U:RDoc::AnyMethod[iI" instance:EFI"CSV::instance;TT: publico:RDoc::Markup::Document: @parts[o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph; [ I"KThis method will return a CSV instance, just like CSV::new(), but the ;TI"Rinstance will be cached and returned for all future calls to this method for ;TI"Ithe same +data+ object (tested by Object#object_id()) with the same ;TI"+options+.;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLineo; ; [I"MIf a block is given, the instance is passed to the block and the return ;TI"1value becomes the return value of the block.;T: @fileI"lib/csv.rb;T:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below00I" instance;T[I")(data = $stdout, options = Hash.new);T@FI"CSV;TcRDoc::NormalClass00