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You may select to either not use them or implement * All curl_easy_setopt() options are documented at: * ************************************************************************/int main(int argc, char *argv[])B8@T@h@@@K@B@@@@@]@B@R@t@@;,%255[^=]=out of memory %127[^/]/%127[^;, ];filename=skip unknown form field: %s Error building form post! curl_formadd failed! ;type=Illegally formatted content-type field! curl_formadd failed, possibly the file %s is bad! Illegally formatted input field! no-wtFailed to open %s! %d - %dbad range input %.*s=%s;autolist%ld-hostProtocols: Features: Failed to read %sAsynchDNSDebugTrackMemoryGSS-NegotiateIDNIPv6LargefileSPNEGOSSPIkrb4libzCharConvTLS-SRPunix-sockets*arandom-file*begd-file*cconnect-timeoutciphers*edisable-epsv*E*gtrace*htrace-ascii*ilimit-rate*jcompressed*Jtr-encoding*k*l*m*Mntlm-wb*n*o*qftp-create-dirs*rmax-redirs*tproxy-ntlm*ucrlf*vstderr*winterface*xkrb*ymax-filesize*zdisable-eprt*Z$aftp-ssl$bftp-pasv$csocks5socks$dtcp-nodelay$eproxy-digest$fproxy-basic$gretry$hretry-delay$iretry-max-time$kproxy-negotiate$mftp-account$nproxy-anyauth$otrace-time$pignore-content-length$qftp-skip-pasv-ip$rftp-method$slocal-port$tsocks4$Tsocks4a$uftp-alternative-to-user$vftp-ssl-reqd$wsessionid$xftp-ssl-control$yftp-ssl-ccc$jftp-ssl-ccc-mode$zlibcurl$#raw$0post301$1keepalive$2socks5-hostname$3keepalive-time$4post302$5noproxy$6socks5-gssapi-service$7socks5-gssapi-nec$8proxy1.0$9tftp-blksize$Amail-from$Bmail-rcpt$Cftp-pret$Dproto$Eproto-redir$Fresolve$Gdelegation$Hmail-auth$Ipost303$Jmetalink$Munix-socket$Xtls-maxhttp1.0tlsv110tlsv1.011tlsv1.112tlsv1.213tlsv1.3sslv2sslv3ipv4ipv6appenduser-agentcookieuse-asciicookie-jarcontinue-atdadata-asciidbdata-binarydata-urlencodedump-headerrefererEacacertEbcert-typeEcEdkey-typeEepassEfengineEgcapath EhpubkeyEihostpubmd5EjcrlfileEktlsuserEltlspasswordEmtlsauthtypeEnssl-allow-beastEAsocks5-basicEBsocks5-gssapifailformFsform-stringgloboffgethelpincludeheadjunk-session-cookiesremote-header-nameinsecureKconfiglist-onlylocationLtlocation-trustedmanualnetrcnonetrc-optionalnetrc-filebufferremote-nameOaremote-name-allproxytunnelftpportftp-portdisableQquoterangeremote-timesilentshow-errortelnet-optionsupload-fileUproxy-userverboseversionwrite-outhttp-requestspeed-limitspeed-timetime-condprogress-bar~xattr--trace overrides an earlier trace/verbose option --trace-ascii overrides an earlier trace/verbose option unsupported rate unit. Use G, M, K or B! --metalink option is ignored because the binary is built without the Metalink support. Couldn't read data from file "%s", this makes an empty POST. --include and --remote-header-name cannot be combined. error trying read config from the '%s' file A specified range MUST include at least one dash (-). Appending one for you! Invalid character is found in given range. A specified range MUST have only digits in 'start'-'stop'. The server's response to this request is uncertain. -v, --verbose overrides an earlier trace/verbose option curl 7.29.0 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) %s Illegal date format for -z, --timecond (and not a file name). Disabling time condition. See curl_getdate(3) for valid date syntax. R@R@K@K@K@K@K@`W@K@K@K@K@K@PW@W@ W@W@zW@K@T@K@K@K@K@K@K@K@K@K@K@T@LX@ X@\X@V@W@W@X@XR@Q@Q@Q@aQ@Q@"L@R@Q@TQ@DQ@pP@P@ O@K@N@N@K@K@K@K@K@K@K@N@0N@M@&J@M@pM@`M@BM@%M@M@M@L@L@L@,L@xV@0K@FU@U@T@V@0T@S@S@ZS@R@K@K@K@R@l@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@l@l@@l@"l@l@k@k@{k@.k@k@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@j@j@j@~j@r@rr@Yr@r@r@q@0K@0K@q@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@`q@0K@0K@0K@Bq@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@0K@q@p@p@p@p@xp@Zp@os@Qs@2s@s@0K@r@r@r@r@St@;t@s@s@t@rt@t@2p@m@Cm@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@}^@P`@_@`@0^@]@]@8]@\@\@8\@[@i[@c@c@i@i@i@i@c@i@i@mc@i@i@i@i@i@i@i@i@i@i@i@i@`c@i@i@i@i@i@i@ c@b@b@vb@ib@i@b@a@d@pd@d@@d@d@d@c@i@c@He@e@Te@a@`a@a@`@`@\[@l@d@d@d@d@l@d@d@d@Bn@d@9n@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@d@l@d@d@d@d@l@d@d@d@Bn@d@9n@4@>@@D@ P@ ^@b@g@$!BE!Bq@vBx@}@@@@@@N@3B@@@@@@G*B@@@@@@@@@@ @@@"@%@1@@4@K@7@u@:@=@E@ AH@m@K@N@^@R@Ba@l@o@z@}@@@@@@@@}@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@!@$@0@3@B@E@U@X@d@g@u@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@,@/@;@>@O@R@Z@]@a@d@l@o@y@|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@$@'@-@0@<@?@G@J@U@X@b@e@m@p@y@|@@@b@@m@@@@@@@@@@z@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @+@.@*B:@%@I@@U@.@b@]@`@g@j@t@@w@z@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@AAA @ A=@%A*A-A@9AH@AA"@EAV@x@1@JAc@RA<@WAn@lAC@AAA5@A' BAAAV@9@z@Ae@AAA@A`@Av@@ BAAA@ABABA@%A-A/A@5AB;A@GABNA@YA@hA@@tAvA@ABA @A@@@A@A! BA-@AP@A[@AAA/dev/ttyUsage: curl [options...] Options: (H) means HTTP/HTTPS only, (F) means FTP only --anyauth Pick "any" authentication method (H) -a, --append Append to target file when uploading (F/SFTP) --basic Use HTTP Basic Authentication (H) --cacert FILE CA certificate to verify peer against (SSL) --capath DIR CA directory to verify peer against (SSL) -E, --cert CERT[:PASSWD] Client certificate file and password (SSL) --cert-type TYPE Certificate file type (DER/PEM/ENG) (SSL) --ciphers LIST SSL ciphers to use (SSL) --compressed Request compressed response (using deflate or gzip) -K, --config FILE Specify which config file to read --connect-timeout SECONDS Maximum time allowed for connection -C, --continue-at OFFSET Resumed transfer offset -b, --cookie STRING/FILE String or file to read cookies from (H) -c, --cookie-jar FILE Write cookies to this file after operation (H) --create-dirs Create necessary local directory hierarchy --crlf Convert LF to CRLF in upload --crlfile FILE Get a CRL list in PEM format from the given file -d, --data DATA HTTP POST data (H) --data-ascii DATA HTTP POST ASCII data (H) --data-binary DATA HTTP POST binary data (H) --data-urlencode DATA HTTP POST data url encoded (H) --delegation STRING GSS-API delegation permission --digest Use HTTP Digest Authentication (H) --disable-eprt Inhibit using EPRT or LPRT (F) --disable-epsv Inhibit using EPSV (F) -D, --dump-header FILE Write the headers to this file --egd-file FILE EGD socket path for random data (SSL) --engine ENGINGE Crypto engine (SSL). "--engine list" for list -f, --fail Fail silently (no output at all) on HTTP errors (H) -F, --form CONTENT Specify HTTP multipart POST data (H) --form-string STRING Specify HTTP multipart POST data (H) --ftp-account DATA Account data string (F) --ftp-alternative-to-user COMMAND String to replace "USER [name]" (F) --ftp-create-dirs Create the remote dirs if not present (F) --ftp-method [MULTICWD/NOCWD/SINGLECWD] Control CWD usage (F) --ftp-pasv Use PASV/EPSV instead of PORT (F) -P, --ftp-port ADR Use PORT with given address instead of PASV (F) --ftp-skip-pasv-ip Skip the IP address for PASV (F) --ftp-pret Send PRET before PASV (for drftpd) (F) --ftp-ssl-ccc Send CCC after authenticating (F) --ftp-ssl-ccc-mode ACTIVE/PASSIVE Set CCC mode (F) --ftp-ssl-control Require SSL/TLS for ftp login, clear for transfer (F) -G, --get Send the -d data with a HTTP GET (H) -g, --globoff Disable URL sequences and ranges using {} and [] -H, --header LINE Custom header to pass to server (H) -I, --head Show document info only -h, --help This help text --hostpubmd5 MD5 Hex encoded MD5 string of the host public key. (SSH) -0, --http1.0 Use HTTP 1.0 (H) --ignore-content-length Ignore the HTTP Content-Length header -i, --include Include protocol headers in the output (H/F) -k, --insecure Allow connections to SSL sites without certs (H) --interface INTERFACE Specify network interface/address to use -4, --ipv4 Resolve name to IPv4 address -6, --ipv6 Resolve name to IPv6 address -j, --junk-session-cookies Ignore session cookies read from file (H) --keepalive-time SECONDS Interval between keepalive probes --key KEY Private key file name (SSL/SSH) --key-type TYPE Private key file type (DER/PEM/ENG) (SSL) --krb LEVEL Enable Kerberos with specified security level (F) --libcurl FILE Dump libcurl equivalent code of this command line --limit-rate RATE Limit transfer speed to this rate -l, --list-only List only names of an FTP directory (F) --local-port RANGE Force use of these local port numbers -L, --location Follow redirects (H) --location-trusted like --location and send auth to other hosts (H) -M, --manual Display the full manual --mail-from FROM Mail from this address --mail-rcpt TO Mail to this receiver(s) --mail-auth AUTH Originator address of the original email --max-filesize BYTES Maximum file size to download (H/F) --max-redirs NUM Maximum number of redirects allowed (H) -m, --max-time SECONDS Maximum time allowed for the transfer --metalink Process given URLs as metalink XML file --negotiate Use HTTP Negotiate Authentication (H) -n, --netrc Must read .netrc for user name and password --netrc-optional Use either .netrc or URL; overrides -n --netrc-file FILE Set up the netrc filename to use -N, --no-buffer Disable buffering of the output stream --no-keepalive Disable keepalive use on the connection --no-sessionid Disable SSL session-ID reusing (SSL) --noproxy List of hosts which do not use proxy --ntlm Use HTTP NTLM authentication (H) -o, --output FILE Write output to instead of stdout --pass PASS Pass phrase for the private key (SSL/SSH) --post301 Do not switch to GET after following a 301 redirect (H) --post302 Do not switch to GET after following a 302 redirect (H) --post303 Do not switch to GET after following a 303 redirect (H) -#, --progress-bar Display transfer progress as a progress bar --proto PROTOCOLS Enable/disable specified protocols --proto-redir PROTOCOLS Enable/disable specified protocols on redirect -x, --proxy [PROTOCOL://]HOST[:PORT] Use proxy on given port --proxy-anyauth Pick "any" proxy authentication method (H) --proxy-basic Use Basic authentication on the proxy (H) --proxy-digest Use Digest authentication on the proxy (H) --proxy-negotiate Use Negotiate authentication on the proxy (H) --proxy-ntlm Use NTLM authentication on the proxy (H) -U, --proxy-user USER[:PASSWORD] Proxy user and password --proxy1.0 HOST[:PORT] Use HTTP/1.0 proxy on given port -p, --proxytunnel Operate through a HTTP proxy tunnel (using CONNECT) --pubkey KEY Public key file name (SSH) -Q, --quote CMD Send command(s) to server before transfer (F/SFTP) --random-file FILE File for reading random data from (SSL) -r, --range RANGE Retrieve only the bytes within a range --raw Do HTTP "raw", without any transfer decoding (H) -e, --referer Referer URL (H) -J, --remote-header-name Use the header-provided filename (H) -O, --remote-name Write output to a file named as the remote file --remote-name-all Use the remote file name for all URLs -R, --remote-time Set the remote file's time on the local output -X, --request COMMAND Specify request command to use --resolve HOST:PORT:ADDRESS Force resolve of HOST:PORT to ADDRESS --retry NUM Retry request NUM times if transient problems occur --retry-delay SECONDS When retrying, wait this many seconds between each --retry-max-time SECONDS Retry only within this period -S, --show-error Show error. With -s, make curl show errors when they occur -s, --silent Silent mode. Don't output anything --socks4 HOST[:PORT] SOCKS4 proxy on given host + port --socks4a HOST[:PORT] SOCKS4a proxy on given host + port --socks5 HOST[:PORT] SOCKS5 proxy on given host + port --socks5-basic Enable username/password auth for SOCKS5 proxies --socks5-gssapi Enable GSS-API auth for SOCKS5 proxies --socks5-hostname HOST[:PORT] SOCKS5 proxy, pass host name to proxy --socks5-gssapi-service NAME SOCKS5 proxy service name for gssapi --socks5-gssapi-nec Compatibility with NEC SOCKS5 server -Y, --speed-limit RATE Stop transfers below speed-limit for 'speed-time' secs -y, --speed-time SECONDS Time for trig speed-limit abort. Defaults to 30 --ssl Try SSL/TLS (FTP, IMAP, POP3, SMTP) --ssl-reqd Require SSL/TLS (FTP, IMAP, POP3, SMTP) -2, --sslv2 Use SSLv2 (SSL) -3, --sslv3 Use SSLv3 (SSL) --ssl-allow-beast Allow security flaw to improve interop (SSL) --stderr FILE Where to redirect stderr. - means stdout --tcp-nodelay Use the TCP_NODELAY option -t, --telnet-option OPT=VAL Set telnet option --tftp-blksize VALUE Set TFTP BLKSIZE option (must be >512) -z, --time-cond TIME Transfer based on a time condition -1, --tlsv1 Use => TLSv1 (SSL) --tlsv1.0 Use TLSv1.0 (SSL) --tlsv1.1 Use TLSv1.1 (SSL) --tlsv1.2 Use TLSv1.2 (SSL) --tlsv1.3 Use TLSv1.3 (SSL) --tls-max VERSION Use TLS up to VERSION (SSL) --trace FILE Write a debug trace to the given file --trace-ascii FILE Like --trace but without the hex output --trace-time Add time stamps to trace/verbose output --tr-encoding Request compressed transfer encoding (H) -T, --upload-file FILE Transfer FILE to destination --url URL URL to work with -B, --use-ascii Use ASCII/text transfer -u, --user USER[:PASSWORD] Server user and password --tlsuser USER TLS username --tlspassword STRING TLS password --tlsauthtype STRING TLS authentication type (default SRP) --unix-socket FILE Connect through this UNIX domain socket -A, --user-agent STRING User-Agent to send to server (H) -v, --verbose Make the operation more talkative -V, --version Show version number and quit -w, --write-out FORMAT What to output after completion --xattr Store metadata in extended file attributes -q If used as the first parameter disables .curlrc A A!AX!A!A!A "A`"A"A"A#Ah#A#A#A $Ah$A$A$A(%Ap%A%A%A&AH&A&A&A&A 'AX'A'A'A0(Ap(A(A(A8)A)A)A*AH*A*A*A8+A+A+A,AP,A,A,A,A -Ah-A-A-A@.Ax.A.A.A@/Ax/A/A0AH0A0A0A1A81A1A1A1A2AX2A2A2A3AX3A3A3A 4A`4A4A4A 5A`5A5A5A6Ah6A6A7AP7A7A7A 8A`8A8A8A(9Ah9A9A9A8:Ah:A:A:A8;A;A;A;A0A`>A>A>A?AX?A?A?A0@Ax@A@AAAXAAAAAABA(BApBABABACAXCACACACADA8DA`DADADA EA`EAEAEAFA0FAhFAFAFAGAHGAGAGAGA8HAxHAunknown erroris ambiguousis unknownrequires parameteris badly used hereout of memoryYou can only select one HTTP request! had unsupported trailing garbageexpected a proper numerical parameterexpected a positive numerical parameterthe installed libcurl version doesn't support thisMAMAMANAMA`NANANANA$NACURL_HOME1.2.7k{#Ǒ& _/eݒֈ"G&`KJ*EL *o":lɒw߽V3f@U##xG=GEY5T~_#h[>lFO_^=?|xyTcJvdY̢ATqV^&EGO_ޝG9^!_Ti?Gp8 ϣãF"u[~L*.|GeR&E?ZivYQuXrȋ*F"I>+ニ~~^Ǩ}uzy??atvo!}(ggI_=#9:c~\sG'.8F>NI>g ӤL2>./nΗM#J*)\<62+irS^ zrIK[27 /-W_kJ'1w nM)Z%4س,8>ߤ rΒH5I'o* SE2!_Ҝg3$'e/}sqyLsw:94]}]hq]Rڎ"Z%VSE2\O$ iW_nOFT5GxBk+VV?4_]I!Q{}q]%ueq4xi{N>D@<(9?]ϡӚSg[Lt? vVG_7xь{RfGS.D'r^y.էSZCHOg(K4!$:4-a^\m:uxxm>eyqu5j,2UbHjrMS'uU!%^Qܔtsy1M:c8~<-:_2a^*0Q=DhW'^DӠ८ۭ%6gߘ|j~O.r)]˘/*ukjDBw1}l Db^]W]㸒&׸ m9r)8.y72%uM>y3|<3+/uokDq|pz|nz2O1.2O&KӸ4R`c:_<3>5XngAmi| -`xltK7{ ,zl@dW,p*LIˁ. gɝL&ɢ*&g;O*ނ;K.-tK|#KpxGE~-ºƩW}I+iyM7-5OyNsH0:3ZР+|lp 9-sC ?zV1I']ʄ\m|v~h=8:oɼY^̱Ӵ\zU'm0. 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Using --anyauth or --proxy-anyauth with upload from stdin involves a big risk of it not working. Use a temporary file or a fixed auth type instead! CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5CURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRSCURLOPT_FTP_ALTERNATIVE_TO_USERCURLOPT_HTTP_TRANSFER_DECODINGTransient problem: %s Will retry in %ld seconds. %ld retries left. Metalink: fetching (%s) from (%s) FAILED (HTTP status code %d) Metalink: fetching (%s) from (%s) FAILED (%s) Metalink: fetching (%s) from (%s) OK If this HTTPS server uses a certificate signed by a CA represented in the bundle, the certificate verification probably failed due to a problem with the certificate (it might be expired, or the name might not match the domain name in the URL). If you'd like to turn off curl's verification of the certificate, use the -k (or --insecure) option. More details here: curl performs SSL certificate verification by default, using a "bundle" of Certificate Authority (CA) public keys (CA certs). If the default bundle file isn't adequate, you can specify an alternate file using the --cacert option. 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APPE %sSIZE %sFailed to read datagetsockname() failed: %sbind(port=%hu) failed: %ssocket failure: %s%s |%d|%s|%hu|,%d,%dno memoryPASS %sACCT %sAccess denied: %03dFailed EPSV attempt, exiting PASV%c%c%c%u%cWeirdly formatted EPSV reply%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u%u.%u.%u.%uBad PASV/EPSV response: %03dCan't resolve new host %s:%huTYPE %cMDTM %sCWD %sLISTNLSTPRET %sPRET STOR %sPRET RETR %sREST %dChecking for server connect privateAuthentication successful AUTH %sACCT rejected by server: %03dPROT %cCCCSYSTEntry path is '%s' Failed to figure out path OS/400SITE NAMEFMT 1QUOT command failed with %03dMKD %sFailed to MKD dir: %03d%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dGiven file does not existSkipping time comparison Couldn't set desired modeCouldn't use RESTdisabling EPRT usage Failed to do PORTConnect data stream actively bytesMaxdownload = %ld Getting file with size: %ld RETR response: %03dFailed FTP upload: %0dWildcard - Parsing started Wildcard - START of "%s" ABORcontrol connection looks deadNo data was received!QUOT string not accepted: %sFTPSFailure sending QUIT command: %sftp server doesn't support SIZE Offset (%ld) was beyond file size (%ld)File already completely downloaded Instructs server to resume from offset %ld Connect data stream passively File already completely uploaded failed to resolve the address provided to PORT: %sbind(port=%hu) on non-local address failed: %s bind() failed, we ran out of ports!Failure sending EPRT command: %sFailure sending PORT command: %sError accept()ing server connectConnection accepted from server Doing the SSL/TLS handshake on the data stream Uploading to a URL without a file name!Request has same path as previous transfer ACCT requested but none availableFailed EPSV attempt. Disabling EPSV Illegal port number in EPSV replyCouldn't interpret the 227-responseSkip %u.%u.%u.%u for data connection, re-use %s instead Can't resolve proxy host %s:%huConnecting to %s (%s) port %d FTP response aborted due to select/poll error: %dAccept timeout occurred while waiting server connectThere is negative response in cache while serv connect Error while waiting for server connectReady to accept data connection from server Ctrl conn has data while waiting for data conn Preparing for accepting server on data port Got a %03d ftp-server response when 220 was expectedLogging in with password in cleartext! unsupported parameter to CURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTH: %dFailed to clear the command channel (CCC)Server denied you to change to the given directory%04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02d GMTLast-Modified: %s, %02d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT unsupported MDTM reply format The requested document is not new enough The requested document is not old enough Got a %03d response code instead of the assumed 200 PRET command not accepted: %03dData conn was not available immediately Wildcard - "%s" skipped by user ftp_perform ends with SECONDARY: %d Remembering we are in dir "%s" Failure sending ABOR command: %spartial download completed, closing connection server did not report OK, got %dUploaded unaligned file size (%ld out of %ld bytes)Received only partial file: %ld bytesn - b  x  b H m     A D 0 h8                                                                 EPSVPASVEPRTPORTSSLTLS%ld-Closing connection %ld seriallycan pipelinecan multiplexPipe is full, skip (%zu) Penalized, skip ://httpssocks5hsocks5socks4asocks4sockshttp:%25Invalid IPv6 address format User-Agent: %s NO_PROXYno_proxyALL_PROXYftp@example.comanonymousall_proxy%s://%smemory shortagehttp_proxyConnecting to hostname: %s Connecting to port: %d No connections available. Couldn't resolve host '%s'Couldn't resolve proxy '%s'Host name '%s' contains bad letterIDN support not present, can't parse Unicode domains Connection %ld seems to be dead! /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crtFound bundle for host %s: %p [%s] Server doesn't support multi-use yet, wait Server doesn't support multi-use (yet) Could pipeline, but not asked to! Could multiplex, but not asked to! Connection #%ld is still name resolving, can't reuse Connection #%ld isn't open enough, can't reuse MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS reached, skip (%zu) Multiplexed connection found! Found pending candidate for reuse and CURLOPT_PIPEWAIT is set unknown proxytype option givenConnected to %s (%s) port %ld (#%ld) Unsupported proxy scheme for '%s'Unsupported proxy '%s', libcurl is built without the HTTPS-proxy support.Please URL encode %% as %%25, see RFC 6874. No valid port number in proxy string (%s) Protocol "%s" not supported or disabled in libcurlInvalid network interface: %s; %s Uses proxy env variable %s == '%s' Couldn't find host %s in the .netrc file; using defaults No valid port number in connect to host string (%s) Found connection %ld, with requests in the pipe (%zu) We can reuse, but we want a new connection anyway Re-using existing connection! (#%ld) with %s %s No more connections allowed to host: %zu No connections available in cache NTLM picked AND auth done set, clear picked! NTLM-proxy picked AND auth done set, clear picked! Unix socket path too long: '%s'Cdefault/MATCH:/M:/FIND:lookup word is missing Failed sending DICT request/DEFINE:/D:/LOOKUP:DICTCLIENT libcurl 7.64.0 MATCH %s %s %s QUIT CLIENT libcurl 7.64.0 DEFINE %s %s QUIT CLIENT libcurl 7.64.0 %s QUIT %%%uOperation too slow. Less than %ld bytes/sec transferred the last %ld seconds zlib/%s libssh2/%s1.>{8yx~ww|0xxx0xxxxxxx0x0xx0x0xx0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxx0xxxxx0xxxxxxxxx0xTÃ18WlO}|~|~}|~|~|~|~|~|~H}=}|~,}||~|||||||||||~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~}|~|~4v|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~}|~|~|~*v|~|~|~|~||~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~4v(nil)(nil)0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$@USER,%s%127[^= ]%*[ =]%255sTTYPEXDISPLOCNEW_ENV%hu%*[xX]%huBINARYUnknown telnet option %sSENT%s IAC SB (terminated by %u , not IAC SE!) (Empty suboption?)%s (unsupported)%d (unknown)Width: %d ; Height: %d IS SEND INFO/REPLY NAME "%s" = %.2xSending data failed (%d)EXOPLDONTDOWONTWILL%s IAC %s %s IAC %d %s %s %s %s %s %d %s %d %d %c%c%c%c%s%c%c%127[^,],%127s%c%s%c%sIn SUBOPTION processing, RCVDTime-outTELNETEOFSUSPABORTEORNOPDMARKBRKIPAOAYTECGASBIACECHORCPSUPPRESS GO AHEADSTATUSTIMING MARKRCTENAOLNAOPNAOCRDNAOHTSNAOHTDNAOFFDNAOVTSNAOVTDNAOLFDEXTEND ASCIILOGOUTBYTE MACRODE TERMINALSUPDUPSUPDUP OUTPUTSEND LOCATIONTERM TYPEEND OF RECORDTACACS UIDOUTPUT MARKINGTTYLOC3270 REGIMEX3 PADNAWSTERM SPEEDLFLOWLINEMODEOLD-ENVIRONAUTHENTICATIONENCRYPTNEW-ENVIRONSyntax error in telnet option: %szԜTě<\ܙНHOME machineloginpassword.netrcׯ/s[?#ްN<*hV`DԱ±zͰêêêêêêêêêêêêêaêawwwpW>wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww- خǮziXG6%.Aoperation aborted by callback%zx%sCannot rewind mime/post dataselect/poll returned errorIgnoring the response-body Failed writing data%s in chunked-encodingRewinding %zu bytes No URL set!Switch from POST to GET Disables POST, goes with %s Moving trailers state machine from initialized to sending. Unable to allocate trailing headers buffer !operation aborted by trailing headers callbackSuccessfully compiled trailers. Read callback asked for PAUSE when not supported!read function returned funny valueSignaling end of chunked upload after trailers. Signaling end of chunked upload via terminating chunk. seek callback returned error %dthe ioctl callback returned %d ioctl callback returned error %dnecessary data rewind wasn't possibleRewinding stream by : %zd bytes on url %s (zero-length body) Excess found in a non pipelined read: excess = %zd url = %s (zero-length body) The entire document is already downloadedHTTP server doesn't seem to support byte ranges. Cannot resume.Simulate a HTTP 304 response! Leftovers after chunking: %zu bytes Rewinding stream by : %zu bytes on url %s (size = %ld, maxdownload = %ld, bytecount = %ld, nread = %zd) Excess found in a non pipelined read: excess = %zu, size = %ld, maxdownload = %ld, bytecount = %ld we are done reading and this is set to close, stop send Failed to alloc scratch buffer!We are completely uploaded and fine Done waiting for 100-continue Operation timed out after %ld milliseconds with %ld out of %ld bytes receivedOperation timed out after %ld milliseconds with %ld bytes receivedtransfer closed with %ld bytes remaining to readtransfer closed with outstanding read data remainingMaximum (%ld) redirects followedIssue another request to this URL: '%s' REFUSED_STREAM, retrying a fresh connect Connection died, retrying a fresh connect CONNECT_ONLY is required!Failed to get recent socketeasy handle already used in multi handleENC MIC PASS ACCT Send: %s%s Failed realloc of size %zuTrying mechanism %s... PBSZ %uPBSZ=PBSZ=%uclearsafeconfidentialFailed initialization for %s. Skipping it. Mechanism %s is not supported by the server (server returned ftp code: 504). Mechanism %s was rejected by the server (server returned ftp code: 534). server does not support the security extensions Failed to set the protection's buffer size.Failed to set the protection level.CSEP -> total rwx-tTsS0123456789-APM0123456789:p`pn`<I|sP|Egetsockname()AUTH GSSAPITrying against %s base64-encoding: %s ADAT %sADAT=base64-decoding: %sError importing service name %s@%sError creating security context Server didn't accept auth data (0@P`pToo long hexadecimal numberMalformed encoding foundWrite errorBad content-encoding foundOut of memoryIllegal or missing hexadecimal sequenceTCP_NODELAY set Trying %s... if!host!Local port: %hu bind failed with errno %d: %sCouldn't bind to '%s'Connection time-outConnection failed getpeername() failed with errno %d: %sgetsockname() failed with errno %d: %sssrem inet_ntop() failed with errno %d: %sssloc inet_ntop() failed with errno %d: %sCould not set TCP_NODELAY: %s sa_addr inet_ntop() failed with errno %d: %sFailed to set SO_KEEPALIVE on fd %d Failed to set TCP_KEEPIDLE on fd %d Failed to set TCP_KEEPINTVL on fd %d Couldn't bind to interface '%s'Local Interface %s is ip %s using address family %i Name '%s' family %i resolved to '%s' family %i Bind to local port %hu failed, trying next Immediate connect fail for %s: %s After %ldms connect time, move on! connect to %s port %ld failed: %s Failed to connect to %s port %ld: %s((@)`)`))p)p))(((FHDpED0LKLPGKKJpJIIHGFHDDExpire in %ld ms for %x (transfer %p) Internal error removing splay node = %d Connection #%ld to host %s left intactIn state %d with no conn, bail out! Resolving timed out after %ld millisecondsConnection timed out after %ld millisecondsHostname '%s' was found in DNS cache Re-used connection seems dead, get a new one Internal error clearing splay node = %d Error while processing content unencoding: %sError while processing content unencoding: Unknown failure within decompression software.Unrecognized content encoding type. libcurl understands %s content encodings.|n\n 255 [actual len=%zu] SOCKS5: error occurred during connectionwarning: unsupported value passed to CURLOPT_SOCKS5_AUTH: %lu SOCKS5 communication to %s:%d Unable to send initial SOCKS5 request.Unable to receive initial SOCKS5 response.Received invalid version in initial SOCKS5 response.Unable to negotiate SOCKS5 GSS-API context.Failed to send SOCKS5 sub-negotiation request.Unable to receive SOCKS5 sub-negotiation response.User was rejected by the SOCKS5 server (%d %d).SOCKS5 GSSAPI per-message authentication is not supported.No authentication method was acceptable. (It is quite likely that the SOCKS5 server wanted a username/password, since none was supplied to the server on this connection.)No authentication method was acceptable.Undocumented SOCKS5 mode attempted to be used by server.SOCKS5 connect to IPv4 %s (locally resolved) SOCKS5 connect to IPv6 %s (locally resolved) SOCKS5 connection to %s not supported Failed to resolve "%s" for SOCKS5 connect.SOCKS5 GSS-API protection not yet implemented.Failed to send SOCKS5 connect request.Failed to receive SOCKS5 connect request ack.SOCKS5 reply has wrong version, version should be 5.Can't complete SOCKS5 connection to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d. (%d)Can't complete SOCKS5 connection to %s:%d. (%d)Can't complete SOCKS5 connection to %02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%d. (%d)No such file or directoryPermission deniedOperation failedBad message from SFTP serverNot connected to SFTP serverInvalid handleUnknown error in libssh2File already existsFile is write protectedNo mediaDisk fullUser quota exceededUnknown principleFile lock conflictDirectory not emptyNot a directoryInvalid filenameLink points to itselfssh errorSSH MD5 fingerprint: %s MD5 checksum match! SSH host check: %d, key: %s Warning, writing %s failed! publickey%s/.ssh/id_rsa%s/.ssh/id_dsahostbasedFailure connecting to agent No identity would match keyboard-interactiveAuthentication failureAuthentication complete SSH CONNECT phase done Sending quote commands pwdPWD chgrp chmod chown ln symlink mkdir rename rmdir rm statvfs Unknown SFTP commandchmodchgrpchownsymlink command failed: %smkdir command failed: %srename command failed: %srmdir command failed: %srm command failed: %sstatvfs command failed: %sBad file size (%ld)Upload failed: %s (%d/%d)Creating directory '%s' -> %sShutdownOperation timed outSFTPSCPConnection to SFTP server lostOperation not supported by SFTP serverFailure establishing ssh session: %d, %sWarning adding the known host %s failed! SSH user accepted with no authentication SSH authentication methods available: %s Using SSH public key file '%s' Using SSH private key file '%s' Initialized SSH public key authentication SSH public key authentication failed: %s Initialized password authentication Could not create agent object Failure requesting identities to agent Agent based authentication successful Initialized keyboard interactive authentication Failure initializing sftp session: %s257 "%s" is current directory. Syntax error in SFTP command. Supply parameter(s)!Syntax error: Bad first parameterSyntax error in chgrp/chmod/chown: Bad second parameterSyntax error in ln/symlink: Bad second parameterSyntax error in rename: Bad second parameterAttempt to get SFTP stats failed: %sSyntax error: chgrp gid not a numberSyntax error: chmod permissions not a numberSyntax error: chown uid not a numberAttempt to set SFTP stats failed: %sstatvfs: f_bsize: %llu f_frsize: %llu f_blocks: %llu f_bfree: %llu f_bavail: %llu f_files: %llu f_ffree: %llu f_favail: %llu f_fsid: %llu f_flag: %llu f_namemax: %llu Creating the dir/file failed: %sCould not open directory for reading: %sCould not open remote file for reading: %s :: %dCould not open remote file for reading: %sFailed to close libssh2 file: %d %s Failed to stop libssh2 sftp subsystem SCP requires a known file size for uploadFailed to send libssh2 channel EOF: %d %s Failed to get channel EOF: %d %s Channel failed to close: %d %s Failed to free libssh2 scp subsystem: %d %s Failed to disconnect libssh2 session: %d %s Failed to disconnect from libssh2 agent: %d %s Failed to free libssh2 session: %d %s Denied establishing ssh session: mismatch md5 fingerprint. Remote %s is not equal to %sDenied establishing ssh session: md5 fingerprint not availableFailure initialising ssh sessionFailed to enable compression for ssh session Failed to read known hosts from %s ``P0@P`pPВ 0@ڠȖ8H`PXfڠ`xhXxȯȪ8PHXȣ@@ڠ` HQOOOOOOONOOOOOOOO<UID FETCH %s BODY[%s]Cannot FETCH without a UID.PREAUTH* CAPABILITYSTORESELECTFETCHEXAMINESEARCHEXPUNGELSUBNOOP+ AUTHENTICATE %s %sAUTHENTICATE %sLOGIN %s %sSTARTTLSLOGINDISABLEDSASL-IRAUTH=STARTTLS not supported.STARTTLS deniedAuthentication cancelledAccess denied. %cSelect failedFound %ld bytes to download UIDVALIDITYMAILINDEXSECTIONPARTIALMime-VersionMime-Version: 1.0APPEND %s (\Seen) {%ld}SELECT %sIMAPSIMAPCannot SEARCH without a query string.Unexpected continuation responseNo known authentication mechanisms supported! PREAUTH connection, already authenticated! Got unexpected imap-server responseOK [UIDVALIDITY %19[0123456789]]Mailbox UIDVALIDITY has changedWritten %zu bytes, %lu bytes are left for transfer Failed to parse FETCH response.Cannot APPEND without a mailbox.Cannot APPEND with unknown input file size Cannot SELECT without a mailbox.AUTH %s %s-ERR+OKAPOP %s %s+APOPRETRCAPA . STLSSASL STLS not supported.Authentication failed: %dpopPOP3SPOP3Got unexpected pop3-server response<|D<<VRFYHELPRCPT TO:%sRCPT TO:<%s>EHLO %s<>MAIL FROM:%sMAIL FROM:%s AUTH=%sMAIL FROM:%s AUTH=%s SIZE=%sMAIL FROM:%s SIZE=%sHELO %sRemote access denied: %dSIZEAUTH STARTTLS denied, code %dCommand failed: %dMAIL failed: %dRCPT failed: %dDATADATA failed: %d ..SMTPSSMTPGot unexpected smtp-server response: %d#348332#3211h1810server response timeoutselect/poll errorresponse reading failedcached response data too big to handleExcessive server response line length received, %zd bytes. Stripping The CSeq of this request %ld did not match the response %ldGot an RTP Receive with a CSeq of %ld Got invalid RTSP request: RTSPREQ_LASTRefusing to issue an RTSP request [%s] without a session ID.Refusing to issue an RTSP SETUP without a Transport: header.CSeq cannot be set as a custom header.Session ID cannot be set as a custom header.Content-Type: text/parameters Content-Type: application/sdp Got an error writing an RTP packetUnable to read the CSeq header: [%s]Got RTSP Session ID Line [%s], but wanted ID [%s]Accept: application/sdp SET_PARAMETERGET_PARAMETERTEARDOWNPAUSEPLAYSETUPANNOUNCEDESCRIBEGot invalid RTSP requestTransportTransport: %s Range: %s CSeqSession%s %s RTSP/1.0 CSeq: %ld Session: %s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sFailed sending RTSP requestCannot pause RTPFailed writing RTP dataCSeq:: %ldSession:Got a blank Session IDRTSPG,GDGdG|GDTFlFFFFF G\6DN: ;binary url parsing problemLDAP local: %s LDAP local: %s://%s:%dsuccessout of memorybad parameterunrecognized schemeunbalanced delimiterbad URLbad host or portbad or missing attributesbad or missing scopebad or missing filterbad or missing extensionsLDAPSLDAPLDAP local: bind ldap_result %sLDAP local: bind ldap_parse_result %sLDAP remote: bind failed %s %sLDAP local: search ldap_result %sLDAP local: search ldap_parse_result %sLDAP remote: search failed %s %sThere are more than %d entries LDAP local: ldap_search_ext %sLDAP local: Cannot connect to %s, %sFailed sending Gopher requestGOPHERallocate connect buffer! %s%s%s:%dHost: %s CONNECT response too large!Proxy CONNECT abortedchunk reading DONE Ignore chunked response-body CONNECT responded chunked HTTP/1.%d %dConnect me again please CONNECT phase completed! CONNECT %s HTTP/%s %s%s%s%sEstablish HTTP proxy tunnel to %s:%d Failed sending CONNECT to proxyProxy CONNECT aborted due to timeoutProxy CONNECT connection closed Ignore %ld bytes of response-body Ignoring Content-Length in CONNECT %03d response Ignoring Transfer-Encoding in CONNECT %03d response Received HTTP code %d from proxy after CONNECTProxy replied %d to CONNECT request Could not resolve %s: %sgetaddrinfo() thread failed to start %.*s. %sAuthorization: NTLM %s NTLM auth restarted NTLM handshake rejected NTLM handshake failure (internal error) NTLMUSERLOGNAME/usr/bin/ntlm_authCould not fork. errno %d: %s--username--use-cached-credsntlmssp-client-1--helper-protocol--domaintoo large ntlm_wb response!NTLM %.*sYR %sAuthorization: %s TT %s Could not access ntlm_auth: %s errno %d: %sCould not open socket pair. errno %d: %sCould not redirect child stdin. errno %d: %sCould not redirect child stdout. errno %d: %sCould not execl(). errno %d: %s%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%cKGS!@#$%LOGINEXTERNALXOAUTH2PLAINOAUTHBEARERCRAM-MD5DIGEST-MD5AQ==Unsupported SASL authentication mechanism^m(|Qv`Ƞ/dev/urandom0123456789abcdefWARNING: Using weak random seed xn--%ld%sConnection cache is full, closing the oldest one. Server %s is blacklisted Conn: %ld (%p) Receive pipe weight: (%ld/%ld), penalized: %s Site %s:%d is pipeline blacklisted /.//../Internal NULL stream! 5 :statusHTTP/2 Internal NULL stream! failed to duplicate handle Failed sending HTTP2 data nghttp2/%sNO_ERRORPROTOCOL_ERRORINTERNAL_ERRORFLOW_CONTROL_ERRORSETTINGS_TIMEOUTSTREAM_CLOSEDFRAME_SIZE_ERRORREFUSED_STREAMCANCELCOMPRESSION_ERRORCONNECT_ERRORENHANCE_YOUR_CALMINADEQUATE_SECURITYHTTP_1_1_REQUIRED:authoritystream %d closed :method:path:schemetrailersupgradeproxy-connectiontransfer-encoding%zd data bytes written Failed receiving HTTP2 datastopped the pause stream! Couldn't initialize nghttp2!h2c P0Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS == %u)! failed to add handle to multi failed to set user_data for stream %d http/2: failed to clear user_data for stream %d! h2_process_pending_input: nghttp2_session_mem_recv() returned %zd:%s %d bytes stray data read before trying h2 connection nghttp2_submit_ping() failed: %s(%d)nghttp2_session_send() failed: %s(%d)HTTP/2 stream %d was not closed cleanly: %s (err %u)HTTP/2 stream %d was closed cleanly, but before getting all response header fields, treated as errorFailed sending HTTP request: Header overflowhttp2_send: Warning: The cumulative length of all headers exceeds %zu bytes and that could cause the stream to be rejected. Using Stream ID: %x (easy handle %p) nghttp2_session_mem_recv() returned %zd:%s Couldn't initialize nghttp2 callbacks!nghttp2 unexpectedly failed on pack_settings_payloadConnection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings Upgrade: %s HTTP2-Settings: %s Using HTTP2, server supports multi-use Connection state changed (HTTP/2 confirmed) nghttp2_session_upgrade() failed: %s(%d)http/2: failed to set user_data for stream %d! nghttp2_submit_settings() failed: %s(%d)connection buffer size is too small to store data following HTTP Upgrade response header: buflen=%zu, datalen=%zuCopying HTTP/2 data in stream buffer to connection buffer after upgrade: len=%zu nghttp2_session_mem_recv() failed: %s(%d)Invalid input packetSMBSSMBX NT LM 0.12rb-- --multipart/mixed; filename="; name="; boundary=8bitattachmenttext/plainContent-Dispositionmultipart/Content-Transfer-EncodingContent-Type: %s%s%sContent-Transfer-Encoding: %s.gifimage/gif.jpgimage/jpeg.jpeg.pngimage/png.svgimage/svg+xml.txt.htmtext/html.html.pdfapplication/pdf.xmlapplication/xml7bitbase64quoted-printablex(h   < E(0123456789ABCDEFABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/Can't add itself as a subpart!Content-Disposition: %s%s%s%s%s%s%sFLUSHRELOADCURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer supports 1 as value! /~/ ((((( AAAAAABBBBBB a DOH request is completed, %u to go Failed to encode DOH packet [%d] Content-Type: application/dns-messageDOH request %s %s?dns=%sAAAAbad error codeCould not DOH-resolve: %sDOH: %s type %s for %s DOH Host name: %s TTL: %u seconds DOH A: %u.%u.%u.%u DOH AAAA: %s%02x%02xCNAME: %s Bad labelOut of rangeLabel loopToo smallRDATA lengthMalformatBad RCODEUnexpected TYPEUnexpected CLASSNo contentBad ID%%%02xlocalhost/*[^]]%c%n0123456789abcdefABCDEF::.%#?@;file://%s%s%s[%*45[0123456789abcdefABCDEF:.]%c%n%s://%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sԤLD\|ܬ4ܨ{r%s/%s@%s%s/%s%s %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xauth-int%s:%s:%08x:%s:%s:%s%s, opaque="%s"%s, algorithm="%s"%s, userhash=truenonce="realm="algorithm=qop="md5-sessauth-confnoncestalerealmopaqueqopalgorithmMD5-sessSHA-256SHA-256-SESSSHA-512-256SHA-512-256-SESSuserhashusername="%s", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", cnonce="%s", nc=%08x, qop=%s, response="%s"username="%s", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", response="%s"username="%s",realm="%s",nonce="%s",cnonce="%s",nc="%s",digest-uri="%s",response=%s,qop=%sgss_import_name() failed: gss_display_name() failed: gss_unwrap() failed: gss_wrap() failed: GSSAPI handshake failure (empty challenge message) gss_init_sec_context() failed: GSSAPI handshake failure (empty security message) gss_inquire_context() failed: GSSAPI handshake failure (invalid security data) GSSAPI handshake failure (invalid security layer) NTLM handshake failure (empty type-2 message) NTLM handshake failure (bad type-2 message) NTLM handshake failure (bad type-2 message). Target Info Offset Len is set incorrect by the peer NTLMSSP%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%s%sgethostname() failed, continuing without! NTLMSSP%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%cuser + domain + host name too bigNTLMSSPincoming NTLM message too biguser=%sauth=Bearer %suser=%shost=%sauth=Bearer %suser=%shost=%sport=%ldauth=Bearer %sSPNEGO handshake failure (empty challenge message) SSL_ERROR_NONESSL_ERROR_SSLSSL_ERROR_WANT_READSSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITESSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUPSSL_ERROR_SYSCALLSSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURNSSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECTSSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPTSSL_ERROR unknownSSL Engine '%s' not foundTLS UnknownTLS change cipherTLS alertErrorClient helloClient keyClient finishedServer helloServer verifyServer finishedRequest CERTClient CERTHello requestNewsession TicketCertificateServer key exchangeClient key exchangeCERT verifyFinishedCertificate StatusNext protocolChange cipher specTLSv1.2TLSv1.1TLSv1.0SSLv3SSLv2TLS handshakeTLS app dataTLS header(%x)%s (%s), %s, %s (%d): failed to store ssl session%s(%s)SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE SSL shutdown timeoutOpenSSL%s/%lx.%lx.%lx%sSSL_write() error: %sPEMDERENGP120123456789ABCDEFSSL certificate problem: %sSSL connection using %s / %s http/1.1SSLKEYLOGFILE[NONE]SubjectIssuer%lxSerial NumberSignature AlgorithmPublic Key AlgorithmStart dateExpire date Unable to load public key RSA Public Keypub_keySignature%02x:Cert%s certificate: subject: %s start date: %.*s expire date: %.*s vtls/openssl.cSSL: illegal cert name field common name: %s (matched) issuer: %s SSL certificate verify ok. No OCSP response receivedInvalid OCSP responseOCSP response has expiredNPN, negotiated HTTP2 (%s) NPN, negotiated HTTP1.1 NPN, no overlap, use HTTP1.1 ALPN, offering %s pkcs11:LOAD_CERT_CTRLcurl user interfaceunable to set private keyCipher selection: %s CAfile: %s CApath: %s error loading CRL file: %ssuccessfully load CRL file: CRLfile: %s SSL re-using session ID SSL: SSL_set_fd failed: %spkcs11SSL connection timeoutopensslP`p{]ocWiuK?3'Failed to initialise SSL Engine '%s': %sOpenSSL SSL_read: %s, errno %dold SSL session ID is stale, removing OpenSSL SSL_read on shutdown: %s, errno %dselect/poll on SSL socket, errno: %dSSL_get_shutdown() returned SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN SSL_get_shutdown() returned SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN SSL_get_shutdown() returned SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN|SSL_RECEIVED__SHUTDOWN SSL_write() returned SYSCALL, errno = %dError: %s does not support double SSL tunneling.OpenSSL SSL_write: %s, errno %dset default crypto engine '%s' set default crypto engine '%s' failedlibcurl is now using a weak random seed! OpenSSL SSL_connect: %s in connection to %s:%ld ALPN, server accepted to use %.*s ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol SSL: couldn't get peer certificate! subjectAltName: host "%s" matched cert's "%s" subjectAltName: host "%s" matched cert's IP address! subjectAltName does not match %s SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name '%s'SSL: unable to obtain common name from peer certificateSSL: certificate subject name '%s' does not match target host name '%s'SSL: couldn't get X509-issuer name!BIO_new return NULL, OpenSSL error %sSSL: Unable to open issuer cert (%s)SSL: Unable to read issuer cert (%s)SSL: Certificate issuer check failed (%s) SSL certificate issuer check ok (%s) SSL certificate verify result: %s (%ld) SSL certificate verify result: %s (%ld), continuing anyway. Invalid OCSP response status: %s (%d)OCSP response verification failedSSL certificate status: %s (%d) SSL certificate revocation reason: %s (%d)SSL: public key does not match pinned public key!ALL:!EXPORT:!EXPORT40:!EXPORT56:!aNULL:!LOW:!RC4:@STRENGTHOpenSSL was built without SSLv2 supportUnrecognized parameter passed via CURLOPT_SSLVERSIONSSL: couldn't create a context: %sOpenSSL was built without TLS 1.3 supportcould not load PEM client certificate, OpenSSL error %s, (no key found, wrong pass phrase, or wrong file format?)could not load ASN1 client certificate, OpenSSL error %s, (no key found, wrong pass phrase, or wrong file format?)ssl engine does not support loading certificatesssl engine cannot load client cert with id '%s' [%s]ssl engine didn't initialized the certificate properly.unable to set client certificatecrypto engine not set, can't load certificatecould not open PKCS12 file '%s'error reading PKCS12 file '%s'could not parse PKCS12 file, check password, OpenSSL error %scould not load PKCS12 client certificate, OpenSSL error %sunable to use private key from PKCS12 file '%s'private key from PKCS12 file '%s' does not match certificate in same filecannot add certificate to client CA listcannot add certificate to certificate chainnot supported file type '%s' for certificateunable to set private key file: '%s' type %sunable do create OpenSSL user-interface methodfailed to load private key from crypto enginecrypto engine not set, can't load private keyfile type P12 for private key not supportednot supported file type for private keyunable to create an SSL structurePrivate key does not match the certificate public keyfailed setting cipher list: %serror setting certificate verify locations: CAfile: %s CApath: %serror setting certificate verify locations, continuing anyway: successfully set certificate verify locations: error signaled by ssl ctx callbackSSL: couldn't create a context (handle)!WARNING: failed to configure server name indication (SNI) TLS extension SSL: SSL_set_session failed: %s@@Unrecognized parameter value passed via CURLOPT_SSLVERSIONCURL_SSLVERSION_MAX incompatible with CURL_SSLVERSION public key hash: sha256//%s CURL_SSL_BACKEND%s:;sha256//-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- -----END PUBLIC KEY-----multi;86TDST3S|BUBEV$<>D<DC<D<E =tF$=FT=Gt=M=N=tN>N4>Q>R>S>tS?UL?TW?X?Y4@]t@]@4^@Tp4ADwA$~BddBtBBC|CC$CTDDDԆlDDԋDEԍE$E$FD$FԐ'PACDP AAE T>(Dl>x)BDD v ABE [ AOE ` ENE L>*#BBB B(A0A8JW 8A0A(B BBBK ,?+ALN0N AAE 44?P,BAA G@  AABB l?,qD T H 4?8-ACG y CAH pCA<?-*BED A(J (A ABBD L@. BBE E(A0A8JV 8A0A(B BBBF LT@8BIB B(D0A8DPp 8D0A(B BBBK L@8BEB E(A0C8JM 8A0A(B BBBE <@@=6BEA A(GP (A ABBA 4A@>74LAh>`BGD Q ABG tABA>A>A?$A?=AAG qAAA? 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The terms .\" * are also available at .\" * .\" * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell .\" * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is .\" * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file. .\" * .\" * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY .\" * KIND, either express or implied. .\" * .\" ************************************************************************** .\" .\" DO NOT EDIT. Generated by the curl project man page generator. .\" .TH curl 1 "November 16, 2016" "Curl 7.64.0" "Curl Manual" .SH NAME curl \- transfer a URL .SH SYNOPSIS .B curl [options / URLs] .SH DESCRIPTION .B curl is a tool to transfer data from or to a server, using one of the supported protocols (DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMB, SMBS, SMTP, SMTPS, TELNET and TFTP). The command is designed to work without user interaction. curl offers a busload of useful tricks like proxy support, user authentication, FTP upload, HTTP post, SSL connections, cookies, file transfer resume, Metalink, and more. As you will see below, the number of features will make your head spin! curl is powered by libcurl for all transfer-related features. See \fIlibcurl(3)\fP for details. .SH URL The URL syntax is protocol-dependent. You'll find a detailed description in RFC 3986. You can specify multiple URLs or parts of URLs by writing part sets within braces as in: http://site.{one,two,three}.com or you can get sequences of alphanumeric series by using [] as in:[1-100].txt[001-100].txt (with leading zeros)[a-z].txt Nested sequences are not supported, but you can use several ones next to each other:[1996-1999]/vol[1-4]/part{a,b,c}.html You can specify any amount of URLs on the command line. They will be fetched in a sequential manner in the specified order. You can specify command line options and URLs mixed and in any order on the command line. You can specify a step counter for the ranges to get every Nth number or letter:[1-100:10].txt[a-z:2].txt When using [] or {} sequences when invoked from a command line prompt, you probably have to put the full URL within double quotes to avoid the shell from interfering with it. This also goes for other characters treated special, like for example '&', '?' and '*'. Provide the IPv6 zone index in the URL with an escaped percentage sign and the interface name. Like in http://[fe80::3%25eth0]/ If you specify URL without protocol:// prefix, curl will attempt to guess what protocol you might want. It will then default to HTTP but try other protocols based on often-used host name prefixes. For example, for host names starting with "ftp." curl will assume you want to speak FTP. curl will do its best to use what you pass to it as a URL. It is not trying to validate it as a syntactically correct URL by any means but is instead \fBvery\fP liberal with what it accepts. curl will attempt to re-use connections for multiple file transfers, so that getting many files from the same server will not do multiple connects / handshakes. This improves speed. Of course this is only done on files specified on a single command line and cannot be used between separate curl invokes. .SH "PROGRESS METER" curl normally displays a progress meter during operations, indicating the amount of transferred data, transfer speeds and estimated time left, etc. The progress meter displays number of bytes and the speeds are in bytes per second. The suffixes (k, M, G, T, P) are 1024 based. For example 1k is 1024 bytes. 1M is 1048576 bytes. curl displays this data to the terminal by default, so if you invoke curl to do an operation and it is about to write data to the terminal, it \fIdisables\fP the progress meter as otherwise it would mess up the output mixing progress meter and response data. If you want a progress meter for HTTP POST or PUT requests, you need to redirect the response output to a file, using shell redirect (>), \fI-o, --output\fP or similar. It is not the same case for FTP upload as that operation does not spit out any response data to the terminal. If you prefer a progress "bar" instead of the regular meter, \fI-#, --progress-bar\fP is your friend. You can also disable the progress meter completely with the \fI-s, --silent\fP option. .SH OPTIONS Options start with one or two dashes. Many of the options require an additional value next to them. The short "single-dash" form of the options, -d for example, may be used with or without a space between it and its value, although a space is a recommended separator. The long "double-dash" form, \fI-d, --data\fP for example, requires a space between it and its value. Short version options that don't need any additional values can be used immediately next to each other, like for example you can specify all the options -O, -L and -v at once as -OLv. In general, all boolean options are enabled with --\fBoption\fP and yet again disabled with --\fBno-\fPoption. That is, you use the exact same option name but prefix it with "no-". However, in this list we mostly only list and show the --option version of them. (This concept with --no options was added in 7.19.0. Previously most options were toggled on/off on repeated use of the same command line option.) .IP "--abstract-unix-socket " (HTTP) Connect through an abstract Unix domain socket, instead of using the network. Note: netstat shows the path of an abstract socket prefixed with '@', however the argument should not have this leading character. Added in 7.53.0. .IP "--anyauth" (HTTP) Tells curl to figure out authentication method by itself, and use the most secure one the remote site claims to support. This is done by first doing a request and checking the response-headers, thus possibly inducing an extra network round-trip. This is used instead of setting a specific authentication method, which you can do with \fI--basic\fP, \fI--digest\fP, \fI--ntlm\fP, and \fI--negotiate\fP. Using \fI--anyauth\fP is not recommended if you do uploads from stdin, since it may require data to be sent twice and then the client must be able to rewind. If the need should arise when uploading from stdin, the upload operation will fail. Used together with \fI-u, --user\fP. See also \fI--proxy-anyauth\fP and \fI--basic\fP and \fI--digest\fP. .IP "-a, --append" (FTP SFTP) When used in an upload, this makes curl append to the target file instead of overwriting it. If the remote file doesn't exist, it will be created. Note that this flag is ignored by some SFTP servers (including OpenSSH). .IP "--basic" (HTTP) Tells curl to use HTTP Basic authentication with the remote host. This is the default and this option is usually pointless, unless you use it to override a previously set option that sets a different authentication method (such as \fI--ntlm\fP, \fI--digest\fP, or \fI--negotiate\fP). Used together with \fI-u, --user\fP. See also \fI--proxy-basic\fP. .IP "--cacert " (TLS) Tells curl to use the specified certificate file to verify the peer. The file may contain multiple CA certificates. The certificate(s) must be in PEM format. Normally curl is built to use a default file for this, so this option is typically used to alter that default file. curl recognizes the environment variable named 'CURL_CA_BUNDLE' if it is set, and uses the given path as a path to a CA cert bundle. This option overrides that variable. The windows version of curl will automatically look for a CA certs file named \'curl-ca-bundle.crt\', either in the same directory as curl.exe, or in the Current Working Directory, or in any folder along your PATH. If curl is built against the NSS SSL library, the NSS PEM PKCS#11 module ( needs to be available for this option to work properly. (iOS and macOS only) If curl is built against Secure Transport, then this option is supported for backward compatibility with other SSL engines, but it should not be set. If the option is not set, then curl will use the certificates in the system and user Keychain to verify the peer, which is the preferred method of verifying the peer's certificate chain. (Schannel only) This option is supported for Schannel in Windows 7 or later with libcurl 7.60 or later. This option is supported for backward compatibility with other SSL engines; instead it is recommended to use Windows' store of root certificates (the default for Schannel). If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "--capath " (TLS) Tells curl to use the specified certificate directory to verify the peer. Multiple paths can be provided by separating them with ":" (e.g. \&"path1:path2:path3"). The certificates must be in PEM format, and if curl is built against OpenSSL, the directory must have been processed using the c_rehash utility supplied with OpenSSL. Using \fI--capath\fP can allow OpenSSL-powered curl to make SSL-connections much more efficiently than using \fI--cacert\fP if the --cacert file contains many CA certificates. If this option is set, the default capath value will be ignored, and if it is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "--cert-status" (TLS) Tells curl to verify the status of the server certificate by using the Certificate Status Request (aka. OCSP stapling) TLS extension. If this option is enabled and the server sends an invalid (e.g. expired) response, if the response suggests that the server certificate has been revoked, or no response at all is received, the verification fails. This is currently only implemented in the OpenSSL, GnuTLS and NSS backends. Added in 7.41.0. .IP "--cert-type " (TLS) Tells curl what type the provided client certificate is using. PEM, DER, ENG and P12 are recognized types. If not specified, PEM is assumed. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. See also \fI-E, --cert\fP and \fI--key\fP and \fI--key-type\fP. .IP "-E, --cert " (TLS) Tells curl to use the specified client certificate file when getting a file with HTTPS, FTPS or another SSL-based protocol. The certificate must be in PKCS#12 format if using Secure Transport, or PEM format if using any other engine. If the optional password isn't specified, it will be queried for on the terminal. Note that this option assumes a \&"certificate" file that is the private key and the client certificate concatenated! See \fI-E, --cert\fP and \fI--key\fP to specify them independently. If curl is built against the NSS SSL library then this option can tell curl the nickname of the certificate to use within the NSS database defined by the environment variable SSL_DIR (or by default /etc/pki/nssdb). If the NSS PEM PKCS#11 module ( is available then PEM files may be loaded. If you want to use a file from the current directory, please precede it with "./" prefix, in order to avoid confusion with a nickname. If the nickname contains ":", it needs to be preceded by "\\" so that it is not recognized as password delimiter. If the nickname contains "\\", it needs to be escaped as "\\\\" so that it is not recognized as an escape character. If curl is built against OpenSSL library, and the engine pkcs11 is available, then a PKCS#11 URI (RFC 7512) can be used to specify a certificate located in a PKCS#11 device. A string beginning with "pkcs11:" will be interpreted as a PKCS#11 URI. If a PKCS#11 URI is provided, then the \fI--engine\fP option will be set as "pkcs11" if none was provided and the \fI--cert-type\fP option will be set as "ENG" if none was provided. (iOS and macOS only) If curl is built against Secure Transport, then the certificate string can either be the name of a certificate/private key in the system or user keychain, or the path to a PKCS#12-encoded certificate and private key. If you want to use a file from the current directory, please precede it with "./" prefix, in order to avoid confusion with a nickname. (Schannel only) Client certificates must be specified by a path expression to a certificate store. (Loading PFX is not supported; you can import it to a store first). You can use "\\\\" to refer to a certificate in the system certificates store, for example, "CurrentUser\\MY\\934a7ac6f8a5d579285a74fa61e19f23ddfe8d7a". Thumbprint is usually a SHA-1 hex string which you can see in certificate details. Following store locations are supported: CurrentUser, LocalMachine, CurrentService, Services, CurrentUserGroupPolicy, LocalMachineGroupPolicy, LocalMachineEnterprise. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. See also \fI--cert-type\fP and \fI--key\fP and \fI--key-type\fP. .IP "--ciphers " (TLS) Specifies which ciphers to use in the connection. The list of ciphers must specify valid ciphers. Read up on SSL cipher list details on this URL: If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "--compressed-ssh" (SCP SFTP) Enables built-in SSH compression. This is a request, not an order; the server may or may not do it. Added in 7.56.0. .IP "--compressed" (HTTP) Request a compressed response using one of the algorithms curl supports, and save the uncompressed document. If this option is used and the server sends an unsupported encoding, curl will report an error. .IP "-K, --config " Specify a text file to read curl arguments from. The command line arguments found in the text file will be used as if they were provided on the command line. Options and their parameters must be specified on the same line in the file, separated by whitespace, colon, or the equals sign. Long option names can optionally be given in the config file without the initial double dashes and if so, the colon or equals characters can be used as separators. If the option is specified with one or two dashes, there can be no colon or equals character between the option and its parameter. If the parameter is to contain whitespace, the parameter must be enclosed within quotes. Within double quotes, the following escape sequences are available: \\\\, \\", \\t, \\n, \\r and \\v. A backslash preceding any other letter is ignored. If the first column of a config line is a '#' character, the rest of the line will be treated as a comment. Only write one option per physical line in the config file. Specify the filename to \fI-K, --config\fP as '-' to make curl read the file from stdin. Note that to be able to specify a URL in the config file, you need to specify it using the \fI--url\fP option, and not by simply writing the URL on its own line. So, it could look similar to this: url = "" When curl is invoked, it (unless \fI-q, --disable\fP is used) checks for a default config file and uses it if found. The default config file is checked for in the following places in this order: 1) curl tries to find the "home dir": It first checks for the CURL_HOME and then the HOME environment variables. Failing that, it uses getpwuid() on Unix-like systems (which returns the home dir given the current user in your system). On Windows, it then checks for the APPDATA variable, or as a last resort the '%USERPROFILE%\\Application Data'. 2) On windows, if there is no _curlrc file in the home dir, it checks for one in the same dir the curl executable is placed. On Unix-like systems, it will simply try to load .curlrc from the determined home dir. .nf # --- Example file --- # this is a comment url = "" output = "curlhere.html" user-agent = "superagent/1.0" # and fetch another URL too url = "" -O referer = "" # --- End of example file --- .fi This option can be used multiple times to load multiple config files. .IP "--connect-timeout " Maximum time in seconds that you allow curl's connection to take. This only limits the connection phase, so if curl connects within the given period it will continue - if not it will exit. Since version 7.32.0, this option accepts decimal values. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. See also \fI-m, --max-time\fP. .IP "--connect-to " For a request to the given HOST1:PORT1 pair, connect to HOST2:PORT2 instead. This option is suitable to direct requests at a specific server, e.g. at a specific cluster node in a cluster of servers. This option is only used to establish the network connection. It does NOT affect the hostname/port that is used for TLS/SSL (e.g. SNI, certificate verification) or for the application protocols. "HOST1" and "PORT1" may be the empty string, meaning "any host/port". "HOST2" and "PORT2" may also be the empty string, meaning "use the request's original host/port". A "host" specified to this option is compared as a string, so it needs to match the name used in request URL. It can be either numerical such as "" or the full host name such as "". This option can be used many times to add many connect rules. See also \fI--resolve\fP and \fI-H, --header\fP. Added in 7.49.0. .IP "-C, --continue-at " Continue/Resume a previous file transfer at the given offset. The given offset is the exact number of bytes that will be skipped, counting from the beginning of the source file before it is transferred to the destination. If used with uploads, the FTP server command SIZE will not be used by curl. Use "-C -" to tell curl to automatically find out where/how to resume the transfer. It then uses the given output/input files to figure that out. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. See also \fI-r, --range\fP. .IP "-c, --cookie-jar " (HTTP) Specify to which file you want curl to write all cookies after a completed operation. Curl writes all cookies from its in-memory cookie storage to the given file at the end of operations. If no cookies are known, no data will be written. The file will be written using the Netscape cookie file format. If you set the file name to a single dash, "-", the cookies will be written to stdout. This command line option will activate the cookie engine that makes curl record and use cookies. Another way to activate it is to use the \fI-b, --cookie\fP option. If the cookie jar can't be created or written to, the whole curl operation won't fail or even report an error clearly. Using \fI-v, --verbose\fP will get a warning displayed, but that is the only visible feedback you get about this possibly lethal situation. If this option is used several times, the last specified file name will be used. .IP "-b, --cookie " (HTTP) Pass the data to the HTTP server in the Cookie header. It is supposedly the data previously received from the server in a "Set-Cookie:" line. The data should be in the format "NAME1=VALUE1; NAME2=VALUE2". If no '=' symbol is used in the argument, it is instead treated as a filename to read previously stored cookie from. This option also activates the cookie engine which will make curl record incoming cookies, which may be handy if you're using this in combination with the \fI-L, --location\fP option or do multiple URL transfers on the same invoke. If the file name is exactly a minus ("-"), curl will instead the contents from stdin. The file format of the file to read cookies from should be plain HTTP headers (Set-Cookie style) or the Netscape/Mozilla cookie file format. The file specified with \fI-b, --cookie\fP is only used as input. No cookies will be written to the file. To store cookies, use the \fI-c, --cookie-jar\fP option. Exercise caution if you are using this option and multiple transfers may occur. If you use the NAME1=VALUE1; format, or in a file use the Set-Cookie format and don't specify a domain, then the cookie is sent for any domain (even after redirects are followed) and cannot be modified by a server-set cookie. If the cookie engine is enabled and a server sets a cookie of the same name then both will be sent on a future transfer to that server, likely not what you intended. To address these issues set a domain in Set-Cookie (doing that will include sub domains) or use the Netscape format. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Users very often want to both read cookies from a file and write updated cookies back to a file, so using both \fI-b, --cookie\fP and \fI-c, --cookie-jar\fP in the same command line is common. .IP "--create-dirs" When used in conjunction with the \fI-o, --output\fP option, curl will create the necessary local directory hierarchy as needed. This option creates the dirs mentioned with the \fI-o, --output\fP option, nothing else. If the --output file name uses no dir or if the dirs it mentions already exist, no dir will be created. To create remote directories when using FTP or SFTP, try \fI--ftp-create-dirs\fP. .IP "--crlf" (FTP SMTP) Convert LF to CRLF in upload. Useful for MVS (OS/390). (SMTP added in 7.40.0) .IP "--crlfile " (TLS) Provide a file using PEM format with a Certificate Revocation List that may specify peer certificates that are to be considered revoked. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Added in 7.19.7. .IP "--data-ascii " (HTTP) This is just an alias for \fI-d, --data\fP. .IP "--data-binary " (HTTP) This posts data exactly as specified with no extra processing whatsoever. If you start the data with the letter @, the rest should be a filename. Data is posted in a similar manner as \fI-d, --data\fP does, except that newlines and carriage returns are preserved and conversions are never done. Like \fI-d, --data\fP the default content-type sent to the server is application/x-www-form-urlencoded. If you want the data to be treated as arbitrary binary data by the server then set the content-type to octet-stream: -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream". If this option is used several times, the ones following the first will append data as described in \fI-d, --data\fP. .IP "--data-raw " (HTTP) This posts data similarly to \fI-d, --data\fP but without the special interpretation of the @ character. See also \fI-d, --data\fP. Added in 7.43.0. .IP "--data-urlencode " (HTTP) This posts data, similar to the other \fI-d, --data\fP options with the exception that this performs URL-encoding. To be CGI-compliant, the part should begin with a \fIname\fP followed by a separator and a content specification. The part can be passed to curl using one of the following syntaxes: .RS .IP "content" This will make curl URL-encode the content and pass that on. Just be careful so that the content doesn't contain any = or @ symbols, as that will then make the syntax match one of the other cases below! .IP "=content" This will make curl URL-encode the content and pass that on. The preceding = symbol is not included in the data. .IP "name=content" This will make curl URL-encode the content part and pass that on. Note that the name part is expected to be URL-encoded already. .IP "@filename" This will make curl load data from the given file (including any newlines), URL-encode that data and pass it on in the POST. .IP "name@filename" This will make curl load data from the given file (including any newlines), URL-encode that data and pass it on in the POST. The name part gets an equal sign appended, resulting in \fIname=urlencoded-file-content\fP. Note that the name is expected to be URL-encoded already. .RE See also \fI-d, --data\fP and \fI--data-raw\fP. Added in 7.18.0. .IP "-d, --data " (HTTP) Sends the specified data in a POST request to the HTTP server, in the same way that a browser does when a user has filled in an HTML form and presses the submit button. This will cause curl to pass the data to the server using the content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Compare to \fI-F, --form\fP. \fI--data-raw\fP is almost the same but does not have a special interpretation of the @ character. To post data purely binary, you should instead use the \fI--data-binary\fP option. To URL-encode the value of a form field you may use \fI--data-urlencode\fP. If any of these options is used more than once on the same command line, the data pieces specified will be merged together with a separating &-symbol. Thus, using '-d name=daniel -d skill=lousy' would generate a post chunk that looks like \&'name=daniel&skill=lousy'. If you start the data with the letter @, the rest should be a file name to read the data from, or - if you want curl to read the data from stdin. Multiple files can also be specified. Posting data from a file named 'foobar' would thus be done with \fI-d, --data\fP @foobar. When --data is told to read from a file like that, carriage returns and newlines will be stripped out. If you don't want the @ character to have a special interpretation use \fI--data-raw\fP instead. See also \fI--data-binary\fP and \fI--data-urlencode\fP and \fI--data-raw\fP. This option overrides \fI-F, --form\fP and \fI-I, --head\fP and \fI-T, --upload-file\fP. .IP "--delegation " (GSS/kerberos) Set LEVEL to tell the server what it is allowed to delegate when it comes to user credentials. .RS .IP "none" Don't allow any delegation. .IP "policy" Delegates if and only if the OK-AS-DELEGATE flag is set in the Kerberos service ticket, which is a matter of realm policy. .IP "always" Unconditionally allow the server to delegate. .RE .IP "--digest" (HTTP) Enables HTTP Digest authentication. This is an authentication scheme that prevents the password from being sent over the wire in clear text. Use this in combination with the normal \fI-u, --user\fP option to set user name and password. If this option is used several times, only the first one is used. See also \fI-u, --user\fP and \fI--proxy-digest\fP and \fI--anyauth\fP. This option overrides \fI--basic\fP and \fI--ntlm\fP and \fI--negotiate\fP. .IP "--disable-eprt" (FTP) Tell curl to disable the use of the EPRT and LPRT commands when doing active FTP transfers. Curl will normally always first attempt to use EPRT, then LPRT before using PORT, but with this option, it will use PORT right away. EPRT and LPRT are extensions to the original FTP protocol, and may not work on all servers, but they enable more functionality in a better way than the traditional PORT command. --eprt can be used to explicitly enable EPRT again and --no-eprt is an alias for \fI--disable-eprt\fP. If the server is accessed using IPv6, this option will have no effect as EPRT is necessary then. Disabling EPRT only changes the active behavior. If you want to switch to passive mode you need to not use \fI-P, --ftp-port\fP or force it with \fI--ftp-pasv\fP. .IP "--disable-epsv" (FTP) (FTP) Tell curl to disable the use of the EPSV command when doing passive FTP transfers. Curl will normally always first attempt to use EPSV before PASV, but with this option, it will not try using EPSV. --epsv can be used to explicitly enable EPSV again and --no-epsv is an alias for \fI--disable-epsv\fP. If the server is an IPv6 host, this option will have no effect as EPSV is necessary then. Disabling EPSV only changes the passive behavior. If you want to switch to active mode you need to use \fI-P, --ftp-port\fP. .IP "-q, --disable" If used as the first parameter on the command line, the \fIcurlrc\fP config file will not be read and used. See the \fI-K, --config\fP for details on the default config file search path. .IP "--disallow-username-in-url" (HTTP) This tells curl to exit if passed a url containing a username. See also \fI--proto\fP. Added in 7.61.0. .IP "--dns-interface " (DNS) Tell curl to send outgoing DNS requests through . This option is a counterpart to \fI--interface\fP (which does not affect DNS). The supplied string must be an interface name (not an address). See also \fI--dns-ipv4-addr\fP and \fI--dns-ipv6-addr\fP. \fI--dns-interface\fP requires that the underlying libcurl was built to support c-ares. Added in 7.33.0. .IP "--dns-ipv4-addr
" (DNS) Tell curl to bind to when making IPv4 DNS requests, so that the DNS requests originate from this address. The argument should be a single IPv4 address. See also \fI--dns-interface\fP and \fI--dns-ipv6-addr\fP. \fI--dns-ipv4-addr\fP requires that the underlying libcurl was built to support c-ares. Added in 7.33.0. .IP "--dns-ipv6-addr
" (DNS) Tell curl to bind to when making IPv6 DNS requests, so that the DNS requests originate from this address. The argument should be a single IPv6 address. See also \fI--dns-interface\fP and \fI--dns-ipv4-addr\fP. \fI--dns-ipv6-addr\fP requires that the underlying libcurl was built to support c-ares. Added in 7.33.0. .IP "--dns-servers " Set the list of DNS servers to be used instead of the system default. The list of IP addresses should be separated with commas. Port numbers may also optionally be given as \fI:\fP after each IP address. \fI--dns-servers\fP requires that the underlying libcurl was built to support c-ares. Added in 7.33.0. .IP "--doh-url " (all) Specifies which DNS-over-HTTPS (DOH) server to use to resolve hostnames, instead of using the default name resolver mechanism. The URL must be HTTPS. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "-D, --dump-header " (HTTP FTP) Write the received protocol headers to the specified file. This option is handy to use when you want to store the headers that an HTTP site sends to you. Cookies from the headers could then be read in a second curl invocation by using the \fI-b, --cookie\fP option! The \fI-c, --cookie-jar\fP option is a better way to store cookies. When used in FTP, the FTP server response lines are considered being "headers" and thus are saved there. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. See also \fI-o, --output\fP. .IP "--egd-file " (TLS) Specify the path name to the Entropy Gathering Daemon socket. The socket is used to seed the random engine for SSL connections. See also \fI--random-file\fP. .IP "--engine " (TLS) Select the OpenSSL crypto engine to use for cipher operations. Use \fI--engine\fP list to print a list of build-time supported engines. Note that not all (or none) of the engines may be available at run-time. .IP "--expect100-timeout " (HTTP) Maximum time in seconds that you allow curl to wait for a 100-continue response when curl emits an Expects: 100-continue header in its request. By default curl will wait one second. This option accepts decimal values! When curl stops waiting, it will continue as if the response has been received. See also \fI--connect-timeout\fP. Added in 7.47.0. .IP "--fail-early" Fail and exit on the first detected transfer error. When curl is used to do multiple transfers on the command line, it will attempt to operate on each given URL, one by one. By default, it will ignore errors if there are more URLs given and the last URL's success will determine the error code curl returns. So early failures will be "hidden" by subsequent successful transfers. Using this option, curl will instead return an error on the first transfer that fails, independent of the amount of URLs that are given on the command line. This way, no transfer failures go undetected by scripts and similar. This option is global and does not need to be specified for each use of \fI-:, --next\fP. This option does not imply \fI-f, --fail\fP, which causes transfers to fail due to the server's HTTP status code. You can combine the two options, however note \fI-f, --fail\fP is not global and is therefore contained by \fI-:, --next\fP. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "-f, --fail" (HTTP) Fail silently (no output at all) on server errors. This is mostly done to better enable scripts etc to better deal with failed attempts. In normal cases when an HTTP server fails to deliver a document, it returns an HTML document stating so (which often also describes why and more). This flag will prevent curl from outputting that and return error 22. This method is not fail-safe and there are occasions where non-successful response codes will slip through, especially when authentication is involved (response codes 401 and 407). .IP "--false-start" (TLS) Tells curl to use false start during the TLS handshake. False start is a mode where a TLS client will start sending application data before verifying the server's Finished message, thus saving a round trip when performing a full handshake. This is currently only implemented in the NSS and Secure Transport (on iOS 7.0 or later, or OS X 10.9 or later) backends. Added in 7.42.0. .IP "--form-string " (HTTP SMTP IMAP) Similar to \fI-F, --form\fP except that the value string for the named parameter is used literally. Leading \&'@' and \&'<' characters, and the \&';type=' string in the value have no special meaning. Use this in preference to \fI-F, --form\fP if there's any possibility that the string value may accidentally trigger the \&'@' or \&'<' features of \fI-F, --form\fP. See also \fI-F, --form\fP. .IP "-F, --form " (HTTP SMTP IMAP) For HTTP protocol family, this lets curl emulate a filled-in form in which a user has pressed the submit button. This causes curl to POST data using the Content-Type multipart/form-data according to RFC 2388. For SMTP and IMAP protocols, this is the mean to compose a multipart mail message to transmit. This enables uploading of binary files etc. To force the 'content' part to be a file, prefix the file name with an @ sign. To just get the content part from a file, prefix the file name with the symbol <. The difference between @ and < is then that @ makes a file get attached in the post as a file upload, while the < makes a text field and just get the contents for that text field from a file. Tell curl to read content from stdin instead of a file by using - as filename. This goes for both @ and < constructs. When stdin is used, the contents is buffered in memory first by curl to determine its size and allow a possible resend. Defining a part's data from a named non-regular file (such as a named pipe or similar) is unfortunately not subject to buffering and will be effectively read at transmission time; since the full size is unknown before the transfer starts, such data is sent as chunks by HTTP and rejected by IMAP. Example: send an image to an HTTP server, where \&'profile' is the name of the form-field to which the file portrait.jpg will be the input: curl -F profile=@portrait.jpg Example: send a your name and shoe size in two text fields to the server: curl -F name=John -F shoesize=11 Example: send a your essay in a text field to the server. Send it as a plain text field, but get the contents for it from a local file: curl -F "story=HTML message;type=text/html' \\ .br -F '=)' -F '=@textfile.txt' ... smtp:// Data can be encoded for transfer using encoder=. Available encodings are \fIbinary\fP and \fI8bit\fP that do nothing else than adding the corresponding Content-Transfer-Encoding header, \fI7bit\fP that only rejects 8-bit characters with a transfer error, \fIquoted-printable\fP and \fIbase64\fP that encodes data according to the corresponding schemes, limiting lines length to 76 characters. Example: send multipart mail with a quoted-printable text message and a base64 attached file: curl -F '=text message;encoder=quoted-printable' \\ .br -F '=@localfile;encoder=base64' ... smtp:// See further examples and details in the MANUAL. This option can be used multiple times. This option overrides \fI-d, --data\fP and \fI-I, --head\fP and \fI-T, --upload-file\fP. .IP "--ftp-account " (FTP) When an FTP server asks for "account data" after user name and password has been provided, this data is sent off using the ACCT command. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Added in 7.13.0. .IP "--ftp-alternative-to-user " (FTP) If authenticating with the USER and PASS commands fails, send this command. When connecting to Tumbleweed's Secure Transport server over FTPS using a client certificate, using "SITE AUTH" will tell the server to retrieve the username from the certificate. Added in 7.15.5. .IP "--ftp-create-dirs" (FTP SFTP) When an FTP or SFTP URL/operation uses a path that doesn't currently exist on the server, the standard behavior of curl is to fail. Using this option, curl will instead attempt to create missing directories. See also \fI--create-dirs\fP. .IP "--ftp-method " (FTP) Control what method curl should use to reach a file on an FTP(S) server. The method argument should be one of the following alternatives: .RS .IP multicwd curl does a single CWD operation for each path part in the given URL. For deep hierarchies this means very many commands. This is how RFC 1738 says it should be done. This is the default but the slowest behavior. .IP nocwd curl does no CWD at all. curl will do SIZE, RETR, STOR etc and give a full path to the server for all these commands. This is the fastest behavior. .IP singlecwd curl does one CWD with the full target directory and then operates on the file \&"normally" (like in the multicwd case). This is somewhat more standards compliant than 'nocwd' but without the full penalty of 'multicwd'. .RE Added in 7.15.1. .IP "--ftp-pasv" (FTP) Use passive mode for the data connection. Passive is the internal default behavior, but using this option can be used to override a previous \fI-P, --ftp-port\fP option. If this option is used several times, only the first one is used. Undoing an enforced passive really isn't doable but you must then instead enforce the correct \fI-P, --ftp-port\fP again. Passive mode means that curl will try the EPSV command first and then PASV, unless \fI--disable-epsv\fP is used. See also \fI--disable-epsv\fP. Added in 7.11.0. .IP "-P, --ftp-port
" (FTP) Reverses the default initiator/listener roles when connecting with FTP. This option makes curl use active mode. curl then tells the server to connect back to the client's specified address and port, while passive mode asks the server to setup an IP address and port for it to connect to.
should be one of: .RS .IP interface e.g. "eth0" to specify which interface's IP address you want to use (Unix only) .IP "IP address" e.g. "" to specify the exact IP address .IP "host name" e.g. "" to specify the machine .IP "-" make curl pick the same IP address that is already used for the control connection .RE If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Disable the use of PORT with \fI--ftp-pasv\fP. Disable the attempt to use the EPRT command instead of PORT by using \fI--disable-eprt\fP. EPRT is really PORT++. Since 7.19.5, you can append \&":[start]-[end]\&" to the right of the address, to tell curl what TCP port range to use. That means you specify a port range, from a lower to a higher number. A single number works as well, but do note that it increases the risk of failure since the port may not be available. See also \fI--ftp-pasv\fP and \fI--disable-eprt\fP. .IP "--ftp-pret" (FTP) Tell curl to send a PRET command before PASV (and EPSV). Certain FTP servers, mainly drftpd, require this non-standard command for directory listings as well as up and downloads in PASV mode. Added in 7.20.0. .IP "--ftp-skip-pasv-ip" (FTP) Tell curl to not use the IP address the server suggests in its response to curl's PASV command when curl connects the data connection. Instead curl will re-use the same IP address it already uses for the control connection. This option has no effect if PORT, EPRT or EPSV is used instead of PASV. See also \fI--ftp-pasv\fP. Added in 7.14.2. .IP "--ftp-ssl-ccc-mode " (FTP) Sets the CCC mode. The passive mode will not initiate the shutdown, but instead wait for the server to do it, and will not reply to the shutdown from the server. The active mode initiates the shutdown and waits for a reply from the server. See also \fI--ftp-ssl-ccc\fP. Added in 7.16.2. .IP "--ftp-ssl-ccc" (FTP) Use CCC (Clear Command Channel) Shuts down the SSL/TLS layer after authenticating. The rest of the control channel communication will be unencrypted. This allows NAT routers to follow the FTP transaction. The default mode is passive. See also \fI--ssl\fP and \fI--ftp-ssl-ccc-mode\fP. Added in 7.16.1. .IP "--ftp-ssl-control" (FTP) Require SSL/TLS for the FTP login, clear for transfer. Allows secure authentication, but non-encrypted data transfers for efficiency. Fails the transfer if the server doesn't support SSL/TLS. Added in 7.16.0. .IP "-G, --get" When used, this option will make all data specified with \fI-d, --data\fP, \fI--data-binary\fP or \fI--data-urlencode\fP to be used in an HTTP GET request instead of the POST request that otherwise would be used. The data will be appended to the URL with a '?' separator. If used in combination with \fI-I, --head\fP, the POST data will instead be appended to the URL with a HEAD request. If this option is used several times, only the first one is used. This is because undoing a GET doesn't make sense, but you should then instead enforce the alternative method you prefer. .IP "-g, --globoff" This option switches off the "URL globbing parser". When you set this option, you can specify URLs that contain the letters {}[] without having them being interpreted by curl itself. Note that these letters are not normal legal URL contents but they should be encoded according to the URI standard. .IP "--happy-eyeballs-timeout-ms " Happy eyeballs is an algorithm that attempts to connect to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for dual-stack hosts, preferring IPv6 first for the number of milliseconds. If the IPv6 address cannot be connected to within that time then a connection attempt is made to the IPv4 address in parallel. The first connection to be established is the one that is used. The range of suggested useful values is limited. Happy Eyeballs RFC 6555 says "It is RECOMMENDED that connection attempts be paced 150-250 ms apart to balance human factors against network load." libcurl currently defaults to 200 ms. Firefox and Chrome currently default to 300 ms. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Added in 7.59.0. .IP "--haproxy-protocol" (HTTP) Send a HAProxy PROXY protocol v1 header at the beginning of the connection. This is used by some load balancers and reverse proxies to indicate the client's true IP address and port. This option is primarily useful when sending test requests to a service that expects this header. Added in 7.60.0. .IP "-I, --head" (HTTP FTP FILE) Fetch the headers only! HTTP-servers feature the command HEAD which this uses to get nothing but the header of a document. When used on an FTP or FILE file, curl displays the file size and last modification time only. .IP "-H, --header
" (HTTP) Extra header to include in the request when sending HTTP to a server. You may specify any number of extra headers. Note that if you should add a custom header that has the same name as one of the internal ones curl would use, your externally set header will be used instead of the internal one. This allows you to make even trickier stuff than curl would normally do. You should not replace internally set headers without knowing perfectly well what you're doing. Remove an internal header by giving a replacement without content on the right side of the colon, as in: -H \&"Host:". If you send the custom header with no-value then its header must be terminated with a semicolon, such as \-H \&"X-Custom-Header;" to send "X-Custom-Header:". curl will make sure that each header you add/replace is sent with the proper end-of-line marker, you should thus \fBnot\fP add that as a part of the header content: do not add newlines or carriage returns, they will only mess things up for you. Starting in 7.55.0, this option can take an argument in @filename style, which then adds a header for each line in the input file. Using @- will make curl read the header file from stdin. See also the \fI-A, --user-agent\fP and \fI-e, --referer\fP options. Starting in 7.37.0, you need \fI--proxy-header\fP to send custom headers intended for a proxy. Example: curl -H "X-First-Name: Joe" \fBWARNING\fP: headers set with this option will be set in all requests - even after redirects are followed, like when told with \fI-L, --location\fP. This can lead to the header being sent to other hosts than the original host, so sensitive headers should be used with caution combined with following redirects. This option can be used multiple times to add/replace/remove multiple headers. .IP "-h, --help" Usage help. This lists all current command line options with a short description. .IP "--hostpubmd5 " (SFTP SCP) Pass a string containing 32 hexadecimal digits. The string should be the 128 bit MD5 checksum of the remote host's public key, curl will refuse the connection with the host unless the md5sums match. Added in 7.17.1. .IP "--http0.9" (HTTP) Tells curl to be fine with HTTP version 0.9 response. HTTP/0.9 is a completely headerless response and therefore you can also connect with this to non-HTTP servers and still get a response since curl will simply transparently downgrade - if allowed. A future curl version will deny continuing if the response isn't at least HTTP/1.0 unless this option is used. .IP "-0, --http1.0" (HTTP) Tells curl to use HTTP version 1.0 instead of using its internally preferred HTTP version. This option overrides \fI--http1.1\fP and \fI--http2\fP. .IP "--http1.1" (HTTP) Tells curl to use HTTP version 1.1. This option overrides \fI-0, --http1.0\fP and \fI--http2\fP. Added in 7.33.0. .IP "--http2-prior-knowledge" (HTTP) Tells curl to issue its non-TLS HTTP requests using HTTP/2 without HTTP/1.1 Upgrade. It requires prior knowledge that the server supports HTTP/2 straight away. HTTPS requests will still do HTTP/2 the standard way with negotiated protocol version in the TLS handshake. \fI--http2-prior-knowledge\fP requires that the underlying libcurl was built to support HTTP/2. This option overrides \fI--http1.1\fP and \fI-0, --http1.0\fP and \fI--http2\fP. Added in 7.49.0. .IP "--http2" (HTTP) Tells curl to use HTTP version 2. See also \fI--no-alpn\fP. \fI--http2\fP requires that the underlying libcurl was built to support HTTP/2. This option overrides \fI--http1.1\fP and \fI-0, --http1.0\fP and \fI--http2-prior-knowledge\fP. Added in 7.33.0. .IP "--ignore-content-length" (FTP HTTP) For HTTP, Ignore the Content-Length header. This is particularly useful for servers running Apache 1.x, which will report incorrect Content-Length for files larger than 2 gigabytes. For FTP (since 7.46.0), skip the RETR command to figure out the size before downloading a file. .IP "-i, --include" Include the HTTP response headers in the output. The HTTP response headers can include things like server name, cookies, date of the document, HTTP version and more... To view the request headers, consider the \fI-v, --verbose\fP option. See also \fI-v, --verbose\fP. .IP "-k, --insecure" (TLS) By default, every SSL connection curl makes is verified to be secure. This option allows curl to proceed and operate even for server connections otherwise considered insecure. The server connection is verified by making sure the server's certificate contains the right name and verifies successfully using the cert store. See this online resource for further details: See also \fI--proxy-insecure\fP and \fI--cacert\fP. .IP "--interface " Perform an operation using a specified interface. You can enter interface name, IP address or host name. An example could look like: curl --interface eth0:1 If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. On Linux it can be used to specify a VRF, but the binary needs to either have CAP_NET_RAW or to be run as root. More information about Linux VRF: See also \fI--dns-interface\fP. .IP "-4, --ipv4" This option tells curl to resolve names to IPv4 addresses only, and not for example try IPv6. See also \fI--http1.1\fP and \fI--http2\fP. This option overrides \fI-6, --ipv6\fP. .IP "-6, --ipv6" This option tells curl to resolve names to IPv6 addresses only, and not for example try IPv4. See also \fI--http1.1\fP and \fI--http2\fP. This option overrides \fI-4, --ipv4\fP. .IP "-j, --junk-session-cookies" (HTTP) When curl is told to read cookies from a given file, this option will make it discard all "session cookies". This will basically have the same effect as if a new session is started. Typical browsers always discard session cookies when they're closed down. See also \fI-b, --cookie\fP and \fI-c, --cookie-jar\fP. .IP "--keepalive-time " This option sets the time a connection needs to remain idle before sending keepalive probes and the time between individual keepalive probes. It is currently effective on operating systems offering the TCP_KEEPIDLE and TCP_KEEPINTVL socket options (meaning Linux, recent AIX, HP-UX and more). This option has no effect if \fI--no-keepalive\fP is used. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. If unspecified, the option defaults to 60 seconds. Added in 7.18.0. .IP "--key-type " (TLS) Private key file type. Specify which type your \fI--key\fP provided private key is. DER, PEM, and ENG are supported. If not specified, PEM is assumed. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "--key " (TLS SSH) Private key file name. Allows you to provide your private key in this separate file. For SSH, if not specified, curl tries the following candidates in order: '~/.ssh/id_rsa', '~/.ssh/id_dsa', './id_rsa', './id_dsa'. If curl is built against OpenSSL library, and the engine pkcs11 is available, then a PKCS#11 URI (RFC 7512) can be used to specify a private key located in a PKCS#11 device. A string beginning with "pkcs11:" will be interpreted as a PKCS#11 URI. If a PKCS#11 URI is provided, then the \fI--engine\fP option will be set as "pkcs11" if none was provided and the \fI--key-type\fP option will be set as "ENG" if none was provided. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "--krb " (FTP) Enable Kerberos authentication and use. The level must be entered and should be one of 'clear', 'safe', 'confidential', or 'private'. Should you use a level that is not one of these, 'private' will instead be used. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. \fI--krb\fP requires that the underlying libcurl was built to support Kerberos. .IP "--libcurl " Append this option to any ordinary curl command line, and you will get a libcurl-using C source code written to the file that does the equivalent of what your command-line operation does! If this option is used several times, the last given file name will be used. Added in 7.16.1. .IP "--limit-rate " Specify the maximum transfer rate you want curl to use - for both downloads and uploads. This feature is useful if you have a limited pipe and you'd like your transfer not to use your entire bandwidth. To make it slower than it otherwise would be. The given speed is measured in bytes/second, unless a suffix is appended. Appending 'k' or 'K' will count the number as kilobytes, 'm' or 'M' makes it megabytes, while 'g' or 'G' makes it gigabytes. Examples: 200K, 3m and 1G. If you also use the \fI-Y, --speed-limit\fP option, that option will take precedence and might cripple the rate-limiting slightly, to help keeping the speed-limit logic working. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "-l, --list-only" (FTP POP3) (FTP) When listing an FTP directory, this switch forces a name-only view. This is especially useful if the user wants to machine-parse the contents of an FTP directory since the normal directory view doesn't use a standard look or format. When used like this, the option causes a NLST command to be sent to the server instead of LIST. Note: Some FTP servers list only files in their response to NLST; they do not include sub-directories and symbolic links. (POP3) When retrieving a specific email from POP3, this switch forces a LIST command to be performed instead of RETR. This is particularly useful if the user wants to see if a specific message id exists on the server and what size it is. Note: When combined with \fI-X, --request\fP, this option can be used to send an UIDL command instead, so the user may use the email's unique identifier rather than it's message id to make the request. Added in 7.21.5. .IP "--local-port " Set a preferred single number or range (FROM-TO) of local port numbers to use for the connection(s). Note that port numbers by nature are a scarce resource that will be busy at times so setting this range to something too narrow might cause unnecessary connection setup failures. Added in 7.15.2. .IP "--location-trusted" (HTTP) Like \fI-L, --location\fP, but will allow sending the name + password to all hosts that the site may redirect to. This may or may not introduce a security breach if the site redirects you to a site to which you'll send your authentication info (which is plaintext in the case of HTTP Basic authentication). See also \fI-u, --user\fP. .IP "-L, --location" (HTTP) If the server reports that the requested page has moved to a different location (indicated with a Location: header and a 3XX response code), this option will make curl redo the request on the new place. If used together with \fI-i, --include\fP or \fI-I, --head\fP, headers from all requested pages will be shown. When authentication is used, curl only sends its credentials to the initial host. If a redirect takes curl to a different host, it won't be able to intercept the user+password. See also \fI--location-trusted\fP on how to change this. You can limit the amount of redirects to follow by using the \fI--max-redirs\fP option. When curl follows a redirect and the request is not a plain GET (for example POST or PUT), it will do the following request with a GET if the HTTP response was 301, 302, or 303. If the response code was any other 3xx code, curl will re-send the following request using the same unmodified method. You can tell curl to not change the non-GET request method to GET after a 30x response by using the dedicated options for that: \fI--post301\fP, \fI--post302\fP and \fI--post303\fP. .IP "--login-options " (IMAP POP3 SMTP) Specify the login options to use during server authentication. You can use the login options to specify protocol specific options that may be used during authentication. At present only IMAP, POP3 and SMTP support login options. For more information about the login options please see RFC 2384, RFC 5092 and IETF draft draft-earhart-url-smtp-00.txt If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Added in 7.34.0. .IP "--mail-auth
" (SMTP) Specify a single address. This will be used to specify the authentication address (identity) of a submitted message that is being relayed to another server. See also \fI--mail-rcpt\fP and \fI--mail-from\fP. Added in 7.25.0. .IP "--mail-from
" (SMTP) Specify a single address that the given mail should get sent from. See also \fI--mail-rcpt\fP and \fI--mail-auth\fP. Added in 7.20.0. .IP "--mail-rcpt
" (SMTP) Specify a single address, user name or mailing list name. Repeat this option several times to send to multiple recipients. When performing a mail transfer, the recipient should specify a valid email address to send the mail to. When performing an address verification (VRFY command), the recipient should be specified as the user name or user name and domain (as per Section 3.5 of RFC5321). (Added in 7.34.0) When performing a mailing list expand (EXPN command), the recipient should be specified using the mailing list name, such as "Friends" or "London-Office". (Added in 7.34.0) Added in 7.20.0. .IP "-M, --manual" Manual. Display the huge help text. .IP "--max-filesize " Specify the maximum size (in bytes) of a file to download. If the file requested is larger than this value, the transfer will not start and curl will return with exit code 63. A size modifier may be used. For example, Appending 'k' or 'K' will count the number as kilobytes, 'm' or 'M' makes it megabytes, while 'g' or 'G' makes it gigabytes. Examples: 200K, 3m and 1G. (Added in 7.58.0) \fBNOTE:\fP The file size is not always known prior to download, and for such files this option has no effect even if the file transfer ends up being larger than this given limit. This concerns both FTP and HTTP transfers. See also \fI--limit-rate\fP. .IP "--max-redirs " (HTTP) Set maximum number of redirection-followings allowed. When \fI-L, --location\fP is used, is used to prevent curl from following redirections \&"in absurdum". By default, the limit is set to 50 redirections. Set this option to -1 to make it unlimited. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "-m, --max-time " Maximum time in seconds that you allow the whole operation to take. This is useful for preventing your batch jobs from hanging for hours due to slow networks or links going down. Since 7.32.0, this option accepts decimal values, but the actual timeout will decrease in accuracy as the specified timeout increases in decimal precision. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. See also \fI--connect-timeout\fP. .IP "--metalink" This option can tell curl to parse and process a given URI as Metalink file (both version 3 and 4 (RFC 5854) are supported) and make use of the mirrors listed within for failover if there are errors (such as the file or server not being available). It will also verify the hash of the file after the download completes. The Metalink file itself is downloaded and processed in memory and not stored in the local file system. Example to use a remote Metalink file: curl --metalink To use a Metalink file in the local file system, use FILE protocol (file://): curl --metalink file://example.metalink Please note that if FILE protocol is disabled, there is no way to use a local Metalink file at the time of this writing. Also note that if \fI--metalink\fP and \fI-i, --include\fP are used together, --include will be ignored. This is because including headers in the response will break Metalink parser and if the headers are included in the file described in Metalink file, hash check will fail. \fI--metalink\fP requires that the underlying libcurl was built to support metalink. Added in 7.27.0. .IP "--negotiate" (HTTP) Enables Negotiate (SPNEGO) authentication. This option requires a library built with GSS-API or SSPI support. Use \fI-V, --version\fP to see if your curl supports GSS-API/SSPI or SPNEGO. When using this option, you must also provide a fake \fI-u, --user\fP option to activate the authentication code properly. Sending a '-u :' is enough as the user name and password from the \fI-u, --user\fP option aren't actually used. If this option is used several times, only the first one is used. See also \fI--basic\fP and \fI--ntlm\fP and \fI--anyauth\fP and \fI--proxy-negotiate\fP. .IP "--netrc-file " This option is similar to \fI-n, --netrc\fP, except that you provide the path (absolute or relative) to the netrc file that curl should use. You can only specify one netrc file per invocation. If several \fI--netrc-file\fP options are provided, the last one will be used. It will abide by \fI--netrc-optional\fP if specified. This option overrides \fI-n, --netrc\fP. Added in 7.21.5. .IP "--netrc-optional" Very similar to \fI-n, --netrc\fP, but this option makes the .netrc usage \fBoptional\fP and not mandatory as the \fI-n, --netrc\fP option does. See also \fI--netrc-file\fP. This option overrides \fI-n, --netrc\fP. .IP "-n, --netrc" Makes curl scan the \fI.netrc\fP (\fI_netrc\fP on Windows) file in the user's home directory for login name and password. This is typically used for FTP on Unix. If used with HTTP, curl will enable user authentication. See \fInetrc(5)\fP \fIftp(1)\fP for details on the file format. Curl will not complain if that file doesn't have the right permissions (it should not be either world- or group-readable). The environment variable "HOME" is used to find the home directory. A quick and very simple example of how to setup a \fI.netrc\fP to allow curl to FTP to the machine with user name \&'myself' and password \&'secret' should look similar to: .B "machine login myself password secret" .IP "-:, --next" Tells curl to use a separate operation for the following URL and associated options. This allows you to send several URL requests, each with their own specific options, for example, such as different user names or custom requests for each. \fI-:, --next\fP will reset all local options and only global ones will have their values survive over to the operation following the \fI-:, --next\fP instruction. Global options include \fI-v, --verbose\fP, \fI--trace\fP, \fI--trace-ascii\fP and \fI--fail-early\fP. For example, you can do both a GET and a POST in a single command line: curl --next -d postthis Added in 7.36.0. .IP "--no-alpn" (HTTPS) Disable the ALPN TLS extension. ALPN is enabled by default if libcurl was built with an SSL library that supports ALPN. ALPN is used by a libcurl that supports HTTP/2 to negotiate HTTP/2 support with the server during https sessions. See also \fI--no-npn\fP and \fI--http2\fP. \fI--no-alpn\fP requires that the underlying libcurl was built to support TLS. Added in 7.36.0. .IP "-N, --no-buffer" Disables the buffering of the output stream. In normal work situations, curl will use a standard buffered output stream that will have the effect that it will output the data in chunks, not necessarily exactly when the data arrives. Using this option will disable that buffering. Note that this is the negated option name documented. You can thus use --buffer to enforce the buffering. .IP "--no-keepalive" Disables the use of keepalive messages on the TCP connection. curl otherwise enables them by default. Note that this is the negated option name documented. You can thus use --keepalive to enforce keepalive. .IP "--no-npn" (HTTPS) Disable the NPN TLS extension. NPN is enabled by default if libcurl was built with an SSL library that supports NPN. NPN is used by a libcurl that supports HTTP/2 to negotiate HTTP/2 support with the server during https sessions. See also \fI--no-alpn\fP and \fI--http2\fP. \fI--no-npn\fP requires that the underlying libcurl was built to support TLS. Added in 7.36.0. .IP "--no-sessionid" (TLS) Disable curl's use of SSL session-ID caching. By default all transfers are done using the cache. Note that while nothing should ever get hurt by attempting to reuse SSL session-IDs, there seem to be broken SSL implementations in the wild that may require you to disable this in order for you to succeed. Note that this is the negated option name documented. You can thus use --sessionid to enforce session-ID caching. Added in 7.16.0. .IP "--noproxy " Comma-separated list of hosts which do not use a proxy, if one is specified. The only wildcard is a single * character, which matches all hosts, and effectively disables the proxy. Each name in this list is matched as either a domain which contains the hostname, or the hostname itself. For example, would match,, and, but not Since 7.53.0, This option overrides the environment variables that disable the proxy. If there's an environment variable disabling a proxy, you can set noproxy list to \&"" to override it. Added in 7.19.4. .IP "--ntlm-wb" (HTTP) Enables NTLM much in the style \fI--ntlm\fP does, but hand over the authentication to the separate binary ntlmauth application that is executed when needed. See also \fI--ntlm\fP and \fI--proxy-ntlm\fP. .IP "--ntlm" (HTTP) Enables NTLM authentication. The NTLM authentication method was designed by Microsoft and is used by IIS web servers. It is a proprietary protocol, reverse-engineered by clever people and implemented in curl based on their efforts. This kind of behavior should not be endorsed, you should encourage everyone who uses NTLM to switch to a public and documented authentication method instead, such as Digest. If you want to enable NTLM for your proxy authentication, then use \fI--proxy-ntlm\fP. If this option is used several times, only the first one is used. See also \fI--proxy-ntlm\fP. \fI--ntlm\fP requires that the underlying libcurl was built to support TLS. This option overrides \fI--basic\fP and \fI--negotiate\fP and \fI--digest\fP and \fI--anyauth\fP. .IP "--oauth2-bearer " (IMAP POP3 SMTP) Specify the Bearer Token for OAUTH 2.0 server authentication. The Bearer Token is used in conjunction with the user name which can be specified as part of the \fI--url\fP or \fI-u, --user\fP options. The Bearer Token and user name are formatted according to RFC 6750. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "-o, --output " Write output to instead of stdout. If you are using {} or [] to fetch multiple documents, you can use '#' followed by a number in the specifier. That variable will be replaced with the current string for the URL being fetched. Like in: curl http://{one,two} -o "file_#1.txt" or use several variables like: curl http://{site,host}.host[1-5].com -o "#1_#2" You may use this option as many times as the number of URLs you have. For example, if you specify two URLs on the same command line, you can use it like this: curl -o aa -o bb and the order of the -o options and the URLs doesn't matter, just that the first -o is for the first URL and so on, so the above command line can also be written as curl -o aa -o bb See also the \fI--create-dirs\fP option to create the local directories dynamically. Specifying the output as '-' (a single dash) will force the output to be done to stdout. See also \fI-O, --remote-name\fP and \fI--remote-name-all\fP and \fI-J, --remote-header-name\fP. .IP "--pass " (SSH TLS) Passphrase for the private key If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "--path-as-is" Tell curl to not handle sequences of /../ or /./ in the given URL path. Normally curl will squash or merge them according to standards but with this option set you tell it not to do that. Added in 7.42.0. .IP "--pinnedpubkey " (TLS) Tells curl to use the specified public key file (or hashes) to verify the peer. This can be a path to a file which contains a single public key in PEM or DER format, or any number of base64 encoded sha256 hashes preceded by \'sha256//\' and separated by \';\' When negotiating a TLS or SSL connection, the server sends a certificate indicating its identity. A public key is extracted from this certificate and if it does not exactly match the public key provided to this option, curl will abort the connection before sending or receiving any data. PEM/DER support: 7.39.0: OpenSSL, GnuTLS and GSKit 7.43.0: NSS and wolfSSL/CyaSSL 7.47.0: mbedtls 7.49.0: PolarSSL sha256 support: 7.44.0: OpenSSL, GnuTLS, NSS and wolfSSL/CyaSSL. 7.47.0: mbedtls 7.49.0: PolarSSL Other SSL backends not supported. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "--post301" (HTTP) Tells curl to respect RFC 7231/6.4.2 and not convert POST requests into GET requests when following a 301 redirection. The non-RFC behaviour is ubiquitous in web browsers, so curl does the conversion by default to maintain consistency. However, a server may require a POST to remain a POST after such a redirection. This option is meaningful only when using \fI-L, --location\fP. See also \fI--post302\fP and \fI--post303\fP and \fI-L, --location\fP. Added in 7.17.1. .IP "--post302" (HTTP) Tells curl to respect RFC 7231/6.4.3 and not convert POST requests into GET requests when following a 302 redirection. The non-RFC behaviour is ubiquitous in web browsers, so curl does the conversion by default to maintain consistency. However, a server may require a POST to remain a POST after such a redirection. This option is meaningful only when using \fI-L, --location\fP. See also \fI--post301\fP and \fI--post303\fP and \fI-L, --location\fP. Added in 7.19.1. .IP "--post303" (HTTP) Tells curl to violate RFC 7231/6.4.4 and not convert POST requests into GET requests when following 303 redirections. A server may require a POST to remain a POST after a 303 redirection. This option is meaningful only when using \fI-L, --location\fP. See also \fI--post302\fP and \fI--post301\fP and \fI-L, --location\fP. Added in 7.26.0. .IP "--preproxy [protocol://]host[:port]" Use the specified SOCKS proxy before connecting to an HTTP or HTTPS \fI-x, --proxy\fP. In such a case curl first connects to the SOCKS proxy and then connects (through SOCKS) to the HTTP or HTTPS proxy. Hence pre proxy. The pre proxy string should be specified with a protocol:// prefix to specify alternative proxy protocols. Use socks4://, socks4a://, socks5:// or socks5h:// to request the specific SOCKS version to be used. No protocol specified will make curl default to SOCKS4. If the port number is not specified in the proxy string, it is assumed to be 1080. User and password that might be provided in the proxy string are URL decoded by curl. This allows you to pass in special characters such as @ by using %40 or pass in a colon with %3a. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "-#, --progress-bar" Make curl display transfer progress as a simple progress bar instead of the standard, more informational, meter. This progress bar draws a single line of '#' characters across the screen and shows a percentage if the transfer size is known. For transfers without a known size, there will be space ship (-=o=-) that moves back and forth but only while data is being transferred, with a set of flying hash sign symbols on top. .IP "--proto-default " Tells curl to use \fIprotocol\fP for any URL missing a scheme name. Example: curl --proto-default https An unknown or unsupported protocol causes error \fICURLE_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL\fP (1). This option does not change the default proxy protocol (http). Without this option curl would make a guess based on the host, see \fI--url\fP for details. Added in 7.45.0. .IP "--proto-redir " Tells curl to limit what protocols it may use on redirect. Protocols denied by \fI--proto\fP are not overridden by this option. See --proto for how protocols are represented. Example, allow only HTTP and HTTPS on redirect: curl --proto-redir -all,http,https By default curl will allow all protocols on redirect except several disabled for security reasons: Since 7.19.4 FILE and SCP are disabled, and since 7.40.0 SMB and SMBS are also disabled. Specifying \fIall\fP or \fI+all\fP enables all protocols on redirect, including those disabled for security. Added in 7.20.2. .IP "--proto " Tells curl to limit what protocols it may use in the transfer. Protocols are evaluated left to right, are comma separated, and are each a protocol name or 'all', optionally prefixed by zero or more modifiers. Available modifiers are: .RS .TP 3 .B + Permit this protocol in addition to protocols already permitted (this is the default if no modifier is used). .TP .B - Deny this protocol, removing it from the list of protocols already permitted. .TP .B = Permit only this protocol (ignoring the list already permitted), though subject to later modification by subsequent entries in the comma separated list. .RE .IP For example: .RS .TP 15 .B \fI--proto\fP -ftps uses the default protocols, but disables ftps .TP .B \fI--proto\fP -all,https,+http only enables http and https .TP .B \fI--proto\fP =http,https also only enables http and https .RE Unknown protocols produce a warning. This allows scripts to safely rely on being able to disable potentially dangerous protocols, without relying upon support for that protocol being built into curl to avoid an error. This option can be used multiple times, in which case the effect is the same as concatenating the protocols into one instance of the option. See also \fI--proto-redir\fP and \fI--proto-default\fP. Added in 7.20.2. .IP "--proxy-anyauth" Tells curl to pick a suitable authentication method when communicating with the given HTTP proxy. This might cause an extra request/response round-trip. See also \fI-x, --proxy\fP and \fI--proxy-basic\fP and \fI--proxy-digest\fP. Added in 7.13.2. .IP "--proxy-basic" Tells curl to use HTTP Basic authentication when communicating with the given proxy. Use \fI--basic\fP for enabling HTTP Basic with a remote host. Basic is the default authentication method curl uses with proxies. See also \fI-x, --proxy\fP and \fI--proxy-anyauth\fP and \fI--proxy-digest\fP. .IP "--proxy-cacert " Same as \fI--cacert\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. See also \fI--proxy-capath\fP and \fI--cacert\fP and \fI--capath\fP and \fI-x, --proxy\fP. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--proxy-capath " Same as \fI--capath\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. See also \fI--proxy-cacert\fP and \fI-x, --proxy\fP and \fI--capath\fP. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--proxy-cert-type " Same as \fI--cert-type\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--proxy-cert " Same as \fI-E, --cert\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--proxy-ciphers " Same as \fI--ciphers\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--proxy-crlfile " Same as \fI--crlfile\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--proxy-digest" Tells curl to use HTTP Digest authentication when communicating with the given proxy. Use \fI--digest\fP for enabling HTTP Digest with a remote host. See also \fI-x, --proxy\fP and \fI--proxy-anyauth\fP and \fI--proxy-basic\fP. .IP "--proxy-header
" (HTTP) Extra header to include in the request when sending HTTP to a proxy. You may specify any number of extra headers. This is the equivalent option to \fI-H, --header\fP but is for proxy communication only like in CONNECT requests when you want a separate header sent to the proxy to what is sent to the actual remote host. curl will make sure that each header you add/replace is sent with the proper end-of-line marker, you should thus \fBnot\fP add that as a part of the header content: do not add newlines or carriage returns, they will only mess things up for you. Headers specified with this option will not be included in requests that curl knows will not be sent to a proxy. Starting in 7.55.0, this option can take an argument in @filename style, which then adds a header for each line in the input file. Using @- will make curl read the header file from stdin. This option can be used multiple times to add/replace/remove multiple headers. Added in 7.37.0. .IP "--proxy-insecure" Same as \fI-k, --insecure\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--proxy-key-type " Same as \fI--key-type\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--proxy-key " Same as \fI--key\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. .IP "--proxy-negotiate" Tells curl to use HTTP Negotiate (SPNEGO) authentication when communicating with the given proxy. Use \fI--negotiate\fP for enabling HTTP Negotiate (SPNEGO) with a remote host. See also \fI--proxy-anyauth\fP and \fI--proxy-basic\fP. Added in 7.17.1. .IP "--proxy-ntlm" Tells curl to use HTTP NTLM authentication when communicating with the given proxy. Use \fI--ntlm\fP for enabling NTLM with a remote host. See also \fI--proxy-negotiate\fP and \fI--proxy-anyauth\fP. .IP "--proxy-pass " Same as \fI--pass\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--proxy-pinnedpubkey " (TLS) Tells curl to use the specified public key file (or hashes) to verify the proxy. This can be a path to a file which contains a single public key in PEM or DER format, or any number of base64 encoded sha256 hashes preceded by \'sha256//\' and separated by \';\' When negotiating a TLS or SSL connection, the server sends a certificate indicating its identity. A public key is extracted from this certificate and if it does not exactly match the public key provided to this option, curl will abort the connection before sending or receiving any data. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "--proxy-service-name " This option allows you to change the service name for proxy negotiation. Added in 7.43.0. .IP "--proxy-ssl-allow-beast" Same as \fI--ssl-allow-beast\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--proxy-tls13-ciphers " (TLS) Specifies which cipher suites to use in the connection to your HTTPS proxy when it negotiates TLS 1.3. The list of ciphers suites must specify valid ciphers. Read up on TLS 1.3 cipher suite details on this URL: If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "--proxy-tlsauthtype " Same as \fI--tlsauthtype\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--proxy-tlspassword " Same as \fI--tlspassword\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--proxy-tlsuser " Same as \fI--tlsuser\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--proxy-tlsv1" Same as \fI-1, --tlsv1\fP but used in HTTPS proxy context. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "-U, --proxy-user " Specify the user name and password to use for proxy authentication. If you use a Windows SSPI-enabled curl binary and do either Negotiate or NTLM authentication then you can tell curl to select the user name and password from your environment by specifying a single colon with this option: "-U :". If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "-x, --proxy [protocol://]host[:port]" Use the specified proxy. The proxy string can be specified with a protocol:// prefix. No protocol specified or http:// will be treated as HTTP proxy. Use socks4://, socks4a://, socks5:// or socks5h:// to request a specific SOCKS version to be used. (The protocol support was added in curl 7.21.7) HTTPS proxy support via https:// protocol prefix was added in 7.52.0 for OpenSSL, GnuTLS and NSS. Unrecognized and unsupported proxy protocols cause an error since 7.52.0. Prior versions may ignore the protocol and use http:// instead. If the port number is not specified in the proxy string, it is assumed to be 1080. This option overrides existing environment variables that set the proxy to use. If there's an environment variable setting a proxy, you can set proxy to \&"" to override it. All operations that are performed over an HTTP proxy will transparently be converted to HTTP. It means that certain protocol specific operations might not be available. This is not the case if you can tunnel through the proxy, as one with the \fI-p, --proxytunnel\fP option. User and password that might be provided in the proxy string are URL decoded by curl. This allows you to pass in special characters such as @ by using %40 or pass in a colon with %3a. The proxy host can be specified the exact same way as the proxy environment variables, including the protocol prefix (http://) and the embedded user + password. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "--proxy1.0 " Use the specified HTTP 1.0 proxy. If the port number is not specified, it is assumed at port 1080. The only difference between this and the HTTP proxy option \fI-x, --proxy\fP, is that attempts to use CONNECT through the proxy will specify an HTTP 1.0 protocol instead of the default HTTP 1.1. .IP "-p, --proxytunnel" When an HTTP proxy is used \fI-x, --proxy\fP, this option will cause non-HTTP protocols to attempt to tunnel through the proxy instead of merely using it to do HTTP-like operations. The tunnel approach is made with the HTTP proxy CONNECT request and requires that the proxy allows direct connect to the remote port number curl wants to tunnel through to. To suppress proxy CONNECT response headers when curl is set to output headers use \fI--suppress-connect-headers\fP. See also \fI-x, --proxy\fP. .IP "--pubkey " (SFTP SCP) Public key file name. Allows you to provide your public key in this separate file. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. (As of 7.39.0, curl attempts to automatically extract the public key from the private key file, so passing this option is generally not required. Note that this public key extraction requires libcurl to be linked against a copy of libssh2 1.2.8 or higher that is itself linked against OpenSSL.) .IP "-Q, --quote" (FTP SFTP) Send an arbitrary command to the remote FTP or SFTP server. Quote commands are sent BEFORE the transfer takes place (just after the initial PWD command in an FTP transfer, to be exact). To make commands take place after a successful transfer, prefix them with a dash '-'. To make commands be sent after curl has changed the working directory, just before the transfer command(s), prefix the command with a '+' (this is only supported for FTP). You may specify any number of commands. If the server returns failure for one of the commands, the entire operation will be aborted. You must send syntactically correct FTP commands as RFC 959 defines to FTP servers, or one of the commands listed below to SFTP servers. This option can be used multiple times. When speaking to an FTP server, prefix the command with an asterisk (*) to make curl continue even if the command fails as by default curl will stop at first failure. SFTP is a binary protocol. Unlike for FTP, curl interprets SFTP quote commands itself before sending them to the server. File names may be quoted shell-style to embed spaces or special characters. Following is the list of all supported SFTP quote commands: .RS .IP "chgrp group file" The chgrp command sets the group ID of the file named by the file operand to the group ID specified by the group operand. The group operand is a decimal integer group ID. .IP "chmod mode file" The chmod command modifies the file mode bits of the specified file. The mode operand is an octal integer mode number. .IP "chown user file" The chown command sets the owner of the file named by the file operand to the user ID specified by the user operand. The user operand is a decimal integer user ID. .IP "ln source_file target_file" The ln and symlink commands create a symbolic link at the target_file location pointing to the source_file location. .IP "mkdir directory_name" The mkdir command creates the directory named by the directory_name operand. .IP "pwd" The pwd command returns the absolute pathname of the current working directory. .IP "rename source target" The rename command renames the file or directory named by the source operand to the destination path named by the target operand. .IP "rm file" The rm command removes the file specified by the file operand. .IP "rmdir directory" The rmdir command removes the directory entry specified by the directory operand, provided it is empty. .IP "symlink source_file target_file" See ln. .RE .IP "--random-file " Specify the path name to file containing what will be considered as random data. The data may be used to seed the random engine for SSL connections. See also the \fI--egd-file\fP option. .IP "-r, --range " (HTTP FTP SFTP FILE) Retrieve a byte range (i.e. a partial document) from an HTTP/1.1, FTP or SFTP server or a local FILE. Ranges can be specified in a number of ways. .RS .TP 10 .B 0-499 specifies the first 500 bytes .TP .B 500-999 specifies the second 500 bytes .TP .B -500 specifies the last 500 bytes .TP .B 9500- specifies the bytes from offset 9500 and forward .TP .B 0-0,-1 specifies the first and last byte only(*)(HTTP) .TP .B 100-199,500-599 specifies two separate 100-byte ranges(*) (HTTP) .RE .IP (*) = NOTE that this will cause the server to reply with a multipart response! Only digit characters (0-9) are valid in the 'start' and 'stop' fields of the \&'start-stop' range syntax. If a non-digit character is given in the range, the server's response will be unspecified, depending on the server's configuration. You should also be aware that many HTTP/1.1 servers do not have this feature enabled, so that when you attempt to get a range, you'll instead get the whole document. FTP and SFTP range downloads only support the simple 'start-stop' syntax (optionally with one of the numbers omitted). FTP use depends on the extended FTP command SIZE. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "--raw" (HTTP) When used, it disables all internal HTTP decoding of content or transfer encodings and instead makes them passed on unaltered, raw. Added in 7.16.2. .IP "-e, --referer " (HTTP) Sends the "Referrer Page" information to the HTTP server. This can also be set with the \fI-H, --header\fP flag of course. When used with \fI-L, --location\fP you can append ";auto" to the \fI-e, --referer\fP URL to make curl automatically set the previous URL when it follows a Location: header. The \&";auto" string can be used alone, even if you don't set an initial \fI-e, --referer\fP. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. See also \fI-A, --user-agent\fP and \fI-H, --header\fP. .IP "-J, --remote-header-name" (HTTP) This option tells the \fI-O, --remote-name\fP option to use the server-specified Content-Disposition filename instead of extracting a filename from the URL. If the server specifies a file name and a file with that name already exists in the current working directory it will not be overwritten and an error will occur. If the server doesn't specify a file name then this option has no effect. There's no attempt to decode %-sequences (yet) in the provided file name, so this option may provide you with rather unexpected file names. \fBWARNING\fP: Exercise judicious use of this option, especially on Windows. A rogue server could send you the name of a DLL or other file that could possibly be loaded automatically by Windows or some third party software. .IP "--remote-name-all" This option changes the default action for all given URLs to be dealt with as if \fI-O, --remote-name\fP were used for each one. So if you want to disable that for a specific URL after \fI--remote-name-all\fP has been used, you must use "-o -" or --no-remote-name. Added in 7.19.0. .IP "-O, --remote-name" Write output to a local file named like the remote file we get. (Only the file part of the remote file is used, the path is cut off.) The file will be saved in the current working directory. If you want the file saved in a different directory, make sure you change the current working directory before invoking curl with this option. The remote file name to use for saving is extracted from the given URL, nothing else, and if it already exists it will be overwritten. If you want the server to be able to choose the file name refer to \fI-J, --remote-header-name\fP which can be used in addition to this option. If the server chooses a file name and that name already exists it will not be overwritten. There is no URL decoding done on the file name. If it has %20 or other URL encoded parts of the name, they will end up as-is as file name. You may use this option as many times as the number of URLs you have. .IP "-R, --remote-time" When used, this will make curl attempt to figure out the timestamp of the remote file, and if that is available make the local file get that same timestamp. .IP "--request-target" (HTTP) Tells curl to use an alternative "target" (path) instead of using the path as provided in the URL. Particularly useful when wanting to issue HTTP requests without leading slash or other data that doesn't follow the regular URL pattern, like "OPTIONS *". Added in 7.55.0. .IP "-X, --request " (HTTP) Specifies a custom request method to use when communicating with the HTTP server. The specified request method will be used instead of the method otherwise used (which defaults to GET). Read the HTTP 1.1 specification for details and explanations. Common additional HTTP requests include PUT and DELETE, but related technologies like WebDAV offers PROPFIND, COPY, MOVE and more. Normally you don't need this option. All sorts of GET, HEAD, POST and PUT requests are rather invoked by using dedicated command line options. This option only changes the actual word used in the HTTP request, it does not alter the way curl behaves. So for example if you want to make a proper HEAD request, using -X HEAD will not suffice. You need to use the \fI-I, --head\fP option. The method string you set with \fI-X, --request\fP will be used for all requests, which if you for example use \fI-L, --location\fP may cause unintended side-effects when curl doesn't change request method according to the HTTP 30x response codes - and similar. (FTP) Specifies a custom FTP command to use instead of LIST when doing file lists with FTP. (POP3) Specifies a custom POP3 command to use instead of LIST or RETR. (Added in 7.26.0) (IMAP) Specifies a custom IMAP command to use instead of LIST. (Added in 7.30.0) (SMTP) Specifies a custom SMTP command to use instead of HELP or VRFY. (Added in 7.34.0) If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "--resolve " Provide a custom address for a specific host and port pair. Using this, you can make the curl requests(s) use a specified address and prevent the otherwise normally resolved address to be used. Consider it a sort of /etc/hosts alternative provided on the command line. The port number should be the number used for the specific protocol the host will be used for. It means you need several entries if you want to provide address for the same host but different ports. By specifying '*' as host you can tell curl to resolve any host and specific port pair to the specified address. Wildcard is resolved last so any \fI--resolve\fP with a specific host and port will be used first. The provided address set by this option will be used even if \fI-4, --ipv4\fP or \fI-6, --ipv6\fP is set to make curl use another IP version. Support for providing the IP address within [brackets] was added in 7.57.0. Support for providing multiple IP addresses per entry was added in 7.59.0. Support for resolving with wildcard was added in 7.64.0. This option can be used many times to add many host names to resolve. Added in 7.21.3. .IP "--retry-connrefused" In addition to the other conditions, consider ECONNREFUSED as a transient error too for \fI--retry\fP. This option is used together with --retry. Added in 7.52.0. .IP "--retry-delay " Make curl sleep this amount of time before each retry when a transfer has failed with a transient error (it changes the default backoff time algorithm between retries). This option is only interesting if \fI--retry\fP is also used. Setting this delay to zero will make curl use the default backoff time. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Added in 7.12.3. .IP "--retry-max-time " The retry timer is reset before the first transfer attempt. Retries will be done as usual (see \fI--retry\fP) as long as the timer hasn't reached this given limit. Notice that if the timer hasn't reached the limit, the request will be made and while performing, it may take longer than this given time period. To limit a single request\'s maximum time, use \fI-m, --max-time\fP. Set this option to zero to not timeout retries. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Added in 7.12.3. .IP "--retry " If a transient error is returned when curl tries to perform a transfer, it will retry this number of times before giving up. Setting the number to 0 makes curl do no retries (which is the default). Transient error means either: a timeout, an FTP 4xx response code or an HTTP 408 or 5xx response code. When curl is about to retry a transfer, it will first wait one second and then for all forthcoming retries it will double the waiting time until it reaches 10 minutes which then will be the delay between the rest of the retries. By using \fI--retry-delay\fP you disable this exponential backoff algorithm. See also \fI--retry-max-time\fP to limit the total time allowed for retries. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Added in 7.12.3. .IP "--sasl-ir" Enable initial response in SASL authentication. Added in 7.31.0. .IP "--service-name " This option allows you to change the service name for SPNEGO. Examples: \fI--negotiate\fP \fI--service-name\fP sockd would use sockd/server-name. Added in 7.43.0. .IP "-S, --show-error" When used with \fI-s, --silent\fP, it makes curl show an error message if it fails. .IP "-s, --silent" Silent or quiet mode. Don't show progress meter or error messages. Makes Curl mute. It will still output the data you ask for, potentially even to the terminal/stdout unless you redirect it. Use \fI-S, --show-error\fP in addition to this option to disable progress meter but still show error messages. See also \fI-v, --verbose\fP and \fI--stderr\fP. .IP "--socks4 " Use the specified SOCKS4 proxy. If the port number is not specified, it is assumed at port 1080. This option overrides any previous use of \fI-x, --proxy\fP, as they are mutually exclusive. Since 7.21.7, this option is superfluous since you can specify a socks4 proxy with \fI-x, --proxy\fP using a socks4:// protocol prefix. Since 7.52.0, \fI--preproxy\fP can be used to specify a SOCKS proxy at the same time \fI-x, --proxy\fP is used with an HTTP/HTTPS proxy. In such a case curl first connects to the SOCKS proxy and then connects (through SOCKS) to the HTTP or HTTPS proxy. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Added in 7.15.2. .IP "--socks4a " Use the specified SOCKS4a proxy. If the port number is not specified, it is assumed at port 1080. This option overrides any previous use of \fI-x, --proxy\fP, as they are mutually exclusive. Since 7.21.7, this option is superfluous since you can specify a socks4a proxy with \fI-x, --proxy\fP using a socks4a:// protocol prefix. Since 7.52.0, \fI--preproxy\fP can be used to specify a SOCKS proxy at the same time \fI-x, --proxy\fP is used with an HTTP/HTTPS proxy. In such a case curl first connects to the SOCKS proxy and then connects (through SOCKS) to the HTTP or HTTPS proxy. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Added in 7.18.0. .IP "--socks5-basic" Tells curl to use username/password authentication when connecting to a SOCKS5 proxy. The username/password authentication is enabled by default. Use \fI--socks5-gssapi\fP to force GSS-API authentication to SOCKS5 proxies. Added in 7.55.0. .IP "--socks5-gssapi-nec" As part of the GSS-API negotiation a protection mode is negotiated. RFC 1961 says in section 4.3/4.4 it should be protected, but the NEC reference implementation does not. The option \fI--socks5-gssapi-nec\fP allows the unprotected exchange of the protection mode negotiation. Added in 7.19.4. .IP "--socks5-gssapi-service " The default service name for a socks server is rcmd/server-fqdn. This option allows you to change it. Examples: \fI--socks5\fP proxy-name \fI--socks5-gssapi-service\fP sockd would use sockd/proxy-name \fI--socks5\fP proxy-name \fI--socks5-gssapi-service\fP sockd/real-name would use sockd/real-name for cases where the proxy-name does not match the principal name. Added in 7.19.4. .IP "--socks5-gssapi" Tells curl to use GSS-API authentication when connecting to a SOCKS5 proxy. The GSS-API authentication is enabled by default (if curl is compiled with GSS-API support). Use \fI--socks5-basic\fP to force username/password authentication to SOCKS5 proxies. Added in 7.55.0. .IP "--socks5-hostname " Use the specified SOCKS5 proxy (and let the proxy resolve the host name). If the port number is not specified, it is assumed at port 1080. This option overrides any previous use of \fI-x, --proxy\fP, as they are mutually exclusive. Since 7.21.7, this option is superfluous since you can specify a socks5 hostname proxy with \fI-x, --proxy\fP using a socks5h:// protocol prefix. Since 7.52.0, \fI--preproxy\fP can be used to specify a SOCKS proxy at the same time \fI-x, --proxy\fP is used with an HTTP/HTTPS proxy. In such a case curl first connects to the SOCKS proxy and then connects (through SOCKS) to the HTTP or HTTPS proxy. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Added in 7.18.0. .IP "--socks5 " Use the specified SOCKS5 proxy - but resolve the host name locally. If the port number is not specified, it is assumed at port 1080. This option overrides any previous use of \fI-x, --proxy\fP, as they are mutually exclusive. Since 7.21.7, this option is superfluous since you can specify a socks5 proxy with \fI-x, --proxy\fP using a socks5:// protocol prefix. Since 7.52.0, \fI--preproxy\fP can be used to specify a SOCKS proxy at the same time \fI-x, --proxy\fP is used with an HTTP/HTTPS proxy. In such a case curl first connects to the SOCKS proxy and then connects (through SOCKS) to the HTTP or HTTPS proxy. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. This option (as well as \fI--socks4\fP) does not work with IPV6, FTPS or LDAP. Added in 7.18.0. .IP "-Y, --speed-limit " If a download is slower than this given speed (in bytes per second) for speed-time seconds it gets aborted. speed-time is set with \fI-y, --speed-time\fP and is 30 if not set. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "-y, --speed-time " If a download is slower than speed-limit bytes per second during a speed-time period, the download gets aborted. If speed-time is used, the default speed-limit will be 1 unless set with \fI-Y, --speed-limit\fP. This option controls transfers and thus will not affect slow connects etc. If this is a concern for you, try the \fI--connect-timeout\fP option. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. .IP "--ssl-allow-beast" This option tells curl to not work around a security flaw in the SSL3 and TLS1.0 protocols known as BEAST. If this option isn't used, the SSL layer may use workarounds known to cause interoperability problems with some older SSL implementations. WARNING: this option loosens the SSL security, and by using this flag you ask for exactly that. Added in 7.25.0. .IP "--ssl-no-revoke" (Schannel) This option tells curl to disable certificate revocation checks. WARNING: this option loosens the SSL security, and by using this flag you ask for exactly that. Added in 7.44.0. .IP "--ssl-reqd" (FTP IMAP POP3 SMTP) Require SSL/TLS for the connection. Terminates the connection if the server doesn't support SSL/TLS. This option was formerly known as --ftp-ssl-reqd. Added in 7.20.0. .IP "--ssl" (FTP IMAP POP3 SMTP) Try to use SSL/TLS for the connection. Reverts to a non-secure connection if the server doesn't support SSL/TLS. See also \fI--ftp-ssl-control\fP and \fI--ssl-reqd\fP for different levels of encryption required. This option was formerly known as --ftp-ssl (Added in 7.11.0). That option name can still be used but will be removed in a future version. Added in 7.20.0. .IP "-2, --sslv2" (SSL) Forces curl to use SSL version 2 when negotiating with a remote SSL server. Sometimes curl is built without SSLv2 support. SSLv2 is widely considered insecure (see RFC 6176). See also \fI--http1.1\fP and \fI--http2\fP. \fI-2, --sslv2\fP requires that the underlying libcurl was built to support TLS. This option overrides \fI-3, --sslv3\fP and \fI-1, --tlsv1\fP and \fI--tlsv1.1\fP and \fI--tlsv1.2\fP. .IP "-3, --sslv3" (SSL) Forces curl to use SSL version 3 when negotiating with a remote SSL server. Sometimes curl is built without SSLv3 support. SSLv3 is widely considered insecure (see RFC 7568). See also \fI--http1.1\fP and \fI--http2\fP. \fI-3, --sslv3\fP requires that the underlying libcurl was built to support TLS. This option overrides \fI-2, --sslv2\fP and \fI-1, --tlsv1\fP and \fI--tlsv1.1\fP and \fI--tlsv1.2\fP. .IP "--stderr" Redirect all writes to stderr to the specified file instead. If the file name is a plain '-', it is instead written to stdout. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. See also \fI-v, --verbose\fP and \fI-s, --silent\fP. .IP "--styled-output" Enables the automatic use of bold font styles when writing HTTP headers to the terminal. Use --no-styled-output to switch them off. Added in 7.61.0. .IP "--suppress-connect-headers" When \fI-p, --proxytunnel\fP is used and a CONNECT request is made don't output proxy CONNECT response headers. This option is meant to be used with \fI-D, --dump-header\fP or \fI-i, --include\fP which are used to show protocol headers in the output. It has no effect on debug options such as \fI-v, --verbose\fP or \fI--trace\fP, or any statistics. See also \fI-D, --dump-header\fP and \fI-i, --include\fP and \fI-p, --proxytunnel\fP. .IP "--tcp-fastopen" Enable use of TCP Fast Open (RFC7413). Added in 7.49.0. .IP "--tcp-nodelay" Turn on the TCP_NODELAY option. See the \fIcurl_easy_setopt(3)\fP man page for details about this option. Since 7.50.2, curl sets this option by default and you need to explicitly switch it off if you don't want it on. Added in 7.11.2. .IP "-t, --telnet-option " Pass options to the telnet protocol. Supported options are: TTYPE= Sets the terminal type. XDISPLOC= Sets the X display location. NEW_ENV= Sets an environment variable. .IP "--tftp-blksize " (TFTP) Set TFTP BLKSIZE option (must be >512). This is the block size that curl will try to use when transferring data to or from a TFTP server. By default 512 bytes will be used. If this option is used several times, the last one will be used. Added in 7.20.0. .IP "--tftp-no-options" (TFTP) Tells curl not to send TFTP options requests. This option improves interop with some legacy servers that do not acknowledge or properly implement TFTP options. When this option is used \fI--tftp-blksize\fP is ignored. Added in 7.48.0. .IP "-z, --time-cond