U:RDoc::NormalModule[iI" Psych:EF@0o:RDoc::Markup::Document: @parts[)o;;[]S:RDoc::Markup::Heading: leveli: textI" Overview;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLineo:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph;[ I")Psych is a YAML parser and emitter. ;TI"IPsych leverages libyaml [Home page: http://pyyaml.org/wiki/LibYAML] ;TI"Ior [HG repo: https://bitbucket.org/xi/libyaml] for its YAML parsing ;TI"Land emitting capabilities. In addition to wrapping libyaml, Psych also ;TI"Kknows how to serialize and de-serialize most Ruby objects to and from ;TI"the YAML format.;T@S; ; i; I",I NEED TO PARSE OR EMIT YAML RIGHT NOW!;T@o:RDoc::Markup::Verbatim;[ I"# Parse some YAML ;TI"&Psych.load("--- foo") # => "foo" ;TI" ;TI"# Emit some YAML ;TI"1Psych.dump("foo") # => "--- foo\n...\n" ;TI"/{ :a => 'b'}.to_yaml # => "---\n:a: b\n" ;T: @format0o; ;[I"3Got more time on your hands? Keep on reading!;T@S; ; i; I"YAML Parsing;T@o; ;[ I"SPsych provides a range of interfaces for parsing a YAML document ranging from ;TI"Nlow level to high level, depending on your parsing needs. At the lowest ;TI"Plevel, is an event based parser. Mid level is access to the raw YAML AST, ;TI"Oand at the highest level is the ability to unmarshal YAML to Ruby objects.;T@S; ; i; I"YAML Emitting;T@o; ;[ I"MPsych provides a range of interfaces ranging from low to high level for ;TI"Sproducing YAML documents. Very similar to the YAML parsing interfaces, Psych ;TI"Pprovides at the lowest level, an event based system, mid-level is building ;TI"Oa YAML AST, and the highest level is converting a Ruby object straight to ;TI"a YAML document.;T@S; ; i; I"High-level API;T@S; ; i; I" Parsing;T@o; ;[I"QThe high level YAML parser provided by Psych simply takes YAML as input and ;TI"Treturns a Ruby data structure. For information on using the high level parser ;TI"see Psych.load;T@S; ; i ; I"Reading from a string;T@o;;[I".Psych.load("--- a") # => 'a' ;TI"5Psych.load("---\n - a\n - b") # => ['a', 'b'] ;T;0S; ; i ; I"Reading from a file;T@o;;[I"%Psych.load_file("database.yml") ;T;0S; ; i ; I"Exception handling;T@o;;[ I" begin ;TI"A # The second argument changes only the exception contents ;TI"( Psych.parse("--- `", "file.txt") ;TI"%rescue Psych::SyntaxError => ex ;TI"" ex.file # => 'file.txt' ;TI"Q ex.message # => "(file.txt): found character that cannot start any token" ;TI" end ;T;0S; ; i; I" Emitting;T@o; ;[I"RThe high level emitter has the easiest interface. Psych simply takes a Ruby ;TI"Qdata structure and converts it to a YAML document. See Psych.dump for more ;TI"2information on dumping a Ruby data structure.;T@S; ; i ; I"Writing to a string;T@o;;[I"-# Dump an array, get back a YAML string ;TI"4Psych.dump(['a', 'b']) # => "---\n- a\n- b\n" ;TI" ;TI"%# Dump an array to an IO object ;TI"MPsych.dump(['a', 'b'], StringIO.new) # => # ;TI" ;TI"*# Dump an array with indentation set ;TI"KPsych.dump(['a', ['b']], :indentation => 3) # => "---\n- a\n- - b\n" ;TI" ;TI"3# Dump an array to an IO with indentation set ;TI"?Psych.dump(['a', ['b']], StringIO.new, :indentation => 3) ;T;0S; ; i ; I"Writing to a file;T@o; ;[I"ICurrently there is no direct API for dumping Ruby structure to file:;T@o;;[I".File.open('database.yml', 'w') do |file| ;TI"* file.write(Psych.dump(['a', 'b'])) ;TI" end ;T;0S; ; i; I"Mid-level API;T@S; ; i; I" Parsing;T@o; ;[ I"RPsych provides access to an AST produced from parsing a YAML document. This ;TI"Ptree is built using the Psych::Parser and Psych::TreeBuilder. The AST can ;TI"Jbe examined and manipulated freely. Please see Psych::parse_stream, ;TI"OPsych::Nodes, and Psych::Nodes::Node for more information on dealing with ;TI"YAML syntax trees.;T@S; ; i ; I"Reading from a string;T@o;;[ I"$# Returns Psych::Nodes::Stream ;TI"+Psych.parse_stream("---\n - a\n - b") ;TI" ;TI"&# Returns Psych::Nodes::Document ;TI"$Psych.parse("---\n - a\n - b") ;T;0S; ; i ; I"Reading from a file;T@o;;[ I"$# Returns Psych::Nodes::Stream ;TI"3Psych.parse_stream(File.read('database.yml')) ;TI" ;TI"&# Returns Psych::Nodes::Document ;TI"&Psych.parse_file('database.yml') ;T;0S; ; i ; I"Exception handling;T@o;;[ I" begin ;TI"A # The second argument changes only the exception contents ;TI"( Psych.parse("--- `", "file.txt") ;TI"%rescue Psych::SyntaxError => ex ;TI"" ex.file # => 'file.txt' ;TI"Q ex.message # => "(file.txt): found character that cannot start any token" ;TI" end ;T;0S; ; i; I" Emitting;T@o; ;[ I"SAt the mid level is building an AST. This AST is exactly the same as the AST ;TI"Pused when parsing a YAML document. Users can build an AST by hand and the ;TI"IAST knows how to emit itself as a YAML document. See Psych::Nodes, ;TI"QPsych::Nodes::Node, and Psych::TreeBuilder for more information on building ;TI"a YAML AST.;T@S; ; i ; I"Writing to a string;T@o;;[ I"A# We need Psych::Nodes::Stream (not Psych::Nodes::Document) ;TI"4stream = Psych.parse_stream("---\n - a\n - b") ;TI" ;TI"+stream.to_yaml # => "---\n- a\n- b\n" ;T;0S; ; i ; I"Writing to a file;T@o;;[ I"A# We need Psych::Nodes::Stream (not Psych::Nodes::Document) ;TI" # ;TI"Oparser = Psych.parser # it's an alias for the above ;TI" ;TI"Gparser.parse("---\n - a\n - b") # => # ;TI"Lparser.handler # => # ;TI"Nparser.handler.root # => # ;T;0S; ; i ; I"Receiving an events stream;T@o;;[ I"?parser = Psych::Parser.new(Psych::Handlers::Recorder.new) ;TI" ;TI"%parser.parse("---\n - a\n - b") ;TI"6parser.events # => [list of [event, args] lists] ;TI"= # event is one of: Psych::Handler::EVENTS ;TI"@ # args are the arguments passed to the event ;T;0S; ; i; I" Emitting;T@o; ;[ I"NThe lowest level emitter is an event based system. Events are sent to a ;TI"SPsych::Emitter object. That object knows how to convert the events to a YAML ;TI"Odocument. This interface should be used when document format is known in ;TI"Madvance or speed is a concern. See Psych::Emitter for more information.;T@S; ; i ; I" Writing to a Ruby structure;T@o;;[I"=Psych.parser.parse("--- a") # => # ;TI" ;TI"Dparser.handler.first # => # ;TI"2parser.handler.first.to_ruby # => ["a"] ;TI" ;TI"Fparser.handler.root.first # => # ;TI"0parser.handler.root.first.to_ruby # => "a" ;TI" ;TI"/# You can instantiate an Emitter manually ;TI"CPsych::Visitors::ToRuby.new.accept(parser.handler.root.first) ;TI" # => "a";T;0: @fileI"ext/psych/lib/psych.rb;T:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below0o;;[;I"(ext/psych/lib/psych/class_loader.rb;T;0o;;[;I"!ext/psych/lib/psych/coder.rb;T;0o;;[;I"&ext/psych/lib/psych/deprecated.rb;T;0o;;[;I"%ext/psych/lib/psych/exception.rb;T;0o;;[;I"#ext/psych/lib/psych/handler.rb;T;0o;;[;I"4ext/psych/lib/psych/handlers/document_stream.rb;T;0o;;[;I"-ext/psych/lib/psych/handlers/recorder.rb;T;0o;;[;I",ext/psych/lib/psych/json/ruby_events.rb;T;0o;;[;I"'ext/psych/lib/psych/json/stream.rb;T;0o;;[;I"-ext/psych/lib/psych/json/tree_builder.rb;T;0o;;[;I",ext/psych/lib/psych/json/yaml_events.rb;T;0o;;[;I"!ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes.rb;T;0o;;[;I"'ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes/alias.rb;T;0o;;[;I"*ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes/document.rb;T;0o;;[;I")ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes/mapping.rb;T;0o;;[;I"&ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes/node.rb;T;0o;;[;I"(ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes/scalar.rb;T;0o;;[;I"*ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes/sequence.rb;T;0o;;[;I"(ext/psych/lib/psych/nodes/stream.rb;T;0o;;[;I" ext/psych/lib/psych/omap.rb;T;0o;;[;I""ext/psych/lib/psych/parser.rb;T;0o;;[;I"*ext/psych/lib/psych/scalar_scanner.rb;T;0o;;[;I"ext/psych/lib/psych/set.rb;T;0o;;[;I""ext/psych/lib/psych/stream.rb;T;0o;;[;I"%ext/psych/lib/psych/streaming.rb;T;0o;;[;I"(ext/psych/lib/psych/syntax_error.rb;T;0o;;[;I"(ext/psych/lib/psych/tree_builder.rb;T;0o;;[;I"$ext/psych/lib/psych/versions.rb;T;0o;;[;I"0ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/depth_first.rb;T;0o;;[;I",ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/emitter.rb;T;0o;;[;I".ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/json_tree.rb;T;0o;;[;I",ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/to_ruby.rb;T;0o;;[;I",ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/visitor.rb;T;0o;;[;I".ext/psych/lib/psych/visitors/yaml_tree.rb;T;0o;;[;I"ext/psych/psych.c;T;0;0;0[[U:RDoc::Constant[iI"LIBYAML_VERSION;FI"Psych::LIBYAML_VERSION;T00o;;[o; ;[I"*The version of libyaml Psych is using;T;@ç;0@ç@cRDoc::NormalModule0U;[iI" VERSION;FI"Psych::VERSION;T00o;;[o; ;[I"&The version is Psych you're using;T;@;;0@;@@\0U;[iI"DEFAULT_SNAKEYAML_VERSION;FI"%Psych::DEFAULT_SNAKEYAML_VERSION;T00o;;[;@;;0@;@@\0[[[I" class;T[[: public[[I"add_private_type;FI"&ext/psych/lib/psych/deprecated.rb;T[I"add_ruby_type;F@u[I"detect_implicit;F@u[I" dump;FI"ext/psych/lib/psych.rb;T[I"dump_stream;F@|[I"libyaml_version;TI"ext/psych/psych.c;T[I" load;F@|[I"load_documents;F@u[I"load_file;F@|[I"load_stream;F@|[I"object_maker;F@u[I" parse;F@|[I"parse_file;F@|[I"parse_stream;F@|[I" parser;F@|[I"read_type_class;F@u[I"safe_load;F@|[I" tagurize;F@u[I" to_json;F@|[:protected[[: private[[I" instance;T[[;[[;[[;[[[I"DeprecatedMethods;To;;[;@ð;0@u[U:RDoc::Context::Section[i0o;;[;0;0[-@ç@ê@í@ð@ó@ö@ù@ü@ÿ@@@@ @@@@@@@ @#@&@)@,@/@2@5@8@;@>@A@D@G@J@M@PI" lib/rubygems/config_file.rb;TI"$lib/rubygems/psych_additions.rb;TI"lib/rubygems/psych_tree.rb;TI""lib/rubygems/specification.rb;T@µcRDoc::TopLevel