Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /var/softaculous/lepton/lepton.ini.php
; ; <?php die(); ?> ; This file is part of LEPTON Core, released under the GNU GPL ; Please see LICENSE and COPYING files in your package for details, specially for terms and warranties. ; ; NOTICE:LEPTON CMS Package has several different licenses. ; Please see the individual license in the header of each single file or info.php of modules and templates. ; ; @author LEPTON Project ; @copyright 2010-2024 LEPTON Project ; @link ; @license ; @license_terms please see LICENSE and COPYING files in your package ; ; ; DataBase-setup for LEPTON-CMS [database] type = 'mysql' host = '[[softdbhost]]' port = '3306' user = '[[softdbuser]]' pass = '[[softdbpass]]' name = '[[softdb]]' prefix = '[[dbprefix]]' key = '[[db_key]]' cipher = 'AES-256-CBC' iv = '[[iv]]' options = 0 ; Set length for username, password and other constants [system_const] AUTH_MIN_LOGIN_LENGTH = 3 AUTH_MAX_LOGIN_LENGTH = 128 AUTH_MIN_PASS_LENGTH = 6 AUTH_MAX_PASS_LENGTH = 128 SUBVERSION = '' MAX_REGISTRATION_TIME = 3600 MAX_WYSIWYG_HISTORY = 6 CRONJOB = 0 ; 0 = disabled, 1 = FE only, 2 = BE only, 3 = BE + FE ; Set allowed additional chars for email,usernames and passwords (extends LEPTON_handle methods) [custom_vars] additional_email_chars = '' additional_usernames_chars = 'äöüÄÖÜ' additional_password_chars = '@?'
| ver. 1.4 |
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