U:RDoc::AnyMethod[iI" load:EFI"JSON#load;TF: publico:RDoc::Markup::Document: @parts[ o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph; [ I"QLoad a ruby data structure from a JSON _source_ and return it. A source can ;TI"Peither be a string-like object, an IO-like object, or an object responding ;TI"Pto the read method. If _proc_ was given, it will be called with any nested ;TI"PRuby object as an argument recursively in depth first order. To modify the ;TI"Edefault options pass in the optional _options_ argument as well.;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLineo; ; [ I"MBEWARE: This method is meant to serialise data from trusted user input, ;TI"Plike from your own database server or clients under your control, it could ;TI"Mbe dangerous to allow untrusted users to pass JSON sources into it. The ;TI"Pdefault options for the parser can be changed via the load_default_options ;TI" method.;T@o; ; [I"MThis method is part of the implementation of the load/dump interface of ;TI"Marshal and YAML.;T: @fileI" ext/json/lib/json/common.rb;T:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below000[[I" restore;Fo;; [; @; 0I"'(source, proc = nil, options = {});T@FI" JSON;FcRDoc::NormalModule00