etc/xml/catalog000064400000002223147207413530007461 0ustar00 0ustar00# This file is part of systemd. # # Copyright 2012 Lennart Poettering # Copyright 2014, 2015 Piotr Drąg # # systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with systemd; If not, see . # Message catalog for systemd's own messages # Polish translation # The catalog format is documented on # # For an explanation why we do all this, see -- f77379a8490b408bbe5f6940505a777b Subject: Uruchomiono dziennik Defined-By: systemd Support: Systemowy proces dziennika został uruchomiony, otworzył pliki dziennika do zapisu i jest gotowy do przetwarzania żądań. -- d93fb3c9c24d451a97cea615ce59c00b Subject: Zatrzymano dziennik Defined-By: systemd Support: Systemowy proces dziennika został wyłączony i zamknął wszystkie obecnie aktywne pliki dziennika. -- a596d6fe7bfa4994828e72309e95d61e Subject: Ograniczono komunikaty z usługi Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:journald.conf(5) Usługa zapisała za dużo komunikatów w określonym czasie. Komunikaty z usługi zostały pominięte. Proszę zauważyć, że tylko komunikaty z danej usługi zostały pominięte. Nie ma to wpływu na komunikaty innych usług. Ograniczenia kontrolujące pomijanie komunikatów mogą być konfigurowane za pomocą opcji RateLimitInterval= i RateLimitBurst= w pliku /etc/systemd/journald.conf. Strona journald.conf(5) zawiera więcej informacji. -- e9bf28e6e834481bb6f48f548ad13606 Subject: Utracono komunikaty dziennika Defined-By: systemd Support: Komunikaty jądra zostały utracone, ponieważ system dziennika nie mógł przetworzyć ich odpowiednio szybko. -- fc2e22bc6ee647b6b90729ab34a250b1 Subject: Proces @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) zrzucił plik core Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Proces @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) uległ awarii i zrzucił plik core. Zwykle wskazuje to na błąd programistyczny w danym programie i powinno zostać zgłoszone jego producentowi jako błąd. -- 8d45620c1a4348dbb17410da57c60c66 Subject: Utworzono nową sesję @SESSION_ID@ dla użytkownika @USER_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Nowa sesja o identyfikatorze @SESSION_ID@ została utworzona dla użytkownika @USER_ID@. Proces prowadzący sesji: @LEADER@. -- 3354939424b4456d9802ca8333ed424a Subject: Zakończono sesję @SESSION_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Sesja o identyfikatorze @SESSION_ID@ została zakończona. -- fcbefc5da23d428093f97c82a9290f7b Subject: Dostępne jest nowe stanowisko @SEAT_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Nowe stanowisko @SEAT_ID@ zostało skonfigurowane i jest teraz dostępne. -- e7852bfe46784ed0accde04bc864c2d5 Subject: Usunięto stanowisko @SEAT_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Stanowisko @SEAT_ID@ zostało usunięte i nie jest już dostępne. -- c7a787079b354eaaa9e77b371893cd27 Subject: Zmiana czasu Defined-By: systemd Support: Zegar systemowy został zmieniony na @REALTIME@ μs po 1 stycznia 1970. -- 45f82f4aef7a4bbf942ce861d1f20990 Subject: Zmiana strefy czasowej na @TIMEZONE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Systemowa strefa czasowa została zmieniona na @TIMEZONE@. -- b07a249cd024414a82dd00cd181378ff Subject: Ukończono uruchamianie systemu Defined-By: systemd Support: Wszystkie usługi systemowe obowiązkowo zakolejkowane do włączenia podczas uruchamiania systemu zostały pomyślnie uruchomione. Proszę zauważyć, że nie oznacza to, że komputer jest bezczynny, jako że usługi mogą wciąż kończyć proces uruchamiania. Uruchamianie jądra zajęło @KERNEL_USEC@ μs. Uruchamianie początkowego dysku RAM zajęło @INITRD_USEC@ μs. Uruchamianie przestrzeni użytkownika zajęło @USERSPACE_USEC@ μs. -- 6bbd95ee977941e497c48be27c254128 Subject: Przejście do stanu uśpienia @SLEEP@ Defined-By: systemd Support: System przeszedł do stanu uśpienia @SLEEP@. -- 8811e6df2a8e40f58a94cea26f8ebf14 Subject: Wyjście ze stanu uśpienia @SLEEP@ Defined-By: systemd Support: System wyszedł ze stanu uśpienia @SLEEP@. -- 98268866d1d54a499c4e98921d93bc40 Subject: Zainicjowano wyłączenie systemu Defined-By: systemd Support: Zainicjowano wyłączenie systemd. Wyłączenie zostało rozpoczęte i wszystkie usługi systemowe zostały zakończone, a wszystkie systemy plików odmontowane. -- 7d4958e842da4a758f6c1cdc7b36dcc5 Subject: Rozpoczęto uruchamianie jednostki @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ rozpoczęła uruchamianie. -- 39f53479d3a045ac8e11786248231fbf Subject: Ukończono uruchamianie jednostki @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ ukończyła uruchamianie. Wynik uruchamiania: @RESULT@. -- de5b426a63be47a7b6ac3eaac82e2f6f Subject: Rozpoczęto wyłączanie jednostki @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ rozpoczęła wyłączanie. -- 9d1aaa27d60140bd96365438aad20286 Subject: Ukończono wyłączanie jednostki @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ ukończyła wyłączanie. -- be02cf6855d2428ba40df7e9d022f03d Subject: Jednostka @UNIT@ się nie powiodła Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ się nie powiodła. Wynik: @RESULT@. -- d34d037fff1847e6ae669a370e694725 Subject: Rozpoczęto ponowne wczytywanie konfiguracji jednostki @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ rozpoczęła ponowne wczytywanie swojej konfiguracji. -- 7b05ebc668384222baa8881179cfda54 Subject: Ukończono ponowne wczytywanie konfiguracji jednostki @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ ukończyła ponowne wczytywanie swojej konfiguracji. Wynik: @RESULT@. -- 641257651c1b4ec9a8624d7a40a9e1e7 Subject: Nie można wykonać procesu @EXECUTABLE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Proces @EXECUTABLE@ nie mógł zostać wykonany i się nie powiódł. Numer błędu zwrócony przez ten proces: @ERRNO@. -- 0027229ca0644181a76c4e92458afa2e Subject: Nie można przekazać jednego lub więcej komunikatów do syslog Defined-By: systemd Support: Jeden lub więcej komunikatów nie może zostać przekazanych do usługi syslog uruchomionej obok journald. Zwykle oznacza to, że implementacja syslog nie jest w stanie nadążyć za prędkością kolejki komunikatów. -- 1dee0369c7fc4736b7099b38ecb46ee7 Subject: Punkt montowania nie jest pusty Defined-By: systemd Support: Katalog @WHERE@ został podany jako punkt montowania (drugie pole w pliku /etc/fstab lub pole Where= w pliku jednostki systemd) i nie jest pusty. Nie wpływa to na montowanie, ale wcześniej istniejące pliki w tym katalogu stają się niedostępne. Aby zobaczyć te pliki, proszę ręcznie zamontować system plików w innym położeniu. -- 24d8d4452573402496068381a6312df2 Subject: Uruchomiono maszynę wirtualną lub kontener Defined-By: systemd Support: Maszyna wirtualna @NAME@ (PID prowadzący @LEADER@) została uruchomiona i jest gotowa do użycia. -- 58432bd3bace477cb514b56381b8a758 Subject: Zakończono maszynę wirtualną lub kontener Defined-By: systemd Support: Maszyna wirtualna @NAME@ (PID prowadzący @LEADER@) została wyłączona. 0ustar00# This file is part of systemd. # # Copyright 2013 Daniele Medri # # systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with systemd; If not, see . # Message catalog for systemd's own messages -- f77379a8490b408bbe5f6940505a777b Subject: Il registro è stato avviato Defined-By: systemd Support: Il processo relativo al registro di sistema è stato avviato, ha aperto i file in scrittura ed è ora pronto a gestire richieste. -- d93fb3c9c24d451a97cea615ce59c00b Subject: Il registro è stato terminato Defined-By: systemd Support: Il processo relativo al registro di sistema è stato terminato e ha chiuso tutti i file attivi. -- a596d6fe7bfa4994828e72309e95d61e Subject: I messaggi di un servizio sono stati soppressi Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:journald.conf(5) Un servizio ha registrato troppi messaggi in un dato periodo di tempo. I messaggi del servizio sono stati eliminati. Solo i messaggi del servizio indicato sono stati eliminati, i messaggi degli altri servizi rimangono invariati. I limiti oltre i quali i messaggi si eliminano si configurano con RateLimitInterval= e RateLimitBurst= in /etc/systemd/journald.conf. Vedi journald.conf(5) per maggiori informazioni. -- e9bf28e6e834481bb6f48f548ad13606 Subject: I messaggi di un servizio sono stati perduti Defined-By: systemd Support: I messaggi del kernel sono stati perduti perché, il registro di sistema non è stato in grado di gestirli abbastanza velocemente. -- fc2e22bc6ee647b6b90729ab34a250b1 Subject: Il processo @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) ha generato un dump. Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Il processo @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) si è bloccato generando un dump. Questo di solito capita per un errore di programmazione nell'applicazione e dovrebbe essere segnalato al vendor come un bug. -- 8d45620c1a4348dbb17410da57c60c66 Subject: La nuova sessione @SESSION_ID@ è stata creata per l'utente @USER_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Una nuova sessione con ID @SESSION_ID@ è stata creata per l'utente @USER_ID@. Il processo primario della sessione è @LEADER@. -- 3354939424b4456d9802ca8333ed424a Subject: La sessione @SESSION_ID@ è terminata Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: La sessione con ID @SESSION_ID@ è terminata. -- fcbefc5da23d428093f97c82a9290f7b Subject: La nuova postazione @SEAT_ID@ è ora disponibile Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: La nuova postazione @SEAT_ID@ è stata configurata ed è ora disponibile. -- e7852bfe46784ed0accde04bc864c2d5 Subject: La postazione @SEAT_ID@ è stata rimossa Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: La postazione @SEAT_ID@ è stata rimossa e non è più disponibile. -- c7a787079b354eaaa9e77b371893cd27 Subject: Cambio d'orario Defined-By: systemd Support: L'orologio di sistema è cambiato in @REALTIME@ microsecondi dal 1 gennaio, 1970. -- 45f82f4aef7a4bbf942ce861d1f20990 Subject: Il fuso orario è cambiato in @TIMEZONE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Il fuso orario di sistema è cambiato in @TIMEZONE@. -- b07a249cd024414a82dd00cd181378ff Subject: Avvio del sistema completato. Defined-By: systemd Support: Tutti i servizi di sistema richiesti per la fase di avvio sono stati eseguiti con successo. Nota che la macchina potrebbe non essere ancora pronta in quanto i servizi attivati sono in fase di completamento. L'avvio del kernel ha richiesto @KERNEL_USEC@ microsecondi. L'avvio del disco RAM ha richiesto @INITRD_USEC@ microsecondi. L'avvio dello userspace ha richiesto @USERSPACE_USEC@ microsecondi. -- 6bbd95ee977941e497c48be27c254128 Subject: Il sistema è entrato in fase di pausa @SLEEP@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Il sistema è entrato nello stato di pausa @SLEEP@. -- 8811e6df2a8e40f58a94cea26f8ebf14 Subject: Il sistema è uscito dalla fase di pausa @SLEEP@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Il sistema è uscito dallo stato di pausa @SLEEP@. -- 98268866d1d54a499c4e98921d93bc40 Subject: Il sistema è in fase di spegnimento Defined-By: systemd Support: Systemd è in fase di spegnimento. Tutti i servizi di sistema saranno terminati e tutti i file systems smontati. -- 7d4958e842da4a758f6c1cdc7b36dcc5 Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ inizia la fase di avvio Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ ha iniziato la fase di avvio. -- 39f53479d3a045ac8e11786248231fbf Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ termina la fase di avvio Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ ha terminato la fase di avvio. La fase di avvio è @RESULT@. -- de5b426a63be47a7b6ac3eaac82e2f6f Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ inizia la fase di spegnimento Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ ha iniziato la fase di spegnimento. -- 9d1aaa27d60140bd96365438aad20286 Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ termina la fase di spegnimento Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ ha terminato la fase di spegnimento. -- be02cf6855d2428ba40df7e9d022f03d Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ è fallita Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ è fallita. Il risultato è @RESULT@. -- d34d037fff1847e6ae669a370e694725 Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ inizia a caricare la propria configurazione Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ è iniziata ricaricando la propria configurazione -- 7b05ebc668384222baa8881179cfda54 Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ termina il caricamento della propria configurazione Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ è terminata ricaricando la propria configurazione Il risultato è @RESULT@. -- 641257651c1b4ec9a8624d7a40a9e1e7 Subject: Il processo @EXECUTABLE@ non può essere eseguito Defined-By: systemd Support: Il processo @EXECUTABLE@ non può essere eseguito e termina. Il numero di errore restituito durante l'esecuzione del processo è @ERRNO@. -- 0027229ca0644181a76c4e92458afa2e Subject: Uno o più messaggi non possono essere inoltrati a syslog Defined-By: systemd Support: Uno o più messaggi non possono essere inviati al servizio syslog eseguito in parallelo a journald. Questo di solito capita perché, l'implementazione di syslog non sta al passo con la velocità dei messaggi accodati. -- 1dee0369c7fc4736b7099b38ecb46ee7 Subject: Il punto di montaggio non è vuoto Defined-By: systemd Support: La directory @WHERE@ è specificata come punto di montaggio (secondo campo in /etc/fstab o nel campo Where= del file unità di systemd) e non è vuoto. Questo non interferisce con il montaggio, ma i file pre-esistenti in questa directory diventano inaccessibili. Per visualizzare i file, si suggerisce di montare manualmente il file system indicato in una posizione secondaria. -- 24d8d4452573402496068381a6312df2 Subject: Avviata macchina virtuale o container Defined-By: systemd Support: La macchina virtuale @NAME@ con PID primario @LEADER@ è stata avviata ed è pronta all'uso. -- 58432bd3bace477cb514b56381b8a758 Subject: Terminata macchina virtuale o container Defined-By: systemd Support: La macchina virtuale @NAME@ con PID primario @LEADER@ è stata spenta. systemd.pt_BR.catalog000064400000023030147207610030010573 0ustar00# This file is part of systemd. # # Copyright 2012 Lennart Poettering # Copyright 2015 Rafael Ferreira (translation) # # systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with systemd; If not, see . # Catálogo de mensagens para as mensagens do próprio systemd # O formato do catálogo está documentado em # # Para uma explicação do porquê de fazermos tudo isso, veja # -- f77379a8490b408bbe5f6940505a777b Subject: O jornal foi inciado Defined-By: systemd Support: O processo jornal do sistema foi iniciado, arquivos foram abertos e está pronto para processar requisições. -- d93fb3c9c24d451a97cea615ce59c00b Subject: O jornal foi interrompido Defined-By: systemd Support: O processo do jornal do sistema foi desligado e todos os arquivos de jornal do sistema foram fechados. -- a596d6fe7bfa4994828e72309e95d61e Subject: Mensagens de um serviço foram suprimidas Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:journald.conf(5) Um serviço registrou no log um número excessivo de mensagens dentro de um período de tempo. Mensagens do serviço foram descartadas. Note que apenas mensagens de um serviço em questão foram descartadas; outras mensagens dos serviços não foram afetadas. Os controles de limites de quando as mensagens são descartadas pode ser configurado com RateLimitInterval= e RateLimitBurst= no /etc/systemd/journald.conf. Veja journald.conf(5) para detalhes. -- e9bf28e6e834481bb6f48f548ad13606 Subject: Mensagens do jornal foram perdidas Defined-By: systemd Support: Mensagens do kernel foram perdidas pois o sistema do jornal não pôde processá-las em velocidade suficiente para a demanda. -- fc2e22bc6ee647b6b90729ab34a250b1 Subject: Processo @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) despejou núcleo Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Processo @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) travou e despejou o núcleo. Isso normalmente indica um erro de programação no programa que travou e deveria ser relatado para seu fabricante como um erro. -- 8d45620c1a4348dbb17410da57c60c66 Subject: A nova sessão @SESSION_ID@ foi criada para usuário o @USER_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Uma nova sessão com o ID @SESSION_ID@ foi criada para o usuário @USER_ID@. O processo originador da sessão é @LEADER@. -- 3354939424b4456d9802ca8333ed424a Subject: Sessão @SESSION_ID@ foi terminada Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Um sessão com o ID @SESSION_ID@ foi terminada. -- fcbefc5da23d428093f97c82a9290f7b Subject: Um novo seat @SEAT_ID@ está disponível Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Um novo seat @SEAT_ID@ foi configurado e está disponível. -- e7852bfe46784ed0accde04bc864c2d5 Subject: Seat @SEAT_ID@ foi removido agora Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Um seat @SEAT_ID@ foi removido e não está mais disponível. -- c7a787079b354eaaa9e77b371893cd27 Subject: Time change Defined-By: systemd Support: O relógio do sistema foi alterado para @REALTIME@ microssegundos após 1º de janeiro de 1970. -- 45f82f4aef7a4bbf942ce861d1f20990 Subject: Fuso horário alterado para @TIMEZONE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: O fuso horário do sistema foi alterado para @TIMEZONE@. -- b07a249cd024414a82dd00cd181378ff Subject: Inicialização do sistema foi concluída Defined-By: systemd Support: Todos os serviços do sistema necessários que estão enfileirados para executar na inicialização do sistema, foram iniciados com sucesso. Note que isso não significa que a máquina está ociosa, pois os serviços podem ainda estar ocupados com a inicialização completa. Inicialização do kernel precisou @KERNEL_USEC@ microssegundos. Disco de RAM inicial precisou de @INITRD_USEC@ microssegundos. Inicialização do espaço do usuário precisou de @USERSPACE_USEC@ microssegundos. -- 6bbd95ee977941e497c48be27c254128 Subject: Estado de suspensão do sistema @SLEEP@ iniciado Defined-By: systemd Support: O sistema entrou agora no estado de suspensão @SLEEP@. -- 8811e6df2a8e40f58a94cea26f8ebf14 Subject: Estado de suspensão do sistema @SLEEP@ finalizado Defined-By: systemd Support: O sistema saiu agora do estado de suspensão @SLEEP@. -- 98268866d1d54a499c4e98921d93bc40 Subject: Desligamento do sistema iniciado Defined-By: systemd Support: Desligamento do sistema foi inicializado. O desligamento se iniciou e todos os serviços do sistema foram terminados e todos os sistemas desmontados. -- 7d4958e842da4a758f6c1cdc7b36dcc5 Subject: Unidade @UNIT@ sendo iniciado Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ está sendo iniciada. -- 39f53479d3a045ac8e11786248231fbf Subject: Unidade @UNIT@ concluiu a inicialização Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ concluiu a inicialização. The start-up result is @RESULT@. -- de5b426a63be47a7b6ac3eaac82e2f6f Subject: Unidade @UNIT@ sendo desligado Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ está sendo desligada. -- 9d1aaa27d60140bd96365438aad20286 Subject: A unidade @UNIT@ concluiu o desligamento Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ concluiu o desligamento. -- be02cf6855d2428ba40df7e9d022f03d Subject: A unidade @UNIT@ falhou Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ falhou. O resultado é @RESULT@. -- d34d037fff1847e6ae669a370e694725 Subject: Unidade @UNIT@ iniciou recarregamento de sua configuração Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ iniciou o recarregamento de sua configuração. -- 7b05ebc668384222baa8881179cfda54 Subject: Unidade @UNIT@ concluiu recarregamento de sua configuração Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ concluiu o recarregamento de sua configuração. O resultado é @RESULT@. -- 641257651c1b4ec9a8624d7a40a9e1e7 Subject: Processo @EXECUTABLE@ não pôde ser executado Defined-By: systemd Support: O processo @EXECUTABLE@ não pôde ser executado e falhou. O número de erro retornado por este processo é @ERRNO@. -- 0027229ca0644181a76c4e92458afa2e Subject: Uma ou mais mensagens não puderam ser encaminhadas para o syslog Defined-By: systemd Support: Uma ou mais mensagens não puderam ser encaminhadas para o serviço do syslog em execução paralela ao journald. Isso normalmente indica que a implementação do syslog não foi capaz de se manter com a velocidade das mensagens enfileiradas. -- 1dee0369c7fc4736b7099b38ecb46ee7 Subject: Ponto de montagem não está vazio Defined-By: systemd Support: O diretório @WHERE@ está especificado como ponto de montagem (o segundo campo no /etc/fstab ou campo Where= no arquivo de unidade do systemd) e não está vazio. Isso não interfere com a montagem, mas os arquivos pré-existentes neste diretório se tornaram inacessívels. Para ver aqueles arquivos, sobre os quais foi realizada a montagem, por favor monte manualmente o sistema de arquivos subjacente para uma localização secundária. -- 24d8d4452573402496068381a6312df2 Subject: Uma máquina virtual ou contêiner foi iniciado Defined-By: systemd Support: A máquina virtual @NAME@ com seu PID @LEADER@ incial foi iniciada e está pronto para ser usad. -- 58432bd3bace477cb514b56381b8a758 Subject: Uma máquina virtual ou contêiner foi terminado Defined-By: systemd Support: A máquina virtual @NAME@ com seu PID @LEADER@ incial foi desligada. systemd.catalog000064400000023212147207610030007570 0ustar00# This file is part of systemd. # # Copyright 2012 Lennart Poettering # # systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with systemd; If not, see . # Message catalog for systemd's own messages # The catalog format is documented on # # For an explanation why we do all this, see -- f77379a8490b408bbe5f6940505a777b Subject: The journal has been started Defined-By: systemd Support: The system journal process has started up, opened the journal files for writing and is now ready to process requests. -- d93fb3c9c24d451a97cea615ce59c00b Subject: The journal has been stopped Defined-By: systemd Support: The system journal process has shut down and closed all currently active journal files. -- a596d6fe7bfa4994828e72309e95d61e Subject: Messages from a service have been suppressed Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:journald.conf(5) A service has logged too many messages within a time period. Messages from the service have been dropped. Note that only messages from the service in question have been dropped, other services' messages are unaffected. The limits controlling when messages are dropped may be configured with RateLimitInterval= and RateLimitBurst= in /etc/systemd/journald.conf. See journald.conf(5) for details. -- e9bf28e6e834481bb6f48f548ad13606 Subject: Journal messages have been missed Defined-By: systemd Support: Kernel messages have been lost as the journal system has been unable to process them quickly enough. -- fc2e22bc6ee647b6b90729ab34a250b1 Subject: Process @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) dumped core Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Process @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) crashed and dumped core. This usually indicates a programming error in the crashing program and should be reported to its vendor as a bug. -- fc2e22bc6ee647b6b90729ab34a250b1 de Subject: Speicherabbild für Prozess @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM) generiert Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Prozess @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) ist abgebrochen worden und ein Speicherabbild wurde generiert. Üblicherweise ist dies ein Hinweis auf einen Programmfehler und sollte als Fehler dem jeweiligen Hersteller gemeldet werden. -- 8d45620c1a4348dbb17410da57c60c66 Subject: A new session @SESSION_ID@ has been created for user @USER_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: A new session with the ID @SESSION_ID@ has been created for the user @USER_ID@. The leading process of the session is @LEADER@. -- 3354939424b4456d9802ca8333ed424a Subject: Session @SESSION_ID@ has been terminated Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: A session with the ID @SESSION_ID@ has been terminated. -- fcbefc5da23d428093f97c82a9290f7b Subject: A new seat @SEAT_ID@ is now available Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: A new seat @SEAT_ID@ has been configured and is now available. -- e7852bfe46784ed0accde04bc864c2d5 Subject: Seat @SEAT_ID@ has now been removed Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: A seat @SEAT_ID@ has been removed and is no longer available. -- c7a787079b354eaaa9e77b371893cd27 Subject: Time change Defined-By: systemd Support: The system clock has been changed to @REALTIME@ microseconds after January 1st, 1970. -- c7a787079b354eaaa9e77b371893cd27 de Subject: Zeitänderung Defined-By: systemd Support: Die System-Zeit wurde geändert auf @REALTIME@ Mikrosekunden nach dem 1. Januar 1970. -- 45f82f4aef7a4bbf942ce861d1f20990 Subject: Time zone change to @TIMEZONE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: The system timezone has been changed to @TIMEZONE@. -- b07a249cd024414a82dd00cd181378ff Subject: System start-up is now complete Defined-By: systemd Support: All system services necessary queued for starting at boot have been successfully started. Note that this does not mean that the machine is now idle as services might still be busy with completing start-up. Kernel start-up required @KERNEL_USEC@ microseconds. Initial RAM disk start-up required @INITRD_USEC@ microseconds. Userspace start-up required @USERSPACE_USEC@ microseconds. -- 6bbd95ee977941e497c48be27c254128 Subject: System sleep state @SLEEP@ entered Defined-By: systemd Support: The system has now entered the @SLEEP@ sleep state. -- 8811e6df2a8e40f58a94cea26f8ebf14 Subject: System sleep state @SLEEP@ left Defined-By: systemd Support: The system has now left the @SLEEP@ sleep state. -- 98268866d1d54a499c4e98921d93bc40 Subject: System shutdown initiated Defined-By: systemd Support: Systemd shutdown has been initiated. The shutdown has now begun and all system services are terminated and all file systems unmounted. -- 7d4958e842da4a758f6c1cdc7b36dcc5 Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has begun start-up Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has begun starting up. -- 39f53479d3a045ac8e11786248231fbf Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has finished start-up Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has finished starting up. The start-up result is @RESULT@. -- de5b426a63be47a7b6ac3eaac82e2f6f Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has begun shutting down Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has begun shutting down. -- 9d1aaa27d60140bd96365438aad20286 Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has finished shutting down Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has finished shutting down. -- be02cf6855d2428ba40df7e9d022f03d Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has failed Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has failed. The result is @RESULT@. -- d34d037fff1847e6ae669a370e694725 Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has begun reloading its configuration Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has begun reloading its configuration -- 7b05ebc668384222baa8881179cfda54 Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has finished reloading its configuration Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has finished reloading its configuration The result is @RESULT@. -- 641257651c1b4ec9a8624d7a40a9e1e7 Subject: Process @EXECUTABLE@ could not be executed Defined-By: systemd Support: The process @EXECUTABLE@ could not be executed and failed. The error number returned by this process is @ERRNO@. -- 0027229ca0644181a76c4e92458afa2e Subject: One or more messages could not be forwarded to syslog Defined-By: systemd Support: One or more messages could not be forwarded to the syslog service running side-by-side with journald. This usually indicates that the syslog implementation has not been able to keep up with the speed of messages queued. -- 1dee0369c7fc4736b7099b38ecb46ee7 Subject: Mount point is not empty Defined-By: systemd Support: The directory @WHERE@ is specified as the mount point (second field in /etc/fstab or Where= field in systemd unit file) and is not empty. This does not interfere with mounting, but the pre-exisiting files in this directory become inaccessible. To see those over-mounted files, please manually mount the underlying file system to a secondary location. -- 24d8d4452573402496068381a6312df2 Subject: A virtual machine or container has been started Defined-By: systemd Support: The virtual machine @NAME@ with its leader PID @LEADER@ has been started is now ready to use. -- 58432bd3bace477cb514b56381b8a758 Subject: A virtual machine or container has been terminated Defined-By: systemd Support: The virtual machine @NAME@ with its leader PID @LEADER@ has been shut down. 0ustar00# This file is part of systemd. # # Copyright 2012 Lennart Poettering # Copyright 2013-2015 Sylvain Plantefève # # systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with systemd; If not, see . # Message catalog for systemd's own messages # French translation # Le format du catalogue de messages est décrit (en anglais) içi : # -- f77379a8490b408bbe5f6940505a777b Subject: Le journal a été démarré Defined-By: systemd Support: Le processus du journal système a démarré, ouvert ses fichiers en écriture et est prêt à traiter les requêtes. -- d93fb3c9c24d451a97cea615ce59c00b Subject: Le journal a été arrêté Defined-By: systemd Support: Le processus du journal système a été arrêté et tous ses fichiers actifs ont été fermés. -- a596d6fe7bfa4994828e72309e95d61e Subject: Des messages d'un service ont été supprimés Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:journald.conf(5) Un service a essayé d'enregistrer un trop grand nombre de messages sur un intervalle de temps donné. Des messages de ce service ont été évincés. Notez que seuls des messages de ce service ont été évincés, les messages des autres services ne sont pas affectés. Les limites définissant ce comportement peuvent être configurées avec les paramètres RateLimitInterval= et RateLimitBurst= dans le fichier /etc/systemd/journald.conf. Voir journald.conf(5) pour plus de détails. -- e9bf28e6e834481bb6f48f548ad13606 Subject: Des messages du journal ont été manqués Defined-By: systemd Support: Des messages du noyau ont été manqués car le journal système n'a pas été capable de les traiter suffisamment vite. -- fc2e22bc6ee647b6b90729ab34a250b1 Subject: Le processus @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) a généré un fichier « core » Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Le processus @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) a planté et généré un fichier « core ». Cela indique généralement une erreur de programmation dans le programme incriminé, et cela devrait être notifié à son concepteur comme un défaut (bug). -- 8d45620c1a4348dbb17410da57c60c66 Subject: Une nouvelle session @SESSION_ID@ a été créée pour l'utilisateur @USER_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Une nouvelle session a été créée pour l'utilisateur @USER_ID@ avec l'identifiant (ID) @SESSION_ID@. Le processus maître de la session est @LEADER@. -- 3354939424b4456d9802ca8333ed424a Subject: La session @SESSION_ID@ s'est terminée Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: La session d'identifiant (ID) @SESSION_ID@ s'est terminée. -- fcbefc5da23d428093f97c82a9290f7b Subject: Un nouveau poste (seat) @SEAT_ID@ est disponible Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Un nouveau poste (seat) @SEAT_ID@ a été configuré et est maintenant disponible. -- e7852bfe46784ed0accde04bc864c2d5 Subject: Le poste (seat) @SEAT_ID@ a été retiré Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Le poste (seat) @SEAT_ID@ a été retiré et n'est plus disponible. -- c7a787079b354eaaa9e77b371893cd27 Subject: Changement d'heure Defined-By: systemd Support: L'horloge système a été modifiée et positionnée à @REALTIME@ microsecondes après le 1er janvier 1970. -- 45f82f4aef7a4bbf942ce861d1f20990 Subject: Fuseau horaire modifié en @TIMEZONE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Le fuseau horaire du système a été modifié et positionné à @TIMEZONE@. -- b07a249cd024414a82dd00cd181378ff Subject: Le démarrage du système est terminé Defined-By: systemd Support: Tous les services nécessaires au démarrage du système ont été lancés avec succès. Notez que cela ne signifie pas que le système est maintenant au repos, car des services peuvent encore être en train de terminer leur démarrage. Le chargement du noyau a nécessité @KERNEL_USEC@ microsecondes. Le chargement du « RAM disk » initial a nécessité @INITRD_USEC@ microsecondes. Le chargement de l'espace utilisateur a nécessité @USERSPACE_USEC@ microsecondes. -- 6bbd95ee977941e497c48be27c254128 Subject: Le système entre dans l'état de repos (sleep state) @SLEEP@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Le système est maintenant à l'état de repos (sleep state) @SLEEP@. -- 8811e6df2a8e40f58a94cea26f8ebf14 Subject: Le système sorti de l'état de repos (sleep state) @SLEEP@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Le système est maintenant sorti de l'état de repos (sleep state) @SLEEP@. -- 98268866d1d54a499c4e98921d93bc40 Subject: Arrêt du système amorcé Defined-By: systemd Support: L'arrêt du système a été amorcé. L'arrêt a maintenant commencé, tous les services du système sont terminés et tous les systèmes de fichiers sont démontés. -- 7d4958e842da4a758f6c1cdc7b36dcc5 Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a commencé à démarrer Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a commencé à démarrer. -- 39f53479d3a045ac8e11786248231fbf Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a terminé son démarrage Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a terminé son démarrage, avec le résultat @RESULT@. -- de5b426a63be47a7b6ac3eaac82e2f6f Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a commencé à s'arrêter Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a commencé à s'arrêter. -- 9d1aaa27d60140bd96365438aad20286 Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a terminé son arrêt Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a terminé son arrêt. -- be02cf6855d2428ba40df7e9d022f03d Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a échoué Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a échoué, avec le résultat @RESULT@. -- d34d037fff1847e6ae669a370e694725 Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a commencé à recharger sa configuration Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a commencé à recharger sa configuration. -- 7b05ebc668384222baa8881179cfda54 Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a terminé de recharger configuration Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a terminé de recharger configuration, avec le résultat @RESULT@. -- 641257651c1b4ec9a8624d7a40a9e1e7 Subject: Le processus @EXECUTABLE@ n'a pas pu être exécuté Defined-By: systemd Support: Le processus @EXECUTABLE@ n'a pas pu être exécuté, et a donc échoué. Le code d'erreur renvoyé est @ERRNO@. -- 0027229ca0644181a76c4e92458afa2e Subject: Un ou plusieurs messages n'ont pas pu être transmis à syslog Defined-By: systemd Support: Un ou plusieurs messages n'ont pas pu être transmis au service syslog s'exécutant conjointement avec journald. Cela indique généralement que l'implémentation de syslog utilisée n'a pas été capable de suivre la cadence du flux de messages. -- 1dee0369c7fc4736b7099b38ecb46ee7 Subject: Le point de montage n'est pas vide Defined-By: systemd Support: Le répertoire @WHERE@ est spécifié comme point de montage (second champ du fichier /etc/fstab, ou champ Where= dans une unité (unit) systemd) et n'est pas vide. Cela ne perturbe pas le montage du système de fichiers, mais les fichiers préalablement présents dans ce répertoire sont devenus inaccessibles. Pour atteindre ces fichiers, veuillez monter manuellement le système de fichiers sous-jacent à un autre emplacement. -- 24d8d4452573402496068381a6312df2 Subject: Une machine virtuelle ou un conteneur (container) a été démarré Defined-By: systemd Support: La machine virtuelle @NAME@ a été démarrée avec le PID maître @LEADER@, et est maintenant prête à l'emploi. -- 58432bd3bace477cb514b56381b8a758 Subject: Une machine virtuelle ou un conteneur (container) a été arrêté Defined-By: systemd Support: La machine virtuelle @NAME@ avec le PID maître @LEADER@ a été arrêtée. 0ustar00# This file is part of systemd. # # Copyright 2012 Lennart Poettering # Copyright 2013 Sergey Ptashnick # # systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with systemd; If not, see . # Message catalog for systemd's own messages # Russian translation # Формат каталога сообщений описан по ссылке # # Перед каждым элементом в комментарии указан Subject исходного # сообщения (на английском). # Subject: The Journal has been started -- f77379a8490b408bbe5f6940505a777b Subject: Запущена служба журналирования Defined-By: systemd Support: Процесс, отвечающий за журналирование системных событий, успешно запустился, открыл для записи файлы журнала, и готов обрабатывать запросы. # Subject: The Journal has been stopped -- d93fb3c9c24d451a97cea615ce59c00b Subject: Служба журналирования остановлена Defined-By: systemd Support: Процесс, отвечающий за журналирование системных событий, завершил работу и закрыл все свои файлы. # Subject: Messages from a service have been suppressed -- a596d6fe7bfa4994828e72309e95d61e Subject: Часть сообщений от службы пропущена Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:journald.conf(5) Служба отправила слишком много сообщений за короткий промежуток времени. Часть сообщений была пропущена. Обратите внимание, что были пропущены сообщения только от этой службы, сообщения других служб не затронуты. Предел, после которого служба журнала начинает игнорировать сообщения, настраивается параметрами RateLimitInterval= и RateLimitBurst= в файле /etc/systemd/journald.conf. Подробности смотрите на странице руководства journald.conf(5). # Subject: Journal messages have been missed -- e9bf28e6e834481bb6f48f548ad13606 Subject: Часть сообщений ядра пропущена Defined-By: systemd Support: Часть сообщений, поступивших от ядра, была потеряна, так как служба журналирования не успела их обработать. # Subject: Process @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) dumped core -- fc2e22bc6ee647b6b90729ab34a250b1 Subject: Процесс @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) сбросил дамп памяти Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Процесс @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) завершился из-за критической ошибки. Записан дамп памяти. Вероятно, это произошло из-за ошибки, допущенной в коде программы. Рекомендуется сообщить её разработчикам о возникшей проблеме. # Subject: A new session @SESSION_ID@ has been created for user @USER_ID@ -- 8d45620c1a4348dbb17410da57c60c66 Subject: Для пользователя @USER_ID@ создан новый сеанс @SESSION_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Для пользователя @USER_ID@ создан новый сеанс с идентификатором @SESSION_ID@. Главный процесс нового сеанса имеет индентификатор @LEADER@. # Subject: A session @SESSION_ID@ has been terminated -- 3354939424b4456d9802ca8333ed424a Subject: Сеанс @SESSION_ID@ завершен Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Сеанс с идентификатором @SESSION_ID@ завершился. # Subject: A new seat @SEAT_ID@ is now available -- fcbefc5da23d428093f97c82a9290f7b Subject: Добавлено новое рабочее место @SEAT_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Новое рабочее место (seat) @SEAT_ID@ полностью настроено и готово к использованию. # Subject: A seat @SEAT_ID@ has now been removed -- e7852bfe46784ed0accde04bc864c2d5 Subject: Рабочее место @SEAT_ID@ отключено Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Рабочее место (seat) @SEAT_ID@ было отключено. # Subject: Time change -- c7a787079b354eaaa9e77b371893cd27 Subject: Переведены системные часы Defined-By: systemd Support: Системные часы были переведены. Сейчас они показывают @REALTIME@ микросекунд с момента 00:00:00 1 января 1970 года. # Subject: Time zone change to @TIMEZONE@ -- 45f82f4aef7a4bbf942ce861d1f20990 Subject: Часовой пояс изменен на @TIMEZONE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Системный часовой пояс был изменен. Новое значение: @TIMEZONE@. # Subject: System start-up is now complete -- b07a249cd024414a82dd00cd181378ff Subject: Запуск системы завершен Defined-By: systemd Support: Все системные службы, запуск которых предписан настройками, были запущены. Впрочем, это ещё не означает, что система в данный момент ничем не занята, так как некоторые службы могут продолжать инициализацию даже после того, как отчитались о своем запуске. Запуск ядра занял @KERNEL_USEC@ микросекунд. Процессы начального RAM-диска (initrd) отработали за @INITRD_USEC@ микросекунд. Запуск системных служб занял @USERSPACE_USEC@ микросекунд. # Subject: System sleep state @SLEEP@ entered -- 6bbd95ee977941e497c48be27c254128 Subject: Система перешла в состояние сна (@SLEEP@) Defined-By: systemd Support: Система была переведена в состояние сна (@SLEEP@). # Subject: System sleep state @SLEEP@ left -- 8811e6df2a8e40f58a94cea26f8ebf14 Subject: Система вышла из состояния сна (@SLEEP@) Defined-By: systemd Support: Система была выведена из состояния сна (@SLEEP@). # Subject: System shutdown initiated -- 98268866d1d54a499c4e98921d93bc40 Subject: Подготовка системы к выключению Defined-By: systemd Support: Начат процесс подготовки к выключению компьютера. Останавливаются все системные службы, отмонтируются все файловые системы. # Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has begun with start-up -- 7d4958e842da4a758f6c1cdc7b36dcc5 Subject: Начинается запуск юнита @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Начат процесс запуска юнита @UNIT@. # Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has finished start-up -- 39f53479d3a045ac8e11786248231fbf Subject: Запуск юнита @UNIT@ завершен Defined-By: systemd Support: Процесс запуска юнита @UNIT@ был завершен. Результат: @RESULT@. # Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has begun shutting down -- de5b426a63be47a7b6ac3eaac82e2f6f Subject: Начинается остановка юнита @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Начат процесс остановки юнита @UNIT@. # Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has finished shutting down -- 9d1aaa27d60140bd96365438aad20286 Subject: Завершена остановка юнита @UNIT@. Defined-By: systemd Support: Процесс остановки юнита @UNIT@ был завершен. # Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has failed -- be02cf6855d2428ba40df7e9d022f03d Subject: Ошибка юнита @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Произошел сбой юнита @UNIT@. Результат: @RESULT@. # Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has begun with reloading its configuration -- d34d037fff1847e6ae669a370e694725 Subject: Юнит @UNIT@ начал перечитывать свои настройки Defined-By: systemd Support: Юнит @UNIT@ начал процесс перечитывания своей конфигурации. # Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has finished reloading its configuration -- 7b05ebc668384222baa8881179cfda54 Subject: Юнит @UNIT@ завершил перечитывание своих настроек Defined-By: systemd Support: Юнит @UNIT@ завершил процесс перечитывания своей конфигурации. Результат: @RESULT@. # Subject: Process @EXECUTABLE@ could not be executed -- 641257651c1b4ec9a8624d7a40a9e1e7 Subject: Не удалось запустить процесс @EXECUTABLE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Сбой: не удалось запустить процесс @EXECUTABLE@. Код ошибки: @ERRNO@. # Subject: One or more messages could not be forwarded to syslog -- 0027229ca0644181a76c4e92458afa2e Subject: Часть сообщений не удалось передать процессу syslog Defined-By: systemd Support: Не удалось передать некоторые сообщения демону системного лога (syslog), дублирующему работу службы системного журнала. Скорее всего, причина в том, что используемая реализация syslog не успевает обрабатывать сообщения с достаточной скоростью. # Subject: Mount point is not empty -- 1dee0369c7fc4736b7099b38ecb46ee7 Subject: Каталог, являющийся точкой монтирования, не пуст Defined-By: systemd Support: Каталог @WHERE@, который был указан в качестве точки монтирования (во втором столбце файла /etc/fstab, либо в параметре Where= файла конфигурации юнита), не является пустым. Это никак не мешает монтированию, однако ранее находившиеся в нем файлы будут недоступны. Чтобы получить к ним доступ, вы можете вручную перемонтировать эту файловую систему в другую точку. # Subject: A virtual machine or container has been started -- 24d8d4452573402496068381a6312df2 Subject: Запущена виртуальная машина/контейнер Defined-By: systemd Support: Виртуальная машина @NAME@ (идентификатор главного процесса: @LEADER@) запущена и готова к работе. # Subject: A virtual machine or container has been terminated -- 58432bd3bace477cb514b56381b8a758 Subject: Остановлена виртуальная машина/контейнер Defined-By: systemd Support: Виртуальная машина @NAME@ (идентификатор главного процесса: @LEADER@) выключена. database000064400000163103147207634610006251 0ustar00RHHHKSLP(8'"dAlNE.'"dAlNE.fr9'"dAlNE.itW'" u'"dAlNE.pt_BR̒'"dAlNE.ruiG6 8niG6 8nfr:iG6 8nitXiG6 8nplviG6 8npt_BReiG6 8nrun$E%s@$1-$E%s@$1-fr<$E%s@$1-itZ$E%s@$1-plax$E%s@$1-pt_BR$E%s@$1-ru3T$Emʃ3BJ 3T$Emʃ3BJfr'3T$Emʃ3BJit4G3T$Emʃ3BJpld3T$Emʃ3BJpt_BRj3T$Emʃ3BJru94yӠExbH#94yӠExbH#fr294yӠExbH#itXQ94yӠExbH#plo94yӠExbH#pt_BR94yӠExbH#ruE/JzK,a AE/JzK,a fr+E/JzK,a it@KE/JzK,a plhE/JzK,a pt_BR\E/JzK,a ruXC+ӺG|cXXC+ӺG|cXfr=XC+ӺG|cXit[XC+ӺG|cXplUyXC+ӺG|cXpt_BRXC+ӺG|cXrudWeNɨbMz@dWeNɨbMz@fr7dWeNɨbMz@it_VdWeNɨbMz@pltdWeNɨbMz@pt_BRÑdWeNɨbMz@rukyAċ|%A(kyAċ|%A(fr)/kyAċ|%A(itNkyAċ|%A(plkkyAċ|%A(pt_BRkyAċ|%A(ru{h8B"yT{h8B"yTfr6{h8B"yTitYU{h8B"yTpl s{h8B"yTpt_BRƐ{h8B"yTru}IXBJul{6q}IXBJul{6fr#2}IXBJul{6itP}IXBJul{6pl^n}IXBJul{6pt_BRN}IXBJul{6ru*@΢o*@΢ofr0*@΢oitN*@΢opll*@΢opt_BRf*@΢oruEb CH۱tW fEb CH۱tW ffr&Eb CH۱tW fitEEb CH۱tW fpldcEb CH۱tW fpt_BREb CH۱tW fru&fJIN@l&fJIN@fr0&fJIN@itO&fJIN@pl6m&fJIN@pt_BR3&fJIN@ru'@6T8'@6T8fr4'@6T8itR'@6T8plp'@6T8pt_BR'@6T8ru{Ir0{Ir0fr {Ir0it@{Ir0pl^{Ir0pt_BR{{Ir0ruoz$$AJxz$$AJxfr,z$$AJxitLz$$AJxpliz$$AJxpt_BR z$$AJxru hUB "=EhUB "=frQ5hUB "=itShUB "=plaqhUB "=pt_BR6hUB "=ruǧ5N{7' ǧ5N{7'dey ǧ5N{7'fr +ǧ5N{7'itzJǧ5N{7'pl hǧ5N{7'pt_BRǧ5N{7'ruMGf7iG%MGf7iG%fr6MGf7iG%itwTMGf7iG%pl rMGf7iG%pt_BRMGf7iG%ru{?MEΦY ?MEΦY fr?MEΦY it??MEΦY pl]?MEΦY pt_BR{?MEΦY ru[BjcG>./o[BjcG>./ofr3[BjcG>./oit3R[BjcG>./oplo[BjcG>./opt_BRԍ[BjcG>./oru+FxNЬKd +FxNЬKdfr)+FxNЬKdit_I+FxNЬKdplf+FxNЬKdpt_BR~+FxNЬKdru(4HT6(4HT6fr@#(4HT6itC(4HT6pl`(4HT6pt_BRw~(4HT6ru2syI @_i@PZw{syI @_i@PZw{frsyI @_i@PZw{it>syI @_i@PZw{pl\syI @_i@PZw{pt_BR0zsyI @_i@PZw{ruu."nG)4P."nG)4Pdeg."nG)4PfrH$."nG)4Pit1D."nG)4Ppla."nG)4Ppt_BR|."nG)4Pru]=B|){ ]=B|){fr(]=B|){it6H]=B|){ple]=B|){pt_BRk]=B|){ruSubject: The journal has been started Defined-By: systemd Support: The system journal process has started up, opened the journal files for writing and is now ready to process requests. Subject: The journal has been stopped Defined-By: systemd Support: The system journal process has shut down and closed all currently active journal files. Subject: Messages from a service have been suppressed Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:journald.conf(5) A service has logged too many messages within a time period. Messages from the service have been dropped. Note that only messages from the service in question have been dropped, other services' messages are unaffected. The limits controlling when messages are dropped may be configured with RateLimitInterval= and RateLimitBurst= in /etc/systemd/journald.conf. See journald.conf(5) for details. Subject: Journal messages have been missed Defined-By: systemd Support: Kernel messages have been lost as the journal system has been unable to process them quickly enough. Subject: Process @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) dumped core Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Process @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) crashed and dumped core. This usually indicates a programming error in the crashing program and should be reported to its vendor as a bug. Subject: Speicherabbild für Prozess @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM) generiert Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Prozess @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) ist abgebrochen worden und ein Speicherabbild wurde generiert. Üblicherweise ist dies ein Hinweis auf einen Programmfehler und sollte als Fehler dem jeweiligen Hersteller gemeldet werden. Subject: A new session @SESSION_ID@ has been created for user @USER_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: A new session with the ID @SESSION_ID@ has been created for the user @USER_ID@. The leading process of the session is @LEADER@. Subject: Session @SESSION_ID@ has been terminated Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: A session with the ID @SESSION_ID@ has been terminated. Subject: A new seat @SEAT_ID@ is now available Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: A new seat @SEAT_ID@ has been configured and is now available. Subject: Seat @SEAT_ID@ has now been removed Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: A seat @SEAT_ID@ has been removed and is no longer available. Subject: Time change Defined-By: systemd Support: The system clock has been changed to @REALTIME@ microseconds after January 1st, 1970. Subject: Zeitänderung Defined-By: systemd Support: Die System-Zeit wurde geändert auf @REALTIME@ Mikrosekunden nach dem 1. Januar 1970. Subject: Time zone change to @TIMEZONE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: The system timezone has been changed to @TIMEZONE@. Subject: System start-up is now complete Defined-By: systemd Support: All system services necessary queued for starting at boot have been successfully started. Note that this does not mean that the machine is now idle as services might still be busy with completing start-up. Kernel start-up required @KERNEL_USEC@ microseconds. Initial RAM disk start-up required @INITRD_USEC@ microseconds. Userspace start-up required @USERSPACE_USEC@ microseconds. Subject: System sleep state @SLEEP@ entered Defined-By: systemd Support: The system has now entered the @SLEEP@ sleep state. Subject: System sleep state @SLEEP@ left Defined-By: systemd Support: The system has now left the @SLEEP@ sleep state. Subject: System shutdown initiated Defined-By: systemd Support: Systemd shutdown has been initiated. The shutdown has now begun and all system services are terminated and all file systems unmounted. Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has begun start-up Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has begun starting up. Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has finished start-up Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has finished starting up. The start-up result is @RESULT@. Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has begun shutting down Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has begun shutting down. Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has finished shutting down Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has finished shutting down. Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has failed Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has failed. The result is @RESULT@. Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has begun reloading its configuration Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has begun reloading its configuration Subject: Unit @UNIT@ has finished reloading its configuration Defined-By: systemd Support: Unit @UNIT@ has finished reloading its configuration The result is @RESULT@. Subject: Process @EXECUTABLE@ could not be executed Defined-By: systemd Support: The process @EXECUTABLE@ could not be executed and failed. The error number returned by this process is @ERRNO@. Subject: One or more messages could not be forwarded to syslog Defined-By: systemd Support: One or more messages could not be forwarded to the syslog service running side-by-side with journald. This usually indicates that the syslog implementation has not been able to keep up with the speed of messages queued. Subject: Mount point is not empty Defined-By: systemd Support: The directory @WHERE@ is specified as the mount point (second field in /etc/fstab or Where= field in systemd unit file) and is not empty. This does not interfere with mounting, but the pre-exisiting files in this directory become inaccessible. To see those over-mounted files, please manually mount the underlying file system to a secondary location. Subject: A virtual machine or container has been started Defined-By: systemd Support: The virtual machine @NAME@ with its leader PID @LEADER@ has been started is now ready to use. Subject: A virtual machine or container has been terminated Defined-By: systemd Support: The virtual machine @NAME@ with its leader PID @LEADER@ has been shut down. Subject: Le journal a été démarré Defined-By: systemd Support: Le processus du journal système a démarré, ouvert ses fichiers en écriture et est prêt à traiter les requêtes. Subject: Le journal a été arrêté Defined-By: systemd Support: Le processus du journal système a été arrêté et tous ses fichiers actifs ont été fermés. Subject: Des messages d'un service ont été supprimés Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:journald.conf(5) Un service a essayé d'enregistrer un trop grand nombre de messages sur un intervalle de temps donné. Des messages de ce service ont été évincés. Notez que seuls des messages de ce service ont été évincés, les messages des autres services ne sont pas affectés. Les limites définissant ce comportement peuvent être configurées avec les paramètres RateLimitInterval= et RateLimitBurst= dans le fichier /etc/systemd/journald.conf. Voir journald.conf(5) pour plus de détails. Subject: Des messages du journal ont été manqués Defined-By: systemd Support: Des messages du noyau ont été manqués car le journal système n'a pas été capable de les traiter suffisamment vite. Subject: Le processus @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) a généré un fichier « core » Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Le processus @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) a planté et généré un fichier « core ». Cela indique généralement une erreur de programmation dans le programme incriminé, et cela devrait être notifié à son concepteur comme un défaut (bug). Subject: Une nouvelle session @SESSION_ID@ a été créée pour l'utilisateur @USER_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Une nouvelle session a été créée pour l'utilisateur @USER_ID@ avec l'identifiant (ID) @SESSION_ID@. Le processus maître de la session est @LEADER@. Subject: La session @SESSION_ID@ s'est terminée Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: La session d'identifiant (ID) @SESSION_ID@ s'est terminée. Subject: Un nouveau poste (seat) @SEAT_ID@ est disponible Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Un nouveau poste (seat) @SEAT_ID@ a été configuré et est maintenant disponible. Subject: Le poste (seat) @SEAT_ID@ a été retiré Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Le poste (seat) @SEAT_ID@ a été retiré et n'est plus disponible. Subject: Changement d'heure Defined-By: systemd Support: L'horloge système a été modifiée et positionnée à @REALTIME@ microsecondes après le 1er janvier 1970. Subject: Fuseau horaire modifié en @TIMEZONE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Le fuseau horaire du système a été modifié et positionné à @TIMEZONE@. Subject: Le démarrage du système est terminé Defined-By: systemd Support: Tous les services nécessaires au démarrage du système ont été lancés avec succès. Notez que cela ne signifie pas que le système est maintenant au repos, car des services peuvent encore être en train de terminer leur démarrage. Le chargement du noyau a nécessité @KERNEL_USEC@ microsecondes. Le chargement du « RAM disk » initial a nécessité @INITRD_USEC@ microsecondes. Le chargement de l'espace utilisateur a nécessité @USERSPACE_USEC@ microsecondes. Subject: Le système entre dans l'état de repos (sleep state) @SLEEP@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Le système est maintenant à l'état de repos (sleep state) @SLEEP@. Subject: Le système sorti de l'état de repos (sleep state) @SLEEP@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Le système est maintenant sorti de l'état de repos (sleep state) @SLEEP@. Subject: Arrêt du système amorcé Defined-By: systemd Support: L'arrêt du système a été amorcé. L'arrêt a maintenant commencé, tous les services du système sont terminés et tous les systèmes de fichiers sont démontés. Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a commencé à démarrer Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a commencé à démarrer. Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a terminé son démarrage Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a terminé son démarrage, avec le résultat @RESULT@. Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a commencé à s'arrêter Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a commencé à s'arrêter. Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a terminé son arrêt Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a terminé son arrêt. Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a échoué Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a échoué, avec le résultat @RESULT@. Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a commencé à recharger sa configuration Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a commencé à recharger sa configuration. Subject: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a terminé de recharger configuration Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unité (unit) @UNIT@ a terminé de recharger configuration, avec le résultat @RESULT@. Subject: Le processus @EXECUTABLE@ n'a pas pu être exécuté Defined-By: systemd Support: Le processus @EXECUTABLE@ n'a pas pu être exécuté, et a donc échoué. Le code d'erreur renvoyé est @ERRNO@. Subject: Un ou plusieurs messages n'ont pas pu être transmis à syslog Defined-By: systemd Support: Un ou plusieurs messages n'ont pas pu être transmis au service syslog s'exécutant conjointement avec journald. Cela indique généralement que l'implémentation de syslog utilisée n'a pas été capable de suivre la cadence du flux de messages. Subject: Le point de montage n'est pas vide Defined-By: systemd Support: Le répertoire @WHERE@ est spécifié comme point de montage (second champ du fichier /etc/fstab, ou champ Where= dans une unité (unit) systemd) et n'est pas vide. Cela ne perturbe pas le montage du système de fichiers, mais les fichiers préalablement présents dans ce répertoire sont devenus inaccessibles. Pour atteindre ces fichiers, veuillez monter manuellement le système de fichiers sous-jacent à un autre emplacement. Subject: Une machine virtuelle ou un conteneur (container) a été démarré Defined-By: systemd Support: La machine virtuelle @NAME@ a été démarrée avec le PID maître @LEADER@, et est maintenant prête à l'emploi. Subject: Une machine virtuelle ou un conteneur (container) a été arrêté Defined-By: systemd Support: La machine virtuelle @NAME@ avec le PID maître @LEADER@ a été arrêtée. Subject: Il registro è stato avviato Defined-By: systemd Support: Il processo relativo al registro di sistema è stato avviato, ha aperto i file in scrittura ed è ora pronto a gestire richieste. Subject: Il registro è stato terminato Defined-By: systemd Support: Il processo relativo al registro di sistema è stato terminato e ha chiuso tutti i file attivi. Subject: I messaggi di un servizio sono stati soppressi Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:journald.conf(5) Un servizio ha registrato troppi messaggi in un dato periodo di tempo. I messaggi del servizio sono stati eliminati. Solo i messaggi del servizio indicato sono stati eliminati, i messaggi degli altri servizi rimangono invariati. I limiti oltre i quali i messaggi si eliminano si configurano con RateLimitInterval= e RateLimitBurst= in /etc/systemd/journald.conf. Vedi journald.conf(5) per maggiori informazioni. Subject: I messaggi di un servizio sono stati perduti Defined-By: systemd Support: I messaggi del kernel sono stati perduti perché, il registro di sistema non è stato in grado di gestirli abbastanza velocemente. Subject: Il processo @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) ha generato un dump. Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Il processo @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) si è bloccato generando un dump. Questo di solito capita per un errore di programmazione nell'applicazione e dovrebbe essere segnalato al vendor come un bug. Subject: La nuova sessione @SESSION_ID@ è stata creata per l'utente @USER_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Una nuova sessione con ID @SESSION_ID@ è stata creata per l'utente @USER_ID@. Il processo primario della sessione è @LEADER@. Subject: La sessione @SESSION_ID@ è terminata Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: La sessione con ID @SESSION_ID@ è terminata. Subject: La nuova postazione @SEAT_ID@ è ora disponibile Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: La nuova postazione @SEAT_ID@ è stata configurata ed è ora disponibile. Subject: La postazione @SEAT_ID@ è stata rimossa Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: La postazione @SEAT_ID@ è stata rimossa e non è più disponibile. Subject: Cambio d'orario Defined-By: systemd Support: L'orologio di sistema è cambiato in @REALTIME@ microsecondi dal 1 gennaio, 1970. Subject: Il fuso orario è cambiato in @TIMEZONE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Il fuso orario di sistema è cambiato in @TIMEZONE@. Subject: Avvio del sistema completato. Defined-By: systemd Support: Tutti i servizi di sistema richiesti per la fase di avvio sono stati eseguiti con successo. Nota che la macchina potrebbe non essere ancora pronta in quanto i servizi attivati sono in fase di completamento. L'avvio del kernel ha richiesto @KERNEL_USEC@ microsecondi. L'avvio del disco RAM ha richiesto @INITRD_USEC@ microsecondi. L'avvio dello userspace ha richiesto @USERSPACE_USEC@ microsecondi. Subject: Il sistema è entrato in fase di pausa @SLEEP@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Il sistema è entrato nello stato di pausa @SLEEP@. Subject: Il sistema è uscito dalla fase di pausa @SLEEP@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Il sistema è uscito dallo stato di pausa @SLEEP@. Subject: Il sistema è in fase di spegnimento Defined-By: systemd Support: Systemd è in fase di spegnimento. Tutti i servizi di sistema saranno terminati e tutti i file systems smontati. Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ inizia la fase di avvio Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ ha iniziato la fase di avvio. Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ termina la fase di avvio Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ ha terminato la fase di avvio. La fase di avvio è @RESULT@. Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ inizia la fase di spegnimento Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ ha iniziato la fase di spegnimento. Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ termina la fase di spegnimento Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ ha terminato la fase di spegnimento. Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ è fallita Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ è fallita. Il risultato è @RESULT@. Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ inizia a caricare la propria configurazione Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ è iniziata ricaricando la propria configurazione Subject: L'unità @UNIT@ termina il caricamento della propria configurazione Defined-By: systemd Support: L'unità @UNIT@ è terminata ricaricando la propria configurazione Il risultato è @RESULT@. Subject: Il processo @EXECUTABLE@ non può essere eseguito Defined-By: systemd Support: Il processo @EXECUTABLE@ non può essere eseguito e termina. Il numero di errore restituito durante l'esecuzione del processo è @ERRNO@. Subject: Uno o più messaggi non possono essere inoltrati a syslog Defined-By: systemd Support: Uno o più messaggi non possono essere inviati al servizio syslog eseguito in parallelo a journald. Questo di solito capita perché, l'implementazione di syslog non sta al passo con la velocità dei messaggi accodati. Subject: Il punto di montaggio non è vuoto Defined-By: systemd Support: La directory @WHERE@ è specificata come punto di montaggio (secondo campo in /etc/fstab o nel campo Where= del file unità di systemd) e non è vuoto. Questo non interferisce con il montaggio, ma i file pre-esistenti in questa directory diventano inaccessibili. Per visualizzare i file, si suggerisce di montare manualmente il file system indicato in una posizione secondaria. Subject: Avviata macchina virtuale o container Defined-By: systemd Support: La macchina virtuale @NAME@ con PID primario @LEADER@ è stata avviata ed è pronta all'uso. Subject: Terminata macchina virtuale o container Defined-By: systemd Support: La macchina virtuale @NAME@ con PID primario @LEADER@ è stata spenta. Subject: Uruchomiono dziennik Defined-By: systemd Support: Systemowy proces dziennika został uruchomiony, otworzył pliki dziennika do zapisu i jest gotowy do przetwarzania żądań. Subject: Zatrzymano dziennik Defined-By: systemd Support: Systemowy proces dziennika został wyłączony i zamknął wszystkie obecnie aktywne pliki dziennika. Subject: Ograniczono komunikaty z usługi Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:journald.conf(5) Usługa zapisała za dużo komunikatów w określonym czasie. Komunikaty z usługi zostały pominięte. Proszę zauważyć, że tylko komunikaty z danej usługi zostały pominięte. Nie ma to wpływu na komunikaty innych usług. Ograniczenia kontrolujące pomijanie komunikatów mogą być konfigurowane za pomocą opcji RateLimitInterval= i RateLimitBurst= w pliku /etc/systemd/journald.conf. Strona journald.conf(5) zawiera więcej informacji. Subject: Utracono komunikaty dziennika Defined-By: systemd Support: Komunikaty jądra zostały utracone, ponieważ system dziennika nie mógł przetworzyć ich odpowiednio szybko. Subject: Proces @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) zrzucił plik core Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Proces @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) uległ awarii i zrzucił plik core. Zwykle wskazuje to na błąd programistyczny w danym programie i powinno zostać zgłoszone jego producentowi jako błąd. Subject: Utworzono nową sesję @SESSION_ID@ dla użytkownika @USER_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Nowa sesja o identyfikatorze @SESSION_ID@ została utworzona dla użytkownika @USER_ID@. Proces prowadzący sesji: @LEADER@. Subject: Zakończono sesję @SESSION_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Sesja o identyfikatorze @SESSION_ID@ została zakończona. Subject: Dostępne jest nowe stanowisko @SEAT_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Nowe stanowisko @SEAT_ID@ zostało skonfigurowane i jest teraz dostępne. Subject: Usunięto stanowisko @SEAT_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Stanowisko @SEAT_ID@ zostało usunięte i nie jest już dostępne. Subject: Zmiana czasu Defined-By: systemd Support: Zegar systemowy został zmieniony na @REALTIME@ μs po 1 stycznia 1970. Subject: Zmiana strefy czasowej na @TIMEZONE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Systemowa strefa czasowa została zmieniona na @TIMEZONE@. Subject: Ukończono uruchamianie systemu Defined-By: systemd Support: Wszystkie usługi systemowe obowiązkowo zakolejkowane do włączenia podczas uruchamiania systemu zostały pomyślnie uruchomione. Proszę zauważyć, że nie oznacza to, że komputer jest bezczynny, jako że usługi mogą wciąż kończyć proces uruchamiania. Uruchamianie jądra zajęło @KERNEL_USEC@ μs. Uruchamianie początkowego dysku RAM zajęło @INITRD_USEC@ μs. Uruchamianie przestrzeni użytkownika zajęło @USERSPACE_USEC@ μs. Subject: Przejście do stanu uśpienia @SLEEP@ Defined-By: systemd Support: System przeszedł do stanu uśpienia @SLEEP@. Subject: Wyjście ze stanu uśpienia @SLEEP@ Defined-By: systemd Support: System wyszedł ze stanu uśpienia @SLEEP@. Subject: Zainicjowano wyłączenie systemu Defined-By: systemd Support: Zainicjowano wyłączenie systemd. Wyłączenie zostało rozpoczęte i wszystkie usługi systemowe zostały zakończone, a wszystkie systemy plików odmontowane. Subject: Rozpoczęto uruchamianie jednostki @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ rozpoczęła uruchamianie. Subject: Ukończono uruchamianie jednostki @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ ukończyła uruchamianie. Wynik uruchamiania: @RESULT@. Subject: Rozpoczęto wyłączanie jednostki @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ rozpoczęła wyłączanie. Subject: Ukończono wyłączanie jednostki @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ ukończyła wyłączanie. Subject: Jednostka @UNIT@ się nie powiodła Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ się nie powiodła. Wynik: @RESULT@. Subject: Rozpoczęto ponowne wczytywanie konfiguracji jednostki @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ rozpoczęła ponowne wczytywanie swojej konfiguracji. Subject: Ukończono ponowne wczytywanie konfiguracji jednostki @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Jednostka @UNIT@ ukończyła ponowne wczytywanie swojej konfiguracji. Wynik: @RESULT@. Subject: Nie można wykonać procesu @EXECUTABLE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Proces @EXECUTABLE@ nie mógł zostać wykonany i się nie powiódł. Numer błędu zwrócony przez ten proces: @ERRNO@. Subject: Nie można przekazać jednego lub więcej komunikatów do syslog Defined-By: systemd Support: Jeden lub więcej komunikatów nie może zostać przekazanych do usługi syslog uruchomionej obok journald. Zwykle oznacza to, że implementacja syslog nie jest w stanie nadążyć za prędkością kolejki komunikatów. Subject: Punkt montowania nie jest pusty Defined-By: systemd Support: Katalog @WHERE@ został podany jako punkt montowania (drugie pole w pliku /etc/fstab lub pole Where= w pliku jednostki systemd) i nie jest pusty. Nie wpływa to na montowanie, ale wcześniej istniejące pliki w tym katalogu stają się niedostępne. Aby zobaczyć te pliki, proszę ręcznie zamontować system plików w innym położeniu. Subject: Uruchomiono maszynę wirtualną lub kontener Defined-By: systemd Support: Maszyna wirtualna @NAME@ (PID prowadzący @LEADER@) została uruchomiona i jest gotowa do użycia. Subject: Zakończono maszynę wirtualną lub kontener Defined-By: systemd Support: Maszyna wirtualna @NAME@ (PID prowadzący @LEADER@) została wyłączona. Subject: O jornal foi inciado Defined-By: systemd Support: O processo jornal do sistema foi iniciado, arquivos foram abertos e está pronto para processar requisições. Subject: O jornal foi interrompido Defined-By: systemd Support: O processo do jornal do sistema foi desligado e todos os arquivos de jornal do sistema foram fechados. Subject: Mensagens de um serviço foram suprimidas Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:journald.conf(5) Um serviço registrou no log um número excessivo de mensagens dentro de um período de tempo. Mensagens do serviço foram descartadas. Note que apenas mensagens de um serviço em questão foram descartadas; outras mensagens dos serviços não foram afetadas. Os controles de limites de quando as mensagens são descartadas pode ser configurado com RateLimitInterval= e RateLimitBurst= no /etc/systemd/journald.conf. Veja journald.conf(5) para detalhes. Subject: Mensagens do jornal foram perdidas Defined-By: systemd Support: Mensagens do kernel foram perdidas pois o sistema do jornal não pôde processá-las em velocidade suficiente para a demanda. Subject: Processo @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) despejou núcleo Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Processo @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) travou e despejou o núcleo. Isso normalmente indica um erro de programação no programa que travou e deveria ser relatado para seu fabricante como um erro. Subject: A nova sessão @SESSION_ID@ foi criada para usuário o @USER_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Uma nova sessão com o ID @SESSION_ID@ foi criada para o usuário @USER_ID@. O processo originador da sessão é @LEADER@. Subject: Sessão @SESSION_ID@ foi terminada Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Um sessão com o ID @SESSION_ID@ foi terminada. Subject: Um novo seat @SEAT_ID@ está disponível Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Um novo seat @SEAT_ID@ foi configurado e está disponível. Subject: Seat @SEAT_ID@ foi removido agora Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Um seat @SEAT_ID@ foi removido e não está mais disponível. Subject: Time change Defined-By: systemd Support: O relógio do sistema foi alterado para @REALTIME@ microssegundos após 1º de janeiro de 1970. Subject: Fuso horário alterado para @TIMEZONE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: O fuso horário do sistema foi alterado para @TIMEZONE@. Subject: Inicialização do sistema foi concluída Defined-By: systemd Support: Todos os serviços do sistema necessários que estão enfileirados para executar na inicialização do sistema, foram iniciados com sucesso. Note que isso não significa que a máquina está ociosa, pois os serviços podem ainda estar ocupados com a inicialização completa. Inicialização do kernel precisou @KERNEL_USEC@ microssegundos. Disco de RAM inicial precisou de @INITRD_USEC@ microssegundos. Inicialização do espaço do usuário precisou de @USERSPACE_USEC@ microssegundos. Subject: Estado de suspensão do sistema @SLEEP@ iniciado Defined-By: systemd Support: O sistema entrou agora no estado de suspensão @SLEEP@. Subject: Estado de suspensão do sistema @SLEEP@ finalizado Defined-By: systemd Support: O sistema saiu agora do estado de suspensão @SLEEP@. Subject: Desligamento do sistema iniciado Defined-By: systemd Support: Desligamento do sistema foi inicializado. O desligamento se iniciou e todos os serviços do sistema foram terminados e todos os sistemas desmontados. Subject: Unidade @UNIT@ sendo iniciado Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ está sendo iniciada. Subject: Unidade @UNIT@ concluiu a inicialização Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ concluiu a inicialização. The start-up result is @RESULT@. Subject: Unidade @UNIT@ sendo desligado Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ está sendo desligada. Subject: A unidade @UNIT@ concluiu o desligamento Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ concluiu o desligamento. Subject: A unidade @UNIT@ falhou Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ falhou. O resultado é @RESULT@. Subject: Unidade @UNIT@ iniciou recarregamento de sua configuração Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ iniciou o recarregamento de sua configuração. Subject: Unidade @UNIT@ concluiu recarregamento de sua configuração Defined-By: systemd Support: A unidade @UNIT@ concluiu o recarregamento de sua configuração. O resultado é @RESULT@. Subject: Processo @EXECUTABLE@ não pôde ser executado Defined-By: systemd Support: O processo @EXECUTABLE@ não pôde ser executado e falhou. O número de erro retornado por este processo é @ERRNO@. Subject: Uma ou mais mensagens não puderam ser encaminhadas para o syslog Defined-By: systemd Support: Uma ou mais mensagens não puderam ser encaminhadas para o serviço do syslog em execução paralela ao journald. Isso normalmente indica que a implementação do syslog não foi capaz de se manter com a velocidade das mensagens enfileiradas. Subject: Ponto de montagem não está vazio Defined-By: systemd Support: O diretório @WHERE@ está especificado como ponto de montagem (o segundo campo no /etc/fstab ou campo Where= no arquivo de unidade do systemd) e não está vazio. Isso não interfere com a montagem, mas os arquivos pré-existentes neste diretório se tornaram inacessívels. Para ver aqueles arquivos, sobre os quais foi realizada a montagem, por favor monte manualmente o sistema de arquivos subjacente para uma localização secundária. Subject: Uma máquina virtual ou contêiner foi iniciado Defined-By: systemd Support: A máquina virtual @NAME@ com seu PID @LEADER@ incial foi iniciada e está pronto para ser usad. Subject: Uma máquina virtual ou contêiner foi terminado Defined-By: systemd Support: A máquina virtual @NAME@ com seu PID @LEADER@ incial foi desligada. Subject: Запущена служба журналирования Defined-By: systemd Support: Процесс, отвечающий за журналирование системных событий, успешно запустился, открыл для записи файлы журнала, и готов обрабатывать запросы. Subject: Служба журналирования остановлена Defined-By: systemd Support: Процесс, отвечающий за журналирование системных событий, завершил работу и закрыл все свои файлы. Subject: Часть сообщений от службы пропущена Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:journald.conf(5) Служба отправила слишком много сообщений за короткий промежуток времени. Часть сообщений была пропущена. Обратите внимание, что были пропущены сообщения только от этой службы, сообщения других служб не затронуты. Предел, после которого служба журнала начинает игнорировать сообщения, настраивается параметрами RateLimitInterval= и RateLimitBurst= в файле /etc/systemd/journald.conf. Подробности смотрите на странице руководства journald.conf(5). Subject: Часть сообщений ядра пропущена Defined-By: systemd Support: Часть сообщений, поступивших от ядра, была потеряна, так как служба журналирования не успела их обработать. Subject: Процесс @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) сбросил дамп памяти Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: man:core(5) Процесс @COREDUMP_PID@ (@COREDUMP_COMM@) завершился из-за критической ошибки. Записан дамп памяти. Вероятно, это произошло из-за ошибки, допущенной в коде программы. Рекомендуется сообщить её разработчикам о возникшей проблеме. Subject: Для пользователя @USER_ID@ создан новый сеанс @SESSION_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Для пользователя @USER_ID@ создан новый сеанс с идентификатором @SESSION_ID@. Главный процесс нового сеанса имеет индентификатор @LEADER@. Subject: Сеанс @SESSION_ID@ завершен Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Сеанс с идентификатором @SESSION_ID@ завершился. Subject: Добавлено новое рабочее место @SEAT_ID@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Новое рабочее место (seat) @SEAT_ID@ полностью настроено и готово к использованию. Subject: Рабочее место @SEAT_ID@ отключено Defined-By: systemd Support: Documentation: Рабочее место (seat) @SEAT_ID@ было отключено. Subject: Переведены системные часы Defined-By: systemd Support: Системные часы были переведены. Сейчас они показывают @REALTIME@ микросекунд с момента 00:00:00 1 января 1970 года. Subject: Часовой пояс изменен на @TIMEZONE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Системный часовой пояс был изменен. Новое значение: @TIMEZONE@. Subject: Запуск системы завершен Defined-By: systemd Support: Все системные службы, запуск которых предписан настройками, были запущены. Впрочем, это ещё не означает, что система в данный момент ничем не занята, так как некоторые службы могут продолжать инициализацию даже после того, как отчитались о своем запуске. Запуск ядра занял @KERNEL_USEC@ микросекунд. Процессы начального RAM-диска (initrd) отработали за @INITRD_USEC@ микросекунд. Запуск системных служб занял @USERSPACE_USEC@ микросекунд. Subject: Система перешла в состояние сна (@SLEEP@) Defined-By: systemd Support: Система была переведена в состояние сна (@SLEEP@). Subject: Система вышла из состояния сна (@SLEEP@) Defined-By: systemd Support: Система была выведена из состояния сна (@SLEEP@). Subject: Подготовка системы к выключению Defined-By: systemd Support: Начат процесс подготовки к выключению компьютера. Останавливаются все системные службы, отмонтируются все файловые системы. Subject: Начинается запуск юнита @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Начат процесс запуска юнита @UNIT@. Subject: Запуск юнита @UNIT@ завершен Defined-By: systemd Support: Процесс запуска юнита @UNIT@ был завершен. Результат: @RESULT@. Subject: Начинается остановка юнита @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Начат процесс остановки юнита @UNIT@. Subject: Завершена остановка юнита @UNIT@. Defined-By: systemd Support: Процесс остановки юнита @UNIT@ был завершен. Subject: Ошибка юнита @UNIT@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Произошел сбой юнита @UNIT@. Результат: @RESULT@. Subject: Юнит @UNIT@ начал перечитывать свои настройки Defined-By: systemd Support: Юнит @UNIT@ начал процесс перечитывания своей конфигурации. Subject: Юнит @UNIT@ завершил перечитывание своих настроек Defined-By: systemd Support: Юнит @UNIT@ завершил процесс перечитывания своей конфигурации. Результат: @RESULT@. Subject: Не удалось запустить процесс @EXECUTABLE@ Defined-By: systemd Support: Сбой: не удалось запустить процесс @EXECUTABLE@. Код ошибки: @ERRNO@. Subject: Часть сообщений не удалось передать процессу syslog Defined-By: systemd Support: Не удалось передать некоторые сообщения демону системного лога (syslog), дублирующему работу службы системного журнала. Скорее всего, причина в том, что используемая реализация syslog не успевает обрабатывать сообщения с достаточной скоростью. Subject: Каталог, являющийся точкой монтирования, не пуст Defined-By: systemd Support: Каталог @WHERE@, который был указан в качестве точки монтирования (во втором столбце файла /etc/fstab, либо в параметре Where= файла конфигурации юнита), не является пустым. Это никак не мешает монтированию, однако ранее находившиеся в нем файлы будут недоступны. Чтобы получить к ним доступ, вы можете вручную перемонтировать эту файловую систему в другую точку. Subject: Запущена виртуальная машина/контейнер Defined-By: systemd Support: Виртуальная машина @NAME@ (идентификатор главного процесса: @LEADER@) запущена и готова к работе. Subject: Остановлена виртуальная машина/контейнер Defined-By: systemd Support: Виртуальная машина @NAME@ (идентификатор главного процесса: @LEADER@) выключена.