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AmpJuke Changelog. Also available on Report bugs/errors/suggestions at and/or to michael/AT/ampjuke/DOT/org -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.8.8: Released: 14-08-2014 - Fixed a couple of issues that - under certain circumstances - could disrupt the installation process. - New option to limit total number of outstanding/queued tracks for ALL users (applies only to "jukebox mode"). So far, this was a setting related to each user. It still exists. - Added additional/new fingerprint parameters from The Echonest. Seems like these have been around for some time... ..."thanks" for keeping us updated, Echonest! The new parameters introduced are: liveness, speechiness, acousticness and valence. - Add new music found during scan+import to a specific favorite list. This option will - if checked (and it is by default) - add all new music found during scan+import to a specific favorite list. An additional option makes it possible to add the new music to a favorite list covering all users. - apparently made a decision to change the way performer/artist images are retrieved using the API. I've changed the code on "my side" of the API accordingly. - GetID3() latest/newest version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.8.7: Released: September 30th, 2013. - "Keep open" on pop-up. ...used when selecting a favorite list to add something to. It's possible to add to several favorite lists in one "go". - Update: Echonest API. Identification of tracks is now being done using a "2 step" method: First, the track is uploaded, then identified. Until recently it was enough to upload the track, and the track's "fingerprint" would be returned almost immediately. I missed that (missing) memo, Echonest!! - New feature: You might also like... When a user clicks on "Add to favorite...", a window pops up prompting for the name of the list to add the track to. If access to the Echonest API is enabled, some suggestions for similar tracks will appear below the prompt. See screenshot. - Advanced search: New or old method. Using advanced search can now be done using parameters (limits) retrieved and stored from the Echonest API. For example, an advanced search could be done using "danceability">0.7 and "tempo">140. The possibilities are quite overwhelming... This - of course - requires access to the Echoest API as well as proper "fingerprinting" (identification) of a majority of the tracks in your collection. It's still possible to use the old advanced search functionality. - API-key inconsistency. Embarassing, but true: I've been using TWO API-keys from One of them was for testing purposes, and has now expired. I've made sure that from now on, only ONE key is used against the API: The right one! Sorry for the inconvenience. - Better "look&feel". For example: Tooltips are now much better compared to earlier. For example, do a "mouseover" on an album and see for yourself :) - Bonus: A *LOT* of small improvements here&there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.8.6: Released: August 7th, 2012. - Related tracks: Echonest. One year ago I stumbled across an extremely interesting API. It basically gives you the option to "identify" each and every track within your music library. The identification is based on the API available from Echonest ( I have coded against the API in order to use this exciting feature in AmpJuke. So - start "identifying" your music in AmpJuke, - I will (almost) guarantee this: It will take the listening experience to a whole new level! More info. the FAQ: - Jukebox mode. Until this release, AmpJuke have been operating like a personal streaming service for all registered users (and even anonymous users, if you wish that). In other words: Each user completely controlled what's being played during his/her listening session. With the introduction of the jukebox mode in AmpJuke, listening to music can now be done in a manner similar to what is experienced with a jukebox (or radio station): ALL users listens to the same music. If this sounds interesting, start here: - Screensaver (sort of). A simple "screensaver" is introduced in this release of AmpJuke. There's a small background-story about why I did this. Read more about it here: - Alternative scan+music management. By Marc Apgar - THANKS! You will find this new feature/tool in the admin panel on the left side on the "Welcome" page. The tool is included "as is" as I haven't really had the time to look close into it. Marc mentioned something about additional documentation in an email. Should he decide to do that, I'll post it on the webiste. - Bye bye Bing! Recently, Microsoft decided to (almost) pull the plug on free usage of the API in relation to Bing! Free access to search results are now almost non-existing, to stay free API-calls should be kept below 5000. PER MONTH!! Unless - of course - you want to pay... ...guess M$ is of the impression that that's a great offer. I don't think so. To do bulk and individual retrievel of album and performer images, a switch has been made to Google. We all know that M$ has been suspected for "borrowing" some of Google's results in the past... - A lot of small improvements here&there. Really. I won't outline all of them here. If you're curious, just do a "grep 0.8.6 *.php" within the folder where AmpJuke is installed (assuming you run it on Unix/Linux). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.8.5: Released: July 31st, 2011. - New feature: Edit tags on files. It is possible to enable editing right away when an error/warning is encoutered after scan+import has completed. Besides editing tags right after scan+import, it's also possible to do it later on More in the FAQ: - Information: AmpJuke uses GetID3 version 1.9 ( It's the newest. - Introduced: jQuery. AmpJuke have started to make use of the wildly popular jQuery framework. See for yourself :) More in the FAQ: - Random play improved: Added two extra options when setting up random play: The first makes it possible to limit the total duration of tracks selected for being played. The other deals with avoiding seletion of tracks played within a specific amount of days. More in the FAQ. - Improvement: When playing tracks by random after the last track selected by the user has been played, AmpJuke attempts to avoid a "circular trap". More in the FAQ: - Italian language updated. By Pietro "Maerlin" Baiguini. THANKS. It's highly appreciated. - Danish language updated. By some strange fellow named Michael H. Iversen... :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.8.4: Released: December 18th, 2010. - New feature: Self registration. It's been on the to-do list for quite a while. From now on, it is possible to enable self-registration of users within AmpJuke. Cool... - New personal setting: Hide text next to icons. Save some screen real estate. Hiding the text after the icons scattered around the various options is now possible. It's a personal setting. The text in the main menu to the left will still be visible. - New feature: IE9 jumplists. Frankly, I'm quite impressed with the Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 9 combo. So if you're lucky enough to get your hands on a PC with Win 7 and IE9, you might as well take advantage of the jumplists in AmpJuke. In other words: AmpJuke uses a jumplist-launcher when a user is running Win7 with IE9. Pure eyecandy that might impress your friends and family :-) - German translation updated. Thanks to Benjamin Preuß (r2k) for supplying this in the forum. - Improvement: If an album cover isn't downloaded+stored correctly then the cover will be hard (impossible) to see later. From now on, the routine that auto-downloads covers will check if the size of the image is above a "certain size" (10 bytes). If not, the default/blank AmpJuke cover will be used instead. Thanks to Ben for suggesting this in the forum. - Error correction: Clicking on "Play all..." when displaying a specific favorite list didn't have any effect (ie. the music wasn't streaming). That is no longer the case. - Modified: The function split() has been deprecated since PHP version 5.3.0. I've changed the code where split() is used and is now using explode() instead. THANKS to all of you 'out there' who notified about it in the forum. - Cleaned: Some themes was "broken" (not rendered as expected in the browser). Although this is "just" an improvement, it required some work *everywhere*. Anyway, "broken" layouts should be history now (I hope...). - Fixed: When replacing a picture of an artist (performer) and/or replacing an image for an album using an URL, nothing happened. This is no longer the case. - Adjusted: Changed the order of items in the XSPF-playlists generated by AmpJuke. I'm not usre why, but suddenly the flash player within AmpJuke started to act strange. I've changed the way XSPF-playlists are generated so the XSPF-playlists in AmpJuke is according to the standard. - Cleaned up in some of the code.
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