Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /var/softaculous/todoyu/changelog.txt
core 2.3.1 - 2013-12-31 * Added: Enlarged width of rte - input * Added: Button for scrolling to top, that appears when scrolling down on long pages * Added: Hook for paging of lists * Added: Catalan language. Credits to Carles Baiges Camprubí LaCol ( * Changed: Headlet initialisation only if present (fullscreen-support) * Bugfix: Fixed css for error-messages of checkboxes * Bugifx: Fixed styling of quickinfo * Bugfix: Right requirement wasn't parsed correctly if there is only one rights-section * Bugfix: Enable live validation for record selector * Bugfix: Possibility to remove warning-message of live-validator * Bugfix: Fallback for setting timezone to prevent fatal errors * Bugfix: Set PCLZIP temporary folder to cache/temp folder. Caused problems with write-permissions * Bugfix: fixed bug in token-callback-manager * Bugfix: Fixed compatibility inclusion core 2.3.0 - 2013-03-27 * Added: CSS-cropping of list table content * Added: JS Array.prototype.remove - make array items removable * Added: Accept exclamation mark in link parsing * Added: Basic style for warning messages * Added: Possibility to add custom live-validator * Added: Basics for live-validation for form-fields * Added: TodoyuTime::getTimePartsDHMS() * Added: Todoyu.String.replaceAll() * Added: TodoyuHookManager::getHooks can now also get hooks anonymously (w/o name) * Added: Form element time was not available * Added: Todoyu.Form.isFirstInputInForm() * Added: TodoyuFormElement::removeAttribute() * Added: TodoyuFormElement_Select::setPleaseSelectLabel() to override label from php * Added: TodoyuFileManager::getMimeType() to detect the mime type of a file, even if mime_content_type() is not available * Added: TodoyuForm::setActionUrl() as helper for setAction() * Added: TodoyuFormElement_Button functions: setText(), setClass(), setOnClick() * Added: Option $asAttachment for TodoyuFileManager::sendFile() and TodoyuHeader::sendDownloadHeaders() to send also files directly * Added: Try to auto detect the mime type in TodoyuFileManager::sendFile() when not defined * Added: Params config value for FormRecords object which is submitted with the auto completer request. Allows passing options to the search * Added: TodoyuFormManager::addFieldType(). Cleaner replacement for form field type config like Todoyu::$CONFIG['FORM']['TYPES']['text'] = array(...) * Added: TodoyuFormManager::addFieldTypeRecords() as shortcut to TodoyuFormManager::addFieldType() with default records template * Added: $allOr parameter to TodoyuSql::buildLikeQueryPart() which changes the outer conjunction to OR * Added: TodoyuForm takes to $params data and makes it available over ->getParams() and ->getParam() * Added: $limit parameter for TodoyuArray::trimExplode() which is passed directly to explode() * Added: TodoyuBaseObject->isUpdated() to check whether the record was updated at least once * Added: TodoyuRecordManager::updateRecordRaw() which bypasses the cleanup of updateRecord() * Added: TodoyuBaseObject->isFlagSet() as a shortcut to check whether a field has the value 0 or 1 (example: is_active) * Added: Support for SMTP accounts. Send emails over a (shared) SMTP account. * Added: Signature in email from contact person record * Added: TodoyuMailReceiver type 'simple' * Added: TodoyuFormElement_Select->getSelectedValue() which returns the first selected value which is ok if multiple flag is not set * Added: TodoyuViewHelper for general view helpers from core * Added: Todoyu::getSystemLocale() to access system fallback locale directly * Added: TodoyuViewHelper::getAvailableLocaleOptions() and TodoyuViewHelper::geAllLocaleOptions() * Added: TodoyuFormElement_Select->setSourceFunction() to modify source function * Added: TodoyuForm->addOnDisplayJsCallback() to call a JS callback when form is displayed * Added: TodoyuArray::implode() and ::explode() * Added: TodoyuForm->getFieldData() to get a single field value from formdata * Added: TodoyuFormElement_Select->setNoPleaseSelect() * Added: TodoyuArray::prefixKeys() * Added: additional definition in form.xsd * Added: PanelWidgetSearchBox basic classes * Added: Prevent auto focus of first form element with form class noAutoFocus * Added: TodoyuFileManager::includeFile() was wrapper for include()/include_once() * Added: Todoyu.String.getCounter() to extract a counter value from a string * Added: Todoyu.Tabs.updateTabCounter() and .getTabCounter() * Added: Dwoo plugin escapeQuotesForHtmlAttributes which replaces quotes by ASCII codes * Added: TodoyuArray::assureFromSerialized() * Added: TodoyuDebug::getBacktrace() * Added: Todoyu.ListScrollLoader() * Added: class TodoyuTimezoneManager * Added: Set timezone in database for date calculations * Added: Hook based voting - TodoyuHookManager::callHookVoting * Added: TodoyuArray::average() * Added: New cache clear hook for records. Hook is dynamically named after class name: "removeCacheRecord{CLASSNAME}" * Changed: Moved repeatedly used gradients (headers, buttons) into SASS mix-ins * Changed: Removed various CSS background images, replaced by CSS3 gradients and rounded corners * Changed: Encoding of title in header-template is now optional * Changed: Set default error - logging on error instead of debug * Changed: Sticky notification mode: info now stays (was: stays 15s) * Changed: extracted select-group-options from template * Changed: Renamed TodoyuArray::prefix() to prefixValues() * Changed: Removed $parseConstants from TodoyuArray::intExplode(). Was not used and supported. Added $limi parameter as for trimExplode() * Changed: Use JS version instead of php the check for the first input in form * Changed: Update form XSD validation to match know field types only * Changed: Created instances for parsing form xml files to prevent overlapping when multiple forms are parsed parallel * Changed: Group label of selectgrouped is now parsed as label * Changed: Removed unused parameter $preParseValues from form instantiation * Changed: Added $formData as default $params value in form instantiation * Changed: Parse label for grouped select options * Changed: Cleanup radio form element. Removed sql as source type. Support default value * Changed: Clone field objects when added to a fieldset. Allows to add a field multiple times under different names * Changed: Clone fieldsets when added to a form or another fieldset * Changed: Send 404 http status if controller is not found * Changed: TodoyuArray::explode() return the $string if it is already an array * Changed: Added limit parameter for TodoyuDebug::printBacktrace() * Changed: enlarged content width * Changed: context menu refactoring * Changed: Open duration picker closes on body click * Changed: Adapted form.xsd * Changed: Raise php memory limit when a mail is sent with attachments * Changed: Tabs can now be disabled per item (return value false of label method removes the tab) * Changed: Prevent context menu and its submenus to display outside of the screen * Bugfix: Visual optimization of sortable-panel-list handle * Bugfix: Fixed linux-chrome-styling-bug * Bugfix: styling bug in sortable panel list * Bugfix: Fixed and clean-up JSCalendar styling * Bugfix: SearchList-input value clearing disabled text-navigation * Bugfix: Fixed bug in the assistNumericInput method * Bugfix: Changed date-format for calendar week to ISO-8601 * Bugfix: Min - form - validator was wrong * Bugfix: Fixed e-mail parsing * Bugfix: Removed boundaries of sub menu entries * Bugfix: Add tab key as class name for content item tabs * Bugfix: Active item tabs are unique * Bugfix: Auto linking found also background image source as link * Bugfix: TodoyuSql::buildInListQueryPart() value when negated and input is empty * Bugfix: Duration Pickers configuration failed * Bugfix: Class for fieldset didn't work properly/clean * Bugfix: isRequired() checks now for available field and for false value * Bugfix: Content tab did not store selected tab correctly * Bugfix: Prevent double linking of email addresses in RTE text * Library: Upgraded PHPsass from version 201203071100 to 201211282000 * Library: Upgraded from PHPMailer-lite 5.1 to PHPMailer 5.2.4 * Library: Highcharts 2.2.3 * Library: tinyMCE * Library: Prototype 1.7.1 core 2.2.0 - 2012-05-03 * Added: Parity of list items in widgets is refreshed on drop/resort * Added: Balloon info rendering, style and JS * Added: Hooks in TodoyuMail * Added: Empty listing shows "no items" notice * Added: Special chars encoding of CSV exported data * Added: Added core hook of loaded extension type configs: 'loadconfig.extkey.type' * Added: Installer now focuses it's first form field on page load * Added: prototype.js plugin "svginner" * Added: TodoyuTime.getDayTimestampsInRange can now optionally ommit weekend days * Added: Todoyu.Popups (open, openElement, openContent) can now optionally position the popup to a top coordinate * Added: JavaScript Date prototypes: addDays(), subtractDays(), isToday() * Added: JS-Handling for contentItemTabs * Added: Todoyu.Form.assistDurationInput() for onblur-validation of duration input fields * Added: New form hook for data modification immediately before rendering (use TodoyuFormHook::registerRenderForm() for callback registration) * Added: global confirmation dialog for toggling of record-types with exclusive "is_preferred" attribute * Added: new DB query building method: TodoyuSql::buildInArrayQuery() * Added: General content item inline tabs management and rendering to core * Added: "greaterThan" form validator * Added: Methods for fetching right / section and resp. required right from extension rights matrix * Added: TodoyuArray::implodeAssoc() * Added: TodoyuDateRange: setMinLength(), isOverlapping(), isInOneDay(), getOverlappingRange(), getAmountOfDays(), contains(), setRangeLimits() * Added: DialogChoice. Create a popup and creates options to get selected by user * Added: TodoyuArray::assureFromJSON() - Takes a JSON string, tries to decode it as an array and makes sure an array is return (even on invalid JSON) * Added: TodoyuRecordManager::deleteRecords() sets deleted flag for records in a table by where statement * Added: TodoyuTime::getWeekEndDayIndexes() - as in date('w'), depends in first day of week * Added: Call hook and fire change event on AC element selection * Added: TodoyuDateRange::getLabelWithTime() * Added: Initialize fake console element to prevent errors on console.log() in not supporting browsers * Added: Todoyu.Helper.cloneObject() for deep object copy (alternative to Object.clone()) * Added: Javascript form submit helpers (simple file upload) * Added: TodoyuRenderer::renderSelectGrouped(). Extracted from a Dwoo plugin * Added: Dwoo plugin {restrictAdmin}retricted content{/restrictAdmin} * Added: Moved Dwoo plugins from calendar extension to core: {formatDuration}, {formatRange} * Added: date locale format label "dateMshort" * Changed: Removed currencyFormat from core * Changed: Listing renderer requires and renders additionally to columns now also record ID * Changed: Moved static database and query functions to TodoyuSql * Changed: Removing valueless foreign records does not require confirmation anymore * Changed: Better support for SQL statements to update fields. Comma is now allowed in type definition (ex: DECIMAL(5,2)) * Changed: Extending item listings (fetching additional items) now also keeps list-function parameters, like search filters * Changed: Inactive roles are listed last instead of first * Changed: Unified method naming - getDateXXX() getPersonXXX() getPersonXXXID() * Changed: Renamed TodoyuFieldset to TodoyuFormFieldset * Changed: Prevent selection of disabled select option * Changed: Todoyu.Time: time means now php timestamp and date means JS date object (for vars and methods) * Changed: Updates of date fields with the popup calendar will now trigger a change event * Changed: Used faster (int) instead of intval() for integer typecasting * Changed: Moved getDayTimestamps(), getDayTimestampsMap() to TodoyuDayRange * Changed: Made TodoyuTime::getWeekStart and getWeekAnd relative to system config of 1st day of week being sunday or monday * Changed: Minimum PHP version is 5.2.5 * Changed: Renamed TodoyuDateRange::getDiff() to getDuration(), TodoyuDayRange::getDiffInDays() to getDurationInDays() * Changed: Renamed TodoyuRecordManger::deleteRecords() to deleteRecordsByID() * Changed: ListingRenderer behaviour. Changed Parameter sword to params to be more flexible. * Changed: Rich Text Editor (tinyMCE) uses now advanced mode with some additional edit features * Changed: Renamed config/admin.php to config/sysmanager.php because admin extension was removed * Changed: Renamed Dwoo plugin {Workload} to {formatDuration} * Changed: Renamed TodoyuTime::sec2hours() to formatHours() * Changed: Scroll to error in form when form is initialized with errors * Removed: scal calendar/date picker library * Removed: TodoyuString::replaceOnce() * Removed: TodoyuString::strictHtml2text() is now integrated in html2text() method core 2.1.4 - 2011-12-13 * Bugfix: Hovering multiple quick-info elements subsequently in direct sequence did only show the first info, no following ones * Bugfix: RTE auto focus failed. Added workaround to focus RTE if first field * Bugfix: Area was not set on popup AJAX requests * Changed: Only focus RTE when loaded over AJAX * Changed: TodoyuFormElement::getStorageData() is final now and checks always for noStorage and disabled * Changed: TodoyuString::html2text text handling improved * Changed: Popup calendar dotted border width is now 1px (was 2) * Changed: Labels => (same for date_update) * Added: Hide context menu on tab change * Added: TodoyuCountry::getIsoNumCurrency() * Added: TodoyuFormElement::getStorageDataInternal() to override storageData properly * Added: TodoyuSql::quoteTablename() (currently alias of quoteFieldName()). Cleanup quoteFieldName() * Added: Support to validate against fields in the parent form * Added: TodoyuFormElement methods replaceFieldValidatorWithValue() and removeValidator() * Added: Log hook calls * Added: Log level LEVEL_CORE which is even deeper than debug and shows internal logs of todoyu core (hooks, connections, etc) * Added: Limit parameter for TodoyuDateRange methods * Added: Basic getters for TodoyuRole * Added: TodoyuArray::groupByField() core 2.1.3 - 2011-11-17 * Bugfix: System URL was set wrong on windows systems * Bugfix: Cropping of tabs didn't work correctly in ie. Due to substr(negativeValue) * Bugfix: Checkbox had problem with default value * Bugfix: ReplyTo & sender of emails were automatically set to the system mail * Bugfix: Simplified textarea auto resize. Works now in all major up-to-date browsers * Bugfix: XML entities were encoded inside of Dwoo tags which caused parse error in template engine * Bugfix: Hiding of notifications of the same type failed when more than 2 dots were in the identifier * Added: Auto-focus RTE of first form field (e.g. comment text) * Added: Cropping for database relation labels in form * Added TodoyuTime::time() to set null values to current time * Added TodoyuDateRange * Added TodoyuArray::createMap() * Added: action dispatcher error output contains now also action controller class name * Added: Wrappers for rename() and copy() in TodoyuFileManager * Added: TodoyuTime:: getYearEnd(), getYearStart() * Added: update() and updateField() * Added: Default link to documentation * Added: Comparison form validators (dateBefore, dateAfter, dateNotAfter, dateTimeNotBefore, dateTimeAfter, equals) can optionally compare against a value * Added: New parameter 'area' for asset file config. If merging is not enabled, you can define one or more areas (string or array) where to load the specific file (no config = all areas) * Added: Paste plugin for tinyMCE * Added: Description for records * Changed: Don't require system locale data to set a locale for translation * Changed: TodoyuDebug handles now debugging status * Changed: Format of duration (hour) * Changed: Duration formatting * Removed: Moved continuous integration files to private extension * Removed: Username list from debug function. Were never used * Removed: Color styles for project (moved to project) * Translation: Added polish translation for core * Translation: Serbian translation for installer * Translation: Polish for core (and all basic extensions) * Library: tinyMCE 3.4.7 * Library: Highcharts 2.1.9
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.0.30 | Génération de la page: 0 |