Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/src/passenger-release-6.0.20/src/agent/Core/ApplicationPool/Group/StateInspection.cpp
/* * Phusion Passenger - * Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <Core/ApplicationPool/Group.h> #include <FileTools/PathManip.h> #include <cassert> #include <modp_b64.h> /************************************************************************* * * Session management functions for ApplicationPool2::Group * *************************************************************************/ namespace Passenger { namespace ApplicationPool2 { using namespace std; using namespace boost; /**************************** * * Public methods * ****************************/ unsigned int Group::getProcessCount() const { return enabledCount + disablingCount + disabledCount; } /** * Returns whether the lower bound of the group-specific process limits * have been satisfied. Note that even if the result is false, the pool limits * may not allow spawning, so you should check `pool->atFullCapacity()` too. */ bool Group::processLowerLimitsSatisfied() const { return capacityUsed() >= options.minProcesses; } /** * Returns whether the upper bound of the group-specific process limits have * been reached, or surpassed. Does not check whether pool limits have been * reached. Use `pool->atFullCapacity()` to check for that. */ bool Group::processUpperLimitsReached() const { // check maxInstances limit as set by Enterprise (OSS maxInstancesPerApp piggybacks on this, // see InitRequest.cpp) return options.maxProcesses != 0 && capacityUsed() >= options.maxProcesses; } /** * Returns whether all enabled processes are totally busy. If so, another * process should be spawned, if allowed by the process limits. * Returns false if there are no enabled processes. */ bool Group::allEnabledProcessesAreTotallyBusy() const { return nEnabledProcessesTotallyBusy == enabledCount && enabledCount > 0; } /** * Returns the number of processes in this group that should be part of the * ApplicationPool process limits calculations. */ unsigned int Group::capacityUsed() const { return enabledCount + disablingCount + disabledCount + processesBeingSpawned; } /** * Checks whether this group is waiting for capacity on the pool to * become available before it can continue processing requests. */ bool Group::isWaitingForCapacity() const { return enabledProcesses.empty() && processesBeingSpawned == 0 && !m_restarting && !getWaitlist.empty(); } bool Group::garbageCollectable(unsigned long long now) const { /* if (now == 0) { now = SystemTime::getUsec(); } return busyness() == 0 && getWaitlist.empty() && disabledProcesses.empty() && options.getMaxPreloaderIdleTime() != 0 && now - spawner->lastUsed() > (unsigned long long) options.getMaxPreloaderIdleTime() * 1000000; */ return false; } void Group::inspectXml(std::ostream &stream, bool includeSecrets) const { ProcessList::const_iterator it; stream << "<name>" << escapeForXml( << "</name>"; stream << "<component_name>" << escapeForXml( << "</component_name>"; stream << "<app_root>" << escapeForXml(options.appRoot) << "</app_root>"; stream << "<app_type>" << escapeForXml(options.appType) << "</app_type>"; stream << "<environment>" << escapeForXml(options.environment) << "</environment>"; stream << "<uuid>" << toString(uuid) << "</uuid>"; stream << "<enabled_process_count>" << enabledCount << "</enabled_process_count>"; stream << "<disabling_process_count>" << disablingCount << "</disabling_process_count>"; stream << "<disabled_process_count>" << disabledCount << "</disabled_process_count>"; stream << "<capacity_used>" << capacityUsed() << "</capacity_used>"; stream << "<get_wait_list_size>" << getWaitlist.size() << "</get_wait_list_size>"; stream << "<disable_wait_list_size>" << disableWaitlist.size() << "</disable_wait_list_size>"; stream << "<processes_being_spawned>" << processesBeingSpawned << "</processes_being_spawned>"; if (m_spawning) { stream << "<spawning/>"; } if (restarting()) { stream << "<restarting/>"; } if (includeSecrets) { stream << "<secret>" << escapeForXml(getApiKey().toStaticString()) << "</secret>"; stream << "<api_key>" << escapeForXml(getApiKey().toStaticString()) << "</api_key>"; } LifeStatus lifeStatus = (LifeStatus) this->lifeStatus.load(boost::memory_order_relaxed); switch (lifeStatus) { case ALIVE: stream << "<life_status>ALIVE</life_status>"; break; case SHUTTING_DOWN: stream << "<life_status>SHUTTING_DOWN</life_status>"; break; case SHUT_DOWN: stream << "<life_status>SHUT_DOWN</life_status>"; break; default: P_BUG("Unknown 'lifeStatus' state " << lifeStatus); } SpawningKit::UserSwitchingInfo usInfo(SpawningKit::prepareUserSwitching(options, getWrapperRegistry())); stream << "<user>" << escapeForXml(usInfo.username) << "</user>"; stream << "<uid>" << usInfo.uid << "</uid>"; stream << "<group>" << escapeForXml(usInfo.groupname) << "</group>"; stream << "<gid>" << usInfo.gid << "</gid>"; stream << "<options>"; options.toXml(stream, getResourceLocator(), getWrapperRegistry()); stream << "</options>"; stream << "<processes>"; for (it = enabledProcesses.begin(); it != enabledProcesses.end(); it++) { stream << "<process>"; (*it)->inspectXml(stream, includeSecrets); stream << "</process>"; } for (it = disablingProcesses.begin(); it != disablingProcesses.end(); it++) { stream << "<process>"; (*it)->inspectXml(stream, includeSecrets); stream << "</process>"; } for (it = disabledProcesses.begin(); it != disabledProcesses.end(); it++) { stream << "<process>"; (*it)->inspectXml(stream, includeSecrets); stream << "</process>"; } for (it = detachedProcesses.begin(); it != detachedProcesses.end(); it++) { stream << "<process>"; (*it)->inspectXml(stream, includeSecrets); stream << "</process>"; } stream << "</processes>"; } void Group::inspectPropertiesInAdminPanelFormat(Json::Value &result) const { result["path"] = absolutizePath(options.appRoot); result["startup_file"] = absolutizePath(options.getStartupFile(getWrapperRegistry()), absolutizePath(options.appRoot)); result["start_command"] = options.getStartCommand(getResourceLocator(), getWrapperRegistry()); result["type"] = getWrapperRegistry().lookup(options.appType).language.toString(); SpawningKit::UserSwitchingInfo usInfo(SpawningKit::prepareUserSwitching(options, getWrapperRegistry())); result["user"]["username"] = usInfo.username; result["user"]["uid"] = (Json::Int) usInfo.uid; result["group"]["groupname"] = usInfo.groupname; result["group"]["gid"] = (Json::Int) usInfo.gid; /******************/ } void Group::inspectConfigInAdminPanelFormat(Json::Value &result) const { #define VAL Pool::makeSingleValueJsonConfigFormat #define SVAL Pool::makeSingleStrValueJsonConfigFormat #define NON_EMPTY_SVAL Pool::makeSingleNonEmptyStrValueJsonConfigFormat result["app_root"] = NON_EMPTY_SVAL(absolutizePath(options.appRoot)); result["app_group_name"] = NON_EMPTY_SVAL(; result["default_user"] = NON_EMPTY_SVAL(options.defaultUser); result["default_group"] = NON_EMPTY_SVAL(options.defaultGroup); result["enabled"] = VAL(true, false); result["lve_min_uid"] = VAL(options.lveMinUid, DEFAULT_LVE_MIN_UID); result["type"] = NON_EMPTY_SVAL(options.appType); result["startup_file"] = NON_EMPTY_SVAL(options.startupFile); result["start_command"] = NON_EMPTY_SVAL(replaceAll(options.appStartCommand, P_STATIC_STRING("\t"), P_STATIC_STRING(" "))); result["ruby"] = SVAL(options.ruby, DEFAULT_RUBY); result["python"] = SVAL(options.python, DEFAULT_PYTHON); result["nodejs"] = SVAL(options.nodejs, DEFAULT_NODEJS); result["meteor_app_settings"] = NON_EMPTY_SVAL(options.meteorAppSettings); result["min_processes"] = VAL(options.minProcesses, 1u); result["max_processes"] = VAL(options.maxProcesses, 0u); result["environment"] = SVAL(options.environment); // TODO: default value depends on integration mode result["spawn_method"] = SVAL(options.spawnMethod, DEFAULT_SPAWN_METHOD); result["bind_address"] = SVAL(options.bindAddress, DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS); result["start_timeout"] = VAL(options.startTimeout / 1000.0, DEFAULT_START_TIMEOUT / 1000.0); result["max_preloader_idle_time"] = VAL((Json::UInt) options.maxPreloaderIdleTime, (Json::UInt) DEFAULT_MAX_PRELOADER_IDLE_TIME); result["max_out_of_band_work_instances"] = VAL(options.maxOutOfBandWorkInstances, (Json::UInt) 1); result["base_uri"] = SVAL(options.baseURI, P_STATIC_STRING("/")); result["user"] = SVAL(options.user, options.defaultUser); result["group"] = SVAL(, options.defaultGroup); result["user_switching"] = VAL(options.userSwitching); // TODO: default value depends on integration mode and euid result["file_descriptor_ulimit"] = VAL(options.fileDescriptorUlimit, 0u); result["load_shell_envvars"] = VAL(options.loadShellEnvvars); // TODO: default value depends on integration mode result["preload_bundler"] = VAL(options.preloadBundler); result["max_request_queue_size"] = VAL(options.maxRequestQueueSize, (Json::UInt) DEFAULT_MAX_REQUEST_QUEUE_SIZE); result["max_requests"] = VAL((Json::UInt) options.maxRequests, 0u); result["abort_websockets_on_process_shutdown"] = VAL(options.abortWebsocketsOnProcessShutdown); result["force_max_concurrent_requests_per_process"] = VAL(options.forceMaxConcurrentRequestsPerProcess, -1); result["restart_dir"] = NON_EMPTY_SVAL(options.restartDir); result["sticky_sessions_cookie_attributes"] = SVAL(options.stickySessionsCookieAttributes, DEFAULT_STICKY_SESSIONS_COOKIE_ATTRIBUTES); if (!options.environmentVariables.empty()) { DynamicBuffer envvarsData(options.environmentVariables.size() * 3 / 4); size_t envvarsDataSize = modp_b64_decode(,, options.environmentVariables.size()); if (envvarsDataSize == (size_t) -1) { P_WARN("Unable to decode environment variable data"); } else { Json::Value envvars(Json::objectValue); vector<string> envvarsAry; unsigned int i; split(StaticString(, envvarsDataSize), '\0', envvarsAry); if (!envvarsAry.empty() && envvarsAry.back().empty()) { envvarsAry.pop_back(); } assert(envvars.size() % 2 == 0); for (i = 0; i < envvarsAry.size(); i += 2) { envvars[envvarsAry[i]] = envvarsAry[i + 1]; } result["environment_variables"] = VAL(envvars, Json::objectValue); } } else { result["environment_variables"] = VAL(Json::objectValue, Json::objectValue); } // Missing: sticky_sessions, sticky_session_cookie_name, friendly_error_pages /******************/ #undef VAL #undef SVAL #undef NON_EMPTY_SVAL } } // namespace ApplicationPool2 } // namespace Passenger
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