Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/foxiz/assets/js/global.js
/** FOXIZ MAN SCRIPT */ var FOXIZ_MAIN_SCRIPTS = (function (Module, $) { 'use strict'; Module.initParams = function () { Module.body = $('body'); Module.iOS = /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g.test(navigator.userAgent); Module.document = $(document); Module.html = $('html, body'); Module.outerHTML = $('html'); Module.window = $(window); Module.ajaxData = {}; Module.themeSettings = foxizParams; Module.wPoint = {}; Module.sticky = {}; Module.eSticky = {}; Module.YTPlayers = {}; Module.articleData = []; Module.iframeAPIFlag = false; Module.bookmarkProgressing = false; Module.followProgressing = false; Module.readIndicator = $('#reading-progress'); Module.readIndicatorPercent = 0; } Module.init = function () { this.initParams(); this.removeBookmark(); this.followToggle(); this.topSpacing(); this.stickyNavBar(); this.stickyHeaderBuilder(); this.loginPopup(); this.siteAccessDetector(); this.headerDropdown(); this.mobileCollapse(); this.privacyTrigger(); this.popupNewsletter(); this.backTop(); this.hoverEffects(); this.paginationInfinite(); this.loadYoutubeIframe(); this.singleInfiniteLoadNext(); this.highlightShares(); this.readIndicatorInit(); this.fontResizer(); this.sliders(); this.carousels(); this.breakingNews(); this.liveSearch(); this.browserResize(); this.initSubMenuPos(); this.footerSlideUp(); this.documentReload(); }; Module.documentReload = function () { this.syncBookmark(); this.documentClick(); this.bookmarkToggle(); this.hoverTipsy(); this.paginationNextPrev(); this.paginationLoadMore(); this.showPostComment(); this.scrollToComment(); this.replyReview(); this.usersRating(); this.singleGallery(); this.floatingVideo(); this.videoPreview(); this.floatingVideoRemove(); this.scrollTableContent(); this.singleScrollRefresh(); this.productQuantity(); this.videoAutoPlay(); }; /** reload */ Module.reinitiateFunctions = function () {;; this.window.trigger('load'); this.documentReload(); }; Module.initElementor = function () { /** disable slider autoplay */ if (undefined != typeof FOXIZ_MAIN_SCRIPTS.themeSettings && undefined != typeof FOXIZ_MAIN_SCRIPTS.themeSettings.sliderSpeed) { FOXIZ_MAIN_SCRIPTS.themeSettings.sliderSpeed = 999999; } FOXIZ_MAIN_SCRIPTS.breakingNews(); FOXIZ_MAIN_SCRIPTS.carousels(); FOXIZ_MAIN_SCRIPTS.sliders(); if ('undefined' != typeof initDarkMode) { initDarkMode(); } } Module.isRTL = function () { return this.body.hasClass('rtl'); }; Module.animationFrame = function (callback) { var func = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || this.animationFrameFallback, callback) }; Module.animationFrameFallback = function (callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60) } /** resize */ Module.browserResize = function () { var self = this; self.window.on('resize', function () { self.topSpacing(); self.calcSubMenuPos(); }) } /* ================================ HEADERS ================================ */ Module.hoverTipsy = function () { if (typeof $.fn.rbTipsy == 'undefined') { return false; } this.body.find('[data-copy]').rbTipsy({ title: 'data-copy', fade: true, opacity: 1, trigger: 'hover', gravity: 'n' }); if (window.innerWidth > 1024) { this.body.find('[data-title]').rbTipsy({ title: 'data-title', fade: true, opacity: 1, trigger: 'hover', gravity: 'n' }); } } /** font resizer */ Module.fontResizer = function () { var self = this; var size = sessionStorage.getItem('rubyResizerStep'); if (!size) { size = 1; } $('.font-resizer-trigger').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); size++; if (3 < size) { size = 1; self.body.removeClass('medium-entry-size big-entry-size') } else { if (2 == size) { self.body.addClass('medium-entry-size').removeClass('big-entry-size'); } else { self.body.addClass('big-entry-size').removeClass('medium-entry-size') } } sessionStorage.setItem('rubyResizerStep', size); }); } /** hover */ Module.hoverEffects = function () { var selectors = $('.effect-fadeout'); if (selectors.length > 0) {'mouseenter mouseleave').on('mouseenter', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var target = $(this); if (!target.hasClass('activated')) { target.addClass('activated'); } }).on('mouseleave', function () { $(this).removeClass('activated'); }); } } Module.videoPreview = function () { $('.preview-trigger').on('mouseenter', function (e) { var target = $(this); var wrap = target.find('.preview-video'); if (!wrap.hasClass('video-added')) { var video = '<video preload="auto" muted loop><source src="' +'source') + '" type="video/mp4"></video>'; wrap.append(video).addClass('video-added'); } target.addClass('show-preview'); wrap.css('z-index', 3); var el = target.find('video')[0]; if (el) {; } }).on('mouseleave', function () { var target = $(this); target.find('.preview-video').css('z-index', 1); var el = target.find('video')[0]; if (el) { el.pause(); } }); } Module.videoAutoPlay = function () { var self = this; var videos = $('.embed-video'); var nonResIframe = $('.entry-content > iframe'); if (videos != null && videos.length > 0) { videos.each(function () { var el = $(this); if (el.hasClass('is-autoplay') && !el.hasClass('autoplay-added')) { self.wPoint['iframe'] = new Waypoint({ element: el, handler: function () { var iframe = el.find('iframe'); self.initAutoPlay(iframe); el.addClass('autoplay-added'); this.destroy(); }, offset: '60%' }); } }) } if (nonResIframe != null && nonResIframe.length > 0) { nonResIframe.each(function () { var el = $(this); if (!el.hasClass('is-loaded')) { var iURL = el.attr('src'); if (iURL.indexOf('') > 0 || iURL.indexOf('') > 0 || iURL.indexOf('') > 0) { el.wrap('<div class="rb-ires is-loaded"></div>'); } } }) } }; Module.initAutoPlay = function (item) { if (item.length > 0 && 'undefined' != item[0]) { var src = item[0].src; if (src.indexOf('?') > -1) { item[0].src += "&autoplay=1"; } else { item[0].src += "?autoplay=1"; } } }; /** Header JS functions */ Module.headerDropdown = function () { var self = this; $('.more-trigger').on('click', function (e) { /** re calc menu */ self.calcSubMenuPos(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var target = $(this); var holder = target.parents('.header-wrap').find('.more-section-outer'); if (!holder.hasClass('dropdown-activated')) { self.body.find('.dropdown-activated').removeClass('dropdown-activated'); holder.addClass('dropdown-activated'); } else { holder.removeClass('dropdown-activated'); } if (target.hasClass('search-btn')) { setTimeout(function () { holder.find('input[type="text"]').focus() }, 50); } return false; }); /** search trigger */ $('.search-trigger').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var holder = $(this).parent('.header-dropdown-outer'); if (!holder.hasClass('dropdown-activated')) { self.body.find('.dropdown-activated').removeClass('dropdown-activated'); holder.addClass('dropdown-activated'); setTimeout(function () { holder.find('input[type="text"]').focus() }, 50); } else { holder.removeClass('dropdown-activated'); } return false; }); /** header dropdown */ $('.dropdown-trigger').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var holder = $(this).parent('.header-dropdown-outer'); if (!holder.hasClass('dropdown-activated')) { self.body.find('.dropdown-activated').removeClass('dropdown-activated'); holder.addClass('dropdown-activated'); } else { holder.removeClass('dropdown-activated'); } }); } Module.topSpacing = function () { var self = this; if (self.body.hasClass('top-spacing')) { var height = $('.top-site-ad').outerHeight(); $('.site-outer').css('margin-top', height); } }; /** outside click */ Module.documentClick = function () { var self = this; $(document).on('click', function (e) { var wrapper = $('.more-section-outer, .header-dropdown-outer, .mobile-collapse, .mfp-wrap'); var absoluteSearch = $('.logo-sec-right .live-search-form-outer'); if (! && wrapper.has( === 0) { wrapper.removeClass('dropdown-activated'); self.outerHTML.removeClass('collapse-activated'); } if (! && absoluteSearch.has( === 0) { absoluteSearch.find('.live-search-response').fadeOut(200); } }); } /** calc mega menu position */ Module.initSubMenuPos = function () { var self = this; var trigger = false; /** add delay to ensure image loaded */ setTimeout(function () { self.calcSubMenuPos(); }, 1000); /** re calc when hovering */ $('.menu-has-child-mega').on('mouseenter', function (e) { if (!trigger) { self.calcSubMenuPos(); } trigger = true; }) } Module.calcSubMenuPos = function () { if (window.outerWidth < 992) { return false; } var self = this; var megaParents = $('.menu-has-child-mega'); var headerWrapper = $('#site-header'); /** for mega wide */ if (megaParents.length > 0) { megaParents.each(function () { var item = $(this); item.find('.mega-dropdown').css({ 'width': self.body.width(), 'left': -item.offset().left, }); item.addClass('mega-menu-loaded') }) } /** sub-menu left right direction */ if (headerWrapper.length > 0) { var headerLeftOffset = headerWrapper.offset().left; var headerWidth = headerWrapper.width(); var headerRightOffset = headerLeftOffset + headerWidth; var flexDropdown = $('.flex-dropdown'); /** sub menu direction */ var subElements = $('ul.sub-menu'); if (subElements.length > 0) { subElements.each(function () { var item = $(this); var itemLeftOffset = item.offset().left; var itemRightOffset = itemLeftOffset + item.width() + 100; if (itemRightOffset > headerRightOffset) { item.addClass('left-direction'); } }) } /** calc dropdown flex width */ if (flexDropdown.length > 0) { flexDropdown.each(function () { var item = $(this); var parentItem = item.parent(); if (parentItem.hasClass('is-child-wide')) { return; } var itemWidth = item.width(); var itemHalfWidth = itemWidth / 2; var parentItemOffset = parentItem.offset().left; var parentHalfWidth = parentItem.width() / 2; var parentItemCenterOffset = parentItemOffset + parentHalfWidth; var rightSpacing = headerRightOffset - parentItemCenterOffset; var leftSpacing = parentItemCenterOffset - headerLeftOffset; if (itemWidth >= headerWidth) { item.css({ 'width': headerWidth - 2, 'left': -parentItemOffset }); } else if (itemHalfWidth > rightSpacing) { item.css({ 'right': -rightSpacing + parentHalfWidth + 1, 'left': 'auto', }); } else if (itemHalfWidth > leftSpacing) { item.css({ 'left': -leftSpacing + parentHalfWidth + 1, 'right': 'auto', }); } else { item.css({ 'right': 'auto', 'left': -itemHalfWidth + parentHalfWidth, }); } }); } } } /** * * @returns {boolean} */ Module.stickyNavBar = function () { var self = this; /** turn off sticky on editor mode */ if (self.body.hasClass('elementor-editor-active')) { return false; } var holder = $('#sticky-holder'); var alert = $('#header-alert'); self.sticky.outer = $('#navbar-outer'); if ((!self.body.hasClass('is-mstick') && !self.body.hasClass('yes-tstick')) || self.sticky.outer.length < 1 || holder.length < 1) { return false; } self.sticky.smartSticky = false; self.sticky.adminBarSpacing = 0; self.sticky.isTitleSticky = 0; self.sticky.isSticky = false; self.sticky.lastScroll = 0; self.sticky.topOffset = self.sticky.outer.offset().top; self.sticky.activatePos = self.sticky.topOffset + 1 + holder.height(); self.sticky.deactivePos = self.sticky.topOffset - self.sticky.adminBarSpacing; if (alert.length > 0) { self.sticky.outer.css('min-height', holder.outerHeight()); } if (self.body.hasClass('admin-bar')) { self.sticky.adminBarSpacing = 32; } if (self.body.hasClass('is-smart-sticky') && !self.body.hasClass('yes-tstick')) { self.sticky.smartSticky = true; } if (!self.sticky.smartSticky) { if (self.body.hasClass('yes-tstick')) { self.sticky.isTitleSticky = true; self.sticky.activatePos = self.sticky.activatePos + 400; self.sticky.deactivePos = self.sticky.deactivePos + 400; } if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { if (self.debouncePos) clearTimeout(self.debouncePos); self.debouncePos = setTimeout(function () { self.debouncePos = null; if (alert.length > 0) { self.sticky.outer.css('min-height', holder.outerHeight()); } self.sticky.topOffset = self.sticky.outer.offset().top; self.sticky.activatePos = self.sticky.topOffset + 1 + holder.height(); self.sticky.deactivePos = self.sticky.topOffset - self.sticky.adminBarSpacing; self.sticky.activatePos = self.sticky.activatePos + 400; self.sticky.deactivePos = self.sticky.deactivePos + 400; }, 400); self.animationFrame(self.initStickyNavBar.bind(self)); }, false); } } else { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { if (self.debouncePos) clearTimeout(self.debouncePos); self.debouncePos = setTimeout(function () { self.debouncePos = null; if (alert.length > 0) { self.sticky.outer.css('min-height', holder.outerHeight()); } self.sticky.topOffset = self.sticky.outer.offset().top; self.sticky.activatePos = self.sticky.topOffset + 1 + holder.height(); self.sticky.deactivePos = self.sticky.topOffset - self.sticky.adminBarSpacing; }, 400); self.animationFrame(self.initSmartStickyNavBar.bind(self)); }, false); } } } Module.initStickyNavBar = function () { var self = this; var scroll = self.window.scrollTop(); if (!self.sticky.isSticky && scroll > self.sticky.activatePos) { self.sticky.isSticky = true; self.body.addClass('sticky-on'); } else if (self.sticky.isSticky && scroll <= self.sticky.deactivePos) { self.sticky.isSticky = false; if (!self.sticky.isTitleSticky) { self.body.removeClass('sticky-on'); } else { self.body.addClass('unstick-animated'); self.sticky.animationTimeout = setTimeout(function () { self.body.removeClass('sticky-on unstick-animated'); }, 150); } } } Module.initSmartStickyNavBar = function () { var self = this; var scroll = self.window.scrollTop(); if (!self.sticky.isSticky && scroll > self.sticky.activatePos && scroll < self.sticky.lastScroll) { self.sticky.isSticky = true; self.body.addClass('sticky-on'); } else if (self.sticky.isSticky && (scroll <= self.sticky.deactivePos || scroll > self.sticky.lastScroll)) { self.sticky.isSticky = false; self.body.removeClass('sticky-on'); } self.sticky.lastScroll = scroll; } /** * header template sticky */ Module.stickyHeaderBuilder = function () { var self = this; /** turn off sticky on editor mode */ if (self.body.hasClass('elementor-editor-active')) { return false; } var stickySection = $('.header-template .e-section-sticky').first(); var stitleStickySection = $('body.single-post .e-stitle-sticky').first(); if (stitleStickySection.length > 0) { self.body.addClass('yes-tstick'); stitleStickySection.addClass('e-section-sticky'); stickySection = stitleStickySection; } if (stickySection.length < 1) { return false; } var stickyHeight = stickySection.outerHeight(); self.eSticky.outer = stickySection.parent(); self.eSticky.outer.css('min-height', self.eSticky.outer.outerHeight()); self.eSticky.smartSticky = false; self.eSticky.adminBarSpacing = 0; self.eSticky.isTitleSticky = 0; self.eSticky.isSticky = false; self.eSticky.lastScroll = 0; self.eSticky.topOffset = stickySection.offset().top; self.eSticky.activatePos = self.eSticky.topOffset + 1 + stickyHeight; self.eSticky.deactivePos = self.eSticky.topOffset - self.eSticky.adminBarSpacing; if (self.body.hasClass('admin-bar')) { self.eSticky.adminBarSpacing = 32; } if (stickySection.hasClass('is-smart-sticky') && !self.body.hasClass('yes-tstick')) { self.eSticky.smartSticky = true; } /** eSticky */ if (!self.eSticky.smartSticky) { if (self.body.hasClass('yes-tstick')) { self.eSticky.isTitleSticky = true; self.eSticky.activatePos = self.eSticky.activatePos + 400; self.eSticky.deactivePos = self.eSticky.deactivePos + 400; } if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { if (self.debouncePos) clearTimeout(self.debouncePos); self.debouncePos = setTimeout(function () { self.debouncePos = null; var stickyHeight = stickySection.outerHeight(); self.eSticky.outer.css('min-height', self.eSticky.outer.outerHeight()); self.eSticky.topOffset = self.eSticky.outer.offset().top; self.eSticky.activatePos = self.eSticky.topOffset + 1 + stickyHeight; self.eSticky.deactivePos = self.eSticky.topOffset - self.eSticky.adminBarSpacing; self.eSticky.activatePos = self.eSticky.activatePos + 400; self.eSticky.deactivePos = self.eSticky.deactivePos + 400; }, 400); self.animationFrame(self.initStickyESection.bind(self)); }, false); } } else { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { if (self.debouncePos) clearTimeout(self.debouncePos); self.debouncePos = setTimeout(function () { self.debouncePos = null; var stickyHeight = stickySection.outerHeight(); self.eSticky.outer.css('min-height', self.eSticky.outer.outerHeight()); self.eSticky.topOffset = self.eSticky.outer.offset().top; self.eSticky.activatePos = self.eSticky.topOffset + 1 + stickyHeight; self.eSticky.deactivePos = self.eSticky.topOffset - self.eSticky.adminBarSpacing; }, 400); self.animationFrame(self.initSmartStickyESection.bind(self)); }, false); } } } Module.initStickyESection = function () { var self = this; var scroll = self.window.scrollTop(); if (!self.eSticky.isSticky && scroll > self.eSticky.activatePos) { self.eSticky.isSticky = true; self.body.addClass('sticky-on'); } else if (self.eSticky.isSticky && scroll <= self.eSticky.deactivePos) { self.eSticky.isSticky = false; if (!self.eSticky.isTitleSticky) { self.body.removeClass('sticky-on'); } else { self.body.addClass('unstick-animated'); self.eSticky.animationTimeout = setTimeout(function () { self.body.removeClass('sticky-on unstick-animated'); }, 150); } } } Module.initSmartStickyESection = function () { var self = this; var scroll = self.window.scrollTop(); if (!self.eSticky.isSticky && scroll > self.eSticky.activatePos && scroll < self.eSticky.lastScroll) { self.eSticky.isSticky = true; self.body.addClass('sticky-on'); } else if (self.eSticky.isSticky && (scroll <= self.eSticky.deactivePos || scroll > self.eSticky.lastScroll)) { self.eSticky.isSticky = false; self.body.removeClass('sticky-on'); } self.eSticky.lastScroll = scroll; } /** * mobileCollapse */ Module.mobileCollapse = function () { var self = this; $('.mobile-menu-trigger').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var target = $(this); if (target.hasClass('mobile-search-icon')) { setTimeout(function () { self.outerHTML.find('.header-search-form input[type="text"]').focus() }, 50); } if (!self.outerHTML.hasClass('collapse-activated')) { self.outerHTML.addClass('collapse-activated'); } else { self.outerHTML.removeClass('collapse-activated'); } }); } /** * privacy trigger */ Module.privacyTrigger = function () { $('#privacy-trigger').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); localStorage.setItem('RubyPrivacyAllowed', '1'); $('#rb-privacy').slideUp(250, function () { $(this).remove(); }); return false; }); } /** back top */ Module.backTop = function () { if (this.body.hasClass('is-backtop')) { $().UItoTop({ text: '<i class="rbi rbi-darrow-top"></i>', }); } }; Module.SetTTLStorage = function (id, value, ttl) { var data = { value: value, ttl: + ttl * 3600000 } localStorage.setItem(id, JSON.stringify(data)); } Module.getTTLStorage = function (id) { var data = localStorage.getItem(id); if (!data) { return null; } data = JSON.parse(data); if ( > data.ttl) { localStorage.removeItem(data); return null; } return data.value; } /** login popup */ Module.loginPopup = function () { var toggle = $('.login-toggle'); var form = $('#rb-user-popup-form'); if (toggle.length > 0 && form.length > 0) { toggle.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); ${ type: 'inline', preloader: false, removalDelay: 500, showCloseBtn: true, closeBtnInside: true, closeOnBgClick: true, items: { src: form, type: 'inline' }, mainClass: 'popup-animation', closeMarkup: '<span class="close-popup-btn mfp-close"><span class="close-icon"></span></span>', fixedBgPos: true, fixedContentPos: true }); }) } } /** * newsletter */ Module.popupNewsletter = function () { var self = this; var target = $('#rb-popup-newsletter'); if (target.length > 0) { var display ='display'); self.newsletterExpired ='expired'); self.newsletterDisplayOffset ='offset'); var delay ='delay'); var oldExpired = localStorage.getItem('RubyNewsletterExpired'); if (!oldExpired || self.newsletterExpired != oldExpired) { localStorage.setItem('RubyNewsletterExpired', self.newsletterExpired); localStorage.removeItem('RubyNewsletter'); } if (!self.getTTLStorage('RubyNewsletter')) { if (!display || 'scroll' == display) { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { self.animationFrame(self.scrollPopupNewsletter.bind(self)); }, false); } } else { setTimeout(function () { self.popupNewsletterInit(); }, delay); } } } } Module.scrollPopupNewsletter = function () { var self = this; if (!self.newsletterPopupFlag && self.window.scrollTop() > self.newsletterDisplayOffset) { self.newsletterPopupFlag = true; self.popupNewsletterInit(); } } Module.popupNewsletterInit = function () { var self = this; ${ type: 'inline', preloader: false, closeBtnInside: true, removalDelay: 500, showCloseBtn: true, closeOnBgClick: false, disableOn: 1024, items: { src: '#rb-popup-newsletter', type: 'inline' }, mainClass: 'popup-animation', fixedBgPos: true, fixedContentPos: true, closeMarkup: '<span class="close-popup-btn mfp-close"><span class="close-icon"></span></span>', callbacks: { close: function () { self.SetTTLStorage('RubyNewsletter', 1, self.newsletterExpired * 24); } } }); } /** footer slide up */ Module.footerSlideUp = function () { var target = $('#footer-slideup'); if (target.length > 0) { var self = this; self.footerSlideUpExpired ='expired'); var delay ='delay'); var oldExpired = localStorage.getItem('footerSlideUpExpired'); if (!oldExpired || self.footerSlideUpExpired != oldExpired) { localStorage.setItem('footerSlideUpExpired', self.footerSlideUpExpired); localStorage.removeItem('footerSlideUp'); } if (!self.getTTLStorage('footerSlideUp')) { setTimeout(function () { self.footerSlideUpInit(); }, delay); } /** show hide toggle */ setTimeout(function () { self.footerSlideUpToggle(); }, delay); } } Module.footerSlideUpToggle = function () { var self = this; $('.slideup-toggle').off('click').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); self.footerSlideUpInit(); return false; }); } Module.footerSlideUpInit = function () { if (this.body.hasClass('yes-f-slideup')) { this.body.removeClass('yes-f-slideup'); this.SetTTLStorage('footerSlideUp', 1, this.footerSlideUpExpired * 24); } else { this.body.addClass('yes-f-slideup'); localStorage.removeItem('footerSlideUp'); } } /** youtube iframe */ Module.loadYoutubeIframe = function () { var self = this; var blockPlaylist = $('.yt-playlist'); if (blockPlaylist.length > 0) { var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = "//"; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); } window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function () { $('.yt-playlist').each(function () { var target = $(this); var iframe = target.find('.yt-player'); var videoID ='id'); var blockID ='block'); self.YTPlayers[blockID] = new YT.Player(iframe.get(0), { height: '540', width: '960', videoId: videoID, events: { 'onReady': self.videoPlayToggle, 'onStateChange': self.videoPlayToggle } }); }); $('.plist-item').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var wrapper = $(this).parents('.yt-playlist'); var currentBlockID ='block'); var videoID = $(this).data('id'); var title = $(this).text(); var meta = $(this).data('index'); Object.keys(self.YTPlayers).forEach(function (id) { self.YTPlayers[id].pauseVideo(); }); self.YTPlayers[currentBlockID].loadVideoById({ 'videoId': videoID }); wrapper.find('.yt-trigger').addClass('is-playing'); wrapper.find('.play-title').hide().text(title).fadeIn(250); wrapper.find('.video-index').text(meta); }); }; } Module.videoPlayToggle = function () { var players = FOXIZ_MAIN_SCRIPTS.YTPlayers; $('.yt-trigger').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var target = $(this); var currentBlockID = target.parents('.yt-playlist').data('block'); var currentState = players[currentBlockID].getPlayerState(); if (-1 == currentState || 0 == currentState || 2 == currentState || 5 == currentState) { players[currentBlockID].playVideo(); target.addClass('is-playing'); } else { players[currentBlockID].pauseVideo(); target.removeClass('is-playing'); } }) } /** Comment scripts */ Module.showPostComment = function () { $('.show-post-comment').off('click').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var wrap = $(this).parent(); $(this).fadeOut(250, function () { $(this).remove(); wrap.find('.is-invisible').removeClass('is-invisible');'.comment-holder').removeClass('is-hidden'); }) }); }; /** table scroll */ Module.scrollTableContent = function () { var self = this; $('.anchor-link').on('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); /** support special language */ var target = $(this).data('index'); self.html.animate({ scrollTop: $('.' + target).offset().top - 75 }, 400); }); } /** scroll to comment */ Module.scrollToComment = function () { var commentBtn = $('.show-post-comment'); var self = this; if (commentBtn.length > 0) { var hash = window.location.hash; if ('#respond' == hash || '#comment' == hash.substring(0, 8)) { commentBtn.trigger('click'); self.html.animate({scrollTop: commentBtn.offset().top}, 400); } } }; Module.replyReview = function () { var replyLink = $('.comment-reply-link'); replyLink.on('click', function () { var target = $(this); var wrapper = target.parents('.rb-reviews-area'); if (wrapper.length > 0) { var cancelLink = $('#cancel-comment-reply-link'); wrapper.find('.rb-form-rating').addClass('is-hidden'); cancelLink.on('click', function () { wrapper.find('.rb-form-rating').removeClass('is-hidden'); }); } }); }; /** user rating */ Module.usersRating = function () { var self = this; var reviewsForm = self.body.find('.rb-reviews-form'); if (reviewsForm.length > 0) { reviewsForm.each(function () { var reviewForm = $(this); if (!reviewForm.hasClass('is-loaded')) { reviewForm.addClass('is-loaded'); var ratingForm = reviewForm.find('.rb-form-rating'); var selection = reviewForm.find('.rb-rating-selection'); var text = reviewForm.find('.rating-alert').html(); var ratingValue = null; selection.val(''); selection.hide(); selection.before( '<div class="rb-review-stars">\ <span>\ <a class="star" data-rating="1" href="#"><i class="rbi rbi-star-o"></i></a>\ <a class="star" data-rating="2" href="#"><i class="rbi rbi-star-o"></i></a>\ <a class="star" data-rating="3" href="#"><i class="rbi rbi-star-o"></i></a>\ <a class="star" data-rating="4" href="#"><i class="rbi rbi-star-o"></i></a>\ <a class="star" data-rating="5" href="#"><i class="rbi rbi-star-o"></i></a>\ </span>\ </div>' ); ratingForm.on('click', '', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var star = $(this); ratingValue ='rating'); star.siblings('a').removeClass('active'); star.addClass('active'); ratingForm.addClass('selected'); }); reviewForm.on('click', '#respond #submit', function () { selection.val(ratingValue); if (!selection.val()) { window.alert(text); return false; } }); } }); } }; /** * * @returns {boolean} */ Module.readIndicatorInit = function () { var self = this; if (!self.body.hasClass('single-post') || self.readIndicator.length < 1) { return false; } var content = $('div[itemprop="articleBody"]'); content = content.eq(0); self.indicatorTop = content.offset().top; self.indicatorHeight = content.outerHeight(true) - self.window.height(); if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { self.animationFrame(self.readIndicatorCalc.bind(self)); }, false); } } Module.readIndicatorCalc = function () { var self = this; var scroll = self.window.scrollTop(); self.readIndicatorPercent = ((scroll - self.indicatorTop) / self.indicatorHeight) * 100; if (self.readIndicatorPercent <= 130) { self.readIndicator.css('width', self.readIndicatorPercent + '%'); } } /** breaking news */ Module.breakingNews = function () { var self = this; var breakingNews = $('.breaking-news-slider'); if (breakingNews.length < 1) { return false; } breakingNews.each(function () { var el = $(this); var params = { slidesPerView: 1, loop: true, } if ('play')) { params.autoplay = { delay: self.themeSettings.sliderSpeed, pauseOnMouseEnter: true, stopOnLastSlide: true, disableOnInteraction: true, } if ('speed')) { params.autoplay.delay ='speed'); } } params.navigation = { nextEl: el.find('.breaking-news-next')[0], prevEl: el.find('.breaking-news-prev')[0] } new RBSwiper(this, params); }); } /** overlay slider */ Module.sliders = function () { var self = this; var sliders = $('.post-slider'); if (sliders.length < 1) { return false; } sliders.each(function () { var slider = $(this); var params = { grabCursor: true, allowTouchMove: true, effect: self.themeSettings.sliderEffect, loop: true, } if ('play')) { params.autoplay = { delay: self.themeSettings.sliderSpeed, pauseOnMouseEnter: true, stopOnLastSlide: true, disableOnInteraction: true, } if ('speed')) { params.autoplay.delay ='speed'); } } params.pagination = { el: slider.find('.slider-pagination')[0], clickable: true, }; params.navigation = { nextEl: slider.find('.slider-next')[0], prevEl: slider.find('.slider-prev')[0] } new RBSwiper(this, params); }); } /** carousel blocks */ Module.carousels = function () { var self = this; var carousels = $('.post-carousel'); if (carousels.length < 1) { return false; } carousels.each(function () { var carousel = $(this); var params = { grabCursor: true, allowTouchMove: true, freeMode: false, loop: true } params.slidesPerView ='mcol'); params.spaceBetween ='mgap'); params.centeredSlides ='centered'); params.navigation = { nextEl: carousel.find('.slider-next')[0], prevEl: carousel.find('.slider-prev')[0] } if (carousel.find('.slider-pagination')[0]) { params.pagination = { el: carousel.find('.slider-pagination')[0], type: 'bullets', clickable: true, }; } if ('play')) { params.autoplay = { delay: self.themeSettings.sliderSpeed, pauseOnMouseEnter: true, stopOnLastSlide: true, disableOnInteraction: true, } if ('speed')) { params.autoplay.delay ='speed'); } } if ('fmode')) { params.freeMode = true; } params.breakpoints = { 768: { slidesPerView:'tcol'), spaceBetween:'tgap') }, 1025: { slidesPerView:'col'), spaceBetween:'gap') }, 1500: { slidesPerView:'wcol'), spaceBetween:'gap') } }; params.on = { afterInit: function (swiper) { var wrap = $(swiper.$wrapperEl); $(swiper.$wrapperEl).find('.p-box').css('height', wrap.height()); }, resize: function (swiper) { var wrap = $(swiper.$wrapperEl); $(swiper.$wrapperEl).find('.p-box').css('height', wrap.height()); }, }; new RBSwiper(this, params); }); } /* ================================ SINGLE GALLERY ================================ */ Module.singleGallery = function () { var self = this; var gallerySections = self.body.find('.featured-gallery-wrap'); if (!gallerySections.length) { return; } gallerySections.each(function () { var section = $(this); if (!section.hasClass('is-loaded')) { var index ='gallery'); var sliderEl = section.find('.gallery-slider').attr('id'); var sliderNavEl = section.find('.gallery-slider-nav').attr('id'); var carouselEl = section.find('.gallery-carousel').attr('id'); var coverflowEL = section.find('.gallery-coverflow').attr('id'); if ('undefined' != typeof sliderEl && 'undefined' != typeof sliderNavEl) { var galleryNav = new RBSwiper('#' + sliderNavEl, { spaceBetween: 15, slidesPerView: 6, freeMode: self.themeSettings.sliderFMode, grabCursor: true, loop: true, watchSlidesVisibility: true, watchSlidesProgress: true, on: { init: function () { $(this.$wrapperEl).removeClass('pre-load'); }, }, }); var gallerySlider = new RBSwiper('#' + sliderEl, { spaceBetween: 0, grabCursor: true, loop: true, pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination-' + index, type: 'progressbar', clickable: true, }, on: { init: function () { section.addClass('is-loaded'); }, }, thumbs: { swiper: galleryNav } }); gallerySlider.on('slideChange', function () { if (this.activeIndex) { $(this.$el).next().find('.current-slider-count').fadeOut(0).html(this.activeIndex).fadeIn(250); } }); } if ('undefined' != typeof carouselEl) { new RBSwiper('#' + carouselEl, { spaceBetween: 20, slidesPerView: 'auto', freeMode: self.themeSettings.sliderFMode, loop: false, grabCursor: true, scrollbar: { el: '.swiper-scrollbar-' + index, hide: true, }, on: { init: function () { $(this.$wrapperEl).removeClass('pre-load'); section.addClass('is-loaded'); }, }, }); } if ('undefined' != typeof coverflowEL) { new RBSwiper('#' + coverflowEL, { effect: "coverflow", grabCursor: true, centeredSlides: true, slidesPerView: 1.2, coverflowEffect: { rotate: 50, stretch: 0, depth: 250, modifier: 1, slideShadows: true, }, breakpoints: { 768: { slidesPerView: 3 } }, on: { init: function () { $(this.$wrapperEl).removeClass('pre-load'); section.addClass('is-loaded'); }, }, pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination-' + index, clickable: true, }, }); } } }); } Module.highlightShares = function () { var self = this; if (!self.themeSettings.highlightShares || (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(pointer: coarse)').matches)) { return; } var extra = []; var config = { selectableElements: ['.is-highlight-shares'], twitterUsername: self.themeSettings.twitterName, }; if (self.themeSettings.highlightShareFacebook) { config.facebook = true; } if (self.themeSettings.highlightShareTwitter) { config.twitter = true; } if (self.themeSettings.highlightShareReddit) { extra.push({ icon: '<i class="rbi rbi-reddit"></i>', url: '' }); } Sharect.config(config).appendCustomShareButtons(extra).init(); } /** * * @returns {boolean} */ Module.floatingVideo = function () { var self = this; var floating = $('.floating-video').not('.is-loaded'); if (floating.length < 1 || window.outerWidth < 1025) { return false; } self.wPoint['Floating'] = new Waypoint({ element: floating, offset: -floating.height(), handler: function (direction) { self.body.find('.floating-video').addClass('is-loaded').removeClass('floating-activated'); self.body.find('.floatingcolorose').remove(); if ('down' == direction) { this.element.addClass(' floating-activated'); this.element.find('.float-holder').prepend('<a class="floatingcolorose close-popup-btn" href="#"><span class="close-icon"></span></a>'); } } }); } Module.floatingVideoRemove = function () { var self = this; self.body.on('click', '.floatingcolorose', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); self.body.find('.floating-video').removeClass('floating-activated'); self.wPoint['Floating'].destroy(); }) } /* ================================ BOOKMARKS ================================ */ Module.syncBookmark = function () { var self = this; if (self.body.hasClass('sync-bookmarks')) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: self.themeSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'sync_bookmarks' }, success: function (response) { response = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response)); $.each(response, function (index, val) { $('.bookmark-trigger[data-pid=' + val + ']').css('opacity', 0).addClass('bookmarked').animate({opacity: 1}, 250); }); } }); } } Module.bookmarkToggle = function () { var self = this; $('.bookmark-trigger').off('click').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var target = $(this); var pid ='pid'); var infoTemplate = $('#bookmark-toggle-info'); if (!pid || self.bookmarkProgressing) { return false; } self.bookmarkProgressing = true; target.addClass('in-progress'); clearTimeout(self.timeOut); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: self.themeSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'rb_bookmark', pid: pid }, success: function (response) { response = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response)); if ('added' === response.action) { $('.bookmark-trigger[data-pid=' + pid + ']').css('opacity', 0).addClass('bookmarked').animate({opacity: 1}, 250); infoTemplate.addClass('added'); infoTemplate.removeClass('removed'); } else { $('.bookmark-trigger[data-pid=' + pid + ']').css('opacity', 0).removeClass('bookmarked').animate({opacity: 1}, 250); infoTemplate.removeClass('added'); infoTemplate.addClass('removed'); } if (infoTemplate.length) { infoTemplate.fadeOut(100, function () { infoTemplate.find('.bookmark-featured').html(response.image); infoTemplate.find('.bookmark-title').html(response.title); infoTemplate.find('.bookmark-desc').html(response.description); infoTemplate.fadeIn(300); self.timeOut = setTimeout(function () { infoTemplate.fadeOut(600); }, 2000); }); infoTemplate.on({ mouseenter: function () { clearTimeout(self.timeOut); }, mouseleave: function () { self.timeOut = setTimeout(function () { infoTemplate.fadeOut(600); }, 1200); } }); } target.removeClass('in-progress'); self.bookmarkProgressing = false; } }); }); }; /** remove bookmark */ Module.removeBookmark = function () { var self = this; $('.remove-bookmark').off('click').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var target = $(this); var pid ='pid'); var wrapper = target.parents('.p-wrap'); var infoTemplate = $('#bookmark-remove-info'); if (!pid || self.bookmarkProgressing) { return false; } self.bookmarkProgressing = true; wrapper.fadeOut(600, function () { wrapper.addClass('removing'); infoTemplate.fadeIn(300); }); self.removeBookmarkTimeout = setTimeout(function () { infoTemplate.fadeOut(600); wrapper.trigger('removeBookmark', pid); }, 2000); $('#bookmark-undo').on('click', function () { self.bookmarkProgressing = false; wrapper.fadeIn(1000); infoTemplate.fadeOut(600); return false; }); infoTemplate.on({ mouseenter: function () { clearTimeout(self.removeBookmarkTimeout); }, mouseleave: function () { self.removeBookmarkTimeout = setTimeout(function () { infoTemplate.fadeOut(600); wrapper.trigger('removeBookmark', pid); }, 1200); } }); wrapper.on('removeBookmark', function (event, pid) { if (self.bookmarkProgressing) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: self.themeSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'rb_bookmark', pid: pid }, success: function (response) { wrapper.remove(); self.bookmarkProgressing = false; } }); } }); }) }; Module.followToggle = function () { var self = this; $('.follow-trigger').off('click').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var target = $(this); var cid ='cid'); if (!cid || self.followProgressing) { return false; } self.followProgressing = true; target.addClass('in-progress'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: self.themeSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'rb_follow', cid: cid }, success: function (response) { response = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response)); if ('added' === response.action) { $('.follow-trigger[data-cid=' + cid + ']').css('opacity', 0).addClass('followed').animate({opacity: 1}, 250); } else { $('.follow-trigger[data-cid=' + cid + ']').css('opacity', 0).removeClass('followed').animate({opacity: 1}, 250); } target.removeClass('in-progress'); self.followProgressing = false; } }); }); }; Module.siteAccessDetector = function () { var self = this; var wrap = $('#rb-site-access'); if (wrap.length < 1) { return false; } if (typeof blockAdBlock === 'undefined') { self.siteAccessPopup(); } else { blockAdBlock.onDetected(self.siteAccessPopup); } }; Module.siteAccessPopup = function () { ${ type: 'inline', preloader: false, closeBtnInside: false, removalDelay: 500, showCloseBtn: false, closeOnBgClick: false, items: { src: '#rb-site-access', type: 'inline' }, mainClass: 'popup-animation site-access-popup', fixedBgPos: true, fixedContentPos: true, }); }; /* ================================ AJAX PAGINATION ================================ */ Module.paginationNextPrev = function () { var self = this; $('.pagination-trigger').off('click').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var paginationTrigger = $(this); if (paginationTrigger.hasClass('is-disable')) { return; } var block = paginationTrigger.parents('.block-wrap'); var uuid = block.attr('id'); if (!self.ajaxData[uuid]) { self.ajaxData[uuid] = self.getBlockSettings(uuid); } if (self.ajaxData[uuid] && self.ajaxData[uuid].processing) { return; } self.ajaxData[uuid].processing = true; var type ='type'); self.ajaxStartAnimation(block, 'replace'); self.ajaxReplaceLoad(block, uuid, type); }); }; Module.ajaxReplaceLoad = function (block, uuid, type) { var self = this; if (!self.ajaxData[uuid].paged) { self.ajaxData[uuid].paged = 1; } if ('prev' === type) { self.ajaxData[uuid].page_next = parseInt(self.ajaxData[uuid].paged) - 1; } else { self.ajaxData[uuid].page_next = parseInt(self.ajaxData[uuid].paged) + 1; } var cacheID = self.cacheData.getCacheID(uuid, self.ajaxData[uuid].page_next); /** use cache */ if (self.cacheData.exist(cacheID)) { var cache = self.cacheData.get(cacheID); if ('undefined' != typeof cache.paged) { self.ajaxData[uuid].paged = cache.paged; } setTimeout(function () { self.ajaxRenderHTML(block, uuid, cache, 'replace'); }, 250) } else { /** POST AJAX */ $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: self.themeSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'live_pagination', data: self.ajaxData[uuid] }, success: function (response) { response = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response)); if ('undefined' !== typeof response.paged) { self.ajaxData[uuid].paged = response.paged; } self.cacheData.set(cacheID, response); self.ajaxRenderHTML(block, uuid, response, 'replace'); } }); } }; Module.paginationLoadMore = function () { var self = this; $('.loadmore-trigger').off('click').on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var paginationTrigger = $(this); if (paginationTrigger.hasClass('is-disable')) { return; } var block = paginationTrigger.parents('.block-wrap'); var uuid = block.attr('id'); if (!self.ajaxData[uuid]) { self.ajaxData[uuid] = self.getBlockSettings(uuid); } if (self.ajaxData[uuid] && self.ajaxData[uuid].processing) { return; } self.ajaxData[uuid].processing = true; self.ajaxStartAnimation(block, 'append'); self.ajaxAppendLoad(block, uuid); }) }; Module.paginationInfinite = function () { var self = this; var infiniteElements = $('.pagination-infinite'); if (infiniteElements.length > 0) { infiniteElements.each(function () { var paginationTrigger = $(this); if (!paginationTrigger.hasClass('is-disable')) { var block = paginationTrigger.parents('.block-wrap'); var uuid = block.attr('id'); var wPointID = 'infinite' + uuid; if (!self.ajaxData[uuid]) { self.ajaxData[uuid] = self.getBlockSettings(uuid); } var params = { element: paginationTrigger, offset: 'bottom-in-view', handler: function (direction) { if (self.ajaxData[uuid] && self.ajaxData[uuid].processing) { return; } if ('down' == direction) { self.ajaxData[uuid].processing = true; self.ajaxStartAnimation(block, 'append'); self.ajaxAppendLoad(block, uuid); } } } if ('uid_notification' == uuid) { params.context = block.parents('.scroll-holder').eq(0); if (window.outerWidth < 1025) { return; } } self.wPoint[wPointID] = new Waypoint(params); } }); } }; Module.ajaxAppendLoad = function (block, uuid) { var self = this; if (!self.ajaxData[uuid].paged) { self.ajaxData[uuid].paged = 1; } if (self.ajaxData[uuid].paged > self.ajaxData[uuid].page_max) { return; } self.ajaxData[uuid].page_next = parseInt(self.ajaxData[uuid].paged) + 1; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: self.themeSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'live_pagination', data: self.ajaxData[uuid] }, success: function (response) { response = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response)); if ('undefined' !== typeof response.paged) { self.ajaxData[uuid].paged = response.paged; } if ('undefined' != response.notice) { response.content = response.content + response.notice; } self.ajaxRenderHTML(block, uuid, response, 'append'); } }); }; /** live search */ Module.liveSearch = function () { var liveSearch = $('.live-search-form'); if (liveSearch.length == 0) { return; } var self = this; liveSearch.each(function () { var liveSearchEl = $(this); var input = liveSearchEl.find('input[type="text"]'); var responseWrap = liveSearchEl.find('.live-search-response'); var animation = liveSearchEl.find('.live-search-animation'); input.attr('autocomplete', 'off'); var delay = (function () { var timer = 0; return function (callback, ms) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(callback, ms); }; })(); input.keyup(function () { var param = $(this).val(); delay(function () { if (param) { liveSearchEl.addClass('search-loading'); setTimeout(function () { animation.fadeIn(200); }, 250); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: self.themeSettings.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'live_search', s: param }, success: function (data) { data = $.parseJSON(JSON.stringify(data)); animation.fadeOut(200); setTimeout(function () { liveSearchEl.removeClass('search-loading'); }, 250); responseWrap.hide().empty().css('height', responseWrap.height()); responseWrap.html(data); responseWrap.css('height', 'auto').fadeIn(250); } }); } else { responseWrap.fadeOut(250, function () { responseWrap.empty().css('height', 'auto'); }); } }, 250); }) }); }; /** register cache object */ Module.cacheData = { data: {}, get: function (id) { return[id]; }, set: function (id, data) { this.remove(id);[id] = data; }, remove: function (id) { delete[id]; }, getCacheID: function (blockID, currentPage) { return JSON.stringify('RB_' + blockID + '_' + currentPage); }, exist: function (id) { return &&[id] !== null; } }; /** * ajax start animation * @param block * @param action */ Module.ajaxStartAnimation = function (block, action) { var inner = block.find('.block-inner'); block.find('.pagination-trigger').addClass('is-disable'); inner.stop(); if ('replace' === action) { inner.css('min-height', inner.outerHeight()); inner.fadeTo('250', 0.05); inner.after('<i class="rb-loader loader-absolute"></i>'); } else { block.find('.loadmore-trigger').addClass('loading'); block.find('.rb-loader').css({'display': 'block'}).delay(250).animate({opacity: 1}, 250); } }; /** * render ajax * @param block * @param uuid * @param response * @param action */ Module.ajaxRenderHTML = function (block, uuid, response, action) { var self = this; block.delay(50).queue(function () { var uuid = block.attr('id'); var inner = block.find('.block-inner'); block.find('.pagination-trigger').removeClass('is-disable'); inner.stop(); if ('replace' === action) { inner.html(response.content); block.find('.rb-loader').animate({opacity: 0}, 250, function () { $(this).remove(); }) inner.css('min-height', ''); inner.fadeTo(250, 1); } else { var content = $(response.content); inner.append(content); content.addClass('is-invisible'); content.addClass('opacity-animate'); block.find('.rb-loader').animate({opacity: 0}, 250, function () { $(this).css({'display': 'none'}); }); setTimeout(function () { content.removeClass('is-invisible'); }, 250); block.find('.loadmore-trigger').removeClass('loading'); } /** reload */ self.ajaxTriggerState(block, uuid); self.ajaxData[uuid].processing = false; if (inner.hasClass('is-masonry')) { $(inner).isotope('reloadItems'); } block.dequeue(); self.reinitiateFunctions(); Waypoint.refreshAll(); }); } /** * set * @param block * @param uuid */ Module.ajaxTriggerState = function (block, uuid) { var self = this; block.find('.pagination-trigger').removeClass('is-disable'); if (self.ajaxData[uuid].paged < 2) { block.find('[data-type="prev"]').addClass('is-disable'); } else if (self.ajaxData[uuid].paged >= self.ajaxData[uuid].page_max) { block.find('[data-type="next"]').addClass('is-disable'); block.find('.loadmore-trigger').addClass('is-disable').hide(); block.find('.pagination-infinite').addClass('is-disable').hide(); } } /** * get block settings * @param uuid * @returns {string|*} */ Module.getBlockSettings = function (uuid) { var settings; if ('undefined' !== typeof window[uuid]) { settings = window[uuid]; } return this.cleanNull(settings); } /** * remove empty values * @param data * @returns {string|*} */ Module.cleanNull = function (data) { if ('string' == typeof data) { return data; } $.each(data, function (key, value) { if (value === '' || value === null) { delete data[key]; } }); return data; } /* ================================ SINGLE INFINITE ================================ */ Module.singleInfiniteLoadNext = function () { var infiniteWrapper = $('#single-post-infinite'); if (!infiniteWrapper.length) { return; } var self = this; var infiniteLoadPoint = $('#single-infinite-point'); var animationIcon = infiniteLoadPoint.find('.rb-loader'); var loadNexParam = { element: infiniteLoadPoint, offset: 'bottom-in-view', handler: function (direction) { if (true === self.ajaxData['singleProcessing'] || 'up' == direction) { return; } var nextPostURL ='nextposturl'); if (nextPostURL.indexOf('?') != -1 || nextPostURL.indexOf('#') != -1) { nextPostURL = nextPostURL + '&rbsnp=1'; } else { nextPostURL = nextPostURL + '?rbsnp=1'; } self.ajaxData['singleProcessing'] = true; animationIcon.css({'display': 'block'}).animate({opacity: 1}, 250); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: nextPostURL, dataType: 'html', success: function (response) { response = $.parseJSON(JSON.stringify(response)); response = $('<div id="temp-dom"></div>').append($.parseHTML(response)); response = response.find('.single-post-outer'); var nextPostURL ='nextposturl'); if ('undefined' != typeof (nextPostURL) && nextPostURL.length > 0) {'nextposturl', nextPostURL); } else { infiniteWrapper.removeAttr('id'); infiniteLoadPoint.remove(); } animationIcon.animate({opacity: 0}, 250).delay(250).css({'display': 'none'}); infiniteWrapper.append(response); self.ajaxData['singleProcessing'] = false; setTimeout(function () { Waypoint.refreshAll(); self.reinitiateFunctions(); if ('undefined' != typeof FOXIZ_CORE_SCRIPT) { FOXIZ_CORE_SCRIPT.loadGoogleAds(response); FOXIZ_CORE_SCRIPT.loadInstagram(response); } }, 1); } }); } } self.wPoint['ajaxSingleNextPosts'] = new Waypoint(loadNexParam); }; Module.singleScrollRefresh = function () { var infiniteWrapper = $('#single-post-infinite'); if (!infiniteWrapper.length) { return; } var self = this; self.articleData = []; var articleOuter = infiniteWrapper.find('.single-post-outer'); if (articleOuter.length > 0) { self.inviewPostID = articleOuter.eq(0).data('postid'); articleOuter.each(function () { var article = $(this); var itemData = { postID:'postid'), postURL:'postlink'), postTitle: article.find('h1[itemprop="headline"]').text(), shareList: article.find('.sticky-share-list-buffer').html(), top: article.offset().top, bottom: article.offset().top + article.outerHeight(true) }; 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