcsv(php_stream *stream, char delimiter, char enclosure, int escape_char, size_t buf_len, char *buf, zval *return_value); PHPAPI ssize_t php_fputcsv(php_stream *stream, zval *fields, char delimiter, char enclosure, int escape_char); #define META_DEF_BUFSIZE 8192 #define PHP_FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH 1 #define PHP_FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES 2 #define PHP_FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES 4 #define PHP_FILE_APPEND 8 #define PHP_FILE_NO_DEFAULT_CONTEXT 16 typedef enum _php_meta_tags_token { TOK_EOF = 0, TOK_OPENTAG, TOK_CLOSETAG, TOK_SLASH, TOK_EQUAL, TOK_SPACE, TOK_ID, TOK_STRING, TOK_OTHER } php_meta_tags_token; typedef struct _php_meta_tags_data { php_stream *stream; int ulc; int lc; char *input_buffer; char *token_data; int token_len; int in_meta; } php_meta_tags_data; php_meta_tags_token php_next_meta_token(php_meta_tags_data *); typedef struct { int pclose_ret; size_t def_chunk_size; zend_bool auto_detect_line_endings; zend_long default_socket_timeout; char *user_agent; /* for the http wrapper */ char *from_address; /* for the ftp and http wrappers */ const char *user_stream_current_filename; /* for simple recursion protection */ php_stream_context *default_context; HashTable *stream_wrappers; /* per-request copy of url_stream_wrappers_hash */ HashTable *stream_filters; /* per-request copy of stream_filters_hash */ HashTable *wrapper_errors; /* key: wrapper address; value: linked list of char* */ int pclose_wait; #if defined(HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R) struct hostent tmp_host_info; char *tmp_host_buf; size_t tmp_host_buf_len; #endif } php_file_globals; #ifdef ZTS #define FG(v) ZEND_TSRMG(file_globals_id, php_file_globals *, v) extern PHPAPI int file_globals_id; #else #define FG(v) (file_globals.v) extern PHPAPI php_file_globals file_globals; #endif #endif /* FILE_H */ PK!standard/credits.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Rasmus Lerdorf | | Zeev Suraski | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef CREDITS_H #define CREDITS_H #ifndef HAVE_CREDITS_DEFS #define HAVE_CREDITS_DEFS #define PHP_CREDITS_GROUP (1<<0) #define PHP_CREDITS_GENERAL (1<<1) #define PHP_CREDITS_SAPI (1<<2) #define PHP_CREDITS_MODULES (1<<3) #define PHP_CREDITS_DOCS (1<<4) #define PHP_CREDITS_FULLPAGE (1<<5) #define PHP_CREDITS_QA (1<<6) #define PHP_CREDITS_WEB (1<<7) #define PHP_CREDITS_ALL 0xFFFFFFFF #endif /* HAVE_CREDITS_DEFS */ PHPAPI void php_print_credits(int flag); #endif PK!E standard/url_scanner_ex.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sascha Schumann | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef URL_SCANNER_EX_H #define URL_SCANNER_EX_H PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(url_scanner_ex); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(url_scanner_ex); PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(url_scanner_ex); PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(url_scanner_ex); PHPAPI char *php_url_scanner_adapt_single_url(const char *url, size_t urllen, const char *name, const char *value, size_t *newlen, int encode); PHPAPI int php_url_scanner_add_session_var(char *name, size_t name_len, char *value, size_t value_len, int encode); PHPAPI int php_url_scanner_reset_session_var(zend_string *name, int encode); PHPAPI int php_url_scanner_reset_session_vars(void); PHPAPI int php_url_scanner_add_var(char *name, size_t name_len, char *value, size_t value_len, int encode); PHPAPI int php_url_scanner_reset_var(zend_string *name, int encode); PHPAPI int php_url_scanner_reset_vars(void); #include "zend_smart_str_public.h" typedef struct { /* Used by the mainloop of the scanner */ smart_str tag; /* read only */ smart_str arg; /* read only */ smart_str val; /* read only */ smart_str buf; /* The result buffer */ smart_str result; /* The data which is appended to each relative URL/FORM */ smart_str form_app, url_app; int active; char *lookup_data; int state; int type; smart_str attr_val; int tag_type; int attr_type; /* Everything above is zeroed in RINIT */ HashTable *tags; } url_adapt_state_ex_t; #endif PK!]$ Ystandard/php_array.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andi Gutmans | | Zeev Suraski | | Rasmus Lerdorf | | Andrei Zmievski | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_ARRAY_H #define PHP_ARRAY_H PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(array); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(array); PHP_FUNCTION(ksort); PHP_FUNCTION(krsort); PHP_FUNCTION(natsort); PHP_FUNCTION(natcasesort); PHP_FUNCTION(asort); PHP_FUNCTION(arsort); PHP_FUNCTION(sort); PHP_FUNCTION(rsort); PHP_FUNCTION(usort); PHP_FUNCTION(uasort); PHP_FUNCTION(uksort); PHP_FUNCTION(array_walk); PHP_FUNCTION(array_walk_recursive); PHP_FUNCTION(count); PHP_FUNCTION(end); PHP_FUNCTION(prev); PHP_FUNCTION(next); PHP_FUNCTION(reset); PHP_FUNCTION(current); PHP_FUNCTION(key); PHP_FUNCTION(min); PHP_FUNCTION(max); PHP_FUNCTION(in_array); PHP_FUNCTION(array_search); PHP_FUNCTION(extract); PHP_FUNCTION(compact); PHP_FUNCTION(array_fill); PHP_FUNCTION(array_fill_keys); PHP_FUNCTION(range); PHP_FUNCTION(shuffle); PHP_FUNCTION(array_multisort); PHP_FUNCTION(array_push); PHP_FUNCTION(array_pop); PHP_FUNCTION(array_shift); PHP_FUNCTION(array_unshift); PHP_FUNCTION(array_splice); PHP_FUNCTION(array_slice); PHP_FUNCTION(array_merge); PHP_FUNCTION(array_merge_recursive); PHP_FUNCTION(array_replace); PHP_FUNCTION(array_replace_recursive); PHP_FUNCTION(array_keys); PHP_FUNCTION(array_key_first); PHP_FUNCTION(array_key_last); PHP_FUNCTION(array_values); PHP_FUNCTION(array_count_values); PHP_FUNCTION(array_column); PHP_FUNCTION(array_reverse); PHP_FUNCTION(array_reduce); PHP_FUNCTION(array_pad); PHP_FUNCTION(array_flip); PHP_FUNCTION(array_change_key_case); PHP_FUNCTION(array_rand); PHP_FUNCTION(array_unique); PHP_FUNCTION(array_intersect); PHP_FUNCTION(array_intersect_key); PHP_FUNCTION(array_intersect_ukey); PHP_FUNCTION(array_uintersect); PHP_FUNCTION(array_intersect_assoc); PHP_FUNCTION(array_uintersect_assoc); PHP_FUNCTION(array_intersect_uassoc); PHP_FUNCTION(array_uintersect_uassoc); PHP_FUNCTION(array_diff); PHP_FUNCTION(array_diff_key); PHP_FUNCTION(array_diff_ukey); PHP_FUNCTION(array_udiff); PHP_FUNCTION(array_diff_assoc); PHP_FUNCTION(array_udiff_assoc); PHP_FUNCTION(array_diff_uassoc); PHP_FUNCTION(array_udiff_uassoc); PHP_FUNCTION(array_sum); PHP_FUNCTION(array_product); PHP_FUNCTION(array_filter); PHP_FUNCTION(array_map); PHP_FUNCTION(array_key_exists); PHP_FUNCTION(array_chunk); PHP_FUNCTION(array_combine); PHPAPI int php_array_merge(HashTable *dest, HashTable *src); PHPAPI int php_array_merge_recursive(HashTable *dest, HashTable *src); PHPAPI int php_array_replace_recursive(HashTable *dest, HashTable *src); PHPAPI int php_multisort_compare(const void *a, const void *b); PHPAPI zend_long php_count_recursive(HashTable *ht); #define PHP_SORT_REGULAR 0 #define PHP_SORT_NUMERIC 1 #define PHP_SORT_STRING 2 #define PHP_SORT_DESC 3 #define PHP_SORT_ASC 4 #define PHP_SORT_LOCALE_STRING 5 #define PHP_SORT_NATURAL 6 #define PHP_SORT_FLAG_CASE 8 #define COUNT_NORMAL 0 #define COUNT_RECURSIVE 1 #define ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH 1 #define ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY 2 ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(array) compare_func_t *multisort_func; ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(array) #define ARRAYG(v) ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS_ACCESSOR(array, v) #endif /* PHP_ARRAY_H */ PK!Qstandard/php_ftok.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Andrew Sitnikov | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_FTOK_H #define PHP_FTOK_H #if HAVE_FTOK PHP_FUNCTION(ftok); #endif #endif /* PHP_FTOK_H */ PK!تstandard/cyr_convert.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Kirill Maximov | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef CYR_CONVERT_H #define CYR_CONVERT_H PHP_FUNCTION(convert_cyr_string); #endif /* CYR_CONVERT_H */ PK!QFFstandard/php_net.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Sara Golemon | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_NET_H #define PHP_NET_H #include "php.h" #include "php_network.h" PHPAPI zend_string* php_inet_ntop(const struct sockaddr *addr); PHP_FUNCTION(net_get_interfaces); #endif /* PHP_NET_H */ PK!/ystandard/scanf.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Clayton Collie | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef SCANF_H #define SCANF_H #define SCAN_MAX_ARGS 0xFF /* Maximum number of variable which can be */ /* passed to (f|s)scanf. This is an artificial */ /* upper limit to keep resources in check and */ /* minimize the possibility of exploits */ #define SCAN_SUCCESS SUCCESS #define SCAN_ERROR_EOF -1 /* indicates premature termination of scan */ /* can be caused by bad parameters or format*/ /* string. */ #define SCAN_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT (SCAN_ERROR_EOF - 1) #define SCAN_ERROR_VAR_PASSED_BYVAL (SCAN_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT - 1) #define SCAN_ERROR_WRONG_PARAM_COUNT (SCAN_ERROR_VAR_PASSED_BYVAL - 1) #define SCAN_ERROR_INTERNAL (SCAN_ERROR_WRONG_PARAM_COUNT - 1) /* * The following are here solely for the benefit of the scanf type functions * e.g. fscanf */ PHPAPI int ValidateFormat(char *format, int numVars, int *totalVars); PHPAPI int php_sscanf_internal(char *string,char *format,int argCount,zval *args, int varStart, zval *return_value); #endif /* SCANF_H */ PK! ggstandard/md5.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Alexander Peslyak (Solar Designer) | | Rasmus Lerdorf | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MD5_H #define MD5_H PHPAPI void make_digest(char *md5str, const unsigned char *digest); PHPAPI void make_digest_ex(char *md5str, const unsigned char *digest, int len); PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_if_md5); PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_if_md5_file); #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" /* * This is an OpenSSL-compatible implementation of the RSA Data Security, * Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm (RFC 1321). * * Written by Solar Designer in 2001, and placed * in the public domain. There's absolutely no warranty. * * See md5.c for more information. */ /* MD5 context. */ typedef struct { uint32_t lo, hi; uint32_t a, b, c, d; unsigned char buffer[64]; uint32_t block[16]; } PHP_MD5_CTX; PHPAPI void PHP_MD5Init(PHP_MD5_CTX *ctx); PHPAPI void PHP_MD5Update(PHP_MD5_CTX *ctx, const void *data, size_t size); PHPAPI void PHP_MD5Final(unsigned char *result, PHP_MD5_CTX *ctx); #endif PK!.u<standard/php_iptc.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Thies C. Arntzen | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_IPTC_H #define PHP_IPTC_H PHP_FUNCTION(iptcparse); PHP_FUNCTION(iptcembed); #endif /* PHP_IPTC_H */ PK!B[>standard/php_uuencode.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Ilia Alshanetsky | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_UUENCODE_H #define PHP_UUENCODE_H PHP_FUNCTION(convert_uudecode); PHP_FUNCTION(convert_uuencode); PHPAPI zend_string *php_uudecode(char *src, size_t src_len); PHPAPI zend_string *php_uuencode(char *src, size_t src_len); #endif /* PHP_UUENCODE_H */ PK!܎ CCstandard/credits_sapi.hnu[/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! it has been automatically created by scripts/dev/credits from the information found in the various ext/.../CREDITS and sapi/.../CREDITS files if you want to change an entry you have to edit the appropriate CREDITS file instead */ CREDIT_LINE("Apache 2.0 Handler", "Ian Holsman, Justin Erenkrantz (based on Apache 2.0 Filter code)"); CREDIT_LINE("CGI / FastCGI", "Rasmus Lerdorf, Stig Bakken, Shane Caraveo, Dmitry Stogov"); CREDIT_LINE("CLI", "Edin Kadribasic, Marcus Boerger, Johannes Schlueter, Moriyoshi Koizumi, Xinchen Hui"); CREDIT_LINE("Embed", "Edin Kadribasic"); CREDIT_LINE("FastCGI Process Manager", "Andrei Nigmatulin, dreamcat4, Antony Dovgal, Jerome Loyet"); CREDIT_LINE("litespeed", "George Wang"); CREDIT_LINE("phpdbg", "Felipe Pena, Joe Watkins, Bob Weinand"); PK!Ostandard/exec.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Rasmus Lerdorf | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef EXEC_H #define EXEC_H PHP_FUNCTION(system); PHP_FUNCTION(exec); PHP_FUNCTION(escapeshellcmd); PHP_FUNCTION(escapeshellarg); PHP_FUNCTION(passthru); PHP_FUNCTION(shell_exec); PHP_FUNCTION(proc_open); PHP_FUNCTION(proc_get_status); PHP_FUNCTION(proc_close); PHP_FUNCTION(proc_terminate); PHP_FUNCTION(proc_nice); PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(proc_open); PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(exec); PHPAPI zend_string *php_escape_shell_cmd(char *); PHPAPI zend_string *php_escape_shell_arg(char *); PHPAPI int php_exec(int type, char *cmd, zval *array, zval *return_value); #endif /* EXEC_H */ PK! c<<standard/flock_compat.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sascha Schumann | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef FLOCK_COMPAT_H #define FLOCK_COMPAT_H /* php_flock internally uses fcntl whether or not flock is available * This way our php_flock even works on NFS files. * More info: /usr/src/linux/Documentation */ PHPAPI int php_flock(int fd, int operation); #ifndef HAVE_FLOCK # define LOCK_SH 1 # define LOCK_EX 2 # define LOCK_NB 4 # define LOCK_UN 8 PHPAPI int flock(int fd, int operation); #endif /* Userland LOCK_* constants */ #define PHP_LOCK_SH 1 #define PHP_LOCK_EX 2 #define PHP_LOCK_UN 3 #define PHP_LOCK_NB 4 #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # ifdef EWOULDBLOCK # undef EWOULDBLOCK # endif # define EWOULDBLOCK WSAEWOULDBLOCK # define fsync _commit # define ftruncate(a, b) chsize(a, b) #endif /* defined(PHP_WIN32) */ #if !HAVE_INET_ATON #if HAVE_NETINET_IN_H #include #endif #if HAVE_ARPA_INET_H #include #endif #ifndef PHP_WIN32 extern int inet_aton(const char *, struct in_addr *); #endif #endif #endif /* FLOCK_COMPAT_H */ PK!rstandard/uniqid.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Stig Sæther Bakken | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef UNIQID_H #define UNIQID_H #ifdef HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY PHP_FUNCTION(uniqid); #endif #endif /* UNIQID_H */ PK!Ht=wwstandard/php_http.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Sara Golemon | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_HTTP_H #define PHP_HTTP_H #include "php.h" #include "zend_smart_str.h" PHPAPI int php_url_encode_hash_ex(HashTable *ht, smart_str *formstr, const char *num_prefix, size_t num_prefix_len, const char *key_prefix, size_t key_prefix_len, const char *key_suffix, size_t key_suffix_len, zval *type, char *arg_sep, int enc_type); #define php_url_encode_hash(ht, formstr) php_url_encode_hash_ex((ht), (formstr), NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL) PHP_FUNCTION(http_build_query); #endif PK!d@standard/credits_ext.hnu[/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! it has been automatically created by scripts/dev/credits from the information found in the various ext/.../CREDITS and sapi/.../CREDITS files if you want to change an entry you have to edit the appropriate CREDITS file instead */ CREDIT_LINE("BC Math", "Andi Gutmans"); CREDIT_LINE("Bzip2", "Sterling Hughes"); CREDIT_LINE("Calendar", "Shane Caraveo, Colin Viebrock, Hartmut Holzgraefe, Wez Furlong"); CREDIT_LINE("COM and .Net", "Wez Furlong"); CREDIT_LINE("ctype", "Hartmut Holzgraefe"); CREDIT_LINE("cURL", "Sterling Hughes"); CREDIT_LINE("Date/Time Support", "Derick Rethans"); CREDIT_LINE("DB-LIB (MS SQL, Sybase)", "Wez Furlong, Frank M. Kromann, Adam Baratz"); CREDIT_LINE("DBA", "Sascha Schumann, Marcus Boerger"); CREDIT_LINE("DOM", "Christian Stocker, Rob Richards, Marcus Boerger"); CREDIT_LINE("enchant", "Pierre-Alain Joye, Ilia Alshanetsky"); CREDIT_LINE("EXIF", "Rasmus Lerdorf, Marcus Boerger"); CREDIT_LINE("FFI", "Dmitry Stogov"); CREDIT_LINE("fileinfo", "Ilia Alshanetsky, Pierre Alain Joye, Scott MacVicar, Derick Rethans, Anatol Belski"); CREDIT_LINE("Firebird driver for PDO", "Ard Biesheuvel"); CREDIT_LINE("FTP", "Stefan Esser, Andrew Skalski"); CREDIT_LINE("GD imaging", "Rasmus Lerdorf, Stig Bakken, Jim Winstead, Jouni Ahto, Ilia Alshanetsky, Pierre-Alain Joye, Marcus Boerger"); CREDIT_LINE("GetText", "Alex Plotnick"); CREDIT_LINE("GNU GMP support", "Stanislav Malyshev"); CREDIT_LINE("Iconv", "Rui Hirokawa, Stig Bakken, Moriyoshi Koizumi"); CREDIT_LINE("IMAP", "Rex Logan, Mark Musone, Brian Wang, Kaj-Michael Lang, Antoni Pamies Olive, Rasmus Lerdorf, Andrew Skalski, Chuck Hagenbuch, Daniel R Kalowsky"); CREDIT_LINE("Input Filter", "Rasmus Lerdorf, Derick Rethans, Pierre-Alain Joye, Ilia Alshanetsky"); CREDIT_LINE("Internationalization", "Ed Batutis, Vladimir Iordanov, Dmitry Lakhtyuk, Stanislav Malyshev, Vadim Savchuk, Kirti Velankar"); CREDIT_LINE("JSON", "Jakub Zelenka, Omar Kilani, Scott MacVicar"); CREDIT_LINE("LDAP", "Amitay Isaacs, Eric Warnke, Rasmus Lerdorf, Gerrit Thomson, Stig Venaas"); CREDIT_LINE("LIBXML", "Christian Stocker, Rob Richards, Marcus Boerger, Wez Furlong, Shane Caraveo"); CREDIT_LINE("Multibyte String Functions", "Tsukada Takuya, Rui Hirokawa"); CREDIT_LINE("MySQL driver for PDO", "George Schlossnagle, Wez Furlong, Ilia Alshanetsky, Johannes Schlueter"); CREDIT_LINE("MySQLi", "Zak Greant, Georg Richter, Andrey Hristov, Ulf Wendel"); CREDIT_LINE("MySQLnd", "Andrey Hristov, Ulf Wendel, Georg Richter, Johannes Schlüter"); CREDIT_LINE("OCI8", "Stig Bakken, Thies C. Arntzen, Andy Sautins, David Benson, Maxim Maletsky, Harald Radi, Antony Dovgal, Andi Gutmans, Wez Furlong, Christopher Jones, Oracle Corporation"); CREDIT_LINE("ODBC driver for PDO", "Wez Furlong"); CREDIT_LINE("ODBC", "Stig Bakken, Andreas Karajannis, Frank M. Kromann, Daniel R. Kalowsky"); CREDIT_LINE("Opcache", "Andi Gutmans, Zeev Suraski, Stanislav Malyshev, Dmitry Stogov, Xinchen Hui"); CREDIT_LINE("OpenSSL", "Stig Venaas, Wez Furlong, Sascha Kettler, Scott MacVicar"); CREDIT_LINE("Oracle (OCI) driver for PDO", "Wez Furlong"); CREDIT_LINE("pcntl", "Jason Greene, Arnaud Le Blanc"); CREDIT_LINE("Perl Compatible Regexps", "Andrei Zmievski"); CREDIT_LINE("PHP Archive", "Gregory Beaver, Marcus Boerger"); CREDIT_LINE("PHP Data Objects", "Wez Furlong, Marcus Boerger, Sterling Hughes, George Schlossnagle, Ilia Alshanetsky"); CREDIT_LINE("PHP hash", "Sara Golemon, Rasmus Lerdorf, Stefan Esser, Michael Wallner, Scott MacVicar"); CREDIT_LINE("Posix", "Kristian Koehntopp"); CREDIT_LINE("PostgreSQL driver for PDO", "Edin Kadribasic, Ilia Alshanetsky"); CREDIT_LINE("PostgreSQL", "Jouni Ahto, Zeev Suraski, Yasuo Ohgaki, Chris Kings-Lynne"); CREDIT_LINE("Pspell", "Vlad Krupin"); CREDIT_LINE("Readline", "Thies C. Arntzen"); CREDIT_LINE("Reflection", "Marcus Boerger, Timm Friebe, George Schlossnagle, Andrei Zmievski, Johannes Schlueter"); CREDIT_LINE("Sessions", "Sascha Schumann, Andrei Zmievski"); CREDIT_LINE("Shared Memory Operations", "Slava Poliakov, Ilia Alshanetsky"); CREDIT_LINE("SimpleXML", "Sterling Hughes, Marcus Boerger, Rob Richards"); CREDIT_LINE("SNMP", "Rasmus Lerdorf, Harrie Hazewinkel, Mike Jackson, Steven Lawrance, Johann Hanne, Boris Lytochkin"); CREDIT_LINE("SOAP", "Brad Lafountain, Shane Caraveo, Dmitry Stogov"); CREDIT_LINE("Sockets", "Chris Vandomelen, Sterling Hughes, Daniel Beulshausen, Jason Greene"); CREDIT_LINE("Sodium", "Frank Denis"); CREDIT_LINE("SPL", "Marcus Boerger, Etienne Kneuss"); CREDIT_LINE("SQLite 3.x driver for PDO", "Wez Furlong"); CREDIT_LINE("SQLite3", "Scott MacVicar, Ilia Alshanetsky, Brad Dewar"); CREDIT_LINE("System V Message based IPC", "Wez Furlong"); CREDIT_LINE("System V Semaphores", "Tom May"); CREDIT_LINE("System V Shared Memory", "Christian Cartus"); CREDIT_LINE("tidy", "John Coggeshall, Ilia Alshanetsky"); CREDIT_LINE("tokenizer", "Andrei Zmievski, Johannes Schlueter"); CREDIT_LINE("XML", "Stig Bakken, Thies C. Arntzen, Sterling Hughes"); CREDIT_LINE("XMLReader", "Rob Richards"); CREDIT_LINE("xmlrpc", "Dan Libby"); CREDIT_LINE("XMLWriter", "Rob Richards, Pierre-Alain Joye"); CREDIT_LINE("XSL", "Christian Stocker, Rob Richards"); CREDIT_LINE("Zip", "Pierre-Alain Joye, Remi Collet"); CREDIT_LINE("Zlib", "Rasmus Lerdorf, Stefan Roehrich, Zeev Suraski, Jade Nicoletti, Michael Wallner"); PK!6%{##standard/php_browscap.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Zeev Suraski | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_BROWSCAP_H #define PHP_BROWSCAP_H PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(browscap); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(browscap); PHP_FUNCTION(get_browser); #endif /* PHP_BROWSCAP_H */ PK!4>'~ ~ standard/html.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Rasmus Lerdorf | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef HTML_H #define HTML_H #define ENT_HTML_QUOTE_NONE 0 #define ENT_HTML_QUOTE_SINGLE 1 #define ENT_HTML_QUOTE_DOUBLE 2 #define ENT_HTML_IGNORE_ERRORS 4 #define ENT_HTML_SUBSTITUTE_ERRORS 8 #define ENT_HTML_DOC_TYPE_MASK (16|32) #define ENT_HTML_DOC_HTML401 0 #define ENT_HTML_DOC_XML1 16 #define ENT_HTML_DOC_XHTML 32 #define ENT_HTML_DOC_HTML5 (16|32) /* reserve bit 6 */ #define ENT_HTML_SUBSTITUTE_DISALLOWED_CHARS 128 #define ENT_COMPAT ENT_HTML_QUOTE_DOUBLE #define ENT_QUOTES (ENT_HTML_QUOTE_DOUBLE | ENT_HTML_QUOTE_SINGLE) #define ENT_NOQUOTES ENT_HTML_QUOTE_NONE #define ENT_IGNORE ENT_HTML_IGNORE_ERRORS #define ENT_SUBSTITUTE ENT_HTML_SUBSTITUTE_ERRORS #define ENT_HTML401 0 #define ENT_XML1 16 #define ENT_XHTML 32 #define ENT_HTML5 (16|32) #define ENT_DISALLOWED 128 void register_html_constants(INIT_FUNC_ARGS); PHP_FUNCTION(htmlspecialchars); PHP_FUNCTION(htmlentities); PHP_FUNCTION(htmlspecialchars_decode); PHP_FUNCTION(html_entity_decode); PHP_FUNCTION(get_html_translation_table); PHPAPI zend_string *php_escape_html_entities(unsigned char *old, size_t oldlen, int all, int flags, char *hint_charset); PHPAPI zend_string *php_escape_html_entities_ex(unsigned char *old, size_t oldlen, int all, int flags, char *hint_charset, zend_bool double_encode); PHPAPI zend_string *php_unescape_html_entities(zend_string *str, int all, int flags, char *hint_charset); PHPAPI unsigned int php_next_utf8_char(const unsigned char *str, size_t str_len, size_t *cursor, int *status); #endif /* HTML_H */ PK!KgL L standard/php_password.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Anthony Ferrara | | Charles R. Portwood II | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_PASSWORD_H #define PHP_PASSWORD_H PHP_FUNCTION(password_hash); PHP_FUNCTION(password_verify); PHP_FUNCTION(password_needs_rehash); PHP_FUNCTION(password_get_info); PHP_FUNCTION(password_algos); PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(password); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(password); #define PHP_PASSWORD_DEFAULT PHP_PASSWORD_BCRYPT #define PHP_PASSWORD_BCRYPT_COST 10 #if HAVE_ARGON2LIB /** * When updating these values, synchronize ext/sodium/sodium_pwhash.c values. * Note that libargon expresses memlimit in KB, while libsoidum uses bytes. */ #define PHP_PASSWORD_ARGON2_MEMORY_COST (64 << 10) #define PHP_PASSWORD_ARGON2_TIME_COST 4 #define PHP_PASSWORD_ARGON2_THREADS 1 #endif typedef struct _php_password_algo { const char *name; zend_string *(*hash)(const zend_string *password, zend_array *options); zend_bool (*verify)(const zend_string *password, const zend_string *hash); zend_bool (*needs_rehash)(const zend_string *password, zend_array *options); int (*get_info)(zval *return_value, const zend_string *hash); zend_bool (*valid)(const zend_string *hash); } php_password_algo; extern const php_password_algo php_password_algo_bcrypt; #if HAVE_ARGON2LIB extern const php_password_algo php_password_algo_argon2i; extern const php_password_algo php_password_algo_argon2id; #endif PHPAPI int php_password_algo_register(const char*, const php_password_algo*); PHPAPI void php_password_algo_unregister(const char*); PHPAPI const php_password_algo* php_password_algo_default(); PHPAPI zend_string *php_password_algo_extract_ident(const zend_string*); PHPAPI const php_password_algo* php_password_algo_find(const zend_string*); PHPAPI const php_password_algo* php_password_algo_identify_ex(const zend_string*, const php_password_algo*); static inline const php_password_algo* php_password_algo_identify(const zend_string *hash) { return php_password_algo_identify_ex(hash, php_password_algo_default()); } #endif PK!X>standard/sha1.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Stefan Esser | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef SHA1_H #define SHA1_H #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" /* SHA1 context. */ typedef struct { uint32_t state[5]; /* state (ABCD) */ uint32_t count[2]; /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */ unsigned char buffer[64]; /* input buffer */ } PHP_SHA1_CTX; PHPAPI void PHP_SHA1Init(PHP_SHA1_CTX *); PHPAPI void PHP_SHA1Update(PHP_SHA1_CTX *, const unsigned char *, size_t); PHPAPI void PHP_SHA1Final(unsigned char[20], PHP_SHA1_CTX *); PHPAPI void make_sha1_digest(char *sha1str, unsigned char *digest); PHP_FUNCTION(sha1); PHP_FUNCTION(sha1_file); #endif PK!ďaL__ standard/dl.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Brian Schaffner | | Shane Caraveo | | Zeev Suraski | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef DL_H #define DL_H PHPAPI int php_load_extension(char *filename, int type, int start_now); PHPAPI void php_dl(char *file, int type, zval *return_value, int start_now); PHPAPI void *php_load_shlib(char *path, char **errp); /* dynamic loading functions */ PHPAPI PHP_FUNCTION(dl); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(dl); #endif /* DL_H */ PK!Df standard/php_dns.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: The typical suspects | | Marcus Boerger | | Pollita | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_DNS_H #define PHP_DNS_H #if defined(HAVE_DNS_SEARCH) #define php_dns_search(res, dname, class, type, answer, anslen) \ ((int)dns_search(res, dname, class, type, (char *) answer, anslen, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromsize)) #define php_dns_free_handle(res) \ dns_free(res) #define php_dns_errno(handle) h_errno #elif defined(HAVE_RES_NSEARCH) #define php_dns_search(res, dname, class, type, answer, anslen) \ res_nsearch(res, dname, class, type, answer, anslen); #if HAVE_RES_NDESTROY #define php_dns_free_handle(res) \ res_ndestroy(res); \ php_dns_free_res(res) #else #define php_dns_free_handle(res) \ res_nclose(res); \ php_dns_free_res(res) #endif #define php_dns_errno(handle) handle->res_h_errno #elif defined(HAVE_RES_SEARCH) #define php_dns_search(res, dname, class, type, answer, anslen) \ res_search(dname, class, type, answer, anslen) #define php_dns_free_handle(res) /* noop */ #define php_dns_errno(handle) h_errno #endif #if defined(HAVE_DNS_SEARCH) || defined(HAVE_RES_NSEARCH) || defined(HAVE_RES_SEARCH) #define HAVE_DNS_SEARCH_FUNC 1 #endif #if HAVE_DNS_SEARCH_FUNC && HAVE_DN_EXPAND && HAVE_DN_SKIPNAME #define HAVE_FULL_DNS_FUNCS 1 #endif PHP_FUNCTION(gethostbyaddr); PHP_FUNCTION(gethostbyname); PHP_FUNCTION(gethostbynamel); #ifdef HAVE_GETHOSTNAME PHP_FUNCTION(gethostname); #endif #if defined(PHP_WIN32) || HAVE_DNS_SEARCH_FUNC PHP_FUNCTION(dns_check_record); # if defined(PHP_WIN32) || HAVE_FULL_DNS_FUNCS PHP_FUNCTION(dns_get_mx); PHP_FUNCTION(dns_get_record); PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(dns); # endif #endif /* defined(PHP_WIN32) || HAVE_DNS_SEARCH_FUNC */ #ifndef INT16SZ #define INT16SZ 2 #endif #ifndef INT32SZ #define INT32SZ 4 #endif #endif /* PHP_DNS_H */ PK!X[standard/php_string.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Rasmus Lerdorf | | Stig Sæther Bakken | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_STRING_H #define PHP_STRING_H PHP_FUNCTION(strspn); PHP_FUNCTION(strcspn); PHP_FUNCTION(str_replace); PHP_FUNCTION(str_ireplace); PHP_FUNCTION(rtrim); PHP_FUNCTION(trim); PHP_FUNCTION(ltrim); PHP_FUNCTION(soundex); PHP_FUNCTION(levenshtein); PHP_FUNCTION(count_chars); PHP_FUNCTION(wordwrap); PHP_FUNCTION(explode); PHP_FUNCTION(implode); PHP_FUNCTION(strtok); PHP_FUNCTION(strtoupper); PHP_FUNCTION(strtolower); PHP_FUNCTION(basename); PHP_FUNCTION(dirname); PHP_FUNCTION(pathinfo); PHP_FUNCTION(strstr); PHP_FUNCTION(strpos); PHP_FUNCTION(stripos); PHP_FUNCTION(strrpos); PHP_FUNCTION(strripos); PHP_FUNCTION(strrchr); PHP_FUNCTION(substr); PHP_FUNCTION(quotemeta); PHP_FUNCTION(ucfirst); PHP_FUNCTION(lcfirst); PHP_FUNCTION(ucwords); PHP_FUNCTION(strtr); PHP_FUNCTION(strrev); PHP_FUNCTION(hebrev); PHP_FUNCTION(hebrevc); PHP_FUNCTION(user_sprintf); PHP_FUNCTION(user_printf); PHP_FUNCTION(vprintf); PHP_FUNCTION(vsprintf); PHP_FUNCTION(addcslashes); PHP_FUNCTION(addslashes); PHP_FUNCTION(stripcslashes); PHP_FUNCTION(stripslashes); PHP_FUNCTION(chr); PHP_FUNCTION(ord); PHP_FUNCTION(nl2br); PHP_FUNCTION(setlocale); PHP_FUNCTION(localeconv); PHP_FUNCTION(nl_langinfo); PHP_FUNCTION(stristr); PHP_FUNCTION(chunk_split); PHP_FUNCTION(parse_str); PHP_FUNCTION(str_getcsv); PHP_FUNCTION(bin2hex); PHP_FUNCTION(hex2bin); PHP_FUNCTION(similar_text); PHP_FUNCTION(strip_tags); PHP_FUNCTION(str_repeat); PHP_FUNCTION(substr_replace); PHP_FUNCTION(strnatcmp); PHP_FUNCTION(strnatcasecmp); PHP_FUNCTION(substr_count); PHP_FUNCTION(str_pad); PHP_FUNCTION(sscanf); PHP_FUNCTION(str_shuffle); PHP_FUNCTION(str_word_count); PHP_FUNCTION(str_split); PHP_FUNCTION(strpbrk); PHP_FUNCTION(substr_compare); PHP_FUNCTION(utf8_encode); PHP_FUNCTION(utf8_decode); PHP_FUNCTION(strcoll); #if HAVE_STRFMON PHP_FUNCTION(money_format); #endif #if defined(ZTS) PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(localeconv); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(localeconv); #endif #if HAVE_NL_LANGINFO PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(nl_langinfo); #endif #if ZEND_INTRIN_SSE4_2_FUNC_PTR PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(string_intrin); #endif #define strnatcmp(a, b) \ strnatcmp_ex(a, strlen(a), b, strlen(b), 0) #define strnatcasecmp(a, b) \ strnatcmp_ex(a, strlen(a), b, strlen(b), 1) PHPAPI int strnatcmp_ex(char const *a, size_t a_len, char const *b, size_t b_len, int fold_case); PHPAPI struct lconv *localeconv_r(struct lconv *out); PHPAPI char *php_strtoupper(char *s, size_t len); PHPAPI char *php_strtolower(char *s, size_t len); PHPAPI zend_string *php_string_toupper(zend_string *s); PHPAPI zend_string *php_string_tolower(zend_string *s); PHPAPI char *php_strtr(char *str, size_t len, const char *str_from, const char *str_to, size_t trlen); PHPAPI zend_string *php_addslashes(zend_string *str); PHPAPI void php_stripslashes(zend_string *str); PHPAPI zend_string *php_addcslashes_str(const char *str, size_t len, char *what, size_t what_len); PHPAPI zend_string *php_addcslashes(zend_string *str, char *what, size_t what_len); PHPAPI void php_stripcslashes(zend_string *str); PHPAPI zend_string *php_basename(const char *s, size_t len, char *suffix, size_t sufflen); PHPAPI size_t php_dirname(char *str, size_t len); PHPAPI char *php_stristr(char *s, char *t, size_t s_len, size_t t_len); PHPAPI zend_string *php_str_to_str(const char *haystack, size_t length, const char *needle, size_t needle_len, const char *str, size_t str_len); PHPAPI zend_string *php_trim(zend_string *str, char *what, size_t what_len, int mode); PHPAPI size_t php_strip_tags(char *rbuf, size_t len, uint8_t *state, const char *allow, size_t allow_len); PHPAPI size_t php_strip_tags_ex(char *rbuf, size_t len, uint8_t *stateptr, const char *allow, size_t allow_len, zend_bool allow_tag_spaces); PHPAPI void php_implode(const zend_string *delim, zval *arr, zval *return_value); PHPAPI void php_explode(const zend_string *delim, zend_string *str, zval *return_value, zend_long limit); PHPAPI size_t php_strspn(char *s1, char *s2, char *s1_end, char *s2_end); PHPAPI size_t php_strcspn(char *s1, char *s2, char *s1_end, char *s2_end); PHPAPI int string_natural_compare_function_ex(zval *result, zval *op1, zval *op2, zend_bool case_insensitive); PHPAPI int string_natural_compare_function(zval *result, zval *op1, zval *op2); PHPAPI int string_natural_case_compare_function(zval *result, zval *op1, zval *op2); #ifndef HAVE_MBLEN # define php_mblen(ptr, len) 1 # define php_mb_reset() #elif defined(_REENTRANT) && defined(HAVE_MBRLEN) && defined(HAVE_MBSTATE_T) # ifdef PHP_WIN32 # include # endif # define php_mblen(ptr, len) ((int) mbrlen(ptr, len, &BG(mblen_state))) # define php_mb_reset() memset(&BG(mblen_state), 0, sizeof(BG(mblen_state))) #else # define php_mblen(ptr, len) mblen(ptr, len) # define php_mb_reset() php_ignore_value(mblen(NULL, 0)) #endif void register_string_constants(INIT_FUNC_ARGS); #endif /* PHP_STRING_H */ PK!&O} } standard/php_mail.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Rasmus Lerdorf | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_MAIL_H #define PHP_MAIL_H PHP_FUNCTION(mail); PHP_FUNCTION(ezmlm_hash); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(mail); PHPAPI zend_string *php_mail_build_headers(zval *headers); PHPAPI extern int php_mail(char *to, char *subject, char *message, char *headers, char *extra_cmd); #define PHP_MAIL_BUILD_HEADER_CHECK(target, s, key, val) \ do { \ if (Z_TYPE_P(val) == IS_STRING) { \ php_mail_build_headers_elem(&s, key, val); \ } else if (Z_TYPE_P(val) == IS_ARRAY) { \ if (!strncasecmp(target, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key))) { \ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "'%s' header must be at most one header. Array is passed for '%s'", target, target); \ continue; \ } \ php_mail_build_headers_elems(&s, key, val); \ } else { \ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Extra header element '%s' cannot be other than string or array.", ZSTR_VAL(key)); \ } \ } while(0) #define PHP_MAIL_BUILD_HEADER_DEFAULT(s, key, val) \ do { \ if (Z_TYPE_P(val) == IS_STRING) { \ php_mail_build_headers_elem(&s, key, val); \ } else if (Z_TYPE_P(val) == IS_ARRAY) { \ php_mail_build_headers_elems(&s, key, val); \ } else { \ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Extra header element '%s' cannot be other than string or array.", ZSTR_VAL(key)); \ } \ } while(0) #endif /* PHP_MAIL_H */ PK!ח((standard/php_crypt.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Stig Bakken | | Zeev Suraski | | Rasmus Lerdorf | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_CRYPT_H #define PHP_CRYPT_H PHPAPI zend_string *php_crypt(const char *password, const int pass_len, const char *salt, int salt_len, zend_bool quiet); PHP_FUNCTION(crypt); PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(crypt); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(crypt); PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(crypt); #endif PK!38‰standard/php_assert.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Thies C. Arntzen | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_ASSERT_H #define PHP_ASSERT_H PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(assert); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(assert); PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(assert); PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(assert); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(assert); PHP_FUNCTION(assert); PHP_FUNCTION(assert_options); #endif /* PHP_ASSERT_H */ PK!nlb b standard/php_filestat.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Jim Winstead | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_FILESTAT_H #define PHP_FILESTAT_H PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(filestat); PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(filestat); PHP_FUNCTION(realpath_cache_size); PHP_FUNCTION(realpath_cache_get); PHP_FUNCTION(clearstatcache); PHP_FUNCTION(fileatime); PHP_FUNCTION(filectime); PHP_FUNCTION(filegroup); PHP_FUNCTION(fileinode); PHP_FUNCTION(filemtime); PHP_FUNCTION(fileowner); PHP_FUNCTION(fileperms); PHP_FUNCTION(filesize); PHP_FUNCTION(filetype); PHP_FUNCTION(is_writable); PHP_FUNCTION(is_readable); PHP_FUNCTION(is_executable); PHP_FUNCTION(is_file); PHP_FUNCTION(is_dir); PHP_FUNCTION(is_link); PHP_FUNCTION(file_exists); PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_if_stat); PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_if_lstat); PHP_FUNCTION(disk_total_space); PHP_FUNCTION(disk_free_space); PHP_FUNCTION(chown); PHP_FUNCTION(chgrp); #if HAVE_LCHOWN PHP_FUNCTION(lchown); #endif #if HAVE_LCHOWN PHP_FUNCTION(lchgrp); #endif PHP_FUNCTION(chmod); #if HAVE_UTIME PHP_FUNCTION(touch); #endif PHP_FUNCTION(clearstatcache); #ifdef PHP_WIN32 #define S_IRUSR S_IREAD #define S_IWUSR S_IWRITE #define S_IXUSR S_IEXEC #define S_IRGRP S_IREAD #define S_IWGRP S_IWRITE #define S_IXGRP S_IEXEC #define S_IROTH S_IREAD #define S_IWOTH S_IWRITE #define S_IXOTH S_IEXEC #undef getgid #define getgroups(a, b) 0 #define getgid() 1 #define getuid() 1 #endif /* Compatibility. */ typedef size_t php_stat_len; PHPAPI void php_clear_stat_cache(zend_bool clear_realpath_cache, const char *filename, size_t filename_len); PHPAPI void php_stat(const char *filename, size_t filename_length, int type, zval *return_value); /* Switches for various filestat functions: */ #define FS_PERMS 0 #define FS_INODE 1 #define FS_SIZE 2 #define FS_OWNER 3 #define FS_GROUP 4 #define FS_ATIME 5 #define FS_MTIME 6 #define FS_CTIME 7 #define FS_TYPE 8 #define FS_IS_W 9 #define FS_IS_R 10 #define FS_IS_X 11 #define FS_IS_FILE 12 #define FS_IS_DIR 13 #define FS_IS_LINK 14 #define FS_EXISTS 15 #define FS_LSTAT 16 #define FS_STAT 17 #endif /* PHP_FILESTAT_H */ PK!pߓstandard/crc32.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Rasmus Lerdorf | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* * This code implements the AUTODIN II polynomial * The variable corresponding to the macro argument "crc" should * be an unsigned long. * Original code by Spencer Garrett */ #define CRC32(crc, ch) (crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc32tab[(crc ^ (ch)) & 0xff]) /* generated using the AUTODIN II polynomial * x^32 + x^26 + x^23 + x^22 + x^16 + * x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^8 + x^7 + x^5 + x^4 + x^2 + x^1 + 1 */ static const unsigned int crc32tab[256] = { 0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xee0e612c, 0x990951ba, 0x076dc419, 0x706af48f, 0xe963a535, 0x9e6495a3, 0x0edb8832, 0x79dcb8a4, 0xe0d5e91e, 0x97d2d988, 0x09b64c2b, 0x7eb17cbd, 0xe7b82d07, 0x90bf1d91, 0x1db71064, 0x6ab020f2, 0xf3b97148, 0x84be41de, 0x1adad47d, 0x6ddde4eb, 0xf4d4b551, 0x83d385c7, 0x136c9856, 0x646ba8c0, 0xfd62f97a, 0x8a65c9ec, 0x14015c4f, 0x63066cd9, 0xfa0f3d63, 0x8d080df5, 0x3b6e20c8, 0x4c69105e, 0xd56041e4, 0xa2677172, 0x3c03e4d1, 0x4b04d447, 0xd20d85fd, 0xa50ab56b, 0x35b5a8fa, 0x42b2986c, 0xdbbbc9d6, 0xacbcf940, 0x32d86ce3, 0x45df5c75, 0xdcd60dcf, 0xabd13d59, 0x26d930ac, 0x51de003a, 0xc8d75180, 0xbfd06116, 0x21b4f4b5, 0x56b3c423, 0xcfba9599, 0xb8bda50f, 0x2802b89e, 0x5f058808, 0xc60cd9b2, 0xb10be924, 0x2f6f7c87, 0x58684c11, 0xc1611dab, 0xb6662d3d, 0x76dc4190, 0x01db7106, 0x98d220bc, 0xefd5102a, 0x71b18589, 0x06b6b51f, 0x9fbfe4a5, 0xe8b8d433, 0x7807c9a2, 0x0f00f934, 0x9609a88e, 0xe10e9818, 0x7f6a0dbb, 0x086d3d2d, 0x91646c97, 0xe6635c01, 0x6b6b51f4, 0x1c6c6162, 0x856530d8, 0xf262004e, 0x6c0695ed, 0x1b01a57b, 0x8208f4c1, 0xf50fc457, 0x65b0d9c6, 0x12b7e950, 0x8bbeb8ea, 0xfcb9887c, 0x62dd1ddf, 0x15da2d49, 0x8cd37cf3, 0xfbd44c65, 0x4db26158, 0x3ab551ce, 0xa3bc0074, 0xd4bb30e2, 0x4adfa541, 0x3dd895d7, 0xa4d1c46d, 0xd3d6f4fb, 0x4369e96a, 0x346ed9fc, 0xad678846, 0xda60b8d0, 0x44042d73, 0x33031de5, 0xaa0a4c5f, 0xdd0d7cc9, 0x5005713c, 0x270241aa, 0xbe0b1010, 0xc90c2086, 0x5768b525, 0x206f85b3, 0xb966d409, 0xce61e49f, 0x5edef90e, 0x29d9c998, 0xb0d09822, 0xc7d7a8b4, 0x59b33d17, 0x2eb40d81, 0xb7bd5c3b, 0xc0ba6cad, 0xedb88320, 0x9abfb3b6, 0x03b6e20c, 0x74b1d29a, 0xead54739, 0x9dd277af, 0x04db2615, 0x73dc1683, 0xe3630b12, 0x94643b84, 0x0d6d6a3e, 0x7a6a5aa8, 0xe40ecf0b, 0x9309ff9d, 0x0a00ae27, 0x7d079eb1, 0xf00f9344, 0x8708a3d2, 0x1e01f268, 0x6906c2fe, 0xf762575d, 0x806567cb, 0x196c3671, 0x6e6b06e7, 0xfed41b76, 0x89d32be0, 0x10da7a5a, 0x67dd4acc, 0xf9b9df6f, 0x8ebeeff9, 0x17b7be43, 0x60b08ed5, 0xd6d6a3e8, 0xa1d1937e, 0x38d8c2c4, 0x4fdff252, 0xd1bb67f1, 0xa6bc5767, 0x3fb506dd, 0x48b2364b, 0xd80d2bda, 0xaf0a1b4c, 0x36034af6, 0x41047a60, 0xdf60efc3, 0xa867df55, 0x316e8eef, 0x4669be79, 0xcb61b38c, 0xbc66831a, 0x256fd2a0, 0x5268e236, 0xcc0c7795, 0xbb0b4703, 0x220216b9, 0x5505262f, 0xc5ba3bbe, 0xb2bd0b28, 0x2bb45a92, 0x5cb36a04, 0xc2d7ffa7, 0xb5d0cf31, 0x2cd99e8b, 0x5bdeae1d, 0x9b64c2b0, 0xec63f226, 0x756aa39c, 0x026d930a, 0x9c0906a9, 0xeb0e363f, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, 0x95bf4a82, 0xe2b87a14, 0x7bb12bae, 0x0cb61b38, 0x92d28e9b, 0xe5d5be0d, 0x7cdcefb7, 0x0bdbdf21, 0x86d3d2d4, 0xf1d4e242, 0x68ddb3f8, 0x1fda836e, 0x81be16cd, 0xf6b9265b, 0x6fb077e1, 0x18b74777, 0x88085ae6, 0xff0f6a70, 0x66063bca, 0x11010b5c, 0x8f659eff, 0xf862ae69, 0x616bffd3, 0x166ccf45, 0xa00ae278, 0xd70dd2ee, 0x4e048354, 0x3903b3c2, 0xa7672661, 0xd06016f7, 0x4969474d, 0x3e6e77db, 0xaed16a4a, 0xd9d65adc, 0x40df0b66, 0x37d83bf0, 0xa9bcae53, 0xdebb9ec5, 0x47b2cf7f, 0x30b5ffe9, 0xbdbdf21c, 0xcabac28a, 0x53b39330, 0x24b4a3a6, 0xbad03605, 0xcdd70693, 0x54de5729, 0x23d967bf, 0xb3667a2e, 0xc4614ab8, 0x5d681b02, 0x2a6f2b94, 0xb40bbe37, 0xc30c8ea1, 0x5a05df1b, 0x2d02ef8d, }; PK!4J11standard/base64.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Jim Winstead | | Xinchen Hui | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef BASE64_H #define BASE64_H /* * NEON implementation is based on * which is copyrighted to: * Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Wojciech Mula * All rights reserved. * * SSSE3 and AVX2 implementation are based on * which is copyrighted to: * * Copyright (c) 2005-2007, Nick Galbreath * Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Alfred Klomp * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Wojciech Mula * Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Matthieu Darbois * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ PHP_FUNCTION(base64_decode); PHP_FUNCTION(base64_encode); #if (ZEND_INTRIN_AVX2_FUNC_PTR || ZEND_INTRIN_SSSE3_FUNC_PTR) && !ZEND_INTRIN_AVX2_NATIVE PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(base64_intrin); #endif PHPAPI extern zend_string *php_base64_encode(const unsigned char *, size_t); PHPAPI extern zend_string *php_base64_decode_ex(const unsigned char *, size_t, zend_bool); static inline zend_string *php_base64_encode_str(const zend_string *str) { return php_base64_encode((const unsigned char*)(ZSTR_VAL(str)), ZSTR_LEN(str)); } static inline zend_string *php_base64_decode(const unsigned char *str, size_t len) { return php_base64_decode_ex(str, len, 0); } static inline zend_string *php_base64_decode_str(const zend_string *str) { return php_base64_decode_ex((const unsigned char*)(ZSTR_VAL(str)), ZSTR_LEN(str), 0); } #endif /* BASE64_H */ PK!`rrstandard/php_versioning.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Stig Sæther Bakken | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_VERSIONING_H #define PHP_VERSIONING_H #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" PHPAPI char *php_canonicalize_version(const char *); PHPAPI int php_version_compare(const char *, const char *); PHP_FUNCTION(version_compare); #endif PK! tstandard/css.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Colin Viebrock | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef CSS_H #define CSS_H PHPAPI void php_info_print_css(void); #endif PK!pstandard/php_ext_syslog.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Stig Sæther Bakken | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_EXT_SYSLOG_H #define PHP_EXT_SYSLOG_H #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H #include "php_syslog.h" PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(syslog); PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(syslog); #ifdef PHP_WIN32 PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(syslog); #endif PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(syslog); PHP_FUNCTION(openlog); PHP_FUNCTION(syslog); PHP_FUNCTION(closelog); #endif #endif /* PHP_EXT_SYSLOG_H */ PK!< standard/streamsfuncs.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Wez Furlong | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* Flags for stream_socket_client */ #define PHP_STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT 1 #define PHP_STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT 2 #define PHP_STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT 4 PHP_FUNCTION(stream_socket_client); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_socket_server); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_socket_accept); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_socket_get_name); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_socket_recvfrom); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_socket_sendto); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_copy_to_stream); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_get_contents); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_set_blocking); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_select); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_set_timeout); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_set_read_buffer); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_set_write_buffer); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_set_chunk_size); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_get_transports); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_get_wrappers); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_get_line); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_get_meta_data); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_wrapper_register); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_wrapper_unregister); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_wrapper_restore); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_context_create); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_context_set_params); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_context_get_params); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_context_set_option); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_context_get_options); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_context_get_default); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_context_set_default); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_filter_prepend); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_filter_append); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_filter_remove); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_socket_enable_crypto); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_socket_shutdown); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_resolve_include_path); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_is_local); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_supports_lock); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_isatty); #ifdef PHP_WIN32 PHP_FUNCTION(sapi_windows_vt100_support); #endif #if HAVE_SOCKETPAIR PHP_FUNCTION(stream_socket_pair); #endif PK!Șstandard/php_metaphone.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Thies C. Arntzen | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_METAPHONE_H #define PHP_METAPHONE_H PHP_FUNCTION(metaphone); #endif PK!\zyystandard/php_type.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Rasmus Lerdorf | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_TYPE_H #define PHP_TYPE_H PHP_FUNCTION(intval); PHP_FUNCTION(floatval); PHP_FUNCTION(strval); PHP_FUNCTION(boolval); PHP_FUNCTION(gettype); PHP_FUNCTION(settype); PHP_FUNCTION(is_null); PHP_FUNCTION(is_resource); PHP_FUNCTION(is_bool); PHP_FUNCTION(is_int); PHP_FUNCTION(is_float); PHP_FUNCTION(is_numeric); PHP_FUNCTION(is_string); PHP_FUNCTION(is_array); PHP_FUNCTION(is_object); PHP_FUNCTION(is_scalar); PHP_FUNCTION(is_callable); PHP_FUNCTION(is_iterable); PHP_FUNCTION(is_countable); #endif PK!}standard/php_fopen_wrappers.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Rasmus Lerdorf | | Jim Winstead | | Hartmut Holzgraefe | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_FOPEN_WRAPPERS_H #define PHP_FOPEN_WRAPPERS_H php_stream *php_stream_url_wrap_http(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *path, const char *mode, int options, zend_string **opened_path, php_stream_context *context STREAMS_DC); php_stream *php_stream_url_wrap_ftp(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *path, const char *mode, int options, zend_string **opened_path, php_stream_context *context STREAMS_DC); extern PHPAPI const php_stream_wrapper php_stream_http_wrapper; extern PHPAPI const php_stream_wrapper php_stream_ftp_wrapper; extern PHPAPI const php_stream_wrapper php_stream_php_wrapper; extern PHPAPI /*const*/ php_stream_wrapper php_plain_files_wrapper; #endif PK!cq aastandard/html_tables.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef HTML_TABLES_H #define HTML_TABLES_H /************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** ** THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. DO NOT MODIFY IT. ** *************************************************************************** ** Please change html_tables/html_table_gen.php instead and then ** ** run it in order to generate this file ** *************************************************************************** **************************************************************************/ enum entity_charset { cs_utf_8, cs_8859_1, cs_cp1252, cs_8859_15, cs_cp1251, cs_8859_5, cs_cp866, cs_macroman, cs_koi8r, cs_big5, cs_gb2312, cs_big5hkscs, cs_sjis, cs_eucjp, cs_numelems /* used to count the number of charsets */ }; #define CHARSET_UNICODE_COMPAT(cs) ((cs) <= cs_8859_1) #define CHARSET_SINGLE_BYTE(cs) ((cs) > cs_utf_8 && (cs) < cs_big5) #define CHARSET_PARTIAL_SUPPORT(cs) ((cs) >= cs_big5) static const struct { const char *codeset; uint32_t codeset_len; enum entity_charset charset; } charset_map[] = { { "ISO-8859-1", sizeof("ISO-8859-1")-1, cs_8859_1 }, { "ISO8859-1", sizeof("ISO8859-1")-1, cs_8859_1 }, { "ISO-8859-15", sizeof("ISO-8859-15")-1, cs_8859_15 }, { "ISO8859-15", sizeof("ISO8859-15")-1, cs_8859_15 }, { "utf-8", sizeof("utf-8")-1, cs_utf_8 }, { "cp1252", sizeof("cp1252")-1, cs_cp1252 }, { "Windows-1252", sizeof("Windows-1252")-1, cs_cp1252 }, { "1252", sizeof("1252")-1, cs_cp1252 }, { "BIG5", sizeof("BIG5")-1, cs_big5 }, { "950", sizeof("950")-1, cs_big5 }, { "GB2312", sizeof("GB2312")-1, cs_gb2312 }, { "936", sizeof("936")-1, cs_gb2312 }, { "BIG5-HKSCS", sizeof("BIG5-HKSCS")-1, cs_big5hkscs }, { "Shift_JIS", sizeof("Shift_JIS")-1, cs_sjis }, { "SJIS", sizeof("SJIS")-1, cs_sjis }, { "932", sizeof("932")-1, cs_sjis }, { "SJIS-win", sizeof("SJIS-win")-1, cs_sjis }, { "CP932", sizeof("CP932")-1, cs_sjis }, { "EUCJP", sizeof("EUCJP")-1, cs_eucjp }, { "EUC-JP", sizeof("EUC-JP")-1, cs_eucjp }, { "eucJP-win", sizeof("eucJP-win")-1, cs_eucjp }, { "KOI8-R", sizeof("KOI8-R")-1, cs_koi8r }, { "koi8-ru", sizeof("koi8-ru")-1, cs_koi8r }, { "koi8r", sizeof("koi8r")-1, cs_koi8r }, { "cp1251", sizeof("cp1251")-1, cs_cp1251 }, { "Windows-1251", sizeof("Windows-1251")-1, cs_cp1251 }, { "win-1251", sizeof("win-1251")-1, cs_cp1251 }, { "iso8859-5", sizeof("iso8859-5")-1, cs_8859_5 }, { "iso-8859-5", sizeof("iso-8859-5")-1, cs_8859_5 }, { "cp866", sizeof("cp866")-1, cs_cp866 }, { "866", sizeof("866")-1, cs_cp866 }, { "ibm866", sizeof("ibm866")-1, cs_cp866 }, { "MacRoman", sizeof("MacRoman")-1, cs_macroman } }; /* longest entity name length excluding & and ; */ #define LONGEST_ENTITY_LENGTH 31 /* Definitions for mappings *to* Unicode. * The origin charset must have at most 256 code points. * The multi-byte encodings are not supported */ typedef struct { unsigned short uni_cp[64]; } enc_to_uni_stage2; typedef struct { const enc_to_uni_stage2 *inner[4]; } enc_to_uni; /* bits 7-8 bits (only single bytes encodings supported )*/ #define ENT_ENC_TO_UNI_STAGE1(k) ((k & 0xC0) >> 6) /* bits 1-6 */ #define ENT_ENC_TO_UNI_STAGE2(k) ((k) & 0x3F) /* {{{ Mappings *to* Unicode for ISO-8859-1 */ /* {{{ Stage 2 tables for ISO-8859-1 */ static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_00 = { { 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x0007, 0x0008, 0x0009, 0x000A, 0x000B, 0x000C, 0x000D, 0x000E, 0x000F, 0x0010, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x0015, 0x0016, 0x0017, 0x0018, 0x0019, 0x001A, 0x001B, 0x001C, 0x001D, 0x001E, 0x001F, 0x0020, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0023, 0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x0027, 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x002A, 0x002B, 0x002C, 0x002D, 0x002E, 0x002F, 0x0030, 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x0033, 0x0034, 0x0035, 0x0036, 0x0037, 0x0038, 0x0039, 0x003A, 0x003B, 0x003C, 0x003D, 0x003E, 0x003F, } }; static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_40 = { { 0x0040, 0x0041, 0x0042, 0x0043, 0x0044, 0x0045, 0x0046, 0x0047, 0x0048, 0x0049, 0x004A, 0x004B, 0x004C, 0x004D, 0x004E, 0x004F, 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0052, 0x0053, 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x0056, 0x0057, 0x0058, 0x0059, 0x005A, 0x005B, 0x005C, 0x005D, 0x005E, 0x005F, 0x0060, 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x0063, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x0067, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006A, 0x006B, 0x006C, 0x006D, 0x006E, 0x006F, 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x0077, 0x0078, 0x0079, 0x007A, 0x007B, 0x007C, 0x007D, 0x007E, 0x007F, } }; static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_80 = { { 0x0080, 0x0081, 0x0082, 0x0083, 0x0084, 0x0085, 0x0086, 0x0087, 0x0088, 0x0089, 0x008A, 0x008B, 0x008C, 0x008D, 0x008E, 0x008F, 0x0090, 0x0091, 0x0092, 0x0093, 0x0094, 0x0095, 0x0096, 0x0097, 0x0098, 0x0099, 0x009A, 0x009B, 0x009C, 0x009D, 0x009E, 0x009F, 0x00A0, 0x00A1, 0x00A2, 0x00A3, 0x00A4, 0x00A5, 0x00A6, 0x00A7, 0x00A8, 0x00A9, 0x00AA, 0x00AB, 0x00AC, 0x00AD, 0x00AE, 0x00AF, 0x00B0, 0x00B1, 0x00B2, 0x00B3, 0x00B4, 0x00B5, 0x00B6, 0x00B7, 0x00B8, 0x00B9, 0x00BA, 0x00BB, 0x00BC, 0x00BD, 0x00BE, 0x00BF, } }; static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_C0 = { { 0x00C0, 0x00C1, 0x00C2, 0x00C3, 0x00C4, 0x00C5, 0x00C6, 0x00C7, 0x00C8, 0x00C9, 0x00CA, 0x00CB, 0x00CC, 0x00CD, 0x00CE, 0x00CF, 0x00D0, 0x00D1, 0x00D2, 0x00D3, 0x00D4, 0x00D5, 0x00D6, 0x00D7, 0x00D8, 0x00D9, 0x00DA, 0x00DB, 0x00DC, 0x00DD, 0x00DE, 0x00DF, 0x00E0, 0x00E1, 0x00E2, 0x00E3, 0x00E4, 0x00E5, 0x00E6, 0x00E7, 0x00E8, 0x00E9, 0x00EA, 0x00EB, 0x00EC, 0x00ED, 0x00EE, 0x00EF, 0x00F0, 0x00F1, 0x00F2, 0x00F3, 0x00F4, 0x00F5, 0x00F6, 0x00F7, 0x00F8, 0x00F9, 0x00FA, 0x00FB, 0x00FC, 0x00FD, 0x00FE, 0x00FF, } }; /* end of stage 2 tables for ISO-8859-1 }}} */ /* {{{ Stage 1 table for ISO-8859-1 */ static const enc_to_uni enc_to_uni_iso88591 = { { &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_00, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_40, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_80, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_C0 } }; /* end of stage 1 table for ISO-8859-1 }}} */ /* {{{ Mappings *to* Unicode for ISO-8859-5 */ /* {{{ Stage 2 tables for ISO-8859-5 */ static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_iso88595_80 = { { 0x0080, 0x0081, 0x0082, 0x0083, 0x0084, 0x0085, 0x0086, 0x0087, 0x0088, 0x0089, 0x008A, 0x008B, 0x008C, 0x008D, 0x008E, 0x008F, 0x0090, 0x0091, 0x0092, 0x0093, 0x0094, 0x0095, 0x0096, 0x0097, 0x0098, 0x0099, 0x009A, 0x009B, 0x009C, 0x009D, 0x009E, 0x009F, 0x00A0, 0x0401, 0x0402, 0x0403, 0x0404, 0x0405, 0x0406, 0x0407, 0x0408, 0x0409, 0x040A, 0x040B, 0x040C, 0x00AD, 0x040E, 0x040F, 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041A, 0x041B, 0x041C, 0x041D, 0x041E, 0x041F, } }; static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_iso88595_C0 = { { 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042A, 0x042B, 0x042C, 0x042D, 0x042E, 0x042F, 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437, 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043A, 0x043B, 0x043C, 0x043D, 0x043E, 0x043F, 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044A, 0x044B, 0x044C, 0x044D, 0x044E, 0x044F, 0x2116, 0x0451, 0x0452, 0x0453, 0x0454, 0x0455, 0x0456, 0x0457, 0x0458, 0x0459, 0x045A, 0x045B, 0x045C, 0x00A7, 0x045E, 0x045F, } }; /* end of stage 2 tables for ISO-8859-5 }}} */ /* {{{ Stage 1 table for ISO-8859-5 */ static const enc_to_uni enc_to_uni_iso88595 = { { &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_00, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_40, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88595_80, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88595_C0 } }; /* end of stage 1 table for ISO-8859-5 }}} */ /* {{{ Mappings *to* Unicode for ISO-8859-15 */ /* {{{ Stage 2 tables for ISO-8859-15 */ static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_iso885915_80 = { { 0x0080, 0x0081, 0x0082, 0x0083, 0x0084, 0x0085, 0x0086, 0x0087, 0x0088, 0x0089, 0x008A, 0x008B, 0x008C, 0x008D, 0x008E, 0x008F, 0x0090, 0x0091, 0x0092, 0x0093, 0x0094, 0x0095, 0x0096, 0x0097, 0x0098, 0x0099, 0x009A, 0x009B, 0x009C, 0x009D, 0x009E, 0x009F, 0x00A0, 0x00A1, 0x00A2, 0x00A3, 0x20AC, 0x00A5, 0x0160, 0x00A7, 0x0161, 0x00A9, 0x00AA, 0x00AB, 0x00AC, 0x00AD, 0x00AE, 0x00AF, 0x00B0, 0x00B1, 0x00B2, 0x00B3, 0x017D, 0x00B5, 0x00B6, 0x00B7, 0x017E, 0x00B9, 0x00BA, 0x00BB, 0x0152, 0x0153, 0x0178, 0x00BF, } }; /* end of stage 2 tables for ISO-8859-15 }}} */ /* {{{ Stage 1 table for ISO-8859-15 */ static const enc_to_uni enc_to_uni_iso885915 = { { &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_00, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_40, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso885915_80, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_C0 } }; /* end of stage 1 table for ISO-8859-15 }}} */ /* {{{ Mappings *to* Unicode for Windows-1252 */ /* {{{ Stage 2 tables for Windows-1252 */ static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_win1252_80 = { { 0x20AC, 0xFFFF, 0x201A, 0x0192, 0x201E, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x02C6, 0x2030, 0x0160, 0x2039, 0x0152, 0xFFFF, 0x017D, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201C, 0x201D, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x02DC, 0x2122, 0x0161, 0x203A, 0x0153, 0xFFFF, 0x017E, 0x0178, 0x00A0, 0x00A1, 0x00A2, 0x00A3, 0x00A4, 0x00A5, 0x00A6, 0x00A7, 0x00A8, 0x00A9, 0x00AA, 0x00AB, 0x00AC, 0x00AD, 0x00AE, 0x00AF, 0x00B0, 0x00B1, 0x00B2, 0x00B3, 0x00B4, 0x00B5, 0x00B6, 0x00B7, 0x00B8, 0x00B9, 0x00BA, 0x00BB, 0x00BC, 0x00BD, 0x00BE, 0x00BF, } }; /* end of stage 2 tables for Windows-1252 }}} */ /* {{{ Stage 1 table for Windows-1252 */ static const enc_to_uni enc_to_uni_win1252 = { { &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_00, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_40, &enc_to_uni_s2_win1252_80, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_C0 } }; /* end of stage 1 table for Windows-1252 }}} */ /* {{{ Mappings *to* Unicode for Windows-1251 */ /* {{{ Stage 2 tables for Windows-1251 */ static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_win1251_80 = { { 0x0402, 0x0403, 0x201A, 0x0453, 0x201E, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x20AC, 0x2030, 0x0409, 0x2039, 0x040A, 0x040C, 0x040B, 0x040F, 0x0452, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201C, 0x201D, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, 0xFFFF, 0x2122, 0x0459, 0x203A, 0x045A, 0x045C, 0x045B, 0x045F, 0x00A0, 0x040E, 0x045E, 0x0408, 0x00A4, 0x0490, 0x00A6, 0x00A7, 0x0401, 0x00A9, 0x0404, 0x00AB, 0x00AC, 0x00AD, 0x00AE, 0x0407, 0x00B0, 0x00B1, 0x0406, 0x0456, 0x0491, 0x00B5, 0x00B6, 0x00B7, 0x0451, 0x2116, 0x0454, 0x00BB, 0x0458, 0x0405, 0x0455, 0x0457, } }; static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_win1251_C0 = { { 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041A, 0x041B, 0x041C, 0x041D, 0x041E, 0x041F, 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042A, 0x042B, 0x042C, 0x042D, 0x042E, 0x042F, 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437, 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043A, 0x043B, 0x043C, 0x043D, 0x043E, 0x043F, 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044A, 0x044B, 0x044C, 0x044D, 0x044E, 0x044F, } }; /* end of stage 2 tables for Windows-1251 }}} */ /* {{{ Stage 1 table for Windows-1251 */ static const enc_to_uni enc_to_uni_win1251 = { { &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_00, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_40, &enc_to_uni_s2_win1251_80, &enc_to_uni_s2_win1251_C0 } }; /* end of stage 1 table for Windows-1251 }}} */ /* {{{ Mappings *to* Unicode for KOI8-R */ /* {{{ Stage 2 tables for KOI8-R */ static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_koi8r_80 = { { 0x2500, 0x2502, 0x250C, 0x2510, 0x2514, 0x2518, 0x251C, 0x2524, 0x252C, 0x2534, 0x253C, 0x2580, 0x2584, 0x2588, 0x258C, 0x2590, 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2320, 0x25A0, 0x2219, 0x221A, 0x2248, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x00A0, 0x2321, 0x00B0, 0x00B2, 0x00B7, 0x00F7, 0x2550, 0x2551, 0x2552, 0x0451, 0x2553, 0x2554, 0x2555, 0x2556, 0x2557, 0x2558, 0x2559, 0x255A, 0x255B, 0x255C, 0x255D, 0x255E, 0x255F, 0x2560, 0x2561, 0x0401, 0x2562, 0x2563, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2566, 0x2567, 0x2568, 0x2569, 0x256A, 0x256B, 0x256C, 0x00A9, } }; static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_koi8r_C0 = { { 0x044E, 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0446, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0444, 0x0433, 0x0445, 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043A, 0x043B, 0x043C, 0x043D, 0x043E, 0x043F, 0x044F, 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0436, 0x0432, 0x044C, 0x044B, 0x0437, 0x0448, 0x044D, 0x0449, 0x0447, 0x044A, 0x042E, 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0426, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0424, 0x0413, 0x0425, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041A, 0x041B, 0x041C, 0x041D, 0x041E, 0x041F, 0x042F, 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0416, 0x0412, 0x042C, 0x042B, 0x0417, 0x0428, 0x042D, 0x0429, 0x0427, 0x042A, } }; /* end of stage 2 tables for KOI8-R }}} */ /* {{{ Stage 1 table for KOI8-R */ static const enc_to_uni enc_to_uni_koi8r = { { &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_00, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_40, &enc_to_uni_s2_koi8r_80, &enc_to_uni_s2_koi8r_C0 } }; /* end of stage 1 table for KOI8-R }}} */ /* {{{ Mappings *to* Unicode for CP-866 */ /* {{{ Stage 2 tables for CP-866 */ static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_cp866_80 = { { 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041A, 0x041B, 0x041C, 0x041D, 0x041E, 0x041F, 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042A, 0x042B, 0x042C, 0x042D, 0x042E, 0x042F, 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0436, 0x0437, 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043A, 0x043B, 0x043C, 0x043D, 0x043E, 0x043F, 0x2591, 0x2592, 0x2593, 0x2502, 0x2524, 0x2561, 0x2562, 0x2556, 0x2555, 0x2563, 0x2551, 0x2557, 0x255D, 0x255C, 0x255B, 0x2510, } }; static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_cp866_C0 = { { 0x2514, 0x2534, 0x252C, 0x251C, 0x2500, 0x253C, 0x255E, 0x255F, 0x255A, 0x2554, 0x2569, 0x2566, 0x2560, 0x2550, 0x256C, 0x2567, 0x2568, 0x2564, 0x2565, 0x2559, 0x2558, 0x2552, 0x2553, 0x256B, 0x256A, 0x2518, 0x250C, 0x2588, 0x2584, 0x258C, 0x2590, 0x2580, 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044A, 0x044B, 0x044C, 0x044D, 0x044E, 0x044F, 0x0401, 0x0451, 0x0404, 0x0454, 0x0407, 0x0457, 0x040E, 0x045E, 0x00B0, 0x2219, 0x00B7, 0x221A, 0x2116, 0x00A4, 0x25A0, 0x00A0, } }; /* end of stage 2 tables for CP-866 }}} */ /* {{{ Stage 1 table for CP-866 */ static const enc_to_uni enc_to_uni_cp866 = { { &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_00, &enc_to_uni_s2_iso88591_40, &enc_to_uni_s2_cp866_80, &enc_to_uni_s2_cp866_C0 } }; /* end of stage 1 table for CP-866 }}} */ /* {{{ Mappings *to* Unicode for MacRoman */ /* {{{ Stage 2 tables for MacRoman */ static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_macroman_00 = { { 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0x0020, 0x0021, 0x0022, 0x0023, 0x0024, 0x0025, 0x0026, 0x0027, 0x0028, 0x0029, 0x002A, 0x002B, 0x002C, 0x002D, 0x002E, 0x002F, 0x0030, 0x0031, 0x0032, 0x0033, 0x0034, 0x0035, 0x0036, 0x0037, 0x0038, 0x0039, 0x003A, 0x003B, 0x003C, 0x003D, 0x003E, 0x003F, } }; static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_macroman_40 = { { 0x0040, 0x0041, 0x0042, 0x0043, 0x0044, 0x0045, 0x0046, 0x0047, 0x0048, 0x0049, 0x004A, 0x004B, 0x004C, 0x004D, 0x004E, 0x004F, 0x0050, 0x0051, 0x0052, 0x0053, 0x0054, 0x0055, 0x0056, 0x0057, 0x0058, 0x0059, 0x005A, 0x005B, 0x005C, 0x005D, 0x005E, 0x005F, 0x0060, 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x0063, 0x0064, 0x0065, 0x0066, 0x0067, 0x0068, 0x0069, 0x006A, 0x006B, 0x006C, 0x006D, 0x006E, 0x006F, 0x0070, 0x0071, 0x0072, 0x0073, 0x0074, 0x0075, 0x0076, 0x0077, 0x0078, 0x0079, 0x007A, 0x007B, 0x007C, 0x007D, 0x007E, 0xFFFF, } }; static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_macroman_80 = { { 0x00C4, 0x00C5, 0x00C7, 0x00C9, 0x00D1, 0x00D6, 0x00DC, 0x00E1, 0x00E0, 0x00E2, 0x00E4, 0x00E3, 0x00E5, 0x00E7, 0x00E9, 0x00E8, 0x00EA, 0x00EB, 0x00ED, 0x00EC, 0x00EE, 0x00EF, 0x00F1, 0x00F3, 0x00F2, 0x00F4, 0x00F6, 0x00F5, 0x00FA, 0x00F9, 0x00FB, 0x00FC, 0x2020, 0x00B0, 0x00A2, 0x00A3, 0x00A7, 0x2022, 0x00B6, 0x00DF, 0x00AE, 0x00A9, 0x2122, 0x00B4, 0x00A8, 0x2260, 0x00C6, 0x00D8, 0x221E, 0x00B1, 0x2264, 0x2265, 0x00A5, 0x00B5, 0x2202, 0x2211, 0x220F, 0x03C0, 0x222B, 0x00AA, 0x00BA, 0x03A9, 0x00E6, 0x00F8, } }; static const enc_to_uni_stage2 enc_to_uni_s2_macroman_C0 = { { 0x00BF, 0x00A1, 0x00AC, 0x221A, 0x0192, 0x2248, 0x2206, 0x00AB, 0x00BB, 0x2026, 0x00A0, 0x00C0, 0x00C3, 0x00D5, 0x0152, 0x0153, 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x201C, 0x201D, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x00F7, 0x25CA, 0x00FF, 0x0178, 0x2044, 0x20AC, 0x2039, 0x203A, 0xFB01, 0xFB02, 0x2021, 0x00B7, 0x201A, 0x201E, 0x2030, 0x00C2, 0x00CA, 0x00C1, 0x00CB, 0x00C8, 0x00CD, 0x00CE, 0x00CF, 0x00CC, 0x00D3, 0x00D4, 0xF8FF, 0x00D2, 0x00DA, 0x00DB, 0x00D9, 0x0131, 0x02C6, 0x02DC, 0x00AF, 0x02D8, 0x02D9, 0x02DA, 0x00B8, 0x02DD, 0x02DB, 0x02C7, } }; /* end of stage 2 tables for MacRoman }}} */ /* {{{ Stage 1 table for MacRoman */ static const enc_to_uni enc_to_uni_macroman = { { &enc_to_uni_s2_macroman_00, &enc_to_uni_s2_macroman_40, &enc_to_uni_s2_macroman_80, &enc_to_uni_s2_macroman_C0 } }; /* end of stage 1 table for MacRoman }}} */ /* {{{ Index of tables for encoding conversion */ static const enc_to_uni *const enc_to_uni_index[cs_numelems] = { NULL, &enc_to_uni_iso88591, &enc_to_uni_win1252, &enc_to_uni_iso885915, &enc_to_uni_win1251, &enc_to_uni_iso88595, &enc_to_uni_cp866, &enc_to_uni_macroman, &enc_to_uni_koi8r, }; /* }}} */ /* Definitions for mappings *from* Unicode */ typedef struct { unsigned short un_code_point; /* we don't need bigger */ unsigned char cs_code; /* currently, we only have maps to single-byte encodings */ } uni_to_enc; /* {{{ Mappings *from* Unicode for ISO-8859-15 */ static const uni_to_enc unimap_iso885915[] = { { 0x00A5, 0xA5 }, /* yen sign */ { 0x00A7, 0xA7 }, /* section sign */ { 0x00A9, 0xA9 }, /* copyright sign */ { 0x00AA, 0xAA }, /* feminine ordinal indicator */ { 0x00AB, 0xAB }, /* left-pointing double angle quotation mark */ { 0x00AC, 0xAC }, /* not sign */ { 0x00AD, 0xAD }, /* soft hyphen */ { 0x00AE, 0xAE }, /* registered sign */ { 0x00AF, 0xAF }, /* macron */ { 0x00B0, 0xB0 }, /* degree sign */ { 0x00B1, 0xB1 }, /* plus-minus sign */ { 0x00B2, 0xB2 }, /* superscript two */ { 0x00B3, 0xB3 }, /* superscript three */ { 0x00B5, 0xB5 }, /* micro sign */ { 0x00B6, 0xB6 }, /* pilcrow sign */ { 0x00B7, 0xB7 }, /* middle dot */ { 0x00B9, 0xB9 }, /* superscript one */ { 0x00BA, 0xBA }, /* masculine ordinal indicator */ { 0x00BB, 0xBB }, /* right-pointing double angle quotation mark */ { 0x0152, 0xBC }, /* latin capital ligature oe */ { 0x0153, 0xBD }, /* latin small ligature oe */ { 0x0160, 0xA6 }, /* latin capital letter s with caron */ { 0x0161, 0xA8 }, /* latin small letter s with caron */ { 0x0178, 0xBE }, /* latin capital letter y with diaeresis */ { 0x017D, 0xB4 }, /* latin capital letter z with caron */ { 0x017E, 0xB8 }, /* latin small letter z with caron */ { 0x20AC, 0xA4 }, /* euro sign */ }; /* {{{ end of mappings *from* Unicode for ISO-8859-15 */ /* {{{ Mappings *from* Unicode for Windows-1252 */ static const uni_to_enc unimap_win1252[] = { { 0x0152, 0x8C }, /* latin capital ligature oe */ { 0x0153, 0x9C }, /* latin small ligature oe */ { 0x0160, 0x8A }, /* latin capital letter s with caron */ { 0x0161, 0x9A }, /* latin small letter s with caron */ { 0x0178, 0x9F }, /* latin capital letter y with diaeresis */ { 0x017D, 0x8E }, /* latin capital letter z with caron */ { 0x017E, 0x9E }, /* latin small letter z with caron */ { 0x0192, 0x83 }, /* latin small letter f with hook */ { 0x02C6, 0x88 }, /* modifier letter circumflex accent */ { 0x02DC, 0x98 }, /* small tilde */ { 0x2013, 0x96 }, /* en dash */ { 0x2014, 0x97 }, /* em dash */ { 0x2018, 0x91 }, /* left single quotation mark */ { 0x2019, 0x92 }, /* right single quotation mark */ { 0x201A, 0x82 }, /* single low-9 quotation mark */ { 0x201C, 0x93 }, /* left double quotation mark */ { 0x201D, 0x94 }, /* right double quotation mark */ { 0x201E, 0x84 }, /* double low-9 quotation mark */ { 0x2020, 0x86 }, /* dagger */ { 0x2021, 0x87 }, /* double dagger */ { 0x2022, 0x95 }, /* bullet */ { 0x2026, 0x85 }, /* horizontal ellipsis */ { 0x2030, 0x89 }, /* per mille sign */ { 0x2039, 0x8B }, /* single left-pointing angle quotation mark */ { 0x203A, 0x9B }, /* single right-pointing angle quotation mark */ { 0x20AC, 0x80 }, /* euro sign */ { 0x2122, 0x99 }, /* trade mark sign */ }; /* {{{ end of mappings *from* Unicode for Windows-1252 */ /* {{{ Mappings *from* Unicode for Windows-1251 */ static const uni_to_enc unimap_win1251[] = { { 0x00A0, 0xA0 }, /* no-break space */ { 0x00A4, 0xA4 }, /* currency sign */ { 0x00A6, 0xA6 }, /* broken bar */ { 0x00A7, 0xA7 }, /* section sign */ { 0x00A9, 0xA9 }, /* copyright sign */ { 0x00AB, 0xAB }, /* left-pointing double angle quotation mark */ { 0x00AC, 0xAC }, /* not sign */ { 0x00AD, 0xAD }, /* soft hyphen */ { 0x00AE, 0xAE }, /* registered sign */ { 0x00B0, 0xB0 }, /* degree sign */ { 0x00B1, 0xB1 }, /* plus-minus sign */ { 0x00B5, 0xB5 }, /* micro sign */ { 0x00B6, 0xB6 }, /* pilcrow sign */ { 0x00B7, 0xB7 }, /* middle dot */ { 0x00BB, 0xBB }, /* right-pointing double angle quotation mark */ { 0x0401, 0xA8 }, /* cyrillic capital letter io */ { 0x0402, 0x80 }, /* cyrillic capital letter dje */ { 0x0403, 0x81 }, /* cyrillic capital letter gje */ { 0x0404, 0xAA }, /* cyrillic capital letter ukrainian ie */ { 0x0405, 0xBD }, /* cyrillic capital letter dze */ { 0x0406, 0xB2 }, /* cyrillic capital letter byelorussian-ukrainian i */ { 0x0407, 0xAF }, /* cyrillic capital letter yi */ { 0x0408, 0xA3 }, /* cyrillic capital letter je */ { 0x0409, 0x8A }, /* cyrillic capital letter lje */ { 0x040A, 0x8C }, /* cyrillic capital letter nje */ { 0x040B, 0x8E }, /* cyrillic capital letter tshe */ { 0x040C, 0x8D }, /* cyrillic capital letter kje */ { 0x040E, 0xA1 }, /* cyrillic capital letter short u */ { 0x040F, 0x8F }, /* cyrillic capital letter dzhe */ { 0x0410, 0xC0 }, /* cyrillic capital letter a */ { 0x0411, 0xC1 }, /* cyrillic capital letter be */ { 0x0412, 0xC2 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ve */ { 0x0413, 0xC3 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ghe */ { 0x0414, 0xC4 }, /* cyrillic capital letter de */ { 0x0415, 0xC5 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ie */ { 0x0416, 0xC6 }, /* cyrillic capital letter zhe */ { 0x0417, 0xC7 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ze */ { 0x0418, 0xC8 }, /* cyrillic capital letter i */ { 0x0419, 0xC9 }, /* cyrillic capital letter short i */ { 0x041A, 0xCA }, /* cyrillic capital letter ka */ { 0x041B, 0xCB }, /* cyrillic capital letter el */ { 0x041C, 0xCC }, /* cyrillic capital letter em */ { 0x041D, 0xCD }, /* cyrillic capital letter en */ { 0x041E, 0xCE }, /* cyrillic capital letter o */ { 0x041F, 0xCF }, /* cyrillic capital letter pe */ { 0x0420, 0xD0 }, /* cyrillic capital letter er */ { 0x0421, 0xD1 }, /* cyrillic capital letter es */ { 0x0422, 0xD2 }, /* cyrillic capital letter te */ { 0x0423, 0xD3 }, /* cyrillic capital letter u */ { 0x0424, 0xD4 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ef */ { 0x0425, 0xD5 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ha */ { 0x0426, 0xD6 }, /* cyrillic capital letter tse */ { 0x0427, 0xD7 }, /* cyrillic capital letter che */ { 0x0428, 0xD8 }, /* cyrillic capital letter sha */ { 0x0429, 0xD9 }, /* cyrillic capital letter shcha */ { 0x042A, 0xDA }, /* cyrillic capital letter hard sign */ { 0x042B, 0xDB }, /* cyrillic capital letter yeru */ { 0x042C, 0xDC }, /* cyrillic capital letter soft sign */ { 0x042D, 0xDD }, /* cyrillic capital letter e */ { 0x042E, 0xDE }, /* cyrillic capital letter yu */ { 0x042F, 0xDF }, /* cyrillic capital letter ya */ { 0x0430, 0xE0 }, /* cyrillic small letter a */ { 0x0431, 0xE1 }, /* cyrillic small letter be */ { 0x0432, 0xE2 }, /* cyrillic small letter ve */ { 0x0433, 0xE3 }, /* cyrillic small letter ghe */ { 0x0434, 0xE4 }, /* cyrillic small letter de */ { 0x0435, 0xE5 }, /* cyrillic small letter ie */ { 0x0436, 0xE6 }, /* cyrillic small letter zhe */ { 0x0437, 0xE7 }, /* cyrillic small letter ze */ { 0x0438, 0xE8 }, /* cyrillic small letter i */ { 0x0439, 0xE9 }, /* cyrillic small letter short i */ { 0x043A, 0xEA }, /* cyrillic small letter ka */ { 0x043B, 0xEB }, /* cyrillic small letter el */ { 0x043C, 0xEC }, /* cyrillic small letter em */ { 0x043D, 0xED }, /* cyrillic small letter en */ { 0x043E, 0xEE }, /* cyrillic small letter o */ { 0x043F, 0xEF }, /* cyrillic small letter pe */ { 0x0440, 0xF0 }, /* cyrillic small letter er */ { 0x0441, 0xF1 }, /* cyrillic small letter es */ { 0x0442, 0xF2 }, /* cyrillic small letter te */ { 0x0443, 0xF3 }, /* cyrillic small letter u */ { 0x0444, 0xF4 }, /* cyrillic small letter ef */ { 0x0445, 0xF5 }, /* cyrillic small letter ha */ { 0x0446, 0xF6 }, /* cyrillic small letter tse */ { 0x0447, 0xF7 }, /* cyrillic small letter che */ { 0x0448, 0xF8 }, /* cyrillic small letter sha */ { 0x0449, 0xF9 }, /* cyrillic small letter shcha */ { 0x044A, 0xFA }, /* cyrillic small letter hard sign */ { 0x044B, 0xFB }, /* cyrillic small letter yeru */ { 0x044C, 0xFC }, /* cyrillic small letter soft sign */ { 0x044D, 0xFD }, /* cyrillic small letter e */ { 0x044E, 0xFE }, /* cyrillic small letter yu */ { 0x044F, 0xFF }, /* cyrillic small letter ya */ { 0x0451, 0xB8 }, /* cyrillic small letter io */ { 0x0452, 0x90 }, /* cyrillic small letter dje */ { 0x0453, 0x83 }, /* cyrillic small letter gje */ { 0x0454, 0xBA }, /* cyrillic small letter ukrainian ie */ { 0x0455, 0xBE }, /* cyrillic small letter dze */ { 0x0456, 0xB3 }, /* cyrillic small letter byelorussian-ukrainian i */ { 0x0457, 0xBF }, /* cyrillic small letter yi */ { 0x0458, 0xBC }, /* cyrillic small letter je */ { 0x0459, 0x9A }, /* cyrillic small letter lje */ { 0x045A, 0x9C }, /* cyrillic small letter nje */ { 0x045B, 0x9E }, /* cyrillic small letter tshe */ { 0x045C, 0x9D }, /* cyrillic small letter kje */ { 0x045E, 0xA2 }, /* cyrillic small letter short u */ { 0x045F, 0x9F }, /* cyrillic small letter dzhe */ { 0x0490, 0xA5 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ghe with upturn */ { 0x0491, 0xB4 }, /* cyrillic small letter ghe with upturn */ { 0x2013, 0x96 }, /* en dash */ { 0x2014, 0x97 }, /* em dash */ { 0x2018, 0x91 }, /* left single quotation mark */ { 0x2019, 0x92 }, /* right single quotation mark */ { 0x201A, 0x82 }, /* single low-9 quotation mark */ { 0x201C, 0x93 }, /* left double quotation mark */ { 0x201D, 0x94 }, /* right double quotation mark */ { 0x201E, 0x84 }, /* double low-9 quotation mark */ { 0x2020, 0x86 }, /* dagger */ { 0x2021, 0x87 }, /* double dagger */ { 0x2022, 0x95 }, /* bullet */ { 0x2026, 0x85 }, /* horizontal ellipsis */ { 0x2030, 0x89 }, /* per mille sign */ { 0x2039, 0x8B }, /* single left-pointing angle quotation mark */ { 0x203A, 0x9B }, /* single right-pointing angle quotation mark */ { 0x20AC, 0x88 }, /* euro sign */ { 0x2116, 0xB9 }, /* numero sign */ { 0x2122, 0x99 }, /* trade mark sign */ }; /* {{{ end of mappings *from* Unicode for Windows-1251 */ /* {{{ Mappings *from* Unicode for KOI8-R */ static const uni_to_enc unimap_koi8r[] = { { 0x00A0, 0x9A }, /* no-break space */ { 0x00A9, 0xBF }, /* copyright sign */ { 0x00B0, 0x9C }, /* degree sign */ { 0x00B2, 0x9D }, /* superscript two */ { 0x00B7, 0x9E }, /* middle dot */ { 0x00F7, 0x9F }, /* division sign */ { 0x0401, 0xB3 }, /* cyrillic capital letter io */ { 0x0410, 0xE1 }, /* cyrillic capital letter a */ { 0x0411, 0xE2 }, /* cyrillic capital letter be */ { 0x0412, 0xF7 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ve */ { 0x0413, 0xE7 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ghe */ { 0x0414, 0xE4 }, /* cyrillic capital letter de */ { 0x0415, 0xE5 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ie */ { 0x0416, 0xF6 }, /* cyrillic capital letter zhe */ { 0x0417, 0xFA }, /* cyrillic capital letter ze */ { 0x0418, 0xE9 }, /* cyrillic capital letter i */ { 0x0419, 0xEA }, /* cyrillic capital letter short i */ { 0x041A, 0xEB }, /* cyrillic capital letter ka */ { 0x041B, 0xEC }, /* cyrillic capital letter el */ { 0x041C, 0xED }, /* cyrillic capital letter em */ { 0x041D, 0xEE }, /* cyrillic capital letter en */ { 0x041E, 0xEF }, /* cyrillic capital letter o */ { 0x041F, 0xF0 }, /* cyrillic capital letter pe */ { 0x0420, 0xF2 }, /* cyrillic capital letter er */ { 0x0421, 0xF3 }, /* cyrillic capital letter es */ { 0x0422, 0xF4 }, /* cyrillic capital letter te */ { 0x0423, 0xF5 }, /* cyrillic capital letter u */ { 0x0424, 0xE6 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ef */ { 0x0425, 0xE8 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ha */ { 0x0426, 0xE3 }, /* cyrillic capital letter tse */ { 0x0427, 0xFE }, /* cyrillic capital letter che */ { 0x0428, 0xFB }, /* cyrillic capital letter sha */ { 0x0429, 0xFD }, /* cyrillic capital letter shcha */ { 0x042A, 0xFF }, /* cyrillic capital letter hard sign */ { 0x042B, 0xF9 }, /* cyrillic capital letter yeru */ { 0x042C, 0xF8 }, /* cyrillic capital letter soft sign */ { 0x042D, 0xFC }, /* cyrillic capital letter e */ { 0x042E, 0xE0 }, /* cyrillic capital letter yu */ { 0x042F, 0xF1 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ya */ { 0x0430, 0xC1 }, /* cyrillic small letter a */ { 0x0431, 0xC2 }, /* cyrillic small letter be */ { 0x0432, 0xD7 }, /* cyrillic small letter ve */ { 0x0433, 0xC7 }, /* cyrillic small letter ghe */ { 0x0434, 0xC4 }, /* cyrillic small letter de */ { 0x0435, 0xC5 }, /* cyrillic small letter ie */ { 0x0436, 0xD6 }, /* cyrillic small letter zhe */ { 0x0437, 0xDA }, /* cyrillic small letter ze */ { 0x0438, 0xC9 }, /* cyrillic small letter i */ { 0x0439, 0xCA }, /* cyrillic small letter short i */ { 0x043A, 0xCB }, /* cyrillic small letter ka */ { 0x043B, 0xCC }, /* cyrillic small letter el */ { 0x043C, 0xCD }, /* cyrillic small letter em */ { 0x043D, 0xCE }, /* cyrillic small letter en */ { 0x043E, 0xCF }, /* cyrillic small letter o */ { 0x043F, 0xD0 }, /* cyrillic small letter pe */ { 0x0440, 0xD2 }, /* cyrillic small letter er */ { 0x0441, 0xD3 }, /* cyrillic small letter es */ { 0x0442, 0xD4 }, /* cyrillic small letter te */ { 0x0443, 0xD5 }, /* cyrillic small letter u */ { 0x0444, 0xC6 }, /* cyrillic small letter ef */ { 0x0445, 0xC8 }, /* cyrillic small letter ha */ { 0x0446, 0xC3 }, /* cyrillic small letter tse */ { 0x0447, 0xDE }, /* cyrillic small letter che */ { 0x0448, 0xDB }, /* cyrillic small letter sha */ { 0x0449, 0xDD }, /* cyrillic small letter shcha */ { 0x044A, 0xDF }, /* cyrillic small letter hard sign */ { 0x044B, 0xD9 }, /* cyrillic small letter yeru */ { 0x044C, 0xD8 }, /* cyrillic small letter soft sign */ { 0x044D, 0xDC }, /* cyrillic small letter e */ { 0x044E, 0xC0 }, /* cyrillic small letter yu */ { 0x044F, 0xD1 }, /* cyrillic small letter ya */ { 0x0451, 0xA3 }, /* cyrillic small letter io */ { 0x2219, 0x95 }, /* bullet operator */ { 0x221A, 0x96 }, /* square root */ { 0x2248, 0x97 }, /* almost equal to */ { 0x2264, 0x98 }, /* less-than or equal to */ { 0x2265, 0x99 }, /* greater-than or equal to */ { 0x2320, 0x93 }, /* top half integral */ { 0x2321, 0x9B }, /* bottom half integral */ { 0x2500, 0x80 }, /* box drawings light horizontal */ { 0x2502, 0x81 }, /* box drawings light vertical */ { 0x250C, 0x82 }, /* box drawings light down and right */ { 0x2510, 0x83 }, /* box drawings light down and left */ { 0x2514, 0x84 }, /* box drawings light up and right */ { 0x2518, 0x85 }, /* box drawings light up and left */ { 0x251C, 0x86 }, /* box drawings light vertical and right */ { 0x2524, 0x87 }, /* box drawings light vertical and left */ { 0x252C, 0x88 }, /* box drawings light down and horizontal */ { 0x2534, 0x89 }, /* box drawings light up and horizontal */ { 0x253C, 0x8A }, /* box drawings light vertical and horizontal */ { 0x2550, 0xA0 }, /* box drawings double horizontal */ { 0x2551, 0xA1 }, /* box drawings double vertical */ { 0x2552, 0xA2 }, /* box drawings down single and right double */ { 0x2553, 0xA4 }, /* box drawings down double and right single */ { 0x2554, 0xA5 }, /* box drawings double down and right */ { 0x2555, 0xA6 }, /* box drawings down single and left double */ { 0x2556, 0xA7 }, /* box drawings down double and left single */ { 0x2557, 0xA8 }, /* box drawings double down and left */ { 0x2558, 0xA9 }, /* box drawings up single and right double */ { 0x2559, 0xAA }, /* box drawings up double and right single */ { 0x255A, 0xAB }, /* box drawings double up and right */ { 0x255B, 0xAC }, /* box drawings up single and left double */ { 0x255C, 0xAD }, /* box drawings up double and left single */ { 0x255D, 0xAE }, /* box drawings double up and left */ { 0x255E, 0xAF }, /* box drawings vertical single and right double */ { 0x255F, 0xB0 }, /* box drawings vertical double and right single */ { 0x2560, 0xB1 }, /* box drawings double vertical and right */ { 0x2561, 0xB2 }, /* box drawings vertical single and left double */ { 0x2562, 0xB4 }, /* box drawings vertical double and left single */ { 0x2563, 0xB5 }, /* box drawings double vertical and left */ { 0x2564, 0xB6 }, /* box drawings down single and horizontal double */ { 0x2565, 0xB7 }, /* box drawings down double and horizontal single */ { 0x2566, 0xB8 }, /* box drawings double down and horizontal */ { 0x2567, 0xB9 }, /* box drawings up single and horizontal double */ { 0x2568, 0xBA }, /* box drawings up double and horizontal single */ { 0x2569, 0xBB }, /* box drawings double up and horizontal */ { 0x256A, 0xBC }, /* box drawings vertical single and horizontal double */ { 0x256B, 0xBD }, /* box drawings vertical double and horizontal single */ { 0x256C, 0xBE }, /* box drawings double vertical and horizontal */ { 0x2580, 0x8B }, /* upper half block */ { 0x2584, 0x8C }, /* lower half block */ { 0x2588, 0x8D }, /* full block */ { 0x258C, 0x8E }, /* left half block */ { 0x2590, 0x8F }, /* right half block */ { 0x2591, 0x90 }, /* light shade */ { 0x2592, 0x91 }, /* medium shade */ { 0x2593, 0x92 }, /* dark shade */ { 0x25A0, 0x94 }, /* black square */ }; /* {{{ end of mappings *from* Unicode for KOI8-R */ /* {{{ Mappings *from* Unicode for CP-866 */ static const uni_to_enc unimap_cp866[] = { { 0x00A0, 0xFF }, /* no-break space */ { 0x00A4, 0xFD }, /* currency sign */ { 0x00B0, 0xF8 }, /* degree sign */ { 0x00B7, 0xFA }, /* middle dot */ { 0x0401, 0xF0 }, /* cyrillic capital letter io */ { 0x0404, 0xF2 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ukrainian ie */ { 0x0407, 0xF4 }, /* cyrillic capital letter yi */ { 0x040E, 0xF6 }, /* cyrillic capital letter short u */ { 0x0410, 0x80 }, /* cyrillic capital letter a */ { 0x0411, 0x81 }, /* cyrillic capital letter be */ { 0x0412, 0x82 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ve */ { 0x0413, 0x83 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ghe */ { 0x0414, 0x84 }, /* cyrillic capital letter de */ { 0x0415, 0x85 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ie */ { 0x0416, 0x86 }, /* cyrillic capital letter zhe */ { 0x0417, 0x87 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ze */ { 0x0418, 0x88 }, /* cyrillic capital letter i */ { 0x0419, 0x89 }, /* cyrillic capital letter short i */ { 0x041A, 0x8A }, /* cyrillic capital letter ka */ { 0x041B, 0x8B }, /* cyrillic capital letter el */ { 0x041C, 0x8C }, /* cyrillic capital letter em */ { 0x041D, 0x8D }, /* cyrillic capital letter en */ { 0x041E, 0x8E }, /* cyrillic capital letter o */ { 0x041F, 0x8F }, /* cyrillic capital letter pe */ { 0x0420, 0x90 }, /* cyrillic capital letter er */ { 0x0421, 0x91 }, /* cyrillic capital letter es */ { 0x0422, 0x92 }, /* cyrillic capital letter te */ { 0x0423, 0x93 }, /* cyrillic capital letter u */ { 0x0424, 0x94 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ef */ { 0x0425, 0x95 }, /* cyrillic capital letter ha */ { 0x0426, 0x96 }, /* cyrillic capital letter tse */ { 0x0427, 0x97 }, /* cyrillic capital letter che */ { 0x0428, 0x98 }, /* cyrillic capital letter sha */ { 0x0429, 0x99 }, /* cyrillic capital letter shcha */ { 0x042A, 0x9A }, /* cyrillic capital letter hard sign */ { 0x042B, 0x9B }, /* cyrillic capital letter yeru */ { 0x042C, 0x9C }, /* cyrillic capital letter soft sign */ { 0x042D, 0x9D }, /* cyrillic capital letter e */ { 0x042E, 0x9E }, /* cyrillic capital letter yu */ { 0x042F, 0x9F }, /* cyrillic capital letter ya */ { 0x0430, 0xA0 }, /* cyrillic small letter a */ { 0x0431, 0xA1 }, /* cyrillic small letter be */ { 0x0432, 0xA2 }, /* cyrillic small letter ve */ { 0x0433, 0xA3 }, /* cyrillic small letter ghe */ { 0x0434, 0xA4 }, /* cyrillic small letter de */ { 0x0435, 0xA5 }, /* cyrillic small letter ie */ { 0x0436, 0xA6 }, /* cyrillic small letter zhe */ { 0x0437, 0xA7 }, /* cyrillic small letter ze */ { 0x0438, 0xA8 }, /* cyrillic small letter i */ { 0x0439, 0xA9 }, /* cyrillic small letter short i */ { 0x043A, 0xAA }, /* cyrillic small letter ka */ { 0x043B, 0xAB }, /* cyrillic small letter el */ { 0x043C, 0xAC }, /* cyrillic small letter em */ { 0x043D, 0xAD }, /* cyrillic small letter en */ { 0x043E, 0xAE }, /* cyrillic small letter o */ { 0x043F, 0xAF }, /* cyrillic small letter pe */ { 0x0440, 0xE0 }, /* cyrillic small letter er */ { 0x0441, 0xE1 }, /* cyrillic small letter es */ { 0x0442, 0xE2 }, /* cyrillic small letter te */ { 0x0443, 0xE3 }, /* cyrillic small letter u */ { 0x0444, 0xE4 }, /* cyrillic small letter ef */ { 0x0445, 0xE5 }, /* cyrillic small letter ha */ { 0x0446, 0xE6 }, /* cyrillic small letter tse */ { 0x0447, 0xE7 }, /* cyrillic small letter che */ { 0x0448, 0xE8 }, /* cyrillic small letter sha */ { 0x0449, 0xE9 }, /* cyrillic small letter shcha */ { 0x044A, 0xEA }, /* cyrillic small letter hard sign */ { 0x044B, 0xEB }, /* cyrillic small letter yeru */ { 0x044C, 0xEC }, /* cyrillic small letter soft sign */ { 0x044D, 0xED }, /* cyrillic small letter e */ { 0x044E, 0xEE }, /* cyrillic small letter yu */ { 0x044F, 0xEF }, /* cyrillic small letter ya */ { 0x0451, 0xF1 }, /* cyrillic small letter io */ { 0x0454, 0xF3 }, /* cyrillic small letter ukrainian ie */ { 0x0457, 0xF5 }, /* cyrillic small letter yi */ { 0x045E, 0xF7 }, /* cyrillic small letter short u */ { 0x2116, 0xFC }, /* numero sign */ { 0x2219, 0xF9 }, /* bullet operator */ { 0x221A, 0xFB }, /* square root */ { 0x2500, 0xC4 }, /* box drawings light horizontal */ { 0x2502, 0xB3 }, /* box drawings light vertical */ { 0x250C, 0xDA }, /* box drawings light down and right */ { 0x2510, 0xBF }, /* box drawings light down and left */ { 0x2514, 0xC0 }, /* box drawings light up and right */ { 0x2518, 0xD9 }, /* box drawings light up and left */ { 0x251C, 0xC3 }, /* box drawings light vertical and right */ { 0x2524, 0xB4 }, /* box drawings light vertical and left */ { 0x252C, 0xC2 }, /* box drawings light down and horizontal */ { 0x2534, 0xC1 }, /* box drawings light up and horizontal */ { 0x253C, 0xC5 }, /* box drawings light vertical and horizontal */ { 0x2550, 0xCD }, /* box drawings double horizontal */ { 0x2551, 0xBA }, /* box drawings double vertical */ { 0x2552, 0xD5 }, /* box drawings down single and right double */ { 0x2553, 0xD6 }, /* box drawings down double and right single */ { 0x2554, 0xC9 }, /* box drawings double down and right */ { 0x2555, 0xB8 }, /* box drawings down single and left double */ { 0x2556, 0xB7 }, /* box drawings down double and left single */ { 0x2557, 0xBB }, /* box drawings double down and left */ { 0x2558, 0xD4 }, /* box drawings up single and right double */ { 0x2559, 0xD3 }, /* box drawings up double and right single */ { 0x255A, 0xC8 }, /* box drawings double up and right */ { 0x255B, 0xBE }, /* box drawings up single and left double */ { 0x255C, 0xBD }, /* box drawings up double and left single */ { 0x255D, 0xBC }, /* box drawings double up and left */ { 0x255E, 0xC6 }, /* box drawings vertical single and right double */ { 0x255F, 0xC7 }, /* box drawings vertical double and right single */ { 0x2560, 0xCC }, /* box drawings double vertical and right */ { 0x2561, 0xB5 }, /* box drawings vertical single and left double */ { 0x2562, 0xB6 }, /* box drawings vertical double and left single */ { 0x2563, 0xB9 }, /* box drawings double vertical and left */ { 0x2564, 0xD1 }, /* box drawings down single and horizontal double */ { 0x2565, 0xD2 }, /* box drawings down double and horizontal single */ { 0x2566, 0xCB }, /* box drawings double down and horizontal */ { 0x2567, 0xCF }, /* box drawings up single and horizontal double */ { 0x2568, 0xD0 }, /* box drawings up double and horizontal single */ { 0x2569, 0xCA }, /* box drawings double up and horizontal */ { 0x256A, 0xD8 }, /* box drawings vertical single and horizontal double */ { 0x256B, 0xD7 }, /* box drawings vertical double and horizontal single */ { 0x256C, 0xCE }, /* box drawings double vertical and horizontal */ { 0x2580, 0xDF }, /* upper half block */ { 0x2584, 0xDC }, /* lower half block */ { 0x2588, 0xDB }, /* full block */ { 0x258C, 0xDD }, /* left half block */ { 0x2590, 0xDE }, /* right half block */ { 0x2591, 0xB0 }, /* light shade */ { 0x2592, 0xB1 }, /* medium shade */ { 0x2593, 0xB2 }, /* dark shade */ { 0x25A0, 0xFE }, /* black square */ }; /* {{{ end of mappings *from* Unicode for CP-866 */ /* {{{ Mappings *from* Unicode for MacRoman */ static const uni_to_enc unimap_macroman[] = { { 0x00A0, 0xCA }, /* no-break space */ { 0x00A1, 0xC1 }, /* inverted exclamation mark */ { 0x00A2, 0xA2 }, /* cent sign */ { 0x00A3, 0xA3 }, /* pound sign */ { 0x00A5, 0xB4 }, /* yen sign */ { 0x00A7, 0xA4 }, /* section sign */ { 0x00A8, 0xAC }, /* diaeresis */ { 0x00A9, 0xA9 }, /* copyright sign */ { 0x00AA, 0xBB }, /* feminine ordinal indicator */ { 0x00AB, 0xC7 }, /* left-pointing double angle quotation mark */ { 0x00AC, 0xC2 }, /* not sign */ { 0x00AE, 0xA8 }, /* registered sign */ { 0x00AF, 0xF8 }, /* macron */ { 0x00B0, 0xA1 }, /* degree sign */ { 0x00B1, 0xB1 }, /* plus-minus sign */ { 0x00B4, 0xAB }, /* acute accent */ { 0x00B5, 0xB5 }, /* micro sign */ { 0x00B6, 0xA6 }, /* pilcrow sign */ { 0x00B7, 0xE1 }, /* middle dot */ { 0x00B8, 0xFC }, /* cedilla */ { 0x00BA, 0xBC }, /* masculine ordinal indicator */ { 0x00BB, 0xC8 }, /* right-pointing double angle quotation mark */ { 0x00BF, 0xC0 }, /* inverted question mark */ { 0x00C0, 0xCB }, /* latin capital letter a with grave */ { 0x00C1, 0xE7 }, /* latin capital letter a with acute */ { 0x00C2, 0xE5 }, /* latin capital letter a with circumflex */ { 0x00C3, 0xCC }, /* latin capital letter a with tilde */ { 0x00C4, 0x80 }, /* latin capital letter a with diaeresis */ { 0x00C5, 0x81 }, /* latin capital letter a with ring above */ { 0x00C6, 0xAE }, /* latin capital letter ae */ { 0x00C7, 0x82 }, /* latin capital letter c with cedilla */ { 0x00C8, 0xE9 }, /* latin capital letter e with grave */ { 0x00C9, 0x83 }, /* latin capital letter e with acute */ { 0x00CA, 0xE6 }, /* latin capital letter e with circumflex */ { 0x00CB, 0xE8 }, /* latin capital letter e with diaeresis */ { 0x00CC, 0xED }, /* latin capital letter i with grave */ { 0x00CD, 0xEA }, /* latin capital letter i with acute */ { 0x00CE, 0xEB }, /* latin capital letter i with circumflex */ { 0x00CF, 0xEC }, /* latin capital letter i with diaeresis */ { 0x00D1, 0x84 }, /* latin capital letter n with tilde */ { 0x00D2, 0xF1 }, /* latin capital letter o with grave */ { 0x00D3, 0xEE }, /* latin capital letter o with acute */ { 0x00D4, 0xEF }, /* latin capital letter o with circumflex */ { 0x00D5, 0xCD }, /* latin capital letter o with tilde */ { 0x00D6, 0x85 }, /* latin capital letter o with diaeresis */ { 0x00D8, 0xAF }, /* latin capital letter o with stroke */ { 0x00D9, 0xF4 }, /* latin capital letter u with grave */ { 0x00DA, 0xF2 }, /* latin capital letter u with acute */ { 0x00DB, 0xF3 }, /* latin capital letter u with circumflex */ { 0x00DC, 0x86 }, /* latin capital letter u with diaeresis */ { 0x00DF, 0xA7 }, /* latin small letter sharp s */ { 0x00E0, 0x88 }, /* latin small letter a with grave */ { 0x00E1, 0x87 }, /* latin small letter a with acute */ { 0x00E2, 0x89 }, /* latin small letter a with circumflex */ { 0x00E3, 0x8B }, /* latin small letter a with tilde */ { 0x00E4, 0x8A }, /* latin small letter a with diaeresis */ { 0x00E5, 0x8C }, /* latin small letter a with ring above */ { 0x00E6, 0xBE }, /* latin small letter ae */ { 0x00E7, 0x8D }, /* latin small letter c with cedilla */ { 0x00E8, 0x8F }, /* latin small letter e with grave */ { 0x00E9, 0x8E }, /* latin small letter e with acute */ { 0x00EA, 0x90 }, /* latin small letter e with circumflex */ { 0x00EB, 0x91 }, /* latin small letter e with diaeresis */ { 0x00EC, 0x93 }, /* latin small letter i with grave */ { 0x00ED, 0x92 }, /* latin small letter i with acute */ { 0x00EE, 0x94 }, /* latin small letter i with circumflex */ { 0x00EF, 0x95 }, /* latin small letter i with diaeresis */ { 0x00F1, 0x96 }, /* latin small letter n with tilde */ { 0x00F2, 0x98 }, /* latin small letter o with grave */ { 0x00F3, 0x97 }, /* latin small letter o with acute */ { 0x00F4, 0x99 }, /* latin small letter o with circumflex */ { 0x00F5, 0x9B }, /* latin small letter o with tilde */ { 0x00F6, 0x9A }, /* latin small letter o with diaeresis */ { 0x00F7, 0xD6 }, /* division sign */ { 0x00F8, 0xBF }, /* latin small letter o with stroke */ { 0x00F9, 0x9D }, /* latin small letter u with grave */ { 0x00FA, 0x9C }, /* latin small letter u with acute */ { 0x00FB, 0x9E }, /* latin small letter u with circumflex */ { 0x00FC, 0x9F }, /* latin small letter u with diaeresis */ { 0x00FF, 0xD8 }, /* latin small letter y with diaeresis */ { 0x0131, 0xF5 }, /* latin small letter dotless i */ { 0x0152, 0xCE }, /* latin capital ligature oe */ { 0x0153, 0xCF }, /* latin small ligature oe */ { 0x0178, 0xD9 }, /* latin capital letter y with diaeresis */ { 0x0192, 0xC4 }, /* latin small letter f with hook */ { 0x02C6, 0xF6 }, /* modifier letter circumflex accent */ { 0x02C7, 0xFF }, /* caron */ { 0x02D8, 0xF9 }, /* breve */ { 0x02D9, 0xFA }, /* dot above */ { 0x02DA, 0xFB }, /* ring above */ { 0x02DB, 0xFE }, /* ogonek */ { 0x02DC, 0xF7 }, /* small tilde */ { 0x02DD, 0xFD }, /* double acute accent */ { 0x03A9, 0xBD }, /* greek capital letter omega */ { 0x03C0, 0xB9 }, /* greek small letter pi */ { 0x2013, 0xD0 }, /* en dash */ { 0x2014, 0xD1 }, /* em dash */ { 0x2018, 0xD4 }, /* left single quotation mark */ { 0x2019, 0xD5 }, /* right single quotation mark */ { 0x201A, 0xE2 }, /* single low-9 quotation mark */ { 0x201C, 0xD2 }, /* left double quotation mark */ { 0x201D, 0xD3 }, /* right double quotation mark */ { 0x201E, 0xE3 }, /* double low-9 quotation mark */ { 0x2020, 0xA0 }, /* dagger */ { 0x2021, 0xE0 }, /* double dagger */ { 0x2022, 0xA5 }, /* bullet */ { 0x2026, 0xC9 }, /* horizontal ellipsis */ { 0x2030, 0xE4 }, /* per mille sign */ { 0x2039, 0xDC }, /* single left-pointing angle quotation mark */ { 0x203A, 0xDD }, /* single right-pointing angle quotation mark */ { 0x2044, 0xDA }, /* fraction slash */ { 0x20AC, 0xDB }, /* euro sign */ { 0x2122, 0xAA }, /* trade mark sign */ { 0x2202, 0xB6 }, /* partial differential */ { 0x2206, 0xC6 }, /* increment */ { 0x220F, 0xB8 }, /* n-ary product */ { 0x2211, 0xB7 }, /* n-ary summation */ { 0x221A, 0xC3 }, /* square root */ { 0x221E, 0xB0 }, /* infinity */ { 0x222B, 0xBA }, /* integral */ { 0x2248, 0xC5 }, /* almost equal to */ { 0x2260, 0xAD }, /* not equal to */ { 0x2264, 0xB2 }, /* less-than or equal to */ { 0x2265, 0xB3 }, /* greater-than or equal to */ { 0x25CA, 0xD7 }, /* lozenge */ { 0xF8FF, 0xF0 }, /* apple logo */ { 0xFB01, 0xDE }, /* latin small ligature fi */ { 0xFB02, 0xDF }, /* latin small ligature fl */ }; /* {{{ end of mappings *from* Unicode for MacRoman */ /* HTML 5 has many more named entities. * Some of them map to two unicode code points, not one. * We're going to use a three-stage table (with an extra one for the entities * with two code points). */ #define ENT_STAGE1_INDEX(k) (((k) & 0xFFF000) >> 12) /* > 1D, we have no mapping */ #define ENT_STAGE2_INDEX(k) (((k) & 0xFC0) >> 6) #define ENT_STAGE3_INDEX(k) ((k) & 0x3F) #define ENT_CODE_POINT_FROM_STAGES(i,j,k) (((i) << 12) | ((j) << 6) | (k)) /* The default entity may be NULL. Binary search is still possible while is senseless as there are just two rows (see also find_entity_for_char()). */ typedef union { struct { const char *default_entity; unsigned size; /* number of remaining entries in the table */ unsigned short default_entity_len; } leading_entry; struct { const char *entity; unsigned second_cp; /* second code point */ unsigned short entity_len; } normal_entry; } entity_multicodepoint_row; /* blocks of these should start at code points k where k % 0xFC0 == 0 */ typedef struct { char ambiguous; /* if 0 look into entity */ union { struct { const char *entity; /* may be NULL */ unsigned short entity_len; } ent; const entity_multicodepoint_row *multicodepoint_table; } data; } entity_stage3_row; /* Calculate k & 0x3F Use as offset */ typedef const entity_stage3_row *entity_stage2_row; /* 64 elements */ /* Calculate k & 0xFC0 >> 6. Use as offset */ typedef const entity_stage3_row *const *entity_stage1_row; /* 64 elements */ /* For stage 1, Calculate k & 0xFFF000 >> 3*4. * If larger than 1D, we have no mapping. Otherwise lookup that index */ typedef struct { const entity_stage1_row *ms_table; /* for tables with only basic entities, this member is to be accessed * directly for better performance: */ const entity_stage3_row *table; } entity_table_opt; /* Replaced "GT" > "gt" and "QUOT" > "quot" for consistency's sake. */ /* {{{ Start of HTML5 multi-stage table for codepoint -> entity */ /* {{{ Start of double code point tables for HTML5 */ static const entity_multicodepoint_row multi_cp_html5_0003C[] = { { {"lt", 01, 2} }, { {"nvlt", 0x020D2, 4} }, }; static const entity_multicodepoint_row multi_cp_html5_0003D[] = { { {"equals", 01, 6} }, { {"bne", 0x020E5, 3} }, }; static const entity_multicodepoint_row multi_cp_html5_0003E[] = { { {"gt", 01, 2} }, { {"nvgt", 0x020D2, 4} }, }; static const entity_multicodepoint_row multi_cp_html5_00066[] = { { {NULL, 01, 0} }, { {"fjlig", 0x0006A, 5} }, }; static const entity_multicodepoint_row multi_cp_html5_0205F[] = { { {"MediumSpace", 01, 11} }, { 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{ {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"lmoust", 6} } }, {0, { {"rmoust", 6} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"OverBracket", 11} } }, {0, { {"bbrk", 4} } }, {0, { {"bbrktbrk", 8} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, }; static const entity_stage3_row stage3_table_html5_023C0[] = { {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { 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}, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"tridot", 6} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"bigcirc", 7} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"ultri", 5} } }, {0, { {"urtri", 5} } }, {0, { {"lltri", 5} } }, {0, { {"EmptySmallSquare", 16} } }, {0, { {"FilledSmallSquare", 17} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, }; static const entity_stage3_row stage3_table_html5_02600[] = { {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"starf", 5} } }, {0, { {"star", 4} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } 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{ {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, }; static const entity_stage3_row stage3_table_html4_02080[] = { {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"euro", 4} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { 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{0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"quot", 4} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"amp", 3} } }, {0, { {"#039", 4} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"lt", 2} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"gt", 2} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, }; /* {{{ Basic entities (no apos) hash table for entity -> codepoint */ static const entity_cp_map ht_bucket_be_noapos_000[] = { {"gt", 2, 0x0003E, 0}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; static const entity_cp_map ht_bucket_be_noapos_003[] = { {"amp", 3, 0x00026, 0}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; static const entity_cp_map ht_bucket_be_noapos_004[] = { {"#039", 4, 0x00027, 0}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; static const entity_cp_map ht_bucket_be_noapos_005[] = { {"lt", 2, 0x0003C, 0}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; static const entity_cp_map ht_bucket_be_noapos_00E[] = { {"quot", 4, 0x00022, 0}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; static const entity_cp_map *const ht_buckets_be_noapos[] = { ht_bucket_be_noapos_000, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_be_noapos_003, ht_bucket_be_noapos_004, ht_bucket_be_noapos_005, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_be_noapos_00E, ht_bucket_empty, }; static const entity_ht ent_ht_be_noapos = { 0x10, ht_buckets_be_noapos }; /* end of Basic entities (no apos) hash table for entity -> codepoint }}} */ /* {{{ Start of Basic entities (with apos) table for codepoint -> entity */ static const entity_stage3_row stage3_table_be_apos_00000[] = { {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"quot", 4} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"amp", 3} } }, {0, { {"apos", 4} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"lt", 2} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, {0, { {"gt", 2} } }, {0, { {NULL, 0} } }, }; /* {{{ Basic entities (with apos) hash table for entity -> codepoint */ static const entity_cp_map ht_bucket_be_apos_000[] = { {"gt", 2, 0x0003E, 0}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; static const entity_cp_map ht_bucket_be_apos_003[] = { {"amp", 3, 0x00026, 0}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; static const entity_cp_map ht_bucket_be_apos_005[] = { {"lt", 2, 0x0003C, 0}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; static const entity_cp_map ht_bucket_be_apos_008[] = { {"apos", 4, 0x00027, 0}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; static const entity_cp_map ht_bucket_be_apos_00E[] = { {"quot", 4, 0x00022, 0}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; static const entity_cp_map *const ht_buckets_be_apos[] = { ht_bucket_be_apos_000, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_be_apos_003, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_be_apos_005, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_be_apos_008, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_empty, ht_bucket_be_apos_00E, ht_bucket_empty, }; static const entity_ht ent_ht_be_apos = { 0x10, ht_buckets_be_apos }; /* end of Basic entities (with apos) hash table for entity -> codepoint }}} */ #endif /* HTML_TABLES_H */ PK!jjstandard/head.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Rasmus Lerdorf | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef HEAD_H #define HEAD_H #define COOKIE_EXPIRES "; expires=" #define COOKIE_MAX_AGE "; Max-Age=" #define COOKIE_DOMAIN "; domain=" #define COOKIE_PATH "; path=" #define COOKIE_SECURE "; secure" #define COOKIE_HTTPONLY "; HttpOnly" #define COOKIE_SAMESITE "; SameSite=" extern PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(head); PHP_FUNCTION(header); PHP_FUNCTION(header_remove); PHP_FUNCTION(setcookie); PHP_FUNCTION(setrawcookie); PHP_FUNCTION(headers_sent); PHP_FUNCTION(headers_list); PHP_FUNCTION(http_response_code); PHPAPI int php_header(void); PHPAPI int php_setcookie(zend_string *name, zend_string *value, time_t expires, zend_string *path, zend_string *domain, int secure, int httponly, zend_string *samesite, int url_encode); #endif PK!MDɓ standard/url.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Jim Winstead | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef URL_H #define URL_H typedef struct php_url { zend_string *scheme; zend_string *user; zend_string *pass; zend_string *host; unsigned short port; zend_string *path; zend_string *query; zend_string *fragment; } php_url; PHPAPI void php_url_free(php_url *theurl); PHPAPI php_url *php_url_parse(char const *str); PHPAPI php_url *php_url_parse_ex(char const *str, size_t length); PHPAPI php_url *php_url_parse_ex2(char const *str, size_t length, zend_bool *has_port); PHPAPI size_t php_url_decode(char *str, size_t len); /* return value: length of decoded string */ PHPAPI size_t php_raw_url_decode(char *str, size_t len); /* return value: length of decoded string */ PHPAPI zend_string *php_url_encode(char const *s, size_t len); PHPAPI zend_string *php_raw_url_encode(char const *s, size_t len); PHPAPI char *php_replace_controlchars_ex(char *str, size_t len); PHP_FUNCTION(parse_url); PHP_FUNCTION(urlencode); PHP_FUNCTION(urldecode); PHP_FUNCTION(rawurlencode); PHP_FUNCTION(rawurldecode); PHP_FUNCTION(get_headers); #define PHP_URL_SCHEME 0 #define PHP_URL_HOST 1 #define PHP_URL_PORT 2 #define PHP_URL_USER 3 #define PHP_URL_PASS 4 #define PHP_URL_PATH 5 #define PHP_URL_QUERY 6 #define PHP_URL_FRAGMENT 7 #define PHP_QUERY_RFC1738 1 #define PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 2 #endif /* URL_H */ PK!LMstandard/php_mt_rand.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Rasmus Lerdorf | | Zeev Suraski | | Pedro Melo | | Sterling Hughes | | | | Based on code from: Shawn Cokus | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_MT_RAND_H #define PHP_MT_RAND_H #include "php_lcg.h" #include "php_rand.h" #define PHP_MT_RAND_MAX ((zend_long) (0x7FFFFFFF)) /* (1<<31) - 1 */ #define MT_RAND_MT19937 0 #define MT_RAND_PHP 1 PHPAPI void php_mt_srand(uint32_t seed); PHPAPI uint32_t php_mt_rand(void); PHPAPI zend_long php_mt_rand_range(zend_long min, zend_long max); PHPAPI zend_long php_mt_rand_common(zend_long min, zend_long max); PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(mt_rand); #endif /* PHP_MT_RAND_H */ PK!Rbstandard/quot_print.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Kirill Maximov ( | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef QUOT_PRINT_H #define QUOT_PRINT_H PHPAPI zend_string *php_quot_print_decode(const unsigned char *str, size_t length, int replace_us_by_ws); PHPAPI zend_string *php_quot_print_encode(const unsigned char *str, size_t length); PHP_FUNCTION(quoted_printable_decode); PHP_FUNCTION(quoted_printable_encode); #endif /* QUOT_PRINT_H */ PK![kstandard/php_standard.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include "basic_functions.h" #include "php_math.h" #include "php_string.h" #include "base64.h" #include "php_dir.h" #include "php_dns.h" #include "php_mail.h" #include "md5.h" #include "sha1.h" #include "hrtime.h" #include "html.h" #include "exec.h" #include "file.h" #include "php_ext_syslog.h" #include "php_filestat.h" #include "php_browscap.h" #include "pack.h" #include "datetime.h" #include "microtime.h" #include "url.h" #include "pageinfo.h" #include "cyr_convert.h" #include "php_link.h" #include "fsock.h" #include "php_image.h" #include "php_iptc.h" #include "info.h" #include "uniqid.h" #include "php_var.h" #include "quot_print.h" #include "dl.h" #include "php_crypt.h" #include "head.h" #include "php_lcg.h" #include "php_metaphone.h" #include "php_output.h" #include "php_array.h" #include "php_assert.h" #include "php_versioning.h" #include "php_ftok.h" #include "php_type.h" #include "php_password.h" #include "php_random.h" #include "php_version.h" #define PHP_STANDARD_VERSION PHP_VERSION #define phpext_standard_ptr basic_functions_module_ptr PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(standard_filters); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(standard_filters); PK!̿standard/php_math.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Jim Winstead | | Stig Sæther Bakken | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_MATH_H #define PHP_MATH_H PHPAPI double _php_math_round(double, int, int); PHPAPI zend_string *_php_math_number_format(double, int, char, char); PHPAPI zend_string *_php_math_number_format_ex(double, int, char *, size_t, char *, size_t); PHPAPI zend_string * _php_math_longtobase(zval *arg, int base); PHPAPI zend_long _php_math_basetolong(zval *arg, int base); PHPAPI int _php_math_basetozval(zval *arg, int base, zval *ret); PHPAPI zend_string * _php_math_zvaltobase(zval *arg, int base); PHP_FUNCTION(sin); PHP_FUNCTION(cos); PHP_FUNCTION(tan); PHP_FUNCTION(asin); PHP_FUNCTION(acos); PHP_FUNCTION(atan); PHP_FUNCTION(atan2); PHP_FUNCTION(pi); PHP_FUNCTION(exp); PHP_FUNCTION(log); PHP_FUNCTION(log10); PHP_FUNCTION(is_finite); PHP_FUNCTION(is_infinite); PHP_FUNCTION(is_nan); PHP_FUNCTION(pow); PHP_FUNCTION(sqrt); PHP_FUNCTION(rand); PHP_FUNCTION(mt_srand); PHP_FUNCTION(mt_rand); PHP_FUNCTION(mt_getrandmax); PHP_FUNCTION(abs); PHP_FUNCTION(ceil); PHP_FUNCTION(floor); PHP_FUNCTION(round); PHP_FUNCTION(decbin); PHP_FUNCTION(dechex); PHP_FUNCTION(decoct); PHP_FUNCTION(bindec); PHP_FUNCTION(hexdec); PHP_FUNCTION(octdec); PHP_FUNCTION(base_convert); PHP_FUNCTION(number_format); PHP_FUNCTION(fmod); PHP_FUNCTION(deg2rad); PHP_FUNCTION(rad2deg); PHP_FUNCTION(intdiv); /* WARNING: these functions are expermental: they could change their names or disappear in the next version of PHP! */ PHP_FUNCTION(hypot); PHP_FUNCTION(expm1); PHP_FUNCTION(log1p); PHP_FUNCTION(sinh); PHP_FUNCTION(cosh); PHP_FUNCTION(tanh); PHP_FUNCTION(asinh); PHP_FUNCTION(acosh); PHP_FUNCTION(atanh); #include #ifndef M_E #define M_E 2.7182818284590452354 /* e */ #endif #ifndef M_LOG2E #define M_LOG2E 1.4426950408889634074 /* log_2 e */ #endif #ifndef M_LOG10E #define M_LOG10E 0.43429448190325182765 /* log_10 e */ #endif #ifndef M_LN2 #define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 /* log_e 2 */ #endif #ifndef M_LN10 #define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402 /* log_e 10 */ #endif #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */ #endif #ifndef M_PI_2 #define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 /* pi/2 */ #endif #ifndef M_PI_4 #define M_PI_4 0.78539816339744830962 /* pi/4 */ #endif #ifndef M_1_PI #define M_1_PI 0.31830988618379067154 /* 1/pi */ #endif #ifndef M_2_PI #define M_2_PI 0.63661977236758134308 /* 2/pi */ #endif #ifndef M_SQRTPI #define M_SQRTPI 1.77245385090551602729 /* sqrt(pi) */ #endif #ifndef M_2_SQRTPI #define M_2_SQRTPI 1.12837916709551257390 /* 2/sqrt(pi) */ #endif #ifndef M_LNPI #define M_LNPI 1.14472988584940017414 /* ln(pi) */ #endif #ifndef M_EULER #define M_EULER 0.57721566490153286061 /* Euler constant */ #endif #ifndef M_SQRT2 #define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 /* sqrt(2) */ #endif #ifndef M_SQRT1_2 #define M_SQRT1_2 0.70710678118654752440 /* 1/sqrt(2) */ #endif #ifndef M_SQRT3 #define M_SQRT3 1.73205080756887729352 /* sqrt(3) */ #endif /* Define rounding modes (all are round-to-nearest) */ #ifndef PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP #define PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP 0x01 /* Arithmetic rounding, up == away from zero */ #endif #ifndef PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN #define PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN 0x02 /* Down == towards zero */ #endif #ifndef PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN #define PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN 0x03 /* Banker's rounding */ #endif #ifndef PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD #define PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD 0x04 #endif #endif /* PHP_MATH_H */ PK!Dstandard/pack.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Rasmus Lerdorf | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PACK_H #define PACK_H PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(pack); PHP_FUNCTION(pack); PHP_FUNCTION(unpack); #endif /* PACK_H */ PK!LPstandard/php_lcg.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sascha Schumann | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_LCG_H #define PHP_LCG_H #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" typedef struct { int32_t s1; int32_t s2; int seeded; } php_lcg_globals; PHPAPI double php_combined_lcg(void); PHP_FUNCTION(lcg_value); PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(lcg); #ifdef ZTS #define LCG(v) ZEND_TSRMG(lcg_globals_id, php_lcg_globals *, v) #else #define LCG(v) (lcg_globals.v) #endif #endif PK!.F Fstandard/fsock.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Paul Panotzki - Bunyip Information Systems | | Jim Winstead | | Wez Furlong | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef FSOCK_H #define FSOCK_H #include "file.h" #include "php_network.h" PHP_FUNCTION(fsockopen); PHP_FUNCTION(pfsockopen); #endif /* FSOCK_H */ PK!X8standard/crypt_freesec.hnu[#ifndef _CRYPT_FREESEC_H #define _CRYPT_FREESEC_H #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # ifndef inline # define inline __inline # endif #endif #include "php_stdint.h" #define MD5_HASH_MAX_LEN 120 struct php_crypt_extended_data { int initialized; uint32_t saltbits; uint32_t old_salt; uint32_t en_keysl[16], en_keysr[16]; uint32_t de_keysl[16], de_keysr[16]; uint32_t old_rawkey0, old_rawkey1; char output[21]; }; /* * _crypt_extended_init() must be called explicitly before first use of * _crypt_extended_r(). */ void _crypt_extended_init(void); char *_crypt_extended_r(const unsigned char *key, const char *setting, struct php_crypt_extended_data *data); #endif PK!7^^standard/datetime.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andi Gutmans | | Zeev Suraski | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef DATETIME_H #define DATETIME_H #if HAVE_STRPTIME PHP_FUNCTION(strptime); #endif PHPAPI char *php_std_date(time_t t); #endif /* DATETIME_H */ PK!E/(("standard/php_smart_string_public.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sascha Schumann | | Xinchen Hui | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* Header moved to Zend. This file is retained for BC. */ #include "zend_smart_string_public.h" PK!r?t-oostandard/php_var.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Jani Lehtimäki | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_VAR_H #define PHP_VAR_H #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" #include "zend_smart_str_public.h" PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(var); PHP_FUNCTION(var_dump); PHP_FUNCTION(var_export); PHP_FUNCTION(debug_zval_dump); PHP_FUNCTION(serialize); PHP_FUNCTION(unserialize); PHP_FUNCTION(memory_get_usage); PHP_FUNCTION(memory_get_peak_usage); PHPAPI void php_var_dump(zval *struc, int level); PHPAPI void php_var_export(zval *struc, int level); PHPAPI void php_var_export_ex(zval *struc, int level, smart_str *buf); PHPAPI void php_debug_zval_dump(zval *struc, int level); typedef struct php_serialize_data *php_serialize_data_t; typedef struct php_unserialize_data *php_unserialize_data_t; PHPAPI void php_var_serialize(smart_str *buf, zval *struc, php_serialize_data_t *data); PHPAPI int php_var_unserialize(zval *rval, const unsigned char **p, const unsigned char *max, php_unserialize_data_t *var_hash); PHPAPI int php_var_unserialize_ref(zval *rval, const unsigned char **p, const unsigned char *max, php_unserialize_data_t *var_hash); PHPAPI int php_var_unserialize_intern(zval *rval, const unsigned char **p, const unsigned char *max, php_unserialize_data_t *var_hash); PHPAPI php_serialize_data_t php_var_serialize_init(void); PHPAPI void php_var_serialize_destroy(php_serialize_data_t d); PHPAPI php_unserialize_data_t php_var_unserialize_init(void); PHPAPI void php_var_unserialize_destroy(php_unserialize_data_t d); PHPAPI HashTable *php_var_unserialize_get_allowed_classes(php_unserialize_data_t d); PHPAPI void php_var_unserialize_set_allowed_classes(php_unserialize_data_t d, HashTable *classes); PHPAPI void php_var_unserialize_set_max_depth(php_unserialize_data_t d, zend_long max_depth); PHPAPI zend_long php_var_unserialize_get_max_depth(php_unserialize_data_t d); PHPAPI void php_var_unserialize_set_cur_depth(php_unserialize_data_t d, zend_long cur_depth); PHPAPI zend_long php_var_unserialize_get_cur_depth(php_unserialize_data_t d); #define PHP_VAR_SERIALIZE_INIT(d) \ (d) = php_var_serialize_init() #define PHP_VAR_SERIALIZE_DESTROY(d) \ php_var_serialize_destroy(d) #define PHP_VAR_UNSERIALIZE_INIT(d) \ (d) = php_var_unserialize_init() #define PHP_VAR_UNSERIALIZE_DESTROY(d) \ php_var_unserialize_destroy(d) PHPAPI void var_replace(php_unserialize_data_t *var_hash, zval *ozval, zval *nzval); PHPAPI void var_push_dtor(php_unserialize_data_t *var_hash, zval *val); PHPAPI zval *var_tmp_var(php_unserialize_data_t *var_hashx); PHPAPI void var_destroy(php_unserialize_data_t *var_hash); #endif /* PHP_VAR_H */ PK!standard/pageinfo.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Jim Winstead | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PAGEINFO_H #define PAGEINFO_H PHP_FUNCTION(getmyuid); PHP_FUNCTION(getmygid); PHP_FUNCTION(getmypid); PHP_FUNCTION(getmyinode); PHP_FUNCTION(getlastmod); PHPAPI void php_statpage(void); PHPAPI time_t php_getlastmod(void); extern zend_long php_getuid(void); extern zend_long php_getgid(void); #endif PK!ofZfZstandard/info.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Rasmus Lerdorf | | Zeev Suraski | | Colin Viebrock | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef INFO_H #define INFO_H #define PHP_ENTRY_NAME_COLOR "#ccf" #define PHP_CONTENTS_COLOR "#ccc" #define PHP_HEADER_COLOR "#99c" #define PHP_INFO_GENERAL (1<<0) #define PHP_INFO_CREDITS (1<<1) #define PHP_INFO_CONFIGURATION (1<<2) #define PHP_INFO_MODULES (1<<3) #define PHP_INFO_ENVIRONMENT (1<<4) #define PHP_INFO_VARIABLES (1<<5) #define PHP_INFO_LICENSE (1<<6) #define PHP_INFO_ALL 0xFFFFFFFF #ifndef HAVE_CREDITS_DEFS #define HAVE_CREDITS_DEFS #define PHP_CREDITS_GROUP (1<<0) #define PHP_CREDITS_GENERAL (1<<1) #define PHP_CREDITS_SAPI (1<<2) #define PHP_CREDITS_MODULES (1<<3) #define PHP_CREDITS_DOCS (1<<4) #define PHP_CREDITS_FULLPAGE (1<<5) #define PHP_CREDITS_QA (1<<6) #define PHP_CREDITS_WEB (1<<7) #define PHP_CREDITS_ALL 0xFFFFFFFF #endif /* HAVE_CREDITS_DEFS */ #define PHP_LOGO_DATA_URI "" #define PHP_EGG_LOGO_DATA_URI "" #define ZEND_LOGO_DATA_URI "" BEGIN_EXTERN_C() PHP_FUNCTION(phpversion); PHP_FUNCTION(phpinfo); PHP_FUNCTION(phpcredits); PHP_FUNCTION(php_sapi_name); PHP_FUNCTION(php_uname); PHP_FUNCTION(php_ini_scanned_files); PHP_FUNCTION(php_ini_loaded_file); PHPAPI zend_string *php_info_html_esc(char *string); PHPAPI void php_info_html_esc_write(char *string, int str_len); PHPAPI void php_print_info_htmlhead(void); PHPAPI void php_print_info(int flag); PHPAPI void php_print_style(void); PHPAPI void php_info_print_style(void); PHPAPI void php_info_print_table_colspan_header(int num_cols, char *header); PHPAPI void php_info_print_table_header(int num_cols, ...); PHPAPI void php_info_print_table_row(int num_cols, ...); PHPAPI void php_info_print_table_row_ex(int num_cols, const char *, ...); PHPAPI void php_info_print_table_start(void); PHPAPI void php_info_print_table_end(void); PHPAPI void php_info_print_box_start(int bg); PHPAPI void php_info_print_box_end(void); PHPAPI void php_info_print_hr(void); PHPAPI void php_info_print_module(zend_module_entry *module); PHPAPI zend_string *php_get_uname(char mode); void register_phpinfo_constants(INIT_FUNC_ARGS); END_EXTERN_C() #endif /* INFO_H */ PK!&standard/proc_open.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Wez Furlong | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifdef PHP_WIN32 typedef HANDLE php_file_descriptor_t; typedef DWORD php_process_id_t; #else typedef int php_file_descriptor_t; typedef pid_t php_process_id_t; #endif /* Environment block under win32 is a NUL terminated sequence of NUL terminated * name=value strings. * Under unix, it is an argv style array. * */ typedef struct _php_process_env { char *envp; #ifndef PHP_WIN32 char **envarray; #endif } php_process_env_t; struct php_process_handle { php_process_id_t child; #ifdef PHP_WIN32 HANDLE childHandle; #endif int npipes; zend_resource **pipes; char *command; int is_persistent; php_process_env_t env; }; PK!:standard/basic_functions.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andi Gutmans | | Zeev Suraski | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef BASIC_FUNCTIONS_H #define BASIC_FUNCTIONS_H #include #ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_H #include #endif #include "php_filestat.h" #include "zend_highlight.h" #include "url_scanner_ex.h" #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__clang__) #include #endif extern zend_module_entry basic_functions_module; #define basic_functions_module_ptr &basic_functions_module PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(basic); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(basic); PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(basic); PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(basic); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(basic); PHP_FUNCTION(constant); PHP_FUNCTION(sleep); PHP_FUNCTION(usleep); #if HAVE_NANOSLEEP PHP_FUNCTION(time_nanosleep); PHP_FUNCTION(time_sleep_until); #endif PHP_FUNCTION(flush); #ifdef HAVE_INET_NTOP PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(zif_inet_ntop); #endif #ifdef HAVE_INET_PTON PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_inet_pton); #endif PHP_FUNCTION(ip2long); PHP_FUNCTION(long2ip); /* system functions */ PHP_FUNCTION(getenv); PHP_FUNCTION(putenv); PHP_FUNCTION(getopt); PHP_FUNCTION(get_current_user); PHP_FUNCTION(set_time_limit); PHP_FUNCTION(header_register_callback); PHP_FUNCTION(get_cfg_var); PHP_FUNCTION(get_magic_quotes_runtime); PHP_FUNCTION(get_magic_quotes_gpc); PHP_FUNCTION(error_log); PHP_FUNCTION(error_get_last); PHP_FUNCTION(error_clear_last); PHP_FUNCTION(call_user_func); PHP_FUNCTION(call_user_func_array); PHP_FUNCTION(forward_static_call); PHP_FUNCTION(forward_static_call_array); PHP_FUNCTION(register_shutdown_function); PHP_FUNCTION(highlight_file); PHP_FUNCTION(highlight_string); PHP_FUNCTION(php_strip_whitespace); ZEND_API void php_get_highlight_struct(zend_syntax_highlighter_ini *syntax_highlighter_ini); PHP_FUNCTION(ini_get); PHP_FUNCTION(ini_get_all); PHP_FUNCTION(ini_set); PHP_FUNCTION(ini_restore); PHP_FUNCTION(get_include_path); PHP_FUNCTION(set_include_path); PHP_FUNCTION(restore_include_path); PHP_FUNCTION(print_r); PHP_FUNCTION(fprintf); PHP_FUNCTION(vfprintf); PHP_FUNCTION(connection_aborted); PHP_FUNCTION(connection_status); PHP_FUNCTION(ignore_user_abort); PHP_FUNCTION(getservbyname); PHP_FUNCTION(getservbyport); PHP_FUNCTION(getprotobyname); PHP_FUNCTION(getprotobynumber); PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_if_crc32); PHP_FUNCTION(register_tick_function); PHP_FUNCTION(unregister_tick_function); #ifdef HAVE_GETLOADAVG PHP_FUNCTION(sys_getloadavg); #endif PHP_FUNCTION(is_uploaded_file); PHP_FUNCTION(move_uploaded_file); PHP_FUNCTION(net_get_interfaces); /* From the INI parser */ PHP_FUNCTION(parse_ini_file); PHP_FUNCTION(parse_ini_string); #if ZEND_DEBUG PHP_FUNCTION(config_get_hash); #endif #if defined(PHP_WIN32) PHP_FUNCTION(sapi_windows_cp_set); PHP_FUNCTION(sapi_windows_cp_get); PHP_FUNCTION(sapi_windows_cp_is_utf8); PHP_FUNCTION(sapi_windows_cp_conv); PHP_FUNCTION(sapi_windows_set_ctrl_handler); PHP_FUNCTION(sapi_windows_generate_ctrl_event); #endif PHP_FUNCTION(str_rot13); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_get_filters); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_filter_register); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_bucket_make_writeable); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_bucket_prepend); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_bucket_append); PHP_FUNCTION(stream_bucket_new); PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(user_filters); PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(user_filters); PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(browscap); /* Left for BC (not binary safe!) */ PHPAPI int _php_error_log(int opt_err, char *message, char *opt, char *headers); PHPAPI int _php_error_log_ex(int opt_err, char *message, size_t message_len, char *opt, char *headers); PHPAPI int php_prefix_varname(zval *result, const zval *prefix, const char *var_name, size_t var_name_len, zend_bool add_underscore); #define MT_N (624) /* Deprecated type aliases -- use the standard types instead */ typedef uint32_t php_uint32; typedef int32_t php_int32; typedef struct _php_basic_globals { HashTable *user_shutdown_function_names; HashTable putenv_ht; zval strtok_zval; char *strtok_string; zend_string *locale_string; /* current LC_CTYPE locale (or NULL for 'C') */ zend_bool locale_changed; /* locale was changed and has to be restored */ char *strtok_last; char strtok_table[256]; zend_ulong strtok_len; char str_ebuf[40]; zend_fcall_info array_walk_fci; zend_fcall_info_cache array_walk_fci_cache; zend_fcall_info user_compare_fci; zend_fcall_info_cache user_compare_fci_cache; zend_llist *user_tick_functions; zval active_ini_file_section; /* pageinfo.c */ zend_long page_uid; zend_long page_gid; zend_long page_inode; time_t page_mtime; /* filestat.c && main/streams/streams.c */ char *CurrentStatFile, *CurrentLStatFile; php_stream_statbuf ssb, lssb; /* mt_rand.c */ uint32_t state[MT_N+1]; /* state vector + 1 extra to not violate ANSI C */ uint32_t *next; /* next random value is computed from here */ int left; /* can *next++ this many times before reloading */ zend_bool mt_rand_is_seeded; /* Whether mt_rand() has been seeded */ zend_long mt_rand_mode; /* syslog.c */ char *syslog_device; /* var.c */ zend_class_entry *incomplete_class; unsigned serialize_lock; /* whether to use the locally supplied var_hash instead (__sleep/__wakeup) */ struct { struct php_serialize_data *data; unsigned level; } serialize; struct { struct php_unserialize_data *data; unsigned level; } unserialize; /* */ url_adapt_state_ex_t url_adapt_session_ex; HashTable url_adapt_session_hosts_ht; url_adapt_state_ex_t url_adapt_output_ex; HashTable url_adapt_output_hosts_ht; #ifdef HAVE_MMAP void *mmap_file; size_t mmap_len; #endif HashTable *user_filter_map; /* file.c */ #if defined(_REENTRANT) && defined(HAVE_MBRLEN) && defined(HAVE_MBSTATE_T) mbstate_t mblen_state; #endif int umask; zend_long unserialize_max_depth; } php_basic_globals; #ifdef ZTS #define BG(v) ZEND_TSRMG(basic_globals_id, php_basic_globals *, v) PHPAPI extern int basic_globals_id; #else #define BG(v) (basic_globals.v) PHPAPI extern php_basic_globals basic_globals; #endif #if HAVE_PUTENV typedef struct { char *putenv_string; char *previous_value; char *key; size_t key_len; } putenv_entry; #endif PHPAPI double php_get_nan(void); PHPAPI double php_get_inf(void); typedef struct _php_shutdown_function_entry { zval *arguments; int arg_count; } php_shutdown_function_entry; PHPAPI extern zend_bool register_user_shutdown_function(char *function_name, size_t function_len, php_shutdown_function_entry *shutdown_function_entry); PHPAPI extern zend_bool remove_user_shutdown_function(char *function_name, size_t function_len); PHPAPI extern zend_bool append_user_shutdown_function(php_shutdown_function_entry shutdown_function_entry); PHPAPI void php_call_shutdown_functions(void); PHPAPI void php_free_shutdown_functions(void); #endif /* BASIC_FUNCTIONS_H */ PK!\Z !!standard/php_smart_string.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sascha Schumann | | Xinchen Hui | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* Header moved to Zend. This file is retained for BC. */ #include "zend_smart_string.h" PK! standard/hrtime.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Niklas Keller | | Author: Anatol Belski | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef HRTIME_H #define HRTIME_H #define PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_POSIX 0 #define PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_WINDOWS 0 #define PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_APPLE 0 #define PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_HPUX 0 #define PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_AIX 0 #if defined(_POSIX_TIMERS) && ((_POSIX_TIMERS > 0) || defined(__OpenBSD__)) && defined(_POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK) && defined(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) # undef PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_POSIX # define PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_POSIX 1 #elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) # undef PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_WINDOWS # define PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_WINDOWS 1 #elif defined(__APPLE__) # undef PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_APPLE # define PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_APPLE 1 #elif (defined(__hpux) || defined(hpux)) || ((defined(__sun__) || defined(__sun) || defined(sun)) && (defined(__SVR4) || defined(__svr4__))) # undef PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_HPUX # define PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_HPUX 1 #elif defined(_AIX) # undef PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_AIX # define PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_AIX 1 #endif #define HRTIME_AVAILABLE (PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_POSIX || PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_WINDOWS || PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_APPLE || PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_HPUX || PHP_HRTIME_PLATFORM_AIX) BEGIN_EXTERN_C() typedef uint64_t php_hrtime_t; PHPAPI php_hrtime_t php_hrtime_current(void); PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(hrtime); PHP_FUNCTION(hrtime); END_EXTERN_C() #endif /* HRTIME_H */ PK!$uOOstandard/php_link.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_LINK_H #define PHP_LINK_H #if defined(HAVE_SYMLINK) || defined(PHP_WIN32) PHP_FUNCTION(link); PHP_FUNCTION(readlink); PHP_FUNCTION(linkinfo); PHP_FUNCTION(symlink); #endif #endif /* PHP_LINK_H */ PK!)standard/php_dir.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Thies C. Arntzen | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_DIR_H #define PHP_DIR_H /* directory functions */ PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(dir); PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(dir); PHP_FUNCTION(opendir); PHP_FUNCTION(closedir); PHP_FUNCTION(chdir); #if defined(HAVE_CHROOT) && !defined(ZTS) && ENABLE_CHROOT_FUNC PHP_FUNCTION(chroot); #endif PHP_FUNCTION(getcwd); PHP_FUNCTION(rewinddir); PHP_NAMED_FUNCTION(php_if_readdir); PHP_FUNCTION(getdir); PHP_FUNCTION(glob); PHP_FUNCTION(scandir); #define PHP_SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING 0 #define PHP_SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING 1 #define PHP_SCANDIR_SORT_NONE 2 #endif /* PHP_DIR_H */ PK!nOstandard/php_incomplete_class.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sascha Schumann | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_INCOMPLETE_CLASS_H #define PHP_INCOMPLETE_CLASS_H #include "ext/standard/basic_functions.h" #define PHP_IC_ENTRY \ BG(incomplete_class) #define PHP_SET_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES(struc) \ /* OBJECTS_FIXME: Fix for new object model */ \ if (Z_OBJCE_P(struc) == BG(incomplete_class)) { \ class_name = php_lookup_class_name(struc); \ if (!class_name) { \ class_name = zend_string_init(INCOMPLETE_CLASS, sizeof(INCOMPLETE_CLASS) - 1, 0); \ } \ incomplete_class = 1; \ } else { \ class_name = zend_string_copy(Z_OBJCE_P(struc)->name); \ } #define PHP_CLEANUP_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES() \ zend_string_release_ex(class_name, 0) #define PHP_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES \ zend_string *class_name; \ zend_bool incomplete_class ZEND_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED = 0 #define INCOMPLETE_CLASS "__PHP_Incomplete_Class" #define MAGIC_MEMBER "__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif PHPAPI zend_class_entry *php_create_incomplete_class(void); PHPAPI zend_string *php_lookup_class_name(zval *object); PHPAPI void php_store_class_name(zval *object, const char *name, size_t len); #ifdef __cplusplus }; #endif #endif PK!Bwy y standard/php_image.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Rasmus Lerdorf | | Marcus Boerger | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_IMAGE_H #define PHP_IMAGE_H PHP_FUNCTION(getimagesize); PHP_FUNCTION(getimagesizefromstring); PHP_FUNCTION(image_type_to_mime_type); PHP_FUNCTION(image_type_to_extension); /* {{{ enum image_filetype This enum is used to have ext/standard/image.c and ext/exif/exif.c use the same constants for file types. */ typedef enum { IMAGE_FILETYPE_UNKNOWN=0, IMAGE_FILETYPE_GIF=1, IMAGE_FILETYPE_JPEG, IMAGE_FILETYPE_PNG, IMAGE_FILETYPE_SWF, IMAGE_FILETYPE_PSD, IMAGE_FILETYPE_BMP, IMAGE_FILETYPE_TIFF_II, /* intel */ IMAGE_FILETYPE_TIFF_MM, /* motorola */ IMAGE_FILETYPE_JPC, IMAGE_FILETYPE_JP2, IMAGE_FILETYPE_JPX, IMAGE_FILETYPE_JB2, IMAGE_FILETYPE_SWC, IMAGE_FILETYPE_IFF, IMAGE_FILETYPE_WBMP, /* IMAGE_FILETYPE_JPEG2000 is a userland alias for IMAGE_FILETYPE_JPC */ IMAGE_FILETYPE_XBM, IMAGE_FILETYPE_ICO, IMAGE_FILETYPE_WEBP, /* WHEN EXTENDING: PLEASE ALSO REGISTER IN image.c:PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(imagetypes) */ IMAGE_FILETYPE_COUNT } image_filetype; /* }}} */ PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(imagetypes); PHPAPI int php_getimagetype(php_stream *stream, char *filetype); PHPAPI char * php_image_type_to_mime_type(int image_type); #endif /* PHP_IMAGE_H */ PK!đ=mysqlnd/mysqlnd_plugin.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_PLUGIN_H #define MYSQLND_PLUGIN_H void mysqlnd_plugin_subsystem_init(void); void mysqlnd_plugin_subsystem_end(void); void mysqlnd_register_builtin_authentication_plugins(void); void mysqlnd_example_plugin_register(void); #endif /* MYSQLND_PLUGIN_H */ PK!7(NNmysqlnd/mysqlnd_auth.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_AUTH_H #define MYSQLND_AUTH_H enum_func_status mysqlnd_auth_handshake(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const char * const user, const char * const passwd, const size_t passwd_len, const char * const db, const size_t db_len, const MYSQLND_SESSION_OPTIONS * const session_options, const zend_ulong mysql_flags, const unsigned int server_charset_no, const zend_bool use_full_blown_auth_packet, const char * const auth_protocol, struct st_mysqlnd_authentication_plugin * auth_plugin, const zend_uchar * const orig_auth_plugin_data, const size_t orig_auth_plugin_data_len, const zend_uchar * const auth_plugin_data, const size_t auth_plugin_data_len, char ** switch_to_auth_protocol, size_t * const switch_to_auth_protocol_len, zend_uchar ** switch_to_auth_protocol_data, size_t * const switch_to_auth_protocol_data_len ); enum_func_status mysqlnd_auth_change_user(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const char * const user, const size_t user_len, const char * const passwd, const size_t passwd_len, const char * const db, const size_t db_len, const zend_bool silent, const zend_bool use_full_blown_auth_packet, const char * const auth_protocol, struct st_mysqlnd_authentication_plugin * auth_plugin, const zend_uchar * const orig_auth_plugin_data, const size_t orig_auth_plugin_data_len, const zend_uchar * auth_plugin_data, const size_t auth_plugin_data_len, char ** switch_to_auth_protocol, size_t * const switch_to_auth_protocol_len, zend_uchar ** switch_to_auth_protocol_data, size_t * const switch_to_auth_protocol_data_len ); enum_func_status mysqlnd_connect_run_authentication( MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const char * const user, const char * const passwd, const char * const db, const size_t db_len, const size_t passwd_len, const MYSQLND_STRING authentication_plugin_data, const char * const authentication_protocol, const unsigned int charset_no, const size_t server_capabilities, const MYSQLND_SESSION_OPTIONS * const session_options, const zend_ulong mysql_flags ); enum_func_status mysqlnd_run_authentication( MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const char * const user, const char * const passwd, const size_t passwd_len, const char * const db, const size_t db_len, const MYSQLND_STRING auth_plugin_data, const char * const auth_protocol, const unsigned int charset_no, const MYSQLND_SESSION_OPTIONS * const session_options, const zend_ulong mysql_flags, const zend_bool silent, const zend_bool is_change_user ); PHPAPI void php_mysqlnd_scramble(zend_uchar * const buffer, const zend_uchar * const scramble, const zend_uchar * const pass, const size_t pass_len); #endif /* MYSQLND_AUTH_H */ PK!!P'P'mysqlnd/mysqlnd_debug.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_DEBUG_H #define MYSQLND_DEBUG_H #include "mysqlnd_alloc.h" #include "zend_stack.h" struct st_mysqlnd_debug_methods { enum_func_status (*open)(MYSQLND_DEBUG * self, zend_bool reopen); void (*set_mode)(MYSQLND_DEBUG * self, const char * const mode); enum_func_status (*log)(MYSQLND_DEBUG * self, unsigned int line, const char * const file, unsigned int level, const char * type, const char *message); enum_func_status (*log_va)(MYSQLND_DEBUG * self, unsigned int line, const char * const file, unsigned int level, const char * type, const char *format, ...); zend_bool (*func_enter)(MYSQLND_DEBUG * self, unsigned int line, const char * const file, const char * const func_name, unsigned int func_name_len); enum_func_status (*func_leave)(MYSQLND_DEBUG * self, unsigned int line, const char * const file, uint64_t call_time); enum_func_status (*close)(MYSQLND_DEBUG * self); enum_func_status (*free_handle)(MYSQLND_DEBUG * self); }; struct st_mysqlnd_debug { php_stream *stream; unsigned int flags; unsigned int nest_level_limit; int pid; char * file_name; zend_stack call_stack; zend_stack call_time_stack; HashTable not_filtered_functions; HashTable function_profiles; struct st_mysqlnd_debug_methods *m; const char ** skip_functions; }; struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_trace_log { struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_header plugin_header; struct { MYSQLND_DEBUG * (*trace_instance_init)(const char * skip_functions[]); } methods; }; void mysqlnd_debug_trace_plugin_register(void); PHPAPI MYSQLND_DEBUG * mysqlnd_debug_init(const char * skip_functions[]); #define MYSQLND_DEBUG_DUMP_TIME 1 #define MYSQLND_DEBUG_DUMP_TRACE 2 #define MYSQLND_DEBUG_DUMP_PID 4 #define MYSQLND_DEBUG_DUMP_LINE 8 #define MYSQLND_DEBUG_DUMP_FILE 16 #define MYSQLND_DEBUG_DUMP_LEVEL 32 #define MYSQLND_DEBUG_APPEND 64 #define MYSQLND_DEBUG_FLUSH 128 #define MYSQLND_DEBUG_TRACE_MEMORY_CALLS 256 #define MYSQLND_DEBUG_PROFILE_CALLS 512 #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(PHP_WIN32) #ifdef PHP_WIN32 #include "win32/time.h" #else #include #endif #ifndef MYSQLND_PROFILING_DISABLED #define DBG_PROFILE_TIMEVAL_TO_DOUBLE(tp) ((tp.tv_sec * 1000000LL)+ tp.tv_usec) #define DBG_PROFILE_START_TIME() gettimeofday(&__dbg_prof_tp, NULL); __dbg_prof_start = DBG_PROFILE_TIMEVAL_TO_DOUBLE(__dbg_prof_tp); #define DBG_PROFILE_END_TIME(duration) gettimeofday(&__dbg_prof_tp, NULL); (duration) = (DBG_PROFILE_TIMEVAL_TO_DOUBLE(__dbg_prof_tp) - __dbg_prof_start); #else #define DBG_PROFILE_TIMEVAL_TO_DOUBLE(tp) #define DBG_PROFILE_START_TIME() #define DBG_PROFILE_END_TIME(duration) #endif #define DBG_INF_EX(dbg_obj, msg) do { if (dbg_skip_trace == FALSE && (dbg_obj)) (dbg_obj)->m->log((dbg_obj), __LINE__, __FILE__, -1, "info : ", (msg)); } while (0) #define DBG_ERR_EX(dbg_obj, msg) do { if (dbg_skip_trace == FALSE && (dbg_obj)) (dbg_obj)->m->log((dbg_obj), __LINE__, __FILE__, -1, "error: ", (msg)); } while (0) #define DBG_INF_FMT_EX(dbg_obj, ...) do { if (dbg_skip_trace == FALSE && (dbg_obj)) (dbg_obj)->m->log_va((dbg_obj), __LINE__, __FILE__, -1, "info : ", __VA_ARGS__); } while (0) #define DBG_ERR_FMT_EX(dbg_obj, ...) do { if (dbg_skip_trace == FALSE && (dbg_obj)) (dbg_obj)->m->log_va((dbg_obj), __LINE__, __FILE__, -1, "error: ", __VA_ARGS__); } while (0) #define DBG_BLOCK_ENTER_EX(dbg_obj, block_name) DBG_BLOCK_ENTER_EX2((dbg_obj), (MYSQLND_DEBUG *) NULL, (block_name)) #define DBG_BLOCK_LEAVE_EX(dbg_obj) DBG_BLOCK_LEAVE_EX2((dbg_obj), (MYSQLND_DEBUG *) NULL) #define DBG_BLOCK_ENTER_EX2(dbg_obj1, dbg_obj2, block_name) \ { \ DBG_ENTER_EX2((dbg_obj1), (dbg_obj2), (block_name)); #define DBG_BLOCK_LEAVE_EX2(dbg_obj1, dbg_obj2) \ DBG_LEAVE_EX2((dbg_obj1), (dbg_obj2), ;) \ } \ #define DBG_ENTER_EX(dbg_obj, func_name) DBG_ENTER_EX2((dbg_obj), (MYSQLND_DEBUG *) NULL, (func_name)) #define DBG_LEAVE_EX(dbg_obj, leave) DBG_LEAVE_EX2((dbg_obj), (MYSQLND_DEBUG *) NULL, leave) #define DBG_ENTER_EX2(dbg_obj1, dbg_obj2, func_name) \ struct timeval __dbg_prof_tp = {0}; \ uint64_t __dbg_prof_start = 0; /* initialization is needed */ \ zend_bool dbg_skip_trace = TRUE; \ ((void)__dbg_prof_start); \ if ((dbg_obj1)) { \ dbg_skip_trace = !(dbg_obj1)->m->func_enter((dbg_obj1), __LINE__, __FILE__, func_name, strlen(func_name)); \ } \ if ((dbg_obj2)) { \ dbg_skip_trace |= !(dbg_obj2)->m->func_enter((dbg_obj2), __LINE__, __FILE__, func_name, strlen(func_name)); \ } \ if (dbg_skip_trace) { \ /* EMPTY */ ; /* shut compiler's mouth */ \ } \ do { \ if (((dbg_obj1) && (dbg_obj1)->flags & MYSQLND_DEBUG_PROFILE_CALLS) || \ ((dbg_obj2) && (dbg_obj2)->flags & MYSQLND_DEBUG_PROFILE_CALLS)) \ { \ DBG_PROFILE_START_TIME(); \ } \ } while (0); #define DBG_LEAVE_EX2(dbg_obj1, dbg_obj2, leave) \ do {\ uint64_t this_call_duration = 0; \ if (((dbg_obj1) && (dbg_obj1)->flags & MYSQLND_DEBUG_PROFILE_CALLS) || \ ((dbg_obj2) && (dbg_obj2)->flags & MYSQLND_DEBUG_PROFILE_CALLS)) \ { \ DBG_PROFILE_END_TIME(this_call_duration); \ } \ if ((dbg_obj1)) { \ (dbg_obj1)->m->func_leave((dbg_obj1), __LINE__, __FILE__, this_call_duration); \ } \ if ((dbg_obj2)) { \ (dbg_obj2)->m->func_leave((dbg_obj2), __LINE__, __FILE__, this_call_duration); \ } \ leave \ } while (0); #define DBG_RETURN_EX(dbg_obj, value) DBG_LEAVE_EX((dbg_obj), return (value);) #define DBG_VOID_RETURN_EX(dbg_obj) DBG_LEAVE_EX((dbg_obj), return;) #define DBG_RETURN_EX2(dbg_obj1, dbg_obj2, value) DBG_LEAVE_EX2((dbg_obj1), (dbg_obj2), return (value);) #define DBG_VOID_RETURN_EX2(dbg_obj1, dbg_obj2) DBG_LEAVE_EX2((dbg_obj1), (dbg_obj2), return;) #else /* defined(__GNUC__) || defined(PHP_WIN32) */ static inline void DBG_INF_EX(MYSQLND_DEBUG * dbg_obj, const char * const msg) {} static inline void DBG_ERR_EX(MYSQLND_DEBUG * dbg_obj, const char * const msg) {} static inline void DBG_INF_FMT_EX(MYSQLND_DEBUG * dbg_obj, ...) {} static inline void DBG_ERR_FMT_EX(MYSQLND_DEBUG * dbg_obj, ...) {} static inline void DBG_ENTER_EX(MYSQLND_DEBUG * dbg_obj, const char * const func_name) {} #define DBG_BLOCK_ENTER(bname) { #define DBG_RETURN_EX(dbg_obj, value) return (value) #define DBG_VOID_RETURN_EX(dbg_obj) return #define DBG_BLOCK_LEAVE_EX(dbg_obj) } #endif #if MYSQLND_DBG_ENABLED == 1 #define DBG_INF(msg) DBG_INF_EX(MYSQLND_G(dbg), (msg)) #define DBG_ERR(msg) DBG_ERR_EX(MYSQLND_G(dbg), (msg)) #define DBG_INF_FMT(...) DBG_INF_FMT_EX(MYSQLND_G(dbg), __VA_ARGS__) #define DBG_ERR_FMT(...) DBG_ERR_FMT_EX(MYSQLND_G(dbg), __VA_ARGS__) #define DBG_ENTER(func_name) DBG_ENTER_EX(MYSQLND_G(dbg), (func_name)) #define DBG_BLOCK_ENTER(bname) DBG_BLOCK_ENTER_EX(MYSQLND_G(dbg), (bname)) #define DBG_RETURN(value) DBG_RETURN_EX(MYSQLND_G(dbg), (value)) #define DBG_VOID_RETURN DBG_VOID_RETURN_EX(MYSQLND_G(dbg)) #define DBG_BLOCK_LEAVE DBG_BLOCK_LEAVE_EX(MYSQLND_G(dbg)) #define TRACE_ALLOC_INF(msg) DBG_INF_EX(MYSQLND_G(trace_alloc), (msg)) #define TRACE_ALLOC_ERR(msg) DBG_ERR_EX(MYSQLND_G(trace_alloc), (msg)) #define TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT(...) DBG_INF_FMT_EX(MYSQLND_G(trace_alloc), __VA_ARGS__) #define TRACE_ALLOC_ERR_FMT(...) DBG_ERR_FMT_EX(MYSQLND_G(trace_alloc), __VA_ARGS__) #define TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(func_name) DBG_ENTER_EX2(MYSQLND_G(dbg), MYSQLND_G(trace_alloc), (func_name)) #define TRACE_ALLOC_BLOCK_ENTER(bname) DBG_BLOCK_ENTER_EX2(MYSQLND_G(dbg), MYSQLND_G(trace_alloc), (bname)) #define TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(value) DBG_RETURN_EX2(MYSQLND_G(dbg), MYSQLND_G(trace_alloc), (value)) #define TRACE_ALLOC_VOID_RETURN DBG_VOID_RETURN_EX2(MYSQLND_G(dbg), MYSQLND_G(trace_alloc)) #define TRACE_ALLOC_BLOCK_LEAVE DBG_BLOCK_LEAVE_EX2(MYSQLND_G(dbg), MYSQLND_G(trace_alloc)) #elif MYSQLND_DBG_ENABLED == 0 static inline void DBG_INF(const char * const msg) {} static inline void DBG_ERR(const char * const msg) {} static inline void DBG_INF_FMT(const char * const format, ...) {} static inline void DBG_ERR_FMT(const char * const format, ...) {} static inline void DBG_ENTER(const char * const func_name) {} #define DBG_BLOCK_ENTER(bname) { #define DBG_RETURN(value) return (value) #define DBG_VOID_RETURN return #define DBG_BLOCK_LEAVE } static inline void TRACE_ALLOC_INF(const char * const msg) {} static inline void TRACE_ALLOC_ERR(const char * const msg) {} static inline void TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT(const char * const format, ...) {} static inline void TRACE_ALLOC_ERR_FMT(const char * const format, ...) {} static inline void TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(const char * const func_name) {} #define TRACE_ALLOC_BLOCK_ENTER(bname) { #define TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(value) return (value) #define TRACE_ALLOC_VOID_RETURN return #define TRACE_ALLOC_BLOCK_LEAVE } #endif #endif /* MYSQLND_DEBUG_H */ PK!UCmysqlnd/mysqlnd_result_meta.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Johannes Schlüter | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_RESULT_META_H #define MYSQLND_RESULT_META_H PHPAPI MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * mysqlnd_result_meta_init(MYSQLND_RES * result, unsigned int field_count); PHPAPI struct st_mysqlnd_res_meta_methods * mysqlnd_result_metadata_get_methods(); PHPAPI void ** _mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_result_metadata_data(const MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * meta, unsigned int plugin_id); #endif /* MYSQLND_RESULT_META_H */ PK! mysqlnd/mysqlnd_ext_plugin.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Johannes Schlüter | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_EXT_PLUGIN_H #define MYSQLND_EXT_PLUGIN_H struct st_mysqlnd_plugin__plugin_area_getters { void ** (*get_connection_area)(const MYSQLND * conn, const unsigned int plugin_id); void ** (*get_connection_data_area)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const unsigned int plugin_id); void ** (*get_result_area)(const MYSQLND_RES * result, const unsigned int plugin_id); void ** (*get_unbuffered_area)(const MYSQLND_RES_UNBUFFERED * result, const unsigned int plugin_id); void ** (*get_result_buffered_area)(const MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED_ZVAL * result, const unsigned int plugin_id); void ** (*get_result_buffered_aread_c)(const MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED_C * result, const unsigned int plugin_id); void ** (*get_stmt_area)(const MYSQLND_STMT * stmt, const unsigned int plugin_id); void ** (*get_protocol_decoder_area)(const MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_DECODER_FACTORY * factory, const unsigned int plugin_id); void ** (*get_pfc_area)(const MYSQLND_PFC * pfc, const unsigned int plugin_id); void ** (*get_vio_area)(const MYSQLND_VIO * vio, const unsigned int plugin_id); }; PHPAPI extern struct st_mysqlnd_plugin__plugin_area_getters mysqlnd_plugin_area_getters; #define mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_connection_data(c, p_id) mysqlnd_plugin_area_getters.get_connection_area((c), (p_id)) #define mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_connection_data_data(c, p_id) mysqlnd_plugin_area_getters.get_connection_data_area((c), (p_id)) #define mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_result_data(res, p_id) mysqlnd_plugin_area_getters.get_result_area((res), (p_id)) #define mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_result_unbuffered_data(res, p_id) mysqlnd_plugin_area_getters.get_unbuffered_area((res), (p_id)) #define mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_result_buffered_data_zval(res, p_id) mysqlnd_plugin_area_getters.get_result_buffered_area((res), (p_id)) #define mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_result_buffered_data_c(res, p_id) mysqlnd_plugin_area_getters.get_result_buffered_aread_c((res), (p_id)) #define mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_stmt_data(stmt, p_id) mysqlnd_plugin_area_getters.get_stmt_area((stmt), (p_id)) #define mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_protocol_data(proto, p_id) mysqlnd_plugin_area_getters.get_protocol_decoder_area((proto), (p_id)) #define mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_pfc_data(pfc, p_id) mysqlnd_plugin_area_getters.get_pfc_area((pfc), (p_id)) #define mysqlnd_plugin_get_plugin_vio_data(vio, p_id) mysqlnd_plugin_area_getters.get_pfc_area((vio), (p_id)) struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters { struct st_mnd_object_factory_xetters { MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_object_factory) * (*get)(); void (*set)(MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_object_factory) *methods); } object_factory; struct st_mnd_connection_xetters { MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_conn) * (*get)(); void (*set)(MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_conn) *methods); } connection; struct st_mnd_connection_data_xetters { MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_conn_data) * (*get)(); void (*set)(MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_conn_data) *methods); } connection_data; struct st_mnd_result_xetters { MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_res) * (*get)(); void (*set)(MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_res) *methods); } result; struct st_mnd_unbuffered_result_xetters { MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_result_unbuffered) * (*get)(); void (*set)(MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_result_unbuffered) *methods); } unbuffered_result; struct st_mnd_buffered_result_xetters { MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_result_buffered)* (*get)(); void (*set)(MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_result_buffered) *methods); } buffered_result; struct st_mnd_stmt_xetters { MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_stmt) * (*get)(); void (*set)(MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_stmt) * methods); } statement; struct st_mnd_protocol_xetters { MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory)* (*get)(); void (*set)(MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory) *methods); } protocol; struct st_mnd_pfc_xetters { MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_protocol_packet_frame_codec) * (*get)(); void (*set)(MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_protocol_packet_frame_codec) * methods); } pfc; struct st_mnd_vio_xetters { MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_vio) * (*get)(); void (*set)(MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_vio) * methods); } vio; struct st_mnd_error_info_xetters { MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_error_info) * (*get)(); void (*set)(MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_error_info) * methods); } error_info; struct st_mnd_command_xetters { MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_command) * (*get)(); void (*set)(MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_command) * methods); } command; }; PHPAPI extern struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters; #define mysqlnd_object_factory_get_methods() mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.object_factory.get() #define mysqlnd_object_factory_set_methods(m) mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.object_factory.set((m)) #define mysqlnd_conn_get_methods() mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.connection.get() #define mysqlnd_conn_set_methods(m) mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.connection.set((m)) #define mysqlnd_conn_data_get_methods() mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.connection_data.get() #define mysqlnd_conn_data_set_methods(m) mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.connection_data.set((m)) #define mysqlnd_result_get_methods() mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.result.get() #define mysqlnd_result_set_methods(m) mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.result.set((m)) #define mysqlnd_result_unbuffered_get_methods() mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.unbuffered_result.get() #define mysqlnd_result_unbuffered_set_methods(m) mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.unbuffered_result.set((m)) #define mysqlnd_result_buffered_get_methods() mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.buffered_result.get() #define mysqlnd_result_buffered_set_methods(m) mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.buffered_result.set((m)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_get_methods() mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.statement.get() #define mysqlnd_stmt_set_methods(m) mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.statement.set((m)) #define mysqlnd_protocol_get_methods() mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.protocol.get() #define mysqlnd_protocol_set_methods(m) mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.protocol.set((m)) #define mysqlnd_pfc_get_methods() mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.pfc.get() #define mysqlnd_pfc_set_methods(m) mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.pfc.set((m)) #define mysqlnd_vio_get_methods() mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.vio.get() #define mysqlnd_vio_set_methods(m) mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.vio.set((m)) #define mysqlnd_command_get_methods() mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.command.get() #define mysqlnd_command_set_methods(m) mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.command.set((m)) #define mysqlnd_error_info_get_methods() mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.error_info.get() #define mysqlnd_error_info_set_methods(m) mysqlnd_plugin_methods_xetters.error_info.set((m)) #endif /* MYSQLND_EXT_PLUGIN_H */ PK!S`b``mysqlnd/php_mysqlnd.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_MYSQLND_H #define PHP_MYSQLND_H #define phpext_mysqlnd_ptr &mysqlnd_module_entry extern zend_module_entry mysqlnd_module_entry; #endif /* PHP_MYSQLND_H */ PK!I7JJmysqlnd/mysqlnd.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | | Georg Richter | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_H #define MYSQLND_H #define PHP_MYSQLND_VERSION "mysqlnd " PHP_VERSION #define MYSQLND_VERSION_ID PHP_VERSION_ID #define MYSQLND_PLUGIN_API_VERSION 2 #define MYSQLND_STRING_TO_INT_CONVERSION /* This force mysqlnd to do a single (or more depending on amount of data) non-blocking read() calls before sending a command to the server. Useful for debugging, if previous function hasn't consumed all the output sent to it - like stmt_send_long_data() error because the data was larger that max_allowed_packet_size, and COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA by protocol doesn't use response packets, thus letting the next command to fail miserably, if the connector implementor is not aware of this deficiency. Should be off on production systems, if of course measured performance degradation is not minimal. */ #if A0 && PHP_DEBUG #define MYSQLND_DO_WIRE_CHECK_BEFORE_COMMAND 1 #endif #if PHP_DEBUG #define MYSQLND_DBG_ENABLED 1 #else #define MYSQLND_DBG_ENABLED 0 #endif #if defined(MYSQLND_COMPRESSION_WANTED) #define MYSQLND_COMPRESSION_ENABLED 1 #endif #ifdef ZTS #include "TSRM.h" #endif #include "mysqlnd_portability.h" #include "mysqlnd_enum_n_def.h" #include "mysqlnd_structs.h" #define MYSQLND_STR_W_LEN(str) str, (sizeof(str) - 1) /* Library related */ PHPAPI void mysqlnd_library_init(void); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_library_end(void); PHPAPI unsigned int mysqlnd_plugin_register(); PHPAPI unsigned int mysqlnd_plugin_register_ex(struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_header * plugin); PHPAPI unsigned int mysqlnd_plugin_count(); PHPAPI void * mysqlnd_plugin_find(const char * const name); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_plugin_apply_with_argument(apply_func_arg_t apply_func, void * argument); #define mysqlnd_restart_psession(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->restart_psession((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_end_psession(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->end_psession((conn)->data) PHPAPI void mysqlnd_minfo_print_hash(zval *values); #define mysqlnd_thread_safe() TRUE PHPAPI const MYSQLND_CHARSET * mysqlnd_find_charset_nr(const unsigned int charsetno); PHPAPI const MYSQLND_CHARSET * mysqlnd_find_charset_name(const char * const charsetname); /* Connect */ #define mysqlnd_init(flags, persistent) mysqlnd_connection_init((flags), (persistent), NULL /*use default factory*/) #define mysqlnd_connect(conn, host, user, pass, pass_len, db, db_len, port, socket, mysql_flags, client_api_flags) \ mysqlnd_connection_connect((conn), (host), (user), (pass), (pass_len), (db), (db_len), (port), (socket), (mysql_flags), (client_api_flags)) PHPAPI MYSQLND * mysqlnd_connection_init(const size_t client_flags, const zend_bool persistent, MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_object_factory) *object_factory); PHPAPI MYSQLND * mysqlnd_connection_connect(MYSQLND * conn, const char * const host, const char * const user, const char * const passwd, unsigned int passwd_len, const char * const db, unsigned int db_len, unsigned int port, const char * const socket_or_pipe, unsigned int mysql_flags, unsigned int client_api_flags ); #define mysqlnd_change_user(conn, user, passwd, db, silent) ((conn)->data)->m->change_user((conn)->data, (user), (passwd), (db), (silent), strlen((passwd))) #define mysqlnd_change_user_ex(conn, user, passwd, db, silent, passwd_len) ((conn)->data)->m->change_user((conn)->data, (user), (passwd), (db), (silent), (passwd_len)) PHPAPI void mysqlnd_debug(const char *mode); /* Query */ #define mysqlnd_fetch_into(result, flags, ret_val, ext) (result)->m.fetch_into((result), (flags), (ret_val), (ext) ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC) #define mysqlnd_fetch_row_c(result) (result)->m.fetch_row_c((result)) #define mysqlnd_fetch_all(result, flags, return_value) (result)->m.fetch_all((result), (flags), (return_value) ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC) #define mysqlnd_result_fetch_field_data(res,offset,ret) (res)->m.fetch_field_data((res), (offset), (ret)) #define mysqlnd_get_connection_stats(conn, values) ((conn)->data)->m->get_statistics((conn)->data, (values) ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC) #define mysqlnd_get_client_stats(values) _mysqlnd_get_client_stats(mysqlnd_global_stats, (values) ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC) #define mysqlnd_close(conn,is_forced) (conn)->m->close((conn), (is_forced)) #define mysqlnd_query(conn, query_str, query_len) ((conn)->data)->m->query((conn)->data, (query_str), (query_len)) #define mysqlnd_async_query(conn, query_str, query_len) ((conn)->data)->m->send_query((conn)->data, (query_str), (query_len), MYSQLND_SEND_QUERY_EXPLICIT, NULL, NULL) #define mysqlnd_reap_async_query(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->reap_query((conn)->data, MYSQLND_REAP_RESULT_EXPLICIT) #define mysqlnd_unbuffered_skip_result(result) (result)->m.skip_result((result)) PHPAPI enum_func_status mysqlnd_poll(MYSQLND **r_array, MYSQLND **e_array, MYSQLND ***dont_poll, long sec, long usec, int * desc_num); #define mysqlnd_use_result(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->use_result((conn)->data, 0) #define mysqlnd_store_result(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->store_result((conn)->data, MYSQLND_STORE_NO_COPY) #define mysqlnd_store_result_ofs(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->store_result((conn)->data, MYSQLND_STORE_COPY) #define mysqlnd_next_result(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->next_result((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_more_results(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->more_results((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_free_result(r,e_or_i) ((MYSQLND_RES*)r)->m.free_result(((MYSQLND_RES*)(r)), (e_or_i)) #define mysqlnd_data_seek(result, row) (result)->m.seek_data((result), (row)) /* Errors */ #define mysqlnd_errno(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_error_no((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_error(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_error_str((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_sqlstate(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_sqlstate((conn)->data) /* Charset */ #define mysqlnd_character_set_name(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->charset_name((conn)->data) /* Simple metadata */ #define mysqlnd_field_count(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_field_count((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_insert_id(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_last_insert_id((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_affected_rows(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_affected_rows((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_warning_count(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_warning_count((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_info(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_last_message((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_get_server_info(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_server_information((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_get_server_version(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_server_version((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_get_host_info(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_host_information((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_get_proto_info(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_protocol_information((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_thread_id(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_thread_id((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_get_server_status(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->get_server_status((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_num_rows(result) (result)->m.num_rows((result)) #define mysqlnd_num_fields(result) (result)->m.num_fields((result)) #define mysqlnd_fetch_lengths(result) (result)->m.fetch_lengths((result)) #define mysqlnd_field_seek(result, ofs) (result)->m.seek_field((result), (ofs)) #define mysqlnd_field_tell(result) (result)->m.field_tell((result)) #define mysqlnd_fetch_field(result) (result)->m.fetch_field((result)) #define mysqlnd_fetch_field_direct(result,fnr) (result)->m.fetch_field_direct((result), (fnr)) #define mysqlnd_fetch_fields(result) (result)->m.fetch_fields((result)) /* mysqlnd metadata */ PHPAPI const char * mysqlnd_get_client_info(); PHPAPI unsigned long mysqlnd_get_client_version(); #define mysqlnd_ssl_set(conn, key, cert, ca, capath, cipher) ((conn)->data)->m->ssl_set((conn)->data, (key), (cert), (ca), (capath), (cipher)) /* PS */ #define mysqlnd_stmt_insert_id(stmt) (stmt)->m->get_last_insert_id((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_affected_rows(stmt) (stmt)->m->get_affected_rows((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_num_rows(stmt) (stmt)->m->get_num_rows((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_param_count(stmt) (stmt)->m->get_param_count((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_field_count(stmt) (stmt)->m->get_field_count((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_warning_count(stmt) (stmt)->m->get_warning_count((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_server_status(stmt) (stmt)->m->get_server_status((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_errno(stmt) (stmt)->m->get_error_no((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_error(stmt) (stmt)->m->get_error_str((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_sqlstate(stmt) (stmt)->m->get_sqlstate((stmt)) PHPAPI void mysqlnd_efree_param_bind_dtor(MYSQLND_PARAM_BIND * param_bind); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_efree_result_bind_dtor(MYSQLND_RESULT_BIND * result_bind); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_free_param_bind_dtor(MYSQLND_PARAM_BIND * param_bind); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_free_result_bind_dtor(MYSQLND_RESULT_BIND * result_bind); PHPAPI const char * mysqlnd_field_type_name(const enum mysqlnd_field_types field_type); /* LOAD DATA LOCAL */ PHPAPI void mysqlnd_local_infile_default(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn); /* Simple commands */ #define mysqlnd_autocommit(conn, mode) ((conn)->data)->m->set_autocommit((conn)->data, (mode)) #define mysqlnd_begin_transaction(conn,flags,name) ((conn)->data)->m->tx_begin((conn)->data, (flags), (name)) #define mysqlnd_commit(conn, flags, name) ((conn)->data)->m->tx_commit_or_rollback((conn)->data, TRUE, (flags), (name)) #define mysqlnd_rollback(conn, flags, name) ((conn)->data)->m->tx_commit_or_rollback((conn)->data, FALSE, (flags), (name)) #define mysqlnd_savepoint(conn, name) ((conn)->data)->m->tx_savepoint((conn)->data, (name)) #define mysqlnd_release_savepoint(conn, name) ((conn)->data)->m->tx_savepoint_release((conn)->data, (name)) #define mysqlnd_list_dbs(conn, wild) ((conn)->data)->m->list_method((conn)->data, wild? "SHOW DATABASES LIKE %s":"SHOW DATABASES", (wild), NULL) #define mysqlnd_list_processes(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->list_method((conn)->data, "SHOW PROCESSLIST", NULL, NULL) #define mysqlnd_list_tables(conn, wild) ((conn)->data)->m->list_method((conn)->data, wild? "SHOW TABLES LIKE %s":"SHOW TABLES", (wild), NULL) #define mysqlnd_dump_debug_info(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->server_dump_debug_information((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_select_db(conn, db, db_len) ((conn)->data)->m->select_db((conn)->data, (db), (db_len)) #define mysqlnd_ping(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->ping((conn)->data) #define mysqlnd_kill(conn, pid) ((conn)->data)->m->kill_connection((conn)->data, (pid)) #define mysqlnd_refresh(conn, options) ((conn)->data)->m->refresh_server((conn)->data, (options)) #define mysqlnd_shutdown(conn, level) ((conn)->data)->m->shutdown_server((conn)->data, (level)) #define mysqlnd_set_character_set(conn, cs) ((conn)->data)->m->set_charset((conn)->data, (cs)) #define mysqlnd_stat(conn, msg) ((conn)->data)->m->get_server_statistics(((conn)->data), (msg)) #define mysqlnd_options(conn, opt, value) ((conn)->data)->m->set_client_option((conn)->data, (opt), (value)) #define mysqlnd_options4(conn, opt, k, v) ((conn)->data)->m->set_client_option_2d((conn)->data, (opt), (k), (v)) #define mysqlnd_set_server_option(conn, op) ((conn)->data)->m->set_server_option((conn)->data, (op)) /* Escaping */ #define mysqlnd_real_escape_string(conn, newstr, escapestr, escapestr_len) \ ((conn)->data)->m->escape_string((conn)->data, (newstr), (escapestr), (escapestr_len)) #define mysqlnd_escape_string(newstr, escapestr, escapestr_len) \ mysqlnd_old_escape_string((newstr), (escapestr), (escapestr_len)) PHPAPI zend_ulong mysqlnd_old_escape_string(char * newstr, const char * escapestr, size_t escapestr_len); /* PS */ #define mysqlnd_stmt_init(conn) ((conn)->data)->m->stmt_init(((conn)->data)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_store_result(stmt) (!mysqlnd_stmt_field_count((stmt)) ? PASS:((stmt)->m->store_result((stmt))? PASS:FAIL)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_get_result(stmt) (stmt)->m->get_result((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_more_results(stmt) (stmt)->m->more_results((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_next_result(stmt) (stmt)->m->next_result((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_data_seek(stmt, row) (stmt)->m->seek_data((stmt), (row)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_prepare(stmt, q, qlen) (stmt)->m->prepare((stmt), (q), (qlen)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_execute(stmt) (stmt)->m->execute((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_send_long_data(stmt,p,d,l) (stmt)->m->send_long_data((stmt), (p), (d), (l)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_alloc_param_bind(stmt) (stmt)->m->alloc_parameter_bind((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_free_param_bind(stmt,bind) (stmt)->m->free_parameter_bind((stmt), (bind)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_bind_param(stmt,bind) (stmt)->m->bind_parameters((stmt), (bind)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_bind_one_param(stmt,n,z,t) (stmt)->m->bind_one_parameter((stmt), (n), (z), (t)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_refresh_bind_param(s) (s)->m->refresh_bind_param((s)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_alloc_result_bind(stmt) (stmt)->m->alloc_result_bind((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_free_result_bind(stmt,bind) (stmt)->m->free_result_bind((stmt), (bind)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_bind_result(stmt,bind) (stmt)->m->bind_result((stmt), (bind)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_bind_one_result(s,no) (s)->m->bind_one_result((s), (no)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_param_metadata(stmt) (stmt)->m->get_parameter_metadata((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_result_metadata(stmt) (stmt)->m->get_result_metadata((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_free_result(stmt) (stmt)->m->free_result((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_close(stmt, implicit) (stmt)->m->dtor((stmt), (implicit)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_reset(stmt) (stmt)->m->reset((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_flush(stmt) (stmt)->m->flush((stmt)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_attr_get(stmt, attr, value) (stmt)->m->get_attribute((stmt), (attr), (value)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_attr_set(stmt, attr, value) (stmt)->m->set_attribute((stmt), (attr), (value)) #define mysqlnd_stmt_fetch(stmt, fetched) (stmt)->m->fetch((stmt), (fetched)) /* Performance statistics */ PHPAPI extern MYSQLND_STATS * mysqlnd_global_stats; PHPAPI extern const MYSQLND_STRING mysqlnd_stats_values_names[]; PHPAPI void _mysqlnd_get_client_stats(MYSQLND_STATS * stats, zval *return_value ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC); #ifndef MYSQLND_CORE_STATISTICS_DISABLED #define MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC(statistic) \ MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC(MYSQLND_G(collect_statistics), mysqlnd_global_stats, (statistic)) #define MYSQLND_DEC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC(statistic) \ MYSQLND_DEC_STATISTIC(MYSQLND_G(collect_statistics), mysqlnd_global_stats, (statistic)) #define MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(statistic1, value1, statistic2, value2) \ MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(MYSQLND_G(collect_statistics), mysqlnd_global_stats, (statistic1), (value1), (statistic2), (value2)) #define MYSQLND_INC_CONN_STATISTIC(conn_stats, statistic) \ MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC(MYSQLND_G(collect_statistics), mysqlnd_global_stats, (statistic)); \ MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC(MYSQLND_G(collect_statistics), (conn_stats), (statistic)); #define MYSQLND_INC_CONN_STATISTIC_W_VALUE(conn_stats, statistic, value) \ MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC_W_VALUE(MYSQLND_G(collect_statistics), mysqlnd_global_stats, (statistic), (value)); \ MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC_W_VALUE(MYSQLND_G(collect_statistics), (conn_stats), (statistic), (value)); #define MYSQLND_INC_CONN_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(conn_stats, statistic1, value1, statistic2, value2) \ MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(MYSQLND_G(collect_statistics), mysqlnd_global_stats, (statistic1), (value1), (statistic2), (value2)); \ MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(MYSQLND_G(collect_statistics), (conn_stats), (statistic1), (value1), (statistic2), (value2)); #define MYSQLND_INC_CONN_STATISTIC_W_VALUE3(conn_stats, statistic1, value1, statistic2, value2, statistic3, value3) \ MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC_W_VALUE3(MYSQLND_G(collect_statistics), mysqlnd_global_stats, (statistic1), (value1), (statistic2), (value2), (statistic3), (value3)); \ MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC_W_VALUE3(MYSQLND_G(collect_statistics), (conn_stats), (statistic1), (value1), (statistic2), (value2), (statistic3), (value3)); #else #define MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC(statistic) #define MYSQLND_DEC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC(statistic) #define MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(statistic1, value1, statistic2, value2) #define MYSQLND_INC_CONN_STATISTIC(conn_stats, statistic) #define MYSQLND_INC_CONN_STATISTIC_W_VALUE(conn_stats, statistic, value) #define MYSQLND_INC_CONN_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(conn_stats, statistic1, value1, statistic2, value2) #define MYSQLND_INC_CONN_STATISTIC_W_VALUE3(conn_stats, statistic1, value1, statistic2, value2, statistic3, value3) #endif /* MYSQLND_CORE_STATISTICS_DISABLED */ /* double check the class name to avoid naming conflicts when using these: */ #define MYSQLND_METHOD(class, method) mysqlnd_##class##_##method##_pub #define MYSQLND_METHOD_PRIVATE(class, method) mysqlnd_##class##_##method##_priv ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(mysqlnd) char * debug; /* The actual string */ char * trace_alloc_settings; /* The actual string */ MYSQLND_DEBUG * dbg; /* The DBG object for standard tracing */ MYSQLND_DEBUG * trace_alloc; /* The DBG object for allocation tracing */ zend_long net_cmd_buffer_size; zend_long net_read_buffer_size; zend_long log_mask; zend_long net_read_timeout; zend_long mempool_default_size; zend_long debug_emalloc_fail_threshold; zend_long debug_ecalloc_fail_threshold; zend_long debug_erealloc_fail_threshold; zend_long debug_malloc_fail_threshold; zend_long debug_calloc_fail_threshold; zend_long debug_realloc_fail_threshold; char * sha256_server_public_key; zend_bool fetch_data_copy; zend_bool collect_statistics; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics; ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(mysqlnd) PHPAPI ZEND_EXTERN_MODULE_GLOBALS(mysqlnd) #define MYSQLND_G(v) ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS_ACCESSOR(mysqlnd, v) #if defined(ZTS) && defined(COMPILE_DL_MYSQLND) ZEND_TSRMLS_CACHE_EXTERN() #endif PHPAPI void mysqlnd_minfo_print_hash(zval *values); #endif /* MYSQLND_H */ PK! | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_COMMANDS_H #define MYSQLND_COMMANDS_H //extern func_mysqlnd__run_command mysqlnd_run_command; #endif /* MYSQLND_COMMANDS_H */ PK!7mysqlnd/mysqlnd_statistics.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_STATISTICS_H #define MYSQLND_STATISTICS_H #ifdef ZTS #define MYSQLND_STATS_LOCK(stats) tsrm_mutex_lock((stats)->LOCK_access) #define MYSQLND_STATS_UNLOCK(stats) tsrm_mutex_unlock((stats)->LOCK_access) #else #define MYSQLND_STATS_LOCK(stats) #define MYSQLND_STATS_UNLOCK(stats) #endif #ifndef MYSQLND_CORE_STATISTICS_TRIGGERS_DISABLED #define MYSQLND_STAT_CALL_TRIGGER(s_array, statistic, val) \ if ((s_array)->triggers[(statistic)] && (s_array)->in_trigger == FALSE) { \ (s_array)->in_trigger = TRUE; \ MYSQLND_STATS_UNLOCK((s_array)); \ \ (s_array)->triggers[(statistic)]((s_array), (statistic), (val)); \ \ MYSQLND_STATS_LOCK((s_array)); \ (s_array)->in_trigger = FALSE; \ } #else #define MYSQLND_STAT_CALL_TRIGGER(s_array, statistic, val) #endif /* MYSQLND_CORE_STATISTICS_TRIGGERS_DISABLED */ #define MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(stats, statistic, value) \ { \ MYSQLND_STATS_LOCK(stats); \ (stats)->values[(statistic)] += (value); \ MYSQLND_STAT_CALL_TRIGGER((stats), (statistic), (value)); \ MYSQLND_STATS_UNLOCK(_p_s); \ } #define MYSQLND_DEC_STATISTIC(enabler, stats, statistic) \ { \ enum_mysqlnd_collected_stats _s = (statistic);\ MYSQLND_STATS * _p_s = (MYSQLND_STATS *) (stats); \ if ((enabler) && _p_s && _s != _p_s->count) { \ MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(_p_s, _s, -1); \ }\ } #define MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC(enabler, stats, statistic) \ { \ enum_mysqlnd_collected_stats _s = (statistic);\ MYSQLND_STATS * _p_s = (MYSQLND_STATS *) (stats); \ if ((enabler) && _p_s && _s != _p_s->count) { \ MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(_p_s, _s, 1); \ }\ } #define MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC_W_VALUE(enabler, stats, statistic, value) \ { \ enum_mysqlnd_collected_stats _s = (statistic);\ MYSQLND_STATS * _p_s = (MYSQLND_STATS *) (stats); \ if ((enabler) && _p_s && _s != _p_s->count) { \ uint64_t v = (uint64_t) (value); \ MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(_p_s, _s, v); \ }\ } #define MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(enabler, stats, statistic1, value1, statistic2, value2) \ { \ MYSQLND_STATS * _p_s = (MYSQLND_STATS *) (stats); \ if ((enabler) && _p_s) { \ uint64_t v1 = (uint64_t) (value1); \ uint64_t v2 = (uint64_t) (value2); \ enum_mysqlnd_collected_stats _s1 = (statistic1);\ enum_mysqlnd_collected_stats _s2 = (statistic2);\ if (_s1 != _p_s->count) MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(_p_s, _s1, v1); \ if (_s2 != _p_s->count) MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(_p_s, _s2, v2); \ }\ } #define MYSQLND_INC_STATISTIC_W_VALUE3(enabler, stats, statistic1, value1, statistic2, value2, statistic3, value3) \ { \ MYSQLND_STATS * _p_s = (MYSQLND_STATS *) (stats); \ if ((enabler) && _p_s) { \ uint64_t v1 = (uint64_t) (value1); \ uint64_t v2 = (uint64_t) (value2); \ uint64_t v3 = (uint64_t) (value3); \ enum_mysqlnd_collected_stats _s1 = (statistic1);\ enum_mysqlnd_collected_stats _s2 = (statistic2);\ enum_mysqlnd_collected_stats _s3 = (statistic3);\ if (_s1 != _p_s->count) MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(_p_s, _s1, v1); \ if (_s2 != _p_s->count) MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(_p_s, _s2, v2); \ if (_s3 != _p_s->count) MYSQLND_UPDATE_VALUE_AND_CALL_TRIGGER(_p_s, _s3, v3); \ }\ } PHPAPI void mysqlnd_stats_init(MYSQLND_STATS ** stats, const size_t statistic_count, const zend_bool persistent); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_stats_end(MYSQLND_STATS * stats, const zend_bool persistent); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_fill_stats_hash(const MYSQLND_STATS * const stats, const MYSQLND_STRING * names, zval *return_value ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC); PHPAPI mysqlnd_stat_trigger mysqlnd_stats_set_trigger(MYSQLND_STATS * const stats, enum_mysqlnd_collected_stats stat, mysqlnd_stat_trigger trigger); PHPAPI mysqlnd_stat_trigger mysqlnd_stats_reset_triggers(MYSQLND_STATS * const stats); #endif /* MYSQLND_STATISTICS_H */ PK!do%RRmysqlnd/mysqlnd_enum_n_def.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | | Georg Richter | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_ENUM_N_DEF_H #define MYSQLND_ENUM_N_DEF_H #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #define MYSQLND_MIN_COMPRESS_LEN 0 #define MYSQLND_MAX_PACKET_SIZE (256L*256L*256L-1) #define MYSQLND_ASSEMBLED_PACKET_MAX_SIZE 3UL*1024UL*1024UL*1024UL #define MYSQLND_DEFAULT_AUTH_PROTOCOL "mysql_native_password" #define MYSQLND_ERRMSG_SIZE 512 #define MYSQLND_SQLSTATE_LENGTH 5 #define MYSQLND_SQLSTATE_NULL "00000" #define MYSQLND_MAX_ALLOWED_USER_LEN 252 /* 63 char * 4byte . MySQL supports now only 16 char, but let it be forward compatible */ #define MYSQLND_MAX_ALLOWED_DB_LEN 1024 /* 256 char * 4byte. MySQL supports now only 64 char in the tables, but on the FS could be different. Forward compatible. */ #define MYSQLND_NET_CMD_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE 4096 #define MYSQLND_NET_CMD_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE_STR "4096" #define MYSQLND_STMT_ID_LENGTH 4 #define SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS 1 /* Transaction has started */ #define SERVER_STATUS_AUTOCOMMIT 2 /* Server in auto_commit mode */ #define SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS 8 /* Multi query - next query exists */ #define SERVER_QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED 16 #define SERVER_QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED 32 /* The server was able to fulfill the clients request and opened a read-only non-scrollable cursor for a query. This flag comes in reply to COM_STMT_EXECUTE and COM_STMT_FETCH commands. */ #define SERVER_STATUS_CURSOR_EXISTS 64 /* This flag is sent when a read-only cursor is exhausted, in reply to COM_STMT_FETCH command. */ #define SERVER_STATUS_LAST_ROW_SENT 128 #define SERVER_STATUS_DB_DROPPED 256 /* A database was dropped */ #define SERVER_STATUS_NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES 512 #define SERVER_QUERY_WAS_SLOW 2048 #define SERVER_PS_OUT_PARAMS 4096 #define MYSQLND_NO_DATA 100 #define MYSQLND_DATA_TRUNCATED 101 #define SHA1_MAX_LENGTH 20 #define SCRAMBLE_LENGTH 20 #define SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323 8 #define CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD 1 /* new more secure passwords */ #define CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS 2 /* Found instead of affected rows */ #define CLIENT_LONG_FLAG 4 /* Get all column flags */ #define CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB 8 /* One can specify db on connect */ #define CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA 16 /* Don't allow database.table.column */ #define CLIENT_COMPRESS 32 /* Can use compression protocol */ #define CLIENT_ODBC 64 /* Odbc client */ #define CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES 128 /* Can use LOAD DATA LOCAL */ #define CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE 256 /* Ignore spaces before '(' */ #define CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 512 /* New 4.1 protocol */ #define CLIENT_INTERACTIVE 1024 /* This is an interactive client */ #define CLIENT_SSL 2048 /* Switch to SSL after handshake */ #define CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE 4096 /* IGNORE sigpipes */ #define CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS 8192 /* Client knows about transactions */ #define CLIENT_RESERVED 16384 /* Old flag for 4.1 protocol */ #define CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION 32768 /* New 4.1 authentication */ #define CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS (1UL << 16) /* Enable/disable multi-stmt support */ #define CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS (1UL << 17) /* Enable/disable multi-results */ #define CLIENT_PS_MULTI_RESULTS (1UL << 18) /* Multi-results in PS-protocol */ #define CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH (1UL << 19) /* Client supports plugin authentication */ #define CLIENT_CONNECT_ATTRS (1UL << 20) /* Client supports connection attributes */ #define CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC_CLIENT_DATA (1UL << 21) /* Enable authentication response packet to be larger than 255 bytes. */ #define CLIENT_CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS (1UL << 22) /* Don't close the connection for a connection with expired password. */ #define CLIENT_SESSION_TRACK (1UL << 23) /* Extended OK */ /* This is a mysqlnd extension. CLIENT_ODBC is not used anyway. We will reuse it for our case and translate it to not using SSL peer verification */ #define CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT CLIENT_ODBC #define CLIENT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT (1UL << 30) #define CLIENT_REMEMBER_OPTIONS (1UL << 31) #define MYSQLND_CAPABILITIES (CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD | CLIENT_LONG_FLAG | CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS | \ CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 | CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION | \ CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS | CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES | CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH) #define MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_FLAG_USE_COMPRESSION 1 /* Client Error codes */ #define CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR 2000 #define CR_CONNECTION_ERROR 2002 #define CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR 2006 #define CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY 2008 #define CR_SERVER_LOST 2013 #define CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC 2014 #define CR_CANT_FIND_CHARSET 2019 #define CR_MALFORMED_PACKET 2027 #define CR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 2054 #define CR_NO_PREPARE_STMT 2030 #define CR_PARAMS_NOT_BOUND 2031 #define CR_INVALID_PARAMETER_NO 2034 #define CR_INVALID_BUFFER_USE 2035 #define MYSQLND_EE_FILENOTFOUND 7890 #define UNKNOWN_SQLSTATE "HY000" #define MAX_CHARSET_LEN 32 #define TRANS_START_NO_OPT 0 #define TRANS_START_WITH_CONSISTENT_SNAPSHOT 1 #define TRANS_START_READ_WRITE 2 #define TRANS_START_READ_ONLY 4 #define TRANS_COR_NO_OPT 0 #define TRANS_COR_AND_CHAIN 1 #define TRANS_COR_AND_NO_CHAIN 2 #define TRANS_COR_RELEASE 4 #define TRANS_COR_NO_RELEASE 8 typedef enum mysqlnd_extension { MYSQLND_MYSQL = 0, MYSQLND_MYSQLI } enum_mysqlnd_extension; enum { MYSQLND_FETCH_ASSOC = 1, MYSQLND_FETCH_NUM = 2, MYSQLND_FETCH_BOTH = 1|2 }; /* Follow libmysql convention */ typedef enum func_status { PASS = 0, FAIL = 1 } enum_func_status; typedef enum mysqlnd_query_type { QUERY_UPSERT, QUERY_SELECT, QUERY_LOAD_LOCAL } enum_mysqlnd_query_type; typedef enum mysqlnd_res_type { MYSQLND_RES_NORMAL = 1, MYSQLND_RES_PS_BUF, MYSQLND_RES_PS_UNBUF } enum_mysqlnd_res_type; typedef enum mysqlnd_send_query_type { MYSQLND_SEND_QUERY_IMPLICIT = 0, MYSQLND_SEND_QUERY_EXPLICIT } enum_mysqlnd_send_query_type; typedef enum mysqlnd_reap_result_type { MYSQLND_REAP_RESULT_IMPLICIT = 0, MYSQLND_REAP_RESULT_EXPLICIT } enum_mysqlnd_reap_result_type; typedef enum mysqlnd_send_execute_type { MYSQLND_SEND_EXECUTE_IMPLICIT = 0, MYSQLND_SEND_EXECUTE_EXPLICIT } enum_mysqlnd_send_execute_type; typedef enum mysqlnd_parse_exec_response_type { MYSQLND_PARSE_EXEC_RESPONSE_IMPLICIT = 0, MYSQLND_PARSE_EXEC_RESPONSE_IMPLICIT_NEXT_RESULT, MYSQLND_PARSE_EXEC_RESPONSE_IMPLICIT_OUT_VARIABLES, MYSQLND_PARSE_EXEC_RESPONSE_EXPLICIT, } enum_mysqlnd_parse_exec_response_type; typedef enum mysqlnd_client_option { MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS, MYSQL_OPT_NAMED_PIPE, MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_DIR, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, MYSQL_SHARED_MEMORY_BASE_NAME, MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_USE_RESULT, MYSQL_OPT_USE_REMOTE_CONNECTION, MYSQL_OPT_USE_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION, MYSQL_OPT_GUESS_CONNECTION, MYSQL_SET_CLIENT_IP, MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH, MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR, MYSQL_DEFAULT_AUTH, MYSQL_OPT_BIND, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_KEY, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CERT, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CA, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CAPATH, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CIPHER, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRL, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRLPATH, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_RESET, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_DELETE, MYSQL_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY, MYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN, MYSQL_OPT_CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORDS, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_ENFORCE, MYSQL_OPT_MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET, MYSQL_OPT_NET_BUFFER_LENGTH, MYSQL_OPT_TLS_VERSION, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE, MYSQLND_DEPRECATED_ENUM1 = 200, #ifdef MYSQLND_STRING_TO_INT_CONVERSION MYSQLND_OPT_INT_AND_FLOAT_NATIVE = 201, #endif MYSQLND_OPT_NET_CMD_BUFFER_SIZE = 202, MYSQLND_OPT_NET_READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 203, MYSQLND_OPT_SSL_KEY = 204, MYSQLND_OPT_SSL_CERT = 205, MYSQLND_OPT_SSL_CA = 206, MYSQLND_OPT_SSL_CAPATH = 207, MYSQLND_OPT_SSL_CIPHER = 208, MYSQLND_OPT_SSL_PASSPHRASE = 209, MYSQLND_OPT_MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET = 210, MYSQLND_OPT_AUTH_PROTOCOL = 211 } enum_mysqlnd_client_option; typedef enum mysqlnd_session_protocol_type { MYSQL_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT = 0, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_TCP, /* all, supported */ MYSQL_PROTOCOL_SOCKET, /* unix, supported */ MYSQL_PROTOCOL_PIPE, /* win32, not-supported */ MYSQL_PROTOCOL_MEMORY, /* win32, not-supported */ MYSQL_PROTOCOL_LAST } enum_mysqlnd_session_protocol_type; typedef enum mysqlnd_field_types { MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL = 0, MYSQL_TYPE_TINY = 1, MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT = 2, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG = 3, MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT = 4, MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE = 5, MYSQL_TYPE_NULL = 6, MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP= 7, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG = 8, MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 = 9, MYSQL_TYPE_DATE = 10, MYSQL_TYPE_TIME = 11, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME = 12, MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR = 13, MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE = 14, MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR = 15, MYSQL_TYPE_BIT = 16, MYSQL_TYPE_JSON=245, MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL=246, MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM=247, MYSQL_TYPE_SET=248, MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB=249, MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB=250, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB=251, MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB=252, MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING=253, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING=254, MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY=255 } enum_mysqlnd_field_types; /* Please update this if there is a new type after MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY */ #define MYSQL_TYPE_LAST MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY typedef enum mysqlnd_server_option { MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON, MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_OFF } enum_mysqlnd_server_option; #define FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL #define FIELD_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL #define FIELD_TYPE_TINY MYSQL_TYPE_TINY #define FIELD_TYPE_SHORT MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT #define FIELD_TYPE_LONG MYSQL_TYPE_LONG #define FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT #define FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE #define FIELD_TYPE_NULL MYSQL_TYPE_NULL #define FIELD_TYPE_TIMESTAMP MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP #define FIELD_TYPE_LONGLONG MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG #define FIELD_TYPE_INT24 MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 #define FIELD_TYPE_DATE MYSQL_TYPE_DATE #define FIELD_TYPE_TIME MYSQL_TYPE_TIME #define FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME #define FIELD_TYPE_YEAR MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR #define FIELD_TYPE_NEWDATE MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE #define FIELD_TYPE_ENUM MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM #define FIELD_TYPE_SET MYSQL_TYPE_SET #define FIELD_TYPE_JSON MYSQL_TYPE_JSON #define FIELD_TYPE_TINY_BLOB MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB #define FIELD_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB #define FIELD_TYPE_LONG_BLOB MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB #define FIELD_TYPE_BLOB MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB #define FIELD_TYPE_VAR_STRING MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING #define FIELD_TYPE_STRING MYSQL_TYPE_STRING #define FIELD_TYPE_CHAR MYSQL_TYPE_TINY #define FIELD_TYPE_INTERVAL MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM #define FIELD_TYPE_GEOMETRY MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY #define FIELD_TYPE_BIT MYSQL_TYPE_BIT #define NOT_NULL_FLAG 1 #define PRI_KEY_FLAG 2 #define UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG 4 #define MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG 8 #define BLOB_FLAG 16 #define UNSIGNED_FLAG 32 #define ZEROFILL_FLAG 64 #define BINARY_FLAG 128 #define ENUM_FLAG 256 #define AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG 512 #define TIMESTAMP_FLAG 1024 #define SET_FLAG 2048 #define NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG 4096 #define ON_UPDATE_NOW_FLAG 8192 #define PART_KEY_FLAG 16384 #define GROUP_FLAG 32768 #define NUM_FLAG 32768 #define IS_PRI_KEY(n) ((n) & PRI_KEY_FLAG) #define IS_NOT_NULL(n) ((n) & NOT_NULL_FLAG) #define IS_BLOB(n) ((n) & BLOB_FLAG) #define IS_NUM(t) ((t) <= FIELD_TYPE_INT24 || (t) == FIELD_TYPE_YEAR || (t) == FIELD_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL) /* see mysqlnd_charset.c for more information */ #define MYSQLND_BINARY_CHARSET_NR 63 /* /-----> CONN_CLOSE <---------------\ | ^ \ | | \ CONN_READY -> CONN_QUERY_SENT -> CONN_FETCHING_DATA ^ | \-------------------------------------/ */ typedef enum mysqlnd_connection_state { CONN_ALLOCED = 0, CONN_READY = 1, CONN_QUERY_SENT = 2, CONN_SENDING_LOAD_DATA = 3, CONN_FETCHING_DATA = 4, CONN_NEXT_RESULT_PENDING = 5, CONN_QUIT_SENT = 6 /* object is "destroyed" at this stage */ } enum_mysqlnd_connection_state; typedef enum mysqlnd_stmt_state { MYSQLND_STMT_INITTED = 0, MYSQLND_STMT_PREPARED = 1, MYSQLND_STMT_EXECUTED = 2, MYSQLND_STMT_WAITING_USE_OR_STORE = 3, MYSQLND_STMT_USE_OR_STORE_CALLED = 4, MYSQLND_STMT_USER_FETCHING = 5/* fetch_row_buff or fetch_row_unbuf */ } enum_mysqlnd_stmt_state; typedef enum param_bind_flags { MYSQLND_PARAM_BIND_BLOB_USED = 1 } enum_param_bind_flags; /* PS */ enum mysqlnd_stmt_attr { STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH, STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, STMT_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS }; enum myslqnd_cursor_type { CURSOR_TYPE_NO_CURSOR= 0, CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY= 1, CURSOR_TYPE_FOR_UPDATE= 2, CURSOR_TYPE_SCROLLABLE= 4 }; typedef enum mysqlnd_connection_close_type { MYSQLND_CLOSE_EXPLICIT = 0, MYSQLND_CLOSE_IMPLICIT, MYSQLND_CLOSE_DISCONNECTED, MYSQLND_CLOSE_LAST /* for checking, should always be last */ } enum_connection_close_type; typedef enum mysqlnd_collected_stats { STAT_BYTES_SENT, STAT_BYTES_RECEIVED, STAT_PACKETS_SENT, STAT_PACKETS_RECEIVED, STAT_PROTOCOL_OVERHEAD_IN, STAT_PROTOCOL_OVERHEAD_OUT, STAT_BYTES_RECEIVED_OK, STAT_BYTES_RECEIVED_EOF, STAT_BYTES_RECEIVED_RSET_HEADER, STAT_BYTES_RECEIVED_RSET_FIELD_META, STAT_BYTES_RECEIVED_RSET_ROW, STAT_BYTES_RECEIVED_PREPARE_RESPONSE, STAT_BYTES_RECEIVED_CHANGE_USER, STAT_PACKETS_SENT_CMD, STAT_PACKETS_RECEIVED_OK, STAT_PACKETS_RECEIVED_EOF, STAT_PACKETS_RECEIVED_RSET_HEADER, STAT_PACKETS_RECEIVED_RSET_FIELD_META, STAT_PACKETS_RECEIVED_RSET_ROW, STAT_PACKETS_RECEIVED_PREPARE_RESPONSE, STAT_PACKETS_RECEIVED_CHANGE_USER, STAT_RSET_QUERY, STAT_NON_RSET_QUERY, STAT_NO_INDEX_USED, STAT_BAD_INDEX_USED, STAT_QUERY_WAS_SLOW, STAT_BUFFERED_SETS, STAT_UNBUFFERED_SETS, STAT_PS_BUFFERED_SETS, STAT_PS_UNBUFFERED_SETS, STAT_FLUSHED_NORMAL_SETS, STAT_FLUSHED_PS_SETS, STAT_PS_PREPARED_NEVER_EXECUTED, STAT_PS_PREPARED_ONCE_USED, STAT_ROWS_FETCHED_FROM_SERVER_NORMAL, STAT_ROWS_FETCHED_FROM_SERVER_PS, STAT_ROWS_BUFFERED_FROM_CLIENT_NORMAL, STAT_ROWS_BUFFERED_FROM_CLIENT_PS, STAT_ROWS_FETCHED_FROM_CLIENT_NORMAL_BUF, STAT_ROWS_FETCHED_FROM_CLIENT_NORMAL_UNBUF, STAT_ROWS_FETCHED_FROM_CLIENT_PS_BUF, STAT_ROWS_FETCHED_FROM_CLIENT_PS_UNBUF, STAT_ROWS_FETCHED_FROM_CLIENT_PS_CURSOR, STAT_ROWS_AFFECTED_NORMAL, STAT_ROWS_AFFECTED_PS, STAT_ROWS_SKIPPED_NORMAL, STAT_ROWS_SKIPPED_PS, STAT_COPY_ON_WRITE_SAVED, STAT_COPY_ON_WRITE_PERFORMED, STAT_CMD_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, STAT_CONNECT_SUCCESS, STAT_CONNECT_FAILURE, STAT_CONNECT_REUSED, STAT_RECONNECT, STAT_PCONNECT_SUCCESS, STAT_OPENED_CONNECTIONS, STAT_OPENED_PERSISTENT_CONNECTIONS, STAT_CLOSE_EXPLICIT, STAT_CLOSE_IMPLICIT, STAT_CLOSE_DISCONNECT, STAT_CLOSE_IN_MIDDLE, STAT_FREE_RESULT_EXPLICIT, STAT_FREE_RESULT_IMPLICIT, STAT_STMT_CLOSE_EXPLICIT, STAT_STMT_CLOSE_IMPLICIT, STAT_MEM_EMALLOC_COUNT, STAT_MEM_EMALLOC_AMOUNT, STAT_MEM_ECALLOC_COUNT, STAT_MEM_ECALLOC_AMOUNT, STAT_MEM_EREALLOC_COUNT, STAT_MEM_EREALLOC_AMOUNT, STAT_MEM_EFREE_COUNT, STAT_MEM_EFREE_AMOUNT, STAT_MEM_MALLOC_COUNT, STAT_MEM_MALLOC_AMOUNT, STAT_MEM_CALLOC_COUNT, STAT_MEM_CALLOC_AMOUNT, STAT_MEM_REALLOC_COUNT, STAT_MEM_REALLOC_AMOUNT, STAT_MEM_FREE_COUNT, STAT_MEM_FREE_AMOUNT, STAT_MEM_ESTRNDUP_COUNT, STAT_MEM_STRNDUP_COUNT, STAT_MEM_ESTRDUP_COUNT, STAT_MEM_STRDUP_COUNT, STAT_MEM_EDUP_COUNT, STAT_MEM_DUP_COUNT, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_NULL, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_BIT, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_INT8, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_INT16, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_INT24, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_INT32, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_INT64, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_DECIMAL, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_FLOAT, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_DOUBLE, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_DATE, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_YEAR, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_TIME, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_DATETIME, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_TIMESTAMP, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_STRING, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_JSON, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_BLOB, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_ENUM, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_SET, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_GEOMETRY, STAT_TEXT_TYPE_FETCHED_OTHER, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_NULL, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_BIT, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_INT8, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_INT16, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_INT24, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_INT32, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_INT64, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_DECIMAL, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_FLOAT, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_DOUBLE, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_DATE, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_YEAR, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_TIME, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_DATETIME, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_TIMESTAMP, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_STRING, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_BLOB, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_ENUM, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_SET, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_GEOMETRY, STAT_BINARY_TYPE_FETCHED_OTHER, STAT_INIT_COMMAND_EXECUTED_COUNT, STAT_INIT_COMMAND_FAILED_COUNT, STAT_COM_QUIT, STAT_COM_INIT_DB, STAT_COM_QUERY, STAT_COM_FIELD_LIST, STAT_COM_CREATE_DB, STAT_COM_DROP_DB, STAT_COM_REFRESH, STAT_COM_SHUTDOWN, STAT_COM_STATISTICS, STAT_COM_PROCESS_INFO, STAT_COM_CONNECT, STAT_COM_PROCESS_KILL, STAT_COM_DEBUG, STAT_COM_PING, STAT_COM_TIME, STAT_COM_DELAYED_INSERT, STAT_COM_CHANGE_USER, STAT_COM_BINLOG_DUMP, STAT_COM_TABLE_DUMP, STAT_COM_CONNECT_OUT, STAT_COM_REGISTER_SLAVE, STAT_COM_STMT_PREPARE, STAT_COM_STMT_EXECUTE, STAT_COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA, STAT_COM_STMT_CLOSE, STAT_COM_STMT_RESET, STAT_COM_SET_OPTION, STAT_COM_STMT_FETCH, STAT_COM_DAEMON, STAT_BYTES_RECEIVED_PURE_DATA_TEXT, STAT_BYTES_RECEIVED_PURE_DATA_PS, STAT_LAST /* Should be always the last */ } enum_mysqlnd_collected_stats; /* Enums */ enum mysqlnd_packet_type { PROT_GREET_PACKET= 0, PROT_AUTH_PACKET, PROT_AUTH_RESP_PACKET, PROT_CHANGE_AUTH_RESP_PACKET, PROT_OK_PACKET, PROT_EOF_PACKET, PROT_CMD_PACKET, PROT_RSET_HEADER_PACKET, PROT_RSET_FLD_PACKET, PROT_ROW_PACKET, PROT_STATS_PACKET, PROT_PREPARE_RESP_PACKET, PROT_CHG_USER_RESP_PACKET, PROT_SHA256_PK_REQUEST_PACKET, PROT_SHA256_PK_REQUEST_RESPONSE_PACKET, PROT_CACHED_SHA2_RESULT_PACKET, PROT_LAST /* should always be last */ }; /* After adding new elements please update `mysqlnd_command_to_text` in mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c */ enum php_mysqlnd_server_command { COM_SLEEP = 0, COM_QUIT, COM_INIT_DB, COM_QUERY, COM_FIELD_LIST, COM_CREATE_DB, COM_DROP_DB, COM_REFRESH, COM_SHUTDOWN, COM_STATISTICS, COM_PROCESS_INFO, COM_CONNECT, COM_PROCESS_KILL, COM_DEBUG, COM_PING, COM_TIME = 15, COM_DELAYED_INSERT, COM_CHANGE_USER, COM_BINLOG_DUMP, COM_TABLE_DUMP, COM_CONNECT_OUT = 20, COM_REGISTER_SLAVE, COM_STMT_PREPARE = 22, COM_STMT_EXECUTE = 23, COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA = 24, COM_STMT_CLOSE = 25, COM_STMT_RESET = 26, COM_SET_OPTION = 27, COM_STMT_FETCH = 28, COM_DAEMON = 29, COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID = 30, COM_RESET_CONNECTION = 31, COM_STMT_EXECUTE_BATCH = 32, COM_END, /* Here follow own, non-protocol, commands */ COM_REAP_RESULT=240, /* own command */ COM_ENABLE_SSL, /* own command */ COM_HANDSHAKE, /* own command */ }; #define MYSQLND_DEFAULT_PREFETCH_ROWS (zend_ulong) 1 #define MYSQLND_REFRESH_GRANT 1 /* Refresh grant tables */ #define MYSQLND_REFRESH_LOG 2 /* Start on new log file */ #define MYSQLND_REFRESH_TABLES 4 /* close all tables */ #define MYSQLND_REFRESH_HOSTS 8 /* Flush host cache */ #define MYSQLND_REFRESH_STATUS 16 /* Flush status variables */ #define MYSQLND_REFRESH_THREADS 32 /* Flush thread cache */ #define MYSQLND_REFRESH_SLAVE 64 /* Reset master info and restart slave */ #define MYSQLND_REFRESH_MASTER 128 /* Remove all bin logs in the index */ #define MYSQLND_REFRESH_BACKUP_LOG 0x200000L #define MYSQLND_STORE_PS 1 #define MYSQLND_STORE_NO_COPY 2 #define MYSQLND_STORE_COPY 4 enum mysqlnd_buffered_type { MYSQLND_BUFFERED_TYPE_ZVAL = 1, MYSQLND_BUFFERED_TYPE_C }; #define MYSQLND_CLIENT_NO_FLAG 0 #define MYSQLND_CLIENT_KNOWS_RSET_COPY_DATA 1 #endif /* MYSQLND_ENUM_N_DEF_H */ PK!7  mysqlnd/mysqlnd_charset.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | | Georg Richter | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_CHARSET_H #define MYSQLND_CHARSET_H PHPAPI zend_ulong mysqlnd_cset_escape_quotes(const MYSQLND_CHARSET * const charset, char * newstr, const char * escapestr, const size_t escapestr_len); PHPAPI zend_ulong mysqlnd_cset_escape_slashes(const MYSQLND_CHARSET * const cset, char * newstr, const char * escapestr, const size_t escapestr_len); struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_charsets { const struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_header plugin_header; struct { const MYSQLND_CHARSET * (*const find_charset_by_nr)(unsigned int charsetnr); const MYSQLND_CHARSET * (*const find_charset_by_name)(const char * const name); zend_ulong (*const escape_quotes)(const MYSQLND_CHARSET * const cset, char * newstr, const char * escapestr, const size_t escapestr_len); zend_ulong (*const escape_slashes)(const MYSQLND_CHARSET * const cset, char * newstr, const char * escapestr, const size_t escapestr_len); } methods; }; void mysqlnd_charsets_plugin_register(void); #endif /* MYSQLND_CHARSET_H */ PK!ѨTmysqlnd/mysql_float_to_double.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Keyur Govande | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQL_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE_H #define MYSQL_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE_H #include "main/php.h" #include #include "main/snprintf.h" #define MAX_CHAR_BUF_LEN 255 #ifndef FLT_DIG # define FLT_DIG 6 #endif /* * Convert from a 4-byte float to a 8-byte decimal by first converting * the float to a string (ignoring localization), and then the string to a double. * The decimals argument specifies the precision of the output. If decimals * is less than zero, then a gcvt(3) like logic is used with the significant * digits set to FLT_DIG i.e. 6. */ static inline double mysql_float_to_double(float fp4, int decimals) { char num_buf[MAX_CHAR_BUF_LEN]; /* Over allocated */ if (decimals < 0) { php_gcvt(fp4, FLT_DIG, '.', 'e', num_buf); } else { snprintf(num_buf, MAX_CHAR_BUF_LEN, "%.*F", decimals, fp4); } return zend_strtod(num_buf, NULL); } #endif /* MYSQL_FLOAT_TO_DOUBLE_H */ PK!$,% % mysqlnd/mysqlnd_priv.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_PRIV_H #define MYSQLND_PRIV_H PHPAPI extern MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(mysqlnd_object_factory); PHPAPI extern MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(mysqlnd_conn); PHPAPI extern MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(mysqlnd_conn_data); PHPAPI extern MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(mysqlnd_res); PHPAPI extern MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(mysqlnd_result_unbuffered); PHPAPI extern MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(mysqlnd_result_buffered); PHPAPI extern MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory); PHPAPI extern MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(mysqlnd_protocol_packet_frame_codec); PHPAPI extern MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(mysqlnd_vio); PHPAPI extern MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(mysqlnd_upsert_status); PHPAPI extern MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(mysqlnd_error_info); PHPAPI extern MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(mysqlnd_command); enum_func_status mysqlnd_handle_local_infile(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const char * const filename, zend_bool * is_warning); #endif /* MYSQLND_PRIV_H */ PK!ZY1!mysqlnd/mysqlnd_libmysql_compat.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | | Georg Richter | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_LIBMYSQL_COMPAT_H #define MYSQLND_LIBMYSQL_COMPAT_H /* Global types and definitions*/ #define MYSQL_NO_DATA MYSQLND_NO_DATA #define MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED MYSQLND_DATA_TRUNCATED #define MYSQL_STMT MYSQLND_STMT #define MYSQL_FIELD MYSQLND_FIELD #define MYSQL_RES MYSQLND_RES #define MYSQL_ROW MYSQLND_ROW_C #define MYSQL MYSQLND #define my_bool zend_bool #define my_ulonglong uint64_t #define MYSQL_VERSION_ID MYSQLND_VERSION_ID #define MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION PHP_MYSQLND_VERSION #define MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE MYSQLND_ERRMSG_SIZE #define SQLSTATE_LENGTH MYSQLND_SQLSTATE_LENGTH /* functions */ #define mysql_affected_rows(r) mysqlnd_affected_rows((r)) #define mysql_autocommit(r,m) mysqlnd_autocommit((r),(m)) #define mysql_change_user(r,a,b,c) mysqlnd_change_user((r), (a), (b), (c), FALSE) #define mysql_character_set_name(c) mysqlnd_character_set_name((c)) #define mysql_close(r) mysqlnd_close((r), MYSQLND_CLOSE_EXPLICIT) #define mysql_commit(r) mysqlnd_commit((r), TRANS_COR_NO_OPT, NULL) #define mysql_data_seek(r,o) mysqlnd_data_seek((r),(o)) #define mysql_debug(x) mysqlnd_debug((x)) #define mysql_dump_debug_info(r) mysqlnd_dump_debug_info((r)) #define mysql_errno(r) mysqlnd_errno((r)) #define mysql_error(r) mysqlnd_error((r)) #define mysql_escape_string(a,b,c) mysqlnd_escape_string((a), (b), (c)) #define mysql_fetch_field(r) mysqlnd_fetch_field((r)) #define mysql_fetch_field_direct(r,o) mysqlnd_fetch_field_direct((r), (o)) #define mysql_fetch_fields(r) mysqlnd_fetch_fields((r)) #define mysql_fetch_lengths(r) mysqlnd_fetch_lengths((r)) #define mysql_fetch_row(r) mysqlnd_fetch_row_c((r)) #define mysql_field_count(r) mysqlnd_field_count((r)) #define mysql_field_seek(r,o) mysqlnd_field_seek((r), (o)) #define mysql_field_tell(r) mysqlnd_field_tell((r)) #define mysql_init(a) mysqlnd_connection_init((a), false) #define mysql_insert_id(r) mysqlnd_insert_id((r)) #define mysql_kill(r,n) mysqlnd_kill((r), (n)) #define mysql_list_dbs(c, wild) mysqlnd_list_dbs((c), (wild)) #define mysql_list_processes(c) mysqlnd_list_processes((c)) #define mysql_list_tables(c, wild) mysqlnd_list_tables((c), (wild)) #define mysql_more_results(r) mysqlnd_more_results((r)) #define mysql_next_result(r) mysqlnd_next_result((r)) #define mysql_num_fields(r) mysqlnd_num_fields((r)) #define mysql_num_rows(r) mysqlnd_num_rows((r)) #define mysql_ping(r) mysqlnd_ping((r)) #define mysql_real_escape_string(r,a,b,c) mysqlnd_real_escape_string((r), (a), (b), (c)) #define mysql_real_query(r,a,b) mysqlnd_query((r), (a), (b)) #define mysql_refresh(conn, options) mysqlnd_refresh((conn), (options)) #define mysql_rollback(r) mysqlnd_rollback((r), TRANS_COR_NO_OPT, NULL) #define mysql_select_db(r,a) mysqlnd_select_db((r), (a) ,strlen((a))) #define mysql_set_server_option(r,o) mysqlnd_set_server_option((r), (o)) #define mysql_set_character_set(r,a) mysqlnd_set_character_set((r), (a)) #define mysql_sqlstate(r) mysqlnd_sqlstate((r)) #define mysql_ssl_set(c,key,cert,ca,capath,cipher) mysqlnd_ssl_set((c), (key), (cert), (ca), (capath), (cipher)) #define mysql_stmt_affected_rows(s) mysqlnd_stmt_affected_rows((s)) #define mysql_stmt_field_count(s) mysqlnd_stmt_field_count((s)) #define mysql_stmt_param_count(s) mysqlnd_stmt_param_count((s)) #define mysql_stmt_num_rows(s) mysqlnd_stmt_num_rows((s)) #define mysql_stmt_insert_id(s) mysqlnd_stmt_insert_id((s)) #define mysql_stmt_close(s) mysqlnd_stmt_close((s), 0) #define mysql_stmt_bind_param(s,b) mysqlnd_stmt_bind_param((s), (b)) #define mysql_stmt_bind_result(s,b) mysqlnd_stmt_bind_result((s), (b)) #define mysql_stmt_errno(s) mysqlnd_stmt_errno((s)) #define mysql_stmt_error(s) mysqlnd_stmt_error((s)) #define mysql_stmt_sqlstate(s) mysqlnd_stmt_sqlstate((s)) #define mysql_stmt_prepare(s,q,l) mysqlnd_stmt_prepare((s), (q), (l)) #define mysql_stmt_execute(s) mysqlnd_stmt_execute((s)) #define mysql_stmt_reset(s) mysqlnd_stmt_reset((s)) #define mysql_stmt_store_result(s) mysqlnd_stmt_store_result((s)) #define mysql_stmt_free_result(s) mysqlnd_stmt_free_result((s)) #define mysql_stmt_data_seek(s,r) mysqlnd_stmt_data_seek((s), (r)) #define mysql_stmt_send_long_data(s,p,d,l) mysqlnd_stmt_send_long_data((s), (p), (d), (l)) #define mysql_stmt_attr_get(s,a,v) mysqlnd_stmt_attr_get((s), (a), (v)) #define mysql_stmt_attr_set(s,a,v) mysqlnd_stmt_attr_set((s), (a), (v)) #define mysql_stmt_param_metadata(s) mysqlnd_stmt_param_metadata((s)) #define mysql_stmt_result_metadata(s) mysqlnd_stmt_result_metadata((s)) #define mysql_stmt_next_result(s) mysqlnd_stmt_next_result((s)) #define mysql_stmt_more_results(s) mysqlnd_stmt_more_results((s)) #define mysql_thread_safe() mysqlnd_thread_safe() #define mysql_info(r) mysqlnd_info((r)) #define mysql_options(c,a,v) mysqlnd_options((c), (a), (v)) #define mysql_options4(c,a,k,v) mysqlnd_options4((c), (a), (k), (v)) #define mysql_stmt_init(r) mysqlnd_stmt_init((r)) #define mysql_free_result(r) mysqlnd_free_result((r), FALSE) #define mysql_store_result(r) mysqlnd_store_result((r)) #define mysql_use_result(r) mysqlnd_use_result((r)) #define mysql_async_store_result(r) mysqlnd_async_store_result((r)) #define mysql_thread_id(r) mysqlnd_thread_id((r)) #define mysql_get_client_info() mysqlnd_get_client_info() #define mysql_get_client_version() mysqlnd_get_client_version() #define mysql_get_host_info(r) mysqlnd_get_host_info((r)) #define mysql_get_proto_info(r) mysqlnd_get_proto_info((r)) #define mysql_get_server_info(r) mysqlnd_get_server_info((r)) #define mysql_get_server_version(r) mysqlnd_get_server_version((r)) #define mysql_warning_count(r) mysqlnd_warning_count((r)) #define mysql_eof(r) (((r)->unbuf && (r)->unbuf->eof_reached) || (r)->stored_data) #define REFRESH_GRANT MYSQLND_REFRESH_GRANT #define REFRESH_LOG MYSQLND_REFRESH_LOG #define REFRESH_TABLES MYSQLND_REFRESH_TABLES #define REFRESH_HOSTS MYSQLND_REFRESH_HOSTS #define REFRESH_STATUS MYSQLND_REFRESH_STATUS #define REFRESH_THREADS MYSQLND_REFRESH_THREADS #define REFRESH_SLAVE MYSQLND_REFRESH_SLAVE #define REFRESH_MASTER MYSQLND_REFRESH_MASTER #define REFRESH_BACKUP_LOG MYSQLND_REFRESH_BACKUP_LOG #endif /* MYSQLND_LIBMYSQL_COMPAT_H */ PK!ڕDaa&mysqlnd/mysqlnd_protocol_frame_codec.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_FRAME_CODEC_H #define MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_FRAME_CODEC_H PHPAPI MYSQLND_PFC * mysqlnd_pfc_init(const zend_bool persistent, MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_object_factory) *object_factory, MYSQLND_STATS * stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * error_info); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_pfc_free(MYSQLND_PFC * const pfc, MYSQLND_STATS * stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * error_info); #endif /* MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_FRAME_CODEC_H */ PK!,q}^^mysqlnd/mysqlnd_result.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_RESULT_H #define MYSQLND_RESULT_H PHPAPI MYSQLND_RES * mysqlnd_result_init(const unsigned int field_count); PHPAPI MYSQLND_RES_UNBUFFERED * mysqlnd_result_unbuffered_init(MYSQLND_RES * result, const unsigned int field_count, const zend_bool ps); PHPAPI MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED_ZVAL * mysqlnd_result_buffered_zval_init(MYSQLND_RES * result, const unsigned int field_count, const zend_bool ps); PHPAPI MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED_C * mysqlnd_result_buffered_c_init(MYSQLND_RES * result, const unsigned int field_count, const zend_bool ps); enum_func_status mysqlnd_query_read_result_set_header(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, MYSQLND_STMT * stmt); #endif /* MYSQLND_RESULT_H */ PK!?b!!mysqlnd/mysqlnd_structs.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_STRUCTS_H #define MYSQLND_STRUCTS_H #include "zend_smart_str_public.h" #define MYSQLND_TYPEDEFED_METHODS #define MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME(class) mysqlnd_##class##_methods #define MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(class) struct st_##class##_methods #define MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(class) MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(class) MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME(class) #define MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_START(class) MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME_FORWARD(class) = { #define MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_END } #define MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_INSTANCE_NAME(class) mysqlnd_##class##_methods_ptr #define MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_INSTANCE_DECLARE(class) extern const MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(class) * MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_INSTANCE_NAME(class) #define MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_INSTANCE_DEFINE(class) const MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(class) * MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_INSTANCE_NAME(class) = & MYSQLND_CLASS_METHOD_TABLE_NAME(class) typedef struct st_mysqlnd_string { char *s; size_t l; } MYSQLND_STRING; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_const_string { const char *s; size_t l; } MYSQLND_CSTRING; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_memory_pool MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL; struct st_mysqlnd_memory_pool { zend_arena *arena; void *last; void *checkpoint; void* (*get_chunk)(MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL * pool, size_t size); void* (*resize_chunk)(MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL * pool, void * ptr, size_t old_size, size_t size); void (*free_chunk)(MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL * pool, void * ptr); }; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_row_buffer MYSQLND_ROW_BUFFER; struct st_mysqlnd_row_buffer { void *ptr; size_t size; }; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_cmd_buffer { zend_uchar *buffer; size_t length; } MYSQLND_CMD_BUFFER; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_field { zend_string *sname; /* Name of column */ zend_bool is_numeric; zend_ulong num_key; const char *name; /* Name of column in C string */ const char *org_name; /* Original column name, if an alias */ const char *table; /* Table of column if column was a field */ const char *org_table; /* Org table name, if table was an alias */ const char *db; /* Database for table */ const char *catalog; /* Catalog for table */ char *def; /* Default value */ zend_ulong length; /* Width of column (create length) */ zend_ulong max_length; /* Max width for selected set */ unsigned int name_length; unsigned int org_name_length; unsigned int table_length; unsigned int org_table_length; unsigned int db_length; unsigned int catalog_length; unsigned int def_length; unsigned int flags; /* Diverse flags */ unsigned int decimals; /* Number of decimals in field */ unsigned int charsetnr; /* Character set */ enum mysqlnd_field_types type; /* Type of field. See mysql_com.h for types */ char *root; size_t root_len; } MYSQLND_FIELD; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_upsert_status MYSQLND_UPSERT_STATUS; typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_upsert_status__reset)(MYSQLND_UPSERT_STATUS * const upsert_status); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_upsert_status__set_affected_rows_to_error)(MYSQLND_UPSERT_STATUS * const upsert_status); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_upsert_status) { func_mysqlnd_upsert_status__reset reset; func_mysqlnd_upsert_status__set_affected_rows_to_error set_affected_rows_to_error; }; struct st_mysqlnd_upsert_status { unsigned int warning_count; unsigned int server_status; uint64_t affected_rows; uint64_t last_insert_id; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_upsert_status) *m; }; #define SET_EMPTY_ERROR(info) (info)->m->reset((info)) #define SET_CLIENT_ERROR(info, err_no, sqlstate, error) (err_no)? (info)->m->set_client_error((info), (err_no), (sqlstate), (error)) : (info)->m->reset((info)) #define SET_OOM_ERROR(info) SET_CLIENT_ERROR((info), CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, UNKNOWN_SQLSTATE, mysqlnd_out_of_memory) #define COPY_CLIENT_ERROR(dest, source) SET_CLIENT_ERROR((dest), (source).error_no, (source).sqlstate, (source).error) typedef struct st_mysqlnd_error_info MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO; typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_error_info__reset)(MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const info); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_error_info__set_client_error)(MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const info, const unsigned int err_no, const char * const sqlstate, const char * const error); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_error_info) { func_mysqlnd_error_info__reset reset; func_mysqlnd_error_info__set_client_error set_client_error; }; struct st_mysqlnd_error_info { char error[MYSQLND_ERRMSG_SIZE+1]; char sqlstate[MYSQLND_SQLSTATE_LENGTH + 1]; unsigned int error_no; zend_llist error_list; zend_bool persistent; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_error_info) *m; }; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_error_list_element { char * error; char sqlstate[MYSQLND_SQLSTATE_LENGTH + 1]; unsigned int error_no; } MYSQLND_ERROR_LIST_ELEMENT; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_infile_info { php_stream *fd; int error_no; char error_msg[MYSQLND_ERRMSG_SIZE + 1]; const char *filename; } MYSQLND_INFILE_INFO; typedef int (*func_mysqlnd_local_infile__init)(void ** ptr, const char * const filename); typedef int (*func_mysqlnd_local_infile__read)(void * ptr, zend_uchar * buf, unsigned int buf_len); typedef int (*func_mysqlnd_local_infile__error)(void * ptr, char * error_msg, unsigned int error_msg_len); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_local_infile__end)(void * ptr); /* character set information */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_charset { unsigned int nr; const char *name; const char *collation; unsigned int char_minlen; unsigned int char_maxlen; const char *comment; unsigned int (*mb_charlen)(const unsigned int c); unsigned int (*mb_valid)(const char * const start, const char * const end); } MYSQLND_CHARSET; /* local infile handler */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_infile { func_mysqlnd_local_infile__init local_infile_init; func_mysqlnd_local_infile__read local_infile_read; func_mysqlnd_local_infile__error local_infile_error; func_mysqlnd_local_infile__end local_infile_end; } MYSQLND_INFILE; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_session_options { unsigned int flags; /* init commands - we need to send them to server directly after connect */ unsigned int num_commands; char **init_commands; /* configuration file information */ char *cfg_file; char *cfg_section; char *auth_protocol; /* We need to keep these because otherwise st_mysqlnd_conn will be changed. The ABI will be broken and the methods structure will be somewhere else in the memory which can crash external code. Feel free to reuse these. */ HashTable * connect_attr; char * unused1; char * unused2; char * unused3; enum_mysqlnd_session_protocol_type protocol; char *charset_name; /* maximum allowed packet size for communication */ unsigned int max_allowed_packet; #ifdef MYSQLND_STRING_TO_INT_CONVERSION zend_bool int_and_float_native; #endif } MYSQLND_SESSION_OPTIONS; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_vio_options { /* timeouts */ unsigned int timeout_connect; unsigned int timeout_read; unsigned int timeout_write; size_t net_read_buffer_size; /* SSL information */ char *ssl_key; char *ssl_cert; char *ssl_ca; char *ssl_capath; char *ssl_cipher; char *ssl_passphrase; enum mysqlnd_ssl_peer { MYSQLND_SSL_PEER_DEFAULT = 0, MYSQLND_SSL_PEER_VERIFY = 1, MYSQLND_SSL_PEER_DONT_VERIFY = 2, #define MYSQLND_SSL_PEER_DEFAULT_ACTION MYSQLND_SSL_PEER_VERIFY } ssl_verify_peer; } MYSQLND_VIO_OPTIONS; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_connection MYSQLND; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_connection_data MYSQLND_CONN_DATA; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_protocol_frame_codec MYSQLND_PFC; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_protocol_frame_codec_data MYSQLND_PFC_DATA; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_vio MYSQLND_VIO; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_vio_data MYSQLND_VIO_DATA; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_DECODER_FACTORY; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_res MYSQLND_RES; typedef char** MYSQLND_ROW_C; /* return data as array of strings */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_stmt_data MYSQLND_STMT_DATA; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_stmt MYSQLND_STMT; typedef unsigned int MYSQLND_FIELD_OFFSET; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_param_bind MYSQLND_PARAM_BIND; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_result_bind MYSQLND_RESULT_BIND; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_result_metadata MYSQLND_RES_METADATA; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_buffered_result_parent MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_buffered_result_zval MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED_ZVAL; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_buffered_result_c MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED_C; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_unbuffered_result MYSQLND_RES_UNBUFFERED; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_debug MYSQLND_DEBUG; typedef MYSQLND_RES* (*mysqlnd_stmt_use_or_store_func)(MYSQLND_STMT * const); typedef enum_func_status (*mysqlnd_fetch_row_func)(MYSQLND_RES *result, void * param, const unsigned int flags, zend_bool * fetched_anything ); typedef struct st_mysqlnd_stats MYSQLND_STATS; typedef void (*mysqlnd_stat_trigger)(MYSQLND_STATS * stats, enum_mysqlnd_collected_stats stat, int64_t change); struct st_mysqlnd_stats { uint64_t *values; mysqlnd_stat_trigger *triggers; size_t count; zend_bool in_trigger; #ifdef ZTS MUTEX_T LOCK_access; #endif }; typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_set_option)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const enum_mysqlnd_server_option option); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_debug)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_init_db)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const MYSQLND_CSTRING db); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_ping)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_statistics)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, zend_string ** message); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_process_kill)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const unsigned int process_id, const zend_bool read_response); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_refresh)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const uint8_t options); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_shutdown)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const uint8_t level); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_quit)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_query)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, MYSQLND_CSTRING query); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_change_user)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const MYSQLND_CSTRING payload, const zend_bool silent); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_reap_result)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_stmt_prepare)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const MYSQLND_CSTRING query); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_stmt_execute)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const MYSQLND_CSTRING payload); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_stmt_fetch)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const MYSQLND_CSTRING payload); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_stmt_reset)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const zend_ulong stmt_id); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_stmt_send_long_data)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const MYSQLND_CSTRING payload); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_stmt_close)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const zend_ulong stmt_id); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_enable_ssl)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const size_t client_capabilities, const size_t server_capabilities, const unsigned int charset_no); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_execute_com_handshake)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const MYSQLND_CSTRING username, const MYSQLND_CSTRING password, const MYSQLND_CSTRING database, const size_t client_flags); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_command) { func_mysqlnd_execute_com_set_option set_option; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_debug debug; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_init_db init_db; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_ping ping; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_statistics statistics; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_process_kill process_kill; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_refresh refresh; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_shutdown shutdown; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_quit quit; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_query query; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_change_user change_user; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_reap_result reap_result; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_stmt_prepare stmt_prepare; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_stmt_execute stmt_execute; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_stmt_fetch stmt_fetch; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_stmt_reset stmt_reset; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_stmt_send_long_data stmt_send_long_data; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_stmt_close stmt_close; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_enable_ssl enable_ssl; func_mysqlnd_execute_com_handshake handshake; }; typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_vio__init)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, MYSQLND_STATS * const stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_vio__dtor)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, MYSQLND_STATS * const conn_stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_vio__connect)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, const MYSQLND_CSTRING scheme, const zend_bool persistent, MYSQLND_STATS * const conn_stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_vio__close_stream)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, MYSQLND_STATS * const conn_stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef php_stream * (*func_mysqlnd_vio__open_stream)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, const MYSQLND_CSTRING scheme, const zend_bool persistent, MYSQLND_STATS * const conn_stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef php_stream * (*func_mysqlnd_vio__get_stream)(const MYSQLND_VIO * const vio); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_vio__set_stream)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, php_stream * vio_stream); typedef zend_bool (*func_mysqlnd_vio__has_valid_stream)(const MYSQLND_VIO * const vio); typedef func_mysqlnd_vio__open_stream (*func_mysqlnd_vio__get_open_stream)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, const MYSQLND_CSTRING scheme, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_vio__set_client_option)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, enum_mysqlnd_client_option option, const char * const value); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_vio__post_connect_set_opt)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, const MYSQLND_CSTRING scheme, MYSQLND_STATS * const conn_stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_vio__enable_ssl)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_vio__disable_ssl)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_vio__network_read)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, zend_uchar * const buffer, const size_t count, MYSQLND_STATS * const stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef ssize_t (*func_mysqlnd_vio__network_write)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, const zend_uchar * const buf, const size_t count, MYSQLND_STATS * const stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef size_t (*func_mysqlnd_vio__consume_uneaten_data)(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, enum php_mysqlnd_server_command cmd); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_vio__free_contents)(MYSQLND_VIO * vio); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_vio) { func_mysqlnd_vio__init init; func_mysqlnd_vio__dtor dtor; func_mysqlnd_vio__connect connect; func_mysqlnd_vio__close_stream close_stream; func_mysqlnd_vio__open_stream open_pipe; func_mysqlnd_vio__open_stream open_tcp_or_unix; func_mysqlnd_vio__get_stream get_stream; func_mysqlnd_vio__set_stream set_stream; func_mysqlnd_vio__has_valid_stream has_valid_stream; func_mysqlnd_vio__get_open_stream get_open_stream; func_mysqlnd_vio__set_client_option set_client_option; func_mysqlnd_vio__post_connect_set_opt post_connect_set_opt; func_mysqlnd_vio__enable_ssl enable_ssl; func_mysqlnd_vio__disable_ssl disable_ssl; func_mysqlnd_vio__network_read network_read; func_mysqlnd_vio__network_write network_write; func_mysqlnd_vio__consume_uneaten_data consume_uneaten_data; func_mysqlnd_vio__free_contents free_contents; }; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_object_factory); typedef MYSQLND * (*func_mysqlnd_object_factory__get_connection)(MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_object_factory) * factory, const zend_bool persistent); typedef MYSQLND * (*func_mysqlnd_object_factory__clone_connection_object)(MYSQLND * conn); typedef MYSQLND_STMT * (*func_mysqlnd_object_factory__get_prepared_statement)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn); typedef MYSQLND_PFC * (*func_mysqlnd_object_factory__get_pfc)(const zend_bool persistent, MYSQLND_STATS * stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * error_info); typedef MYSQLND_VIO * (*func_mysqlnd_object_factory__get_vio)(const zend_bool persistent, MYSQLND_STATS * stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * error_info); typedef MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_DECODER_FACTORY * (*func_mysqlnd_object_factory__get_protocol_payload_decoder_factory)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const zend_bool persistent); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_object_factory) { func_mysqlnd_object_factory__get_connection get_connection; func_mysqlnd_object_factory__clone_connection_object clone_connection_object; func_mysqlnd_object_factory__get_prepared_statement get_prepared_statement; func_mysqlnd_object_factory__get_pfc get_protocol_frame_codec; func_mysqlnd_object_factory__get_vio get_vio; func_mysqlnd_object_factory__get_protocol_payload_decoder_factory get_protocol_payload_decoder_factory; }; typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__connect)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, MYSQLND_CSTRING hostname, MYSQLND_CSTRING username, MYSQLND_CSTRING password, MYSQLND_CSTRING database, unsigned int port, MYSQLND_CSTRING socket_or_pipe, unsigned int mysql_flags); typedef zend_ulong (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__escape_string)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, char *newstr, const char *escapestr, size_t escapestr_len); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__set_charset)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const char * const charset); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__query)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const char * const query, const size_t query_len); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__send_query)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const char * const query, const size_t query_len, enum_mysqlnd_send_query_type type, zval *read_cb, zval *err_cb); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__reap_query)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, enum_mysqlnd_reap_result_type type); typedef MYSQLND_RES * (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__use_result)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const unsigned int flags); typedef MYSQLND_RES * (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__store_result)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const unsigned int flags); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__next_result)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef zend_bool (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__more_results)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef MYSQLND_STMT * (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__stmt_init)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__shutdown_server)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, uint8_t level); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__refresh_server)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, uint8_t options); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__ping)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__kill_connection)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, unsigned int pid); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__select_db)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const char * const db, const size_t db_len); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__server_dump_debug_information)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__change_user)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const char * user, const char * passwd, const char * db, zend_bool silent, size_t passwd_len); typedef unsigned int (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_error_no)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef const char * (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_error_str)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef const char * (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_sqlstate)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef uint64_t (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_thread_id)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_statistics)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, zval *return_value ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC); typedef zend_ulong (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_server_version)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef const char * (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_server_information)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_server_statistics)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, zend_string **message); typedef const char * (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_host_information)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef unsigned int (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_protocol_information)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef const char * (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_last_message)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef const char * (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__charset_name)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef MYSQLND_RES * (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__list_method)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const char * const query, const char * const achtung_wild, const char * const par1); typedef uint64_t (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_last_insert_id)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef uint64_t (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_affected_rows)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef unsigned int (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_warning_count)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef unsigned int (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_field_count)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef unsigned int (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_server_status)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__set_server_option)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, enum_mysqlnd_server_option option); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__set_client_option)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, enum_mysqlnd_client_option option, const char * const value); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__free_contents)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn);/* private */ typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__free_options)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn); /* private */ typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__dtor)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn); /* private */ typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__query_read_result_set_header)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, MYSQLND_STMT * stmt); typedef MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_reference)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__free_reference)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__send_command_do_request)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const enum php_mysqlnd_server_command command, const zend_uchar * const arg, const size_t arg_len, const zend_bool silent, const zend_bool ignore_upsert_status); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__send_command_handle_response)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const enum mysqlnd_packet_type ok_packet, const zend_bool silent, const enum php_mysqlnd_server_command command, const zend_bool ignore_upsert_status); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__restart_psession)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__end_psession)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__send_close)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__ssl_set)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const char * key, const char * const cert, const char * const ca, const char * const capath, const char * const cipher); typedef MYSQLND_RES * (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__result_init)(unsigned int field_count); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__set_autocommit)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, unsigned int mode); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_commit)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_rollback)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_begin)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const unsigned int mode, const char * const name); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_commit_or_rollback)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const zend_bool commit, const unsigned int flags, const char * const name); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_cor_options_to_string)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, smart_str * tmp_str, const unsigned int mode); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_savepoint)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const char * const name); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_savepoint_release)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const char * const name); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__local_tx_start)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const size_t this_func); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__local_tx_end)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const size_t this_func, const enum_func_status status); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__execute_init_commands)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn); typedef unsigned int (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_updated_connect_flags)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, unsigned int mysql_flags); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__connect_handshake)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const MYSQLND_CSTRING * const scheme, const MYSQLND_CSTRING * const username, const MYSQLND_CSTRING * const password, const MYSQLND_CSTRING * const database, const unsigned int mysql_flags); typedef struct st_mysqlnd_authentication_plugin * (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__fetch_auth_plugin_by_name)(const char * const requested_protocol); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__set_client_option_2d)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const enum_mysqlnd_client_option option, const char * const key, const char * const value); typedef size_t (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__negotiate_client_api_capabilities)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const size_t flags); typedef size_t (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_client_api_capabilities)(const MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn); typedef MYSQLND_STRING (*func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_scheme)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, MYSQLND_CSTRING hostname, MYSQLND_CSTRING *socket_or_pipe, unsigned int port, zend_bool * unix_socket, zend_bool * named_pipe); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_conn_data) { func_mysqlnd_conn_data__connect connect; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__escape_string escape_string; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__set_charset set_charset; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__query query; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__send_query send_query; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__reap_query reap_query; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__use_result use_result; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__store_result store_result; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__next_result next_result; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__more_results more_results; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__stmt_init stmt_init; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__shutdown_server shutdown_server; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__refresh_server refresh_server; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__ping ping; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__kill_connection kill_connection; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__select_db select_db; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__server_dump_debug_information server_dump_debug_information; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__change_user change_user; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_error_no get_error_no; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_error_str get_error_str; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_sqlstate get_sqlstate; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_thread_id get_thread_id; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_statistics get_statistics; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_server_version get_server_version; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_server_information get_server_information; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_server_statistics get_server_statistics; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_host_information get_host_information; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_protocol_information get_protocol_information; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_last_message get_last_message; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__charset_name charset_name; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__list_method list_method; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_last_insert_id get_last_insert_id; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_affected_rows get_affected_rows; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_warning_count get_warning_count; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_field_count get_field_count; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_server_status get_server_status; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__set_server_option set_server_option; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__set_client_option set_client_option; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__free_contents free_contents; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__free_options free_options; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__dtor dtor; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__query_read_result_set_header query_read_result_set_header; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_reference get_reference; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__free_reference free_reference; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__restart_psession restart_psession; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__end_psession end_psession; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__send_close send_close; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__ssl_set ssl_set; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__result_init result_init; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__set_autocommit set_autocommit; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_commit tx_commit; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_rollback tx_rollback; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_begin tx_begin; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_commit_or_rollback tx_commit_or_rollback; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_cor_options_to_string tx_cor_options_to_string; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_savepoint tx_savepoint; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__tx_savepoint_release tx_savepoint_release; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__local_tx_start local_tx_start; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__local_tx_end local_tx_end; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__execute_init_commands execute_init_commands; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_updated_connect_flags get_updated_connect_flags; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__connect_handshake connect_handshake; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__fetch_auth_plugin_by_name fetch_auth_plugin_by_name; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__set_client_option_2d set_client_option_2d; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__negotiate_client_api_capabilities negotiate_client_api_capabilities; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_client_api_capabilities get_client_api_capabilities; func_mysqlnd_conn_data__get_scheme get_scheme; }; typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_data__connect)(MYSQLND * conn, const MYSQLND_CSTRING hostname, const MYSQLND_CSTRING username, const MYSQLND_CSTRING password, const MYSQLND_CSTRING database, unsigned int port, const MYSQLND_CSTRING socket_or_pipe, unsigned int mysql_flags); typedef MYSQLND * (*func_mysqlnd_conn__clone_object)(MYSQLND * const conn); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_conn__dtor)(MYSQLND * conn); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_conn__close)(MYSQLND * conn, const enum_connection_close_type close_type); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_conn) { func_mysqlnd_data__connect connect; func_mysqlnd_conn__clone_object clone_object; func_mysqlnd_conn__dtor dtor; func_mysqlnd_conn__close close; }; /* for decoding - binary or text protocol */ typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_res__row_decoder)(MYSQLND_ROW_BUFFER * row_buffer, zval * fields, const unsigned int field_count, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const fields_metadata, const zend_bool as_int_or_float, MYSQLND_STATS * const stats); typedef MYSQLND_RES * (*func_mysqlnd_res__use_result)(MYSQLND_RES * const result, const zend_bool ps_protocol); typedef MYSQLND_RES * (*func_mysqlnd_res__store_result)(MYSQLND_RES * result, MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, const unsigned int flags); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_into)(MYSQLND_RES *result, const unsigned int flags, zval *return_value, enum_mysqlnd_extension ext ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC); typedef MYSQLND_ROW_C (*func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_row_c)(MYSQLND_RES *result); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_all)(MYSQLND_RES *result, const unsigned int flags, zval *return_value ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_field_data)(MYSQLND_RES *result, const unsigned int offset, zval *return_value); typedef uint64_t (*func_mysqlnd_res__num_rows)(const MYSQLND_RES * const result); typedef unsigned int (*func_mysqlnd_res__num_fields)(const MYSQLND_RES * const result); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_res__skip_result)(MYSQLND_RES * const result); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_res__seek_data)(MYSQLND_RES * const result, const uint64_t row); typedef MYSQLND_FIELD_OFFSET (*func_mysqlnd_res__seek_field)(MYSQLND_RES * const result, const MYSQLND_FIELD_OFFSET field_offset); typedef MYSQLND_FIELD_OFFSET (*func_mysqlnd_res__field_tell)(const MYSQLND_RES * const result); typedef const MYSQLND_FIELD *(*func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_field)(MYSQLND_RES * const result); typedef const MYSQLND_FIELD *(*func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_field_direct)(MYSQLND_RES * const result, const MYSQLND_FIELD_OFFSET fieldnr); typedef const MYSQLND_FIELD *(*func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_fields)(MYSQLND_RES * const result); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_res__read_result_metadata)(MYSQLND_RES * result, MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn); typedef const size_t * (*func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_lengths)(const MYSQLND_RES * const result); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_res__store_result_fetch_data)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * const conn, MYSQLND_RES * result, MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * meta, MYSQLND_ROW_BUFFER ** row_buffers, zend_bool binary_protocol); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_res__free_result_buffers)(MYSQLND_RES * result); /* private */ typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_res__free_result)(MYSQLND_RES * result, const zend_bool implicit); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_res__free_result_internal)(MYSQLND_RES *result); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_res__free_result_contents)(MYSQLND_RES *result); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_res__free_buffered_data)(MYSQLND_RES *result); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_res__unbuffered_free_last_data)(MYSQLND_RES *result); typedef MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * (*func_mysqlnd_res__result_meta_init)(MYSQLND_RES *result, unsigned int field_count); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_res) { mysqlnd_fetch_row_func fetch_row; func_mysqlnd_res__use_result use_result; func_mysqlnd_res__store_result store_result; func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_into fetch_into; func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_row_c fetch_row_c; func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_all fetch_all; func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_field_data fetch_field_data; func_mysqlnd_res__num_rows num_rows; func_mysqlnd_res__num_fields num_fields; func_mysqlnd_res__skip_result skip_result; func_mysqlnd_res__seek_data seek_data; func_mysqlnd_res__seek_field seek_field; func_mysqlnd_res__field_tell field_tell; func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_field fetch_field; func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_field_direct fetch_field_direct; func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_fields fetch_fields; func_mysqlnd_res__read_result_metadata read_result_metadata; func_mysqlnd_res__fetch_lengths fetch_lengths; func_mysqlnd_res__store_result_fetch_data store_result_fetch_data; func_mysqlnd_res__free_result_buffers free_result_buffers; func_mysqlnd_res__free_result free_result; func_mysqlnd_res__free_result_internal free_result_internal; func_mysqlnd_res__free_result_contents free_result_contents; func_mysqlnd_res__result_meta_init result_meta_init; void * unused1; void * unused2; void * unused3; void * unused4; void * unused5; }; typedef uint64_t (*func_mysqlnd_result_unbuffered__num_rows)(const MYSQLND_RES_UNBUFFERED * const result); typedef const size_t * (*func_mysqlnd_result_unbuffered__fetch_lengths)(const MYSQLND_RES_UNBUFFERED * const result); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_result_unbuffered__free_last_data)(MYSQLND_RES_UNBUFFERED * result, MYSQLND_STATS * const global_stats); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_result_unbuffered__free_result)(MYSQLND_RES_UNBUFFERED * const result, MYSQLND_STATS * const global_stats); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_result_unbuffered) { mysqlnd_fetch_row_func fetch_row; func_mysqlnd_res__row_decoder row_decoder; func_mysqlnd_result_unbuffered__num_rows num_rows; func_mysqlnd_result_unbuffered__fetch_lengths fetch_lengths; func_mysqlnd_result_unbuffered__free_last_data free_last_data; func_mysqlnd_result_unbuffered__free_result free_result; }; typedef uint64_t (*func_mysqlnd_result_buffered__num_rows)(const MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED * const result); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_result_buffered__initialize_result_set_rest)(MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED * const result, MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * const meta, MYSQLND_STATS * stats, const zend_bool int_and_float_native); typedef const size_t * (*func_mysqlnd_result_buffered__fetch_lengths)(const MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED * const result); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_result_buffered__data_seek)(MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED * const result, const uint64_t row); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_result_buffered__free_result)(MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED * const result); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_result_buffered) { mysqlnd_fetch_row_func fetch_row; func_mysqlnd_res__row_decoder row_decoder; func_mysqlnd_result_buffered__num_rows num_rows; func_mysqlnd_result_buffered__fetch_lengths fetch_lengths; func_mysqlnd_result_buffered__data_seek data_seek; func_mysqlnd_result_buffered__initialize_result_set_rest initialize_result_set_rest; func_mysqlnd_result_buffered__free_result free_result; }; typedef const MYSQLND_FIELD * (*func_mysqlnd_res_meta__fetch_field)(MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * const meta); typedef const MYSQLND_FIELD * (*func_mysqlnd_res_meta__fetch_field_direct)(const MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * const meta, const MYSQLND_FIELD_OFFSET fieldnr); typedef const MYSQLND_FIELD * (*func_mysqlnd_res_meta__fetch_fields)(MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * const meta); typedef MYSQLND_FIELD_OFFSET (*func_mysqlnd_res_meta__field_tell)(const MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * const meta); typedef MYSQLND_FIELD_OFFSET (*func_mysqlnd_res_meta__field_seek)(MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * const meta, const MYSQLND_FIELD_OFFSET field_offset); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_res_meta__read_metadata)(MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * const meta, MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, MYSQLND_RES * result); typedef MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * (*func_mysqlnd_res_meta__clone_metadata)(MYSQLND_RES *result, const MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * const meta); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_res_meta__free_metadata)(MYSQLND_RES_METADATA * meta); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_res_meta) { func_mysqlnd_res_meta__fetch_field fetch_field; func_mysqlnd_res_meta__fetch_field_direct fetch_field_direct; func_mysqlnd_res_meta__fetch_fields fetch_fields; func_mysqlnd_res_meta__field_tell field_tell; func_mysqlnd_res_meta__field_seek field_seek; func_mysqlnd_res_meta__read_metadata read_metadata; func_mysqlnd_res_meta__clone_metadata clone_metadata; func_mysqlnd_res_meta__free_metadata free_metadata; }; typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__prepare)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, const char * const query, const size_t query_len); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__send_execute)(MYSQLND_STMT * const s, const enum_mysqlnd_send_execute_type type, zval * read_cb, zval * err_cb); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__execute)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef MYSQLND_RES * (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__use_result)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef MYSQLND_RES * (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__store_result)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef MYSQLND_RES * (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_result)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef zend_bool (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__more_results)(const MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__next_result)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__free_result)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__seek_data)(const MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, uint64_t row); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__reset)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__close_on_server)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, zend_bool implicit); /* private */ typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__dtor)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, zend_bool implicit); /* use this for mysqlnd_stmt_close */ typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__fetch)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, zend_bool * const fetched_anything); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__bind_parameters)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, MYSQLND_PARAM_BIND * const param_bind); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__bind_one_parameter)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, unsigned int param_no, zval * const zv, zend_uchar type); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__refresh_bind_param)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__bind_result)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, MYSQLND_RESULT_BIND * const result_bind); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__bind_one_result)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, unsigned int param_no); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__send_long_data)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, unsigned int param_num, const char * const data, zend_ulong length); typedef MYSQLND_RES * (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_parameter_metadata)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef MYSQLND_RES * (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_result_metadata)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef uint64_t (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_last_insert_id)(const MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef uint64_t (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_affected_rows)(const MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef uint64_t (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_num_rows)(const MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef unsigned int (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_param_count)(const MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef unsigned int (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_field_count)(const MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef unsigned int (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_warning_count)(const MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef unsigned int (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_error_no)(const MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef const char * (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_error_str)(const MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef const char * (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_sqlstate)(const MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_attribute)(const MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, enum mysqlnd_stmt_attr attr_type, void * const value); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__set_attribute)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, enum mysqlnd_stmt_attr attr_type, const void * const value); typedef MYSQLND_PARAM_BIND *(*func_mysqlnd_stmt__alloc_param_bind)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef MYSQLND_RESULT_BIND*(*func_mysqlnd_stmt__alloc_result_bind)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__free_parameter_bind)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, MYSQLND_PARAM_BIND *); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__free_result_bind)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt, MYSQLND_RESULT_BIND *); typedef unsigned int (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__server_status)(const MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__generate_execute_request)(MYSQLND_STMT * const s, zend_uchar ** request, size_t *request_len, zend_bool * free_buffer); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__parse_execute_response)(MYSQLND_STMT * const s, enum_mysqlnd_parse_exec_response_type type); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__free_stmt_content)(MYSQLND_STMT * const s); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__flush)(MYSQLND_STMT * const stmt); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_stmt__free_stmt_result)(MYSQLND_STMT * const s); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_stmt) { func_mysqlnd_stmt__prepare prepare; func_mysqlnd_stmt__send_execute send_execute; func_mysqlnd_stmt__execute execute; func_mysqlnd_stmt__use_result use_result; func_mysqlnd_stmt__store_result store_result; func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_result get_result; func_mysqlnd_stmt__more_results more_results; func_mysqlnd_stmt__next_result next_result; func_mysqlnd_stmt__free_result free_result; func_mysqlnd_stmt__seek_data seek_data; func_mysqlnd_stmt__reset reset; func_mysqlnd_stmt__close_on_server close_on_server; func_mysqlnd_stmt__dtor dtor; func_mysqlnd_stmt__fetch fetch; func_mysqlnd_stmt__bind_parameters bind_parameters; func_mysqlnd_stmt__bind_one_parameter bind_one_parameter; func_mysqlnd_stmt__refresh_bind_param refresh_bind_param; func_mysqlnd_stmt__bind_result bind_result; func_mysqlnd_stmt__bind_one_result bind_one_result; func_mysqlnd_stmt__send_long_data send_long_data; func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_parameter_metadata get_parameter_metadata; func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_result_metadata get_result_metadata; func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_last_insert_id get_last_insert_id; func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_affected_rows get_affected_rows; func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_num_rows get_num_rows; func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_param_count get_param_count; func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_field_count get_field_count; func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_warning_count get_warning_count; func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_error_no get_error_no; func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_error_str get_error_str; func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_sqlstate get_sqlstate; func_mysqlnd_stmt__get_attribute get_attribute; func_mysqlnd_stmt__set_attribute set_attribute; func_mysqlnd_stmt__alloc_param_bind alloc_parameter_bind; func_mysqlnd_stmt__alloc_result_bind alloc_result_bind; func_mysqlnd_stmt__free_parameter_bind free_parameter_bind; func_mysqlnd_stmt__free_result_bind free_result_bind; func_mysqlnd_stmt__server_status get_server_status; func_mysqlnd_stmt__generate_execute_request generate_execute_request; func_mysqlnd_stmt__parse_execute_response parse_execute_response; func_mysqlnd_stmt__free_stmt_content free_stmt_content; func_mysqlnd_stmt__flush flush; func_mysqlnd_stmt__free_stmt_result free_stmt_result; }; struct st_mysqlnd_vio_data { php_stream *stream; zend_bool ssl; MYSQLND_VIO_OPTIONS options; #ifdef MYSQLND_DO_WIRE_CHECK_BEFORE_COMMAND zend_uchar last_command; #else zend_uchar unused_pad1; #endif zend_bool persistent; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_vio) m; }; struct st_mysqlnd_vio { struct st_mysqlnd_vio_data * data; zend_bool persistent; }; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_connection_state MYSQLND_CONNECTION_STATE; typedef enum mysqlnd_connection_state (*func_mysqlnd_connection_state__get)(const MYSQLND_CONNECTION_STATE * const state_struct); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_connection_state__set)(MYSQLND_CONNECTION_STATE * const state_struct, const enum mysqlnd_connection_state state); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_connection_state) { func_mysqlnd_connection_state__get get; func_mysqlnd_connection_state__set set; }; struct st_mysqlnd_connection_state { enum mysqlnd_connection_state state; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_connection_state) *m; }; struct st_mysqlnd_connection_data { /* Operation related */ MYSQLND_PFC * protocol_frame_codec; MYSQLND_VIO * vio; MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_DECODER_FACTORY * payload_decoder_factory; /* Information related */ MYSQLND_STRING hostname; MYSQLND_STRING unix_socket; MYSQLND_STRING username; MYSQLND_STRING password; MYSQLND_STRING scheme; uint64_t thread_id; char *server_version; char *host_info; MYSQLND_STRING authentication_plugin_data; const MYSQLND_CHARSET *charset; const MYSQLND_CHARSET *greet_charset; MYSQLND_STRING connect_or_select_db; MYSQLND_INFILE infile; unsigned int protocol_version; unsigned int port; zend_ulong server_capabilities; /* For UPSERT queries */ MYSQLND_UPSERT_STATUS * upsert_status; MYSQLND_UPSERT_STATUS upsert_status_impl; MYSQLND_STRING last_message; /* If error packet, we use these */ MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * error_info; MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO error_info_impl; MYSQLND_CONNECTION_STATE state; enum_mysqlnd_query_type last_query_type; /* Temporary storage between query and (use|store)_result() call */ MYSQLND_RES *current_result; /* How many result sets reference this connection. It won't be freed until this number reaches 0. The last one, please close the door! :-) The result set objects can determine by inspecting 'quit_sent' whether the connection is still valid. */ unsigned int refcount; /* Temporal storage for mysql_query */ unsigned int field_count; /* options */ MYSQLND_SESSION_OPTIONS * options; MYSQLND_SESSION_OPTIONS options_impl; /* stats */ MYSQLND_STATS * stats; size_t client_api_capabilities; zval async_read_cb; zval async_err_cb; zend_bool in_async_read_cb; zend_bool in_async_err_cb; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_object_factory) object_factory; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_command) * command; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_conn_data) * m; /* persistent connection */ zend_bool persistent; }; struct st_mysqlnd_connection { MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * data; zend_bool persistent; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_conn) * m; }; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_greet; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_auth; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_auth_response; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_change_auth_response; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_ok; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_command; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_eof; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_rset_header; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_res_field; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_row; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_stats; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_prepare_response; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_chg_user_resp; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_auth_pam; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_sha256_pk_request; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_sha256_pk_request_response; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_cached_sha2_result; typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_greet_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_greet *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_auth_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_auth *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_auth_response_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_auth_response *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_change_auth_response_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_change_auth_response *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_ok_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_ok *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_command_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_command *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_eof_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_eof *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_rset_header_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_rset_header *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_result_field_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_res_field *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_row_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_row *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_stats_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_stats *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_prepare_response_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_prepare_response *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_change_user_response_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_chg_user_resp *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_sha256_pk_request_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_sha256_pk_request *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_sha256_pk_request_response_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_sha256_pk_request_response *packet); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_cached_sha2_result_packet)(struct st_mysqlnd_packet_cached_sha2_result *packet); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__send_command)( MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_DECODER_FACTORY * payload_decoder_factory, const enum php_mysqlnd_server_command command, const zend_uchar * const arg, const size_t arg_len, const zend_bool silent, MYSQLND_CONNECTION_STATE * connection_state, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * error_info, MYSQLND_UPSERT_STATUS * upsert_status, MYSQLND_STATS * stats, func_mysqlnd_conn_data__send_close send_close, void * send_close_ctx); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__send_command_handle_OK)( MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_DECODER_FACTORY * const payload_decoder_factory, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info, MYSQLND_UPSERT_STATUS * const upsert_status, const zend_bool ignore_upsert_status, /* actually used only by LOAD DATA. COM_QUERY and COM_EXECUTE handle the responses themselves */ MYSQLND_STRING * const last_message); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__send_command_handle_EOF)( MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_DECODER_FACTORY * const payload_decoder_factory, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info, MYSQLND_UPSERT_STATUS * const upsert_status); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__send_command_handle_response)( MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_DECODER_FACTORY * payload_decoder_factory, const enum mysqlnd_packet_type ok_packet, const zend_bool silent, const enum php_mysqlnd_server_command command, const zend_bool ignore_upsert_status, /* actually used only by LOAD DATA. COM_QUERY and COM_EXECUTE handle the responses themselves */ MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * error_info, MYSQLND_UPSERT_STATUS * upsert_status, MYSQLND_STRING * last_message); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory) { func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_greet_packet init_greet_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_auth_packet init_auth_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_auth_response_packet init_auth_response_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_change_auth_response_packet init_change_auth_response_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_ok_packet init_ok_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_command_packet init_command_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_eof_packet init_eof_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_rset_header_packet init_rset_header_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_result_field_packet init_result_field_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_row_packet init_row_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_stats_packet init_stats_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_prepare_response_packet init_prepare_response_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_change_user_response_packet init_change_user_response_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_sha256_pk_request_packet init_sha256_pk_request_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_sha256_pk_request_response_packet init_sha256_pk_request_response_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__init_cached_sha2_result_packet init_cached_sha2_result_packet; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__send_command send_command; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__send_command_handle_response send_command_handle_response; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__send_command_handle_OK send_command_handle_OK; func_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory__send_command_handle_EOF send_command_handle_EOF; }; struct st_mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory { MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn; zend_bool persistent; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory) m; }; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_read_buffer { zend_uchar * data; size_t offset; size_t size; size_t len; zend_bool (*is_empty)(const struct st_mysqlnd_read_buffer *); void (*read)(struct st_mysqlnd_read_buffer *, size_t count, zend_uchar * dest); size_t (*bytes_left)(const struct st_mysqlnd_read_buffer *); void (*free_buffer)(struct st_mysqlnd_read_buffer **); } MYSQLND_READ_BUFFER; typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_pfc__init)(MYSQLND_PFC * const pfc, MYSQLND_STATS * const stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_pfc__dtor)(MYSQLND_PFC * const pfc, MYSQLND_STATS * const conn_stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_pfc__reset)(MYSQLND_PFC * const pfc, MYSQLND_STATS * const conn_stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_pfc__set_client_option)(MYSQLND_PFC * const pfc, enum_mysqlnd_client_option option, const char * const value); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_pfc__decode)(zend_uchar * uncompressed_data, const size_t uncompressed_data_len, const zend_uchar * const compressed_data, const size_t compressed_data_len); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_pfc__encode)(zend_uchar * compress_buffer, size_t * compress_buffer_len, const zend_uchar * const uncompressed_data, const size_t uncompressed_data_len); typedef size_t (*func_mysqlnd_pfc__send)(MYSQLND_PFC * const pfc, MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, zend_uchar * const buffer, const size_t count, MYSQLND_STATS * const conn_stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_pfc__receive)(MYSQLND_PFC * const pfc, MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, zend_uchar * const buffer, const size_t count, MYSQLND_STATS * const conn_stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const error_info); typedef enum_func_status (*func_mysqlnd_pfc__read_compressed_packet_from_stream_and_fill_read_buffer)(MYSQLND_PFC * pfc, MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, size_t net_payload_size, MYSQLND_STATS * conn_stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * error_info); typedef void (*func_mysqlnd_pfc__free_contents)(MYSQLND_PFC * pfc); MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_protocol_packet_frame_codec) { func_mysqlnd_pfc__init init; func_mysqlnd_pfc__dtor dtor; func_mysqlnd_pfc__reset reset; func_mysqlnd_pfc__set_client_option set_client_option; func_mysqlnd_pfc__decode decode; func_mysqlnd_pfc__encode encode; func_mysqlnd_pfc__send send; func_mysqlnd_pfc__receive receive; func_mysqlnd_pfc__read_compressed_packet_from_stream_and_fill_read_buffer read_compressed_packet_from_stream_and_fill_read_buffer; func_mysqlnd_pfc__free_contents free_contents; }; struct st_mysqlnd_protocol_frame_codec_data { php_stream *stream; zend_bool compressed; zend_bool ssl; uint64_t flags; char * sha256_server_public_key; #ifdef MYSQLND_COMPRESSION_ENABLED MYSQLND_READ_BUFFER * uncompressed_data; #else void * unused_pad1; #endif /* sequence for simple checking of correct packets */ zend_uchar packet_no; zend_uchar compressed_envelope_packet_no; zend_bool persistent; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_protocol_packet_frame_codec) m; }; struct st_mysqlnd_protocol_frame_codec { MYSQLND_CMD_BUFFER cmd_buffer; struct st_mysqlnd_protocol_frame_codec_data * data; zend_bool persistent; }; struct st_mysqlnd_result_metadata { MYSQLND_FIELD *fields; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_res_meta) * m; unsigned int current_field; unsigned int field_count; }; #define def_mysqlnd_buffered_result_parent \ MYSQLND_ROW_BUFFER *row_buffers; \ uint64_t row_count; \ uint64_t initialized_rows; \ \ /* Column lengths of current row - both buffered and unbuffered. For buffered results it duplicates the data found in **data */ \ size_t *lengths; \ \ MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL *result_set_memory_pool; \ \ unsigned int references; \ \ MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO error_info; \ \ unsigned int field_count; \ zend_bool ps; \ MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_result_buffered) m; \ enum mysqlnd_buffered_type type; \ void * unused1; \ void * unused2; \ void * unused3 struct st_mysqlnd_buffered_result_parent { def_mysqlnd_buffered_result_parent; }; struct st_mysqlnd_buffered_result_zval { def_mysqlnd_buffered_result_parent; zval *data; zval *data_cursor; }; struct st_mysqlnd_buffered_result_c { def_mysqlnd_buffered_result_parent; zend_uchar *initialized; /* every row is a single bit */ uint64_t current_row; }; struct st_mysqlnd_unbuffered_result { MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_result_unbuffered) m; uint64_t row_count; /* For unbuffered (both normal and PS) */ zval *last_row_data; MYSQLND_ROW_BUFFER last_row_buffer; /* Column lengths of current row - both buffered and unbuffered. For buffered results it duplicates the data found in **data */ size_t *lengths; MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL *result_set_memory_pool; struct st_mysqlnd_packet_row *row_packet; unsigned int field_count; zend_bool eof_reached; zend_bool ps; }; struct st_mysqlnd_res { MYSQLND_CONN_DATA *conn; enum_mysqlnd_res_type type; unsigned int field_count; /* For metadata functions */ MYSQLND_RES_METADATA *meta; /* To be used with store_result() - both normal and PS */ MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED *stored_data; MYSQLND_RES_UNBUFFERED *unbuf; MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL *memory_pool; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_res) m; }; struct st_mysqlnd_param_bind { zval zv; zend_uchar type; enum_param_bind_flags flags; }; struct st_mysqlnd_result_bind { zval zv; zend_bool bound; }; struct st_mysqlnd_stmt_data { MYSQLND_CONN_DATA *conn; zend_ulong stmt_id; zend_ulong flags;/* cursor is set here */ enum_mysqlnd_stmt_state state; MYSQLND_RES *result; unsigned int field_count; unsigned int param_count; unsigned char send_types_to_server; MYSQLND_PARAM_BIND *param_bind; MYSQLND_RESULT_BIND *result_bind; MYSQLND_UPSERT_STATUS * upsert_status; MYSQLND_UPSERT_STATUS upsert_status_impl; MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * error_info; MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO error_info_impl; zend_bool update_max_length; zend_ulong prefetch_rows; zend_bool cursor_exists; mysqlnd_stmt_use_or_store_func default_rset_handler; zval execute_read_cb; zval execute_err_cb; zend_bool in_execute_read_cb; zend_bool in_execute_err_cb; MYSQLND_CMD_BUFFER execute_cmd_buffer; unsigned int execute_count;/* count how many times the stmt was executed */ }; struct st_mysqlnd_stmt { MYSQLND_STMT_DATA * data; MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_stmt) * m; }; struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_header { unsigned int plugin_api_version; const char * plugin_name; zend_ulong plugin_version; const char * plugin_string_version; const char * plugin_license; const char * plugin_author; struct { MYSQLND_STATS * values; const MYSQLND_STRING * names; } plugin_stats; struct { enum_func_status (*plugin_shutdown)(void * plugin); } m; }; struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_core { struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_header plugin_header; }; struct st_mysqlnd_typeii_plugin_example { struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_header plugin_header; void * methods; unsigned int counter; }; struct st_mysqlnd_authentication_plugin; typedef zend_uchar * (*func_auth_plugin__get_auth_data)(struct st_mysqlnd_authentication_plugin * self, size_t * auth_data_len, MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const char * const user, const char * const passwd, const size_t passwd_len, zend_uchar * auth_plugin_data, size_t auth_plugin_data_len, const MYSQLND_SESSION_OPTIONS * const session_options, const MYSQLND_PFC_DATA * const pfc_data, const zend_ulong mysql_flags ); typedef enum_func_status (*func_auth_plugin__handle_server_response)(struct st_mysqlnd_authentication_plugin * self, MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const zend_uchar * auth_plugin_data, size_t auth_plugin_data_len, const char * const passwd, const size_t passwd_len, char **new_auth_protocol, size_t *new_auth_protocol_len, zend_uchar **new_auth_protocol_data, size_t *new_auth_protocol_data_len ); struct st_mysqlnd_authentication_plugin { struct st_mysqlnd_plugin_header plugin_header; struct { func_auth_plugin__get_auth_data get_auth_data; func_auth_plugin__handle_server_response handle_server_response; } methods; }; #endif /* MYSQLND_STRUCTS_H */ PK!\m;;mysqlnd/mysqlnd_block_alloc.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_BLOCK_ALLOC_H #define MYSQLND_BLOCK_ALLOC_H PHPAPI MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL * mysqlnd_mempool_create(size_t arena_size); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_mempool_destroy(MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL * pool); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_mempool_save_state(MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL * pool); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_mempool_restore_state(MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL * pool); #endif /* MYSQLND_BLOCK_ALLOC_H */ PK!Ϩmysqlnd/mysqlnd_ps.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_PS_H #define MYSQLND_PS_H /* PS stuff */ typedef void (*ps_field_fetch_func)(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, const unsigned int pack_len, const zend_uchar ** row); struct st_mysqlnd_perm_bind { ps_field_fetch_func func; /* should be signed int */ int pack_len; unsigned int php_type; zend_bool is_possibly_blob; zend_bool can_ret_as_str_in_uni; }; extern struct st_mysqlnd_perm_bind mysqlnd_ps_fetch_functions[MYSQL_TYPE_LAST + 1]; enum_func_status mysqlnd_stmt_fetch_row_buffered(MYSQLND_RES * result, void * param, const unsigned int flags, zend_bool * fetched_anything); enum_func_status mysqlnd_fetch_stmt_row_cursor(MYSQLND_RES * result, void * param, const unsigned int flags, zend_bool * fetched_anything); void _mysqlnd_init_ps_subsystem();/* This one is private, mysqlnd_library_init() will call it */ void _mysqlnd_init_ps_fetch_subsystem(); void ps_fetch_from_1_to_8_bytes(zval * zv, const MYSQLND_FIELD * const field, const unsigned int pack_len, const zend_uchar ** row, unsigned int byte_count); #endif /* MYSQLND_PS_H */ PK!#`<<mysqlnd/mysqlnd_portability.hnu[/* Copyright Abandoned 1996 TCX DataKonsult AB & Monty Program KB & Detron HB This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind */ /* Parts of the original, which are not applicable to mysqlnd have been removed. With small modifications, mostly casting but adding few more macros by Andrey Hristov . The additions are in the public domain and were added to improve the header file, to get it more consistent. */ #ifndef MYSQLND_PORTABILITY_H #define MYSQLND_PORTABILITY_H /* Comes from global.h as OFFSET, renamed to STRUCT_OFFSET */ #define STRUCT_OFFSET(t, f) XtOffsetOf(t, f) #ifndef __attribute #if !defined(__GNUC__) #define __attribute(A) #endif #endif #ifdef __CYGWIN__ /* We use a Unix API, so pretend it's not Windows */ #undef WIN #undef WIN32 #undef _WIN #undef _WIN32 #undef _WIN64 #undef __WIN__ #undef __WIN32__ #endif /* __CYGWIN__ */ #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(WIN32) # include "ext/mysqlnd/config-win.h" #endif /* _WIN32... */ #if __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L && !defined(atoll) /* "inline" is a keyword */ #define atoll atol #endif #include "php_stdint.h" #if SIZEOF_LONG_LONG > 4 && !defined(_LONG_LONG) #define _LONG_LONG 1 /* For AIX string library */ #endif /* Go around some bugs in different OS and compilers */ #if SIZEOF_LONG_LONG > 4 #define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1 #endif #ifdef PHP_WIN32 #define MYSQLND_SZ_T_SPEC "%Id" #ifndef L64 #define L64(x) x##i64 #endif #else #define MYSQLND_SZ_T_SPEC "%zd" #ifndef L64 #define L64(x) x##LL #endif #endif #define int1store(T,A) do { *((int8_t*) (T)) = (A); } while(0) #define uint1korr(A) (*(((uint8_t*)(A)))) /* Bit values are sent in reverted order of bytes, compared to normal !!! */ #define bit_uint2korr(A) ((uint16_t) (((uint16_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[1])) +\ ((uint16_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[0]) << 8))) #define bit_uint3korr(A) ((uint32_t) (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[2])) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[1])) << 8) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[0])) << 16))) #define bit_uint4korr(A) ((uint32_t) (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[3])) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[2])) << 8) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[1])) << 16) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[0])) << 24))) #define bit_uint5korr(A) ((uint64_t)(((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[4])) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[3])) << 8) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[2])) << 16) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[1])) << 24)) +\ (((uint64_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[0])) << 32)) #define bit_uint6korr(A) ((uint64_t)(((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[5])) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[4])) << 8) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[3])) << 16) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[2])) << 24)) +\ (((uint64_t) (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[1])) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[0]) << 8)))) <<\ 32)) #define bit_uint7korr(A) ((uint64_t)(((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[6])) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[5])) << 8) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[4])) << 16) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[3])) << 24)) +\ (((uint64_t) (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[2])) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[1])) << 8) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[0])) << 16))) <<\ 32)) #define bit_uint8korr(A) ((uint64_t)(((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[7])) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[6])) << 8) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[5])) << 16) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[4])) << 24)) +\ (((uint64_t) (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[3])) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[2])) << 8) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[1])) << 16) +\ (((uint32_t) (((unsigned char*) (A))[0])) << 24))) <<\ 32)) /* ** Define-funktions for reading and storing in machine independent format ** (low byte first) */ /* Optimized store functions for Intel x86, non-valid for WIN64. __i386__ is GCC */ #if defined(__i386__) && !defined(_WIN64) #define sint2korr(A) (*((int16_t *) (A))) #define sint3korr(A) ((int32_t) ((((zend_uchar) (A)[2]) & 128) ? \ (((uint32_t) 255L << 24) | \ (((uint32_t) (zend_uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ (((uint32_t) (zend_uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ ((uint32_t) (zend_uchar) (A)[0])) : \ (((uint32_t) (zend_uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ (((uint32_t) (zend_uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ ((uint32_t) (zend_uchar) (A)[0]))) #define sint4korr(A) (*((zend_long *) (A))) #define uint2korr(A) (*((uint16_t *) (A))) #define uint3korr(A) (uint32_t) (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[0])) +\ (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[2])) << 16)) #define uint4korr(A) (*((zend_ulong *) (A))) #define uint8korr(A) (*((uint64_t *) (A))) #define sint8korr(A) (*((int64_t *) (A))) #define int2store(T,A) *((uint16_t*) (T))= (uint16_t) (A) #define int3store(T,A) { \ *(T)= (zend_uchar) ((A));\ *(T+1)=(zend_uchar) (((uint32_t) (A) >> 8));\ *(T+2)=(zend_uchar) (((A) >> 16)); } #define int4store(T,A) *((zend_long *) (T))= (zend_long) (A) #define int5store(T,A) { \ *((zend_uchar *)(T))= (zend_uchar)((A));\ *(((zend_uchar *)(T))+1)=(zend_uchar) (((A) >> 8));\ *(((zend_uchar *)(T))+2)=(zend_uchar) (((A) >> 16));\ *(((zend_uchar *)(T))+3)=(zend_uchar) (((A) >> 24)); \ *(((zend_uchar *)(T))+4)=(zend_uchar) (((A) >> 32)); } /* From Andrey Hristov, based on int5store() */ #define int6store(T,A) { \ *(((zend_uchar *)(T)))= (zend_uchar)((A));\ *(((zend_uchar *)(T))+1))=(zend_uchar) (((A) >> 8));\ *(((zend_uchar *)(T))+2))=(zend_uchar) (((A) >> 16));\ *(((zend_uchar *)(T))+3))=(zend_uchar) (((A) >> 24)); \ *(((zend_uchar *)(T))+4))=(zend_uchar) (((A) >> 32)); \ *(((zend_uchar *)(T))+5))=(zend_uchar) (((A) >> 40)); } #define int8store(T,A) *((uint64_t *) (T))= (uint64_t) (A) typedef union { double v; zend_long m[2]; } float8get_union; #define float8get(V,M) { ((float8get_union *)&(V))->m[0] = *((zend_long*) (M)); \ ((float8get_union *)&(V))->m[1] = *(((zend_long*) (M))+1); } #define float8store(T,V) { *((zend_long *) (T)) = ((float8get_union *)&(V))->m[0]; \ *(((zend_long *) (T))+1) = ((float8get_union *)&(V))->m[1]; } #define float4get(V,M) { *((float *) &(V)) = *((float*) (M)); } /* From Andrey Hristov based on float8get */ #define floatget(V,M) memcpy((char*) &(V),(char*) (M),sizeof(float)) #endif /* __i386__ */ /* If we haven't defined sint2korr, which is because the platform is not x86 or it's WIN64 */ #ifndef sint2korr #define sint2korr(A) (int16_t) (((int16_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[0])) +\ ((int16_t) ((int16_t) (A)[1]) << 8)) #define sint3korr(A) ((int32_t) ((((zend_uchar) (A)[2]) & 128) ? \ (((uint32_t) 255L << 24) | \ (((uint32_t) (zend_uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ (((uint32_t) (zend_uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ ((uint32_t) (zend_uchar) (A)[0])) : \ (((uint32_t) (zend_uchar) (A)[2]) << 16) |\ (((uint32_t) (zend_uchar) (A)[1]) << 8) | \ ((uint32_t) (zend_uchar) (A)[0]))) #define sint4korr(A) (int32_t) (((uint32_t) ((A)[0])) +\ (((uint32_t) ((A)[1]) << 8)) +\ (((uint32_t) ((A)[2]) << 16)) +\ (((uint32_t) ((A)[3]) << 24))) #define sint8korr(A) (int64_t) uint8korr(A) #define uint2korr(A) (uint16_t) (((uint16_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[0])) +\ ((uint16_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[1]) << 8)) #define uint3korr(A) (uint32_t) (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[0])) +\ (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[2])) << 16)) #define uint4korr(A) (uint32_t) (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[0])) +\ (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) +\ (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) #define uint8korr(A) ((uint64_t)(((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[0])) +\ (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[1])) << 8) +\ (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[2])) << 16) +\ (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[3])) << 24)) +\ (((uint64_t) (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[4])) +\ (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[5])) << 8) +\ (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[6])) << 16) +\ (((uint32_t) ((zend_uchar) (A)[7])) << 24))) << 32)) #define int2store(T,A) do { uint32_t def_temp= (uint32_t) (A) ;\ *((zend_uchar*) (T)) = (zend_uchar)(def_temp); \ *((zend_uchar*) (T+1)) = (zend_uchar)((def_temp >> 8)); } while (0) #define int3store(T,A) do { /*lint -save -e734 */\ *(((char *)(T))) = (char) ((A));\ *(((char *)(T))+1) = (char) (((A) >> 8));\ *(((char *)(T))+2) = (char) (((A) >> 16)); \ /*lint -restore */} while (0) #define int4store(T,A) do { \ *(((char *)(T))) = (char) ((A));\ *(((char *)(T))+1) = (char) (((A) >> 8));\ *(((char *)(T))+2) = (char) (((A) >> 16));\ *(((char *)(T))+3) = (char) (((A) >> 24)); } while (0) #define int5store(T,A) do { \ *(((char *)(T))) = (char)((A));\ *(((char *)(T))+1) = (char)(((A) >> 8));\ *(((char *)(T))+2) = (char)(((A) >> 16));\ *(((char *)(T))+3) = (char)(((A) >> 24)); \ *(((char *)(T))+4) = (char)(((A) >> 32)); } while (0) /* Based on int5store() from Andrey Hristov */ #define int6store(T,A) do { \ *(((char *)(T))) = (char)((A));\ *(((char *)(T))+1) = (char)(((A) >> 8));\ *(((char *)(T))+2) = (char)(((A) >> 16));\ *(((char *)(T))+3) = (char)(((A) >> 24)); \ *(((char *)(T))+4) = (char)(((A) >> 32)); \ *(((char *)(T))+5) = (char)(((A) >> 40)); } while (0) #define int8store(T,A) { uint32_t def_temp= (uint32_t) (A), def_temp2= (uint32_t) ((A) >> 32); \ int4store((T),def_temp); \ int4store((T+4),def_temp2); \ } #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN #define float4get(V,M) do { float def_temp;\ ((char*) &def_temp)[0] = (M)[3];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[1] = (M)[2];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[2] = (M)[1];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[3] = (M)[0];\ (V)=def_temp; } while (0) #define float8store(T,V) do { \ *(((char *)(T))) = (char) ((char *) &(V))[7];\ *(((char *)(T))+1) = (char) ((char *) &(V))[6];\ *(((char *)(T))+2) = (char) ((char *) &(V))[5];\ *(((char *)(T))+3) = (char) ((char *) &(V))[4];\ *(((char *)(T))+4) = (char) ((char *) &(V))[3];\ *(((char *)(T))+5) = (char) ((char *) &(V))[2];\ *(((char *)(T))+6) = (char) ((char *) &(V))[1];\ *(((char *)(T))+7) = (char) ((char *) &(V))[0]; } while (0) #define float8get(V,M) do { double def_temp;\ ((char*) &def_temp)[0] = (M)[7];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[1] = (M)[6];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[2] = (M)[5];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[3] = (M)[4];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[4] = (M)[3];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[5] = (M)[2];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[6] = (M)[1];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[7] = (M)[0];\ (V) = def_temp; \ } while (0) #else #define float4get(V,M) memcpy((char*) &(V),(char*) (M),sizeof(float)) #if defined(__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER) && (__FLOAT_WORD_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN) #define float8store(T,V) do { \ *(((char *)(T)))= ((char *) &(V))[4];\ *(((char *)(T))+1)=(char) ((char *) &(V))[5];\ *(((char *)(T))+2)=(char) ((char *) &(V))[6];\ *(((char *)(T))+3)=(char) ((char *) &(V))[7];\ *(((char *)(T))+4)=(char) ((char *) &(V))[0];\ *(((char *)(T))+5)=(char) ((char *) &(V))[1];\ *(((char *)(T))+6)=(char) ((char *) &(V))[2];\ *(((char *)(T))+7)=(char) ((char *) &(V))[3];} while (0) #define float8get(V,M) do { double def_temp;\ ((char*) &def_temp)[0]=(M)[4];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[1]=(M)[5];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[2]=(M)[6];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[3]=(M)[7];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[4]=(M)[0];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[5]=(M)[1];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[6]=(M)[2];\ ((char*) &def_temp)[7]=(M)[3];\ (V) = def_temp; } while (0) #endif /* __FLOAT_WORD_ORDER */ #endif /* WORDS_BIGENDIAN */ #endif /* sint2korr */ /* To here if the platform is not x86 or it's WIN64 */ /* Define-funktions for reading and storing in machine format from/to short/long to/from some place in memory V should be a (not register) variable, M is a pointer to byte */ #ifndef float8get #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN #define float8get(V,M) memcpy((char*) &(V),(char*) (M), sizeof(double)) #define float8store(T,V) memcpy((char*) (T),(char*) &(V), sizeof(double)) #else #define float8get(V,M) memcpy((char*) &(V),(char*) (M),sizeof(double)) #define float8store(T,V) memcpy((char*) (T),(char*) &(V),sizeof(double)) #endif /* WORDS_BIGENDIAN */ #endif /* float8get */ #endif /* MYSQLND_PORTABILITY_H */ PK!G]mysqlnd/mysqlnd_alloc.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_ALLOC_H #define MYSQLND_ALLOC_H PHPAPI extern const char * mysqlnd_debug_std_no_trace_funcs[]; #define MYSQLND_MEM_D ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC #define MYSQLND_MEM_C ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC struct st_mysqlnd_allocator_methods { void * (*m_emalloc)(size_t size MYSQLND_MEM_D); void * (*m_pemalloc)(size_t size, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D); void * (*m_ecalloc)(unsigned int nmemb, size_t size MYSQLND_MEM_D); void * (*m_pecalloc)(unsigned int nmemb, size_t size, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D); void * (*m_erealloc)(void *ptr, size_t new_size MYSQLND_MEM_D); void * (*m_perealloc)(void *ptr, size_t new_size, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D); void (*m_efree)(void *ptr MYSQLND_MEM_D); void (*m_pefree)(void *ptr, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D); void * (*m_malloc)(size_t size MYSQLND_MEM_D); void * (*m_calloc)(unsigned int nmemb, size_t size MYSQLND_MEM_D); void * (*m_realloc)(void *ptr, size_t new_size MYSQLND_MEM_D); void (*m_free)(void *ptr MYSQLND_MEM_D); char * (*m_pememdup)(const char * const ptr, size_t size, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D); char * (*m_pestrndup)(const char * const ptr, size_t size, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D); char * (*m_pestrdup)(const char * const ptr, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D); int (*m_sprintf)(char **pbuf, size_t max_len, const char *format, ...); int (*m_vsprintf)(char **pbuf, size_t max_len, const char *format, va_list ap); void (*m_sprintf_free)(char * p); }; PHPAPI extern struct st_mysqlnd_allocator_methods mysqlnd_allocator; #define mnd_emalloc(size) mysqlnd_allocator.m_emalloc((size) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_pemalloc(size, pers) mysqlnd_allocator.m_pemalloc((size), (pers) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_ecalloc(nmemb, size) mysqlnd_allocator.m_ecalloc((nmemb), (size) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_pecalloc(nmemb, size, p) mysqlnd_allocator.m_pecalloc((nmemb), (size), (p) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_erealloc(ptr, new_size) mysqlnd_allocator.m_erealloc((ptr), (new_size) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_perealloc(ptr, new_size, p) mysqlnd_allocator.m_perealloc((ptr), (new_size), (p) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_efree(ptr) mysqlnd_allocator.m_efree((ptr) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_pefree(ptr, pers) mysqlnd_allocator.m_pefree((ptr), (pers) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_malloc(size) mysqlnd_allocator.m_malloc((size) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_calloc(nmemb, size) mysqlnd_allocator.m_calloc((nmemb), (size) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_realloc(ptr, new_size) mysqlnd_allocator.m_realloc((ptr), (new_size) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_free(ptr) mysqlnd_allocator.m_free((ptr) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_pememdup(ptr, size, pers) mysqlnd_allocator.m_pememdup((ptr), (size), (pers) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_pestrndup(ptr, size, pers) mysqlnd_allocator.m_pestrndup((ptr), (size), (pers) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_pestrdup(ptr, pers) mysqlnd_allocator.m_pestrdup((ptr), (pers) MYSQLND_MEM_C) #define mnd_sprintf(p, mx_len, fmt,...) mysqlnd_allocator.m_sprintf((p), (mx_len), (fmt), __VA_ARGS__) #define mnd_vsprintf(p, mx_len, fmt,ap) mysqlnd_allocator.m_vsprintf((p), (mx_len), (fmt), (ap)) #define mnd_sprintf_free(p) mysqlnd_allocator.m_sprintf_free((p)) static inline MYSQLND_STRING mnd_dup_cstring(const MYSQLND_CSTRING str, const zend_bool persistent) { const MYSQLND_STRING ret = {(char*) mnd_pemalloc(str.l + 1, persistent), str.l}; if (ret.s) { memcpy(ret.s, str.s, str.l); ret.s[str.l] = '\0'; } return ret; } static inline MYSQLND_CSTRING mnd_str2c(const MYSQLND_STRING str) { const MYSQLND_CSTRING ret = {str.s, str.l}; return ret; } #endif /* MYSQLND_ALLOC_H */ PK!-Aҩ mysqlnd/mysqlnd_connection.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_CONNECTION_H #define MYSQLND_CONNECTION_H PHPAPI extern const char * const mysqlnd_out_of_sync; PHPAPI extern const char * const mysqlnd_server_gone; PHPAPI extern const char * const mysqlnd_out_of_memory; void mysqlnd_upsert_status_init(MYSQLND_UPSERT_STATUS * const upsert_status); #define UPSERT_STATUS_RESET(status) (status)->m->reset((status)) #define UPSERT_STATUS_GET_SERVER_STATUS(status) (status)->server_status #define UPSERT_STATUS_SET_SERVER_STATUS(status, server_st) (status)->server_status = (server_st) #define UPSERT_STATUS_GET_WARNINGS(status) (status)->warning_count #define UPSERT_STATUS_SET_WARNINGS(status, warnings) (status)->warning_count = (warnings) #define UPSERT_STATUS_GET_AFFECTED_ROWS(status) (status)->affected_rows #define UPSERT_STATUS_SET_AFFECTED_ROWS(status, rows) (status)->affected_rows = (rows) #define UPSERT_STATUS_SET_AFFECTED_ROWS_TO_ERROR(status) (status)->m->set_affected_rows_to_error((status)) #define UPSERT_STATUS_GET_LAST_INSERT_ID(status) (status)->last_insert_id #define UPSERT_STATUS_SET_LAST_INSERT_ID(status, id) (status)->last_insert_id = (id) /* Error handling */ #define SET_NEW_MESSAGE(buf, buf_len, message, len) \ {\ if ((buf)) { \ mnd_efree((buf)); \ } \ if ((message)) { \ (buf) = mnd_pestrndup((message), (len), 0); \ } else { \ (buf) = NULL; \ } \ (buf_len) = (len); \ } #define SET_EMPTY_MESSAGE(buf, buf_len) \ {\ if ((buf)) { \ mnd_efree((buf)); \ (buf) = NULL; \ } \ (buf_len) = 0; \ } PHPAPI enum_func_status mysqlnd_error_info_init(MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const info, const zend_bool persistent); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_error_info_free_contents(MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * const info); #define GET_CONNECTION_STATE(state_struct) (state_struct)->m->get((state_struct)) #define SET_CONNECTION_STATE(state_struct, s) (state_struct)->m->set((state_struct), (s)) PHPAPI void mysqlnd_connection_state_init(struct st_mysqlnd_connection_state * const state); #endif /* MYSQLND_CONNECTION_H */ PK!yXcSSmysqlnd/mysqlnd_reverse_api.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | | Georg Richter | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_REVERSE_API_H #define MYSQLND_REVERSE_API_H typedef struct st_mysqlnd_reverse_api { zend_module_entry * module; MYSQLND *(*conversion_cb)(zval * zv); } MYSQLND_REVERSE_API; PHPAPI void mysqlnd_reverse_api_init(void); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_reverse_api_end(void); PHPAPI HashTable * mysqlnd_reverse_api_get_api_list(void); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_reverse_api_register_api(const MYSQLND_REVERSE_API * apiext); PHPAPI MYSQLND * zval_to_mysqlnd(zval * zv, const unsigned int client_api_capabilities, unsigned int * save_client_api_capabilities); #endif /* MYSQLND_REVERSE_API_H */ PK!B((mysqlnd/mysqlnd_vio.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_VIO_H #define MYSQLND_VIO_H PHPAPI MYSQLND_VIO * mysqlnd_vio_init(zend_bool persistent, MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_object_factory) *object_factory, MYSQLND_STATS * stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * error_info); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_vio_free(MYSQLND_VIO * const vio, MYSQLND_STATS * stats, MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO * error_info); #endif /* MYSQLND_VIO_H */ PK!!u''mysqlnd/mysqlnd_wireprotocol.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_WIREPROTOCOL_H #define MYSQLND_WIREPROTOCOL_H #define MYSQLND_HEADER_SIZE 4 #define COMPRESSED_HEADER_SIZE 3 #define MYSQLND_NULL_LENGTH (zend_ulong) ~0 /* Used in mysqlnd_debug.c */ PHPAPI extern const char mysqlnd_read_header_name[]; PHPAPI extern const char mysqlnd_read_body_name[]; /* Packet handling */ #define PACKET_WRITE(conn, packet) ((packet)->header.m->write_to_net((conn), (packet))) #define PACKET_READ(conn, packet) ((packet)->header.m->read_from_net((conn), (packet))) #define PACKET_FREE(packet) \ do { \ DBG_INF_FMT("PACKET_FREE(%p)", packet); \ if ((packet)->header.m->free_mem) { \ ((packet)->header.m->free_mem((packet))); \ } \ } while (0); PHPAPI extern const char * const mysqlnd_command_to_text[COM_END]; /* Low-level extraction functionality */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_methods { enum_func_status (*read_from_net)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, void * packet); size_t (*write_to_net)(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, void * packet); void (*free_mem)(void *packet); } mysqlnd_packet_methods; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_header { size_t size; zend_uchar packet_no; mysqlnd_packet_methods *m; } MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER; /* Server greets the client */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_greet { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; uint8_t protocol_version; char *server_version; uint32_t thread_id; char intern_auth_plugin_data[SCRAMBLE_LENGTH]; MYSQLND_STRING authentication_plugin_data; /* 1 byte pad */ uint32_t server_capabilities; uint8_t charset_no; uint16_t server_status; /* 13 byte pad, in 5.5 first 2 bytes are more capabilities followed by 1 byte scramble_length */ zend_bool pre41; /* If error packet, we use these */ char error[MYSQLND_ERRMSG_SIZE+1]; char sqlstate[MYSQLND_SQLSTATE_LENGTH + 1]; unsigned int error_no; char *auth_protocol; } MYSQLND_PACKET_GREET; /* Client authenticates */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_auth { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; const char *user; const zend_uchar *auth_data; size_t auth_data_len; const char *db; const char *auth_plugin_name; uint32_t client_flags; uint32_t max_packet_size; uint8_t charset_no; /* Here the packet ends. This is user supplied data */ zend_bool send_auth_data; zend_bool is_change_user_packet; zend_bool silent; HashTable *connect_attr; size_t db_len; } MYSQLND_PACKET_AUTH; /* Auth response packet */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_auth_response { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; uint8_t response_code; uint64_t affected_rows; uint64_t last_insert_id; uint16_t server_status; uint16_t warning_count; char *message; size_t message_len; /* If error packet, we use these */ char error[MYSQLND_ERRMSG_SIZE+1]; char sqlstate[MYSQLND_SQLSTATE_LENGTH + 1]; unsigned int error_no; char *new_auth_protocol; size_t new_auth_protocol_len; zend_uchar *new_auth_protocol_data; size_t new_auth_protocol_data_len; } MYSQLND_PACKET_AUTH_RESPONSE; /* Auth response packet */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_change_auth_response { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; const zend_uchar *auth_data; size_t auth_data_len; } MYSQLND_PACKET_CHANGE_AUTH_RESPONSE; /* OK packet */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_ok { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; uint8_t field_count; /* always 0x0 */ uint64_t affected_rows; uint64_t last_insert_id; uint16_t server_status; uint16_t warning_count; char *message; size_t message_len; /* If error packet, we use these */ char error[MYSQLND_ERRMSG_SIZE+1]; char sqlstate[MYSQLND_SQLSTATE_LENGTH + 1]; unsigned int error_no; } MYSQLND_PACKET_OK; /* Command packet */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_command { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; enum php_mysqlnd_server_command command; MYSQLND_CSTRING argument; } MYSQLND_PACKET_COMMAND; /* EOF packet */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_eof { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; uint8_t field_count; /* 0xFE */ uint16_t warning_count; uint16_t server_status; /* If error packet, we use these */ char error[MYSQLND_ERRMSG_SIZE+1]; char sqlstate[MYSQLND_SQLSTATE_LENGTH + 1]; unsigned int error_no; } MYSQLND_PACKET_EOF; /* EOF packet */ /* Result Set header*/ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_rset_header { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; /* 0x00 => ok ~0 => LOAD DATA LOCAL error_no != 0 => error others => result set -> Read res_field packets up to field_count */ zend_ulong field_count; /* These are filled if no SELECT query. For SELECT warning_count and server status are in the last row packet, the EOF packet. */ uint16_t warning_count; uint16_t server_status; uint64_t affected_rows; uint64_t last_insert_id; /* This is for both LOAD DATA or info, when no result set */ MYSQLND_STRING info_or_local_file; /* If error packet, we use these */ MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO error_info; } MYSQLND_PACKET_RSET_HEADER; /* Result set field packet */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_res_field { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL *memory_pool; MYSQLND_FIELD *metadata; /* For table definitions, empty for result sets */ zend_bool skip_parsing; MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO error_info; } MYSQLND_PACKET_RES_FIELD; /* Row packet */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_row { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; zval *fields; uint32_t field_count; zend_bool eof; /* These are, of course, only for SELECT in the EOF packet, which is detected by this packet */ uint16_t warning_count; uint16_t server_status; MYSQLND_ROW_BUFFER row_buffer; MYSQLND_MEMORY_POOL * result_set_memory_pool; zend_bool skip_extraction; zend_bool binary_protocol; MYSQLND_FIELD *fields_metadata; /* If error packet, we use these */ MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO error_info; } MYSQLND_PACKET_ROW; /* Statistics packet */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_stats { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; MYSQLND_STRING message; } MYSQLND_PACKET_STATS; /* COM_PREPARE response packet */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_prepare_response { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; /* also known as field_count 0x00=OK , 0xFF=error */ unsigned char error_code; zend_ulong stmt_id; unsigned int field_count; unsigned int param_count; unsigned int warning_count; /* present in case of error */ MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO error_info; } MYSQLND_PACKET_PREPARE_RESPONSE; /* Statistics packet */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_chg_user_resp { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; uint32_t response_code; /* message_len is not part of the packet*/ uint16_t server_capabilities; /* If error packet, we use these */ MYSQLND_ERROR_INFO error_info; zend_bool server_asked_323_auth; char *new_auth_protocol; size_t new_auth_protocol_len; zend_uchar *new_auth_protocol_data; size_t new_auth_protocol_data_len; } MYSQLND_PACKET_CHG_USER_RESPONSE; /* Command packet */ typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_sha256_pk_request { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; } MYSQLND_PACKET_SHA256_PK_REQUEST; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_sha256_pk_request_response { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; zend_uchar *public_key; size_t public_key_len; } MYSQLND_PACKET_SHA256_PK_REQUEST_RESPONSE; typedef struct st_mysqlnd_packet_cached_sha2_result { MYSQLND_PACKET_HEADER header; uint8_t response_code; uint8_t result; uint8_t request; zend_uchar * password; size_t password_len; /* Used for auth switch request */ char *new_auth_protocol; size_t new_auth_protocol_len; zend_uchar *new_auth_protocol_data; size_t new_auth_protocol_data_len; /* Used for error result */ char error[MYSQLND_ERRMSG_SIZE+1]; char sqlstate[MYSQLND_SQLSTATE_LENGTH + 1]; unsigned int error_no; } MYSQLND_PACKET_CACHED_SHA2_RESULT; zend_ulong php_mysqlnd_net_field_length(const zend_uchar **packet); zend_uchar * php_mysqlnd_net_store_length(zend_uchar *packet, const uint64_t length); size_t php_mysqlnd_net_store_length_size(uint64_t length); PHPAPI extern const char * const mysqlnd_empty_string; enum_func_status php_mysqlnd_rowp_read_binary_protocol(MYSQLND_ROW_BUFFER * row_buffer, zval * fields, unsigned int field_count, const MYSQLND_FIELD * fields_metadata, zend_bool as_int_or_float, MYSQLND_STATS * stats); enum_func_status php_mysqlnd_rowp_read_text_protocol_zval(MYSQLND_ROW_BUFFER * row_buffer, zval * fields, unsigned int field_count, const MYSQLND_FIELD * fields_metadata, zend_bool as_int_or_float, MYSQLND_STATS * stats); enum_func_status php_mysqlnd_rowp_read_text_protocol_c(MYSQLND_ROW_BUFFER * row_buffer, zval * fields, unsigned int field_count, const MYSQLND_FIELD * fields_metadata, zend_bool as_int_or_float, MYSQLND_STATS * stats); PHPAPI MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_DECODER_FACTORY * mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory_init(MYSQLND_CONN_DATA * conn, const zend_bool persistent); PHPAPI void mysqlnd_protocol_payload_decoder_factory_free(MYSQLND_PROTOCOL_PAYLOAD_DECODER_FACTORY * const payload_decoder_factory); #endif /* MYSQLND_WIREPROTOCOL_H */ PK!Eeemysqlnd/mysqlnd_read_buffer.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef MYSQLND_READ_BUFFER_H #define MYSQLND_READ_BUFFER_H PHPAPI MYSQLND_READ_BUFFER * mysqlnd_create_read_buffer(const size_t count); #endif /* MYSQLND_READ_BUFFER_H */ PK!F!simplexml/php_simplexml_exports.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sterling Hughes | | Marcus Boerger | | Rob Richards | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_SIMPLEXML_EXPORTS_H #define PHP_SIMPLEXML_EXPORTS_H #include "php_simplexml.h" #define SKIP_TEXT(__p) \ if ((__p)->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) { \ goto next_iter; \ } #define GET_NODE(__s, __n) { \ if ((__s)->node && (__s)->node->node) { \ __n = (__s)->node->node; \ } else { \ __n = NULL; \ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Node no longer exists"); \ } \ } PHP_SXE_API zend_object *sxe_object_new(zend_class_entry *ce); static inline php_sxe_object *php_sxe_fetch_object(zend_object *obj) /* {{{ */ { return (php_sxe_object *)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(php_sxe_object, zo)); } /* }}} */ #define Z_SXEOBJ_P(zv) php_sxe_fetch_object(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) typedef struct { zend_object_iterator intern; php_sxe_object *sxe; } php_sxe_iterator; PHP_SXE_API void php_sxe_rewind_iterator(php_sxe_object *sxe); PHP_SXE_API void php_sxe_move_forward_iterator(php_sxe_object *sxe); #endif /* PHP_SIMPLEXML_EXPORTS_H */ PK!e3  simplexml/php_simplexml.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sterling Hughes | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_SIMPLEXML_H #define PHP_SIMPLEXML_H extern zend_module_entry simplexml_module_entry; #define phpext_simplexml_ptr &simplexml_module_entry #include "php_version.h" #define PHP_SIMPLEXML_VERSION PHP_VERSION #ifdef ZTS #include "TSRM.h" #endif #include "ext/libxml/php_libxml.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(simplexml); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(simplexml); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(simplexml); typedef enum { SXE_ITER_NONE = 0, SXE_ITER_ELEMENT = 1, SXE_ITER_CHILD = 2, SXE_ITER_ATTRLIST = 3 } SXE_ITER; typedef struct { php_libxml_node_ptr *node; php_libxml_ref_obj *document; HashTable *properties; xmlXPathContextPtr xpath; struct { xmlChar *name; xmlChar *nsprefix; int isprefix; SXE_ITER type; zval data; } iter; zval tmp; zend_function *fptr_count; zend_object zo; } php_sxe_object; #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # ifdef PHP_SIMPLEXML_EXPORTS # define PHP_SXE_API __declspec(dllexport) # else # define PHP_SXE_API __declspec(dllimport) # endif #else # define PHP_SXE_API ZEND_API #endif PHP_SXE_API zend_class_entry *sxe_get_element_class_entry(); #endif PK!DoDDgmp/php_gmp_int.hnu[#ifndef incl_PHP_GMP_INT_H #define incl_PHP_GMP_INT_H #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "php.h" #include #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # define PHP_GMP_API __declspec(dllexport) #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define PHP_GMP_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else # define PHP_GMP_API #endif typedef struct _gmp_object { mpz_t num; zend_object std; } gmp_object; static inline gmp_object *php_gmp_object_from_zend_object(zend_object *zobj) { return (gmp_object *)( ((char *)zobj) - XtOffsetOf(gmp_object, std) ); } PHP_GMP_API zend_class_entry *php_gmp_class_entry(); /* GMP and MPIR use different datatypes on different platforms */ #ifdef PHP_WIN32 typedef zend_long gmp_long; typedef zend_ulong gmp_ulong; #else typedef long gmp_long; typedef unsigned long gmp_ulong; #endif #endif PK! gd/php_gd.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Rasmus Lerdorf | | Stig Bakken | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_GD_H #define PHP_GD_H #if defined(HAVE_LIBGD) || defined(HAVE_GD_BUNDLED) /* open_basedir and safe_mode checks */ #define PHP_GD_CHECK_OPEN_BASEDIR(filename, errormsg) \ if (!filename || php_check_open_basedir(filename)) { \ php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, errormsg); \ RETURN_FALSE; \ } #define PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_GIF 1 #define PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_PNG 2 #define PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_JPG 3 #define PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_WBM 4 #define PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_XBM 5 #define PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_XPM 6 #define PHP_GDIMG_CONVERT_WBM 7 #define PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_GD 8 #define PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_GD2 9 #define PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_GD2PART 10 #define PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_WEBP 11 #define PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_BMP 12 #define PHP_GDIMG_TYPE_TGA 13 #define PHP_IMG_GIF 1 #define PHP_IMG_JPG 2 #define PHP_IMG_JPEG 2 #define PHP_IMG_PNG 4 #define PHP_IMG_WBMP 8 #define PHP_IMG_XPM 16 #define PHP_IMG_WEBP 32 #define PHP_IMG_BMP 64 #define PHP_IMG_TGA 128 #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # define PHP_GD_API __declspec(dllexport) #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define PHP_GD_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else # define PHP_GD_API #endif PHPAPI extern const char php_sig_gif[3]; PHPAPI extern const char php_sig_jpg[3]; PHPAPI extern const char php_sig_png[8]; PHPAPI extern const char php_sig_bmp[2]; PHPAPI extern const char php_sig_riff[4]; PHPAPI extern const char php_sig_webp[4]; extern zend_module_entry gd_module_entry; #define phpext_gd_ptr &gd_module_entry #include "php_version.h" #define PHP_GD_VERSION PHP_VERSION /* gd.c functions */ PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(gd); PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(gd); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(gd); PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(gd); PHP_FUNCTION(gd_info); PHP_FUNCTION(imagearc); PHP_FUNCTION(imageellipse); PHP_FUNCTION(imagechar); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecharup); PHP_FUNCTION(imageistruecolor); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorallocate); PHP_FUNCTION(imagepalettecopy); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorat); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorclosest); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorclosesthwb); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolordeallocate); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorresolve); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorexact); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorset); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorstotal); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorsforindex); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolortransparent); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecopy); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecopymerge); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecopyresized); PHP_FUNCTION(imagetypes); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreate); PHP_FUNCTION(imageftbbox); PHP_FUNCTION(imagefttext); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatetruecolor); PHP_FUNCTION(imagetruecolortopalette); PHP_FUNCTION(imagepalettetotruecolor); PHP_FUNCTION(imagesetthickness); PHP_FUNCTION(imagefilledellipse); PHP_FUNCTION(imagefilledarc); PHP_FUNCTION(imagealphablending); PHP_FUNCTION(imagesavealpha); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorallocatealpha); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorresolvealpha); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorclosestalpha); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolorexactalpha); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecopyresampled); #ifdef PHP_WIN32 PHP_FUNCTION(imagegrabwindow); PHP_FUNCTION(imagegrabscreen); #endif PHP_FUNCTION(imagerotate); PHP_FUNCTION(imageflip); PHP_FUNCTION(imageantialias); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecrop); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecropauto); PHP_FUNCTION(imagescale); PHP_FUNCTION(imageaffine); PHP_FUNCTION(imageaffinematrixget); PHP_FUNCTION(imageaffinematrixconcat); PHP_FUNCTION(imagesetinterpolation); PHP_FUNCTION(imagesetthickness); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecopymergegray); PHP_FUNCTION(imagesetbrush); PHP_FUNCTION(imagesettile); PHP_FUNCTION(imagesetstyle); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatefromstring); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatefromgif); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatefromjpeg); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatefromxbm); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatefromwebp); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatefrompng); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatefromwbmp); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatefromgd); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatefromgd2); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatefromgd2part); #if defined(HAVE_GD_BMP) PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatefrombmp); #endif #if defined(HAVE_GD_TGA) PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatefromtga); #endif #if defined(HAVE_GD_XPM) PHP_FUNCTION(imagecreatefromxpm); #endif PHP_FUNCTION(imagegammacorrect); PHP_FUNCTION(imagedestroy); PHP_FUNCTION(imagefill); PHP_FUNCTION(imagefilledpolygon); PHP_FUNCTION(imagefilledrectangle); PHP_FUNCTION(imagefilltoborder); PHP_FUNCTION(imagefontwidth); PHP_FUNCTION(imagefontheight); PHP_FUNCTION(imagegif ); PHP_FUNCTION(imagejpeg ); PHP_FUNCTION(imagepng); PHP_FUNCTION(imagewebp); PHP_FUNCTION(imagewbmp); PHP_FUNCTION(imagegd); PHP_FUNCTION(imagegd2); #if defined(HAVE_GD_BMP) PHP_FUNCTION(imagebmp); #endif PHP_FUNCTION(imageinterlace); PHP_FUNCTION(imageline); PHP_FUNCTION(imageloadfont); PHP_FUNCTION(imagepolygon); PHP_FUNCTION(imageopenpolygon); PHP_FUNCTION(imagerectangle); PHP_FUNCTION(imagesetpixel); PHP_FUNCTION(imagestring); PHP_FUNCTION(imagestringup); PHP_FUNCTION(imagesx); PHP_FUNCTION(imagesy); PHP_FUNCTION(imagesetclip); PHP_FUNCTION(imagegetclip); PHP_FUNCTION(imagedashedline); PHP_FUNCTION(imagettfbbox); PHP_FUNCTION(imagettftext); PHP_FUNCTION(jpeg2wbmp); PHP_FUNCTION(png2wbmp); PHP_FUNCTION(image2wbmp); PHP_FUNCTION(imagecolormatch); PHP_FUNCTION(imagelayereffect); PHP_FUNCTION(imagexbm); PHP_FUNCTION(imagefilter); PHP_FUNCTION(imageconvolution); PHP_FUNCTION(imageresolution); PHP_GD_API int phpi_get_le_gd(void); #else #define phpext_gd_ptr NULL #endif #endif /* PHP_GD_H */ PK!J gd/libgd/gd.hnu[#ifndef GD_H #define GD_H 1 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "php_compat.h" #define GD_MAJOR_VERSION 2 #define GD_MINOR_VERSION 0 #define GD_RELEASE_VERSION 35 #define GD_EXTRA_VERSION "" #define GD_VERSION_STRING "2.0.35" #ifdef NETWARE /* default fontpath for netware systems */ #define DEFAULT_FONTPATH "sys:/java/nwgfx/lib/x11/fonts/ttf;." #define PATHSEPARATOR ";" #elif defined(WIN32) /* default fontpath for windows systems */ #define DEFAULT_FONTPATH "c:\\winnt\\fonts;c:\\windows\\fonts;." #define PATHSEPARATOR ";" #else /* default fontpath for unix systems */ #define DEFAULT_FONTPATH "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF:/usr/share/fonts/TrueType:/usr/share/fonts/truetype:/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1:." #define PATHSEPARATOR ":" #endif /* gd.h: declarations file for the graphic-draw module. * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation. This software is provided "AS IS." Thomas Boutell and * Boutell.Com, Inc. disclaim all warranties, either express or implied, * including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and * fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this code and accompanying * documentation. */ /* stdio is needed for file I/O. */ #include #include "gd_io.h" /* va_list needed in gdErrorMethod */ #include /* The maximum number of palette entries in palette-based images. In the wonderful new world of gd 2.0, you can of course have many more colors when using truecolor mode. */ #define gdMaxColors 256 /* Image type. See functions below; you will not need to change the elements directly. Use the provided macros to access sx, sy, the color table, and colorsTotal for read-only purposes. */ /* If 'truecolor' is set true, the image is truecolor; pixels are represented by integers, which must be 32 bits wide or more. True colors are repsented as follows: ARGB Where 'A' (alpha channel) occupies only the LOWER 7 BITS of the MSB. This very small loss of alpha channel resolution allows gd 2.x to keep backwards compatibility by allowing signed integers to be used to represent colors, and negative numbers to represent special cases, just as in gd 1.x. */ #define gdAlphaMax 127 #define gdAlphaOpaque 0 #define gdAlphaTransparent 127 #define gdRedMax 255 #define gdGreenMax 255 #define gdBlueMax 255 #define gdTrueColorGetAlpha(c) (((c) & 0x7F000000) >> 24) #define gdTrueColorGetRed(c) (((c) & 0xFF0000) >> 16) #define gdTrueColorGetGreen(c) (((c) & 0x00FF00) >> 8) #define gdTrueColorGetBlue(c) ((c) & 0x0000FF) #define gdEffectReplace 0 #define gdEffectAlphaBlend 1 #define gdEffectNormal 2 #define gdEffectOverlay 3 #define gdEffectMultiply 4 #define GD_TRUE 1 #define GD_FALSE 0 #define GD_EPSILON 1e-6 /* This function accepts truecolor pixel values only. The source color is composited with the destination color based on the alpha channel value of the source color. The resulting color is opaque. */ int gdAlphaBlend(int dest, int src); int gdLayerOverlay(int dst, int src); int gdLayerMultiply(int dest, int src); /** * Group: Transform * * Constants: gdInterpolationMethod * GD_BELL - Bell * GD_BESSEL - Bessel * GD_BILINEAR_FIXED - fixed point bilinear * GD_BICUBIC - Bicubic * GD_BICUBIC_FIXED - fixed point bicubic integer * GD_BLACKMAN - Blackman * GD_BOX - Box * GD_BSPLINE - BSpline * GD_CATMULLROM - Catmullrom * GD_GAUSSIAN - Gaussian * GD_GENERALIZED_CUBIC - Generalized cubic * GD_HERMITE - Hermite * GD_HAMMING - Hamming * GD_HANNING - Hannig * GD_MITCHELL - Mitchell * GD_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR - Nearest neighbour interpolation * GD_POWER - Power * GD_QUADRATIC - Quadratic * GD_SINC - Sinc * GD_TRIANGLE - Triangle * GD_WEIGHTED4 - 4 pixels weighted bilinear interpolation * * See also: * **/ typedef enum { GD_DEFAULT = 0, GD_BELL, GD_BESSEL, GD_BILINEAR_FIXED, GD_BICUBIC, GD_BICUBIC_FIXED, GD_BLACKMAN, GD_BOX, GD_BSPLINE, GD_CATMULLROM, GD_GAUSSIAN, GD_GENERALIZED_CUBIC, GD_HERMITE, GD_HAMMING, GD_HANNING, GD_MITCHELL, GD_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR, GD_POWER, GD_QUADRATIC, GD_SINC, GD_TRIANGLE, GD_WEIGHTED4, GD_METHOD_COUNT = 21 } gdInterpolationMethod; /* define struct with name and func ptr and add it to gdImageStruct gdInterpolationMethod interpolation; */ /* Interpolation function ptr */ typedef double (* interpolation_method )(double); typedef struct gdImageStruct { /* Palette-based image pixels */ unsigned char ** pixels; int sx; int sy; /* These are valid in palette images only. See also 'alpha', which appears later in the structure to preserve binary backwards compatibility */ int colorsTotal; int red[gdMaxColors]; int green[gdMaxColors]; int blue[gdMaxColors]; int open[gdMaxColors]; /* For backwards compatibility, this is set to the first palette entry with 100% transparency, and is also set and reset by the gdImageColorTransparent function. Newer applications can allocate palette entries with any desired level of transparency; however, bear in mind that many viewers, notably many web browsers, fail to implement full alpha channel for PNG and provide support for full opacity or transparency only. */ int transparent; int *polyInts; int polyAllocated; struct gdImageStruct *brush; struct gdImageStruct *tile; int brushColorMap[gdMaxColors]; int tileColorMap[gdMaxColors]; int styleLength; int stylePos; int *style; int interlace; /* New in 2.0: thickness of line. Initialized to 1. */ int thick; /* New in 2.0: alpha channel for palettes. Note that only Macintosh Internet Explorer and (possibly) Netscape 6 really support multiple levels of transparency in palettes, to my knowledge, as of 2/15/01. Most common browsers will display 100% opaque and 100% transparent correctly, and do something unpredictable and/or undesirable for levels in between. TBB */ int alpha[gdMaxColors]; /* Truecolor flag and pixels. New 2.0 fields appear here at the end to minimize breakage of existing object code. */ int trueColor; int ** tpixels; /* Should alpha channel be copied, or applied, each time a pixel is drawn? This applies to truecolor images only. No attempt is made to alpha-blend in palette images, even if semitransparent palette entries exist. To do that, build your image as a truecolor image, then quantize down to 8 bits. */ int alphaBlendingFlag; /* Should the alpha channel of the image be saved? This affects PNG at the moment; other future formats may also have that capability. JPEG doesn't. */ int saveAlphaFlag; /* 2.0.12: anti-aliased globals. 2.0.26: just a few vestiges after switching to the fast, memory-cheap implementation from PHP-gd. */ int AA; int AA_color; int AA_dont_blend; /* 2.0.12: simple clipping rectangle. These values must be checked for safety when set; please use gdImageSetClip */ int cx1; int cy1; int cx2; int cy2; unsigned int res_x; unsigned int res_y; gdInterpolationMethod interpolation_id; interpolation_method interpolation; } gdImage; typedef gdImage * gdImagePtr; /* Point type for use in polygon drawing. */ /** * Group: Types * * typedef: gdPointF * Defines a point in a 2D coordinate system using floating point * values. * x - Floating point position (increase from left to right) * y - Floating point Row position (increase from top to bottom) * * typedef: gdPointFPtr * Pointer to a * * See also: * , , **/ typedef struct { double x, y; } gdPointF, *gdPointFPtr; typedef struct { /* # of characters in font */ int nchars; /* First character is numbered... (usually 32 = space) */ int offset; /* Character width and height */ int w; int h; /* Font data; array of characters, one row after another. Easily included in code, also easily loaded from data files. */ char *data; } gdFont; /* Text functions take these. */ typedef gdFont *gdFontPtr; typedef void(*gdErrorMethod)(int, const char *, va_list); void gdSetErrorMethod(gdErrorMethod); void gdClearErrorMethod(void); /** * Group: Types * * typedef: gdRect * Defines a rectilinear region. * * x - left position * y - right position * width - Rectangle width * height - Rectangle height * * typedef: gdRectPtr * Pointer to a * * See also: * **/ typedef struct { int x, y; int width, height; } gdRect, *gdRectPtr; /* For backwards compatibility only. Use gdImageSetStyle() for MUCH more flexible line drawing. Also see gdImageSetBrush(). */ #define gdDashSize 4 /* Special colors. */ #define gdStyled (-2) #define gdBrushed (-3) #define gdStyledBrushed (-4) #define gdTiled (-5) /* NOT the same as the transparent color index. This is used in line styles only. */ #define gdTransparent (-6) #define gdAntiAliased (-7) /* Functions to manipulate images. */ /* Creates a palette-based image (up to 256 colors). */ gdImagePtr gdImageCreate(int sx, int sy); /* An alternate name for the above (2.0). */ #define gdImageCreatePalette gdImageCreate /* Creates a truecolor image (millions of colors). */ gdImagePtr gdImageCreateTrueColor(int sx, int sy); /* Creates an image from various file types. These functions return a palette or truecolor image based on the nature of the file being loaded. Truecolor PNG stays truecolor; palette PNG stays palette-based; JPEG is always truecolor. */ gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromPng(FILE *fd); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromPngCtx(gdIOCtxPtr in); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWBMP(FILE *inFile); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWBMPCtx(gdIOCtx *infile); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpeg(FILE *infile); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegEx(FILE *infile, int ignore_warning); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegCtx(gdIOCtx *infile); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegCtxEx(gdIOCtx *infile, int ignore_warning); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegPtr (int size, void *data); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromJpegPtrEx (int size, void *data, int ignore_warning); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWebp(FILE *fd); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWebpCtx(gdIOCtxPtr in); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWebpPtr (int size, void *data); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromTga( FILE * fp ); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromTgaCtx(gdIOCtx* ctx); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromTgaPtr(int size, void *data); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromBmp (FILE * inFile); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromBmpPtr (int size, void *data); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromBmpCtx (gdIOCtxPtr infile); const char * gdPngGetVersionString(); const char * gdJpegGetVersionString(); /* A custom data source. */ /* The source function must return -1 on error, otherwise the number of bytes fetched. 0 is EOF, not an error! */ /* context will be passed to your source function. */ typedef struct { int (*source) (void *context, char *buffer, int len); void *context; } gdSource, *gdSourcePtr; gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromPngSource(gdSourcePtr in); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd(FILE *in); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGdCtx(gdIOCtxPtr in); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2(FILE *in); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx(gdIOCtxPtr in); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2Part(FILE *in, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGd2PartCtx(gdIOCtxPtr in, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromXbm(FILE *fd); void gdImageXbmCtx(gdImagePtr image, char* file_name, int fg, gdIOCtx * out); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromXpm (char *filename); void gdImageDestroy(gdImagePtr im); /* Replaces or blends with the background depending on the most recent call to gdImageAlphaBlending and the alpha channel value of 'color'; default is to overwrite. Tiling and line styling are also implemented here. All other gd drawing functions pass through this call, allowing for many useful effects. */ void gdImageSetPixel(gdImagePtr im, int x, int y, int color); int gdImageGetTrueColorPixel (gdImagePtr im, int x, int y); int gdImageGetPixel(gdImagePtr im, int x, int y); void gdImageAABlend(gdImagePtr im); void gdImageLine(gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color); void gdImageAALine(gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color); /* For backwards compatibility only. Use gdImageSetStyle() for much more flexible line drawing. */ void gdImageDashedLine(gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color); /* Corners specified (not width and height). Upper left first, lower right second. */ void gdImageRectangle(gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color); /* Solid bar. Upper left corner first, lower right corner second. */ void gdImageFilledRectangle(gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color); void gdImageSetClip(gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); void gdImageGetClip(gdImagePtr im, int *x1P, int *y1P, int *x2P, int *y2P); void gdImageSetResolution(gdImagePtr im, const unsigned int res_x, const unsigned int res_y); void gdImageChar(gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, int c, int color); void gdImageCharUp(gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, int c, int color); void gdImageString(gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, unsigned char *s, int color); void gdImageStringUp(gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, unsigned char *s, int color); void gdImageString16(gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, unsigned short *s, int color); void gdImageStringUp16(gdImagePtr im, gdFontPtr f, int x, int y, unsigned short *s, int color); /* * The following functions are required to be called prior to the * use of any sort of threads in a module load / shutdown function * respectively. */ void gdFontCacheMutexSetup(); void gdFontCacheMutexShutdown(); /* 2.0.16: for thread-safe use of gdImageStringFT and friends, * call this before allowing any thread to call gdImageStringFT. * Otherwise it is invoked by the first thread to invoke * gdImageStringFT, with a very small but real risk of a race condition. * Return 0 on success, nonzero on failure to initialize freetype. */ int gdFontCacheSetup(void); /* Optional: clean up after application is done using fonts in gdImageStringFT(). */ void gdFontCacheShutdown(void); /* Calls gdImageStringFT. Provided for backwards compatibility only. */ char *gdImageStringTTF(gdImage *im, int *brect, int fg, char *fontlist, double ptsize, double angle, int x, int y, char *string); /* FreeType 2 text output */ char *gdImageStringFT(gdImage *im, int *brect, int fg, char *fontlist, double ptsize, double angle, int x, int y, char *string); typedef struct { double linespacing; /* fine tune line spacing for '\n' */ int flags; /* Logical OR of gdFTEX_ values */ int charmap; /* TBB: 2.0.12: may be gdFTEX_Unicode, gdFTEX_Shift_JIS, gdFTEX_Big5 or gdFTEX_MacRoman; when not specified, maps are searched for in the above order. */ int hdpi; int vdpi; } gdFTStringExtra, *gdFTStringExtraPtr; #define gdFTEX_LINESPACE 1 #define gdFTEX_CHARMAP 2 #define gdFTEX_RESOLUTION 4 /* These are NOT flags; set one in 'charmap' if you set the gdFTEX_CHARMAP bit in 'flags'. */ #define gdFTEX_Unicode 0 #define gdFTEX_Shift_JIS 1 #define gdFTEX_Big5 2 #define gdFTEX_MacRoman 3 /* FreeType 2 text output with fine tuning */ char * gdImageStringFTEx(gdImage * im, int *brect, int fg, char * fontlist, double ptsize, double angle, int x, int y, char * string, gdFTStringExtraPtr strex); /* Point type for use in polygon drawing. */ typedef struct { int x, y; } gdPoint, *gdPointPtr; void gdImagePolygon(gdImagePtr im, gdPointPtr p, int n, int c); void gdImageOpenPolygon(gdImagePtr im, gdPointPtr p, int n, int c); void gdImageFilledPolygon(gdImagePtr im, gdPointPtr p, int n, int c); /* These functions still work with truecolor images, for which they never return error. */ int gdImageColorAllocate(gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b); /* gd 2.0: palette entries with non-opaque transparency are permitted. */ int gdImageColorAllocateAlpha(gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b, int a); /* Assumes opaque is the preferred alpha channel value */ int gdImageColorClosest(gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b); /* Closest match taking all four parameters into account. A slightly different color with the same transparency beats the exact same color with radically different transparency */ int gdImageColorClosestAlpha(gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b, int a); /* An alternate method */ int gdImageColorClosestHWB(gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b); /* Returns exact, 100% opaque matches only */ int gdImageColorExact(gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b); /* Returns an exact match only, including alpha */ int gdImageColorExactAlpha(gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b, int a); /* Opaque only */ int gdImageColorResolve(gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b); /* Based on gdImageColorExactAlpha and gdImageColorClosestAlpha */ int gdImageColorResolveAlpha(gdImagePtr im, int r, int g, int b, int a); /* A simpler way to obtain an opaque truecolor value for drawing on a truecolor image. Not for use with palette images! */ #define gdTrueColor(r, g, b) (((r) << 16) + \ ((g) << 8) + \ (b)) /* Returns a truecolor value with an alpha channel component. gdAlphaMax (127, **NOT 255**) is transparent, 0 is completely opaque. */ #define gdTrueColorAlpha(r, g, b, a) (((a) << 24) + \ ((r) << 16) + \ ((g) << 8) + \ (b)) void gdImageColorDeallocate(gdImagePtr im, int color); /* Converts a truecolor image to a palette-based image, using a high-quality two-pass quantization routine which attempts to preserve alpha channel information as well as R/G/B color information when creating a palette. If ditherFlag is set, the image will be dithered to approximate colors better, at the expense of some obvious "speckling." colorsWanted can be anything up to 256. If the original source image includes photographic information or anything that came out of a JPEG, 256 is strongly recommended. Better yet, don't use this function -- write real truecolor PNGs and JPEGs. The disk space gain of conversion to palette is not great (for small images it can be negative) and the quality loss is ugly. */ gdImagePtr gdImageCreatePaletteFromTrueColor (gdImagePtr im, int ditherFlag, int colorsWanted); int gdImageTrueColorToPalette(gdImagePtr im, int ditherFlag, int colorsWanted); int gdImagePaletteToTrueColor(gdImagePtr src); /* An attempt at getting the results of gdImageTrueColorToPalette to look a bit more like the original (im1 is the original and im2 is the palette version */ int gdImageColorMatch(gdImagePtr im1, gdImagePtr im2); /* Specifies a color index (if a palette image) or an RGB color (if a truecolor image) which should be considered 100% transparent. FOR TRUECOLOR IMAGES, THIS IS IGNORED IF AN ALPHA CHANNEL IS BEING SAVED. Use gdImageSaveAlpha(im, 0); to turn off the saving of a full alpha channel in a truecolor image. Note that gdImageColorTransparent is usually compatible with older browsers that do not understand full alpha channels well. TBB */ void gdImageColorTransparent(gdImagePtr im, int color); void gdImagePaletteCopy(gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src); void gdImagePng(gdImagePtr im, FILE *out); void gdImagePngCtx(gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtx *out); void gdImageGif(gdImagePtr im, FILE *out); void gdImageGifCtx(gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtx *out); void * gdImageBmpPtr(gdImagePtr im, int *size, int compression); void gdImageBmp(gdImagePtr im, FILE *outFile, int compression); void gdImageBmpCtx(gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtxPtr out, int compression); /* 2.0.12: Compression level: 0-9 or -1, where 0 is NO COMPRESSION at all, * 1 is FASTEST but produces larger files, 9 provides the best * compression (smallest files) but takes a long time to compress, and * -1 selects the default compiled into the zlib library. */ void gdImagePngEx(gdImagePtr im, FILE * out, int level, int basefilter); void gdImagePngCtxEx(gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtx * out, int level, int basefilter); void gdImageWBMP(gdImagePtr image, int fg, FILE *out); void gdImageWBMPCtx(gdImagePtr image, int fg, gdIOCtx *out); /* Guaranteed to correctly free memory returned by the gdImage*Ptr functions */ void gdFree(void *m); /* Best to free this memory with gdFree(), not free() */ void *gdImageWBMPPtr(gdImagePtr im, int *size, int fg); /* 100 is highest quality (there is always a little loss with JPEG). 0 is lowest. 10 is about the lowest useful setting. */ void gdImageJpeg(gdImagePtr im, FILE *out, int quality); void gdImageJpegCtx(gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtx *out, int quality); void gdImageWebpCtx (gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtx * outfile, int quantization); /* Best to free this memory with gdFree(), not free() */ void *gdImageJpegPtr(gdImagePtr im, int *size, int quality); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGif(FILE *fd); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGifCtx(gdIOCtxPtr in); gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromGifSource(gdSourcePtr in); /* A custom data sink. For backwards compatibility. Use gdIOCtx instead. */ /* The sink function must return -1 on error, otherwise the number of bytes written, which must be equal to len. */ /* context will be passed to your sink function. */ typedef struct { int (*sink) (void *context, const char *buffer, int len); void *context; } gdSink, *gdSinkPtr; void gdImagePngToSink(gdImagePtr im, gdSinkPtr out); void gdImageGd(gdImagePtr im, FILE *out); void gdImageGd2(gdImagePtr im, FILE *out, int cs, int fmt); /* Best to free this memory with gdFree(), not free() */ void* gdImagePngPtr(gdImagePtr im, int *size); /* Best to free this memory with gdFree(), not free() */ void* gdImageGdPtr(gdImagePtr im, int *size); void *gdImagePngPtrEx(gdImagePtr im, int *size, int level, int basefilter); /* Best to free this memory with gdFree(), not free() */ void* gdImageGd2Ptr(gdImagePtr im, int cs, int fmt, int *size); void gdImageEllipse(gdImagePtr im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int c); /* Style is a bitwise OR ( | operator ) of these. gdArc and gdChord are mutually exclusive; gdChord just connects the starting and ending angles with a straight line, while gdArc produces a rounded edge. gdPie is a synonym for gdArc. gdNoFill indicates that the arc or chord should be outlined, not filled. gdEdged, used together with gdNoFill, indicates that the beginning and ending angles should be connected to the center; this is a good way to outline (rather than fill) a 'pie slice'. */ #define gdArc 0 #define gdPie gdArc #define gdChord 1 #define gdNoFill 2 #define gdEdged 4 void gdImageFilledArc(gdImagePtr im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int color, int style); void gdImageArc(gdImagePtr im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int color); void gdImageFilledEllipse(gdImagePtr im, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int color); void gdImageFillToBorder(gdImagePtr im, int x, int y, int border, int color); void gdImageFill(gdImagePtr im, int x, int y, int color); void gdImageCopy(gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int w, int h); void gdImageCopyMerge(gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int w, int h, int pct); void gdImageCopyMergeGray(gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int w, int h, int pct); /* Stretches or shrinks to fit, as needed. Does NOT attempt to average the entire set of source pixels that scale down onto the destination pixel. */ void gdImageCopyResized(gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH); /* gd 2.0: stretches or shrinks to fit, as needed. When called with a truecolor destination image, this function averages the entire set of source pixels that scale down onto the destination pixel, taking into account what portion of the destination pixel each source pixel represents. This is a floating point operation, but this is not a performance issue on modern hardware, except for some embedded devices. If the destination is a palette image, gdImageCopyResized is substituted automatically. */ void gdImageCopyResampled(gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH); gdImagePtr gdImageRotate90(gdImagePtr src, int ignoretransparent); gdImagePtr gdImageRotate180(gdImagePtr src, int ignoretransparent); gdImagePtr gdImageRotate270(gdImagePtr src, int ignoretransparent); gdImagePtr gdImageRotateInterpolated(const gdImagePtr src, const float angle, int bgcolor); void gdImageSetBrush(gdImagePtr im, gdImagePtr brush); void gdImageSetTile(gdImagePtr im, gdImagePtr tile); void gdImageSetAntiAliased(gdImagePtr im, int c); void gdImageSetAntiAliasedDontBlend(gdImagePtr im, int c, int dont_blend); void gdImageSetStyle(gdImagePtr im, int *style, int noOfPixels); /* Line thickness (defaults to 1). Affects lines, ellipses, rectangles, polygons and so forth. */ void gdImageSetThickness(gdImagePtr im, int thickness); /* On or off (1 or 0) for all three of these. */ void gdImageInterlace(gdImagePtr im, int interlaceArg); void gdImageAlphaBlending(gdImagePtr im, int alphaBlendingArg); void gdImageAntialias(gdImagePtr im, int antialias); void gdImageSaveAlpha(gdImagePtr im, int saveAlphaArg); enum gdPixelateMode { GD_PIXELATE_UPPERLEFT, GD_PIXELATE_AVERAGE }; int gdImagePixelate(gdImagePtr im, int block_size, const unsigned int mode); typedef struct { int sub; int plus; unsigned int num_colors; int *colors; unsigned int seed; } gdScatter, *gdScatterPtr; int gdImageScatter(gdImagePtr im, int sub, int plus); int gdImageScatterColor(gdImagePtr im, int sub, int plus, int colors[], unsigned int num_colors); int gdImageScatterEx(gdImagePtr im, gdScatterPtr s); /* Macros to access information about images. */ /* Returns nonzero if the image is a truecolor image, zero for a palette image. */ #define gdImageTrueColor(im) ((im)->trueColor) #define gdImageSX(im) ((im)->sx) #define gdImageSY(im) ((im)->sy) #define gdImageColorsTotal(im) ((im)->colorsTotal) #define gdImageRed(im, c) ((im)->trueColor ? gdTrueColorGetRed(c) : \ (im)->red[(c)]) #define gdImageGreen(im, c) ((im)->trueColor ? gdTrueColorGetGreen(c) : \ (im)->green[(c)]) #define gdImageBlue(im, c) ((im)->trueColor ? gdTrueColorGetBlue(c) : \ (im)->blue[(c)]) #define gdImageAlpha(im, c) ((im)->trueColor ? gdTrueColorGetAlpha(c) : \ (im)->alpha[(c)]) #define gdImageGetTransparent(im) ((im)->transparent) #define gdImageGetInterlaced(im) ((im)->interlace) /* These macros provide direct access to pixels in palette-based and truecolor images, respectively. If you use these macros, you must perform your own bounds checking. Use of the macro for the correct type of image is also your responsibility. */ #define gdImagePalettePixel(im, x, y) (im)->pixels[(y)][(x)] #define gdImageTrueColorPixel(im, x, y) (im)->tpixels[(y)][(x)] #define gdImageResolutionX(im) (im)->res_x #define gdImageResolutionY(im) (im)->res_y /* I/O Support routines. */ gdIOCtx* gdNewFileCtx(FILE*); gdIOCtx* gdNewDynamicCtx(int, void*); gdIOCtx *gdNewDynamicCtxEx(int size, void *data, int freeFlag); gdIOCtx* gdNewSSCtx(gdSourcePtr in, gdSinkPtr out); void* gdDPExtractData(struct gdIOCtx* ctx, int *size); #define GD2_CHUNKSIZE 128 #define GD2_CHUNKSIZE_MIN 64 #define GD2_CHUNKSIZE_MAX 4096 #define GD2_VERS 2 #define GD2_ID "gd2" #define GD2_FMT_RAW 1 #define GD2_FMT_COMPRESSED 2 /* filters section * * Negate the imag src, white becomes black, * The red, green, and blue intensities of an image are negated. * White becomes black, yellow becomes blue, etc. */ int gdImageNegate(gdImagePtr src); /* Convert the image src to a grayscale image */ int gdImageGrayScale(gdImagePtr src); /* Set the brightness level for the image src */ int gdImageBrightness(gdImagePtr src, int brightness); /* Set the contrast level for the image */ int gdImageContrast(gdImagePtr src, double contrast); /* Simply adds or subtracts respectively red, green or blue to a pixel */ int gdImageColor(gdImagePtr src, const int red, const int green, const int blue, const int alpha); /* Image convolution by a 3x3 custom matrix */ int gdImageConvolution(gdImagePtr src, float ft[3][3], float filter_div, float offset); int gdImageEdgeDetectQuick(gdImagePtr src); int gdImageGaussianBlur(gdImagePtr im); int gdImageSelectiveBlur( gdImagePtr src); int gdImageEmboss(gdImagePtr im); int gdImageMeanRemoval(gdImagePtr im); int gdImageSmooth(gdImagePtr im, float weight); /* Image comparison definitions */ int gdImageCompare(gdImagePtr im1, gdImagePtr im2); void gdImageFlipHorizontal(gdImagePtr im); void gdImageFlipVertical(gdImagePtr im); void gdImageFlipBoth(gdImagePtr im); #define GD_FLIP_HORINZONTAL 1 #define GD_FLIP_VERTICAL 2 #define GD_FLIP_BOTH 3 /** * Group: Crop * * Constants: gdCropMode * GD_CROP_DEFAULT - Default crop mode (4 corners or background) * GD_CROP_TRANSPARENT - Crop using the transparent color * GD_CROP_BLACK - Crop black borders * GD_CROP_WHITE - Crop white borders * GD_CROP_SIDES - Crop using colors of the 4 corners * * See also: * **/ enum gdCropMode { GD_CROP_DEFAULT = 0, GD_CROP_TRANSPARENT, GD_CROP_BLACK, GD_CROP_WHITE, GD_CROP_SIDES, GD_CROP_THRESHOLD }; gdImagePtr gdImageCrop(gdImagePtr src, const gdRectPtr crop); gdImagePtr gdImageCropAuto(gdImagePtr im, const unsigned int mode); gdImagePtr gdImageCropThreshold(gdImagePtr im, const unsigned int color, const float threshold); int gdImageSetInterpolationMethod(gdImagePtr im, gdInterpolationMethod id); gdImagePtr gdImageScaleBilinear(gdImagePtr im, const unsigned int new_width, const unsigned int new_height); gdImagePtr gdImageScaleBicubic(gdImagePtr src_img, const unsigned int new_width, const unsigned int new_height); gdImagePtr gdImageScaleBicubicFixed(gdImagePtr src, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height); gdImagePtr gdImageScaleNearestNeighbour(gdImagePtr im, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height); gdImagePtr gdImageScaleTwoPass(const gdImagePtr pOrigImage, const unsigned int uOrigWidth, const unsigned int uOrigHeight, const unsigned int uNewWidth, const unsigned int uNewHeight); gdImagePtr gdImageScale(const gdImagePtr src, const unsigned int new_width, const unsigned int new_height); gdImagePtr gdImageRotateNearestNeighbour(gdImagePtr src, const float degrees, const int bgColor); gdImagePtr gdImageRotateBilinear(gdImagePtr src, const float degrees, const int bgColor); gdImagePtr gdImageRotateBicubicFixed(gdImagePtr src, const float degrees, const int bgColor); gdImagePtr gdImageRotateGeneric(gdImagePtr src, const float degrees, const int bgColor); gdImagePtr gdImageRotateInterpolated(const gdImagePtr src, const float angle, int bgcolor); typedef enum { GD_AFFINE_TRANSLATE = 0, GD_AFFINE_SCALE, GD_AFFINE_ROTATE, GD_AFFINE_SHEAR_HORIZONTAL, GD_AFFINE_SHEAR_VERTICAL, } gdAffineStandardMatrix; int gdAffineApplyToPointF (gdPointFPtr dst, const gdPointFPtr src, const double affine[6]); int gdAffineInvert (double dst[6], const double src[6]); int gdAffineFlip (double dst_affine[6], const double src_affine[6], const int flip_h, const int flip_v); int gdAffineConcat (double dst[6], const double m1[6], const double m2[6]); int gdAffineIdentity (double dst[6]); int gdAffineScale (double dst[6], const double scale_x, const double scale_y); int gdAffineRotate (double dst[6], const double angle); int gdAffineShearHorizontal (double dst[6], const double angle); int gdAffineShearVertical(double dst[6], const double angle); int gdAffineTranslate (double dst[6], const double offset_x, const double offset_y); double gdAffineExpansion (const double src[6]); int gdAffineRectilinear (const double src[6]); int gdAffineEqual (const double matrix1[6], const double matrix2[6]); int gdTransformAffineGetImage(gdImagePtr *dst, const gdImagePtr src, gdRectPtr src_area, const double affine[6]); int gdTransformAffineCopy(gdImagePtr dst, int dst_x, int dst_y, const gdImagePtr src, gdRectPtr src_region, const double affine[6]); /* gdTransformAffineCopy(gdImagePtr dst, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const gdImagePtr src, int src_width, int src_height, const double affine[6]); */ int gdTransformAffineBoundingBox(gdRectPtr src, const double affine[6], gdRectPtr bbox); #define GD_CMP_IMAGE 1 /* Actual image IS different */ #define GD_CMP_NUM_COLORS 2 /* Number of Colours in pallette differ */ #define GD_CMP_COLOR 4 /* Image colours differ */ #define GD_CMP_SIZE_X 8 /* Image width differs */ #define GD_CMP_SIZE_Y 16 /* Image heights differ */ #define GD_CMP_TRANSPARENT 32 /* Transparent colour */ #define GD_CMP_BACKGROUND 64 /* Background colour */ #define GD_CMP_INTERLACE 128 /* Interlaced setting */ #define GD_CMP_TRUECOLOR 256 /* Truecolor vs palette differs */ /* resolution affects ttf font rendering, particularly hinting */ #define GD_RESOLUTION 96 /* pixels per inch */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* 2.0.12: this now checks the clipping rectangle */ #define gdImageBoundsSafe(im, x, y) (!((((y) < (im)->cy1) || ((y) > (im)->cy2)) || (((x) < (im)->cx1) || ((x) > (im)->cx2)))) #endif /* GD_H */ PK! gd/libgd/gd_tga.hnu[#ifndef __TGA_H #define __TGA_H 1 #include "gd.h" #include "gdhelpers.h" #include "gd_intern.h" typedef struct oTga_ { uint8_t identsize; // size of ID field that follows 18 uint8_t header (0 usually) uint8_t colormaptype; // type of colour map 0=none, 1=has palette [IGNORED] Adrian requested no support uint8_t imagetype; // type of image 0=none,1=indexed,2=rgb,3=grey,+8=rle packed int colormapstart; // first colour map entry in palette [IGNORED] Adrian requested no support int colormaplength; // number of colours in palette [IGNORED] Adrian requested no support uint8_t colormapbits; // number of bits per palette entry 15,16,24,32 [IGNORED] Adrian requested no support int xstart; // image x origin int ystart; // image y origin int width; // image width in pixels int height; // image height in pixels uint8_t bits; // image bits per pixel 8,16,24,32 uint8_t alphabits; // alpha bits (low 4bits of header 17) uint8_t fliph; // horizontal or vertical uint8_t flipv; // flip char *ident; // identifcation tag string int *bitmap; // bitmap data } oTga; #define TGA_TYPE_NO_IMAGE 0 #define TGA_TYPE_INDEXED 1 #define TGA_TYPE_RGB 2 #define TGA_TYPE_GREYSCALE 3 #define TGA_TYPE_INDEXED_RLE 9 #define TGA_TYPE_RGB_RLE 10 #define TGA_TYPE_GREYSCALE_RLE 11 #define TGA_TYPE_INDEXED_HUFFMAN_DELTA_RLE 32 #define TGA_TYPE_RGB_HUFFMAN_DELTA_QUADTREE_RLE 33 #define TGA_BPP_8 8 #define TGA_BPP_16 16 #define TGA_BPP_24 24 #define TGA_BPP_32 32 #define TGA_RLE_FLAG 128 int read_header_tga(gdIOCtx *ctx, oTga *tga); int read_image_tga(gdIOCtx *ctx, oTga *tga); void free_tga(oTga *tga); #endif //__TGA_H PK!AD00gd/libgd/gd_io.hnu[#ifndef GD_IO_H #define GD_IO_H 1 #include #ifdef VMS #define Putchar gdPutchar #endif typedef struct gdIOCtx { int (*getC)(struct gdIOCtx*); int (*getBuf)(struct gdIOCtx*, void*, int); void (*putC)(struct gdIOCtx*, int); int (*putBuf)(struct gdIOCtx*, const void*, int); int (*seek)(struct gdIOCtx*, const int); long (*tell)(struct gdIOCtx*); void (*gd_free)(struct gdIOCtx*); void *data; } gdIOCtx; typedef struct gdIOCtx *gdIOCtxPtr; void Putword(int w, gdIOCtx *ctx); void Putchar(int c, gdIOCtx *ctx); void gdPutC(const unsigned char c, gdIOCtx *ctx); int gdPutBuf(const void *, int, gdIOCtx*); void gdPutWord(int w, gdIOCtx *ctx); void gdPutInt(int w, gdIOCtx *ctx); int gdGetC(gdIOCtx *ctx); int gdGetBuf(void *, int, gdIOCtx*); int gdGetByte(int *result, gdIOCtx *ctx); int gdGetWord(int *result, gdIOCtx *ctx); int gdGetWordLSB(signed short int *result, gdIOCtx *ctx); int gdGetInt(int *result, gdIOCtx *ctx); int gdGetIntLSB(signed int *result, gdIOCtx *ctx); int gdSeek(gdIOCtx *ctx, const int); long gdTell(gdIOCtx *ctx); #endif PK!1gd/libgd/gdfontmb.hnu[ #ifndef _GDFONTMB_H_ #define _GDFONTMB_H_ 1 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* This is a header file for gd font, generated using bdftogd version 0.5 by Jan Pazdziora, from bdf font -misc-fixed-bold-r-normal-sans-13-94-100-100-c-70-iso8859-2 at Thu Jan 8 13:54:57 1998. No copyright info was found in the original bdf. */ #include "gd.h" extern gdFontPtr gdFontMediumBold; extern gdFontPtr gdFontGetMediumBold(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif PK!Aﹴ gd/libgd/gdcache.hnu[/* * gdcache.h * * Caches of pointers to user structs in which the least-recently-used * element is replaced in the event of a cache miss after the cache has * reached a given size. * * John Ellson ( Oct 31, 1997 * * Test this with: * gcc -o gdcache -g -Wall -DTEST gdcache.c * * The cache is implemented by a singly-linked list of elements * each containing a pointer to a user struct that is being managed by * the cache. * * The head structure has a pointer to the most-recently-used * element, and elements are moved to this position in the list each * time they are used. The head also contains pointers to three * user defined functions: * - a function to test if a cached userdata matches some keydata * - a function to provide a new userdata struct to the cache * if there has been a cache miss. * - a function to release a userdata struct when it is * no longer being managed by the cache * * In the event of a cache miss the cache is allowed to grow up to * a specified maximum size. After the maximum size is reached then * the least-recently-used element is discarded to make room for the * new. The most-recently-returned value is always left at the * beginning of the list after retrieval. * * In the current implementation the cache is traversed by a linear * search from most-recent to least-recent. This linear search * probably limits the usefulness of this implementation to cache * sizes of a few tens of elements. */ /*********************************************************/ /* header */ /*********************************************************/ #include #if (!defined(__OpenBSD__)) && HAVE_MALLOC_H #include #endif #ifndef NULL #define NULL (void *)0 #endif /* user defined function templates */ typedef int (*gdCacheTestFn_t)(void *userdata, void *keydata); typedef void *(*gdCacheFetchFn_t)(char **error, void *keydata); typedef void (*gdCacheReleaseFn_t)(void *userdata); /* element structure */ typedef struct gdCache_element_s gdCache_element_t; struct gdCache_element_s { gdCache_element_t *next; void *userdata; }; /* head structure */ typedef struct gdCache_head_s gdCache_head_t; struct gdCache_head_s { gdCache_element_t *mru; int size; char *error; gdCacheTestFn_t gdCacheTest; gdCacheFetchFn_t gdCacheFetch; gdCacheReleaseFn_t gdCacheRelease; }; /* function templates */ gdCache_head_t * gdCacheCreate( int size, gdCacheTestFn_t gdCacheTest, gdCacheFetchFn_t gdCacheFetch, gdCacheReleaseFn_t gdCacheRelease ); void gdCacheDelete( gdCache_head_t *head ); void * gdCacheGet( gdCache_head_t *head, void *keydata ); PK!o%  gd/libgd/gdfontt.hnu[ #ifndef _GDFONTT_H_ #define _GDFONTT_H_ 1 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* This is a header file for gd font, generated using bdftogd version 0.5 by Jan Pazdziora, from bdf font -Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal--8-80-75-75-C-50-ISO8859-2 at Thu Jan 8 13:49:54 1998. The original bdf was holding following copyright: "Libor Skarvada," */ #include "gd.h" extern gdFontPtr gdFontTiny; extern gdFontPtr gdFontGetTiny(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif PK!fgd/libgd/gdfontl.hnu[ #ifndef _GDFONTL_H_ #define _GDFONTL_H_ 1 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* This is a header file for gd font, generated using bdftogd version 0.5 by Jan Pazdziora, from bdf font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--16-140-75-75-c-80-iso8859-2 at Tue Jan 6 19:39:27 1998. The original bdf was holding following copyright: "Libor Skarvada," */ #include "gd.h" extern gdFontPtr gdFontLarge; extern gdFontPtr gdFontGetLarge(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif PK!@rgd/libgd/gdfontg.hnu[ #ifndef _GDFONTG_H_ #define _GDFONTG_H_ 1 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* This is a header file for gd font, generated using bdftogd version 0.51 by Jan Pazdziora, from bdf font -Misc-Fixed-Bold-R-Normal-Sans-15-140-75-75-C-90-ISO8859-2 at Mon Jan 26 14:45:58 1998. The original bdf was holding following copyright: "Libor Skarvada," */ #include "gd.h" extern gdFontPtr gdFontGiant; extern gdFontPtr gdFontGetGiant(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif PK!YHgd/libgd/gd_intern.hnu[#ifndef GD_INTERN_H #define GD_INTERN_H #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #endif #define MIN3(a,b,c) ((a)<(b)?(MIN(a,c)):(MIN(b,c))) #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(b):(a)) #endif #define MAX3(a,b,c) ((a)<(b)?(MAX(b,c)):(MAX(a,c))) #endif PK!+Tgd/libgd/gd_errors.hnu[#ifndef GD_ERRORS_H #define GD_ERRORS_H #ifndef _WIN32 # include #else # include "win32/syslog.h" #endif /* LOG_EMERG system is unusable LOG_ALERT action must be taken immediately LOG_CRIT critical conditions LOG_ERR error conditions LOG_WARNING warning conditions LOG_NOTICE normal, but significant, condition LOG_INFO informational message LOG_DEBUG debug-level message */ #define GD_ERROR LOG_ERR #define GD_WARNING LOG_WARNING #define GD_NOTICE LOG_NOTICE #define GD_INFO LOG_INFO #define GD_DEBUG LOG_DEBUG void gd_error(const char *format, ...); void gd_error_ex(int priority, const char *format, ...); #endif PK!A,,gd/libgd/gdhelpers.hnu[#ifndef GDHELPERS_H #define GDHELPERS_H 1 #include #include "php.h" /* TBB: strtok_r is not universal; provide an implementation of it. */ extern char *gd_strtok_r(char *s, char *sep, char **state); /* These functions wrap memory management. gdFree is in gd.h, where callers can utilize it to correctly free memory allocated by these functions with the right version of free(). */ #define gdCalloc(nmemb, size) ecalloc(nmemb, size) #define gdMalloc(size) emalloc(size) #define gdRealloc(ptr, size) erealloc(ptr, size) #define gdEstrdup(ptr) estrdup(ptr) #define gdFree(ptr) efree(ptr) #define gdPMalloc(ptr) pemalloc(ptr, 1) #define gdPFree(ptr) pefree(ptr, 1) #define gdPEstrdup(ptr) pestrdup(ptr, 1) /* Returns nonzero if multiplying the two quantities will result in integer overflow. Also returns nonzero if either quantity is negative. By Phil Knirsch based on netpbm fixes by Alan Cox. */ int overflow2(int a, int b); #ifdef ZTS #define gdMutexDeclare(x) MUTEX_T x #define gdMutexSetup(x) x = tsrm_mutex_alloc() #define gdMutexShutdown(x) tsrm_mutex_free(x) #define gdMutexLock(x) tsrm_mutex_lock(x) #define gdMutexUnlock(x) tsrm_mutex_unlock(x) #else #define gdMutexDeclare(x) #define gdMutexSetup(x) #define gdMutexShutdown(x) #define gdMutexLock(x) #define gdMutexUnlock(x) #endif #define DPCM2DPI(dpcm) (unsigned int)((dpcm)*2.54 + 0.5) #define DPM2DPI(dpm) (unsigned int)((dpm)*0.0254 + 0.5) #define DPI2DPCM(dpi) (unsigned int)((dpi)/2.54 + 0.5) #define DPI2DPM(dpi) (unsigned int)((dpi)/0.0254 + 0.5) #endif /* GDHELPERS_H */ PK!Zl춒 gd/libgd/bmp.hnu[/* $Id$ */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* gd_bmp.c Bitmap format support for libgd * Written 2007, Scott MacVicar --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Todo: RLE4, RLE8 and Bitfield encoding Add full support for Windows v4 and Windows v5 header formats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef BMP_H #define BMP_H 1 #define BMP_PALETTE_3 1 #define BMP_PALETTE_4 2 #define BMP_WINDOWS_V3 40 #define BMP_OS2_V1 12 #define BMP_OS2_V2 64 #define BMP_WINDOWS_V4 108 #define BMP_WINDOWS_V5 124 #define BMP_BI_RGB 0 #define BMP_BI_RLE8 1 #define BMP_BI_RLE4 2 #define BMP_BI_BITFIELDS 3 #define BMP_BI_JPEG 4 #define BMP_BI_PNG 5 #define BMP_RLE_COMMAND 0 #define BMP_RLE_ENDOFLINE 0 #define BMP_RLE_ENDOFBITMAP 1 #define BMP_RLE_DELTA 2 #define BMP_RLE_TYPE_RAW 0 #define BMP_RLE_TYPE_RLE 1 /* BMP header. */ typedef struct { /* 16 bit - header identifying the type */ signed short int magic; /* 32bit - size of the file */ int size; /* 16bit - these two are in the spec but "reserved" */ signed short int reserved1; signed short int reserved2; /* 32 bit - offset of the bitmap header from data in bytes */ signed int off; } bmp_hdr_t; /* BMP info. */ typedef struct { /* 16bit - Type, ie Windows or OS/2 for the palette info */ signed short int type; /* 32bit - The length of the bitmap information header in bytes. */ signed int len; /* 32bit - The width of the bitmap in pixels. */ signed int width; /* 32bit - The height of the bitmap in pixels. */ signed int height; /* 8 bit - The bitmap data is specified in top-down order. */ signed char topdown; /* 16 bit - The number of planes. This must be set to a value of one. */ signed short int numplanes; /* 16 bit - The number of bits per pixel. */ signed short int depth; /* 32bit - The type of compression used. */ signed int enctype; /* 32bit - The size of the image in bytes. */ signed int size; /* 32bit - The horizontal resolution in pixels/metre. */ signed int hres; /* 32bit - The vertical resolution in pixels/metre. */ signed int vres; /* 32bit - The number of color indices used by the bitmap. */ signed int numcolors; /* 32bit - The number of color indices important for displaying the bitmap. */ signed int mincolors; } bmp_info_t; #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif PK!ٟ+gd/libgd/gdfonts.hnu[ #ifndef _GDFONTS_H_ #define _GDFONTS_H_ 1 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* This is a header file for gd font, generated using bdftogd version 0.5 by Jan Pazdziora, from bdf font -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-sans-12-116-75-75-c-60-iso8859-2 at Thu Jan 8 14:13:20 1998. No copyright info was found in the original bdf. */ #include "gd.h" extern gdFontPtr gdFontSmall; extern gdFontPtr gdFontGetSmall(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif PK!ygd/libgd/wbmp.hnu[/* WBMP ** ---- ** WBMP Level 0: B/W, Uncompressed ** This implements the WBMP format as specified in WAPSpec 1.1 and 1.2. ** It does not support ExtHeaders as defined in the spec. The spec states ** that a WAP client does not need to implement ExtHeaders. ** ** (c) 2000 Johan Van den Brande ** ** Header file */ #ifndef __WBMP_H #define __WBMP_H 1 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "php_compat.h" /* WBMP struct ** ----------- ** A Wireless bitmap structure ** */ typedef struct Wbmp_ { int type; /* type of the wbmp */ int width; /* width of the image */ int height; /* height of the image */ int *bitmap; /* pointer to data: 0 = WHITE , 1 = BLACK */ } Wbmp; #define WBMP_WHITE 1 #define WBMP_BLACK 0 /* Proto's ** ------- ** */ void putmbi( int i, void (*putout)(int c, void *out), void *out); int getmbi ( int (*getin)(void *in), void *in ); int skipheader( int (*getin)(void *in), void *in ); Wbmp *createwbmp( int width, int height, int color ); int readwbmp( int (*getin)(void *in), void *in, Wbmp **wbmp ); int writewbmp( Wbmp *wbmp, void (*putout)( int c, void *out), void *out); void freewbmp( Wbmp *wbmp ); void printwbmp( Wbmp *wbmp ); #endif PK!Ѷgd/libgd/jisx0208.hnu[#ifndef JISX0208_H #define JISX0208_H /* This file was derived from "src/VF_Ftype.c" in VFlib2-2.24.2 by Dr. Kakugawa */ /* JIS -> Unicode mapping table */ static unsigned short UnicodeTbl[][94] = { { /* category 01 */ 0x0000, 0x3001, 0x3002, 0xFF0C, 0xFF0E, 0x30FB, 0xFF1A, 0xFF1B, 0xFF1F, 0xFF01, 0x309B, 0x309C, 0x00B4, 0xFF40, 0x00A8, 0xFF3E, 0xFFE3, 0xFF3F, 0x30FD, 0x30FE, 0x309D, 0x309E, 0x3003, 0x4EDD, 0x3005, 0x3006, 0x3007, 0x30FC, 0x2015, 0x2010, 0xFF0F, 0xFF3C, 0xFF5E, 0x2225, 0xFF5C, 0x2026, 0x2025, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201C, 0x201D, 0xFF08, 0xFF09, 0x3014, 0x3015, 0xFF3B, 0xFF3D, 0xFF5B, 0xFF5D, 0x3008, 0x3009, 0x300A, 0x300B, 0x300C, 0x300D, 0x300E, 0x300F, 0x3010, 0x3011, 0xFF0B, 0xFF0D, 0x00B1, 0x00D7, 0x00F7, 0xFF1D, 0x2260, 0xFF1C, 0xFF1E, 0x2266, 0x2267, 0x221E, 0x2234, 0x2642, 0x2640, 0x00B0, 0x2032, 0x2033, 0x2103, 0xFFE5, 0xFF04, 0xFFE0, 0xFFE1, 0xFF05, 0xFF03, 0xFF06, 0xFF0A, 0xFF20, 0x00A7, 0x2606, 0x2605, 0x25CB, 0x25CF, 0x25CE, 0x25C7}, { /* category 02 */ 0x25C6, 0x25A1, 0x25A0, 0x25B3, 0x25B2, 0x25BD, 0x25BC, 0x203B, 0x3012, 0x2192, 0x2190, 0x2191, 0x2193, 0x3013, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2208, 0x220B, 0x2286, 0x2287, 0x2282, 0x2283, 0x222A, 0x2229, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2227, 0x2228, 0xFFE2, 0x21D2, 0x21D4, 0x2200, 0x2203, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2220, 0x22A5, 0x2312, 0x2202, 0x2207, 0x2261, 0x2252, 0x226A, 0x226B, 0x221A, 0x223D, 0x221D, 0x2235, 0x222B, 0x222C, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x212B, 0x2030, 0x266F, 0x266D, 0x266A, 0x2020, 0x2021, /**/ 0x00B6, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x25EF}, { /* category 03 */ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xFF10, 0xFF11, 0xFF12, 0xFF13, 0xFF14, 0xFF15, 0xFF16, 0xFF17, 0xFF18, 0xFF19, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xFF21, 0xFF22, 0xFF23, 0xFF24, 0xFF25, 0xFF26, 0xFF27, 0xFF28, 0xFF29, 0xFF2A, 0xFF2B, 0xFF2C, 0xFF2D, 0xFF2E, 0xFF2F, 0xFF30, 0xFF31, 0xFF32, 0xFF33, 0xFF34, 0xFF35, 0xFF36, 0xFF37, 0xFF38, 0xFF39, 0xFF3A, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xFF41, 0xFF42, 0xFF43, 0xFF44, 0xFF45, 0xFF46, 0xFF47, 0xFF48, 0xFF49, 0xFF4A, 0xFF4B, 0xFF4C, 0xFF4D, 0xFF4E, 0xFF4F, 0xFF50, 0xFF51, 0xFF52, 0xFF53, 0xFF54, 0xFF55, 0xFF56, 0xFF57, 0xFF58, 0xFF59, 0xFF5A, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000}, { /* category 04 */ 0x3041, 0x3042, 0x3043, 0x3044, 0x3045, 0x3046, 0x3047, 0x3048, 0x3049, 0x304A, 0x304B, 0x304C, 0x304D, 0x304E, 0x304F, 0x3050, 0x3051, 0x3052, 0x3053, 0x3054, 0x3055, 0x3056, 0x3057, 0x3058, 0x3059, 0x305A, 0x305B, 0x305C, 0x305D, 0x305E, 0x305F, 0x3060, 0x3061, 0x3062, 0x3063, 0x3064, 0x3065, 0x3066, 0x3067, 0x3068, 0x3069, 0x306A, 0x306B, 0x306C, 0x306D, 0x306E, 0x306F, 0x3070, 0x3071, 0x3072, 0x3073, 0x3074, 0x3075, 0x3076, 0x3077, 0x3078, 0x3079, 0x307A, 0x307B, 0x307C, 0x307D, 0x307E, 0x307F, 0x3080, 0x3081, 0x3082, 0x3083, 0x3084, 0x3085, 0x3086, 0x3087, 0x3088, 0x3089, 0x308A, 0x308B, 0x308C, 0x308D, 0x308E, 0x308F, 0x3090, 0x3091, 0x3092, 0x3093, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000}, { /* category 05 */ 0x30A1, 0x30A2, 0x30A3, 0x30A4, 0x30A5, 0x30A6, 0x30A7, 0x30A8, 0x30A9, 0x30AA, 0x30AB, 0x30AC, 0x30AD, 0x30AE, 0x30AF, 0x30B0, 0x30B1, 0x30B2, 0x30B3, 0x30B4, 0x30B5, 0x30B6, 0x30B7, 0x30B8, 0x30B9, 0x30BA, 0x30BB, 0x30BC, 0x30BD, 0x30BE, 0x30BF, 0x30C0, 0x30C1, 0x30C2, 0x30C3, 0x30C4, 0x30C5, 0x30C6, 0x30C7, 0x30C8, 0x30C9, 0x30CA, 0x30CB, 0x30CC, 0x30CD, 0x30CE, 0x30CF, 0x30D0, 0x30D1, 0x30D2, 0x30D3, 0x30D4, 0x30D5, 0x30D6, 0x30D7, 0x30D8, 0x30D9, 0x30DA, 0x30DB, 0x30DC, 0x30DD, 0x30DE, 0x30DF, 0x30E0, 0x30E1, 0x30E2, 0x30E3, 0x30E4, 0x30E5, 0x30E6, 0x30E7, 0x30E8, 0x30E9, 0x30EA, 0x30EB, 0x30EC, 0x30ED, 0x30EE, 0x30EF, 0x30F0, 0x30F1, 0x30F2, 0x30F3, 0x30F4, 0x30F5, 0x30F6, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000}, { /* category 06 */ 0x0391, 0x0392, 0x0393, 0x0394, 0x0395, 0x0396, 0x0397, 0x0398, 0x0399, 0x039A, 0x039B, 0x039C, 0x039D, 0x039E, 0x039F, 0x03A0, 0x03A1, 0x03A3, 0x03A4, 0x03A5, 0x03A6, 0x03A7, 0x03A8, 0x03A9, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x03B1, 0x03B2, 0x03B3, 0x03B4, 0x03B5, 0x03B6, 0x03B7, 0x03B8, 0x03B9, 0x03BA, 0x03BB, 0x03BC, 0x03BD, 0x03BE, 0x03BF, 0x03C0, 0x03C1, 0x03C3, 0x03C4, 0x03C5, 0x03C6, 0x03C7, 0x03C8, 0x03C9, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000}, { /* category 07 */ 0x0410, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0414, 0x0415, 0x0401, 0x0416, 0x0417, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041A, 0x041B, 0x041C, 0x041D, 0x041E, 0x041F, 0x0420, 0x0421, 0x0422, 0x0423, 0x0424, 0x0425, 0x0426, 0x0427, 0x0428, 0x0429, 0x042A, 0x042B, 0x042C, 0x042D, 0x042E, 0x042F, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0430, 0x0431, 0x0432, 0x0433, 0x0434, 0x0435, 0x0451, 0x0436, 0x0437, 0x0438, 0x0439, 0x043A, 0x043B, 0x043C, 0x043D, 0x043E, 0x043F, 0x0440, 0x0441, 0x0442, 0x0443, 0x0444, 0x0445, 0x0446, 0x0447, 0x0448, 0x0449, 0x044A, 0x044B, 0x044C, 0x044D, 0x044E, 0x044F, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000}, { /* category 08 */ 0x2500, 0x2502, 0x250C, 0x2510, 0x2518, 0x2514, 0x251C, 0x252C, 0x2524, 0x2534, 0x253C, 0x2501, 0x2503, 0x250F, 0x2513, 0x251B, 0x2517, 0x2523, 0x2533, 0x252B, 0x253B, 0x254B, 0x2520, 0x252F, 0x2528, 0x2537, 0x253F, 0x251D, 0x2530, 0x2525, 0x2538, 0x2542, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 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0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000}, { /* category 15 */ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000}, { /* category 16 */ 0x4E9C, 0x5516, 0x5A03, 0x963F, 0x54C0, 0x611B, 0x6328, 0x59F6, 0x9022, 0x8475, 0x831C, 0x7A50, 0x60AA, 0x63E1, 0x6E25, 0x65ED, 0x8466, 0x82A6, 0x9BF5, 0x6893, 0x5727, 0x65A1, 0x6271, 0x5B9B, 0x59D0, 0x867B, 0x98F4, 0x7D62, 0x7DBE, 0x9B8E, 0x6216, 0x7C9F, 0x88B7, 0x5B89, 0x5EB5, 0x6309, 0x6697, 0x6848, 0x95C7, 0x978D, 0x674F, 0x4EE5, 0x4F0A, 0x4F4D, 0x4F9D, 0x5049, 0x56F2, 0x5937, 0x59D4, 0x5A01, 0x5C09, 0x60DF, 0x610F, 0x6170, 0x6613, 0x6905, 0x70BA, 0x754F, 0x7570, 0x79FB, 0x7DAD, 0x7DEF, 0x80C3, 0x840E, 0x8863, 0x8B02, 0x9055, 0x907A, 0x533B, 0x4E95, 0x4EA5, 0x57DF, 0x80B2, 0x90C1, 0x78EF, 0x4E00, 0x58F1, 0x6EA2, 0x9038, 0x7A32, 0x8328, 0x828B, 0x9C2F, 0x5141, 0x5370, 0x54BD, 0x54E1, 0x56E0, 0x59FB, 0x5F15, 0x98F2, 0x6DEB, 0x80E4, 0x852D}, { /* category 17 */ 0x9662, 0x9670, 0x96A0, 0x97FB, 0x540B, 0x53F3, 0x5B87, 0x70CF, 0x7FBD, 0x8FC2, 0x96E8, 0x536F, 0x9D5C, 0x7ABA, 0x4E11, 0x7893, 0x81FC, 0x6E26, 0x5618, 0x5504, 0x6B1D, 0x851A, 0x9C3B, 0x59E5, 0x53A9, 0x6D66, 0x74DC, 0x958F, 0x5642, 0x4E91, 0x904B, 0x96F2, 0x834F, 0x990C, 0x53E1, 0x55B6, 0x5B30, 0x5F71, 0x6620, 0x66F3, 0x6804, 0x6C38, 0x6CF3, 0x6D29, 0x745B, 0x76C8, 0x7A4E, 0x9834, 0x82F1, 0x885B, 0x8A60, 0x92ED, 0x6DB2, 0x75AB, 0x76CA, 0x99C5, 0x60A6, 0x8B01, 0x8D8A, 0x95B2, 0x698E, 0x53AD, 0x5186, 0x5712, 0x5830, 0x5944, 0x5BB4, 0x5EF6, 0x6028, 0x63A9, 0x63F4, 0x6CBF, 0x6F14, 0x708E, 0x7114, 0x7159, 0x71D5, 0x733F, 0x7E01, 0x8276, 0x82D1, 0x8597, 0x9060, 0x925B, 0x9D1B, 0x5869, 0x65BC, 0x6C5A, 0x7525, 0x51F9, 0x592E, 0x5965, 0x5F80, 0x5FDC}, { /* category 18 */ 0x62BC, 0x65FA, 0x6A2A, 0x6B27, 0x6BB4, 0x738B, 0x7FC1, 0x8956, 0x9D2C, 0x9D0E, 0x9EC4, 0x5CA1, 0x6C96, 0x837B, 0x5104, 0x5C4B, 0x61B6, 0x81C6, 0x6876, 0x7261, 0x4E59, 0x4FFA, 0x5378, 0x6069, 0x6E29, 0x7A4F, 0x97F3, 0x4E0B, 0x5316, 0x4EEE, 0x4F55, 0x4F3D, 0x4FA1, 0x4F73, 0x52A0, 0x53EF, 0x5609, 0x590F, 0x5AC1, 0x5BB6, 0x5BE1, 0x79D1, 0x6687, 0x679C, 0x67B6, 0x6B4C, 0x6CB3, 0x706B, 0x73C2, 0x798D, 0x79BE, 0x7A3C, 0x7B87, 0x82B1, 0x82DB, 0x8304, 0x8377, 0x83EF, 0x83D3, 0x8766, 0x8AB2, 0x5629, 0x8CA8, 0x8FE6, 0x904E, 0x971E, 0x868A, 0x4FC4, 0x5CE8, 0x6211, 0x7259, 0x753B, 0x81E5, 0x82BD, 0x86FE, 0x8CC0, 0x96C5, 0x9913, 0x99D5, 0x4ECB, 0x4F1A, 0x89E3, 0x56DE, 0x584A, 0x58CA, 0x5EFB, 0x5FEB, 0x602A, 0x6094, 0x6062, 0x61D0, 0x6212, 0x62D0, 0x6539}, { /* category 19 */ 0x9B41, 0x6666, 0x68B0, 0x6D77, 0x7070, 0x754C, 0x7686, 0x7D75, 0x82A5, 0x87F9, 0x958B, 0x968E, 0x8C9D, 0x51F1, 0x52BE, 0x5916, 0x54B3, 0x5BB3, 0x5D16, 0x6168, 0x6982, 0x6DAF, 0x788D, 0x84CB, 0x8857, 0x8A72, 0x93A7, 0x9AB8, 0x6D6C, 0x99A8, 0x86D9, 0x57A3, 0x67FF, 0x86CE, 0x920E, 0x5283, 0x5687, 0x5404, 0x5ED3, 0x62E1, 0x64B9, 0x683C, 0x6838, 0x6BBB, 0x7372, 0x78BA, 0x7A6B, 0x899A, 0x89D2, 0x8D6B, 0x8F03, 0x90ED, 0x95A3, 0x9694, 0x9769, 0x5B66, 0x5CB3, 0x697D, 0x984D, 0x984E, 0x639B, 0x7B20, 0x6A2B, 0x6A7F, 0x68B6, 0x9C0D, 0x6F5F, 0x5272, 0x559D, 0x6070, 0x62EC, 0x6D3B, 0x6E07, 0x6ED1, 0x845B, 0x8910, 0x8F44, 0x4E14, 0x9C39, 0x53F6, 0x691B, 0x6A3A, 0x9784, 0x682A, 0x515C, 0x7AC3, 0x84B2, 0x91DC, 0x938C, 0x565B, 0x9D28, 0x6822, 0x8305, 0x8431}, { /* category 20 */ 0x7CA5, 0x5208, 0x82C5, 0x74E6, 0x4E7E, 0x4F83, 0x51A0, 0x5BD2, 0x520A, 0x52D8, 0x52E7, 0x5DFB, 0x559A, 0x582A, 0x59E6, 0x5B8C, 0x5B98, 0x5BDB, 0x5E72, 0x5E79, 0x60A3, 0x611F, 0x6163, 0x61BE, 0x63DB, 0x6562, 0x67D1, 0x6853, 0x68FA, 0x6B3E, 0x6B53, 0x6C57, 0x6F22, 0x6F97, 0x6F45, 0x74B0, 0x7518, 0x76E3, 0x770B, 0x7AFF, 0x7BA1, 0x7C21, 0x7DE9, 0x7F36, 0x7FF0, 0x809D, 0x8266, 0x839E, 0x89B3, 0x8ACC, 0x8CAB, 0x9084, 0x9451, 0x9593, 0x9591, 0x95A2, 0x9665, 0x97D3, 0x9928, 0x8218, 0x4E38, 0x542B, 0x5CB8, 0x5DCC, 0x73A9, 0x764C, 0x773C, 0x5CA9, 0x7FEB, 0x8D0B, 0x96C1, 0x9811, 0x9854, 0x9858, 0x4F01, 0x4F0E, 0x5371, 0x559C, 0x5668, 0x57FA, 0x5947, 0x5B09, 0x5BC4, 0x5C90, 0x5E0C, 0x5E7E, 0x5FCC, 0x63EE, 0x673A, 0x65D7, 0x65E2, 0x671F, 0x68CB, 0x68C4}, { /* category 21 */ 0x6A5F, 0x5E30, 0x6BC5, 0x6C17, 0x6C7D, 0x757F, 0x7948, 0x5B63, 0x7A00, 0x7D00, 0x5FBD, 0x898F, 0x8A18, 0x8CB4, 0x8D77, 0x8ECC, 0x8F1D, 0x98E2, 0x9A0E, 0x9B3C, 0x4E80, 0x507D, 0x5100, 0x5993, 0x5B9C, 0x622F, 0x6280, 0x64EC, 0x6B3A, 0x72A0, 0x7591, 0x7947, 0x7FA9, 0x87FB, 0x8ABC, 0x8B70, 0x63AC, 0x83CA, 0x97A0, 0x5409, 0x5403, 0x55AB, 0x6854, 0x6A58, 0x8A70, 0x7827, 0x6775, 0x9ECD, 0x5374, 0x5BA2, 0x811A, 0x8650, 0x9006, 0x4E18, 0x4E45, 0x4EC7, 0x4F11, 0x53CA, 0x5438, 0x5BAE, 0x5F13, 0x6025, 0x6551, 0x673D, 0x6C42, 0x6C72, 0x6CE3, 0x7078, 0x7403, 0x7A76, 0x7AAE, 0x7B08, 0x7D1A, 0x7CFE, 0x7D66, 0x65E7, 0x725B, 0x53BB, 0x5C45, 0x5DE8, 0x62D2, 0x62E0, 0x6319, 0x6E20, 0x865A, 0x8A31, 0x8DDD, 0x92F8, 0x6F01, 0x79A6, 0x9B5A, 0x4EA8, 0x4EAB, 0x4EAC}, { /* category 22 */ 0x4F9B, 0x4FA0, 0x50D1, 0x5147, 0x7AF6, 0x5171, 0x51F6, 0x5354, 0x5321, 0x537F, 0x53EB, 0x55AC, 0x5883, 0x5CE1, 0x5F37, 0x5F4A, 0x602F, 0x6050, 0x606D, 0x631F, 0x6559, 0x6A4B, 0x6CC1, 0x72C2, 0x72ED, 0x77EF, 0x80F8, 0x8105, 0x8208, 0x854E, 0x90F7, 0x93E1, 0x97FF, 0x9957, 0x9A5A, 0x4EF0, 0x51DD, 0x5C2D, 0x6681, 0x696D, 0x5C40, 0x66F2, 0x6975, 0x7389, 0x6850, 0x7C81, 0x50C5, 0x52E4, 0x5747, 0x5DFE, 0x9326, 0x65A4, 0x6B23, 0x6B3D, 0x7434, 0x7981, 0x79BD, 0x7B4B, 0x7DCA, 0x82B9, 0x83CC, 0x887F, 0x895F, 0x8B39, 0x8FD1, 0x91D1, 0x541F, 0x9280, 0x4E5D, 0x5036, 0x53E5, 0x533A, 0x72D7, 0x7396, 0x77E9, 0x82E6, 0x8EAF, 0x99C6, 0x99C8, 0x99D2, 0x5177, 0x611A, 0x865E, 0x55B0, 0x7A7A, 0x5076, 0x5BD3, 0x9047, 0x9685, 0x4E32, 0x6ADB, 0x91E7, 0x5C51, 0x5C48}, { /* category 23 */ 0x6398, 0x7A9F, 0x6C93, 0x9774, 0x8F61, 0x7AAA, 0x718A, 0x9688, 0x7C82, 0x6817, 0x7E70, 0x6851, 0x936C, 0x52F2, 0x541B, 0x85AB, 0x8A13, 0x7FA4, 0x8ECD, 0x90E1, 0x5366, 0x8888, 0x7941, 0x4FC2, 0x50BE, 0x5211, 0x5144, 0x5553, 0x572D, 0x73EA, 0x578B, 0x5951, 0x5F62, 0x5F84, 0x6075, 0x6176, 0x6167, 0x61A9, 0x63B2, 0x643A, 0x656C, 0x666F, 0x6842, 0x6E13, 0x7566, 0x7A3D, 0x7CFB, 0x7D4C, 0x7D99, 0x7E4B, 0x7F6B, 0x830E, 0x834A, 0x86CD, 0x8A08, 0x8A63, 0x8B66, 0x8EFD, 0x981A, 0x9D8F, 0x82B8, 0x8FCE, 0x9BE8, 0x5287, 0x621F, 0x6483, 0x6FC0, 0x9699, 0x6841, 0x5091, 0x6B20, 0x6C7A, 0x6F54, 0x7A74, 0x7D50, 0x8840, 0x8A23, 0x6708, 0x4EF6, 0x5039, 0x5026, 0x5065, 0x517C, 0x5238, 0x5263, 0x55A7, 0x570F, 0x5805, 0x5ACC, 0x5EFA, 0x61B2, 0x61F8, 0x62F3, 0x6372}, { /* category 24 */ 0x691C, 0x6A29, 0x727D, 0x72AC, 0x732E, 0x7814, 0x786F, 0x7D79, 0x770C, 0x80A9, 0x898B, 0x8B19, 0x8CE2, 0x8ED2, 0x9063, 0x9375, 0x967A, 0x9855, 0x9A13, 0x9E78, 0x5143, 0x539F, 0x53B3, 0x5E7B, 0x5F26, 0x6E1B, 0x6E90, 0x7384, 0x73FE, 0x7D43, 0x8237, 0x8A00, 0x8AFA, 0x9650, 0x4E4E, 0x500B, 0x53E4, 0x547C, 0x56FA, 0x59D1, 0x5B64, 0x5DF1, 0x5EAB, 0x5F27, 0x6238, 0x6545, 0x67AF, 0x6E56, 0x72D0, 0x7CCA, 0x88B4, 0x80A1, 0x80E1, 0x83F0, 0x864E, 0x8A87, 0x8DE8, 0x9237, 0x96C7, 0x9867, 0x9F13, 0x4E94, 0x4E92, 0x4F0D, 0x5348, 0x5449, 0x543E, 0x5A2F, 0x5F8C, 0x5FA1, 0x609F, 0x68A7, 0x6A8E, 0x745A, 0x7881, 0x8A9E, 0x8AA4, 0x8B77, 0x9190, 0x4E5E, 0x9BC9, 0x4EA4, 0x4F7C, 0x4FAF, 0x5019, 0x5016, 0x5149, 0x516C, 0x529F, 0x52B9, 0x52FE, 0x539A, 0x53E3, 0x5411}, { /* category 25 */ 0x540E, 0x5589, 0x5751, 0x57A2, 0x597D, 0x5B54, 0x5B5D, 0x5B8F, 0x5DE5, 0x5DE7, 0x5DF7, 0x5E78, 0x5E83, 0x5E9A, 0x5EB7, 0x5F18, 0x6052, 0x614C, 0x6297, 0x62D8, 0x63A7, 0x653B, 0x6602, 0x6643, 0x66F4, 0x676D, 0x6821, 0x6897, 0x69CB, 0x6C5F, 0x6D2A, 0x6D69, 0x6E2F, 0x6E9D, 0x7532, 0x7687, 0x786C, 0x7A3F, 0x7CE0, 0x7D05, 0x7D18, 0x7D5E, 0x7DB1, 0x8015, 0x8003, 0x80AF, 0x80B1, 0x8154, 0x818F, 0x822A, 0x8352, 0x884C, 0x8861, 0x8B1B, 0x8CA2, 0x8CFC, 0x90CA, 0x9175, 0x9271, 0x783F, 0x92FC, 0x95A4, 0x964D, 0x9805, 0x9999, 0x9AD8, 0x9D3B, 0x525B, 0x52AB, 0x53F7, 0x5408, 0x58D5, 0x62F7, 0x6FE0, 0x8C6A, 0x8F5F, 0x9EB9, 0x514B, 0x523B, 0x544A, 0x56FD, 0x7A40, 0x9177, 0x9D60, 0x9ED2, 0x7344, 0x6F09, 0x8170, 0x7511, 0x5FFD, 0x60DA, 0x9AA8, 0x72DB, 0x8FBC}, { /* category 26 */ 0x6B64, 0x9803, 0x4ECA, 0x56F0, 0x5764, 0x58BE, 0x5A5A, 0x6068, 0x61C7, 0x660F, 0x6606, 0x6839, 0x68B1, 0x6DF7, 0x75D5, 0x7D3A, 0x826E, 0x9B42, 0x4E9B, 0x4F50, 0x53C9, 0x5506, 0x5D6F, 0x5DE6, 0x5DEE, 0x67FB, 0x6C99, 0x7473, 0x7802, 0x8A50, 0x9396, 0x88DF, 0x5750, 0x5EA7, 0x632B, 0x50B5, 0x50AC, 0x518D, 0x6700, 0x54C9, 0x585E, 0x59BB, 0x5BB0, 0x5F69, 0x624D, 0x63A1, 0x683D, 0x6B73, 0x6E08, 0x707D, 0x91C7, 0x7280, 0x7815, 0x7826, 0x796D, 0x658E, 0x7D30, 0x83DC, 0x88C1, 0x8F09, 0x969B, 0x5264, 0x5728, 0x6750, 0x7F6A, 0x8CA1, 0x51B4, 0x5742, 0x962A, 0x583A, 0x698A, 0x80B4, 0x54B2, 0x5D0E, 0x57FC, 0x7895, 0x9DFA, 0x4F5C, 0x524A, 0x548B, 0x643E, 0x6628, 0x6714, 0x67F5, 0x7A84, 0x7B56, 0x7D22, 0x932F, 0x685C, 0x9BAD, 0x7B39, 0x5319, 0x518A, 0x5237}, { /* category 27 */ 0x5BDF, 0x62F6, 0x64AE, 0x64E6, 0x672D, 0x6BBA, 0x85A9, 0x96D1, 0x7690, 0x9BD6, 0x634C, 0x9306, 0x9BAB, 0x76BF, 0x6652, 0x4E09, 0x5098, 0x53C2, 0x5C71, 0x60E8, 0x6492, 0x6563, 0x685F, 0x71E6, 0x73CA, 0x7523, 0x7B97, 0x7E82, 0x8695, 0x8B83, 0x8CDB, 0x9178, 0x9910, 0x65AC, 0x66AB, 0x6B8B, 0x4ED5, 0x4ED4, 0x4F3A, 0x4F7F, 0x523A, 0x53F8, 0x53F2, 0x55E3, 0x56DB, 0x58EB, 0x59CB, 0x59C9, 0x59FF, 0x5B50, 0x5C4D, 0x5E02, 0x5E2B, 0x5FD7, 0x601D, 0x6307, 0x652F, 0x5B5C, 0x65AF, 0x65BD, 0x65E8, 0x679D, 0x6B62, 0x6B7B, 0x6C0F, 0x7345, 0x7949, 0x79C1, 0x7CF8, 0x7D19, 0x7D2B, 0x80A2, 0x8102, 0x81F3, 0x8996, 0x8A5E, 0x8A69, 0x8A66, 0x8A8C, 0x8AEE, 0x8CC7, 0x8CDC, 0x96CC, 0x98FC, 0x6B6F, 0x4E8B, 0x4F3C, 0x4F8D, 0x5150, 0x5B57, 0x5BFA, 0x6148, 0x6301, 0x6642}, { /* category 28 */ 0x6B21, 0x6ECB, 0x6CBB, 0x723E, 0x74BD, 0x75D4, 0x78C1, 0x793A, 0x800C, 0x8033, 0x81EA, 0x8494, 0x8F9E, 0x6C50, 0x9E7F, 0x5F0F, 0x8B58, 0x9D2B, 0x7AFA, 0x8EF8, 0x5B8D, 0x96EB, 0x4E03, 0x53F1, 0x57F7, 0x5931, 0x5AC9, 0x5BA4, 0x6089, 0x6E7F, 0x6F06, 0x75BE, 0x8CEA, 0x5B9F, 0x8500, 0x7BE0, 0x5072, 0x67F4, 0x829D, 0x5C61, 0x854A, 0x7E1E, 0x820E, 0x5199, 0x5C04, 0x6368, 0x8D66, 0x659C, 0x716E, 0x793E, 0x7D17, 0x8005, 0x8B1D, 0x8ECA, 0x906E, 0x86C7, 0x90AA, 0x501F, 0x52FA, 0x5C3A, 0x6753, 0x707C, 0x7235, 0x914C, 0x91C8, 0x932B, 0x82E5, 0x5BC2, 0x5F31, 0x60F9, 0x4E3B, 0x53D6, 0x5B88, 0x624B, 0x6731, 0x6B8A, 0x72E9, 0x73E0, 0x7A2E, 0x816B, 0x8DA3, 0x9152, 0x9996, 0x5112, 0x53D7, 0x546A, 0x5BFF, 0x6388, 0x6A39, 0x7DAC, 0x9700, 0x56DA, 0x53CE, 0x5468}, { /* category 29 */ 0x5B97, 0x5C31, 0x5DDE, 0x4FEE, 0x6101, 0x62FE, 0x6D32, 0x79C0, 0x79CB, 0x7D42, 0x7E4D, 0x7FD2, 0x81ED, 0x821F, 0x8490, 0x8846, 0x8972, 0x8B90, 0x8E74, 0x8F2F, 0x9031, 0x914B, 0x916C, 0x96C6, 0x919C, 0x4EC0, 0x4F4F, 0x5145, 0x5341, 0x5F93, 0x620E, 0x67D4, 0x6C41, 0x6E0B, 0x7363, 0x7E26, 0x91CD, 0x9283, 0x53D4, 0x5919, 0x5BBF, 0x6DD1, 0x795D, 0x7E2E, 0x7C9B, 0x587E, 0x719F, 0x51FA, 0x8853, 0x8FF0, 0x4FCA, 0x5CFB, 0x6625, 0x77AC, 0x7AE3, 0x821C, 0x99FF, 0x51C6, 0x5FAA, 0x65EC, 0x696F, 0x6B89, 0x6DF3, 0x6E96, 0x6F64, 0x76FE, 0x7D14, 0x5DE1, 0x9075, 0x9187, 0x9806, 0x51E6, 0x521D, 0x6240, 0x6691, 0x66D9, 0x6E1A, 0x5EB6, 0x7DD2, 0x7F72, 0x66F8, 0x85AF, 0x85F7, 0x8AF8, 0x52A9, 0x53D9, 0x5973, 0x5E8F, 0x5F90, 0x6055, 0x92E4, 0x9664, 0x50B7, 0x511F}, { /* category 30 */ 0x52DD, 0x5320, 0x5347, 0x53EC, 0x54E8, 0x5546, 0x5531, 0x5617, 0x5968, 0x59BE, 0x5A3C, 0x5BB5, 0x5C06, 0x5C0F, 0x5C11, 0x5C1A, 0x5E84, 0x5E8A, 0x5EE0, 0x5F70, 0x627F, 0x6284, 0x62DB, 0x638C, 0x6377, 0x6607, 0x660C, 0x662D, 0x6676, 0x677E, 0x68A2, 0x6A1F, 0x6A35, 0x6CBC, 0x6D88, 0x6E09, 0x6E58, 0x713C, 0x7126, 0x7167, 0x75C7, 0x7701, 0x785D, 0x7901, 0x7965, 0x79F0, 0x7AE0, 0x7B11, 0x7CA7, 0x7D39, 0x8096, 0x83D6, 0x848B, 0x8549, 0x885D, 0x88F3, 0x8A1F, 0x8A3C, 0x8A54, 0x8A73, 0x8C61, 0x8CDE, 0x91A4, 0x9266, 0x937E, 0x9418, 0x969C, 0x9798, 0x4E0A, 0x4E08, 0x4E1E, 0x4E57, 0x5197, 0x5270, 0x57CE, 0x5834, 0x58CC, 0x5B22, 0x5E38, 0x60C5, 0x64FE, 0x6761, 0x6756, 0x6D44, 0x72B6, 0x7573, 0x7A63, 0x84B8, 0x8B72, 0x91B8, 0x9320, 0x5631, 0x57F4, 0x98FE}, { /* category 31 */ 0x62ED, 0x690D, 0x6B96, 0x71ED, 0x7E54, 0x8077, 0x8272, 0x89E6, 0x98DF, 0x8755, 0x8FB1, 0x5C3B, 0x4F38, 0x4FE1, 0x4FB5, 0x5507, 0x5A20, 0x5BDD, 0x5BE9, 0x5FC3, 0x614E, 0x632F, 0x65B0, 0x664B, 0x68EE, 0x699B, 0x6D78, 0x6DF1, 0x7533, 0x75B9, 0x771F, 0x795E, 0x79E6, 0x7D33, 0x81E3, 0x82AF, 0x85AA, 0x89AA, 0x8A3A, 0x8EAB, 0x8F9B, 0x9032, 0x91DD, 0x9707, 0x4EBA, 0x4EC1, 0x5203, 0x5875, 0x58EC, 0x5C0B, 0x751A, 0x5C3D, 0x814E, 0x8A0A, 0x8FC5, 0x9663, 0x976D, 0x7B25, 0x8ACF, 0x9808, 0x9162, 0x56F3, 0x53A8, 0x9017, 0x5439, 0x5782, 0x5E25, 0x63A8, 0x6C34, 0x708A, 0x7761, 0x7C8B, 0x7FE0, 0x8870, 0x9042, 0x9154, 0x9310, 0x9318, 0x968F, 0x745E, 0x9AC4, 0x5D07, 0x5D69, 0x6570, 0x67A2, 0x8DA8, 0x96DB, 0x636E, 0x6749, 0x6919, 0x83C5, 0x9817, 0x96C0, 0x88FE}, { /* category 32 */ 0x6F84, 0x647A, 0x5BF8, 0x4E16, 0x702C, 0x755D, 0x662F, 0x51C4, 0x5236, 0x52E2, 0x59D3, 0x5F81, 0x6027, 0x6210, 0x653F, 0x6574, 0x661F, 0x6674, 0x68F2, 0x6816, 0x6B63, 0x6E05, 0x7272, 0x751F, 0x76DB, 0x7CBE, 0x8056, 0x58F0, 0x88FD, 0x897F, 0x8AA0, 0x8A93, 0x8ACB, 0x901D, 0x9192, 0x9752, 0x9759, 0x6589, 0x7A0E, 0x8106, 0x96BB, 0x5E2D, 0x60DC, 0x621A, 0x65A5, 0x6614, 0x6790, 0x77F3, 0x7A4D, 0x7C4D, 0x7E3E, 0x810A, 0x8CAC, 0x8D64, 0x8DE1, 0x8E5F, 0x78A9, 0x5207, 0x62D9, 0x63A5, 0x6442, 0x6298, 0x8A2D, 0x7A83, 0x7BC0, 0x8AAC, 0x96EA, 0x7D76, 0x820C, 0x8749, 0x4ED9, 0x5148, 0x5343, 0x5360, 0x5BA3, 0x5C02, 0x5C16, 0x5DDD, 0x6226, 0x6247, 0x64B0, 0x6813, 0x6834, 0x6CC9, 0x6D45, 0x6D17, 0x67D3, 0x6F5C, 0x714E, 0x717D, 0x65CB, 0x7A7F, 0x7BAD, 0x7DDA}, { /* category 33 */ 0x7E4A, 0x7FA8, 0x817A, 0x821B, 0x8239, 0x85A6, 0x8A6E, 0x8CCE, 0x8DF5, 0x9078, 0x9077, 0x92AD, 0x9291, 0x9583, 0x9BAE, 0x524D, 0x5584, 0x6F38, 0x7136, 0x5168, 0x7985, 0x7E55, 0x81B3, 0x7CCE, 0x564C, 0x5851, 0x5CA8, 0x63AA, 0x66FE, 0x66FD, 0x695A, 0x72D9, 0x758F, 0x758E, 0x790E, 0x7956, 0x79DF, 0x7C97, 0x7D20, 0x7D44, 0x8607, 0x8A34, 0x963B, 0x9061, 0x9F20, 0x50E7, 0x5275, 0x53CC, 0x53E2, 0x5009, 0x55AA, 0x58EE, 0x594F, 0x723D, 0x5B8B, 0x5C64, 0x531D, 0x60E3, 0x60F3, 0x635C, 0x6383, 0x633F, 0x63BB, 0x64CD, 0x65E9, 0x66F9, 0x5DE3, 0x69CD, 0x69FD, 0x6F15, 0x71E5, 0x4E89, 0x75E9, 0x76F8, 0x7A93, 0x7CDF, 0x7DCF, 0x7D9C, 0x8061, 0x8349, 0x8358, 0x846C, 0x84BC, 0x85FB, 0x88C5, 0x8D70, 0x9001, 0x906D, 0x9397, 0x971C, 0x9A12, 0x50CF, 0x5897, 0x618E}, { /* category 34 */ 0x81D3, 0x8535, 0x8D08, 0x9020, 0x4FC3, 0x5074, 0x5247, 0x5373, 0x606F, 0x6349, 0x675F, 0x6E2C, 0x8DB3, 0x901F, 0x4FD7, 0x5C5E, 0x8CCA, 0x65CF, 0x7D9A, 0x5352, 0x8896, 0x5176, 0x63C3, 0x5B58, 0x5B6B, 0x5C0A, 0x640D, 0x6751, 0x905C, 0x4ED6, 0x591A, 0x592A, 0x6C70, 0x8A51, 0x553E, 0x5815, 0x59A5, 0x60F0, 0x6253, 0x67C1, 0x8235, 0x6955, 0x9640, 0x99C4, 0x9A28, 0x4F53, 0x5806, 0x5BFE, 0x8010, 0x5CB1, 0x5E2F, 0x5F85, 0x6020, 0x614B, 0x6234, 0x66FF, 0x6CF0, 0x6EDE, 0x80CE, 0x817F, 0x82D4, 0x888B, 0x8CB8, 0x9000, 0x902E, 0x968A, 0x9EDB, 0x9BDB, 0x4EE3, 0x53F0, 0x5927, 0x7B2C, 0x918D, 0x984C, 0x9DF9, 0x6EDD, 0x7027, 0x5353, 0x5544, 0x5B85, 0x6258, 0x629E, 0x62D3, 0x6CA2, 0x6FEF, 0x7422, 0x8A17, 0x9438, 0x6FC1, 0x8AFE, 0x8338, 0x51E7, 0x86F8, 0x53EA}, { /* category 35 */ 0x53E9, 0x4F46, 0x9054, 0x8FB0, 0x596A, 0x8131, 0x5DFD, 0x7AEA, 0x8FBF, 0x68DA, 0x8C37, 0x72F8, 0x9C48, 0x6A3D, 0x8AB0, 0x4E39, 0x5358, 0x5606, 0x5766, 0x62C5, 0x63A2, 0x65E6, 0x6B4E, 0x6DE1, 0x6E5B, 0x70AD, 0x77ED, 0x7AEF, 0x7BAA, 0x7DBB, 0x803D, 0x80C6, 0x86CB, 0x8A95, 0x935B, 0x56E3, 0x58C7, 0x5F3E, 0x65AD, 0x6696, 0x6A80, 0x6BB5, 0x7537, 0x8AC7, 0x5024, 0x77E5, 0x5730, 0x5F1B, 0x6065, 0x667A, 0x6C60, 0x75F4, 0x7A1A, 0x7F6E, 0x81F4, 0x8718, 0x9045, 0x99B3, 0x7BC9, 0x755C, 0x7AF9, 0x7B51, 0x84C4, 0x9010, 0x79E9, 0x7A92, 0x8336, 0x5AE1, 0x7740, 0x4E2D, 0x4EF2, 0x5B99, 0x5FE0, 0x62BD, 0x663C, 0x67F1, 0x6CE8, 0x866B, 0x8877, 0x8A3B, 0x914E, 0x92F3, 0x99D0, 0x6A17, 0x7026, 0x732A, 0x82E7, 0x8457, 0x8CAF, 0x4E01, 0x5146, 0x51CB, 0x558B, 0x5BF5}, { /* category 36 */ 0x5E16, 0x5E33, 0x5E81, 0x5F14, 0x5F35, 0x5F6B, 0x5FB4, 0x61F2, 0x6311, 0x66A2, 0x671D, 0x6F6E, 0x7252, 0x753A, 0x773A, 0x8074, 0x8139, 0x8178, 0x8776, 0x8ABF, 0x8ADC, 0x8D85, 0x8DF3, 0x929A, 0x9577, 0x9802, 0x9CE5, 0x52C5, 0x6357, 0x76F4, 0x6715, 0x6C88, 0x73CD, 0x8CC3, 0x93AE, 0x9673, 0x6D25, 0x589C, 0x690E, 0x69CC, 0x8FFD, 0x939A, 0x75DB, 0x901A, 0x585A, 0x6802, 0x63B4, 0x69FB, 0x4F43, 0x6F2C, 0x67D8, 0x8FBB, 0x8526, 0x7DB4, 0x9354, 0x693F, 0x6F70, 0x576A, 0x58F7, 0x5B2C, 0x7D2C, 0x722A, 0x540A, 0x91E3, 0x9DB4, 0x4EAD, 0x4F4E, 0x505C, 0x5075, 0x5243, 0x8C9E, 0x5448, 0x5824, 0x5B9A, 0x5E1D, 0x5E95, 0x5EAD, 0x5EF7, 0x5F1F, 0x608C, 0x62B5, 0x633A, 0x63D0, 0x68AF, 0x6C40, 0x7887, 0x798E, 0x7A0B, 0x7DE0, 0x8247, 0x8A02, 0x8AE6, 0x8E44, 0x9013}, { /* category 37 */ 0x90B8, 0x912D, 0x91D8, 0x9F0E, 0x6CE5, 0x6458, 0x64E2, 0x6575, 0x6EF4, 0x7684, 0x7B1B, 0x9069, 0x93D1, 0x6EBA, 0x54F2, 0x5FB9, 0x64A4, 0x8F4D, 0x8FED, 0x9244, 0x5178, 0x586B, 0x5929, 0x5C55, 0x5E97, 0x6DFB, 0x7E8F, 0x751C, 0x8CBC, 0x8EE2, 0x985B, 0x70B9, 0x4F1D, 0x6BBF, 0x6FB1, 0x7530, 0x96FB, 0x514E, 0x5410, 0x5835, 0x5857, 0x59AC, 0x5C60, 0x5F92, 0x6597, 0x675C, 0x6E21, 0x767B, 0x83DF, 0x8CED, 0x9014, 0x90FD, 0x934D, 0x7825, 0x783A, 0x52AA, 0x5EA6, 0x571F, 0x5974, 0x6012, 0x5012, 0x515A, 0x51AC, 0x51CD, 0x5200, 0x5510, 0x5854, 0x5858, 0x5957, 0x5B95, 0x5CF6, 0x5D8B, 0x60BC, 0x6295, 0x642D, 0x6771, 0x6843, 0x68BC, 0x68DF, 0x76D7, 0x6DD8, 0x6E6F, 0x6D9B, 0x706F, 0x71C8, 0x5F53, 0x75D8, 0x7977, 0x7B49, 0x7B54, 0x7B52, 0x7CD6, 0x7D71, 0x5230}, { /* category 38 */ 0x8463, 0x8569, 0x85E4, 0x8A0E, 0x8B04, 0x8C46, 0x8E0F, 0x9003, 0x900F, 0x9419, 0x9676, 0x982D, 0x9A30, 0x95D8, 0x50CD, 0x52D5, 0x540C, 0x5802, 0x5C0E, 0x61A7, 0x649E, 0x6D1E, 0x77B3, 0x7AE5, 0x80F4, 0x8404, 0x9053, 0x9285, 0x5CE0, 0x9D07, 0x533F, 0x5F97, 0x5FB3, 0x6D9C, 0x7279, 0x7763, 0x79BF, 0x7BE4, 0x6BD2, 0x72EC, 0x8AAD, 0x6803, 0x6A61, 0x51F8, 0x7A81, 0x6934, 0x5C4A, 0x9CF6, 0x82EB, 0x5BC5, 0x9149, 0x701E, 0x5678, 0x5C6F, 0x60C7, 0x6566, 0x6C8C, 0x8C5A, 0x9041, 0x9813, 0x5451, 0x66C7, 0x920D, 0x5948, 0x90A3, 0x5185, 0x4E4D, 0x51EA, 0x8599, 0x8B0E, 0x7058, 0x637A, 0x934B, 0x6962, 0x99B4, 0x7E04, 0x7577, 0x5357, 0x6960, 0x8EDF, 0x96E3, 0x6C5D, 0x4E8C, 0x5C3C, 0x5F10, 0x8FE9, 0x5302, 0x8CD1, 0x8089, 0x8679, 0x5EFF, 0x65E5, 0x4E73, 0x5165}, { /* category 39 */ 0x5982, 0x5C3F, 0x97EE, 0x4EFB, 0x598A, 0x5FCD, 0x8A8D, 0x6FE1, 0x79B0, 0x7962, 0x5BE7, 0x8471, 0x732B, 0x71B1, 0x5E74, 0x5FF5, 0x637B, 0x649A, 0x71C3, 0x7C98, 0x4E43, 0x5EFC, 0x4E4B, 0x57DC, 0x56A2, 0x60A9, 0x6FC3, 0x7D0D, 0x80FD, 0x8133, 0x81BF, 0x8FB2, 0x8997, 0x86A4, 0x5DF4, 0x628A, 0x64AD, 0x8987, 0x6777, 0x6CE2, 0x6D3E, 0x7436, 0x7834, 0x5A46, 0x7F75, 0x82AD, 0x99AC, 0x4FF3, 0x5EC3, 0x62DD, 0x6392, 0x6557, 0x676F, 0x76C3, 0x724C, 0x80CC, 0x80BA, 0x8F29, 0x914D, 0x500D, 0x57F9, 0x5A92, 0x6885, 0x6973, 0x7164, 0x72FD, 0x8CB7, 0x58F2, 0x8CE0, 0x966A, 0x9019, 0x877F, 0x79E4, 0x77E7, 0x8429, 0x4F2F, 0x5265, 0x535A, 0x62CD, 0x67CF, 0x6CCA, 0x767D, 0x7B94, 0x7C95, 0x8236, 0x8584, 0x8FEB, 0x66DD, 0x6F20, 0x7206, 0x7E1B, 0x83AB, 0x99C1, 0x9EA6}, { /* category 40 */ 0x51FD, 0x7BB1, 0x7872, 0x7BB8, 0x8087, 0x7B48, 0x6AE8, 0x5E61, 0x808C, 0x7551, 0x7560, 0x516B, 0x9262, 0x6E8C, 0x767A, 0x9197, 0x9AEA, 0x4F10, 0x7F70, 0x629C, 0x7B4F, 0x95A5, 0x9CE9, 0x567A, 0x5859, 0x86E4, 0x96BC, 0x4F34, 0x5224, 0x534A, 0x53CD, 0x53DB, 0x5E06, 0x642C, 0x6591, 0x677F, 0x6C3E, 0x6C4E, 0x7248, 0x72AF, 0x73ED, 0x7554, 0x7E41, 0x822C, 0x85E9, 0x8CA9, 0x7BC4, 0x91C6, 0x7169, 0x9812, 0x98EF, 0x633D, 0x6669, 0x756A, 0x76E4, 0x78D0, 0x8543, 0x86EE, 0x532A, 0x5351, 0x5426, 0x5983, 0x5E87, 0x5F7C, 0x60B2, 0x6249, 0x6279, 0x62AB, 0x6590, 0x6BD4, 0x6CCC, 0x75B2, 0x76AE, 0x7891, 0x79D8, 0x7DCB, 0x7F77, 0x80A5, 0x88AB, 0x8AB9, 0x8CBB, 0x907F, 0x975E, 0x98DB, 0x6A0B, 0x7C38, 0x5099, 0x5C3E, 0x5FAE, 0x6787, 0x6BD8, 0x7435, 0x7709, 0x7F8E}, { /* category 41 */ 0x9F3B, 0x67CA, 0x7A17, 0x5339, 0x758B, 0x9AED, 0x5F66, 0x819D, 0x83F1, 0x8098, 0x5F3C, 0x5FC5, 0x7562, 0x7B46, 0x903C, 0x6867, 0x59EB, 0x5A9B, 0x7D10, 0x767E, 0x8B2C, 0x4FF5, 0x5F6A, 0x6A19, 0x6C37, 0x6F02, 0x74E2, 0x7968, 0x8868, 0x8A55, 0x8C79, 0x5EDF, 0x63CF, 0x75C5, 0x79D2, 0x82D7, 0x9328, 0x92F2, 0x849C, 0x86ED, 0x9C2D, 0x54C1, 0x5F6C, 0x658C, 0x6D5C, 0x7015, 0x8CA7, 0x8CD3, 0x983B, 0x654F, 0x74F6, 0x4E0D, 0x4ED8, 0x57E0, 0x592B, 0x5A66, 0x5BCC, 0x51A8, 0x5E03, 0x5E9C, 0x6016, 0x6276, 0x6577, 0x65A7, 0x666E, 0x6D6E, 0x7236, 0x7B26, 0x8150, 0x819A, 0x8299, 0x8B5C, 0x8CA0, 0x8CE6, 0x8D74, 0x961C, 0x9644, 0x4FAE, 0x64AB, 0x6B66, 0x821E, 0x8461, 0x856A, 0x90E8, 0x5C01, 0x6953, 0x98A8, 0x847A, 0x8557, 0x4F0F, 0x526F, 0x5FA9, 0x5E45, 0x670D}, { /* category 42 */ 0x798F, 0x8179, 0x8907, 0x8986, 0x6DF5, 0x5F17, 0x6255, 0x6CB8, 0x4ECF, 0x7269, 0x9B92, 0x5206, 0x543B, 0x5674, 0x58B3, 0x61A4, 0x626E, 0x711A, 0x596E, 0x7C89, 0x7CDE, 0x7D1B, 0x96F0, 0x6587, 0x805E, 0x4E19, 0x4F75, 0x5175, 0x5840, 0x5E63, 0x5E73, 0x5F0A, 0x67C4, 0x4E26, 0x853D, 0x9589, 0x965B, 0x7C73, 0x9801, 0x50FB, 0x58C1, 0x7656, 0x78A7, 0x5225, 0x77A5, 0x8511, 0x7B86, 0x504F, 0x5909, 0x7247, 0x7BC7, 0x7DE8, 0x8FBA, 0x8FD4, 0x904D, 0x4FBF, 0x52C9, 0x5A29, 0x5F01, 0x97AD, 0x4FDD, 0x8217, 0x92EA, 0x5703, 0x6355, 0x6B69, 0x752B, 0x88DC, 0x8F14, 0x7A42, 0x52DF, 0x5893, 0x6155, 0x620A, 0x66AE, 0x6BCD, 0x7C3F, 0x83E9, 0x5023, 0x4FF8, 0x5305, 0x5446, 0x5831, 0x5949, 0x5B9D, 0x5CF0, 0x5CEF, 0x5D29, 0x5E96, 0x62B1, 0x6367, 0x653E, 0x65B9, 0x670B}, { /* category 43 */ 0x6CD5, 0x6CE1, 0x70F9, 0x7832, 0x7E2B, 0x80DE, 0x82B3, 0x840C, 0x84EC, 0x8702, 0x8912, 0x8A2A, 0x8C4A, 0x90A6, 0x92D2, 0x98FD, 0x9CF3, 0x9D6C, 0x4E4F, 0x4EA1, 0x508D, 0x5256, 0x574A, 0x59A8, 0x5E3D, 0x5FD8, 0x5FD9, 0x623F, 0x66B4, 0x671B, 0x67D0, 0x68D2, 0x5192, 0x7D21, 0x80AA, 0x81A8, 0x8B00, 0x8C8C, 0x8CBF, 0x927E, 0x9632, 0x5420, 0x982C, 0x5317, 0x50D5, 0x535C, 0x58A8, 0x64B2, 0x6734, 0x7267, 0x7766, 0x7A46, 0x91E6, 0x52C3, 0x6CA1, 0x6B86, 0x5800, 0x5E4C, 0x5954, 0x672C, 0x7FFB, 0x51E1, 0x76C6, 0x6469, 0x78E8, 0x9B54, 0x9EBB, 0x57CB, 0x59B9, 0x6627, 0x679A, 0x6BCE, 0x54E9, 0x69D9, 0x5E55, 0x819C, 0x6795, 0x9BAA, 0x67FE, 0x9C52, 0x685D, 0x4EA6, 0x4FE3, 0x53C8, 0x62B9, 0x672B, 0x6CAB, 0x8FC4, 0x4FAD, 0x7E6D, 0x9EBF, 0x4E07, 0x6162, 0x6E80}, { /* category 44 */ 0x6F2B, 0x8513, 0x5473, 0x672A, 0x9B45, 0x5DF3, 0x7B95, 0x5CAC, 0x5BC6, 0x871C, 0x6E4A, 0x84D1, 0x7A14, 0x8108, 0x5999, 0x7C8D, 0x6C11, 0x7720, 0x52D9, 0x5922, 0x7121, 0x725F, 0x77DB, 0x9727, 0x9D61, 0x690B, 0x5A7F, 0x5A18, 0x51A5, 0x540D, 0x547D, 0x660E, 0x76DF, 0x8FF7, 0x9298, 0x9CF4, 0x59EA, 0x725D, 0x6EC5, 0x514D, 0x68C9, 0x7DBF, 0x7DEC, 0x9762, 0x9EBA, 0x6478, 0x6A21, 0x8302, 0x5984, 0x5B5F, 0x6BDB, 0x731B, 0x76F2, 0x7DB2, 0x8017, 0x8499, 0x5132, 0x6728, 0x9ED9, 0x76EE, 0x6762, 0x52FF, 0x9905, 0x5C24, 0x623B, 0x7C7E, 0x8CB0, 0x554F, 0x60B6, 0x7D0B, 0x9580, 0x5301, 0x4E5F, 0x51B6, 0x591C, 0x723A, 0x8036, 0x91CE, 0x5F25, 0x77E2, 0x5384, 0x5F79, 0x7D04, 0x85AC, 0x8A33, 0x8E8D, 0x9756, 0x67F3, 0x85AE, 0x9453, 0x6109, 0x6108, 0x6CB9, 0x7652}, { /* category 45 */ 0x8AED, 0x8F38, 0x552F, 0x4F51, 0x512A, 0x52C7, 0x53CB, 0x5BA5, 0x5E7D, 0x60A0, 0x6182, 0x63D6, 0x6709, 0x67DA, 0x6E67, 0x6D8C, 0x7336, 0x7337, 0x7531, 0x7950, 0x88D5, 0x8A98, 0x904A, 0x9091, 0x90F5, 0x96C4, 0x878D, 0x5915, 0x4E88, 0x4F59, 0x4E0E, 0x8A89, 0x8F3F, 0x9810, 0x50AD, 0x5E7C, 0x5996, 0x5BB9, 0x5EB8, 0x63DA, 0x63FA, 0x64C1, 0x66DC, 0x694A, 0x69D8, 0x6D0B, 0x6EB6, 0x7194, 0x7528, 0x7AAF, 0x7F8A, 0x8000, 0x8449, 0x84C9, 0x8981, 0x8B21, 0x8E0A, 0x9065, 0x967D, 0x990A, 0x617E, 0x6291, 0x6B32, 0x6C83, 0x6D74, 0x7FCC, 0x7FFC, 0x6DC0, 0x7F85, 0x87BA, 0x88F8, 0x6765, 0x83B1, 0x983C, 0x96F7, 0x6D1B, 0x7D61, 0x843D, 0x916A, 0x4E71, 0x5375, 0x5D50, 0x6B04, 0x6FEB, 0x85CD, 0x862D, 0x89A7, 0x5229, 0x540F, 0x5C65, 0x674E, 0x68A8, 0x7406, 0x7483}, { /* category 46 */ 0x75E2, 0x88CF, 0x88E1, 0x91CC, 0x96E2, 0x9678, 0x5F8B, 0x7387, 0x7ACB, 0x844E, 0x63A0, 0x7565, 0x5289, 0x6D41, 0x6E9C, 0x7409, 0x7559, 0x786B, 0x7C92, 0x9686, 0x7ADC, 0x9F8D, 0x4FB6, 0x616E, 0x65C5, 0x865C, 0x4E86, 0x4EAE, 0x50DA, 0x4E21, 0x51CC, 0x5BEE, 0x6599, 0x6881, 0x6DBC, 0x731F, 0x7642, 0x77AD, 0x7A1C, 0x7CE7, 0x826F, 0x8AD2, 0x907C, 0x91CF, 0x9675, 0x9818, 0x529B, 0x7DD1, 0x502B, 0x5398, 0x6797, 0x6DCB, 0x71D0, 0x7433, 0x81E8, 0x8F2A, 0x96A3, 0x9C57, 0x9E9F, 0x7460, 0x5841, 0x6D99, 0x7D2F, 0x985E, 0x4EE4, 0x4F36, 0x4F8B, 0x51B7, 0x52B1, 0x5DBA, 0x601C, 0x73B2, 0x793C, 0x82D3, 0x9234, 0x96B7, 0x96F6, 0x970A, 0x9E97, 0x9F62, 0x66A6, 0x6B74, 0x5217, 0x52A3, 0x70C8, 0x88C2, 0x5EC9, 0x604B, 0x6190, 0x6F23, 0x7149, 0x7C3E, 0x7DF4, 0x806F}, { /* category 47 */ 0x84EE, 0x9023, 0x932C, 0x5442, 0x9B6F, 0x6AD3, 0x7089, 0x8CC2, 0x8DEF, 0x9732, 0x52B4, 0x5A41, 0x5ECA, 0x5F04, 0x6717, 0x697C, 0x6994, 0x6D6A, 0x6F0F, 0x7262, 0x72FC, 0x7BED, 0x8001, 0x807E, 0x874B, 0x90CE, 0x516D, 0x9E93, 0x7984, 0x808B, 0x9332, 0x8AD6, 0x502D, 0x548C, 0x8A71, 0x6B6A, 0x8CC4, 0x8107, 0x60D1, 0x67A0, 0x9DF2, 0x4E99, 0x4E98, 0x9C10, 0x8A6B, 0x85C1, 0x8568, 0x6900, 0x6E7E, 0x7897, 0x8155, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000}, { /* category 48 */ 0x5F0C, 0x4E10, 0x4E15, 0x4E2A, 0x4E31, 0x4E36, 0x4E3C, 0x4E3F, 0x4E42, 0x4E56, 0x4E58, 0x4E82, 0x4E85, 0x8C6B, 0x4E8A, 0x8212, 0x5F0D, 0x4E8E, 0x4E9E, 0x4E9F, 0x4EA0, 0x4EA2, 0x4EB0, 0x4EB3, 0x4EB6, 0x4ECE, 0x4ECD, 0x4EC4, 0x4EC6, 0x4EC2, 0x4ED7, 0x4EDE, 0x4EED, 0x4EDF, 0x4EF7, 0x4F09, 0x4F5A, 0x4F30, 0x4F5B, 0x4F5D, 0x4F57, 0x4F47, 0x4F76, 0x4F88, 0x4F8F, 0x4F98, 0x4F7B, 0x4F69, 0x4F70, 0x4F91, 0x4F6F, 0x4F86, 0x4F96, 0x5118, 0x4FD4, 0x4FDF, 0x4FCE, 0x4FD8, 0x4FDB, 0x4FD1, 0x4FDA, 0x4FD0, 0x4FE4, 0x4FE5, 0x501A, 0x5028, 0x5014, 0x502A, 0x5025, 0x5005, 0x4F1C, 0x4FF6, 0x5021, 0x5029, 0x502C, 0x4FFE, 0x4FEF, 0x5011, 0x5006, 0x5043, 0x5047, 0x6703, 0x5055, 0x5050, 0x5048, 0x505A, 0x5056, 0x506C, 0x5078, 0x5080, 0x509A, 0x5085, 0x50B4, 0x50B2}, { /* category 49 */ 0x50C9, 0x50CA, 0x50B3, 0x50C2, 0x50D6, 0x50DE, 0x50E5, 0x50ED, 0x50E3, 0x50EE, 0x50F9, 0x50F5, 0x5109, 0x5101, 0x5102, 0x5116, 0x5115, 0x5114, 0x511A, 0x5121, 0x513A, 0x5137, 0x513C, 0x513B, 0x513F, 0x5140, 0x5152, 0x514C, 0x5154, 0x5162, 0x7AF8, 0x5169, 0x516A, 0x516E, 0x5180, 0x5182, 0x56D8, 0x518C, 0x5189, 0x518F, 0x5191, 0x5193, 0x5195, 0x5196, 0x51A4, 0x51A6, 0x51A2, 0x51A9, 0x51AA, 0x51AB, 0x51B3, 0x51B1, 0x51B2, 0x51B0, 0x51B5, 0x51BD, 0x51C5, 0x51C9, 0x51DB, 0x51E0, 0x8655, 0x51E9, 0x51ED, 0x51F0, 0x51F5, 0x51FE, 0x5204, 0x520B, 0x5214, 0x520E, 0x5227, 0x522A, 0x522E, 0x5233, 0x5239, 0x524F, 0x5244, 0x524B, 0x524C, 0x525E, 0x5254, 0x526A, 0x5274, 0x5269, 0x5273, 0x527F, 0x527D, 0x528D, 0x5294, 0x5292, 0x5271, 0x5288, 0x5291, 0x8FA8}, { /* category 50 */ 0x8FA7, 0x52AC, 0x52AD, 0x52BC, 0x52B5, 0x52C1, 0x52CD, 0x52D7, 0x52DE, 0x52E3, 0x52E6, 0x98ED, 0x52E0, 0x52F3, 0x52F5, 0x52F8, 0x52F9, 0x5306, 0x5308, 0x7538, 0x530D, 0x5310, 0x530F, 0x5315, 0x531A, 0x5323, 0x532F, 0x5331, 0x5333, 0x5338, 0x5340, 0x5346, 0x5345, 0x4E17, 0x5349, 0x534D, 0x51D6, 0x535E, 0x5369, 0x536E, 0x5918, 0x537B, 0x5377, 0x5382, 0x5396, 0x53A0, 0x53A6, 0x53A5, 0x53AE, 0x53B0, 0x53B6, 0x53C3, 0x7C12, 0x96D9, 0x53DF, 0x66FC, 0x71EE, 0x53EE, 0x53E8, 0x53ED, 0x53FA, 0x5401, 0x543D, 0x5440, 0x542C, 0x542D, 0x543C, 0x542E, 0x5436, 0x5429, 0x541D, 0x544E, 0x548F, 0x5475, 0x548E, 0x545F, 0x5471, 0x5477, 0x5470, 0x5492, 0x547B, 0x5480, 0x5476, 0x5484, 0x5490, 0x5486, 0x54C7, 0x54A2, 0x54B8, 0x54A5, 0x54AC, 0x54C4, 0x54C8, 0x54A8}, { /* category 51 */ 0x54AB, 0x54C2, 0x54A4, 0x54BE, 0x54BC, 0x54D8, 0x54E5, 0x54E6, 0x550F, 0x5514, 0x54FD, 0x54EE, 0x54ED, 0x54FA, 0x54E2, 0x5539, 0x5540, 0x5563, 0x554C, 0x552E, 0x555C, 0x5545, 0x5556, 0x5557, 0x5538, 0x5533, 0x555D, 0x5599, 0x5580, 0x54AF, 0x558A, 0x559F, 0x557B, 0x557E, 0x5598, 0x559E, 0x55AE, 0x557C, 0x5583, 0x55A9, 0x5587, 0x55A8, 0x55DA, 0x55C5, 0x55DF, 0x55C4, 0x55DC, 0x55E4, 0x55D4, 0x5614, 0x55F7, 0x5616, 0x55FE, 0x55FD, 0x561B, 0x55F9, 0x564E, 0x5650, 0x71DF, 0x5634, 0x5636, 0x5632, 0x5638, 0x566B, 0x5664, 0x562F, 0x566C, 0x566A, 0x5686, 0x5680, 0x568A, 0x56A0, 0x5694, 0x568F, 0x56A5, 0x56AE, 0x56B6, 0x56B4, 0x56C2, 0x56BC, 0x56C1, 0x56C3, 0x56C0, 0x56C8, 0x56CE, 0x56D1, 0x56D3, 0x56D7, 0x56EE, 0x56F9, 0x5700, 0x56FF, 0x5704, 0x5709}, { /* category 52 */ 0x5708, 0x570B, 0x570D, 0x5713, 0x5718, 0x5716, 0x55C7, 0x571C, 0x5726, 0x5737, 0x5738, 0x574E, 0x573B, 0x5740, 0x574F, 0x5769, 0x57C0, 0x5788, 0x5761, 0x577F, 0x5789, 0x5793, 0x57A0, 0x57B3, 0x57A4, 0x57AA, 0x57B0, 0x57C3, 0x57C6, 0x57D4, 0x57D2, 0x57D3, 0x580A, 0x57D6, 0x57E3, 0x580B, 0x5819, 0x581D, 0x5872, 0x5821, 0x5862, 0x584B, 0x5870, 0x6BC0, 0x5852, 0x583D, 0x5879, 0x5885, 0x58B9, 0x589F, 0x58AB, 0x58BA, 0x58DE, 0x58BB, 0x58B8, 0x58AE, 0x58C5, 0x58D3, 0x58D1, 0x58D7, 0x58D9, 0x58D8, 0x58E5, 0x58DC, 0x58E4, 0x58DF, 0x58EF, 0x58FA, 0x58F9, 0x58FB, 0x58FC, 0x58FD, 0x5902, 0x590A, 0x5910, 0x591B, 0x68A6, 0x5925, 0x592C, 0x592D, 0x5932, 0x5938, 0x593E, 0x7AD2, 0x5955, 0x5950, 0x594E, 0x595A, 0x5958, 0x5962, 0x5960, 0x5967, 0x596C, 0x5969}, { /* category 53 */ 0x5978, 0x5981, 0x599D, 0x4F5E, 0x4FAB, 0x59A3, 0x59B2, 0x59C6, 0x59E8, 0x59DC, 0x598D, 0x59D9, 0x59DA, 0x5A25, 0x5A1F, 0x5A11, 0x5A1C, 0x5A09, 0x5A1A, 0x5A40, 0x5A6C, 0x5A49, 0x5A35, 0x5A36, 0x5A62, 0x5A6A, 0x5A9A, 0x5ABC, 0x5ABE, 0x5ACB, 0x5AC2, 0x5ABD, 0x5AE3, 0x5AD7, 0x5AE6, 0x5AE9, 0x5AD6, 0x5AFA, 0x5AFB, 0x5B0C, 0x5B0B, 0x5B16, 0x5B32, 0x5AD0, 0x5B2A, 0x5B36, 0x5B3E, 0x5B43, 0x5B45, 0x5B40, 0x5B51, 0x5B55, 0x5B5A, 0x5B5B, 0x5B65, 0x5B69, 0x5B70, 0x5B73, 0x5B75, 0x5B78, 0x6588, 0x5B7A, 0x5B80, 0x5B83, 0x5BA6, 0x5BB8, 0x5BC3, 0x5BC7, 0x5BC9, 0x5BD4, 0x5BD0, 0x5BE4, 0x5BE6, 0x5BE2, 0x5BDE, 0x5BE5, 0x5BEB, 0x5BF0, 0x5BF6, 0x5BF3, 0x5C05, 0x5C07, 0x5C08, 0x5C0D, 0x5C13, 0x5C20, 0x5C22, 0x5C28, 0x5C38, 0x5C39, 0x5C41, 0x5C46, 0x5C4E, 0x5C53}, { /* category 54 */ 0x5C50, 0x5C4F, 0x5B71, 0x5C6C, 0x5C6E, 0x4E62, 0x5C76, 0x5C79, 0x5C8C, 0x5C91, 0x5C94, 0x599B, 0x5CAB, 0x5CBB, 0x5CB6, 0x5CBC, 0x5CB7, 0x5CC5, 0x5CBE, 0x5CC7, 0x5CD9, 0x5CE9, 0x5CFD, 0x5CFA, 0x5CED, 0x5D8C, 0x5CEA, 0x5D0B, 0x5D15, 0x5D17, 0x5D5C, 0x5D1F, 0x5D1B, 0x5D11, 0x5D14, 0x5D22, 0x5D1A, 0x5D19, 0x5D18, 0x5D4C, 0x5D52, 0x5D4E, 0x5D4B, 0x5D6C, 0x5D73, 0x5D76, 0x5D87, 0x5D84, 0x5D82, 0x5DA2, 0x5D9D, 0x5DAC, 0x5DAE, 0x5DBD, 0x5D90, 0x5DB7, 0x5DBC, 0x5DC9, 0x5DCD, 0x5DD3, 0x5DD2, 0x5DD6, 0x5DDB, 0x5DEB, 0x5DF2, 0x5DF5, 0x5E0B, 0x5E1A, 0x5E19, 0x5E11, 0x5E1B, 0x5E36, 0x5E37, 0x5E44, 0x5E43, 0x5E40, 0x5E4E, 0x5E57, 0x5E54, 0x5E5F, 0x5E62, 0x5E64, 0x5E47, 0x5E75, 0x5E76, 0x5E7A, 0x9EBC, 0x5E7F, 0x5EA0, 0x5EC1, 0x5EC2, 0x5EC8, 0x5ED0, 0x5ECF}, { /* category 55 */ 0x5ED6, 0x5EE3, 0x5EDD, 0x5EDA, 0x5EDB, 0x5EE2, 0x5EE1, 0x5EE8, 0x5EE9, 0x5EEC, 0x5EF1, 0x5EF3, 0x5EF0, 0x5EF4, 0x5EF8, 0x5EFE, 0x5F03, 0x5F09, 0x5F5D, 0x5F5C, 0x5F0B, 0x5F11, 0x5F16, 0x5F29, 0x5F2D, 0x5F38, 0x5F41, 0x5F48, 0x5F4C, 0x5F4E, 0x5F2F, 0x5F51, 0x5F56, 0x5F57, 0x5F59, 0x5F61, 0x5F6D, 0x5F73, 0x5F77, 0x5F83, 0x5F82, 0x5F7F, 0x5F8A, 0x5F88, 0x5F91, 0x5F87, 0x5F9E, 0x5F99, 0x5F98, 0x5FA0, 0x5FA8, 0x5FAD, 0x5FBC, 0x5FD6, 0x5FFB, 0x5FE4, 0x5FF8, 0x5FF1, 0x5FDD, 0x60B3, 0x5FFF, 0x6021, 0x6060, 0x6019, 0x6010, 0x6029, 0x600E, 0x6031, 0x601B, 0x6015, 0x602B, 0x6026, 0x600F, 0x603A, 0x605A, 0x6041, 0x606A, 0x6077, 0x605F, 0x604A, 0x6046, 0x604D, 0x6063, 0x6043, 0x6064, 0x6042, 0x606C, 0x606B, 0x6059, 0x6081, 0x608D, 0x60E7, 0x6083, 0x609A}, { /* category 56 */ 0x6084, 0x609B, 0x6096, 0x6097, 0x6092, 0x60A7, 0x608B, 0x60E1, 0x60B8, 0x60E0, 0x60D3, 0x60B4, 0x5FF0, 0x60BD, 0x60C6, 0x60B5, 0x60D8, 0x614D, 0x6115, 0x6106, 0x60F6, 0x60F7, 0x6100, 0x60F4, 0x60FA, 0x6103, 0x6121, 0x60FB, 0x60F1, 0x610D, 0x610E, 0x6147, 0x613E, 0x6128, 0x6127, 0x614A, 0x613F, 0x613C, 0x612C, 0x6134, 0x613D, 0x6142, 0x6144, 0x6173, 0x6177, 0x6158, 0x6159, 0x615A, 0x616B, 0x6174, 0x616F, 0x6165, 0x6171, 0x615F, 0x615D, 0x6153, 0x6175, 0x6199, 0x6196, 0x6187, 0x61AC, 0x6194, 0x619A, 0x618A, 0x6191, 0x61AB, 0x61AE, 0x61CC, 0x61CA, 0x61C9, 0x61F7, 0x61C8, 0x61C3, 0x61C6, 0x61BA, 0x61CB, 0x7F79, 0x61CD, 0x61E6, 0x61E3, 0x61F6, 0x61FA, 0x61F4, 0x61FF, 0x61FD, 0x61FC, 0x61FE, 0x6200, 0x6208, 0x6209, 0x620D, 0x620C, 0x6214, 0x621B}, { /* category 57 */ 0x621E, 0x6221, 0x622A, 0x622E, 0x6230, 0x6232, 0x6233, 0x6241, 0x624E, 0x625E, 0x6263, 0x625B, 0x6260, 0x6268, 0x627C, 0x6282, 0x6289, 0x627E, 0x6292, 0x6293, 0x6296, 0x62D4, 0x6283, 0x6294, 0x62D7, 0x62D1, 0x62BB, 0x62CF, 0x62FF, 0x62C6, 0x64D4, 0x62C8, 0x62DC, 0x62CC, 0x62CA, 0x62C2, 0x62C7, 0x629B, 0x62C9, 0x630C, 0x62EE, 0x62F1, 0x6327, 0x6302, 0x6308, 0x62EF, 0x62F5, 0x6350, 0x633E, 0x634D, 0x641C, 0x634F, 0x6396, 0x638E, 0x6380, 0x63AB, 0x6376, 0x63A3, 0x638F, 0x6389, 0x639F, 0x63B5, 0x636B, 0x6369, 0x63BE, 0x63E9, 0x63C0, 0x63C6, 0x63E3, 0x63C9, 0x63D2, 0x63F6, 0x63C4, 0x6416, 0x6434, 0x6406, 0x6413, 0x6426, 0x6436, 0x651D, 0x6417, 0x6428, 0x640F, 0x6467, 0x646F, 0x6476, 0x644E, 0x652A, 0x6495, 0x6493, 0x64A5, 0x64A9, 0x6488, 0x64BC}, { /* category 58 */ 0x64DA, 0x64D2, 0x64C5, 0x64C7, 0x64BB, 0x64D8, 0x64C2, 0x64F1, 0x64E7, 0x8209, 0x64E0, 0x64E1, 0x62AC, 0x64E3, 0x64EF, 0x652C, 0x64F6, 0x64F4, 0x64F2, 0x64FA, 0x6500, 0x64FD, 0x6518, 0x651C, 0x6505, 0x6524, 0x6523, 0x652B, 0x6534, 0x6535, 0x6537, 0x6536, 0x6538, 0x754B, 0x6548, 0x6556, 0x6555, 0x654D, 0x6558, 0x655E, 0x655D, 0x6572, 0x6578, 0x6582, 0x6583, 0x8B8A, 0x659B, 0x659F, 0x65AB, 0x65B7, 0x65C3, 0x65C6, 0x65C1, 0x65C4, 0x65CC, 0x65D2, 0x65DB, 0x65D9, 0x65E0, 0x65E1, 0x65F1, 0x6772, 0x660A, 0x6603, 0x65FB, 0x6773, 0x6635, 0x6636, 0x6634, 0x661C, 0x664F, 0x6644, 0x6649, 0x6641, 0x665E, 0x665D, 0x6664, 0x6667, 0x6668, 0x665F, 0x6662, 0x6670, 0x6683, 0x6688, 0x668E, 0x6689, 0x6684, 0x6698, 0x669D, 0x66C1, 0x66B9, 0x66C9, 0x66BE, 0x66BC}, { /* category 59 */ 0x66C4, 0x66B8, 0x66D6, 0x66DA, 0x66E0, 0x663F, 0x66E6, 0x66E9, 0x66F0, 0x66F5, 0x66F7, 0x670F, 0x6716, 0x671E, 0x6726, 0x6727, 0x9738, 0x672E, 0x673F, 0x6736, 0x6741, 0x6738, 0x6737, 0x6746, 0x675E, 0x6760, 0x6759, 0x6763, 0x6764, 0x6789, 0x6770, 0x67A9, 0x677C, 0x676A, 0x678C, 0x678B, 0x67A6, 0x67A1, 0x6785, 0x67B7, 0x67EF, 0x67B4, 0x67EC, 0x67B3, 0x67E9, 0x67B8, 0x67E4, 0x67DE, 0x67DD, 0x67E2, 0x67EE, 0x67B9, 0x67CE, 0x67C6, 0x67E7, 0x6A9C, 0x681E, 0x6846, 0x6829, 0x6840, 0x684D, 0x6832, 0x684E, 0x68B3, 0x682B, 0x6859, 0x6863, 0x6877, 0x687F, 0x689F, 0x688F, 0x68AD, 0x6894, 0x689D, 0x689B, 0x6883, 0x6AAE, 0x68B9, 0x6874, 0x68B5, 0x68A0, 0x68BA, 0x690F, 0x688D, 0x687E, 0x6901, 0x68CA, 0x6908, 0x68D8, 0x6922, 0x6926, 0x68E1, 0x690C, 0x68CD}, { /* category 60 */ 0x68D4, 0x68E7, 0x68D5, 0x6936, 0x6912, 0x6904, 0x68D7, 0x68E3, 0x6925, 0x68F9, 0x68E0, 0x68EF, 0x6928, 0x692A, 0x691A, 0x6923, 0x6921, 0x68C6, 0x6979, 0x6977, 0x695C, 0x6978, 0x696B, 0x6954, 0x697E, 0x696E, 0x6939, 0x6974, 0x693D, 0x6959, 0x6930, 0x6961, 0x695E, 0x695D, 0x6981, 0x696A, 0x69B2, 0x69AE, 0x69D0, 0x69BF, 0x69C1, 0x69D3, 0x69BE, 0x69CE, 0x5BE8, 0x69CA, 0x69DD, 0x69BB, 0x69C3, 0x69A7, 0x6A2E, 0x6991, 0x69A0, 0x699C, 0x6995, 0x69B4, 0x69DE, 0x69E8, 0x6A02, 0x6A1B, 0x69FF, 0x6B0A, 0x69F9, 0x69F2, 0x69E7, 0x6A05, 0x69B1, 0x6A1E, 0x69ED, 0x6A14, 0x69EB, 0x6A0A, 0x6A12, 0x6AC1, 0x6A23, 0x6A13, 0x6A44, 0x6A0C, 0x6A72, 0x6A36, 0x6A78, 0x6A47, 0x6A62, 0x6A59, 0x6A66, 0x6A48, 0x6A38, 0x6A22, 0x6A90, 0x6A8D, 0x6AA0, 0x6A84, 0x6AA2, 0x6AA3}, { /* category 61 */ 0x6A97, 0x8617, 0x6ABB, 0x6AC3, 0x6AC2, 0x6AB8, 0x6AB3, 0x6AAC, 0x6ADE, 0x6AD1, 0x6ADF, 0x6AAA, 0x6ADA, 0x6AEA, 0x6AFB, 0x6B05, 0x8616, 0x6AFA, 0x6B12, 0x6B16, 0x9B31, 0x6B1F, 0x6B38, 0x6B37, 0x76DC, 0x6B39, 0x98EE, 0x6B47, 0x6B43, 0x6B49, 0x6B50, 0x6B59, 0x6B54, 0x6B5B, 0x6B5F, 0x6B61, 0x6B78, 0x6B79, 0x6B7F, 0x6B80, 0x6B84, 0x6B83, 0x6B8D, 0x6B98, 0x6B95, 0x6B9E, 0x6BA4, 0x6BAA, 0x6BAB, 0x6BAF, 0x6BB2, 0x6BB1, 0x6BB3, 0x6BB7, 0x6BBC, 0x6BC6, 0x6BCB, 0x6BD3, 0x6BDF, 0x6BEC, 0x6BEB, 0x6BF3, 0x6BEF, 0x9EBE, 0x6C08, 0x6C13, 0x6C14, 0x6C1B, 0x6C24, 0x6C23, 0x6C5E, 0x6C55, 0x6C62, 0x6C6A, 0x6C82, 0x6C8D, 0x6C9A, 0x6C81, 0x6C9B, 0x6C7E, 0x6C68, 0x6C73, 0x6C92, 0x6C90, 0x6CC4, 0x6CF1, 0x6CD3, 0x6CBD, 0x6CD7, 0x6CC5, 0x6CDD, 0x6CAE, 0x6CB1, 0x6CBE}, { /* category 62 */ 0x6CBA, 0x6CDB, 0x6CEF, 0x6CD9, 0x6CEA, 0x6D1F, 0x884D, 0x6D36, 0x6D2B, 0x6D3D, 0x6D38, 0x6D19, 0x6D35, 0x6D33, 0x6D12, 0x6D0C, 0x6D63, 0x6D93, 0x6D64, 0x6D5A, 0x6D79, 0x6D59, 0x6D8E, 0x6D95, 0x6FE4, 0x6D85, 0x6DF9, 0x6E15, 0x6E0A, 0x6DB5, 0x6DC7, 0x6DE6, 0x6DB8, 0x6DC6, 0x6DEC, 0x6DDE, 0x6DCC, 0x6DE8, 0x6DD2, 0x6DC5, 0x6DFA, 0x6DD9, 0x6DE4, 0x6DD5, 0x6DEA, 0x6DEE, 0x6E2D, 0x6E6E, 0x6E2E, 0x6E19, 0x6E72, 0x6E5F, 0x6E3E, 0x6E23, 0x6E6B, 0x6E2B, 0x6E76, 0x6E4D, 0x6E1F, 0x6E43, 0x6E3A, 0x6E4E, 0x6E24, 0x6EFF, 0x6E1D, 0x6E38, 0x6E82, 0x6EAA, 0x6E98, 0x6EC9, 0x6EB7, 0x6ED3, 0x6EBD, 0x6EAF, 0x6EC4, 0x6EB2, 0x6ED4, 0x6ED5, 0x6E8F, 0x6EA5, 0x6EC2, 0x6E9F, 0x6F41, 0x6F11, 0x704C, 0x6EEC, 0x6EF8, 0x6EFE, 0x6F3F, 0x6EF2, 0x6F31, 0x6EEF, 0x6F32, 0x6ECC}, { /* category 63 */ 0x6F3E, 0x6F13, 0x6EF7, 0x6F86, 0x6F7A, 0x6F78, 0x6F81, 0x6F80, 0x6F6F, 0x6F5B, 0x6FF3, 0x6F6D, 0x6F82, 0x6F7C, 0x6F58, 0x6F8E, 0x6F91, 0x6FC2, 0x6F66, 0x6FB3, 0x6FA3, 0x6FA1, 0x6FA4, 0x6FB9, 0x6FC6, 0x6FAA, 0x6FDF, 0x6FD5, 0x6FEC, 0x6FD4, 0x6FD8, 0x6FF1, 0x6FEE, 0x6FDB, 0x7009, 0x700B, 0x6FFA, 0x7011, 0x7001, 0x700F, 0x6FFE, 0x701B, 0x701A, 0x6F74, 0x701D, 0x7018, 0x701F, 0x7030, 0x703E, 0x7032, 0x7051, 0x7063, 0x7099, 0x7092, 0x70AF, 0x70F1, 0x70AC, 0x70B8, 0x70B3, 0x70AE, 0x70DF, 0x70CB, 0x70DD, 0x70D9, 0x7109, 0x70FD, 0x711C, 0x7119, 0x7165, 0x7155, 0x7188, 0x7166, 0x7162, 0x714C, 0x7156, 0x716C, 0x718F, 0x71FB, 0x7184, 0x7195, 0x71A8, 0x71AC, 0x71D7, 0x71B9, 0x71BE, 0x71D2, 0x71C9, 0x71D4, 0x71CE, 0x71E0, 0x71EC, 0x71E7, 0x71F5, 0x71FC}, { /* category 64 */ 0x71F9, 0x71FF, 0x720D, 0x7210, 0x721B, 0x7228, 0x722D, 0x722C, 0x7230, 0x7232, 0x723B, 0x723C, 0x723F, 0x7240, 0x7246, 0x724B, 0x7258, 0x7274, 0x727E, 0x7282, 0x7281, 0x7287, 0x7292, 0x7296, 0x72A2, 0x72A7, 0x72B9, 0x72B2, 0x72C3, 0x72C6, 0x72C4, 0x72CE, 0x72D2, 0x72E2, 0x72E0, 0x72E1, 0x72F9, 0x72F7, 0x500F, 0x7317, 0x730A, 0x731C, 0x7316, 0x731D, 0x7334, 0x732F, 0x7329, 0x7325, 0x733E, 0x734E, 0x734F, 0x9ED8, 0x7357, 0x736A, 0x7368, 0x7370, 0x7378, 0x7375, 0x737B, 0x737A, 0x73C8, 0x73B3, 0x73CE, 0x73BB, 0x73C0, 0x73E5, 0x73EE, 0x73DE, 0x74A2, 0x7405, 0x746F, 0x7425, 0x73F8, 0x7432, 0x743A, 0x7455, 0x743F, 0x745F, 0x7459, 0x7441, 0x745C, 0x7469, 0x7470, 0x7463, 0x746A, 0x7476, 0x747E, 0x748B, 0x749E, 0x74A7, 0x74CA, 0x74CF, 0x74D4, 0x73F1}, { /* category 65 */ 0x74E0, 0x74E3, 0x74E7, 0x74E9, 0x74EE, 0x74F2, 0x74F0, 0x74F1, 0x74F8, 0x74F7, 0x7504, 0x7503, 0x7505, 0x750C, 0x750E, 0x750D, 0x7515, 0x7513, 0x751E, 0x7526, 0x752C, 0x753C, 0x7544, 0x754D, 0x754A, 0x7549, 0x755B, 0x7546, 0x755A, 0x7569, 0x7564, 0x7567, 0x756B, 0x756D, 0x7578, 0x7576, 0x7586, 0x7587, 0x7574, 0x758A, 0x7589, 0x7582, 0x7594, 0x759A, 0x759D, 0x75A5, 0x75A3, 0x75C2, 0x75B3, 0x75C3, 0x75B5, 0x75BD, 0x75B8, 0x75BC, 0x75B1, 0x75CD, 0x75CA, 0x75D2, 0x75D9, 0x75E3, 0x75DE, 0x75FE, 0x75FF, 0x75FC, 0x7601, 0x75F0, 0x75FA, 0x75F2, 0x75F3, 0x760B, 0x760D, 0x7609, 0x761F, 0x7627, 0x7620, 0x7621, 0x7622, 0x7624, 0x7634, 0x7630, 0x763B, 0x7647, 0x7648, 0x7646, 0x765C, 0x7658, 0x7661, 0x7662, 0x7668, 0x7669, 0x766A, 0x7667, 0x766C, 0x7670}, { /* category 66 */ 0x7672, 0x7676, 0x7678, 0x767C, 0x7680, 0x7683, 0x7688, 0x768B, 0x768E, 0x7696, 0x7693, 0x7699, 0x769A, 0x76B0, 0x76B4, 0x76B8, 0x76B9, 0x76BA, 0x76C2, 0x76CD, 0x76D6, 0x76D2, 0x76DE, 0x76E1, 0x76E5, 0x76E7, 0x76EA, 0x862F, 0x76FB, 0x7708, 0x7707, 0x7704, 0x7729, 0x7724, 0x771E, 0x7725, 0x7726, 0x771B, 0x7737, 0x7738, 0x7747, 0x775A, 0x7768, 0x776B, 0x775B, 0x7765, 0x777F, 0x777E, 0x7779, 0x778E, 0x778B, 0x7791, 0x77A0, 0x779E, 0x77B0, 0x77B6, 0x77B9, 0x77BF, 0x77BC, 0x77BD, 0x77BB, 0x77C7, 0x77CD, 0x77D7, 0x77DA, 0x77DC, 0x77E3, 0x77EE, 0x77FC, 0x780C, 0x7812, 0x7926, 0x7820, 0x792A, 0x7845, 0x788E, 0x7874, 0x7886, 0x787C, 0x789A, 0x788C, 0x78A3, 0x78B5, 0x78AA, 0x78AF, 0x78D1, 0x78C6, 0x78CB, 0x78D4, 0x78BE, 0x78BC, 0x78C5, 0x78CA, 0x78EC}, { /* category 67 */ 0x78E7, 0x78DA, 0x78FD, 0x78F4, 0x7907, 0x7912, 0x7911, 0x7919, 0x792C, 0x792B, 0x7940, 0x7960, 0x7957, 0x795F, 0x795A, 0x7955, 0x7953, 0x797A, 0x797F, 0x798A, 0x799D, 0x79A7, 0x9F4B, 0x79AA, 0x79AE, 0x79B3, 0x79B9, 0x79BA, 0x79C9, 0x79D5, 0x79E7, 0x79EC, 0x79E1, 0x79E3, 0x7A08, 0x7A0D, 0x7A18, 0x7A19, 0x7A20, 0x7A1F, 0x7980, 0x7A31, 0x7A3B, 0x7A3E, 0x7A37, 0x7A43, 0x7A57, 0x7A49, 0x7A61, 0x7A62, 0x7A69, 0x9F9D, 0x7A70, 0x7A79, 0x7A7D, 0x7A88, 0x7A97, 0x7A95, 0x7A98, 0x7A96, 0x7AA9, 0x7AC8, 0x7AB0, 0x7AB6, 0x7AC5, 0x7AC4, 0x7ABF, 0x9083, 0x7AC7, 0x7ACA, 0x7ACD, 0x7ACF, 0x7AD5, 0x7AD3, 0x7AD9, 0x7ADA, 0x7ADD, 0x7AE1, 0x7AE2, 0x7AE6, 0x7AED, 0x7AF0, 0x7B02, 0x7B0F, 0x7B0A, 0x7B06, 0x7B33, 0x7B18, 0x7B19, 0x7B1E, 0x7B35, 0x7B28, 0x7B36, 0x7B50}, { /* category 68 */ 0x7B7A, 0x7B04, 0x7B4D, 0x7B0B, 0x7B4C, 0x7B45, 0x7B75, 0x7B65, 0x7B74, 0x7B67, 0x7B70, 0x7B71, 0x7B6C, 0x7B6E, 0x7B9D, 0x7B98, 0x7B9F, 0x7B8D, 0x7B9C, 0x7B9A, 0x7B8B, 0x7B92, 0x7B8F, 0x7B5D, 0x7B99, 0x7BCB, 0x7BC1, 0x7BCC, 0x7BCF, 0x7BB4, 0x7BC6, 0x7BDD, 0x7BE9, 0x7C11, 0x7C14, 0x7BE6, 0x7BE5, 0x7C60, 0x7C00, 0x7C07, 0x7C13, 0x7BF3, 0x7BF7, 0x7C17, 0x7C0D, 0x7BF6, 0x7C23, 0x7C27, 0x7C2A, 0x7C1F, 0x7C37, 0x7C2B, 0x7C3D, 0x7C4C, 0x7C43, 0x7C54, 0x7C4F, 0x7C40, 0x7C50, 0x7C58, 0x7C5F, 0x7C64, 0x7C56, 0x7C65, 0x7C6C, 0x7C75, 0x7C83, 0x7C90, 0x7CA4, 0x7CAD, 0x7CA2, 0x7CAB, 0x7CA1, 0x7CA8, 0x7CB3, 0x7CB2, 0x7CB1, 0x7CAE, 0x7CB9, 0x7CBD, 0x7CC0, 0x7CC5, 0x7CC2, 0x7CD8, 0x7CD2, 0x7CDC, 0x7CE2, 0x9B3B, 0x7CEF, 0x7CF2, 0x7CF4, 0x7CF6, 0x7CFA, 0x7D06}, { /* category 69 */ 0x7D02, 0x7D1C, 0x7D15, 0x7D0A, 0x7D45, 0x7D4B, 0x7D2E, 0x7D32, 0x7D3F, 0x7D35, 0x7D46, 0x7D73, 0x7D56, 0x7D4E, 0x7D72, 0x7D68, 0x7D6E, 0x7D4F, 0x7D63, 0x7D93, 0x7D89, 0x7D5B, 0x7D8F, 0x7D7D, 0x7D9B, 0x7DBA, 0x7DAE, 0x7DA3, 0x7DB5, 0x7DC7, 0x7DBD, 0x7DAB, 0x7E3D, 0x7DA2, 0x7DAF, 0x7DDC, 0x7DB8, 0x7D9F, 0x7DB0, 0x7DD8, 0x7DDD, 0x7DE4, 0x7DDE, 0x7DFB, 0x7DF2, 0x7DE1, 0x7E05, 0x7E0A, 0x7E23, 0x7E21, 0x7E12, 0x7E31, 0x7E1F, 0x7E09, 0x7E0B, 0x7E22, 0x7E46, 0x7E66, 0x7E3B, 0x7E35, 0x7E39, 0x7E43, 0x7E37, 0x7E32, 0x7E3A, 0x7E67, 0x7E5D, 0x7E56, 0x7E5E, 0x7E59, 0x7E5A, 0x7E79, 0x7E6A, 0x7E69, 0x7E7C, 0x7E7B, 0x7E83, 0x7DD5, 0x7E7D, 0x8FAE, 0x7E7F, 0x7E88, 0x7E89, 0x7E8C, 0x7E92, 0x7E90, 0x7E93, 0x7E94, 0x7E96, 0x7E8E, 0x7E9B, 0x7E9C, 0x7F38, 0x7F3A}, { /* category 70 */ 0x7F45, 0x7F4C, 0x7F4D, 0x7F4E, 0x7F50, 0x7F51, 0x7F55, 0x7F54, 0x7F58, 0x7F5F, 0x7F60, 0x7F68, 0x7F69, 0x7F67, 0x7F78, 0x7F82, 0x7F86, 0x7F83, 0x7F88, 0x7F87, 0x7F8C, 0x7F94, 0x7F9E, 0x7F9D, 0x7F9A, 0x7FA3, 0x7FAF, 0x7FB2, 0x7FB9, 0x7FAE, 0x7FB6, 0x7FB8, 0x8B71, 0x7FC5, 0x7FC6, 0x7FCA, 0x7FD5, 0x7FD4, 0x7FE1, 0x7FE6, 0x7FE9, 0x7FF3, 0x7FF9, 0x98DC, 0x8006, 0x8004, 0x800B, 0x8012, 0x8018, 0x8019, 0x801C, 0x8021, 0x8028, 0x803F, 0x803B, 0x804A, 0x8046, 0x8052, 0x8058, 0x805A, 0x805F, 0x8062, 0x8068, 0x8073, 0x8072, 0x8070, 0x8076, 0x8079, 0x807D, 0x807F, 0x8084, 0x8086, 0x8085, 0x809B, 0x8093, 0x809A, 0x80AD, 0x5190, 0x80AC, 0x80DB, 0x80E5, 0x80D9, 0x80DD, 0x80C4, 0x80DA, 0x80D6, 0x8109, 0x80EF, 0x80F1, 0x811B, 0x8129, 0x8123, 0x812F, 0x814B}, { /* category 71 */ 0x968B, 0x8146, 0x813E, 0x8153, 0x8151, 0x80FC, 0x8171, 0x816E, 0x8165, 0x8166, 0x8174, 0x8183, 0x8188, 0x818A, 0x8180, 0x8182, 0x81A0, 0x8195, 0x81A4, 0x81A3, 0x815F, 0x8193, 0x81A9, 0x81B0, 0x81B5, 0x81BE, 0x81B8, 0x81BD, 0x81C0, 0x81C2, 0x81BA, 0x81C9, 0x81CD, 0x81D1, 0x81D9, 0x81D8, 0x81C8, 0x81DA, 0x81DF, 0x81E0, 0x81E7, 0x81FA, 0x81FB, 0x81FE, 0x8201, 0x8202, 0x8205, 0x8207, 0x820A, 0x820D, 0x8210, 0x8216, 0x8229, 0x822B, 0x8238, 0x8233, 0x8240, 0x8259, 0x8258, 0x825D, 0x825A, 0x825F, 0x8264, 0x8262, 0x8268, 0x826A, 0x826B, 0x822E, 0x8271, 0x8277, 0x8278, 0x827E, 0x828D, 0x8292, 0x82AB, 0x829F, 0x82BB, 0x82AC, 0x82E1, 0x82E3, 0x82DF, 0x82D2, 0x82F4, 0x82F3, 0x82FA, 0x8393, 0x8303, 0x82FB, 0x82F9, 0x82DE, 0x8306, 0x82DC, 0x8309, 0x82D9}, { /* category 72 */ 0x8335, 0x8334, 0x8316, 0x8332, 0x8331, 0x8340, 0x8339, 0x8350, 0x8345, 0x832F, 0x832B, 0x8317, 0x8318, 0x8385, 0x839A, 0x83AA, 0x839F, 0x83A2, 0x8396, 0x8323, 0x838E, 0x8387, 0x838A, 0x837C, 0x83B5, 0x8373, 0x8375, 0x83A0, 0x8389, 0x83A8, 0x83F4, 0x8413, 0x83EB, 0x83CE, 0x83FD, 0x8403, 0x83D8, 0x840B, 0x83C1, 0x83F7, 0x8407, 0x83E0, 0x83F2, 0x840D, 0x8422, 0x8420, 0x83BD, 0x8438, 0x8506, 0x83FB, 0x846D, 0x842A, 0x843C, 0x855A, 0x8484, 0x8477, 0x846B, 0x84AD, 0x846E, 0x8482, 0x8469, 0x8446, 0x842C, 0x846F, 0x8479, 0x8435, 0x84CA, 0x8462, 0x84B9, 0x84BF, 0x849F, 0x84D9, 0x84CD, 0x84BB, 0x84DA, 0x84D0, 0x84C1, 0x84C6, 0x84D6, 0x84A1, 0x8521, 0x84FF, 0x84F4, 0x8517, 0x8518, 0x852C, 0x851F, 0x8515, 0x8514, 0x84FC, 0x8540, 0x8563, 0x8558, 0x8548}, { /* category 73 */ 0x8541, 0x8602, 0x854B, 0x8555, 0x8580, 0x85A4, 0x8588, 0x8591, 0x858A, 0x85A8, 0x856D, 0x8594, 0x859B, 0x85EA, 0x8587, 0x859C, 0x8577, 0x857E, 0x8590, 0x85C9, 0x85BA, 0x85CF, 0x85B9, 0x85D0, 0x85D5, 0x85DD, 0x85E5, 0x85DC, 0x85F9, 0x860A, 0x8613, 0x860B, 0x85FE, 0x85FA, 0x8606, 0x8622, 0x861A, 0x8630, 0x863F, 0x864D, 0x4E55, 0x8654, 0x865F, 0x8667, 0x8671, 0x8693, 0x86A3, 0x86A9, 0x86AA, 0x868B, 0x868C, 0x86B6, 0x86AF, 0x86C4, 0x86C6, 0x86B0, 0x86C9, 0x8823, 0x86AB, 0x86D4, 0x86DE, 0x86E9, 0x86EC, 0x86DF, 0x86DB, 0x86EF, 0x8712, 0x8706, 0x8708, 0x8700, 0x8703, 0x86FB, 0x8711, 0x8709, 0x870D, 0x86F9, 0x870A, 0x8734, 0x873F, 0x8737, 0x873B, 0x8725, 0x8729, 0x871A, 0x8760, 0x875F, 0x8778, 0x874C, 0x874E, 0x8774, 0x8757, 0x8768, 0x876E, 0x8759}, { /* category 74 */ 0x8753, 0x8763, 0x876A, 0x8805, 0x87A2, 0x879F, 0x8782, 0x87AF, 0x87CB, 0x87BD, 0x87C0, 0x87D0, 0x96D6, 0x87AB, 0x87C4, 0x87B3, 0x87C7, 0x87C6, 0x87BB, 0x87EF, 0x87F2, 0x87E0, 0x880F, 0x880D, 0x87FE, 0x87F6, 0x87F7, 0x880E, 0x87D2, 0x8811, 0x8816, 0x8815, 0x8822, 0x8821, 0x8831, 0x8836, 0x8839, 0x8827, 0x883B, 0x8844, 0x8842, 0x8852, 0x8859, 0x885E, 0x8862, 0x886B, 0x8881, 0x887E, 0x889E, 0x8875, 0x887D, 0x88B5, 0x8872, 0x8882, 0x8897, 0x8892, 0x88AE, 0x8899, 0x88A2, 0x888D, 0x88A4, 0x88B0, 0x88BF, 0x88B1, 0x88C3, 0x88C4, 0x88D4, 0x88D8, 0x88D9, 0x88DD, 0x88F9, 0x8902, 0x88FC, 0x88F4, 0x88E8, 0x88F2, 0x8904, 0x890C, 0x890A, 0x8913, 0x8943, 0x891E, 0x8925, 0x892A, 0x892B, 0x8941, 0x8944, 0x893B, 0x8936, 0x8938, 0x894C, 0x891D, 0x8960, 0x895E}, { /* category 75 */ 0x8966, 0x8964, 0x896D, 0x896A, 0x896F, 0x8974, 0x8977, 0x897E, 0x8983, 0x8988, 0x898A, 0x8993, 0x8998, 0x89A1, 0x89A9, 0x89A6, 0x89AC, 0x89AF, 0x89B2, 0x89BA, 0x89BD, 0x89BF, 0x89C0, 0x89DA, 0x89DC, 0x89DD, 0x89E7, 0x89F4, 0x89F8, 0x8A03, 0x8A16, 0x8A10, 0x8A0C, 0x8A1B, 0x8A1D, 0x8A25, 0x8A36, 0x8A41, 0x8A5B, 0x8A52, 0x8A46, 0x8A48, 0x8A7C, 0x8A6D, 0x8A6C, 0x8A62, 0x8A85, 0x8A82, 0x8A84, 0x8AA8, 0x8AA1, 0x8A91, 0x8AA5, 0x8AA6, 0x8A9A, 0x8AA3, 0x8AC4, 0x8ACD, 0x8AC2, 0x8ADA, 0x8AEB, 0x8AF3, 0x8AE7, 0x8AE4, 0x8AF1, 0x8B14, 0x8AE0, 0x8AE2, 0x8AF7, 0x8ADE, 0x8ADB, 0x8B0C, 0x8B07, 0x8B1A, 0x8AE1, 0x8B16, 0x8B10, 0x8B17, 0x8B20, 0x8B33, 0x97AB, 0x8B26, 0x8B2B, 0x8B3E, 0x8B28, 0x8B41, 0x8B4C, 0x8B4F, 0x8B4E, 0x8B49, 0x8B56, 0x8B5B, 0x8B5A, 0x8B6B}, { /* category 76 */ 0x8B5F, 0x8B6C, 0x8B6F, 0x8B74, 0x8B7D, 0x8B80, 0x8B8C, 0x8B8E, 0x8B92, 0x8B93, 0x8B96, 0x8B99, 0x8B9A, 0x8C3A, 0x8C41, 0x8C3F, 0x8C48, 0x8C4C, 0x8C4E, 0x8C50, 0x8C55, 0x8C62, 0x8C6C, 0x8C78, 0x8C7A, 0x8C82, 0x8C89, 0x8C85, 0x8C8A, 0x8C8D, 0x8C8E, 0x8C94, 0x8C7C, 0x8C98, 0x621D, 0x8CAD, 0x8CAA, 0x8CBD, 0x8CB2, 0x8CB3, 0x8CAE, 0x8CB6, 0x8CC8, 0x8CC1, 0x8CE4, 0x8CE3, 0x8CDA, 0x8CFD, 0x8CFA, 0x8CFB, 0x8D04, 0x8D05, 0x8D0A, 0x8D07, 0x8D0F, 0x8D0D, 0x8D10, 0x9F4E, 0x8D13, 0x8CCD, 0x8D14, 0x8D16, 0x8D67, 0x8D6D, 0x8D71, 0x8D73, 0x8D81, 0x8D99, 0x8DC2, 0x8DBE, 0x8DBA, 0x8DCF, 0x8DDA, 0x8DD6, 0x8DCC, 0x8DDB, 0x8DCB, 0x8DEA, 0x8DEB, 0x8DDF, 0x8DE3, 0x8DFC, 0x8E08, 0x8E09, 0x8DFF, 0x8E1D, 0x8E1E, 0x8E10, 0x8E1F, 0x8E42, 0x8E35, 0x8E30, 0x8E34, 0x8E4A}, { /* category 77 */ 0x8E47, 0x8E49, 0x8E4C, 0x8E50, 0x8E48, 0x8E59, 0x8E64, 0x8E60, 0x8E2A, 0x8E63, 0x8E55, 0x8E76, 0x8E72, 0x8E7C, 0x8E81, 0x8E87, 0x8E85, 0x8E84, 0x8E8B, 0x8E8A, 0x8E93, 0x8E91, 0x8E94, 0x8E99, 0x8EAA, 0x8EA1, 0x8EAC, 0x8EB0, 0x8EC6, 0x8EB1, 0x8EBE, 0x8EC5, 0x8EC8, 0x8ECB, 0x8EDB, 0x8EE3, 0x8EFC, 0x8EFB, 0x8EEB, 0x8EFE, 0x8F0A, 0x8F05, 0x8F15, 0x8F12, 0x8F19, 0x8F13, 0x8F1C, 0x8F1F, 0x8F1B, 0x8F0C, 0x8F26, 0x8F33, 0x8F3B, 0x8F39, 0x8F45, 0x8F42, 0x8F3E, 0x8F4C, 0x8F49, 0x8F46, 0x8F4E, 0x8F57, 0x8F5C, 0x8F62, 0x8F63, 0x8F64, 0x8F9C, 0x8F9F, 0x8FA3, 0x8FAD, 0x8FAF, 0x8FB7, 0x8FDA, 0x8FE5, 0x8FE2, 0x8FEA, 0x8FEF, 0x9087, 0x8FF4, 0x9005, 0x8FF9, 0x8FFA, 0x9011, 0x9015, 0x9021, 0x900D, 0x901E, 0x9016, 0x900B, 0x9027, 0x9036, 0x9035, 0x9039, 0x8FF8}, { /* category 78 */ 0x904F, 0x9050, 0x9051, 0x9052, 0x900E, 0x9049, 0x903E, 0x9056, 0x9058, 0x905E, 0x9068, 0x906F, 0x9076, 0x96A8, 0x9072, 0x9082, 0x907D, 0x9081, 0x9080, 0x908A, 0x9089, 0x908F, 0x90A8, 0x90AF, 0x90B1, 0x90B5, 0x90E2, 0x90E4, 0x6248, 0x90DB, 0x9102, 0x9112, 0x9119, 0x9132, 0x9130, 0x914A, 0x9156, 0x9158, 0x9163, 0x9165, 0x9169, 0x9173, 0x9172, 0x918B, 0x9189, 0x9182, 0x91A2, 0x91AB, 0x91AF, 0x91AA, 0x91B5, 0x91B4, 0x91BA, 0x91C0, 0x91C1, 0x91C9, 0x91CB, 0x91D0, 0x91D6, 0x91DF, 0x91E1, 0x91DB, 0x91FC, 0x91F5, 0x91F6, 0x921E, 0x91FF, 0x9214, 0x922C, 0x9215, 0x9211, 0x925E, 0x9257, 0x9245, 0x9249, 0x9264, 0x9248, 0x9295, 0x923F, 0x924B, 0x9250, 0x929C, 0x9296, 0x9293, 0x929B, 0x925A, 0x92CF, 0x92B9, 0x92B7, 0x92E9, 0x930F, 0x92FA, 0x9344, 0x932E}, { /* category 79 */ 0x9319, 0x9322, 0x931A, 0x9323, 0x933A, 0x9335, 0x933B, 0x935C, 0x9360, 0x937C, 0x936E, 0x9356, 0x93B0, 0x93AC, 0x93AD, 0x9394, 0x93B9, 0x93D6, 0x93D7, 0x93E8, 0x93E5, 0x93D8, 0x93C3, 0x93DD, 0x93D0, 0x93C8, 0x93E4, 0x941A, 0x9414, 0x9413, 0x9403, 0x9407, 0x9410, 0x9436, 0x942B, 0x9435, 0x9421, 0x943A, 0x9441, 0x9452, 0x9444, 0x945B, 0x9460, 0x9462, 0x945E, 0x946A, 0x9229, 0x9470, 0x9475, 0x9477, 0x947D, 0x945A, 0x947C, 0x947E, 0x9481, 0x947F, 0x9582, 0x9587, 0x958A, 0x9594, 0x9596, 0x9598, 0x9599, 0x95A0, 0x95A8, 0x95A7, 0x95AD, 0x95BC, 0x95BB, 0x95B9, 0x95BE, 0x95CA, 0x6FF6, 0x95C3, 0x95CD, 0x95CC, 0x95D5, 0x95D4, 0x95D6, 0x95DC, 0x95E1, 0x95E5, 0x95E2, 0x9621, 0x9628, 0x962E, 0x962F, 0x9642, 0x964C, 0x964F, 0x964B, 0x9677, 0x965C, 0x965E}, { /* category 80 */ 0x965D, 0x965F, 0x9666, 0x9672, 0x966C, 0x968D, 0x9698, 0x9695, 0x9697, 0x96AA, 0x96A7, 0x96B1, 0x96B2, 0x96B0, 0x96B4, 0x96B6, 0x96B8, 0x96B9, 0x96CE, 0x96CB, 0x96C9, 0x96CD, 0x894D, 0x96DC, 0x970D, 0x96D5, 0x96F9, 0x9704, 0x9706, 0x9708, 0x9713, 0x970E, 0x9711, 0x970F, 0x9716, 0x9719, 0x9724, 0x972A, 0x9730, 0x9739, 0x973D, 0x973E, 0x9744, 0x9746, 0x9748, 0x9742, 0x9749, 0x975C, 0x9760, 0x9764, 0x9766, 0x9768, 0x52D2, 0x976B, 0x9771, 0x9779, 0x9785, 0x977C, 0x9781, 0x977A, 0x9786, 0x978B, 0x978F, 0x9790, 0x979C, 0x97A8, 0x97A6, 0x97A3, 0x97B3, 0x97B4, 0x97C3, 0x97C6, 0x97C8, 0x97CB, 0x97DC, 0x97ED, 0x9F4F, 0x97F2, 0x7ADF, 0x97F6, 0x97F5, 0x980F, 0x980C, 0x9838, 0x9824, 0x9821, 0x9837, 0x983D, 0x9846, 0x984F, 0x984B, 0x986B, 0x986F, 0x9870}, { /* category 81 */ 0x9871, 0x9874, 0x9873, 0x98AA, 0x98AF, 0x98B1, 0x98B6, 0x98C4, 0x98C3, 0x98C6, 0x98E9, 0x98EB, 0x9903, 0x9909, 0x9912, 0x9914, 0x9918, 0x9921, 0x991D, 0x991E, 0x9924, 0x9920, 0x992C, 0x992E, 0x993D, 0x993E, 0x9942, 0x9949, 0x9945, 0x9950, 0x994B, 0x9951, 0x9952, 0x994C, 0x9955, 0x9997, 0x9998, 0x99A5, 0x99AD, 0x99AE, 0x99BC, 0x99DF, 0x99DB, 0x99DD, 0x99D8, 0x99D1, 0x99ED, 0x99EE, 0x99F1, 0x99F2, 0x99FB, 0x99F8, 0x9A01, 0x9A0F, 0x9A05, 0x99E2, 0x9A19, 0x9A2B, 0x9A37, 0x9A45, 0x9A42, 0x9A40, 0x9A43, 0x9A3E, 0x9A55, 0x9A4D, 0x9A5B, 0x9A57, 0x9A5F, 0x9A62, 0x9A65, 0x9A64, 0x9A69, 0x9A6B, 0x9A6A, 0x9AAD, 0x9AB0, 0x9ABC, 0x9AC0, 0x9ACF, 0x9AD1, 0x9AD3, 0x9AD4, 0x9ADE, 0x9ADF, 0x9AE2, 0x9AE3, 0x9AE6, 0x9AEF, 0x9AEB, 0x9AEE, 0x9AF4, 0x9AF1, 0x9AF7}, { /* category 82 */ 0x9AFB, 0x9B06, 0x9B18, 0x9B1A, 0x9B1F, 0x9B22, 0x9B23, 0x9B25, 0x9B27, 0x9B28, 0x9B29, 0x9B2A, 0x9B2E, 0x9B2F, 0x9B32, 0x9B44, 0x9B43, 0x9B4F, 0x9B4D, 0x9B4E, 0x9B51, 0x9B58, 0x9B74, 0x9B93, 0x9B83, 0x9B91, 0x9B96, 0x9B97, 0x9B9F, 0x9BA0, 0x9BA8, 0x9BB4, 0x9BC0, 0x9BCA, 0x9BB9, 0x9BC6, 0x9BCF, 0x9BD1, 0x9BD2, 0x9BE3, 0x9BE2, 0x9BE4, 0x9BD4, 0x9BE1, 0x9C3A, 0x9BF2, 0x9BF1, 0x9BF0, 0x9C15, 0x9C14, 0x9C09, 0x9C13, 0x9C0C, 0x9C06, 0x9C08, 0x9C12, 0x9C0A, 0x9C04, 0x9C2E, 0x9C1B, 0x9C25, 0x9C24, 0x9C21, 0x9C30, 0x9C47, 0x9C32, 0x9C46, 0x9C3E, 0x9C5A, 0x9C60, 0x9C67, 0x9C76, 0x9C78, 0x9CE7, 0x9CEC, 0x9CF0, 0x9D09, 0x9D08, 0x9CEB, 0x9D03, 0x9D06, 0x9D2A, 0x9D26, 0x9DAF, 0x9D23, 0x9D1F, 0x9D44, 0x9D15, 0x9D12, 0x9D41, 0x9D3F, 0x9D3E, 0x9D46, 0x9D48}, { /* category 83 */ 0x9D5D, 0x9D5E, 0x9D64, 0x9D51, 0x9D50, 0x9D59, 0x9D72, 0x9D89, 0x9D87, 0x9DAB, 0x9D6F, 0x9D7A, 0x9D9A, 0x9DA4, 0x9DA9, 0x9DB2, 0x9DC4, 0x9DC1, 0x9DBB, 0x9DB8, 0x9DBA, 0x9DC6, 0x9DCF, 0x9DC2, 0x9DD9, 0x9DD3, 0x9DF8, 0x9DE6, 0x9DED, 0x9DEF, 0x9DFD, 0x9E1A, 0x9E1B, 0x9E1E, 0x9E75, 0x9E79, 0x9E7D, 0x9E81, 0x9E88, 0x9E8B, 0x9E8C, 0x9E92, 0x9E95, 0x9E91, 0x9E9D, 0x9EA5, 0x9EA9, 0x9EB8, 0x9EAA, 0x9EAD, 0x9761, 0x9ECC, 0x9ECE, 0x9ECF, 0x9ED0, 0x9ED4, 0x9EDC, 0x9EDE, 0x9EDD, 0x9EE0, 0x9EE5, 0x9EE8, 0x9EEF, 0x9EF4, 0x9EF6, 0x9EF7, 0x9EF9, 0x9EFB, 0x9EFC, 0x9EFD, 0x9F07, 0x9F08, 0x76B7, 0x9F15, 0x9F21, 0x9F2C, 0x9F3E, 0x9F4A, 0x9F52, 0x9F54, 0x9F63, 0x9F5F, 0x9F60, 0x9F61, 0x9F66, 0x9F67, 0x9F6C, 0x9F6A, 0x9F77, 0x9F72, 0x9F76, 0x9F95, 0x9F9C, 0x9FA0}, { /* category 84 */ 0x582F, 0x69C7, 0x9059, 0x7464, 0x51DC, 0x7199, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 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0x57C8, 0x57C7, 0xFA0F, 0xFA10, 0x589E, 0x58B2, 0x590B, 0x5953, 0x595B, 0x595D, 0x5963, 0x59A4, 0x59BA, 0x5B56, 0x5BC0, 0x752F, 0x5BD8, 0x5BEC, 0x5C1E, 0x5CA6, 0x5CBA, 0x5CF5, 0x5D27, 0x5D53, 0xFA11, 0x5D42, 0x5D6D, 0x5DB8, 0x5DB9, 0x5DD0, 0x5F21, 0x5F34, 0x5F67, 0x5FB7}, { /* category 90 */ 0x5FDE, 0x605D, 0x6085, 0x608A, 0x60DE, 0x60D5, 0x6120, 0x60F2, 0x6111, 0x6137, 0x6130, 0x6198, 0x6213, 0x62A6, 0x63F5, 0x6460, 0x649D, 0x64CE, 0x654E, 0x6600, 0x6615, 0x663B, 0x6609, 0x662E, 0x661E, 0x6624, 0x6665, 0x6657, 0x6659, 0xFA12, 0x6673, 0x6699, 0x66A0, 0x66B2, 0x66BF, 0x66FA, 0x670E, 0xF929, 0x6766, 0x67BB, 0x6852, 0x67C0, 0x6801, 0x6844, 0x68CF, 0xFA13, 0x6968, 0xFA14, 0x6998, 0x69E2, 0x6A30, 0x6A6B, 0x6A46, 0x6A73, 0x6A7E, 0x6AE2, 0x6AE4, 0x6BD6, 0x6C3F, 0x6C5C, 0x6C86, 0x6C6F, 0x6CDA, 0x6D04, 0x6D87, 0x6D6F, 0x6D96, 0x6DAC, 0x6DCF, 0x6DF8, 0x6DF2, 0x6DFC, 0x6E39, 0x6E5C, 0x6E27, 0x6E3C, 0x6EBF, 0x6F88, 0x6FB5, 0x6FF5, 0x7005, 0x7007, 0x7028, 0x7085, 0x70AB, 0x710F, 0x7104, 0x715C, 0x7146, 0x7147, 0xFA15, 0x71C1, 0x71FE, 0x72B1}, { /* category 91 */ 0x72BE, 0x7324, 0xFA16, 0x7377, 0x73BD, 0x73C9, 0x73D6, 0x73E3, 0x73D2, 0x7407, 0x73F5, 0x7426, 0x742A, 0x7429, 0x742E, 0x7462, 0x7489, 0x749F, 0x7501, 0x756F, 0x7682, 0x769C, 0x769E, 0x769B, 0x76A6, 0xFA17, 0x7746, 0x52AF, 0x7821, 0x784E, 0x7864, 0x787A, 0x7930, 0xFA18, 0xFA19, 0xFA1A, 0x7994, 0xFA1B, 0x799B, 0x7AD1, 0x7AE7, 0xFA1C, 0x7AEB, 0x7B9E, 0xFA1D, 0x7D48, 0x7D5C, 0x7DB7, 0x7DA0, 0x7DD6, 0x7E52, 0x7F47, 0x7FA1, 0xFA1E, 0x8301, 0x8362, 0x837F, 0x83C7, 0x83F6, 0x8448, 0x84B4, 0x8553, 0x8559, 0x856B, 0xFA1F, 0x85B0, 0xFA20, 0xFA21, 0x8807, 0x88F5, 0x8A12, 0x8A37, 0x8A79, 0x8AA7, 0x8ABE, 0x8ADF, 0xFA22, 0x8AF6, 0x8B53, 0x8B7F, 0x8CF0, 0x8CF4, 0x8D12, 0x8D76, 0xFA23, 0x8ECF, 0xFA24, 0xFA25, 0x9067, 0x90DE, 0xFA26, 0x9115, 0x9127, 0x91DA}, { /* category 92 */ 0x91D7, 0x91DE, 0x91ED, 0x91EE, 0x91E4, 0x91E5, 0x9206, 0x9210, 0x920A, 0x923A, 0x9240, 0x923C, 0x924E, 0x9259, 0x9251, 0x9239, 0x9267, 0x92A7, 0x9277, 0x9278, 0x92E7, 0x92D7, 0x92D9, 0x92D0, 0xFA27, 0x92D5, 0x92E0, 0x92D3, 0x9325, 0x9321, 0x92FB, 0xFA28, 0x931E, 0x92FF, 0x931D, 0x9302, 0x9370, 0x9357, 0x93A4, 0x93C6, 0x93DE, 0x93F8, 0x9431, 0x9445, 0x9448, 0x9592, 0xF9DC, 0xFA29, 0x969D, 0x96AF, 0x9733, 0x973B, 0x9743, 0x974D, 0x974F, 0x9751, 0x9755, 0x9857, 0x9865, 0xFA2A, 0xFA2B, 0x9927, 0xFA2C, 0x999E, 0x9A4E, 0x9AD9, 0x9ADC, 0x9B75, 0x9B72, 0x9B8F, 0x9BB1, 0x9BBB, 0x9C00, 0x9D70, 0x9D6B, 0xFA2D, 0x9E19, 0x9ED1, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x2170, 0x2171, 0x2172, 0x2173, 0x2174, 0x2175, 0x2176, 0x2177, 0x2178, 0x2179, 0xFFE2, 0xFFE4, 0xFF07, 0xFF02}}; #endif /* JISX0208_H */ PK!*gd/gd_compat.hnu[#ifndef GD_COMPAT_H #define GD_COMPAT_H 1 /* from gd_compat.c of libgd/gd_security.c */ int overflow2(int a, int b); #endif /* GD_COMPAT_H */ PK!. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_JSON_SCANNER_H #define PHP_JSON_SCANNER_H #include "php.h" #include "php_json.h" typedef unsigned char php_json_ctype; typedef struct _php_json_scanner { php_json_ctype *cursor; /* cursor position */ php_json_ctype *token; /* token position */ php_json_ctype *limit; /* the last read character + 1 position */ php_json_ctype *marker; /* marker position for backtracking */ php_json_ctype *ctxmarker; /* marker position for context backtracking */ php_json_ctype *str_start; /* start position of the string */ php_json_ctype *pstr; /* string pointer for escapes conversion */ zval value; /* value */ int str_esc; /* number of extra characters for escaping */ int state; /* condition state */ int options; /* options */ php_json_error_code errcode; /* error type if there is an error */ int utf8_invalid; /* whether utf8 is invalid */ int utf8_invalid_count; /* number of extra character for invalid utf8 */ } php_json_scanner; void php_json_scanner_init(php_json_scanner *scanner, char *str, size_t str_len, int options); int php_json_scan(php_json_scanner *s); #endif /* PHP_JSON_SCANNER_H */ PK!ޥjson/php_json.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Omar Kilani | | Jakub Zelenka | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_JSON_H #define PHP_JSON_H #include "php_version.h" #include "zend_smart_str_public.h" #define PHP_JSON_VERSION PHP_VERSION extern zend_module_entry json_module_entry; #define phpext_json_ptr &json_module_entry #if defined(PHP_WIN32) && defined(JSON_EXPORTS) #define PHP_JSON_API __declspec(dllexport) #else #define PHP_JSON_API PHPAPI #endif #ifdef ZTS #include "TSRM.h" #endif extern PHP_JSON_API zend_class_entry *php_json_serializable_ce; /* error codes */ typedef enum { PHP_JSON_ERROR_NONE = 0, PHP_JSON_ERROR_DEPTH, PHP_JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH, PHP_JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR, PHP_JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX, PHP_JSON_ERROR_UTF8, PHP_JSON_ERROR_RECURSION, PHP_JSON_ERROR_INF_OR_NAN, PHP_JSON_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE, PHP_JSON_ERROR_INVALID_PROPERTY_NAME, PHP_JSON_ERROR_UTF16 } php_json_error_code; /* json_decode() options */ #define PHP_JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY (1<<0) #define PHP_JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING (1<<1) /* json_encode() options */ #define PHP_JSON_HEX_TAG (1<<0) #define PHP_JSON_HEX_AMP (1<<1) #define PHP_JSON_HEX_APOS (1<<2) #define PHP_JSON_HEX_QUOT (1<<3) #define PHP_JSON_FORCE_OBJECT (1<<4) #define PHP_JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK (1<<5) #define PHP_JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES (1<<6) #define PHP_JSON_PRETTY_PRINT (1<<7) #define PHP_JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE (1<<8) #define PHP_JSON_PARTIAL_OUTPUT_ON_ERROR (1<<9) #define PHP_JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION (1<<10) #define PHP_JSON_UNESCAPED_LINE_TERMINATORS (1<<11) /* json_decode() and json_encode() common options */ #define PHP_JSON_INVALID_UTF8_IGNORE (1<<20) #define PHP_JSON_INVALID_UTF8_SUBSTITUTE (1<<21) #define PHP_JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR (1<<22) /* Internal flags */ #define PHP_JSON_OUTPUT_ARRAY 0 #define PHP_JSON_OUTPUT_OBJECT 1 /* default depth */ #define PHP_JSON_PARSER_DEFAULT_DEPTH 512 ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(json) int encoder_depth; int encode_max_depth; php_json_error_code error_code; ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(json) PHP_JSON_API ZEND_EXTERN_MODULE_GLOBALS(json) #define JSON_G(v) ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS_ACCESSOR(json, v) #if defined(ZTS) && defined(COMPILE_DL_JSON) ZEND_TSRMLS_CACHE_EXTERN() #endif PHP_JSON_API int php_json_encode_ex(smart_str *buf, zval *val, int options, zend_long depth); PHP_JSON_API int php_json_encode(smart_str *buf, zval *val, int options); PHP_JSON_API int php_json_decode_ex(zval *return_value, char *str, size_t str_len, zend_long options, zend_long depth); static inline int php_json_decode(zval *return_value, char *str, int str_len, zend_bool assoc, zend_long depth) { return php_json_decode_ex(return_value, str, str_len, assoc ? PHP_JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY : 0, depth); } #endif /* PHP_JSON_H */ PK!j json/php_json_parser.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Jakub Zelenka | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_JSON_PARSER_H #define PHP_JSON_PARSER_H #include "php.h" #include "php_json_scanner.h" typedef struct _php_json_parser php_json_parser; typedef int (*php_json_parser_func_array_create_t)( php_json_parser *parser, zval *array); typedef int (*php_json_parser_func_array_append_t)( php_json_parser *parser, zval *array, zval *zvalue); typedef int (*php_json_parser_func_array_start_t)( php_json_parser *parser); typedef int (*php_json_parser_func_array_end_t)( php_json_parser *parser, zval *object); typedef int (*php_json_parser_func_object_create_t)( php_json_parser *parser, zval *object); typedef int (*php_json_parser_func_object_update_t)( php_json_parser *parser, zval *object, zend_string *key, zval *zvalue); typedef int (*php_json_parser_func_object_start_t)( php_json_parser *parser); typedef int (*php_json_parser_func_object_end_t)( php_json_parser *parser, zval *object); typedef struct _php_json_parser_methods { php_json_parser_func_array_create_t array_create; php_json_parser_func_array_append_t array_append; php_json_parser_func_array_start_t array_start; php_json_parser_func_array_end_t array_end; php_json_parser_func_object_create_t object_create; php_json_parser_func_object_update_t object_update; php_json_parser_func_object_start_t object_start; php_json_parser_func_object_end_t object_end; } php_json_parser_methods; struct _php_json_parser { php_json_scanner scanner; zval *return_value; int depth; int max_depth; php_json_parser_methods methods; }; PHP_JSON_API void php_json_parser_init_ex( php_json_parser *parser, zval *return_value, char *str, size_t str_len, int options, int max_depth, const php_json_parser_methods *methods); PHP_JSON_API void php_json_parser_init( php_json_parser *parser, zval *return_value, char *str, size_t str_len, int options, int max_depth); PHP_JSON_API php_json_error_code php_json_parser_error_code(const php_json_parser *parser); PHP_JSON_API int php_json_parse(php_json_parser *parser); int php_json_yyparse(php_json_parser *parser); #endif /* PHP_JSON_PARSER_H */ PK!qӫspl/spl_directory.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Marcus Boerger | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef SPL_DIRECTORY_H #define SPL_DIRECTORY_H #include "php.h" #include "php_spl.h" extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplFileInfo; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_DirectoryIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_FilesystemIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RecursiveDirectoryIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_GlobIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplFileObject; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplTempFileObject; PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(spl_directory); typedef enum { SPL_FS_INFO, /* must be 0 */ SPL_FS_DIR, SPL_FS_FILE } SPL_FS_OBJ_TYPE; typedef struct _spl_filesystem_object spl_filesystem_object; typedef void (*spl_foreign_dtor_t)(spl_filesystem_object *object); typedef void (*spl_foreign_clone_t)(spl_filesystem_object *src, spl_filesystem_object *dst); PHPAPI char* spl_filesystem_object_get_path(spl_filesystem_object *intern, size_t *len); typedef struct _spl_other_handler { spl_foreign_dtor_t dtor; spl_foreign_clone_t clone; } spl_other_handler; /* define an overloaded iterator structure */ typedef struct { zend_object_iterator intern; zval current; void *object; } spl_filesystem_iterator; struct _spl_filesystem_object { void *oth; const spl_other_handler *oth_handler; char *_path; size_t _path_len; char *orig_path; char *file_name; size_t file_name_len; SPL_FS_OBJ_TYPE type; zend_long flags; zend_class_entry *file_class; zend_class_entry *info_class; union { struct { php_stream *dirp; php_stream_dirent entry; char *sub_path; size_t sub_path_len; int index; int is_recursive; zend_function *func_rewind; zend_function *func_next; zend_function *func_valid; } dir; struct { php_stream *stream; php_stream_context *context; zval *zcontext; char *open_mode; size_t open_mode_len; zval current_zval; char *current_line; size_t current_line_len; size_t max_line_len; zend_long current_line_num; zval zresource; zend_function *func_getCurr; char delimiter; char enclosure; int escape; } file; } u; zend_object std; }; static inline spl_filesystem_object *spl_filesystem_from_obj(zend_object *obj) /* {{{ */ { return (spl_filesystem_object*)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(spl_filesystem_object, std)); } /* }}} */ #define Z_SPLFILESYSTEM_P(zv) spl_filesystem_from_obj(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) static inline spl_filesystem_iterator* spl_filesystem_object_to_iterator(spl_filesystem_object *obj) { spl_filesystem_iterator *it; it = ecalloc(1, sizeof(spl_filesystem_iterator)); it->object = (void *)obj; zend_iterator_init(&it->intern); return it; } static inline spl_filesystem_object* spl_filesystem_iterator_to_object(spl_filesystem_iterator *it) { return (spl_filesystem_object*)it->object; } #define SPL_FILE_OBJECT_DROP_NEW_LINE 0x00000001 /* drop new lines */ #define SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_AHEAD 0x00000002 /* read on rewind/next */ #define SPL_FILE_OBJECT_SKIP_EMPTY 0x00000004 /* skip empty lines */ #define SPL_FILE_OBJECT_READ_CSV 0x00000008 /* read via fgetcsv */ #define SPL_FILE_OBJECT_MASK 0x0000000F /* read via fgetcsv */ #define SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_FILEINFO 0x00000000 /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() return SplFileInfo */ #define SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_SELF 0x00000010 /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() return getSelf() */ #define SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME 0x00000020 /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() return getPathname() */ #define SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_MODE_MASK 0x000000F0 /* mask RecursiveDirectoryTree::current() */ #define SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT(intern,mode) ((intern->flags&SPL_FILE_DIR_CURRENT_MODE_MASK)==mode) #define SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_PATHNAME 0x00000000 /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::key() return getPathname() */ #define SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_AS_FILENAME 0x00000100 /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::key() return getFilename() */ #define SPL_FILE_DIR_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS 0x00000200 /* make RecursiveDirectoryTree::hasChildren() follow symlinks */ #define SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_MODE_MASK 0x00000F00 /* mask RecursiveDirectoryTree::key() */ #define SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY(intern,mode) ((intern->flags&SPL_FILE_DIR_KEY_MODE_MASK)==mode) #define SPL_FILE_DIR_SKIPDOTS 0x00001000 /* Tells whether it should skip dots or not */ #define SPL_FILE_DIR_UNIXPATHS 0x00002000 /* Whether to unixify path separators */ #define SPL_FILE_DIR_OTHERS_MASK 0x00003000 /* mask used for get/setFlags */ #endif /* SPL_DIRECTORY_H */ PK!spl/spl_functions.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Marcus Boerger | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_FUNCTIONS_H #define PHP_FUNCTIONS_H #include "php.h" typedef zend_object* (*create_object_func_t)(zend_class_entry *class_type); #define REGISTER_SPL_STD_CLASS(class_name, obj_ctor) \ spl_register_std_class(&spl_ce_ ## class_name, # class_name, obj_ctor, NULL); #define REGISTER_SPL_STD_CLASS_EX(class_name, obj_ctor, funcs) \ spl_register_std_class(&spl_ce_ ## class_name, # class_name, obj_ctor, funcs); #define REGISTER_SPL_SUB_CLASS_EX(class_name, parent_class_name, obj_ctor, funcs) \ spl_register_sub_class(&spl_ce_ ## class_name, spl_ce_ ## parent_class_name, # class_name, obj_ctor, funcs); #define REGISTER_SPL_INTERFACE(class_name) \ spl_register_interface(&spl_ce_ ## class_name, # class_name, spl_funcs_ ## class_name); #define REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(class_name, interface_name) \ zend_class_implements(spl_ce_ ## class_name, 1, spl_ce_ ## interface_name); #define REGISTER_SPL_ITERATOR(class_name) \ zend_class_implements(spl_ce_ ## class_name, 1, zend_ce_iterator); #define REGISTER_SPL_PROPERTY(class_name, prop_name, prop_flags) \ spl_register_property(spl_ce_ ## class_name, prop_name, sizeof(prop_name)-1, prop_flags); #define REGISTER_SPL_CLASS_CONST_LONG(class_name, const_name, value) \ zend_declare_class_constant_long(spl_ce_ ## class_name, const_name, sizeof(const_name)-1, (zend_long)value); void spl_register_std_class(zend_class_entry ** ppce, char * class_name, create_object_func_t ctor, const zend_function_entry * function_list); void spl_register_sub_class(zend_class_entry ** ppce, zend_class_entry * parent_ce, char * class_name, create_object_func_t ctor, const zend_function_entry * function_list); void spl_register_interface(zend_class_entry ** ppce, char * class_name, const zend_function_entry *functions); void spl_register_property( zend_class_entry * class_entry, char *prop_name, int prop_name_len, int prop_flags); /* sub: whether to allow subclasses/interfaces allow = 0: allow all classes and interfaces allow > 0: allow all that match and mask ce_flags allow < 0: disallow all that match and mask ce_flags */ void spl_add_class_name(zval * list, zend_class_entry * pce, int allow, int ce_flags); void spl_add_interfaces(zval * list, zend_class_entry * pce, int allow, int ce_flags); void spl_add_traits(zval * list, zend_class_entry * pce, int allow, int ce_flags); int spl_add_classes(zend_class_entry *pce, zval *list, int sub, int allow, int ce_flags); /* caller must efree(return) */ zend_string *spl_gen_private_prop_name(zend_class_entry *ce, char *prop_name, int prop_len); #define SPL_ME(class_name, function_name, arg_info, flags) \ PHP_ME( spl_ ## class_name, function_name, arg_info, flags) #define SPL_ABSTRACT_ME(class_name, function_name, arg_info) \ ZEND_ABSTRACT_ME( spl_ ## class_name, function_name, arg_info) #define SPL_METHOD(class_name, function_name) \ PHP_METHOD(spl_ ## class_name, function_name) #define SPL_MA(class_name, function_name, alias_class, alias_function, arg_info, flags) \ PHP_MALIAS(spl_ ## alias_class, function_name, alias_function, arg_info, flags) #endif /* PHP_FUNCTIONS_H */ PK!뫂BBspl/spl_iterators.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Marcus Boerger | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef SPL_ITERATORS_H #define SPL_ITERATORS_H #include "php.h" #include "php_spl.h" #include "ext/pcre/php_pcre.h" #define spl_ce_Traversable zend_ce_traversable #define spl_ce_Iterator zend_ce_iterator #define spl_ce_Aggregate zend_ce_aggregate #define spl_ce_ArrayAccess zend_ce_arrayaccess #define spl_ce_Serializable zend_ce_serializable #define spl_ce_Countable zend_ce_countable extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RecursiveIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RecursiveIteratorIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RecursiveTreeIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_FilterIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RecursiveFilterIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_ParentIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SeekableIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_LimitIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_CachingIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RecursiveCachingIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_OuterIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_IteratorIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_NoRewindIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_InfiniteIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_EmptyIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_AppendIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RegexIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RecursiveRegexIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_CallbackFilterIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator; PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(spl_iterators); PHP_FUNCTION(iterator_to_array); PHP_FUNCTION(iterator_count); PHP_FUNCTION(iterator_apply); typedef enum { DIT_Default = 0, DIT_FilterIterator = DIT_Default, DIT_RecursiveFilterIterator = DIT_Default, DIT_ParentIterator = DIT_Default, DIT_LimitIterator, DIT_CachingIterator, DIT_RecursiveCachingIterator, DIT_IteratorIterator, DIT_NoRewindIterator, DIT_InfiniteIterator, DIT_AppendIterator, DIT_RegexIterator, DIT_RecursiveRegexIterator, DIT_CallbackFilterIterator, DIT_RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator, DIT_Unknown = ~0 } dual_it_type; typedef enum { RIT_Default = 0, RIT_RecursiveIteratorIterator = RIT_Default, RIT_RecursiveTreeIterator, RIT_Unknow = ~0 } recursive_it_it_type; enum { /* public */ CIT_CALL_TOSTRING = 0x00000001, CIT_TOSTRING_USE_KEY = 0x00000002, CIT_TOSTRING_USE_CURRENT = 0x00000004, CIT_TOSTRING_USE_INNER = 0x00000008, CIT_CATCH_GET_CHILD = 0x00000010, CIT_FULL_CACHE = 0x00000100, CIT_PUBLIC = 0x0000FFFF, /* private */ CIT_VALID = 0x00010000, CIT_HAS_CHILDREN = 0x00020000 }; enum { /* public */ REGIT_USE_KEY = 0x00000001, REGIT_INVERTED = 0x00000002 }; typedef enum { REGIT_MODE_MATCH, REGIT_MODE_GET_MATCH, REGIT_MODE_ALL_MATCHES, REGIT_MODE_SPLIT, REGIT_MODE_REPLACE, REGIT_MODE_MAX } regex_mode; typedef struct _spl_cbfilter_it_intern { zend_fcall_info fci; zend_fcall_info_cache fcc; zend_object *object; } _spl_cbfilter_it_intern; typedef struct _spl_dual_it_object { struct { zval zobject; zend_class_entry *ce; zend_object *object; zend_object_iterator *iterator; } inner; struct { zval data; zval key; zend_long pos; } current; dual_it_type dit_type; union { struct { zend_long offset; zend_long count; } limit; struct { zend_long flags; /* CIT_* */ zval zstr; zval zchildren; zval zcache; } caching; struct { zval zarrayit; zend_object_iterator *iterator; } append; struct { zend_long flags; zend_long preg_flags; pcre_cache_entry *pce; zend_string *regex; regex_mode mode; int use_flags; } regex; _spl_cbfilter_it_intern *cbfilter; } u; zend_object std; } spl_dual_it_object; static inline spl_dual_it_object *spl_dual_it_from_obj(zend_object *obj) /* {{{ */ { return (spl_dual_it_object*)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(spl_dual_it_object, std)); } /* }}} */ #define Z_SPLDUAL_IT_P(zv) spl_dual_it_from_obj(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) typedef int (*spl_iterator_apply_func_t)(zend_object_iterator *iter, void *puser); PHPAPI int spl_iterator_apply(zval *obj, spl_iterator_apply_func_t apply_func, void *puser); #endif /* SPL_ITERATORS_H */ PK!""spl/spl_exceptions.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Marcus Boerger | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef SPL_EXCEPTIONS_H #define SPL_EXCEPTIONS_H #include "php.h" #include "php_spl.h" extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_LogicException; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_BadFunctionCallException; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_BadMethodCallException; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_DomainException; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_LengthException; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_OutOfRangeException; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RuntimeException; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_OutOfBoundsException; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_OverflowException; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RangeException; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_UnderflowException; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_UnexpectedValueException; PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(spl_exceptions); #endif /* SPL_EXCEPTIONS_H */ PK!? spl/spl_engine.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Marcus Boerger | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef SPL_ENGINE_H #define SPL_ENGINE_H #include "php.h" #include "php_spl.h" #include "zend_interfaces.h" PHPAPI void spl_instantiate(zend_class_entry *pce, zval *object); PHPAPI zend_long spl_offset_convert_to_long(zval *offset); /* {{{ spl_instantiate_arg_ex1 */ static inline int spl_instantiate_arg_ex1(zend_class_entry *pce, zval *retval, zval *arg1) { zend_function *func = pce->constructor; spl_instantiate(pce, retval); zend_call_method(retval, pce, &func, ZSTR_VAL(func->common.function_name), ZSTR_LEN(func->common.function_name), NULL, 1, arg1, NULL); return 0; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_instantiate_arg_ex2 */ static inline int spl_instantiate_arg_ex2(zend_class_entry *pce, zval *retval, zval *arg1, zval *arg2) { zend_function *func = pce->constructor; spl_instantiate(pce, retval); zend_call_method(retval, pce, &func, ZSTR_VAL(func->common.function_name), ZSTR_LEN(func->common.function_name), NULL, 2, arg1, arg2); return 0; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ spl_instantiate_arg_n */ static inline void spl_instantiate_arg_n(zend_class_entry *pce, zval *retval, int argc, zval *argv) { zend_function *func = pce->constructor; zend_fcall_info fci; zend_fcall_info_cache fcc; zval dummy; spl_instantiate(pce, retval); fci.size = sizeof(zend_fcall_info); ZVAL_STR(&fci.function_name, func->common.function_name); fci.object = Z_OBJ_P(retval); fci.retval = &dummy; fci.param_count = argc; fci.params = argv; fci.no_separation = 1; fcc.function_handler = func; fcc.called_scope = pce; fcc.object = Z_OBJ_P(retval); zend_call_function(&fci, &fcc); } /* }}} */ #endif /* SPL_ENGINE_H */ PK!CF spl/spl_dllist.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Etienne Kneuss | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef SPL_DLLIST_H #define SPL_DLLIST_H #include "php.h" #include "php_spl.h" extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplDoublyLinkedList; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplQueue; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplStack; PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(spl_dllist); #endif /* SPL_DLLIST_H */ PK!{BZZspl/spl_array.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Marcus Boerger | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef SPL_ARRAY_H #define SPL_ARRAY_H #include "php.h" #include "php_spl.h" #include "spl_iterators.h" extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_ArrayObject; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_ArrayIterator; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_RecursiveArrayIterator; PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(spl_array); extern void spl_array_iterator_append(zval *object, zval *append_value); extern void spl_array_iterator_key(zval *object, zval *return_value); #endif /* SPL_ARRAY_H */ PK!'ddspl/spl_fixedarray.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Antony Dovgal | | Etienne Kneuss | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef SPL_FIXEDARRAY_H #define SPL_FIXEDARRAY_H extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplFixedArray; PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(spl_fixedarray); #endif /* SPL_FIXEDARRAY_H */ PK!^O= spl/php_spl.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Marcus Boerger | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_SPL_H #define PHP_SPL_H #include "php.h" #include #define PHP_SPL_VERSION PHP_VERSION extern zend_module_entry spl_module_entry; #define phpext_spl_ptr &spl_module_entry #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # ifdef SPL_EXPORTS # define SPL_API __declspec(dllexport) # elif defined(COMPILE_DL_SPL) # define SPL_API __declspec(dllimport) # else # define SPL_API /* nothing */ # endif #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define SPL_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else # define SPL_API #endif #if defined(PHP_WIN32) && !defined(COMPILE_DL_SPL) #undef phpext_spl #define phpext_spl NULL #endif PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(spl); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(spl); PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(spl); PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(spl); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(spl); ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(spl) zend_string *autoload_extensions; HashTable *autoload_functions; intptr_t hash_mask_handle; intptr_t hash_mask_handlers; int hash_mask_init; int autoload_running; ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(spl) ZEND_EXTERN_MODULE_GLOBALS(spl) #define SPL_G(v) ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS_ACCESSOR(spl, v) PHP_FUNCTION(spl_classes); PHP_FUNCTION(class_parents); PHP_FUNCTION(class_implements); PHP_FUNCTION(class_uses); PHPAPI zend_string *php_spl_object_hash(zval *obj); #endif /* PHP_SPL_H */ PK!Q\spl/spl_observer.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Marcus Boerger | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef SPL_OBSERVER_H #define SPL_OBSERVER_H #include "php.h" #include "php_spl.h" extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplObserver; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplSubject; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplObjectStorage; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_MultipleIterator; PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(spl_observer); #endif /* SPL_OBSERVER_H */ PK![Lspl/spl_heap.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Etienne Kneuss | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef SPL_HEAP_H #define SPL_HEAP_H #include "php.h" #include "php_spl.h" extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplHeap; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplMinHeap; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplMaxHeap; extern PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplPriorityQueue; PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(spl_heap); #endif /* SPL_HEAP_H */ PK!pcre/pcre2lib/pcre2.hnu[/************************************************* * Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions * *************************************************/ /* This is the public header file for the PCRE library, second API, to be #included by applications that call PCRE2 functions. Copyright (c) 2016-2020 University of Cambridge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef PCRE2_H_IDEMPOTENT_GUARD #define PCRE2_H_IDEMPOTENT_GUARD /* The current PCRE version information. */ #define PCRE2_MAJOR 10 #define PCRE2_MINOR 35 #define PCRE2_PRERELEASE #define PCRE2_DATE 2020-05-09 /* When an application links to a PCRE DLL in Windows, the symbols that are imported have to be identified as such. When building PCRE2, the appropriate export setting is defined in pcre2_internal.h, which includes this file. So we don't change existing definitions of PCRE2_EXP_DECL. */ #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(PCRE2_STATIC) # ifndef PCRE2_EXP_DECL # define PCRE2_EXP_DECL extern __declspec(dllimport) # endif #endif /* By default, we use the standard "extern" declarations. */ #ifndef PCRE2_EXP_DECL # ifdef __cplusplus # define PCRE2_EXP_DECL extern "C" # else # define PCRE2_EXP_DECL extern # endif #endif /* When compiling with the MSVC compiler, it is sometimes necessary to include a "calling convention" before exported function names. (This is secondhand information; I know nothing about MSVC myself). For example, something like void __cdecl function(....) might be needed. In order so make this easy, all the exported functions have PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION just before their names. It is rarely needed; if not set, we ensure here that it has no effect. */ #ifndef PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION #define PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION #endif /* Have to include limits.h, stdlib.h, and inttypes.h to ensure that size_t and uint8_t, UCHAR_MAX, etc are defined. Some systems that do have inttypes.h do not have stdint.h, which is why we use inttypes.h, which according to the C standard is a superset of stdint.h. If none of these headers are available, the relevant values must be provided by some other means. */ #include #include #include /* Allow for C++ users compiling this directly. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* The following option bits can be passed to pcre2_compile(), pcre2_match(), or pcre2_dfa_match(). PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK affects only the function to which it is passed. Put these bits at the most significant end of the options word so others can be added next to them */ #define PCRE2_ANCHORED 0x80000000u #define PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK 0x40000000u #define PCRE2_ENDANCHORED 0x20000000u /* The following option bits can be passed only to pcre2_compile(). However, they may affect compilation, JIT compilation, and/or interpretive execution. The following tags indicate which: C alters what is compiled by pcre2_compile() J alters what is compiled by pcre2_jit_compile() M is inspected during pcre2_match() execution D is inspected during pcre2_dfa_match() execution */ #define PCRE2_ALLOW_EMPTY_CLASS 0x00000001u /* C */ #define PCRE2_ALT_BSUX 0x00000002u /* C */ #define PCRE2_AUTO_CALLOUT 0x00000004u /* C */ #define PCRE2_CASELESS 0x00000008u /* C */ #define PCRE2_DOLLAR_ENDONLY 0x00000010u /* J M D */ #define PCRE2_DOTALL 0x00000020u /* C */ #define PCRE2_DUPNAMES 0x00000040u /* C */ #define PCRE2_EXTENDED 0x00000080u /* C */ #define PCRE2_FIRSTLINE 0x00000100u /* J M D */ #define PCRE2_MATCH_UNSET_BACKREF 0x00000200u /* C J M */ #define PCRE2_MULTILINE 0x00000400u /* C */ #define PCRE2_NEVER_UCP 0x00000800u /* C */ #define PCRE2_NEVER_UTF 0x00001000u /* C */ #define PCRE2_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE 0x00002000u /* C */ #define PCRE2_NO_AUTO_POSSESS 0x00004000u /* C */ #define PCRE2_NO_DOTSTAR_ANCHOR 0x00008000u /* C */ #define PCRE2_NO_START_OPTIMIZE 0x00010000u /* J M D */ #define PCRE2_UCP 0x00020000u /* C J M D */ #define PCRE2_UNGREEDY 0x00040000u /* C */ #define PCRE2_UTF 0x00080000u /* C J M D */ #define PCRE2_NEVER_BACKSLASH_C 0x00100000u /* C */ #define PCRE2_ALT_CIRCUMFLEX 0x00200000u /* J M D */ #define PCRE2_ALT_VERBNAMES 0x00400000u /* C */ #define PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT 0x00800000u /* J M D */ #define PCRE2_EXTENDED_MORE 0x01000000u /* C */ #define PCRE2_LITERAL 0x02000000u /* C */ #define PCRE2_MATCH_INVALID_UTF 0x04000000u /* J M D */ /* An additional compile options word is available in the compile context. */ #define PCRE2_EXTRA_ALLOW_SURROGATE_ESCAPES 0x00000001u /* C */ #define PCRE2_EXTRA_BAD_ESCAPE_IS_LITERAL 0x00000002u /* C */ #define PCRE2_EXTRA_MATCH_WORD 0x00000004u /* C */ #define PCRE2_EXTRA_MATCH_LINE 0x00000008u /* C */ #define PCRE2_EXTRA_ESCAPED_CR_IS_LF 0x00000010u /* C */ #define PCRE2_EXTRA_ALT_BSUX 0x00000020u /* C */ /* These are for pcre2_jit_compile(). */ #define PCRE2_JIT_COMPLETE 0x00000001u /* For full matching */ #define PCRE2_JIT_PARTIAL_SOFT 0x00000002u #define PCRE2_JIT_PARTIAL_HARD 0x00000004u #define PCRE2_JIT_INVALID_UTF 0x00000100u /* These are for pcre2_match(), pcre2_dfa_match(), pcre2_jit_match(), and pcre2_substitute(). Some are allowed only for one of the functions, and in these cases it is noted below. Note that PCRE2_ANCHORED, PCRE2_ENDANCHORED and PCRE2_NO_UTF_CHECK can also be passed to these functions (though pcre2_jit_match() ignores the latter since it bypasses all sanity checks). */ #define PCRE2_NOTBOL 0x00000001u #define PCRE2_NOTEOL 0x00000002u #define PCRE2_NOTEMPTY 0x00000004u /* ) These two must be kept */ #define PCRE2_NOTEMPTY_ATSTART 0x00000008u /* ) adjacent to each other. */ #define PCRE2_PARTIAL_SOFT 0x00000010u #define PCRE2_PARTIAL_HARD 0x00000020u #define PCRE2_DFA_RESTART 0x00000040u /* pcre2_dfa_match() only */ #define PCRE2_DFA_SHORTEST 0x00000080u /* pcre2_dfa_match() only */ #define PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_GLOBAL 0x00000100u /* pcre2_substitute() only */ #define PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_EXTENDED 0x00000200u /* pcre2_substitute() only */ #define PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_UNSET_EMPTY 0x00000400u /* pcre2_substitute() only */ #define PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_UNKNOWN_UNSET 0x00000800u /* pcre2_substitute() only */ #define PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_OVERFLOW_LENGTH 0x00001000u /* pcre2_substitute() only */ #define PCRE2_NO_JIT 0x00002000u /* Not for pcre2_dfa_match() */ #define PCRE2_COPY_MATCHED_SUBJECT 0x00004000u #define PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_LITERAL 0x00008000u /* pcre2_substitute() only */ #define PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_MATCHED 0x00010000u /* pcre2_substitute() only */ #define PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_REPLACEMENT_ONLY 0x00020000u /* pcre2_substitute() only */ /* Options for pcre2_pattern_convert(). */ #define PCRE2_CONVERT_UTF 0x00000001u #define PCRE2_CONVERT_NO_UTF_CHECK 0x00000002u #define PCRE2_CONVERT_POSIX_BASIC 0x00000004u #define PCRE2_CONVERT_POSIX_EXTENDED 0x00000008u #define PCRE2_CONVERT_GLOB 0x00000010u #define PCRE2_CONVERT_GLOB_NO_WILD_SEPARATOR 0x00000030u #define PCRE2_CONVERT_GLOB_NO_STARSTAR 0x00000050u /* Newline and \R settings, for use in compile contexts. The newline values must be kept in step with values set in config.h and both sets must all be greater than zero. */ #define PCRE2_NEWLINE_CR 1 #define PCRE2_NEWLINE_LF 2 #define PCRE2_NEWLINE_CRLF 3 #define PCRE2_NEWLINE_ANY 4 #define PCRE2_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF 5 #define PCRE2_NEWLINE_NUL 6 #define PCRE2_BSR_UNICODE 1 #define PCRE2_BSR_ANYCRLF 2 /* Error codes for pcre2_compile(). Some of these are also used by pcre2_pattern_convert(). */ #define PCRE2_ERROR_END_BACKSLASH 101 #define PCRE2_ERROR_END_BACKSLASH_C 102 #define PCRE2_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ESCAPE 103 #define PCRE2_ERROR_QUANTIFIER_OUT_OF_ORDER 104 #define PCRE2_ERROR_QUANTIFIER_TOO_BIG 105 #define PCRE2_ERROR_MISSING_SQUARE_BRACKET 106 #define PCRE2_ERROR_ESCAPE_INVALID_IN_CLASS 107 #define PCRE2_ERROR_CLASS_RANGE_ORDER 108 #define PCRE2_ERROR_QUANTIFIER_INVALID 109 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INTERNAL_UNEXPECTED_REPEAT 110 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INVALID_AFTER_PARENS_QUERY 111 #define PCRE2_ERROR_POSIX_CLASS_NOT_IN_CLASS 112 #define PCRE2_ERROR_POSIX_NO_SUPPORT_COLLATING 113 #define PCRE2_ERROR_MISSING_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS 114 #define PCRE2_ERROR_BAD_SUBPATTERN_REFERENCE 115 #define PCRE2_ERROR_NULL_PATTERN 116 #define PCRE2_ERROR_BAD_OPTIONS 117 #define PCRE2_ERROR_MISSING_COMMENT_CLOSING 118 #define PCRE2_ERROR_PARENTHESES_NEST_TOO_DEEP 119 #define PCRE2_ERROR_PATTERN_TOO_LARGE 120 #define PCRE2_ERROR_HEAP_FAILED 121 #define PCRE2_ERROR_UNMATCHED_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS 122 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INTERNAL_CODE_OVERFLOW 123 #define PCRE2_ERROR_MISSING_CONDITION_CLOSING 124 #define PCRE2_ERROR_LOOKBEHIND_NOT_FIXED_LENGTH 125 #define PCRE2_ERROR_ZERO_RELATIVE_REFERENCE 126 #define PCRE2_ERROR_TOO_MANY_CONDITION_BRANCHES 127 #define PCRE2_ERROR_CONDITION_ASSERTION_EXPECTED 128 #define PCRE2_ERROR_BAD_RELATIVE_REFERENCE 129 #define PCRE2_ERROR_UNKNOWN_POSIX_CLASS 130 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INTERNAL_STUDY_ERROR 131 #define PCRE2_ERROR_UNICODE_NOT_SUPPORTED 132 #define PCRE2_ERROR_PARENTHESES_STACK_CHECK 133 #define PCRE2_ERROR_CODE_POINT_TOO_BIG 134 #define PCRE2_ERROR_LOOKBEHIND_TOO_COMPLICATED 135 #define PCRE2_ERROR_LOOKBEHIND_INVALID_BACKSLASH_C 136 #define PCRE2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE 137 #define PCRE2_ERROR_CALLOUT_NUMBER_TOO_BIG 138 #define PCRE2_ERROR_MISSING_CALLOUT_CLOSING 139 #define PCRE2_ERROR_ESCAPE_INVALID_IN_VERB 140 #define PCRE2_ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_AFTER_QUERY_P 141 #define PCRE2_ERROR_MISSING_NAME_TERMINATOR 142 #define PCRE2_ERROR_DUPLICATE_SUBPATTERN_NAME 143 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INVALID_SUBPATTERN_NAME 144 #define PCRE2_ERROR_UNICODE_PROPERTIES_UNAVAILABLE 145 #define PCRE2_ERROR_MALFORMED_UNICODE_PROPERTY 146 #define PCRE2_ERROR_UNKNOWN_UNICODE_PROPERTY 147 #define PCRE2_ERROR_SUBPATTERN_NAME_TOO_LONG 148 #define PCRE2_ERROR_TOO_MANY_NAMED_SUBPATTERNS 149 #define PCRE2_ERROR_CLASS_INVALID_RANGE 150 #define PCRE2_ERROR_OCTAL_BYTE_TOO_BIG 151 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INTERNAL_OVERRAN_WORKSPACE 152 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INTERNAL_MISSING_SUBPATTERN 153 #define PCRE2_ERROR_DEFINE_TOO_MANY_BRANCHES 154 #define PCRE2_ERROR_BACKSLASH_O_MISSING_BRACE 155 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INTERNAL_UNKNOWN_NEWLINE 156 #define PCRE2_ERROR_BACKSLASH_G_SYNTAX 157 #define PCRE2_ERROR_PARENS_QUERY_R_MISSING_CLOSING 158 /* Error 159 is obsolete and should now never occur */ #define PCRE2_ERROR_VERB_ARGUMENT_NOT_ALLOWED 159 #define PCRE2_ERROR_VERB_UNKNOWN 160 #define PCRE2_ERROR_SUBPATTERN_NUMBER_TOO_BIG 161 #define PCRE2_ERROR_SUBPATTERN_NAME_EXPECTED 162 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INTERNAL_PARSED_OVERFLOW 163 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INVALID_OCTAL 164 #define PCRE2_ERROR_SUBPATTERN_NAMES_MISMATCH 165 #define PCRE2_ERROR_MARK_MISSING_ARGUMENT 166 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INVALID_HEXADECIMAL 167 #define PCRE2_ERROR_BACKSLASH_C_SYNTAX 168 #define PCRE2_ERROR_BACKSLASH_K_SYNTAX 169 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INTERNAL_BAD_CODE_LOOKBEHINDS 170 #define PCRE2_ERROR_BACKSLASH_N_IN_CLASS 171 #define PCRE2_ERROR_CALLOUT_STRING_TOO_LONG 172 #define PCRE2_ERROR_UNICODE_DISALLOWED_CODE_POINT 173 #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF_IS_DISABLED 174 #define PCRE2_ERROR_UCP_IS_DISABLED 175 #define PCRE2_ERROR_VERB_NAME_TOO_LONG 176 #define PCRE2_ERROR_BACKSLASH_U_CODE_POINT_TOO_BIG 177 #define PCRE2_ERROR_MISSING_OCTAL_OR_HEX_DIGITS 178 #define PCRE2_ERROR_VERSION_CONDITION_SYNTAX 179 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INTERNAL_BAD_CODE_AUTO_POSSESS 180 #define PCRE2_ERROR_CALLOUT_NO_STRING_DELIMITER 181 #define PCRE2_ERROR_CALLOUT_BAD_STRING_DELIMITER 182 #define PCRE2_ERROR_BACKSLASH_C_CALLER_DISABLED 183 #define PCRE2_ERROR_QUERY_BARJX_NEST_TOO_DEEP 184 #define PCRE2_ERROR_BACKSLASH_C_LIBRARY_DISABLED 185 #define PCRE2_ERROR_PATTERN_TOO_COMPLICATED 186 #define PCRE2_ERROR_LOOKBEHIND_TOO_LONG 187 #define PCRE2_ERROR_PATTERN_STRING_TOO_LONG 188 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INTERNAL_BAD_CODE 189 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INTERNAL_BAD_CODE_IN_SKIP 190 #define PCRE2_ERROR_NO_SURROGATES_IN_UTF16 191 #define PCRE2_ERROR_BAD_LITERAL_OPTIONS 192 #define PCRE2_ERROR_SUPPORTED_ONLY_IN_UNICODE 193 #define PCRE2_ERROR_INVALID_HYPHEN_IN_OPTIONS 194 #define PCRE2_ERROR_ALPHA_ASSERTION_UNKNOWN 195 #define PCRE2_ERROR_SCRIPT_RUN_NOT_AVAILABLE 196 #define PCRE2_ERROR_TOO_MANY_CAPTURES 197 #define PCRE2_ERROR_CONDITION_ATOMIC_ASSERTION_EXPECTED 198 /* "Expected" matching error codes: no match and partial match. */ #define PCRE2_ERROR_NOMATCH (-1) #define PCRE2_ERROR_PARTIAL (-2) /* Error codes for UTF-8 validity checks */ #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR1 (-3) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR2 (-4) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR3 (-5) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR4 (-6) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR5 (-7) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR6 (-8) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR7 (-9) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR8 (-10) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR9 (-11) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR10 (-12) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR11 (-13) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR12 (-14) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR13 (-15) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR14 (-16) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR15 (-17) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR16 (-18) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR17 (-19) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR18 (-20) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR19 (-21) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR20 (-22) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF8_ERR21 (-23) /* Error codes for UTF-16 validity checks */ #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF16_ERR1 (-24) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF16_ERR2 (-25) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF16_ERR3 (-26) /* Error codes for UTF-32 validity checks */ #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF32_ERR1 (-27) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UTF32_ERR2 (-28) /* Miscellaneous error codes for pcre2[_dfa]_match(), substring extraction functions, context functions, and serializing functions. They are in numerical order. Originally they were in alphabetical order too, but now that PCRE2 is released, the numbers must not be changed. */ #define PCRE2_ERROR_BADDATA (-29) #define PCRE2_ERROR_MIXEDTABLES (-30) /* Name was changed */ #define PCRE2_ERROR_BADMAGIC (-31) #define PCRE2_ERROR_BADMODE (-32) #define PCRE2_ERROR_BADOFFSET (-33) #define PCRE2_ERROR_BADOPTION (-34) #define PCRE2_ERROR_BADREPLACEMENT (-35) #define PCRE2_ERROR_BADUTFOFFSET (-36) #define PCRE2_ERROR_CALLOUT (-37) /* Never used by PCRE2 itself */ #define PCRE2_ERROR_DFA_BADRESTART (-38) #define PCRE2_ERROR_DFA_RECURSE (-39) #define PCRE2_ERROR_DFA_UCOND (-40) #define PCRE2_ERROR_DFA_UFUNC (-41) #define PCRE2_ERROR_DFA_UITEM (-42) #define PCRE2_ERROR_DFA_WSSIZE (-43) #define PCRE2_ERROR_INTERNAL (-44) #define PCRE2_ERROR_JIT_BADOPTION (-45) #define PCRE2_ERROR_JIT_STACKLIMIT (-46) #define PCRE2_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT (-47) #define PCRE2_ERROR_NOMEMORY (-48) #define PCRE2_ERROR_NOSUBSTRING (-49) #define PCRE2_ERROR_NOUNIQUESUBSTRING (-50) #define PCRE2_ERROR_NULL (-51) #define PCRE2_ERROR_RECURSELOOP (-52) #define PCRE2_ERROR_DEPTHLIMIT (-53) #define PCRE2_ERROR_RECURSIONLIMIT (-53) /* Obsolete synonym */ #define PCRE2_ERROR_UNAVAILABLE (-54) #define PCRE2_ERROR_UNSET (-55) #define PCRE2_ERROR_BADOFFSETLIMIT (-56) #define PCRE2_ERROR_BADREPESCAPE (-57) #define PCRE2_ERROR_REPMISSINGBRACE (-58) #define PCRE2_ERROR_BADSUBSTITUTION (-59) #define PCRE2_ERROR_BADSUBSPATTERN (-60) #define PCRE2_ERROR_TOOMANYREPLACE (-61) #define PCRE2_ERROR_BADSERIALIZEDDATA (-62) #define PCRE2_ERROR_HEAPLIMIT (-63) #define PCRE2_ERROR_CONVERT_SYNTAX (-64) #define PCRE2_ERROR_INTERNAL_DUPMATCH (-65) #define PCRE2_ERROR_DFA_UINVALID_UTF (-66) /* Request types for pcre2_pattern_info() */ #define PCRE2_INFO_ALLOPTIONS 0 #define PCRE2_INFO_ARGOPTIONS 1 #define PCRE2_INFO_BACKREFMAX 2 #define PCRE2_INFO_BSR 3 #define PCRE2_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT 4 #define PCRE2_INFO_FIRSTCODEUNIT 5 #define PCRE2_INFO_FIRSTCODETYPE 6 #define PCRE2_INFO_FIRSTBITMAP 7 #define PCRE2_INFO_HASCRORLF 8 #define PCRE2_INFO_JCHANGED 9 #define PCRE2_INFO_JITSIZE 10 #define PCRE2_INFO_LASTCODEUNIT 11 #define PCRE2_INFO_LASTCODETYPE 12 #define PCRE2_INFO_MATCHEMPTY 13 #define PCRE2_INFO_MATCHLIMIT 14 #define PCRE2_INFO_MAXLOOKBEHIND 15 #define PCRE2_INFO_MINLENGTH 16 #define PCRE2_INFO_NAMECOUNT 17 #define PCRE2_INFO_NAMEENTRYSIZE 18 #define PCRE2_INFO_NAMETABLE 19 #define PCRE2_INFO_NEWLINE 20 #define PCRE2_INFO_DEPTHLIMIT 21 #define PCRE2_INFO_RECURSIONLIMIT 21 /* Obsolete synonym */ #define PCRE2_INFO_SIZE 22 #define PCRE2_INFO_HASBACKSLASHC 23 #define PCRE2_INFO_FRAMESIZE 24 #define PCRE2_INFO_HEAPLIMIT 25 #define PCRE2_INFO_EXTRAOPTIONS 26 /* Request types for pcre2_config(). */ #define PCRE2_CONFIG_BSR 0 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_JIT 1 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_JITTARGET 2 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_LINKSIZE 3 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_MATCHLIMIT 4 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_NEWLINE 5 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_PARENSLIMIT 6 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_DEPTHLIMIT 7 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_RECURSIONLIMIT 7 /* Obsolete synonym */ #define PCRE2_CONFIG_STACKRECURSE 8 /* Obsolete */ #define PCRE2_CONFIG_UNICODE 9 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_UNICODE_VERSION 10 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_VERSION 11 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_HEAPLIMIT 12 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_NEVER_BACKSLASH_C 13 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_COMPILED_WIDTHS 14 #define PCRE2_CONFIG_TABLES_LENGTH 15 /* Types for code units in patterns and subject strings. */ typedef uint8_t PCRE2_UCHAR8; typedef uint16_t PCRE2_UCHAR16; typedef uint32_t PCRE2_UCHAR32; typedef const PCRE2_UCHAR8 *PCRE2_SPTR8; typedef const PCRE2_UCHAR16 *PCRE2_SPTR16; typedef const PCRE2_UCHAR32 *PCRE2_SPTR32; /* The PCRE2_SIZE type is used for all string lengths and offsets in PCRE2, including pattern offsets for errors and subject offsets after a match. We define special values to indicate zero-terminated strings and unset offsets in the offset vector (ovector). */ #define PCRE2_SIZE size_t #define PCRE2_SIZE_MAX SIZE_MAX #define PCRE2_ZERO_TERMINATED (~(PCRE2_SIZE)0) #define PCRE2_UNSET (~(PCRE2_SIZE)0) /* Generic types for opaque structures and JIT callback functions. These declarations are defined in a macro that is expanded for each width later. */ #define PCRE2_TYPES_LIST \ struct pcre2_real_general_context; \ typedef struct pcre2_real_general_context pcre2_general_context; \ \ struct pcre2_real_compile_context; \ typedef struct pcre2_real_compile_context pcre2_compile_context; \ \ struct pcre2_real_match_context; \ typedef struct pcre2_real_match_context pcre2_match_context; \ \ struct pcre2_real_convert_context; \ typedef struct pcre2_real_convert_context pcre2_convert_context; \ \ struct pcre2_real_code; \ typedef struct pcre2_real_code pcre2_code; \ \ struct pcre2_real_match_data; \ typedef struct pcre2_real_match_data pcre2_match_data; \ \ struct pcre2_real_jit_stack; \ typedef struct pcre2_real_jit_stack pcre2_jit_stack; \ \ typedef pcre2_jit_stack *(*pcre2_jit_callback)(void *); /* The structures for passing out data via callout functions. We use structures so that new fields can be added on the end in future versions, without changing the API of the function, thereby allowing old clients to work without modification. Define the generic versions in a macro; the width-specific versions are generated from this macro below. */ /* Flags for the callout_flags field. These are cleared after a callout. */ #define PCRE2_CALLOUT_STARTMATCH 0x00000001u /* Set for each bumpalong */ #define PCRE2_CALLOUT_BACKTRACK 0x00000002u /* Set after a backtrack */ #define PCRE2_STRUCTURE_LIST \ typedef struct pcre2_callout_block { \ uint32_t version; /* Identifies version of block */ \ /* ------------------------ Version 0 ------------------------------- */ \ uint32_t callout_number; /* Number compiled into pattern */ \ uint32_t capture_top; /* Max current capture */ \ uint32_t capture_last; /* Most recently closed capture */ \ PCRE2_SIZE *offset_vector; /* The offset vector */ \ PCRE2_SPTR mark; /* Pointer to current mark or NULL */ \ PCRE2_SPTR subject; /* The subject being matched */ \ PCRE2_SIZE subject_length; /* The length of the subject */ \ PCRE2_SIZE start_match; /* Offset to start of this match attempt */ \ PCRE2_SIZE current_position; /* Where we currently are in the subject */ \ PCRE2_SIZE pattern_position; /* Offset to next item in the pattern */ \ PCRE2_SIZE next_item_length; /* Length of next item in the pattern */ \ /* ------------------- Added for Version 1 -------------------------- */ \ PCRE2_SIZE callout_string_offset; /* Offset to string within pattern */ \ PCRE2_SIZE callout_string_length; /* Length of string compiled into pattern */ \ PCRE2_SPTR callout_string; /* String compiled into pattern */ \ /* ------------------- Added for Version 2 -------------------------- */ \ uint32_t callout_flags; /* See above for list */ \ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ \ } pcre2_callout_block; \ \ typedef struct pcre2_callout_enumerate_block { \ uint32_t version; /* Identifies version of block */ \ /* ------------------------ Version 0 ------------------------------- */ \ PCRE2_SIZE pattern_position; /* Offset to next item in the pattern */ \ PCRE2_SIZE next_item_length; /* Length of next item in the pattern */ \ uint32_t callout_number; /* Number compiled into pattern */ \ PCRE2_SIZE callout_string_offset; /* Offset to string within pattern */ \ PCRE2_SIZE callout_string_length; /* Length of string compiled into pattern */ \ PCRE2_SPTR callout_string; /* String compiled into pattern */ \ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ \ } pcre2_callout_enumerate_block; \ \ typedef struct pcre2_substitute_callout_block { \ uint32_t version; /* Identifies version of block */ \ /* ------------------------ Version 0 ------------------------------- */ \ PCRE2_SPTR input; /* Pointer to input subject string */ \ PCRE2_SPTR output; /* Pointer to output buffer */ \ PCRE2_SIZE output_offsets[2]; /* Changed portion of the output */ \ PCRE2_SIZE *ovector; /* Pointer to current ovector */ \ uint32_t oveccount; /* Count of pairs set in ovector */ \ uint32_t subscount; /* Substitution number */ \ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ \ } pcre2_substitute_callout_block; /* List the generic forms of all other functions in macros, which will be expanded for each width below. Start with functions that give general information. */ #define PCRE2_GENERAL_INFO_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION pcre2_config(uint32_t, void *); /* Functions for manipulating contexts. */ #define PCRE2_GENERAL_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_general_context PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_general_context_copy(pcre2_general_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_general_context PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_general_context_create(void *(*)(PCRE2_SIZE, void *), \ void (*)(void *, void *), void *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_general_context_free(pcre2_general_context *); #define PCRE2_COMPILE_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_compile_context PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_compile_context_copy(pcre2_compile_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_compile_context PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_compile_context_create(pcre2_general_context *);\ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_compile_context_free(pcre2_compile_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_bsr(pcre2_compile_context *, uint32_t); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_character_tables(pcre2_compile_context *, const uint8_t *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_compile_extra_options(pcre2_compile_context *, uint32_t); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_max_pattern_length(pcre2_compile_context *, PCRE2_SIZE); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_newline(pcre2_compile_context *, uint32_t); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_parens_nest_limit(pcre2_compile_context *, uint32_t); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_compile_recursion_guard(pcre2_compile_context *, \ int (*)(uint32_t, void *), void *); #define PCRE2_MATCH_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_match_context PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_match_context_copy(pcre2_match_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_match_context PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_match_context_create(pcre2_general_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_match_context_free(pcre2_match_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_callout(pcre2_match_context *, \ int (*)(pcre2_callout_block *, void *), void *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_substitute_callout(pcre2_match_context *, \ int (*)(pcre2_substitute_callout_block *, void *), void *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_depth_limit(pcre2_match_context *, uint32_t); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_heap_limit(pcre2_match_context *, uint32_t); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_match_limit(pcre2_match_context *, uint32_t); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_offset_limit(pcre2_match_context *, PCRE2_SIZE); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_recursion_limit(pcre2_match_context *, uint32_t); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_recursion_memory_management(pcre2_match_context *, \ void *(*)(PCRE2_SIZE, void *), void (*)(void *, void *), void *); #define PCRE2_CONVERT_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_convert_context PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_convert_context_copy(pcre2_convert_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_convert_context PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_convert_context_create(pcre2_general_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_convert_context_free(pcre2_convert_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_glob_escape(pcre2_convert_context *, uint32_t); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_set_glob_separator(pcre2_convert_context *, uint32_t); /* Functions concerned with compiling a pattern to PCRE internal code. */ #define PCRE2_COMPILE_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_code PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_compile(PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SIZE, uint32_t, int *, PCRE2_SIZE *, \ pcre2_compile_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_code_free(pcre2_code *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_code PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_code_copy(const pcre2_code *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_code PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_code_copy_with_tables(const pcre2_code *); /* Functions that give information about a compiled pattern. */ #define PCRE2_PATTERN_INFO_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_pattern_info(const pcre2_code *, uint32_t, void *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_callout_enumerate(const pcre2_code *, \ int (*)(pcre2_callout_enumerate_block *, void *), void *); /* Functions for running a match and inspecting the result. */ #define PCRE2_MATCH_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_match_data PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_match_data_create(uint32_t, pcre2_general_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_match_data PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_match_data_create_from_pattern(const pcre2_code *, \ pcre2_general_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_dfa_match(const pcre2_code *, PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SIZE, PCRE2_SIZE, \ uint32_t, pcre2_match_data *, pcre2_match_context *, int *, PCRE2_SIZE); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_match(const pcre2_code *, PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SIZE, PCRE2_SIZE, \ uint32_t, pcre2_match_data *, pcre2_match_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_match_data_free(pcre2_match_data *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL PCRE2_SPTR PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_get_mark(pcre2_match_data *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL PCRE2_SIZE PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_get_match_data_size(pcre2_match_data *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL uint32_t PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_get_ovector_count(pcre2_match_data *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL PCRE2_SIZE PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_get_ovector_pointer(pcre2_match_data *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL PCRE2_SIZE PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_get_startchar(pcre2_match_data *); /* Convenience functions for handling matched substrings. */ #define PCRE2_SUBSTRING_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_substring_copy_byname(pcre2_match_data *, PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_UCHAR *, \ PCRE2_SIZE *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_substring_copy_bynumber(pcre2_match_data *, uint32_t, PCRE2_UCHAR *, \ PCRE2_SIZE *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_substring_free(PCRE2_UCHAR *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_substring_get_byname(pcre2_match_data *, PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_UCHAR **, \ PCRE2_SIZE *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_substring_get_bynumber(pcre2_match_data *, uint32_t, PCRE2_UCHAR **, \ PCRE2_SIZE *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_substring_length_byname(pcre2_match_data *, PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SIZE *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_substring_length_bynumber(pcre2_match_data *, uint32_t, PCRE2_SIZE *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_substring_nametable_scan(const pcre2_code *, PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SPTR *, \ PCRE2_SPTR *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_substring_number_from_name(const pcre2_code *, PCRE2_SPTR); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_substring_list_free(PCRE2_SPTR *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_substring_list_get(pcre2_match_data *, PCRE2_UCHAR ***, PCRE2_SIZE **); /* Functions for serializing / deserializing compiled patterns. */ #define PCRE2_SERIALIZE_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int32_t PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_serialize_encode(const pcre2_code **, int32_t, uint8_t **, \ PCRE2_SIZE *, pcre2_general_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int32_t PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_serialize_decode(pcre2_code **, int32_t, const uint8_t *, \ pcre2_general_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int32_t PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_serialize_get_number_of_codes(const uint8_t *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_serialize_free(uint8_t *); /* Convenience function for match + substitute. */ #define PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_FUNCTION \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_substitute(const pcre2_code *, PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SIZE, PCRE2_SIZE, \ uint32_t, pcre2_match_data *, pcre2_match_context *, PCRE2_SPTR, \ PCRE2_SIZE, PCRE2_UCHAR *, PCRE2_SIZE *); /* Functions for converting pattern source strings. */ #define PCRE2_CONVERT_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_pattern_convert(PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SIZE, uint32_t, PCRE2_UCHAR **, \ PCRE2_SIZE *, pcre2_convert_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_converted_pattern_free(PCRE2_UCHAR *); /* Functions for JIT processing */ #define PCRE2_JIT_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_jit_compile(pcre2_code *, uint32_t); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_jit_match(const pcre2_code *, PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SIZE, PCRE2_SIZE, \ uint32_t, pcre2_match_data *, pcre2_match_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_jit_free_unused_memory(pcre2_general_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL pcre2_jit_stack PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_jit_stack_create(PCRE2_SIZE, PCRE2_SIZE, pcre2_general_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_jit_stack_assign(pcre2_match_context *, pcre2_jit_callback, void *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_jit_stack_free(pcre2_jit_stack *); /* Other miscellaneous functions. */ #define PCRE2_OTHER_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL int PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_get_error_message(int, PCRE2_UCHAR *, PCRE2_SIZE); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL const uint8_t PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ *pcre2_maketables(pcre2_general_context *); \ PCRE2_EXP_DECL void PCRE2_CALL_CONVENTION \ pcre2_maketables_free(pcre2_general_context *, const uint8_t *); /* Define macros that generate width-specific names from generic versions. The three-level macro scheme is necessary to get the macros expanded when we want them to be. First we get the width from PCRE2_LOCAL_WIDTH, which is used for generating three versions of everything below. After that, PCRE2_SUFFIX will be re-defined to use PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH, for use when macros such as pcre2_compile are called by application code. */ #define PCRE2_JOIN(a,b) a ## b #define PCRE2_GLUE(a,b) PCRE2_JOIN(a,b) #define PCRE2_SUFFIX(a) PCRE2_GLUE(a,PCRE2_LOCAL_WIDTH) /* Data types */ #define PCRE2_UCHAR PCRE2_SUFFIX(PCRE2_UCHAR) #define PCRE2_SPTR PCRE2_SUFFIX(PCRE2_SPTR) #define pcre2_code PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_code_) #define pcre2_jit_callback PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_jit_callback_) #define pcre2_jit_stack PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_jit_stack_) #define pcre2_real_code PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_real_code_) #define pcre2_real_general_context PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_real_general_context_) #define pcre2_real_compile_context PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_real_compile_context_) #define pcre2_real_convert_context PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_real_convert_context_) #define pcre2_real_match_context PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_real_match_context_) #define pcre2_real_jit_stack PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_real_jit_stack_) #define pcre2_real_match_data PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_real_match_data_) /* Data blocks */ #define pcre2_callout_block PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_callout_block_) #define pcre2_callout_enumerate_block PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_callout_enumerate_block_) #define pcre2_substitute_callout_block PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_substitute_callout_block_) #define pcre2_general_context PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_general_context_) #define pcre2_compile_context PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_compile_context_) #define pcre2_convert_context PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_convert_context_) #define pcre2_match_context PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_match_context_) #define pcre2_match_data PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_match_data_) /* Functions: the complete list in alphabetical order */ #define pcre2_callout_enumerate PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_callout_enumerate_) #define pcre2_code_copy PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_code_copy_) #define pcre2_code_copy_with_tables PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_code_copy_with_tables_) #define pcre2_code_free PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_code_free_) #define pcre2_compile PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_compile_) #define pcre2_compile_context_copy PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_compile_context_copy_) #define pcre2_compile_context_create PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_compile_context_create_) #define pcre2_compile_context_free PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_compile_context_free_) #define pcre2_config PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_config_) #define pcre2_convert_context_copy PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_convert_context_copy_) #define pcre2_convert_context_create PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_convert_context_create_) #define pcre2_convert_context_free PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_convert_context_free_) #define pcre2_converted_pattern_free PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_converted_pattern_free_) #define pcre2_dfa_match PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_dfa_match_) #define pcre2_general_context_copy PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_general_context_copy_) #define pcre2_general_context_create PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_general_context_create_) #define pcre2_general_context_free PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_general_context_free_) #define pcre2_get_error_message PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_get_error_message_) #define pcre2_get_mark PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_get_mark_) #define pcre2_get_match_data_size PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_get_match_data_size_) #define pcre2_get_ovector_pointer PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_get_ovector_pointer_) #define pcre2_get_ovector_count PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_get_ovector_count_) #define pcre2_get_startchar PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_get_startchar_) #define pcre2_jit_compile PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_jit_compile_) #define pcre2_jit_match PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_jit_match_) #define pcre2_jit_free_unused_memory PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_jit_free_unused_memory_) #define pcre2_jit_stack_assign PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_jit_stack_assign_) #define pcre2_jit_stack_create PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_jit_stack_create_) #define pcre2_jit_stack_free PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_jit_stack_free_) #define pcre2_maketables PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_maketables_) #define pcre2_maketables_free PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_maketables_free_) #define pcre2_match PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_match_) #define pcre2_match_context_copy PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_match_context_copy_) #define pcre2_match_context_create PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_match_context_create_) #define pcre2_match_context_free PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_match_context_free_) #define pcre2_match_data_create PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_match_data_create_) #define pcre2_match_data_create_from_pattern PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_match_data_create_from_pattern_) #define pcre2_match_data_free PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_match_data_free_) #define pcre2_pattern_convert PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_pattern_convert_) #define pcre2_pattern_info PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_pattern_info_) #define pcre2_serialize_decode PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_serialize_decode_) #define pcre2_serialize_encode PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_serialize_encode_) #define pcre2_serialize_free PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_serialize_free_) #define pcre2_serialize_get_number_of_codes PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_serialize_get_number_of_codes_) #define pcre2_set_bsr PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_bsr_) #define pcre2_set_callout PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_callout_) #define pcre2_set_character_tables PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_character_tables_) #define pcre2_set_compile_extra_options PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_compile_extra_options_) #define pcre2_set_compile_recursion_guard PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_compile_recursion_guard_) #define pcre2_set_depth_limit PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_depth_limit_) #define pcre2_set_glob_escape PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_glob_escape_) #define pcre2_set_glob_separator PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_glob_separator_) #define pcre2_set_heap_limit PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_heap_limit_) #define pcre2_set_match_limit PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_match_limit_) #define pcre2_set_max_pattern_length PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_max_pattern_length_) #define pcre2_set_newline PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_newline_) #define pcre2_set_parens_nest_limit PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_parens_nest_limit_) #define pcre2_set_offset_limit PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_offset_limit_) #define pcre2_set_substitute_callout PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_substitute_callout_) #define pcre2_substitute PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_substitute_) #define pcre2_substring_copy_byname PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_substring_copy_byname_) #define pcre2_substring_copy_bynumber PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_substring_copy_bynumber_) #define pcre2_substring_free PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_substring_free_) #define pcre2_substring_get_byname PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_substring_get_byname_) #define pcre2_substring_get_bynumber PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_substring_get_bynumber_) #define pcre2_substring_length_byname PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_substring_length_byname_) #define pcre2_substring_length_bynumber PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_substring_length_bynumber_) #define pcre2_substring_list_get PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_substring_list_get_) #define pcre2_substring_list_free PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_substring_list_free_) #define pcre2_substring_nametable_scan PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_substring_nametable_scan_) #define pcre2_substring_number_from_name PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_substring_number_from_name_) /* Keep this old function name for backwards compatibility */ #define pcre2_set_recursion_limit PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_recursion_limit_) /* Keep this obsolete function for backwards compatibility: it is now a noop. */ #define pcre2_set_recursion_memory_management PCRE2_SUFFIX(pcre2_set_recursion_memory_management_) /* Now generate all three sets of width-specific structures and function prototypes. */ #define PCRE2_TYPES_STRUCTURES_AND_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_TYPES_LIST \ PCRE2_STRUCTURE_LIST \ PCRE2_GENERAL_INFO_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_GENERAL_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_COMPILE_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_CONVERT_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_CONVERT_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_MATCH_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_COMPILE_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_PATTERN_INFO_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_MATCH_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_SUBSTRING_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_SERIALIZE_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_FUNCTION \ PCRE2_JIT_FUNCTIONS \ PCRE2_OTHER_FUNCTIONS #define PCRE2_LOCAL_WIDTH 8 PCRE2_TYPES_STRUCTURES_AND_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_LOCAL_WIDTH #define PCRE2_LOCAL_WIDTH 16 PCRE2_TYPES_STRUCTURES_AND_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_LOCAL_WIDTH #define PCRE2_LOCAL_WIDTH 32 PCRE2_TYPES_STRUCTURES_AND_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_LOCAL_WIDTH /* Undefine the list macros; they are no longer needed. */ #undef PCRE2_TYPES_LIST #undef PCRE2_STRUCTURE_LIST #undef PCRE2_GENERAL_INFO_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_GENERAL_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_COMPILE_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_CONVERT_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_MATCH_CONTEXT_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_COMPILE_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_PATTERN_INFO_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_MATCH_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_SUBSTRING_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_SERIALIZE_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_SUBSTITUTE_FUNCTION #undef PCRE2_JIT_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_OTHER_FUNCTIONS #undef PCRE2_TYPES_STRUCTURES_AND_FUNCTIONS /* PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH must be defined. If it is 8, 16, or 32, redefine PCRE2_SUFFIX to use it. If it is 0, undefine the other macros and make PCRE2_SUFFIX a no-op. Otherwise, generate an error. */ #undef PCRE2_SUFFIX #ifndef PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH #error PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH must be defined before including pcre2.h. #error Use 8, 16, or 32; or 0 for a multi-width application. #else /* PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH is defined */ #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 || \ PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 16 || \ PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 32 #define PCRE2_SUFFIX(a) PCRE2_GLUE(a, PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH) #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 0 #undef PCRE2_JOIN #undef PCRE2_GLUE #define PCRE2_SUFFIX(a) a #else #error PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH must be 0, 8, 16, or 32. #endif #endif /* PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH is defined */ #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* PCRE2_H_IDEMPOTENT_GUARD */ /* End of pcre2.h */ PK!Wfk22"pcre/pcre2lib/pcre2_jit_simd_inc.hnu[/************************************************* * Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions * *************************************************/ /* PCRE is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl 5 language. Written by Philip Hazel This module by Zoltan Herczeg Original API code Copyright (c) 1997-2012 University of Cambridge New API code Copyright (c) 2016-2019 University of Cambridge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_X86 && SLJIT_CONFIG_X86) && !(defined SUPPORT_VALGRIND) #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 static struct sljit_jump *jump_if_utf_char_start(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, sljit_s32 reg) { #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 OP2(SLJIT_AND, reg, 0, reg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0xc0); return CMP(SLJIT_NOT_EQUAL, reg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0x80); #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 16 OP2(SLJIT_AND, reg, 0, reg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0xfc00); return CMP(SLJIT_NOT_EQUAL, reg, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0xdc00); #else #error "Unknown code width" #endif } #endif static sljit_s32 character_to_int32(PCRE2_UCHAR chr) { sljit_u32 value = chr; #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 #define SSE2_COMPARE_TYPE_INDEX 0 return (sljit_s32)((value << 24) | (value << 16) | (value << 8) | value); #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 16 #define SSE2_COMPARE_TYPE_INDEX 1 return (sljit_s32)((value << 16) | value); #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 32 #define SSE2_COMPARE_TYPE_INDEX 2 return (sljit_s32)(value); #else #error "Unsupported unit width" #endif } static void load_from_mem_sse2(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, sljit_s32 dst_xmm_reg, sljit_s32 src_general_reg, sljit_s8 offset) { sljit_u8 instruction[5]; SLJIT_ASSERT(dst_xmm_reg < 8); SLJIT_ASSERT(src_general_reg < 8); /* MOVDQA xmm1, xmm2/m128 */ instruction[0] = ((sljit_u8)offset & 0xf) == 0 ? 0x66 : 0xf3; instruction[1] = 0x0f; instruction[2] = 0x6f; if (offset == 0) { instruction[3] = (dst_xmm_reg << 3) | src_general_reg; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); return; } instruction[3] = 0x40 | (dst_xmm_reg << 3) | src_general_reg; instruction[4] = (sljit_u8)offset; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 5); } typedef enum { sse2_compare_match1, sse2_compare_match1i, sse2_compare_match2, } sse2_compare_type; static void fast_forward_char_pair_sse2_compare(struct sljit_compiler *compiler, sse2_compare_type compare_type, int step, sljit_s32 dst_ind, sljit_s32 cmp1_ind, sljit_s32 cmp2_ind, sljit_s32 tmp_ind) { sljit_u8 instruction[4]; instruction[0] = 0x66; instruction[1] = 0x0f; SLJIT_ASSERT(step >= 0 && step <= 3); if (compare_type != sse2_compare_match2) { if (step == 0) { if (compare_type == sse2_compare_match1i) { /* POR xmm1, xmm2/m128 */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0xeb; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (dst_ind << 3) | cmp2_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); } return; } if (step != 2) return; /* PCMPEQB/W/D xmm1, xmm2/m128 */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0x74 + SSE2_COMPARE_TYPE_INDEX; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (dst_ind << 3) | cmp1_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); return; } switch (step) { case 0: /* MOVDQA xmm1, xmm2/m128 */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0x6f; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (tmp_ind << 3) | dst_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); return; case 1: /* PCMPEQB/W/D xmm1, xmm2/m128 */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0x74 + SSE2_COMPARE_TYPE_INDEX; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (dst_ind << 3) | cmp1_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); return; case 2: /* PCMPEQB/W/D xmm1, xmm2/m128 */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0x74 + SSE2_COMPARE_TYPE_INDEX; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (tmp_ind << 3) | cmp2_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); return; case 3: /* POR xmm1, xmm2/m128 */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0xeb; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (dst_ind << 3) | tmp_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); return; } } #define JIT_HAS_FAST_FORWARD_CHAR_SIMD (sljit_has_cpu_feature(SLJIT_HAS_SSE2)) static void fast_forward_char_simd(compiler_common *common, PCRE2_UCHAR char1, PCRE2_UCHAR char2, sljit_s32 offset) { DEFINE_COMPILER; struct sljit_label *start; #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 struct sljit_label *restart; #endif struct sljit_jump *quit; struct sljit_jump *partial_quit[2]; sse2_compare_type compare_type = sse2_compare_match1; sljit_u8 instruction[8]; sljit_s32 tmp1_reg_ind = sljit_get_register_index(TMP1); sljit_s32 str_ptr_reg_ind = sljit_get_register_index(STR_PTR); sljit_s32 data_ind = 0; sljit_s32 tmp_ind = 1; sljit_s32 cmp1_ind = 2; sljit_s32 cmp2_ind = 3; sljit_u32 bit = 0; int i; SLJIT_UNUSED_ARG(offset); if (char1 != char2) { bit = char1 ^ char2; compare_type = sse2_compare_match1i; if (!is_powerof2(bit)) { bit = 0; compare_type = sse2_compare_match2; } } partial_quit[0] = CMP(SLJIT_GREATER_EQUAL, STR_PTR, 0, STR_END, 0); if (common->mode == PCRE2_JIT_COMPLETE) add_jump(compiler, &common->failed_match, partial_quit[0]); /* First part (unaligned start) */ OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(char1 | bit)); SLJIT_ASSERT(tmp1_reg_ind < 8); /* MOVD xmm, r/m32 */ instruction[0] = 0x66; instruction[1] = 0x0f; instruction[2] = 0x6e; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp1_ind << 3) | tmp1_reg_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); if (char1 != char2) { OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(bit != 0 ? bit : char2)); /* MOVD xmm, r/m32 */ instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp2_ind << 3) | tmp1_reg_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); } OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP2, 0, STR_PTR, 0); /* PSHUFD xmm1, xmm2/m128, imm8 */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0x70; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp1_ind << 3) | cmp1_ind; instruction[4] = 0; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 5); if (char1 != char2) { /* PSHUFD xmm1, xmm2/m128, imm8 */ instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp2_ind << 3) | cmp2_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 5); } #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 restart = LABEL(); #endif OP2(SLJIT_AND, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ~0xf); OP2(SLJIT_AND, TMP2, 0, TMP2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0xf); load_from_mem_sse2(compiler, data_ind, str_ptr_reg_ind, 0); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) fast_forward_char_pair_sse2_compare(compiler, compare_type, i, data_ind, cmp1_ind, cmp2_ind, tmp_ind); /* PMOVMSKB reg, xmm */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0xd7; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (tmp1_reg_ind << 3) | data_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); OP2(SLJIT_ADD, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, TMP2, 0); OP2(SLJIT_LSHR, TMP1, 0, TMP1, 0, TMP2, 0); quit = CMP(SLJIT_NOT_ZERO, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0); OP2(SLJIT_SUB, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, TMP2, 0); /* Second part (aligned) */ start = LABEL(); OP2(SLJIT_ADD, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 16); partial_quit[1] = CMP(SLJIT_GREATER_EQUAL, STR_PTR, 0, STR_END, 0); if (common->mode == PCRE2_JIT_COMPLETE) add_jump(compiler, &common->failed_match, partial_quit[1]); load_from_mem_sse2(compiler, data_ind, str_ptr_reg_ind, 0); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) fast_forward_char_pair_sse2_compare(compiler, compare_type, i, data_ind, cmp1_ind, cmp2_ind, tmp_ind); /* PMOVMSKB reg, xmm */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0xd7; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (tmp1_reg_ind << 3) | data_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); CMPTO(SLJIT_ZERO, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0, start); JUMPHERE(quit); /* BSF r32, r/m32 */ instruction[0] = 0x0f; instruction[1] = 0xbc; instruction[2] = 0xc0 | (tmp1_reg_ind << 3) | tmp1_reg_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 3); OP2(SLJIT_ADD, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, TMP1, 0); if (common->mode != PCRE2_JIT_COMPLETE) { JUMPHERE(partial_quit[0]); JUMPHERE(partial_quit[1]); OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_GREATER, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, STR_PTR, 0, STR_END, 0); CMOV(SLJIT_GREATER, STR_PTR, STR_END, 0); } else add_jump(compiler, &common->failed_match, CMP(SLJIT_GREATER_EQUAL, STR_PTR, 0, STR_END, 0)); #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 if (common->utf && offset > 0) { SLJIT_ASSERT(common->mode == PCRE2_JIT_COMPLETE); OP1(MOV_UCHAR, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_MEM1(STR_PTR), IN_UCHARS(-offset)); quit = jump_if_utf_char_start(compiler, TMP1); OP2(SLJIT_ADD, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_IMM, IN_UCHARS(1)); add_jump(compiler, &common->failed_match, CMP(SLJIT_GREATER_EQUAL, STR_PTR, 0, STR_END, 0)); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP2, 0, STR_PTR, 0); JUMPTO(SLJIT_JUMP, restart); JUMPHERE(quit); } #endif } #define JIT_HAS_FAST_REQUESTED_CHAR_SIMD (sljit_has_cpu_feature(SLJIT_HAS_SSE2)) static jump_list *fast_requested_char_simd(compiler_common *common, PCRE2_UCHAR char1, PCRE2_UCHAR char2) { DEFINE_COMPILER; struct sljit_label *start; struct sljit_jump *quit; jump_list *not_found = NULL; sse2_compare_type compare_type = sse2_compare_match1; sljit_u8 instruction[8]; sljit_s32 tmp1_reg_ind = sljit_get_register_index(TMP1); sljit_s32 str_ptr_reg_ind = sljit_get_register_index(STR_PTR); sljit_s32 data_ind = 0; sljit_s32 tmp_ind = 1; sljit_s32 cmp1_ind = 2; sljit_s32 cmp2_ind = 3; sljit_u32 bit = 0; int i; if (char1 != char2) { bit = char1 ^ char2; compare_type = sse2_compare_match1i; if (!is_powerof2(bit)) { bit = 0; compare_type = sse2_compare_match2; } } add_jump(compiler, ¬_found, CMP(SLJIT_GREATER_EQUAL, TMP1, 0, STR_END, 0)); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP2, 0, TMP1, 0); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP3, 0, STR_PTR, 0); /* First part (unaligned start) */ OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(char1 | bit)); SLJIT_ASSERT(tmp1_reg_ind < 8); /* MOVD xmm, r/m32 */ instruction[0] = 0x66; instruction[1] = 0x0f; instruction[2] = 0x6e; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp1_ind << 3) | tmp1_reg_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); if (char1 != char2) { OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(bit != 0 ? bit : char2)); /* MOVD xmm, r/m32 */ instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp2_ind << 3) | tmp1_reg_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); } OP1(SLJIT_MOV, STR_PTR, 0, TMP2, 0); /* PSHUFD xmm1, xmm2/m128, imm8 */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0x70; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp1_ind << 3) | cmp1_ind; instruction[4] = 0; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 5); if (char1 != char2) { /* PSHUFD xmm1, xmm2/m128, imm8 */ instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp2_ind << 3) | cmp2_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 5); } OP2(SLJIT_AND, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ~0xf); OP2(SLJIT_AND, TMP2, 0, TMP2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0xf); load_from_mem_sse2(compiler, data_ind, str_ptr_reg_ind, 0); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) fast_forward_char_pair_sse2_compare(compiler, compare_type, i, data_ind, cmp1_ind, cmp2_ind, tmp_ind); /* PMOVMSKB reg, xmm */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0xd7; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (tmp1_reg_ind << 3) | data_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); OP2(SLJIT_ADD, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, TMP2, 0); OP2(SLJIT_LSHR, TMP1, 0, TMP1, 0, TMP2, 0); quit = CMP(SLJIT_NOT_ZERO, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0); OP2(SLJIT_SUB, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, TMP2, 0); /* Second part (aligned) */ start = LABEL(); OP2(SLJIT_ADD, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 16); add_jump(compiler, ¬_found, CMP(SLJIT_GREATER_EQUAL, STR_PTR, 0, STR_END, 0)); load_from_mem_sse2(compiler, data_ind, str_ptr_reg_ind, 0); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) fast_forward_char_pair_sse2_compare(compiler, compare_type, i, data_ind, cmp1_ind, cmp2_ind, tmp_ind); /* PMOVMSKB reg, xmm */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0xd7; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (tmp1_reg_ind << 3) | data_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); CMPTO(SLJIT_ZERO, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0, start); JUMPHERE(quit); /* BSF r32, r/m32 */ instruction[0] = 0x0f; instruction[1] = 0xbc; instruction[2] = 0xc0 | (tmp1_reg_ind << 3) | tmp1_reg_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 3); OP2(SLJIT_ADD, TMP1, 0, TMP1, 0, STR_PTR, 0); add_jump(compiler, ¬_found, CMP(SLJIT_GREATER_EQUAL, TMP1, 0, STR_END, 0)); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, STR_PTR, 0, TMP3, 0); return not_found; } #ifndef _WIN64 static SLJIT_INLINE sljit_u32 max_fast_forward_char_pair_offset(void) { #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 return 15; #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 16 return 7; #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 32 return 3; #else #error "Unsupported unit width" #endif } #define JIT_HAS_FAST_FORWARD_CHAR_PAIR_SIMD (sljit_has_cpu_feature(SLJIT_HAS_SSE2)) static void fast_forward_char_pair_simd(compiler_common *common, sljit_s32 offs1, PCRE2_UCHAR char1a, PCRE2_UCHAR char1b, sljit_s32 offs2, PCRE2_UCHAR char2a, PCRE2_UCHAR char2b) { DEFINE_COMPILER; sse2_compare_type compare1_type = sse2_compare_match1; sse2_compare_type compare2_type = sse2_compare_match1; sljit_u32 bit1 = 0; sljit_u32 bit2 = 0; sljit_u32 diff = IN_UCHARS(offs1 - offs2); sljit_s32 tmp1_reg_ind = sljit_get_register_index(TMP1); sljit_s32 tmp2_reg_ind = sljit_get_register_index(TMP2); sljit_s32 str_ptr_reg_ind = sljit_get_register_index(STR_PTR); sljit_s32 data1_ind = 0; sljit_s32 data2_ind = 1; sljit_s32 tmp1_ind = 2; sljit_s32 tmp2_ind = 3; sljit_s32 cmp1a_ind = 4; sljit_s32 cmp1b_ind = 5; sljit_s32 cmp2a_ind = 6; sljit_s32 cmp2b_ind = 7; struct sljit_label *start; #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 struct sljit_label *restart; #endif struct sljit_jump *jump[2]; sljit_u8 instruction[8]; int i; SLJIT_ASSERT(common->mode == PCRE2_JIT_COMPLETE && offs1 > offs2); SLJIT_ASSERT(diff <= IN_UCHARS(max_fast_forward_char_pair_offset())); SLJIT_ASSERT(tmp1_reg_ind < 8 && tmp2_reg_ind == 1); /* Initialize. */ if (common->match_end_ptr != 0) { OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_MEM1(SLJIT_SP), common->match_end_ptr); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP3, 0, STR_END, 0); OP2(SLJIT_ADD, TMP1, 0, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, IN_UCHARS(offs1 + 1)); OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_LESS, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, TMP1, 0, STR_END, 0); CMOV(SLJIT_LESS, STR_END, TMP1, 0); } OP2(SLJIT_ADD, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_IMM, IN_UCHARS(offs1)); add_jump(compiler, &common->failed_match, CMP(SLJIT_GREATER_EQUAL, STR_PTR, 0, STR_END, 0)); /* MOVD xmm, r/m32 */ instruction[0] = 0x66; instruction[1] = 0x0f; instruction[2] = 0x6e; if (char1a == char1b) OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(char1a)); else { bit1 = char1a ^ char1b; if (is_powerof2(bit1)) { compare1_type = sse2_compare_match1i; OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(char1a | bit1)); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(bit1)); } else { compare1_type = sse2_compare_match2; bit1 = 0; OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(char1a)); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(char1b)); } } instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp1a_ind << 3) | tmp1_reg_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); if (char1a != char1b) { instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp1b_ind << 3) | tmp2_reg_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); } if (char2a == char2b) OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(char2a)); else { bit2 = char2a ^ char2b; if (is_powerof2(bit2)) { compare2_type = sse2_compare_match1i; OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(char2a | bit2)); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(bit2)); } else { compare2_type = sse2_compare_match2; bit2 = 0; OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(char2a)); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, character_to_int32(char2b)); } } instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp2a_ind << 3) | tmp1_reg_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); if (char2a != char2b) { instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp2b_ind << 3) | tmp2_reg_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); } /* PSHUFD xmm1, xmm2/m128, imm8 */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0x70; instruction[4] = 0; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp1a_ind << 3) | cmp1a_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 5); if (char1a != char1b) { instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp1b_ind << 3) | cmp1b_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 5); } instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp2a_ind << 3) | cmp2a_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 5); if (char2a != char2b) { instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (cmp2b_ind << 3) | cmp2b_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 5); } #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 restart = LABEL(); #endif OP2(SLJIT_SUB, TMP1, 0, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_IMM, diff); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP2, 0, STR_PTR, 0); OP2(SLJIT_AND, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ~0xf); load_from_mem_sse2(compiler, data1_ind, str_ptr_reg_ind, 0); jump[0] = CMP(SLJIT_GREATER_EQUAL, TMP1, 0, STR_PTR, 0); load_from_mem_sse2(compiler, data2_ind, str_ptr_reg_ind, -(sljit_s8)diff); jump[1] = JUMP(SLJIT_JUMP); JUMPHERE(jump[0]); /* MOVDQA xmm1, xmm2/m128 */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0x6f; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (data2_ind << 3) | data1_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); /* PSLLDQ xmm1, imm8 */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0x73; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (7 << 3) | data2_ind; instruction[4] = diff; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 5); JUMPHERE(jump[1]); OP2(SLJIT_AND, TMP2, 0, TMP2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0xf); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { fast_forward_char_pair_sse2_compare(compiler, compare2_type, i, data2_ind, cmp2a_ind, cmp2b_ind, tmp2_ind); fast_forward_char_pair_sse2_compare(compiler, compare1_type, i, data1_ind, cmp1a_ind, cmp1b_ind, tmp1_ind); } /* PAND xmm1, xmm2/m128 */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0xdb; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (data1_ind << 3) | data2_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); /* PMOVMSKB reg, xmm */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0xd7; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (tmp1_reg_ind << 3) | 0; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); /* Ignore matches before the first STR_PTR. */ OP2(SLJIT_ADD, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, TMP2, 0); OP2(SLJIT_LSHR, TMP1, 0, TMP1, 0, TMP2, 0); jump[0] = CMP(SLJIT_NOT_ZERO, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0); OP2(SLJIT_SUB, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, TMP2, 0); /* Main loop. */ start = LABEL(); OP2(SLJIT_ADD, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 16); add_jump(compiler, &common->failed_match, CMP(SLJIT_GREATER_EQUAL, STR_PTR, 0, STR_END, 0)); load_from_mem_sse2(compiler, data1_ind, str_ptr_reg_ind, 0); load_from_mem_sse2(compiler, data2_ind, str_ptr_reg_ind, -(sljit_s8)diff); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { fast_forward_char_pair_sse2_compare(compiler, compare1_type, i, data1_ind, cmp1a_ind, cmp1b_ind, tmp2_ind); fast_forward_char_pair_sse2_compare(compiler, compare2_type, i, data2_ind, cmp2a_ind, cmp2b_ind, tmp1_ind); } /* PAND xmm1, xmm2/m128 */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0xdb; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (data1_ind << 3) | data2_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); /* PMOVMSKB reg, xmm */ /* instruction[0] = 0x66; */ /* instruction[1] = 0x0f; */ instruction[2] = 0xd7; instruction[3] = 0xc0 | (tmp1_reg_ind << 3) | 0; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 4); CMPTO(SLJIT_ZERO, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0, start); JUMPHERE(jump[0]); /* BSF r32, r/m32 */ instruction[0] = 0x0f; instruction[1] = 0xbc; instruction[2] = 0xc0 | (tmp1_reg_ind << 3) | tmp1_reg_ind; sljit_emit_op_custom(compiler, instruction, 3); OP2(SLJIT_ADD, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, TMP1, 0); add_jump(compiler, &common->failed_match, CMP(SLJIT_GREATER_EQUAL, STR_PTR, 0, STR_END, 0)); if (common->match_end_ptr != 0) OP1(SLJIT_MOV, STR_END, 0, SLJIT_MEM1(SLJIT_SP), common->match_end_ptr); #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 if (common->utf) { OP1(MOV_UCHAR, TMP1, 0, SLJIT_MEM1(STR_PTR), IN_UCHARS(-offs1)); jump[0] = jump_if_utf_char_start(compiler, TMP1); OP2(SLJIT_ADD, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_IMM, IN_UCHARS(1)); CMPTO(SLJIT_LESS, STR_PTR, 0, STR_END, 0, restart); add_jump(compiler, &common->failed_match, JUMP(SLJIT_JUMP)); JUMPHERE(jump[0]); } #endif OP2(SLJIT_SUB, STR_PTR, 0, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_IMM, IN_UCHARS(offs1)); if (common->match_end_ptr != 0) OP1(SLJIT_MOV, STR_END, 0, TMP3, 0); } #endif /* !_WIN64 */ #undef SSE2_COMPARE_TYPE_INDEX #endif /* SLJIT_CONFIG_X86 && !SUPPORT_VALGRIND */ #if (defined SLJIT_CONFIG_ARM_64 && SLJIT_CONFIG_ARM_64 && (defined __ARM_NEON || defined __ARM_NEON__)) #include typedef union { unsigned int x; struct { unsigned char c1, c2, c3, c4; } c; } int_char; #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 static SLJIT_INLINE int utf_continue(sljit_u8 *s) { #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 return (*s & 0xc0) == 0x80; #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 16 return (*s & 0xfc00) == 0xdc00; #else #error "Unknown code width" #endif } #endif /* SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 */ #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 # define VECTOR_FACTOR 16 # define vect_t uint8x16_t # define VLD1Q(X) vld1q_u8((sljit_u8 *)(X)) # define VCEQQ vceqq_u8 # define VORRQ vorrq_u8 # define VST1Q vst1q_u8 # define VDUPQ vdupq_n_u8 # define VEXTQ vextq_u8 # define VANDQ vandq_u8 typedef union { uint8_t mem[16]; uint64_t dw[2]; } quad_word; #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 16 # define VECTOR_FACTOR 8 # define vect_t uint16x8_t # define VLD1Q(X) vld1q_u16((sljit_u16 *)(X)) # define VCEQQ vceqq_u16 # define VORRQ vorrq_u16 # define VST1Q vst1q_u16 # define VDUPQ vdupq_n_u16 # define VEXTQ vextq_u16 # define VANDQ vandq_u16 typedef union { uint16_t mem[8]; uint64_t dw[2]; } quad_word; #else # define VECTOR_FACTOR 4 # define vect_t uint32x4_t # define VLD1Q(X) vld1q_u32((sljit_u32 *)(X)) # define VCEQQ vceqq_u32 # define VORRQ vorrq_u32 # define VST1Q vst1q_u32 # define VDUPQ vdupq_n_u32 # define VEXTQ vextq_u32 # define VANDQ vandq_u32 typedef union { uint32_t mem[4]; uint64_t dw[2]; } quad_word; #endif #define FFCS #include "pcre2_jit_neon_inc.h" #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 # define FF_UTF # include "pcre2_jit_neon_inc.h" # undef FF_UTF #endif #undef FFCS #define FFCS_2 #include "pcre2_jit_neon_inc.h" #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 # define FF_UTF # include "pcre2_jit_neon_inc.h" # undef FF_UTF #endif #undef FFCS_2 #define FFCS_MASK #include "pcre2_jit_neon_inc.h" #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 # define FF_UTF # include "pcre2_jit_neon_inc.h" # undef FF_UTF #endif #undef FFCS_MASK #define JIT_HAS_FAST_FORWARD_CHAR_SIMD 1 static void fast_forward_char_simd(compiler_common *common, PCRE2_UCHAR char1, PCRE2_UCHAR char2, sljit_s32 offset) { DEFINE_COMPILER; int_char ic; struct sljit_jump *partial_quit; /* Save temporary registers. */ OP1(SLJIT_MOV, SLJIT_MEM1(SLJIT_SP), LOCALS0, STR_PTR, 0); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, SLJIT_MEM1(SLJIT_SP), LOCALS1, TMP3, 0); /* Prepare function arguments */ OP1(SLJIT_MOV, SLJIT_R0, 0, STR_END, 0); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, SLJIT_R1, 0, STR_PTR, 0); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, SLJIT_R2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, offset); if (char1 == char2) { ic.c.c1 = char1; ic.c.c2 = char2; OP1(SLJIT_MOV, SLJIT_R4, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ic.x); #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 if (common->utf && offset > 0) sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(UW) | SLJIT_ARG3(UW) | SLJIT_ARG4(UW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcs_utf)); else sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(UW) | SLJIT_ARG3(UW) | SLJIT_ARG4(UW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcs)); #else sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(UW) | SLJIT_ARG3(UW) | SLJIT_ARG4(UW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcs)); #endif } else { PCRE2_UCHAR mask = char1 ^ char2; if (is_powerof2(mask)) { ic.c.c1 = char1 | mask; ic.c.c2 = mask; OP1(SLJIT_MOV, SLJIT_R4, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ic.x); #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 if (common->utf && offset > 0) sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(UW) | SLJIT_ARG3(UW) | SLJIT_ARG4(UW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcs_mask_utf)); else sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(UW) | SLJIT_ARG3(UW) | SLJIT_ARG4(UW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcs_mask)); #else sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(UW) | SLJIT_ARG3(UW) | SLJIT_ARG4(UW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcs_mask)); #endif } else { ic.c.c1 = char1; ic.c.c2 = char2; OP1(SLJIT_MOV, SLJIT_R4, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ic.x); #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 if (common->utf && offset > 0) sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(UW) | SLJIT_ARG3(UW) | SLJIT_ARG4(UW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcs_2_utf)); else sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(UW) | SLJIT_ARG3(UW) | SLJIT_ARG4(UW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcs_2)); #else sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(UW) | SLJIT_ARG3(UW) | SLJIT_ARG4(UW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcs_2)); #endif } } /* Restore registers. */ OP1(SLJIT_MOV, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_MEM1(SLJIT_SP), LOCALS0); OP1(SLJIT_MOV, TMP3, 0, SLJIT_MEM1(SLJIT_SP), LOCALS1); /* Check return value. */ partial_quit = CMP(SLJIT_EQUAL, SLJIT_RETURN_REG, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0); if (common->mode == PCRE2_JIT_COMPLETE) add_jump(compiler, &common->failed_match, partial_quit); /* Fast forward STR_PTR to the result of memchr. */ OP1(SLJIT_MOV, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_RETURN_REG, 0); if (common->mode != PCRE2_JIT_COMPLETE) JUMPHERE(partial_quit); } typedef enum { compare_match1, compare_match1i, compare_match2, } compare_type; static inline vect_t fast_forward_char_pair_compare(compare_type ctype, vect_t dst, vect_t cmp1, vect_t cmp2) { if (ctype == compare_match2) { vect_t tmp = dst; dst = VCEQQ(dst, cmp1); tmp = VCEQQ(tmp, cmp2); dst = VORRQ(dst, tmp); return dst; } if (ctype == compare_match1i) dst = VORRQ(dst, cmp2); dst = VCEQQ(dst, cmp1); return dst; } static SLJIT_INLINE sljit_u32 max_fast_forward_char_pair_offset(void) { #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 return 15; #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 16 return 7; #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 32 return 3; #else #error "Unsupported unit width" #endif } /* ARM doesn't have a shift left across lanes. */ static SLJIT_INLINE vect_t shift_left_n_lanes(vect_t a, sljit_u8 n) { vect_t zero = VDUPQ(0); SLJIT_ASSERT(0 < n && n < VECTOR_FACTOR); /* VEXTQ takes an immediate as last argument. */ #define C(X) case X: return VEXTQ(zero, a, VECTOR_FACTOR - X); switch (n) { C(1); C(2); C(3); #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 C(4); C(5); C(6); C(7); # if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 16 C(8); C(9); C(10); C(11); C(12); C(13); C(14); C(15); # endif #endif default: /* Based on the ASSERT(0 < n && n < VECTOR_FACTOR) above, this won't happen. The return is still here for compilers to not warn. */ return a; } } #define FFCPS #define FFCPS_DIFF1 #define FFCPS_CHAR1A2A #define FFCPS_0 #include "pcre2_jit_neon_inc.h" #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 # define FF_UTF # include "pcre2_jit_neon_inc.h" # undef FF_UTF #endif #undef FFCPS_0 #undef FFCPS_CHAR1A2A #define FFCPS_1 #include "pcre2_jit_neon_inc.h" #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 # define FF_UTF # include "pcre2_jit_neon_inc.h" # undef FF_UTF #endif #undef FFCPS_1 #undef FFCPS_DIFF1 #define FFCPS_DEFAULT #include "pcre2_jit_neon_inc.h" #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 # define FF_UTF # include "pcre2_jit_neon_inc.h" # undef FF_UTF #endif #undef FFCPS #define JIT_HAS_FAST_FORWARD_CHAR_PAIR_SIMD 1 static void fast_forward_char_pair_simd(compiler_common *common, sljit_s32 offs1, PCRE2_UCHAR char1a, PCRE2_UCHAR char1b, sljit_s32 offs2, PCRE2_UCHAR char2a, PCRE2_UCHAR char2b) { DEFINE_COMPILER; sljit_u32 diff = IN_UCHARS(offs1 - offs2); struct sljit_jump *partial_quit; int_char ic; SLJIT_ASSERT(common->mode == PCRE2_JIT_COMPLETE && offs1 > offs2); SLJIT_ASSERT(diff <= IN_UCHARS(max_fast_forward_char_pair_offset())); SLJIT_ASSERT(compiler->scratches == 5); /* Save temporary register STR_PTR. */ OP1(SLJIT_MOV, SLJIT_MEM1(SLJIT_SP), LOCALS0, STR_PTR, 0); /* Prepare arguments for the function call. */ if (common->match_end_ptr == 0) OP1(SLJIT_MOV, SLJIT_R0, 0, STR_END, 0); else { OP1(SLJIT_MOV, SLJIT_R0, 0, SLJIT_MEM1(SLJIT_SP), common->match_end_ptr); OP2(SLJIT_ADD, SLJIT_R0, 0, SLJIT_R0, 0, SLJIT_IMM, IN_UCHARS(offs1 + 1)); OP2(SLJIT_SUB | SLJIT_SET_LESS, SLJIT_UNUSED, 0, STR_END, 0, SLJIT_R0, 0); CMOV(SLJIT_LESS, SLJIT_R0, STR_END, 0); } OP1(SLJIT_MOV, SLJIT_R1, 0, STR_PTR, 0); OP1(SLJIT_MOV_S32, SLJIT_R2, 0, SLJIT_IMM, offs1); OP1(SLJIT_MOV_S32, SLJIT_R3, 0, SLJIT_IMM, offs2); ic.c.c1 = char1a; ic.c.c2 = char1b; ic.c.c3 = char2a; ic.c.c4 = char2b; OP1(SLJIT_MOV_U32, SLJIT_R4, 0, SLJIT_IMM, ic.x); if (diff == 1) { if (char1a == char1b && char2a == char2b) { #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 if (common->utf) sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(SW) | SLJIT_ARG3(SW) | SLJIT_ARG4(SW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcps_0_utf)); else #endif sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(SW) | SLJIT_ARG3(SW) | SLJIT_ARG4(SW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcps_0)); } else { #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 if (common->utf) sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(SW) | SLJIT_ARG3(SW) | SLJIT_ARG4(SW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcps_1_utf)); else #endif sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(SW) | SLJIT_ARG3(SW) | SLJIT_ARG4(SW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcps_1)); } } else { #if defined SUPPORT_UNICODE && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 32 if (common->utf) sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(SW) | SLJIT_ARG3(SW) | SLJIT_ARG4(SW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcps_default_utf)); else #endif sljit_emit_icall(compiler, SLJIT_CALL, SLJIT_RET(SW) | SLJIT_ARG1(SW) | SLJIT_ARG2(SW) | SLJIT_ARG3(SW) | SLJIT_ARG4(SW), SLJIT_IMM, SLJIT_FUNC_OFFSET(ffcps_default)); } /* Restore STR_PTR register. */ OP1(SLJIT_MOV, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_MEM1(SLJIT_SP), LOCALS0); /* Check return value. */ partial_quit = CMP(SLJIT_EQUAL, SLJIT_RETURN_REG, 0, SLJIT_IMM, 0); add_jump(compiler, &common->failed_match, partial_quit); /* Fast forward STR_PTR to the result of memchr. */ OP1(SLJIT_MOV, STR_PTR, 0, SLJIT_RETURN_REG, 0); JUMPHERE(partial_quit); } #endif /* SLJIT_CONFIG_ARM_64 && SLJIT_CONFIG_ARM_64 */ PK!0A-eepcre/pcre2lib/pcre2_internal.hnu[/************************************************* * Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions * *************************************************/ /* PCRE2 is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl 5 language. Written by Philip Hazel Original API code Copyright (c) 1997-2012 University of Cambridge New API code Copyright (c) 2016-2020 University of Cambridge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef PCRE2_INTERNAL_H_IDEMPOTENT_GUARD #define PCRE2_INTERNAL_H_IDEMPOTENT_GUARD /* We do not support both EBCDIC and Unicode at the same time. The "configure" script prevents both being selected, but not everybody uses "configure". EBCDIC is only supported for the 8-bit library, but the check for this has to be later in this file, because the first part is not width-dependent, and is included by pcre2test.c with CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 0. */ #if defined EBCDIC && defined SUPPORT_UNICODE #error The use of both EBCDIC and SUPPORT_UNICODE is not supported. #endif /* Standard C headers */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Macros to make boolean values more obvious. The #ifndef is to pacify compiler warnings in environments where these macros are defined elsewhere. Unfortunately, there is no way to do the same for the typedef. */ typedef int BOOL; #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #endif /* Valgrind (memcheck) support */ #ifdef SUPPORT_VALGRIND #include #endif /* -ftrivial-auto-var-init support supports initializing all local variables to avoid some classes of bug, but this can cause an unacceptable slowdown for large on-stack arrays in hot functions. This macro lets us annotate such arrays. */ #ifdef HAVE_ATTRIBUTE_UNINITIALIZED #define PCRE2_KEEP_UNINITIALIZED __attribute__((uninitialized)) #else #define PCRE2_KEEP_UNINITIALIZED #endif /* Older versions of MSVC lack snprintf(). This define allows for warning/error-free compilation and testing with MSVC compilers back to at least MSVC 10/2010. Except for VC6 (which is missing some fundamentals and fails). */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900) #define snprintf _snprintf #endif /* When compiling a DLL for Windows, the exported symbols have to be declared using some MS magic. I found some useful information on this web page: According to the information there, using __declspec(dllexport) without "extern" we have a definition; with "extern" we have a declaration. The settings here override the setting in pcre2.h (which is included below); it defines only PCRE2_EXP_DECL, which is all that is needed for applications (they just import the symbols). We use: PCRE2_EXP_DECL for declarations PCRE2_EXP_DEFN for definitions The reason for wrapping this in #ifndef PCRE2_EXP_DECL is so that pcre2test, which is an application, but needs to import this file in order to "peek" at internals, can #include pcre2.h first to get an application's-eye view. In principle, people compiling for non-Windows, non-Unix-like (i.e. uncommon, special-purpose environments) might want to stick other stuff in front of exported symbols. That's why, in the non-Windows case, we set PCRE2_EXP_DEFN only if it is not already set. */ #ifndef PCRE2_EXP_DECL # ifdef _WIN32 # ifndef PCRE2_STATIC # define PCRE2_EXP_DECL extern __declspec(dllexport) # define PCRE2_EXP_DEFN __declspec(dllexport) # else # define PCRE2_EXP_DECL extern # define PCRE2_EXP_DEFN # endif # else # ifdef __cplusplus # define PCRE2_EXP_DECL extern "C" # else # define PCRE2_EXP_DECL extern # endif # ifndef PCRE2_EXP_DEFN # define PCRE2_EXP_DEFN PCRE2_EXP_DECL # endif # endif #endif /* Include the public PCRE2 header and the definitions of UCP character property values. This must follow the setting of PCRE2_EXP_DECL above. */ #include "pcre2.h" #include "pcre2_ucp.h" /* When PCRE2 is compiled as a C++ library, the subject pointer can be replaced with a custom type. This makes it possible, for example, to allow pcre2_match() to process subject strings that are discontinuous by using a smart pointer class. It must always be possible to inspect all of the subject string in pcre2_match() because of the way it backtracks. */ /* WARNING: This is as yet untested for PCRE2. */ #ifdef CUSTOM_SUBJECT_PTR #undef PCRE2_SPTR #define PCRE2_SPTR CUSTOM_SUBJECT_PTR #endif /* When checking for integer overflow in pcre2_compile(), we need to handle large integers. If a 64-bit integer type is available, we can use that. Otherwise we have to cast to double, which of course requires floating point arithmetic. Handle this by defining a macro for the appropriate type. */ #if defined INT64_MAX || defined int64_t #define INT64_OR_DOUBLE int64_t #else #define INT64_OR_DOUBLE double #endif /* External (in the C sense) functions and tables that are private to the libraries are always referenced using the PRIV macro. This makes it possible for pcre2test.c to include some of the source files from the libraries using a different PRIV definition to avoid name clashes. It also makes it clear in the code that a non-static object is being referenced. */ #ifndef PRIV #define PRIV(name) _pcre2_##name #endif /* When compiling for use with the Virtual Pascal compiler, these functions need to have their names changed. PCRE2 must be compiled with the -DVPCOMPAT option on the command line. */ #ifdef VPCOMPAT #define strlen(s) _strlen(s) #define strncmp(s1,s2,m) _strncmp(s1,s2,m) #define memcmp(s,c,n) _memcmp(s,c,n) #define memcpy(d,s,n) _memcpy(d,s,n) #define memmove(d,s,n) _memmove(d,s,n) #define memset(s,c,n) _memset(s,c,n) #else /* VPCOMPAT */ /* Otherwise, to cope with SunOS4 and other systems that lack memmove(), define a macro that calls an emulating function. */ #ifndef HAVE_MEMMOVE #undef memmove /* Some systems may have a macro */ #define memmove(a, b, c) PRIV(memmove)(a, b, c) #endif /* not HAVE_MEMMOVE */ #endif /* not VPCOMPAT */ /* This is an unsigned int value that no UTF character can ever have, as Unicode doesn't go beyond 0x0010ffff. */ #define NOTACHAR 0xffffffff /* This is the largest valid UTF/Unicode code point. */ #define MAX_UTF_CODE_POINT 0x10ffff /* Compile-time positive error numbers (all except UTF errors, which are negative) start at this value. It should probably never be changed, in case some application is checking for specific numbers. There is a copy of this #define in pcre2posix.c (which now no longer includes this file). Ideally, a way of having a single definition should be found, but as the number is unlikely to change, this is not a pressing issue. The original reason for having a base other than 0 was to keep the absolute values of compile-time and run-time error numbers numerically different, but in the event the code does not rely on this. */ #define COMPILE_ERROR_BASE 100 /* The initial frames vector for remembering backtracking points in pcre2_match() is allocated on the system stack, of this size (bytes). The size must be a multiple of sizeof(PCRE2_SPTR) in all environments, so making it a multiple of 8 is best. Typical frame sizes are a few hundred bytes (it depends on the number of capturing parentheses) so 20KiB handles quite a few frames. A larger vector on the heap is obtained for patterns that need more frames. The maximum size of this can be limited. */ #define START_FRAMES_SIZE 20480 /* Similarly, for DFA matching, an initial internal workspace vector is allocated on the stack. */ #define DFA_START_RWS_SIZE 30720 /* Define the default BSR convention. */ #ifdef BSR_ANYCRLF #define BSR_DEFAULT PCRE2_BSR_ANYCRLF #else #define BSR_DEFAULT PCRE2_BSR_UNICODE #endif /* ---------------- Basic UTF-8 macros ---------------- */ /* These UTF-8 macros are always defined because they are used in pcre2test for handling wide characters in 16-bit and 32-bit modes, even if an 8-bit library is not supported. */ /* Tests whether a UTF-8 code point needs extra bytes to decode. */ #define HASUTF8EXTRALEN(c) ((c) >= 0xc0) /* The following macros were originally written in the form of loops that used data from the tables whose names start with PRIV(utf8_table). They were rewritten by a user so as not to use loops, because in some environments this gives a significant performance advantage, and it seems never to do any harm. */ /* Base macro to pick up the remaining bytes of a UTF-8 character, not advancing the pointer. */ #define GETUTF8(c, eptr) \ { \ if ((c & 0x20u) == 0) \ c = ((c & 0x1fu) << 6) | (eptr[1] & 0x3fu); \ else if ((c & 0x10u) == 0) \ c = ((c & 0x0fu) << 12) | ((eptr[1] & 0x3fu) << 6) | (eptr[2] & 0x3fu); \ else if ((c & 0x08u) == 0) \ c = ((c & 0x07u) << 18) | ((eptr[1] & 0x3fu) << 12) | \ ((eptr[2] & 0x3fu) << 6) | (eptr[3] & 0x3fu); \ else if ((c & 0x04u) == 0) \ c = ((c & 0x03u) << 24) | ((eptr[1] & 0x3fu) << 18) | \ ((eptr[2] & 0x3fu) << 12) | ((eptr[3] & 0x3fu) << 6) | \ (eptr[4] & 0x3fu); \ else \ c = ((c & 0x01u) << 30) | ((eptr[1] & 0x3fu) << 24) | \ ((eptr[2] & 0x3fu) << 18) | ((eptr[3] & 0x3fu) << 12) | \ ((eptr[4] & 0x3fu) << 6) | (eptr[5] & 0x3fu); \ } /* Base macro to pick up the remaining bytes of a UTF-8 character, advancing the pointer. */ #define GETUTF8INC(c, eptr) \ { \ if ((c & 0x20u) == 0) \ c = ((c & 0x1fu) << 6) | (*eptr++ & 0x3fu); \ else if ((c & 0x10u) == 0) \ { \ c = ((c & 0x0fu) << 12) | ((*eptr & 0x3fu) << 6) | (eptr[1] & 0x3fu); \ eptr += 2; \ } \ else if ((c & 0x08u) == 0) \ { \ c = ((c & 0x07u) << 18) | ((*eptr & 0x3fu) << 12) | \ ((eptr[1] & 0x3fu) << 6) | (eptr[2] & 0x3fu); \ eptr += 3; \ } \ else if ((c & 0x04u) == 0) \ { \ c = ((c & 0x03u) << 24) | ((*eptr & 0x3fu) << 18) | \ ((eptr[1] & 0x3fu) << 12) | ((eptr[2] & 0x3fu) << 6) | \ (eptr[3] & 0x3fu); \ eptr += 4; \ } \ else \ { \ c = ((c & 0x01u) << 30) | ((*eptr & 0x3fu) << 24) | \ ((eptr[1] & 0x3fu) << 18) | ((eptr[2] & 0x3fu) << 12) | \ ((eptr[3] & 0x3fu) << 6) | (eptr[4] & 0x3fu); \ eptr += 5; \ } \ } /* Base macro to pick up the remaining bytes of a UTF-8 character, not advancing the pointer, incrementing the length. */ #define GETUTF8LEN(c, eptr, len) \ { \ if ((c & 0x20u) == 0) \ { \ c = ((c & 0x1fu) << 6) | (eptr[1] & 0x3fu); \ len++; \ } \ else if ((c & 0x10u) == 0) \ { \ c = ((c & 0x0fu) << 12) | ((eptr[1] & 0x3fu) << 6) | (eptr[2] & 0x3fu); \ len += 2; \ } \ else if ((c & 0x08u) == 0) \ {\ c = ((c & 0x07u) << 18) | ((eptr[1] & 0x3fu) << 12) | \ ((eptr[2] & 0x3fu) << 6) | (eptr[3] & 0x3fu); \ len += 3; \ } \ else if ((c & 0x04u) == 0) \ { \ c = ((c & 0x03u) << 24) | ((eptr[1] & 0x3fu) << 18) | \ ((eptr[2] & 0x3fu) << 12) | ((eptr[3] & 0x3fu) << 6) | \ (eptr[4] & 0x3fu); \ len += 4; \ } \ else \ {\ c = ((c & 0x01u) << 30) | ((eptr[1] & 0x3fu) << 24) | \ ((eptr[2] & 0x3fu) << 18) | ((eptr[3] & 0x3fu) << 12) | \ ((eptr[4] & 0x3fu) << 6) | (eptr[5] & 0x3fu); \ len += 5; \ } \ } /* --------------- Whitespace macros ---------------- */ /* Tests for Unicode horizontal and vertical whitespace characters must check a number of different values. Using a switch statement for this generates the fastest code (no loop, no memory access), and there are several places in the interpreter code where this happens. In order to ensure that all the case lists remain in step, we use macros so that there is only one place where the lists are defined. These values are also required as lists in pcre2_compile.c when processing \h, \H, \v and \V in a character class. The lists are defined in pcre2_tables.c, but macros that define the values are here so that all the definitions are together. The lists must be in ascending character order, terminated by NOTACHAR (which is 0xffffffff). Any changes should ensure that the various macros are kept in step with each other. NOTE: The values also appear in pcre2_jit_compile.c. */ /* -------------- ASCII/Unicode environments -------------- */ #ifndef EBCDIC /* Character U+180E (Mongolian Vowel Separator) is not included in the list of spaces in the Unicode file PropList.txt, and Perl does not recognize it as a space. However, in many other sources it is listed as a space and has been in PCRE (both APIs) for a long time. */ #define HSPACE_LIST \ CHAR_HT, CHAR_SPACE, CHAR_NBSP, \ 0x1680, 0x180e, 0x2000, 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, \ 0x2006, 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200A, 0x202f, 0x205f, 0x3000, \ NOTACHAR #define HSPACE_MULTIBYTE_CASES \ case 0x1680: /* OGHAM SPACE MARK */ \ case 0x180e: /* MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR */ \ case 0x2000: /* EN QUAD */ \ case 0x2001: /* EM QUAD */ \ case 0x2002: /* EN SPACE */ \ case 0x2003: /* EM SPACE */ \ case 0x2004: /* THREE-PER-EM SPACE */ \ case 0x2005: /* FOUR-PER-EM SPACE */ \ case 0x2006: /* SIX-PER-EM SPACE */ \ case 0x2007: /* FIGURE SPACE */ \ case 0x2008: /* PUNCTUATION SPACE */ \ case 0x2009: /* THIN SPACE */ \ case 0x200A: /* HAIR SPACE */ \ case 0x202f: /* NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE */ \ case 0x205f: /* MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE */ \ case 0x3000 /* IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE */ #define HSPACE_BYTE_CASES \ case CHAR_HT: \ case CHAR_SPACE: \ case CHAR_NBSP #define HSPACE_CASES \ HSPACE_BYTE_CASES: \ HSPACE_MULTIBYTE_CASES #define VSPACE_LIST \ CHAR_LF, CHAR_VT, CHAR_FF, CHAR_CR, CHAR_NEL, 0x2028, 0x2029, NOTACHAR #define VSPACE_MULTIBYTE_CASES \ case 0x2028: /* LINE SEPARATOR */ \ case 0x2029 /* PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR */ #define VSPACE_BYTE_CASES \ case CHAR_LF: \ case CHAR_VT: \ case CHAR_FF: \ case CHAR_CR: \ case CHAR_NEL #define VSPACE_CASES \ VSPACE_BYTE_CASES: \ VSPACE_MULTIBYTE_CASES /* -------------- EBCDIC environments -------------- */ #else #define HSPACE_LIST CHAR_HT, CHAR_SPACE, CHAR_NBSP, NOTACHAR #define HSPACE_BYTE_CASES \ case CHAR_HT: \ case CHAR_SPACE: \ case CHAR_NBSP #define HSPACE_CASES HSPACE_BYTE_CASES #ifdef EBCDIC_NL25 #define VSPACE_LIST \ CHAR_VT, CHAR_FF, CHAR_CR, CHAR_NEL, CHAR_LF, NOTACHAR #else #define VSPACE_LIST \ CHAR_VT, CHAR_FF, CHAR_CR, CHAR_LF, CHAR_NEL, NOTACHAR #endif #define VSPACE_BYTE_CASES \ case CHAR_LF: \ case CHAR_VT: \ case CHAR_FF: \ case CHAR_CR: \ case CHAR_NEL #define VSPACE_CASES VSPACE_BYTE_CASES #endif /* EBCDIC */ /* -------------- End of whitespace macros -------------- */ /* PCRE2 is able to support several different kinds of newline (CR, LF, CRLF, "any" and "anycrlf" at present). The following macros are used to package up testing for newlines. NLBLOCK, PSSTART, and PSEND are defined in the various modules to indicate in which datablock the parameters exist, and what the start/end of string field names are. */ #define NLTYPE_FIXED 0 /* Newline is a fixed length string */ #define NLTYPE_ANY 1 /* Newline is any Unicode line ending */ #define NLTYPE_ANYCRLF 2 /* Newline is CR, LF, or CRLF */ /* This macro checks for a newline at the given position */ #define IS_NEWLINE(p) \ ((NLBLOCK->nltype != NLTYPE_FIXED)? \ ((p) < NLBLOCK->PSEND && \ PRIV(is_newline)((p), NLBLOCK->nltype, NLBLOCK->PSEND, \ &(NLBLOCK->nllen), utf)) \ : \ ((p) <= NLBLOCK->PSEND - NLBLOCK->nllen && \ UCHAR21TEST(p) == NLBLOCK->nl[0] && \ (NLBLOCK->nllen == 1 || UCHAR21TEST(p+1) == NLBLOCK->nl[1]) \ ) \ ) /* This macro checks for a newline immediately preceding the given position */ #define WAS_NEWLINE(p) \ ((NLBLOCK->nltype != NLTYPE_FIXED)? \ ((p) > NLBLOCK->PSSTART && \ PRIV(was_newline)((p), NLBLOCK->nltype, NLBLOCK->PSSTART, \ &(NLBLOCK->nllen), utf)) \ : \ ((p) >= NLBLOCK->PSSTART + NLBLOCK->nllen && \ UCHAR21TEST(p - NLBLOCK->nllen) == NLBLOCK->nl[0] && \ (NLBLOCK->nllen == 1 || UCHAR21TEST(p - NLBLOCK->nllen + 1) == NLBLOCK->nl[1]) \ ) \ ) /* Private flags containing information about the compiled pattern. The first three must not be changed, because whichever is set is actually the number of bytes in a code unit in that mode. */ #define PCRE2_MODE8 0x00000001 /* compiled in 8 bit mode */ #define PCRE2_MODE16 0x00000002 /* compiled in 16 bit mode */ #define PCRE2_MODE32 0x00000004 /* compiled in 32 bit mode */ #define PCRE2_FIRSTSET 0x00000010 /* first_code unit is set */ #define PCRE2_FIRSTCASELESS 0x00000020 /* caseless first code unit */ #define PCRE2_FIRSTMAPSET 0x00000040 /* bitmap of first code units is set */ #define PCRE2_LASTSET 0x00000080 /* last code unit is set */ #define PCRE2_LASTCASELESS 0x00000100 /* caseless last code unit */ #define PCRE2_STARTLINE 0x00000200 /* start after \n for multiline */ #define PCRE2_JCHANGED 0x00000400 /* j option used in pattern */ #define PCRE2_HASCRORLF 0x00000800 /* explicit \r or \n in pattern */ #define PCRE2_HASTHEN 0x00001000 /* pattern contains (*THEN) */ #define PCRE2_MATCH_EMPTY 0x00002000 /* pattern can match empty string */ #define PCRE2_BSR_SET 0x00004000 /* BSR was set in the pattern */ #define PCRE2_NL_SET 0x00008000 /* newline was set in the pattern */ #define PCRE2_NOTEMPTY_SET 0x00010000 /* (*NOTEMPTY) used ) keep */ #define PCRE2_NE_ATST_SET 0x00020000 /* (*NOTEMPTY_ATSTART) used) together */ #define PCRE2_DEREF_TABLES 0x00040000 /* release character tables */ #define PCRE2_NOJIT 0x00080000 /* (*NOJIT) used */ #define PCRE2_HASBKPORX 0x00100000 /* contains \P, \p, or \X */ #define PCRE2_DUPCAPUSED 0x00200000 /* contains (?| */ #define PCRE2_HASBKC 0x00400000 /* contains \C */ #define PCRE2_HASACCEPT 0x00800000 /* contains (*ACCEPT) */ #define PCRE2_MODE_MASK (PCRE2_MODE8 | PCRE2_MODE16 | PCRE2_MODE32) /* Values for the matchedby field in a match data block. */ enum { PCRE2_MATCHEDBY_INTERPRETER, /* pcre2_match() */ PCRE2_MATCHEDBY_DFA_INTERPRETER, /* pcre2_dfa_match() */ PCRE2_MATCHEDBY_JIT }; /* pcre2_jit_match() */ /* Values for the flags field in a match data block. */ #define PCRE2_MD_COPIED_SUBJECT 0x01u /* Magic number to provide a small check against being handed junk. */ #define MAGIC_NUMBER 0x50435245UL /* 'PCRE' */ /* The maximum remaining length of subject we are prepared to search for a req_unit match from an anchored pattern. In 8-bit mode, memchr() is used and is much faster than the search loop that has to be used in 16-bit and 32-bit modes. */ #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 #define REQ_CU_MAX 5000 #else #define REQ_CU_MAX 2000 #endif /* Offsets for the bitmap tables in the cbits set of tables. Each table contains a set of bits for a class map. Some classes are built by combining these tables. */ #define cbit_space 0 /* [:space:] or \s */ #define cbit_xdigit 32 /* [:xdigit:] */ #define cbit_digit 64 /* [:digit:] or \d */ #define cbit_upper 96 /* [:upper:] */ #define cbit_lower 128 /* [:lower:] */ #define cbit_word 160 /* [:word:] or \w */ #define cbit_graph 192 /* [:graph:] */ #define cbit_print 224 /* [:print:] */ #define cbit_punct 256 /* [:punct:] */ #define cbit_cntrl 288 /* [:cntrl:] */ #define cbit_length 320 /* Length of the cbits table */ /* Bit definitions for entries in the ctypes table. Do not change these values without checking pcre2_jit_compile.c, which has an assertion to ensure that ctype_word has the value 16. */ #define ctype_space 0x01 #define ctype_letter 0x02 #define ctype_lcletter 0x04 #define ctype_digit 0x08 #define ctype_word 0x10 /* alphanumeric or '_' */ /* Offsets of the various tables from the base tables pointer, and total length of the tables. */ #define lcc_offset 0 /* Lower case */ #define fcc_offset 256 /* Flip case */ #define cbits_offset 512 /* Character classes */ #define ctypes_offset (cbits_offset + cbit_length) /* Character types */ #define TABLES_LENGTH (ctypes_offset + 256) /* -------------------- Character and string names ------------------------ */ /* If PCRE2 is to support UTF-8 on EBCDIC platforms, we cannot use normal character constants like '*' because the compiler would emit their EBCDIC code, which is different from their ASCII/UTF-8 code. Instead we define macros for the characters so that they always use the ASCII/UTF-8 code when UTF-8 support is enabled. When UTF-8 support is not enabled, the definitions use character literals. Both character and string versions of each character are needed, and there are some longer strings as well. This means that, on EBCDIC platforms, the PCRE2 library can handle either EBCDIC, or UTF-8, but not both. To support both in the same compiled library would need different lookups depending on whether PCRE2_UTF was set or not. This would make it impossible to use characters in switch/case statements, which would reduce performance. For a theoretical use (which nobody has asked for) in a minority area (EBCDIC platforms), this is not sensible. Any application that did need both could compile two versions of the library, using macros to give the functions distinct names. */ #ifndef SUPPORT_UNICODE /* UTF-8 support is not enabled; use the platform-dependent character literals so that PCRE2 works in both ASCII and EBCDIC environments, but only in non-UTF mode. Newline characters are problematic in EBCDIC. Though it has CR and LF characters, a common practice has been to use its NL (0x15) character as the line terminator in C-like processing environments. However, sometimes the LF (0x25) character is used instead, according to this Unicode document: PCRE2 defaults EBCDIC NL to 0x15, but has a build-time option to select 0x25 instead. Whichever is *not* chosen is defined as NEL. In both ASCII and EBCDIC environments, CHAR_NL and CHAR_LF are synonyms for the same code point. */ #ifdef EBCDIC #ifndef EBCDIC_NL25 #define CHAR_NL '\x15' #define CHAR_NEL '\x25' #define STR_NL "\x15" #define STR_NEL "\x25" #else #define CHAR_NL '\x25' #define CHAR_NEL '\x15' #define STR_NL "\x25" #define STR_NEL "\x15" #endif #define CHAR_LF CHAR_NL #define STR_LF STR_NL #define CHAR_ESC '\047' #define CHAR_DEL '\007' #define CHAR_NBSP ((unsigned char)'\x41') #define STR_ESC "\047" #define STR_DEL "\007" #else /* Not EBCDIC */ /* In ASCII/Unicode, linefeed is '\n' and we equate this to NL for compatibility. NEL is the Unicode newline character; make sure it is a positive value. */ #define CHAR_LF '\n' #define CHAR_NL CHAR_LF #define CHAR_NEL ((unsigned char)'\x85') #define CHAR_ESC '\033' #define CHAR_DEL '\177' #define CHAR_NBSP ((unsigned char)'\xa0') #define STR_LF "\n" #define STR_NL STR_LF #define STR_NEL "\x85" #define STR_ESC "\033" #define STR_DEL "\177" #endif /* EBCDIC */ /* The remaining definitions work in both environments. */ #define CHAR_NUL '\0' #define CHAR_HT '\t' #define CHAR_VT '\v' #define CHAR_FF '\f' #define CHAR_CR '\r' #define CHAR_BS '\b' #define CHAR_BEL '\a' #define CHAR_SPACE ' ' #define CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK '!' #define CHAR_QUOTATION_MARK '"' #define CHAR_NUMBER_SIGN '#' #define CHAR_DOLLAR_SIGN '$' #define CHAR_PERCENT_SIGN '%' #define CHAR_AMPERSAND '&' #define CHAR_APOSTROPHE '\'' #define CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESIS '(' #define CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS ')' #define CHAR_ASTERISK '*' #define CHAR_PLUS '+' #define CHAR_COMMA ',' #define CHAR_MINUS '-' #define CHAR_DOT '.' #define CHAR_SLASH '/' #define CHAR_0 '0' #define CHAR_1 '1' #define CHAR_2 '2' #define CHAR_3 '3' #define CHAR_4 '4' #define CHAR_5 '5' #define CHAR_6 '6' #define CHAR_7 '7' #define CHAR_8 '8' #define CHAR_9 '9' #define CHAR_COLON ':' #define CHAR_SEMICOLON ';' #define CHAR_LESS_THAN_SIGN '<' #define CHAR_EQUALS_SIGN '=' #define CHAR_GREATER_THAN_SIGN '>' #define CHAR_QUESTION_MARK '?' #define CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT '@' #define CHAR_A 'A' #define CHAR_B 'B' #define CHAR_C 'C' #define CHAR_D 'D' #define CHAR_E 'E' #define CHAR_F 'F' #define CHAR_G 'G' #define CHAR_H 'H' #define CHAR_I 'I' #define CHAR_J 'J' #define CHAR_K 'K' #define CHAR_L 'L' #define CHAR_M 'M' #define CHAR_N 'N' #define CHAR_O 'O' #define CHAR_P 'P' #define CHAR_Q 'Q' #define CHAR_R 'R' #define CHAR_S 'S' #define CHAR_T 'T' #define CHAR_U 'U' #define CHAR_V 'V' #define CHAR_W 'W' #define CHAR_X 'X' #define CHAR_Y 'Y' #define CHAR_Z 'Z' #define CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET '[' #define CHAR_BACKSLASH '\\' #define CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET ']' #define CHAR_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT '^' #define CHAR_UNDERSCORE '_' #define CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT '`' #define CHAR_a 'a' #define CHAR_b 'b' #define CHAR_c 'c' #define CHAR_d 'd' #define CHAR_e 'e' #define CHAR_f 'f' #define CHAR_g 'g' #define CHAR_h 'h' #define CHAR_i 'i' #define CHAR_j 'j' #define CHAR_k 'k' #define CHAR_l 'l' #define CHAR_m 'm' #define CHAR_n 'n' #define CHAR_o 'o' #define CHAR_p 'p' #define CHAR_q 'q' #define CHAR_r 'r' #define CHAR_s 's' #define CHAR_t 't' #define CHAR_u 'u' #define CHAR_v 'v' #define CHAR_w 'w' #define CHAR_x 'x' #define CHAR_y 'y' #define CHAR_z 'z' #define CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET '{' #define CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE '|' #define CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET '}' #define CHAR_TILDE '~' #define STR_HT "\t" #define STR_VT "\v" #define STR_FF "\f" #define STR_CR "\r" #define STR_BS "\b" #define STR_BEL "\a" #define STR_SPACE " " #define STR_EXCLAMATION_MARK "!" #define STR_QUOTATION_MARK "\"" #define STR_NUMBER_SIGN "#" #define STR_DOLLAR_SIGN "$" #define STR_PERCENT_SIGN "%" #define STR_AMPERSAND "&" #define STR_APOSTROPHE "'" #define STR_LEFT_PARENTHESIS "(" #define STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS ")" #define STR_ASTERISK "*" #define STR_PLUS "+" #define STR_COMMA "," #define STR_MINUS "-" #define STR_DOT "." #define STR_SLASH "/" #define STR_0 "0" #define STR_1 "1" #define STR_2 "2" #define STR_3 "3" #define STR_4 "4" #define STR_5 "5" #define STR_6 "6" #define STR_7 "7" #define STR_8 "8" #define STR_9 "9" #define STR_COLON ":" #define STR_SEMICOLON ";" #define STR_LESS_THAN_SIGN "<" #define STR_EQUALS_SIGN "=" #define STR_GREATER_THAN_SIGN ">" #define STR_QUESTION_MARK "?" #define STR_COMMERCIAL_AT "@" #define STR_A "A" #define STR_B "B" #define STR_C "C" #define STR_D "D" #define STR_E "E" #define STR_F "F" #define STR_G "G" #define STR_H "H" #define STR_I "I" #define STR_J "J" #define STR_K "K" #define STR_L "L" #define STR_M "M" #define STR_N "N" #define STR_O "O" #define STR_P "P" #define STR_Q "Q" #define STR_R "R" #define STR_S "S" #define STR_T "T" #define STR_U "U" #define STR_V "V" #define STR_W "W" #define STR_X "X" #define STR_Y "Y" #define STR_Z "Z" #define STR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET "[" #define STR_BACKSLASH "\\" #define STR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET "]" #define STR_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT "^" #define STR_UNDERSCORE "_" #define STR_GRAVE_ACCENT "`" #define STR_a "a" #define STR_b "b" #define STR_c "c" #define STR_d "d" #define STR_e "e" #define STR_f "f" #define STR_g "g" #define STR_h "h" #define STR_i "i" #define STR_j "j" #define STR_k "k" #define STR_l "l" #define STR_m "m" #define STR_n "n" #define STR_o "o" #define STR_p "p" #define STR_q "q" #define STR_r "r" #define STR_s "s" #define STR_t "t" #define STR_u "u" #define STR_v "v" #define STR_w "w" #define STR_x "x" #define STR_y "y" #define STR_z "z" #define STR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET "{" #define STR_VERTICAL_LINE "|" #define STR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET "}" #define STR_TILDE "~" #define STRING_ACCEPT0 "ACCEPT\0" #define STRING_COMMIT0 "COMMIT\0" #define STRING_F0 "F\0" #define STRING_FAIL0 "FAIL\0" #define STRING_MARK0 "MARK\0" #define STRING_PRUNE0 "PRUNE\0" #define STRING_SKIP0 "SKIP\0" #define STRING_THEN "THEN" #define STRING_atomic0 "atomic\0" #define STRING_pla0 "pla\0" #define STRING_plb0 "plb\0" #define STRING_napla0 "napla\0" #define STRING_naplb0 "naplb\0" #define STRING_nla0 "nla\0" #define STRING_nlb0 "nlb\0" #define STRING_sr0 "sr\0" #define STRING_asr0 "asr\0" #define STRING_positive_lookahead0 "positive_lookahead\0" #define STRING_positive_lookbehind0 "positive_lookbehind\0" #define STRING_non_atomic_positive_lookahead0 "non_atomic_positive_lookahead\0" #define STRING_non_atomic_positive_lookbehind0 "non_atomic_positive_lookbehind\0" #define STRING_negative_lookahead0 "negative_lookahead\0" #define STRING_negative_lookbehind0 "negative_lookbehind\0" #define STRING_script_run0 "script_run\0" #define STRING_atomic_script_run "atomic_script_run" #define STRING_alpha0 "alpha\0" #define STRING_lower0 "lower\0" #define STRING_upper0 "upper\0" #define STRING_alnum0 "alnum\0" #define STRING_ascii0 "ascii\0" #define STRING_blank0 "blank\0" #define STRING_cntrl0 "cntrl\0" #define STRING_digit0 "digit\0" #define STRING_graph0 "graph\0" #define STRING_print0 "print\0" #define STRING_punct0 "punct\0" #define STRING_space0 "space\0" #define STRING_word0 "word\0" #define STRING_xdigit "xdigit" #define STRING_DEFINE "DEFINE" #define STRING_VERSION "VERSION" #define STRING_WEIRD_STARTWORD "[:<:]]" #define STRING_WEIRD_ENDWORD "[:>:]]" #define STRING_CR_RIGHTPAR "CR)" #define STRING_LF_RIGHTPAR "LF)" #define STRING_CRLF_RIGHTPAR "CRLF)" #define STRING_ANY_RIGHTPAR "ANY)" #define STRING_ANYCRLF_RIGHTPAR "ANYCRLF)" #define STRING_NUL_RIGHTPAR "NUL)" #define STRING_BSR_ANYCRLF_RIGHTPAR "BSR_ANYCRLF)" #define STRING_BSR_UNICODE_RIGHTPAR "BSR_UNICODE)" #define STRING_UTF8_RIGHTPAR "UTF8)" #define STRING_UTF16_RIGHTPAR "UTF16)" #define STRING_UTF32_RIGHTPAR "UTF32)" #define STRING_UTF_RIGHTPAR "UTF)" #define STRING_UCP_RIGHTPAR "UCP)" #define STRING_NO_AUTO_POSSESS_RIGHTPAR "NO_AUTO_POSSESS)" #define STRING_NO_DOTSTAR_ANCHOR_RIGHTPAR "NO_DOTSTAR_ANCHOR)" #define STRING_NO_JIT_RIGHTPAR "NO_JIT)" #define STRING_NO_START_OPT_RIGHTPAR "NO_START_OPT)" #define STRING_NOTEMPTY_RIGHTPAR "NOTEMPTY)" #define STRING_NOTEMPTY_ATSTART_RIGHTPAR "NOTEMPTY_ATSTART)" #define STRING_LIMIT_HEAP_EQ "LIMIT_HEAP=" #define STRING_LIMIT_MATCH_EQ "LIMIT_MATCH=" #define STRING_LIMIT_DEPTH_EQ "LIMIT_DEPTH=" #define STRING_LIMIT_RECURSION_EQ "LIMIT_RECURSION=" #define STRING_MARK "MARK" #else /* SUPPORT_UNICODE */ /* UTF-8 support is enabled; always use UTF-8 (=ASCII) character codes. This works in both modes non-EBCDIC platforms, and on EBCDIC platforms in UTF-8 mode only. */ #define CHAR_HT '\011' #define CHAR_VT '\013' #define CHAR_FF '\014' #define CHAR_CR '\015' #define CHAR_LF '\012' #define CHAR_NL CHAR_LF #define CHAR_NEL ((unsigned char)'\x85') #define CHAR_BS '\010' #define CHAR_BEL '\007' #define CHAR_ESC '\033' #define CHAR_DEL '\177' #define CHAR_NUL '\0' #define CHAR_SPACE '\040' #define CHAR_EXCLAMATION_MARK '\041' #define CHAR_QUOTATION_MARK '\042' #define CHAR_NUMBER_SIGN '\043' #define CHAR_DOLLAR_SIGN '\044' #define CHAR_PERCENT_SIGN '\045' #define CHAR_AMPERSAND '\046' #define CHAR_APOSTROPHE '\047' #define CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESIS '\050' #define CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS '\051' #define CHAR_ASTERISK '\052' #define CHAR_PLUS '\053' #define CHAR_COMMA '\054' #define CHAR_MINUS '\055' #define CHAR_DOT '\056' #define CHAR_SLASH '\057' #define CHAR_0 '\060' #define CHAR_1 '\061' #define CHAR_2 '\062' #define CHAR_3 '\063' #define CHAR_4 '\064' #define CHAR_5 '\065' #define CHAR_6 '\066' #define CHAR_7 '\067' #define CHAR_8 '\070' #define CHAR_9 '\071' #define CHAR_COLON '\072' #define CHAR_SEMICOLON '\073' #define CHAR_LESS_THAN_SIGN '\074' #define CHAR_EQUALS_SIGN '\075' #define CHAR_GREATER_THAN_SIGN '\076' #define CHAR_QUESTION_MARK '\077' #define CHAR_COMMERCIAL_AT '\100' #define CHAR_A '\101' #define CHAR_B '\102' #define CHAR_C '\103' #define CHAR_D '\104' #define CHAR_E '\105' #define CHAR_F '\106' #define CHAR_G '\107' #define CHAR_H '\110' #define CHAR_I '\111' #define CHAR_J '\112' #define CHAR_K '\113' #define CHAR_L '\114' #define CHAR_M '\115' #define CHAR_N '\116' #define CHAR_O '\117' #define CHAR_P '\120' #define CHAR_Q '\121' #define CHAR_R '\122' #define CHAR_S '\123' #define CHAR_T '\124' #define CHAR_U '\125' #define CHAR_V '\126' #define CHAR_W '\127' #define CHAR_X '\130' #define CHAR_Y '\131' #define CHAR_Z '\132' #define CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET '\133' #define CHAR_BACKSLASH '\134' #define CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET '\135' #define CHAR_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT '\136' #define CHAR_UNDERSCORE '\137' #define CHAR_GRAVE_ACCENT '\140' #define CHAR_a '\141' #define CHAR_b '\142' #define CHAR_c '\143' #define CHAR_d '\144' #define CHAR_e '\145' #define CHAR_f '\146' #define CHAR_g '\147' #define CHAR_h '\150' #define CHAR_i '\151' #define CHAR_j '\152' #define CHAR_k '\153' #define CHAR_l '\154' #define CHAR_m '\155' #define CHAR_n '\156' #define CHAR_o '\157' #define CHAR_p '\160' #define CHAR_q '\161' #define CHAR_r '\162' #define CHAR_s '\163' #define CHAR_t '\164' #define CHAR_u '\165' #define CHAR_v '\166' #define CHAR_w '\167' #define CHAR_x '\170' #define CHAR_y '\171' #define CHAR_z '\172' #define CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET '\173' #define CHAR_VERTICAL_LINE '\174' #define CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET '\175' #define CHAR_TILDE '\176' #define CHAR_NBSP ((unsigned char)'\xa0') #define STR_HT "\011" #define STR_VT "\013" #define STR_FF "\014" #define STR_CR "\015" #define STR_NL "\012" #define STR_BS "\010" #define STR_BEL "\007" #define STR_ESC "\033" #define STR_DEL "\177" #define STR_SPACE "\040" #define STR_EXCLAMATION_MARK "\041" #define STR_QUOTATION_MARK "\042" #define STR_NUMBER_SIGN "\043" #define STR_DOLLAR_SIGN "\044" #define STR_PERCENT_SIGN "\045" #define STR_AMPERSAND "\046" #define STR_APOSTROPHE "\047" #define STR_LEFT_PARENTHESIS "\050" #define STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS "\051" #define STR_ASTERISK "\052" #define STR_PLUS "\053" #define STR_COMMA "\054" #define STR_MINUS "\055" #define STR_DOT "\056" #define STR_SLASH "\057" #define STR_0 "\060" #define STR_1 "\061" #define STR_2 "\062" #define STR_3 "\063" #define STR_4 "\064" #define STR_5 "\065" #define STR_6 "\066" #define STR_7 "\067" #define STR_8 "\070" #define STR_9 "\071" #define STR_COLON "\072" #define STR_SEMICOLON "\073" #define STR_LESS_THAN_SIGN "\074" #define STR_EQUALS_SIGN "\075" #define STR_GREATER_THAN_SIGN "\076" #define STR_QUESTION_MARK "\077" #define STR_COMMERCIAL_AT "\100" #define STR_A "\101" #define STR_B "\102" #define STR_C "\103" #define STR_D "\104" #define STR_E "\105" #define STR_F "\106" #define STR_G "\107" #define STR_H "\110" #define STR_I "\111" #define STR_J "\112" #define STR_K "\113" #define STR_L "\114" #define STR_M "\115" #define STR_N "\116" #define STR_O "\117" #define STR_P "\120" #define STR_Q "\121" #define STR_R "\122" #define STR_S "\123" #define STR_T "\124" #define STR_U "\125" #define STR_V "\126" #define STR_W "\127" #define STR_X "\130" #define STR_Y "\131" #define STR_Z "\132" #define STR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET "\133" #define STR_BACKSLASH "\134" #define STR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET "\135" #define STR_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT "\136" #define STR_UNDERSCORE "\137" #define STR_GRAVE_ACCENT "\140" #define STR_a "\141" #define STR_b "\142" #define STR_c "\143" #define STR_d "\144" #define STR_e "\145" #define STR_f "\146" #define STR_g "\147" #define STR_h "\150" #define STR_i "\151" #define STR_j "\152" #define STR_k "\153" #define STR_l "\154" #define STR_m "\155" #define STR_n "\156" #define STR_o "\157" #define STR_p "\160" #define STR_q "\161" #define STR_r "\162" #define STR_s "\163" #define STR_t "\164" #define STR_u "\165" #define STR_v "\166" #define STR_w "\167" #define STR_x "\170" #define STR_y "\171" #define STR_z "\172" #define STR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET "\173" #define STR_VERTICAL_LINE "\174" #define STR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET "\175" #define STR_TILDE "\176" #define STRING_ACCEPT0 STR_A STR_C STR_C STR_E STR_P STR_T "\0" #define STRING_COMMIT0 STR_C STR_O STR_M STR_M STR_I STR_T "\0" #define STRING_F0 STR_F "\0" #define STRING_FAIL0 STR_F STR_A STR_I STR_L "\0" #define STRING_MARK0 STR_M STR_A STR_R STR_K "\0" #define STRING_PRUNE0 STR_P STR_R STR_U STR_N STR_E "\0" #define STRING_SKIP0 STR_S STR_K STR_I STR_P "\0" #define STRING_THEN STR_T STR_H STR_E STR_N #define STRING_atomic0 STR_a STR_t STR_o STR_m STR_i STR_c "\0" #define STRING_pla0 STR_p STR_l STR_a "\0" #define STRING_plb0 STR_p STR_l STR_b "\0" #define STRING_napla0 STR_n STR_a STR_p STR_l STR_a "\0" #define STRING_naplb0 STR_n STR_a STR_p STR_l STR_b "\0" #define STRING_nla0 STR_n STR_l STR_a "\0" #define STRING_nlb0 STR_n STR_l STR_b "\0" #define STRING_sr0 STR_s STR_r "\0" #define STRING_asr0 STR_a STR_s STR_r "\0" #define STRING_positive_lookahead0 STR_p STR_o STR_s STR_i STR_t STR_i STR_v STR_e STR_UNDERSCORE STR_l STR_o STR_o STR_k STR_a STR_h STR_e STR_a STR_d "\0" #define STRING_positive_lookbehind0 STR_p STR_o STR_s STR_i STR_t STR_i STR_v STR_e STR_UNDERSCORE STR_l STR_o STR_o STR_k STR_b STR_e STR_h STR_i STR_n STR_d "\0" #define STRING_non_atomic_positive_lookahead0 STR_n STR_o STR_n STR_UNDERSCORE STR_a STR_t STR_o STR_m STR_i STR_c STR_UNDERSCORE STR_p STR_o STR_s STR_i STR_t STR_i STR_v STR_e STR_UNDERSCORE STR_l STR_o STR_o STR_k STR_a STR_h STR_e STR_a STR_d "\0" #define STRING_non_atomic_positive_lookbehind0 STR_n STR_o STR_n STR_UNDERSCORE STR_a STR_t STR_o STR_m STR_i STR_c STR_UNDERSCORE STR_p STR_o STR_s STR_i STR_t STR_i STR_v STR_e STR_UNDERSCORE STR_l STR_o STR_o STR_k STR_b STR_e STR_h STR_i STR_n STR_d "\0" #define STRING_negative_lookahead0 STR_n STR_e STR_g STR_a STR_t STR_i STR_v STR_e STR_UNDERSCORE STR_l STR_o STR_o STR_k STR_a STR_h STR_e STR_a STR_d "\0" #define STRING_negative_lookbehind0 STR_n STR_e STR_g STR_a STR_t STR_i STR_v STR_e STR_UNDERSCORE STR_l STR_o STR_o STR_k STR_b STR_e STR_h STR_i STR_n STR_d "\0" #define STRING_script_run0 STR_s STR_c STR_r STR_i STR_p STR_t STR_UNDERSCORE STR_r STR_u STR_n "\0" #define STRING_atomic_script_run STR_a STR_t STR_o STR_m STR_i STR_c STR_UNDERSCORE STR_s STR_c STR_r STR_i STR_p STR_t STR_UNDERSCORE STR_r STR_u STR_n #define STRING_alpha0 STR_a STR_l STR_p STR_h STR_a "\0" #define STRING_lower0 STR_l STR_o STR_w STR_e STR_r "\0" #define STRING_upper0 STR_u STR_p STR_p STR_e STR_r "\0" #define STRING_alnum0 STR_a STR_l STR_n STR_u STR_m "\0" #define STRING_ascii0 STR_a STR_s STR_c STR_i STR_i "\0" #define STRING_blank0 STR_b STR_l STR_a STR_n STR_k "\0" #define STRING_cntrl0 STR_c STR_n STR_t STR_r STR_l "\0" #define STRING_digit0 STR_d STR_i STR_g STR_i STR_t "\0" #define STRING_graph0 STR_g STR_r STR_a STR_p STR_h "\0" #define STRING_print0 STR_p STR_r STR_i STR_n STR_t "\0" #define STRING_punct0 STR_p STR_u STR_n STR_c STR_t "\0" #define STRING_space0 STR_s STR_p STR_a STR_c STR_e "\0" #define STRING_word0 STR_w STR_o STR_r STR_d "\0" #define STRING_xdigit STR_x STR_d STR_i STR_g STR_i STR_t #define STRING_DEFINE STR_D STR_E STR_F STR_I STR_N STR_E #define STRING_VERSION STR_V STR_E STR_R STR_S STR_I STR_O STR_N #define STRING_WEIRD_STARTWORD STR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET STR_COLON STR_LESS_THAN_SIGN STR_COLON STR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET STR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET #define STRING_WEIRD_ENDWORD STR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET STR_COLON STR_GREATER_THAN_SIGN STR_COLON STR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET STR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET #define STRING_CR_RIGHTPAR STR_C STR_R STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_LF_RIGHTPAR STR_L STR_F STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_CRLF_RIGHTPAR STR_C STR_R STR_L STR_F STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_ANY_RIGHTPAR STR_A STR_N STR_Y STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_ANYCRLF_RIGHTPAR STR_A STR_N STR_Y STR_C STR_R STR_L STR_F STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_NUL_RIGHTPAR STR_N STR_U STR_L STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_BSR_ANYCRLF_RIGHTPAR STR_B STR_S STR_R STR_UNDERSCORE STR_A STR_N STR_Y STR_C STR_R STR_L STR_F STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_BSR_UNICODE_RIGHTPAR STR_B STR_S STR_R STR_UNDERSCORE STR_U STR_N STR_I STR_C STR_O STR_D STR_E STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_UTF8_RIGHTPAR STR_U STR_T STR_F STR_8 STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_UTF16_RIGHTPAR STR_U STR_T STR_F STR_1 STR_6 STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_UTF32_RIGHTPAR STR_U STR_T STR_F STR_3 STR_2 STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_UTF_RIGHTPAR STR_U STR_T STR_F STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_UCP_RIGHTPAR STR_U STR_C STR_P STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_NO_AUTO_POSSESS_RIGHTPAR STR_N STR_O STR_UNDERSCORE STR_A STR_U STR_T STR_O STR_UNDERSCORE STR_P STR_O STR_S STR_S STR_E STR_S STR_S STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_NO_DOTSTAR_ANCHOR_RIGHTPAR STR_N STR_O STR_UNDERSCORE STR_D STR_O STR_T STR_S STR_T STR_A STR_R STR_UNDERSCORE STR_A STR_N STR_C STR_H STR_O STR_R STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_NO_JIT_RIGHTPAR STR_N STR_O STR_UNDERSCORE STR_J STR_I STR_T STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_NO_START_OPT_RIGHTPAR STR_N STR_O STR_UNDERSCORE STR_S STR_T STR_A STR_R STR_T STR_UNDERSCORE STR_O STR_P STR_T STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_NOTEMPTY_RIGHTPAR STR_N STR_O STR_T STR_E STR_M STR_P STR_T STR_Y STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_NOTEMPTY_ATSTART_RIGHTPAR STR_N STR_O STR_T STR_E STR_M STR_P STR_T STR_Y STR_UNDERSCORE STR_A STR_T STR_S STR_T STR_A STR_R STR_T STR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS #define STRING_LIMIT_HEAP_EQ STR_L STR_I STR_M STR_I STR_T STR_UNDERSCORE STR_H STR_E STR_A STR_P STR_EQUALS_SIGN #define STRING_LIMIT_MATCH_EQ STR_L STR_I STR_M STR_I STR_T STR_UNDERSCORE STR_M STR_A STR_T STR_C STR_H STR_EQUALS_SIGN #define STRING_LIMIT_DEPTH_EQ STR_L STR_I STR_M STR_I STR_T STR_UNDERSCORE STR_D STR_E STR_P STR_T STR_H STR_EQUALS_SIGN #define STRING_LIMIT_RECURSION_EQ STR_L STR_I STR_M STR_I STR_T STR_UNDERSCORE STR_R STR_E STR_C STR_U STR_R STR_S STR_I STR_O STR_N STR_EQUALS_SIGN #define STRING_MARK STR_M STR_A STR_R STR_K #endif /* SUPPORT_UNICODE */ /* -------------------- End of character and string names -------------------*/ /* -------------------- Definitions for compiled patterns -------------------*/ /* Codes for different types of Unicode property */ #define PT_ANY 0 /* Any property - matches all chars */ #define PT_LAMP 1 /* L& - the union of Lu, Ll, Lt */ #define PT_GC 2 /* Specified general characteristic (e.g. L) */ #define PT_PC 3 /* Specified particular characteristic (e.g. Lu) */ #define PT_SC 4 /* Script (e.g. Han) */ #define PT_ALNUM 5 /* Alphanumeric - the union of L and N */ #define PT_SPACE 6 /* Perl space - Z plus 9,10,12,13 */ #define PT_PXSPACE 7 /* POSIX space - Z plus 9,10,11,12,13 */ #define PT_WORD 8 /* Word - L plus N plus underscore */ #define PT_CLIST 9 /* Pseudo-property: match character list */ #define PT_UCNC 10 /* Universal Character nameable character */ #define PT_TABSIZE 11 /* Size of square table for autopossessify tests */ /* The following special properties are used only in XCLASS items, when POSIX classes are specified and PCRE2_UCP is set - in other words, for Unicode handling of these classes. They are not available via the \p or \P escapes like those in the above list, and so they do not take part in the autopossessifying table. */ #define PT_PXGRAPH 11 /* [:graph:] - characters that mark the paper */ #define PT_PXPRINT 12 /* [:print:] - [:graph:] plus non-control spaces */ #define PT_PXPUNCT 13 /* [:punct:] - punctuation characters */ /* Flag bits and data types for the extended class (OP_XCLASS) for classes that contain characters with values greater than 255. */ #define XCL_NOT 0x01 /* Flag: this is a negative class */ #define XCL_MAP 0x02 /* Flag: a 32-byte map is present */ #define XCL_HASPROP 0x04 /* Flag: property checks are present. */ #define XCL_END 0 /* Marks end of individual items */ #define XCL_SINGLE 1 /* Single item (one multibyte char) follows */ #define XCL_RANGE 2 /* A range (two multibyte chars) follows */ #define XCL_PROP 3 /* Unicode property (2-byte property code follows) */ #define XCL_NOTPROP 4 /* Unicode inverted property (ditto) */ /* These are escaped items that aren't just an encoding of a particular data value such as \n. They must have non-zero values, as check_escape() returns 0 for a data character. In the escapes[] table in pcre2_compile.c their values are negated in order to distinguish them from data values. They must appear here in the same order as in the opcode definitions below, up to ESC_z. There's a dummy for OP_ALLANY because it corresponds to "." in DOTALL mode rather than an escape sequence. It is also used for [^] in JavaScript compatibility mode, and for \C in non-utf mode. In non-DOTALL mode, "." behaves like \N. Negative numbers are used to encode a backreference (\1, \2, \3, etc.) in check_escape(). There are tests in the code for an escape greater than ESC_b and less than ESC_Z to detect the types that may be repeated. These are the types that consume characters. If any new escapes are put in between that don't consume a character, that code will have to change. */ enum { ESC_A = 1, ESC_G, ESC_K, ESC_B, ESC_b, ESC_D, ESC_d, ESC_S, ESC_s, ESC_W, ESC_w, ESC_N, ESC_dum, ESC_C, ESC_P, ESC_p, ESC_R, ESC_H, ESC_h, ESC_V, ESC_v, ESC_X, ESC_Z, ESC_z, ESC_E, ESC_Q, ESC_g, ESC_k }; /********************** Opcode definitions ******************/ /****** NOTE NOTE NOTE ****** Starting from 1 (i.e. after OP_END), the values up to OP_EOD must correspond in order to the list of escapes immediately above. Furthermore, values up to OP_DOLLM must not be changed without adjusting the table called autoposstab in pcre2_auto_possess.c. Whenever this list is updated, the two macro definitions that follow must be updated to match. The possessification table called "opcode_possessify" in pcre2_compile.c must also be updated, and also the tables called "coptable" and "poptable" in pcre2_dfa_match.c. ****** NOTE NOTE NOTE ******/ /* The values between FIRST_AUTOTAB_OP and LAST_AUTOTAB_RIGHT_OP, inclusive, are used in a table for deciding whether a repeated character type can be auto-possessified. */ #define FIRST_AUTOTAB_OP OP_NOT_DIGIT #define LAST_AUTOTAB_LEFT_OP OP_EXTUNI #define LAST_AUTOTAB_RIGHT_OP OP_DOLLM enum { OP_END, /* 0 End of pattern */ /* Values corresponding to backslashed metacharacters */ OP_SOD, /* 1 Start of data: \A */ OP_SOM, /* 2 Start of match (subject + offset): \G */ OP_SET_SOM, /* 3 Set start of match (\K) */ OP_NOT_WORD_BOUNDARY, /* 4 \B */ OP_WORD_BOUNDARY, /* 5 \b */ OP_NOT_DIGIT, /* 6 \D */ OP_DIGIT, /* 7 \d */ OP_NOT_WHITESPACE, /* 8 \S */ OP_WHITESPACE, /* 9 \s */ OP_NOT_WORDCHAR, /* 10 \W */ OP_WORDCHAR, /* 11 \w */ OP_ANY, /* 12 Match any character except newline (\N) */ OP_ALLANY, /* 13 Match any character */ OP_ANYBYTE, /* 14 Match any byte (\C); different to OP_ANY for UTF-8 */ OP_NOTPROP, /* 15 \P (not Unicode property) */ OP_PROP, /* 16 \p (Unicode property) */ OP_ANYNL, /* 17 \R (any newline sequence) */ OP_NOT_HSPACE, /* 18 \H (not horizontal whitespace) */ OP_HSPACE, /* 19 \h (horizontal whitespace) */ OP_NOT_VSPACE, /* 20 \V (not vertical whitespace) */ OP_VSPACE, /* 21 \v (vertical whitespace) */ OP_EXTUNI, /* 22 \X (extended Unicode sequence */ OP_EODN, /* 23 End of data or \n at end of data (\Z) */ OP_EOD, /* 24 End of data (\z) */ /* Line end assertions */ OP_DOLL, /* 25 End of line - not multiline */ OP_DOLLM, /* 26 End of line - multiline */ OP_CIRC, /* 27 Start of line - not multiline */ OP_CIRCM, /* 28 Start of line - multiline */ /* Single characters; caseful must precede the caseless ones, and these must remain in this order, and adjacent. */ OP_CHAR, /* 29 Match one character, casefully */ OP_CHARI, /* 30 Match one character, caselessly */ OP_NOT, /* 31 Match one character, not the given one, casefully */ OP_NOTI, /* 32 Match one character, not the given one, caselessly */ /* The following sets of 13 opcodes must always be kept in step because the offset from the first one is used to generate the others. */ /* Repeated characters; caseful must precede the caseless ones */ OP_STAR, /* 33 The maximizing and minimizing versions of */ OP_MINSTAR, /* 34 these six opcodes must come in pairs, with */ OP_PLUS, /* 35 the minimizing one second. */ OP_MINPLUS, /* 36 */ OP_QUERY, /* 37 */ OP_MINQUERY, /* 38 */ OP_UPTO, /* 39 From 0 to n matches of one character, caseful*/ OP_MINUPTO, /* 40 */ OP_EXACT, /* 41 Exactly n matches */ OP_POSSTAR, /* 42 Possessified star, caseful */ OP_POSPLUS, /* 43 Possessified plus, caseful */ OP_POSQUERY, /* 44 Posesssified query, caseful */ OP_POSUPTO, /* 45 Possessified upto, caseful */ /* Repeated characters; caseless must follow the caseful ones */ OP_STARI, /* 46 */ OP_MINSTARI, /* 47 */ OP_PLUSI, /* 48 */ OP_MINPLUSI, /* 49 */ OP_QUERYI, /* 50 */ OP_MINQUERYI, /* 51 */ OP_UPTOI, /* 52 From 0 to n matches of one character, caseless */ OP_MINUPTOI, /* 53 */ OP_EXACTI, /* 54 */ OP_POSSTARI, /* 55 Possessified star, caseless */ OP_POSPLUSI, /* 56 Possessified plus, caseless */ OP_POSQUERYI, /* 57 Posesssified query, caseless */ OP_POSUPTOI, /* 58 Possessified upto, caseless */ /* The negated ones must follow the non-negated ones, and match them */ /* Negated repeated character, caseful; must precede the caseless ones */ OP_NOTSTAR, /* 59 The maximizing and minimizing versions of */ OP_NOTMINSTAR, /* 60 these six opcodes must come in pairs, with */ OP_NOTPLUS, /* 61 the minimizing one second. They must be in */ OP_NOTMINPLUS, /* 62 exactly the same order as those above. */ OP_NOTQUERY, /* 63 */ OP_NOTMINQUERY, /* 64 */ OP_NOTUPTO, /* 65 From 0 to n matches, caseful */ OP_NOTMINUPTO, /* 66 */ OP_NOTEXACT, /* 67 Exactly n matches */ OP_NOTPOSSTAR, /* 68 Possessified versions, caseful */ OP_NOTPOSPLUS, /* 69 */ OP_NOTPOSQUERY, /* 70 */ OP_NOTPOSUPTO, /* 71 */ /* Negated repeated character, caseless; must follow the caseful ones */ OP_NOTSTARI, /* 72 */ OP_NOTMINSTARI, /* 73 */ OP_NOTPLUSI, /* 74 */ OP_NOTMINPLUSI, /* 75 */ OP_NOTQUERYI, /* 76 */ OP_NOTMINQUERYI, /* 77 */ OP_NOTUPTOI, /* 78 From 0 to n matches, caseless */ OP_NOTMINUPTOI, /* 79 */ OP_NOTEXACTI, /* 80 Exactly n matches */ OP_NOTPOSSTARI, /* 81 Possessified versions, caseless */ OP_NOTPOSPLUSI, /* 82 */ OP_NOTPOSQUERYI, /* 83 */ OP_NOTPOSUPTOI, /* 84 */ /* Character types */ OP_TYPESTAR, /* 85 The maximizing and minimizing versions of */ OP_TYPEMINSTAR, /* 86 these six opcodes must come in pairs, with */ OP_TYPEPLUS, /* 87 the minimizing one second. These codes must */ OP_TYPEMINPLUS, /* 88 be in exactly the same order as those above. */ OP_TYPEQUERY, /* 89 */ OP_TYPEMINQUERY, /* 90 */ OP_TYPEUPTO, /* 91 From 0 to n matches */ OP_TYPEMINUPTO, /* 92 */ OP_TYPEEXACT, /* 93 Exactly n matches */ OP_TYPEPOSSTAR, /* 94 Possessified versions */ OP_TYPEPOSPLUS, /* 95 */ OP_TYPEPOSQUERY, /* 96 */ OP_TYPEPOSUPTO, /* 97 */ /* These are used for character classes and back references; only the first six are the same as the sets above. */ OP_CRSTAR, /* 98 The maximizing and minimizing versions of */ OP_CRMINSTAR, /* 99 all these opcodes must come in pairs, with */ OP_CRPLUS, /* 100 the minimizing one second. These codes must */ OP_CRMINPLUS, /* 101 be in exactly the same order as those above. */ OP_CRQUERY, /* 102 */ OP_CRMINQUERY, /* 103 */ OP_CRRANGE, /* 104 These are different to the three sets above. */ OP_CRMINRANGE, /* 105 */ OP_CRPOSSTAR, /* 106 Possessified versions */ OP_CRPOSPLUS, /* 107 */ OP_CRPOSQUERY, /* 108 */ OP_CRPOSRANGE, /* 109 */ /* End of quantifier opcodes */ OP_CLASS, /* 110 Match a character class, chars < 256 only */ OP_NCLASS, /* 111 Same, but the bitmap was created from a negative class - the difference is relevant only when a character > 255 is encountered. */ OP_XCLASS, /* 112 Extended class for handling > 255 chars within the class. This does both positive and negative. */ OP_REF, /* 113 Match a back reference, casefully */ OP_REFI, /* 114 Match a back reference, caselessly */ OP_DNREF, /* 115 Match a duplicate name backref, casefully */ OP_DNREFI, /* 116 Match a duplicate name backref, caselessly */ OP_RECURSE, /* 117 Match a numbered subpattern (possibly recursive) */ OP_CALLOUT, /* 118 Call out to external function if provided */ OP_CALLOUT_STR, /* 119 Call out with string argument */ OP_ALT, /* 120 Start of alternation */ OP_KET, /* 121 End of group that doesn't have an unbounded repeat */ OP_KETRMAX, /* 122 These two must remain together and in this */ OP_KETRMIN, /* 123 order. They are for groups the repeat for ever. */ OP_KETRPOS, /* 124 Possessive unlimited repeat. */ /* The assertions must come before BRA, CBRA, ONCE, and COND. */ OP_REVERSE, /* 125 Move pointer back - used in lookbehind assertions */ OP_ASSERT, /* 126 Positive lookahead */ OP_ASSERT_NOT, /* 127 Negative lookahead */ OP_ASSERTBACK, /* 128 Positive lookbehind */ OP_ASSERTBACK_NOT, /* 129 Negative lookbehind */ OP_ASSERT_NA, /* 130 Positive non-atomic lookahead */ OP_ASSERTBACK_NA, /* 131 Positive non-atomic lookbehind */ /* ONCE, SCRIPT_RUN, BRA, BRAPOS, CBRA, CBRAPOS, and COND must come immediately after the assertions, with ONCE first, as there's a test for >= ONCE for a subpattern that isn't an assertion. The POS versions must immediately follow the non-POS versions in each case. */ OP_ONCE, /* 132 Atomic group, contains captures */ OP_SCRIPT_RUN, /* 133 Non-capture, but check characters' scripts */ OP_BRA, /* 134 Start of non-capturing bracket */ OP_BRAPOS, /* 135 Ditto, with unlimited, possessive repeat */ OP_CBRA, /* 136 Start of capturing bracket */ OP_CBRAPOS, /* 137 Ditto, with unlimited, possessive repeat */ OP_COND, /* 138 Conditional group */ /* These five must follow the previous five, in the same order. There's a check for >= SBRA to distinguish the two sets. */ OP_SBRA, /* 139 Start of non-capturing bracket, check empty */ OP_SBRAPOS, /* 149 Ditto, with unlimited, possessive repeat */ OP_SCBRA, /* 141 Start of capturing bracket, check empty */ OP_SCBRAPOS, /* 142 Ditto, with unlimited, possessive repeat */ OP_SCOND, /* 143 Conditional group, check empty */ /* The next two pairs must (respectively) be kept together. */ OP_CREF, /* 144 Used to hold a capture number as condition */ OP_DNCREF, /* 145 Used to point to duplicate names as a condition */ OP_RREF, /* 146 Used to hold a recursion number as condition */ OP_DNRREF, /* 147 Used to point to duplicate names as a condition */ OP_FALSE, /* 148 Always false (used by DEFINE and VERSION) */ OP_TRUE, /* 149 Always true (used by VERSION) */ OP_BRAZERO, /* 150 These two must remain together and in this */ OP_BRAMINZERO, /* 151 order. */ OP_BRAPOSZERO, /* 152 */ /* These are backtracking control verbs */ OP_MARK, /* 153 always has an argument */ OP_PRUNE, /* 154 */ OP_PRUNE_ARG, /* 155 same, but with argument */ OP_SKIP, /* 156 */ OP_SKIP_ARG, /* 157 same, but with argument */ OP_THEN, /* 158 */ OP_THEN_ARG, /* 159 same, but with argument */ OP_COMMIT, /* 160 */ OP_COMMIT_ARG, /* 161 same, but with argument */ /* These are forced failure and success verbs. FAIL and ACCEPT do accept an argument, but these cases can be compiled as, for example, (*MARK:X)(*FAIL) without the need for a special opcode. */ OP_FAIL, /* 162 */ OP_ACCEPT, /* 163 */ OP_ASSERT_ACCEPT, /* 164 Used inside assertions */ OP_CLOSE, /* 165 Used before OP_ACCEPT to close open captures */ /* This is used to skip a subpattern with a {0} quantifier */ OP_SKIPZERO, /* 166 */ /* This is used to identify a DEFINE group during compilation so that it can be checked for having only one branch. It is changed to OP_FALSE before compilation finishes. */ OP_DEFINE, /* 167 */ /* This is not an opcode, but is used to check that tables indexed by opcode are the correct length, in order to catch updating errors - there have been some in the past. */ OP_TABLE_LENGTH }; /* *** NOTE NOTE NOTE *** Whenever the list above is updated, the two macro definitions that follow must also be updated to match. There are also tables called "opcode_possessify" in pcre2_compile.c and "coptable" and "poptable" in pcre2_dfa_match.c that must be updated. */ /* This macro defines textual names for all the opcodes. These are used only for debugging, and some of them are only partial names. The macro is referenced only in pcre2_printint.c, which fills out the full names in many cases (and in some cases doesn't actually use these names at all). */ #define OP_NAME_LIST \ "End", "\\A", "\\G", "\\K", "\\B", "\\b", "\\D", "\\d", \ "\\S", "\\s", "\\W", "\\w", "Any", "AllAny", "Anybyte", \ "notprop", "prop", "\\R", "\\H", "\\h", "\\V", "\\v", \ "extuni", "\\Z", "\\z", \ "$", "$", "^", "^", "char", "chari", "not", "noti", \ "*", "*?", "+", "+?", "?", "??", \ "{", "{", "{", \ "*+","++", "?+", "{", \ "*", "*?", "+", "+?", "?", "??", \ "{", "{", "{", \ "*+","++", "?+", "{", \ "*", "*?", "+", "+?", "?", "??", \ "{", "{", "{", \ "*+","++", "?+", "{", \ "*", "*?", "+", "+?", "?", "??", \ "{", "{", "{", \ "*+","++", "?+", "{", \ "*", "*?", "+", "+?", "?", "??", "{", "{", "{", \ "*+","++", "?+", "{", \ "*", "*?", "+", "+?", "?", "??", "{", "{", \ "*+","++", "?+", "{", \ "class", "nclass", "xclass", "Ref", "Refi", "DnRef", "DnRefi", \ "Recurse", "Callout", "CalloutStr", \ "Alt", "Ket", "KetRmax", "KetRmin", "KetRpos", \ "Reverse", "Assert", "Assert not", \ "Assert back", "Assert back not", \ "Non-atomic assert", "Non-atomic assert back", \ "Once", \ "Script run", \ "Bra", "BraPos", "CBra", "CBraPos", \ "Cond", \ "SBra", "SBraPos", "SCBra", "SCBraPos", \ "SCond", \ "Cond ref", "Cond dnref", "Cond rec", "Cond dnrec", \ "Cond false", "Cond true", \ "Brazero", "Braminzero", "Braposzero", \ "*MARK", "*PRUNE", "*PRUNE", "*SKIP", "*SKIP", \ "*THEN", "*THEN", "*COMMIT", "*COMMIT", "*FAIL", \ "*ACCEPT", "*ASSERT_ACCEPT", \ "Close", "Skip zero", "Define" /* This macro defines the length of fixed length operations in the compiled regex. The lengths are used when searching for specific things, and also in the debugging printing of a compiled regex. We use a macro so that it can be defined close to the definitions of the opcodes themselves. As things have been extended, some of these are no longer fixed lenths, but are minima instead. For example, the length of a single-character repeat may vary in UTF-8 mode. The code that uses this table must know about such things. */ #define OP_LENGTHS \ 1, /* End */ \ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* \A, \G, \K, \B, \b */ \ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* \D, \d, \S, \s, \W, \w */ \ 1, 1, 1, /* Any, AllAny, Anybyte */ \ 3, 3, /* \P, \p */ \ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* \R, \H, \h, \V, \v */ \ 1, /* \X */ \ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* \Z, \z, $, $M ^, ^M */ \ 2, /* Char - the minimum length */ \ 2, /* Chari - the minimum length */ \ 2, /* not */ \ 2, /* noti */ \ /* Positive single-char repeats ** These are */ \ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* *, *?, +, +?, ?, ?? ** minima in */ \ 2+IMM2_SIZE, 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* upto, minupto ** mode */ \ 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* exact */ \ 2, 2, 2, 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* *+, ++, ?+, upto+ */ \ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* *I, *?I, +I, +?I, ?I, ??I ** UTF-8 */ \ 2+IMM2_SIZE, 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* upto I, minupto I */ \ 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* exact I */ \ 2, 2, 2, 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* *+I, ++I, ?+I, upto+I */ \ /* Negative single-char repeats - only for chars < 256 */ \ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* NOT *, *?, +, +?, ?, ?? */ \ 2+IMM2_SIZE, 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* NOT upto, minupto */ \ 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* NOT exact */ \ 2, 2, 2, 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* Possessive NOT *, +, ?, upto */ \ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* NOT *I, *?I, +I, +?I, ?I, ??I */ \ 2+IMM2_SIZE, 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* NOT upto I, minupto I */ \ 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* NOT exact I */ \ 2, 2, 2, 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* Possessive NOT *I, +I, ?I, upto I */ \ /* Positive type repeats */ \ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* Type *, *?, +, +?, ?, ?? */ \ 2+IMM2_SIZE, 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* Type upto, minupto */ \ 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* Type exact */ \ 2, 2, 2, 2+IMM2_SIZE, /* Possessive *+, ++, ?+, upto+ */ \ /* Character class & ref repeats */ \ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* *, *?, +, +?, ?, ?? */ \ 1+2*IMM2_SIZE, 1+2*IMM2_SIZE, /* CRRANGE, CRMINRANGE */ \ 1, 1, 1, 1+2*IMM2_SIZE, /* Possessive *+, ++, ?+, CRPOSRANGE */ \ 1+(32/sizeof(PCRE2_UCHAR)), /* CLASS */ \ 1+(32/sizeof(PCRE2_UCHAR)), /* NCLASS */ \ 0, /* XCLASS - variable length */ \ 1+IMM2_SIZE, /* REF */ \ 1+IMM2_SIZE, /* REFI */ \ 1+2*IMM2_SIZE, /* DNREF */ \ 1+2*IMM2_SIZE, /* DNREFI */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* RECURSE */ \ 1+2*LINK_SIZE+1, /* CALLOUT */ \ 0, /* CALLOUT_STR - variable length */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* Alt */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* Ket */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* KetRmax */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* KetRmin */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* KetRpos */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* Reverse */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* Assert */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* Assert not */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* Assert behind */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* Assert behind not */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* NA Assert */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* NA Assert behind */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* ONCE */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* SCRIPT_RUN */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* BRA */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* BRAPOS */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE+IMM2_SIZE, /* CBRA */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE+IMM2_SIZE, /* CBRAPOS */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* COND */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* SBRA */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* SBRAPOS */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE+IMM2_SIZE, /* SCBRA */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE+IMM2_SIZE, /* SCBRAPOS */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* SCOND */ \ 1+IMM2_SIZE, 1+2*IMM2_SIZE, /* CREF, DNCREF */ \ 1+IMM2_SIZE, 1+2*IMM2_SIZE, /* RREF, DNRREF */ \ 1, 1, /* FALSE, TRUE */ \ 1, 1, 1, /* BRAZERO, BRAMINZERO, BRAPOSZERO */ \ 3, 1, 3, /* MARK, PRUNE, PRUNE_ARG */ \ 1, 3, /* SKIP, SKIP_ARG */ \ 1, 3, /* THEN, THEN_ARG */ \ 1, 3, /* COMMIT, COMMIT_ARG */ \ 1, 1, 1, /* FAIL, ACCEPT, ASSERT_ACCEPT */ \ 1+IMM2_SIZE, 1, /* CLOSE, SKIPZERO */ \ 1 /* DEFINE */ /* A magic value for OP_RREF to indicate the "any recursion" condition. */ #define RREF_ANY 0xffff /* ---------- Private structures that are mode-independent. ---------- */ /* Structure to hold data for custom memory management. */ typedef struct pcre2_memctl { void * (*malloc)(size_t, void *); void (*free)(void *, void *); void *memory_data; } pcre2_memctl; /* Structure for building a chain of open capturing subpatterns during compiling, so that instructions to close them can be compiled when (*ACCEPT) is encountered. */ typedef struct open_capitem { struct open_capitem *next; /* Chain link */ uint16_t number; /* Capture number */ uint16_t assert_depth; /* Assertion depth when opened */ } open_capitem; /* Layout of the UCP type table that translates property names into types and codes. Each entry used to point directly to a name, but to reduce the number of relocations in shared libraries, it now has an offset into a single string instead. */ typedef struct { uint16_t name_offset; uint16_t type; uint16_t value; } ucp_type_table; /* Unicode character database (UCD) record format */ typedef struct { uint8_t script; /* ucp_Arabic, etc. */ uint8_t chartype; /* ucp_Cc, etc. (general categories) */ uint8_t gbprop; /* ucp_gbControl, etc. (grapheme break property) */ uint8_t caseset; /* offset to multichar other cases or zero */ int32_t other_case; /* offset to other case, or zero if none */ int16_t scriptx; /* script extension value */ int16_t dummy; /* spare - to round to multiple of 4 bytes */ } ucd_record; /* UCD access macros */ #define UCD_BLOCK_SIZE 128 #define REAL_GET_UCD(ch) (PRIV(ucd_records) + \ PRIV(ucd_stage2)[PRIV(ucd_stage1)[(int)(ch) / UCD_BLOCK_SIZE] * \ UCD_BLOCK_SIZE + (int)(ch) % UCD_BLOCK_SIZE]) #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 32 #define GET_UCD(ch) ((ch > MAX_UTF_CODE_POINT)? \ PRIV(dummy_ucd_record) : REAL_GET_UCD(ch)) #else #define GET_UCD(ch) REAL_GET_UCD(ch) #endif #define UCD_CHARTYPE(ch) GET_UCD(ch)->chartype #define UCD_SCRIPT(ch) GET_UCD(ch)->script #define UCD_CATEGORY(ch) PRIV(ucp_gentype)[UCD_CHARTYPE(ch)] #define UCD_GRAPHBREAK(ch) GET_UCD(ch)->gbprop #define UCD_CASESET(ch) GET_UCD(ch)->caseset #define UCD_OTHERCASE(ch) ((uint32_t)((int)ch + (int)(GET_UCD(ch)->other_case))) #define UCD_SCRIPTX(ch) GET_UCD(ch)->scriptx /* Header for serialized pcre2 codes. */ typedef struct pcre2_serialized_data { uint32_t magic; uint32_t version; uint32_t config; int32_t number_of_codes; } pcre2_serialized_data; /* ----------------- Items that need PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH ----------------- */ /* When this file is included by pcre2test, PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH is defined as 0, so the following items are omitted. */ #if defined PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 0 /* EBCDIC is supported only for the 8-bit library. */ #if defined EBCDIC && PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 8 #error EBCDIC is not supported for the 16-bit or 32-bit libraries #endif /* This is the largest non-UTF code point. */ #define MAX_NON_UTF_CHAR (0xffffffffU >> (32 - PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH)) /* Internal shared data tables and variables. These are used by more than one of the exported public functions. They have to be "external" in the C sense, but are not part of the PCRE2 public API. Although the data for some of them is identical in all libraries, they must have different names so that multiple libraries can be simultaneously linked to a single application. However, UTF-8 tables are needed only when compiling the 8-bit library. */ #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 extern const int PRIV(utf8_table1)[]; extern const int PRIV(utf8_table1_size); extern const int PRIV(utf8_table2)[]; extern const int PRIV(utf8_table3)[]; extern const uint8_t PRIV(utf8_table4)[]; #endif #define _pcre2_OP_lengths PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_OP_lengths_) #define _pcre2_callout_end_delims PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_callout_end_delims_) #define _pcre2_callout_start_delims PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_callout_start_delims_) #define _pcre2_default_compile_context PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_default_compile_context_) #define _pcre2_default_convert_context PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_default_convert_context_) #define _pcre2_default_match_context PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_default_match_context_) #define _pcre2_default_tables PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_default_tables_) #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 32 #define _pcre2_dummy_ucd_record PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_dummy_ucd_record_) #endif #define _pcre2_hspace_list PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_hspace_list_) #define _pcre2_vspace_list PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_vspace_list_) #define _pcre2_ucd_caseless_sets PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_ucd_caseless_sets_) #define _pcre2_ucd_digit_sets PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_ucd_digit_sets_) #define _pcre2_ucd_script_sets PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_ucd_script_sets_) #define _pcre2_ucd_records PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_ucd_records_) #define _pcre2_ucd_stage1 PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_ucd_stage1_) #define _pcre2_ucd_stage2 PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_ucd_stage2_) #define _pcre2_ucp_gbtable PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_ucp_gbtable_) #define _pcre2_ucp_gentype PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_ucp_gentype_) #define _pcre2_ucp_typerange PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_ucp_typerange_) #define _pcre2_unicode_version PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_unicode_version_) #define _pcre2_utt PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_utt_) #define _pcre2_utt_names PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_utt_names_) #define _pcre2_utt_size PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_utt_size_) extern const uint8_t PRIV(OP_lengths)[]; extern const uint32_t PRIV(callout_end_delims)[]; extern const uint32_t PRIV(callout_start_delims)[]; extern const pcre2_compile_context PRIV(default_compile_context); extern const pcre2_convert_context PRIV(default_convert_context); extern const pcre2_match_context PRIV(default_match_context); extern const uint8_t PRIV(default_tables)[]; extern const uint32_t PRIV(hspace_list)[]; extern const uint32_t PRIV(vspace_list)[]; extern const uint32_t PRIV(ucd_caseless_sets)[]; extern const uint32_t PRIV(ucd_digit_sets)[]; extern const uint8_t PRIV(ucd_script_sets)[]; extern const ucd_record PRIV(ucd_records)[]; #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 32 extern const ucd_record PRIV(dummy_ucd_record)[]; #endif extern const uint16_t PRIV(ucd_stage1)[]; extern const uint16_t PRIV(ucd_stage2)[]; extern const uint32_t PRIV(ucp_gbtable)[]; extern const uint32_t PRIV(ucp_gentype)[]; #ifdef SUPPORT_JIT extern const int PRIV(ucp_typerange)[]; #endif extern const char *PRIV(unicode_version); extern const ucp_type_table PRIV(utt)[]; extern const char PRIV(utt_names)[]; extern const size_t PRIV(utt_size); /* Mode-dependent macros and hidden and private structures are defined in a separate file so that pcre2test can include them at all supported widths. When compiling the library, PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH will be defined, and we can include them at the appropriate width, after setting up suffix macros for the private structures. */ #define branch_chain PCRE2_SUFFIX(branch_chain_) #define compile_block PCRE2_SUFFIX(compile_block_) #define dfa_match_block PCRE2_SUFFIX(dfa_match_block_) #define match_block PCRE2_SUFFIX(match_block_) #define named_group PCRE2_SUFFIX(named_group_) #include "pcre2_intmodedep.h" /* Private "external" functions. These are internal functions that are called from modules other than the one in which they are defined. They have to be "external" in the C sense, but are not part of the PCRE2 public API. They are not referenced from pcre2test, and must not be defined when no code unit width is available. */ #define _pcre2_auto_possessify PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_auto_possessify_) #define _pcre2_check_escape PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_check_escape_) #define _pcre2_extuni PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_extuni_) #define _pcre2_find_bracket PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_find_bracket_) #define _pcre2_is_newline PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_is_newline_) #define _pcre2_jit_free_rodata PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_jit_free_rodata_) #define _pcre2_jit_free PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_jit_free_) #define _pcre2_jit_get_size PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_jit_get_size_) #define _pcre2_jit_get_target PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_jit_get_target_) #define _pcre2_memctl_malloc PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_memctl_malloc_) #define _pcre2_ord2utf PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_ord2utf_) #define _pcre2_script_run PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_script_run_) #define _pcre2_strcmp PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_strcmp_) #define _pcre2_strcmp_c8 PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_strcmp_c8_) #define _pcre2_strcpy_c8 PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_strcpy_c8_) #define _pcre2_strlen PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_strlen_) #define _pcre2_strncmp PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_strncmp_) #define _pcre2_strncmp_c8 PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_strncmp_c8_) #define _pcre2_study PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_study_) #define _pcre2_valid_utf PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_valid_utf_) #define _pcre2_was_newline PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_was_newline_) #define _pcre2_xclass PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_xclass_) extern int _pcre2_auto_possessify(PCRE2_UCHAR *, const compile_block *); extern int _pcre2_check_escape(PCRE2_SPTR *, PCRE2_SPTR, uint32_t *, int *, uint32_t, uint32_t, BOOL, compile_block *); extern PCRE2_SPTR _pcre2_extuni(uint32_t, PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SPTR, BOOL, int *); extern PCRE2_SPTR _pcre2_find_bracket(PCRE2_SPTR, BOOL, int); extern BOOL _pcre2_is_newline(PCRE2_SPTR, uint32_t, PCRE2_SPTR, uint32_t *, BOOL); extern void _pcre2_jit_free_rodata(void *, void *); extern void _pcre2_jit_free(void *, pcre2_memctl *); extern size_t _pcre2_jit_get_size(void *); const char * _pcre2_jit_get_target(void); extern void * _pcre2_memctl_malloc(size_t, pcre2_memctl *); extern unsigned int _pcre2_ord2utf(uint32_t, PCRE2_UCHAR *); extern BOOL _pcre2_script_run(PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SPTR, BOOL); extern int _pcre2_strcmp(PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SPTR); extern int _pcre2_strcmp_c8(PCRE2_SPTR, const char *); extern PCRE2_SIZE _pcre2_strcpy_c8(PCRE2_UCHAR *, const char *); extern PCRE2_SIZE _pcre2_strlen(PCRE2_SPTR); extern int _pcre2_strncmp(PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SPTR, size_t); extern int _pcre2_strncmp_c8(PCRE2_SPTR, const char *, size_t); extern int _pcre2_study(pcre2_real_code *); extern int _pcre2_valid_utf(PCRE2_SPTR, PCRE2_SIZE, PCRE2_SIZE *); extern BOOL _pcre2_was_newline(PCRE2_SPTR, uint32_t, PCRE2_SPTR, uint32_t *, BOOL); extern BOOL _pcre2_xclass(uint32_t, PCRE2_SPTR, BOOL); /* This function is needed only when memmove() is not available. */ #if !defined(VPCOMPAT) && !defined(HAVE_MEMMOVE) #define _pcre2_memmove PCRE2_SUFFIX(_pcre2_memmove) extern void * _pcre2_memmove(void *, const void *, size_t); #endif #endif /* PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH */ #endif /* PCRE2_INTERNAL_H_IDEMPOTENT_GUARD */ /* End of pcre2_internal.h */ PK!ݛ pcre/pcre2lib/pcre2_intmodedep.hnu[/************************************************* * Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions * *************************************************/ /* PCRE is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl 5 language. Written by Philip Hazel Original API code Copyright (c) 1997-2012 University of Cambridge New API code Copyright (c) 2016-2018 University of Cambridge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* This module contains mode-dependent macro and structure definitions. The file is #included by pcre2_internal.h if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH is defined. These mode-dependent items are kept in a separate file so that they can also be #included multiple times for different code unit widths by pcre2test in order to have access to the hidden structures at all supported widths. Some of the mode-dependent macros are required at different widths for different parts of the pcre2test code (in particular, the included pcre_printint.c file). We undefine them here so that they can be re-defined for multiple inclusions. Not all of these are used in pcre2test, but it's easier just to undefine them all. */ #undef ACROSSCHAR #undef BACKCHAR #undef BYTES2CU #undef CHMAX_255 #undef CU2BYTES #undef FORWARDCHAR #undef FORWARDCHARTEST #undef GET #undef GET2 #undef GETCHAR #undef GETCHARINC #undef GETCHARINCTEST #undef GETCHARLEN #undef GETCHARLENTEST #undef GETCHARTEST #undef GET_EXTRALEN #undef HAS_EXTRALEN #undef IMM2_SIZE #undef MAX_255 #undef MAX_MARK #undef MAX_PATTERN_SIZE #undef MAX_UTF_SINGLE_CU #undef NOT_FIRSTCU #undef PUT #undef PUT2 #undef PUT2INC #undef PUTCHAR #undef PUTINC #undef TABLE_GET /* -------------------------- MACROS ----------------------------- */ /* PCRE keeps offsets in its compiled code as at least 16-bit quantities (always stored in big-endian order in 8-bit mode) by default. These are used, for example, to link from the start of a subpattern to its alternatives and its end. The use of 16 bits per offset limits the size of an 8-bit compiled regex to around 64K, which is big enough for almost everybody. However, I received a request for an even bigger limit. For this reason, and also to make the code easier to maintain, the storing and loading of offsets from the compiled code unit string is now handled by the macros that are defined here. The macros are controlled by the value of LINK_SIZE. This defaults to 2, but values of 3 or 4 are also supported. */ /* ------------------- 8-bit support ------------------ */ #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 #if LINK_SIZE == 2 #define PUT(a,n,d) \ (a[n] = (PCRE2_UCHAR)((d) >> 8)), \ (a[(n)+1] = (PCRE2_UCHAR)((d) & 255)) #define GET(a,n) \ (unsigned int)(((a)[n] << 8) | (a)[(n)+1]) #define MAX_PATTERN_SIZE (1 << 16) #elif LINK_SIZE == 3 #define PUT(a,n,d) \ (a[n] = (PCRE2_UCHAR)((d) >> 16)), \ (a[(n)+1] = (PCRE2_UCHAR)((d) >> 8)), \ (a[(n)+2] = (PCRE2_UCHAR)((d) & 255)) #define GET(a,n) \ (unsigned int)(((a)[n] << 16) | ((a)[(n)+1] << 8) | (a)[(n)+2]) #define MAX_PATTERN_SIZE (1 << 24) #elif LINK_SIZE == 4 #define PUT(a,n,d) \ (a[n] = (PCRE2_UCHAR)((d) >> 24)), \ (a[(n)+1] = (PCRE2_UCHAR)((d) >> 16)), \ (a[(n)+2] = (PCRE2_UCHAR)((d) >> 8)), \ (a[(n)+3] = (PCRE2_UCHAR)((d) & 255)) #define GET(a,n) \ (unsigned int)(((a)[n] << 24) | ((a)[(n)+1] << 16) | ((a)[(n)+2] << 8) | (a)[(n)+3]) #define MAX_PATTERN_SIZE (1 << 30) /* Keep it positive */ #else #error LINK_SIZE must be 2, 3, or 4 #endif /* ------------------- 16-bit support ------------------ */ #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 16 #if LINK_SIZE == 2 #undef LINK_SIZE #define LINK_SIZE 1 #define PUT(a,n,d) \ (a[n] = (PCRE2_UCHAR)(d)) #define GET(a,n) \ (a[n]) #define MAX_PATTERN_SIZE (1 << 16) #elif LINK_SIZE == 3 || LINK_SIZE == 4 #undef LINK_SIZE #define LINK_SIZE 2 #define PUT(a,n,d) \ (a[n] = (PCRE2_UCHAR)((d) >> 16)), \ (a[(n)+1] = (PCRE2_UCHAR)((d) & 65535)) #define GET(a,n) \ (unsigned int)(((a)[n] << 16) | (a)[(n)+1]) #define MAX_PATTERN_SIZE (1 << 30) /* Keep it positive */ #else #error LINK_SIZE must be 2, 3, or 4 #endif /* ------------------- 32-bit support ------------------ */ #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 32 #undef LINK_SIZE #define LINK_SIZE 1 #define PUT(a,n,d) \ (a[n] = (d)) #define GET(a,n) \ (a[n]) #define MAX_PATTERN_SIZE (1 << 30) /* Keep it positive */ #else #error Unsupported compiling mode #endif /* --------------- Other mode-specific macros ----------------- */ /* PCRE uses some other (at least) 16-bit quantities that do not change when the size of offsets changes. There are used for repeat counts and for other things such as capturing parenthesis numbers in back references. Define the number of code units required to hold a 16-bit count/offset, and macros to load and store such a value. For reasons that I do not understand, the expression in the 8-bit GET2 macro is treated by gcc as a signed expression, even when a is declared as unsigned. It seems that any kind of arithmetic results in a signed value. Hence the cast. */ #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 #define IMM2_SIZE 2 #define GET2(a,n) (unsigned int)(((a)[n] << 8) | (a)[(n)+1]) #define PUT2(a,n,d) a[n] = (d) >> 8, a[(n)+1] = (d) & 255 #else /* Code units are 16 or 32 bits */ #define IMM2_SIZE 1 #define GET2(a,n) a[n] #define PUT2(a,n,d) a[n] = d #endif /* Other macros that are different for 8-bit mode. The MAX_255 macro checks whether its argument, which is assumed to be one code unit, is less than 256. The CHMAX_255 macro does not assume one code unit. The maximum length of a MARK name must fit in one code unit; currently it is set to 255 or 65535. The TABLE_GET macro is used to access elements of tables containing exactly 256 items. Its argument is a code unit. When code points can be greater than 255, a check is needed before accessing these tables. */ #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 #define MAX_255(c) TRUE #define MAX_MARK ((1u << 8) - 1) #define TABLE_GET(c, table, default) ((table)[c]) #ifdef SUPPORT_UNICODE #define SUPPORT_WIDE_CHARS #define CHMAX_255(c) ((c) <= 255u) #else #define CHMAX_255(c) TRUE #endif /* SUPPORT_UNICODE */ #else /* Code units are 16 or 32 bits */ #define CHMAX_255(c) ((c) <= 255u) #define MAX_255(c) ((c) <= 255u) #define MAX_MARK ((1u << 16) - 1) #define SUPPORT_WIDE_CHARS #define TABLE_GET(c, table, default) (MAX_255(c)? ((table)[c]):(default)) #endif /* ----------------- Character-handling macros ----------------- */ /* There is a proposed future special "UTF-21" mode, in which only the lowest 21 bits of a 32-bit character are interpreted as UTF, with the remaining 11 high-order bits available to the application for other uses. In preparation for the future implementation of this mode, there are macros that load a data item and, if in this special mode, mask it to 21 bits. These macros all have names starting with UCHAR21. In all other modes, including the normal 32-bit library, the macros all have the same simple definitions. When the new mode is implemented, it is expected that these definitions will be varied appropriately using #ifdef when compiling the library that supports the special mode. */ #define UCHAR21(eptr) (*(eptr)) #define UCHAR21TEST(eptr) (*(eptr)) #define UCHAR21INC(eptr) (*(eptr)++) #define UCHAR21INCTEST(eptr) (*(eptr)++) /* When UTF encoding is being used, a character is no longer just a single byte in 8-bit mode or a single short in 16-bit mode. The macros for character handling generate simple sequences when used in the basic mode, and more complicated ones for UTF characters. GETCHARLENTEST and other macros are not used when UTF is not supported. To make sure they can never even appear when UTF support is omitted, we don't even define them. */ #ifndef SUPPORT_UNICODE /* #define MAX_UTF_SINGLE_CU */ /* #define HAS_EXTRALEN(c) */ /* #define GET_EXTRALEN(c) */ /* #define NOT_FIRSTCU(c) */ #define GETCHAR(c, eptr) c = *eptr; #define GETCHARTEST(c, eptr) c = *eptr; #define GETCHARINC(c, eptr) c = *eptr++; #define GETCHARINCTEST(c, eptr) c = *eptr++; #define GETCHARLEN(c, eptr, len) c = *eptr; #define PUTCHAR(c, p) (*p = c, 1) /* #define GETCHARLENTEST(c, eptr, len) */ /* #define BACKCHAR(eptr) */ /* #define FORWARDCHAR(eptr) */ /* #define FORWARCCHARTEST(eptr,end) */ /* #define ACROSSCHAR(condition, eptr, action) */ #else /* SUPPORT_UNICODE */ /* ------------------- 8-bit support ------------------ */ #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 #define MAYBE_UTF_MULTI /* UTF chars may use multiple code units */ /* The largest UTF code point that can be encoded as a single code unit. */ #define MAX_UTF_SINGLE_CU 127 /* Tests whether the code point needs extra characters to decode. */ #define HAS_EXTRALEN(c) HASUTF8EXTRALEN(c) /* Returns with the additional number of characters if IS_MULTICHAR(c) is TRUE. Otherwise it has an undefined behaviour. */ #define GET_EXTRALEN(c) (PRIV(utf8_table4)[(c) & 0x3fu]) /* Returns TRUE, if the given value is not the first code unit of a UTF sequence. */ #define NOT_FIRSTCU(c) (((c) & 0xc0u) == 0x80u) /* Get the next UTF-8 character, not advancing the pointer. This is called when we know we are in UTF-8 mode. */ #define GETCHAR(c, eptr) \ c = *eptr; \ if (c >= 0xc0u) GETUTF8(c, eptr); /* Get the next UTF-8 character, testing for UTF-8 mode, and not advancing the pointer. */ #define GETCHARTEST(c, eptr) \ c = *eptr; \ if (utf && c >= 0xc0u) GETUTF8(c, eptr); /* Get the next UTF-8 character, advancing the pointer. This is called when we know we are in UTF-8 mode. */ #define GETCHARINC(c, eptr) \ c = *eptr++; \ if (c >= 0xc0u) GETUTF8INC(c, eptr); /* Get the next character, testing for UTF-8 mode, and advancing the pointer. This is called when we don't know if we are in UTF-8 mode. */ #define GETCHARINCTEST(c, eptr) \ c = *eptr++; \ if (utf && c >= 0xc0u) GETUTF8INC(c, eptr); /* Get the next UTF-8 character, not advancing the pointer, incrementing length if there are extra bytes. This is called when we know we are in UTF-8 mode. */ #define GETCHARLEN(c, eptr, len) \ c = *eptr; \ if (c >= 0xc0u) GETUTF8LEN(c, eptr, len); /* Get the next UTF-8 character, testing for UTF-8 mode, not advancing the pointer, incrementing length if there are extra bytes. This is called when we do not know if we are in UTF-8 mode. */ #define GETCHARLENTEST(c, eptr, len) \ c = *eptr; \ if (utf && c >= 0xc0u) GETUTF8LEN(c, eptr, len); /* If the pointer is not at the start of a character, move it back until it is. This is called only in UTF-8 mode - we don't put a test within the macro because almost all calls are already within a block of UTF-8 only code. */ #define BACKCHAR(eptr) while((*eptr & 0xc0u) == 0x80u) eptr-- /* Same as above, just in the other direction. */ #define FORWARDCHAR(eptr) while((*eptr & 0xc0u) == 0x80u) eptr++ #define FORWARDCHARTEST(eptr,end) while(eptr < end && (*eptr & 0xc0u) == 0x80u) eptr++ /* Same as above, but it allows a fully customizable form. */ #define ACROSSCHAR(condition, eptr, action) \ while((condition) && ((*eptr) & 0xc0u) == 0x80u) action /* Deposit a character into memory, returning the number of code units. */ #define PUTCHAR(c, p) ((utf && c > MAX_UTF_SINGLE_CU)? \ PRIV(ord2utf)(c,p) : (*p = c, 1)) /* ------------------- 16-bit support ------------------ */ #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 16 #define MAYBE_UTF_MULTI /* UTF chars may use multiple code units */ /* The largest UTF code point that can be encoded as a single code unit. */ #define MAX_UTF_SINGLE_CU 65535 /* Tests whether the code point needs extra characters to decode. */ #define HAS_EXTRALEN(c) (((c) & 0xfc00u) == 0xd800u) /* Returns with the additional number of characters if IS_MULTICHAR(c) is TRUE. Otherwise it has an undefined behaviour. */ #define GET_EXTRALEN(c) 1 /* Returns TRUE, if the given value is not the first code unit of a UTF sequence. */ #define NOT_FIRSTCU(c) (((c) & 0xfc00u) == 0xdc00u) /* Base macro to pick up the low surrogate of a UTF-16 character, not advancing the pointer. */ #define GETUTF16(c, eptr) \ { c = (((c & 0x3ffu) << 10) | (eptr[1] & 0x3ffu)) + 0x10000u; } /* Get the next UTF-16 character, not advancing the pointer. This is called when we know we are in UTF-16 mode. */ #define GETCHAR(c, eptr) \ c = *eptr; \ if ((c & 0xfc00u) == 0xd800u) GETUTF16(c, eptr); /* Get the next UTF-16 character, testing for UTF-16 mode, and not advancing the pointer. */ #define GETCHARTEST(c, eptr) \ c = *eptr; \ if (utf && (c & 0xfc00u) == 0xd800u) GETUTF16(c, eptr); /* Base macro to pick up the low surrogate of a UTF-16 character, advancing the pointer. */ #define GETUTF16INC(c, eptr) \ { c = (((c & 0x3ffu) << 10) | (*eptr++ & 0x3ffu)) + 0x10000u; } /* Get the next UTF-16 character, advancing the pointer. This is called when we know we are in UTF-16 mode. */ #define GETCHARINC(c, eptr) \ c = *eptr++; \ if ((c & 0xfc00u) == 0xd800u) GETUTF16INC(c, eptr); /* Get the next character, testing for UTF-16 mode, and advancing the pointer. This is called when we don't know if we are in UTF-16 mode. */ #define GETCHARINCTEST(c, eptr) \ c = *eptr++; \ if (utf && (c & 0xfc00u) == 0xd800u) GETUTF16INC(c, eptr); /* Base macro to pick up the low surrogate of a UTF-16 character, not advancing the pointer, incrementing the length. */ #define GETUTF16LEN(c, eptr, len) \ { c = (((c & 0x3ffu) << 10) | (eptr[1] & 0x3ffu)) + 0x10000u; len++; } /* Get the next UTF-16 character, not advancing the pointer, incrementing length if there is a low surrogate. This is called when we know we are in UTF-16 mode. */ #define GETCHARLEN(c, eptr, len) \ c = *eptr; \ if ((c & 0xfc00u) == 0xd800u) GETUTF16LEN(c, eptr, len); /* Get the next UTF-816character, testing for UTF-16 mode, not advancing the pointer, incrementing length if there is a low surrogate. This is called when we do not know if we are in UTF-16 mode. */ #define GETCHARLENTEST(c, eptr, len) \ c = *eptr; \ if (utf && (c & 0xfc00u) == 0xd800u) GETUTF16LEN(c, eptr, len); /* If the pointer is not at the start of a character, move it back until it is. This is called only in UTF-16 mode - we don't put a test within the macro because almost all calls are already within a block of UTF-16 only code. */ #define BACKCHAR(eptr) if ((*eptr & 0xfc00u) == 0xdc00u) eptr-- /* Same as above, just in the other direction. */ #define FORWARDCHAR(eptr) if ((*eptr & 0xfc00u) == 0xdc00u) eptr++ #define FORWARDCHARTEST(eptr,end) if (eptr < end && (*eptr & 0xfc00u) == 0xdc00u) eptr++ /* Same as above, but it allows a fully customizable form. */ #define ACROSSCHAR(condition, eptr, action) \ if ((condition) && ((*eptr) & 0xfc00u) == 0xdc00u) action /* Deposit a character into memory, returning the number of code units. */ #define PUTCHAR(c, p) ((utf && c > MAX_UTF_SINGLE_CU)? \ PRIV(ord2utf)(c,p) : (*p = c, 1)) /* ------------------- 32-bit support ------------------ */ #else /* These are trivial for the 32-bit library, since all UTF-32 characters fit into one PCRE2_UCHAR unit. */ #define MAX_UTF_SINGLE_CU (0x10ffffu) #define HAS_EXTRALEN(c) (0) #define GET_EXTRALEN(c) (0) #define NOT_FIRSTCU(c) (0) /* Get the next UTF-32 character, not advancing the pointer. This is called when we know we are in UTF-32 mode. */ #define GETCHAR(c, eptr) \ c = *(eptr); /* Get the next UTF-32 character, testing for UTF-32 mode, and not advancing the pointer. */ #define GETCHARTEST(c, eptr) \ c = *(eptr); /* Get the next UTF-32 character, advancing the pointer. This is called when we know we are in UTF-32 mode. */ #define GETCHARINC(c, eptr) \ c = *((eptr)++); /* Get the next character, testing for UTF-32 mode, and advancing the pointer. This is called when we don't know if we are in UTF-32 mode. */ #define GETCHARINCTEST(c, eptr) \ c = *((eptr)++); /* Get the next UTF-32 character, not advancing the pointer, not incrementing length (since all UTF-32 is of length 1). This is called when we know we are in UTF-32 mode. */ #define GETCHARLEN(c, eptr, len) \ GETCHAR(c, eptr) /* Get the next UTF-32character, testing for UTF-32 mode, not advancing the pointer, not incrementing the length (since all UTF-32 is of length 1). This is called when we do not know if we are in UTF-32 mode. */ #define GETCHARLENTEST(c, eptr, len) \ GETCHARTEST(c, eptr) /* If the pointer is not at the start of a character, move it back until it is. This is called only in UTF-32 mode - we don't put a test within the macro because almost all calls are already within a block of UTF-32 only code. These are all no-ops since all UTF-32 characters fit into one pcre_uchar. */ #define BACKCHAR(eptr) do { } while (0) /* Same as above, just in the other direction. */ #define FORWARDCHAR(eptr) do { } while (0) #define FORWARDCHARTEST(eptr,end) do { } while (0) /* Same as above, but it allows a fully customizable form. */ #define ACROSSCHAR(condition, eptr, action) do { } while (0) /* Deposit a character into memory, returning the number of code units. */ #define PUTCHAR(c, p) (*p = c, 1) #endif /* UTF-32 character handling */ #endif /* SUPPORT_UNICODE */ /* Mode-dependent macros that have the same definition in all modes. */ #define CU2BYTES(x) ((x)*((PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH/8))) #define BYTES2CU(x) ((x)/((PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH/8))) #define PUTINC(a,n,d) PUT(a,n,d), a += LINK_SIZE #define PUT2INC(a,n,d) PUT2(a,n,d), a += IMM2_SIZE /* ----------------------- HIDDEN STRUCTURES ----------------------------- */ /* NOTE: All these structures *must* start with a pcre2_memctl structure. The code that uses them is simpler because it assumes this. */ /* The real general context structure. At present it holds only data for custom memory control. */ typedef struct pcre2_real_general_context { pcre2_memctl memctl; } pcre2_real_general_context; /* The real compile context structure */ typedef struct pcre2_real_compile_context { pcre2_memctl memctl; int (*stack_guard)(uint32_t, void *); void *stack_guard_data; const uint8_t *tables; PCRE2_SIZE max_pattern_length; uint16_t bsr_convention; uint16_t newline_convention; uint32_t parens_nest_limit; uint32_t extra_options; } pcre2_real_compile_context; /* The real match context structure. */ typedef struct pcre2_real_match_context { pcre2_memctl memctl; #ifdef SUPPORT_JIT pcre2_jit_callback jit_callback; void *jit_callback_data; #endif int (*callout)(pcre2_callout_block *, void *); void *callout_data; int (*substitute_callout)(pcre2_substitute_callout_block *, void *); void *substitute_callout_data; PCRE2_SIZE offset_limit; uint32_t heap_limit; uint32_t match_limit; uint32_t depth_limit; } pcre2_real_match_context; /* The real convert context structure. */ typedef struct pcre2_real_convert_context { pcre2_memctl memctl; uint32_t glob_separator; uint32_t glob_escape; } pcre2_real_convert_context; /* The real compiled code structure. The type for the blocksize field is defined specially because it is required in pcre2_serialize_decode() when copying the size from possibly unaligned memory into a variable of the same type. Use a macro rather than a typedef to avoid compiler warnings when this file is included multiple times by pcre2test. LOOKBEHIND_MAX specifies the largest lookbehind that is supported. (OP_REVERSE in a pattern has a 16-bit argument in 8-bit and 16-bit modes, so we need no more than a 16-bit field here.) */ #undef CODE_BLOCKSIZE_TYPE #define CODE_BLOCKSIZE_TYPE size_t #undef LOOKBEHIND_MAX #define LOOKBEHIND_MAX UINT16_MAX typedef struct pcre2_real_code { pcre2_memctl memctl; /* Memory control fields */ const uint8_t *tables; /* The character tables */ void *executable_jit; /* Pointer to JIT code */ uint8_t start_bitmap[32]; /* Bitmap for starting code unit < 256 */ CODE_BLOCKSIZE_TYPE blocksize; /* Total (bytes) that was malloc-ed */ uint32_t magic_number; /* Paranoid and endianness check */ uint32_t compile_options; /* Options passed to pcre2_compile() */ uint32_t overall_options; /* Options after processing the pattern */ uint32_t extra_options; /* Taken from compile_context */ uint32_t flags; /* Various state flags */ uint32_t limit_heap; /* Limit set in the pattern */ uint32_t limit_match; /* Limit set in the pattern */ uint32_t limit_depth; /* Limit set in the pattern */ uint32_t first_codeunit; /* Starting code unit */ uint32_t last_codeunit; /* This codeunit must be seen */ uint16_t bsr_convention; /* What \R matches */ uint16_t newline_convention; /* What is a newline? */ uint16_t max_lookbehind; /* Longest lookbehind (characters) */ uint16_t minlength; /* Minimum length of match */ uint16_t top_bracket; /* Highest numbered group */ uint16_t top_backref; /* Highest numbered back reference */ uint16_t name_entry_size; /* Size (code units) of table entries */ uint16_t name_count; /* Number of name entries in the table */ } pcre2_real_code; /* The real match data structure. Define ovector as large as it can ever actually be so that array bound checkers don't grumble. Memory for this structure is obtained by calling pcre2_match_data_create(), which sets the size as the offset of ovector plus a pair of elements for each capturable string, so the size varies from call to call. As the maximum number of capturing subpatterns is 65535 we must allow for 65536 strings to include the overall match. (See also the heapframe structure below.) */ typedef struct pcre2_real_match_data { pcre2_memctl memctl; const pcre2_real_code *code; /* The pattern used for the match */ PCRE2_SPTR subject; /* The subject that was matched */ PCRE2_SPTR mark; /* Pointer to last mark */ PCRE2_SIZE leftchar; /* Offset to leftmost code unit */ PCRE2_SIZE rightchar; /* Offset to rightmost code unit */ PCRE2_SIZE startchar; /* Offset to starting code unit */ uint8_t matchedby; /* Type of match (normal, JIT, DFA) */ uint8_t flags; /* Various flags */ uint16_t oveccount; /* Number of pairs */ int rc; /* The return code from the match */ PCRE2_SIZE ovector[131072]; /* Must be last in the structure */ } pcre2_real_match_data; /* ----------------------- PRIVATE STRUCTURES ----------------------------- */ /* These structures are not needed for pcre2test. */ #ifndef PCRE2_PCRE2TEST /* Structures for checking for mutual recursion when scanning compiled or parsed code. */ typedef struct recurse_check { struct recurse_check *prev; PCRE2_SPTR group; } recurse_check; typedef struct parsed_recurse_check { struct parsed_recurse_check *prev; uint32_t *groupptr; } parsed_recurse_check; /* Structure for building a cache when filling in recursion offsets. */ typedef struct recurse_cache { PCRE2_SPTR group; int groupnumber; } recurse_cache; /* Structure for maintaining a chain of pointers to the currently incomplete branches, for testing for left recursion while compiling. */ typedef struct branch_chain { struct branch_chain *outer; PCRE2_UCHAR *current_branch; } branch_chain; /* Structure for building a list of named groups during the first pass of compiling. */ typedef struct named_group { PCRE2_SPTR name; /* Points to the name in the pattern */ uint32_t number; /* Group number */ uint16_t length; /* Length of the name */ uint16_t isdup; /* TRUE if a duplicate */ } named_group; /* Structure for passing "static" information around between the functions doing the compiling, so that they are thread-safe. */ typedef struct compile_block { pcre2_real_compile_context *cx; /* Points to the compile context */ const uint8_t *lcc; /* Points to lower casing table */ const uint8_t *fcc; /* Points to case-flipping table */ const uint8_t *cbits; /* Points to character type table */ const uint8_t *ctypes; /* Points to table of type maps */ PCRE2_SPTR start_workspace; /* The start of working space */ PCRE2_SPTR start_code; /* The start of the compiled code */ PCRE2_SPTR start_pattern; /* The start of the pattern */ PCRE2_SPTR end_pattern; /* The end of the pattern */ PCRE2_UCHAR *name_table; /* The name/number table */ PCRE2_SIZE workspace_size; /* Size of workspace */ PCRE2_SIZE small_ref_offset[10]; /* Offsets for \1 to \9 */ PCRE2_SIZE erroroffset; /* Offset of error in pattern */ uint16_t names_found; /* Number of entries so far */ uint16_t name_entry_size; /* Size of each entry */ uint16_t parens_depth; /* Depth of nested parentheses */ uint16_t assert_depth; /* Depth of nested assertions */ open_capitem *open_caps; /* Chain of open capture items */ named_group *named_groups; /* Points to vector in pre-compile */ uint32_t named_group_list_size; /* Number of entries in the list */ uint32_t external_options; /* External (initial) options */ uint32_t external_flags; /* External flag bits to be set */ uint32_t bracount; /* Count of capturing parentheses */ uint32_t lastcapture; /* Last capture encountered */ uint32_t *parsed_pattern; /* Parsed pattern buffer */ uint32_t *parsed_pattern_end; /* Parsed pattern should not get here */ uint32_t *groupinfo; /* Group info vector */ uint32_t top_backref; /* Maximum back reference */ uint32_t backref_map; /* Bitmap of low back refs */ uint32_t nltype; /* Newline type */ uint32_t nllen; /* Newline string length */ uint32_t class_range_start; /* Overall class range start */ uint32_t class_range_end; /* Overall class range end */ PCRE2_UCHAR nl[4]; /* Newline string when fixed length */ int max_lookbehind; /* Maximum lookbehind (characters) */ int req_varyopt; /* "After variable item" flag for reqbyte */ BOOL had_accept; /* (*ACCEPT) encountered */ BOOL had_pruneorskip; /* (*PRUNE) or (*SKIP) encountered */ BOOL had_recurse; /* Had a recursion or subroutine call */ BOOL dupnames; /* Duplicate names exist */ } compile_block; /* Structure for keeping the properties of the in-memory stack used by the JIT matcher. */ typedef struct pcre2_real_jit_stack { pcre2_memctl memctl; void* stack; } pcre2_real_jit_stack; /* Structure for items in a linked list that represents an explicit recursive call within the pattern when running pcre_dfa_match(). */ typedef struct dfa_recursion_info { struct dfa_recursion_info *prevrec; PCRE2_SPTR subject_position; uint32_t group_num; } dfa_recursion_info; /* Structure for "stack" frames that are used for remembering backtracking positions during matching. As these are used in a vector, with the ovector item being extended, the size of the structure must be a multiple of PCRE2_SIZE. The only way to check this at compile time is to force an error by generating an array with a negative size. By putting this in a typedef (which is never used), we don't generate any code when all is well. */ typedef struct heapframe { /* The first set of fields are variables that have to be preserved over calls to RRMATCH(), but which do not need to be copied to new frames. */ PCRE2_SPTR ecode; /* The current position in the pattern */ PCRE2_SPTR temp_sptr[2]; /* Used for short-term PCRE_SPTR values */ PCRE2_SIZE length; /* Used for character, string, or code lengths */ PCRE2_SIZE back_frame; /* Amount to subtract on RRETURN */ PCRE2_SIZE temp_size; /* Used for short-term PCRE2_SIZE values */ uint32_t rdepth; /* "Recursion" depth */ uint32_t group_frame_type; /* Type information for group frames */ uint32_t temp_32[4]; /* Used for short-term 32-bit or BOOL values */ uint8_t return_id; /* Where to go on in internal "return" */ uint8_t op; /* Processing opcode */ /* At this point, the structure is 16-bit aligned. On most architectures the alignment requirement for a pointer will ensure that the eptr field below is 32-bit or 64-bit aligned. However, on m68k it is fine to have a pointer that is 16-bit aligned. We must therefore ensure that what comes between here and eptr is an odd multiple of 16 bits so as to get back into 32-bit alignment. This happens naturally when PCRE2_UCHAR is 8 bits wide, but needs fudges in the other cases. In the 32-bit case the padding comes first so that the occu field itself is 32-bit aligned. Without the padding, this structure is no longer a multiple of PCRE2_SIZE on m68k, and the check below fails. */ #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 8 PCRE2_UCHAR occu[6]; /* Used for other case code units */ #elif PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH == 16 PCRE2_UCHAR occu[2]; /* Used for other case code units */ uint8_t unused[2]; /* Ensure 32-bit alignment (see above) */ #else uint8_t unused[2]; /* Ensure 32-bit alignment (see above) */ PCRE2_UCHAR occu[1]; /* Used for other case code units */ #endif /* The rest have to be copied from the previous frame whenever a new frame becomes current. The final field is specified as a large vector so that runtime array bound checks don't catch references to it. However, for any specific call to pcre2_match() the memory allocated for each frame structure allows for exactly the right size ovector for the number of capturing parentheses. (See also the comment for pcre2_real_match_data above.) */ PCRE2_SPTR eptr; /* MUST BE FIRST */ PCRE2_SPTR start_match; /* Can be adjusted by \K */ PCRE2_SPTR mark; /* Most recent mark on the success path */ uint32_t current_recurse; /* Current (deepest) recursion number */ uint32_t capture_last; /* Most recent capture */ PCRE2_SIZE last_group_offset; /* Saved offset to most recent group frame */ PCRE2_SIZE offset_top; /* Offset after highest capture */ PCRE2_SIZE ovector[131072]; /* Must be last in the structure */ } heapframe; /* This typedef is a check that the size of the heapframe structure is a multiple of PCRE2_SIZE. See various comments above. */ typedef char check_heapframe_size[ ((sizeof(heapframe) % sizeof(PCRE2_SIZE)) == 0)? (+1):(-1)]; /* Structure for passing "static" information around between the functions doing traditional NFA matching (pcre2_match() and friends). */ typedef struct match_block { pcre2_memctl memctl; /* For general use */ PCRE2_SIZE frame_vector_size; /* Size of a backtracking frame */ heapframe *match_frames; /* Points to vector of frames */ heapframe *match_frames_top; /* Points after the end of the vector */ heapframe *stack_frames; /* The original vector on the stack */ PCRE2_SIZE heap_limit; /* As it says */ uint32_t match_limit; /* As it says */ uint32_t match_limit_depth; /* As it says */ uint32_t match_call_count; /* Number of times a new frame is created */ BOOL hitend; /* Hit the end of the subject at some point */ BOOL hasthen; /* Pattern contains (*THEN) */ BOOL allowemptypartial; /* Allow empty hard partial */ const uint8_t *lcc; /* Points to lower casing table */ const uint8_t *fcc; /* Points to case-flipping table */ const uint8_t *ctypes; /* Points to table of type maps */ PCRE2_SIZE start_offset; /* The start offset value */ PCRE2_SIZE end_offset_top; /* Highwater mark at end of match */ uint16_t partial; /* PARTIAL options */ uint16_t bsr_convention; /* \R interpretation */ uint16_t name_count; /* Number of names in name table */ uint16_t name_entry_size; /* Size of entry in names table */ PCRE2_SPTR name_table; /* Table of group names */ PCRE2_SPTR start_code; /* For use when recursing */ PCRE2_SPTR start_subject; /* Start of the subject string */ PCRE2_SPTR check_subject; /* Where UTF-checked from */ PCRE2_SPTR end_subject; /* End of the subject string */ PCRE2_SPTR end_match_ptr; /* Subject position at end match */ PCRE2_SPTR start_used_ptr; /* Earliest consulted character */ PCRE2_SPTR last_used_ptr; /* Latest consulted character */ PCRE2_SPTR mark; /* Mark pointer to pass back on success */ PCRE2_SPTR nomatch_mark; /* Mark pointer to pass back on failure */ PCRE2_SPTR verb_ecode_ptr; /* For passing back info */ PCRE2_SPTR verb_skip_ptr; /* For passing back a (*SKIP) name */ uint32_t verb_current_recurse; /* Current recurse when (*VERB) happens */ uint32_t moptions; /* Match options */ uint32_t poptions; /* Pattern options */ uint32_t skip_arg_count; /* For counting SKIP_ARGs */ uint32_t ignore_skip_arg; /* For re-run when SKIP arg name not found */ uint32_t nltype; /* Newline type */ uint32_t nllen; /* Newline string length */ PCRE2_UCHAR nl[4]; /* Newline string when fixed */ pcre2_callout_block *cb; /* Points to a callout block */ void *callout_data; /* To pass back to callouts */ int (*callout)(pcre2_callout_block *,void *); /* Callout function or NULL */ } match_block; /* A similar structure is used for the same purpose by the DFA matching functions. */ typedef struct dfa_match_block { pcre2_memctl memctl; /* For general use */ PCRE2_SPTR start_code; /* Start of the compiled pattern */ PCRE2_SPTR start_subject ; /* Start of the subject string */ PCRE2_SPTR end_subject; /* End of subject string */ PCRE2_SPTR start_used_ptr; /* Earliest consulted character */ PCRE2_SPTR last_used_ptr; /* Latest consulted character */ const uint8_t *tables; /* Character tables */ PCRE2_SIZE start_offset; /* The start offset value */ PCRE2_SIZE heap_limit; /* As it says */ PCRE2_SIZE heap_used; /* As it says */ uint32_t match_limit; /* As it says */ uint32_t match_limit_depth; /* As it says */ uint32_t match_call_count; /* Number of calls of internal function */ uint32_t moptions; /* Match options */ uint32_t poptions; /* Pattern options */ uint32_t nltype; /* Newline type */ uint32_t nllen; /* Newline string length */ BOOL allowemptypartial; /* Allow empty hard partial */ PCRE2_UCHAR nl[4]; /* Newline string when fixed */ uint16_t bsr_convention; /* \R interpretation */ pcre2_callout_block *cb; /* Points to a callout block */ void *callout_data; /* To pass back to callouts */ int (*callout)(pcre2_callout_block *,void *); /* Callout function or NULL */ dfa_recursion_info *recursive; /* Linked list of recursion data */ } dfa_match_block; #endif /* PCRE2_PCRE2TEST */ /* End of pcre2_intmodedep.h */ PK!-T "pcre/pcre2lib/pcre2_jit_neon_inc.hnu[/************************************************* * Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions * *************************************************/ /* PCRE is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl 5 language. Written by Philip Hazel This module by Zoltan Herczeg and Sebastian Pop Original API code Copyright (c) 1997-2012 University of Cambridge New API code Copyright (c) 2016-2019 University of Cambridge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ # if defined(FFCS) # if defined(FF_UTF) # define FF_FUN ffcs_utf # else # define FF_FUN ffcs # endif # elif defined(FFCS_2) # if defined(FF_UTF) # define FF_FUN ffcs_2_utf # else # define FF_FUN ffcs_2 # endif # elif defined(FFCS_MASK) # if defined(FF_UTF) # define FF_FUN ffcs_mask_utf # else # define FF_FUN ffcs_mask # endif # elif defined(FFCPS_0) # if defined (FF_UTF) # define FF_FUN ffcps_0_utf # else # define FF_FUN ffcps_0 # endif # elif defined (FFCPS_1) # if defined (FF_UTF) # define FF_FUN ffcps_1_utf # else # define FF_FUN ffcps_1 # endif # elif defined (FFCPS_DEFAULT) # if defined (FF_UTF) # define FF_FUN ffcps_default_utf # else # define FF_FUN ffcps_default # endif # endif static sljit_u8* SLJIT_FUNC FF_FUN(sljit_u8 *str_end, sljit_u8 *str_ptr, sljit_uw offs1, sljit_uw offs2, sljit_uw chars) #undef FF_FUN { quad_word qw; int_char ic; ic.x = chars; #if defined(FFCS) sljit_u8 c1 = ic.c.c1; vect_t vc1 = VDUPQ(c1); #elif defined(FFCS_2) sljit_u8 c1 = ic.c.c1; vect_t vc1 = VDUPQ(c1); sljit_u8 c2 = ic.c.c2; vect_t vc2 = VDUPQ(c2); #elif defined(FFCS_MASK) sljit_u8 c1 = ic.c.c1; vect_t vc1 = VDUPQ(c1); sljit_u8 mask = ic.c.c2; vect_t vmask = VDUPQ(mask); #endif #if defined(FFCPS) compare_type compare1_type = compare_match1; compare_type compare2_type = compare_match1; vect_t cmp1a, cmp1b, cmp2a, cmp2b; const sljit_u32 diff = IN_UCHARS(offs1 - offs2); PCRE2_UCHAR char1a = ic.c.c1; PCRE2_UCHAR char2a = ic.c.c3; # ifdef FFCPS_CHAR1A2A cmp1a = VDUPQ(char1a); cmp2a = VDUPQ(char2a); cmp1b = VDUPQ(0); /* to avoid errors on older compilers -Werror=maybe-uninitialized */ cmp2b = VDUPQ(0); /* to avoid errors on older compilers -Werror=maybe-uninitialized */ # else PCRE2_UCHAR char1b = ic.c.c2; PCRE2_UCHAR char2b = ic.c.c4; if (char1a == char1b) { cmp1a = VDUPQ(char1a); cmp1b = VDUPQ(0); /* to avoid errors on older compilers -Werror=maybe-uninitialized */ } else { sljit_u32 bit1 = char1a ^ char1b; if (is_powerof2(bit1)) { compare1_type = compare_match1i; cmp1a = VDUPQ(char1a | bit1); cmp1b = VDUPQ(bit1); } else { compare1_type = compare_match2; cmp1a = VDUPQ(char1a); cmp1b = VDUPQ(char1b); } } if (char2a == char2b) { cmp2a = VDUPQ(char2a); cmp2b = VDUPQ(0); /* to avoid errors on older compilers -Werror=maybe-uninitialized */ } else { sljit_u32 bit2 = char2a ^ char2b; if (is_powerof2(bit2)) { compare2_type = compare_match1i; cmp2a = VDUPQ(char2a | bit2); cmp2b = VDUPQ(bit2); } else { compare2_type = compare_match2; cmp2a = VDUPQ(char2a); cmp2b = VDUPQ(char2b); } } # endif str_ptr += IN_UCHARS(offs1); #endif #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 8 vect_t char_mask = VDUPQ(0xff); #endif #if defined(FF_UTF) restart:; #endif #if defined(FFCPS) sljit_u8 *p1 = str_ptr - diff; #endif sljit_s32 align_offset = ((uint64_t)str_ptr & 0xf); str_ptr = (sljit_u8 *) ((uint64_t)str_ptr & ~0xf); vect_t data = VLD1Q(str_ptr); #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 8 data = VANDQ(data, char_mask); #endif #if defined(FFCS) vect_t eq = VCEQQ(data, vc1); #elif defined(FFCS_2) vect_t eq1 = VCEQQ(data, vc1); vect_t eq2 = VCEQQ(data, vc2); vect_t eq = VORRQ(eq1, eq2); #elif defined(FFCS_MASK) vect_t eq = VORRQ(data, vmask); eq = VCEQQ(eq, vc1); #elif defined(FFCPS) # if defined(FFCPS_DIFF1) vect_t prev_data = data; # endif vect_t data2; if (p1 < str_ptr) { data2 = VLD1Q(str_ptr - diff); #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 8 data2 = VANDQ(data2, char_mask); #endif } else data2 = shift_left_n_lanes(data, offs1 - offs2); if (compare1_type == compare_match1) data = VCEQQ(data, cmp1a); else data = fast_forward_char_pair_compare(compare1_type, data, cmp1a, cmp1b); if (compare2_type == compare_match1) data2 = VCEQQ(data2, cmp2a); else data2 = fast_forward_char_pair_compare(compare2_type, data2, cmp2a, cmp2b); vect_t eq = VANDQ(data, data2); #endif VST1Q(qw.mem, eq); /* Ignore matches before the first STR_PTR. */ if (align_offset < 8) { qw.dw[0] >>= align_offset * 8; if (qw.dw[0]) { str_ptr += align_offset + __builtin_ctzll(qw.dw[0]) / 8; goto match; } if (qw.dw[1]) { str_ptr += 8 + __builtin_ctzll(qw.dw[1]) / 8; goto match; } } else { qw.dw[1] >>= (align_offset - 8) * 8; if (qw.dw[1]) { str_ptr += align_offset + __builtin_ctzll(qw.dw[1]) / 8; goto match; } } str_ptr += 16; while (str_ptr < str_end) { vect_t orig_data = VLD1Q(str_ptr); #if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 8 orig_data = VANDQ(orig_data, char_mask); #endif data = orig_data; #if defined(FFCS) eq = VCEQQ(data, vc1); #elif defined(FFCS_2) eq1 = VCEQQ(data, vc1); eq2 = VCEQQ(data, vc2); eq = VORRQ(eq1, eq2); #elif defined(FFCS_MASK) eq = VORRQ(data, vmask); eq = VCEQQ(eq, vc1); #endif #if defined(FFCPS) # if defined (FFCPS_DIFF1) data2 = VEXTQ(prev_data, data, VECTOR_FACTOR - 1); # else data2 = VLD1Q(str_ptr - diff); # if PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH != 8 data2 = VANDQ(data2, char_mask); # endif # endif # ifdef FFCPS_CHAR1A2A data = VCEQQ(data, cmp1a); data2 = VCEQQ(data2, cmp2a); # else if (compare1_type == compare_match1) data = VCEQQ(data, cmp1a); else data = fast_forward_char_pair_compare(compare1_type, data, cmp1a, cmp1b); if (compare2_type == compare_match1) data2 = VCEQQ(data2, cmp2a); else data2 = fast_forward_char_pair_compare(compare2_type, data2, cmp2a, cmp2b); # endif eq = VANDQ(data, data2); #endif VST1Q(qw.mem, eq); if (qw.dw[0]) str_ptr += __builtin_ctzll(qw.dw[0]) / 8; else if (qw.dw[1]) str_ptr += 8 + __builtin_ctzll(qw.dw[1]) / 8; else { str_ptr += 16; #if defined (FFCPS_DIFF1) prev_data = orig_data; #endif continue; } match:; if (str_ptr >= str_end) /* Failed match. */ return NULL; #if defined(FF_UTF) if (utf_continue(str_ptr + IN_UCHARS(-offs1))) { /* Not a match. */ str_ptr += IN_UCHARS(1); goto restart; } #endif /* Match. */ #if defined (FFCPS) str_ptr -= IN_UCHARS(offs1); #endif return str_ptr; } /* Failed match. */ return NULL; } PK!rO..pcre/pcre2lib/config.hnu[ #include #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # include #else # include #endif #define SUPPORT_UNICODE 1 #define SUPPORT_PCRE2_8 1 #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # ifdef __cplusplus # define PCRE2_EXP_DECL extern "C" __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) # else # define PCRE2_EXP_DECL extern __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) # endif # define PCRE2_EXP_DEFN __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #endif /* Define to any value for valgrind support to find invalid memory reads. */ #if HAVE_PCRE_VALGRIND_SUPPORT #define SUPPORT_VALGRIND 1 #endif /* Define to any value to enable support for Just-In-Time compiling. */ #if HAVE_PCRE_JIT_SUPPORT #define SUPPORT_JIT #endif /* This limits the amount of memory that pcre2_match() may use while matching a pattern. The value is in kilobytes. */ #ifndef HEAP_LIMIT #define HEAP_LIMIT 20000000 #endif /* The value of PARENS_NEST_LIMIT specifies the maximum depth of nested parentheses (of any kind) in a pattern. This limits the amount of system stack that is used while compiling a pattern. */ #ifndef PARENS_NEST_LIMIT #define PARENS_NEST_LIMIT 250 #endif /* The value of MATCH_LIMIT determines the default number of times the pcre2_match() function can record a backtrack position during a single matching attempt. There is a runtime interface for setting a different limit. The limit exists in order to catch runaway regular expressions that take for ever to determine that they do not match. The default is set very large so that it does not accidentally catch legitimate cases. */ #ifndef MATCH_LIMIT #define MATCH_LIMIT 10000000 #endif /* The above limit applies to all backtracks, whether or not they are nested. In some environments it is desirable to limit the nesting of backtracking (that is, the depth of tree that is searched) more strictly, in order to restrict the maximum amount of heap memory that is used. The value of MATCH_LIMIT_DEPTH provides this facility. To have any useful effect, it must be less than the value of MATCH_LIMIT. The default is to use the same value as MATCH_LIMIT. There is a runtime method for setting a different limit. */ #ifndef MATCH_LIMIT_DEPTH #define MATCH_LIMIT_DEPTH MATCH_LIMIT #endif /* This limit is parameterized just in case anybody ever wants to change it. Care must be taken if it is increased, because it guards against integer overflow caused by enormously large patterns. */ #ifndef MAX_NAME_COUNT #define MAX_NAME_COUNT 10000 #endif /* This limit is parameterized just in case anybody ever wants to change it. Care must be taken if it is increased, because it guards against integer overflow caused by enormously large patterns. */ #ifndef MAX_NAME_SIZE #define MAX_NAME_SIZE 32 #endif /* Defining NEVER_BACKSLASH_C locks out the use of \C in all patterns. */ /* #undef NEVER_BACKSLASH_C */ /* The value of NEWLINE_DEFAULT determines the default newline character sequence. PCRE2 client programs can override this by selecting other values at run time. The valid values are 1 (CR), 2 (LF), 3 (CRLF), 4 (ANY), 5 (ANYCRLF), and 6 (NUL). */ #ifndef NEWLINE_DEFAULT #define NEWLINE_DEFAULT 2 #endif /* The value of LINK_SIZE determines the number of bytes used to store links as offsets within the compiled regex. The default is 2, which allows for compiled patterns up to 64K long. This covers the vast majority of cases. However, PCRE2 can also be compiled to use 3 or 4 bytes instead. This allows for longer patterns in extreme cases. */ #ifndef LINK_SIZE #define LINK_SIZE 2 #endif PK!ð,eepcre/pcre2lib/pcre2_ucp.hnu[/************************************************* * Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions * *************************************************/ /* PCRE is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl 5 language. Written by Philip Hazel Original API code Copyright (c) 1997-2012 University of Cambridge New API code Copyright (c) 2016-2018 University of Cambridge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef PCRE2_UCP_H_IDEMPOTENT_GUARD #define PCRE2_UCP_H_IDEMPOTENT_GUARD /* This file contains definitions of the property values that are returned by the UCD access macros. New values that are added for new releases of Unicode should always be at the end of each enum, for backwards compatibility. IMPORTANT: Note also that the specific numeric values of the enums have to be the same as the values that are generated by the maint/ script, where the equivalent property descriptive names are listed in vectors. ALSO: The specific values of the first two enums are assumed for the table called catposstab in pcre2_compile.c. */ /* These are the general character categories. */ enum { ucp_C, /* Other */ ucp_L, /* Letter */ ucp_M, /* Mark */ ucp_N, /* Number */ ucp_P, /* Punctuation */ ucp_S, /* Symbol */ ucp_Z /* Separator */ }; /* These are the particular character categories. */ enum { ucp_Cc, /* Control */ ucp_Cf, /* Format */ ucp_Cn, /* Unassigned */ ucp_Co, /* Private use */ ucp_Cs, /* Surrogate */ ucp_Ll, /* Lower case letter */ ucp_Lm, /* Modifier letter */ ucp_Lo, /* Other letter */ ucp_Lt, /* Title case letter */ ucp_Lu, /* Upper case letter */ ucp_Mc, /* Spacing mark */ ucp_Me, /* Enclosing mark */ ucp_Mn, /* Non-spacing mark */ ucp_Nd, /* Decimal number */ ucp_Nl, /* Letter number */ ucp_No, /* Other number */ ucp_Pc, /* Connector punctuation */ ucp_Pd, /* Dash punctuation */ ucp_Pe, /* Close punctuation */ ucp_Pf, /* Final punctuation */ ucp_Pi, /* Initial punctuation */ ucp_Po, /* Other punctuation */ ucp_Ps, /* Open punctuation */ ucp_Sc, /* Currency symbol */ ucp_Sk, /* Modifier symbol */ ucp_Sm, /* Mathematical symbol */ ucp_So, /* Other symbol */ ucp_Zl, /* Line separator */ ucp_Zp, /* Paragraph separator */ ucp_Zs /* Space separator */ }; /* These are grapheme break properties. The Extended Pictographic property comes from the emoji-data.txt file. */ enum { ucp_gbCR, /* 0 */ ucp_gbLF, /* 1 */ ucp_gbControl, /* 2 */ ucp_gbExtend, /* 3 */ ucp_gbPrepend, /* 4 */ ucp_gbSpacingMark, /* 5 */ ucp_gbL, /* 6 Hangul syllable type L */ ucp_gbV, /* 7 Hangul syllable type V */ ucp_gbT, /* 8 Hangul syllable type T */ ucp_gbLV, /* 9 Hangul syllable type LV */ ucp_gbLVT, /* 10 Hangul syllable type LVT */ ucp_gbRegionalIndicator, /* 11 */ ucp_gbOther, /* 12 */ ucp_gbZWJ, /* 13 */ ucp_gbExtended_Pictographic /* 14 */ }; /* These are the script identifications. */ enum { ucp_Unknown, ucp_Arabic, ucp_Armenian, ucp_Bengali, ucp_Bopomofo, ucp_Braille, ucp_Buginese, ucp_Buhid, ucp_Canadian_Aboriginal, ucp_Cherokee, ucp_Common, ucp_Coptic, ucp_Cypriot, ucp_Cyrillic, ucp_Deseret, ucp_Devanagari, ucp_Ethiopic, ucp_Georgian, ucp_Glagolitic, ucp_Gothic, ucp_Greek, ucp_Gujarati, ucp_Gurmukhi, ucp_Han, ucp_Hangul, ucp_Hanunoo, ucp_Hebrew, ucp_Hiragana, ucp_Inherited, ucp_Kannada, ucp_Katakana, ucp_Kharoshthi, ucp_Khmer, ucp_Lao, ucp_Latin, ucp_Limbu, ucp_Linear_B, ucp_Malayalam, ucp_Mongolian, ucp_Myanmar, ucp_New_Tai_Lue, ucp_Ogham, ucp_Old_Italic, ucp_Old_Persian, ucp_Oriya, ucp_Osmanya, ucp_Runic, ucp_Shavian, ucp_Sinhala, ucp_Syloti_Nagri, ucp_Syriac, ucp_Tagalog, ucp_Tagbanwa, ucp_Tai_Le, ucp_Tamil, ucp_Telugu, ucp_Thaana, ucp_Thai, ucp_Tibetan, ucp_Tifinagh, ucp_Ugaritic, ucp_Yi, /* New for Unicode 5.0 */ ucp_Balinese, ucp_Cuneiform, ucp_Nko, ucp_Phags_Pa, ucp_Phoenician, /* New for Unicode 5.1 */ ucp_Carian, ucp_Cham, ucp_Kayah_Li, ucp_Lepcha, ucp_Lycian, ucp_Lydian, ucp_Ol_Chiki, ucp_Rejang, ucp_Saurashtra, ucp_Sundanese, ucp_Vai, /* New for Unicode 5.2 */ ucp_Avestan, ucp_Bamum, ucp_Egyptian_Hieroglyphs, ucp_Imperial_Aramaic, ucp_Inscriptional_Pahlavi, ucp_Inscriptional_Parthian, ucp_Javanese, ucp_Kaithi, ucp_Lisu, ucp_Meetei_Mayek, ucp_Old_South_Arabian, ucp_Old_Turkic, ucp_Samaritan, ucp_Tai_Tham, ucp_Tai_Viet, /* New for Unicode 6.0.0 */ ucp_Batak, ucp_Brahmi, ucp_Mandaic, /* New for Unicode 6.1.0 */ ucp_Chakma, ucp_Meroitic_Cursive, ucp_Meroitic_Hieroglyphs, ucp_Miao, ucp_Sharada, ucp_Sora_Sompeng, ucp_Takri, /* New for Unicode 7.0.0 */ ucp_Bassa_Vah, ucp_Caucasian_Albanian, ucp_Duployan, ucp_Elbasan, ucp_Grantha, ucp_Khojki, ucp_Khudawadi, ucp_Linear_A, ucp_Mahajani, ucp_Manichaean, ucp_Mende_Kikakui, ucp_Modi, ucp_Mro, ucp_Nabataean, ucp_Old_North_Arabian, ucp_Old_Permic, ucp_Pahawh_Hmong, ucp_Palmyrene, ucp_Psalter_Pahlavi, ucp_Pau_Cin_Hau, ucp_Siddham, ucp_Tirhuta, ucp_Warang_Citi, /* New for Unicode 8.0.0 */ ucp_Ahom, ucp_Anatolian_Hieroglyphs, ucp_Hatran, ucp_Multani, ucp_Old_Hungarian, ucp_SignWriting, /* New for Unicode 10.0.0 (no update since 8.0.0) */ ucp_Adlam, ucp_Bhaiksuki, ucp_Marchen, ucp_Newa, ucp_Osage, ucp_Tangut, ucp_Masaram_Gondi, ucp_Nushu, ucp_Soyombo, ucp_Zanabazar_Square, /* New for Unicode 11.0.0 */ ucp_Dogra, ucp_Gunjala_Gondi, ucp_Hanifi_Rohingya, ucp_Makasar, ucp_Medefaidrin, ucp_Old_Sogdian, ucp_Sogdian, /* New for Unicode 12.0.0 */ ucp_Elymaic, ucp_Nandinagari, ucp_Nyiakeng_Puachue_Hmong, ucp_Wancho, /* New for Unicode 13.0.0 */ ucp_Chorasmian, ucp_Dives_Akuru, ucp_Khitan_Small_Script, ucp_Yezidi }; #endif /* PCRE2_UCP_H_IDEMPOTENT_GUARD */ /* End of pcre2_ucp.h */ PK!Օ\pcre/php_pcre.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Andrei Zmievski | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_PCRE_H #define PHP_PCRE_H #if HAVE_BUNDLED_PCRE #include "pcre2lib/pcre2.h" #else #include "pcre2.h" #endif #include PHPAPI zend_string *php_pcre_replace(zend_string *regex, zend_string *subject_str, char *subject, size_t subject_len, zend_string *replace_str, size_t limit, size_t *replace_count); PHPAPI pcre2_code* pcre_get_compiled_regex(zend_string *regex, uint32_t *capture_count); PHPAPI pcre2_code* pcre_get_compiled_regex_ex(zend_string *regex, uint32_t *capture_count, uint32_t *preg_options, uint32_t *coptions); extern zend_module_entry pcre_module_entry; #define pcre_module_ptr &pcre_module_entry #include "php_version.h" #define PHP_PCRE_VERSION PHP_VERSION typedef struct _pcre_cache_entry pcre_cache_entry; PHPAPI pcre_cache_entry* pcre_get_compiled_regex_cache(zend_string *regex); PHPAPI pcre_cache_entry* pcre_get_compiled_regex_cache_ex(zend_string *regex, int locale_aware); PHPAPI void php_pcre_match_impl(pcre_cache_entry *pce, zend_string *subject_str, zval *return_value, zval *subpats, int global, int use_flags, zend_long flags, zend_off_t start_offset); PHPAPI zend_string *php_pcre_replace_impl(pcre_cache_entry *pce, zend_string *subject_str, char *subject, size_t subject_len, zend_string *replace_str, size_t limit, size_t *replace_count); PHPAPI void php_pcre_split_impl( pcre_cache_entry *pce, zend_string *subject_str, zval *return_value, zend_long limit_val, zend_long flags); PHPAPI void php_pcre_grep_impl( pcre_cache_entry *pce, zval *input, zval *return_value, zend_long flags); PHPAPI pcre2_match_context *php_pcre_mctx(void); PHPAPI pcre2_general_context *php_pcre_gctx(void); PHPAPI pcre2_compile_context *php_pcre_cctx(void); PHPAPI void php_pcre_pce_incref(pcre_cache_entry *); PHPAPI void php_pcre_pce_decref(pcre_cache_entry *); PHPAPI pcre2_code *php_pcre_pce_re(pcre_cache_entry *); /* capture_count can be ignored, re is required. */ PHPAPI pcre2_match_data *php_pcre_create_match_data(uint32_t, pcre2_code *); PHPAPI void php_pcre_free_match_data(pcre2_match_data *); ZEND_BEGIN_MODULE_GLOBALS(pcre) HashTable pcre_cache; zend_long backtrack_limit; zend_long recursion_limit; #ifdef HAVE_PCRE_JIT_SUPPORT zend_bool jit; #endif zend_bool per_request_cache; int error_code; /* Used for unmatched subpatterns in OFFSET_CAPTURE mode */ zval unmatched_null_pair; zval unmatched_empty_pair; ZEND_END_MODULE_GLOBALS(pcre) PHPAPI ZEND_EXTERN_MODULE_GLOBALS(pcre) #define PCRE_G(v) ZEND_MODULE_GLOBALS_ACCESSOR(pcre, v) #define phpext_pcre_ptr pcre_module_ptr #endif /* PHP_PCRE_H */ PK!? ? pdo/php_pdo.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Wez Furlong | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_PDO_H #define PHP_PDO_H #include "zend.h" extern zend_module_entry pdo_module_entry; #define phpext_pdo_ptr &pdo_module_entry #include "php_version.h" #define PHP_PDO_VERSION PHP_VERSION #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # if defined(PDO_EXPORTS) || (!defined(COMPILE_DL_PDO)) # define PDO_API __declspec(dllexport) # elif defined(COMPILE_DL_PDO) # define PDO_API __declspec(dllimport) # else # define PDO_API /* nothing special */ # endif #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define PDO_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else # define PDO_API /* nothing special */ #endif #ifdef ZTS # include "TSRM.h" #endif PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(pdo); PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(pdo); PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(pdo); #define REGISTER_PDO_CLASS_CONST_LONG(const_name, value) \ zend_declare_class_constant_long(php_pdo_get_dbh_ce(), const_name, sizeof(const_name)-1, (zend_long)value); #define REGISTER_PDO_CLASS_CONST_STRING(const_name, value) \ zend_declare_class_constant_stringl(php_pdo_get_dbh_ce(), const_name, sizeof(const_name)-1, value, sizeof(value)-1); #define PDO_CONSTRUCT_CHECK \ if (!dbh->driver) { \ pdo_raise_impl_error(dbh, NULL, "00000", "PDO constructor was not called"); \ return; \ } \ #endif /* PHP_PDO_H */ PK!WvnHaHapdo/php_pdo_driver.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Wez Furlong | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_PDO_DRIVER_H #define PHP_PDO_DRIVER_H #include "php_pdo.h" /* forward declarations */ typedef struct _pdo_dbh_t pdo_dbh_t; typedef struct _pdo_dbh_object_t pdo_dbh_object_t; typedef struct _pdo_stmt_t pdo_stmt_t; typedef struct _pdo_row_t pdo_row_t; struct pdo_bound_param_data; #ifdef PHP_WIN32 typedef __int64 pdo_int64_t; typedef unsigned __int64 pdo_uint64_t; #else typedef long long int pdo_int64_t; typedef unsigned long long int pdo_uint64_t; #endif PDO_API char *php_pdo_int64_to_str(pdo_int64_t i64); #ifndef TRUE # define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE # define FALSE 0 #endif #define PDO_DRIVER_API 20170320 enum pdo_param_type { PDO_PARAM_NULL, /* int as in long (the php native int type). * If you mark a column as an int, PDO expects get_col to return * a pointer to a long */ PDO_PARAM_INT, /* get_col ptr should point to start of the string buffer */ PDO_PARAM_STR, /* get_col: when len is 0 ptr should point to a php_stream *, * otherwise it should behave like a string. Indicate a NULL field * value by setting the ptr to NULL */ PDO_PARAM_LOB, /* get_col: will expect the ptr to point to a new PDOStatement object handle, * but this isn't wired up yet */ PDO_PARAM_STMT, /* hierarchical result set */ /* get_col ptr should point to a zend_bool */ PDO_PARAM_BOOL, /* get_col ptr should point to a zval* and the driver is responsible for adding correct type information to get_column_meta() */ PDO_PARAM_ZVAL, /* magic flag to denote a parameter as being input/output */ PDO_PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT = 0x80000000, /* magic flag to denote a string that uses the national character set see section 4.2.1 of SQL-92: */ PDO_PARAM_STR_NATL = 0x40000000, /* magic flag to denote a string that uses the regular character set */ PDO_PARAM_STR_CHAR = 0x20000000, }; #define PDO_PARAM_FLAGS 0xFFFF0000 #define PDO_PARAM_TYPE(x) ((x) & ~PDO_PARAM_FLAGS) enum pdo_fetch_type { PDO_FETCH_USE_DEFAULT, PDO_FETCH_LAZY, PDO_FETCH_ASSOC, PDO_FETCH_NUM, PDO_FETCH_BOTH, PDO_FETCH_OBJ, PDO_FETCH_BOUND, /* return true/false only; rely on bound columns */ PDO_FETCH_COLUMN, /* fetch a numbered column only */ PDO_FETCH_CLASS, /* create an instance of named class, call ctor and set properties */ PDO_FETCH_INTO, /* fetch row into an existing object */ PDO_FETCH_FUNC, /* fetch into function and return its result */ PDO_FETCH_NAMED, /* like PDO_FETCH_ASSOC, but can handle duplicate names */ PDO_FETCH_KEY_PAIR, /* fetch into an array where the 1st column is a key and all subsequent columns are values */ PDO_FETCH__MAX /* must be last */ }; #define PDO_FETCH_FLAGS 0xFFFF0000 /* fetchAll() modes or'd to PDO_FETCH_XYZ */ #define PDO_FETCH_GROUP 0x00010000 /* fetch into groups */ #define PDO_FETCH_UNIQUE 0x00030000 /* fetch into groups assuming first col is unique */ #define PDO_FETCH_CLASSTYPE 0x00040000 /* fetch class gets its class name from 1st column */ #define PDO_FETCH_SERIALIZE 0x00080000 /* fetch class instances by calling serialize */ #define PDO_FETCH_PROPS_LATE 0x00100000 /* fetch props after calling ctor */ /* fetch orientation for scrollable cursors */ enum pdo_fetch_orientation { PDO_FETCH_ORI_NEXT, /* default: fetch the next available row */ PDO_FETCH_ORI_PRIOR, /* scroll back to prior row and fetch that */ PDO_FETCH_ORI_FIRST, /* scroll to the first row and fetch that */ PDO_FETCH_ORI_LAST, /* scroll to the last row and fetch that */ PDO_FETCH_ORI_ABS, /* scroll to an absolute numbered row and fetch that */ PDO_FETCH_ORI_REL /* scroll relative to the current row, and fetch that */ }; enum pdo_attribute_type { PDO_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT, /* use to turn on or off auto-commit mode */ PDO_ATTR_PREFETCH, /* configure the prefetch size for drivers that support it. Size is in KB */ PDO_ATTR_TIMEOUT, /* connection timeout in seconds */ PDO_ATTR_ERRMODE, /* control how errors are handled */ PDO_ATTR_SERVER_VERSION, /* database server version */ PDO_ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION, /* client library version */ PDO_ATTR_SERVER_INFO, /* server information */ PDO_ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS, /* connection status */ PDO_ATTR_CASE, /* control case folding for portability */ PDO_ATTR_CURSOR_NAME, /* name a cursor for use in "WHERE CURRENT OF " */ PDO_ATTR_CURSOR, /* cursor type */ PDO_ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS, /* convert empty strings to NULL */ PDO_ATTR_PERSISTENT, /* pconnect style connection */ PDO_ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS, /* array(classname, array(ctor_args)) to specify the class of the constructed statement */ PDO_ATTR_FETCH_TABLE_NAMES, /* include table names in the column names, where available */ PDO_ATTR_FETCH_CATALOG_NAMES, /* include the catalog/db name names in the column names, where available */ PDO_ATTR_DRIVER_NAME, /* name of the driver (as used in the constructor) */ PDO_ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, /* converts integer/float types to strings during fetch */ PDO_ATTR_MAX_COLUMN_LEN, /* make database calculate maximum length of data found in a column */ PDO_ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, /* Set the default fetch mode */ PDO_ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, /* use query emulation rather than native */ PDO_ATTR_DEFAULT_STR_PARAM, /* set the default string parameter type (see the PDO::PARAM_STR_* magic flags) */ /* this defines the start of the range for driver specific options. * Drivers should define their own attribute constants beginning with this * value. */ PDO_ATTR_DRIVER_SPECIFIC = 1000 }; enum pdo_cursor_type { PDO_CURSOR_FWDONLY, /* forward only cursor (default) */ PDO_CURSOR_SCROLL /* scrollable cursor */ }; /* SQL-92 SQLSTATE error codes. The character string value returned for an SQLSTATE consists of a two-character class value followed by a three-character subclass value. A class value of 01 indicates a warning and is accompanied by a return code of SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. Class values other than '01', except for the class 'IM', indicate an error and are accompanied by a return code of SQL_ERROR. The class 'IM' is specific to warnings and errors that derive from the implementation of ODBC itself. The subclass value '000' in any class indicates that there is no subclass for that SQLSTATE. The assignment of class and subclass values is defined by SQL-92. */ typedef char pdo_error_type[6]; /* SQLSTATE */ #define PDO_ERR_NONE "00000" enum pdo_error_mode { PDO_ERRMODE_SILENT, /* just set error codes */ PDO_ERRMODE_WARNING, /* raise E_WARNING */ PDO_ERRMODE_EXCEPTION /* throw exceptions */ }; enum pdo_case_conversion { PDO_CASE_NATURAL, PDO_CASE_UPPER, PDO_CASE_LOWER }; /* oracle interop settings */ enum pdo_null_handling { PDO_NULL_NATURAL = 0, PDO_NULL_EMPTY_STRING = 1, PDO_NULL_TO_STRING = 2 }; /* {{{ utils for reading attributes set as driver_options */ static inline zend_long pdo_attr_lval(zval *options, enum pdo_attribute_type option_name, zend_long defval) { zval *v; if (options && (v = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(options), option_name))) { return zval_get_long(v); } return defval; } static inline zend_string *pdo_attr_strval(zval *options, enum pdo_attribute_type option_name, zend_string *defval) { zval *v; if (options && (v = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(options), option_name))) { return zval_try_get_string(v); } return defval ? zend_string_copy(defval) : NULL; } /* }}} */ /* This structure is registered with PDO when a PDO driver extension is * initialized */ typedef struct { const char *driver_name; size_t driver_name_len; zend_ulong api_version; /* needs to be compatible with PDO */ #define PDO_DRIVER_HEADER(name) \ #name, sizeof(#name)-1, \ PDO_DRIVER_API /* create driver specific portion of the database handle and stash it into * the dbh. dbh contains the data source string and flags for this * instance. You MUST respect dbh->is_persistent and pass that flag to * pemalloc() for all allocations that are stored in the dbh or your instance * data in the db, otherwise you will crash PHP when persistent connections * are used. */ int (*db_handle_factory)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, zval *driver_options); } pdo_driver_t; /* {{{ methods for a database handle */ /* close or otherwise disconnect the database */ typedef int (*pdo_dbh_close_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh); /* prepare a statement and stash driver specific portion into stmt */ typedef int (*pdo_dbh_prepare_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, const char *sql, size_t sql_len, pdo_stmt_t *stmt, zval *driver_options); /* execute a statement (that does not return a result set) */ typedef zend_long (*pdo_dbh_do_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, const char *sql, size_t sql_len); /* quote a string */ typedef int (*pdo_dbh_quote_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, const char *unquoted, size_t unquotedlen, char **quoted, size_t *quotedlen, enum pdo_param_type paramtype); /* transaction related */ typedef int (*pdo_dbh_txn_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh); /* setting of attributes */ typedef int (*pdo_dbh_set_attr_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, zend_long attr, zval *val); /* return last insert id. NULL indicates error condition, otherwise, the return value * MUST be an emalloc'd NULL terminated string. */ typedef char *(*pdo_dbh_last_id_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, const char *name, size_t *len); /* fetch error information. if stmt is not null, fetch information pertaining * to the statement, otherwise fetch global error information. The driver * should add the following information to the array "info" in this order: * - native error code * - string representation of the error code ... any other optional driver * specific data ... */ typedef int (*pdo_dbh_fetch_error_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, pdo_stmt_t *stmt, zval *info); /* fetching of attributes */ typedef int (*pdo_dbh_get_attr_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, zend_long attr, zval *val); /* checking/pinging persistent connections; return SUCCESS if the connection * is still alive and ready to be used, FAILURE otherwise. * You may set this handler to NULL, which is equivalent to returning SUCCESS. */ typedef int (*pdo_dbh_check_liveness_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh); /* called at request end for each persistent dbh; this gives the driver * the opportunity to safely release resources that only have per-request * scope */ typedef void (*pdo_dbh_request_shutdown)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh); /* for adding methods to the dbh or stmt objects pointer to a list of driver specific functions. The convention is to prefix the function names using the PDO driver name; this will reduce the chance of collisions with future functionality in the PDO class or in user code (they can extend the PDO object). */ enum { PDO_DBH_DRIVER_METHOD_KIND_DBH = 0, PDO_DBH_DRIVER_METHOD_KIND_STMT, PDO_DBH_DRIVER_METHOD_KIND__MAX }; typedef const zend_function_entry *(*pdo_dbh_get_driver_methods_func)(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, int kind); struct pdo_dbh_methods { pdo_dbh_close_func closer; pdo_dbh_prepare_func preparer; pdo_dbh_do_func doer; pdo_dbh_quote_func quoter; pdo_dbh_txn_func begin; pdo_dbh_txn_func commit; pdo_dbh_txn_func rollback; pdo_dbh_set_attr_func set_attribute; pdo_dbh_last_id_func last_id; pdo_dbh_fetch_error_func fetch_err; pdo_dbh_get_attr_func get_attribute; pdo_dbh_check_liveness_func check_liveness; pdo_dbh_get_driver_methods_func get_driver_methods; pdo_dbh_request_shutdown persistent_shutdown; pdo_dbh_txn_func in_transaction; }; /* }}} */ /* {{{ methods for a statement handle */ /* free the statement handle */ typedef int (*pdo_stmt_dtor_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt); /* start the query */ typedef int (*pdo_stmt_execute_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt); /* causes the next row in the set to be fetched; indicates if there are no * more rows. The ori and offset params modify which row should be returned, * if the stmt represents a scrollable cursor */ typedef int (*pdo_stmt_fetch_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, enum pdo_fetch_orientation ori, zend_long offset); /* queries information about the type of a column, by index (0 based). * Driver should populate stmt->columns[colno] with appropriate info */ typedef int (*pdo_stmt_describe_col_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, int colno); /* retrieves pointer and size of the value for a column. * Note that PDO expects the driver to manage the lifetime of this data; * it will copy the value into a zval on behalf of the script. * If the driver sets caller_frees, ptr should point to emalloc'd memory * and PDO will free it as soon as it is done using it. */ typedef int (*pdo_stmt_get_col_data_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, int colno, char **ptr, size_t *len, int *caller_frees); /* hook for bound params */ enum pdo_param_event { PDO_PARAM_EVT_ALLOC, PDO_PARAM_EVT_FREE, PDO_PARAM_EVT_EXEC_PRE, PDO_PARAM_EVT_EXEC_POST, PDO_PARAM_EVT_FETCH_PRE, PDO_PARAM_EVT_FETCH_POST, PDO_PARAM_EVT_NORMALIZE }; typedef int (*pdo_stmt_param_hook_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, struct pdo_bound_param_data *param, enum pdo_param_event event_type); /* setting of attributes */ typedef int (*pdo_stmt_set_attr_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, zend_long attr, zval *val); /* fetching of attributes */ typedef int (*pdo_stmt_get_attr_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, zend_long attr, zval *val); /* retrieves meta data for a numbered column. * Returns SUCCESS/FAILURE. * On SUCCESS, fill in return_value with an array with the following fields. * If a particular field is not supported, then the driver simply does not add it to * the array, so that scripts can use isset() to check for it. * * ### this is just a rough first cut, and subject to change ### * * these are added by PDO itself, based on data from the describe handler: * name => the column name * len => the length/size of the column * precision => precision of the column * pdo_type => an integer, one of the PDO_PARAM_XXX values * * scale => the floating point scale * table => the table for that column * type => a string representation of the type, mapped to the PHP equivalent type name * native_type => a string representation of the type, native style, if different from * the mapped name. * flags => an array of flags including zero or more of the following: * primary_key, not_null, unique_key, multiple_key, unsigned, auto_increment, blob * * Any driver specific data should be returned using a prefixed key or value. * Eg: custom data for the mysql driver would use either * 'mysql:foobar' => 'some data' // to add a new key to the array * or * 'flags' => array('not_null', 'mysql:some_flag'); // to add data to an existing key */ typedef int (*pdo_stmt_get_column_meta_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, zend_long colno, zval *return_value); /* advances the statement to the next rowset of the batch. * If it returns 1, PDO will tear down its idea of columns * and meta data. If it returns 0, PDO will indicate an error * to the caller. */ typedef int (*pdo_stmt_next_rowset_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt); /* closes the active cursor on a statement, leaving the prepared * statement ready for re-execution. Useful to explicitly state * that you are done with a given rowset, without having to explicitly * fetch all the rows. */ typedef int (*pdo_stmt_cursor_closer_func)(pdo_stmt_t *stmt); struct pdo_stmt_methods { pdo_stmt_dtor_func dtor; pdo_stmt_execute_func executer; pdo_stmt_fetch_func fetcher; pdo_stmt_describe_col_func describer; pdo_stmt_get_col_data_func get_col; pdo_stmt_param_hook_func param_hook; pdo_stmt_set_attr_func set_attribute; pdo_stmt_get_attr_func get_attribute; pdo_stmt_get_column_meta_func get_column_meta; pdo_stmt_next_rowset_func next_rowset; pdo_stmt_cursor_closer_func cursor_closer; }; /* }}} */ enum pdo_placeholder_support { PDO_PLACEHOLDER_NONE=0, PDO_PLACEHOLDER_NAMED=1, PDO_PLACEHOLDER_POSITIONAL=2 }; struct _pdo_dbh_t { /* driver specific methods */ const struct pdo_dbh_methods *methods; /* driver specific data */ void *driver_data; /* credentials */ char *username, *password; /* if true, then data stored and pointed at by this handle must all be * persistently allocated */ unsigned is_persistent:1; /* if true, driver should act as though a COMMIT were executed between * each executed statement; otherwise, COMMIT must be carried out manually * */ unsigned auto_commit:1; /* if true, the handle has been closed and will not function anymore */ unsigned is_closed:1; /* if true, the driver requires that memory be allocated explicitly for * the columns that are returned */ unsigned alloc_own_columns:1; /* if true, commit or rollBack is allowed to be called */ unsigned in_txn:1; /* max length a single character can become after correct quoting */ unsigned max_escaped_char_length:3; /* oracle compat; see enum pdo_null_handling */ unsigned oracle_nulls:2; /* when set, convert int/floats to strings */ unsigned stringify:1; /* bitmap for pdo_param_event(s) to skip in dispatch_param_event */ unsigned skip_param_evt:7; /* the sum of the number of bits here and the bit fields preceding should * equal 32 */ unsigned _reserved_flags:14; /* data source string used to open this handle */ const char *data_source; size_t data_source_len; /* the global error code. */ pdo_error_type error_code; enum pdo_error_mode error_mode; enum pdo_case_conversion native_case, desired_case; /* persistent hash key associated with this handle */ const char *persistent_id; size_t persistent_id_len; unsigned int refcount; /* driver specific "class" methods for the dbh and stmt */ HashTable *cls_methods[PDO_DBH_DRIVER_METHOD_KIND__MAX]; pdo_driver_t *driver; zend_class_entry *def_stmt_ce; zval def_stmt_ctor_args; /* when calling PDO::query(), we need to keep the error * context from the statement around until we next clear it. * This will allow us to report the correct error message * when PDO::query() fails */ pdo_stmt_t *query_stmt; zval query_stmt_zval; /* defaults for fetches */ enum pdo_fetch_type default_fetch_type; }; /* represents a connection to a database */ struct _pdo_dbh_object_t { pdo_dbh_t *inner; /* these items must appear in this order at the beginning of the struct so that this can be cast as a zend_object. we need this to allow the extending class to escape all the custom handlers that PDO declares. */ zend_object std; }; static inline pdo_dbh_t *php_pdo_dbh_fetch_inner(zend_object *obj) { return (pdo_dbh_t *)(((pdo_dbh_object_t *)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(pdo_dbh_object_t, std)))->inner); } static inline pdo_dbh_object_t *php_pdo_dbh_fetch_object(zend_object *obj) { return (pdo_dbh_object_t *)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(pdo_dbh_object_t, std)); } #define Z_PDO_DBH_P(zv) php_pdo_dbh_fetch_inner(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) #define Z_PDO_OBJECT_P(zv) php_pdo_dbh_fetch_object(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) /* describes a column */ struct pdo_column_data { zend_string *name; size_t maxlen; zend_ulong precision; enum pdo_param_type param_type; }; /* describes a bound parameter */ struct pdo_bound_param_data { zval parameter; /* the variable itself */ zval driver_params; /* optional parameter(s) for the driver */ zend_long paramno; /* if -1, then it has a name, and we don't know the index *yet* */ zend_string *name; zend_long max_value_len; /* as a hint for pre-allocation */ void *driver_data; pdo_stmt_t *stmt; /* for convenience in dtor */ enum pdo_param_type param_type; /* desired or suggested variable type */ int is_param; /* parameter or column ? */ }; /* represents a prepared statement */ struct _pdo_stmt_t { /* driver specifics */ const struct pdo_stmt_methods *methods; void *driver_data; /* if true, we've already successfully executed this statement at least * once */ unsigned executed:1; /* if true, the statement supports placeholders and can implement * bindParam() for its prepared statements, if false, PDO should * emulate prepare and bind on its behalf */ unsigned supports_placeholders:2; unsigned _reserved:29; /* the number of columns in the result set; not valid until after * the statement has been executed at least once. In some cases, might * not be valid until fetch (at the driver level) has been called at least once. * */ int column_count; struct pdo_column_data *columns; /* we want to keep the dbh alive while we live, so we own a reference */ zval database_object_handle; pdo_dbh_t *dbh; /* keep track of bound input parameters. Some drivers support * input/output parameters, but you can't rely on that working */ HashTable *bound_params; /* When rewriting from named to positional, this maps positions to names */ HashTable *bound_param_map; /* keep track of PHP variables bound to named (or positional) columns * in the result set */ HashTable *bound_columns; /* not always meaningful */ zend_long row_count; /* used to hold the statement's current query */ char *query_string; size_t query_stringlen; /* the copy of the query with expanded binds ONLY for emulated-prepare drivers */ char *active_query_string; size_t active_query_stringlen; /* the cursor specific error code. */ pdo_error_type error_code; /* for lazy fetches, we always return the same lazy object handle. * Let's keep it here. */ zval lazy_object_ref; zend_ulong refcount; /* defaults for fetches */ enum pdo_fetch_type default_fetch_type; union { int column; struct { zval ctor_args; /* freed */ zend_fcall_info fci; zend_fcall_info_cache fcc; zval retval; zend_class_entry *ce; } cls; struct { zval fetch_args; /* freed */ zend_fcall_info fci; zend_fcall_info_cache fcc; zval object; zval function; zval *values; /* freed */ } func; zval into; } fetch; /* used by the query parser for driver specific * parameter naming (see pgsql driver for example) */ const char *named_rewrite_template; /* these items must appear in this order at the beginning of the struct so that this can be cast as a zend_object. we need this to allow the extending class to escape all the custom handlers that PDO declares. */ zend_object std; }; static inline pdo_stmt_t *php_pdo_stmt_fetch_object(zend_object *obj) { return (pdo_stmt_t *)((char*)(obj) - XtOffsetOf(pdo_stmt_t, std)); } #define Z_PDO_STMT_P(zv) php_pdo_stmt_fetch_object(Z_OBJ_P((zv))) struct _pdo_row_t { zend_object std; pdo_stmt_t *stmt; }; /* call this in MINIT to register your PDO driver */ PDO_API int php_pdo_register_driver(const pdo_driver_t *driver); /* call this in MSHUTDOWN to unregister your PDO driver */ PDO_API void php_pdo_unregister_driver(const pdo_driver_t *driver); /* For the convenience of drivers, this function will parse a data source * string, of the form "name=value; name2=value2" and populate variables * according to the data you pass in and array of pdo_data_src_parser structures */ struct pdo_data_src_parser { const char *optname; char *optval; int freeme; }; PDO_API int php_pdo_parse_data_source(const char *data_source, zend_ulong data_source_len, struct pdo_data_src_parser *parsed, int nparams); PDO_API zend_class_entry *php_pdo_get_dbh_ce(void); PDO_API zend_class_entry *php_pdo_get_exception(void); PDO_API int pdo_parse_params(pdo_stmt_t *stmt, char *inquery, size_t inquery_len, char **outquery, size_t *outquery_len); PDO_API void pdo_raise_impl_error(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, pdo_stmt_t *stmt, const char *sqlstate, const char *supp); PDO_API void php_pdo_dbh_addref(pdo_dbh_t *dbh); PDO_API void php_pdo_dbh_delref(pdo_dbh_t *dbh); PDO_API void php_pdo_free_statement(pdo_stmt_t *stmt); PDO_API void pdo_throw_exception(unsigned int driver_errcode, char *driver_errmsg, pdo_error_type *pdo_error); #endif /* PHP_PDO_DRIVER_H */ PK!@!!pdo/php_pdo_error.hnu[/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Wez Furlong | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifndef PHP_PDO_ERROR_H #define PHP_PDO_ERROR_H #include "php_pdo_driver.h" PDO_API void pdo_handle_error(pdo_dbh_t *dbh, pdo_stmt_t *stmt); #define PDO_DBH_CLEAR_ERR() do { \ strlcpy(dbh->error_code, PDO_ERR_NONE, sizeof(PDO_ERR_NONE)); \ if (dbh->query_stmt) { \ dbh->query_stmt = NULL; \ zval_ptr_dtor(&dbh->query_stmt_zval); \ } \ } while (0) #define PDO_STMT_CLEAR_ERR() strcpy(stmt->error_code, PDO_ERR_NONE) #define PDO_HANDLE_DBH_ERR() if (strcmp(dbh->error_code, PDO_ERR_NONE)) { pdo_handle_error(dbh, NULL); } #define PDO_HANDLE_STMT_ERR() if (strcmp(stmt->error_code, PDO_ERR_NONE)) { pdo_handle_error(stmt->dbh, stmt); } #endif /* PHP_PDO_ERROR_H */ PK!/^8m8m parser.sonuȯPK!HH qmgenerator.sonuȯPK!2 __init__.pynu[PK!15-ȏ 1__init__.pycnu[PK!eadjango/__init__.pynu[PK!$//"django/models.pyonu[PK!vM""django/models.pynu[PK!V5django/__init__.pycnu[PK! 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