Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/cloud-publish-image.tar
usr/bin/cloud-publish-image 0000755 00000041271 14720735027 0011721 0 ustar 00 #!/bin/bash # This script uses bash arrays; do not switch to /bin/sh # # cloud-publish-image - wrapper for cloud image publishing # # Copyright (C) 2010 Canonical Ltd. # # Authors: Scott Moser <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. EC2PRE=${EC2PRE:-euca-} TMPD="" RENAME_D="" VERBOSITY=0 IMAGE_TYPES=( auto image kernel ramdisk vmlinuz initrd ) error() { echo "$@" 1>&2; } errorp() { printf "$@" 1>&2; } fail() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; } failp() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || errorp "$@"; exit 1; } Usage() { cat <<EOF Usage: ${0##*/} [ options ] arch image bucket arch : one of i386 or x86_64 image : the image to upload and register bucket : bucket to publish image to options: -l|--add-launch ID : ID can be "all", or "none", or numerical ID --dry-run : only report what would be done --allow-existing : if a image is already registered simply report as if work was done --hook-img EXE : invoke executable 'EXE' with full path to downloaded disk image file -o|--output <file> : write registered id and manifest to file |--rename <publish_path> : publish to bucket/<publish_path> default: bucket/<basename(image)> -t|--type <type> : type is one of kernel/ramdisk/image -v|--verbose : increase verbosity --name <name> : register with '--name'. default: publish_path --save-downloaded : if the image is a url, save it to '.' if type is 'image', then: -k | --kernel k : use previously registered kernel with id 'k' specify 'none' for no kernel -K | --kernel-file f : bundle, upload, use file 'f' as kernel -r | --ramdisk r : use previously registered ramdisk with id 'r' specify 'none' for no ramdisk -R | --ramdisk-file f : bundle, upload, use file 'f' as ramdisk -B | --block-device-mapping m : specify block device mapping in bundle EOF } bad_Usage() { Usage 1>&2; [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; } cleanup() { local x="" for x in "${RENAME_D}" "${TMPD}"; do [ -z "${x}" -o ! -d "${x}" ] || rm -Rf "${x}" done return 0 } debug() { local level=${1} shift; [ "${level}" -ge "${VERBOSITY}" ] && return error "$(date):" "${@}" } run() { local dir="${1}" pre=${2} msg=${3}; shift 3; [ -e "${dir}/stamp.${pre}" ] && { debug 1 "skipping ${pre}"; return 0; } debug 1 "${msg}" echo "$@" > "${dir}/${pre}.cmd" "$@" > "${dir}/${pre}.stdout" 2> "${dir}/${pre}.stderr" && : > "${dir}/stamp.${pre}" && return 0 local ret=$? echo "failed: ${*}" cat "${dir}/${pre}.stdout" cat "${dir}/${pre}.stderr" 1>&2 return ${ret} } search_args() { local x="" i=0 needle="$1" shift; for x in "${@}"; do [ "${needle}" = "${x}" ] && { _RET=$i; return 0; } i=$(($i+1)) done return 1 } checkstatus() { local x="" i=0 for x in "$@"; do [ "$x" = "0" ] || i=$(($i+1)) done return $i } get_manifest_id() { local tmpf="" out="" ret=1 m1="${1}" m2="${2}" out=$(${EC2PRE}describe-images -o self | awk '$3 ~ m1 || $3 ~ m2 { printf("%s\t%s\n",$2,$3); }' \ "m1=$m1" "m2=${m2:-^$}" checkstatus ${PIPESTATUS[@]}) || return 1 _RET=${out} return } get_image_type() { local image=${1} file_out="" img_type="" file_out=$(file --uncompress "${image}") || return 1; case "${file_out}" in *[lL]inux\ kernel*) img_type="kernel";; *LSB\ executable*gzip*) img_type="kernel";; *cpio\ archive*) img_type="ramdisk";; *ext[234]\ file*|*boot\ sector*) img_type="image";; *) error "unable to determine image type. pass --type"; return 1;; esac _RET=${img_type} return 0 } upload_register() { local out="" out=$(cloud-publish-image "${@}") || return set -- ${out} _RET=${1} } dl() { # dl url, target, quiet local url=${1} target=${2} quiet=${3:-1} if [ -f "${url}" ]; then [ "${target}" = "-" ] && { cat "$url"; return; } cp "$url" "$target" return fi local qflag="-q" [ "$quiet" = "0" ] && qflag="" wget $qflag --progress=dot:mega "$url" -O "$target" || return 1 } dl_input_image() { # this downloads an image if necessary and sets _RET to location of image local input="$1" save_dir="${2:-.}" ret="" quiet=1 [ $VERBOSITY -ge 2 ] && quiet=0 case "$input" in file://*) ret="$save_dir/${input##*/}" dl "${input#file://}" "$ret" $quiet || return $?;; http://*|ftp://*|https://*) ret="$save_dir/${input##*/}" dl "$input" "$ret" $quiet || return $? ;; *) ret="$input";; esac _RET="$ret" } [ "${CLOUD_UTILS_WARN_UEC:-0}" = "0" ] && _n="${0##*/}" && [ "${_n#uec}" != "${_n}" ] && export CLOUD_UTILS_WARN_UEC=1 && error "WARNING: '${0##*/}' is now to 'cloud${_n#uec}'. Please update your tools or docs" short_opts="B:h:k:K:l:no:r:R:t:vw:" long_opts="add-launch:,allow-existing,block-device-mapping:,dry-run,help,hook-img:,kernel:,kernel-file:,name:,output:,image-to-raw,ramdisk:,ramdisk-file:,rename:,save-downloaded,type:,verbose,working-dir:" getopt_out=$(getopt --name "${0##*/}" \ --options "${short_opts}" --long "${long_opts}" -- "$@") && eval set -- "${getopt_out}" || bad_Usage add_acl="" allow_existing=0 arch="" bucket="" dry_run=0 image="" img_type="image" kernel="" kernel_file="" output="" ramdisk="" ramdisk_file="" rename="" save_dl=0 name=__unset__ wdir_in="" dev_mapping="" image2raw=0 raw_image="" hook_img="" while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do cur=${1}; next=${2}; case "$cur" in -d|--working-dir) wdir_in=${next}; shift;; -h|--help) Usage; exit 0;; --hook-img) [ -z "${hook_img}" ] || bad_Usage "only one --hook-img supported"; [ -x "$next" ] || bad_Usage "--hook-img is not executable" hook_img=$(readlink -f "$next") || bad_Usage "could not find full path to $next" hook_img="$next" shift;; -B|--block-device-mapping) dev_mapping=${next}; shift;; -k|--kernel) kernel=${next}; shift;; -K|--kernel-file) kernel_file=${next}; shift;; -l|--add-launch) if [ "${next}" = "none" ]; then add_acl="" else user=${next//-/}; # just be nice and remove '-' add_acl="${add_acl:+${add_acl} }${user}"; fi shift;; --name) name=${next}; shift;; -o|--output) output="${next}"; shift;; --image-to-raw) image2raw=1;; -r|--ramdisk) ramdisk=${next}; shift;; -R|--ramdisk-file) ramdisk_file=${next}; shift;; -n|--dry-run) dry_run=1;; --rename) rename=${next}; shift;; --save-downloaded) save_dl=1;; -t|--type) img_type=${next}; search_args "${img_type}" "${IMAGE_TYPES[@]}" || bad_Usage "image type (${next}) not in ${IMAGE_TYPES[*]}" shift;; -v|--verbose) VERBOSITY=$((${VERBOSITY}+1));; --allow-existing) allow_existing=1;; --) shift; break;; -*) bad_Usage "confused by ${cur}";; esac shift; done [ $# -lt 3 ] && bad_Usage "must provide arch, image, bucket" [ $# -gt 3 ] && bad_Usage "unexpected arguments: ${4}" arch="${1}" image="${2}" bucket="${3}" # remove any trailing slashes on bucket while [ "${bucket%/}" != "${bucket}" ]; do bucket=${bucket%/}; done [ "${arch}" = "amd64" ] && arch=x86_64 [ "${img_type}" = "vmlinuz" ] && img_type="kernel" [ "${img_type}" = "initrd" ] && img_type="ramdisk" [ -n "${kernel_file}" -a -n "${kernel}" ] && bad_Usage "--kernel-file is incompatible with --kernel" [ -n "${ramdisk_file}" -a -n "${ramdisk}" ] && bad_Usage "--ramdisk-file is incompatible with --ramdisk" if [ -n "${wdir_in}" ]; then [ -d "${wdir_in}" ] || fail "input working directory not a directory"; wdir=$(readlink -f "${wdir_in}") || fail "failed to realize ${wdir_in}" else TMPD=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/${0##*/}.XXXXXX) || fail "failed to make tmpdir" wdir="${TMPD}" fi trap cleanup EXIT if [ -n "$kernel" -a "$kernel" != "none" ]; then aki_arch=""; ari_arch=""; # if kernel is given, check that its arch matches the register arch aki_arch=""; ari_arch=""; [ "$ramdisk" = "none" ] && _ramdisk="" || _ramdisk="$ramdisk" ${EC2PRE}describe-images "$kernel" $_ramdisk > "${TMPD}/" || fail "failed to describe kernel ${kernel}" aki_arch=$(awk '-F\t' '$1 == "IMAGE" && $2 == id { print $8 }' \ "id=$kernel" "$TMPD/") && [ -n "$aki_arch" ] || fail "failed to get arch of $kernel" if [ -n "$ramdisk" -a "$ramdisk" != "none" ]; then ari_arch=$(awk '-F\t' '$1 == "IMAGE" && $2 == id { print $8 }' \ "id=$ramdisk" "$TMPD/") && [ -n "$ari_arch" ] || fail "failed to get arch of $ramdisk" fi # if kernel and ramdisk are given, and arch=i386 kernel/ramdisk=x86_64, # then assume loader kernel. case "$arch:$aki_arch:$ari_arch" in $arch:$arch:$arch|$arch:$arch:) : ;; i386:x86_64:x86_64) error "WARNING: assuming loader kernel ($kernel/$ramdisk arch=$aki_arch, provided arch=$arch)" arch="x86_64";; *) fail "arch $arch != kernel/ramdisk arch [$aki_arch/$ari_arch]";; esac fi save_dir="${wdir}" [ $save_dl -eq 1 ] && save_dir=. dl_input_image "$image" "$save_dir" && image="$_RET" || fail "failed to download image $image to $save_dir" [ -z "$kernel_file" ] || { dl_input_image "$kernel_file" "$save_dir" && kernel_file="$_RET"; } || fail "failed to download kernel $kernel_file to $save_dir" [ -z "$ramdisk_file" ] || { dl_input_image "$ramdisk_file" "$save_dir" && ramdisk_file="$_RET"; } || fail "failed to download ramdisk $ramdisk_file to $save_dir" [ -f "${image}" ] || bad_Usage "${image}: image is not a file" [ -z "${kernel_file}" -o -f "${kernel_file}" ] || fail "${kernel_file} is not a file" [ -z "${ramdisk_file}" -o -f "${ramdisk_file}" ] || fail "${ramdisk_file} is not a file" if [ "${img_type}" = "auto" ]; then get_image_type "${image}" || fail "failed to determine file type of ${image}" img_type=${_RET} fi [ -n "${dev_mapping}" -a "${img_type}" != "image" ] && fail "-B/--block-device-mapping can only be specified for --type=image" [ -n "${rename}" ] || rename=${image##*/} if [ "${name}" = "__unset__" ]; then # if user did not pass --name, try to figure out if register supports it # we unfortunately can't assume that '--help' exits 0 ${EC2PRE}register --help > "${TMPD}/register-help.out" 2>&1 if grep -q -- "--name" "${TMPD}/register-help.out"; then name="${bucket}/${rename}" debug 1 "using ${name} for --name" else debug 1 "${EC2PRE}register seems not to support --name, not passing" name="" fi elif [ -z "${name}" -o "${name}" == "none" ]; then # if user passed in '--name=""' or '--name=none", do not pass --name name="" fi image_full=$(readlink -f "${image}") || fail "failed to get full path to ${image}" if [ -e "${wdir}/${rename}" ]; then [ "${wdir}/${rename}" -ef "${image}" ] || fail "${wdir} already contains file named ${rename}" fi # bundle-kernel doesn't like for file to exist in destination-dir # so, create it one dir under there RENAME_D=$(mktemp -d "${wdir}/.rename.XXXXXX") && ln -s "${image_full}" "${RENAME_D}/${rename}" && rename_full="${RENAME_D}/${rename}" || fail "link failed: working-dir/rename/${rename} -> ${image_full}" reg_id="" manifest="${rename}.manifest.xml" # set up "pass through" args to go through to kernel/ramdisk publishing pthr=( ) [ $VERBOSITY -eq 0 ] || pthr[${#pthr[@]}]="--verbose" [ ${allow_existing} -eq 0 ] || pthr[${#pthr[@]}]="--allow-existing" [ -z "${add_acl}" ] || { pthr[${#pthr[@]}]="--add-launch"; pthr[${#pthr[@]}]="${add_acl}"; } [ ${dry_run} -eq 0 ] || pthr[${#pthr[@]}]="--dry-run" if [ -n "${kernel_file}" ]; then debug 1 "publishing kernel ${kernel_file}" upload_register --type kernel "${pthr[@]}" \ "${arch}" "${kernel_file}" "${bucket}" || fail "failed to register ${kernel_file}" kernel=${_RET} debug 1 "kernel registered as ${kernel}" fi if [ -n "${ramdisk_file}" ]; then debug 1 "publishing ramdisk ${ramdisk_file}" upload_register --type ramdisk "${pthr[@]}" \ "${arch}" "${ramdisk_file}" "${bucket}" || fail "failed to register ${ramdisk_file}" ramdisk=${_RET} debug 1 "ramdisk registered as ${ramdisk}" fi if [ ${VERBOSITY} -ge 1 -o ${dry_run} -ne 0 ]; then [ -n "${kernel}" ] && krd_fmt=" %s/%s" && krd_args=( "${kernel}" "${ramdisk:-none}" ) errorp "[%-6s] %s => %s/%s ${krd_fmt}\n" "${img_type}" \ "${image##*/}" "${bucket}" "${rename}" "${krd_args[@]}" if [ ${dry_run} -ne 0 ]; then case "${img_type}" in kernel) pre="eki";; ramdisk) pre="eri";; image) pre="emi";; esac printf "%s\t%s\n" "${pre}-xxxxxxxx" "${bucket}/${rename##*/}" exit fi fi krd_args=( ); [ -n "${kernel}" -a "${kernel}" != "none" ] && krd_args=( "${krd_args[@]}" "--kernel" "${kernel}" ) [ -n "${ramdisk}" -a "${ramdisk}" != "none" ] && krd_args=( "${krd_args[@]}" "--ramdisk" "${ramdisk}" ) if [ "${EC2PRE%ec2-}" != "${EC2PRE}" ]; then req="EC2_CERT EC2_PRIVATE_KEY EC2_USER_ID EC2_ACCESS_KEY EC2_SECRET_KEY" for env_name in ${req}; do [ -n "${!env_name}" ] || fail "when using ec2- tools, you must set env: ${req}" done ex_bundle_args=( --cert "${EC2_CERT}" --privatekey "${EC2_PRIVATE_KEY}" --user "${EC2_USER_ID}" ) ex_upload_args=( --access-key "${EC2_ACCESS_KEY}" --secret-key "${EC2_SECRET_KEY}" ) fi debug 1 "checking for existing registered image at ${bucket}/${manifest}" get_manifest_id "^${bucket}/${manifest}" "/$name$" || fail "failed to check for existing manifest" if [ -n "${_RET}" ]; then set -- ${_RET} img_id=${1}; path=${2} [ ${allow_existing} -eq 1 ] || fail "${path} already registered as ${img_id}" debug 1 "using existing ${img_id} for ${bucket}/${manifest}" else if [ $image2raw -eq 1 -a "$img_type" = "image" ]; then # this is really here because of LP: #836759 # but could be useful elsewhere qemu-img info "$image" > "${TMPD}/disk-info.out" || fail "failed to qemu-img info $image" imgfmt=$(awk '-F:' '$1 == "file format" { sub(/ /,"",$2); print $2 }' \ "${TMPD}/disk-info.out") if [ "$imgfmt" != "raw" ]; then debug 1 "converting image to raw" raw_image="${TMPD}/image.raw" qemu-img convert -O raw "$image" "$raw_image" || fail "failed to convert image to raw" image="$raw_image" ln -sf "$raw_image" "$rename_full" || fail "symlink to raw image $raw_image failed" else debug 1 "disk is already raw format, not converting" fi fi if [ -n "$hook_img" ]; then debug 1 "image hook: $hook_img $rename_full" "$hook_img" "$rename_full" || fail "image hook failed: $hook_img ${rename_full} failed" fi bundle_args=( "--image" "${rename_full}" ) [ -n "${dev_mapping}" ] && bundle_args[${#bundle_args[@]}]="--block-device-mapping=${dev_mapping}" case "${img_type}" in kernel|ramdisk) bundle_args[${#bundle_args[@]}]="--${img_type}" bundle_args[${#bundle_args[@]}]="true" esac run "${wdir}" "bundle" "bundling ${img_type} ${image}" \ ${EC2PRE}bundle-image --destination "${wdir}" --arch "${arch}" \ "${ex_bundle_args[@]}" \ "${bundle_args[@]}" "${krd_args[@]}" || fail "failed to bundle ${img_type} ${image}" run "${wdir}" "upload" "upload ${bucket}/${manifest}" \ ${EC2PRE}upload-bundle --bucket "${bucket}" \ "${ex_upload_args[@]}" \ --manifest "${wdir}/${manifest}" || fail "failed to upload bundle to ${bucket}/${manifest}" junk="" img_id=""; run "${wdir}" "register" "register ${bucket}/${manifest}" \ ${EC2PRE}register ${name:+--name "${name}"} \ "${ex_register_args[@]}" "${bucket}/${manifest}" && read junk img_id < "${wdir}/register.stdout" && [ "${img_id#???-}" != "${img_id}" ] || { if bad=$(get_manifest_id "${bucket}/${manifest}" "/${name}") && [ -n "${bad}" ]; then set -- ${bad} bad_id=${1} error "un-registering invalid $bad" >/dev/null ${EC2PRE}deregister "${bad_id}" fi fail "failed to register ${manifest}" } debug 1 "registered at ${bucket}/${manifest} as ${img_id}" fi debug 1 "${img_id} ${bucket}/${manifest}" if [ -z "${output}" -o "${output}" = "-" ]; then printf "%s\t%s\n" "${img_id}" "${bucket}/${manifest}" else printf "%s\t%s\n" "${img_id}" "${bucket}/${manifest}" >> "${output}" fi for user in ${add_acl}; do run "${wdir}" "add_user.${user}" \ "add ${user} to ${manifest}" \ ${EC2PRE}modify-image-attribute \ --launch-permission --add "${user}" "${img_id}" || fail "failed to add launch permission for ${user} to ${img_id}" done exit 0 # vi: ts=4 noexpandtab
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