Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /etc/profile.d/
# If shell is not connect to a terminal, return immediately, because this script # should print out ABRT's status and it is senseless to continue without # terminal. tty -s || return 0 # Skip all for noninteractive shells for the same reason as above. [ -z "$PS1" ] && return 0 # If $HOME is not set, a non human user is logging in to shell but this script # should provide information to human users, therefore returning immediately # without showing the notification. if [ -z "$HOME" ]; then return 0 fi if [ -z "$ABRT_DEBUG_LOG" ]; then ABRT_DEBUG_LOG="/dev/null" fi LPATHDIR="$HOME/.cache/abrt" SINCEFILE="$LPATHDIR/lastnotification" if [ ! -f "$LPATHDIR" ]; then # It might happen that user doesn't have write access on his home. mkdir -p "$LPATHDIR" >"$ABRT_DEBUG_LOG" 2>&1 || return 0 fi TMPPATH=`mktemp --tmpdir="$LPATHDIR" lastnotification.XXXXXXXX 2> "$ABRT_DEBUG_LOG"` SINCE=0 if [ -f "$SINCEFILE" ]; then SINCE=`cat $SINCEFILE 2>"$ABRT_DEBUG_LOG"` fi # always update the lastnotification if [ -f "$TMPPATH" ]; then # Be quite in case of errors and don't scare users by strange error messages. date +%s > "$TMPPATH" 2>"$ABRT_DEBUG_LOG" mv -f "$TMPPATH" "$SINCEFILE" >"$ABRT_DEBUG_LOG" 2>&1 fi timeout 10s abrt-cli status --since="$SINCE" 2>"$ABRT_DEBUG_LOG" || echo "'abrt-cli status' timed out"
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.0.30 | Génération de la page: 0.06 |