Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/src/passenger-release-6.0.20/src/agent/Core/ApplicationPool/Pool/StateInspection.cpp
/* * Phusion Passenger - * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <Core/ApplicationPool/Pool.h> /************************************************************************* * * State inspection functions for ApplicationPool2::Pool * *************************************************************************/ namespace Passenger { namespace ApplicationPool2 { using namespace std; using namespace boost; /**************************** * * Private methods * ****************************/ unsigned int Pool::capacityUsedUnlocked() const { if (groups.size() == 1) { GroupPtr *group; groups.lookupRandom(NULL, &group); return (*group)->capacityUsed(); } else { GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(groups); int result = 0; while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); result += group->capacityUsed();; } return result; } } bool Pool::atFullCapacityUnlocked() const { return capacityUsedUnlocked() >= max; } void Pool::inspectProcessList(const InspectOptions &options, stringstream &result, const Group *group, const ProcessList &processes) const { ProcessList::const_iterator p_it; for (p_it = processes.begin(); p_it != processes.end(); p_it++) { const ProcessPtr &process = *p_it; char buf[128]; char cpubuf[10]; char membuf[10]; if (process->metrics.isValid()) { snprintf(cpubuf, sizeof(cpubuf), "%d%%", (int) process->metrics.cpu); snprintf(membuf, sizeof(membuf), "%ldM", (unsigned long) (process->metrics.realMemory() / 1024)); } else { snprintf(cpubuf, sizeof(cpubuf), "0%%"); snprintf(membuf, sizeof(membuf), "0M"); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " * PID: %-5lu Sessions: %-2u Processed: %-5u Uptime: %s\n" " CPU: %-5s Memory : %-5s Last used: %s ago", (unsigned long) process->getPid(), process->sessions, process->processed, process->uptime().c_str(), cpubuf, membuf, distanceOfTimeInWords(process->lastUsed / 1000000).c_str()); result << buf << endl; if (process->enabled == Process::DISABLING) { result << " Disabling..." << endl; } else if (process->enabled == Process::DISABLED) { result << " DISABLED" << endl; } else if (process->enabled == Process::DETACHED) { result << " Shutting down..." << endl; } const Socket *socket; if (options.verbose && (socket = process->getSockets().findFirstSocketWithProtocol("http")) != NULL) { result << " URL : http://" << replaceString(socket->address, "tcp://", "") << endl; result << " Password: " << group->getApiKey().toStaticString() << endl; } } } /**************************** * * Public methods * ****************************/ string Pool::inspect(const InspectOptions &options, bool lock) const { DynamicScopedLock l(syncher, lock); stringstream result; const char *headerColor = maybeColorize(options, ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW ANSI_COLOR_BLUE_BG ANSI_COLOR_BOLD); const char *resetColor = maybeColorize(options, ANSI_COLOR_RESET); if (!authorizeByUid(options.uid, false) && !authorizeByApiKey(options.apiKey, false)) { throw SecurityException("Operation unauthorized"); } result << headerColor << "----------- General information -----------" << resetColor << endl; result << "Max pool size : " << max << endl; result << "App groups : " << groups.size() << endl; result << "Processes : " << getProcessCount(false) << endl; result << "Requests in top-level queue : " << getWaitlist.size() << endl; if (options.verbose) { unsigned int i = 0; foreach (const GetWaiter &waiter, getWaitlist) { result << " " << i << ": " << waiter.options.getAppGroupName() << endl; i++; } } result << endl; result << headerColor << "----------- Application groups -----------" << resetColor << endl; GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(groups); while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); if (!group->authorizeByUid(options.uid) && !group->authorizeByApiKey(options.apiKey)) {; continue; } ProcessList::const_iterator p_it; result << group->getName() << ":" << endl; result << " App root: " << group->options.appRoot << endl; if (group->restarting()) { result << " (restarting...)" << endl; } if (group->spawning()) { if (group->processesBeingSpawned == 0) { result << " (spawning...)" << endl; } else { result << " (spawning " << group->processesBeingSpawned << " new " << maybePluralize(group->processesBeingSpawned, "process", "processes") << "...)" << endl; } } result << " Requests in queue: " << group->getWaitlist.size() << endl; inspectProcessList(options, result, group.get(), group->enabledProcesses); inspectProcessList(options, result, group.get(), group->disablingProcesses); inspectProcessList(options, result, group.get(), group->disabledProcesses); inspectProcessList(options, result, group.get(), group->detachedProcesses); result << endl;; } return result.str(); } string Pool::toXml(const ToXmlOptions &options, bool lock) const { DynamicScopedLock l(syncher, lock); stringstream result; GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(groups); ProcessList::const_iterator p_it; if (!authorizeByUid(options.uid, false) && !authorizeByApiKey(options.apiKey, false)) { throw SecurityException("Operation unauthorized"); } result << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\" ?>\n"; result << "<info version=\"3\">"; result << "<passenger_version>" << PASSENGER_VERSION << "</passenger_version>"; result << "<group_count>" << groups.size() << "</group_count>"; result << "<process_count>" << getProcessCount(false) << "</process_count>"; result << "<max>" << max << "</max>"; result << "<capacity_used>" << capacityUsedUnlocked() << "</capacity_used>"; result << "<get_wait_list_size>" << getWaitlist.size() << "</get_wait_list_size>"; if (options.secrets) { vector<GetWaiter>::const_iterator w_it, w_end = getWaitlist.end(); result << "<get_wait_list>"; for (w_it = getWaitlist.begin(); w_it != w_end; w_it++) { const GetWaiter &waiter = *w_it; result << "<item>"; result << "<app_group_name>" << escapeForXml(waiter.options.getAppGroupName()) << "</app_group_name>"; result << "</item>"; } result << "</get_wait_list>"; } result << "<supergroups>"; while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); if (!group->authorizeByUid(options.uid) && !group->authorizeByApiKey(options.apiKey)) {; continue; } result << "<supergroup>"; result << "<name>" << escapeForXml(group->getName()) << "</name>"; result << "<state>READY</state>"; result << "<get_wait_list_size>0</get_wait_list_size>"; result << "<capacity_used>" << group->capacityUsed() << "</capacity_used>"; if (options.secrets) { result << "<secret>" << escapeForXml(group->getApiKey().toStaticString()) << "</secret>"; } result << "<group default=\"true\">"; group->inspectXml(result, options.secrets); result << "</group>"; result << "</supergroup>";; } result << "</supergroups>"; result << "</info>"; return result.str(); } Json::Value Pool::inspectPropertiesInAdminPanelFormat(const ToJsonOptions &options) const { ScopedLock l(syncher); Json::Value result(Json::objectValue); GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(groups); ProcessList::const_iterator p_it; if (!authorizeByUid(options.uid, false) && !authorizeByApiKey(options.apiKey, false)) { throw SecurityException("Operation unauthorized"); } while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); if (options.hasApplicationIdsFilter) { const bool *tmp; if (!options.applicationIdsFilter.lookup(group->, &tmp)) {; continue; } } if (!group->authorizeByUid(options.uid) && !group->authorizeByApiKey(options.apiKey)) {; continue; } Json::Value groupDoc(Json::objectValue); group->inspectPropertiesInAdminPanelFormat(groupDoc); result[group->] = groupDoc;; } return result; } Json::Value Pool::inspectConfigInAdminPanelFormat(const ToJsonOptions &options) const { ScopedLock l(syncher); Json::Value result(Json::objectValue); GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(groups); ProcessList::const_iterator p_it; if (!authorizeByUid(options.uid, false) && !authorizeByApiKey(options.apiKey, false)) { throw SecurityException("Operation unauthorized"); } while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); if (options.hasApplicationIdsFilter) { const bool *tmp; if (!options.applicationIdsFilter.lookup(group->, &tmp)) {; continue; } } if (!group->authorizeByUid(options.uid) && !group->authorizeByApiKey(options.apiKey)) {; continue; } Json::Value groupDoc(Json::objectValue); group->inspectConfigInAdminPanelFormat(groupDoc); result[group->] = groupDoc;; } return result; } Json::Value Pool::makeSingleValueJsonConfigFormat(const Json::Value &val, const Json::Value &defaultValue) { Json::Value ary(Json::arrayValue); if (val != defaultValue) { Json::Value entry; entry["value"] = val; entry["source"]["type"] = "ephemeral"; ary.append(entry); } if (!defaultValue.isNull()) { Json::Value entry; entry["value"] = defaultValue; entry["source"]["type"] = "default"; ary.append(entry); } return ary; } Json::Value Pool::makeSingleStrValueJsonConfigFormat(const StaticString &val) { return makeSingleValueJsonConfigFormat( Json::Value(, + val.size())); } Json::Value Pool::makeSingleStrValueJsonConfigFormat(const StaticString &val, const StaticString &defaultValue) { return makeSingleValueJsonConfigFormat( Json::Value(, + val.size()), Json::Value(, + defaultValue.size())); } Json::Value Pool::makeSingleNonEmptyStrValueJsonConfigFormat(const StaticString &val) { if (val.empty()) { return Json::arrayValue; } else { return makeSingleStrValueJsonConfigFormat(val); } } unsigned int Pool::capacityUsed() const { LockGuard l(syncher); return capacityUsedUnlocked(); } bool Pool::atFullCapacity() const { LockGuard l(syncher); return atFullCapacityUnlocked(); } /** * Returns the total number of processes in the pool, including all disabling and * disabled processes, but excluding processes that are shutting down and excluding * processes that are being spawned. */ unsigned int Pool::getProcessCount(bool lock) const { DynamicScopedLock l(syncher, lock); unsigned int result = 0; GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(groups); while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); result += group->getProcessCount();; } return result; } unsigned int Pool::getGroupCount() const { LockGuard l(syncher); return groups.size(); } } // namespace ApplicationPool2 } // namespace Passenger
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