U:RDoc::AnyMethod[iI" open:ETI"Kernel::open;TT:publico:RDoc::Markup::Document:@parts[3o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph; [I"MCreates an IO object connected to the given stream, file, or subprocess.;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLine o;
; [I"OIf +path+ does not start with a pipe character (|
), treat it ;TI"Kas the name of a file to open using the specified mode (defaulting to ;TI"
; [ I"KThe +mode+ is either a string or an integer. If it is an integer, it ;TI"Pmust be bitwise-or of open(2) flags, such as File::RDWR or File::EXCL. If ;TI"?it is a string, it is either "fmode", "fmode:ext_enc", or ;TI""fmode:ext_enc:int_enc".;T@o;
; [I"QSee the documentation of IO.new for full documentation of the +mode+ string ;TI"directives.;T@o;
; [I"NIf a file is being created, its initial permissions may be set using the ;TI"P+perm+ parameter. See File.new and the open(2) and chmod(2) man pages for ;TI""a description of permissions.;T@o;
; [I"IIf a block is specified, it will be invoked with the IO object as a ;TI"Gparameter, and the IO will be automatically closed when the block ;TI":terminates. The call returns the value of the block.;T@o;
; [ I"PIf +path+ starts with a pipe character ("|"
), a subprocess is ;TI"Kcreated, connected to the caller by a pair of pipes. The returned IO ;TI"Iobject may be used to write to the standard input and read from the ;TI"(standard output of this subprocess.;T@o;
; [ I">If the command following the pipe is a single minus sign ;TI"N("|-"
), Ruby forks, and this subprocess is connected to the ;TI"Nparent. If the command is not "-"
, the subprocess runs the ;TI"
; [I"LWhen the subprocess is Ruby (opened via "|-"
), the +open+ ;TI"Lcall returns +nil+. If a block is associated with the open call, that ;TI"Gblock will run twice --- once in the parent and once in the child.;T@o;
; [I"MThe block parameter will be an IO object in the parent and +nil+ in the ;TI"Mchild. The parent's +IO+ object will be connected to the child's $stdin ;TI"Mand $stdout. The subprocess will be terminated at the end of the block.;T@S:RDoc::Markup::Heading:
leveli: textI"
; [I"Reading from "testfile":;T@o:RDoc::Markup::Verbatim; [I"open("testfile") do |f|
;TI" print f.gets
;TI" end
; [I"Produces:;T@o;; [I"This is line one
; [I"+Open a subprocess and read its output:;T@o;; [I"cmd = open("|date")
;TI"print cmd.gets
; [I"Produces:;T@o;; [I""Wed Apr 9 08:56:31 CDT 2003
; [I"5Open a subprocess running the same Ruby program:;T@o;; [I"f = open("|-", "w+")
;TI"if f.nil?
;TI" puts "in Child"
;TI" exit
;TI" puts "Got: #{f.gets}"
;TI" end
; [I"Produces:;T@o;; [I"Got: in Child
; [I">Open a subprocess using a block to receive the IO object:;T@o;; [I"open "|-" do |f|
;TI" if f then
;TI" # parent process
;TI" puts "Got: #{f.gets}"
;TI" else
;TI" # child process
;TI" puts "in Child"
;TI" end
;TI" end
; [I"Produces:;T@o;; [I"Got: in Child;T;0:
@fileI" io.c;T:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below0I"|open(path [, mode [, perm]] [, opt]) -> io or nil
open(path [, mode [, perm]] [, opt]) {|io| block } -> obj
;T0[[I"open_uri_original_open;Fo;; [ ;I"lib/open-uri.rb;T;0[I"open_uri_original_open;Fo;; [ ;@„;0I"(*args);T@„FI"Kernel;TcRDoc::NormalModule00