U:RDoc::AnyMethod[iI" skip:ETI"StringScanner#skip;TF: publico:RDoc::Markup::Document: @parts[ o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph; [I"PAttempts to skip over the given +pattern+ beginning with the scan pointer. ;TI"RIf it matches, the scan pointer is advanced to the end of the match, and the ;TI"Dlength of the match is returned. Otherwise, +nil+ is returned.;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLineo; ; [I"EIt's similar to #scan, but without returning the matched string.;T@o:RDoc::Markup::Verbatim; [ I"*s = StringScanner.new('test string') ;TI"p s.skip(/\w+/) # -> 4 ;TI" p s.skip(/\w+/) # -> nil ;TI"p s.skip(/\s+/) # -> 1 ;TI"p s.skip(/\w+/) # -> 6 ;TI"p s.skip(/./) # -> nil;T: @format0: @fileI"ext/strscan/strscan.c;T:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below0I"skip(pattern) ;T0[I" (p1);T@FI"StringScanner;TcRDoc::NormalClass00