Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/src/passenger-release-6.0.20/src/agent/Core/TelemetryCollector.h
/* * Phusion Passenger - * Copyright (c) 2018 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_TELEMETRY_COLLECTOR_H_ #define _PASSENGER_TELEMETRY_COLLECTOR_H_ #include <string> #include <vector> #include <limits> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdlib> #include <cassert> #include <boost/cstdint.hpp> #include <boost/bind/bind.hpp> #include <oxt/thread.hpp> #include <oxt/backtrace.hpp> #include <curl/curl.h> #include <Constants.h> #include <Exceptions.h> #include <Core/Controller.h> #include <LoggingKit/LoggingKit.h> #include <ConfigKit/ConfigKit.h> #include <Utils/Curl.h> #include <StrIntTools/StrIntUtils.h> namespace Passenger { namespace Core { using namespace std; class TelemetryCollector { public: /* * BEGIN ConfigKit schema: Passenger::Core::TelemetryCollector::Schema * (do not edit: following text is automatically generated * by 'rake configkit_schemas_inline_comments') * * ca_certificate_path string - - * debug_curl boolean - default(false) * disabled boolean - default(false) * final_run_timeout unsigned integer - default(5) * first_interval unsigned integer - default(7200) * interval unsigned integer - default(21600) * interval_jitter unsigned integer - default(7200) * proxy_url string - - * timeout unsigned integer - default(180) * url string - default("") * verify_server boolean - default(true) * * END */ class Schema: public ConfigKit::Schema { private: static void validateProxyUrl(const ConfigKit::Store &config, vector<ConfigKit::Error> &errors) { if (config["proxy_url"].isNull()) { return; } if (config["proxy_url"].asString().empty()) { errors.push_back(ConfigKit::Error("'{{proxy_url}}', if specified, may not be empty")); return; } try { prepareCurlProxy(config["proxy_url"].asString()); } catch (const ArgumentException &e) { errors.push_back(ConfigKit::Error( P_STATIC_STRING("'{{proxy_url}}': ") + e.what())); } } public: Schema() { using namespace ConfigKit; add("disabled", BOOL_TYPE, OPTIONAL, false); add("url", STRING_TYPE, OPTIONAL, ""); // Should be in the form: scheme://user:password@proxy_host:proxy_port add("proxy_url", STRING_TYPE, OPTIONAL); add("ca_certificate_path", STRING_TYPE, OPTIONAL); add("verify_server", BOOL_TYPE, OPTIONAL, true); add("first_interval", UINT_TYPE, OPTIONAL, 2 * 60 * 60); add("interval", UINT_TYPE, OPTIONAL, 6 * 60 * 60); add("interval_jitter", UINT_TYPE, OPTIONAL, 2 * 60 * 60); add("debug_curl", BOOL_TYPE, OPTIONAL, false); add("timeout", UINT_TYPE, OPTIONAL, 180); add("final_run_timeout", UINT_TYPE, OPTIONAL, 5); addValidator(validateProxyUrl); finalize(); } }; struct ConfigRealization { CurlProxyInfo proxyInfo; string url; string caCertificatePath; ConfigRealization(const ConfigKit::Store &config) : proxyInfo(prepareCurlProxy(config["proxy_url"].asString())), url(config["url"].asString()), caCertificatePath(config["ca_certificate_path"].asString()) { } void swap(ConfigRealization &other) BOOST_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW { proxyInfo.swap(other.proxyInfo); url.swap(other.url); caCertificatePath.swap(other.caCertificatePath); } }; struct ConfigChangeRequest { boost::scoped_ptr<ConfigKit::Store> config; boost::scoped_ptr<ConfigRealization> configRlz; }; struct TelemetryData { vector<boost::uint64_t> requestsHandled; MonotonicTimeUsec timestamp; }; private: /* * Since the telemetry collector runs in a separate thread, * and the configuration can change while the collector is active, * we make a copy of the current configuration at the beginning * of each collection cycle. */ struct SessionState { ConfigKit::Store config; ConfigRealization configRlz; SessionState(const ConfigKit::Store ¤tConfig, const ConfigRealization ¤tConfigRlz) : config(currentConfig), configRlz(currentConfigRlz) { } }; mutable boost::mutex configSyncher; ConfigKit::Store config; ConfigRealization configRlz; TelemetryData lastTelemetryData; oxt::thread *collectorThread; void threadMain() { TRACE_POINT(); { // Sleep for a short while to allow interruption during the Apache integration // double startup procedure, this prevents running the update check twice boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l(configSyncher); ConfigKit::Store config(this->config); l.unlock(); unsigned int backoffSec = config["first_interval"].asUInt() + calculateIntervalJitter(config); P_DEBUG("Next anonymous telemetry collection in " << distanceOfTimeInWords(SystemTime::get() + backoffSec)); boost::this_thread::sleep_for(boost::chrono::seconds(backoffSec)); } while (!boost::this_thread::interruption_requested()) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); unsigned int backoffSec = 0; try { backoffSec = runOneCycle(); } catch (const oxt::tracable_exception &e) { P_ERROR(e.what() << "\n" << e.backtrace()); } if (backoffSec == 0) { boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l(configSyncher); backoffSec = config["interval"].asUInt() + calculateIntervalJitter(config); } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); P_DEBUG("Next anonymous telemetry collection in " << distanceOfTimeInWords(SystemTime::get() + backoffSec)); boost::this_thread::sleep_for(boost::chrono::seconds(backoffSec)); } } static unsigned int calculateIntervalJitter(const ConfigKit::Store &config) { unsigned int jitter = config["interval_jitter"].asUInt(); if (jitter == 0) { return 0; } else { return std::rand() % jitter; } } // Virtual to allow mocking in unit tests. virtual TelemetryData collectTelemetryData(bool isFinalRun) const { TRACE_POINT(); TelemetryData tmData; unsigned int counter = 0; boost::mutex syncher; boost::condition_variable cond; tmData.requestsHandled.resize(controllers.size(), 0); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < controllers.size(); i++) { if (isFinalRun) { inspectController(&tmData, controllers[i], i, &counter, &syncher, &cond); } else { controllers[i]->getContext()->libev->runLater(boost::bind( &TelemetryCollector::inspectController, this, &tmData, controllers[i], i, &counter, &syncher, &cond)); } } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); { boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l(syncher); while (counter != controllers.size()) { cond.wait(l); } } tmData.timestamp = SystemTime::getMonotonicUsecWithGranularity <SystemTime::GRAN_1SEC>(); return tmData; } void inspectController(TelemetryData *tmData, Controller *controller, unsigned int index, unsigned int *counter, boost::mutex *syncher, boost::condition_variable *cond) const { boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l(*syncher); tmData->requestsHandled[index] = controller->totalRequestsBegun; (*counter)++; cond->notify_one(); } string createRequestBody(const TelemetryData &tmData) const { Json::Value doc; boost::uint64_t totalRequestsHandled = 0; P_ASSERT_EQ(tmData.requestsHandled.size(), lastTelemetryData.requestsHandled.size()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tmData.requestsHandled.size(); i++) { if (tmData.requestsHandled[i] >= lastTelemetryData.requestsHandled[i]) { totalRequestsHandled += tmData.requestsHandled[i] - lastTelemetryData.requestsHandled[i]; } else { // Counter overflowed totalRequestsHandled += std::numeric_limits<boost::uint64_t>::max() - lastTelemetryData.requestsHandled[i] + 1 + tmData.requestsHandled[i]; } } doc["requests_handled"] = (Json::UInt64) totalRequestsHandled; doc["begin_time"] = (Json::UInt64) monoTimeToRealTime( lastTelemetryData.timestamp); doc["end_time"] = (Json::UInt64) monoTimeToRealTime( tmData.timestamp); doc["version"] = PASSENGER_VERSION; #ifdef PASSENGER_IS_ENTERPRISE doc["edition"] = "enterprise"; #else doc["edition"] = "oss"; #endif return doc.toStyledString(); } static time_t monoTimeToRealTime(MonotonicTimeUsec monoTime) { MonotonicTimeUsec monoNow = SystemTime::getMonotonicUsecWithGranularity <SystemTime::GRAN_1SEC>(); unsigned long long realNow = SystemTime::getUsec(); MonotonicTimeUsec diff; if (monoNow >= monoTime) { diff = monoNow - monoTime; return (realNow - diff) / 1000000; } else { diff = monoTime - monoNow; return (realNow + diff) / 1000000; } } static CURL *prepareCurlRequest(SessionState &sessionState, bool isFinalRun, struct curl_slist **headers, char *lastErrorMessage, const string &requestBody, string &responseData) { CURL *curl; CURLcode code; curl = curl_easy_init(); if (curl == NULL) { P_ERROR("Error initializing libcurl"); return NULL; } code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, sessionState.config["debug_curl"].asBool() ? 1L : 0L); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } code = setCurlDefaultCaInfo(curl); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } code = setCurlProxy(curl, sessionState.configRlz.proxyInfo); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, sessionState.configRlz.url.c_str()); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 0); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, requestBody.c_str()); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, requestBody.length()); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } *headers = curl_slist_append(NULL, "Content-Type: application/json"); code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, *headers); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } if (!sessionState.configRlz.caCertificatePath.empty()) { code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, sessionState.configRlz.caCertificatePath.c_str()); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } } if (sessionState.config["verify_server"].asBool()) { // These should be on by default, but make sure. code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1L); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2L); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } } else { code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } } code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, lastErrorMessage); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, receiveResponseBytes); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } code = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &responseData); if (code != CURLE_OK) { goto error; } // setopt failure(s) below don't abort the check. if (isFinalRun) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, sessionState.config["final_run_timeout"].asUInt()); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, sessionState.config["timeout"].asUInt()); } return curl; error: curl_easy_cleanup(curl); curl_slist_free_all(*headers); P_ERROR("Error setting libcurl handle parameters: " << curl_easy_strerror(code)); return NULL; } static size_t receiveResponseBytes(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userData) { string *responseData = (string *) userData; responseData->append((const char *) buffer, size * nmemb); return size * nmemb; } // Virtual to allow mocking in unit tests. virtual CURLcode performCurlAction(CURL *curl, const char *lastErrorMessage, const string &_requestBody, // only used by unit tests string &_responseData, // only used by unit tests long &responseCode) { TRACE_POINT(); CURLcode code = curl_easy_perform(curl); if (code != CURLE_OK) { P_ERROR("Error contacting anonymous telemetry server: " << lastErrorMessage); return code; } code = curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &responseCode); if (code != CURLE_OK) { P_ERROR("Error querying libcurl handle for HTTP response code: " << curl_easy_strerror(code)); return code; } return CURLE_OK; } static bool responseCodeSupported(long code) { return code == 200 || code == 400 || code == 422 || code == 500; } static bool parseResponseBody(const string &responseData, Json::Value &jsonBody) { Json::Reader reader; if (reader.parse(responseData, jsonBody, false)) { return true; } else { P_ERROR("Error in anonymous telemetry server response:" " JSON response parse error: " << reader.getFormattedErrorMessages() << "; data: \"" << cEscapeString(responseData) << "\""); return false; } } static bool validateResponseBody(const Json::Value &jsonBody) { if (!jsonBody.isObject()) { P_ERROR("Error in anonymous telemetry server response:" " JSON response is not an object (data: " << stringifyJson(jsonBody) << ")"); return false; } if (!jsonBody.isMember("data_processed")) { P_ERROR("Error in anonymous telemetry server response:" " JSON response must contain a 'data_processed' field (data: " << stringifyJson(jsonBody) << ")"); return false; } if (!jsonBody["data_processed"].isBool()) { P_ERROR("Error in anonymous telemetry server response:" " 'data_processed' field must be a boolean (data: " << stringifyJson(jsonBody) << ")"); return false; } if (jsonBody.isMember("backoff") && !jsonBody["backoff"].isUInt()) { P_ERROR("Error in anonymous telemetry server response:" " 'backoff' field must be an unsigned integer (data: " << stringifyJson(jsonBody) << ")"); return false; } if (jsonBody.isMember("log_message") && !jsonBody["log_message"].isString()) { P_ERROR("Error in anonymous telemetry server response:" " 'log_message' field must be a string (data: " << stringifyJson(jsonBody) << ")"); return false; } return true; } unsigned int handleResponseBody(const TelemetryData &tmData, const Json::Value &jsonBody) { unsigned int backoffSec = 0; if (jsonBody["data_processed"].asBool()) { lastTelemetryData = tmData; } if (jsonBody.isMember("backoff")) { backoffSec = jsonBody["backoff"].asUInt(); } if (jsonBody.isMember("log_message")) { P_NOTICE("Message from " PROGRAM_AUTHOR ": " << jsonBody["log_message"].asString()); } return backoffSec; } public: // Dependencies vector<Controller *> controllers; TelemetryCollector(const Schema &schema, const Json::Value &initialConfig = Json::Value(), const ConfigKit::Translator &translator = ConfigKit::DummyTranslator()) : config(schema, initialConfig, translator), configRlz(config), collectorThread(NULL) { } virtual ~TelemetryCollector() { stop(); } void initialize() { if (controllers.empty()) { throw RuntimeException("controllers must be initialized"); } lastTelemetryData.requestsHandled.resize(controllers.size(), 0); lastTelemetryData.timestamp = SystemTime::getMonotonicUsecWithGranularity<SystemTime::GRAN_1SEC>(); } void start() { assert(!lastTelemetryData.requestsHandled.empty()); collectorThread = new oxt::thread( boost::bind(&TelemetryCollector::threadMain, this), "Telemetry collector", 1024 * 512 ); } void stop() { if (collectorThread != NULL) { collectorThread->interrupt_and_join(); delete collectorThread; collectorThread = NULL; } } unsigned int runOneCycle(bool isFinalRun = false) { TRACE_POINT(); boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l(configSyncher); SessionState sessionState(config, configRlz); l.unlock(); if (sessionState.config["disabled"].asBool()) { P_DEBUG("Telemetry collector disabled; not sending anonymous telemetry data"); return 0; } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); TelemetryData tmData = collectTelemetryData(isFinalRun); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); CURL *curl = NULL; CURLcode code; struct curl_slist *headers = NULL; string requestBody = createRequestBody(tmData); string responseData; char lastErrorMessage[CURL_ERROR_SIZE] = "unknown error"; Json::Value jsonBody; curl = prepareCurlRequest(sessionState, isFinalRun, &headers, lastErrorMessage, requestBody, responseData); if (curl == NULL) { // Error message already printed goto error; } P_INFO("Sending anonymous telemetry data to " PROGRAM_AUTHOR); P_DEBUG("Telemetry server URL is: " << sessionState.configRlz.url); P_DEBUG("Telemetry data to be sent is: " << requestBody); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); long responseCode; code = performCurlAction(curl, lastErrorMessage, requestBody, responseData, responseCode); if (code != CURLE_OK) { // Error message already printed goto error; } UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); P_DEBUG("Response from telemetry server: status=" << responseCode << ", body=" << responseData); if (!responseCodeSupported(responseCode)) { P_ERROR("Error from anonymous telemetry server:" " response status not supported: " << responseCode); goto error; } if (!parseResponseBody(responseData, jsonBody) || !validateResponseBody(jsonBody)) { // Error message already printed goto error; } curl_slist_free_all(headers); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); return handleResponseBody(tmData, jsonBody); error: curl_slist_free_all(headers); if (curl != NULL) { curl_easy_cleanup(curl); } return 0; } bool prepareConfigChange(const Json::Value &updates, vector<ConfigKit::Error> &errors, ConfigChangeRequest &req) { { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(configSyncher); req.config.reset(new ConfigKit::Store(config, updates, errors)); } if (errors.empty()) { req.configRlz.reset(new ConfigRealization(*req.config)); } return errors.empty(); } void commitConfigChange(ConfigChangeRequest &req) BOOST_NOEXCEPT_OR_NOTHROW { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(configSyncher); config.swap(*req.config); configRlz.swap(*req.configRlz); } Json::Value inspectConfig() const { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(configSyncher); return config.inspect(); } }; } // namespace Core } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_TELEMETRY_COLLECTOR_H_ */
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