etc/sysconfig/atd000064400000000623147207537310010030 0ustar00# specify additional command line arguments for atd # # -l Specifies a limiting load factor, over which batch jobs should not be run, instead of the compile-time # choice of 0.8. For an SMP system with n CPUs, you will probably want to set this higher than n-1. # # -b Specifiy the minimum interval in seconds between the start of two batch jobs (60 default). #example: #OPTS="-l 4 -b 120" usr/sbin/atd000075500000066260147221036700007022 0ustar00ELF>'@pe@8 @@@@888DXDX PZPZ PZ 0 pZpZ pZ 00TTTDDPtdTTTQtdRtdPZPZ PZ /lib64/ GNUM\6M2ۗ+h @ hjlBE|qXQ{@hj: O3:q 7~aP`r !3R( *x0#Mo=gGI7 xlK \v,("B ?YV` ` ]` u  `/hiii tti ~ii ii ui PZ (XZ 'hZ hZ _  _ _ ._ /_ L_ W_ a_ c_ f\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  ]  ]  ]  ]  ] (] 0] 8] @] H] P] X] `] h] p] x] ] ] ] ] ]  ] !] "] #] $] %] &] '] (] )] *] +^ ,^ -^ /^ 0 ^ 1(^ 20^ 38^ 4@^ 5H^ 6P^ 7X^ 8`^ 9h^ :p^ ;x^ <^ =^ >^ ?^ @^ A^ B^ C^ D^ E^ F^ G^ H^ I^ J^ K^ M_ N_ O_ P_ Q _ R(_ S0_ T8_ U@_ VH_ XP_ YX_ Z`_ [h_ \p_ ]x_ ^_ __ `_ a_ b_ d_ e_ gHHB HtH5R? %T? @%R? h%J? h%B? h%:? h%2? h%*? h%"? h%? hp%? h`% ? h P%? h @%> h 0%> h %> h %> h%> h%> h%> h%> h%> h%> h%> h%> h%> hp%> h`%> hP%> h@%z> h0%r> h %j> h%b> h%Z> h%R> h %J> h!%B> h"%:> h#%2> h$%*> h%%"> h&%> h'p%> h(`% > h)P%> h*@%= h+0%= h, %= h-%= h.%= h/%= h0%= h1%= h2%= h3%= h4%= h5%= h6%= h7p%= h8`%= h9P%= h:@%z= h;0%r= h< %j= h=%b= h>%Z= h?%R= h@%J= hA%B= hB%:= hC%2= hD%*= hE%"= hF%= hGp%= hH`% = hIP%= hJ@%< hK0%< hL %< hM%< hN%< hO%< hP%< hQ%< hR%< hS%< hT%< hU%< hV%< hWp%< hX`%< hYP%< hZ@%z< h[0%r< h\ %j< h]%b< h^%Z< h_AVAUATAUHSHdH%(H$1< H=-YH@H=-T< kH@L-< 2< 0< AEsH< L5q<  < AHj< A6ljAu;H-H=F+H; XL-< ; AE<H%-HDW?4HcH; ; H; H;; H5{,H81%fWf.; r - ; mHS; ^HH; H:; EH: H5%,LH81s!H= ,1,H=,1H=,1H591H=+H=+HEH=3+H: uH9 D; ~H=(1H=(1b1HH\1HDŽ$H$=: u1H: 11 H1H1HH$H1H1HH$wH1hH1HH$N i9 u(1fHo9 18H;a9 ~H7D 1DH=@*1v1I^HHPTL@!H H="f.fH8 H=8 UH)HHw]HD8 Ht]@H8 H=8 UH)HHHH?HHu]H/8 Ht]H@=Q8 u'H=8 UHt H=2 -h](8 @f.H=X2 t&H7 HtUH=B2 H]WKf.7 D7 DSHdH%(HD$1H\$fDH޿HD$dH3%(uH[@+f.HHT$0HL$8LD$@LL$Ht7)D$P)L$`)T$p)$)$)$)$)$dH%(HD$1H$HHHD$HD$ $D$0HD$?1H|$dH3<%(uH`UHSHH HމHH[]fAWAVAAUATUSHHXT$8D$TdH%(H$H1GHD$ D$HcyHI HL$`HT$SH5$H1H$LD$`H h$ HHD$1HMHH =H5 0H5 8H5 0H5 8HHAH5 0H5 8[H5 0H5 84A%w l@{DsHHD$ DHL$`HH$HD$IؾL1H5 0H5 8H5 0H4 8H5W#HIH4 0H4 8H4 0H4 8XM LwPA H$DHHD$( H$ H޿p $8%=g H$H9$ t H$H9$(^ $9$<J $9$@6 H$H9$P H$ 1Db- D1FD L$DD$H ]@1LLT$$LT$HL$\HT$XLL$T1MLLLtcH=!1DLH$HdH3%(HXH[]A\A]A^A_D$PfDHH=H1HL$`H 1[LcH$HdH3%(sHA?-R D$XD9D$& LH= i HItHHپ11HAr H1 0H1 8SH1 0H1 8LT$\t$D Hh1 0Ho1 8H]1 0HP1 8H5DFHt$D90 ~/L$?LH5 D LDH5DLDH5DHT$(DH$H f0 H"H=HD$HD$H0A;H=40 HzAH=0 AH=/ AH=/ ?A/ H=o1oD$<K H/ HD$h0H/ 8=H/ 0Hy/ 86H=// JHHD$@>H8HL$hHEHL$011DH; 1D DDDDLd$SHB@ u.  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JAuA<$-HD$8dH3%(:HH[]A\A]A^A_f.+D$ f1I?5H= 12u4H= 1uH= 1XH= 1@;D$ t]H1HT$ft$Ǿ1fL$HD$HD$ ?t$ H= 1DH= 1+H= 1H= 1H= 1H=11H=@ 1H= 1f.AUATUSHH H- 3}nL% L- A4$A}cH= AuA<$Ju;H[]A\A]&fDAWAAVIAUIATL%8 UH-8 SL)1HHHtLLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_Ðf.HHJob %8lu : out of virtual memoryUserid %lu not found - aborting job %8lu (%.500s)Starting job %lu (%.500s) for user '%s' (%lu)Error duplicating input file descriptorError in fstat of input file descriptorSymbolic link encountered in job %8lu (%.500s) - abortingSomebody changed files from under us for job %8lu (%.500s) - abortingSomebody is trying to run a linked script for job %8lu (%.500s)Somebody already locked the job %8lu (%.500s) - aborting#!/bin/sh # atrun uid=%%d gid=%%d # mail %%%ds %%dFile %.500s is in wrong format - abortingillegal mail name %.300s in job %8lu (%.300s)Job %8lu (%.500s) - userid %d does not match file uid %dCannot chdir to /var/spool/at/spoolWarning: for duplicate output file for %.100s (dead job?)Warning: could not change owner of output file for job %li to %i:%i: %sSubject: Output from your job get_default_context_with_level: couldn't get security context for user %sNot allowed to set exec context to %s for user %sCould not set exec context to %s for user %sSELinux Failed to set context Cannot initialize the supplementary group access listCannot reset signal handler to defaultCould not use jobfile as standard input.Could not use /dev/null as standard output.Could not use /dev/null as standard error.Warning: removing output file for job %li failed: %sSomebody removed %s directory from under us.utime couldn't be set for lock file %s Cannot change to /var/spool/atnon-option arguments - not allowed%c%5lx%8lucould not lock job %lu: %mCannot forkrCannot open input fileError in fstat of input fileError in fcntlError reading the job file/var/spool/at/spoolCannot create output file To: atdPAM failure: %s cannot set egid: %scannot set euid: %sError in forkError in lseekError in I/O redirectionfgetfilecon FAILED %sentrypointCannot change groupCannot set user id/Exec failed for /bin/sh/dev/nullCould not open /dev/null.-i/usr/sbin/sendmailExec failed for mail commandfork of mailer failed: %mCannot stat /var/spool/atCannot read /var/spool/at%c%5lx%8lxremoving stale lock file %s Cannot get uid for rootCannot get gid for root%lfgarbled option -l%udgarbled option -bunknown optionidiotic option - abortedsdnl:b:fiZ?%s: %mError redirecting I/OCannot open /var/run/atd.pidrw%dCannot lock /var/run/ Cannot open /var/run/ for readingRemoving stale lockfile for pid %dCannot unlink /var/run/atd.pidAnother atd already running with pid %dCannot open /var/run/ the second time roundSpecial weirdness: fdopen failed;@P 0 @8PPxp`x @P(H`zRx :*zRx $@FJ w?;*3$"D \ $tUAD E AA 0G A $'AFG VAALfBBE B(A0A8J 8D0A(B BBBE L4BLB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBD AM,BBB D(D0GXAG $$H/AG   AK LP#AG Ll`BBB B(A0A8D= 8A0A(B BBBK 4jBBA A(D0U(A ABBDeBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB<@('hZ e  0 tHPZ XZ o   \  0  ooooopZ fv&6FVfv&6FVfv  & 6 F V f v !!&!6!F!V!f!v!!!!!!!!!""&"6"F"V"f"v"""""""""##&#6#F#V#?atd.debugѱ7zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ2NHl^mY'?,N~*j5 bTZn@ {2@R<4'T]؎m |[UfZQY5#.>8}TŹ z1&l/W @ܤ82IK_c[KYbQ؁Я`E xUA^A>>iXEe#Kku#96.1zbW6*i ,_0I+{@-zLc Ame3dU){y'~iK#ҫ9A|r)bCeY޵1E!;GZCisf"a>xO0P_8NcNb_ P(g6p󇜩vM]  8wvѝ~5 $ llJ~>³;VةEs nVU~}LBΌvJ.sHjr(]sӀKPD~Lu;Nd۲].I5VNWղvB4 'zKkŻl :![%QaaBuӾQ"w ?j?$^9ǴLRDLabs 8.yw! x2||ΎplY! 88TT !tt$4o8> 8 F  No[oj tB00 ~00yPP`#`#%tHtH HH TTTTPZ PZXZ XZ`Z `ZhZ hZpZ pZ0\ \`` `` `h`(`0Xdetc/pam.d/atd000064400000000420147547551410007022 0ustar00# The PAM configuration file for the at daemon # # auth required auth include password-auth account required account include password-auth session required session include password-auth