Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /usr/lib64/tcl8.5/Tix8.4.3/ComboBox.tcl
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*- # # $Id: ComboBox.tcl,v 1.9 2008/02/28 22:39:13 hobbs Exp $ # # tixCombobox -- # # A combobox widget is basically a listbox widget with an entry # widget. # # # Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam. # Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group. # Copyright (c) 2004 ActiveState # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. global tkPriv if {![llength [info globals tkPriv]]} { tk::unsupported::ExposePrivateVariable tkPriv } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tkPriv elements used in this file: # # afterId - Token returned by "after" for autoscanning. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # foreach fun {tkCancelRepeat tkListboxUpDown tkButtonUp} { if {![llength [info commands $fun]]} { tk::unsupported::ExposePrivateCommand $fun } } unset fun tixWidgetClass tixComboBox { -classname TixComboBox -superclass tixLabelWidget -method { addhistory align appendhistory flash invoke insert pick popdown } -flag { -anchor -arrowbitmap -browsecmd -command -crossbitmap -disablecallback -disabledforeground -dropdown -editable -fancy -grab -histlimit -historylimit -history -listcmd -listwidth -prunehistory -selection -selectmode -state -tickbitmap -validatecmd -value -variable } -static { -dropdown -fancy } -forcecall { -variable -selectmode -state } -configspec { {-arrowbitmap arrowBitmap ArrowBitmap ""} {-anchor anchor Anchor w} {-browsecmd browseCmd BrowseCmd ""} {-command command Command ""} {-crossbitmap crossBitmap CrossBitmap ""} {-disablecallback disableCallback DisableCallback 0 tixVerifyBoolean} {-disabledforeground disabledForeground DisabledForeground #606060} {-dropdown dropDown DropDown true tixVerifyBoolean} {-editable editable Editable false tixVerifyBoolean} {-fancy fancy Fancy false tixVerifyBoolean} {-grab grab Grab global} {-listcmd listCmd ListCmd ""} {-listwidth listWidth ListWidth ""} {-historylimit historyLimit HistoryLimit ""} {-history history History false tixVerifyBoolean} {-prunehistory pruneHistory PruneHistory true tixVerifyBoolean} {-selectmode selectMode SelectMode browse} {-selection selection Selection ""} {-state state State normal} {-validatecmd validateCmd ValidateCmd ""} {-value value Value ""} {-variable variable Variable ""} {-tickbitmap tickBitmap TickBitmap ""} } -alias { {-histlimit -historylimit} } -default { {*Entry.relief sunken} {*TixScrolledListBox.scrollbar auto} {*Listbox.exportSelection false} {*Listbox.takeFocus false} {*shell.borderWidth 2} {*shell.relief raised} {*shell.cursor arrow} {*Button.anchor c} {*Button.borderWidth 1} {*Button.highlightThickness 0} {*Button.padX 0} {*Button.padY 0} {*tick.width 18} {*tick.height 18} {*cross.width 18} {*cross.height 18} {*arrow.anchor c} {*arrow.width 15} {*arrow.height 18} } } # States: normal numbers: for dropdown style # d+digit(s) : for non-dropdown style # proc tixComboBox:InitWidgetRec {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixChainMethod $w InitWidgetRec set data(curIndex) "" set data(varInited) 0 set data(state) none set data(ignore) 0 if {$data(-history)} { set data(-editable) 1 } if {$data(-arrowbitmap) eq ""} { set data(-arrowbitmap) [tix getbitmap cbxarrow] } if {$data(-crossbitmap) eq ""} { set data(-crossbitmap) [tix getbitmap cross] } if {$data(-tickbitmap) eq ""} { set data(-tickbitmap) [tix getbitmap tick] } } proc tixComboBox:ConstructFramedWidget {w frame} { upvar #0 $w data tixChainMethod $w ConstructFramedWidget $frame if {$data(-dropdown)} { tixComboBox:ConstructEntryFrame $w $frame tixComboBox:ConstructListShell $w } else { set f1 [frame $frame.f1] set f2 [frame $frame.f2] tixComboBox:ConstructEntryFrame $w $f1 tixComboBox:ConstructListFrame $w $f2 pack $f1 -side top -pady 2 -fill x pack $f2 -side top -pady 2 -fill both -expand yes } } proc tixComboBox:ConstructEntryFrame {w frame} { upvar #0 $w data # (1) The entry # set data(w:entry) [entry $frame.entry] if {!$data(-editable)} { set bg [$w cget -bg] $data(w:entry) config -bg $bg -state disabled -takefocus 1 } # This is used during "config-state" # set data(entryfg) [$data(w:entry) cget -fg] # (2) The dropdown button, not necessary when not in dropdown mode # set data(w:arrow) [button $frame.arrow -bitmap $data(-arrowbitmap)] if {!$data(-dropdown)} { set xframe [frame $frame.xframe -width 19] } # (3) The fancy tick and cross buttons # if {$data(-fancy)} { if {$data(-editable)} { set data(w:cross) [button $frame.cross -bitmap $data(-crossbitmap)] set data(w:tick) [button $frame.tick -bitmap $data(-tickbitmap)] pack $frame.cross -side left -padx 1 pack $frame.tick -side left -padx 1 } else { set data(w:tick) [button $frame.tick -bitmap $data(-tickbitmap)] pack $frame.tick -side left -padx 1 } } if {$data(-dropdown)} { pack $data(w:arrow) -side right -padx 1 foreach wid [list $data(w:frame) $data(w:label)] { tixAddBindTag $wid TixComboWid tixSetMegaWidget $wid $w TixComboBox } } else { pack $xframe -side right -padx 1 } pack $frame.entry -side right -fill x -expand yes -padx 1 } proc tixComboBox:ConstructListShell {w} { upvar #0 $w data # Create the shell and the list #------------------------------ set data(w:shell) [menu $ -bd 2 -relief raised -tearoff 0] wm overrideredirect $data(w:shell) 1 wm withdraw $data(w:shell) set data(w:slistbox) [tixScrolledListBox $data(w:shell).slistbox \ -anchor $data(-anchor) -scrollbarspace y \ -options {listbox.selectMode "browse"}] set data(w:listbox) [$data(w:slistbox) subwidget listbox] pack $data(w:slistbox) -expand yes -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2 } proc tixComboBox:ConstructListFrame {w frame} { upvar #0 $w data set data(w:slistbox) [tixScrolledListBox $frame.slistbox \ -anchor $data(-anchor)] set data(w:listbox) [$data(w:slistbox) subwidget listbox] pack $data(w:slistbox) -expand yes -fill both } proc tixComboBox:SetBindings {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixChainMethod $w SetBindings # (1) Fix the bindings for the combobox # bindtags $w [list $w TixComboBox [winfo toplevel $w] all] # (2) The entry subwidget # tixSetMegaWidget $data(w:entry) $w TixComboBox bindtags $data(w:entry) [list $data(w:entry) Entry TixComboEntry\ TixComboWid [winfo toplevel $data(w:entry)] all] # (3) The listbox and slistbox # $data(w:slistbox) config -browsecmd \ [list tixComboBox:LbBrowse $w] $data(w:slistbox) config -command\ [list tixComboBox:LbCommand $w] $data(w:listbox) config -takefocus 0 tixAddBindTag $data(w:listbox) TixComboLb tixAddBindTag $data(w:slistbox) TixComboLb tixSetMegaWidget $data(w:listbox) $w TixComboBox tixSetMegaWidget $data(w:slistbox) $w TixComboBox # (4) The buttons # if {$data(-dropdown)} { $data(w:arrow) config -takefocus 0 tixAddBindTag $data(w:arrow) TixComboArrow tixSetMegaWidget $data(w:arrow) $w TixComboBox bind $data(w:root) <1> [list tixComboBox:RootDown $w] bind $data(w:root) <ButtonRelease-1> [list tixComboBox:RootUp $w] } if {$data(-fancy)} { if {$data(-editable)} { $data(w:cross) config -command [list tixComboBox:CrossBtn $w] \ -takefocus 0 } $data(w:tick) config -command [list tixComboBox:Invoke $w] -takefocus 0 } if {$data(-dropdown)} { set data(state) 0 } else { set data(state) n0 } } proc tixComboBoxBind {} { #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # The class bindings for the TixComboBox # tixBind TixComboBox <Escape> { if {[tixComboBox:EscKey %W]} { break } } tixBind TixComboBox <Configure> { tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixComboBox:align %W } # Only the two "linear" detail_fields are for tabbing (moving) among # widgets inside the same toplevel. Other detail_fields are sort # of irrelevant # tixBind TixComboBox <FocusOut> { if {[string equal %d NotifyNonlinear] || [string equal %d NotifyNonlinearVirtual]} { if {[info exists %W(cancelTab)]} { unset %W(cancelTab) } else { if {[set %W(-state)] ne "disabled"} { if {[set %W(-selection)] ne [set %W(-value)]} { tixComboBox:Invoke %W } } } } } tixBind TixComboBox <FocusIn> { if {"%d" eq "NotifyNonlinear" || "%d" eq "NotifyNonlinearVirtual"} { focus [%W subwidget entry] # CYGNUS: Setting the selection if there is no data # causes backspace to misbehave. if {[[set %W(w:entry)] get] ne ""} { [set %W(w:entry)] selection from 0 [set %W(w:entry)] selection to end } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # The class tixBindings for the arrow button widget inside the TixComboBox # tixBind TixComboArrow <1> { tixComboBox:ArrowDown [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox] } tixBind TixComboArrow <ButtonRelease-1> { tixComboBox:ArrowUp [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox] } tixBind TixComboArrow <Escape> { if {[tixComboBox:EscKey [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox]]} { break } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # The class tixBindings for the entry widget inside the TixComboBox # tixBind TixComboEntry <Up> { tixComboBox:EntDirKey [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox] up } tixBind TixComboEntry <Down> { tixComboBox:EntDirKey [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox] down } tixBind TixComboEntry <Prior> { tixComboBox:EntDirKey [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox] pageup } tixBind TixComboEntry <Next> { tixComboBox:EntDirKey [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox] pagedown } tixBind TixComboEntry <Return> { tixComboBox:EntReturnKey [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox] } tixBind TixComboEntry <KeyPress> { tixComboBox:EntKeyPress [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox] } tixBind TixComboEntry <Escape> { if {[tixComboBox:EscKey [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox]]} { break } } tixBind TixComboEntry <Tab> { if {[set [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox](-state)] ne "disabled"} { if {[tixComboBox:EntTab [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox]]} { break } } } tixBind TixComboEntry <1> { if {[set [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox](-state)] ne "disabled"} { focus %W } } tixBind TixComboEntry <ButtonRelease-2> { tixComboBox:EntKeyPress [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox] } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # The class bindings for the listbox subwidget # tixBind TixComboWid <Escape> { if {[tixComboBox:EscKey [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox]]} { break } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # The class bindings for some widgets inside ComboBox # tixBind TixComboWid <ButtonRelease-1> { tixComboBox:WidUp [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox] } tixBind TixComboWid <Escape> { if {[tixComboBox:EscKey [tixGetMegaWidget %W TixComboBox]]} { break } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cooked events #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixComboBox:ArrowDown {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {$data(-state) eq "disabled"} { return } switch -exact -- $data(state) { 0 { tixComboBox:GoState 1 $w } 2 { tixComboBox:GoState 19 $w } default { tixComboBox:StateError $w } } } proc tixComboBox:ArrowUp {w} { upvar #0 $w data switch -exact -- $data(state) { 1 { tixComboBox:GoState 2 $w } 19 { # data(ignore) was already set in state 19 tixComboBox:GoState 4 $w } 5 { tixComboBox:GoState 13 $w } default { tixComboBox:StateError $w } } } proc tixComboBox:RootDown {w} { upvar #0 $w data switch -exact -- $data(state) { 0 { # Ignore } 2 { tixComboBox:GoState 3 $w } default { tixComboBox:StateError $w } } } proc tixComboBox:RootUp {w} { upvar #0 $w data switch -exact -- $data(state) { {1} { tixComboBox:GoState 12 $w } {3} { # data(ignore) was already set in state 3 tixComboBox:GoState 4 $w } {5} { tixComboBox:GoState 7 $w } default { tixComboBox:StateError $w } } } proc tixComboBox:WidUp {w} { upvar #0 $w data switch -exact -- $data(state) { {1} { tixComboBox:GoState 12 $w } {5} { tixComboBox:GoState 13 $w } } } proc tixComboBox:LbBrowse {w args} { upvar #0 $w data set event [tixEvent type] set x [tixEvent flag x] set y [tixEvent flag y] set X [tixEvent flag X] set Y [tixEvent flag Y] if {$data(-state) eq "disabled"} { return } switch -exact -- $event { <1> { case $data(state) { {2} { tixComboBox:GoState 5 $w $x $y $X $Y } {5} { tixComboBox:GoState 5 $w $x $y $X $Y } {n0} { tixComboBox:GoState n6 $w $x $y $X $Y } default { tixComboBox:StateError $w } } } <ButtonRelease-1> { case $data(state) { {5} { tixComboBox:GoState 6 $w $x $y $X $Y } {n6} { tixComboBox:GoState n0 $w } default { tixComboBox:StateError $w } } } default { # Must be a motion event case $data(state) { {1} { tixComboBox:GoState 9 $w $x $y $X $Y } {5} { tixComboBox:GoState 5 $w $x $y $X $Y } {n6} { tixComboBox:GoState n6 $w $x $y $X $Y } default { tixComboBox:StateError $w } } } } } proc tixComboBox:LbCommand {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {$data(state) eq "n0"} { tixComboBox:GoState n1 $w } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # General keyboard event # returns 1 if the combobox is in some special state and the Escape key # shouldn't be handled by the toplevel bind tag. As a result, when a combobox # is popped up in a dialog box, Escape will popdown the combo. If the combo # is not popped up, Escape will invoke the toplevel bindtag (which can # pop down the dialog box) # proc tixComboBox:EscKey {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {$data(-state) eq "disabled"} { return 0 } switch -exact -- $data(state) { {0} { tixComboBox:GoState 17 $w } {2} { tixComboBox:GoState 16 $w return 1 } {n0} { tixComboBox:GoState n4 $w } default { # ignore return 1 } } return 0 } #---------------------------------------- # Keyboard events #---------------------------------------- proc tixComboBox:EntDirKey {w dir} { upvar #0 $w data if {$data(-state) eq "disabled"} { return } switch -exact -- $data(state) { {0} { tixComboBox:GoState 10 $w $dir } {2} { tixComboBox:GoState 11 $w $dir } {5} { # ignore } {n0} { tixComboBox:GoState n3 $w $dir } } } proc tixComboBox:EntReturnKey {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {$data(-state) eq "disabled"} { return } switch -exact -- $data(state) { {0} { tixComboBox:GoState 14 $w } {2} { tixComboBox:GoState 15 $w } {5} { # ignore } {n0} { tixComboBox:GoState n1 $w } } } # Return 1 == break from the binding == no keyboard focus traversal proc tixComboBox:EntTab {w} { upvar #0 $w data switch -exact -- $data(state) { {0} { tixComboBox:GoState 14 $w set data(cancelTab) "" return 0 } {2} { tixComboBox:GoState 15 $w set data(cancelTab) "" return 0 } {n0} { tixComboBox:GoState n1 $w set data(cancelTab) "" return 0 } default { return 1 } } } proc tixComboBox:EntKeyPress {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {$data(-state) eq "disabled" || !$data(-editable)} { return } switch -exact -- $data(state) { 0 - 2 - n0 { tixComboBox:ClearListboxSelection $w tixComboBox:SetSelection $w [$data(w:entry) get] 0 0 } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixComboBox:HandleDirKey {w dir} { upvar #0 $w data if {[tixComboBox:CheckListboxSelection $w]} { switch -exact -- $dir { "up" { tkListboxUpDown $data(w:listbox) -1 set data(curIndex) [lindex [$data(w:listbox) curselection] 0] tixComboBox:SetSelectionFromListbox $w } "down" { tkListboxUpDown $data(w:listbox) 1 set data(curIndex) [lindex [$data(w:listbox) curselection] 0] tixComboBox:SetSelectionFromListbox $w } "pageup" { $data(w:listbox) yview scroll -1 pages } "pagedown" { $data(w:listbox) yview scroll 1 pages } } } else { # There wasn't good selection in the listbox. # tixComboBox:SetSelectionFromListbox $w } } proc tixComboBox:Invoke {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:SetValue $w $data(-selection) if {![winfo exists $w]} { return } if {$data(-history)} { tixComboBox:addhistory $w $data(-value) set data(curIndex) 0 } $data(w:entry) selection from 0 $data(w:entry) selection to end $data(w:entry) icursor end } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAINTAINING THE -VALUE #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixComboBox:SetValue {w newValue {noUpdate 0} {updateEnt 1}} { upvar #0 $w data if {[llength $data(-validatecmd)]} { set data(-value) [tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-validatecmd) "" $newValue] } else { set data(-value) $newValue } if {! $noUpdate} { tixVariable:UpdateVariable $w } if {$updateEnt} { if {!$data(-editable)} { $data(w:entry) delete 0 end $data(w:entry) insert 0 $data(-value) } } if {!$data(-disablecallback) && [llength $data(-command)]} { if {![info exists data(varInited)]} { set bind(specs) {%V} set bind(%V) $data(-value) tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-command) bind $data(-value) if {![winfo exists $w]} { # The user destroyed the window! return } } } set data(-selection) $data(-value) if {$updateEnt} { tixSetEntry $data(w:entry) $data(-value) if {$data(-anchor) eq "e"} { tixComboBox:EntryAlignEnd $w } } } # markSel: should the all the text in the entry be highlighted? # proc tixComboBox:SetSelection {w value {markSel 1} {setent 1}} { upvar #0 $w data if {$setent} { tixSetEntry $data(w:entry) $value } set data(-selection) $value if {$data(-selectmode) eq "browse"} { if {$markSel} { $data(w:entry) selection range 0 end } if {[llength $data(-browsecmd)]} { set bind(specs) {%V} set bind(%V) [$data(w:entry) get] tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-browsecmd) bind [$data(w:entry) get] } } else { tixComboBox:SetValue $w $value 0 0 } } proc tixComboBox:ClearListboxSelection {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {![winfo exists $data(w:listbox)]} { tixDebug "tixComboBox:ClearListboxSelection error non-existent $data(w:listbox)" return } $data(w:listbox) selection clear 0 end } proc tixComboBox:UpdateListboxSelection {w index} { upvar #0 $w data if {![winfo exists $data(w:listbox)]} { tixDebug "tixComboBox:UpdateListboxSelection error non-existent $data(w:listbox)" return } if {$index != ""} { $data(w:listbox) selection set $index $data(w:listbox) selection anchor $index } } proc tixComboBox:Cancel {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixSetEntry $data(w:entry) $data(-value) tixComboBox:SetSelection $w $data(-value) if {[tixComboBox:LbGetSelection $w] ne $data(-selection)} { tixComboBox:ClearListboxSelection $w } } proc tixComboBox:flash {w} { tixComboBox:BlinkEntry $w } # Make the entry blink when the user selects a choice # proc tixComboBox:BlinkEntry {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {![info exists data(entryBlacken)]} { set old_bg [$data(w:entry) cget -bg] set old_fg [$data(w:entry) cget -fg] $data(w:entry) config -fg $old_bg $data(w:entry) config -bg $old_fg set data(entryBlacken) 1 after 50 tixComboBox:RestoreBlink $w [list $old_bg] [list $old_fg] } } proc tixComboBox:RestoreBlink {w old_bg old_fg} { upvar #0 $w data if {[info exists data(w:entry)] && [winfo exists $data(w:entry)]} { $data(w:entry) config -fg $old_fg $data(w:entry) config -bg $old_bg } if {[info exists data(entryBlacken)]} { unset data(entryBlacken) } } #---------------------------------------- # Handle events inside the list box #---------------------------------------- proc tixComboBox:LbIndex {w {flag ""}} { upvar #0 $w data if {![winfo exists $data(w:listbox)]} { tixDebug "tixComboBox:LbIndex error non-existent $data(w:listbox)" if {$flag eq "emptyOK"} { return "" } else { return 0 } } set sel [lindex [$data(w:listbox) curselection] 0] if {$sel != ""} { return $sel } else { if {$flag eq "emptyOK"} { return "" } else { return 0 } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # STATE MANIPULATION # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixComboBox:GoState-0 {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {[info exists data(w:root)] && [grab current] eq "$data(w:root)"} { grab release $w } } proc tixComboBox:GoState-1 {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:Popup $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-2 {w} { upvar #0 $w data } proc tixComboBox:GoState-3 {w} { upvar #0 $w data set data(ignore) 1 tixComboBox:Popdown $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-4 {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:Ungrab $w if {$data(ignore)} { tixComboBox:Cancel $w } else { tixComboBox:Invoke $w } tixComboBox:GoState 0 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-5 {w x y X Y} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:LbSelect $w $x $y $X $Y } proc tixComboBox:GoState-6 {w x y X Y} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:Popdown $w if {[tixWithinWindow $data(w:shell) $X $Y]} { set data(ignore) 0 } else { set data(ignore) 1 } tixComboBox:GoState 4 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-7 {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:Popdown $w set data(ignore) 1 catch { global tkPriv if {$tkPriv(afterId) != ""} { tkCancelRepeat } } set data(ignore) 1 tixComboBox:GoState 4 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-9 {w x y X Y} { upvar #0 $w data catch { tkButtonUp $data(w:arrow) } tixComboBox:GoState 5 $w $x $y $X $Y } proc tixComboBox:GoState-10 {w dir} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:Popup $w if {![tixComboBox:CheckListboxSelection $w]} { # There wasn't good selection in the listbox. # tixComboBox:SetSelectionFromListbox $w } tixComboBox:GoState 2 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-11 {w dir} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:HandleDirKey $w $dir tixComboBox:GoState 2 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-12 {w} { upvar #0 $w data catch { tkButtonUp $data(w:arrow) } tixComboBox:GoState 2 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-13 {w} { upvar #0 $w data catch { global tkPriv if {$tkPriv(afterId) != ""} { tkCancelRepeat } } tixComboBox:GoState 2 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-14 {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:Invoke $w tixComboBox:GoState 0 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-15 {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:Popdown $w set data(ignore) 0 tixComboBox:GoState 4 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-16 {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:Popdown $w tixComboBox:Cancel $w set data(ignore) 1 tixComboBox:GoState 4 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-17 {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:Cancel $w tixComboBox:GoState 0 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-19 {w} { upvar #0 $w data set data(ignore) [string equal $data(-selection) $data(-value)] tixComboBox:Popdown $w } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Non-dropdown states #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixComboBox:GoState-n0 {w} { upvar #0 $w data } proc tixComboBox:GoState-n1 {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:Invoke $w tixComboBox:GoState n0 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-n3 {w dir} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:HandleDirKey $w $dir tixComboBox:GoState n0 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-n4 {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:Cancel $w tixComboBox:GoState n0 $w } proc tixComboBox:GoState-n6 {w x y X Y} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:LbSelect $w $x $y $X $Y } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # General State Manipulation #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixComboBox:GoState {s w args} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:SetState $w $s eval tixComboBox:GoState-$s $w $args } proc tixComboBox:SetState {w s} { upvar #0 $w data # catch {puts [info level -2]} # puts "setting state $data(state) --> $s" set data(state) $s } proc tixComboBox:StateError {w} { upvar #0 $w data # error "wrong state $data(state)" } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Listbox handling #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set a selection if there isn't one. Returns true if there was already # a good selection inside the listbox # proc tixComboBox:CheckListboxSelection {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {![winfo exists $data(w:listbox)]} { tixDebug "tixComboBox:CheckListboxSelection error non-existent $data(w:listbox)" return 0 } if {[$data(w:listbox) curselection] == ""} { if {$data(curIndex) == ""} { set data(curIndex) 0 } $data(w:listbox) activate $data(curIndex) $data(w:listbox) selection clear 0 end $data(w:listbox) selection set $data(curIndex) $data(w:listbox) see $data(curIndex) return 0 } else { return 1 } } proc tixComboBox:SetSelectionFromListbox {w} { upvar #0 $w data set string [$data(w:listbox) get $data(curIndex)] tixComboBox:SetSelection $w $string tixComboBox:UpdateListboxSelection $w $data(curIndex) } proc tixComboBox:LbGetSelection {w} { upvar #0 $w data set index [tixComboBox:LbIndex $w emptyOK] if {$index >=0} { return [$data(w:listbox) get $index] } else { return "" } } proc tixComboBox:LbSelect {w x y X Y} { upvar #0 $w data set index [tixComboBox:LbIndex $w emptyOK] if {$index == ""} { set index [$data(w:listbox) nearest $y] } if {$index >= 0} { if {[focus -lastfor $data(w:entry)] ne $data(w:entry) && [focus -lastfor $data(w:entry)] ne $data(w:listbox)} { focus $data(w:entry) } set string [$data(w:listbox) get $index] tixComboBox:SetSelection $w $string tixComboBox:UpdateListboxSelection $w $index } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal commands #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixComboBox:CrossBtn {w} { upvar #0 $w data $data(w:entry) delete 0 end tixComboBox:ClearListboxSelection $w tixComboBox:SetSelection $w "" } #-------------------------------------------------- # Popping up list shell #-------------------------------------------------- # Popup the listbox and grab # # proc tixComboBox:Popup {w} { global tcl_platform upvar #0 $w data if {![winfo ismapped $data(w:root)]} { return } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pop up # if {$data(-listcmd) != ""} { # This option allows the user to fill in the listbox on demand # tixEvalCmdBinding $w $data(-listcmd) } # calculate the size set y [winfo rooty $data(w:entry)] incr y [winfo height $data(w:entry)] incr y 3 set bd [$data(w:shell) cget -bd] # incr bd [$data(w:shell) cget -highlightthickness] set height [expr {[winfo reqheight $data(w:slistbox)] + 2*$bd}] set x1 [winfo rootx $data(w:entry)] if {$data(-listwidth) == ""} { if {[winfo ismapped $data(w:arrow)]} { set x2 [winfo rootx $data(w:arrow)] if {$x2 >= $x1} { incr x2 [winfo width $data(w:arrow)] set width [expr {$x2 - $x1}] } else { set width [winfo width $data(w:entry)] set x2 [expr {$x1 + $width}] } } else { set width [winfo width $data(w:entry)] set x2 [expr {$x1 + $width}] } } else { set width $data(-listwidth) set x2 [expr {$x1 + $width}] } set reqwidth [winfo reqwidth $data(w:shell)] if {$reqwidth < $width} { set reqwidth $width } else { if {$reqwidth > [expr {$width *3}]} { set reqwidth [expr {$width *3}] } if {$reqwidth > [winfo vrootwidth .]} { set reqwidth [winfo vrootwidth .] } } set width $reqwidth # If the listbox is too far right, pull it back to the left # set scrwidth [winfo vrootwidth .] if {$x2 > $scrwidth} { set x1 [expr {$scrwidth - $width}] } # If the listbox is too far left, pull it back to the right # if {$x1 < 0} { set x1 0 } # If the listbox is below bottom of screen, put it upwards # set scrheight [winfo vrootheight .] set bottom [expr {$y+$height}] if {$bottom > $scrheight} { set y [expr {$y-$height-[winfo height $data(w:entry)]-5}] } # OK , popup the shell # global tcl_platform wm geometry $data(w:shell) $reqwidth\x$height+$x1+$y if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} { update } wm deiconify $data(w:shell) if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} { update } raise $data(w:shell) focus $data(w:entry) set data(popped) 1 # add for safety update tixComboBox:Grab $w } proc tixComboBox:SetCursor {w cursor} { upvar #0 $w data $w config -cursor $cursor } proc tixComboBox:Popdown {w} { upvar #0 $w data wm withdraw $data(w:shell) tixComboBox:SetCursor $w "" } # Grab the server so that user cannot move the windows around proc tixComboBox:Grab {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:SetCursor $w arrow if {[catch { # We catch here because grab may fail under a lot of circumstances # Just don't want to break the code ... switch -exact -- $data(-grab) { global { tixPushGrab -global $data(w:root) } local { tixPushGrab $data(w:root) } } } err]} { tixDebug "tixComboBox:Grab+: Error grabbing $data(w:root)\n$err" } } proc tixComboBox:Ungrab {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {[catch { catch { switch -exact -- $data(-grab) { global { tixPopGrab } local { tixPopGrab } } } } err]} { tixDebug "tixComboBox:Grab+: Error grabbing $data(w:root)\n$err" } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Alignment #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following two routines can emulate a "right align mode" for the # entry in the combo box. proc tixComboBox:EntryAlignEnd {w} { upvar #0 $w data $data(w:entry) xview end } proc tixComboBox:Destructor {w} { upvar #0 $w data tixUnsetMegaWidget $data(w:entry) tixVariable:DeleteVariable $w # Chain this to the superclass # tixChainMethod $w Destructor } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIG OPTIONS #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixComboBox:config-state {w value} { upvar #0 $w data catch {if {[$data(w:arrow) cget -state] eq $value} {set a 1}} if {[info exists a]} { return } catch {$data(w:arrow) config -state $value} catch {$data(w:tick) config -state $value} catch {$data(w:cross) config -state $value} catch {$data(w:slistbox) config -state $value} if {[string equal $value normal]} { set fg [$data(w:arrow) cget -fg] set entryFg $data(entryfg) set lbSelFg [lindex [$data(w:listbox) config -selectforeground] 3] set lbSelBg [lindex [$data(w:listbox) config -selectbackground] 3] set entrySelFg [lindex [$data(w:entry) config -selectforeground] 3] set entrySelBg [lindex [$data(w:entry) config -selectbackground] 3] } else { set fg [$data(w:arrow) cget -disabledforeground] set entryFg $data(-disabledforeground) set lbSelFg $entryFg set lbSelBg [$data(w:listbox) cget -bg] set entrySelFg $entryFg set entrySelBg [$data(w:entry) cget -bg] } if {$fg ne ""} { $data(w:label) config -fg $fg $data(w:listbox) config -fg $fg -selectforeground $lbSelFg \ -selectbackground $lbSelBg } $data(w:entry) config -fg $entryFg -selectforeground $entrySelFg \ -selectbackground $entrySelBg if {$value eq "normal"} { if {$data(-editable)} { $data(w:entry) config -state normal } $data(w:entry) config -takefocus 1 } else { if {$data(-editable)} { $data(w:entry) config -state disabled } $data(w:entry) config -takefocus 0 } } proc tixComboBox:config-value {w value} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:SetValue $w $value set data(-selection) $value if {[tixComboBox:LbGetSelection $w] ne $value} { tixComboBox:ClearListboxSelection $w } } proc tixComboBox:config-selection {w value} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:SetSelection $w $value if {[tixComboBox:LbGetSelection $w] ne $value} { tixComboBox:ClearListboxSelection $w } } proc tixComboBox:config-variable {w arg} { upvar #0 $w data if {[tixVariable:ConfigVariable $w $arg]} { # The value of data(-value) is changed if tixVariable:ConfigVariable # returns true set data(-selection) $data(-value) tixComboBox:SetValue $w $data(-value) 1 } catch { unset data(varInited) } set data(-variable) $arg } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # WIDGET COMMANDS #---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tixComboBox:align {w args} { upvar #0 $w data if {$data(-anchor) eq "e"} { tixComboBox:EntryAlignEnd $w } } proc tixComboBox:addhistory {w value} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:insert $w 0 $value $data(w:listbox) selection clear 0 end if {$data(-prunehistory)} { # Prune from the end # set max [$data(w:listbox) size] if {$max <= 1} { return } for {set i [expr {$max -1}]} {$i >= 1} {incr i -1} { if {[$data(w:listbox) get $i] eq $value} { $data(w:listbox) delete $i break } } } } proc tixComboBox:appendhistory {w value} { upvar #0 $w data tixComboBox:insert $w end $value $data(w:listbox) selection clear 0 end if {$data(-prunehistory)} { # Prune from the end # set max [$data(w:listbox) size] if {$max <= 1} { return } for {set i [expr {$max -2}]} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { if {[$data(w:listbox) get $i] eq $value} { $data(w:listbox) delete $i break } } } } proc tixComboBox:insert {w index newitem} { upvar #0 $w data $data(w:listbox) insert $index $newitem if {$data(-history) && $data(-historylimit) != "" && [$data(w:listbox) size] eq $data(-historylimit)} { $data(w:listbox) delete 0 } } proc tixComboBox:pick {w index} { upvar #0 $w data $data(w:listbox) activate $index $data(w:listbox) selection clear 0 end $data(w:listbox) selection set active $data(w:listbox) see active set text [$data(w:listbox) get $index] tixComboBox:SetValue $w $text set data(curIndex) $index } proc tixComboBox:invoke {w} { tixComboBox:Invoke $w } proc tixComboBox:popdown {w} { upvar #0 $w data if {$data(-dropdown)} { tixComboBox:Popdown $w } }
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