Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/simple-membership/classes/class.swpm-init-time-tasks.php
<?php class SwpmInitTimeTasks { public function __construct() { } public function do_init_tasks() { //Set up localisation. First loaded ones will override strings present in later loaded file. //Allows users to have a customized language in a different folder. $locale = apply_filters( 'plugin_locale', get_locale(), 'simple-membership' ); load_textdomain( 'simple-membership', WP_LANG_DIR . "/simple-membership-$" ); load_plugin_textdomain( 'simple-membership', false, SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_DIRNAME . '/languages/' ); if ( ! isset( $_COOKIE['swpm_session'] ) ) { // give a unique ID to current session. $uid = ''; if (function_exists('session_create_id')){ $uid = md5( session_create_id('swpm') ); } else { // Deprecated (only here for older versions of PHP) $uid = md5( microtime() ); } $_COOKIE['swpm_session'] = $uid; // fake it for current session/ if ( ! headers_sent() ) { setcookie( 'swpm_session', $uid, 0, '/' ); } } //Crete the custom post types $this->create_post_type(); //Do frontend-only init time tasks if ( ! is_admin() ) { //Trigger an action hook do_action('swpm_do_init_time_tasks_front_end'); SwpmAuth::get_instance(); $this->check_and_handle_auto_login(); $this->verify_and_delete_account(); $swpm_logout = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'swpm-logout' ); if ( ! empty( $swpm_logout ) ) { SwpmAuth::get_instance()->logout(); $redirect_url = apply_filters( 'swpm_after_logout_redirect_url', SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_SITE_HOME_URL ); wp_redirect( trailingslashit( $redirect_url ) ); exit( 0 ); } $this->process_password_reset(); $this->process_password_reset_using_link(); $this->register_member(); $this->check_and_do_email_activation(); $this->edit_profile(); SwpmCommentFormRelated::check_and_restrict_comment_posting_to_members(); } else { //Do admin side init time tasks if ( current_user_can( SWPM_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION ) ) { //Admin dashboard side stuff $this->admin_init(); } } } public function admin_init() { $createswpmuser = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'createswpmuser' ); if ( ! empty( $createswpmuser ) ) { SwpmAdminRegistration::get_instance()->register_admin_end(); } $editswpmuser = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'editswpmuser' ); if ( ! empty( $editswpmuser ) ) { $id = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'member_id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ); SwpmAdminRegistration::get_instance()->edit_admin_end( $id ); } $createswpmlevel = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'createswpmlevel' ); if ( ! empty( $createswpmlevel ) ) { SwpmMembershipLevel::get_instance()->create_level(); } $editswpmlevel = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'editswpmlevel' ); if ( ! empty( $editswpmlevel ) ) { $id = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'id' ); SwpmMembershipLevel::get_instance()->edit_level( $id ); } $update_category_list = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'update_category_list' ); if ( ! empty( $update_category_list ) ) { include_once 'class.swpm-category-list.php'; SwpmCategoryList::update_category_list(); } $update_post_list = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'update_post_list' ); if ( ! empty( $update_post_list ) ) { include_once 'class.swpm-post-list.php'; SwpmPostList::update_post_list(); } } public function create_post_type() { //The payment button data for membership levels will be stored using this CPT register_post_type( 'swpm_payment_button', array( 'public' => false, 'publicly_queryable' => false, 'show_ui' => false, 'query_var' => false, 'rewrite' => false, 'capability_type' => 'page', 'has_archive' => false, 'hierarchical' => false, 'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor' ), ) ); //Transactions will be stored using this CPT in parallel with swpm_payments_tbl DB table $args = array( 'supports' => array( '' ), 'hierarchical' => false, 'public' => false, 'show_ui' => false, 'can_export' => false, 'has_archive' => false, 'exclude_from_search' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => false, 'capability_type' => 'post', ); register_post_type( 'swpm_transactions', $args ); } private function verify_and_delete_account() { include_once SIMPLE_WP_MEMBERSHIP_PATH . 'classes/class.swpm-members.php'; $delete_account = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'swpm_delete_account' ); if ( empty( $delete_account ) ) { return; } $password = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'account_delete_confirm_pass', FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW ); $auth = SwpmAuth::get_instance(); if ( ! $auth->is_logged_in() ) { return; } if ( empty( $password ) ) { SwpmUtils::account_delete_confirmation_ui(); } $nonce_field = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'account_delete_confirm_nonce' ); if ( empty( $nonce_field ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce_field, 'swpm_account_delete_confirm' ) ) { SwpmUtils::account_delete_confirmation_ui( SwpmUtils::_( 'Sorry, Nonce verification failed.' ) ); } if ( $auth->match_password( $password ) ) { $auth->delete(); wp_safe_redirect( get_home_url() ); exit( 0 ); } else { SwpmUtils::account_delete_confirmation_ui( SwpmUtils::_( "Sorry, Password didn't match." ) ); } } public function process_password_reset() { $message = ''; $swpm_reset = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'swpm-reset' ); $swpm_reset_email = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'swpm_reset_email', FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW ); if ( ! empty( $swpm_reset ) ) { SwpmFrontRegistration::get_instance()->reset_password( $swpm_reset_email ); } } public function process_password_reset_using_link() { $swpm_reset = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'swpm-password-reset-using-link' ); if( is_null( $swpm_reset ) ) { return; } $error_message = ''; $user_login = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'swpm_user_login', FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW ); $user_login = sanitize_user( $user_login ); //Check 'swpm_user_login' matches with $_GET['login'] if( $user_login != $_GET['login'] ) { $error_message = __("Error! Invalid password reset request.", 'simple-membership'); } //Validate password reset key $is_valid_key = check_password_reset_key($_GET['key'], $_GET['login']); if ( is_wp_error( $is_valid_key ) ) { $error_message = __("Error! A password reset request has been submitted but the password reset key is invalid. Please generate a new request.", "simple-membership"); } //Validate password fields match $swpm_new_password = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'swpm_new_password', FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW ); $swpm_renew_password = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'swpm_reenter_new_password', FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW ); if( $swpm_new_password != $swpm_renew_password ) { $error_message = __("Error! Password fields do not match. Please try again.", 'simple-membership'); } //Validate user exists $user_data = get_user_by( "login", $_GET['login'] ); if( !$user_data ) { $error_message = __("Error! Invalid password reset request.", 'simple-membership'); } if( strlen( $error_message) > 0 ) { //If any error messsage, save it in the transient for output later. The transient will be deleted after it is displayed. //The error output is displayed in the form's HTML output file. set_transient( "swpm-passsword-reset-error", $error_message ); return; } if ( ! empty( $swpm_reset ) && strlen( $error_message ) == 0 ) { //Valiation passed. Lets try to reset the password. $is_password_reset = SwpmFrontRegistration::get_instance()->reset_password_using_link( $user_data, $swpm_new_password ); if( $is_password_reset ) { $login_page_url = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'login-page-url' ); // Allow hooks to change the value of login_page_url $login_page_url = apply_filters('swpm_register_front_end_login_page_url', $login_page_url); $after_pwd_reset = '<div class="swpm-reset-password-success-msg">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Password Reset Successful. ' ) . SwpmUtils::_( 'Please' ) . ' <a href="' . $login_page_url . '">' . SwpmUtils::_( 'Log In' ) . '</a></div>'; $after_pwd_reset = apply_filters( 'swpm_password_reset_success_msg', $after_pwd_reset ); $message_ary = array( 'succeeded' => true, 'message' => $after_pwd_reset, ); SwpmTransfer::get_instance()->set( 'status', $message_ary ); return; } } } private function register_member() { $registration = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'swpm_registration_submit' ); if ( ! empty( $registration ) ) { SwpmFrontRegistration::get_instance()->register_front_end(); } } private function check_and_do_email_activation() { $email_activation = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'swpm_email_activation', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ); if ( ! empty( $email_activation ) ) { SwpmFrontRegistration::get_instance()->email_activation(); } //also check activation email resend request $email_activation_resend = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'swpm_resend_activation_email', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT ); if ( ! empty( $email_activation_resend ) ) { SwpmFrontRegistration::get_instance()->resend_activation_email(); } } private function edit_profile() { $swpm_editprofile_submit = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'swpm_editprofile_submit' ); if ( ! empty( $swpm_editprofile_submit ) ) { SwpmFrontRegistration::get_instance()->edit_profile_front_end(); //TODO - allow an option to do a redirect if successful edit profile form submission? } } public function check_and_handle_auto_login() { if ( isset( $_REQUEST['swpm_auto_login'] ) && $_REQUEST['swpm_auto_login'] == '1' ) { //Handle the auto login SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'Handling auto login request. The login related debug log file will contain additional details.', true ); $enable_auto_login = SwpmSettings::get_instance()->get_value( 'auto-login-after-rego' ); if ( empty( $enable_auto_login ) ) { SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'Auto login after registration feature is disabled in settings.', true ); return; } //Check auto login nonce value $auto_login_nonce = isset( $_REQUEST['swpm_auto_login_nonce'] ) ? $_REQUEST['swpm_auto_login_nonce'] : ''; if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $auto_login_nonce, 'swpm-auto-login-nonce' ) ) { SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'Error! Auto login nonce verification check failed!', false ); wp_die( 'Auto login nonce verification check failed!' ); } //Perform the login $auth = SwpmAuth::get_instance(); $user = apply_filters( 'swpm_user_name', filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'swpm_user_name' ) ); $user = sanitize_user( $user ); $encoded_pass = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'swpm_encoded_pw' ); $pass = base64_decode( $encoded_pass ); $auth->login( $user, $pass ); SwpmLog::log_simple_debug( 'Auto login request completed for: ' . $user, true ); } } }
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