o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph; [I"NRounds +float+ to a given precision in decimal digits (default 0 digits).;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLine o;
; [I"PPrecision may be negative. Returns a floating point number when +ndigits+ ;TI"is more than zero.;T@o:RDoc::Markup::Verbatim; [I"1.4.round #=> 1
;TI"1.5.round #=> 2
;TI"1.6.round #=> 2
;TI"(-1.5).round #=> -2
;TI"!1.234567.round(2) #=> 1.23
;TI""1.234567.round(3) #=> 1.235
;TI"#1.234567.round(4) #=> 1.2346
;TI"$1.234567.round(5) #=> 1.23457
;TI"34567.89.round(-5) #=> 0
;TI""34567.89.round(-4) #=> 30000
;TI""34567.89.round(-3) #=> 35000
;TI""34567.89.round(-2) #=> 34600
;TI""34567.89.round(-1) #=> 34570
;TI""34567.89.round(0) #=> 34568
;TI"$34567.89.round(1) #=> 34567.9
;TI"%34567.89.round(2) #=> 34567.89
;TI"%34567.89.round(3) #=> 34567.89
; [I"GIf half:
optional keyword is given, just-half number ;TI".will be rounded according to that value. ;TI"3Supported values for this keyword are follows.;T@o:RDoc::Markup::List:
@type:BULLET:@items[o:RDoc::Markup::ListItem:@label0; [o;
; [I"I:up
or +nil+: the result will be rounded away from zero;To;;0; [o;
; [I"J:even
: the result will be rounded to nearest even number;To;;0; [o;
; [I"A:down
: the result will be rounded close to zero;T:
@fileI"numeric.c;T:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below0I"2float.round([ndigits]) -> integer or float
;T0[ I"(p1 = v1, p2 = {});T@>FI"