Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/src/ajax/DownloadController.php
<?php /** * Ajax "download" route, for outputting raw gettext file contents. */ class Loco_ajax_DownloadController extends Loco_ajax_common_BundleController { /** * @return string */ private function renderArchive( $path ){ $zipfile = new Loco_fs_File($path); $pofile = new Loco_fs_DummyFile( '/fake/'.$zipfile->filename().'.po'); // Resolving script refs requires configured project $bundle = $this->getBundle(); $project = $this->getProject($bundle); // Create a temporary file for zip, which must work on disk, not in memory $path = wp_tempnam(); if( ! $path || ! file_exists($path) ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception('Failed to create temporary file for zip archive'); } register_shutdown_function('unlink',$path); // initialize zip loco_check_extension('zip'); $z = new ZipArchive; $z->open( $path, ZipArchive::CREATE); $z->setArchiveComment( $bundle->getName() ); $post = Loco_mvc_PostParams::get(); $data = Loco_gettext_Data::fromSource($post->source); $compiler = new Loco_gettext_Compiler($pofile); /* @var Loco_fs_DummyFile $file */ foreach( $compiler->writeAll($data,$project) as $file ){ $z->addFromString( $file->basename(), $file->getContents() ); } $z->close(); return file_get_contents($path); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function render(){ $post = $this->validate(); $path = $this->get('path'); // The UI now replaces .mo with .zip, but requires the ZipArchive extension is installed. if( '.zip' === substr($path,-4) ){ return $this->renderArchive($path); } // Below is for direct .po/pot downloads, plus legacy .mo/l10n.php // mo is only used when zip is not available. php works but not hooked into UI. $file = new Loco_fs_File($path); $file->normalize( loco_constant('WP_CONTENT_DIR') ); $ext = Loco_gettext_Data::ext($file); // posted source must be clean and must parse as whatever the file extension claims to be $raw = $post->source; if( is_string($raw) && '' !== $raw ){ // compile source if target is MO if( 'mo' === $ext ) { $raw = Loco_gettext_Data::fromSource($raw)->msgfmt(); } // supporting .l10n.php for WordPress >= 6.5 else if( 'php' === $ext && class_exists('WP_Translation_File_PHP',false) ){ $raw = Loco_gettext_PhpCache::render( Loco_gettext_Data::fromSource($raw) ); } } // else file can be output directly if it exists. // note that files on disk will not be parsed or manipulated. they will download strictly as-is else if( $file->exists() ){ $raw = $file->getContents(); } // else we can't do anything except bail else { throw new Loco_error_Exception('File not found and no source posted'); } // Observe UTF-8 BOM setting for PO and POT only if( 'po' === $ext || 'pot' === $ext ){ $has_bom = "\xEF\xBB\xBF" === substr($raw,0,3); $use_bom = (bool) Loco_data_Settings::get()->po_utf8_bom; // only alter file if valid UTF-8. Deferring detection overhead until required if( $has_bom !== $use_bom && preg_match('//u',$raw) ){ if( $use_bom ){ $raw = "\xEF\xBB\xBF".$raw; // prepend } else { $raw = substr($raw,3); // strip bom } } } return $raw; } }
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 8.0.30 | Génération de la page: 0.01 |