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TYPE can be 'none' (decompress), 'zlib' (ELF ZLIB compression, the default, 'zlib-gabi' is an alias) or 'zlib-gnu' (.zdebug GNU style compression, 'gnu' is an alias)SECTION name to (de)compress, SECTION is an extended wildcard pattern (defaults to '.?(z)debug*')Print a message for each section being (de)compressedForce compression of section even if it would become larger or update/rewrite the file even if no section would be (de)compressedRelax a few rules to handle slightly broken ELF filesBe silent when a section cannot be compressed]D@pM@hD@q(N@process_fileXN@0?@?Bmemory exhausted0.176elfutils%s (%s) %s (C) %s The elfutils developers <%s>. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ;Px X 8@x`X( zRx *zRx $ FJ w?;*3$"$Dx:AID iAA,lAAD n CAH LBBE B(D0D8G8A0A(B BBB,BDD AELBEB M(A0A8I   8A0A(B BBBA lAX7DN A 7DN A 07DN A P]AM ZD$eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBBl:@`:@ @ d@@]`]`o@ @@  ``@@ o@oot @^`&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@@@&@eu-elfcompress.debugE-7zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ̓N ]/'ClCg[X'yJX(]8@ $.xl8b+@J@M_^Ju|@z3rZNJ;n_tI0՝*q#-؉ Ё[enjwU|lDߢ^Na)wq>y/uR?i~ԵĘ&݄!VxF}c~҆Q;%`ʽz!Z[jM\IFW1~g& EMSRr{4bA== T8*m)e&(omڛ40zR$wuDսw i0-Q; @꫍*eAǯISTeWRb O3SHS.dg`[:UIP顎T{[\Z#hΡ.&}AxW?O-⭧ @G%wzo璳i[?V;)0S!Xؔ|Kg!Ź.+}Z:}*-'‹W^eHoP/9rǰT4Tі(y P=H &~5aqʛ+pEFkY 8Cn`Q-*bt 3KЃD (cFr^WQ.hx ݲ9DNgTJ^%;%g?:d淺fX8Ž]t_pӟ`vd=20c"_)+@]Ѽο~aaɻtY{ @t[*ȗ_C4OH3s~fcHDd~K[=Ȱ(cB\=J\m󟂛 [oO^b엟V.~Ou U0;8&w@/3F0 gKG&1wp@e!-ˊqn`sZ%nvPYr 8@8T@T !t@t$4o@@> @F @ Not @t [o@j@tB@~@y@ 0@02'd@@d@ @@@ 8Q@8QQ@Q]`]]`]^`^^`^_`_```  b` b(b`$b($b@b@f