Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/simple-membership/classes/class.swpm-transactions.php
<?php /* * Provides some helpful functions to deal with the transactions */ class SwpmTransactions { public static function save_txn_record( $ipn_data, $items = array() ) { global $wpdb; $current_date = SwpmUtils::get_current_date_in_wp_zone();//date( 'Y-m-d' ); $custom_var = self::parse_custom_var( $ipn_data['custom'] ); //Get the IP address (if available) $ip_address = isset($ipn_data['ip']) ? $ipn_data['ip'] : ''; if( empty($ip_address) ){ $ip_address = isset($custom_var['user_ip']) ? $custom_var['user_ip'] : ''; } //Subscription ID $subscr_id = $ipn_data['subscr_id']; //Prepare the transaction data array. $txn_data = array(); $txn_data['email'] = $ipn_data['payer_email']; $txn_data['first_name'] = $ipn_data['first_name']; $txn_data['last_name'] = $ipn_data['last_name']; $txn_data['ip_address'] = $ip_address; //Get the member ID. First, get from the custom field (highest priority). If not found, try to get from $ipn_data['member_id'] (When handling IPN we try to set it if we find a reference for it). $txn_data['member_id'] = isset ( $custom_var['swpm_id'] ) ? $custom_var['swpm_id'] : ''; if( empty( $txn_data['member_id'] ) ){ $txn_data['member_id'] = isset ( $ipn_data['member_id'] ) ? $ipn_data['member_id'] : ''; } //SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'Member ID value: ' . $txn_data['member_id'], true ); //Get the membership level reference. $txn_data['membership_level'] = isset ( $custom_var['subsc_ref'] ) ? $custom_var['subsc_ref'] : ''; $txn_data['txn_date'] = $current_date; $txn_data['txn_id'] = $ipn_data['txn_id']; $txn_data['subscr_id'] = $ipn_data['subscr_id']; $txn_data['reference'] = isset( $custom_var['reference'] ) ? $custom_var['reference'] : ''; $txn_data['payment_amount'] = $ipn_data['mc_gross']; $txn_data['gateway'] = isset($ipn_data['gateway']) ? $ipn_data['gateway'] : ''; $txn_data['status'] = isset($ipn_data['status']) ? $ipn_data['status'] : ''; //Check that a transaction ID exists before saving the transaction record. if ( empty( $txn_data['txn_id'] ) ) { SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'Transaction ID is empty. This transaction record cannot be saved.', false ); return; } $txn_data = array_filter( $txn_data );//Remove any null values. //Save the transaction record to the payments database table (this is for backwards compatibility). $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_payments_tbl', $txn_data ); $db_row_id = $wpdb->insert_id; /*** Save to the swpm_transactions CPT ***/ $post = array(); $post['post_title'] = ''; $post['post_status'] = 'publish'; $post['content'] = ''; $post['post_type'] = 'swpm_transactions'; $post_id = wp_insert_post( $post ); //The key that connects the 'swpm_transactions' CPT post and the the swpm_payments_tbl row. update_post_meta( $post_id, 'db_row_id', $db_row_id ); //Save additional data based on the checkout gateway. if( isset( $ipn_data['gateway'])) { //Check if this is a PayPal subscription or a Stripe subscription checkout. if ( $ipn_data['gateway'] == 'paypal_subscription_checkout' || $ipn_data['gateway'] == 'stripe-sca-subs' ) { //Save the swpm_transactions CPT post ID of the original checkout in the member's proifle. Useful to retreive some of the original checkout txn data (example: custom_field data). $member_record = SwpmMemberUtils::get_user_by_subsriber_id( $subscr_id ); if( ! $member_record ){ SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'Error! Could not find an existing member record for the given subscriber ID: ' . $subscr_id . '. This member profile may have been deleted.', false ); } else { $member_id = $member_record->member_id; $extra_info = SwpmMemberUtils::get_account_extra_info( $member_id ); //Check if the extra_info is an array. If not, initialize it as an array before adding the orig_swpm_txn_cpt_id. if (!is_array($extra_info)) { $extra_info = array(); // Initialize as array if not already } $extra_info['orig_swpm_txn_cpt_id'] = $post_id; //Update the member's extra_info with the orig_swpm_txn_cpt_id. SwpmMemberUtils::update_account_extra_info( $member_id, $extra_info ); } } } //Save the subscr_id to the swpm_transactions CPT as post meta (so it can be used to query the CPT for a specific subscription). if ( isset( $subscr_id ) && ! empty( $subscr_id ) ) { update_post_meta( $post_id, 'subscr_id', $subscr_id ); } //Add the payment_button_id to the txn_data array so it can be saved to the swpm_transactions CPT. if ( isset( $ipn_data['payment_button_id'] ) ) { $txn_data['payment_button_id'] = $ipn_data['payment_button_id']; } //Add the is_live to the txn_data array so it can be saved to the swpm_transactions CPT. if ( isset( $ipn_data['is_live'] ) ) { $txn_data['is_live'] = $ipn_data['is_live']; } //Add the custom value to the txn_data array so it can be saved to the swpm_transactions CPT. if ( isset( $ipn_data['custom'] ) ) { $txn_data['custom'] = $ipn_data['custom']; } //Add the discount_amount value to the txn_data array so it can be saved to the swpm_transactions CPT. if ( isset( $ipn_data['discount_amount'] ) ) { $txn_data['discount_amount'] = $ipn_data['discount_amount']; } //Save the $txn_data to the swpm_transactions CPT as post meta. foreach ( $txn_data as $key => $value ) { update_post_meta( $post_id, $key, $value ); } //Trigger the action hook. do_action( 'swpm_txn_record_saved', $txn_data, $db_row_id, $post_id ); } /* * Use this function to update or set account status of a member easily. */ public static function update_transaction_status( $txn_row_id, $new_status = 'Completed' ) { // TODO: Old Code. Need to remove. // global $wpdb; // $payments_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'swpm_payments_tbl'; // SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'Updating the payment status value of transaction to: ' . $new_status . '. Row ID: ' . $txn_row_id, true ); // $query = $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $payments_table_name SET status=%s WHERE id=%s", $new_status, $txn_row_id ); // $resultset = $wpdb->query( $query ); SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'Updating the payment status value of transaction to: ' . $new_status . '. Post ID: ' . $txn_row_id, true ); update_post_meta($txn_row_id, 'status', $new_status); } public static function parse_custom_var( $custom ) { $delimiter = '&'; $customvariables = array(); $namevaluecombos = explode( $delimiter, $custom ); foreach ( $namevaluecombos as $keyval_unparsed ) { $equalsignposition = strpos( $keyval_unparsed, '=' ); if ( $equalsignposition === false ) { $customvariables[ $keyval_unparsed ] = ''; continue; } $key = substr( $keyval_unparsed, 0, $equalsignposition ); $value = substr( $keyval_unparsed, $equalsignposition + 1 ); $customvariables[ $key ] = $value; } return $customvariables; } /** * Get transaction cpt record from posts table by subscription id. * * @param string $subscription_id The subscription id. * @param bool $return_post_metas Whether to also retrieve post meta associated with this post. * * @return object|null */ public static function get_transaction_row_by_subscr_id (string $subscription_id, bool $return_post_metas = false) { $meta_query = array( array( 'key' => 'subscr_id', 'value' => $subscription_id, 'compare' => '=' ) ); if ($return_post_metas){ return self::get_txn_post_using_meta_query_with_metadata( $meta_query ); } return self::get_txn_post_using_meta_query($meta_query); } /** * Get transaction cpt record from posts table by transaction id. * * @param string $txn_id The transaction id. * @param bool $return_post_metas Whether to also retrieve post meta associated with this post. * * @return object|null */ public static function get_transaction_row_by_txn_id (string $txn_id, bool $return_post_metas = false) { $meta_query = array( array( 'key' => 'txn_id', 'value' => $txn_id, 'compare' => '=' ) ); if ($return_post_metas){ return self::get_txn_post_using_meta_query_with_metadata( $meta_query ); } return self::get_txn_post_using_meta_query($meta_query); } /** * Get transaction cpt record from posts table by transaction id and email. * * @param string $txn_id The transaction id. * @param string $email The payer email. * @param bool $return_post_metas Whether to also retrieve post meta associated with this post. * * @return object|null */ public static function get_transaction_row_by_txn_id_and_email(string $txn_id, string $email, bool $return_post_metas = false) { $meta_query = array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'key' => 'txn_id', 'value' => $txn_id, 'compare' => '=' ), array( 'key' => 'email', 'value' => $email, 'compare' => '=' ), ); if ($return_post_metas){ return self::get_txn_post_using_meta_query_with_metadata( $meta_query ); } return self::get_txn_post_using_meta_query($meta_query); } /** * Get transaction cpt record from posts table by transaction id and subscription id. * * @param string $txn_id The transaction id. * @param string $subscription_id The subscription id. * @param bool $return_post_metas Whether to also retrieve post meta associated with this post. * * @return object|null */ public static function get_transaction_row_by_txn_id_and_subscription_id(string $txn_id, string $subscription_id, bool $return_post_metas = false) { $meta_query = array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'key' => 'txn_id', 'value' => $txn_id, 'compare' => '=' ), array( 'key' => 'subscr_id', 'value' => $subscription_id, 'compare' => '=' ), ); if ($return_post_metas){ return self::get_txn_post_using_meta_query_with_metadata( $meta_query ); } return self::get_txn_post_using_meta_query($meta_query); } /** * Retrieve first transaction post using meta query. * * @param array $meta_query * * @return object|null The retrieved post as WP_Post object. NULL if no posts found. */ public static function get_txn_post_using_meta_query( array $meta_query ) { // Get the transaction posts types. $txn_posts = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'swpm_transactions', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'meta_query' => $meta_query ) ); wp_reset_postdata(); if ( count( $txn_posts ) ){ $the_txn_post = isset($txn_posts[0]) ? $txn_posts[0] : null; return $the_txn_post; } return null; } /** * Retrieve first transaction post using meta query with associated metadata. * * @param array $meta_query * * @return object|null Post data as object. NULL if posts not found. */ public static function get_txn_post_using_meta_query_with_metadata( array $meta_query ) { $txn_post = self::get_txn_post_using_meta_query($meta_query); // Check if a matching transaction post found or not. if (empty($txn_post)) { return null; } return self::get_txn_post_meta_data_in_object_format($txn_post->ID); } /** * Retrieve all the transaction CPT posts by member ID. */ public static function get_all_txn_cpts_with_metadata_by_member_id( $member_id ) { $meta_query = array( array( 'key' => 'member_id', 'value' => $member_id, 'compare' => '=' ) ); $all_txn_cpts = self::get_all_txn_posts_using_meta_query_with_metadata($meta_query); return $all_txn_cpts; } /** * Retrieve all the transaction CPT posts using meta query with metadata. * * @param array $meta_query The standard 'meta_query' array argument that is used in the get_posts() function. * * @return array|null The retrieved posts as array of WP_Post object. NULL if no posts found. */ public static function get_all_txn_posts_using_meta_query_with_metadata( array $meta_query ) { /*** Tip ***/ //Use the following technique to print all post metas of a CPT so we can craft the meta_query parameter as needed. //$all_post_metas_of_a_cpt = get_post_meta( "1234" ); //print_r($all_post_metas_of_a_cpt); // Get the transaction posts types. $txn_posts = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'swpm_transactions', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'meta_query' => $meta_query ) ); wp_reset_postdata(); if (count($txn_posts) < 1){ return null; } $result = array(); foreach ($txn_posts as $txn_post) { $result[] = self::get_txn_post_meta_data_in_array_format($txn_post->ID); } return $result; } /* * Get all the transaction meta data of a transaction in array format. * @param string $post_id The transaction post ID. * @return array */ public static function get_txn_post_meta_data_in_array_format( int $post_id){ $meta_data = array( 'id' => $post_id, 'db_row_id' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'db_row_id', true), 'email' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'email', true), 'first_name' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'first_name', true), 'last_name' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'last_name', true), 'member_id' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'member_id', true), 'membership_level' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'membership_level', true), 'txn_date' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'txn_date', true), 'txn_id' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'txn_id', true), 'subscr_id' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'subscr_id', true), 'reference' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'reference', true), 'payment_amount' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'payment_amount', true), 'gateway' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'gateway', true), 'status' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'status', true), 'ip_address' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'ip_address', true), 'payment_button_id' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'payment_button_id', true), 'is_live' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'is_live', true), 'discount_amount' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'discount_amount', true), 'custom' => get_post_meta($post_id, 'custom', true), ); return $meta_data; } /** * Retrieve all the post metadata for a transaction post type by its id. * * @param int $post_id ID of transaction post * * @return object All associated post metas */ public static function get_txn_post_meta_data_in_object_format( int $post_id){ $meta_data_obj = (object) self::get_txn_post_meta_data_in_array_format($post_id); return $meta_data_obj; } /** * Get the original subscription checkout transaction CPT Post ID by the subscriber ID. * Get's the original transaction CPT Post ID from the member's profile (we save it in the extra_info when the subscription is created). */ public static function get_original_swpm_txn_cpt_id_by_subscr_id ( $subscr_id ) { $extra_info = SwpmMemberUtils::get_account_extra_info_by_subscr_id( $subscr_id ); if( isset( $extra_info['orig_swpm_txn_cpt_id'] ) && !empty( $extra_info['orig_swpm_txn_cpt_id'] )){ $txn_cpt_post_id = $extra_info['orig_swpm_txn_cpt_id']; return $txn_cpt_post_id; } return ''; } /** * Get the custom field data of the original subscription checkout from the user profile (if available). * The Transaction CPT Post ID is saved in the member's profile when the subscription is created. * @param string $subscr_id * @return string */ public static function get_original_custom_value_from_transactions_cpt ( $subscr_id ) { $extra_info = SwpmMemberUtils::get_account_extra_info_by_subscr_id( $subscr_id ); if( isset( $extra_info['orig_swpm_txn_cpt_id'] ) && !empty( $extra_info['orig_swpm_txn_cpt_id'] )){ $txn_cpt_post_id = $extra_info['orig_swpm_txn_cpt_id']; //Example value: subsc_ref=2&orig_swpm_txn_cpt_id=123 $custom = get_post_meta( $txn_cpt_post_id, 'custom', true ); SwpmLog::log_simple_debug('Custom field data from the original subscription checkout: ' . $custom, true); } else{ $custom = ''; SwpmLog::log_simple_debug('Could not find the original subscription checkout custom field data.', true); } return $custom; } public static function get_original_custom_value_for_subscription_payment ( $subscr_id ) { if ( isset ( $subscr_id )){ //Lets check if a proper custom field value is already saved in the CPT for this stripe subscription. $txn_cpt_qry_args = array( 'post_type' => 'swpm_transactions', 'orderby' => 'post_id', 'order' => 'ASC', 'meta_query' => array( array( 'key' => 'subscr_id', 'value' => $subscr_id ), ) ); $txn_cpt_qry = new WP_Query( $txn_cpt_qry_args ); $found_posts = $txn_cpt_qry->found_posts; if ( $found_posts ) { //Found a match so this is a subscription payment notification. //Read the posts array. $posts = $txn_cpt_qry->posts; //The fist post entry will be the original stripe webhook notification. $first_entry = array_shift($posts); //Get the ID of the post. $cpt_post_id = $first_entry->ID; //Retrieve the original custom value saved for this post. $orig_custom_value = get_post_meta( $cpt_post_id, 'custom', true ); return $orig_custom_value; } } return ''; } }
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