Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/src/gettext/Extraction.php
<?php loco_require_lib('compiled/gettext.php'); /** * String extraction from source code. */ class Loco_gettext_Extraction { /** * @var Loco_package_Bundle */ private $bundle; /** * @var LocoExtracted */ private $extracted; /** * Extra strings to be pushed into domains * @var array */ private $extras = []; /** * List of files skipped due to memory limit * @var Loco_fs_FileList|null */ private $skipped; /** * Size in bytes of largest file encountered * @var int */ private $maxbytes = 0; /** * Initialize extractor for a given bundle */ public function __construct( Loco_package_Bundle $bundle ){ loco_check_extension('ctype'); if( ! loco_check_extension('tokenizer') ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception('String extraction not available without required extension'); } $this->bundle = $bundle; $this->extracted = new LocoExtracted; $this->extracted->setDomain('default'); $default = $bundle->getDefaultProject(); if( $default instanceof Loco_package_Project ){ $domain = $default->getDomain()->getName(); // wildcard stands in for empty text domain, meaning unspecified or dynamic domains will be included. // note that strings intended to be in "default" domain must specify explicitly, or be included here too. if( '*' === $domain ){ $domain = ''; $this->extracted->setDomain(''); } // pull bundle's default metadata. these are translations that may not be encountered in files $extras = []; $header = $bundle->getHeaderInfo(); foreach( $bundle->getMetaTranslatable() as $prop => $notes ){ $text = $header->__get($prop); if( is_string($text) && '' !== $text ){ $extras[] = ['source'=>$text, 'notes'=>$notes ]; } } if( $extras ){ $this->extras[$domain] = $extras; } } } /** * @return self */ public function addProject( Loco_package_Project $project ){ $base = $this->bundle->getDirectoryPath(); $domain = (string) $project->getDomain(); // skip files larger than configured maximum $opts = Loco_data_Settings::get(); $max = wp_convert_hr_to_bytes( $opts->max_php_size ); // *attempt* to raise memory limit to WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT if( function_exists('wp_raise_memory_limit') ){ wp_raise_memory_limit('loco'); } /* @var Loco_fs_File $file */ foreach( $project->findSourceFiles() as $file ){ $type = $opts->ext2type( $file->extension() ); $fileref = $file->getRelativePath($base); try { $extr = loco_wp_extractor( $type, $file->fullExtension() ); if( 'php' === $type || 'twig' === $type) { // skip large files for PHP, because token_get_all is hungry if( 0 !== $max ){ $size = $file->size(); $this->maxbytes = max( $this->maxbytes, $size ); if( $size > $max ){ $list = $this->skipped or $list = ( $this->skipped = new Loco_fs_FileList() ); $list->add( $file ); continue; } } // extract headers from theme files (templates and patterns) if( $project->getBundle()->isTheme() ){ $extr->headerize( [ 'Template Name' => ['notes'=>'Name of the template'], ], $domain ); if( preg_match('!^patterns/!', $fileref) ){ $extr->headerize([ 'Title' => ['context'=>'Pattern title'], 'Description' => ['context'=>'Pattern description'], ], $domain ); } } } // normally missing domains are treated as "default", but we'll make an exception for theme.json. else if( 'json' === $type && $project->getBundle()->isTheme() ){ $extr->setDomain($domain); } $this->extracted->extractSource( $extr, $file->getContents(), $fileref ); } catch( Exception $e ){ Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug('Error extracting '.$fileref.': '.$e->getMessage() ); } } return $this; } private function includeBlock( Loco_fs_File $file, $domain ) { $def = json_decode( $file->getContents(), true ); if( ! is_array($def) || ! array_key_exists('$schema',$def) ){ return; } // adding dummy line number for well-formed file reference, not currently pulling line number. $ref = $file->getRelativePath( $this->bundle->getDirectoryPath() ).':1'; foreach(['title','description','keywords'] as $key ){ if( ! array_key_exists($key,$def) ) { continue; } $msgctxt = 'block '.rtrim($key,'s'); foreach( (array) $def[$key] as $msgid ){ if( is_string($msgid) && '' !== $msgid ){ $str = new Loco_gettext_String($msgid,$msgctxt); $str->addFileReferences($ref); $this->addString($str,$domain); } } } } /** * Add metadata strings deferred from construction. Note this will alter domain counts * @return self */ public function includeMeta(){ foreach( $this->extras as $domain => $extras ){ foreach( $extras as $entry ){ $this->extracted->pushEntry($entry,$domain); } } $this->extras = []; return $this; } /** * Add a custom source string constructed from `new Loco_gettext_String(msgid,[msgctxt])` * @param Loco_gettext_String $string * @param string $domain Optional text domain, if not current bundle's default * @return void */ public function addString( Loco_gettext_String $string, $domain = '' ){ if( ! $domain ) { $default = $this->bundle->getDefaultProject(); $domain = (string) ( $default ? $default->getDomain() : $this->extracted->getDomain() ); } $index = $this->extracted->pushEntry( $string->exportSingular(), $domain ); if( $string->hasPlural() ){ $this->extracted->pushPlural( $string->exportPlural(), $index ); } } /** * Get number of unique strings across all domains extracted (excluding additional metadata) * @return array { default: x, myDomain: y } */ public function getDomainCounts(){ return $this->extracted->getDomainCounts(); } /** * Pull extracted data into POT, filtering out any unwanted domains * @param string $domain * @return Loco_gettext_Data */ public function getTemplate( $domain ){ do_action('loco_extracted_template', $this, $domain ); $data = new Loco_gettext_Data( $this->extracted->filter($domain) ); return $data->templatize( $domain ); } /** * Get total number of strings extracted from all domains, excluding additional metadata * @return int */ public function getTotal(){ return $this->extracted->count(); } /** * Get list of files skipped, or null if none were skipped * @return Loco_fs_FileList|null */ public function getSkipped(){ return $this->skipped; } /** * Get size in bytes of largest file encountered, even if skipped. * This is the value required of the max_php_size plugin setting to extract all files * @return int */ public function getMaxPhpSize(){ return $this->maxbytes; } }
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