U:RDoc::TopLevel[ iI"README.md:ETcRDoc::Parser::Markdowno:RDoc::Markup::Document: @parts[-o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph;[I"é{rdoc-image:https://travis-ci.org/ruby/ruby.svg}[https://travis-ci.org/ruby/ruby] {rdoc-image:https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/0sy8rrxut4o0k960/branch/trunk?svg=true}[https://ci.appveyor.com/project/ruby/ruby/branch/trunk];TS:RDoc::Markup::Heading: leveli: textI"What's Ruby;To; ;[I"åRuby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks (as in Perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible.;TS; ; i; I"Features of Ruby;To:RDoc::Markup::List: @type: BULLET: @items[o:RDoc::Markup::ListItem: @label0;[o; ;[I"Simple Syntax;To;;0;[o; ;[I"A*Normal* Object-oriented Features (e.g. class, method calls);To;;0;[o; ;[I"H*Advanced* Object-oriented Features (e.g. Mix-in, Singleton-method);To;;0;[o; ;[I"Operator Overloading;To;;0;[o; ;[I"Exception Handling;To;;0;[o; ;[I"Iterators and Closures;To;;0;[o; ;[I"Garbage Collection;To;;0;[o; ;[I"./configure does not exist or is older than configure.in, run autoconf to (re)generate configure.;Fo;;0;[o; ;[I"gRun ./configure, which will generate config.h and Makefile.;Fo; ;[I"ªSome C compiler flags may be added by default depending on your environment. Specify optflags=.. and warnflags=.. as necessary to override them.;Fo;;0;[o; ;[I"SEdit defines.h if you need. Usually this step will not be needed.;Fo;;0;[o; ;[I"¥Remove comment mark(#) before the module names from ext/Setup (or add module names if not present), if you want to link modules statically.;Fo; ;[I"×If you don't want to compile non static extension modules (probably on architectures which do not allow dynamic loading), remove comment mark from the line "#option nodynamic" in ext/Setup.;Fo; ;[I"*Usually this step will not be needed.;Fo;;0;[o; ;[I"Run make.;Fo; ;;;[o;;0;[o; ;[I"•On Mac, set RUBY_CODESIGN environment variable with a signing identity. It uses the identity to sign ruby binary. See also codesign(1).;Fo;;0;[o; ;[I"ÅOptionally, run 'make check' to check whether the compiled Ruby interpreter works well. If you see the message "check succeeded", your ruby works as it should (hopefully).;Fo;;0;[ o; ;[I"$Run 'make install';Fo; ;[I"TThis command will create the following directories and install files into them.;Fo; ;;;[o;;0;[o; ;[I")${DESTDIR}${prefix}/bin;To;;0;[o; ;[I"M${DESTDIR}${prefix}/include/ruby-${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${TEENY};To;;0;[o; ;[I"Y${DESTDIR}${prefix}/include/ruby-${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${TEENY}/${PLATFORM};To;;0;[o; ;[I")${DESTDIR}${prefix}/lib;To;;0;[o; ;[I".${DESTDIR}${prefix}/lib/ruby;To;;0;[o; ;[I"I${DESTDIR}${prefix}/lib/ruby/${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${TEENY};To;;0;[o; ;[I"U${DESTDIR}${prefix}/lib/ruby/${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${TEENY}/${PLATFORM};To;;0;[o; ;[I"8${DESTDIR}${prefix}/lib/ruby/site_ruby;To;;0;[o; ;[I"S${DESTDIR}${prefix}/lib/ruby/site_ruby/${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${TEENY};To;;0;[o; ;[I"_${DESTDIR}${prefix}/lib/ruby/site_ruby/${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${TEENY}/${PLATFORM};To;;0;[o; ;[I":${DESTDIR}${prefix}/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby;To;;0;[o; ;[I"U${DESTDIR}${prefix}/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${TEENY};To;;0;[o; ;[I"a${DESTDIR}${prefix}/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${TEENY}/${PLATFORM};To;;0;[o; ;[I"N${DESTDIR}${prefix}/lib/ruby/gems/${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${TEENY};To;;0;[o; ;[I"4${DESTDIR}${prefix}/share/man/man1;To;;0;[o; ;[I"P${DESTDIR}${prefix}/share/ri/${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${TEENY}/system;To; ;[I"“If Ruby's API version is '_x.y.z_', the ${MAJOR} is '_x_', the ${MINOR} is '_y_', and the ${TEENY} is '_z_'.;Fo; ;[I"Y*NOTE*: teeny of the API version may be different from one of Ruby's program version;To; ;[I"5You may have to be a super user to install ruby.;Fo; ;[I"If you fail to compile ruby, please send the detailed error report with the error log and machine/OS type, to help others.;To; ;[I"éSome extension libraries may not get compiled because of lack of necessary external libraries and/or headers, then you will need to run 'make distclean-ext' to remove old configuration after installing them in such case.;TS; ; i; I" Copying;To; ;[I"%See the file {COPYING}[COPYING].;TS; ; i; I" Feedback;To; ;[I"´Questions about the Ruby language can be asked on the Ruby-Talk mailing list (https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/community/mailing-lists) or on websites like (https://stackoverflow.com).;To; ;[I"žBug reports should be filed at https://bugs.ruby-lang.org. Read {HowToReport}[https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/projects/ruby/wiki/HowToReport] for more information.;TS; ; i; I"Contributing;To; ;[I"4See the file {CONTRIBUTING.md}[CONTRIBUTING.md];TS; ; i; I"The Author;To; ;[I"URuby was originally designed and developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto (Matz) in 1995.;To; ;[I"mailto:matz@ruby-lang.org;T: @file@:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below0