module.php 0000644 00000074273 14720725515 0006567 0 ustar 00 register(); } if ( ! Preferences::is_ai_enabled( get_current_user_id() ) ) { return; } $this->register_layout_experiment(); add_action( 'elementor/connect/apps/register', function ( ConnectModule $connect_module ) { $connect_module->register_app( 'ai', Ai::get_class_name() ); } ); add_action( 'elementor/ajax/register_actions', function( $ajax ) { $handlers = [ 'ai_get_user_information' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_user_information' ], 'ai_get_remote_config' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_remote_config' ], 'ai_get_remote_frontend_config' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_remote_frontend_config' ], 'ai_get_completion_text' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_completion_text' ], 'ai_get_excerpt' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_excerpt' ], 'ai_get_featured_image' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_featured_image' ], 'ai_get_edit_text' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_edit_text' ], 'ai_get_custom_code' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_custom_code' ], 'ai_get_custom_css' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_custom_css' ], 'ai_set_get_started' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_set_get_started' ], 'ai_set_status_feedback' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_set_status_feedback' ], 'ai_get_image_prompt_enhancer' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_prompt_enhancer' ], 'ai_get_text_to_image' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_text_to_image' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image_mask' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_mask' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image_mask_cleanup' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_mask_cleanup' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image_outpainting' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_outpainting' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image_upscale' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_upscale' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image_remove_background' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_remove_background' ], 'ai_get_image_to_image_replace_background' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_replace_background' ], 'ai_upload_image' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_upload_image' ], 'ai_generate_layout' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_generate_layout' ], 'ai_get_layout_prompt_enhancer' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_layout_prompt_enhancer' ], 'ai_get_history' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_get_history' ], 'ai_delete_history_item' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_delete_history_item' ], 'ai_toggle_favorite_history_item' => [ $this, 'ajax_ai_toggle_favorite_history_item' ], ]; foreach ( $handlers as $tag => $callback ) { $ajax->register_ajax_action( $tag, $callback ); } } ); add_action( 'elementor/editor/before_enqueue_scripts', function() { $this->enqueue_main_script(); if ( $this->is_layout_active() ) { $this->enqueue_layout_script(); } } ); add_action( 'elementor/editor/after_enqueue_styles', function() { wp_enqueue_style( 'elementor-ai-editor', $this->get_css_assets_url( 'modules/ai/editor' ), [], ELEMENTOR_VERSION ); } ); add_action( 'elementor/preview/enqueue_styles', function() { if ( $this->is_layout_active() ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'elementor-ai-layout-preview', $this->get_css_assets_url( 'modules/ai/layout-preview' ), [], ELEMENTOR_VERSION ); } } ); if ( is_admin() ) { add_action( 'wp_enqueue_media', [ $this, 'enqueue_ai_media_library' ] ); } add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', function() { wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-ai-gutenberg', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'ai-gutenberg' ), [ 'jquery', 'elementor-v2-ui', 'elementor-v2-icons', 'wp-blocks', 'wp-element', 'wp-editor', 'wp-data', 'wp-components', 'wp-compose', 'wp-i18n', 'wp-hooks', 'elementor-ai-media-library', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); wp_localize_script( 'elementor-ai-gutenberg', 'ElementorAiConfig', [ 'is_get_started' => User::get_introduction_meta( 'ai_get_started' ), 'connect_url' => $this->get_ai_connect_url(), ] ); wp_set_script_translations( 'elementor-ai-gutenberg', 'elementor' ); }); add_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', function ( $data ) { if ( $this->is_layout_active() ) { return $this->remove_temporary_containers( $data ); } return $data; } ); } private function register_layout_experiment() { Plugin::$instance->experiments->add_feature( [ 'name' => static::LAYOUT_EXPERIMENT, 'title' => esc_html__( 'Build with AI', 'elementor' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Tap into the potential of AI to easily create and customize containers to your specifications, right within Elementor. This feature comes packed with handy AI tools, including generation, variations, and URL references.', 'elementor' ), 'default' => Experiments_Manager::STATE_ACTIVE, 'release_status' => Experiments_Manager::RELEASE_STATUS_STABLE, 'dependencies' => [ 'container', ], ] ); } public function enqueue_ai_media_library() { wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-ai-media-library', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'ai-media-library' ), [ 'jquery', 'elementor-v2-ui', 'elementor-v2-icons', 'media-grid', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); wp_localize_script( 'elementor-ai-media-library', 'ElementorAiConfig', [ 'is_get_started' => User::get_introduction_meta( 'ai_get_started' ), 'connect_url' => $this->get_ai_connect_url(), ] ); wp_set_script_translations( 'elementor-ai-media-library', 'elementor' ); } private function enqueue_main_script() { wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-ai', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'ai' ), [ 'react', 'react-dom', 'backbone-marionette', 'elementor-web-cli', 'wp-date', 'elementor-common', 'elementor-editor-modules', 'elementor-editor-document', 'elementor-v2-ui', 'elementor-v2-icons', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); $config = [ 'is_get_started' => User::get_introduction_meta( 'ai_get_started' ), 'connect_url' => $this->get_ai_connect_url(), ]; if ( $this->get_ai_app()->is_connected() ) { // Use a cached version, don't call the API on every editor load. $config['usage'] = $this->get_ai_app()->get_cached_usage(); } wp_localize_script( 'elementor-ai', 'ElementorAiConfig', $config ); wp_set_script_translations( 'elementor-ai', 'elementor' ); } private function enqueue_layout_script() { wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-ai-layout', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'ai-layout' ), [ 'react', 'react-dom', 'backbone-marionette', 'elementor-common', 'elementor-web-cli', 'elementor-editor-modules', 'elementor-ai', 'elementor-v2-ui', 'elementor-v2-icons', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); wp_set_script_translations( 'elementor-ai-layout', 'elementor' ); } private function is_layout_active() { return Plugin::$instance->experiments->is_feature_active( self::LAYOUT_EXPERIMENT ); } private function remove_temporary_containers( $data ) { if ( empty( $data['elements'] ) ) { return $data; } // If for some reason the document has been saved during an AI Layout session, // ensure that the temporary containers are removed from the data. $data['elements'] = array_filter( $data['elements'], function( $element ) { $is_preview_container = strpos( $element['id'], 'e-ai-preview-container' ) === 0; $is_screenshot_container = strpos( $element['id'], 'e-ai-screenshot-container' ) === 0; return ! $is_preview_container && ! $is_screenshot_container; } ); return $data; } private function get_ai_connect_url() { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); return $app->get_admin_url( 'authorize', [ 'utm_source' => 'ai-popup', 'utm_campaign' => 'connect-account', 'utm_medium' => 'wp-dash', 'source' => 'generic', ] ); } public function ajax_ai_get_user_information( $data ) { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { return [ 'is_connected' => false, 'connect_url' => $this->get_ai_connect_url(), ]; } $user_usage = wp_parse_args( $app->get_usage(), [ 'hasAiSubscription' => false, 'usedQuota' => 0, 'quota' => 100, ] ); return [ 'is_connected' => true, 'is_get_started' => User::get_introduction_meta( 'ai_get_started' ), 'usage' => $user_usage, ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_remote_config() { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { return []; } return $app->get_remote_config(); } public function ajax_ai_get_remote_frontend_config( $data ) { $callback = function () use ( $data ) { return $this->get_ai_app()->get_remote_frontend_config( $data ); }; return Utils::get_cached_callback( $callback, 'ai_remote_frontend_config-' . get_current_user_id(), HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } public function verify_upload_permissions( $data ) { $referer = wp_get_referer(); if ( str_contains( $referer, 'wp-admin/upload.php' ) && current_user_can( 'upload_files' ) ) { return; } $this->verify_permissions( $data['editor_post_id'] ); } private function verify_permissions( $editor_post_id ) { $document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $editor_post_id ); if ( ! $document ) { throw new \Exception( 'Document not found' ); } if ( ! $document->is_editable_by_current_user() ) { throw new \Exception( 'Access denied' ); } } public function ajax_ai_get_image_prompt_enhancer( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_prompt_enhanced( $data['prompt'], [], $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_completion_text( $data ) { $this->verify_permissions( $data['editor_post_id'] ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_completion_text( $data['payload']['prompt'], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_excerpt( $data ): array { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['content'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing content' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'Not connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_excerpt( $data['payload']['content'], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_featured_image( $data ): array { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_featured_image( $data, $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } private function get_ai_app() : Ai { return Plugin::$instance->common->get_component( 'connect' )->get_app( 'ai' ); } private function get_request_context( $data ) { if ( empty( $data['context'] ) ) { return []; } return $data['context']; } private function get_request_ids( $data ) { if ( empty( $data['requestIds'] ) ) { return new \stdClass(); } return $data['requestIds']; } public function ajax_ai_get_edit_text( $data ) { $this->verify_permissions( $data['editor_post_id'] ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['input'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing input' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['instruction'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing instruction' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_edit_text( $data, $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_custom_code( $data ) { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['language'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing language' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_custom_code( $data, $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_custom_css( $data ) { $this->verify_permissions( $data['editor_post_id'] ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['html_markup'] ) ) { $data['html_markup'] = ''; } if ( empty( $data['payload']['element_id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing element_id' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_custom_css( $data, $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_set_get_started( $data ) { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); User::set_introduction_viewed( [ 'introductionKey' => 'ai_get_started', ] ); return $app->set_get_started(); } public function ajax_ai_set_status_feedback( $data ) { if ( empty( $data['response_id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing response_id' ); } $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $app->set_status_feedback( $data['response_id'] ); return []; } public function ajax_ai_get_text_to_image( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_text_to_image( $data, $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['image'] ) || empty( $data['payload']['image']['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Image' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['settings'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt settings' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image( [ 'prompt' => $data['payload']['prompt'], 'promptSettings' => $data['payload']['settings'], 'attachment_id' => $data['payload']['image']['id'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_upscale( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['image'] ) || empty( $data['payload']['image']['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Image' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['promptSettings'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt settings' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image_upscale( [ 'promptSettings' => $data['payload']['promptSettings'], 'attachment_id' => $data['payload']['image']['id'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_replace_background( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['image'] ) || empty( $data['payload']['image']['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Image' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Prompt Missing' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image_replace_background( [ 'attachment_id' => $data['payload']['image']['id'], 'prompt' => $data['payload']['prompt'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_remove_background( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['image'] ) || empty( $data['payload']['image']['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Image' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image_remove_background( [ 'attachment_id' => $data['payload']['image']['id'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_mask( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['image'] ) || empty( $data['payload']['image']['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Image' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['settings'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt settings' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['mask'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Mask' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image_mask( [ 'prompt' => $data['payload']['prompt'], 'attachment_id' => $data['payload']['image']['id'], 'mask' => $data['payload']['mask'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_mask_cleanup( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['payload']['image'] ) || empty( $data['payload']['image']['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Image' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['settings'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt settings' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['mask'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Mask' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image_mask_cleanup( [ 'attachment_id' => $data['payload']['image']['id'], 'mask' => $data['payload']['mask'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_image_to_image_outpainting( $data ) { $this->verify_upload_permissions( $data ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } if ( empty( $data['payload']['mask'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing Expended Image' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $request_ids = $this->get_request_ids( $data['payload'] ); $result = $app->get_image_to_image_out_painting( [ 'size' => $data['payload']['size'], 'position' => $data['payload']['position'], 'mask' => $data['payload']['mask'], 'image_base64' => $data['payload']['image_base64'], ], $context, $request_ids ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'images' => $result['images'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], ]; } public function ajax_ai_upload_image( $data ) { if ( empty( $data['image'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing image data' ); } $image = $data['image']; if ( empty( $image['image_url'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing image_url' ); } $image_data = $this->upload_image( $image['image_url'], $data['prompt'], $data['editor_post_id'] ); if ( is_wp_error( $image_data ) ) { throw new \Exception( $image_data->get_error_message() ); } if ( ! empty( $image['use_gallery_image'] ) && ! empty( $image['id'] ) ) { $app = $this->get_ai_app(); $app->set_used_gallery_image( $image['id'] ); } return [ 'image' => array_merge( $image_data, $data ), ]; } public function ajax_ai_generate_layout( $data ) { $this->verify_permissions( $data['editor_post_id'] ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['prompt'] ) && empty( $data['attachments'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt / attachments' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $result = $app->generate_layout( $data, $this->prepare_generate_layout_context( $data ) ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { $message = $result->get_error_message(); if ( is_array( $message ) ) { $message = implode( ', ', $message ); throw new \Exception( $message ); } $this->throw_on_error( $result ); } $elements = $result['text']['elements'] ?? []; $base_template_id = $result['baseTemplateId'] ?? null; $template_type = $result['templateType'] ?? null; if ( empty( $elements ) || ! is_array( $elements ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'unknown_error' ); } if ( 1 === count( $elements ) ) { $template = $elements[0]; } else { $template = [ 'elType' => 'container', 'elements' => $elements, 'settings' => [ 'content_width' => 'full', 'flex_gap' => [ 'column' => '0', 'row' => '0', 'unit' => 'px', ], 'padding' => [ 'unit' => 'px', 'top' => '0', 'right' => '0', 'bottom' => '0', 'left' => '0', 'isLinked' => true, ], ], ]; } return [ 'all' => [], 'text' => $template, 'response_id' => $result['responseId'], 'usage' => $result['usage'], 'base_template_id' => $base_template_id, 'template_type' => $template_type, ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_layout_prompt_enhancer( $data ) { $this->verify_permissions( $data['editor_post_id'] ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( empty( $data['prompt'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing prompt' ); } if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $result = $app->get_layout_prompt_enhanced( $data['prompt'], $data['enhance_type'], $this->prepare_generate_layout_context( $data ) ); $this->throw_on_error( $result ); return [ 'text' => $result['text'] ?? $data['prompt'], 'response_id' => $result['responseId'] ?? '', 'usage' => $result['usage'] ?? '', ]; } private function prepare_generate_layout_context( $data ) { $request_context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $kit = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_active_kit(); if ( ! $kit ) { return $request_context; } $kits_data = Collection::make( $kit->get_data()['settings'] ?? [] ); $colors = $kits_data ->filter( function ( $_, $key ) { return in_array( $key, [ 'system_colors', 'custom_colors' ], true ); } ) ->flatten() ->filter( function ( $val ) { return ! empty( $val['_id'] ); } ) ->map( function ( $val ) { return [ 'id' => $val['_id'], 'label' => $val['title'] ?? null, 'value' => $val['color'] ?? null, ]; } ); $typography = $kits_data ->filter( function ( $_, $key ) { return in_array( $key, [ 'system_typography', 'custom_typography' ], true ); } ) ->flatten() ->filter( function ( $val ) { return ! empty( $val['_id'] ); } ) ->map( function ( $val ) { $font_size = null; if ( isset( $val['typography_font_size']['unit'], $val['typography_font_size']['size'] ) ) { $prop = $val['typography_font_size']; $font_size = 'custom' === $prop['unit'] ? $prop['size'] : $prop['size'] . $prop['unit']; } return [ 'id' => $val['_id'], 'label' => $val['title'] ?? null, 'value' => [ 'family' => $val['typography_font_family'] ?? null, 'weight' => $val['typography_font_weight'] ?? null, 'style' => $val['typography_font_style'] ?? null, 'size' => $font_size, ], ]; } ); $request_context['globals'] = [ 'colors' => $colors->all(), 'typography' => $typography->all(), ]; return $request_context; } private function upload_image( $image_url, $image_title, $parent_post_id = 0 ) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'upload_files' ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Not Allowed to Upload images' ); } $attachment_id = media_sideload_image( $image_url, $parent_post_id, $image_title, 'id' ); if ( ! empty( $attachment_id['error'] ) ) { return new \WP_Error( 'upload_error', $attachment_id['error'] ); } return [ 'id' => $attachment_id, 'url' => wp_get_attachment_image_url( $attachment_id, 'full' ), 'alt' => $image_title, 'source' => 'library', ]; } public function ajax_ai_get_history( $data ): array { $type = $data['type'] ?? self::HISTORY_TYPE_ALL; if ( ! in_array( $type, self::VALID_HISTORY_TYPES, true ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Invalid history type' ); } $page = sanitize_text_field( $data['page'] ?? 1 ); $limit = sanitize_text_field( $data['limit'] ?? 10 ); $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $result = $app->get_history_by_type( $type, $page, $limit, $context ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { throw new \Exception( $result->get_error_message() ); } return $result; } public function ajax_ai_delete_history_item( $data ): array { if ( empty( $data['id'] ) || ! wp_is_uuid( $data['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing id parameter' ); } $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $result = $app->delete_history_item( $data['id'], $context ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { throw new \Exception( $result->get_error_message() ); } return []; } public function ajax_ai_toggle_favorite_history_item( $data ): array { if ( empty( $data['id'] ) || ! wp_is_uuid( $data['id'] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Missing id parameter' ); } $app = $this->get_ai_app(); if ( ! $app->is_connected() ) { throw new \Exception( 'not_connected' ); } $context = $this->get_request_context( $data ); $result = $app->toggle_favorite_history_item( $data['id'], $context ); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { throw new \Exception( $result->get_error_message() ); } return []; } /** * @param mixed $result */ private function throw_on_error( $result ): void { if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { wp_send_json_error( [ 'message' => $result->get_error_message(), 'extra_data' => $result->get_error_data(), ] ); } } } preferences.php 0000644 00000005566 14720725515 0007602 0 ustar 00 add_personal_options_settings( $user ); } ); add_action( 'personal_options_update', function ( $user_id ) { $this->update_personal_options_settings( $user_id ); } ); add_action( 'edit_user_profile_update', function ( $user_id ) { $this->update_personal_options_settings( $user_id ); } ); } /** * Determine if AI features are enabled for a user. * * @param int $user_id - User ID. * * @return bool */ public static function is_ai_enabled( $user_id ) { return (bool) User::get_user_option_with_default( static::ENABLE_AI, $user_id, true ); } /** * Add settings to the "Personal Options". * * @param \WP_User $user - User object. * * @return void */ protected function add_personal_options_settings( \WP_User $user ) { if ( ! $this->has_permissions_to_edit_user( $user->ID ) ) { return; } $ai_value = User::get_user_option_with_default( static::ENABLE_AI, $user->ID, '1' ); ?>