Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-php71/root/usr/share/doc/ea-php71-libc-client-2007f/NOTICE
UW IMAP toolkit notices: This software was developed by the University of Washington ( The Univerity of Washington IMAP Toolkit (c-client API, dmail, imapd, ipop2d, ipop3d, mailutil, mlock, mtest, and tmail software; and its included text) is Copyright 1988-2007 by the University of Washington. The c-client library and mtest software are in part based upon code developed by Mark Crispin at Stanford University, and is * Copyright 1988 Stanford University and was developed in the * Symbolic Systems Resources Group of the Knowledge Systems Laboratory * at Stanford University in 1987-88, and was funded by the * Biomedical Research Technology Program of the National Institutes of * Health under grant number RR-00785.
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