Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/mmdb-reader/src/Io/FileHandle.php
<?php namespace Wordfence\MmdbReader\Io; use Wordfence\MmdbReader\Exception\IoException; class FileHandle { const POSITION_START = 0; const DIRECTION_FORWARD = 1; const DIRECTION_REVERSE = -1; const CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT = 1024; private $resource; private $close; public function __construct($resource, $close = true) { $this->resource = $resource; $this->close = $close; } public function __destruct() { if ($this->close) fclose($this->resource); } public function seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET) { if (fseek($this->resource, $offset, $whence) !== 0) throw new IoException("Seeking file to offset {$offset} failed"); } public function getPosition() { $position = ftell($this->resource); if ($position === false) throw new IoException('Retrieving current position in file failed'); return $position; } public function isAtStart() { return $this->getPosition() === self::POSITION_START; } public function isAtEnd() { return feof($this->resource); } public function read($length) { $read = fread($this->resource, $length); if ($read === false) throw new IoException("Reading {$length} byte(s) from file failed"); return $read; } public function readByte() { return ord($this->read(1)); } public function readAll($chunkSize = self::CHUNK_SIZE_DEFAULT) { $data = ''; do { $chunk = $this->read($chunkSize); if (empty($chunk)) break; $data .= $chunk; } while (true); return $data; } public function locateString($string, $direction, $limit = null, $after = false) { $searchStart = $limit === null ? null : $this->getPosition(); $length = strlen($string); $position = $searchStart; if ($direction === self::DIRECTION_REVERSE) $position -= $length; do { try { $this->seek($position, SEEK_SET); } catch (IoException $e) { //This assumes that a seek failure means that the target position is out of range (and hence the search just needs to stop rather than throwing an exception) break; } $test = $this->read($length); if ($test === $string) { return $position + ($after ? $length : 0); } $position += $direction; } while ($limit === null || abs($position - $searchStart) < $limit); return null; } }
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