Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/src/passenger-release-6.0.20/test/cxx/ServerKit/FileBufferedChannelTest.cpp
#include <TestSupport.h> #include <boost/thread.hpp> #include <string> #include <BackgroundEventLoop.h> #include <Constants.h> #include <LoggingKit/LoggingKit.h> #include <StaticString.h> #include <ServerKit/FileBufferedChannel.h> #include <StrIntTools/StrIntUtils.h> using namespace Passenger; using namespace Passenger::ServerKit; using namespace Passenger::MemoryKit; using namespace std; namespace tut { #define CONSUME_FULLY -2 struct ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest: public TestBase, public ServerKit::Hooks { BackgroundEventLoop bg; ServerKit::Schema skSchema; ServerKit::Context context; FileBufferedChannel channel; boost::mutex syncher; int toConsume; bool endConsume; unsigned int counter; unsigned int buffersFlushed; string log; ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest() : bg(false, true), context(skSchema), channel(&context), toConsume(CONSUME_FULLY), endConsume(false), counter(0), buffersFlushed(0) { context.libev =; context.libuv = bg.libuv_loop; context.initialize(); channel.setDataCallback(dataCallback); channel.setBuffersFlushedCallback(buffersFlushedCallback); channel.setHooks(this); Hooks::impl = NULL; Hooks::userData = NULL; } ~ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest() { startLoop();>runSync(boost::bind(&ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest::deinitializeChannel, this)); bg.stop(); // Prevent any runLater callbacks from running. } void deinitializeChannel() { channel.deinitialize(); // Cancel any event loop next tick callbacks. } void startLoop() { if (!bg.isStarted()) { bg.start(); } } static Channel::Result dataCallback(Channel *_channel, const mbuf &buffer, int errcode) { FileBufferedChannel *channel = reinterpret_cast<FileBufferedChannel *>(_channel); ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest *self = (ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest *) channel->getHooks(); boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(self->syncher); if (errcode == 0) { self->counter++; if (buffer.empty()) { self->log.append("EOF\n"); } else { StaticString str(buffer.start, buffer.size()); self->log.append("Data: " + cEscapeString(str) + "\n"); } } else { self->log.append("Error: " + toString(errcode) + "\n"); } if (self->toConsume == CONSUME_FULLY) { return Channel::Result(buffer.size(), self->endConsume); } else { return Channel::Result(self->toConsume, self->endConsume); } } static void buffersFlushedCallback(FileBufferedChannel *channel) { ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest *self = (ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest *) channel->getHooks(); boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> l(self->syncher); self->buffersFlushed++; } void feedChannel(const string &data) {>runLater(boost::bind(&ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest::_feedChannel, this, data)); } void _feedChannel(string data) { assert(data.size() < context.mbuf_pool.mbuf_block_chunk_size); mbuf buf = mbuf_get(&context.mbuf_pool); memcpy(buf.start,, data.size()); buf = mbuf(buf, 0, (unsigned int) data.size()); channel.feed(buf); } void feedChannelError(int errcode) {>runLater(boost::bind(&ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest::_feedChannelError, this, errcode)); } void _feedChannelError(int errcode) { channel.feedError(errcode); } void channelConsumed(int size, bool end) {>runLater(boost::bind(&ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest::_channelConsumed, this, size, end)); } void _channelConsumed(int size, bool end) { channel.consumed(size, end); } Channel::State getChannelState() { Channel::State result;>runSync(boost::bind(&ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest::_getChannelState, this, &result)); return result; } void _getChannelState(Channel::State *result) { *result = channel.getState(); } FileBufferedChannel::Mode getChannelMode() { FileBufferedChannel::Mode result;>runSync(boost::bind(&ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest::_getChannelMode, this, &result)); return result; } void _getChannelMode(FileBufferedChannel::Mode *result) { *result = channel.getMode(); } FileBufferedChannel::ReaderState getChannelReaderState() { FileBufferedChannel::ReaderState result;>runSync(boost::bind(&ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest::_getChannelReaderState, this, &result)); return result; } void _getChannelReaderState(FileBufferedChannel::ReaderState *result) { *result = channel.getReaderState(); } FileBufferedChannel::WriterState getChannelWriterState() { FileBufferedChannel::WriterState result;>runSync(boost::bind(&ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest::_getChannelWriterState, this, &result)); return result; } void _getChannelWriterState(FileBufferedChannel::WriterState *result) { *result = channel.getWriterState(); } unsigned int getChannelBytesBuffered() { unsigned int result;>runSync(boost::bind(&ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest::_getChannelBytesBuffered, this, &result)); return result; } void _getChannelBytesBuffered(unsigned int *result) { *result = channel.getBytesBuffered(); } bool contextConfigure(const Json::Value &doc, vector<ConfigKit::Error> &errors) { bool result;>runSync(boost::bind(&ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest::_contextConfigure, this, &doc, &errors, &result)); return result; } void _contextConfigure(const Json::Value *doc, vector<ConfigKit::Error> *errors, bool *result) { *result = context.configure(*doc, *errors); } void channelEnableAutoStartMover(bool enabled) { Json::Value doc; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; doc["file_buffered_channel_auto_start_mover"] = enabled; if (!contextConfigure(doc, errors)) { P_BUG("Unable to set auto_start_mover = " << enabled << ": " << toString(errors)); } } void startChannel() {>runLater(boost::bind(&ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest::_startChannel, this)); } void _startChannel() { channel.start(); } void setChannelDataCallback(FileBufferedChannel::DataCallback callback) {>runLater(boost::bind(&ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest::_setChannelDataCallback, this, callback)); } void _setChannelDataCallback(FileBufferedChannel::DataCallback callback) { channel.setDataCallback(callback); } }; DEFINE_TEST_GROUP_WITH_LIMIT(ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest, 100); #define LOCK() boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l(syncher) #define UNLOCK() l.unlock() /***** Initial state *****/ TEST_METHOD(1) { set_test_name("It is initially in the in-memory mode, and the reader is initially inactive"); startLoop(); ensure_equals(getChannelMode(), FileBufferedChannel::IN_MEMORY_MODE); ensure_equals(getChannelReaderState(), FileBufferedChannel::RS_INACTIVE); } /***** When in the in-memory mode *****/ TEST_METHOD(5) { set_test_name("Upon feeding data, it calls the callback"); startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n"; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelReaderState() == FileBufferedChannel::RS_INACTIVE; ); } TEST_METHOD(6) { set_test_name("Upon feeding data, and the previous data callback isn't done " "consuming yet, it calls the callback with the new data " "after the previous data callback is done consuming"); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); feedChannel("world"); feedChannel("!"); SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN(100, LOCK(); result = log.find("world") != string::npos || log.find("!") != string::npos; ); channelConsumed(sizeof("hello") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Data: world\n"; ); channelConsumed(sizeof("world") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Data: world\n" "Data: !\n"; ); channelConsumed(sizeof("!") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelReaderState() == FileBufferedChannel::RS_INACTIVE; ); } TEST_METHOD(7) { set_test_name("Upon feeding data, if the total amount of data is below the threshold, " "then it remains in the in-memory mode"); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN(100, result = getChannelMode() != FileBufferedChannel::IN_MEMORY_MODE; ); } TEST_METHOD(9) { set_test_name("Upon feeding EOF, it calls the callback with an EOF"); startLoop(); feedChannel(""); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "EOF\n"; ); } TEST_METHOD(10) { set_test_name("Upon feeding EOF, the internal reader eventually switches to RS_TERMINATED"); startLoop(); feedChannel(""); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelReaderState() == FileBufferedChannel::RS_TERMINATED; ); } TEST_METHOD(11) { set_test_name("Once EOF has been fed, any further data feds have no effect"); startLoop(); feedChannel(""); feedChannel("hello"); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "EOF\n"; ); SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN(100, LOCK(); result = log != "EOF\n"; ); } TEST_METHOD(12) { set_test_name("If the callback indicates that it is done consuming, the internal " "reader eventually switches to RS_TERMINATED"); endConsume = true; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n"; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelReaderState() == FileBufferedChannel::RS_TERMINATED; ); } TEST_METHOD(13) { set_test_name("Once the callback has indicated that it is done consuming, any further data " "feds have no effect"); endConsume = true; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); feedChannel("world"); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n"; ); SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN(100, LOCK(); result = log != "Data: hello\n"; ); } TEST_METHOD(14) { set_test_name("Upon feeding an error, it calls the callback with an error"); startLoop(); feedChannelError(EIO); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Error: " + toString(EIO) + "\n"; ); } TEST_METHOD(15) { set_test_name("Upon feeding an error, the internal reader eventually switches to RS_TERMINATED"); startLoop(); feedChannelError(EIO); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelReaderState() == FileBufferedChannel::RS_TERMINATED; ); } TEST_METHOD(16) { set_test_name("Once an error has been fed, any further data feds have no effect"); startLoop(); feedChannelError(EIO); feedChannel("hello"); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Error: " + toString(EIO) + "\n"; ); SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN(100, LOCK(); result = log != "Error: " + toString(EIO) + "\n"; ); } /***** When switching from in-memory mode to in-file mode *****/ TEST_METHOD(20) { set_test_name("Upon feeding so much data that the threshold is passed, " "it switches to the in-file mode and calls the callback later with the fed data"); Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); channelConsumed(sizeof("hello") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n"; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelReaderState() == FileBufferedChannel::RS_INACTIVE; ); } TEST_METHOD(21) { set_test_name("Any fed data is immediately passed to the callback"); Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; config["file_buffered_channel_delay_in_file_mode_switching"] = 50000; config["file_buffered_channel_auto_truncate_file"] = false; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); ensure_equals(getChannelWriterState(), FileBufferedChannel::WS_CREATING_FILE); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n"; ); } TEST_METHOD(22) { set_test_name("If the previous callback isn't done consuming, any fed data is " "buffered in memory, and passed to the callback when the previous callback " "is done"); Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; config["file_buffered_channel_delay_in_file_mode_switching"] = 50000; config["file_buffered_channel_auto_truncate_file"] = false; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); feedChannel("world"); feedChannel("!"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); ensure_equals(getChannelWriterState(), FileBufferedChannel::WS_CREATING_FILE); SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN(100, LOCK(); result = log != "Data: hello\n"; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), sizeof("helloworld!") - 1); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelState() == Channel::WAITING_FOR_CALLBACK; ); channelConsumed(sizeof("hello") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Data: world\n"; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), sizeof("helloworld!") - 1); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelState() == Channel::WAITING_FOR_CALLBACK; ); channelConsumed(sizeof("world") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Data: world\n" "Data: !\n"; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), sizeof("helloworld!") - 1); } /***** When in the in-file mode *****/ TEST_METHOD(30) { set_test_name("It slowly moves memory buffers to disk"); Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelWriterState() == FileBufferedChannel::WS_INACTIVE; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), 0u); } TEST_METHOD(31) { set_test_name("If all memory buffers have been moved to disk, then " "when new data is fed, the new data is also eventually moved to disk"); Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelWriterState() == FileBufferedChannel::WS_INACTIVE; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), 0u); feedChannel("world"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelBytesBuffered() == 0; ); ensure_equals(getChannelWriterState(), FileBufferedChannel::WS_INACTIVE); } TEST_METHOD(32) { set_test_name("If there is unread data on disk, it reads them and passes " "them to the callback"); Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); feedChannel("world!"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelWriterState() == FileBufferedChannel::WS_INACTIVE; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), 0u); channelConsumed(sizeof("hello") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Data: world!\n"; ); } TEST_METHOD(33) { set_test_name("Suppose that a data chunk from disk is being passed to the callback. " "If the callback consumes the chunk immediately and is willing to accept " "further data, then the FileBufferedChannel will repeat this process with the " "next chunk from disk"); // Setup a FileBufferedChannel in the in-file mode. Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); feedChannel("world!"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelWriterState() == FileBufferedChannel::WS_INACTIVE; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), 0u); // Consume the initial "hello" so that the FileBufferedChannel starts // reading "world" from disk. When "world" is read, we first consume // "world" only, then "!" too. config = Json::Value(); config["file_buffered_channel_max_disk_chunk_read_size"] = Json::UInt(sizeof("world") - 1); ensure(contextConfigure(config, errors)); toConsume = CONSUME_FULLY; channelConsumed(sizeof("hello") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Data: world\n" "Data: !\n"; ); } TEST_METHOD(34) { set_test_name("Suppose that a data chunk from disk is being passed to the callback. " "If the callback consumes the chunk asynchronously, and is willing " "to accept further data, then the FileBufferedChannel will repeat this process " "with the next chunk from disk after the channel has become idle"); // Setup a FileBufferedChannel in the in-file mode. Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); feedChannel("world!"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelWriterState() == FileBufferedChannel::WS_INACTIVE; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), 0u); // Consume the initial "hello" so that the FileBufferedChannel starts // reading "world" from disk. config = Json::Value(); config["file_buffered_channel_max_disk_chunk_read_size"] = Json::UInt(sizeof("world") - 1); ensure(contextConfigure(config, errors)); channelConsumed(sizeof("hello") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n"; ); // We haven't consumed "world" yet, so the FileBufferedChannel should // be waiting for it to become idle. EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelReaderState() == FileBufferedChannel::RS_WAITING_FOR_CHANNEL_IDLE; ); // Now consume "world". channelConsumed(sizeof("world") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Data: world\n"; ); // We haven't consumed "!" yet, so the FileBufferedChannel should // be waiting for it to become idle. EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelReaderState() == FileBufferedChannel::RS_WAITING_FOR_CHANNEL_IDLE; ); // Now consume "!". channelConsumed(sizeof("!") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Data: world\n" "Data: !\n"; ); } TEST_METHOD(35) { set_test_name("Suppose that a data chunk from disk is being passed to the callback. " "If the callback consumes the chunk immediately, but is not willing " "to accept further data, then the FileBufferedChannel will terminate"); // Setup a FileBufferedChannel in the in-file mode. Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); feedChannel("world!"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelWriterState() == FileBufferedChannel::WS_INACTIVE; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), 0u); // Consume the initial "hello" so that the FileBufferedChannel starts // reading "world" from disk. When it is read, we will consume it fully // while ending the channel. config = Json::Value(); config["file_buffered_channel_max_disk_chunk_read_size"] = Json::UInt(sizeof("world") - 1); ensure(contextConfigure(config, errors)); toConsume = CONSUME_FULLY; endConsume = true; channelConsumed(sizeof("hello") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Data: world\n"; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelReaderState() == FileBufferedChannel::RS_TERMINATED; ); SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN(100, LOCK(); result = log != "Data: hello\n" "Data: world\n"; ); } TEST_METHOD(36) { set_test_name("If there is no unread data on disk, it passes the next " "in-memory buffer to the callback"); Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelWriterState() == FileBufferedChannel::WS_INACTIVE; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), 0u); channelEnableAutoStartMover(false); feedChannel("world!"); feedChannel("the end"); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), sizeof("world!the end") - 1); ensure_equals("channelEnableAutoStartMover works", getChannelWriterState(), FileBufferedChannel::WS_INACTIVE); channelConsumed(sizeof("hello") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = counter == 2 && getChannelState() == Channel::WAITING_FOR_CALLBACK; ); channelConsumed(sizeof("world!") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = counter == 3 && getChannelState() == Channel::WAITING_FOR_CALLBACK; ); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Data: world!\n" "Data: the end\n"; ); } TEST_METHOD(37) { set_test_name("Upon feeding EOF, the EOF is passed to the callback after " "all on-disk and in-memory data is passed"); Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelWriterState() == FileBufferedChannel::WS_INACTIVE; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), 0u); channelEnableAutoStartMover(false); feedChannel("world!"); feedChannel("the end"); feedChannel(""); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), sizeof("world!the end") - 1); ensure_equals("channelDisableAutoStartMover works", getChannelWriterState(), FileBufferedChannel::WS_INACTIVE); channelConsumed(sizeof("hello") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = counter == 2 && getChannelState() == Channel::WAITING_FOR_CALLBACK; ); channelConsumed(sizeof("world!") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = counter == 3 && getChannelState() == Channel::WAITING_FOR_CALLBACK; ); SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN(100, LOCK(); result = log != "Data: hello\n" "Data: world!\n" "Data: the end\n"; ); channelConsumed(sizeof("the end") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = counter == 4 && getChannelState() == Channel::WAITING_FOR_CALLBACK_WITH_EOF_OR_ERROR; ); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Data: world!\n" "Data: the end\n" "EOF\n"; ); } TEST_METHOD(38) { set_test_name("Upon feeding an error, it switches to the error mode immediately " "and it doesn't call the callback"); Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); feedChannel("world"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelWriterState() == FileBufferedChannel::WS_INACTIVE; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), 0u); feedChannelError(EIO); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelReaderState() == FileBufferedChannel::RS_TERMINATED; ); ensure_equals(getChannelMode(), FileBufferedChannel::ERROR_WAITING); channelConsumed(sizeof("hello") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Error: " + toString(EIO) + "\n"; ); } /***** Switching from in-file mode to in-memory mode *****/ TEST_METHOD(40) { set_test_name("When all on-disk and in-memory buffers have been read, it switches to in-memory mode"); Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); feedChannel("world!"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelWriterState() == FileBufferedChannel::WS_INACTIVE; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), 0u); channelConsumed(sizeof("hello") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = counter == 2 && getChannelState() == Channel::WAITING_FOR_CALLBACK; ); channelConsumed(sizeof("world!") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_MEMORY_MODE; ); { LOCK(); toConsume = CONSUME_FULLY; } feedChannel("!"); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Data: world!\n" "Data: !\n"; ); } TEST_METHOD(41) { set_test_name("It calls the buffersFlushedCallback if the switching happens while " "there are buffers in memory that haven't been written to disk yet"); Json::Value config; vector<ConfigKit::Error> errors; config["file_buffered_channel_threshold"] = 1; config["file_buffered_channel_delay_in_file_mode_switching"] = 1000; ensure(context.configure(config, errors)); toConsume = -1; startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); feedChannel("world!"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_FILE_MODE; ); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), 11u); channelConsumed(sizeof("hello") - 1, false); channelConsumed(sizeof("world!") - 1, false); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelMode() == FileBufferedChannel::IN_MEMORY_MODE; ); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = buffersFlushed == 1; ); } /***** When stopped *****/ TEST_METHOD(45) { set_test_name("Upon feeding data, it calls the callback when start() is called"); channel.stop(); startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), 5u); feedChannel("world"); ensure_equals(getChannelBytesBuffered(), 10u); ensure_equals(getChannelReaderState(), FileBufferedChannel::RS_WAITING_FOR_CHANNEL_IDLE); SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN(100, result = getChannelBytesBuffered() != 10; ); SHOULD_NEVER_HAPPEN(100, LOCK(); result = !log.empty(); ); startChannel(); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelBytesBuffered() == 0; ); EVENTUALLY(5, LOCK(); result = log == "Data: hello\n" "Data: world\n"; ); } static Channel::Result test_46_callback(Channel *_channel, const mbuf &buffer, int errcode) { FileBufferedChannel *channel = reinterpret_cast<FileBufferedChannel *>(_channel); ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest *self = (ServerKit_FileBufferedChannelTest *) channel->getHooks(); boost::mutex &syncher = self->syncher; { LOCK(); self->counter++; } channel->stop(); return Channel::Result(buffer.size(), false); } TEST_METHOD(46) { set_test_name("If stop() is called in the callback, it doesn't call the " "callback with remaining buffers until start() is called"); channel.setDataCallback(test_46_callback); startLoop(); feedChannel("hello"); feedChannel("world"); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelBytesBuffered() == 5; ); { LOCK(); ensure_equals(counter, 1u); } setChannelDataCallback(dataCallback); startChannel(); EVENTUALLY(5, result = getChannelBytesBuffered() == 0; ); { LOCK(); ensure_equals(counter, 2u); } } }
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