Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/src/passenger-release-6.0.20/src/agent/Core/ApplicationPool/Group/SessionManagement.cpp
/* * Phusion Passenger - * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <Core/ApplicationPool/Group.h> /************************************************************************* * * Session management functions for ApplicationPool2::Group * *************************************************************************/ namespace Passenger { namespace ApplicationPool2 { using namespace std; using namespace boost; /**************************** * * Private methods * ****************************/ /* Determines which process to route a get() action to. The returned process * is guaranteed to be `canBeRoutedTo()`, i.e. not totally busy. * * A request is routed to an enabled processes, or if there are none, * from a disabling process. The rationale is as follows: * If there are no enabled process, then waiting for one to spawn is too * expensive. The next best thing is to route to disabling processes * until more processes have been spawned. */ Group::RouteResult Group::route(const Options &options) const { if (OXT_LIKELY(enabledCount > 0)) { if (options.stickySessionId == 0) { Process *process = findEnabledProcessWithLowestBusyness(); if (process->canBeRoutedTo()) { return RouteResult(process); } else { return RouteResult(NULL, true); } } else { Process *process = findProcessWithStickySessionIdOrLowestBusyness( options.stickySessionId); if (process != NULL) { if (process->canBeRoutedTo()) { return RouteResult(process); } else { return RouteResult(NULL, false); } } else { return RouteResult(NULL, true); } } } else { Process *process = findProcessWithLowestBusyness(disablingProcesses); if (process->canBeRoutedTo()) { return RouteResult(process); } else { return RouteResult(NULL, true); } } } SessionPtr Group::newSession(Process *process, unsigned long long now) { bool wasTotallyBusy = process->isTotallyBusy(); SessionPtr session = process->newSession(now); session->onInitiateFailure = _onSessionInitiateFailure; session->onClose = _onSessionClose; if (process->enabled == Process::ENABLED) { enabledProcessBusynessLevels[process->getIndex()] = process->busyness(); if (!wasTotallyBusy && process->isTotallyBusy()) { nEnabledProcessesTotallyBusy++; } } return session; } void Group::_onSessionInitiateFailure(Session *session) { Process *process = session->getProcess(); assert(process != NULL); process->getGroup()->onSessionInitiateFailure(process, session); } void Group::_onSessionClose(Session *session) { Process *process = session->getProcess(); assert(process != NULL); process->getGroup()->onSessionClose(process, session); } OXT_FORCE_INLINE void Group::onSessionInitiateFailure(Process *process, Session *session) { boost::container::vector<Callback> actions; TRACE_POINT(); // Standard resource management boilerplate stuff... Pool *pool = getPool(); boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(pool->syncher); assert(process->isAlive()); assert(isAlive() || getLifeStatus() == SHUTTING_DOWN); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); P_DEBUG("Could not initiate a session with process " << process->inspect() << ", detaching from pool if possible"); if (!pool->detachProcessUnlocked(process->shared_from_this(), actions)) { P_DEBUG("Process was already detached"); } pool->fullVerifyInvariants(); lock.unlock(); runAllActions(actions); } OXT_FORCE_INLINE void Group::onSessionClose(Process *process, Session *session) { TRACE_POINT(); // Standard resource management boilerplate stuff... Pool *pool = getPool(); boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(pool->syncher); assert(process->isAlive()); assert(isAlive() || getLifeStatus() == SHUTTING_DOWN); P_TRACE(2, "Session closed for process " << process->inspect()); verifyInvariants(); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); /* Update statistics. */ bool wasTotallyBusy = process->isTotallyBusy(); process->sessionClosed(session); assert(process->getLifeStatus() == Process::ALIVE); assert(process->enabled == Process::ENABLED || process->enabled == Process::DISABLING || process->enabled == Process::DETACHED); if (process->enabled == Process::ENABLED) { enabledProcessBusynessLevels[process->getIndex()] = process->busyness(); if (wasTotallyBusy) { assert(nEnabledProcessesTotallyBusy >= 1); nEnabledProcessesTotallyBusy--; } } /* This group now has a process that's guaranteed to be not * totally busy. */ assert(!process->isTotallyBusy()); bool detachingBecauseOfMaxRequests = false; bool detachingBecauseCapacityNeeded = false; bool shouldDetach = ( detachingBecauseOfMaxRequests = ( options.maxRequests > 0 && process->processed >= options.maxRequests )) || ( detachingBecauseCapacityNeeded = ( process->sessions == 0 && getWaitlist.empty() && ( !pool->getWaitlist.empty() || anotherGroupIsWaitingForCapacity() ) ) ); bool shouldDisable = process->enabled == Process::DISABLING && process->sessions == 0 && enabledCount > 0; if (shouldDetach || shouldDisable) { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); boost::container::vector<Callback> actions; if (shouldDetach) { if (detachingBecauseCapacityNeeded) { /* Someone might be trying to get() a session for a different * group that couldn't be spawned because of lack of pool capacity. * If this group isn't under sufficiently load (as apparent by the * checked conditions) then now's a good time to detach * this process or group in order to free capacity. */ P_DEBUG("Process " << process->inspect() << " is no longer totally " "busy; detaching it in order to make room in the pool"); } else { /* This process has processed its maximum number of requests, * so we detach it. */ P_DEBUG("Process " << process->inspect() << " has reached its maximum number of requests (" << options.maxRequests << "); detaching it"); } pool->detachProcessUnlocked(process->shared_from_this(), actions); } else { ProcessPtr processPtr = process->shared_from_this(); removeProcessFromList(processPtr, disablingProcesses); addProcessToList(processPtr, disabledProcesses); removeFromDisableWaitlist(processPtr, DR_SUCCESS, actions); maybeInitiateOobw(process); } pool->fullVerifyInvariants(); lock.unlock(); runAllActions(actions); } else { UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); // This could change process->enabled. maybeInitiateOobw(process); if (!getWaitlist.empty() && process->enabled == Process::ENABLED) { /* If there are clients on this group waiting for a process to * become available then call them now. */ UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); // Already calls verifyInvariants(). assignSessionsToGetWaitersQuickly(lock); } } } /**************************** * * Public methods * ****************************/ SessionPtr Group::get(const Options &newOptions, const GetCallback &callback, boost::container::vector<Callback> &postLockActions) { assert(isAlive()); if (OXT_LIKELY(!restarting())) { if (OXT_UNLIKELY(needsRestart(newOptions))) { restart(newOptions); } else { mergeOptions(newOptions); } if (OXT_UNLIKELY(!newOptions.noop && shouldSpawnForGetAction())) { // If we're trying to spawn the first process for this group, and // spawning failed because the pool is at full capacity, then we // try to kill some random idle process in the pool and try again. if (spawn() == SR_ERR_POOL_AT_FULL_CAPACITY && enabledCount == 0) { P_INFO("Unable to spawn the the sole process for group " << << " because the max pool size has been reached. Trying " << "to shutdown another idle process to free capacity..."); if (poolForceFreeCapacity(this, postLockActions) != NULL) { SpawnResult result = spawn(); assert(result == SR_OK); (void) result; } else { P_INFO("There are no processes right now that are eligible " "for shutdown. Will try again later."); } } } } if (OXT_UNLIKELY(newOptions.noop)) { return nullProcess->createSessionObject((Socket *) NULL); } if (OXT_UNLIKELY(enabledCount == 0)) { /* We don't have any processes yet, but they're on the way. * * We have some choices here. If there are disabling processes * then we generally want to use them, except: * - When non-rolling restarting because those disabling processes * are from the old version. * - When all disabling processes are totally busy. * * Whenever a disabling process cannot be used, call the callback * after a process has been spawned or has failed to spawn, or * when a disabling process becomes available. */ assert(m_spawning || restarting() || poolAtFullCapacity()); if (disablingCount > 0 && !restarting()) { Process *process = findProcessWithLowestBusyness(disablingProcesses); assert(process != NULL); if (!process->isTotallyBusy()) { return newSession(process, newOptions.currentTime); } } if (pushGetWaiter(newOptions, callback, postLockActions)) { P_DEBUG("No session checked out yet: group is spawning or restarting"); } return SessionPtr(); } else { RouteResult result = route(newOptions); if (result.process == NULL) { /* Looks like all processes are totally busy. * Wait until a new one has been spawned or until * resources have become free. */ if (pushGetWaiter(newOptions, callback, postLockActions)) { P_DEBUG("No session checked out yet: all processes are at full capacity"); } return SessionPtr(); } else { P_DEBUG("Session checked out from process " << result.process->inspect()); return newSession(result.process, newOptions.currentTime); } } } } // namespace ApplicationPool2 } // namespace Passenger
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