Gestionnaire de fichiers - Editer - /home/wwgoat/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/loco-translate/src/package/Bundle.php
<?php /** * A bundle may use one or more text domains, and may or may not physically house them. * Essentially a bundle "uses" a text domain. * Types are "theme", "plugin" and "core" */ abstract class Loco_package_Bundle extends ArrayObject implements JsonSerializable { /** * Internal handle for targeting in WordPress, e.g. "twentyfifteen" or "loco-translate/loco.php" * @var string */ private $handle; /** * Short name, e.g. "twentyfifteen" or "loco-translate" * @var string */ private $slug; /** * Friendly name, e.g. "Twenty Fifteen * @var string */ private $name; /** * Full path to root directory of bundle * @var Loco_fs_Directory */ private $root; /** * Directory paths to exclude from all projects * @var Loco_fs_FileList */ private $xpaths; /** * Full path to PHP bootstrap file * @var string */ private $boot; /** * Whether bundle is a single file, as opposed to in its own directory * @var bool */ protected $solo; /** * Method with which bundle has been configured * @var string|false (file|db|meta|internal) */ private $saved = false; /** * Get system (i.e. "global") target locations for all projects of this type. * These are always append to configs, and always excluded from serialization * @return string[] absolute directory paths */ abstract public function getSystemTargets(); /** * Get canonical info registered with WordPress, i.e. plugin or theme headers * @return Loco_package_Header */ abstract public function getHeaderInfo(); /** * Get built-in translatable values mapped to annotation for translators * @return array */ abstract public function getMetaTranslatable(); /** * Get type of Bundle (title case) * @return string */ abstract public function getType(); /** * Get absolute URL to bundle root, with trailing slash * @return string */ abstract public function getDirectoryUrl(); /** * Construct bundle from unique ID containing type and handle * @return self */ public static function fromId( $id ){ $r = explode( '.', $id, 2 ); return self::createType( $r[0], isset($r[1]) ? $r[1] : '' ); } /** * @param string $type * @param string $handle * @return self * @throws Loco_error_Exception */ public static function createType( $type, $handle ){ $func = [ 'Loco_package_'.ucfirst($type), 'create' ]; if( is_callable($func) ){ $bundle = call_user_func( $func, $handle ); } else { throw new Loco_error_Exception('Unexpected bundle type: '.$type ); } return $bundle; } /** * Resolve a file path to a plugin, theme or the core * @return self|null */ public static function fromFile( Loco_fs_File $file ){ if( $file->underThemeDirectory() ){ return Loco_package_Theme::fromFile($file); } else if( $file->underPluginDirectory() ){ return Loco_package_Plugin::fromFile($file); } else if( $file->underWordPressDirectory() && ! $file->underContentDirectory() ){ return Loco_package_Core::create(); } else { return null; } } /** * Construct from WordPress handle and friendly name * @param string $handle * @param string $name */ public function __construct( $handle, $name ){ parent::__construct(); $this->setHandle($handle)->setName($name); $this->xpaths = new Loco_fs_FileList; } /** * Re-fetch this bundle from its currently saved location * @return self */ public function reload(){ return call_user_func( [ get_class($this), 'create' ], $this->getSlug() ); } /** * Get ID that uniquely identifies bundle by its type and handle * @return string */ public function getId(){ $type = strtolower( $this->getType() ); return $type.'.'.$this->getHandle(); } /** * @return string */ public function __toString(){ return $this->name; } /** * @return bool */ public function isTheme(){ return false; } /** * Get parent bundle if possible. This can only be a theme. * @codeCoverageIgnore * @return Loco_package_Theme|null */ public function getParent(){ trigger_error( $this->getType().' bundles cannot have parents. Check isTheme first'); return null; } /** * @return bool */ public function isPlugin(){ return false; } /** * Get handle of bundle unique for its type, e.g. "twentyfifteen" or "loco-translate/loco.php" * @return string */ public function getHandle(){ return $this->handle; } /** * Attempt to get the vendor-specific slug, which may or may not be the same as the internal handle * @return string */ public function getSlug(){ if( $slug = $this->slug ){ return $slug; } // fall back to runtime handle return $this->getHandle(); } /** * Set friendly name of bundle * @return self */ public function setName( $name ){ $this->name = (string) $name; return $this; } /** * Set short name of bundle which may or may not match unique handle * @return self */ public function setSlug( $slug ){ $this->slug = (string) $slug; return $this; } /** * Set internal handle registered with WordPress for this bundle type * @return self */ public function setHandle( $handle ){ $this->handle = (string) $handle; return $this; } /** * Get friendly name of bundle, e.g. "Twenty Fifteen" or "Loco Translate" * @return string */ public function getName(){ return $this->name; } /** * Whether bundle root is currently known * @return bool */ public function hasDirectoryPath(){ return (bool) $this->root; } /** * Set root directory for bundle. e.g. theme or plugin directory * @return self */ public function setDirectoryPath( $path ){ $this->root = new Loco_fs_Directory( $path ); $this->root->normalize(); return $this; } /** * Get absolute path to root directory for bundle. e.g. theme or plugin directory * @return string */ public function getDirectoryPath(){ if( $this->root ){ return $this->root->getPath(); } // without a root directory return WordPress root return untrailingslashit(ABSPATH); } /** * @return string[] */ public function getVendorRoots(){ $dirs = []; $base = $this->getDirectoryPath(); foreach( ['node_modules','vendor'] as $f ){ $path = $base.'/'.$f; if( Loco_fs_File::is_readable($path) && is_dir($path) ){ $dirs[] = $path; } } return $dirs; } /** * Get file locations to exclude from all projects in bundle. These are effectively "hidden" * @return Loco_fs_FileList */ public function getExcludedLocations(){ return $this->xpaths; } /** * Add a path for excluding from all projects * @param Loco_fs_File|string $path * @return Loco_package_Bundle */ public function excludeLocation( $path ){ $this->xpaths->add( new Loco_fs_File($path) ); return $this; } /** * Create a file searcher from root location, excluding that which is excluded * @return Loco_fs_FileFinder */ public function getFileFinder(){ $root = $this->getDirectoryPath(); /*/ if bundle is symlinked it's resource files won't be matched properly if( is_link($root) && ( $real = realpath($root) ) ){ $root = $real; }*/ $finder = new Loco_fs_FileFinder( $root ); foreach( $this->xpaths as $path ){ $finder->exclude( (string) $path ); } return $finder; } /** * Get primary PHP source file containing bundle bootstrap code, if applicable * @return string */ public function getBootstrapPath(){ return $this->boot; } /** * Set primary PHP source file containing bundle bootstrap code, if applicable. * @param string $path to PHP file * @return Loco_package_Bundle */ public function setBootstrapPath( $path ){ $path = (string) $path; // sanity check this is a PHP file even if it doesn't exist if( '.php' !== substr($path,-4) ){ throw new Loco_error_Exception('Bootstrap file should end .php, got '.$path ); } $this->boot = $path; // base directory can be inferred from bootstrap path if( ! $this->hasDirectoryPath() ){ $this->setDirectoryPath( dirname($path) ); } return $this; } /** * Test whether bundle consists of a single file */ public function isSingleFile(){ return $this->solo; } /** * Add all projects defined in a TextDomain * @return self */ public function addDomain( Loco_package_TextDomain $domain ){ /* @var Loco_package_Project $proj */ foreach( $domain as $proj ){ $this->addProject($proj); } return $this; } /** * Add a translation project to bundle. * Note that this always adds without checking uniqueness. Call hasProject first if it could be a duplicate * @return self */ public function addProject( Loco_package_Project $project ){ // add global targets foreach( $this->getSystemTargets() as $path ){ $project->addSystemTargetDirectory( $path ); } // add global exclusions affecting source and target locations foreach( $this->xpaths as $path ){ $project->excludeLocation( $path ); } // projects must be unique by Text Domain and "slug" (used to prefix files) // however, I am not indexing them here on purpose so domain and slug may be added at any time. $this[] = $project; return $this; } /** * Export projects grouped by domain * @return array indexed by Text Domain name */ public function exportGrouped(){ $domains = []; /* @var $proj Loco_package_Project */ foreach( $this as $proj ){ $domain = $proj->getDomain(); $key = $domain->getName(); $domains[$key][] = $proj; } return $domains; } /** * Create a suitable Text Domain from bundle's name. * Note that internal handle may be a directory name differing entirely from the author's intention, hence the configured bundle name is slugged instead * @return Loco_package_TextDomain */ public function createDomain(){ $slug = sanitize_title( $this->name, $this->slug ); return new Loco_package_TextDomain( $slug ); } /** * Generate default configuration. * Adds a simple one domain, one project config * @param string|null $domainName optional Text Domain to use * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function createDefault( $domainName = null ){ if( is_null($domainName) ){ $domain = $this->createDomain(); } else { $domain = new Loco_package_TextDomain($domainName); } $project = $domain->createProject( $this, $this->name ); if( $this->solo ){ $project->addSourceFile( $this->getBootstrapPath() ); } else { $project->addSourceDirectory( $this->getDirectoryPath() ); } $this->addProject( $project ); return $project; } /** * Configure from custom saved option * @return bool whether configured via database option */ public function configureDb(){ $option = $this->getCustomConfig(); if( $option instanceof Loco_config_CustomSaved ){ $option->configure(); $this->saved = 'db'; return true; } return false; } /** * Configure from XML config * @return bool whether configured via static XML file */ public function configureXml(){ $xmlfile = $this->getConfigFile(); if( $xmlfile instanceof Loco_fs_File ){ $reader = new Loco_config_BundleReader($this); $reader->loadXml( $xmlfile ); $this->saved = 'file'; return true; } return false; } /** * Get XML configuration file used to define this bundle * @return Loco_fs_File */ public function getConfigFile(){ $base = $this->getDirectoryPath(); $file = new Loco_fs_File( $base.'/loco.xml' ); if( ! $file->exists() || ! loco_check_extension('dom') ){ return null; } return $file; } /** * Check whether bundle is manually configured, as opposed to guessed * @return string|false (file|db|meta|internal) */ public function isConfigured(){ return $this->saved; } /** * Do basic configuration from bundle meta data (file headers) * @param array $header tags from theme or plugin bootstrap file * @return bool whether configured via header tags */ public function configureMeta( array $header ){ if( isset($header['Name']) ){ $this->setName( $header['Name'] ); } if( isset($header['TextDomain']) && ( $slug = $header['TextDomain'] ) ){ $domain = new Loco_package_TextDomain($slug); $domain->setCanonical( true ); // use domain as bundle handle and slug if not set when constructed if( ! $this->handle ){ $this->handle = $slug; } if( ! $this->getSlug() ){ $this->setSlug( $slug ); } $project = $domain->createProject( $this, $this->name ); // May have declared DomainPath $base = $this->getDirectoryPath(); if( isset($header['DomainPath']) && ( $path = trim($header['DomainPath'],'/') ) ){ $project->addTargetDirectory( $base.'/'.$path ); } // else use standard language path if it exists else if( ! $this->solo ){ if( is_dir($base.'/languages') ) { $project->addTargetDirectory($base.'/languages'); } // else add bundle root by default else { $project->addTargetDirectory($base); } } // single file bundles can have only one source file if( $this->solo ){ $project->addSourceFile( $this->getBootstrapPath() ); } // else add bundle root as default source file location else { $project->addSourceDirectory( $base ); } // automatically block common vendor locations foreach( $this->getVendorRoots() as $root ){ $this->excludeLocation($root); } // default domain added $this->addProject($project); $this->saved = 'meta'; return true; } return false; } /** * Configure bundle from canonical sources. * Source order is "db","file","meta" where meta is the auto-config fallback. * No deep scanning is performed at this point * @param string $base * @param string[] $header tags from theme or plugin bootstrap file * @return self */ public function configure( $base, array $header ){ $this->setDirectoryPath( $base ); $this->configureDb() || $this->configureXml() || $this->configureMeta($header); do_action('loco_bundle_configured',$this); return $this; } /** * Get the custom config saved in WordPress DB for this bundle * @return Loco_config_CustomSaved|null */ public function getCustomConfig(){ $custom = new Loco_config_CustomSaved; if( $custom->setBundle($this)->fetch() ){ return $custom; } return null; } /** * Inherit another bundle. Used for child themes to display parent translations * @return self */ public function inherit( Loco_package_Bundle $parent ){ foreach( $parent as $project ){ if( ! $this->hasProject($project) ){ $this->addProject( $project ); } } return $this; } /** * Get unique translation project by text domain (and optionally slug) * TODO would prefer to avoid iteration, but slug can be changed at any time * @param string $domain * @param string|null $slug * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function getProject( $domain, $slug = null ){ if( is_null($slug) ){ $slug = $domain; } /* @var $project Loco_package_Project */ foreach( $this as $project ){ if( $project->getSlug() === $slug && $project->getDomain()->getName() === $domain ){ return $project; } } return null; } /** * @return Loco_package_Project|null */ public function getDefaultProject(){ $i = 0; /* @var Loco_package_Project $project */ foreach( $this as $project ){ if( $project->isDomainDefault() ){ return $project; } $i++; } // nothing is domain default, but if we only have one, then duh if( 1 === $i ){ return $project; } return null; } /** * Test if project already exists in bundle * @return bool */ public function hasProject( Loco_package_Project $project ){ return (bool) $this->getProject( $project->getDomain()->getName(), $project->getSlug() ); } /** * @return Loco_package_TextDomain[] */ public function getDomains(){ $domains = []; /* @var $project Loco_package_Project */ foreach( $this as $project ){ if( $domain = $project->getDomain() ){ $d = (string) $domain; if( ! isset($domains[$d]) ){ $domains[$d] = $domain; } } } return $domains; } /** * Get newest timestamp of all translation files (includes template, but exclude source files) * @return int */ public function getLastUpdated(){ // recent items is a convenient cache for checking last modified times $t = Loco_data_RecentItems::get()->hasBundle( $this->getId() ); // else have to scan targets across all projects if( 0 === $t ){ /* @var Loco_package_Project $project */ foreach( $this as $project ){ $t = max( $t, $project->getLastUpdated() ); } } return $t; } /** * Get project by ID * @param string $id identifier of the form <domain>[.<slug>] * @return Loco_package_Project */ public function getProjectById( $id ){ list( $domain, $slug ) = Loco_package_Project::splitId($id); return $this->getProject( $domain, $slug ); } /** * Reset bundle configuration, but keep metadata like name and slug. * Call this before applying a saved config, otherwise values will just be added on top. * @return self */ public function clear(){ $this->exchangeArray( [] ); $this->xpaths = new Loco_fs_FileList; $this->saved = false; return $this; } /** * @return array */ #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function jsonSerialize(){ $writer = new Loco_config_BundleWriter( $this ); return $writer->toArray(); } /** * Create a copy of this bundle containing any files found that aren't currently configured * @return self */ public function invert(){ return Loco_package_Inverter::compile( $this ); } }
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