Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/foxiz-core/admin/taxonomy.php
<?php /* Taxonomy Meta -Add meta values to terms, mimic custom post fields License: GPL2+ */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } if ( ! class_exists( 'RW_Custom_Taxonomy_Meta' ) ) { class RW_Custom_Taxonomy_Meta { protected $_meta; protected $_taxonomies; protected $_fields; /** * Store all JS of fields * @var string */ public $js = ''; function __construct( $meta ) { if ( ! is_admin() ) { return; } $this->_meta = $meta; $this->normalize(); add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'add' ), 100 ); add_action( 'edit_term', array( $this, 'save' ), 10, 2 ); add_action( 'delete_term', array( $this, 'delete' ), 10, 2 ); add_action( 'load-edit-tags.php', array( $this, 'load_edit_page' ) ); } /** * Enqueue scripts and styles * * @return void */ function load_edit_page() { $screen = get_current_screen(); if ( ! ( 'term' === $screen->base || ( 'edit-tags' === $screen->base && ! empty( $_GET['action'] ) && 'edit' === $_GET['action'] ) ) || ! in_array( $screen->taxonomy, $this->_taxonomies ) ) { return; } add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'admin_enqueue_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, 'js_templates' ), 1 ); add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, 'output_js' ), 100 ); } /** * Enqueue scripts and styles * * @return void */ function admin_enqueue_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); $this->check_field_upload(); $this->check_field_date(); $this->check_field_color(); $this->check_field_time(); } /** * Output JS into footer * * @return void */ function output_js() { echo $this->js ? '<script>jQuery(function($){ var pre180Underscore = window._ && parseFloat(window._.VERSION) <= 1.7; ' . $this->js . '});</script>' : ''; } public function js_templates() { $template = '<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-taxonomy-select-file">'; $template .= '<# _.each(data.attachments, function(attachment) { #>'; $template .= '<li>'; $template .= '<a href="{{{ attachment.url }}}">{{{ attachment.filename }}}</a>'; $template .= '<a class="rwtm-delete-file" href="#">' . esc_html__( 'Delete', 'rwtm' ) . '</a>'; $template .= '<input type="hidden" name={{}}[]" value="{{{ }}}">'; $template .= '</li>'; $template .= '<# }); #>'; $template .= '</script>'; $template .= '<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-taxonomy-select-images">'; $template .= '<# _.each( data.attachments, function(attachment) { '; $template .= ' if (attachment.sizes) {'; $template .= ' var imageUrl = attachment.sizes.full.url;'; $template .= ' } else {'; $template .= ' var imageUrl = attachment.url;'; $template .= ' } #>'; $template .= '<li>'; $template .= '<img src="{{{ imageUrl }}}">'; $template .= '<a class="rwtm-delete-file" href="#">' . esc_html__( 'Delete', 'rwtm' ) . '</a>'; $template .= '<input type="hidden" name="{{}}[]" value="{{{ }}}">'; $template .= '</li>'; $template .= '<# }); #></script>'; echo $template; } /******************** BEGIN FIELDS **********************/ // Check field upload and add needed actions function check_field_upload() { if ( ! $this->has_field( 'image' ) && $this->has_field( 'file' ) ) { return; } // Add enctype $this->js .= ' $("#edittag").attr("enctype", "multipart/form-data"); '; // Delete file $this->js .= ' $("body").on("click", ".rwtm-delete-file", function(){ $(this).parent().remove(); return false; }); '; if ( $this->has_field( 'file' ) ) { $this->js .= " \$('body').on('click', '.rwtm-file-upload', function(){ let id = \$(this).data('field'); let template = wp.template('taxonomy-select-images'); var \$uploaded = \$(this).siblings('.rwtm-uploaded'); var frame ={ multiple : true, title : \"" . __( 'Select File', 'rwtm' ) . "\" }); frame.on('select', function() { var selection = frame.state().get('selection').toJSON(); var data = { attachments: selection, id: id }; \$uploaded.append(template(data)); });; return false; }); "; } if ( ! $this->has_field( 'image' ) ) { return; } wp_enqueue_media(); $this->js .= " \$('body').on('click', '.rwtm-image-upload', function(){ var id = \$(this).data('field'); let template = wp.template('taxonomy-select-images'); var \$uploaded = \$(this).siblings('.rwtm-uploaded'); var frame ={ multiple : true, title : \"" . __( 'Select Image', 'rwtm' ) . "\", library : { type: 'image' } }); frame.on('select', function() { var selection = frame.state().get('selection').toJSON(); var data = { attachments: selection, id: id }; \$uploaded.append(template(data)); });; return false; }); "; } // Check field color function check_field_color() { if ( ! $this->has_field( 'color' ) ) { return; } wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-color-picker' ); $this->js .= '$(".color").wpColorPicker();'; } // Check field date function check_field_date() { if ( ! $this->has_field( 'date' ) ) { return; } wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery-ui', '//' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-datepicker' ); // JS $dates = array(); foreach ( $this->_fields as $field ) { if ( 'date' == $field['type'] ) { $dates[ $field['id'] ] = $field['format']; } } foreach ( $dates as $id => $format ) { $this->js .= "$('#$id').datepicker({ dateFormat: '$format', showButtonPanel: true });"; } } // Check field time function check_field_time() { if ( ! $this->has_field( 'time' ) ) { return; } wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery-ui', '//' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery-ui-timepicker', '//' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-timepicker', '//', array( 'jquery-ui-datepicker', 'jquery-ui-slider' ) ); // JS $times = array(); foreach ( $this->_fields as $field ) { if ( 'time' == $field['type'] ) { $times[ $field['id'] ] = $field['format']; } } foreach ( $times as $id => $format ) { $this->js .= "$('#$id').timepicker({showSecond: true, timeFormat: '$format'})"; } } /******************** BEGIN META BOX PAGE **********************/ // Add meta fields for taxonomies function add() { foreach ( get_taxonomies() as $tax_name ) { if ( in_array( $tax_name, $this->_taxonomies ) ) { add_action( $tax_name . '_edit_form', array( $this, 'show' ), 9, 2 ); } } } // Show meta fields function show( $tag, $taxonomy ) { // get meta fields from option table $metas = get_option( $this->_meta['id'] ); if ( empty( $metas ) ) { $metas = array(); } if ( ! is_array( $metas ) ) { $metas = (array) $metas; } // get meta fields for current term $metas = isset( $metas[ $tag->term_id ] ) ? $metas[ $tag->term_id ] : array(); wp_nonce_field( basename( __FILE__ ), 'rw_taxonomy_meta_nonce' ); echo '<div class="rb-category-settings">'; echo "<h3 class='rb-category-header'>{$this->_meta['title']}</h3>"; echo "<p class='rb-category-info'>{$this->_meta['info']}</p>"; echo "<table class='form-table'>"; foreach ( $this->_fields as $field ) { echo '<tr class="type-' . $field['type'] . '">'; $meta = ! empty( $metas[ $field['id'] ] ) ? $metas[ $field['id'] ] : $field['std']; // get meta value for current field $meta = is_array( $meta ) ? array_map( 'esc_attr', $meta ) : esc_attr( $meta ); call_user_func( array( $this, 'show_field_' . $field['type'] ), $field, $meta ); echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table></div>'; } /******************** BEGIN META BOX FIELDS **********************/ function show_field_begin( $field, $meta ) { echo "<th scope='row' valign='top'><label for='{$field['id']}'>{$field['name']}</label>"; if ( ! empty( $field['desc'] ) ) { echo "<span class='description'>{$field['desc']}</span>"; } echo "</th><td>"; } function show_field_end( $field, $meta ) { echo "</td>"; } function show_field_info( $field, $meta ) { $this->show_field_begin( $field, $meta ); $this->show_field_end( $field, $meta ); } function show_field_text( $field, $meta ) { if ( ! isset( $field['placeholder'] ) ) { $field['placeholder'] = ''; } if ( ! isset( $field['classes'] ) ) { $field['classes'] = 'text-field'; } $this->show_field_begin( $field, $meta ); echo "<input type='text' class='{$field['classes']}' placeholder='{$field['placeholder']}' name='{$field['id']}' id='{$field['id']}' value='$meta' style='{$field['style']}'>"; $this->show_field_end( $field, $meta ); } function show_field_textarea( $field, $meta ) { if ( ! isset( $field['placeholder'] ) ) { $field['placeholder'] = ''; } if ( empty( $field['rows'] ) ) { $field['rows'] = '10'; } $this->show_field_begin( $field, $meta ); echo "<textarea name='{$field['id']}' rows='{$field['rows']}' style='{$field['style']}' placeholder='{$field['placeholder']}'>$meta</textarea>"; $this->show_field_end( $field, $meta ); } function show_field_select( $field, $meta ) { if ( ! is_array( $meta ) ) { $meta = (array) $meta; } $this->show_field_begin( $field, $meta ); echo "<select style='{$field['style']}' name='{$field['id']}" . ( $field['multiple'] ? "[]' multiple='multiple'" : "'" ) . ">"; foreach ( $field['options'] as $key => $value ) { if ( $field['optgroups'] && is_array( $value ) ) { echo "<optgroup label=\"{$value['label']}\">"; foreach ( $value['options'] as $option_key => $option_value ) { echo "<option value='$option_key'" . selected( in_array( $option_key, $meta ), true, false ) . ">$option_value</option>"; } echo '</optgroup>'; } else { echo "<option value='$key'" . selected( in_array( $key, $meta ), true, false ) . ">$value</option>"; } } echo "</select>"; $this->show_field_end( $field, $meta ); } function show_field_radio( $field, $meta ) { $this->show_field_begin( $field, $meta ); $html = array(); foreach ( $field['options'] as $key => $value ) { $html[] .= "<label><input type='radio' name='{$field['id']}' value='$key'" . checked( $meta, $key, false ) . "> $value</label>"; } echo implode( ' ', $html ); $this->show_field_end( $field, $meta ); } function show_field_checkbox( $field, $meta ) { $this->show_field_begin( $field, $meta ); echo "<label><input type='checkbox' name='{$field['id']}' value='1'" . checked( ! empty( $meta ), true, false ) . "></label>"; $this->show_field_end( $field, $meta ); } function show_field_wysiwyg( $field, $meta ) { $this->show_field_begin( $field, $meta ); wp_editor( $meta, $field['id'], array( 'textarea_name' => $field['id'], 'editor_class' => $field['id'] . ' theEditor', ) ); $this->show_field_end( $field, $meta ); } function show_field_file( $field, $meta ) { if ( ! is_array( $meta ) ) { $meta = (array) $meta; } $this->show_field_begin( $field, $meta ); echo '<ol class="rwtm-files rwtm-uploaded">'; foreach ( $meta as $att ) { printf( ' <li> %s (<a class="rwtm-delete-file" href="#">%s</a>) <input type="hidden" name="%s[]" value="%s"> </li>', wp_get_attachment_link( $att ), __( 'Delete', 'rwtm' ), $field['id'], $att ); } echo '</ol>'; echo "<a href='#' class='rwtm-file-upload button' data-field='{$field['id']}'>" . __( 'Select File', 'rwtm' ) . "</a>"; echo '</td>'; } function show_field_image( $field, $meta ) { if ( ! is_array( $meta ) ) { $meta = (array) $meta; } $this->show_field_begin( $field, $meta ); echo '<ul class="rwtm-uploaded rwtm-images">'; foreach ( $meta as $att ) { $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $att, array( 150, 150 ) ); if ( $image === false ) { continue; } printf( ' <li> <img src="%s" width="150" height="150"> <a class="rwtm-delete-file" href="#">%s</a> <input type="hidden" name="%s[]" value="%s"> </li>', $image[0], __( 'Delete', 'rwtm' ), $field['id'], $att ); } echo '</ul>'; echo "<a href='#' class='rwtm-image-upload button' data-field='{$field['id']}'>" . __( 'Select Image', 'rwtm' ) . "</a>"; echo '</td>'; } function show_field_color( $field, $meta ) { if ( empty( $meta ) ) { $meta = '#'; } $this->show_field_begin( $field, $meta ); echo "<input type='text' name='{$field['id']}' id='{$field['id']}' value='$meta' class='color'>"; $this->show_field_end( $field, $meta ); } function show_field_checkbox_list( $field, $meta ) { if ( ! is_array( $meta ) ) { $meta = (array) $meta; } $this->show_field_begin( $field, $meta ); $html = array(); foreach ( $field['options'] as $key => $value ) { $html[] = "<input type='checkbox' name='{$field['id']}[]' value='$key'" . checked( in_array( $key, $meta ), true, false ) . "> $value"; } echo implode( '<br>', $html ); $this->show_field_end( $field, $meta ); } function show_field_date( $field, $meta ) { $this->show_field_text( $field, $meta ); } function show_field_time( $field, $meta ) { $this->show_field_text( $field, $meta ); } /******************** BEGIN META BOX SAVE **********************/ // Save meta fields function save( $term_id, $tt_id ) { $current_term = get_term( $term_id ); $metas = get_option( $this->_meta['id'] ); if ( ! is_array( $metas ) ) { $metas = (array) $metas; } // $meta = isset( $metas[ $term_id ] ) ? $metas[ $term_id ] : array(); $new_array = array(); $new_array['_term_slug'] = ''; foreach ( $this->_fields as $field ) { $name = $field['id']; $new = isset( $_POST[ $name ] ) ? $_POST[ $name ] : ( $field['multiple'] ? array() : '' ); $new = is_array( $new ) ? array_map( 'stripslashes', $new ) : stripslashes( $new ); /** add attachment URLs */ if ( ! empty( $field['type'] ) && $field['type'] == 'image' ) { $attachments = $field['id'] . '_urls'; $new_array[ $attachments ] = array(); if ( is_array( $new ) ) { foreach ( $new as $image_id ) { array_push( $new_array[ $attachments ], wp_get_attachment_image_url( $image_id, 'full' )); } } } $new_array[ $name ] = $new; } $new_array['_term_slug'] = $current_term->slug; $metas[ $term_id ] = $new_array; update_option( $this->_meta['id'], $metas ); } /******************** BEGIN META BOX DELETE **********************/ function delete( $term_id, $tt_id ) { $metas = get_option( $this->_meta['id'] ); if ( ! is_array( $metas ) ) { $metas = (array) $metas; } unset( $metas[ $term_id ] ); update_option( $this->_meta['id'], $metas ); } /******************** BEGIN HELPER FUNCTIONS **********************/ // Add missed values for meta box function normalize() { // Default values for meta box $this->_meta = array_merge( array( 'taxonomies' => array( 'category', 'post_tag' ) ), $this->_meta ); $this->_taxonomies = $this->_meta['taxonomies']; $this->_fields = $this->_meta['fields']; // Default values for fields foreach ( $this->_fields as & $field ) { $multiple = in_array( $field['type'], array( 'checkbox_list', 'file', 'image' ) ) ? true : false; $std = $multiple ? array() : ''; $format = 'date' == $field['type'] ? 'yy-mm-dd' : ( 'time' == $field['type'] ? 'hh:mm' : '' ); $style = in_array( $field['type'], array( 'text', 'textarea' ) ) ? 'width: 95%' : ''; $optgroups = false; if ( 'select' == $field['type'] ) { $style = 'height: auto'; } $field = array_merge( array( 'multiple' => $multiple, 'optgroups' => $optgroups, 'std' => $std, 'desc' => '', 'format' => $format, 'style' => $style, ), $field ); } } // Check if field with $type exists function has_field( $type ) { foreach ( $this->_fields as $field ) { if ( $type == $field['type'] ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Fixes the odd indexing of multiple file uploads from the format: * $_FILES['field']['key']['index'] * To the more standard and appropriate: * $_FILES['field']['index']['key'] */ function fix_file_array( $files ) { $output = array(); foreach ( $files as $key => $list ) { foreach ( $list as $index => $value ) { $output[ $index ][ $key ] = $value; } } $files = $output; return $output; } /******************** END HELPER FUNCTIONS **********************/ } }
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