U:RDoc::AnyMethod[iI" start:EFI"Net::HTTP::start;TT: publico:RDoc::Markup::Document: @parts[ o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph; [I"ECreates a new Net::HTTP object, then additionally opens the TCP ;TI"!connection and HTTP session.;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLineo; ; [I"!Arguments are the following:;To:RDoc::Markup::List: @type: NOTE: @items[ o:RDoc::Markup::ListItem: @label[I"_address_ ;T; [o; ; [I")hostname or IP address of the server;To;;[I"_port_ ;T; [o; ; [I"port of the server;To;;[I"_p_addr_ ;T; [o; ; [I"address of proxy;To;;[I"_p_port_ ;T; [o; ; [I"port of proxy;To;;[I"_p_user_ ;T; [o; ; [I"user of proxy;To;;[I"_p_pass_ ;T; [o; ; [I"pass of proxy;To;;[I"_opt_ ;T; [o; ; [I"optional hash;T@o; ; [ I"2_opt_ sets following values by its accessor. ;TI"?The keys are ca_file, ca_path, cert, cert_store, ciphers, ;TI"Lclose_on_empty_response, key, open_timeout, read_timeout, ssl_timeout, ;TI"Jssl_version, use_ssl, verify_callback, verify_depth and verify_mode. ;TI"IIf you set :use_ssl as true, you can use https and default value of ;TI"5verify_mode is set as OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER.;T@o; ; [ I"/If the optional block is given, the newly ;TI"Bcreated Net::HTTP object is passed to it and closed when the ;TI"Dblock finishes. In this case, the return value of this method ;TI"Bis the return value of the block. If no block is given, the ;TI"Greturn value of this method is the newly created Net::HTTP object ;TI"Jitself, and the caller is responsible for closing it upon completion ;TI"using the finish() method.;T: @fileI"lib/net/http.rb;T:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below0I"HTTP.start(address, port, p_addr, p_port, p_user, p_pass, &block) HTTP.start(address, port=nil, p_addr=nil, p_port=nil, p_user=nil, p_pass=nil, opt, &block) ;TI" http;F[I"(address, *arg);T@WFI" HTTP;TcRDoc::NormalClass00