Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/src/passenger-release-6.0.20/src/agent/Core/ApplicationPool/Pool/GroupUtils.cpp
/* * Phusion Passenger - * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <Core/ApplicationPool/Pool.h> /************************************************************************* * * Group data structure utility functions for ApplicationPool2::Pool * *************************************************************************/ namespace Passenger { namespace ApplicationPool2 { using namespace std; using namespace boost; /**************************** * * Consider these to be private methods, * they are only marked public for unit testing! * ****************************/ const pair<uid_t, gid_t> Pool::getGroupRunUidAndGids(const StaticString &appGroupName) { LockGuard l(syncher); GroupPtr *group; if (!groups.lookup(appGroupName.c_str(), &group)) { throw RuntimeException("Could not find group: " + appGroupName); } else { SpawningKit::UserSwitchingInfo info = SpawningKit::prepareUserSwitching((*group)->options, *context->getWrapperRegistry()); return pair<uid_t, gid_t>(info.uid,info.gid); } } const GroupPtr Pool::getGroup(const char *name) { GroupPtr *group; if (groups.lookup(name, &group)) { return *group; } else { return GroupPtr(); } } Group * Pool::findMatchingGroup(const Options &options) { GroupPtr *group; if (groups.lookup(options.getAppGroupName(), &group)) { return group->get(); } else { return NULL; } } GroupPtr Pool::createGroup(const Options &options) { GroupPtr group = boost::make_shared<Group>(this, options); group->initialize(); groups.insert(options.getAppGroupName(), group); wakeupGarbageCollector(); return group; } GroupPtr Pool::createGroupAndAsyncGetFromIt(const Options &options, const GetCallback &callback, boost::container::vector<Callback> &postLockActions) { GroupPtr group = createGroup(options); SessionPtr session = group->get(options, callback, postLockActions); /* If !options.noop, then the callback should now have been put on the * wait list, unless something has changed and we forgot to update * some code here... */ if (session != NULL) { assert(options.noop); postLockActions.push_back(boost::bind(GetCallback::call, callback, session, ExceptionPtr())); } return group; } /** * Forcefully destroys and detaches the given Group. After detaching * the Group may have a non-empty getWaitlist so be sure to do * something with it. * * Also, one of the post lock actions can potentially perform a long-running * operation, so running them in a thread is advised. */ void Pool::forceDetachGroup(const GroupPtr &group, const Callback &callback, boost::container::vector<Callback> &postLockActions) { assert(group->getWaitlist.empty()); const GroupPtr p = group; // Prevent premature destruction. bool removed = groups.erase(group->getName()); assert(removed); (void) removed; // Shut up compiler warning. group->shutdown(callback, postLockActions); } void Pool::syncDetachGroupCallback(boost::shared_ptr<DetachGroupWaitTicket> ticket) { LockGuard l(ticket->syncher); ticket->done = true; ticket->cond.notify_one(); } void Pool::waitDetachGroupCallback(boost::shared_ptr<DetachGroupWaitTicket> ticket) { ScopedLock l(ticket->syncher); while (!ticket->done) { ticket->cond.wait(l); } } /**************************** * * Public methods * ****************************/ GroupPtr Pool::findOrCreateGroup(const Options &options) { Options options2 = options; options2.noop = true; Ticket ticket; { LockGuard l(syncher); GroupPtr *group; if (!groups.lookup(options.getAppGroupName(), &group)) { // Forcefully create Group, don't care whether resource limits // actually allow it. createGroup(options); } } return get(options2, &ticket)->getGroup()->shared_from_this(); } GroupPtr Pool::findGroupByApiKey(const StaticString &value, bool lock) const { DynamicScopedLock l(syncher, lock); GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(groups); while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); if (group->getApiKey() == value) { return group; }; } return GroupPtr(); } bool Pool::detachGroupByName(const HashedStaticString &name) { TRACE_POINT(); ScopedLock l(syncher); GroupPtr group = groups.lookupCopy(name); if (OXT_LIKELY(group != NULL)) { P_ASSERT_EQ(group->getName(), name); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); verifyInvariants(); verifyExpensiveInvariants(); boost::container::vector<Callback> actions; boost::shared_ptr<DetachGroupWaitTicket> ticket = boost::make_shared<DetachGroupWaitTicket>(); ExceptionPtr exception = copyException( GetAbortedException("The containing Group was detached.")); assignExceptionToGetWaiters(group->getWaitlist, exception, actions); forceDetachGroup(group, boost::bind(syncDetachGroupCallback, ticket), actions); possiblySpawnMoreProcessesForExistingGroups(); verifyInvariants(); verifyExpensiveInvariants(); l.unlock(); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); runAllActions(actions); actions.clear(); UPDATE_TRACE_POINT(); ScopedLock l2(ticket->syncher); while (!ticket->done) { ticket->cond.wait(l2); } return true; } else { return false; } } bool Pool::detachGroupByApiKey(const StaticString &value) { ScopedLock l(syncher); GroupPtr group = findGroupByApiKey(value, false); if (group != NULL) { string name = group->getName(); group.reset(); l.unlock(); return detachGroupByName(name); } else { return false; } } bool Pool::restartGroupByName(const StaticString &name, const RestartOptions &options) { ScopedLock l(syncher); GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(groups); while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); if (name == group->getName()) { if (!group->authorizeByUid(options.uid) && !group->authorizeByApiKey(options.apiKey)) { throw SecurityException("Operation unauthorized"); } if (!group->restarting()) { group->restart(group->options, options.method); } return true; }; } return false; } unsigned int Pool::restartGroupsByAppRoot(const StaticString &appRoot, const RestartOptions &options) { ScopedLock l(syncher); GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(groups); unsigned int result = 0; while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); if (appRoot == group->options.appRoot) { if (group->authorizeByUid(options.uid) || group->authorizeByApiKey(options.apiKey)) { result++; group->restart(group->options, options.method); } }; } return result; } } // namespace ApplicationPool2 } // namespace Passenger
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